WadsWorth English
WadsWorth English
Professional Development, Training, and Support www.cengage.com/community/english Connect with Us! Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading service and support provider for the English discipline community. Together with you, we are transforming learning and transforming lives both in and beyond the classroom. Check us out on Facebook for the latest news in English Composition! www.facebook.com/ cengageenglish Follow us on Twitter for timely, interesting information about the Composition Community! www.twitter.com/ cengageenglish Visit our YouTube channel! www.youtube.com/ cengageenglish We’re your partner in the classroom—online, on the ground, and in between! Visit us online at www.cengage.com/community/english CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP) Visit our community site for a wealth of information about our titles, digital solutions to meet any instructional need, upcoming Professional Development events, and more: Print Products Readers • Writing Guides • Argument • Handbooks • Research Guides • Literature • Critical Thinking Wadsworth English 2013 CCCC offers grants to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status at two- and four-year colleges and universities to attend the CCCC annual convention. The grant includes funds to help cover expenses, a paid registration for the conference, and a coupon good for one membership in CCCC. For more information on this initiative and the nomination process, please visit www.ncte.org/cccc/awards/pep. Composition/Literature © TeamUP Faculty Programs: Take flight. Service and Support Readers Digital Solutions Enhanced InSite • Aplia for Grammar • English CourseMate • CourseReader • Questia Service and Support CourseCare • Custom Solutions • CengageBrain.com Professional Development TeamUp Faculty Programs • CCCC Professional Equity Project CengageBrain . . . Access, Rent, Save and Engage. Handbooks and Research Guides Writing Guides and Argument Digital Solutions TRANSFORMING LEARNING TRANSFORMING MAIL - Cengage Learning WEB - www.cengage.com/offers/esample eMaiL - order.samples@cengage.com PHONE - 1-800-423-0563 FAX - 1-800-487-8488 Be sure to mention the following Source Code when contacting us: Source Code: 12P-EL0313 For more than a decade, TeamUP Faculty Programs have helped faculty reach and engage students through peer-to-peer consultations, workshops, and professional development conferences. Our Faculty Programs Consultants are a team of full-time educators and expert teachers who understand your challenges whether your classroom is on-ground, online, or both. Our Faculty Programs Consultants are full-time educators and expert teachers who understand your challenges, whether your classroom is on-ground, online, or both. They are available to share their experiences using Cengage Learning solutions as well as instructional best practices developed in their own classrooms. Explore all the ways TeamUp Faculty Programs can help you launch a new program or support your continuous improvement efforts. Learn more at www.cengage.com/teamup CourseCare connects you with people. At CengageBrain.com, students will be able to save up to 60% on their course materials through our full spectrum of options. Students will have the option to rent their textbooks, purchase print textbooks, eTextbooks, or individual eChapters and Audio Books, all for substantial savings over average retail prices. CengageBrain.com also includes single sign-on access to Cengage Learning’s broad range of homework and study tools, and features a selection of free content. Help your students buy the way they want and save at www.cengagebrain.com. Tell your students to visit CengageBrain.com to view more than 10,000 print, digital, and audio study tools. ORDER YOUR REVIEW COPY TODAY! Cengage Learning is a proud sponsor of the Professional Equity Project (PEP). This initiative, put forth by the National Council of Teachers of English/Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), helps strengthen the quality of teaching in composition through attendance/participation in the annual CCCC. Professional Development Literature LIVES Available exclusively through Cengage Learning, CourseCare is a revolutionary program providing you with exceptional services and support to integrate your Cengage Learning Digital Solution into your course. Our dedicated team of digital solutions experts will partner with you to design and implement a program built around your course needs. We offer in-depth, one-on-one professional training of our programs and access to a 24/7 Technical Support website. CourseCare provides one-on-one service every step of the way—from finding the right solution for your course to training to ongoing support—helping you to drive student engagement. To connect with CourseCare, visit www.cengage.com/coursecare Professional Development, Training, and Support www.cengage.com/community/english Connect with Us! Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading service and support provider for the English discipline community. Together with you, we are transforming learning and transforming lives both in and beyond the classroom. Check us out on Facebook for the latest news in English Composition! www.facebook.com/ cengageenglish Follow us on Twitter for timely, interesting information about the Composition Community! www.twitter.com/ cengageenglish Visit our YouTube channel! www.youtube.com/ cengageenglish We’re your partner in the classroom—online, on the ground, and in between! Visit us online at www.cengage.com/community/english CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP) Visit our community site for a wealth of information about our titles, digital solutions to meet any instructional need, upcoming Professional Development events, and more: Print Products Readers • Writing Guides • Argument • Handbooks • Research Guides • Literature • Critical Thinking Wadsworth English 2013 CCCC offers grants to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status at two- and four-year colleges and universities to attend the CCCC annual convention. The grant includes funds to help cover expenses, a paid registration for the conference, and a coupon good for one membership in CCCC. For more information on this initiative and the nomination process, please visit www.ncte.org/cccc/awards/pep. Composition/Literature © TeamUP Faculty Programs: Take flight. Service and Support Readers Digital Solutions Enhanced InSite • Aplia for Grammar • English CourseMate • CourseReader • Questia Service and Support CourseCare • Custom Solutions • CengageBrain.com Professional Development TeamUp Faculty Programs • CCCC Professional Equity Project CengageBrain . . . Access, Rent, Save and Engage. Handbooks and Research Guides Writing Guides and Argument Digital Solutions TRANSFORMING LEARNING TRANSFORMING MAIL - Cengage Learning WEB - www.cengage.com/offers/esample eMaiL - order.samples@cengage.com PHONE - 1-800-423-0563 FAX - 1-800-487-8488 Be sure to mention the following Source Code when contacting us: Source Code: 12P-EL0313 For more than a decade, TeamUP Faculty Programs have helped faculty reach and engage students through peer-to-peer consultations, workshops, and professional development conferences. Our Faculty Programs Consultants are full-time educators and expert teachers who understand your challenges, whether your classroom is on-ground, online, or both. They are available to share their experiences using Cengage Learning solutions as well as instructional best practices developed in their own classrooms. Explore all the ways TeamUp Faculty Programs can help you launch a new program or support your continuous improvement efforts. Learn more at www.cengage.com/teamup. CourseCare connects you with people. At CengageBrain.com, students will be able to save up to 60% on their course materials through our full spectrum of options. Students will have the option to rent their textbooks, purchase print textbooks, eTextbooks, or individual eChapters and Audio Books, all for substantial savings over average retail prices. CengageBrain.com also includes single sign-on access to Cengage Learning’s broad range of homework and study tools, and features a selection of free content. Help your students buy the way they want and save at www.cengagebrain.com. Tell your students to visit CengageBrain.com to view more than 10,000 print, digital, and audio study tools. ORDER YOUR REVIEW COPY TODAY! Cengage Learning is a proud sponsor of the Professional Equity Project (PEP). This initiative, put forth by the National Council of Teachers of English/Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), helps strengthen the quality of teaching in composition through attendance/participation in the annual CCCC. Professional Development Literature LIVES Available exclusively through Cengage Learning, CourseCare is a revolutionary program providing you with exceptional services and support to integrate your Cengage Learning Digital Solution into your course. Our dedicated team of digital solutions experts will partner with you to design and implement a program built around your course needs. We offer in-depth, one-on-one professional training of our programs and access to a 24/7 Technical Support website. CourseCare provides one-on-one service every step of the way—from finding the right solution for your course to training to ongoing support—helping you to drive student engagement. To connect with CourseCare, visit www.cengage.com/coursecare Enhanced InSite ™ for Composition, Argument, and Literature Save time grading papers and get your weekends back! Enhanced InSite is an all-in-one , productivity-enhancing course solution that allows you to create, assign, and grade writing assignments, check for originality, facilitate peer reviews, and provide students with resources for writing, grammar, and research—all from a single, easy-to-navigate site. Aplia for Grammar Aplia’s engaging content and intuitive navigation motivate students to improve their grammar skills. Aplia for Grammar is an online homework program that offers individualized, self-paced practice, review, and remediation of grammar with diagnostics and robust analytics. Aplia’s clear, succinct, and engaging instruction and practice help students build the confidence they need to master basic grammar skills using: • Ongoing individualized practice that includes benchmarks for success. • Clear and consistently structured questions. • Engaging multimedia content. Instructors save time with Aplia’s robust course-management tools. Aplia enables you to concentrate on the important work of teaching and interacting with students. Time-saving tools include: • Customizable, auto-graded homework assignments with randomized questions that help you ensure students’ accountability, preparation, and effort. • Assessment analytics that track student participation, progress, and performance in real-time graphical reports. • Diagnostic assessment tool • Flexible gradebook tools compatible with other learning management systems. • Convenient course communication resources, offering a discussion board, email, document uploads, and more. • An industry-leading support team. Sign up for your complimentary Enhanced InSite™ includes the following valuable resources: 30-day trial today. • Grademark® Paperless Grading Tools • PeerMark® Peer Review Tools • Originality Checker, powered by Turnitin® • e-Rater® Scoring Engine Beta, an optional, time-saving tool that automatically grades grammar, mechanics, punctuation, etc. • Gradebook and Course Management • Interactive eBook Handbook. Text-specific versions are available for selected titles. • Resources for Writers, including anti-plagiarism tutorials and downloadable grammar podcasts • Personal Tutor’s private tutoring options • InfoTrac® College Edition • Cengage Learning’s CourseCare for Training, Service, and Support To experience Enhanced InSite for yourself, take a tour or sign up for a free 30-day trial. Visit www.cengage.com/insite. Keep your students engaged and motivated. With Aplia for Grammar, you’ll spend less time correcting grammar and more time helping students understand the writing process. Available now • Aplia for Grammar (Generic) • Aplia for Grammar with eBook – Harbrace Essentials – The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook, 5th Edition – The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 18th Edition • Aplia for Chaffee’s Thinking Critically, 10th Edition View an Aplia demonstration: www.aplia.com/englishcomposition or contact your Wadsworth representative for more information. CourseReader Create an affordable and customizable online reader in minutes. CourseReader: Argument CourseReader is a fully customizable online reader which provides access to hundreds of sources—including readings, audio, and video selections— to complement your Composition or Literature course. This easy-to-use solution allows you to select exactly the content you need to enhance your course, and is loaded with convenient features like highlighting, printing, note-taking, and downloadable MP3 audio files. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-48125-4 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-48124-7 This reader includes popular themes and topics often covered in argument courses, such as: • The Environment • Identity and Society • Social Justice • Citizenship • Religion / Ethics • Censorship • War • Technology • Selection of Classic Readings • Education / Learning NEW! CourseReader: Pop Culture CourseReader: Introduction to Literature Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-133-43648-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-133-43642-3 Choose readings from popular themes and topics often covered in Pop Culture, such as: • Body Art • Education • Celebrity • Music • E-Generation • Sports NEW! CourseReader: Rhetorical Modes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-47732-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-47731-8 CourseReader: Introduction to Literature complements the most common 200+ literary works included in Introduction to Literature anthologies. Choose from useful selections such as: • Author Biographies • Interviews with Authors • Literary Criticism • Video Clips • Book Reviews • Select Literary Works Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27339-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27338-2 This reader includes readings illustrating rhetorical modes, such as: • Narration • Cause and Effect • Illustration • Comparison and Contrast • Analysis • Argument CourseReader: American Literature NEW! CourseReader: Sustainability CourseReader: Chaucer Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27298-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27296-5 Assign individualized content covering highly relevant topics concerning sustainability, such as: • Corporate Social Responsibility • Sustainable Agriculture • Green Building • Sustainable Lifestyles • Sustainable Energy NEW! CourseReader: Themes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27329-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27328-3 Select readings from popular themes and topics often covered in freshman composition, such as: • Technology • Consumerism and Debt • Our Nation at War • Cultural Expressions • Environment • Social Conflict CourseReader: Writing Across the Curriculum Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-74687-2 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-74688-9 This reader features insightful selections from these core disciplines: • Business and Economics • Humanities • Computer Science • Social Sciences • Science • History Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35400-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35401-5 CourseReader: American Literature provides access to hundreds of readings and audio/video selections to complement the most common 200+ literary works included in American Literature anthologies. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35435-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35434-3 CourseReader: Chaucer provides access to select works by Chaucer well as hundreds of secondary sources to help students read and understand 29 tales from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. CourseReader: Shakespeare Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35439-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35437-4 CourseReader: Shakespeare provides access to select works by Shakespeare as well as secondary sources to complement nine of the most commonly taught plays: Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, As You Like It, Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Richard III, The Winter’s Tale, and Measure for Measure. YOUR READER, YOUR WAY You have the ability to completely customize each reading for your students. All readings are accompanied by headnotes about the author, the publication from which the readings originally appeared, and a short summary of the article. Critical thinking questions are included for every reading. These questions prompt students to analyze what they have just read and are also excellent writing topics. You have the freedom to assign individualized content at an affordable price. CourseReader is the perfect complement to any Composition or Literature class. CourseReader is also available with 0-60 or Unlimited tiers of access. For more information, visit www.cengage.com/coursereader or contact your Wadsworth representative. Enhanced InSite ™ for Composition, Argument, and Literature Save time grading papers and get your weekends back! Enhanced InSite is an all-in-one , productivity-enhancing course solution that allows you to create, assign, and grade writing assignments, check for originality, facilitate peer reviews, and provide students with resources for writing, grammar, and research—all from a single, easy-to-navigate site. Aplia for Grammar Aplia’s engaging content and intuitive navigation motivate students to improve their grammar skills. Aplia for Grammar is an online homework program that offers individualized, self-paced practice, review, and remediation of grammar with diagnostics and robust analytics. Aplia’s clear, succinct, and engaging instruction and practice help students build the confidence they need to master basic grammar skills using: • Ongoing individualized practice that includes benchmarks for success. • Clear and consistently structured questions. • Engaging multimedia content. Instructors save time with Aplia’s robust course-management tools. Aplia enables you to concentrate on the important work of teaching and interacting with students. Time-saving tools include: • Customizable, auto-graded homework assignments with randomized questions that help you ensure students’ accountability, preparation, and effort. • Assessment analytics that track student participation, progress, and performance in real-time graphical reports. • Diagnostic assessment tool • Flexible gradebook tools compatible with other learning management systems. • Convenient course communication resources, offering a discussion board, email, document uploads, and more. • An industry-leading support team. Sign up for your complimentary Enhanced InSite™ includes the following valuable resources: 30-day trial today. • Grademark® Paperless Grading Tools • PeerMark® Peer Review Tools • Originality Checker, powered by Turnitin® • e-Rater® Scoring Engine Beta, an optional, time-saving tool that automatically grades grammar, mechanics, punctuation, etc. • Gradebook and Course Management • Interactive eBook Handbook. Text-specific versions are available for selected titles. • Resources for Writers, including anti-plagiarism tutorials and downloadable grammar podcasts • Personal Tutor’s private tutoring options • InfoTrac® College Edition • Cengage Learning’s CourseCare for Training, Service, and Support To experience Enhanced InSite for yourself, take a tour or sign up for a free 30-day trial. Visit www.cengage.com/insite. Keep your students engaged and motivated. With Aplia for Grammar, you’ll spend less time correcting grammar and more time helping students understand the writing process. Available now • Aplia for Grammar (Generic) • Aplia for Grammar with eBook – Harbrace Essentials – The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook, 5th Edition – The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 18th Edition • Aplia for Chaffee’s Thinking Critically, 10th Edition View an Aplia demonstration: www.aplia.com/englishcomposition or contact your Wadsworth representative for more information. CourseReader Create an affordable and customizable online reader in minutes. CourseReader: Argument CourseReader is a fully customizable online reader which provides access to hundreds of sources—including readings, audio, and video selections— to complement your Composition or Literature course. This easy-to-use solution allows you to select exactly the content you need to enhance your course, and is loaded with convenient features like highlighting, printing, note-taking, and downloadable MP3 audio files. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-48125-4 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-48124-7 This reader includes popular themes and topics often covered in argument courses, such as: • The Environment • Identity and Society • Social Justice • Citizenship • Religion / Ethics • Censorship • War • Technology • Selection of Classic Readings • Education / Learning NEW! CourseReader: Pop Culture CourseReader: Introduction to Literature Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-133-43648-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-133-43642-3 Choose readings from popular themes and topics often covered in Pop Culture, such as: • Body Art • Education • Celebrity • Music • E-Generation • Sports NEW! CourseReader: Rhetorical Modes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-47732-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-47731-8 CourseReader: Introduction to Literature complements the most common 200+ literary works included in Introduction to Literature anthologies. Choose from useful selections such as: • Author Biographies • Interviews with Authors • Literary Criticism • Video Clips • Book Reviews • Select Literary Works Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27339-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27338-2 This reader includes readings illustrating rhetorical modes, such as: • Narration • Cause and Effect • Illustration • Comparison and Contrast • Analysis • Argument CourseReader: American Literature NEW! CourseReader: Sustainability CourseReader: Chaucer Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27298-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27296-5 Assign individualized content covering highly relevant topics concerning sustainability, such as: • Corporate Social Responsibility • Sustainable Agriculture • Green Building • Sustainable Lifestyles • Sustainable Energy NEW! CourseReader: Themes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27329-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27328-3 Select readings from popular themes and topics often covered in freshman composition, such as: • Technology • Consumerism and Debt • Our Nation at War • Cultural Expressions • Environment • Social Conflict CourseReader: Writing Across the Curriculum Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-74687-2 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-74688-9 This reader features insightful selections from these core disciplines: • Business and Economics • Humanities • Computer Science • Social Sciences • Science • History Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35400-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35401-5 CourseReader: American Literature provides access to hundreds of readings and audio/video selections to complement the most common 200+ literary works included in American Literature anthologies. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35435-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35434-3 CourseReader: Chaucer provides access to select works by Chaucer well as hundreds of secondary sources to help students read and understand 29 tales from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. CourseReader: Shakespeare Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35439-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35437-4 CourseReader: Shakespeare provides access to select works by Shakespeare as well as secondary sources to complement nine of the most commonly taught plays: Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, As You Like It, Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Richard III, The Winter’s Tale, and Measure for Measure. YOUR READER, YOUR WAY You have the ability to completely customize each reading for your students. All readings are accompanied by headnotes about the author, the publication from which the readings originally appeared, and a short summary of the article. Critical thinking questions are included for every reading. These questions prompt students to analyze what they have just read and are also excellent writing topics. You have the freedom to assign individualized content at an affordable price. CourseReader is the perfect complement to any Composition or Literature class. CourseReader is also available with 0-60 or Unlimited tiers of access. For more information, visit www.cengage.com/coursereader or contact your Wadsworth representative. Enhanced InSite ™ for Composition, Argument, and Literature Save time grading papers and get your weekends back! Enhanced InSite is an all-in-one , productivity-enhancing course solution that allows you to create, assign, and grade writing assignments, check for originality, facilitate peer reviews, and provide students with resources for writing, grammar, and research—all from a single, easy-to-navigate site. Aplia for Grammar Aplia’s engaging content and intuitive navigation motivate students to improve their grammar skills. Aplia for Grammar is an online homework program that offers individualized, self-paced practice, review, and remediation of grammar with diagnostics and robust analytics. Aplia’s clear, succinct, and engaging instruction and practice help students build the confidence they need to master basic grammar skills using: • Ongoing individualized practice that includes benchmarks for success. • Clear and consistently structured questions. • Engaging multimedia content. Instructors save time with Aplia’s robust course-management tools. Aplia enables you to concentrate on the important work of teaching and interacting with students. Time-saving tools include: • Customizable, auto-graded homework assignments with randomized questions that help you ensure students’ accountability, preparation, and effort. • Assessment analytics that track student participation, progress, and performance in real-time graphical reports. • Diagnostic assessment tool • Flexible gradebook tools compatible with other learning management systems. • Convenient course communication resources, offering a discussion board, email, document uploads, and more. • An industry-leading support team. Sign up for your complimentary Enhanced InSite™ includes the following valuable resources: 30-day trial today. • Grademark® Paperless Grading Tools • PeerMark® Peer Review Tools • Originality Checker, powered by Turnitin® • e-Rater® Scoring Engine Beta, an optional, time-saving tool that automatically grades grammar, mechanics, punctuation, etc. • Gradebook and Course Management • Interactive eBook Handbook. Text-specific versions are available for selected titles. • Resources for Writers, including anti-plagiarism tutorials and downloadable grammar podcasts • Personal Tutor’s private tutoring options • InfoTrac® College Edition • Cengage Learning’s CourseCare for Training, Service, and Support To experience Enhanced InSite for yourself, take a tour or sign up for a free 30-day trial. Visit www.cengage.com/insite. Keep your students engaged and motivated. With Aplia for Grammar, you’ll spend less time correcting grammar and more time helping students understand the writing process. Available now • Aplia for Grammar (Generic) • Aplia for Grammar with eBook – Harbrace Essentials – The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook, 5th Edition – The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 18th Edition • Aplia for Chaffee’s Thinking Critically, 10th Edition View an Aplia demonstration: www.aplia.com/englishcomposition or contact your Wadsworth representative for more information. CourseReader Create an affordable and customizable online reader in minutes. CourseReader: Argument CourseReader is a fully customizable online reader which provides access to hundreds of sources—including readings, audio, and video selections— to complement your Composition or Literature course. This easy-to-use solution allows you to select exactly the content you need to enhance your course, and is loaded with convenient features like highlighting, printing, note-taking, and downloadable MP3 audio files. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-48125-4 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-48124-7 This reader includes popular themes and topics often covered in argument courses, such as: • The Environment • Identity and Society • Social Justice • Citizenship • Religion / Ethics • Censorship • War • Technology • Selection of Classic Readings • Education / Learning NEW! CourseReader: Pop Culture CourseReader: Introduction to Literature Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-133-43648-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-133-43642-3 Choose readings from popular themes and topics often covered in Pop Culture, such as: • Body Art • Education • Celebrity • Music • E-Generation • Sports NEW! CourseReader: Rhetorical Modes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-47732-5 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-47731-8 CourseReader: Introduction to Literature complements the most common 200+ literary works included in Introduction to Literature anthologies. Choose from useful selections such as: • Author Biographies • Interviews with Authors • Literary Criticism • Video Clips • Book Reviews • Select Literary Works Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27339-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27338-2 This reader includes readings illustrating rhetorical modes, such as: • Narration • Cause and Effect • Illustration • Comparison and Contrast • Analysis • Argument CourseReader: American Literature NEW! CourseReader: Sustainability CourseReader: Chaucer Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27298-9 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27296-5 Assign individualized content covering highly relevant topics concerning sustainability, such as: • Corporate Social Responsibility • Sustainable Agriculture • Green Building • Sustainable Lifestyles • Sustainable Energy NEW! CourseReader: Themes Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-428-27329-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-428-27328-3 Select readings from popular themes and topics often covered in freshman composition, such as: • Technology • Consumerism and Debt • Our Nation at War • Cultural Expressions • Environment • Social Conflict CourseReader: Writing Across the Curriculum Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-74687-2 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-74688-9 This reader features insightful selections from these core disciplines: • Business and Economics • Humanities • Computer Science • Social Sciences • Science • History Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35400-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35401-5 CourseReader: American Literature provides access to hundreds of readings and audio/video selections to complement the most common 200+ literary works included in American Literature anthologies. Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35435-0 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35434-3 CourseReader: Chaucer provides access to select works by Chaucer well as hundreds of secondary sources to help students read and understand 29 tales from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. CourseReader: Shakespeare Printed Access Card (0-30): 978-1-111-35439-8 Instant Access Code (0-30): 978-1-111-35437-4 CourseReader: Shakespeare provides access to select works by Shakespeare as well as secondary sources to complement nine of the most commonly taught plays: Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, As You Like It, Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Richard III, The Winter’s Tale, and Measure for Measure. YOUR READER, YOUR WAY You have the ability to completely customize each reading for your students. All readings are accompanied by headnotes about the author, the publication from which the readings originally appeared, and a short summary of the article. Critical thinking questions are included for every reading. These questions prompt students to analyze what they have just read and are also excellent writing topics. You have the freedom to assign individualized content at an affordable price. CourseReader is the perfect complement to any Composition or Literature class. CourseReader is also available with 0-60 or Unlimited tiers of access. For more information, visit www.cengage.com/coursereader or contact your Wadsworth representative. Professional Development, Training, and Support www.cengage.com/community/english Connect with Us! Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading service and support provider for the English discipline community. Together with you, we are transforming learning and transforming lives both in and beyond the classroom. Check us out on Facebook for the latest news in English Composition! www.facebook.com/ cengageenglish Follow us on Twitter for timely, interesting information about the Composition Community! www.twitter.com/ cengageenglish Visit our YouTube channel! www.youtube.com/ cengageenglish We’re your partner in the classroom—online, on the ground, and in between! Visit us online at www.cengage.com/community/english CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP) Visit our community site for a wealth of information about our titles, digital solutions to meet any instructional need, upcoming Professional Development events, and more: Print Products Readers • Writing Guides • Argument • Handbooks • Research Guides • Literature • Critical Thinking Wadsworth English 2013 CCCC offers grants to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status at two- and four-year colleges and universities to attend the CCCC annual convention. The grant includes funds to help cover expenses, a paid registration for the conference, and a coupon good for one membership in CCCC. For more information on this initiative and the nomination process, please visit www.ncte.org/cccc/awards/pep. Composition/Literature © TeamUP Faculty Programs: Take flight. Service and Support Readers Digital Solutions Enhanced InSite • Aplia for Grammar • English CourseMate • CourseReader • Questia Service and Support CourseCare • Custom Solutions • CengageBrain.com Professional Development TeamUp Faculty Programs • CCCC Professional Equity Project CengageBrain . . . Access, Rent, Save and Engage. Handbooks and Research Guides Writing Guides and Argument Digital Solutions TRANSFORMING LEARNING TRANSFORMING MAIL - Cengage Learning WEB - www.cengage.com/offers/esample eMaiL - order.samples@cengage.com PHONE - 1-800-423-0563 FAX - 1-800-487-8488 Be sure to mention the following Source Code when contacting us: Source Code: 12P-EL0313 For more than a decade, TeamUP Faculty Programs have helped faculty reach and engage students through peer-to-peer consultations, workshops, and professional development conferences. Our Faculty Programs Consultants are a team of full-time educators and expert teachers who understand your challenges whether your classroom is on-ground, online, or both. Our Faculty Programs Consultants are full-time educators and expert teachers who understand your challenges, whether your classroom is on-ground, online, or both. They are available to share their experiences using Cengage Learning solutions as well as instructional best practices developed in their own classrooms. Explore all the ways TeamUp Faculty Programs can help you launch a new program or support your continuous improvement efforts. Learn more at www.cengage.com/teamup CourseCare connects you with people. At CengageBrain.com, students will be able to save up to 60% on their course materials through our full spectrum of options. Students will have the option to rent their textbooks, purchase print textbooks, eTextbooks, or individual eChapters and Audio Books, all for substantial savings over average retail prices. CengageBrain.com also includes single sign-on access to Cengage Learning’s broad range of homework and study tools, and features a selection of free content. Help your students buy the way they want and save at www.cengagebrain.com. Tell your students to visit CengageBrain.com to view more than 10,000 print, digital, and audio study tools. ORDER YOUR REVIEW COPY TODAY! Cengage Learning is a proud sponsor of the Professional Equity Project (PEP). This initiative, put forth by the National Council of Teachers of English/Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), helps strengthen the quality of teaching in composition through attendance/participation in the annual CCCC. Professional Development Literature LIVES Available exclusively through Cengage Learning, CourseCare is a revolutionary program providing you with exceptional services and support to integrate your Cengage Learning Digital Solution into your course. Our dedicated team of digital solutions experts will partner with you to design and implement a program built around your course needs. We offer in-depth, one-on-one professional training of our programs and access to a 24/7 Technical Support website. CourseCare provides one-on-one service every step of the way—from finding the right solution for your course to training to ongoing support—helping you to drive student engagement. To connect with CourseCare, visit www.cengage.com/coursecare
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