netherlands - American Society for Netherlands Philately
netherlands - American Society for Netherlands Philately
NETHERLANDS PHILATELY JOURNALof theAmerican Society for Netherlands Philately Volume 7ol!, /rr. @@(lDa PH]LATE LISTE N Van Baerlest!aat 14l] 10?T BE Amsterdam The Netherlands Phore, O1 1-31 -20-7 2449 A O!tch dealets, specializinq in uo!lduide 'lasBic and batter s!amps 'nd nna.n."u"i. t. have e larqe stock of The NethBrlands and colonias' ".r.".. !le uilt havB a siand aqain at the I TERPEx Shou !Je are Ned York lla!ch o1i s€un 18-21 c ue11 as lt6 uill brinq a rBq!la! stock of The Nethe!lands' nint and used' as of trre and Nethertands of Th€ etc' va!i€ties' sinqre 6ett€x itene, Nelherlands 1ndte6, curagao and surinam' oav CovErs' in case you uant sonething e16e such 6s bookr€t5' First phons o! !!ita us etc, th€ aoroniss stanps.r P1€ase connan combination;, tn tim€ and us u111 brinq it uith us! COI]E AND SEE US AT TNlERPEX! @@w IETTEIlS issue (vo' I' No' dote in tegdil to ibe hi6iotv of coils prlnted in the SePt@berdid noi fit ihe coins occulation zi" f,e;e ihe 1) ;;; ;;. ""ry e"i". a""irede aurine the vs 'hich r9li8' rhe unnaberuntll i'osi ortice bv ihe st;re't resson For lhis oachines. vendila _rsii-65 plofite' ilesisb, not ih€ 'en facet as tas stated' J"ri-" colls vere the ""' 'en 'J;;';;"';; "i Jan Dekke! (BDc) O! ARDERINC PUBLICAIION5 FRA]'! !I]E ASNP l4!' ItaLion hss nov set up his system ed ?rB fie ne{ drbgeient seeds to ]te volklng out vety nlce]v a5 snoothrv as the usPs and ihe Dutcn ;ti"1 so othe; aid Drtch ;u;ir";;;:'; that orilerlns _ u3' aU@ v t thon te sle depetdent ior tbe nailines - on "--?i;;;. in 6 'eqsletter ve,ba'€-to alros fo! ebout a ;";r in iioa tl.t rhe' 'e 116;-6 Pubtication the older in to ou! supp]ier vho usuellv strilsand dait vi'. tftt" o"o"t.. Eor ! fo! dedbels to send ln ineir t' to 5 {eeks io urive in Lencaster' Ps' rtot the lublications out in a very r* aqt"''it ih";-;J'" but is u unfortu.are way of doilc lusiness, ,iiji,r'ii.'lii.i 'e r"" t. "i*"r ro ih.!. rbrs older for botrths vou! 2_1/2 molths io frd 2 ""iii to ;;;t"" hdven't touait a better otre yet, so, ir ttP v&v. ";" s-:-r b' on 'ait l" ii.t,". aoo,u sive u! noD. v.r. lr Eay or: siock a sEIl aL lhis ';;.' Dornt ee do nave (purLstenpers) at sL0 postpaid' -""";;"- cgnce!s '-.* .; nerrer:.aras !b'6 nu"rar sLdoq' at $('00atposLDa'o' ;;;;; i;:'l;.#; $6'50.nostlaidma coori"etio"s 1e81-82 (de Roov/'r€ll)' il:;i]i;'"fi;;;;" $1"50 Doslbaid' a! erc" Netherr*ds book-ets o' ;:-;;:';";;:;;.-oa at $8.?5 p@toaid' ii.i."i''"" o*t*, FDc c;raroa .o81-8r' or the lretherluds'i $7'0o lostPaid' cecels ii.-"i"'l*t'.ri'. i..-"'itii., 'ri."!i*. p,i,;a natte! plecsncers,.orbthi,l!ili'll"ii"'ili;.1i":k'?"::":ffi:i """, oth.r rublications vhich {i11 nave t rnai"" 186!-19t0' at $3r'50 postesid' ins!'ed' oi u'. 'pt*""" st6tionerv cataloe! at $8'50 lostlald' "."r";5;"il;.-;;;;;;"r" i""_c.r,i"a*, ti s20'00 DosLbaid' ''eorin!)' s! n't""-""' i'"*"i"" t*"" .l' va^ de Loo. 2nd rufPrenel' :'i:'L l*^1"'"'' 'i'""" we qili M_ou1cc '"" is ava:lsble) -F'd-ia'elv') ,n. .nElisn-Ianr$€e 'oir.ror i'')0 oosrDa:d' a s iJi i"".."i";,'.;iit;;'.".i "'.' at'"i""'v 'Btsro'' $6'00 Postraid' ii*" - c""i, "."ona .aition, i.ri,*". i*'o;"*-*s oc lhe N'Lh"rands aL 6r'6 DoslPaid' Netherlands S Philately THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR NETHERLANDS Volune P},II LATELY 7, Nunber 3 M3tc! 1982 FROI'I w E. Manhews, BncebridQ6, Onidrlo Or. Fr€d L. Fe6d, New Yort Ri.hmond. VA 23224 N.w EDITOR uhife I u tt/ping thi6 'rlrtroductton" to our March ,@ber! I lree! thinklns !hd! iherrbe.t ptans of nen .,," lecau6e te nad holeil that re cdlil have glven you a pievid ot the stsdp(s) tldch ihe Netheiland6 ard tne U.s. ele eoine to issue on the occaslon of the blcentennial of the lecognition of the U,S. ty ilre Utiteit Nethe!1ands. 0f coutse! the niddle of lebaary is tealty too esty to exlect anyl:hlnA oi the sort. rhet {e bave hesrd (dil !ead) ln Lin!'s is that the tvo stdps {i]1 hEv€ the sde design, ed that th€ logo of the ]{ethert&its-ADerican BiceDtennisl Cmission, desigled by Gert Dsber, vill be ldt of 1t. Gert Duber is no !nlrnofi to us! togethe! vith Rene ven Raslte !e desi8ned the 'rPosrcorlett std@s or 1978, Our first dticle by D!, Irans Rreets is a lhitatelic "nenoir" of the reisn of Queen Jullena' :hoving 6ll the stdps loltraylna hef, Tle second articie' also by Dr. ,qmnensr does the sse fo! Queen aeatiix. 0u! Past-President' the iev. Fichard J. BeMir!, looks at the "tleaty or aritv uil Comerce" .f 1?82, {lich folloted the recognition of tbe u.S. by the leiherldds. Iive 'Foyal^ luilitinas are descliled f!@ a s@evhei historical vieFpolnt bv your editor" The "coil co!ne!'r by our vice-ltesldent i5 devoted io a reriev of the nev sleciefized coll catalog (after 3 years). \,tith "You. t@ily on sidls rrri Dr. constet L. Kerkhot€n nake! hiE secood appearance in these pa8es. Sone unkrovn stdp desisns for culee6o ale next discuss€d, foll@eil bv a verr sholt note or "tsies and Folgerles.'r ith tbe Queen !e_ 6i!ir ilefinittvesr s trend (Ft!st. Day Sheets and Other Junk) and ivo bool revievs thls nuber cfoses, 0n tie oplosite laee ve have an ad lrod ?hi1 Ztett ,ho riff obce agai! be at INTIRPEX in !* Yort' dd a fiBt of lutrlic4tions that can be ordereit f!o[ Mr. valton. Dr. A.M. Bende6, Odijk JuLq€n, Pa@dl6€ vallev Fcok wihxr c'eek. lllE CA 94594 Yoft N.Y. 10007 F.m.nd H. Mdllenk@.r €3O1 Down.y Avenuo Long B€ach, ca 90405 BeaBden, Giaslow G61 3AU tJsnr6/drds P,i/al€lv is publishod qlaft€nv bv lhe ameri@ tor Nolherlands Phlhlelv, P O. Box 5s5 MonlcLan, @ coovnaht 1982 th€ Anrer@ societv lor Nelhe'lands erbr€*ed n l_€ €ious a'lilres r I-s io-hal m i",i* r ue'. -o .a ,.ce>s'lv endoG€d bv 'h€ "r The ASNP is Altiliale No. 60 0l lhe APs Adv€rlislm: Advanisins rates ae $60 lor a nal Page 4d S20 tor a qudte. PaA€ a lull rEse $35tor Jutiana - A Fetrospective Seatrlx - The Beginninas Politi.ians, Bekers eit {erchants! A Treaty of A!.i ty and Comerce Ii{erRovaltBuildinss lI 'vlatertd & Sons SketcheB Fakes anit rorseiies (!ote) Queen leatrix Delinitives Trentt: About lirst tjay Sbeets sd oiher Juk !x ltbris (book revlds) Your Fmily on St@ps \2 !8 50 tr t! 56 ,7 56 59 60 Juliarra - A lietrospective by Flans fi.A. n\@eis IT IS bsely lro years sgo that Julisa, oleen of the lethertendst abdicaieit fton that lrish office' aud aheady it seens that her 32-yed leign h55 leen forsotten. Mole lleclselv !erha!!' it allears dif_ ficult to renenler any highlighis of net tei8n. And yet, she guided, as uch as oDe can in a cotstitutional honucby. he! coutly throuah a turlulent pe!1od, ana sn€ dld li ue11. fihetce tlis !a!adox? one nay speculate that sbe telsned in tne shadot ot her iltustrlou dot!e!. Quee. ilbelDina, o! in tne ettermilr ol the nooentous events of l.lorlil ],ls II! or tnat she tas not a strong I)elsonalitvr or thet 6be vas ulrelaled vhe! the ]{er Tides arrived In ihe late sixties and the Eeventies. All of this ls irterestinc theoly, lui it night be bette. to 1et ihe storv tell 1t6e1f. Juliana ras born o! Alril 30' I9o9' tt the Noordeinde Palace in The lague as tbe ("{enrv" in oo6t lnsfish-1aleuage iexts). dBruhter of Queer wilhehina and Plice setdriki'pressed heiless to the thlone" stil h€! Sne rersined e only child, dd th€lefole res sas not noted !niraussEtior as Queen later o,. lhlLatelieallv 6Peaktns' her existence t i9:l "rren he! !ort!e1i eppeared or one of the tto sebilosta16 (ris. t)' is6ued as a fuDd-ratsirE effori for the Natlonal ctists Cotuittee. FeE@ber' this tas ihe ridsi of the Creat lelression; if those f,ere hald ti@s i! riorth Aneiicar ii hlt a coutry likeqas the Netlerl4dsr titn its {orldtlde sesice ildustl1es, considelsblv hetiter, JuliaDa 2t st tne tide sd she ltitlated atrd guided (as honolelv crrairuan) the ahove_aetiioned comittee. lnis ste! is vorth close sclut14vi it i6 exquisitelv engtaved 4it its ilesis! refiects the fdshion snd swte ol thst eloch. I! stso leflects Jullaners detetuinatioh 'v_ " to be tndeperdent: tbose short h.i!s of hels had caused quite a €hock in a coutttv stlll r2-I/2), f]nich perloraied x ll2-r/2 quc! udel iie idlue.ce or c4tvi!1st severity. fhe 3!arp is line niehtsurprtsesoEe,shcetheNethe!]andssee!toha'e]radagreetlreferenc€fo!conb!e!fo!ati!gltsot te_ st;ps vi;tuauy ft;r the lesiulng. Iiotever, u! to antt until 1935 at1 .ed"s5_printed stelsa tele ur" perrorat.a. Urtl1 rst t1Ee, vhen r4eEsls lnschede & sons of l]artea deteloped trs !!oc""""ity ess, !;cess-pttrttns h4d been EytonJaou6 {1th *eitins ihe laper' and the subsequent itlesular sh!1nk5€e hait lrecluded coDb lerforailon. iuliene' by trt"i tit., *." fully lnvolted in the relteseltaiive sid€ of State business' ever slnce r8a r"li l,;iden Unive;siw in 1930. She had raite he. ofrice in lbe llssue' in a litt1e lateceoli! the ihe "r,. be'me a rdbe! KreuterdiJt. siveD to he! by ier Eother on het 18th birthiiav' the dav she also )r'oth comedo.atsdnivetsary recently sar it6 (rr,rs that, advisort !o4v alelsr st"t.. is ibe i.-eir oi edbyastdpint]le$eihe!1a'&.)lheEagqeisthesestoliheDltchgovelBent,soanolficei!thai rrut 1n rh€ entile Princ€ss !eciir{a-" iD!;r!s!t for Juuana, noi only ro! {he, she {ourd becone Queenr rris io cone' ru1lda @!led ror the tsl faci a conltut sroorins ltocess ir"i * ".ri, {hich tas 1n hard fo! her Crisls Co@Ittee. but it is ilonic to note that by the tine the seeipostsl set cMe oui' thedeclsiolhadafresdybeentakenioilis}andibecoMittee.lhetasklads]ro'n1isel'toostuleldous' tort' sd Eor€vhai beLaledry ihe Coverment 6te!!ed in and tool. ove! tne Crisis chaitarle '{itn lorl"d ts Ir a&d the cene occulatiot In Mqv l9lro' t)re ltouse of oruse once bole becee the v]hileQu€enUilhelii'ahadtostayinlondon !atio's}railylngpoiDti!tlreDuichstaEg]eforf'eedoo. the onaoins 61! lattles, ,itn te! Go{erm;ni_ iD_ exi L. , the Brttlsb capitat ras consid€red unsafe under (geatrix, lorn iD 1938' .ind dauahters lso Julies ed !e! so or rnvasion, and tne threEt boi&ardrents fo! ihe duration of ihe va!' iesidence in ottase took u! vhere thev 1n 1939) n@ed to cuaaa, ;;;.,;;t ilr,v ci""a"t lllelr, nsidy leceuse rii]hetiins had so decided, hut dole speciiicatry because ir ottaya Jut1s5'culdfi'dsolele]ati'es.shestqyedinitlaLlyattheseigniolyc1u!but'dvedsoontooove.nnent 1{ouse'ithtbecovelnorcenelatincanade,!o!irAthloneedlisvifeP!ince33A1ice''ho'erenegbe*ed nie3€oll".i1}ebina.lsteisheEovedlntoabouseinRockclif'e?arknealoitara'*he.esne'astost6y tiEes to !e vith his ior alrost rive yeals. E€! husbeil, lerDhard, Es srle ro cross ihe ocean sevelBt i*iiy, i"t tr*"* ." .otoy of {1ihelhin5, ;ho had developeil s strons afiinitv io' her son-iD-1ar and vno ofte! sent hld o! lnpoltart Elsiions. hastilv declded And;o it naPpercd tirat on Jeuerv 19, 19!3, in a! Ottat& hospitaL - lt a suite Princess l,larJuliana, born to cnild {as a lhird of successio! pr"".*. rights the ii ierritory outcl rhat the eniile so oyer to otiava, Hllheliina cane even rhtrd ar4ndchlld eii.t. r"r dre't"ptrso of her rndies nad la11en iuuy vas co,rreie for the tilst tine ib stiosi tbee years. The letherteDds lastcvent vith a ioucninE tbe to fit..r"ranese in the ieautide, lut culaeao and Sulild comenoletedaraitburv' iv "i"tii i-ii" p."ti.rt;n si@!s (see Fis. 2)' rhese stdps s€'e recess-printed ".]]ft"::i,i::: dies " rtd, ;f-Ner Malden, lnsland. close exeinatlot shds that A'aa dlffeleni deslsn ( co$pare bofdet slightly diff€ren! shov suline set ol tne 1> ct and rtr€ .1. c-."set ". "r rhe stels {e'e lssued on ovenler 2 end Novedbe! 8' 1e!3' the ;;.';.;;" ;i";'"ii; r;! a ioyaf visit by Juliana to su'ind. a vislt to cu of alrlvsr "."iir.'"iir"i"j. date the ii-.,-i"".-ii ".i""ia" "itl """""",""**u"a.r'ileJuliearasaheadyintheail,ostensiblybecauseoftheouibreskola!tnf€;tuous oisease on the lslandst but in rEct becau6e o'Polltlca- urrest' look efter the eeU-beins of JuliMa d1d travel extersttelv ttr tbose veais. Itr Ca;ada sbe tried to in ibe Nethel]ands, dd vho oi avoided irrer@eni ti,. i"t.r,__lti.t", soldlers sd ""r..n "iro r,.aolescaped rlon the Dutctr ielcbant larine iook patt in seiseden Thousan& rolces. Arl.ied li,a,"" l.L.a i;e that six or ihose 6ede! sere (and sdalr russia)' to Brriair to c'"'t ;;;"';;""ii;;:ri;; 'onde! ri is Muari€i. lelbaps less rell-knotn that in""n"ov" 6s So.Ifsrhe! et rhe beprisn of !.irc€ss i""i."a r" "r-a on Lhe toLS swet" set. iE=-tr." article \2 Ne+he?7o1a' Pltilatel! also a trequent visitor to Flanlili, D. Roosevelt! eitier or at llyde Park. The tvo of then insidtly liled one another and rele fond ol each otber as o lather and o dauehte! vould Julianq in 'as wasnitrgton Juliana'6 {ork ol Chaiman or the Dutch Red Cross also continued dd l,hst is the leason her poltrait aplears on a set of senipostaf aitu&ils of Csagao (F1s. 3) rhich apleared Augusi 16, 19)+I. These steps shd atl the signs of hasty inrrovisstlor; fo! one, lhe !ortisli ves at least 10 years old - vitness the styl€ oi haildress anit cloihins - vhile the Arerica! !&k i{ote Co. itiit their usliest best io desled a nost foreettable stdp. the lrinting plocess ir interestirs ihoushi Do6t of ure stmp is recess-print€d, etcepL fat +,he Red Cro6s abit the red-rhite-btue ribbon around the loitrait, vhicb Then cme fibeistiont and the ieiurt of the Foyaf Fmify ald the Covehnent to th€ Iethe!1ands, to leain tie process ol tebuilding. A tine of bigh exleciations lor {11heliin6, holihs for a reJuverated peopfer for a iestluciurins of the pofltical sv6ten. for a restructuri.E of tne (lng.lom! lrepsi4g tor incie6inA irdelenitence of the oeerseas Terlitolies) atl U:at i! ilre ftdetoik of a dctr enhanced I)osltiox fo! tle Monalch, tbst is! helself. h atl thts sbe vas vely rapidly itisalpointeil. The Dutch, vho dsing ihe .6r hait .hovD sucb refleshtna signs of lleakire tbrougn alt tle old !a!!iers of social ctasE end of lotitical 6nd relisious bellefs) Eot diii s about-face and csenrLly rebuitt the o1d systed of vettical" end borizottet segreeBtions. 1Jl1helnina tetl ill and Jutlds had to step ir tvlce as Feeent. !1na11y, seeils thet her the silent vould leter be fullitfed' 1','ilhelFira dre@ of becodins a Doiletn-day tiltle abdlcated . fer day6 6fter h€! 5ot, Jubileer M sct rhereby Jlliana autoaaticallv be cue quee!. T\.o days tate., on sepienbe! 6, 19!8, Juliea vaE inausuleted by stearins s solefrn oeth to uplold the corstituito4, Iote that Dutch Donarchs are not croEed _ {ho soulit be quslltieil to do the closinB? The inEusurat ce!e@!y traditionatly takes pfscc In Ansterdd, ir tie so-carled let Chu!ch'* vitb s11 the !ob! ud laAeantlv that no!@llv surround6 such a royal e{ert, Jufiana ras duly inpresseilt but also irpreFsive; "l bave been called," so she beaa! he! inaugsal speech, "to e te6k so heaty, thai no one yllo f,ou1il Slve lt a noDenirs thought' toutd de6ire it''r dd then! as her chaiscteristic oodesiy c4e tbrouglrr "!ut a task afso so leauttlu:r that I ean only sey: rllho u Ir that I e 41loved to do ihls?r" late! that dayr Juliana dd rtlbelnina a!!eaterl or the bal,coly of tb€ De Palacer to nake briei Eleeches and to acknorledse the good ri.hes ol the throngd aatb€led ot tie D@ rhe Irauguratior led to a sique quaittuple set of stdps (fig, l+). fhe desis! is lsther uusual, the fir.t ev,.r' ve beueve, eith e er-face lortfeit, Jullata iloes .oi al)lear to vear any headcove!! but that i5 onry seenirety so. At ihe Inauallatlot she tore a leJweled six-sided ca! (llspired on that she )rad see! in a portisit pslrtlng of ADne van B!re!, {lllte ihe silent'6 tIlst rife)l iut since such a csp is yoln on the back of the head, it cdDot be 6ee! ir a fult en-face !o6e, This sei of stdps is also !@arkable becauge it is the fllsi and the last set tlth Juliela dil tlte fou! tladitional telritories. The third Tuesilay in seltedher i6 the trailitiolol day for the openina oi ure States G€nelal, so it tas larely a {eek o! so late! {hen Jul,iaa hait to itelive! bet fllsi slee.h flon ihe Throle' So ag6in the Gofcen coAch lol1ed out' ihis tine ln The ilasiue t@sds ihe ?ocLyeer old lall or Knishts,r Jurisa dd lernhard had ty nd tar dawhtert. the yousest oner n@eil Maria christina, belng bor! in 19I?. she i6 the onlv tlauehte! of Julianats idil,Y tho l:as not aplealeit on a step, ed vho llobablY neYe. til1' since she re..---oi-";;";, nosceil all he! succession rishrs lhen she Brried the comonet Jorse cuj ttemo-r heeded dit the!€ bese io sPlear! flrst in ihe xethelLdds i;ii;; d.iinitive6 "; sGduauy ln ihe overseas 'ere Area6 (rie. 5) cotslicuous is the absence or ihe I'Ieiherlsds ir 1919, and ;hen Ibdies" since tbat coutlv becee ilre souvetelgn Reloehflk Indot€sia gelihet - tbat is' the Republic of tn€ United Staies ot Indonesla - on Decer ner 29, L9\9. Ildever, ltest Xet cuinea had been excluded fro the ne{ relub1ic, lresic61lv because it *as felt that tle Paluas qoutit .venttra]Ly uni!e r'th othFr velMe_ 6is !eo!le. So, lor a liti1e wbile, there {a3 the area ol xeiherfbds Nev cuitea and Ir too snateo 14 lhe nFv Jutlans delilltives. Polittcal ilevelolnents naa also 1ed t:gutP NelherlddA PhiTataL ttl :L:":::ii":""::'Jfi:,,t,t"tt*tttt""*lmiffi this "xetherleds Antifles" in i rglrE anil th€ nme {e nd see ot the JuLisna deii!' ltives. sutltrd Yes the ta.t area t. adol tl1e Jullana stdls' 2-112 vests afie! thr Inau€uatiot. In all set., the lov denoD' ilaiions tere it photogrsvule titb the suilder values steel-engr4ved and lecess' Tlen. disaster struck in tbe Mother CoulrJ ib L\e rotu or a lreak Blom tide Fl@p 5 in the nisht oi Janusv 31-Feb!uarv 1' 1953. gouth-Festern lroke in nedlv in r'&ile d enotuous r1nt.! 3io6 taeed' the-;ain see dikesco@trvside' i{assive{eiherlands tete needed io plogrds sl't t"r""-"u"-rt"e1 i"to trt. frshed 1oO lleces and tbe sea iEsuFd qith overcllnr.d d;ys tirer;rry, viiti" r-ln rhc cnr,tvof.- eil lndee4 th. -*,i. o). of {Frs. yrctins and;b'oad ar noae boLh rof rne rrood eri3! valteLies 'n sevpral thaL nav be noted r. i"_l'iiri"" "'".nti"" =i.:::'.;=--H';";;;;;" Lhis ba! is rn trc plece. or LE+r ;:;;;ii.;".;;;:;.'u.", jn l{o on. aiso ls orten fosd, lul Lhe ba! i. '"""".'"i'.r", th" oa' rn"i*"^r.' overprlnts sere il^o ir se.ns !o be lsther rare. si'ce LhPse 'lir"i".; ;;;-;::";i" done. DarLrcurdrv Lhose oe the coronre exlst ui!h various This flood Ied -o a conlleLe re_ i".'."" .i'"*rti.-.*!p!ibt3. vaLer:derense svdtd jn lhe entire Netbo' the .."iir;r;s iii"iii.-*a Pran iook decsdes to conDrete *' t: 1l ll:;il;;: ;;; ""-""ii.a-o.r". if no! !n slze' Lne worra's a'ea!es! sinsre ;";,'i;; *".oEolexiLv' stdted ad conp'e!'d duins Juri*e'6 i"."-iitel'rr. :ili;"'"";; ot lhe Lio o' three oaJor aeveroProrn oe *oris ;;:;;:-;;;-';i;; Dents ot he! relat' on DeceDber'l' 191i2' ihe filst snlverqas ol Pe4I bsloor! and {i!h rhe JapateEe of the Nelherlanos Ea6t IndlFs ".";nallon lust 6bou! cobpleiea, Queen {l Lhelsjns nad civ-r e rat.r radio speech, outrLnlns het eil het aovelment's vtsiotr of the lost*! rolltical ilevelolbeuts. She had ultotded a ;oEorehebrive plM for ihe Aleas to acoulre fu11 iDdelendenc. in teveral sleges' Lo;e itelay.d, Da!!i' b.cause tndo!e6' a s1!ea.rv' the ne{ st;tute ?"".:* Il'q9'.'-,::..-l:.1':l:':::::"::: had soae tts 56 iia.""'v:::i ::'.::::::i':L::::l: 'av siEned bv rurlss :i:"::T"'::';*""iI;::;fli ",,-. '""" vith coEplete inrernal ,uronoiy. 0n tbe day snd @de LAeE. edual belLn :;:-;;;;ii;sdon ffi $;:"H;;;i'i*.ii',ii *ffiffiffi overseas Ar-as ::'i:' islddsJ in the vavv b1u. lar and that or Bta!6, "'"":*o"ar* iii"..:'"*a cororea ."","' snrinM {lth iis rlve peorrle, . coEp;3itio! ^,1yli,i of re sufinu the Eultiraclat oecubleck" vhite. red! yeUov in a clrcte to otre beinq ui!n-lhe nuLch issues ,_ie' loir rhe !en!h Annivelsary asve us three "ii,*,*"i*p -"'"" --.i dtrrlculi ". lis' lD thot*sit is "-'_--6td!5 ere e@rs tin. vi on" "t-p oi c@on itesisn (r1s'11)' ftese celebrsted, ihiE ihe starute Fnartter.- brotu, #l;';;';;" .,. . """i:1;":;l'{-::-:::;::"*:il'l: l?!t;i:.:t:lJ::t:::"il:# l0c r*-{ !--, \\ .rhet7@td6 Philatehl the very eally of the (lbgd@ ihat are oD yel1os-pbo6phore6cent papet. Iinally, in 19?9 onty the $etheil4ds Antl11es lssued tvo stols L!19. lrl to celebtate the zttb @niv€isaly of tbe Stetute. By thls iine Sain@ h6d becole ed lndepenilent r915). 1 SURINAME lelublic (in lot tale! !a.t in tne st all, It had 4aint4ined iis itependeni siatus, since it vas cled that iis dats of a6sociation rith the Nethe!]4ds {ere stlictfy liniteil. In 1962 the reslorsibility lo! the de& vas tlar3fefred to tbe Unlted Xstions !hic! eave rise to the W1EA (untied lBilon6 Temlordy Executive Authority) overplirts (see Fis. 13), rhe filst lrintins of the overlri.ts ras locally produc.d sith at least three and pelhalE lour differelt 3.ttina6, &d of coulse viih lot8 of Ehifts anil other 61s!!1nts, these stels, in spite or theii high catalos value, ar€ rot scarce at all i! dnt o! c10 used corditlon, but it is exceedinely difflcult to lut together a complete set oi l{e have to{ tun considetabrv abead of oulselves' but nou take u! the thread in 1953' the en_race deiinittveE rere lever lollulatt roi tltt colleciors' ard not even {ith ihe noncollectina lublicr vho cee up wiih Ear\Y nlclnees fo! thiB portiaitr Done of then f14ttellrc.A nev defl!itive set ras clea.l"y iniucat€it ena tle sue desisDeit S.t, Ildtz! not cee up vith e vlnne!; the rev proflle portlait tas noble and of classlc beeuty (Iis, rlr). Tne lirst otres cme out ir tbe NeiherIdits in 19t3' vlth net ilenoninations added urtil 1957. Netherlands Net Guinea adorted tbe .de rorttalt ileslsn, lut in a slle]ltly illffetent fornat. Much late!. 13 1959. surinM figtre 11 used a stlahily hodilieit lortralt for a snolt set or hieh oenorinaljons) havinB a1leady lasicarlv itecided on the nore neutral subJects of landscapest lruitst buiLdings, and birits fo! theit ilefibitives, The netherlands set is a true raladise for tb. slecial_ ist: the stdps (at r€ast sode of the itenodinations) exist in uF to nin€ tarleties in awingt !a!er, fluorescencer ard phoslholescence. It is elso dEing the reian of this set tbai a hatf-century-ofd tradition of usinA tat€merked laper (sna11 ctlc1es) ras ftnauy dbandoned: oi this sei a 12 ct greer-blue exists lssueil in 1962 rhich has no tat€mdl Tlre success of this portrait vas such ibai li vas used 1n geveral other stups! as can be see. i, Figures I and 11. 1t ls also intelestlng to obtith desi8n: the 1@ denoditaiions of ihe end its conetsiion of technique influetce serve lhe lrinting N.therlands as sel1 ds the entite lietierlands Nev Culnea set *e!e plinied in lhotograwrei the soit afot of the hatliones sci€ered in Desative lends a stunninelv b€aut1lu1 aslect to the fitlshed lloituct' The steef-eneraved recess-ltinted guilaet v6tues of the NetberLaDds de luch harsher in aspect' inough stia quite !i;e. The orfset techniqDe useit for tlre sul1tM set is too coa$e ro' loltreitsi ti:j:y-g::gtiins that cs be said is that lt i6 lenarkalle to see hov close thev sot to an "acce!t25. On; of the sreatest changes in posttd vester. lurope vas the ieallzation thai Eurobean nations bad to cotlaboiate on a scale tithout precedeni in lurolrean historv. A1i"Jv i."rlu. 191+lr the sovernbents or Belsiu' the Nethertsds abd Luenlurs (stiu in their lo;dot-lased €xi1e) sisnett a iol1_Mion treatvt thlch becde the Ite4ork fot the !!N!!Ux as an econo41c, cultural and social lsltnership. lne filst st@p to 'o@e_ h6rat.- rhis ras issued 20 years Lste. (see lig. 15a)' in a cd@on design n'lth Beigis (scott 580) aod luedbuts (scott !1!)' These st@!s are trulv uniqu€, shotins ihree ;eientns heads af.tate tith King Baldoin' queen Juliana 6nd Grand Duchess Charloite' Nethellands Ner cuinea had nev Statute 5HH Pigu"e 16 ttethetttutu Philatetr t!, ,q ...** NSDERLAND design step sen;lw id.a. tlv€ yeals lat€r tbe 25tn renelua anniversary {as celebtated tiih a co@on(see Fis' 15b)' MBbiuE lita desisn a fa;cinatine in ol thtee costries colols ibe ibe nelionsl shouitrE 30 yea;s 3enelw led to arotlei Dutch st@p (Iie. Itc). Incouaaeit by the faci that the ,enel's alledeit to be vorkina' ihe coneelt vas soon elaborated ulon for Iesding to it:e si*-,aiIon luoted Comunitr fo! coal and steel and thls i! tuln led to the desire des ;etter- lostsl.ritle1at1ons vilhi, the sit. ;d so the "confe;ence Eurole'ente des Adainistretions lostes er des 6comunr cati ons , " o! cEpT tor stroltr cme into beiner leedins to the re]l-krovn Eurolaonlv the fir:i (Dutclri issue, at 1956 lris' I6a)' c!!! stegs. ot the 1o.s s€lles ot these "t*n.,. "i* of EurG XA1O, of couse, {as, sd 16, strother piltar bed collaboralion eo !.3 lOlh and -5rn,'rsa"i'" rere curv qO phl-aleltcauy noL'o .!is. l6o-c). a ru_ rooean Cour.crl. be it a pselv soviso"v bofut celeb!;!ed iLs siI;er,lubiree 1n 19?L 'Eis' lodrt and "iv' the filsL unlvetsal elec!:on or a:uropeBn i'arliMenl roon plsce .Fls. I5eJ. cven a oLloPeM B' . of dL-qan "ignLs exjets' alteadv'ince la. ! so thar rf5 sitver Juollee nad Lc !e comerorsted (tia' lbI)' Fenarksbly €nough! no step has eve! alpeared to connemrate the tforean co@on ilarketr althouah thEt instiiution fons the colodic lackbone fo! the entiie tithin JuLianars teisn' fabrlc of Eulolean Unlty. Ttrl6 rodentous develolnent took llace alnost "tii€lv anv d€e! comitlents tdards irr" t."t t"t" or rt, or'"oo."", blt curiouslv enoush' sle nete! dislfaved iil. *rti".", But ;sain re ar; ah€ea of events and iust retrace our stePs to aboui 19'5' ln 195t Jlriea and BerrhErd visited the leiherlan'ls antilles and suriner lot tbe first iine as 'nc4t<of:reeLectedAove'ndentslntheseareas.The\etheiialcsAntil]esstdlsereo'.aihela'kdard at eacn other dae. a statue of Ne!iiti ir.. q*", and the !.ince srirfly starinq :.";;; i.;;r".';i;t (ri?. 1?r) is littre better' A loint or stm! surjrd but the l, ali.e't".""u i" r'" ;;."i";;;-".-:;J destinec to bxv a sifi: loi lreinE sur'hsrg' ihe seriFostals, s.e i.terest is lerials that these siMls lut v;re such 'healskates, iust t' €rable the entire !o!uirr. t"y.r "i"lto"i, I,rot that the eovermelts :'n'se' giit-givingt denocrstic pariicllaie in t$1v lation to 'f event that vss conT;e ye;r 1962-b.oueht ihe 2it!,edding enniversa.r .t Juiia:a src Berntrard, an tto stM9s of the tretnerldds ir co@on design qlth letherlands Nev oulnea' tne r'I€therlalits Antttles atd ButlnM The xetheltands Anti11€s, after thei! nevfy given lndependence, did rot quite tant to edolt tbe Julisq Profite desiAD of the Xetherlandsr tut sougnt to rlnd sonethlns dlstilctive Ahriuee for their detinitives, vltholt goits 3o far (as did slrinm) as to odit theit norarci eltitely. A halpY conproatse was tound by designer te!!Y licbetgi tigule 19 tr6 Ne+helt4nds phitatehl ol the nondc! act€t]y slx desl8tu (!o leptcEent the 5ix i3la!ds) tith the lresd stl1l , bs"r.ei*ta colo; rcdesilv tucked avav In a coinet (ris' ir -r9)' (gince 19t8:)' rhis is e oi tlefinitives set ".i"-"r"a p"s.itrv th. ie-quii. i*"i"e,--tii! {ith all the lnssi'abte """ri;"-r..e!"i--nnine fs' s 26 throush li has llintinBs eon; r*i iii"t".tr"e ;t If- ontv because is aiso ilra; the foY€st itenoniratlon' ihe 6 ct' vdi5tlon in papcr, 8i,s! ".r.t, .t ".""tt. l'li=ii3"tir""" thai on Auaust 25' r96t' t:,e lovest sinsle tostal trt. tigi*i p"ii" tse. rbe elPlsstton rror 5 .r ra 7'L/2 cti consequentfv the 5-ci si@ps aE ot ibat "-ii"" caia or reit"r) vent il"-iti-jir"ii'a that uould be les*@Jestv' 6ince ihese steps {ere ;;; ;;;it;;t; t. Eed foi aqil1ary frdkins, butpo"t"l authollties bgstilv declared the stdrr invalid itii u'" porlfslt. Realizin; i"*rie i"r-r"j""iv;" the lhilstelic reflic€s to the A!t111es atrit i! dil vitbd!4 ihe 6 ci tld au post orrt;esr lncludi's a!ea' a sleculato?rs ihus crestlng ttle '- fetherlddt' to rul1da dd iieg, r. viar ol tr'u ruaitr"es, o'e ot ihe etes ot arest lnielest Eurol)edb unie6tr strife sd to ihe e;tlle Dutch nslionr one !6v sdd. Over centuties ofconcelt - of tore?alce atrir rr'it .orrea ti'e lrrrase - da th' r".ili"iii"-t;; rut"r' tbe aevetoled it lnto a natlonaL! pe.s.cuteo. Tne comon stsP o€sisn (t13. 20) shdd the text 'rB!1tB Thd to a S6fe Eeveb" ovd Julide!s slenaiute. Ihe 5r!cbuse 16 fo! ib. bs€lIi ol Ic!M' the ln_ i.lgove!@ental Co@lssion fot tuloles ftlians vos noi gettlis alY Yoa8e!' sd *e cen otly asBMe the't he! changlns physlognory vas Lb. @jn reson for e ae{ Figrc 2l iieslg! for deftnltlves. Asaln d€slsned bl (sec rts' 21)' a tru1v leEar !o!i!ait' 6ubicorslder itris trfa aeelen leallv the bes! ;:-;: l{;;', Drintins' 'e or Dholostavlre s triuph snd I.. *-. or Lell,.ling i" itavn""" ut"" -Jiii*"- L"a l"rtl'v ette tnto ler orn altl thele is alreaavuris NM tiEe ls t].etttc' lt (t"t comdolates flags!) st the look """."a fte i."t''om"' ie"ren "ei i" queen' ire i.i (-"r:'::"t;.:L;i'"ii5"$"'"iti."-:roii"" 5.e rulisna aE nre Mot;er ot the Neurelr&ds zz). ror tho6e .['l 1pig. 'ho ilaii is a 6uletb one ""-!Fri'' of a vosanis tace lined tr s€e, uork llobta6 and coDcernd, but a16o ore ths! sh@s s.teDity' To !!ing out these iletsils lequiieil a fancY technicat Jobi th€ Po!_ Figre 22 sh.h4it'etgDeaddfor31yedg,no!nedlv*1ong-asthe5:.T:T:...1::*'# buttheyce;6b.s3nio'etghno*.Aftera1I|iu.tEinahad:::':::::-::*lw calrled o!' sle could 3o 'e11 rebdber ;:#] ?;s:-;'.;;;" v"* i"rr*. he" to have a to - Juliss - the owortunltv iii i.i *ir'"]:had tli€it Bive eas d+ se nd and chi_dren' qtlh her nusbsd sil the vdng opDortunitv' sde tne BFat'r' "-tir_lir" Princees i*.to*. ;;;";;; .be Earlle'I 1n 1966 and her rdilv of th'ee ze ir"*uv "i". ;il;;";" "nBuL aae too\ 1Ls to-I snd Jullsu abdi'aLe'l f@itv. a ii""'r." "i'-- vouns i .ro, :.oeo. 01ry thc Ncth'rrends Art:rtes issued ii";.;lt;; ;i";6:-rp-i staap-on-ste! itesi'n' usins ru1lsa'3 ;i :fu:;;i;";;,'"r* " io"t.rei' :: ir' 23 tlsit is iltaelio !!inteil ove! ihe Phoiogte@. pri,teit bacLgloud. orce Dore tould she appes on a Dutch 6ta!, on tire occsslot ol her 'roth birtbday (t1s. 23),|.n.lA Philate Lu \7 ilausulation steip of 1948 (Iis' 2!) and eve! that v* ln coibln& tion rith 4 Beaillx hauauletion Eta!. And tbat 1s tlre tav it iust bei ine ?sse11 t4 sad' but the netion ras reloiclns 1n lavlnc a nev vouns Queed sd It t4s thollv chsrectelirtl; ol Jul1sa !o step out ol the Uieltght quleklv, c@_ lletely 6d 8i1eDtlY. o. schenk end M' va ll.!k, Julia&' voletin NdaBt dz Rade LaPe" iJuusa, Mondch otr ib. Red Cs!!et). Al6telddr De loelerlJ' rs80. d;-j;;". sh. xnnodal ol Lh.|eche.Ldnds Mns t\e s"'dd tortd '.- tdl, vo1ur. 9. It. 8.guer StaatE ul tsev"l J I 1979' M. Beolrix - {p .€?t' & {a The Beginnings by r.ans g. A. Rud.!6 b'bv {s! long overdue sd there taB conJanudy 30, 1938, rouDd a natlon o! ient"_hooxE' Julletr' go""tnDtot and dolschist clrcleF o'e lecouniea rn at".i"" eio"p"' amnEst th. t Rovsr Decieeg' onlv djleci descenddi6 "" dd ;::';:i:.';:,i"i;T.*4"".";;;:'-;;"";;";i;;"i'""i -*a"'r" Es solns !o !' sn'h a descendeDi: or Julisa could.v.r leeoie rr"r" t" trt"'iiion" - if ever ilre!' before Jutlsa {a5 bo!r, ed vo!_ uilhcblna hsil beser rhat -.1'J 6i1"."-*_.r.r"a !h. s.rl* of ltscelflase! Ddulects'lr antt E rchaBts of sete the tnere ii* r.* nould Jults! th.iber ilered alouit Januarv sItdlls bv ud thel! drvs of "ii"t' 14sr trr. i* 1.-;;; souveDif, *bo {.!. 6i!r1!s lslkfrltcy "itr, 1938"' *Ith 'Jeusiv i"*i".""ti"" *deE s11 e;!.v.d o! telteled *-;;;;;,, r" ir," ..,,i"s of the 31.i; a l"ty !,in".". vaE bornr vho *3 sivetr ihe nse6 seairix, *' ti"'" ' "u' "*. 'r"o qll-:'-,.-fl:::"'T: t"' --' t'o'e"*a'"o uirhebina, a!iea!d. Nded .rt"r '"-":;;;;;"s "'" resE 1ea't ror the rleppv"'rrre "vn'"tv '* saved' sL l::"""":::t*: sl Be.ttl* becau!. !o coD., dutles she lecelveit the a[-imorlanr !1rfe lucree' noier bv ;ontlned decldioh' nodent. 6inc€ bv lslt&.ntary *of "Prircess of Oranse-fssau." t,lils;estdiJh Palece' a plsce olisila11v burrt bv P'ine ;;;;t;;. ;";;;;"; vho had 1r' Hi111d bv Kins enrslsed r."t" ." r'*tr.g "i.t -a ariei the tsttle or vstelloo' leatlix riJiii- iigil-rei-ai slBierlr natlo' ii*-riii iiJ p"il".'rii' "theso!"tar,;t' onlv I::'!,I1-T':"*"' a :;:;';";;';.;-;.J qhe {as in 'tava16o tle tilst llhltalellc poltlait of Bea"itar ve'rs gsve uE Prtncess a's!Iet's Canoda. Those :i:'";: ;;;;;.;;ir'i-'rrv baptlsE isec rls' t).'e at the occaslob or ,"i.*.|:*:^::::';::i"T":";:";:H::y":i;EI'":*::i"'""3.-{i4il":y:li'1ffi of !o!5 v'th Dollralts or the thlee:'i'j: L:E;.* .r". *"",__*" the chitd !'lelftle 'tdPs eere desisned bv s' !' Ha'tz {irh leL-'---;'4!re 1 s@6\ hrt' rhege;tMDs ;;-..;;";;-;.bsoLule ---- i."" an outstdndi's.exdpre::.ll:-:'::^*.:;"--" i'i'p"n' r' bv -a flsules "'n ;!tist6' Paritculalrv Pllncess Besilix's lo'tiait ;"i;;i" H:"::i#i;;:J; -ount'ndce' sunnJ s sir!'s arls. 2) epltob'zes voung end she obialned the dittou' !.atrtx lnittalLY ailended sPecaat schools but i! toihesttend u'iver6itv &d take the liaht her save .t .";.';i:^':;i;;i"l";;;l;'n';; lsd dssed {rl-h vhich h'r * oooo"uonitv unlverEltv bart tn the resu.a! '*-",u"ir"' or the courclr o'sla Eoihet 1056' Bee!'i' bee 'n 5;: ;"1 ;:; n.i'il''i"Lr'"a "' . in tne rar! or thst vear' But her !ova1 obuca:il''":: :;i"i;; ;; i.ii"' mau'r'*"rtv DresenL st onc iu-ctidr d be !o uDo' carl'd orlen she ls ?l;;";.:';,;i.;;i*'s i;-ih";" ;*" - r'e58 - that "r'" "r'"" r'" rirst visit to srine ;:;"i"t;l;;;;; ed the detherlaD& Anttues, rhl1e a yea! later sbe is the olficial Duicb delegate at the fieD.y ludson Com€Doratlod In the U.S. lvents inen qulc]<ly folfd up eech otber, 1951 see6 the sforlous dat of he! ex@ end the besiMing ot a yet busier tlue. In 1963, r@ 25. she leareB the ldental SoestdiJl< Irone and sets up hougekeelins in 'rDreke6 teynr' (the "d!6gon,s csstle'r) a cute littfe "cast1e" sttuaied a tev eiles lron SoestdiJk. Thenr i, 1965, he! secorii vlstt to the tegt takes llace) thls ti@ co@@oreted !y a Nethe!1ands Antil(Iis. 3). 1eB Etu! shovins stitl the "Princess Sni1e" tlat is so fsilie It vas ol cruclal ldlortdce fo! seatrix to darry sd produce er hetr to the tbrone! lut Beattix adqantly lefused to te hurlied anil valteal ior the Ee of hei hedt to sbd u!. That turreil out to !e Ctaus von hsnerg! a young dillonat of iatber nodest, peelase, end @ch ro!€e, a Cetuan: Ne{er nind ihat her father, both sredfetlerE .nd one glanddother nad bee. Geeans tooi the Dutch {e!e enra8etl. A very dlfficult tlre touored but 1t ended a6 ro6t, falry ieles do, The govelnnent end ihe State6 ceDeral f1nal\f gave thetr !erri36ion, and or Msrch 10, 1966r leatrlx and ClaE vele asrrleil ln Alstelde eiirst erglodhs saoke !@t6 (6et ofl by ht!!Ies, laid fo. lhe occs6lon W the sensasionEList forelsn !!ess). tha! a coDtrast tlouBh vith the syropy-sreet aleElan or trc lote biril6 on t{o intertsireat rins6 ritll rhicr the ietherlands Antilles co@e6o!4ieit the event (se€ Ii8. lr)l I'he CllitcE rere rona 4d Beatlit vas rislt: Ctaus tas the light Dab for her. s hu.bsnd rho rould suplolt he! vlth hls c4h {i6iton. Beatrix - Pbo could and rould often lntididaie lre. sulloutrdlngs elth her shdP tohsue - bas etet sirce bec@e a luch Dore @lloy lersot, Addins io hei happinees {s certalnly the slrivat of !e! cbildren. Fltsi wlllieAlexeder: oi coulse li h6d to be a Wi]1la rlen ii taled out to be a !oy, lui !o b'I)heDate tt rlth Alexsde! vas a clea! leterence to the last PliDc. of olanse' III' vho died iu Pllnce Are*aade!, son of Ktng too - var nded Jobaa Friso 188!, Tbe Eecord cbl1d - a boy'llllie e lefererce io Johu rlilleE Flisor stadnolde! of I!1e31anii, rho becee ?ii.ce ol ordge ln l?02 !y ie8teent of his sreat-uDcle P!1nce l{i11id III, vho died childless. The third son. botu 1n 1969, ras rsed Con6tdiine (fo! thic, nee ve hav. no historicdl explaratlo!). n1e three royal btothers aplealeil oo Chtlil \{eude siels of 1972 (6ee lis. t) es 6 ioileln-day replay ol the thre. lrl.c.sses si€lpE at t9\6. ,bd the!, sooner tha4 aDyore rlshed or exlecled, Jull&a declded on the lrznd bilthdat of her eldest dauglte! thot she routd abdlcate. Beairlx hait had 10-15 yeafs ol reletlr. !!1vacy to !e vltlr he! fui1y, lut nd ehe bad to tske ov.t, O! A!!11 30, 1980, the Eldicotion takes place h tne DM Pelacer snd tbe s&e aat, 1n ih. afi.rnoon, ihe n.v Quee! ls lneugulated aclogd the stteet' 1! ihe N4 Church. To the asseetted gtates-Genersf 6ne seys! "Atrd h.!e I stddr p!+ par.ii lndced, but sl6o 1snor6! 6bout rhere thts vill lead u5'i lut then at the end sh. 6hd6 us a very rse guDpse into the prtvat. p.r6on she a16o iB' by citins fi@ th. c..tste3-olii 1{11beln3r the nailonal }r}.4tr "IV sbi.ld sd ry itust dt lhou, o Goa, !ry Tbe lethellsnds Anl1]les celebratetl the clrese-o!-thlone by e itin abdlcatlotr-lnauaulatlo! lssue tn eteFon-Et@p loaat (ris, 5). h tbe fetherlen& too there vds e insu€sattoD si@! (ris. ?), but one thet caus.d conEiiterBbty hotte! contlovet3v. The .lesisn i6 at once otd-feshioneit, harklrg back to the Plet zxari lloto-eontage stsrps ol ihe thirile6 (Nwg lios. 236-239, L9), eil ultra-Doder! - not to 36v hip - !v shosiDs the Queed rttlr a turile-reck steaier. lecause of !ost51 late cheses, a nd 65 ct ileroElnstlon ste! of tle 3ee desian soon foIloted. loth ateps exist alleedy in th!.e dltferent peltotattot6! not to iertion corot atd !a!e! valieties, but that is s EJor 6tory that has to !e iold doihe! ii!e. qu..n !.Etrtx is rd e fact for Just tto y.43, sonethina ihat is blouahi hooe to E by the apledsDce of the rd lestrlx detiDitiver (r1g. 8) \rhaieve! one Eqy thilk ot th. ilesisa' one obJecilve of tire deslan is utte!]y successlull Th. c@!ute! d4ia! b!i!43 a leEsa€e that Is soDevhat less th6 subltolnel: thi6 i. e net Queen tho 3lqits tith both teet ln tle aee of silico4.-cbt! tecllotogY. !. J. r,l@.16 1980. dticl€ on the aen6is of the iterlnitiee Beattlx stM! $itt be found elsdheE in this lssue. re don'i aei a !i11 f!@ the desiene! lo! usira ito p)rotogiaphs of the starp: An hope t {arin ;n Beat?i.t, Puu. Hot sdia B.v. , qe etketldds PhiTdtely \9 Politicians, Bankers and )'{erchants: A Trcaty of Amity and Commerce by nicha.d J. Be.n!n!, lasi-Presideni AslP :ir'Jusisi€nt telationthe fast quartet ol the ei8hi:eenin cen'urv significalt iifi:']m':ines a.sistance rron lrance ir,",.tio.";nd rhe lev rinired siares.i Anelica. k'itbYet' tiihin 6 f* vea's' indelendent' becde "dn"-,ii."i"i tot!d ihe;{et r:he in coloni€s Sriiis! n"tr.e.r*a", DURIiIG "na_tl. F.ancesolLdnotnanilestduchlespectrorlutclinaelenaelceandsucc€edinannexingthislittlenation. as tne Isine ',hi" brief .erioil in historv the influence or iit" unitua st"tt" vould exlod as r)uickiv Iietherlands lost its lroniience. nations atd llaved a sig' The lelationship bet{ee! the l-rutch snd tne colonisis {as inloltant io boih far ruich enialated sincF rorrd in lroninence. i" translire nificart role i.,bat vas ro "r,r.e". it slite xetherlands' The "r,.i" on ttade resied tt; natlols io tne U.!.r the lrinsrv relaiion3htp *i"tl" a tne llrit_ titb relationshiD trade to ine "itt threai serious t"""-;"""; nerchants! ot sone of th€ €trorts it" t'_* No't! Adelicen coto(v did intettult nornsl ish. vhile the aDirositv betveen "'i naintaiDed and coltinu'd eesilv arter the l'Jar or r'dependen'e' xie"*"","ii"i" ::;";;;;""";;';;;.;""rica1 ration' 'as ol indust'v ne'essarv to 'rovide io! the needs ol a nd Dutcb valieiv the the Duich did nat have tat!gln revertheless' and tolu""o' The nrinatr ptoducts for trade bI the r. irt "titta"' '"* "usut' secure or in the estabrisnnent r" tr'" rlnancins or th€ nev nation and J: ii;;";.':;;;i;i.;"i."i. olerations. bsrting ----;;" ;;;." sho nad visions of ircreased heard ,tound tne vo!1d" rleas€d Dutch oeichants and bankers, the llethe'tands' !e*9 is1and carinbean 'r ::l"v access io -A&elicat rdkeis. st. t*t**"1_'1'"LL -' 16' 1716' on Decenber naitles' ror seve!4l cme ihe .hiel centet for ttansfeltlng ptia""l" t"a e locus a saluie to to ftre fotr of tie tne oldeted suns the Duicl sovernot of st. tustatius, '*t"_a"-itttit' fras rnis 'as the tlrst foreir{n 'ecosnitlontoofe! t\e shlp Ahd"e4 raria rblch 'as rine ti; ;:'-;;;i:" the Dutch sd in€ aritis)rr Leadins t:re ne* nation and li resutied ir increa;;d;ostililies bet;e€n .utbreak ot vE! in 1780. of oreae Btliish throne a'd the Dui'h louse stronB fmifv ties betveeo Prior to thls eaent the :"!"thet'"-o,\, eac o' 1rL .e ' F-n o (ne Dur-r n'!_ .roorl naa FrJ/:d.o r-laL:/er.r ":p,*.,,i ""i'L-i"r. tirLie v or o'snae triea lrodotina ;;" :;";"-;;". ;;;;;;.;"; -r'"r"t"' ".tr-tn'-"o'rii'"" 3t4t€s-cehe!a} re@enize the inhave the a to *"i. "'"ut." Arsterde,s {hife a lrGlrftish stsce """.""-".""t delendence of tne United Staies. i-iiLtodt had settled in goutb CaTto Dutch i@igtants frod Fotter'l@t lietei LePooIe and {lerand€r tbese eni€.liisins Be'ran testendorr, uiiii,l"*;onneciio,s {iih a! A;srerdd he'chet nMed 6nd rice froe tol)d'co of -rri". fliure siipneDts against *t-t"t"t*U chats dranged for credtt aD'i nonev colonists' The the suplort to Bl1tes Dutch tneir Sout! caroline. Ire,ch bustness i"t""*i"-t""t""teti racins a ililema' Great found themselves *a teltr" tl! *"i" great at risks Dutch neiciaots took "iir' , it"-".i..r*. 1r the Brliish 'on the varr these lrlviariiain h3d sr4ted thed t,,ai"e pri"ir!!."'"i nev€r continue tradina vitn aryo'e sio hsd opposed thel! !€/<es vould be leYoled. Iet, "tr"*ti"-"ttti rrd France ud Ensland coDleteil fedentlv ;;;""'""" "i,t in *"';;;'; ror lndependence' l'teen'hire, 'd severar aaeni6 i! the -'ff::-"ii:T::;" as oba3sador to Palis' lenJdin llarkrin h6a 'o'ked throush and rvtrle 5s ver] Lsde De La filns' bskins e'"i*a*'" t"";;;i {etbeitan& io obtain co@itnents ";;;..; ;;. ;iry of ans";idM.end tne united siaies vas oade !v as ]rorneca dd rizesux, A sedet ,".""" ,rr"n". \aix-1a-ahapelte) Deent rinancial Jem d€ Neurville ed,,rirlis L". .r ur.*i"r,.'rn." ri.""y "r relr into British hsds in ufortunaterv treaiv sullort lrcr.drstelds's delchants b"t ;';;;;-'i;;" nenrv lauens' ii6i "*r-i""" ""0"-.d 6 shi! ca"rins fon;' rreside't or the 'on-inFntat'ons'ess' r@ Are.lcan ervov to iie l{etberlands' ald,i:t' the states-GeneraL backed thetr oflical aLlv' tlili:i rhe lritish tere able to Preesure !-dro- l! r-'1 ra' !1evi(abi v ,"" ':;.;;;i;;';"..;;*. ';' f::"':':l:..: :'::,',':' lli,;:.i'il'.i,1"-o",-"."o, :";;ll ',.;;.;;--;;i;"';"; .."'"::";l"iii: b;;. ID ihe nidst of tbis John AdMs arri' j:l';:'-: "'"t, G li I -*, l- .i.l; :i ;",:i::I i.l::.1;;:';: ..""-"i: ;::::;1 ;:fl:::,::.i^:'"::::';,",i"1J::1" :.:;:r :::".:. :"' :i..t::;ri:i;;i" ";; :iii*i'":::1,:ru::i:::;::;,;i and tas a levoLutionatY Aiericss it ihe i:l;i:.T,i::^.::t:':.,i:-::i:.r";",ti:::;.;,:;,rl:":.::::?::"r."" ii-ri! lernitted to aiiend cresses arso' 5a "* xethetLd ds PhilateTll t-W N gt I .a.A.os the ltnti.d giatcg cotra!*a ofrtcialLv eplolnted Adds s Iltnister Pleltloieniiart to ihe Dutch lepulflc i! lelluaty 1?8L. so AdeE noved bsck to Atrsteldu dnd dteli on the Keizelsgracht. Sulprtsiislv' Ades legaiteit the conlidence of ihe Dutch babkels. During the spllt8 of 1781 Adss Eensed that fodaf recoeliiion by the siate6-Oe.e!e1 ol the nct nation voufd eleatlv tncresse the availabiuiv ot loas' It a;diiioa, idaG desIled to con.rlde tlealies of allisce sil .<@e!ce tith the Netberlan&. 3ut bevold thai he setett to loln a coslltion of toriheh !u!o!ean rrltlde states ln a le6€re ol Atueil Neutratttv Ad@ folced th. Issle 1t EoIlErd hy pteEeniilg his cledeniiats io the States-Genelal dit insi.tlng upoo a decision to! or Eseinst fo@1 lecosnitio!. Fhe rhee1. of lnielnstionar di!1@acy rcve rLd' On Jue t, 1781, AdMs c(mnlcated the iatificetlon of ibe A!tic163 or corfederaiion to the states_cene!61 In the hole of stlengihed'a hts po6itlon' rrlls1Iy s s lesu1t of ihe liovisce of rrie6landrs lecostritlon of the cololies as o lndelendent n& be bsd tlon in i?82, tlrc aIr !e@1r1;g l,ldttcee reluctdtlv fo11ored. on April 19' 1f82' a ved after tnltiaicd th; ptoces6' the staie;-Genefal offlclatfv recognizeil Adds es tle repftsentative ot the iF delendent United Stdtes ot ADetics. Ee n@ @ved to The Sague thele be lolgnt 6 hdse on tbe lluvet.n !utei!'&1, to! 1IrO00 gulliler5' the iilst Alerlce eElassy In tbe toltii. th. louse r@ tor. ddn 1! tbe ealv tireteeith centavt ed re ilor'! ere! kno, trlEt it roox.a rrt", ades nd 5ecu!.d a Lod o? ttye nlluoD gutlders fro! the staiescelelal.Th.reihrqedtntereBtraleoniheloegesfl'epelcent.Threeeddltonallos6uerenegotiated dullls lhe tollovlnA .lx yearE. Ye!, ihe leletlonshlp betteen the lteihelLqds dd th. Unli.d States reielned t.nuouE. Fs Duich etiareled to to.lIco bcc.u.. th. u.ua1 notlvslions tere !bE.nt. Ttere rB Evsli.abtllty of rooat snat rctk ro! e11' sd the stEte s{a!& Ubelty, John AdeB tas not Bucc.sBful 1! lls destre to have ldg. nslels of Dutcb Dis!3te io the nef DatloD' after ir!. v.t, ta4y ol tbe c@rc1a.]' tle. bettee! the u.S. uil rer. !.nd.d ilu. to clos. ls1lv 6d busln.sE le1ailo8hlP6 betreen !.!chuis tn botb cosill.s. the lact of such contdc& ed the f* Dutcl 1M1slanis beleled c@elcltl tldseciiong the U.s. Bnit the n€therledE. fhe Ielact of tbe lndustrlaf Revottion !.Eulted tt lnslsdis attUty io llovlile va.t qustitica ot Euperio! ptoducts fo! cxpolt 611 ove! ule tollil. The Drich verc uraU. to co!P.t. ttt& ib16. Bestd.s' idv Duich fla8 eele 1953, 300th ffiireBarV of nd lor sulstdiarl.s or !!ltl,Eb cotlaDleg. aoiieldsd 13 satd !o hev. had 22 iobacco deB1.!s 1l ot who6 v.!e Blttisn-oEed' dcaltne tn Aledcu tobacco' ' l*"".t, invsted i! t e n;t latlon. lhe hlah inieleE! lates or the lalk of rolth Dltcb calitsl i.", Duich bdkers !o s.nd ihet! uonev sblo€d' the lngl1sh kept their nonev at hde bv-io A,ertca cnco;ased of $2'168'_ {esilna ls thel! m lldustllal expss1on. tte u.s. Bogld ol Treasury leported in r?88 ihai lroke the ie!bdkeis to! ihe The !@tr frd Dutch bolels. tas l"vesiors, ii; roleig" $2't01,1?6 e:S th€l! lndustries' dodernize 1.ft io capltst c;ants beca*. theie ,e3 1itt1. rh. final chapte! ol thi. hteresting story occuffe'l on Octole! 8' 1782' the! John Attes stgneit the Treaty of AbltY anil C@€rce. Five'Royal' Buildings W Paul l. van aeyen AittheDutchhlstotlcallynlrded?orisitihatihelrhlEiol1ca1feeli!8sluninditfetentarooves? of Neth_'rIs it rcre 1e!or!st to celebtaie tne looth urivelssry oi the Soctetv fo! the Registlatjon (NVPH No' ltrr5)' Lands cattle ixvPli No. 1052) o! the cente.elv ol dentsl educstion in ure Nethefleds than sode fdous sea lattfe or the "tiaBtet Yeelrr (16?2)? Perhaps 60. lver il qe ilo ae! issues comedotstlna iipoltdt dates l!@ th€ diElant past' {e rdv totder ab@t thelelatiteinlortaiceofthecelebratedevents'e6lecial\vifqefindfoustsDpsitobe!6suernich comenoraie the Tooth anlivelsary ol The Easuer the Peace ot Muster ({estfalia) tdnsitrg tbe llahiv years, l,l, to an end! tbe cerrenary of the consitulion of 18!8, eil the 50th Jubilee of queen !ri&elui!a, vere atr these event; equallt intortsnt? The Dltcn ?1T obviousfv thowht so because in t9!8 the olual "s!mer" sei was devoted ro these rour erentE (xws os, 5OO-503i Scott 8185-188), In dtscussiis tbe secoDilstupofthesetse{ltliindanoth€r"wnisiodcal"proof'actuaLfvibbvopiliona'rsoof"thlci nay, or couise, have been delib€late. One never knovs ln [o11and ln he ter the o1d contloversv betveen tbe "regenis" ard tlre ltouse of orange has sulvived into ihe t{entleti centurv' Butafte!theselntloductolylef,arksvebette!turntot]lestulslnquestion.Thefilston€lihe2 + 2 ct, alesisned by s. 1,, Hdtz after photos bv It' van xooldtiJkr {ith lettels ud fisues W J' vd ; r;ontal licture oi tne (nisht's flal1 on tbe lnner coult ai rhe llacue' For d ovelau r:.Lr.i,-"t"i" Netherldds PhiTdteX! 57 vi4, se also glve you tle lhoto of lhc stmp lssued to cod.lolste'tna ,ooth aeieers;ry of the (lrw! $o. 811i scott no' lr22). The laiie! shds Pdt of the side of the hatf ed a tove! in ihe distalce. Although It i3 obviousty asssed that 12lr8 {as the iiportdt ved in tne hlsto_ !y ol ftre llsaue! ii ras eeen earller that the cobts oMollend Etarted building or tiris slie. Excelt fo! lragf,entary !€lalns iD tle celids nothin8 of tbiE stiu stands. iio{_ ever, thettho.sert lhai countIUItiM I! of goltand, al6o * lected tuleroi of oe@e!tY' liobably started building irele' stil,l 6toils. tne toye! 1i tne backsrosd belonss paltiaUv to this tulidine phase. Since ui11i@ II died eatlv! lt tas lefi ro his sor! co6i lloiens v, to finish this "topelialr' E Afre *nich he did by buildiAs the knight's nall in front '.4....4-!a!E lalace, tr.. r;nsth is 38,t beters (ca. 120 teet) and th. or his raihe.!6 ,,rro,:.!." n! ns]] is islles;tve "n""lr" tiie ti tas 3 lulldine leat thlc)r {a6 lroheblv uridih 1?.5 o.tels (ca. 55 feet). lspeclaLlv fot the pdaueled in Eurole. ri.eeds that ihe bulrdine vas kept iD good tepai! ihrorgh the centuliee' of cou'se' the orege stadholdersleglunlngvit]rPl1'ceMaulicebadihei!qualtelsonilcln'e!coult'theStadbofde!|sQuai€r. uil beetines of the stales oi lottand 6d the Stete6-Ceneral xele held in the (nlghtrs Itetl' lut 6fte' tne esiablishdert of the Batavid Relublic et the €.it of the Eiebteenth cent!ry - {1re! ihe stedholdels of tle ..r" "trr""* oui,r' sit tte sr6itholde;' 5 Qudtei fs6 used to lrovide fo! ihe beetlnss od orfices Narlonal Asse,br;, rhe /[lght,s gslr at ihe c.nte, of the Inoer cout {as allored to lapse inro disuse.. beins deelaita&t io storBs€ slace dd the 11k€. At the era of tbe la.t century tbe rau uas "restoted"' vUcr: ueaat Eong oirels t;at' lbe otieirul oak olen-cetlins bee *ere relfaceil bv e *iouent-ilon roof' luckt\yenough,eccuatedratilgs{ete@deBiihetileofihetibhergsot)ratuorerecenttvtl:is1foE horslloslty cculd be i.ptaced 5€sin tlth c copv ol uie otlglbaf in oak: TheE611ofK''ovu6ettfo!thecdbtnedsesstonofiheStst*.Ge'elalonihethildTuesday of Se!t€D!e!, then tl:€ Queen !.ads her "Sleech froE the Tbroner" end fo! other soleM occsiois' + | ct sbds the Palace on the D& In llBielda, sd Es 16s!ed to co@4ool l4unEte! tn 161a8 thlch dade en enit to the ligrrtv Yee!6' \{ar. lr113 {aE tbe p.ace vhlch f!e.d the Uriied Netherleds ftoD Spein es teU a lron the Gernu raorie. the reostable soof" f,hlch te leniioned esrlier is thdt the buitdi'g did noi ev.D.x1.t ln 16!8, Ii ts sctuatlv Jusi ss lenaiialle urst e buildtns in Ansteld@ vdd llckeil !o co@eoor6ie thlE leace becsue. even thoush ADsterde hiait hsve paid fo! ihe !i,sh!y lears' I'rar, 1t tad lwt ss Duch op!o6.d to tne Pii'ces of Oree; durlne @Et of thEt th.t sat I f€el that vithout tiese P.ltceg there tould have be.n !o Unlted Neth.rldds tn 16!0: The Palace ot th. Dd sciuall,v ilidnri becoDe s !a!ac€ uti! the begiDting of th' nlEet€erih c.ntury. lt vs built as lhe nev loE ltaLl of Absterdu ald tbe firtt stone sa3 laid in 15!?. the arclitect t* the feous Jacob ven Kdlen' In the s\l@er of 1655 ile butldlng sas 3o r$ linished ihEt t e citv ad&inistretion could nove ln' rsintels of the xo.."u., trr. lnter{;r decoration sitn narble scullture &d pslntlnas of re &ostinfdous rhe eniire structure of ofanse to the llouse reEinlscence ,oi rre Tbele is tide io;t soDe do!.,esg, to rn 180? (ins r,ouis leporeo of !ol1ed) tbe btother of laloleo!' iDdlcated tbat he rcu1d uke ves s@e offe! Tne loh !all' orrered the the ciq. loflorina srd the p61ace rdsterd@, vesr a i; have lina o. queen has used tb€ !41!e!este; arier the ,estoraiion of the olanse dynasty in 1813, No orang€ tt {a3, unrl1 the laieEt,estorarlon, no! reallr rit fo. hmen occuletlon. But eac! Eonloth "ie.xtenstr"ry; sch stlides rion ttt" rarac" to rhe tieu ciurchr ,ext door, lor tris o. her oliicial inauauration, ln the lalace' (xot so (ing Queen uirhehina sd Queen Juliatre also have 6i;tr€d the abdication decree abdicateil ir tbe ?alace ot 't roo in 1810.) r,lrrr* I "tro (neuterou! next st@!' the 10 + t ct! sbds vhBt is calieit the Paface on tle people lhose of 18118' the lileral aonstliution and comedolated H6suer aiJL tn the 1es1: gaeue of ihe at the besinning iisralize that cannot uo" trrl" lari or n:e "rro centuy this !;lace had "extensive sardens." Th; house ves originallv a possession ol tne tassenaa! fdilvi built dound 1Tl also lorxea fo! stadto'dPr2 b Dlans bv lsieI varotr Lnd drauano_ (ins qas titfiM I to se've as ilre lalace for bv 181. touaht in I1I. it wirriL xi"'o L vrro La" obsessed vi h ,Llt'M :. s r-rc la!e. {irs O.r.e-. cre ii."p":*..vard for his ir," tr."r *"t*t n;esoinic stvle added the "iotiic !411" it the lrack ir paintiass (lased on a' oxfoid or ceb'iase coltese hall' 'nd "*i"r=it. ro! the ex;lbitio; or paintinss). Arso 3 sotbic "e6rlery" vhich claqed ;;t-;;;;.;dv ""r.*.i* IDERTAN the parace g;rders oPpGite the i{ Palece' but thlch tss so teeblv built rrai i! nao o oe to.- doh il 187a. Thene'tPrlnc€ofoidaenovedi!int85?'huta'terhisdeathinlS,J9,(inalr'Iilli@IIIsoldthe the ne* cio,'-!rilce,a5 not. exactly delishted ri.lle". ti88zt. rri,;e Alex*der, ""..::=";;;"'^";;-"t rn 188! (ine llillim rrl once essin tound hinselr tb€ o'ner p.ii*' irt". his death ;;;;";;-;;";-.;" h€adqudte's veels the lalace stood emltvt.uniiL ii tss nadeArrairs' l"i ""ii *rv tle co;tents this tine. llanv !ridof roleisr r'liniste! lor the d;eulns the 1t;e;de in r9:"1+, urt.r 'hich ;;i;"-;.t-;i."; uris Delressio' lle of the because lur lossftLy ;;";i"li;". {as io h;ve rlved here arter her EsJority jic cabpsn! insuranc€ p"r""" lo a life slarid ir" " ' ' out. ID 193? Quee! "rih€hi;;3o1d ,ii".il..u !]l1e 6 .'i. ihe Peece ,2 Nethe?Ldd' PhiTatel! ou louith.r!.!t,, !o. ZO + 5 at, lhor.s a rrroyrlrr lulriulg only by asBoclatto! Ae!.r.tlor or 3o. TldB l! th6 nd Cbucb ta llstelildr sliuated dsht !*t to i!. Palaco or tb. De 11 {!1ch the hawu6!1o! oi th. klng3 ed queens of ihe lctb.rLu& t.L.s 01.c.. A. a @ii.! of fsct! tnl. r.B (1Ea !reBcl1led by th. Con.!l!utlo.. Ai tb.!. oecaltols lhe churcb hol,d3 e cel1n.ii !cs61on or thc 5ta!es-C.n.!d, tb. !l!st ald S.codil Cbq;bers r vbo 6o.le4\y ltsien to tbe oath on ihe Coa6tltutl6 tb. lonsch !,e!to!D!, atte! rhlch tbeyr ioor bsv. !o 5s.e to ulholil tne Consltutlo!. (lt reest, ttrcy dtd 1r 1898.) Betreer th. PuLec. aa tb. Gbirec. to ih. chEclr, !ctua11y t.]1e doo! ln the soutb trelEept,, a rooit n g611.rt 1! c!.ci.ii 6it€! {htci! tllbehlna eil Jults!. (lGElbly !1so Beet!1x) , to tb. chulch. llds fer Chu.h, orlgtn.Uy d€d1c.ted io our lJaity, ra3 buUi 1u st.g.3, ihc t1!3t of vEchr cdpllE1lA !h. cbol! .nil t!.alslti vas llll.heit 1! 1108, A! that ti@ th. tom of tlEstelda! Er itivlilctl lnio tro !at!h.l, or. c.nt.!.it on !b. St. 1.ho1.., o! 01d Church, ed ib. oibc! on ih. Chr!.h or Ou! bqy, d tb. {ci. Sld.. tb. clty oi Ae6teldu iB sttlr rrivided 1! er olit .1de .rit a na .1d., that i,3, th. !.Dt.r. lJc bev. th. 0ud.zlJitrroolhagre11.! sd ihe ni*e2iJd#oo!bu!Ar.d1.r. dthougb thc i.! o! thc !!r llAc bt! loDs .lDc. iu.ap!.a€it: fhe seconit si.e., !.gun .ft.! 1!30, cdpll!.il ib. nsv. ot tbe chucb .o that {h6i re 15!se1y firtshld tD tb. ilAiUe ol th. tlfteenth celtury. t.t.! ple.. 16!. @ae to .!.ci oa! tore! 6t !!€ resi end, lut dt.! or. rtlse r.. llnllbed thl. ?ai gtve! up (ihe R.fotuilon .Iso plrv.a. role sil the ?!ort psi of tbl. s. @ch late! il@Illh.d to !!ke iooD fo! tralflc: AIf thos. p.ople rho heve seen th. chr'cb IroD th! .i.!'. o! ib. lo€t otllce 1! 14i..i1.! (pe!ba!. afie! luylng s@ ste@ls thelc) f,ltt bF. thls trucated &iI hatred lloni plece. once erery Tb. fltth rrloyeln lulliitng ls reaUy a royal builitilsi li 1e th. P.l.ce t! the Itood, rhich sirc. AuaBt last yed bos becone ihe rr1lalngr laLa.e fo! Qu..n!tx, rh1le the nooldelDde Pslace viil !e the "roltlng" laIace rtth olftees fo! the Royat secretdlat ed Eiatf. AccolilinA to 1ar three I'alaces ere fuhlshed for the Que€n: Tbe A!Etclda Palacei the rooraelnile Pelacei anil the Palace 1n tne Wood, The ?.la.e of rt too has bec@e a @6eu, dd SoestdiJk P616ce ls lltYete !!o!e!iy, s the glft of lhe latior to the ?rince ol Olenger tate! Kllg v1111e 11. nr. 'raut6 len Bosch" to u6e the Dutch nee rs degisned foi aDa]ta ol sob!, the rlfe of Pltnce riederick ren.yr by ihe sell-krom dchit6.i Piei.! Poatr r.llo af.o ale.l8ied the M6Ulitdhuisr Dot lusea. tlte first 6toDe rss tatit 1! ftI5 by of loheda, the d6uehter ot KlDg Jees I of trEled. Afte! !h. deaih of ilre Ptl,nc. 1n 15!?, Adlia isn.d ih. hous. IDio a EeuBo1ee for her hu.badil. fhe ldge cllculd iood under th. dpolsr tlr. Olans. ro@ (6s tb€ thole hd6e cs }nom attexarag) save fos yeds rclk to the Dlne aost cblrert !atnte!6 ol ih. day, recoldtng Flederich l{entyts vlctori4 on the latilefielat. The palace pssed io th. lrlslq t[assaus fo! a thlte' ltt ras u]en 81ven to Prince l{illie lII ! 1685. Durils tbe relsn of Prin.. Illtti& IV, 6d after hi3 @riiase to Prtncede Anne of Engldd' tbe lalace uas elldsear !y the tro rangs, d.sisned by Ddiel Mdot. Afte! the letur! of i!. Eouse ot orEDger the palece tlrlch had beet rationalized alaine the rtench occupaiton lelloii {es not leturneit to the (ine but lut ei hi3 dlspoBal. Queen sollda, the titst viie of Kins I,7luid IlI, u:ed li e*teuslvety as he! suMer palece, h 1899 ihe ri4t {or1d Peece confelelce uos helat at th. !a1ac.. Duribs the r'lr.t b< of this century ti ras o!\r int€tuitt&tly occulied by the royal f&tly' sd durlng the Getud occupatio! it tas a1i6t because it vaa in the Ysy fo! a tdrk boat. After the secold riolld 4! tbe !16ce r* a shMhleer qd bet{een L9rA zre, 1956 1t t6s ldsety restoled. The edd€ns sere a slft frob the lopulation ei ihe occasio! of Juti&a's 12-rl2 yed Jubitee. In 19?t plss rere Da.te to dske the lelece irto a nore penseti dtetlina lor a t&ily Yith child!en. ft1s concerned dole eepeciatly ur€ t{o ehgs. In Novenher 19?7 this vork gtartedr but a yeat 1& tei it {as tosd that tb. loor tlElers rere ln a tery bad state because of lold anit inseci duaBe, rhis caused a iielay ib tne execution ot tbe ro* 60 tbat the p€tace vas not reaity u!tl] Augu6t 1981, unen the Queet Md ber fdiiy occulled it. some of tne rooDs i! lhe oiftctal' central lst of the palace (ote vine is for personsL occulucv ot tbe royal felly, sh1le tie other vina i3 ior sdEinistlatlve pulposeE sd houseleepins Ectitities) are vort! vidirg. !h€ chine6e ioon sas a present ffon Mr. leminasolr se.ior Melchani ol the voc 5i C&to,! to Pllnce !,Illliu v in 1191' as tel1 as th,. Jelatese Foou. ilele a!€ found porl,laiis ol lrilli& V ed his rlfe, Prlhcess vilhehina ol Ptussia' done by Jolmes€ artists. T.e chandeliei in the latter ro@ is entilc1y nede of cu!6 end sauc€ls' accordins to 6 old soulce, the l,Jhiie Dinine RooE is a creatio! oi Deniel Malot vlib grlsaille lalniinss by Jaco! de !rit, done betvee! 1?33 and 171+8. The ceiling is elaltoratety stuccoed, dd the chddefie! ls waierlord cristal. The tloo! of tne Oienee noon is @de of Brazilisn talnut tith bo.itets ot pali tood. Apart froD the paintings hono!1ne P!ic. lledetick senly, there ale elso laintlngs tecolditg ure &uAust mtlieges of the chlLdlen of hlb 4nii ?llnceEs tralie: tne veditine of louise Henriette vith the lle.tor of lrandetiura' dd tbat oi Prlnce uiltle II rlth Princess r'lsty studi. Also ihe veddjng or Andlia vith Frederick !enry, snd Aielia r4t]r her four dsughtels. In iie lobby Ere foDd poltreits ot Wiltim Tv snd lrinc.ass Anre. botb painted !y Tischbeln. since it uas inpossibty exlensive to lestore the chinese boldoir conplet€lvr a ven€tiat looD h3s been installed iD its place. whai one dtsses fror the descriptions is the roon tith ihe Indobesian {bi.h va6 thele ln the thitties. Perhals these {ere not saveit. 'oodca.vlngs Nethe?7@lds Phi Latel! 53 nederland i I COIL CORNER by laurence q. aeld the i1!st vslue oi tne tong_Eniicilated Queen aeatrix dellnitive ve!1is appesance in slreet fom in did-D€cedle!' the.associated 'oi1 :n !h' or lhis ur'r'1g \"Fbruary -3t\' as Fen-ioned ;t;; '; ".. vatues io be ci.5L coiI ve lne ele toLd -es! coLr^, gi *a rio ct! all of vhlch should bave alpeated bv tne tide xou iead "t Alpeat1.e at about the see tide as the neu definitive' and also 1o4is tUe nd eitition of the specialized Coil cataloeue' bv Pottneine ""airei ;hi1e Ducb of the 1982 catalosue 1€ slsilar to the 1979 edttionr thele Nethef_ are sode eignifice! chanses. fhe bllef but ilfomative histo!9 of {io11y {hi1e no dtopp€d' leen has section la.ds coils iR ihe lntroductoiv intervenins trree veals' a nmber or ;;;-;";i" ;"". '""ir teen intloduced in the coits are rot identitied a'd priced' fisted .l **;;;';;;;;;;;;: ii.r"r lreviouslv is an ex"aar "tr.t i" i' tr" *i.' of ihe rroorr' Repracins euch oi tne ites*iptiee intomation ue coiLs id vhicn ditectior or the t""aii, rrie]'iv autllr.a oa neticutouslt iuustlated discussion grait of th€ laper! and of the the ettect abolt' vele biought in dllectlon lrinteit. hd these cbalges in *eneiar, rrou one can eslabrlq6 pr!ntirg d"ecLjob' or co-!;'s!ldr 'roL! BuLrPti't 6no abDarcntrv is sho """.i-.i .r'r" hss beea oteviousrv -biT";';;; seei for tnose therc 1s i;fomation the it @Jr it-trt"t sidelsble intetesi io coil 5leciallsts. ot nost "" or talte lrintinss heLlrul a very it bas discald ihe p'"*roo" 'arii"n Bs ;;:-;;;;;,-;;;;"', editlon' a'i otrttr O"te, all ot shicb ls onitted-lr the nev colls c@plete titb deiesr !o11 size6' tne intloduc_ in entrv e soall to grscnede relesat€d beeD ;"" t; s* -olJ'';-;;;s tne sreei int€lest rn tr:e n* ru) as stoothr-hc 5nsch'@ D o and btorinr , Lory tables! lhich lisls ,n" .". o"'" caldsorv c' as ois'usseo ir rh' olevio-s proninenr rore ii a ror no! "*" ;*"n Elvina ;;:',;;';;;;bi. Harrison-coaied D2 sE and the lnEchede:;. ei"tt arrri"urtv tn ;itferentlailns bet{ee' theJullana .;i;, Reelna cent values' The net c'talosuel the coated lroduct' especiauv on tn" cto*"i "*"i"r" "na se'ies' nakins no aitenpt to list the values 1n the or the r" variett a D2;M ;;;;;:-il;;;'.;i '""r' ivo twes of D2 sr@ed coik. chanae in prices since the 1979 editiot Io*' as to !!ice chdses' In setelart there has been liiile it vss left necessary to i6sue a net e_ belore efqlsed have Tlds Day !e a oaJot reaeob tnat thlee veatE nost bave^renained const6rr' but coiig have teen de{a1ued, sob€ nave eplreciateil' sre lor the nost lart substaniiaLboi; editions ln narket ,-ir' Itr -" "ili.r."s.'. In.elatlon to todav's "-rie;ii" i' tie next issue at ttethell@as be till aspe't titi! aiven fy overvalued. A note co4lete ar"""""r"" betveen 19118 and 1965' has itrolped i! vaLue for 'rhe 2 ct vs KrldPen n@eral coitt issued unnsbered 2l-coit siii! iron f i50 to I 125' on '"le otner tne hendr the obsolete Juliana Fegina cett value coils' nost of *hich vete eullent at the tine of tbe 1979 ediiton. have Jsned subsiantialrv: the 30 ct value - l0O 0 '+ ;11r"1'soi"g iron r 8 to t 2t' t;ne 3, ct 9\2ra rroo i:.0 to r:o and tbe !o ct 9lr3Pc frod f 3t to f ?t' It,e only noticeable chatq' in the Gulden vaLue f 10 to coils is the 1 c1d 953Rb2 {iich tent lror aailations f 2t, Th€ croutel nuf,eials nave increased fo! now-obsoLeie vdrietles' th€re has been Littte cbsnae in the co@edotatives tith ito excelr:ions the ,t ct FIas or 19'J2J lol1n {hich tent froh f l0 to f 60, and the 1975 A,asteid@ ro6lrb vhic! d!o!!ed lron f lro to t 2t, ' 'on:s D n'"s3_tY ior a-l 1n slJmery, ihe nd ed1t1 those i.terested in the coit issues ol ihe Neiher_ Ia.ds. li is, of cours''! i''intEd entirelv in Dutcht dirfi'ult io folt"l dt" ..t"i"e". section is no Bote lov thd ihe NvP! SleclaLe. the lro_Fge lully i11usbook disirat€d book can be obtained ilon ouronetva-'na 4/_'t ttibrlor' v_. gsdv B' taliotr ' r" l'0 PA -7b0.'.r S , PostD: LarcE-L'r, rrank J, s'n -1s 3'!airted tvo t" _"ir*-".:-"-.. + roils ultn & 'nL'-'s1 lt nuI!:ple-nrb" o€tt'rn'+'he Seve!&l tvles ol nisnlnbereil coits are iisted in speclali2e; cateloADe' bui noi the varietv ttark hsat I ntotoe".ln oJ thes' ito sr-tils is snosn '.tr."a. 1€lt, but it is rather doubtlirl i' the exl:ra rmbets filt.enloduce. Bor-h stills are oi the lo ct Juliana en lrofilet A],Tiiouclt ns.te 5\ ttetlerl@\ds Ialilatel! the iagged varietr 62!Rc, As you ti]l noter the to! stei of ihe lert coil nas the conventional nBtrei clo, The st4! directlt !e1s tn13 !e6 a faint blt unisiatable 00t and the stm! belot uret hss a fainier but still recog!1zable 000.! the 6tri! at the right has 100 on tbe io! stmlr 095 very fainily befov it, and sonethat nore clearly, 090 belor tnat, lJhat .aused these secondsla i4ressions is roi c1ear. Your Fotnily on Sfomps by Dr. Constant ll !. (ellhoven Il you cennot flnd an 4ncestor - o! 4.y f&i1y-sember - on a postage stdp of Dv courtryr do not itespair. Stari eith searchine fot st@!s depictlng yout - or your patettr! eic. - birihltace. Pefhaps you barlied in a city depicted? ot did you go to school sdethere? 0laduaied in a big citv, in a state' in a cou.tiy, etc.? {here {ere encestors of you buried? Lhite this seerch continues - there's no eld to tbis - Fit. to the secr€taliats or cities or tdns (prererably in !uro!e) about Ancestrv tbattE sr!losed to have ltved thele. Ilrey vill certalnly ansver a.d probablv iniom tou about adiliesses of aenealogic6t socleileE and other sources rhere yo! can se! Dore lnfoftation. Cottinle ihis search dillaenttv or feily-henber tho va5 a lorrfenan or to!1e{onan. unttl - hopetulty - you !-lU alscove! \@! possess nobLe adcestry - evelybody itoes (accoritins io tie tars of Frohabititv) - but tbat does not r.ces6arily nean ihat your roble ancesto.s (@ be ttaceit. It is slDllar io lhe !to!y of "Ade & !ve.r've au descenil rro! tlen but to prote *' bevond doutrt is sonetnlng else asaln. Anqay, search ror stsp€ deplcilng Aile end Eve (e.s., Bulgatta' 1913' 28 s ' scott 2rt4r and lMy do!e), Thls ritl tncreese your 6hiu fot seschitrs tiloush the catalogle pa6es. So the {hole ihirs ls an excltine ddbLe sedt.t\t (1) for ance6tor. (or fditv) on st@!s; dd (2) for siMls delicilng an ancesior or fei1y. And th15 effo.t is very cbesp: It costs only a fet dimail ove. s€as stels llus a cataloale (shlch you liobably possess orryev). I{oF it ls a sell-inM fact thst leopLe stay asay frou sedchlna fo! tleir nobfe Mcestors for tro nair teasonsr (1) It is'rrot done" in the u.s, there titf€s are nonexigtent! snd {2) Irietds end ecquainteces Riahi tilnl vou are stlivlns for Dore 'iEloriancer thar you ilherenilv desede' Let de erph&size that boih leasods *e sneer nonsetrse. I si11 pro{e tbis bv statins: (1) Iiobilltv as sucb bas nothlna to do vith iDroltance tn ihe 2oth century. Ailnltted - i! the Mlititte Ages 3Dd lefore or a be it had. lake you. encyclopedla and lead vhat it nesns to be a lDightr o! a iluke' or a @tquts, ron or a rins. rn.s. irtrls de (usuauy) hereditary. They {ere once Siven - bv the ruter (o kiDg' o! enperor, or tzar, or sbah) olet the t4oLe regid - tc subsedients sho had been useful o! cou!6aeo!s. so the rrire reDr p@t ai his d.ndin ta a raithfnf servani so tlat he vould act * e (usuatlv) tnstvolthy adDtnistrator, to8eiher ritb the titLe .f drke. And the duke did tbe sde tith narques* ua c.unt6 o! eslsi and !!e cou.t sllolnted baro.s and ihe ba.ons .reated sq!1tes. So id Eotland at the tide tbese subs;rvtents crrria "stsdhoude!'" thich deansr literallv "lleuterdt" (taklng the !16ce This ls a drasticalfy ahbtevi4ted desciiltion. In lealitv it vas (soneti4es) extrenelv codl)licated rith uls and ddns, annihilatioDs, lreason! revokints and uinte..ulted hattles for ptrer sd fo! exclusion of the Eoverned reelon. Often a dule tas aoie povetfll than his klngt ealetled the king ad Dede hinsell king. O! the other {ay alosd .,.. And the.e vete all kinds ol duke and count: dchdukes ed vic€counts and g:aves and lsdglaves and so on, lnlqav, nnch too conllicateit to describe bere. (2) xovever, one lnlo.tet loint dav not be overLooked bere. I trote "he Daite nidself kins." Tbat's slnlter {ritten tno dode beeeuse the questlon srises here: "1'lho could alloint erlerols and lings?lr vell thenr untll the 15th centuty tbst tas aeirly sinplv esvered: lhe suPtene pder ad6 the Chweh' thet is! the P.!e (in Fone in turo!e). The cetnat ehle.or consid€red hinself not reallv an enpe.or before the Pole hsd Bnointed hin. The lefomation, anong other thingsr changed all thi6 entirelv. The a!solute !o{er ot the chulch (thlnk of the Inquisition) broke do'n and cee forthtith in other hanilsr for iistance those of a king, a !6rliMent' a citr, a telublican gotefidant, a di.tator' and so o! bd so forth. This struasfe is siill not ( cdnlletel:j ) enCed.. Brt the enlhasis or landotie.shiF !v title las disalpeared. In fome. tires land tas the on1l exisiing source ot cal)ital and .onsequentlv of auiloritv and/;r porer. There existed no enterprises o. offices to "dake bonev" *ith (unless xou *ere a idgatherer lot the k!nS). It was an ettirely diffe.ent societv flon todav's. tle E.llta!: lbil is the second instahert of Dr' (etkhovents alticle "lour r@iLv on sianps " instalient 1s ron\d j,^ Nethe?laads PhiLaxeL.!, tatwe 1' No, t (Seltenler 1981). Dt. Lerlhoven rilr continue vltn a third instatnent in thicn she sevele1 e*eples .r "discovelies" oi ei'estolsi ed h@ these c@e about. At the tine oa golns io press (reUruarv 11), severat articles had to be tert out! asain Our othet t*o resuler colMnists {iL1 be sitb u3 a.qain in t1]€ Jlne journar. I,e elso have a very interestiDg afti"l.o'"o^"SurineovefDlints.{enigltsex,delinitilearticles.i{ealeatsotrorkingonadefiniiiYe srticle o. all the stmls rrinied du.inA'!he tar bv Kolff i4 latevie. If aqv of ou' nedbers knovs sonetilng about these st&ps vlich is not g'ane.al1.'f knotn' llease co'ta'i tne editor' And il any of vou have ideas on a.ticLes lou mighi: vant to see lrinted in vou Jor.!41' llease let us knov' ith this kiDd or ,,input,'ve cannot tait to pr.duce a journal rou,itr iite: To -,tose or you aho ar. n.t intcresi€d in the "c;lonies," .enenbe! that tnat i: the.e i\ere ore still saDs ir our kndledsei ^lethetlads Phi latalV 5, fiaLe f!@ The first I Waterlow & Sons Sketches II.EALLIc{o\Jthatduringt]resecondvlorLd''iB!'drentieNeiherlands's^ocdlied-by^tbe^cemgns} l" r"'at*v'.'r.l'l::1.*..:: #:i:#'|JTH;;'#'il:il-":;;;"iitlo ::-:::""*i"l; 20, 1e!2. "=';"';;";;;.;:,;.-;;;ir tras r.-"::: i6sued ocrole, Curssao "i,r"r ".i ;!:'i:::,':":.:;';i; "-'"'':':iltlr--i:"i--'^l',i":".::;;il,"-" ;douli€drv one or the ireihe'rands i''c.' '' r' de srieck' ^"ti.l"l;,ili::I:,'.,'r;il; i"'iii"'ilii:"'i.:';:1'""i;":iil it london. .' rhe stan s lof lulacao oi lnsland. th€ f1!st ol ibese tot officers -''';i;;;-;; the desisner cr lrel speciar..atslos doe. not list it 4lnost sure nake deslgns the si;ilarittes in tbe il-"il "*, "r. * dar srsoec r!c na'd ot '!'coL de lie'\' ;*.-h;;":-";;: '' -".;;;:.r;;: DaFed oa Bri!jsh c' o-ia is"-es t'.P in one ""'r*"'v """;ad the po;t'ait or tne Quee! in a d'dallion l"tn.ii*ii-i"""' lhst' jLst The or exMptes sr:!ish ale nierors qere d'6"..".. ""ir" Lhere,."i rr".ry lhat tlos' or ::'i.;:,"...; -oih rubrlee, nade br the 'o!il :;';"i";;:;i".1,;;;"", " a lhoto ";-.";." i'.e-." . T5'Hatue' 1o the r'sh! vou sae ;h";;;";";;;,; useo !o ae! sn" ssal port'aii o' -ne au'P ' sent .*;-t-*iv "1.""",i" avariarre i! London' copie' havins been ;il;';;;";..-;;;;reen to Dutch Ebbassy ln 1918. * the -;:;;;';i; hss been a slrarsht-rorard Fnous\ story: cr'asao 'an tlre Dutch eov;r@ent-in-exile had Biadburyr ilkin.i -t end an artuair set' both de"i*"",-"" sei or ;o' iii -''iiJ"'""i"';; 'arueg London' in offlcer by a Dutch 31qned ''" 6'nt u" ra€r v.Er one or our b'do"s'n Lne N-iher'mds recFnr tv ecoui'eo' rne !hoh'd ";;;.'. 1e -'^':::;.:.:-;;;; bou-ed on a "*.i"n." ous" "'i"r, or't"r. :f;' -;";;i.; :;;".;-j. "hoqs rne r'1r'F s*etcnes'"n " Irar' ve 'e' sors & aevrce '/e!er!ov ;;.; s'Mos' ai'6ais\'tches "i;;;' "o! and luo steF rpeur's ii.'=".1i--. ' "sodetn"o1.ose vear'. roth ol vhlc:1 de slart]inqJ the istand of saba' {e If ?e look at ,;l\e 2'l/2 ct steicb! 3hovin8 o: the set lrlnted^ std! 2-ct the u.".ii * t-"al"t. lesedb!3oce to on t5e ro-rovirs Dase vou rjr- r"o thoros or ;"";;;";*.;i-i;'".. *., Lo eBcn oLner so tnar !n' les'nbran" -s ;i"".;;;";;,;;; ""*" '_-""i"r i"ra ot lhilaielic detective-volk and dre{ing concllsions' e rittle tl'" "r'pr' stolv sbove to sonethine ,;-;;".-;; gover@ent sert Dutc! """i". tne thdt "" think lerheps 4ot i:l.-.".nti"**."" -o "arF"los & snetchesi 6ore bv LL.-o-' de 31''ck, botn ;;:',t;i;;; sia-cnes' a'd or the !or\-ou! i""ar"'v, ni-*in"o', ror a i"";;;-i: have lost viih the trrlee s!,-iches' but theY nust ihe card {as oi {aierl@'s ;;";";;.i;.-il;-;""",i1t wilktnsoo. Bradbury, out io 'ork the "mode.n" desiens fton \{aterLos & Sons also oust have been reJected in ravo. ol sonethlng Dore in ]tne vith the sk.tcn io! tle Io{ values' hence it naY very te1! be that !!adtu!y"rillitson is resPon_ sibfe lot the desig! of the aimsir stdls, and thus to deslsle! is ieltioteit in the Iru lffil ,6 lt etherlolAs Phi Lare 7V lavins aone this ta! tith ou! speculations, {e had anotner close lool at the skeich lor an aituail siep 'iih ihe of a .oqtholn- the siLhouette clouds in the "rr""."i.o.. An enlarsemert is i""t"t*na. aLso found ot the tollovlns !age. If ve not turn to tbe catatog or our aLbm and loot at the 19)r? aitusil 1@ values desigted bY A. van d€! Voss€n vno st that tine tas tolking lor nnschede, te sre stnck lry a lesenblance vbich te cannot believe is eccidental, .t;:!a{::!3&rtt::er;;rrrriri rr;;!rr:i::rrrr;.rr9irln :.; becalse afl tlaee af tbe desigt elenents ele tepeated on the 191? stels: lf it nad been Just the loEtho.n, r. dlaht have b--tieved in a coincldence but to filit the lIane stlhouetie (albeit of a dote lodelnr four-eDsile llane) and the backsroqlit cloxdE repea!.d ts @te lnM ve cs tal"e. It i3 of course losslbLe tbst 1"1!. vd der vosras h lnelBnd du.ins the r5r sd that he deslgned the !!.l,lnlnary sl<eich on vhich the atetf@ sk€tcn ls lased. llevlna nsd very fittle 3uccess vith requesis fo! Irfomtlon ito Enschede in the !ast, re ilid lot as]< ihe@ thele Mr. v3n der Vosser sleni the {e Yea$. 0n the othe! hand, Fe lerieve it eninentfy losslble that the tet€r1ot sketche5 vele kDofr ai hschede, dil that aesl6ner tas struc! by the ai4lde il.61sn rith the losihorn ed colied it to sode extert. r,te eu6i eitit hele ihet 11!, (Mlbui€ ot the Pos Euseu did lot beUeve ihat tbis could lra{e hap6en ol thls Joutn4l vlU be sent to !n.cheder abd 1l tb.y car€ to comentt re tttl te lsppy ro publlsh thelt lnfotuatlor. rhe other ai@ait ste! desiaD, sho!'1ns a 1r ca1 ronan occupied vllh vhat tooks like the blaiding of 6 Panea !at, Ekes one tond.r *hat ve have dissed heler A slzeable aituail sei titlr !ictules of 10cs1 customs? Ii rould have beet bettet than the sobevhat iBritish" set f,e aot instead. A coly LUCI{TPOS? The lhoios de, of coulse' Eade by oui vlcelresident! laulence I. Rehn. ls?ecially his *ork 1E aettinc an otd br@n liotoprint of Qleen vrilhehinars lolticit transfated ln bLack ed thtte i. vely nuch alpreclated, We also ihsk oui denbe! in tbe Nethetleits for Dalrhg the photos eva11a!1e' and ior transEirting rhe thoughls of vr. dMD\uis lo "s. lf anv ol our neDbers bas suillcient "puu" tlih the fletl]e!1ands Antilles goverdeni to ash tbeD for letuissioD for {atellor & sor6r l,td., to ds*ei ou! questtons in te8arii to the6e sketchesr te vould allleciaie then exelclz1n8 tt. FA(!S AND FORCIRIES A. a soli ol psge-tiller te have an &ntounc@ent ihat te recentlv foed a ve11_ktovn lor8e'J of the Netheila.ds lldles, but {ith e t{!st' Ai! @iL No. 1i, the to on I5O certr i5 listed ir }lr. vsn de Loo's oook on Foteelles) Pdt 1' here lt is stated dat ure pertoration is 12-1/2 x 11-1/! inslead of Lhe 12-1/2 x 11-r/2 or the real ir.a tir. ehole set of 19:qI T.e coly,e found, and added ro ih€ AsIp forsely colLection bas, in""*. stea; !€rforation !--rl2 x I2-II2' hence all around. ID vis of this discovelv te nisht add this aberr&ni n.rforation also to j!os. 6-10. &nit 11 and 12. NetherlfudB phrtatelg 5I @ulrn IGPrrtrix Def inrtitles I he Jufy-Augu6t tssue oi the r.{aandb:ad .arrieC a lers iter vith the head "Tne nev Seailix st&ps are Aet+,ing tliere.ri At tbet point ii ras aLready kno*n that the stels carried a lo:trait ot q!ee. lestria, a conluter deslqn !y Pe|-er St.Wtren sft,er a lhoto ty lictor Nentzel. At ttai tiler too, the desigr ras stiif n.t definltely aplroved. Ti1en, on Decenbe! \t, 1981, tne fi!3t stm! ol the expe.ted selies iinatly a.!esie(. earlter tae pno:o by Vlncent feri?e1 vhlch *as the trasis lor the siM!, and ihich ella.eitLy hed lreei chosen bV the Queer herseLi vas .eleased tc lle Fress, {itb a lhoto ol tie first 65-ct stdp. It soon seesed that rhe lubLic ras dor execily deliented vith tbe stm!. That tbis ls totaliy u.inlo.tant in tne lethelleCs ve knos al.eedy. i{e ara sure thst P.oi. F.D,E. Oxenaar, the lresent Director ol the Betrice lo. Estnetic lesign aglees vith tbe vlev ol one oi his lredece3sols - pethals 5ot in title - J. !. van loXen rho at one lolrt decle-ied: r'That is rly the ilase on ny (Si:c) stels is dynMic ard vny I nave !sed the ptotogladric and pllototecilical .eprodu.tion netlods qnich atre :etresentatlve fo! ou! tide. Beautifut? Ugly? that ls less an.i sonerhet 3ut aite! thls excursion into the "ethics" of the Esthetic Servlcet iet us !e';urn to the !.ess confelence of tecehber 3 rnicn is extersively r€!or."ed i! lhe Maendbled fron *hich re have alplopriated this ar- At 6everal points durlng ihe aliost tro years of stfwgle to lroduce a deiiritive stdp design lor Seat!1x it seeEed a5 if the desig! of Petei Siruyke, vouLd not r!n. Alparently the tenacity of \t. str$en! the prefeledce of Prof. Oxeraa! &d the allroral ol the queen herseu {ere r€slonsitrle fo! Queen fhe fI!s+, huldle ras lnschede rnlch had t.ied to contince tbe desigler that no vorthy step could !e lloduced by anothe! 4ethod than photogrstuie, oi course, ?etet Silutk€n, accordlna to Prof. oxenaat, could deterbine in ten li.utes vbat the avail4ble presses in e pllrting pl4nt could lroiluce' technicalty. ile hsd coee to the concluslon thai En6chede colld p.oduce his conputer-degigned stMps, r'he second hurdle f,as irat of the coEletitolsr rliot also *lth a -Dhoio by Vincent Menizel bad eeeculed sketches fo! deflrltlve deEie.. Relresentins relteseltaiive a.t (r'beetdende t!rsti') ves nalte lbllng (*hose earlie! deslsns for liethellands st@ps vele not exactfy sreat successes:), tho had tie edyantage that she ras tellia! *lth !ott!a1t-d!avina. The tvo olhels vele g.alhic srtisis, Jaa! Dru!6teen (desisner ol the r'?hilstely" step of 1979! a.o.) dd lralie! lrik]{els {desisner ol ure 19?7 I'sr)delrr stMls, a,o.)t alt three ol *nich had erperience vith stup design. stlwte! vas ln@i * e "detyi:caL" artlst, lut no po!t!al! by hld vas tnmn, no! a Et&!. strujken's desian itid sho{ ure "dtstence" ("afstendeliJlheid'r) that €s expected frod a 6te! snda livina poltrait anit a uaJestic ins tLe qaeen, 'rbut ihe tecinique to creste the distance betqeen represeantation of the nobai.l: did not only 3tut1e over the resenatlons of the lrinter," h the sele.ii.r .o@ltiee ln vnicrl tlre secletary ol state ("staetssecietdistr) iof ihe dinistry irvolred' dd tle dire.tor-gerelal of the PIl bad, the vote vas dlelded. Botb the lstb.tlc Seflice sd tne lrinters at tnis poi.t c&€ forre.d rith their olinion tbat the lrintiaA vithout a scieea *as possiue. The thtrd nadle reE flndlre s existtng codluter !!oar@ rhich coulil tralslate a portralt into dots abd a conpqter vith a itlav1ns am vhlch could lut this portralt in dots o. pa!e!, Iov Celard Ljnaer ras asied to ile6isn flttilg nuerals and letters, after {hicb the desisn vas r€duced to staD! 6ize for alltlcatio! to the I)rintlna cy1lndei. This yas done t?ice, The itrst tiDe tl:e tesults rere technlcaUy satisfyibS, blt the Queer tani€d anotne! lo.ttait used. vlncent, Ilentzel dade a ret 3etie6 of pholos' out of sllch the Queen nade be! deftniti{e cholce (see tle lhoto at tle top of tnis paee). At this loint Strwl<en rec€ived tle comon contract {hicn PTT sends to 1ts deslsners in thich all the.ishts ale transferred to PTT. Pete! Stnyken celled ints aD'rofficiaf otder" ("dietstbevel") Fhic! !e certainly didnrt r4nt io fo11@. lTT accelted tlre linited rishts so tbat the,d ilesi8t cannot !e used for comercial purlGes. "I d canpLetetr! satijfied ith the gtdnp," stated Pete! struyter Lste.! in ansrer to the crilicisn that surfaced (or couse' anytody sho thinLs so highly oi bis own uork that he i6 tbe first one to itety the PTf. nust be conpletely satis_ since tbe screen {hich is used lor phoiogravure aciuelly elso "treslate.r' the into dots, re dolri see {here a lortrsit consisting ol dots toutd be so difficuLt to !!int. \,Ie afso don't see v1]y tle l{aandlLad states that Celard! pro_ dlced the letterilg "in a very unusual vav." once t]1e basic Letter tvle haB beer declded it is a verv siDlle matter to leave olt ihose dot6 rhich are in tbe {3"v of the rord "Nederr&d" dd the value "6, ct." lhere nu6t hate been ruors &tout ine vhole ptocess because lrf. Cxenaar thouait it necessery to declare filnlt i:hat at no loint i! t1]e lrelaiation and exe_ cution ol the stmp vas tnele ary ditference o! olirion *tth the Queen Netherl@ds Philatela design tB TREND by rlds lt. A. R@eBB Abaut First Da! sheete EERSTE DAG BLAD oi athe! Jwlk lhe ldea {as not neri "!!sti6sb1u,tier" alpealed ln {eEt ivo decsdes aAo. lhey se slEpLy sheets )Europazegels 1981 < of pape! vith the siaeps of a ne{ 1!6ue atflxed dd tled to 0n the sheet the sheetlet by 3 tiist-da,y-of-lssue cscel. one u6ua1k fttils sone expl.natoty text ed tecbnical itetails ot the step lsBue ln question. I! Getuany at least ihese li!6t Day Sleets (mS) se offlclelry lssued hy the lostB1 autho.ity. one Dsy del1ole such cofuerciallsa of a State lnstitutior, bui at l,east such FDS ate Dole thd thelr olde! ststelsr the IDC) th.!e enveloles 4re used vhich reiain foreve! eapty and {lth lreterabfy !o a.ldtess ever ditten on ii. It *as unavoidaue t!.t 1n the Xethel1andg soDe less sc!u!u1ou6 Et5rp EerchaDts vould ex!1ore the IDS nd]<et a5 {eu dd tlle fllst i!6tE (by t6 dtffetent lubushelsr one ol vhoi calls his !!oduc! e rIRsTDAlslIElT dd the other 6 FIRST DA1 sli@4)t alpealed aliost a yea! aso. the one Ehom in !'1sse I ha! at leesi a aedlne r1!6t-dev cecel on lt; its conleiitor raate aD sgreenert vlih ihe "tlLeiellstische Dlenstrr fot !as6 precscelite of its 116, A.dr of course' EpeciL albus ale avaltabte as eel1. lorse yet de the eilBrDsy-Csd6 (see FLg. 2), the first ot thlc! alled€tl {lih the gol,lsii t*lott sei of octe be! 20. of coulse, to! such o set' tou'c.!ds te!. lequilea Figute 1 3o thai ihe delchet cs de@nd foui tiie. the "handLing chdeet! (iyp1cs1ly ? 2,50 Per csd llus the co.i of the 3t&p). Don,t 6Bk vhai the 'rBe6tltr-Resirs" !*t hs to ito rlih tbese 3!rDps. -- d,.;rt q""iti"t r li*" lsr I'lid IE 1t lodElble ihst erv D@ie! or ,eolre tlll b\v this Junk?n Edtler ab;;y se tai6ed th. qledtion ehv 1:he tl@albhA too! Ph1:Ldtelie coa Ne' to Ielit it! n&' ett t!45!r' thst cen ontv le6uft ln !4531ve ltestiae by 5c;cpiins advefilEcr.dts fo! ihls lseuito-phuatelic diBal)lolntneDt teals h.tce' s the ohce-proud dDels t.t to se11 thl. Eaieliat. r" tuu flr"i qu.stlot ihele 1B a !d!-s3{er p.!hs!sr lhrouAh E@e dtatl.ilcs ve tecenllv iead' AF ngrentlvtbeMssilbladts',ooosubEcl1bels|aleostgua{tonatlcsllythlouahrg}e!shlp i!- ]ocsl club6. But the 1982 Spe1d,e Catalogzt.a!d 192'OOO colI.s tn tle flrst mrthl That Indlc;tes tbat tndeeit th. EaJo!1ty ol'coltcctots ts uorganlzed snil 1E thu. eaBv lrev to the hish-plessr' sates pttch.s of ou! ioilclrd{v Jadkal d.aie!' fhis is not a !14c. fo! a tai.h 1n tut io tne.v.!.t!otse! voldltg6 ve tou'I ollseltes u5i!s !d cM be add.d a t.o floi scloss ihe oce;: an offlcist rep!.sentatlve lro! ihe "!ondr' ([eil]elldds Cou.Il of Phlldelic soctetles) colDed the lhrase |@lft.!htty'r 1n e Eleeqh! deplollls luch the s.@ er!)loliatlon ths! ve naye beer r'lilns abou!. cematry alrea{y Eore r4ota bf tha tdito!: An sdveltise4ni tn the J4ua.v tssqe of ihe irledbled le{eeled tl:si thele sre nd tn, sources lor s EARSTEDAGIL!!, ihe recodit one to lsp on tbe bedtago! dii_ relttsilg deBcrililoDs 1n Gead' rretch ani! !as1i6h (on lbe !ack), brt not sitveltlslna plices. An dtt.le 1n the see lssue ol the Maanduad !o!eoae! d..le!.d !r@ng thst tne pllntlng coipsy tB ielLt4 to the plodu_ othels '@ttE@ cddsr" to 3to! the use of ot cers -..., :: qltF9t5$rt4trr'of th. the nse lnscbede, lh. !!1niet of the flEt p!oduc.! !!ISf!DAOB!,A0 1! ind.ed Joh. lnschede en Zonen gedleir rhile the lublishe! ol the MslE6 Ca!& ud ihe rilEt-DqtCs!d6 also uses the setvlceg of lDs.hede. Ue rcndet. on the esfie!-posed que!!io. ol {ilv th. ItraandlLsd acceptE sdtertiEedents llod these Juk-d'aleB' p*t-.""".t ioo. tlole ot thse Peolle have cotuitt.d d lndicta!]' ofleDEei thev Eat ?e bight atieoli " pr"i ip* dr. it11iillrty ot the solsanlzed collecto!, lut that ts NoT aasiDst the lst: lor a Iubllcathes. bwiiioi, rit. trr" iauatraa io !.fuse adveltlseDer!. r belire ihey need Eore tna, ablofence ro! tbe i{aedbleil tne lav' love vitlit e thele As lons s!8rueni.. Dee legel leop1e atd I nes. lractlc.g, ao _vtrrrne but sccelt thei! adveritsebe4t6. o! the oihe! h&d, a,,6leciau6tt'i eoctety i.iLe tle ".nnoi ad;ertlseeents th6i *e deed not to !e i! rne htelesi ol our ndbErs. tle have "r:,r-..roge past' obly once, bui te dsv rell do 5o asain. dore so in the souce fo! lhe flcures: Adverttserent. flon the Msedblad. ethellottu Phi.lateu 59 Ex Libris A. l, lonefaas, De Duhterk olstenpeLs,a4 1912 tan Nederl@d. At:!ae..s, lilaterietenvelenlgtnA 'tii1_ velsu en oEEtleker,, no rrsle, 35 !as.s, plice 96.?5 (tuos rhe Asxp). SoEe of you lay hare seen rery EnaU ctrcutar e&cets lerreen connected by thlee tlnes vith !rc o!! slde bord.!_11nes. Eb.s€ ale prec&celE used tuou 1912 ut1l about 19A3 eltho;gh lbe tategt uEe iB or a 6tM! or 196?: Mo6i of these c&.e16 vere useil on 1/A ct steps, lui tn.y.r" ir"o fou<I on biehe! vatues, The author et{eE a iieBcliptive lackglosd virh ltlustiatioDs, a@n8 othersr of ihe Z ilpes bm, ed ther !!oce.dE to gtve !B s catalog alih p!1c.s bssed on ihe t/2 cr for the vdtous tdns tni,ch hait tlese cancefs. Pltce! ar. glv6! by yea! ot $. (6hoh in ihe c.Dte. of th. clic]e) or fo! tr1e cdcel rlthout th. y4r atlie. lentrit the ns@ ot tne tos th€ iype o! tlTes o! calcel. used de gtve!. !be! thele 13 a sectlon !o! prt..s of ihese cdcels on llece. These de qui!. tomtdable! by tbe,qy. A sln91. s!s$p vlth e !!tce or 0.50 gld o! !tec. ls F!!! f !O.oO. Inverie<t yee dstesr o! veritcst yeu dat$ u€ a1!o glv.., a5 l,.LI as p!1ce6 to! bfue slit putple 1nk .&ce1s. Anotbe! U.ttaA slve6 the aatilitiolal !!tce ol sDy st.a!, lot a 1/2 ci. Itnalty, a very h.aay grsphtc representetton ot el1 the t(Es rlth the klom st@pE (up to 2-I/2 cr) bv y.a! o! use. lhe celatoa a!.r rhe ;bstB ale ssrre ev.n !y people rho alo rot !€sd Duich. all 1n slLr a coly of thls catltog ilsht stalr yo! oft oD e,a !!oJ.;t. P,B..Bulrenair Poatsterpcla Nedettddz-Inaie t,6tLj950. D.veatelt Devo, 1981, 5?9 pqsest !!lce g3?.jo (rrd thc ASfiP. 0!d6! to M!, fia!ry B. llalioD, .tr., 930 Msiha Ave.r tacs.ic!, pA 1?501). It is abrol,utcty iiloBsllt. not to be deushteil rtth rbts hsnds@., hsdboqnd look,htch lcally gtG, lhd the tlile (loetrdks) slsgests, {ot lhe teqt of rhe !e;son6 vblcn late us vex Eo entbuslEstl. !s the !!1ce, E1nce the book uust have been treavity su&tdtzea !y th. "nritsrely Fouite!1on,'r Wttb a look llke th1. li 1s a1@6t tbposslbr€ to glve a ltd-by-btor acctut of tie conlentg. I!6tead, tet a .&p1e . fd aleas. Do yq rani io lrd sbat tbe vdioue tom csncelE tosd o! No!. 1 end 2 de {ortb? I/ooL ai lage 23, rhele td f,ill flld th. s$er tn s lolni syst.D. latarta ha5 tO loinrs arit Psleilang dd Cltssee each 500. Above inst de founil the rde o.eE (Fonridak) eil tte vcrr rde oneg (rrareg). {b! see iE fosd fo! ibe nEerat cancet6 dd tte Eafl rounii cecets vhich foUded the D@e!a16. ror th. sqr&.-cllcle cancels re flntt @!ely s UBt, be.euse r. alleady hsd ien's caialog fo! !h*e cebc.k. The .eclion on the srlslAhiltne cbcetB !s diviared lnto Urose of aub-lost offlces dd laIlload stopsr rhlch eac! have !be1! 116t6 of nees trnoh. A dcctloD oi ir. 1dA€ loutrd cscel6 follorsi a.n sfte! the various rl-!e6 of cscetE vlth ho!1zortal tar i! the certei, v. Aet an extenBlve ltir of rbe ,,!estelhuizer,', the sEs1f posral delivery strrions, nrltbetlor6 r. tlnil losta1 agents oo bodil .hl!r sit tn ?olelsn hslibors, E!.cial cdcets, aldait c&cet3, dd ataatl 1!!.18, sb19 can.e16, leBi6iry Ialets (a c@e! in qy cotectton tu@ Buitoens to SoelabaJe hes a resl8try 1a!et vhlch ras uade oD a diiicbaehine (srencit ) used ln July 191i6, but it is found 1a the !ook, on ps€e 2lI E iyp. U7: lddoerg, llrovisional dtliy-uhite tsbelr vlth iyped telt (RR)). W. also, f!@ vOC tiies throwh tne Japd..e occupaiton lertod sd the lelubucb ch@s$ b4arse o? 1lltattor ro 1950. Ihe seconil patt ot the look deals rith the JalareBe occulation leriod vith post offlces knoE ed a traBl,aiio! 1!!o Jala.eBe charact.s roudlr€, rbe erersercy cdce16 of ih. lo6tvd peliod! loth froD Duich ed lrdoneglan Bollces de dso stres, as {e11 ss all the aveilaue hfotusrio! or the censored f.tiels r!@ 161? (yeEr 151"7) to 1950. {hi. includ* ihe Japanese c.nso! rsri.€s too, Ileld post ls c@ercit toor f!o6 the NetnettsdE Indies 19!L!2r throleh ihe Jal)oe6e Ocolatlon ed the Relubucar IErlodr to hlilsh ftetd !o6t dd leericad lavy lield podt in $4 cuinea. Also rhe po6t of ihe Indld ArEy ln the 19L5-L5 peliod, the Ausl,rslie fielar lost of tne 6ee rtue, ed rhe {e!herlands Alrry fie:.d rost rld 1916 to 1950. !he!e ls alEo s .aU (too EoaAL?) lDAdeh sloEEary dil fhally a slaphic list of all kloh po6r ot ficeE, sutpost offic.B ed aal1t6rt !o!! olllces rith the kndD cancels dtsplqyed, iD aho6! 1OO pases. duch Eole zr.P]A\l.N i.@"; Mail Bid Sales Coven ol thc lryotw includes much Neth€rlands & O.R. For illustrrted catdog send $l to @ 60 fiethetzdds phitdtaty tH€o vaN DA. p.o. lox 26 ltfw3ftr N.y. tolttg