S - Buchanan District Library


S - Buchanan District Library
The Berrien County Record,
ru e
Berrien County Record'
B -o
T e s l a s :—g?S: p e r Y e a r .
-SS-TAfty Ceutst dedacte&lC paid Yearly ixi Advance.*©*.
'Eternal Vigilance is the Price of
K o paper continued after tho expiration o f one year
nuless paid for*
■ y o L u a iE
Tfritten for the Berrien County Record.
For Stable and Fancy
Nearer m y home immortal,
Glassware, C rockery, R ockingham , Y ellow and Stoneware, Brittania
and P la ted Castors, Table and P o ck e t Cutlery, Tobaccos,
Cigars, P ipes, C oniectionevy, Rotaons, W o o d and W illow
W are, F lou r, Salt, &c., &c., is at
. w
P e o p le ’s
O e ix tx -a l
3 3 1 o o lc -
• W I X B S E W . S M IT H .
S E T H S M IT H .
M ortgage Sale.
EF AULT having been made in tho payment of a cer­
tain sum of money soenredto be paid bv an inden­
ture o f Mortgage bearing, date the twenty-fifth day of
February, in the year or our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and sQYeuty-three, mado and executed by Jona­
than W . Fnnchor and Margaret C.Fanchor, his wile, of
Berrien County, Michigan, to, George G. Rough of the
same place, which said Mortgago was duly recorded in
the office of the Register ot Deeds of said, County of
Bcrricu, on the first day of March, A . D. 1873, a fll^ £
o’clock A.. M , in Liber 7 of Mortgages, on page 98, qq
which said: Mortgage there is claimed to bo dueand nnP'udat the date of Ibis notice the sum of six hundred
and sixty-ono dollars and ninety-three cents, ($681.93).
axul no Buit: at law or proceedings in equity having been
instituted to recover the same or any part thereof, There­
fore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power ot
sale contained in said Mortgage, and now become opera­
tive, and in pursuauce of tho statute in such cose made
and provided, the lands described in. said Mortgage, tow lti All tliosQ certain pic-ccs or parcels of land lying
and being in. the County of Berrien aud State of Michigan,
known and described as the south-east; quarter of the
north east quarter of section number twenty-two (221
containing forty (4,0) acres,; and the north sixteen (16)
acres of the south half of the north-west quarter of sec­
tion number twenty-three (26) all in township seven (7)
south, ©f rang© eighteen, (IS), west, will be sold at public
auction or vendue,; at the front door of the Court,House,
in the village of Berrien Spriugs, in said County of
<>u tlio S O t li tin y o f O c t o b e r , A . » . l S 7 u ,
at the hour of eleven orclockiu tho forenoon, to satisfy
the amount which shall then be due on said Mortgage,
together with, tho coats o f snch foreclosure,and, sale, and
also an attorney teo provided for in said Mortgage.Dated Angu3t 4, a *D 1S75.
GEORGE O. ROUGH, Mortgagee.
J* j * T ax Rresit, Attorney for Mortgagee,;
O. W . S M I T H ,
Best Lackawatiia Coal,
Nearer my home eternal,
‘ W h e re the flowers never bloom ;”
Nearer that Joy supernal,
W h ich is never shaded by gloom.
Nearer i i y home triumphant,
“ W here is never a shade of night,"
Nearer that golden city,
W h ere the angels are clad in white,
Wearer m y home celestial,
H om e o f the weary and blest;
Beyond the courts terrestrial,:
Is the home where the weary rest,.
Hearer home, yes, nearer home l
W h ere the lovliest angels wait
T o gether bright jew els home,
Through the beautiful jasper gate.
Edward Brown, Stoker.
W e were very quiet, M ary and I, as
we strolled out o f -the churchyard,
down one o f the lanes, and then cross­
ing a stile, we went through a couple
o f fields and .sat down on another stile,
with the high hedge on either side of
ns, and the meadow that they were
beginning to mow at the other end,
one glorious bed o f flowers, and soft,
feathery grass.
“ P olly,” I s a y s at last, breaking
MACKEALE & URIiA?.. Propr’s.
the silence, “ ain’ t this heavenly ?”
“ And you feel better ?” she says,
■J. M . T E R W I L L I G E R ,
laying her hand on mine.
G e n e ra l A g en t,
“ Better !” I says, taking a long
M o r t g a g e S a le .
draught o f the soft, sweet-scented air,
EFAULT havingbeenmado inthepayroent ofacer-4 g S ta te S i,, C h icago,
and filling my chest, ‘ ‘better, old g ir l!
tain sum of money secured to be paid b y an Indentore of Mortgage beating date tiie nineteenth day of July,
I feel as I was growing backward in­
in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
seventy,.between Willimn T , Baker and Eunice J. Baker,
to a boy.”
B usiness D irectory.
bis; wife, of tho County o f Berrien and. State of Michigan,,
to David Rough, also of said County and State, which
“ A nd you fifty last week ! ” she
said, Mortgage was duly recorded in the office o f the Reg­
Fi W H I T E , D r u g g is t a n d A p otk * ister of Deeds in said County o f Berrien, on the 22d day says.
o’clock A . M., in liber No. 2 o f
at3t»* ecary, 3omh side o f Front Street-, Buchanan, of Jnly, A .D . 1S70. at;
“ Y es,” I says, smiling, “ and you
J/brtgagos, on page 3J1, ou wliich said Mortgage there la
clabred to be due and uopaid at the date o f this notice
next week.” A nd then
the sum o t eight hundred and fifty-ono dollars and seven­
X» HAjtES & SOK. Srnggssts and ty
cents ($S51J0), and.no suit or proceedings at law or in
for a bit.
1 Apoihecurit-a, comer ot Front ana Uuk Streets, equity having beeninstimled to recover the same or any
tk>Hias & VVetivera's Block* Bocuamm. ZflieL.
“ P olly,” I says at last, as I sat
j art thereof Therefore, potice is hereby given,, that hy
virtoo ot a power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and
' 3 . F S T T IX T *
K o m e o p a tH c f iiav become operative,.and inpnrsuance of the statute in there drinking in^tbat soft breeze, and
* Physician iis&Snrgeon., Special aiteatiuxipaiti to \ such case made aud provided, the premises therein men­
feeling it give me strength, “ its worth
ehromc. diseases* Offico uudusidcuco “wi tfcM. U~'Xrs.\tr, tioned, situated in the Conntv of Berrion and State o f
being ill only to feel as I do now.”
Michigan, nnd described as commencing at a point forty
Bridgman, Mich*
(401 rods south o f tho north-east corner of the south-west
For you see I ’ d. been very bad, else
star fotmdry. A ll i. quarter of section number thirty-five (3olin township
a kindaofca$ncg,|lsuchaspIoH*pornts,augark6tties> 1 number seven (7) south of range number nin eteen (19;
I dare say I ’m not the man to go
tbtgh shoes, s c . Iron turning and jo b work done to
hanging about church-yards and watch­
tier. Oldine tai taken in e'Xcliangf for work. Portage quarter section, ono huedred and sixty (160) rods to the
west boundary of said quarter section, thencosonth forty
jrfietjiearthe depot*
ing funerals. I ’m a stoker, and my
"tOlrod?, thence east parallel with the north boundary:
Of said quaritr sectlGn one hundred and «ixty (160) ro<lsf
‘O X K D ’S ’BUS.—G eorge B ir a -sn ll m a i : theneo north forty (40 rods to tho place of beginning work lies in steamers trading to the
his. ’Bus. to and from th* Railroad trains auu UuteiS, and contnining forty (40) acres of land more o r less, will
I ’d come home from my last
sotoan y p artot tho Tillage. Fare only 25 cents, iu* i ho sold at public auction; Or vendue, at the front door of East.
tiding baggage*.
the Court House, in. the village Of Berrien Springs, in
voyage bad with fever, and been car­
«i!d County of Berrien and ktate' f f Michigan,,
ried home to die, as my mates thought,
^>S3 t h e 2 9 i l i d a y o f O c t o b e r ,, A .
O. S M I T H ,S £ . B ., P t y s io la a n afi ' at
the hour of l l unlock in the forenoon* to satisfy the
and it was being like this and getting
e Surgeon* Office overLmery it SmiiLV P lu g £»-.< Minoimt
which shall then be due on said Mortgage, to­
X'iiidenc& north side of GaiiunriiiqliT
j gether with costs of foreclosure and sale, and also an
that had set me to thinking so
Attorruy fee therein provided for.
Dated, August 4thti1S76
acrioisly and made me so quiet. Not
B • CHTJK.GHIXiXc, d e a le r i a Glo elrs.
DAY1B BOUGH, Mortgagee..
* Watches, Jewelry*; Spectacles, dc. Also, repairing
that ! was ever a noisy sort o f man,
J, J* T ax Riper, Attfy for Mortgagee.
ione to order. All work warranted. Store, third dcor
wrest o f Binns & Rose’s store, north side of Front Street,
as any one who knows me 'will say.
A nd now, after getting Setter, the
G bm im sB iG H er’ s I f o t i c e .
T U B , P-. B E H D A I/Ii, P h y sicia n and
doctor had said I must go into the
Surgeon. CJlIco at fcor of "'Iain street, overSmith
fTlHE undersigned, having been appointed by tho Ju’dge
country to get strong, so as there was
i r o ,, k Co’a Grocery Store. I’.itticnlar attention paid to X of Probate for the County oC Berrien,, Commissioners
■hrooio diseases* Buchanan, Mich*
no more voyaging till I was strong,
on the Estate of James Hampton* l*ts of ssid County,
deceased, notice fs hereby given that they w ill meet at
T 'iB !F2BIiD KOTT33, Berrien Springs. the office, o f 'Jf. 1C;, Sawyer, in thovillasa of Three Oaks, there was nothing for it hut to leave
on Saturday, tho 16th day of October, 1875; on
A # Shis old and favorably known Hotel is otiUtnuU'r
the youngsters under the care of the
the management o f Mrs. DaFisldA Son, who w ill spare Saturday,, tho 20th day of November, 1375;: on Saturday,
day Of December, 1S75, and on Saturday, the
eldest girl and a neighbor, and come
•a» efforts to maintain a first class Hotel at the County
12th. day;of February, 1S76, All persons having claims
against said estate aro hereby notified to present them
and take lodgings out in this quiet
for examination and adjustment.. Six months from'tho
T P S., D O D D , M ; B ; tp h y 8ic £ a n & s n r - 12th day o f August, 1S75„ are allowed by tho Court to Surrey village..
geon. Special attention given to chronic diseases* creditors of said estate to present their claims*
Polly never thought I should get
Three Oaks, Sept 0,1875.
•Glee drat floor o f “Record Brick*” Residoneo on Day's
better, and one time no more did I ;
W M . K* WRECK.> Commie sionere
for about a month, before this time, as
M . PXiI3& P 3?G2€,; a tto r n e y & c o n n • sellor at Law, and SoUcitorinOiiancory. Office on
I lay hollow-eyed and yellow on the
•onth side Front; Street, over Redden & Graham's, store,
bed, knowing, too, fiow bad I looked,
Inchahan,Berrien Co.,il:ch*
for I used to make young D ick bring
• p A S T B S T T S T A R D E G R S B . B u c ia n me the looking-glass: every morning,
an Bodge No«13 hold regular meetings in Masonic
.Hall, first Wednesday o f each month,at7}£ P .M .
the doctor came as usual, and like a
Mrs. DO. N. Mowrzt, President;; Mr* I\oah: Michasu,
Yi»e President;: Mrs. H*F* 3x80X0* Secretary.
blunt Englishman I put it to him flat.
“ D octor,” I says, “ you don’t think
y A G E E ; K O T E D , B e r r ie n Springs*;
(near the Courfc House} having changed proprietors,
get better ?” and I looked him
>aa been newly furnished throughout* !The utmost care
_will be taken to provide for the convenience and com*
straight in the face.
fort o f guests. A good stable in. connection with the
B U C H A N A N , M IC H .
“ Oh, come, come, my man !” he
Hotel. O n sR eed,P roprietor.
smiling, “ we never lo o t at the
& *&.. ST. Su m m it, B c d g o K b . 1 S 2
black side like that.”
» hoIdsaregularmeeting oxery Monday eveningon
•r before thefnll o f the moon, in each monfh*
“ None o f that, doctor,” I says,
H . N ; uI owret, W . M*
B* D* Hahimr, Sec*
“ out with it like a man. I can’t stand
& A . M . T h e re g u la r ecm m unicc.it. I ’ve been expecting to be drown­
* tions o f BuchananXodgcNo.oSareholdatMasonic
ed or blown up half my life, so I shan’ t
Yall in this village, On Friday evening on or before tho
«U. o f the moon in each month* S* A twood,: IF. 31.
be scared at what you may say.
W.1T*Snirn, Seo^
“ "Well, my man,” he says, “ your
H . B E K R IC K , M . D . Offico in JolmO.
symptoms are o f a very grave nature.
• Welch’s building.. Residence on Front Street,
Y ou see the fever had undermined, you
>uchanan, Mich.
Keeps as good rigs,and charges as;
before you came home, and unless— ”
H » R £cl i S H , H . 3 » , h o m e o p R t h i o
“ A ll right, doctor,” I says, “ I un­
• Physlcianand Surgeon. Special attontionpaidto
vhronic.diseases; Office and Residence on Portagcatrcet
derstand. Y ou mean that unless you
As snx esfi biishment in tbe County.
s«eond housosouth o f Front street.
can get a new plate in the boiler sbe
stand another voyage.”
A I iIEET SD1JS2, GtOisn, MicH.—
“ Oh, come! we won’ t look upon it
Z. P . Rpsnina, Proprietor* Under entirely new
-management* Every arrangement made for the conven­
The advertiser, having been permanently cured of. that
as a hopeless case,” he says. “ There’s
ience and comfort o f guests. Cbarge8feason&ble*
dread disease, Con8umption, by a simple remedy, is anx­
ious to make known to ms folloir snlTcrers the means o
always hope.” A fter a little more
cure* To all who desire it^. he. will send a.copy of th»
O . O . F .- X h o r e g u la r s re e m g a . o f prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions talk, he shook hands and went away.
Buchanan Lodge No* 75. are hold at their hail, In for preparing; and Using the same, which they will find a
N ex t day when he came I had been
B«chtnan, on Tuesday evening o f each week, at 7. SOT.J Cults for COKSUHFTIOWt A stdujl, Bboxohitis, Ac.
©’ •lock. Transient brethren in good standing are cordi­
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
it all over, and was ready
ally invited, to attend.
R iv . R* A . W1L80K
S . D./HAsr£S,2f.G.
C. Oi AiKur. Sec*
194.Penn:St* Williamsburg, N . Y.
for him. I don’ t believe I was a bit
better. In fact, I know I was drift­
s : P sx r r y a T r i-A S t x o b g s m o . i v
fast, and I saw it in his eyes as
* o f IadnstrialBrotherhood, meets every Wednesday
•reniog, in: Granger Hallvak T o’clock, sharp.
0 . D .P szixsll, Pres ; R*A*D b Most, Tice;Prea.; J, S..
Ooxns, Sec.
I waited, till he had asked me his
different questions, and then, just as
V A N m i p s 31, A t t o r n e y an d M IDW IFE AND
fftfRSE, he was getting up to go, I asked him
* Counsellor at Lawv&nd Solicitor in Chancery. Col
to sit down again.
i*«tioDs mado and proceeds, promptly remitted* Ofilce•cond floor, Howe’ s Block.Bnchanan, Mich*
“ Polly, my dear,” I says, “ I just
C yclopedia o f TM ngs W orth
wand a few words with the doctor,”
K now ing, or 25,0 0 0 w ants
M . ^XLSOXT, d a a tisb . Office first
and she put her apron -up to her eyes
■■ door north of the Bonk* Charges re&sonablo and
vsHsihotiou, guarantoed.
and went out, closing the door after
her very softly, while the doctor look­
O H N W B IS G S R B Z m , m sn n fr.otu roy
ed at me curious-like, and waited for
o f Lumber. Custom sawing done to order, and. at Which will attach rags without needle, thread, thimble,
reasonable rates* Cash paid:fbr alf kinds of holts* Mill scissors, or spectacles.
to speak.
Residence on Front Street, near th* corner o f Portage
<en South Oak. Street, Buchanan, Mich
street, Buchanan,. Mich.
“ Doctor,” I says, “ you’ve about
given me up. There, don’ t shake
m i T I l S . S . T . A M B 2 K S O K , £& .!> • ». P i t y ■i t " siciaa and Surgeon., Offico and reaidonco w'catBldo
head; for I know. Now don’t
Of Portage Street, second house from. Front Street, BueVanan.MIcb. Officohours 8 to 10 A . M*and 2 to 4 P, M.
you think I ’m afraid to die, for I don’ t
C 0 A
L I _ C
0 A L !
believe I am, but look here. There’s
jhT H A M H iT O K , lico n s o d atiotiondoari
seven children down stairs, and if I
• W ill attend to all calla promptly, and: soil at as
Buy Now ancl Save Money! * leave my wife a widow, with the few
reasonable rates as any other good .auctioneer in tho
ceunty. Residonceand?. O.address,Bucluin&n.Miclu
pounds I have been able to save,
what’s to become of" them?
Can’ t
S 3 5 D S N & O R A H A K i ; d © i t l o r s :i a
you pull me through ?”
U Dry Goods and Grocerios, Front. Street,Buchanan,
Range and Chestnut Sizes;.
“ M y dear fellow,” he says honestly,
“ I ’ve done everything I can for your
T , 3 A K S R , M i l l w r i g h t V in d B u i l d • er of Turbino Water Wheels, warranted, in power
equal to: any other wheels inuse-i Resilience, Baker townCONSTANTLY ON HAND.
“ That’s what you think,-doctor,” I
post Office address, Buchanan, Hlch.
Ji a. HOPPER * Co.
says, “ but look here. I ’ve been at
Michigan City, JnQ., Sept. ST, 1875,
; & *W. m
W . S M I3 H , dealers in stajplo
sea thirty years, and in seven wrecks.
* and. Fancy Groceries, Provisions and: Crockery.
I t ’s been like dodging death with me
Central Block, Buchanan.
a score o f times: Why, I pulled my
*ATOTI0E isheroby given that.!,NormanNims,Admin
iatrator of the estate of W . D. Klngery, deceased;
P . St G, O. HIGH, dealers
9vy AN
wife there regularly out o f tho hands
will: bo at tbo offico o f tho Berrien Oonnty Record, in
• Goodd and; Notions- Central Block, Front Stroet, Buchanan, on tho twenty-third day of November, to roof: death, and I ’m not gping to give
Buchanan, Mich.
ceive and adjust all claims and. demands against said
up now. I ’ve been— —”
R , S 0 3 S E , M. B., Poloctlo ? liy “ Stop, stop,”
be says gently.
• sician and Surgeon*. Offico ami reeldouco, m il’s
Corners, Berrien Co., Mich*
“ Yo.u’ro excitiDg yourself.”
“ N ot a bit,” ‘ I says, though my
1 will 8 0 nd FREB.to; any address, my Troatise on tho
O O i)I*A 2f 3> H O U SE, Taro© Gales, Prevention to tho contraction o f Veooral or SoxoaI Dk
voice:was quite a whisper.' “E ve:had,
D .F . BOMiURtfanmM, Proprietor* This house has- Boases; In placing this book beforo; the public, it Is' not
changed proprietors; changed,Its name; boon thoroughly my nlm to promoto or onconr/iffu sin, bat to protoet tho
this over. iall night, and-I’ve edme to
repaired end refitted, And overy eibrt wilt,bo mode by lu innocent, check tho sproad o f this curse to manklnfi, and
present'managerfo c©rn and sustain for it a roputatlon thoreby prevont misery, sufierlng, poverty and disgrace
in k'I must be up and doing my
os a first-class hotol. Good stables In. connection with In tho human race- Address B r , ,T. W A T 0 # W >
7-17 tt
W . M a d is o n | t „ C h is a g o , H I .
* *7 w.l
Where the sweet rivers wander by ;
Nearer to that fair portal,
Where the beautiful never die.
F o r 9 0 days we w ill m ake a. specially of Bohemian, Laya and China
F a n cy G oods. E veryth in g at prices that cannot be beaten,
m i©
Indiana lloek Goal,
i i a
i H
a m
g. a
JL §.
“• »
2 -gttoll 1 5 01_225j_300} 3 7 5 ; 4,25« 5 2 5 ; 7 00J flOOj ItQCr
3 Vks|| 1 76J 275} 3_75j 4 2 5 } 4 76J S £0j 9 00;i2OOj 1 7 « i j ;
4 wTaJ 2 OOJ 3 50}4003 5 25J G00J SC0;100OJ140032000.!
p w'ksj 2 50J 4 75} 6 OOj 7 00J 8 25JU 00J14 00.19 00J 2S 0C >
311103J 4 OOj 0 OOJ 7 to ; 850 1000 1300.17 00:23_00J 35 00 i
0_mo3.J_0 00'r10 00jl3 OOJ15 0017 00^0 00'20 00,'88 OOj OOOo’ ’;
Dmoa.| 8 503-3 obl;17 001120 COiaodffl'OO.SS 50.5000]85Q0H
lyosrjlO oops 00^0 0d;24 00~28 0p;S3 coys OOjffl) CO'lOO 00 -
OTFIOS—Inx*Recor& Brick Building,” north sldoof
prontStreet.fourdooraeaatof M ain.
iwoeEJ 1 uUjf 1 60j 3 OOJ 3 6U3 a BiSB3 71-3 6 sail 6 C0jj xo o\
S '?
O F A D V E R T iS IN O .
■ B H B O B i
“ But, my good- man,” he began.
“ Listen to me, .doctor,” I says.
“ A score o f times I might have given
up and been drowned, but I made a
fight for it and was saved. Now I
mean to make a fight for it right here,
for the sake o f the wife and bairns.
I don’t mean to die, doctor, without a
struggle. I believe this here, that
life is given to us all as a treasure to
keep. W e might throw it away by
our own folly at any time, but there’s
hundreds o f times when we may pre­
serve it, and we never know whether
we can save it till -we try. Dive us a
drink of that water.”
He held the glass to my lips, and I
took a big draught, and went on, he
seeming all the time to be stopping to
humor me in my madness.
“ That’s better, doctor,” I says.
“ Now look here, sir, speaking as one
who has sailed the seas, it’s a terrible
stormy time with me. There’s a lee
shore close at hand, the fires are
drowned out, and unless we can get
up a bit o f sail, there’s no chance for
me. Now then, doctor, can you get
up a bit o f sail ?”
“ I will go and send you something
that will quiet you,” he said, rising.
“ Thankey,. doctor,” I says, smiling
to myself. “ And now look here, I ’m
not going to give up till the last, and
when that last comes, and the ship’s
going down, why, I shall have a try
if I can’ t swim to safety. I f that
fails, and I can really feel that it is to
be, why, I hope I shall go down into
the great deep calmly, like a hopeful
man, praying that Somebody above
will forgive me all I've done amiss,
and stretch out Ilis fatherly hand to
my little ones.”
H e went away and I dropped to
sleep, worn out with my exertion.
When I woke, Polly was standing
by the bedside watching me, with a
bottle and glass on the little table.
A s soon as she saw my eyes open
she shook up the stuff and poured it
into a wine glass.
“ Is that what the doctor sent ?” I
“ Yes, doar, you were to take it di­
“ Then I shan’ t take it,” I says.
“ H e’s give me up, and that stuff’s
only to keep me quiet. Dolly, you go
and make me some beef tea, and make
it strong.”
She looked horrified, poor girl, and
was about to beg me to take hold of
tho rotten life-belt he’d sent me, when
I held out m y shaking hand for it,
took the glass, and let it tilt over— •
there was only about a couple o f tea­
spoonfuls in it, and the stuff fell on
the carpet.
I saw the tears come in her eyes,
blit she said nothing— only put down
the glass and ran out to make the
beef tea.
The doctor didn’t come till late next
day, and I was lying very still and
drowsy, half asleep like, but I was
awake enough to hear him whisper to
Polly, “ Sinking fa st;” and I heard
her give such a heart-broken sob that
as the next great wave came on the
sea where I was floating, I struck out
with all my might, rose over it and
floated gently down the other side.
F or the next four days-jpputting it
as-a drowning man striving for his
life like a true hearted fellow— it was
like great foaming waves coming to
wash over me, hut the shore still in
sight, and me trying hard to reach it.
A n d it was a grim, hard fight; a ;
dozen times I could have given up,
folded my arms, and said good bye to
the dear old watching face safe on
shore; hut a look at that always
cheered me, and I fought on again
and again, till at last the sea seemed
to go down, and, in utter weariness, I
turned on my back to float restfully
with the tide bearing me shoreward,
till I touched the sands, crept up them,
and fell down worn * out, to sleep in
the sun— safe!
That’s a curious way o f putting it,
you may say, but it seems natural to
me to mix it up with the things of
sea-going life, and the manner in which
I ’ve seen so many fight hard for their
lives. It was just like striving in the
midst o f a storm to me, and when at
last I did fall into a deep sleep I felt
surprised like- to find myself lying in
my own bed, with Polly -watching by
m e; and when I stretched out my
hand and took hers, she let loose that
which she had. kept “hidden from me
before, and, falling on her knees by
my bedside, she sobbed for very jo y .
“ A s much beef ‘tea and brandy as
you can get him to take,” the doctor
says, that afternoon; and it wasn’ t
long before I got from slops to solids,
and then was sent, as I told you, into
the country to get strong, while the
doctor got no end o f praise for the
cure he made. .
I never said a word though, even to
Polly, for he did his best; but I don’t
think any medicine would have cured
me then,
I was saying a little while back that
I pulled my wife regularly out o f the
hands o f death, and of course that was
when we were both quite young,
though for the matter of that, I don’t
feel much different and can’ t well see
the change. That was in one o f the
Gape steamers when I first took to
stoking. They were little ramshackle
sort o f boats in those days; and how
it was that more weren’t: lost puzzles
me. It was more due to the weather
than the make or finding o f the ships,
I can tell you, that they used to find
their way'safe to port ; and yet the
passengers, poor things, knowing no
better, used to take passage, ay, and
make a voyage too from which they
never got back.
Well, I was. working on board a
steamer, as they tised to call the Equa­
tor, -and heavy laden with about twen­
ty passengers on hoard, we started
down Channel with all well till we got
right down off the west coast o f A fri­
ca, when there came one of'th e heavi­
est storms I was ever in. Even for a
well-found steamer^ such" as they can
build to-day, it would have- been a
hard fight, but with our poor shaky
l i i
told me that she was the attendant o f
The Treatment o f the Gullty:
one o f the lady passengers on. board;
This grave and important subject,
‘ Our skipper made a brave fight of and at last, when we parted at the which has more and more demanded
it though, and tried hard to make for Cape, she kissed m y hand, and called
the attention o f philanthropists since
one o f the ports; but, bless you, what me her hero, who had saved her life
John Howard directed the attention
can a man do when, after ten days’ — poor grimy me, you know.’
o f the world to the wretched condi­
We warn’t long, though, before we
knocking about, the coals, run out,
tion o f the imprisoned, was the sub­
and the fires that have been kept g o­ met again, for somehow we’ d settled
je ct yesterday in the Social Science
ing with wood and oil, and everything that we’ d ’ write; and a twelvemonth
conference o f two suggestive papers
that can be thrust into the furnaces, Sifter Mary was back in England, and
by Messrs, E liot and Sprague, and o f
are drowned; when the paddle-wheels, my wife. That’s why I said I took
a debate o f much interest. The gen­
are only in the way, every bit o f sail her like out of the hands of death,
eral tendency both of papers and of
set is blown clean out of the bolt- though iu a selfish sort of a way, be­
the debate was in the direction not so
ropes, and at last the ship begins to ing far, you know, from perfect. But
much of leniency to the criminal as
what I say, speaking o f Edward
drift fast for a lee shore ?
o f sympathy with him, and o f appeal
That was our case, and every hour Brown, stoker, is this : Make a good
to his moral nature instead o f at­
the sea seemed to get higher and the fight of it, no matter how black things
tempting to govern him solely by
wind more fierce, while I heard from may look, and leave the rest to Him.
physical penalties. Mr. Eliot’ s paper
more than one man how fast the water
lays esgecial stress*on the necessity o f
was gaining below.
the criminal, and laboring for reform­
M y mate and I didn’ t want any.
ation. That o f Mr. Sprague calls
G od bless the farm— the dear old larm ;
telling, though. W e’ d been driven up
G od bless it every rood,
attention to the great change, both in
out o f the stoke-hole like a pair of W here willing hearts and sturdy arms
the punishment inflicted on criminals
drowned rats, and came on deck to
Gan earn an honest livelihood?
and in the whole theory o f punishment,
find the bulwarks ripped away, and Gan from the coarse and fertile soil
which has taken place and is still
the sea every now and then leaping ■Win back a recomoense for toil.
going o n ; and Mr. L ord’s remarks
aboard, and washing the lumber about
were somewhat in the same direction.
G od bless each meadow, field and nook,
in all directions.
r. Brockway also urged with force
Begemmed with fairest flowers.
The skipper was behaving very well,
idea o f indeterminate sentences,
and he kept us all at the pumps, turn A nd every leaf that’s gently shook
which will shut up a criminal until a
and turn in spells, but we might as
competent authority deems the work
Well have tried to pump the sea dry, G od bless them all i each leafs a gem
o f reformation so far advanced that
In nature’s gorgeous diadem.
and when, with the water gaining fast,
he can he liberated with safety to so­
we told him what wo thought, he own­ T he orchards that, in early spring,
ciety, advancing the reason with
ed it was no use, and we gave up.
Blush rich in fragrant flowers;
which he has before made the people
W e’ d all been at it, crew and pas­ A n d with each autumn surely bring
o f this State familiar.
sengers, about forty of us altogether,
Their wealth o f fruits in golden showers;
including the women— five o f them Like pomegranates on Aaron’s rod,
When Will the Millennium Gome 1
they were, and they were all on deck, A miracle from nature’s God.
When the truth appears on tomb­
lashed in a sheltered place, close to
the poop. And very pitiful it was to A nd may he bless the farmer’s home,
stones. When "Vermonters learn to
W here peace and plenty reign ;
pronounce “ down” and “ cow.” When
See them fighting hard at first and
happier sp ot’ neathheaven’s high dome men are polite in a street railway car.
clinging to the aide, but only to grow
Doth this broad, beauteous earth con­
weaker, half drowned as they were ;
When a woman can forego the latest
style hat. When a man has a boil in
and I saw two sink down at last, and Than where secure from care and strife,
a convenient place. When the faults
hang drooping-like from their lashings, T he farmer leads his peaceful life.
o f a Christian are not magnified.
dead, for not a soul could do them a
When hash is not found on the table at
IJnvexed by toil and tricks for gain,
a first class hotel. When business men
I was holding on by the shrouds
H e turns, the fertile mould ;
pay their advertising hills promptly.
when the mate got to the skipper’ s Then scatters on the golden grain,
And reaps reward a hundred fo ld ;
When the Lord calls a preacher from
side, and I saw in his blank white face
dwells where grace and beauty charm,
a good to a starvation salary. When
What he was telling him.
O f course
we couldn’t hear his words in such a F or God hath both blessed his home and husbands continue those little atten­
tions so noticeable during courtship.
storm, hut we didn’ t want to, for his
When, a woman answers a door-hell
lips said plain enough:
The iMecest old lady.
without first looking into the mirror.
“ She’s sinking]”
She lives down on Bdker street, When a man who is not able to pay
N ext moment there was a rush
made for the boats, and two o f the and she has a daughter about eight­ his fare gets a pass from .a .railroad
passengers cat loose a couple o f the een years old. The old lady retains company. When all the virtues are
women; place was made for them be­ all her simplicity and innocence, and not embodied in the deceased member
fore the first boat was too full, she she doesn’t go two cents on style. o f a secret organization .—Logansport
was lowered down, cast off, and a big The other . evening when a “ splendid Pharos'.
wave carried her clear o f the steamer. catch” called to escort the daughter
I saw her for a moment on the top of to-the opera the mother wouldn’t take
1 Gar Lead.
the ridge, and then she plunged down the hint to keep still, and wouldn’t
o f those o f our
the other side out o f our sight— and help carry out the daughter’ s idea
attend to the
that o f everybody else ; for how long that they had wealth. While helping
o f their
she lived, who can say ? She was nev­ her daughter get ready she asked :
farmlto distant markets|by railway, we
er picked up or heard o f agaiD.
give a statement o f what is in nearly
Giving a hit o f a cheer, our chaps shoes with one heel off, or the pair
all localities regarded as a “ car-load.”
turned to the next, and were getting with holes in ’ em ?”
A s a general rule, .20,000 pounds or
in when there came a wave like a
70 barrels o f salt, 70‘ o f lime, 70 of
mountain, ripped her from the davits, mother inquired :
60 o f whisky, 200 sacks o f
“ A re you going to wear that dol­
and when I shook the water from my
flour, 6 cords o f hard wood, 7 o f soft
eyes, there she Was hanging by one
wood, 18 to 20 head o f cattle, 50 to
end, stove in, and the. men who had or will, you wear the diamond father 60 head o f hogs, 80 to 100 head of
tried to launch her gone— skipper and bought at the hardware store ?”
Mary winked at her, aud the young sheep, 9,000 feet of solid boards, 17,mate as well.
000 feet o f siding, 18,000 feet of
There were only seven o f us no'w, man blushed, the old lady went on :
40,000 shingles, one-half
“ Are you going to borrow Mrs.
and I Could see besides the three wo­
less o f hard lumber,- one-fourth less
men lashed to the side, and only one
of green lumber, one-tenth less of
of them was alive; and for a bit no mine ?” ■
scantling, and all other large
Mary hustled around the room,
one moved, everybody being stunnedtimber, 340 bushels of wheat, -360
like with horror; hut there came a
“ Be careful o f your dress, M ary ; bushels c f corn, 680 of oats, 400 of
lull, aud feeling that the steamer was
barley, 860 o f flax seed, 860 o f ap­
sinking under our feet, I shouted out you know its the only one you’ve got ple, 430 o f Irish potatoes, 356 of
to the boys to come on, and we ran to
sweet potatoes, 1,000 bushels o f bran.
the last boat, climbed in, ana were mortgage on this place is lifted.” .
casting off, when I happened to catch
Only oa Error.
sight o f the women lashed under the it promised to be a beautiful evening,
and as she buttoned on her glove her
The increased and burdensome
bulwarks there.
postage on. t-ransiant newspapers, mag­
“ H old hard !” I roars, “ for I saw mother asked:
“ Those are Mrs. H ardy’s gloves, azines, hooks, etc., which has prevail­
one o f them wave her hand.”
“ Gome on, you fool,” shouts my ain’t they ? She’s been a good neigh­ ed since the stupid action o f Congress
bor to us, and I don’t know how last winter, is on the fair route to
mate, “ she’s going dow n!”
manage to go anywhere i f she abolishment. The excessive postage
I pray I may never be put to it
seams to have been fastened upon
again like that, with all a man’s self­ didn’ t live near us.”
Mary was hurrying to get out of newspapers by -an error, the members
ish desire for life fighting against him.
For a moment I shut my eyes, and the room, when the mother raised her o f the Committee on Appropriations
which recommended the new law to
they began to lower; hut I was oblig­ voice once more and asked:
“ Did you run in to Mrs. Jewett’s Congress now claiming that they un­
ed to open them again, and as”I did so,
I saw a wild scared face, with long and borrow her bracelet and fan ? derstood the increase to apply only to
wet hair clinging around it, and a Y es, I see you did.. Well, now, you merchandise. Gen. J. A . Garfield,
pair o f little white hands were stretch­ look real stylish, and I hope you’ll the Chairman o f that Committee,
have a good time.”
thus expressed himself, and announces
ed out to me as i f for help.
Mary sits by the window in the his determination to move for the re­
“ H old hard!” I shouts.
“ N o, no,” roared out two or three, the pale’moon light and sighs for the peal o f the obnoxious law at the
“ there isn’t a moment,” and as the splendid young man to come and opening of Congress.
-------boat was being lowered from tho da­ beau her around some more, hut he
vits I made a jump, caught the bul­
warks with my hands, and climbed o n ­ night. The old lady, too, says that he
A horse thief was tracked in a Cu­
board just as the boat kissed the water, seemed like a nice man, and.ghe hopes rious way at Grand llapids, Mich;,
he.‘ hasn’ t been killed by the street the other day. It appears that one of
was unhooked and floated away.
Then as I crept, hand-over-hand, cars.
the horses belonging to a man in that
to the girl’s side,, whipped put; my
city was stolen from the stable. The
K Betenaiaed Suleldo,
animal was soon missed, and the own­
knife, 'and was cutting her loose,
A dispatch from New Haven, Oorm.,
while herweak arms clung to me, I felt
er with a neighbor started in pursuit,
a horrible feeling o f despair come over ■says: “ One o f the most deliberate taking the missing animal’s, mate,
me, for the boat was leaving u s; and and horrible suicides occurred in An- which .was put Upon the scent and
sonia last evening. John M cKay, 45
I knew what a coward I was at heart,
suffered to go at pleasure. After go­
years -old, on going to the mills of
as I had to fight with myself so as not
ing several miles the sagacious animal
Ballard & Sons, found that he had
to leave the girl to her fate and leap
led the partyinto the woods with fu­
been discharged from employment.
overboard to swim for my life. I got
rious speed, and they* came at once
H e went to his boarding-house, paid
upon the thief, who, discovering his
the better o f it, though— went down
his bills’, took^ his clothing and went
on my knees, so as not to see the boat,
danger slipped off the horso and hid.
out in a despondent mood. He spent
and got the poor trembling, clinging
Owing to the darkness he managed to
some thirty dollars during the day,
creature loose.
escape, but the horse was secured.
and was ejected from two saloons. A t
“ Now, my lass,” I says, “ quick” —
dusk he went down to the railroad
“ There may be such a thing as love
and I raised her up-— “ hold on by the
track,, ascertained that a train would at first sight.” remarked a Detroit
side while I make fast a rope around
soon pass, took off his coat and lay girl as she twisted a friz around the
y ou .”
down on the track. Two boys told curling iron, “ but I don’t believe in
A nd then, I stood up to hail, the him to get up, and he mechanicaliy
boat.— the boat as warn’ t there, fpr in obeyed,' but after waiting a moment it. There is Fred ; I saw him a hun­
those: brief moments she must have started and ran rapidly down the dred times beforo I loved him. In
capsized, and we were alone on the track, over the timber o f a bridge, un­ fact I shouldn’t have fallen in love
sinking steamer, which now lay in the til he was where no one could inter­ when I did i f his father hadn’ t given
him that house and lot.”
trough o f the sea.
fere with him. H e waited here until
wooden tub, it was a hopeless
from the first.
A s soon as I got over the horror of
the: feeling, a sort o f stony despair
came over me; but when I saw that
pale appealing face at my side, look­
ing to me for help, that brought' the
manhood back, and in saying encour­
aging things to her I did myself good.
M y first idea was to make some­
thing that would float us, hut I gave
that up directly, for I could feel that
I was helpless; and getting tho_ poor
girl more into shelter, I took a bit of,
tobacco in a sort ,o f stolid way, and
sat down, with a cork life-buoy over
my arm, one which I had cut loose,
from.where it had-hung for-gotten’ be^
hind the wheel.
' ■;■■■■. . •
But I,n ever: used it, for the storm
went down fast; and-the steamer float­
ed still, waterlogged, for three days;when we were picked up by a passing,
vessel, halt starved; but hoping.— A nd
during that time my companion-had
the train, whose headlight shone
brightly not far away, should pass,
then he knelt down, put his head de­
liberately across the rail, and threw
his coat, over his- head. Before any
one could reach him the train had
.passed and left a quivering corpse be­
hind. His head was very nearly sev­
ered from his body.”
I t is a matter o f sincere congratu­
lation that the manufacture of tobaccd has been abolished in the Deform
School. ' It never should, have been
introduced, and: the only .wonder-is,'
that it was allowed . to remain for a
•single day; - Now- let,it be, turned -out.
- of- the Stat.e'Prisoa at .'Jackson'withf
out delay.-.-If it i s 't o 'b e ' continued':
:wny ..not -sell' up-a ^distillery 'fo r th‘$
manufacture o f whisky ? It is a
money-making business,- quite as much
so as tobacco.
A man’ may beat down the hitter
fruit from an evil tree until lie is
w eary; whilst tho root abides in
strength and vigor, the beating down
o f the present fruit will not hinder it
from bringing forth more. This is
the folly of some men ; they set them­
selves . with all earnestness and dilligenco against the appearing eruption
o f lust, and leaving the principal root
untouched; perhaps unsearched out,
they make but little, or no prog'ross-in
■this work o f mortification.
Business Curds of five linos or less, $5 pcranunni.
Legal advertisements at statute rates.
[Transient advertising payable in advance.
Yearly advertising payable on demand.
Hatter in local columns^ ten cents per line or each
insertion; but no local taken for lees than $1.00.
S{.Obituary Notices—more than the announcement—Trill
be charged for at the rate of five cents for each line. ]
Advertisements not accompanied v?ilb directions .fes to *
time, vrill be inserted until forbidden, and charged for
Double column advertisements charged at ebortcolnmn
khort notices of meetings, 25 cents.
Yearly advertisers allowed four changes without extra
Tana and Household.
lilug-B ese, - -€url?.
The -removal o f a ringbone is not
among the possibilities o f surgery.
The deposit may he reduced in amount
or it may be increased by the action,
o f the counter-irritation. The latter
result is the most probable one; but the
complete removal o f the bony matter,
and the restoration o f the bones to a
perfectly healthy state, are not to he
expected. The object o f treatment
is always to restore soundness of
action, and this being gained, is sat­
isfactory. The horse remains tech­
nically and legally an unsound ani­
mal although, he may he capable o f
performing any kind o f work as well
as a sound horse.
Qurb.—A s the horse is not lame,
no severe remedies arc required. Have
the curb weU rubbed once a day with
an ointment composed o f iodine, half
a drachm ; iodide o f potassium one
drachm; rectified spirits o f wine, one
drachm ; lard, two ounces. Gentle
exercise during treatment will do no
harm— Wiffces’ Spirit.
Coloring cotton— orange and yel­
low— for five pounds o f rags, twenty
ounces o f sugar o f lead, six ounces o f
bichromate o f potash. Dissolve each
in separate pans in warm water; and
then pour it in separate suds. Then
wet the rags in the sugar o f lead,
then in the potash; dip the rags in
each three times, wringing out each
time. When you want orange, dip
into scalding hot lime water, rather
strong. Blue and green— For five
pounds of rags, eight ounces o f cop­
peras: soak the rags in copperas water
one hour, then rinse in clear water;
two ounces o f prussiate potash, two
tablospoonfuls o f vitrol in water
enough to cover the rags. F or green,
dip the blue into the yellow dye.
R ice P l u m P udding .— One quart
new or raised milk with the cream, one
cupful seeded raisins, one cupful wash­
ed, dried currants, half cupful citron,
and lemon or orange peel candied,
one cupful rice, one cupful sugar, two
eggs, ono teasnoonful butter, a little
salt, and one teaspoonful mixed spices
(cinnamon, nutmeg and a small por­
tion of cloves). Burst the rice for
two hours, keeping it on the stove in
a-little water for two hours, until soft,
and each grain entire, and then add
the milk, the eggs beaten separately
until light, sugar and butter, and
lastly the spices and fruit, stir care­
fully, so as not to break the grains,
bako about three-quarters o f an hour.
. F uench C e e a m C a k e .— Beat three
eggs and one cap or Sugar together
thoroughly ; add two tablespoonfuls
o f cold water; stir a teaspoonful of
baking powder into a cup and a half
o f flour, sift the flour in, stiring all
the time in one direction. Bake in
two thin cakes, split- the cakes while
hot, and fill in with cream prepared
in the following manner: Take a pint
o f new milk, add two teaspoonfuls o f
corn starch, one beaten egg, one-half
cup sugar; stir while cooking, and
when hot put in a piece o f butter the
size o f an egg, flavor the cream
slightly with lemon, vanilla or pine­
" "
O yster O m elet .— Whisk four eggs
to a thick froth, then add b y degrees
one gill o f cream ; beat them well to­
gether ; season the egg with pepper
and salt to taste. Have ready one
dozen fine oysters; cut them in half
and pour the egg into a pan o f hot
butter and drop, the oysters over it as
early as possible. F ry a light brown
and serve hot.
correspondent o f the
Mechanic sa y s: “ To extinguish the
flames of a lamp with safety, turn the
flame up to full power, then blow a
sharp puff horizontally across the top
o f the funnel, when the light will not
only he extinguished, but there will
be no after-smoke— the formerly ig­
nited wick will be extinguished by its
own carbonic acid gas. On leaving
my office at night I thus turn up the
flaming wick, and with a greatful
gladness that the desk labors o f the
day (and night) are over, give a side
wave of the hat past the chimney,
which draws the flames from contact
with the wick, and the light is gone,
and with no after-smell.
To iron velvet ribbon, dampen the
underside slightly, and draw it back
and forth over a hot stove pipe until
the velvet is quite dry. A still better
plan— though in winter it is not al­
ways convenient <— is to lay a wet
piece of cotton cloth on a flat-iron
placed upside dowD,- and while the
steam is rising from it draw the velvet
lightly 'backward and forward over
the wet cloth.
K eeping P iano K eys W h it e .—
It is said that piano keys will not
turn yellow i f exposed in a light
room. Never close an instrument
with ivory keys. Throw a sheet over
when sweeping and dusting. W e t ra
soft cloth in alcohol and rub off all
dirt,- then expose -as-tpuch a s possible
to th e . sunshine.* r 1-f-they-are very
yellow it will taSe'^few w eeks to re ­
store the original whiteness. (Do facilitatethe.process, re-wet the keys with
alcohol once o r , twice; though they
will whiten without it in time.
. B@=,A tipsy* fellow -who mistook a
;globe lamp .with letters for-the queen
Tb\reprove'paint, from windows,
-of night, exclaimed : * “ W ell, I ’ ll bo take bicarbonate, o f soda.and dislsove
folcst; if somebody hain’t'stuck an ad- .it; in - hot water ; wash the glass, and
Vertisement-.pn' the moon !” - * in twenty minutes or 'half am hour
rub thoroughly with a dry cloth? - *
. No boy has fulfilled hisvearthly mis­
sion till he has, given some one a cay­
Censure is the tax a man. pays to
enne lozenge in church.
■ tbo.public for being erninent.— S w iff.
ibiniilkiii; niiiT'jM
m'.'T; '■'■■‘Ti Imu
i" nf
* 7iSiai»ii
iij~IIIi|i~i ' f iH
gm .......... .............
The barren (kanty Fueord,
JOHN G. H 0L JE & Editor.
Tho State prLon at Jack-oa con­
tained 805 prisoners last week.
In 1S7-1 there were eighfeen males
in this State who were over one hun­
dred years old.
7,000,000 tans o f Iran have been
taken from the Lake Supenor mines
since 1856.
T hey have had enough snow at
Lansing to hinder the fanners: with
their corn husking.
A n Oregon man xnoposes to furnish
fir boards one hundr d feet long and
twelve feet wide, foi the Centennial
Exposition, l lh o n ext?
The dimensions o f the great Demo
cratic victory m Maryland are mani­
fest from the fact that, excluding tin
ballot stuffed vote o f Baltimore, the
total Democratic majority in the State
was hut 250.
James Donaldson was thrown up
on a lath saw in Bigelow & Stow’s
mill at Grand Haven, a few daj>
since, b v ins eeat being caught in
some belting while in motion. He
waB badly out m the side and should
er though ivv *a ally.
Samuel F . Henderson, o f Grand
Rapids, .las burd the city for 010,000
damages for faVmg im oa n excavation
in one m the streets o f that place,
A verdict for 6500 was returned by
the ju r y u favor o f the plaintiff.
Portions o f a gun-carriage have
recently been fished up from the
wreck o f the British man-of-war
R oyal Savage, which was sank near
Valcour island, Lake Champlain, in
an engagement with the American
fleet, under General Benedict At told.
ninety-nine years ago.
R ough winter weather has set A r
earnest in the Bake Supen
snow falling so thick and fast rs to
render navigation more than ordinari­
l y perilous. A largo number ot wrecks
and other damage is recorded as hav­
ing been done within the last few
The official vote o f Iowa shows a
Republican plurality for Gov. K irk­
wood o f over thirty-one thousand.
The Republican majority for Gover­
nor in 1872. was 22,558.
The total
vote o f Io wa thi3 year was over two
hundred and fifty thousand.
The machinery at the Centennial
Exhibition will he driven by a pair o f
Corliss engines. Each cylinder i3 for­
ty 1inches in diameter, with a stroke
o f ten feet; the fly wheel is thirtyone feet in diameter and weighs fiftyfive tons; the engines are o f 1400
horse power, arc fed b y twenty boil
ers and will drive about a, mile o f
Iquique, a city o f Peru, S. A ., was
almost entirely destroyed by fire in
October, the loss being estimated at
over 05,000,000, with no insurance.
The city was built almost entirely of
wood, and the flames rubbed over it
almost without resistance, carrying
everything before them.
Ludington, Republican, is elected
Governor o f Wisconsin, over Taylor.
. “ Reform.” Democrat, b y from 1,000
to 1,500 majority. The Senate will
have twenty-one straight Republicans
out o f thirty-three members, while
the Assembly will stand fifty-four
Republicans, forty-five Democrats and
one tie.
The official returns o f the late
Minnesota election are not yet all iu,
hut the majority forPillshnry, Repub­
lican, for Governor, cannot be less
than 10,000. The Legislature wil
stand about 93 Republicans and 50
Democrats, the Republicans: having
gained in many district s.
The Kansas Legislature will be
unanimously Republican this
time. The returns show that there
are hut seven districts in which Dem­
ocrats are elected, and eleven Inem­
bers which are closed as “ Reformers.”
There are eighty-five out-and-out Re­
publican members.
A match has been arranged between
E . R . Weston o f Hew York, and Dan­
iel O’Leary o f Chicago, to walk six
successive days in the rink at Chica­
go, commencing on Sunday night
next. H o wager is made, but a purse
contributed by the Chicagoians will
be given fo the one who covers the
greatest number o f miles before the
following Saturday night.
The Senatorial contest in the State
o f Iowa promises to be an exceeding­
ly close and hitter one before it is
ended. The friends o f the several
candidates are active and untiring.
The most prominent candidates now
in the field are four, as follows t Gov.
K irkw ood; Gen. Belknap, present
Secretary o f W a r ; H on. James Har­
lan, ex-Senator, and Hon. Hiram
Price, ex-member o f Congress.
The following is the cash value o f
the different agricultural productions
o f this State, according to the census
o f 1874:
Wheat 023,416,146; corn 010,500,4 2 0 - potatoes 04,682 ,385; pork mar­
keted ,02,554,828; butter06,713,3.08:
cheese 0591,358,; wool sheared $-3,°
511,1 7 9 ; and fruit and vegetables
"Reviewing the results, the Hew
Y ork Tribune, despairs o f the Dem oc­
racy at last, and. says:
B u t their stupidity is adamantine.
Nothing penetrates it. When the peo­
ple, rising up against the. degeneracy,
the corruption, and greed and reck­
lessness o f the party in power, give to
the Democrats, as they did last fall,
the opportunity to show their capacity
and their disposition to do better, theoccasion is frittered away and the op­
portunity wasted by' some; .such tre­
mendous blander as was made in.Ohio
and Pennsylyaniiv.
The English markets have been, for
several days, disturbed by reports o f
European complications, threatening
coming wars. These rumors do not
appear to have any solid foundations,
nevertheless there is a general feeling
o f uneasiness. .The attitude o f Rus­
sia, and the menaced intervention o f
Austria, over the Turkish question,
and tbe Ultramontane disturbances in
Belgium, known to be distasteful to
Germany, and. the now attempt o f the
Vatican to interfere jin the Spanish
quarrel, are all calculated to cause
distrust, especially when connected
wnh the fact that Russia, Germany,
France, Italy and Austria are all
working hard to increase the strength
and efficiency o f their armaments.
Dispatches from the Pacific coast
bring; the intelligence that a fearful
disaster took place, on the Pacific
Ocean, on the 4th Inst., at about ten
o’ clock p. not.- The steamer Pacific
laundered at sea, about 80 or 40
miles Svuth o f Cape Flattery, and at
the time o f the disaster there were
ver two hundred persons on board,
and only one person, so far as known,
lives to tell the sad story; H enry F .
Jelley is tire name o f the man who
was picked up b y the ship Messenger,
after he had beqp on a raft for thirtysix hours. His narrative is incomplete
and does n ot give a very satisfactory
explanation as to the cause o f the ac­
He says that tbe steamer
-truck another vessel, and then com­
menced leaking, but experienced nav­
igators, think it moreUikely that she
struck a sunken -rock. Probably af­
ter the survivor recovers from his suf­
ferings, which are said to have brok­
en him down, both mentally and phys­
ically, we shall be able, to get more
reliable information, and it may bo
possible that others o f the passengers
will yet be found, from whom infor­
mation will be obtained.
Immediately upon the heels o f this
disaster comes the intelligence that
the steamer City o f W aco, at anchor
off tho port o f Galveston, Texas,
caugbt fire on Monday evening and
was entirely consumed. The passen­
gers and crew, numbering about fifty
pe j s took to the boats, and at last
i ta no tidings had been received
to ^heir fate, but it is presumed
seat all have perished, as at the time
o f tne fire the sea was running very
high and the wind blowing a perfect
Prosperity la Baslaess Means R e­
W est P oint, Neb., N ov.
To the Sditorof the Inter-Ocean-
1, 1875,
The Manchester Guardian (Eng.)
o f a late date, in reference to the re­
sult o f the Ohio election, sa y s:
Of whatever conventional .party stripe the
next President may he, it seems at least cer­
tain that he will not be an injlationUs, for not
only are the Republicans, who appear to be
veeoverlng from the effects o f the reverses
they sustained last year, advocates of hard
money to a man, but the mass of the Demo­
crats in Sew York and the New England
States are altogether opposed, to the politician
of the same school elsewhere in this important
W e are all in favor o f resumption
at the earliest possible time, and in
our great haste to arrive at our cher­
ished haven we overreach ourselves.
Our public Servants o f the Treasury
are persuaded by the W all street
spsculators that we can reach specie
payment by contracting the circulat­
ing medium. That certainty is a cor­
rect .position— and with, a vengeance,
too— i f we contract it nearly out o f
sight, for the government can never
redeem 0350.000,000 legal tenders
and 0875,000,000 national bank notes
with less than 070,000,000 o f gold
coin in its vaults.
Contract the
greenbacks out o f sight, and the gov­
ernment is still pledged to redeem the
national bank currency. W e have
seen to our sorrow that the more the
eurrency is contracted, th e. greater
hardships become, that values in every­
thing decrease, except in money. A ll
other property for the purposes o f
paying ' debts and settling balances
become almost valueless. ‘ I t can
make no difference how shrewd a man­
ager .in his business may b e ; i f he is
ever so deep in debt, he must eventu­
ally go to th8 wall, if the policy o f
contraction is continued. The gov­
ernment must have gold to pay inter­
est on its bonds, and the importers
must have gold to pay duties, bat
gold brokers have: got the gold to
speculate on the necessities o f the
government and importers. H ow is
it done ? The law does not permit the
national banks to hold greenbacks as
collateral security for loans, etc., bnt
good coin. American gold coin can
be put up for collateral, security, and
a dozen men in W all street can lock
up 050,000,000 o f American gold
at a day’s notice. They buy all the
gold that can be had, and put up the
same as colateral security with our
national banks, and negotiate loans
therewith, and thus by one operation
lock up 050,000,000 In gold.coin, and
with the currency they can operate
on the necessities o f the victims of
contraction, and .thus our financial ad­
visers, like a great snow-ball, go on
increasing m power with every turn.
But are we nearing resumption ?. A ro
we not rather diverging from it, and
the longer this policy o f contraction
is continued, the further off from
specie resumption we will be, un­
less we contract the currency al­
most entirely out o f existence. When
the specie resumption hill became a
law, the gold premium was 10 per
cent' Now it has-gone up to 16 and
17 per cent. Two years hence it will
be3S per cent; on the day o f resump­
tion it will be 100 per ce n t.! because
the demand for the government^ gold
on hand will be 100 per cent, in excesa o f the same, and the same day
that the government resumes specie
payment it will become bankrupt also.
A nd every national bank unwarily
caught with more o f its notes out than
it can redeem on presentation will
have to suspend. Then indeed has
come to the heyday o f -the money
aristocrats, and the measure o f the
people’s: sorrow ha3 become ’ full to
overflowing. What a spectacle I The
great United States— in a season o f
peace - and plenty , will have’ become
bankrupt— with the richest gold mines
in the world, yet.no gold in, its Treas­
u r y to pay its bonds o f interest— no
revenues to * collect any more; and
with* its’credit'gono.1 * Resumption lies
in" another direction"; 'There- is not
gold enough in the-.country * to1 meet
B ueban aa
Our Spanish Relations;
the business wants o f an enterprising next year, will be the currency ques­
from the mixture o f the salt and fresh
and thrifty people; therefore we must tion, and as the inflationists are strong
Gonsiderablespeculation has already water, and the Second from the wash­
have a paper circulation, and this in the Democratic party, it may be been Indulged in concerning what ing o f the sands,— and so contrived to
“ =i
=Ss i
paper currency can never be based on regarded as pretty nearly certain that President Grant will say, in his forth­ turn tbe courses o f the Rivers Brenta,,
gold, unless it is o f exactly the same the Republicans will carry all tbe Pa­ coming message, touching our rela­ Bacchiglione, Piave, and Sile, and
The.great interest in the thrilling history of oar coun­
makes this the fastest selling hook ever published;
volume with the gold on hand to re­ cific States.
tions with Spain. This speculation forced them to empty into the sea try
Tt conuins over 400 fine historical engravings and $00
The Democratic party is divided has been stimulated by the news from outside the lagoon. * But the Brenta pages, with a fall account o f the approaching grand-Cen­
deem It with. Such a currency would
celebration. Send for a full description and extra
not add one mill to the increase of and bitter over the currency question, Spain that K ing Alfonso’s Cabinet frequently overflowed its banks, spread­ tennial
Chicago and St.Lnniq.
circulation beyond the supply o f gold
has been considering a reply to be ing disease throughout the adjoining
hut would add largely to the expense man Catholic alliance over the public made to the note of United States districts,, and the-Austrian- -Govern­
Its Eastern and Minister Cushing.' This note referred ment, then, in dominion, and at the in­
of supplying tho same, in the issuing school question.
for the speedy care of special troubles common to the
thereof, and in the expense o f guard­ Western divisions are at war with to unsettled questions between the stance o f the Province of Padua,...di-.
ing tho gold coin, held for purposes eaeh other, and its Southern division two countries, growing out of the Cu­ verted the Brenta from its channel,
The R e­ ban rebellion. Besides touching on and permitted it to empty into the Idea, and other disorders of the nervous system conse­
of securing the circulation, against is insolent and dictatorial.
quent on TarioU8 habits that lower the vitality of the
of the Vii'ginius affair,, and other difficul­
Any druggist has tho ingredients. Address
thieves. Issue the least fraction more
goon. This was in 1840, and.ever system.
5>Ifc* -XL H * H I L T O N , C i n c i n n a t i , O .
W e have just received an
o f paper currency than the amount opinion; but they are o f a milder ties, it is alleged that Mr- Cushing since that time its deposits have been
tt f l a y at homo.* Agents wanted. Outfit and
o f gold on hand to back i t ; there character, and are rapidly healing. allowed the Spanish, government to filling up the bed o f the lagoon, ruin­
tormd free, TRUE & CO., AugnBta, Maine.
you begin to use the credit o f some­ One hundred and eighty-five electoral understand that the United States is ing the commerce of Chioggia, a sea­
body to back that fraction o f over­ votes will be needed to elect a Presi­ somewhat weary o f being compelled port town o f 27,000 inhabitants near
issue, and that credit must be cither dent, counting in the now State o f so many years to be at extra expense by, infecting the surrounding district
an individual, a corporation or the Colorado, supposing that State to be and trouble, and to be frequently in­ with -marsh fevers, and threatening
government. The credit to secure fully admitted in season to take part volved in difficulties with the Cuban the existence o f Venice.
the over-issue must lie somewhere, in the election, or one hundred and authorities, arising from a civil war
The problem Is now to dredge and
and who can doubt for a moment that eighty-three without that State. The which the Spanish government allows clear out the lagoon, and again turn
the credit o f the government for a following States may be set down as to drag its slow length along, without the course o f the Brenta. A n engin­
basis of a paper circulation is infinite­ probably Republican:
a vigorous, effort to end it, either by eer named Laueiana, has a plan yQ.lich
ly safer than that o f an individual or California...................- .......... ............. 0 conquest or by compromise. Besides, is approved by Prof. Minich, a scienColorado............................................... 8
a corporation. This gives us the Illinois...........
o f late,“the Spanish authorities in Cu­ t-istof high standing, for rectifying
.............................. ....... 21
To supply the wants of our friends o f DavGRAND EXPOSITION of tho Tjudishen’ s
greenbacks — the best paper money Iowa..,..................................... ......... 11 ba have put altogether unprecedented tbe course o f the Brenta, and at the X“HIRST
I ndustrial I nstitute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct. 7,. ton and vicinity, who will find all the lau
the people o f the United States ever
heavy taxes upon American commer ce, same time avoiding the overflow which
and leading styles of
Louisiana ........................... ..............
a ( l a y guaranteed using onr W e l l
saw-—and as long as the government Maine.*.......................
*7 charging as high as thirty to fifty damaged the Padua districts before;
A n g e r tfc D r i l l s . §XOO a month
lasts your banks'will not break.
Massachusetts..... ................................. 13 dollars a ton, in gold, for merchandise but the cost o f this scheme is estima­
paid to good agents. Auger book :
free. Jil/. Auger Co.* fit. Louis, Mo,
Take the threat o f- contraction and
01,500,Minnesota............................................... 5
forced resumption away and you will New Hampshire....................
000), a sum at which the impoverished
Infuse new life o f energy in every de­ N e b r a s k a ............................................. S commerce o f Cuba is done by United Italian Government must hesitate. It
In 90 days la A 1 Stocks.
partment o f productive industry and Nevada ........ ....................................... 3 States vessels, this tax falls upon our is proper to say that there is another
New Jersey........ ..... . ....................... — 9
legitimate enterprise. Tho revenues North Carolina.....................
10 people. . It is true that Spain may view o f the subject, not altogether un­
P a m p h le t S e n t F re e to A ll.
o f the now government will increase, NewYork........ .................................... 35 flippantly say we are at liberty to put supported by scientific men, which
, ..............
22 an equally severe tax upon Spanish holds that, instead o f turning away W- H . WEEKS, Banker, 178 Broadway, New York,
and the national indebtedness will de­ Ohio
Stocks bought and sold at the N .Y . Stock Exchange.
crease, and the promises to pay issued Pennsylvania............
29 commerce; but everybody knows that the course of the Brenta and the oth­
by the government will continue to Rhode Island ......................................... d Spain has no commerce to tax. Our er rivers, they should he assisted in
Agents for the beat
selling Prize Package
7 ship-owners are complaining bitterly, filling up the lagoon, and thus eventu­
increase in value just in proportion as South Carolina..................................
in the world. I t con'
15 sheets paper,
the same can be profitably employed Wisconsin................
ally making an inland city an A-terra 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent
10 and with apparent good cause.
by the people in their daily vocations,
In this connection, the substance of firma out of Venice as the only hope Yark Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Single package,
prize, post-paid. 25 cents. •Circulars free.
235 certain points in the forthcoming an­ of its future existence. The problem with elegant BRIDE
and but a short time will elapse be­
& CO., 769 Broadway, Now York*
fore they will be convertible into gold.
This leaves Indiana and Connecti­ nual report of the Secretary of the is certainly a serious as well as an in­
0^1 H non
h a y a n n a lottery,
lU .U U U .
Distribution every fifteen days.
Prosperity and thrift, the same that cut, with twenty-one electoral votes, N avy has been, perhaps, given more teresting one.-—Chicago Tribune.
X i> t* iz e......$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 11 p r U c . . ......$50,GOO
brought greenbacks up from 270 to to be disputed.
I f tbe Democratic importance than it deserves. This re­
2 p r i z e s , $ 2 5 ^ 0 0 0 e a c ii................... 5 0 ,0 0 0
S5X p r i z e s , a m o u n t i n g ' t o .............. .3 1 0 .0 0 0
110, -will suffice to bring it up to party makes any mistakes, either in port will show that we have eight new,
Whole tickets, $20; quarters, $5; twentieths, $1.
Circulars of information free. Prizes cashed.
equal value with gold, while contrac­ its ticket or platform—-and, being torn fast, and powerful steam aloops-of-war
O O ., B a n k e r s ,
Oct. 30th, IS75, at the residence of the bride* in New
Post-office Box 2QS9.
21 Park Row, New York.
tion o f currency will bring on by internal dissensions, it is almost nearly ready for sea. A ll but one Troy,
Berrien Go., Slioh., by B oy. 1 M . Bell,-pastor of the
Government Lotteries
33. Church, Dayton, Hr. GEOKGJ3 H -ITILLEE, of
stagnation and hard times, and reduce certain to make serious mistakes— the are already. launched; and all will be Iu.
constantly on hand.
I<YUtt,Hn3S;, andMrs,AIAItY MOft LEY, of New Troy.
the value o f greenbacks. From the Republicans will have a fair prospect ready for service, i f necessary, hy the
wanted to learn Telegraphing and
Nov. 4th, 1875, at tho residence of tho bride, by the
offices on new lines which we
Rov. ,T. 1?. BartmesSjHr. BRADLEY M. PENNELL and
foregoing we deduce these considera
o f carrying several additional States. first o f January.
are fnrmahing
famishing with operators.
Salary from $10 to $100 a
Mrs. ELIZABETH CALVIN, both of Berrien County.
month and steady promotion. Particulars mailed free.
tions :
They will almost certainly recover
Besides, a dozen or more o f our
Berrien and Niles papers pleaso copy.
Address N W . T elegraph I rstituts, Janesville, Wis*
1. That the American people to a Mississippi, with eight electoral votes, strongest iron-clads are ready for ser­
man favor the early resumption o f If anything like a fair election is pos­ vice,' and can be put in commission, at
specie payment.
sible, and carry Florida, with three any time, in a few days. Then we
2. That the vast indebtedness of electoral votes ; nor is it impossible have two or more powerful new rams
2Ke<i5 Nov. 5th, 1576. afc the residence of his son. in
Three Oafcs, DISNEY MILLEB, aged 92 years, 3 months
tbe United States, being butr a small to recover Arkansas, Texas and and torpedo boats, besides a number and 10 days*
Eully represented and being sold at the low­
Tho deceased moved to this county tbirtythree years,
fraction o f its actual wealth— and the West Virginia,: or to redeem Delaware of formidable torpedo machines, ready
est living prices. The prospect for a bearr
ago, beingoilo ortho first settlers. He has lived » sober,
stability o f the government is not and Maryland..— Detroit Post.
fall trade is very encouraging, and we haTe
for use. The condition of the best of Christian life, honored had respected by all who knew
made ample provisions foT the same, and onr
doubted— it follows that there can be
our old ships is good. The whole na­ hloi. Kedied professing great faith ia Jesus; the bur*
friends will have
no occasion to discredit Its promises
vy is, in fact, in a better condition den of his prayer being that his passage to eternal glory
Male and Female, in their own locality.
might be easy “ Bleasod ore the dead who die in the
to pay.
Are tiieM em oris Going l
than it has been at any other time Lord,”
Terms and OUTFIT PREE. Address
P. O, TIOKERY & CO., Augusta, Me.
8. That the annual required reve­
An Unusual Large and Varied
Since the close of the War for the U n­
His son, J. D.Miller, would return thanlcs to friends in
A wholesale emigration o f t]
per day at home. Samples worth $ !
nues o f the government should never
Buchanan foe services rendered in laying away the re­
Latter-Day Saints from Utah is one
Stock to Select From.
$5 to
free. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine.
mains ef his father.
succeed a small per cent, o f the peo­
o f the possibilities o f tbe future. Des­ good account o f themselves i f put to
a month to energetic men and women every*
ple’s yearly increase o f wealth, and
whero. JBusiniss honorable. EXCELSIOR
potism thrives best on a lonely soil. use.
A c t in g u p o n th e c o n v ic tio n t h a t la rge sales
CO., 151 Michigan ave., Ohicago.
to afford the facilities for these accu­
A ll this does not, however, prove
/w i t h sm a ll p ro fits are b e tte r th a n sm a ll sales
The pressure o f “ Gentiles” forced tho
mulations, the government should
w ith large p ro fits, a n d th a t a sm all p e r cen tWcdntsday morning for the Jtccord\by
Mormons from their homes on Lake that the Administration has the slight­ Qorrfctf.dtvtry
JT either eex may fascinate and gain the love and af­
KHTY02T<£ JYiVt?ETfT, Deaters in Grooeriesand JPro>
husband its resources, and curtail all
age an d R E A D Y M O N E Y i s b etter than a
fections ot any person they choose, instantly. This art
t>s5t<ms, JB'roniStreet, Buchanan. Jdich.
Michigan, from the sacred city o f
all can possess, Ireo, by mail, for 25 cents; together with
la rg e p e r c e n tsg e a n d lo n g accou n ts, w e
unnecessary and unmeaning expendi­
Thcs&ftgure* rttproamt t7uj>rtces paid hy dF.aier3s'unUi3
a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to
Nauvoo on the Mississippi, and from contrary, those who are in the best of7tera»ise specified.
Ladies, etc. l,000,00o sold. -A queer book. Address T.
tures. I t should pay off interestWILLIAM & CO., Pubs., Philadelphia.
their Missouri settlement. The same position to know, affirm that contin­
bearing indebtedness and ^substitute
1 20
white, per bnshoL...-^.......... ...........
pressure is now making itself felt on ued peace is considered pretty certain, TVheat,
Wheat, red, per hashel................. .
. 110
therefor non-interest-bearing obliga­
Flour, wliito, per barrel, selling...............
7 50
the shores o f Great S a if Lake. and all the - more likely .to he certain Flour*
red, per barrel, selling....................
7 09
tions whenever practical, and the
3 00
Brigham Young settled Utah as the because o f the improved condition of Olover Seed, perbuBhel..............^............... ..
to the lowest possible figures. Come at
Timothy Seed, per bushel..,........................
3 CO
same oaght to be convertible into
site o f the new Zion because the re­ our navy. There wa3 a time, two or Corn,per bushel...............................................
once and assure yourselves that what we say
either, at the will o f the holders—■
Oats, .per bushel............................................... ..
we mean and will perform. W e make a
Expects to run the
ports o f Fremont and other officers three years ago, when the.Spanish p
Bran, per ton, selling.................................
20 00
and it should never unduly contract
live, per hundred................................
6 50
specialty o f all kinds o f Men’s, Boys’ and
sent out on exploring expeditions by pers talked sneeringly o f our navy, Pork,
the currency, and thereby contrast
Youth’s Fine
the Government declared that the lo­ and when tho Spanish government Pork, mess, perponnd.................................... ..
Corn MenI, bolted, per hundrod, selling.,.,..
2 00
all values o f property, and thus crip­
cality was inaccessible, shut out from
Plaster, per barrel, celling.,..................... . .1 75
ple all the vast productive industries
Hay, tamo, por ton..................... .
the world by hundreds o f mile3 o f .treating our ju st complaints. But, Bay, marsh, por ton..... .............. ................ ...10a00@I2
o f the country.
Salt, fine, per barrel, soiling,...,...,............
desert, The “ Prophet” knew that
Salt, coarse, per barrel, soiling..............
2 60
4. That to restore prosperity to the
Beam?, por bushel...... ......................
1 50
his system o f legalized lust, to suc­ the Spanish government will be, doubt
Wood, 13 inch, per cord...,,...................
1 75
country and increase its wealth, and
And Women’ s, Misses’ and Children’ s Fia»
ceed, must be beyond the bounds o f less, not disposed to quarrel with us Wood ,4 ieet, per cord................................. .... ..
3 60
make it possible for the people to pay
Butter, per pound...........................................
civilization. H e placed _ it where he
Eggs, per dozen........................... ................... ..
their taxes, the willing laborers must
Lard, porpouud......... ..................................
w 14
thought it would be secured in its
Tallow, por pound.......... .............. .............. .
. $m
have employment— our factories and
The United States and Great Brit­ Houoy, por pound.................................. . ..
loneliness. But ft certain rude civili­
Potatoes, wow, por bushel....... ......... ...........
workshops must again resound with
zation has reached it and made its ain have another difference on hand Groou Apples, per bushel............................ .. .
the cheerful music o f the hammer, the
Ohlckouu, per pound,.........................
8 F
Our stock in these is very full .and rwy
fate sure. The discovery of the rich
Cranberries, per quart...................... .
saw and the spindle. The masses
Onr assortment o f Men’s and
per thaiiiMmtl, soiling......
8 00
mines o f the neighborhood, mines that ton. Nevertheless it is being put in Brick,
Hides, green, por pound....................... ....... ..
must be provided the means to gain
were probably known long ago by the the way o f a speedy settlement. It Hides, ilry, per pound..................... .
all winter, and sell Sleigh S hoes as
Bolts...... ............... .................... .................... .. 4 59@1 50
an honest livelihood.
Mormon chiefs, brought thousands o f relates to the boundary between Brit­ Mackerel, No. 1, per pound, selling,,...,......
as the cheapest, and as good
5. That in matters o f finance it
Whito KIslu per pound, soiling.....................
Gentiles to Utah. The completion ish North America and Alaska. Whil
Older, per band, soiling............................
3 50
will be far safer to follow the- advice
o f the Pacific Railway has annihlated tho Russians held Alaska, no dispute
o f the industrial classes than that o f
How is the time to get your
the desert that once surrounded and of consequence arose touching the ex­
the money aristocrats o f W all street.
S’oeciai Notices.
And Ladies’ Shawls, F e lt and BaimMil
stoves repaired.
secured this bit o f barrerism. The act location o f the boundary line,
S k ir ts , an d
The former are o f the people— their
perfection o f the machinery o f F ed­ though there were some troubles be­
interests are identical. Out o f crude
eral Courts in Utah, the erection o f a
materials they erect valuable struct­
fort that commands Salt Lake City ny (British)1 and the Russian fur trad­
ures, affording employment to thous
'i.’lsa © T a b l e —.T sily I S , I S 7 3 and - that could blow the Prophet’s ers, about their trade. Tho exact
ands and bringing comfort and happi­
i ■•.%!! t
“ Lion House” and harem into noth­ boundary has been settled this long
W e also keep
o f e v e ry v a rie ty i s com p le te ,
ness to many households. The latter, al­
ingless within half an -hour, "and the time on paper; but tho true location Chicago................
5 00 A, IS, 4 OOP. M. 9 00 p .a i
c o n sta n tly o n h a n d a lin e o f the celebrated
ways seeking to contract values, that
-5 4-5
4 45
9 42
GERMANTOWN W OOL in all the newest
case’o f concentrating any number o f o f the boundary line, has not been lj£,6n9iug
•Ft B . W H E E L E R ,
5 37
10 25
« k o ...... ............
they may gobble up the savings o f
..... 1 33
shades and sylos. All the latest styles ef
troops there within a few days at the
7 55
6 o5
Now Bufililo......
their victims, give employment to but
Men’s and Boys’ OLOTHING at lowest
S «
7 50
12 20 A .M .
farthest, have made the maintenance that ,line runs through a vast and soli­ Dnchauan...........
prices. Our stock o f
8 20
few, and impoverish thousands daily,
Niles .................... ...... 0 02
o f the Mormon faith, in its ex-strong­ tary wilderness, it has nbver, until Dowagiuc.............
9 27
8 43
and wide-spread ruin and distrust
9 51
1 35
lately, been o f much practical conse­ Decatur................
K IM 3 S , M IC H .
hold, a sheer impossibility.
0 37
follow in their wake. In the alms­
10 50
2 35
house, insane asylum and prison,
Peo.i the niost reasonable in tho "United States. Mode
3 2{
decaying creed. The remedy would and gold fields have been discovered Rattlo
3 43
their victims are found by the thous
12 45
upon, or close to the boundary line. Marshall.....
made, and rejected cases taken on conditions of succes
is the best and cheapest tbit we hare ever
Albion........... . ..... 1 1 2
4 OS
-..At 2 OS
4 52
offered. Our friends know that w* take
A Canadian company has asserted Jackson......
Preliminary examinations free.
Jnckson—........... .Lv 212
7 00 A ,M . 455
6. That the gold in circulation is
special pains to keep the stock full in all tlu
2 45
7 32
possession o f one o f these mining Grass Lake.........
~ 5T ears o f ’ 3Hxrp e i - i e i x e e .
leading lines and it shall be our special am
8 00
Chelsea............... ..._ 310
at no time sufficient to meet the re­ times. The possibility o f repeating tracts, and their claim is disputed by Dexter.................
...... 325
8 IS
6 0S
to keep an abundant supply o f Fall and W i*quirements o f trade, that in addition this heroic cure o f evils too great to California and Oregon claimants, who Ann Arbor.......... ..... 3 52
S 37
ter Goods constantly on hand, «a«h as
8 55.
Ypailanti............ . ..... 4 20
6 48
to the gold, credit for a basis o f cir
4 45
0 23
7 OS
assert that the mines are in Alaska, Wayno
T* Junction... ..... 6 30
10 00 ,
7 45
culition is necessary, and that it is Lake Oity for Some years. Men have and belong to the United States. A s G.
Detroit^............ ..Ar 5 45
Infinitely safer to use the credit o f been sent to investigate the chances the property is supposed to be o f much
the government for said basis than o f finding a haven and a heaven o f value, _ these counter claims have at­ Detroit-...............Lr. 7 OOA . H 4 00 P. M -Express.
5 40 P .M .
Junction.... ..... 715
5 55
-the credit o f individuals or that o f rest there, where marriages b y whole­ tracted attention, and are o f consider­ G.T.
\Vuyue Junction
7 57
6 37
sale could be safely practiced. It was
S 32
5 27
o f all k in d s , M e n ’ s a n d J o y s ’ S l o g * , S i p u i
eh joint
C a lf B o a ts , a n d W o m e n ’s * n d C h ild r sn ’*
7. That the government should at reported some time ago," that Brigham boundary commission, representing Daxter..,............
9 20
6 0S
..... 040
fi 2-3
8 30
C a lf, G ra in e d , K i d a n d C lo th S h e w ;, M e * ’ *
all times receive its own promises to was negotiating with the| Mexican the Government or the United States Chelsea..............
Grass Lake*..... .
10 07
a n d B o y ’ s C lo th in g M id F u r n is h in g G o o d s ,
Ar 10 37
9 25
pay in payment for all dues— for im­ Government for the possessing o f the and the Government o f Great Britain, JiMJkaoa..
Jackson...... .
a n d a ll k in d s o f S ta p le a n d J a n e y D r y
9 30
10 25
port duties the Same as for internal fertile State o f Chihuahua. This Is to investigate the matter, and aeou- Albion.............. ..... U 34
G o o d s , G ro ce rie s, C r o c k e r y , H a r d w ir e , T i * Marshall............. ..... 12 25 p , ar.
10 52
w a re , .etc., etc.
Rattle Crook......
12 54
W e feel th a n k fu l fo r y o * r fiT o r s i * tk *
8. That it should be made lawful abandonded. A new land is said to be line. The London Times announces Galesburg...........
1 58
4 00 A. ii. 12 26 A. 51.
p a st, a n d sh all tr y , b y c lo se a tte n tio n to y e a r
Vienna, 1S73 — Medal of Merit, •
2 35
4 41
for national banks to offer or receive the goal o f Mormon hopes. Dr. the appointment o f the British boun­ Lawton...............
'w a n ts, to m e r it a c o n tin u a n ce o f th e sum* i *
2 50
5 00 ‘
“ Vienna, A ustria, August 2 ,1S73.
American gold coin as securi by or colla­ Manning, the general manager of the dary commissioners, and President Powa^iuc............
5 2n
2 01
th e fu tu re.
£wI t givos.iuo great plcasaro to report that the Medal o
Niles............... .
3 40
2 30
teral security for loans, or for consid­
Merit has boon awarded to your firm in consideration of
3 54
6 25
2 44
4 40
7 21
3 40
eration to agree to withhold the samo Utah that Palestine will probably be probably state the action and claim of New
and m my judgment it is an honor well doaerved.”
Michigan City....
7 50
4 05
chosen, and the new Zion placed-on
Lake................. .
6 05
S 40
4 5p
from use. Yours, etc.
U. S. Commissioner to the Vienna Exhibition?
G 50
0 35
5 45
the soil sacred to the old one. One’ our Government in the matter.—-De­ Konsiogton
U r i a h B utinep..
7 35
10 2,0
o f the last acts o f the late George A .
“ W O R C E S T E R ,”
4sSvmdays oxcpptod.*
$3aturday nnd SundDy oxcopted.
Smith, first Vice-President of the Mor­
H B, L edyard,
War. 13. Siuono, ■»
A Doomed Siiy s Venice.
Ais’t GetiSup't, Mrdit." Qcn'l fhgft, Chicago*
Presidential Prospects.
mon Church and State, — or ChurchMTLlSSy
O ctob e r 1 9 , l S Y o .
S6m 3
llasRY O. WxKttwowcii, Gcrvl Pass. uigent, Chicago, AQJ8STZ, H IL L A R D . HOLZLES, LONGRRLLOTV,
I t seems that the Italian Parliament
Judging the Presidential prospects State,— was to visit Palestine. Ho
in next year’s contest hy the results was accompanied by the Mormon Su­ is confronted with a more serious prob­ G ^ I ^ o F ^ C T ^ S nQBJB E.
TjsZ 77 *5. SENATE, A N D ' THE Ut S. HOUSE OF
o f the latest elections this year, sup­
Worcester's Quarto Dictionary* Illustrated. Price, $10.00
audhfter ^Sunday, Oct, 24, 1875, traj'nn will rmi- ’ r*
tTuLvorsal and Cuitic-alDictionary.* *•
posing that both parties will nomi­ urer, and Superintendent - o f Emigra­ and the purification o f the Roman
\J aefollows:
Academic Dictionary, .“
nate strong candidates, upon at least
Comprehensive “
11 . Elementary
respectable platforms, so that each ly way b y tho Pasha, who is believed ot Garibaldi introduced to its atten­
“ .
' «•«
Express. D.vpress.
Pocket Dictionary, Illustrated, Price: Tuck,
may poll its full strength, the Repub­ to favor the project. The resident tion. I f the Venice correspondent of Now DnilUlo...
U 3 0 A .i'l i i so r . jsi. 7 00 V, M
edges, $1.00; Flexihlo, $ .85; Cloth,
n Lino..... ........
7 18 . licans may fairly consider the great Mohammedans would not oppose it, ‘ tho London Times is to' be believed, ■'■1'ow
- ■•
7 27"
WORCESTER'S. DICTIONARIES ar.e for Sale by book7 33
Centennial election contest as nearly for they consider the Mormans as tbo “ Queen of tho Adriatic” is a doom­ JChickuujlag............
sellorii geiiOEiallyrend bv'
X’roy.............. ............
7 45
iJ R E W E n , & TU iESTON j
7 50
certain to result in their favor.
The much nearer the true faith than the ed city ; and its destruction is now re­ -iiiovia’a ...... .
J. F . H A H N .
hridgosmu................ 12 00 H.
12 40 A . 11. * S 05 only Northern States which can now ordinary Christian sects are. The garded as so certain, i f left to itself, Morris...................
be at all fairly regarded as doubtful, harem-idea doubtless appeals to the that' the Italian Government has ap­ StovonsyiUo.........
M etalic and Casket CoSB.ns,
3 do
.lospph.................. 12 35
toady-made,constantly on Band,or made tu rde?c%
are Connecticut, New Y ork and Indi­ Turkish heart. Polygamy denied to pointed several scientific Commissions St.
Grand Rapids............ 4 20
6 55
. 5 25
ana, with the chances o f N ew York "both Mormon and Mohammedan at to ascertain the actual imminence of Muskegon
going Republican greatly increased first, was afterwards legalized by a the danger, and to suggest ways and
Tbe most wonderfhVm^cIical discovery know v man
Du. MARsnAT?» LuNQ Siru p , will: positively cure Con
b y the angry differences between the . “ special revelation” to the two proph­ means' whereby it may be averted.
furntshedto allorderln g^ A ad a trJcL a ttestib ri »
digging andlooatfng'wbeVtMloRlred
sumption in its first stages, and all diseases of the Throat
Western and Eastern Democrats, ets, Mohammed and Joseph Smith. The Times correspondent says that "PciilwAtor............
Ltuigs, and Cheat. This almost.miraculous :Comp'p,und is
* •
J. r jra p x
3 00 P. M.
6 00‘A Mthe
300P..M., 0 25 A ; M.
which differences will prevent Now
8 30
••inboiis .of-saying his life. No •medicine has Ayer yet bee'u
Y ork from receiving the Democratic would sell. any “ concessions” for .a and the remedies suggested remote OcandllapidB......... U.otr
8 00
Stdo’flAcItitroducdd, to- the Ainericim pe’ople, like it I t iu war
OhicftROj the longest «*»
St Joseph .
1 50 A. AT. 5 30 a . M.\ -ranted to.loreakAtp and cure the most 'troublesome. Con
nomination for President, and thus
iu the specIal tr«*.W
3 31.
5 47
lin Un incredibly short limp. There is no remedy that,
Tho danger is not from the sinking “StevousvSllo.........
ment ot all private and
3 40
5 57
defeat the ambitions o f the Democrat­ enough to buy any privileges' he may
chronic diseases than S ty other physician in the city.
3 50
S^ntup, for curing Consumption, Spitting of BI'xjI
Hernia or rupture, all urinary diseases, and ayphillitic or
ic leaders o f that State, dull their en­ wish. Irrigation would do as much o f the city, which has been going on Bridgomau............ 3 55 •
Car v - LuSd
sovero Congha, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma. Group, etc
mercurial affections of the 'throat, akin or bonfs, at*
4 0f»
0 29 .
-Xc acts on the kidnoyB, ;and on the liver, andiis perfectly
thusiasm, and prevent tho great* ef­
treated vith unparalleled success, on the ‘latest scientffia
4 00
0 34 k
harmless to themost delicaie child,: being a purely vog- of
'principles. Spermatorrhea, ‘Sexual Dobilityyand ImpoteKWith
Gbikamiug. A......... -4 IS
6 45
fort on their part necessary to keep
table compound. Ask ;your^ druggist, for-Da M arseal' s
potency j as the result of self-abuse in -youth, 'Bnxual ex­
4 22
^Wilkinson’s ..........
0 51
Xuso Syrup, toke jio .Otber, as i*s equal does not exist
cesses in ruathrer years, or other causesi and which }>r««
4 27
0 53;
the State from going Republican. It be built up on the eastern shore o f the rivers,- after" which it" is held that £Town Lino...... .
duco some of the tollowing effects j NorrouEnees. Seiniiij 1
3 30*
7 15the whole district will be swallowed up Now Buffalo........... 4 40
-principal dmggisiR. A . L. ITatbs & Sox, Agents,-Bu*
the ambitions o f Hendricks and the the Mediterranean.
omissions, Debility, Dimnesrbf'Si^tf^eicctivb Mfinory,
clmnnn, Midi.
Pimples on tha JTace, Pbysical^D,ecayy ATcralon to "the
. A Mormon crusade to the H oly . by the sea,' ana that the last vestige passongers to got.on or off.
other Democratic leaders o f Indiana
Society of Females, Confusion. of-Ideai, Loss of Scxaa 1
Power,otc;,Tonder’m2 wiarrlage:improper and nnhayp;,
are disappointed, that State may be Land would, o f course, not take the, of tho great commercial and Republi­
aro permanently cured. Dieeasea peculiar to women, raeV
set down as pretty sure to g o Repub­ whole Mormon population,. but the can people o f early times will disap­
as Menorrhagia,-Leucorrheaj Or ^VhiteBjChlorosts- DIneiJ'/A d m i n i s t r a t o r ’ S 'B a ie.'* - v
68 and'Displacements oftho -Womb, Sterility, #to., en«-■
N SUMS: TO SUIT, on npi>roved real ostate seenrity
lican. O f the Southern States, the fanatics would go to a man—-and to a pear. There are in-Venice -what are f N thomaltor of tho oslnio of Sarah Bl Woodbridgo
coeafully treated. Age. with, experience'can be relied ny.
from threo tp fiye yearn, •
.theon. It.is8oir-evidont that a physician treating thoumnoe
Republicans will probably carry North -woman. Tho mew Church would be
-public auctibn to tho highest bsdclor.-ou'Wonday.’ the
of casea evory year acquires great skill* Confident!*! eo«snltatlon personally .or by letter free and inTited.' Cura­
Carolina, South Carolina, and Louisi­ more compact, and stronger than the “ dead-lagoons,” the former o f which* 27 th day o f December, A. D .-1875, at 2 o'clock.Pv Mv, o n , AfSO, REAL ESTATE AGENT
tho promises heroin, monlioued, puisuunt to a liconsemid,
ble cases guaranteed. Ladles requiring.Surgical Aid, .
. . 9 H tS K S li E G O B K .
ana, with a fair •chance to recover old. After tho Mormons- have gone, are'flooded-by'the ordinary tide; and authority granted to mo ou tlio l2lh .day. pr-.Tu]y,_A.D."
^*Medical Attendance, or Advice, may call on or sddrsss
- . OSJa.
Ff, .aUv.ndor, Yroot Street.'Bnoh.n.ft
the doctor. Invalids'provided with apartments,’ board,
Mississippi and Florida.
The latest we might persuade the Indians-to emr .the latter' only reached by very high NHchigan, all tho roal oalato situated m tho lown5hip*of- . I f l c h 3 ■
L ■
^attendoncek etcl 27i< Cream of Medical Literature,-Nias*
■trated'with chaste engravings; relating to the above di*
election in - California indicates that igrate somewhere, and then the West
tis follows, to*-wit;. ~'i1ho' uorthweat-^fractional •quarter
eases, and explaining who may marry'; tho impedtmeiik
the Republicans are strongest in that would be-rid o f two strong elements. lic apprehended jh e, danger of disease. C/i) of GOCtion thirly-ono- (31) in town seven (7) south, . ,S®f*For fine jo b printing, call at. ,'to'marrlage, their nature, cause and cure. Price 25 o*bU
rango soveutoon (17)r
- " " ’ ,
plain sealed envelope. Office hours, 0 A . M. to S/P. A
. and'disasterfrom -the rivers,—rthefirstthis office,
. ..
.. V
State. A s one o f <the< great issues, ■of’ barbarism.
30w7 • if. A. WO.ODBIUDQE, Adiuiuislrfttor,
•Sundtys 2
' . -f, „ *
y & ir n N N iA L
Prescription F ree'
s lo t-fim
Immense Stock of
and Winter
Staple and Fancy
Yon Can Make $5,000
R e ij-M e (doing,
Fine Custom-Made
And Men’s So Boy's
S l a t s &> G a p s ,
Rave Reduced Prices
Calf,Kip .& Stoga Boots,
Calf So (drained Shoes.
U IB E IW E A 1 ,
Ladies’ and Rents’ Gloves
k SON,
Dayton, Mick.
B E A B T H IS !
M ONEY. TO 1,0 A N
The Berrien County' Record
T o A dvertisers.
T ie "R e co rd ” is the best A dvertisin g
Medium in South-western Michigan, hav
l a g the largest circulation of a n y other
paper in this part of the State.,
Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park, Row, X. T.,
8. if . Pettiagill, 87 Park Row, X . T ., and
Xowell & Chesman, St, Louis, Missouri, are
aur authorized agents. to; contract for advertis­
ing, at our lowest rates, for the columns of the
Be iu u s x C o u s i t R ecord .
O w x e r s of horses; cattle, &c., who
have allowed the same to run at. large
in the village, had now "better look a
little out,” as the time for allowing
cattle, &c. to run at large has'expirod,
and Pattengell will be looking after
them. So look out for your "c r it­
T he : man Who makes a practice o f
chopping holes in the side-walk in a
certain, part o f this, place would do
good thing for himself and others by
repairing damages done by himself,
his®boys, &c., lest, the Marshal get af­
ter him with a sharp stick.
C ooler.
u s t o f X ettcrs.
A little snow blew yesterday.
B uckwheat
flapjacks are now in
* S ee prospectus o f Peterson’s 'M a g ­
azine, in another column.
Kg3L.Remeniber that P o ll T a x this
W e have on hand a supply o f blank
note books, which we will sell cheap.
T h e Benton Times has put on
patent outside.
R ead the new advertisement o f S.
P . & 0 - 0 . H igh, in another column.
T h e A rgus is the name o f a new
paper lately started in Edwardsburg.
S ubscribe for the weekly InterOcean and R ecord .
Only §2 .6 5 for
both papers to one address, one year.
T h e re is a new business ” card, in
our list on the first page. Read them
and see which one it is.
T h e last o f the Berrien Springs
bridge was taken from this place on
M r . A . O . H ow e , o f
Chicago, was
in town visiting friends and relatives
a few days this week.
T h e apple trade is past the maxi­
mum, but few being brought to mar­
ket now.
T . M. F u l t o n ’ s building, occupied
b y Seltzer & W heeler, is to have a
new tin roof.
P r o p . J . A - J o k e s ’ entertainment
at the Collins & Weaver H all to­
R oller S k a t in g is the rage in La
Porte, the skating being done in one
o f the halls o f that place.
M r . and
M rs . H ugh M cL el lan , '
o f Brunswick, Maine, are in town
visiting their children here.
P r ep aratio n s are being made to
furnish the Christian Church o f this
place with a new roof.
D r . R . W . P ie rc e left this place
on Monday for an extended trip
through; Mexico. H is object is to re­
gain his health.
H ic k o r y wood is worth §S.50 per
cord in Chicago. W hat would our
towns people think i f they could not
procure fuel for less ?
O ld residents predict a long and
Savere winter. The inference is ta­
ken from the fact that there are so
* * ,n j weddings taking place this fall.
“ T h e T wo Orphans” will, be acted
by a noted troupe from H ooley’s thea­
ter, in Chicago, at the Opera House
ia Riles, to-night.
M r . & M r s . S cott W h it m a n cele­
brated the tenth anniversary o f their ,
wedding on Tuesday evening last. A
large number o f friends were present,
and a good time was enjoyed by all.
M a r s h a l l P e n n e l l , who has been
aiek with lung fever the; last; two
weeks, is slowly recovering and will,
probably be about again in a few days.
Dr. E . S. D odd is the attending phy­
T h e old and reliable Buchanan Or­
chestra B and will vibrate the strings
thii evening, at the entertainment
given by P ro f. Jones, the world re­
nowned Ventriloquist, at the Collins;
k Weaver H all;
Remaining in the Post Office at. Buchanan,
Tuesday. Xovember 9th, IS75.
Baker, X .
Luddiek, Adam
Champion, J, IT.
Mcllullen. Laura
This list is published free for the information,
o f the readers, o f the R ecord , therefore there
is no charge fo r delivery o f letters advertised
herein. Persons will, however, in claiming any
o f the above, call for “ advertised letters.’*
X. H. M errill , P. M.
0 . D . C a r l i s l e has commenc­
ed manufacturing; his, “ Little Gi­
ant, Carpet Stretchers,” and will soon
be able to furnish them, in large num­
bers. I t is a neat and powerful ma­
chine, being able to withstand the
draft o f several hundred pounds. This
enterprise is in good and responsible
hands, and will, no doubt, prove a
S. W . R ed d e n ’ s house, over Smith
& Son’s store, was entered on Sunday
last, while the family were absent at
church, and ransacked from end to
end by a young chap who lives on
Oak street.
During his search he
found a pocket-book, containing about
eight dollars in money, belonging to a
Miss Mars, who was boarding with
the family, which he appropriated to
his own use. He went from there, di­
rectly to the livery stable, hired a
team, and finding another boy o f
about the same age to accompany
him, drove over to Riles. Upon their
return they were called into Redden
& Graham's store and questioned in
regard to the missing money, and af­
ter a short skirmish the guilt was ac­
knowledged and the money given up.
While on the way to Riles, the one
who stole the money claims to have
told the other where he got it, hut
the other denies any knowledge o f it.
The first1 b o y wa3 not arrested
because be is deaf,
because- the first was
not. B oth, however, are old enough
to know the penalty for such, proceedings.
Monday and Tuesday o f this week
were taken up With the trial o f Thom­
as Hawkins, charged with having com­
mitted burglary in the dwelling house
o f Mrs. Hill, at Hew Troy, in this
county, on the 3d o f August last.
The prosecution was conducted by
Wm. H . Breece, Pros. A tty., and E .
M. Plimpton; the defence by J . J.
Van Riper. The defendant was ac­
quitted and discharged.
The case o f George Teetzel, charged
with obtaining money on property un­
der false pretences, was brought on
after the above, but at last accounts:
the information in the case could, not
be found, and, the Court was at a
stand still.
Charles Russell and William Evans,
convicted of an assault, appeared and
gave bonds to appear at the next term
o f Court to receive sentence.
There is still a large amount of busi­
ness on hand, and if the cases are fin­
ished up, Court will hold for several
W eeks to come.
T a x -payers in Buchanan Village
will please take notice that the time
for the Collection o f the Corporation
Taxes expires R ov. 27th, and the
Common Council1is unanimous in op­
position to any further extension o f
the time.
Therefore, parties who
have not yet paid their taxes will do
well to attend to it, and thus save
themselves trouble and, expense.
0- S. B lack , President.
B. D . H a r p e r , Recorder.
Rov. 10, 1875.
E d it o r R e c o r d :;— There seems to
Keeler,” the present teacher, and Zasc
o f all, myself. M y application was
made so late that I had no oxpecta
tion o f getting the school, unless; the
director failed to come to terms with
the first applicant or it should he de
cided b y the Board that a new begin­
ner should not have the place, X ap
plied partly for the sake of the pelf,
hut principally because my long expe
rience in teaching has made me love
the work, while the six terms I have
taught here have endeared to mo many,
both o f pupils and parents, and I felt
a natural desire to gather the young
o f this place once more around me—
judging that in the long years devotee
to my calling I might have .garnerec
some wisdom which would to them be
a benefit. When I found that the Di
rector had, according to the usua
custom o f engaging the first suitable
applicant, made terms with the “ Lady
from K eeler,” who possessed the high­
est recommendations as to character,
education and experience, I rejoiced
at the prospect o f a good school and
a pleasant and valuable addition to
our society here.
Later, when
learned that the Moderator, who has
never been in the habit o f patronizing
the school, and the Assessor, who has
no children to send, had over-rulec
the Director and placed a third grade
teacher in charge, I had no fault to
find ; her application also was before
mine. I was sorry only for those who
also holding third grade certificates
had wisely concluded that it would be
more profitable to learn than to teach,
and had made preparations to spend
the winter in study. Still I urged
them to attend the public school, anc
it was only when I found that their
parents were unwilling that they
should thus waste the time, and that a
strong effort would be made to raise
means to start a subscription school,
that I consented to teach a few for
short time each day, provided they
furnished and warmed an unoccupied
room iu m y house; and the trifling
sum o f ten cents was charged, more
to give the pnpils a feeling o f inde­
pendence, than from any desire to
gain money from those who are pay­
ing taxes to support, though deriving
no benefit from, the district school
Toward the teacher of* the public
school I have no personal ill-feeling.
So far as she is able, I believe she is
doing her work well, and surely out
o f between sixty and seventy scholars
in the district, I have made no mate
rial difference ia the number o f her
s. In fact all would have been
well enough i f her pretended friends
had not been so anxious to crow over
their victory, provoking “ One o f the
Few” to a plain statement o f the facts,
all o f which have been virtually ac­
To “ X . X . Z .” I would say that
“ personal spite” has had nothing to
do with the matter o f having a select
school, and as he does not pretend to
claim; that all o f my pupils should at­
tend the district school, I would like
to know what the rest are to do—
those who hold equal certificates with
the teacher ? I would also say that
there can be nothing sp “ detrimental
to the best interests o f the community
and the Common School System” o f
Michigan, not the “ United States” 03
the practice o f putting poorly quali­
fied teachers into our public schools,
and when this is done in opposition to
the well known wishes o f many o f the
tax payers, they show wisdom who
find somo other means Of instruction
for their children.
T o “ Joram” let me say that, when
he undertakes to “ tell the foaks the
plane fax about the skool bizness,”
he should avoid such awful fibs as he
tells about his sister “ Jerushy,” who
o f course is a myth, and i f she were
not, I am not good and kind enough
to teach her, for I know I should have
to take my pay in Hubbard squashes,
and run. the risk o f having an execu­
tion levied on them before they were
in my possession. Neither could I
think o f admitting “ Joram” to m y
school; his letter shows that his early
education has been sadly neglected by
his parents, who have constantly failed
to send him to the district school. I
think a third or even a fourth grade
teacher, i f one could be found, might
give him instruction for some years to
come. I know it was not “ dredful
agravatin” to me “ to have Mr. ------ ’s
darter git the skool here,” and I cer­
tainly never called her “ kow” nor
made “ sich like speeches,” and i f she
has me, I don’t care, and am sorry
you put it in the paper, I don’ t think
any one need be afraid to visit this
place on account o f the “ advanced
children,” i f they only behave proper­
ly themselves, Reither has any one
objected to “ M r .;------ ’s darter be­
cause she clum mountins and plade
croka and sich When she wuz off to
Amherst Kollidge to skool,” because
it is well known that she never sought
admission to Amherst college as a stu­
dent; nor is there any objection to
her getting up “ airly in the mornin”
i f she pleases.
I f you think “ moosick” has such a
good effect why don’t you and “ X . X .
Z .,” try it, , I know o f none; who need
soothing more than you two will when
you read this letter, for the latter
part o f which I will apologize to the
general reader, by referring to Prov­
erbs, 25th chap., 5th verse.
M rs . E. H al e T hompson .
be especial attention, by one and all,
being given in making due prepara­
tion for old winter, by the banking o f
dwellings; the burying o f potatoes,
apples, cabbage, beets, and all other
M o t h e r G o s s ip talks like this, this good things which mother earth pro­
time. “ Miss —— , one o f Buchanan’s duces.
Trade with our merchants has been
fair maids, is soon to be conducted
from our midst to other and. more very brisk this fall, notwithstanding
sonny climes. The new black dress the hard times that some make such, a
h « cost over seventy dollars.” W on- big noise about. There is one thing
d#r who the old lady has reference to. that all must acknowledge, and that is
there has not been, for many years; a
T h x latest thing out is a pull-back more, plentiful and abundant harvest
dress on a- little g ir l o f eight or nine than the present. Prank fc Than
<■' j « r » , the skirts being exceedingly have had the handling o f a large share
short; Such a spectacle appeared up- o f the grain grown in this region, are
» our streets a few days since, re­ well known, have given good satisfac­
minding us very much o f a— a— well, tion; in the past, and promise the same,
in the future.
almost anything: but a- human
E. & D . Holmes are the principal
H on . J. C . B u r r o w s has presented shippers o f potatoes; and; apples from
Kalamazoo, Scientific and Mechan­ this point. Reedham, Wilson & Co,
ise Association with nearly eighty and a Mr. Mutzler, the principal ship­
vslumes o f public documents, most o f pers: o f lumber and broom handles, the
them relating to scientific subjects in. latter being no small part o f the ex­
port. The whole trade combined has
the line o f the society’s .work.
given Outbbert, the agent, a lively
M r . R a t h a n ie l W il s o n , who was shake.
A n d now, Mr. Editor, we close by
wounded by the explosion o f M r.
that our literary entertainment
Hathaway’s, steam boiler, had; his leg.
Still Onward.— notwithstanding
amputated “on M onday o f this week, proved, as we had predicted, a com­ the hard times, the sale o f D . B . Deand is improving since the oper­ plete and entire success, allowing us Land & Co.’ s Best Chemical Saleratus
ation was performed. Drs. Bonine and to hot as judge; and should you deem is still on the increase. It is as good
Dougan, o f Riles, performed the am­ our judgement Wanting please refer to or better for all kinds o f cooking pur­
our, friends from Three; Oaks, who fa­
vored us with their presence. W e poses than baking powder, and much
would here announce that you may be cheaper; hence people will use it.
T h e young men o f Three Oaks have
Every successful housewife passes the
formed an anti-swearing society, each favored with, a like entertainment in word down the line,, and thus its fame
member Laving taken a pledge to use
is spread until it is hard to tell where
no more profane language. This is a health be spared ; and we promise it will stop.
new enterprise, and one that deserves that; the seats shall be proof with fair
play. To our friends o f Buchanan we
the hearty support o f all.
N o t i c e .— There will b a a Donation
would still extend the invitation. Gome visit given at the M. E . Church Par­
A MAN named Herman, living in and judge for yourselves.
sonage, for thehenefit o f the Rev. A .
Hours truly,
L engthy.
Cass County, “ got choked on chicken
J. Russell and family, Friday evening,
pie” a few days; since, and remained
•the 19th inst. A ll are cordially invi­
ted, to attend. The kind of refresh­
choked three days. He has since
R o v . 12, 1875.
concluded that chicken pie is not so
ments and prices for the same will be
E ditor R ecord :— As: my name.has published next week.
good as it might be.
been used both by your regular cor­
B o ard op S t e w a r d s .
S ubscribe for the R ecord , adver­ respondent, “ X . X . Z .” and also by
C old , G ough , C onsumption , D e a t h !
“ One o f the Eew” and “ Joram Z. This is the order, and it ia certain to go in
tise in the R ecord , and get your
I feel that, ia justice to my­ that ordf.r; unless the, proper rem edy is
printing - done at the R ecord office, if
you would receive the-worth o f your self, my pupils and their parents, I used. H a l l ’ s B alsam for the Lungs
have a.right to publicly define my p o­ will cure ~ the first and second, and the
sition here in, regard to school mat- third, if taken in time. It is a remedy of
forty years’ standing, and standard with
T here is a great quantity o f soft, ters-r-rto answer some; o f “ X . X . Z .’ b”
the best physicians in the country to-day
unsound corn in "the country this sea­ slurs, and explain, what must be to
Sold by all druggists. Price, $1.00 per
son, which will have to be used in the
*?rly part of the winter or he lost. prehensible jargon.
There were three applicants for the
R ubber goods at Roble’s ,‘cheap,
Corn will probably bear a good price
sohool in this place;— the “ Lady from ■fox cash.
in the spring. .
Business Locals.
T h e B e st P r o te c tio n .
The best safeguards against epidemic
diseases are thorough digestion and firm
nerves. I t is because they assure the reg
uiar performance of the' digestive process,
and invigorate the nervous system, that
Eostetter’s Stomach Bitters are such a
sovereign protective against the influences
which beget intermittent maladies, and
those which directly affect the stomach
and bowels. I f the nerves are healthfully
tranquil, the assimilation o f food perfect,
as they are sure to he uuder the influence
of this standard tonic and nervine, malaria
may be defied, and if, in the absence of the
most reliable o f medical safeguards, the
system has fallen a prey to disease o f an
intermittentor remittent type, the Bitters
will, i f persisted in, eradicate every res
tige of the malady. BilliousnesS, consti­
pation and dyspepsia yield with equal cer
tainty to the operation of this potent veg ­
etable alterative.
I m mense W e a l t h .— Among .the
most w ealthyof Americans are the
proprietors o f standard and meritori­
ous proprietary medicines. The trade
mark for Hall’s Balsam is estimated
worth §500,000.- This value is basec
on the intrinsic merit o f the medicine.
It is the most marvelous remedy for
coughs, Colds, and pulmonary com­
plaints known. Price §1.00 per bottle.
Good prints for Comforts at 6J cts.
per yard. Call and see them at
- H ig h ’ s .
D own i t G oes ! — That Jap. tea at
S. & W . W. Smith’s, 50 cents per
Fringes ! Fringes ! Fringes ! in all
colors, cheap at H igh’s.
F or S a l e . — First class residence
o>! Day’s Avenue. House consisting
o f ten rooms, all in good condition.
A ll kinds o f fruit on the lot. Enquire
o f Box 340, Buchanan, Mich., or on
the premises.
J oel W . S m it h .
Ladies, have you seen those nice
prints for S cents per yard, at High’s ?
R ose C ream , an elegant prepara­
tion for chapped hands, sore lips, &c..
B est lotion manufactured. Warrant­
ed to give satisfaction, or money re­
funded. Prepared and for lsale only
at Dodd’s. Price 25 cents per bottle.
Try i t ! T ry i t !
The best Gents’ Underwear in the
city, cheap for cash, at H igh’s.
S. & W . W . S m ith have the best
Japan Tea in town. Try it.
S pencer & W ill a r d will sell all
kinds o f furniture at reduced rates
during the next sixty days.
I p you want a choice Syrup, go to
S. & W. W . Smith’ s.
A nother fresh arrival o f Boots and
Shoes at L . P. & G. W . F ox ’s.
Splendid. Ladies' Vests at 50 cts.
Call and see them at H igh’s.
G e t your pictures taken at Brad­
ley’s, and get a prize picture and
frame with each dozen.
C al l and see those new Ten Dollar
Suits at L . P. & G. W . F ox ’s.
W H A T I?. A . D E 5 IQ N T W A N T S .
H e wants every man that owes him
to call at once and settle his account,
either by note or cash. He has the
looks o f French & DeMont, Whitman
& DeMont, and Howard & DeMont,
upon which there is a large amount
due, and must be settled, by cash or
He wants to trade some notes for
Horses. H e has one horse that he
will exchange for cattle, sheep or hogs.
He wants to sell one box stove
seGond hand.
H e has one cutter to sell or trade.
S e v e n t y cents worth of good Japan
Tea ip a pound at Kinyon & Vincent's.
E x t r a .copies o f the R ecord can
be had at the news depot of J. H .
tf ■
T r y Km yon & Yinoent’s 60 cent
Japan tea.
T h e best five cent cigars in town at
O. E . Woods & Co.
L ook at the boss boots, at R oble’s.
F or S a l e .—^One span o f horses.
Time given i f required. Inquire of B,
F . Reedham, Dayton, Mich.
A p in e stock o f Buffalo Robes, Fan­
cy Lap Robes and Horse Blankets
just received and for sale, cheap, at
0. H . Rea’s. Also remember that
that is the place to get your French
calf boots. A little more money want­
ed on debts.
H . E. B r a d l e y makes a speciality
o f the Parian Marble Picture. Rooms
over the Bank, Buchanan, Mich.'
M ic h ig a n ,
* -x fa r s d a y r
A l l who a rc indebted, to M rs. P
B . D u n n in g are requ ested to ca ll and
settle their accou n t im m ediately.
-G-eorgs M. Savage So Go’s List.
[Niles Democrat!
Geo. Loshbangh was seriously in­
jured, about 10 days since, a few
miles north o f Buchanan. He anc
his brother Charles went out to cut a
bee-tree, and were traveling in a wag
on. In passing under a tree, which
had partly fallen across the road,
George was caught between it am
the wagon body, and Was so severely
injured in the small o f the hack as to
partially paralize the body from the
hips down, A t last accounts he was
more comfortable, hut is still in a
critical condition____ Mrs. John Mack
Came near lo s in g h er life a fe w days
since, in attem ptin g to secu re her
d o g from harm . S he was ridi.
alon g the road , accom pan ied b y her
little p ood le d og, when som e little
y o u n g A rabs, set several dogs upon
her little pet. S eein g the d o g in
danger o f bein g torn to pieces, she
spran g from the b u g g y , and in doing
so fell, and the horse, becom in g
frightened, started to run. T h e wheels
o f th e veh icle passed over her sh ou ld­
ers and the ba ck p a r f o f h er head,
bru ising and stunning h er badly.
F ortu n a tely no bones w ere brok en .
[St. Joseph Republican.’]
During the fearful blow o f Satur­
day last, the Schr. Gem made an un
successful attempt to reach this harbor
and was stranded on the*beach about
one mile north o f the north pier
She was loaded with lumber, which
prevented her from drifting far on
the shore, and work will be com­
menced immediately as her crew think
she can be easily go t off. Considera­
ble damage Was done to her sails and
rigging. The* damage to her hull is
[Niles Republican.]
th a n ; e v e r fo r G ash.
^g>Abaolutely tlie best* eafest and most comfortable
Hotel in Detroit.
D etroit, Mich.
Cor, Jefferson Aye. and Brush St,,
We Lave opened a new stock of Dry Goods and Notions, which, will
he sold for the lowest cash price.
All will find it to their advantage to
call on us before buying’elsewhere.
Aperfect family
homo. Board and room from $G to
$10 per woelc. $1.50 por day. Tho most quiet Hotolin
the city.”
WBf. H . WOOD, Manager.
S. P. & € . € . HIGH.
Central Block, Buchanan, Mich.
Young Men’s H om e!
Yeung Men’s Bank 1
ass Youag Mea’s Hall 1
Dor Amusement anil Improvement,
C o a ie
0 x 3 .0 1
C om e
Yk.ll I
G O L D S M I T H ’S
Bryani & Stratton
B U S E B 83B SS W I Y S S S S I T X
of Detroi t, remoyed to the now Mechanics* Hall, opposi*^
the City Hull, occupies tho host location in ilie city,
d’ho rooms are the iino3t and best furnished rooms any*
whore to ho found. Tho institution is conducted upon
the actual business pi m, and after twenty-five years in
tho business wo are satisfied that it is superior to any
other ; it al30 receives tho endorsement o f business men.
College paper sout freo to any address.
(Of W orcester, M ass. «fc T o led o , O.)
Have you an invention for which ybu
_ij desire a Patent, either in the United
Stales or any foreign country? Then send to tho
J&chanics and Inventors’ Association, tho onlyreliablo Patent Agency in Michigan. STW . Congress St.
30 w4
TGOS. S. SPRAGUE, President.
T or th e follow in g' reason s;
The only organ, made in -which is successfully coin?
the following
„ essential
_______ „qualities
o f tone. : power,
depth, brilliancy, and sympathetic delicacy.
The most exquisitely beautiful solo effects ever pro­
The only-stop-aciibn ever invented that can not be
disarranged by use.
The only organ made with bellows capacity so great
that it requires but little effort with.the feet to supply
all the air desired.
The best m a d e and m ost elegant oases In market.
NoBhoddy ornaments used—n o th in y ImtsolUl-icooU.
JEvevy Organ, f a t l y w a rr a n ted f o r .five y e a r s .
W rit* to us for niustrafed Catalogue aua Price List,
which w ill be mailed postpaid on application. Addres3
d jg g Q
A 3 I O .K T S L — Agents wanted. 2-Abest
selling articles in the world. One sample
Addrosa .TxL kT B5SOWSOJY, Detroit, Mich.
Dailies’ and Seats’
M a n u fa c tu r e d Try the
Cor. Woodward and Jefferson Avca.,
Detroit, M ich.
i-’ r o j v r i c t o r s .
Owing to tho large increase in our bnsiaoss, we lmve
fitted up a splendid now diningroom for Ladies on the
floor abovo our Restaurant.
Parties visiting Detroit will find this tho best place to
obtain a first-class KoEtanrant dinner for 5 0 G e n ts
Celebrated Now York Count Oysters always on b^nd.
L O R IN C & B L A K E O R C A M C O .
T O L E D O ,
JSuropcan Offleet
O H IO .
U . S. A .
2 9 B a k e r S t., L o n d o n , B n g
On Friday o f last week there oc­
curred at Berrien Springs one o f the
13ROBATE ORDER.— 3 1a t co f Mi chlgan, Conn ty o fBermost terrific hail storms known for J . rlon, 69.—A t a session o f the Probate Gourtfor the
.CountypfBcrrien,holdqn at tho Probate Office, in the
years. A t about 2 o’clock there ap
village of Berrien Springs, on Priday, the 5th day of
in the year one thousand eight linndrod and
peared in the northwest a black cloud November,
Proseufc, Daniel Chapman, Judgo o f Probate.
seemingly very low and approaching
In tho matter of- the Estate of James Swift,
the village rather slowly. From the deceased.
On reading nudfiling the petition.duly verified, of
center o f the cloud fi'shes o f light­ Thomas
R. Martin, Administrator on said estate, praying
ning were continually seen, while the and licensed to sell the real estate iu said petition dorumble o f thunder indicated that the scribed.
Therouponit is ordered,that Monday, the 13th day of
elements were having a battle in the December next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, be assign­
W e receive advertisements for insertion in any News­
paper published in the United Elates.
ed for the hearing ot said petition, and that the heirs at
Established less than threo years ago as a Representa­
clouds. Gradually it grew darker law o f said deceased, and all other persons interested
Advertisers should Bond for our lists And rates before tive Republican Paper, pledged to maintain and defend
closing contracts for Advertising.
said estate, are required to appear at a session
tho principles and organization of tho National Republi­
and at 2:15 the Sheriff brought lights in
Estimates farniehed on application.
can Party, the INTER-OOEAN was early pushed to tho
of said Court,then to bo holdonnfctheProbate Office,in the
Sond for our Advertisers’ Reference Book.
front of journalism and achieved a success unprecedented
into the court room where a session ■village of Berrien Springs, andshow cause,if any there bo
in tho history of such enterprises. By universal flwpq*
why the prayor o f the petitioner should not be granted.
o f court was being held. In a few And i tis iurEherordercd,thafc said petitioner giro notico
it has been assigned position as
H . H . C H A N D L E R & C O .,
thepersonsinterested!n Baidestate,of the pendency
minutes thereafter the hail began to to
o f said potition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a
The Leading Republican Paper
II. II, CirlKDlER,
S 9 3 U B IS O J V S T m
copy of this Order to he published in the
fall upon the roof, making such a Berrien
IV. 8. iBE-i,
in the Northwest.
County Record a newspaper printed ahdcircuD. M .L ord,
noise that proceedings had to be sus­ lated in said County of Berrien, for four successive
weoks previous to 9 aid day o f bearing.
Not alone on its political character Soos jtho INTERpended, A t first the hail stones were
[L . 8.3
CROCKERY— CniSA— GLaSSWASE. OOBAN rest its claims to popular favor. I t aims at tho
A tr a e o o p y ,
about the size ot peas and as they
highest excellence in all departments, and in this ora of
progressive journalism aspires to position among the
came faster they grew to_ the size of
“ The very best ladies* magazine published.” —Bmecfr
Tho INTER-OOEAN makes especial claims as
marbles and then walnuts. When Falls
(iVr. r .) Courier.
Buys a full aud complete Dinner Set oi
they were about their largest the wind
White French Chluo,
Its columns are carefully guarded against objectionable
^ -C H E A P E S T A S P B E S I.-® T
springing up into almost a gale, the
matter, and every effort is made to render it a pleasant
and profitable companion to the home fireside.
hail took a slant o f about forty-five
degrees and instantly every window
Is all wo now ask for Dinner, Tea and THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT
Is co ndnetod with great care, and everything possible is
Breakfast Set, 140 Pieces of BEST
light exposed on the north and west
done to mako the
were shivered into atoms, and hun­
dreds of hail stones were dancing
Such as tho FARMERS and BUSINESS MEN of the
Northwest can BELT UPON. The
around upon the floor and under the
gn^Ezcry subscriber fo r 1376 Kill be presented with a
Bemembor, buys the boit Chamber Set.
superb, large-sized steel engraving o f Trumbull's celebrat­
seats o f the court room. In five ed
picture o f “ The Signing o f the Declaration o f Inde­
Is carefully edited by gentlemen of ability aud experi­
minutes the storm was past and the pendence” This will beMPeterson's” Centennial Gift.
“Pbtersor’ s Maoazike” contains everyyoar 1000 pAges,
ground was strewn with hail stones
14 steel plates, 12 colored Berlin patterna. 12 mammoth
five inches deep. The court house colored fashion plates, 24 pages of music, and 900 wood
Will got you a very nice Decorated
And everything that goes to make
lad forty less window lights and more
Great improvements will be made in 1376. Among them
wind than at any other time daring will bo a series of illustrated articles on tho Great Exhi­
bition at Philadelphia, .which will alone be worth the
It is not excelled by any publication in tho country^
the term. The jail lost all the lights subscription price* They wiU bo appropriately called
in the dome as well as those on the Tlis CsBtsinsIal In Pea aM Pencil 1
Buys a dozen Goblets worth $2.
The immense circulation of “Peterson” enables its pro­
north and west sides o f the building.
one that wiU be found useful and interesting to Ameri­
prietor to spend more money on embellishments, stories,
cans in every part of the globe. While it especially rep­
The Methodist Church lost one hun­ Ac., &c.t than any other. It gives moreforjhe money than
resents the
any in the world* It*
dred lights. It takes three hundred
Great felnterests of the
A l l o tu er Goods o no red atjeorrospourt
Shrilling Tales and Novelettes
and fifty feet o f glass to repair the
Are the best published anywhere. A ll the most popular in g ly lo w prices.
damages to the Defield House. The writers are employed to write originallyfo r “Fclerscm”
it is National in Its views and comprehensive In its newsI n lSTG*m addition to the usual quantity of short stories,
gatherings. Firm in its political faith, it is not bigoted,
stores on the south side -of Main PTO3 ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will be
and in all its discussions aims to be candid^ digoificd, and
j^ * € a ll wbciivisitlDg Exposition.
gi ven, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Prank Leo Benedict,
street lost their glass fronts, and in ilra.
above personal abase.
If. H , Burnett, and others.
:The INTER-OCEAN has tho largest ogjgregate circnla*
fact every window exposed on the
tion of any newspaper published in the Northwest. I t is
Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates
sent to more than S ,0 0 0 Postoffices, distributed in every
north and west was broken more or Ahead of all others, These plates are engraved on steel,
8tate and Territory jn the United States, in all the Brit­
p i c k
ish Provinces, and numerous foreign States and countries*
ess, helping to keep up the corner in sv/lOB mB usual size, aud are unequalod for beauty.
They will bo superbly colored. Also, Household and.
the glass market. A n ex-mayor o f other receipts ; iu short, everything intoresting to ladies,
jy. j8 — A s the publisher now pre-pays the postage to all
Terms of Subscription:
S l~ < 3
S T .3
our city was caught out in the storm mail
ail subscribers.
“-Peterson”* is nirEAPan
h iv w
p r :; in
subscribers, “Peterson?
CHSApka t
and not having his blinds up, his
By mail (payable in advance!, per year, postpaid, $10.00
By mail (payable in advance), 3 months, postpaid, .2.50
ights were shattered, but we are TERMS (Always in advance) $2.00 A YEAR.
C H IC A G O .
By mail, per year (in advance} postpaid..................
happy to know that it will not pre­
(in advance), postpaid...... .
C o p ie s X’oa? § 3 6 0
| 3 C o p ie s f o r $ 4 .8 $
By mail, club of sis (in advance), postpaid............ 17.80
vent his running for mayor next With
a copy of the premium mezzotint (21x26) “ OffaisxBy mail, club of ten (in advance), postpaid.......... 28.00
mas Morning,” a five dollar engraving, to tho person
spring. Parties who had not gather­
One TREE copy with every club of ten.
getting up tho Club,
X-I. C H A D W I C K ' & C O . ,
ed their cabbage and apples found one 4 C o x u e s f o r § 6 .S 0 | ? C o p i e s i*oi* $ 1 1 *0 0
By mail, per year (in advance) postpaid...........
postpaid..... .......
made into sauce and the other into With an extra copy of the Magnzlno for 1876, as a pre­
Club of ton (m advance) postpaid..... .
mium, to tho person getting up the Club.
of twenty (in advance), postpaid.................... 23.00
sauer-kraut-, Iu about ten minutes
And Dealers in all Kinds o f Household Good?) .Club
C o p ie s f o r 8 S .5 0
[ § c o p ie s fo r §1 2 50
One TREE copy with every club of twenty.
after the storm every light of' glass
I S C o p ie s f o r SlS.O O .
1 7 0 E A S T M A D I S O N S T .,
T^AOIlTi A f i p __The new postage law took effect
both an extra copy of tho Magazine for 1876, and
:’or sale in Berrien was sold and tele­ With
L U u ln X X lJ i
of January,
A, D.1S75.
tho premium mezzotint a five dollar engraving, to the
Under this law the postage on newspapers must be paid
grams were sent to this city for all we
Have regular auction sales every M^JBDNJESD A X and AT THE O m O E WHERE THEY ARB MAILED.
Address, post-paid,
S A T U R D A Y . X 'rlV H to S a le # during the week
Money can he sent by draft, money-order, express, or
at loss than Wholesale Prices. Wekeep constantly ;on registered letter, at our risk.
hand a full assortment of U'oW and S e c o n d -h a n d
JAS. L. WILKIE, Agent, Oak St., Bnclianan.
p ill®
$ 5.50
Benton Harbor Times.
300 Chestnut SttjPhiladelpliiaj Pa.
F u r n itn r c i
C a r p e t s , O ffic e D e s k s , B o o k
* arrangements made with country publishers
for clnbbing with their publications.
Last week Dr. A . K . Webster, as­
C a s e s , * c . Wo offer S p e c i a l B a r g a i n * in
tSg»Specimeus sent gratis if written for.
s a m p l e : c o p i e s
f r e e .
S h o w C a s e s of all kindB. All goods warranted to be
sisted by Dr. H. 0. Rockwell, dentist
as represented. Don’ t fail,to call when visiting the city,
as you can save from 2 5 to 5U p o r c o u t . by doing so,
of St. Joseph, succeeded in removing
Bring this with yon. 1 1 9 l a l i e S t r e e t , .C lile a s -o .
■ H . C H A D W IC K & CO.
a very large tumor from the lower
jaw and neck o f a lady of this place,
83 years o f age. The operation was Habit cured. Chinese mode of Cure, Painles3. No pub­
licity*, Does not interfere with business or pleasure.
a remarkable one, both from the age Cure guaranteed, Address or consult DR. WILFORD,
o f the patient, and from the great size Toledo, 0 .
of the tumor, which covered the
O. E . W oods & Co. have a choice whole" side o f the neck and jaw, and
stock o f cigars, which they will sell extended from the bone in the throat
for §1.75 per box.
Diseases- peculiar to women treated as a specialty.
in front, back to and covered the
Ceres guaranteed in all eatable cases. Address or con­
Saugauion. H-. w L ■A .D r a k e , Chicago.
H e w goods received at L. P . & G. caroted artery. The operation was sult, DR. WILFORD, Toledo, 0 .
performed with the use o f chloroform,
W . F ox ’s every day.
W e respectfully in vite the attention o f f o r ­
and bids fair to ha fully as successful
ties visiting Chicago during the .Expo­
P erson al .— The members o f that
AS met with unprecedented success in. the treatment
as was anticipated; relieving the pa­
sition, lo our E xtensive Stock o f
new grocery firm want to see you. H of all
tient from constant pain, and a great
A p e w pairs o f the boss boots left difficulty in chewing and swallowing
at Roble’s. B uy a pair and try them. food :____ During 'the heavy gale o f of all kioda’ successfully treated by DR. WILFORD,
0 . Thirty years o f experience should insure
They are all O. K .
Saturday last two vessels went ashore Toledo,
T h e Prize Picture at Bradley’s
lost....... On Monday evening last Mr.
heats them all,
Jame3 Silvers, accompanied by a
I n g r a i n s ,
H o tic e .— W e have some' fifty large
young lady, daughter o f his, started
lithograph, pictures of ’Buchanan, in from this village for California, for
colors, showing every building- and the
the purpose of visiting relatives and Cured in every case permanently and speedily. No one
surroundings. These are what were' friends ill that State. Arriving at need suffer from this distressing complaint. Do not delay
but consult either by letter or m person. DR. WTLFORD
left o f a lot that retailed for §3 each. Chicago on Tuesday morning, Mr. S. 142
St. Cliiir St.j Toledo, 0 .
We sell these for the low price of 50 purchased two railroad tickets, and
stom ach
cents each. They are nice to frame, after breakfasting proceeded to the
and are in a shape so that they can be depot from which they were to start
sent by mail to friends who would on their journey toward the setting C on veya n cer, In su ra n ce, P enHead, nerves,kidneys,'bladder, womb, and>l)ibod. Affecsipn.cfe C ollection A g e n c y ,
value them very highly.
Ga-ll early, sun. A s is the almost universal custom
tioos of the urinary organs, gravel, scrofula, rheumatisms;
catarrh, asthma; bronchitis, dyspepsia, &c.
before they are all sold.
among railroad passengers, before i'ovvsislilp Sisrk aaa Rotary Puliifc.
Dr. Trice's reputation: has been acquired - candid,
honest dealing and yoars of successful practice.
S tr a u se B u t T ru e.
Cothpauies .represented:- Detroit Fire and Marino and
stepping on the train the old gentle­
My practice, not one of experiment, but founded on tho
It is: natural for people suffering with
Kansas Ins. Co,, of Leavenworth,Kail.,
laws of, Mature, with lars of experience and evidence to
man put his hand in his pocket to see
^ ■ “Monies collected promptly
Consumption, Goughs, Severe Colds, or
Office over Smith Bros. & Go’s Grocery Store* Buchanan,.
The above have boen selected with great care, em­ sus Lain it, doos not tear down, make sick to make well; no
harsh treatment, no trifling, no flattering. W e know the
any other disease o f the Throat and Lungs, i f his tickets were all right. R ot Mich.
bracing 'Oie newest designs in. Toroigu.and Domestic cause and the romedy noeded, no guess.wqrk, but knowl­
edge gained by years of experience In the treatment of
to put off from day to day buying an arti­
Ohronicdiseasos exclusively; no encouragementwithout a
times (o be as TjO W ns uuy house in the Cvuutry.
cle .that they know has cured their neigh­ had- placed, them, he made a thorough
prospect. Candid in our opinion, reasonable in our
charges, claim not to know everything, or to cure every­
bor, friend or relative, yet they have no
body, but do claim to reason and common sense. W e
faith in it until it is too late. I f you will clothes, but in vain.- The tickets were
Invitotbusick,noumttorwliat theirailmont, tocall.investlgalebaforethoy ahandonhopo, makeinterrogations
go to your Druggist, 0 . 35. W o o d s & Co., gone— lost, strayed, or stolen— and
and decido for themselves. I t will cost nothing, as.conBnllation is free. Visits made regularly..
and get a bottle o f Boschee’s German Syr- Mr. Silvers figured up his loss at just
Dr. V . Clarence Price can bo consulted a t Niles,
up, your immediate cure is as certain as §105 (inflation count].
Heading's Hotel, Sunday and Monday, tho l2th and l3Ui
With heavy
.December. A t Laporte, Ind , Merrill House, on Safcyou live ; it has lately been introduced in
heart he went to police headquarters
urdav and Suadny, the 27th and 2SIU of Novcmbor; 1873,
this country from Germany.-, Sample bot­
imd Saturday an<l Sunday, tho52d.and 23d of Jjnuary,
and made his trouble known, after
tles o f this medicine can be obtained" for 10.
Patlouts w ill address all totters to Dr. V . Olarenco
Cents to try its superior virtue. Regular
Price, Waukogan,111., with 6tamp.
size 75 cents. T ry it, two doses will cure
wait long; however, for at about noon
any case.
- , - the following day a telegram - was re­
S top that dreadful Cough ! Dr.
A T 9 P E R C E N T .,
ceived here; which brought intelli­
Marshall’s. LuDg Syrup-will do it in
Onilong limo, in sums of not less than $1,000, on farm
gence to the effect that the missing
and City property.
- an incredibly short time." Call at
Apply t o .
property had been found and the-,
our store and try a small bottle o f it,
thief arrested.
- '
only 25c.
A : L. H ayes & S on.
S O U T H B E X 1». X S B .
rAn olegant assortment of beautiful Silver Goods in Attjr’a nt Xaw.
Cases at »
D r . M a r sh a l l ’ s L ung S yr u p isE R R O R S O F 'YOU TH .
Now and importaut improvomonts.v Simplicity of con­
Harness.Maker s,B oot Makers,
without doubt one o f the best prepa­
* GENTLEMAN who Buffered for years'from Norvons
struction, thoroforo toast liable lo got out ofyord-?r.
. *\- DobUity, Premature “Docay, and’'all tho-offeotsof .ffwaetest quallty o’f tone.* Easiest action for quick music. Manufacturers ;& Builders,- •
rations for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, youthful iiidi8crotion wiHt 2for tlxo.8alco of suffering hu­ Newest stylo of case; Every organ warranted. Sold on
_^'rv^°wiU find all lcinda of
. .
. ' manity, send free to all who nood it,. the recipo and di­
monthly or quarterly payments.7 Circulars sent freo.
S ta te a n d ' M o h r o e S tr e e ts , * 'Asthma, etc., ever offered to the pub­ rect
eon.formating the simple remedy by which^ he was
lic . Call at our store and get a trial cured.-'Sufferers; w isin g to P'rofifc^by'the advertisor^ os‘ •
92 Yan Duron Street, .CHICAGO, ILL l .
perioQce can do so by addressing in porfobt confidence*
bottle. '
A. L. Hayes & Son.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Oodar St.NowTorX
N. B,--Sfty%liat paper ; . saw thisiinv .
A t J . S . T u t t l e ’ s . N i Ie s . M i c h .
o p. i u
f M
ZE P H Y R G O O D S !
Fancy Articles and
3 Plys,
Body Brussels,
V elvets,
Oil Cloths,
B u ^ s and H ats,
M attings, &c.
D ise a se s
121 and 123 State Street,
'• Presents.
N. MATSON&'CO’S, . :
Buchanan, . Michigan"
rember II,
S y m p to m s o f C a ta rrh .
A lt day the snow fell dow n
U p on the meadows bare nucl b ro w n ;
But ceased at evening, and the skies
Grew bright 'wtth sunset’s mingled dyes.
A lt day w e watched our dying child
W ith grief suppressed— to break out wild
W h en she, removed from hopes and fears,
Could not be torture 1 by our te irs
B ut when the sudden radiant glow
Purpled the whiteness of the snow,
A n d shone serene upon our dead,
Our grieviug souls w; re ecmiorred.
W e crossed her hands upon her breast,
A n d kissed her in her dreamless rest;
A n d G od’s voice whispered through the
Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of
the nasal passages, discharges falling from
tlio bead ’ into the throat,, sometimes pro­
fuse, watery and acrid, at others, tliick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, and
putrid; the eyes are weak, watery and in­
flamed ; there is ringing in the earn, deaf­
ness, hacking or coughing to clear the
throat, expectoration of offensive matter,
together with scabs from ulcers ; the voice
is changed and has a nasal twang, the
breath is offensive, smell and taste are im­
paired ; there is a sensation o f dizziness,
mental depression, hacking cough, and
general debility. Only a fe w of the above
2 ame-i symptom n ho ever, likely to
be present in any one case. There is no
disease more common than Catarrh, and
noue less understood b v physicians.
“ At evening-time it shall be light.”
Quit Swearing,
The first step toward getting rid o f
profanity is to cultivate equanimity o f
temper. It is always foolish to "get
angry at what cannot be helped, and
it is especially silly to fall into a pission over inanimate objects, such as
windows that will not go up. stove­
pipes that will not go together, sticks
that will not Split, etc. The bes"
plan is to take such things coolly, and
then if they*can bo helped you will
the sooner find it out, and if they can­
not be helped, all the swearing in the
world wifi not mend matters. Take a
common-sense view o f this subject.
Swearing is not only undoubtedly
wrong, but also obviously foolish;
every oath you utter, every vulgar
word that passes your lips, degrades
you and accomplishes s o good what­
ever. "Why not quit the vile habit at
once '■ D o you say that you cannot
quit— that you have tried, but the
oaths come out before you think ?
Dec your own conduct prove the falsi­
ty o f your reasoning. Y ou do not
swear before your wife, , y o u r mother,
your sister or your sweetheart, no
matter how great the provocation.
"Why ‘t Because you would be a.-hamed to let them hear such words pass
your lips. B u t y o u are always in the
company o f your God. N o vulgar
word, escapes you that he does not
hear. A r e you not ashamed -t> he
profane in, his presence ? When nest
y ou are tempted to swear, remember
whose ear will catch the words and
desist; or i f the oath eomes before
you remember, ask his pardon whose
law you have transgressed, and you
will soon find that it is possible for
y ou to live without swearing.
Orders for Flour, Meal, Feed, &c., for the
wholesale and retail trade promptly filled.
rgg^Special attention
[r there is any man in this town or comity that wants to he well Booted well Hatted
or Capped, Clothed and Collared, let him call at the well stocked store ot
X j. X 3- a s G K
-w .
Tlio very best in the County.
Blo ck,
© S M C M O E T ,
S II C llS .
A little Adrian boy, who has been
trained up toward manhood in the'
way he should go about six years,
gave good evidence last Sunday that
the good seed sowed in his young
heart had sprouted. On the day in
question his aunt had given him a
new pair o f kid gloves, and he strut­
ted into Sunday sehool witli his 'heart
swollen with pride like a dried apple „
in warm w ater; but as he came in a
bad bpy cried o u t : “ Shoot them kid
gloves.” Afterwards he told his aunt
about it, and said she : “ I hope my
little man didn't behave naughty and
strike the bad little boy.” “ Ho,
aunty, I didn’ t dare to lick him in
God’s house, but I waited till be got
out doors, and then I laruped him
like bell.” '
O '. ZEEC. S O B ,
Q HZ b ,
W a it e lie S j J e w e l r y ,
^ a tio n e r y , M u s ic , P e r io d ic a ls ,
Daily and Weekly Papers, &c., &o.
A share of the public patronage solIait<*d Store,
corner of Front and M*in streets, intbo room formerly
ocoupied by TV. H . Eox, Buchanan, M^ch.
G -A K K IS O N ’S
A M okal F ailu re . -— A farmer
living just out o f Vicksburg was read­
ing in an agricultural paper the other
day an article beaded, “ Be Kind to
Your Cow.” H e went out to milk
with a heart full of kindness, and as
he sat down he whispered ; “ So boss
— stand around— good creature— hist
a little— there, you intelligent and.
kind hearted old bossy.” About two
minutes after that his wife heard him
yelling and whooping, and as she ran
to the door he called out : “ Bring me
that ax, Maria, and the spade and
that big club there, and the butcherknife, and that shot gun, for I ’ll be
darned i f this old hellion shall ever
live to kick me in the jaw agin I**
— Yicksburg Herald.
C I I T O I i m A T I , O H IO .
Centrally locateil, Elegantly Fnrnislicd,
Drug H o u s e !
jP ractical a n d jfn a l-jtica l. C h em ists,
JPJS.XCH, $ 1 . 0 0 PXtJt SO TZ'T jIS.
E m p o r iu m
F a s h io n .
A . F. W H IT E
TTAS mot with unprecodentod success in the treatment
H of all
D ise a se s
T H a e A f .
T^TOULD respectfully announceto the
? i citizens of Buchanan and vicinity
that ho lias opened a
L I V E S .
Uogularly received, and at all timos faithfully obsorvod
. In any stylo dosired, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Having had large oxporionco for years in tho busiuesa,
warrant nil my work to bo first class. All I ask for Is a
trial, feeling confident that Icanploaso you and retain
your custom*
6- 6tf
E 0.10BELL,
aaijaDELi:Hlii, Pji,
In all that goes to make up a firstclass local paper is not excelled in
Southern Michigan.
A C r H lS '5 3 S
W A K T B D .
While the arrangement of read­
ing matter is such as to include the
entire range of information sought
b y the general reader, the publish­
er constantly endeavors to preserve
a healthy and elevated tone, remem­
that the morals as well as
i ,1
. * v
t H 6 130.111(1 8 X 6 a p a r t O I
I GClUGcVtlOll.
-B . d H T O G E Q X L ,
Hasa gcfod asaorfcmont ot Timc-Piices. Jowolry, SpotiU
cles, &c..- cheap.. Special attention given to repairing
Woodonj Ancient and Marino TImo«PiPC03. A ll work j
his lino done ‘with neatnosss and dispatch, and wan’antoa,
Store on MainStrcet, three doors north of tho Bank,
Buchanan, Mich.
■pOB; SALE,. -.BY.. ;D . - a . TVAONEK,' BUOHANAN
at O R E A T , B A * « A I R S , three. DwellJng Houses and ono business building in Buchanan, ttvo
Xog ‘^agons^one set;D6ubleHanie?s,ohepaliiDob Sleds
•••- ; ’ igmg
B o u g lit fo r C ash ," a a d W i l l N o t
b e U n d e r s o ld !
^ 3 -Do not fail to call boforo buying olBewhero.*^.
— Brooklyn Argus.
fair and buxom widow in
Portland, Me., who bad buried three
husbands, went with, a gentleman wh®
had paid her marked attention la thedays o f adolescence, to inspect the
graves o f her “ dear departeds.”
After contemplating them some time;
in mournful silence, she murmured .to­
iler companion. “ A h, Joe, you might
have been in that row i f you .bad
only bad a little more courage.” .
f @ “ Snifkins staked his all on the
Paints, Oi s and Dye-Stuffs:
a game o f euchre the other
a Specialty.
^ “Rememher tho place—one door west of Dunbar
A . ,3F. W 2XXTJ3.
S — My Prescription and Drug Dopartment will be
continued nndor tho special supervision, of Mr. W . A.
WELCH, who, having been identified with the Drug
business ip this place for tho past twelve yeaTs, is fully
competent te guarantee satisfaction in that department.'
A , F . WHITE.
O.E. W oods & Co WELL
°W i.
Jr .
CAEM ER, Dentisi
‘ "1T1
Ho 1 every ouc ox you who are out o f paying employment.
Talk about agonciesl Just.send fo r o n o o f
A d iix sta b le F o ld in g R u s tic
L A P -T A B L E S .
And will be sold lower tlian goods wore ever
oiiered in this village to
o f JAMES S5HTH, T,'otffa respectfully anuopnoe to
citizens o f Jffuciianan anil Enrrotinciiiig country tliat tfe
arc jircparod to supply them with
Wholesalo Terms, «vC., to Agonts, which will bo furnished
promptly. No mistake, it is tbo
M ost Convenient and Saleable
Invention Ever Brought
Before the Public.
«@ * 0 a ll and seo them, and givo them a trial.
Doa’ t forget tho place.—Roe’s B lock , room formerly
occupied b y W . H . F ox, Buchanan, Mich.
B U C H A N A N M IC E .
? a‘
JiX f'O
Cream Saloon
AS fitted up rcomsin Dunbar’s Brick, soconudeo
oast of tho Bank, where she intends to koop Sat sn
. g House andalon tiroass Saloon,
u i
Tiiankiug our friends for past favors wo now
inform tlicin that wo are bettor able to serve
thorn in our present capacity than ever before,
and offer reasonable inducements for them and
all others te give us tlieir patronage.
Come and. see us, and examine our stock.
Eg'JFirst door east - o f Redden & Graham’s
Store, south . side, o f Front Street, Buchanan
fi If
¥ >■
of the
F e a ce ,
Made hr as.light a manner as possible^' firm, adjustable
from a low sowing chair to a standing position. .Every
convonionco for Dressmaking attached, IndispbAeablo to
Millinora.-Iniact itis
Kauuikcturcra and Dealers iuDarior imd Clianiboi'
i m
i t u
r e ,
Farmers, Lawyors, Copyists, Draftsmon, Editors, etc., use
this table, aud aro dollghted'with it.
Tables, Wardrobos, Bureaus, Book Cases,' Hat Racks
What Nets, Sofas, Lounges, Chairs, Bods toads, Muttressos.
Picture Frames and Mouldings, &c., &c.
:^^*Samplo Table, cased, Whitowood, $4.00;.Walnut,
$5.00. Sendimmecliatol’y , Address-
Yaniishirig, Repah’ing; Planing and Matching'and ail
kinds of Job Work,promptly attended to and work •war­
•SG^Dny’BAvonuo, south of Dunbar Houso, Bucbanau,
ill I f f i l l
Scrool Sawing' Neatly Done.
is as
: J, FROWN & S O N f :
B p -.C H A W A H ; M I O H .-
N o t a s y P u b lic ,
■Lumber for'B uilding Purposes l<urInsurance .& Gollection'-A gency : >
'nished\on Credit.
iReprosents a number of .tho leading and mbst .roliahlo
Firo Bdsnranco Companies in' tho; United States. 'All; ,,
collections attended to'and moneys promptly remitted;- v
Offico fa Howo’s Block, sofithfilae of Froht'gtroot/A Bjohanan.Mich. •
• -21tf .*
will.take al^kinds' o f Oatpenter and Jofaer,, Svork to
l l i l , ' .
Sole Manufacturer's and jPaieniees^'
B u e h a n a u i M ic h ig a n .
. A. S M I T H ’S
1111 i l l
Fob. 17,
•• :
R aving purchased tho etock of
m e u io a
i Infirmary,
, 1S65. ESTAIILISEED 1885.
F or th e Cure o f
a ll form s ot P riv a te tD is o a s o s .
Y ,
Buchanan, .Mic hig an.
A thorough and permanont euro o f Gonorrhcoa, Gloot,
Syphilis, Nocturnal EmJsaloiui, or Self Abuse, Diurnal
EmissioDS< otc., in short,- every form o f Sexual* Bisoaso;
A safe and speedy romOValo Cobstructions to tho ino'utlilyV
poriodo/with or ^rithput mediciho-. ?Alh comhiUnibaiiouB'
TjEPRESENTStfi ofollowingreliab] eand F i r s I C la s s :
strictly confidential. Boarding and nursing furnished-if
^ Firo InsuTance 'CompanieB, un'd is preparod to issue
desirpa. No Totter will bo.answeroa.unlosstiticohtaf'ns'n1 policies therbih:; •. ,; ■
postage stamp.. ;!:Office, No. 3!
AETNA,-ofHartfordCfenhi A5Sots,jan,l, . _
laud, Ohio;. Remotiibcr that
. . 157^;...... .............. :..........................::......9 5 ,5 2 1 ,0 4 9
known physiclah. o f tliis.city au'd.:wlipFhas: {b^cpu longer
£NjS. GO. OF NORTH .AMERICA. Pliila... :( ,0 5 0 ,5 3 6
located in Clovolnnd than au’y ollior phyaiciun.^lbuB.ad- - UNDERWRITERS’ AGENOV, Now York.. '2 ,3 3 5 ,4 3 9
vertising, uotwitliBtaading'Huythiugto tbo contrary that
Persons desiring Insurance will do well to consult them ayboadvortised. >•
• » ,.
T 48vi
dubscriber, at.-his offico in Buchanan, “ Old Record
Building,” third door .north of the bank, up stairs^’orad;n £ N t t it d t w < E iE s
dxoss him by letter/as^ tho companies he .represents are
'.jrelMr.TfON-Yn.ssable.-honorsblcaDd-Teiishlh " .-.T ^ .
i ,ovory-city,;ftowiij and
county,-' t6 canvass for
^ * i$Ur ~ "
at. flight "and pays ;'Largei .Profits.,- Sond^ for ’circuiaiv'to i-- f ® “ For fine;'job ,printing , calCat..
- manufuclurors,' Wv H.. Chick & Co. j 111 fiocond Slreot, St.
bo donq by tbo Job
4S^3atisraciion guaranteed on alt w o r k . 22t “ Louis.’
.-,,1 w
. -. -*■ p
■ *'v>
night, and lost. Throwing down th*
cards peevishly, he broke forth in the
fbllowing pathetic strain : “ ’Twai
ever thus in childho.od’s hour, I ’xe
seen my hopes take flight, and every
time I
played the left bower,'.
some one took it with the rig h t/’
H«Sk,An old sailor, passing throagh
a grave-yard, saw on one o f the tomb­
stones, “ I still live.” It -was /toC’.
much for Jack, and shifting-his quid,
he ejaculated, “ Well; I ’ve heard say
that there are cases in which a mam
may lie; but if I was dead I ’d oww
Has permanently located at Bridgman, Jilich., to prac
tico in all branches of the profession. With a large ex
perienc9, ho wnrrants his work to compete with auy Den*
list Bast or West. A fuH Upporor Lower Set of Teeth
for $10, warranted to be of tho very best material and. to
give perfect satisfaction or no chargo. Pino gold fillings
at reduced rates. Call and'see, Teotli exiractod with
little or no pain.
Office for tbo presont at residence..
■A JS X 5
o f T V T x is ic .
jf'C -, § ' 0 , , ^ c .
I am prepared to furnish my old customers and the
community at largo with strictly first«class goods,
in full, and this feature alone: makes
it almost an indispensable necessity
in every household in the county.
IIS. HUM H i l l R L fli,
i . TOCAL.MUSIC. Ordora-'left at residence on Lake
Street, Buohanan,:or.at office oixD. M» Warner, or wlihrJ
& B 0Q,^IfiBio,- Dealer prompfly att<nd<d;to..
D ye S tiffs,
Pat. Medicines,
School Boohs,
fcS?iU“ I don’ t consider her anything
but a pert, upstart hussy. She’s got
no taste, her clothes don’ t fit her ;
her bonnet’s a perfect frigbt ; sbe’s
freckeled, wear3 striped stockings,
and baa a wart on ber back as big as
a pigeon’s egg,” bitterly exclaimed a
lovely girl, burling ber croquet-mal­
let on the ground, and glancing in
the direction o f ber vanquisher, whowas proudly walking off the field with,
the light o f victory in her eyev
Embraces everything usually found in a village
grocery. .
JLtS C O lU H lIlS C O U tcllH
1 ......
' .
- ,
0 1 UIIG iOGO.1 O Y G lltS RllCl l l 0 1 0 .6 DGW S
tfggg^Subscriptions outside the
County must be paid invariably in
lt®=.She entered a drug store to
wait for her husband to drive around
with the team, and catching sight of
some tooth brushes, she asked the
“ Twenty cents,” replied the clerk.
“ W h a t!” she exclaimed.
“ Twenty cents, and a bargain they
She balanced one on her lefc hand,
and, gesticulating vigorously with the
other, she continued:
“ Y ou don’t tell me this ’ ere thing
is twenty "cents, when I can buy a
horse brush for the same price.”
" i t 'f f sp !
I lll 3 ■ I '!
Single copies five cents.
Hoad, nerves, kiduoya, bladder, womb, and blood. Affec­
tions Of the uriuary organs, gravel, scrofula, rheuroatiem,
cahirrh, asthma, bronclutis, dyspepsia. AdDr. Frico’s repafcr.tiosi luta been acquired
honest dealing and years o f sacccssful practice.
My practico, not ouo of experimont, but founded on the
laws of Nature,with liars o f experience and evidence to
sustain i t, does not tear down, make sick to make well; no
harsh treatment, no trifliug, no fiattering. W o know tho
cause and the remedy needed, no guess work, but knowl­
edge gainedhy ycars o f experionce in tho troatment of
Ghronicdiseases oxclnsivoly; no encouragementwithonta
prospect. Candid *In our opinion, reasonable in our
charges,claim not to know everything,or to cure overybody, but do claim, to reason and common sonse.. 'We
invito the sick, no matter what thoirailmeht, to call,in­
vestigate before they abandon hope, makeinterrogaliona
and docidoforthomsolves. I t will cost nothiugjasoonBultationisfree. Visits inadejrognlarly.
|5Dr. v.OIacenoo Brice can bo consultod at.Niles^
Roading-'a Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, the 80th and 31st
of October, At Laporto, In d , Merrill House, on Sat­
urday aiul Sunday, tho 2d and 3d of October, and Satur­
day and Sunday, the 27th and 28th of Novemhor, 1S75.
PatiOnts will address all letters to Dr. T . Clarence
Price, Waukegan, Ill*i with stamp.
cl I lO W S D a p G X
j. Jr
Subscription price . $2 per year.
50 cents deducted if paid in ad­
vance. 15 cents extra for postage
sent, outside the county.
Dancy Goods,
Of his own, over Redden & Graham’s
Store, and is ready to oxeente, on the
shortest notico, nil orders in his line, at tho very lowest
G a r m e n ts O u t a n d P a tt e r n s
F u r n is h e d
Haviog refitted and refurnished my store, and added
largely' to m y stock of
13@=.She testified before the mag­
istrate that “ dot pilly gote shoos vas
a—-a— vel, I vas vashing by some
ciodings o f a pig tub, und them gotes
cpme up behind und— veil shoge, I
don’t ken told you how dot vas. I
feel me someding pehind my pack
und shump over der tub und shand
me on my head up mit dot tub’s pottom up, und der ciodings sphilt just
like me, und tem gotes vink at me
mit von eyes und I was falls u£ mine
face, und he valk out py his pehind
like a man, und I can’t sit m e down
cood any more already,
The Commercial Hotel of the Oity.
U r. J . C. A Y S B .& CO., How ell, Mass.,
Detroit, M ich.
E a t iiii-
P n o lisiio r aiid P ro p rie to r,
y e t discovered for this class o f complaints, but
also tlio cheapest. Tho large quantity w e sup­
ply for a dollar brings it within tho reach of
cverybody;@ and in bilious districts, wkoro
F e v e r a n d A g u e prevails, everybody should
have it, and use it freely, both for euro and pro­
tection. I t is hoped this price w ill place it within
the reach o f all— the poor as well as the rich.
A great superiority o f this remedy over any
other ever discovered for the speedy and certain
cure oflntermittonts is, that it contains no Qui­
nine or m ineral; consequently it produces no
quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon
tho constitution. Those cured b y it aro left as
healthy- as if they had never b ad the disease.
Fever and. Agu e is not alone the consequence
of thomiasmatio poison. A great variety o f dis­
orders arise from its irritation, among which
arc Ncuraleia, Rheumatism, Gout, EcU'dache,
- Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth­
ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection o f the Spleen,
Hysterics, Pain in tlie Bowels, Colic, Paralysis,
and derangement o f the Stomach, all o f which,
when originating ill this cause, p ut on the in­
termittent type, or become periodical.
“ Cu r e ” expels the poison from the blood, and
consequently cures them all alike. I t is an in­
valuable protection to immigrants and persons
travelling or temporarily residing in the mala­
rious districts. I f taken occasionally or daily
while exposed to tho infection, that will be ex­
creted from the system, and cannot accumulate
in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease.
Hence it is even more valuable for protection
than cure; and-few Trill ever suffer from Intermittents if they avail themselves o f tho protec­
tion this remedy affords,
For X nvcr C o m p la in ts, arising from torpid­
ity o f tho Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim­
ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro­
ducing m any truly remarkable cures, where
other medicines fail.
Tnn Evewxg News,
J O H N G. H O L M E S ,
" 11
Produce, Bread, Cakes, Pies, Wooden
and Willow Ware, Pork, Lard, Hams,
Dried Beef, Salt, Flour, Stoneware,
obacco, Cigars, Pipes, &c., &c. Be
sure to come and see us and you w il
go away pleased and come again.
Teas will be sold lower than the same
quality can be'bought anywhere west
of Hew York City. Our motto will
>e discovered in capitals above. ■
Call at the old stand, 53 Fron
Steeet, Buchanan, Mich., and see
W e also have the
<No one remedy is louder
called for by the necessit ies of
the American people than a
sure and safe euro for Fever
and Agup. Such w e are now
enabled to offer, with a perfect
certainty that it w ill eradicate
the disease, and with assur­
ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise
firom its use in any quantity.
That which protects from or prevents this dis­
order m nst ho o f immense service in the com­
munities "where it prevails. ‘ Prevention is better
than cure, for the patient escapes tlie risk which
he must run in violent attacks o f this haloful dis­
temper. This “ Cu e s ” expels tile miasmatic
poison o f FEvnr. a n d A g u e 11-om the system,
and prevents the development o f tho disease, if
taken on the first approach of its premonitory
The miserable have no* other medi­
cine, but only hope.— jShaJcespeaj-e.
The shortest way to arrive at glory
would be to do that f o r 1conscience
For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever,
Ghill Fever, Bemittent Fever, Dumb
Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Sc.,
and indeed all the affections which arise
from malarious, marsh; or miasmatio
T o i l e t Articles,
fggP*Subscribe lor the Record. And in fact everything usually kept in the Drag trade
Advertise in the Record. Get your and they propoao (o soil them
Job Printing done at the Record A T P SIC SIS T H A T W IE il
f u i e u i s a b h ;® © .
Printing Office.
Ajmer’s Ague Cure,
Berrien County Record
T N the matter of tho estate of Richard Beckham* do
JL ceased.—Notico is hereby |rivcn that I w ill sell at
'puhlic’auctiontothehighest bidder^ on
S a tu r iS a y , O c t o b e r 3 0 i b , a ..D . 1 S 7 5 ,
at tenVclock:A. M., on the premises herein mentioned,
' pursuant to,a-license and autiiority granted to me oh the
lGth day of August, 1875, by theProbate Courtof Berrien
County^ State o f Michigan, described as'foliows, to-wit r
The northeast quwter ot section twenty.(20) town seven
(7) south range twonty (20) west, in Berrien County,
Michigan. Terms or sale made known at day aed place
of sale..
ABNER A . DEUELL, Administrator^
The above Administrator’s s&io is hereby adjourned
until the SOth day ot November, 1875, at 10 o’clock A.
Administrator of tho ostato of Richard Peckhara,
We can not and w ill not he undersold
iy any one. Our Lunch Room is being
fitted, and during Ice Cream and Soda
Water time we shall, as usual, have
the best ill town.
W e have a largo line of
Bucha nan ,
P ro s p ec t u s for 18 76.
A dm inistrator’ s Sale.
r, /■~. ’ < I
Specialties in Hats, Caps, Tine Underwear, Taney Ties, Scarfs, Gloves,
to the public gener­
as heretofore, de*
everything usually
class Grocery anl
Having during tlie last year proven
that the ready-pay system is the host,
and being the only concern in Berrien
County that adheres strictly to the
elan of
Boss Hat, Cap and EnoilsM iig Store
In the County.
Hosiery, cce.
^BROBATJE ORDER.—State o f Michigan, County of BerATirien.<s3.—A t a session o fth e Probate Court for the
County-bfVEerrien. holdsn at the Probate Office in the
village oft Berrien Springs, on Monday,, the 25th day
of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and
Pro ent,Daniel CaAPiiA2r,*Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Jeremiah Courtney,
On x&adiag and filing the petition, duly verified,, of
Caroline Courtney, praying for the probate and allowance
of art instrument in writing, purporting to be the; last
will and testament of said deceased, and that administra*
tiou on said estate maybe granted to herself.
Thereupon.it is ordered, that Monday, tho22d day o f
November next, at 11 o’ clock in the forenoon, b e assigned
fo r the hearing o f said p D tition va n d tba tth eh eirsatla w
o f said deceased, and a ll other persona interested in said
estate,.are required to appearrat a session o f said Conrt,
then to be holden at tho Probate Offico, iu the village o f
Berrien. Springs, and show cause, if any there be, why
•Tie prayerof thepetitioner shouldnot be granted; And
itia furthorordered, that said petitioner give notice to
the persons interested in. said estate, ot the pondency Of
smd petition, and the hearing thereof by causing a copy
of thin order to be published in the Berrien County
Record, a^uewspsper printed and circulated in said
Oonnty of Berrien,, for' three successive weeks previous
to said day of hearing,
A true copy*
Judge o f Probate.
T e a c h e r
We wish to say
ally that we are,
termined to keep
found in a first
■JficnJSj W bm enJ§ and C hildrens Wear.
■QROBATS ORDER.— State o f Michigan, County of
JU Berrien, sa.—A t a sossion o f the Probate Court for tlie
County o f Berrien, holden at tho Probate Office, in the
Tillage of Berrien Springs* on Priday, the 22d. day of Octo­
ber, in the Tear one thousand eight hundred and
Present,Daniol Chapman, Judgoof Probate.
In the matter o f the Estate o f James Hampton,
On reading and filing the petition, dutyT6rified,of
James P. Coleman, Administrator on said estate, praying
far reasons therein; set forththat he may bo licensed
and empowered to sell the real estate of said deceased, in
said petition described.
Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 29th day of
?Tcyember next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon,be assigned
for the hearing Of saidpetition, and that the heirs at law
o f said deceased, and an other persons interested in. said
estate, are required to appear at a session o f said Conrt,
then to beholden at the Probate Office in the village of
Berrien Spring3,and show-cause, i f any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not. begranted: Andit
is further ordered, that saidpetitiotier give notice to the
persons interested in saidestate, ofthe pendency of said
petition, and thehearing thereof, by causing a copyofthia;
order to bo published in the B eesi2n Cou>’Tt R ecord,
a newspaper printed and circulated in said County of
Berrien, for four successive weeks previous to said day
of hearing.
(A trne copy.)
Judge o f JProbaU.
God is the only being who has time
enough; but a prudent man, who
knows how to seize occastion, can
commonly make shiff to find as unuch
as he: needs.— BowelU
• F01 CASH
Cash Paid for W heat, Q ora, &c
F O X .
W e will guarantee perfect satisfaction or quit the bosinccs.
then to be holden at tlio Brobate Office, in; the Tillage, of
Berrien. Springs, and show cause.if any there be, why
theprayerofthe petitioner should nofc be granted. And
It is farther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to
the persons interested in eaid estate, o f tho pendency of
said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy
this order to be published f a the Berrien County J?ccord,
a newspaper,, printed and circulated in said- County of
Berrien, for four successive weeks previous, to said day
o f hearing.
[L. 5 J
( A true copy.)
Judge of Probate.
Everybody uses Groceries and ought
to know where to get the most
s p x 'j s s j L n d :
' A n y man. can fight a battle when
he’s sure o f winning; but give me a
man who ha3 pluck enough; to fight
when be is sure o f losing.. — G-eo.
to custom
Mill on Portage Street.
P. H. KINNEY Miller.
The Evening iVcws, now in its third year, is
tlie acknowledged greit newspaper success Of
the decade. Established just on the eve o f the
Has tho very large assortment o f the latest financial panic o f 1873, ..in a -eity 'containing
and best styles o f type and material for all four other daily newspapers, and papers too
kinds o f
among the ablest in the west, it lias in this
short period, and under these adverse oirciitnstanees, by sheer force o f energy, snap and
spirit, won for itself a circulation far exceed­
ing that o f all its Detroit contemporaries com­
bined, an immense popularity throughout tlie
State, and a sound financial standing such as
any pacer three times its ago might envy.
It has an actual circulation (October 1875,)
of over 16,5Q0 copies. Of these, about 8,000
;03AT E ORDER.—State o f Michigan, County of '
are taken in the interior towns and villages of
Berrien, ss.—A t a session o f theBrobato Court tot
Michigan, as far west as Niles, and north to
i he County of Eerrien*liolden at the Probate officein the
Tillage o f Berrien Springs, on Monday, the25th day of
Ludington and Traverse City. . Wherever it is
October in tho year one thousand eight hundred, and
once taken it rarely loses its foothold.
soventy-nve.FROM THE
The Evening M i e s is independent in politics,
Present,BaniolOhapman, Judge o f Probate,
fighting corruption, monopoly and ring in­
In the matter o f the ^estate o f Jacob Tetter i
^ _ ,
trigues wherever they become apparent, np
Onreading and filing the petition, duly Yenned, oi
matter who is Hit.
Mary T c.tter, praying for the probate and allowance of I
Few papers in the country present all the
an instrument in wridng. purporting to bo the lost will
and testament of said deceased*and that administration
news o f the day in a more racy and readable
on said e*t*uo may be granted to S. F. Brodbeck.
shape, everything dull, prosy and tedious, be­
Therenpoait is ordered, that Tuesday th,e 23dday of
ing rigidly excluded from its columns. Trivial
November next,at 11 o’clock in the forenoon,bo assigned
for the hearingofsaid petition,npdthattheheirsatlawof
matters are condensed, into the smallest com­
pass, while really important events secure all
sre. required to appear at a session of saidCanrt, then to be
the attention that the largest and costliest
holdon at the Probate Office* in the village* of Berrien
Springs, and show cause, i f any there be, why the prayer
sheets could give then). Thus, the Evening
o fth e petitioner should not be granted; And it is fur­
jVhrs -was the only Michigan newspaper to send
ther erdored, thatsaid petitioner giro notice to tliepor.
a member o f its own staff to Philadelphia to re­
sonaintorestedin said estate* o f the pendency of said pe­
port on the progress o f the Centennial, and it
tition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this
order to be publishedin the Berrien County Record, a
w ill be the only Detroit paper to maintain in
nowspaperprinted and circulated in said County of Ber­
■Washington tee coming winter, an exclusive
rien forthroo successive weeks previous to said day ot
correspondent detailed from its o wn staff.
^ S . !
No Detroit paper gives more faithful atten­
{*, tvs a co'Oj.)
J itia tq f Probate.
tion to market reports, although less volumi­
nous than in. the larger journals. Improve­
JKOBATE OSDES.—State of Michigan, County qf
„ Berrien, S3.—A t a session of tho Prohate Conrt for
ments in this and ail other departments will be
tho County of Berrien, holdenat the Probate office in the
introduced as (heir utility may become appar­
Tillage of Berrien Springs, on Tuesday, the 26th day of
October, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and
In view o f the Centennial celebration, the
Present, B asiei, CBirotAS, Judge of Probate
Presidential election, and tho financial and
I n ’ tho matter of the estate of Oscar D . Gates,
gagf-We never fail to give the best of sat­ other great questions which will agitato the
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of
country, the year 1876 will be one of peculiar
in this department, both as to qual­ interest, and one in "which the intelligent citi­
Andrew J. Norris, Guardian o f said minor, praying for
reasons therein set forth that he may be licensed and
ity of work and prices charged.
zen should take a doily newspaper i f ever.
1empowered to sell the real estate in said petition: de­
The terms o f the Evening Woes are only §6
Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 6th day of
a year, or 50 cents per month, postage inolu
Becembor next, r.t lQ o’clockia the forenoon, be assigned 1
ded, making it the cheapest daily paper o f its
for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin
o f said minor, and all other persons interested in said
size in the west.
estate, are required to appear at a session of said Court,
It is as impossible to describe a
picture well, as to paint one from a.
description .— D e Maistre.
They go for the fairest way to
heaven that would serve; G od without
a hell .— Sir Thomas Broione.
I t is a strange desire; to seek pow­
er1and lose liberty; or to seek pow ­
er over others, and lose power over
a man’s self.— Bacon.
iiiis ,
The m ill has recently undergone repairs
and is better able than for years previous to
do all k in ds o f w ork prom ptly and in the
very best condition.
W hen I lo o k upon the tombs o f
the great, every emotion o f envy dies;
when I read the epitaphs o f the
beautiful, every ordinate desire for­
sakes m e ; when I meet with the grief
o f patents upon a tombstone,~ iny
heart melts with compassion; when I
see the tomb o f parents themselves,
I reflect how vain it is to grieve for
those whom we must soon follow ;
when I see kings lying beside those
who have deposed them ; when I be*
hold rival wits placed side by side, or
the holy men who divided the world
with their contests and disputes, I
reflect with sorrow and astonishment
on the frivolous competition, factions
and debates o f mankind.— Addison.
3 ? >z * o p x - i e t O i ' s . .
l iEFATJLT having boon ln-ulo m the. payment of a corjU tun sum or money sscureil to lie paid by a certain intietkture of Mortgage hearing dato tue fifteenth day of
September, IhTl^niatlo anil executed by 33dword A .’W’aruer and Phtiomelia Warner, lus wife* of the couuty of
Btrr-en and. St&ta of Michigan, to Mary It. MarhoiT, of 1
ti n flame place, and recorded in thq offices of the Register
of Reeds in sold Ccnntv of Bernen, on the eighteenth
dav of Feptainher, 1S71, at 1J.£ o cloqk P M.. m Li&er No,
4 of Mortgages, on page 2&4~vthlch said Mortgage was
dnlj* sistfenea by said Mary B„ Jilarhpff, .Tan, 17,1&72, to
5 , Jan* Alexander,, of Herkimer County,Now York, and
recordedin saldollico of Roaster of Deeds, January 22il,
1S72, at 11*4 o'clock A . M., ux Liber No* Gof Mortgages,
on pjige llS^on winch said Mortgage-there is claimed to
ho due at the date of this notice the sum of eleven.hun­
dred and tffty-aix dollars and oightyUhree couts ($1160,Soj,
and no suit in law or proceeding in equity having been
instituted to recover said sum of money or any purfc
thereof—therefore notice is hereby given, that by virtno
at the power of solo contained in said Mortgage, and
which has now become operative, andinpnrauanco ofthe
fsamteia encli ease made and provided, the land describe
ed in said Mortgage,
Lot seventy-two (72) In tho
original plat of tho village of Buchanan, County of Berr t it, or-d State o f Michigan,, will bo soldat public auction
A the ft'SO doer of the Coart Uonee, in the village of
Berrien Springe, in said County of Berrien, on
•3?2ic 1 7 1 h d a y o f B e c c i n b e r ; A , 3>. 1 S 7 5 ,
.* XI o clo k in the far^oon o f s.tTd day, to satisfy tho
vmount which shall thenbedno on. said;/Mortgage* also
the costs and charges of said foreclosure and sale, and
?.u*attera*> fee provided for in saidMortgago.
BAedSept. 2S, 1S73.
D .E LftxasiSv Att'y for Assignee.
There is a gateway at the entrance
o f a narrow passage in London, over
which is written, “ Ho burdens allow­
ed to pass through:’ ’
“ A n d yet we do pass constantly
with: ours,” said one friend to anoth­
er; as they turned up this passage
out o f a more frequented and broader
thoroughfare. They carried no visi­
ble burdens, but they Were like many
who, although they have no outward
jppftsopoii their shoulders often stoop
inwardly beneath the pressure o f a
heavy load upon the heart. The
worst burdens are those which never
meet the eye.
There is another gate— one which
we are invited to enter, must enter,
i f we would ever “ attain, to rest and
peace and over which is also inscribed,
“ Ho burdens allowed to pass through.”
This is the strait gate that leads to
life ; and by it stands one who opened
the narrow way to which it, leads,
saying to each one o f us, “ Gome unto
me all y e that labor and; are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest.’
— Qongregationalist.
No Bureeii.
K IN G E R Y & M A R B L E ,
rs, beyond all comparison, the best prepa­
ration for Catarrh ever discovered, tin d e r
the influence oi its mild, soothing, and
healing properties, the disease soon yields.
The Golden M edical Discovery should be
taken to correct the blood, which is al­
ways at- fault, and to act specifically upon
the diseased glands and lining membrane
of the nose. T he Catarrh Remedy should
u° applied wrum wuh Dr. F ieice’s Nasal
Douche— the only instrument b y winch
fluids can be perfectly injected to all the
passages and chambers of the nose from
Winch discharges proceed.
These medicines are sold b y druggists
Sacred places for purs thoughts and
holy meditations are the little graves
in the churchyard. They are the de­
positories o f the mother’s sweetest jo y .
half-unfolded buds of innocence, hu­
manity nipped b y the first frost of
time, ere yet a canker worm o f cor
ruption has nestled among its embryo
petals. Gallons, indeed, must be the
heart o f him who can stand b y a little
graveside and not have the holiest
emotions o f the soul awakened to
thoughts o f purity and jo y which be­
long alone to God and Heaven, for
the mute preacher at his feet tells of
lives begun and ended without stain;
and surely i f this be vouchsafed to
mortality, how much purer and holier
must be the spiritual land, enlightened
b y the sun o f infinite goodnessj whence
emanated the soul o f that brief so­
journer among us ? H ow swells the
heart of-the parent with mournful jo y
while standing b y the earth bed of
lost little ones! Mournful because A
sweet treasure has been taken away;
joyful, because the precious jewel
gli tters in the diadem o f the Redeemer.
w h i c h : w e d o f o r $ . Q T j . —r M o n t a i g n e ,
t iu a o ffic e r :-— '
J jg “ A n Irish drummer, who mow
and then indulged in a noggin o f riglit
good poteen, was accosted by’- chs
reviewing general: “ What' ■.makes
your nose so red ?” “ Plase yo»r,
honor,” replied Pat, “ I always blush
when I spake to gineral officers;” ;'' ‘ ,
“ Sarah,, you’re a go°d^^gal, v
but there ain’ t no gap a-goinT
g“t'o -calf
for two plates o f ice-cream on me and!
keep me for her feller!” were7the
closing remarks of a young * gentle­
man.upon parting with-his inamorata.
jHg“ A little three-year-old' boy -ju
Hartford, in attempting to consolehis
mother, who was ‘ watching by the"
death-bed of his little sister, ■said“ Don’t cry, mamma, i f Nellie wants'
to die, let her d ie ; it’ll be so'nice for
her to have hc-r own way just once.
t isn’t because they’re seLti-mental that so many gentleman. hang .
over the front gate with*young_'ladies’
on warm evenings. The young.felr
lows are merely each trying'to.raise,
a mustache, and have heard-.that
suction’s the.-thing required. ■, ■ ,jgkg“ A n Indiana gentleman buried
one wife on Tuesday, married another
on -Thursday, and was divorced, on.
Saturday, and he wants to know if a
bigger week’s work was ever perform­
ed b y a man since the panic.— Morris.-
toion Herald.
A Nevada paper speaks of,an •
.urchin , that has been’ playing with .a
.mule’s, tail; as ‘ “ a spoiled child7” : '
- Xt@U-W.hy, should you be:’ justified
,in :picking the pockets o f engravings?'
......... Because he has pict-ures.