View Details - Haryana State Pollution Control Board
View Details - Haryana State Pollution Control Board
H.ARYAIYA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD \17 HAFGB Noo. ",,S;]"1;"",YSI; l",T_gXT.l#..- rrsPcB/2S9l2016/ li:ii"j?,?l"llfltHili;i tij;ij#;,:,ti:i'::";:ti:,," 0". Sub Proce.dltrC/ntnutes of the DUbUc consul -,lirill,iil''tion rHe*rtrsr P'ohsions or EtA uDdd the ; "..'n.,,t"i, m::.-':;::x;":1.*::"sli##"r.i.;i."," prolect srte village Lapn. Tehsit Jaeadh " ii#, :llrsl;::x;;:h ji"."#:,:,::l:f{1l::i#J1il:r.YB1: t (i)rdtr.reler ro ihe subje.r norcd abo\... PLeasc 6nd enctosed heEtrilh ihe procee :,-,.i::;,:l :,;J:' !;"t; 1',, ;'. -.*l " "i ";j;ri r "r.'-:" .a ,"";-"; " ; ;"": ::_ "l;l" ll,"L_.' "y! [i_]I:i";"f ill" "1,1 " " " " ao ooo"," ;.""" ard dh7 re,evu, 0""_.." r". ;i.*.--,, _;;:;,"il::::_ s.. :""i:i-ehs e."i.o"-""t.r,J., - r 6rq1 Forcbailnan (ttB _ Ktgd q, r. . :::: :: ; ::$:;e"*-7'{ ""'t;"1;iir;x;.:;i -- -s -"'-'- t;..' n:'.';i". ;;.;;, i\- AA B' \o ' :ill'li,?,,,,**"*" to covt Harlara. Enllronm.nt Depatment, Endsr..No. Hspc'/2scl2otor :l 3 -] I 7 a S The Dnecto. : Enlronmeri. Hdana fhe Depnrr Codmissioner yamun. \,41 The lhrmm.I a Frrsh:d, yduna \aear Munrcinal coun.Lt l Jmund Naear. Regondl a)fiicer, y@uM Naad He is .equired io au rhe concerned v rase pdr;hyar ror li.i"::**" '" PS to ChairDal PA to tMedber Sec.erd -d..o\a.r-a..r poe,J, n.. r uoroJ r'g F pro eFd e o ueb .h" r'" rhe Bod ' rl M/s Apar tvtines N4maSement senices pyr Ltd. A lo3, Designer pdr 1pa. nr a6. p or No. B o/ | se {o. 02 \o\ a I DA/!o y !i P or€ed rs. ----O ", 1'9F..\@-- ",.r."o."-.".""i"R-El'q nesional officl{6 y S_r1re pouurion ConFol Board . '.! v Ne i n,f@Frl, " No. LtsPcB ^ ^!ql'g taSadhri (yM@ / yMNT-2015/:199... NaSu), ph _ 0laz 200l' Dr:..[.2-la4/2016 traryana State polulion Cornrot Boad. Panchkula -.fff, '{tiilfl flii:fri'iii{.1{t-sff rii:[1#El$df;ff ii?iii_n$--h:l!xrJtr":.:n,.'#T.:"d[r*r*;#;.# un.rmaEhtp orDr. s.s. phu a t.A.s.. D€pury commts6io";r, t;.;;;N;;;' Ptease let$ to th€ subject noled above. h ihis conneclion, ptease nnd enclosed heEMh two copies of pbceeding / minutes of Pubtic Headng in odginatheld on 05.04.2016 at O2:oo ptvtar site i.e. Vilaoe Lapla. Iehsit -Jagadhad, Oistrict-yamuna Nagar undd he Chaimanship ot Deputv commissioner,YarnunaNagar'.-. -- .. Trc s€ts of soft copy of the - - ".. .. vidoography, pholo Atbuns alt€ndanc€ b also enctos€d herowith fo. @dy refe€nc€, & phoiocopy of ptase. submitted tor fudher neoessary actjon, ptease. **,ffi* )tr OFFICE NOTE l. HsPcBl20t6/ 5703 _ 5705 darod 26.02,2016 HSPCB/2016/ 5715 _ 5717 dated 26.02.20,1 6 2. 3. HSPCB2016/ 4. HSPC82016/ 5679 _ 5€S1 dated 26.02.2016 t691 _ 5693 dat€d 26.02.2016 prcvrsron or Era Notircation ff&"f 1""',"Tl"J',ifi ,l;"Jjlg.und€r th. c_fe,l€ne to puc No, I to 4 the M€mber s€ceiary Haryana sLaie poltution ----_|n bodo,had b€en direcied to R6gonat ofiier, y6Duna Nasair" _ni."r iv"i v Nasar ror tixing tne dar€ and prurr" Um; or no",irc i"', -Lomm$|4er. *sa,. worrhy Depury commrlsio"", i,"" i""Ju,"ijiJ :,g:ff 11"?:y;T.""'*" Sr, 1 2 No. ztFL (A), ModetToMr, Rohrat, haryana m r$pect of th6 Sind Minor minerat (Rivor Bed Mrnrno in Virtage cumthata TehsitRad.ur Nonh Bbctd yNR B_ 16'having lenlatile a€a of 44.62 h€ctaEs in dtstnct ya,,rLna Nasa, Haryatra publlc ll@rl.s 04.04.2016al2oOPM V/s Apar Minss Maragerer't Sdias pvt Lrd, Anm, 04.04,2016 o6;9ner Pan Apamonts ptor No. B 9/1 Sec@r62 Noida, u.P. in rospecr oi rhe BourdeB. c6v€ts and sano (Minor mineED (Ou6lds Rivn 8ed Miningl h Viltage Nsndgaft. Tehsit uhnachraut, Nandgaft Btoctd YNR 8-36 havino lsnt tve aq hechE in dlslnct Yamuna Naoar, Han€na lws Apar l,lines Manamenr +oie! Ffr-riJ_ ,l-ror, 05.04.2016 Dsigner Pert Aparhents, ptot No B g/1, Sectol{2, Noitta, at 11JO at O2r0o at 11:30 oI29.60 3 U.P in resp€ct or the Sand (Mtno! mineEt) (River Bed Mrnins) inMllago LapE, TehsrtJagaoh , LapE Btoci/ yNR B lOnavng tentative area of 34.28 hgctaB in disricr yamuna Ndgur, naryana [,?s saheranpul Mines rrranagehsas€Mcea-fr:TE;shii 05.04,2016 No, 12, Mukund Market, Janakpur Chowk, Saharanrur, U.p. in Bpecl ot Bouldels, GEvel and Sand (Minor minerat) (ouiside River 8ed Minhg) in vitlase ft4andewata, Tehstl Chhachrauli, Mandewala Biock/YNR 8,38 having lentalive aea of 15.00 heclres in district Yamuna Nasar, Hsryana te . Ihe.oiie Egading the Plblic H€aring was pubtished in teading newspap€,. Tne Public Heanng was conducled on above said dats and !me, The Gove.nment Offi@6/ Official6 of ihe Disldd Admlnislalio. and tne resident oi vlllagsB were prseni dudng tI€ public heariry al above m6i loned s[63. The headng was also anended by rhe palhe6 of poject prcponent. The copy ot proce6dinghlnutgs of Pubtic Headng atongwilh CD/PhologEphs collecl€d dudng ine ijme ol h4ring. lt is submitted tor your kind consideBtion and approval so that the Finules of lheso hearing alongwi0r CD and Pholographs can be seni 1o ihe conpetent auihority for lhe apprc'val ol lhe pEjecrs for /') './ sadeer Wal Di. Depuiy com?jssioi',l )n{ fi im*l;',,u*rfru"r'';*'u's*n***,,s,*'l:r The Plbrc consuttalbn {h€anng) was hed as a mandak r",*1ff 1..*.:1",:,",,u;"#;i ;"T:ri:ll, :il"me urder E'A nor,'ica, o- venue: Ai Site Vilago L.pra, Tehs nagadha , Disr ct_yamuna Nagar, Haryana. Chaiman: Or. S.S. phtitia LA.S., Oepury Commissioner, yanuna Naga.. Oflier / Oftciats pre€nt L Sh. Sanjev Kumar, Resionat Officer Yamuna Nagar Region, Haq"na sbte Pollulion Codrot Boad 2. Sh- Vpin Kumd, AEE, yamuna Nagar Region, Haryana State po ulion Conlml 3. 4 5. 6. 7. Sh. F€Fev, M,ning Oiticer, yamuha Naaar. Sh. RanbtrSen, APRO, yamuna Naoar: Sh, On Our, tiining lnspeclor, yamuna Naoar Sh. KurdE Rah. Superjnlendent GMDTC y;muna Nagar. Sh RS Yadsv, Envrrcnment ConsLttanr. M/s Varoan Envtronet, Curqaon. Bsides govenment oficere/oiticiats ol ihe Djsfict AdministElion number of peFon frcm vjlage '.e 45 and d6t ct Yamuna Nagar .nd other nea6y vi aiJes wnec presenr dunng the pubtic Pea'ns at the sire Vi as6 Lap€ ror ooposeo p.;"a n"",i.g *r" PadneB ol Prciect PrcDonenr r." "tro ft""iioli (copy of.lhe anendane cD ano photogEphs pcpaeo durhg fearing arc enclosed Copy of rho executive summary ot lhe EtA of "yamuna Nagar mining of Sand (Minor Mineral)' at Village Lapa, Tehsit - Jagadha.i, Distrjcr_yamuna 1"i",, n"ry"i" r", pbPosed minjng were dilt buted to the audience pesent in lhe hoa nq. Al the outset, Sh. R.S, Yadav, Envnonment Corsuflanl (A4/s Vardan Ervnonet, cuqaon) welcomed ihe Commilte hembeB, ofijeE f6m the Haryana State polution BoaJ an; audiene prcsent in lhe lubtic hea ng, Sanieev Kumar. Rogonat Ofitcer. yamuna Nagdr Regioi. Harysna State polur,on Convol B@d, @l@med the Deputy Comm6soner, yamLna Nagar Oft@B ot rhe oEvicr AdministElio., panches & Salpanches of suirounding area and plbtic present jn the heafing. He explained aboul the n*ssiry ot the pubtic hearing being hetd undd pbvision or Eti noiilielion of 2006, amended to date. He detaited its tegat equirement for oblaining ctearan@ under lhe.olilicalion ftom MoEF, Govi. of India. He padtcdarty emphasised thai lhose pesenl in lhe headng should Ei*d $en quanies/suss*rion/objection esarding any probtem which may crop aner lle coming of this prcject. He added lhat Haryaia Srare potiurion Conrrol Board bound ro implengnt in Envionh€ntat Laws i.e. warer AcV Air AcV Ep Act. Funher fomal pemi$iotr to inaugurate the proess of pubtic hernns was guaEnteed by the chaiman Dr, S,S, Phutia, LA.s., Depury commjssioner, yamuna Nag3r. Theeafrer Sanjeev kumar, Regional Ofii@r, - requested prcject consuttant presenlalion for the pojeci for inioinalion of all the people pr€s€nl, to mak€ the The Prcject Consultant while making lhe p€senlalion made a montioned thai the DrcDosed prcject as a pbposalor hvebed minor minehJ ninins and aroa ot 34.28 ha. in above men oned )r1 village oi disticl yamuna Nag.r, tola, a|so exprain the folowms: l. cct ot lhe p'je". 4, Poject Loetion Satient FearuEs or poject Descndion of poject Benefn offt€ pbj€ct o Mininq Capacity, Raw materiat and Ay products ropogEphi€t map 2, 3- 5 sha,t b€ Rs.i 5.5O qorE. Consutraqt *rd rrcrudins Air. water. so,rquariry ard Noise Lever .: ff::Tll-"-i""-1l."*1 emFson and conlotneasures 9. Sotid Waste Managemenr 10. Noise Msnag6ment 1r. G@r Dev6lopm6 pt.n 12. Envkonment Managemoni ptan 13. Co.tor Environme llranagement plan 14, Corpo6te Social Responsibitiiy The details submilted by the consuttanl @€ r€corded. Aier*nbrion Saqeev Klmcr. Regionat Omer, ramlna Naqar, Haryan! Porluiion Conr/or Board Eqoesred tre pubt,c to 6is rhen questionvrrgg""i.on,ou;""iion. -"- Stare Dr. S.S. Phulia, l.A.S,, Deputy Comnissioner, yamsna Nagar, the bdef inlroduciion ega.ding this pmject has ben givd and also discussed the prcspeclive and benef s ot ihe Mi;ng o; Th€ following questions 1. Nams: Sh_ 1. First rere 6ised: Aziz Khan, Sarranch. Villao€_ llpra ot atl, hs wetcomed ihe Deputy Commissioner and a OffbeB oi @ncslned He suppoded this mining project on bghalf of viltageB of vllage Lap6 being saDanch or GEm Panchay?l and rold ihar this nirins project wi seneEte r\e eriploimeni opponrniti* ior the vilagec and this mining pmjecl wil nol proUr", ro villageB and surcunding environmeDi if tease hotdercompty al ""u"e "ny lhe Gove.nment Rutes .nd RegutatioDs. 2_ He quosrioned thal how much wj[ be rh€ depih or maning? 3. He abo qu*iioned that what is the provision to compensaie ihe land owner whose land ae lalling in this minins prcjeot? 1. The Environment Consultanvlease hoJder explained thal this is an eco friendty sand nining pojeci and lhis kind of mining/exevaiion ih nverbed wil prevent rhe iooding and all4 the rlver to tow smooihty in a channet. In thjs mining prcject about 3OO-400 2. 3. peBons will bo employed direcl and indirecl both ways in which 53 skil€d and semiskilled manporer witl be deptoyed. About 4045 dumpeG wi be deployed lor tEnsporlalion tor which 4-5 d.ive6/cleaners/hetpeF per dumper are eqli€d. Small wo*shops for epair ot vehictes and n.chtn€ries, hotets, Estaubnt, vegerabtos shops, tea slall wirl be opened nearbythis prcjecl aea. Biitctefts, pr.ounl pe6ons, Guads, Gadner willalso bo deplor€d. In lhis way The lease holdersssued thar lhe fFl preterene will be given to lo@l villageB only lof the employm€nl. The corsultanl explained that 3m depih is pemined in rhis mining prcject by tho Mining Ooparhont. The Envjonment consulanttease holder explained lhat berore shn of minins opeEtion lhe lea* holder will 6etrled ihe compensation in mutualty agEed tinancial 4 1'\ lem6 with tand owne6 ohose rand re falng unoer ,n $E mnjng poiecl. The Gov€uDmenl oopannenb uI s@pl th6 mutu-at set emenr w4atev4 fray be rhe The consultant subm ted that the teas6 holder wilt Drovide a budgetof R3. 13.50 Lakhs ftrr CSR adrynies every year h *hlch hoatth 6mos vocstionat iEtnings wilt be org€nizsd. Schotachrps wilt be pmvrded ro rhe srud;nb of VllageB. Odnking water Ecnry Mn a|e bepbvidedto rhe vrlase,s 2, ilan.: Saniav Kumar. RO. Ha anast t Pollution controt 80ard Ou6: He questioned tnat: r. wEt wiit b6 the pEventive measues lo 2, ln tne rainy s€ason mjnlng wil be c€ried 1. The Environmenl Consut€nl Sn. RS yaddv reptied hal rher6 aE n o source ot porunon: one 6 rlnn;ng oi nachines .n acrive m.njng aea and air se@nd B lEnsport tion ot vehictes on Kachcha ,oad6, tor wtich jegutar spdnkting of waler witl be--@fled our^anrrs 50 KLD wate, per day wirt De Dovded for rhis puroose. 2. Other be p.ovido for rhe ptanEnon and approx loOO Nos of pEnrs every year sitt be ptamed on borh side ot haut road and he* p,anB w:l be fegurany nairrained by prcvjding manure and water and these tees *ti te iretptu[o @ntiol ihe air poitulion. The mjnorat toaded lrucks atso cove.ed wilh taDaut; and lrucks qllbe plyng in stow speed. Th6 mDrig opeEtion wrtbe tempo€ry srspenoed oumg heary wind flow k) curb theanpoltulron. Tis clnsultant exptained that the mining wil be caded out only 3OO days ool of 36s days h a year and rtis provision atso siven jn appoved t ining ptan rhis pojecl. Oudng rairysson nomininq opeEtion wifbe @ded our. i 3. Nmo: Or. S.S. Phllia. tAS. Depurv Commi$ton.r. yduna oi S.S. Phllia,lAS, Oeput Commissioner, yamuna Nagarhas holder ihat unii wjll conply with a the dnedion/orders ot Tribunal and other Courls atso. Reply: Th€ lea* holder assu€d he wilt compty alt the dieclions/Ord€c of Hon,bte At last Sanjeev Kuma., Regionat Officer, Yamuna Naga. Regjon thanked rhe plbtic tor atlending lhe pubric hearing. The publrc hea ngwas colcluded *irh the vo'e ol Uands to the chai' R6gion.l Haryana State Pollutlon Conrtul Yamuna Nasar Rosron. Dr. S,g Phulla,1,4 D€Puty Coft ni$ion.rcumrhairman lw