In Rebates!!! - Braxton Citizens` News


In Rebates!!! - Braxton Citizens` News
8th Annual
event a
Vol. 34, No. 34
August 25, 2009
See Page 9
of this issue.
Braxton alum
to see playing
time at WVU
Zach Flynt has been Mike Montoro, a sports-indedicated to improving formation official at WVU,
himself as a football player he “didn’t see any game acfor four years; this season tion but saw action on the
he may receive his reward scout team.” As a matter
for that hard
of fact, that
work. Flynt,
year, Flynt
a Braxton
was chosen
County High
scout player
and, accordof the week
ing to one
during the
f o r m e r
coach, “ one
for Syracuse.
of the toughLooking at
est linebackthis season,
M o n t o r o
Eagles have
noted that
had in their
football hisFlynt “adds
tory,” went to
depth to the
Vir- West Virginia Mountaineer s t r o n g - s i d e
ginia Univerlinebacker
Zach Flynt
sity as a
position” and
walk-on his freshman that he “had a good spring
year. Since that time he and looks to compete for
has experienced several playing time this season. “
different roles, and now Describing him as “tough
he’s ready for what he and physical,” Montoro
wanted from the begin- noted that the former Eagle
“could be used on special
Asked why he was so teams.”
determined to try for a poFlynt says he sees “acsition with the Mountain- tually getting some playing
eers even though he could time” this season. He exhave started for one of sev- pects to start on the kickeral smaller colleges, Flynt off team, and he should get
explained, “I’ve always other special-team play.
wanted to play for West Vir- He’s also third on the depth
ginia, and I wanted to give chart as the strong side
myself a challenge. Play- linebacker, where he
ing at a smaller college hopes to see action. Defiwould probably have been nitely ready mentally and
fun, but the challenge of physically for that action,
getting a spot on West Flynt has gained “twenty or
Virginia’s team was just thirty pounds–all muscle”
too much for me to pass up.” since high school, and he
This attitude followed says he has “gotten faster.”
his success as a high- Asked about time spent on
school player under then- football, he responded,
Sterling “Seven or eight hours a
Beane. A first-team all- day,” explaining, “We have
state selection as a senior morning workouts, pracand first-team LKC selec- tice in the evening, and
tion, Flynt also played in meetings. Football takes a
the North-South game fol- lot of time.” For Flynt, the
lowing his senior year.
son of Robert Flynt and
As a freshman at Sandy Post, all of the time
WVU, Flynt was redshirted, he has spent on football
and in his second year, he will definitely be worth the
saw action only as a mem- effort once he runs out on
ber of the scout team. The the field for an actual WVU
next year, according to game.
Flatwoods Days Schedule
September 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , 2009
Friday, September 4th, 2009
4:30 - 6:45 p.m. - Spaghetti Dinner Flatwoods Community Building ; Cost: $6.00 Adults - $3.00 Children
10 and under. Sponsor: Flatwoods Park and Recreation
(Contact Paul Beatty @ 765-5568 for tickets)
7:00 p.m. - 2nd Annual Hometown “Natural Beauty”
Contest at the Flatwoods Community Building. Contact
Twila Beatty @ 765-5568 for an application.
9:00 p.m. - Flashlight Tour of the Monster Landing
Hosted by: Frank Feschino, Jr.; Cost: $5.00. Meet in
front of Granddad’s store and bring your own flashlight.
Contact Steve Smith @ 765-3194 to purchase advance
tickets or for more information.
10:30 p.m. - Sky Watch with Advice & Tips for Recording Hosted by: Frank Feschino, Jr.; Cost: Free Location: Field across from Stockert-Sizemore Funeral
Saturday, September 5th, 2009
9:30 a.m. - Vendor and Yard Sales Set-up ner
Granddad’s Store. Cost: $15.00 non-electric booth or
$20.00 for electric booth. Any non-food vendor or individual that would like to sell yard sale items and would
like to rent a space, should contact Mary Ann Rogers @
765-5961 for more information.
11:00 a.m. - “The Monster Homecoming Parade” (parade line-up 10:30 a.m.) Main Street, Flatwoods Grand
Marshal: Frank Feschino, Jr. Categories: Big Rigs,
Antique Cars, Floats, Motorcycles, 4-Wheelers, Monster
Floats, Lawn Tractors, Small Vehicles, Fire Trucks and
Best Dressed Animal. 1st and 2nd place trophies will be
awarded in each category. Anyone who would like to
participate in the parade, should contact Carolyn Sprigg
@ 765-7683 for more information.
11:00 to 3:00 p.m. - Flatwoods/Heaters Lions Club
Dinner Menu: Roast Beef, Corn on the Cob, Baked Beans,
Cole Slaw, Dessert, Drink. Cost $8.00 for full meal, Ala
Carte Roast Beef Sandwich $4.00. For advance tickets
contact Lucy Stalnaker @ 765-7277.
12 Noon - American Legion Ceremony & Braxton
County High School Marching Band Location: StockertSizemore Funeral Home Parking lot
12:30 p.m. - Awards and Presentations Main Stage Area
Please turn to FLATWOODS page 3
Shooting: A common thread
By Lee Fisher
On a recent, sweltering Sunday afternoon, the
Braxton County Gun Owners Association gathered to
allow shooters of all ages
and skills to show off their
marksmanship at the
Association’s gun range on
Monkey (Salt Lick) Road in
the Flatwoods area of the
county. Shooters who did
brave the heat to participate were welcomed at the
meet by the West Virginia
University Rifle team,
coached by Jon Hammond.
It was an afternoon where
some who thought they
were marksmen found it
difficult to measure up to
the skills exhibited by the
WVU team; but the camaraderie of the day was,
eventually, more important
than the shooting scores.
The Gun Owners Association has been shooting
in the county since the mid
90’s, and they are attempting to host local shooting
matches in order to let central West Virginia residents
know that there is a club
in existence that wel-
comes shooters of all types.
I sat with President ,Jeff
McKenzie, and Vice President, Mike Hibbs, to discuss the Association’s
“Our membership has
ranged between fifteen and
thirty members,” Jeff said.
“We are really the only
group in the central part of
the state to offer NRA sanctioned matches. We often
have a lot of non-members
come out for these matches
where we shoot 22 caliber
(bench); high power
(bench), and NRA small
bore. Some people think
that we are an ‘expert’ club;
but this is not the case,”
Jeff went on to say. “We are
a group of individuals who
like the competitiveness of
shooting. We could do a lot
more in the way of different types of shooting if we
had more participation. Our
membership fees are $12
a year for adults. A Junior
membership is $5 a year
with a sponsoring adult.
We sustain ourselves as a
club with the revenue we
get from sponsoring
“The range is leased
from the Butler family,”
said Mike Hibbs. “We had
conversations around the
neighborhood to make
sure that those who lived
near the range were comfortable with it being here.
We’ve had no problems because we try to be good
neighbors. The range is a
great place to bring a young
person out to teach them
Please turn to SHOOTING
page 2
These local and West Virginia University shooters recently competed at the Braxton
County Gun Owners Association event held near Flatwoods.
Water plant upgrade project begins
The Flatwoods-Canoe
District’s (the District) water plant upgrade project is
now reality. After several
years of putting multiple
grant dollars together,
along with a private loan,
the District officially began
construction on a $5-million dollar water plant upgrade that should help to
serve water to the area for
at least the next 20 years.
The project is funded
in part by a $700-thousand
Weyerhaeuser NR Company and two separate
United States Economic
Development Administration (EDA) grants for a total
of almost $2.7-million dollars. The District will also
have to borrow just over
$1.6-million dollars from a
private bond issue to complete the project.
According to District
General Manager Steve
Sanders, this project actually was conceived back in
2000 when Board Members, at that time, recognized the potential growth
of the Braxton County
area. “With the large number of homes in Braxton
County without water service and the potential for
business growth along this
I-79 Interstate corridor, it
was obvious for the need to
upgrade the current water
plant.” Sanders says much
of that credit goes to 15year Board Chairman, the
late Jim Rogers. “Jim
(Rogers) and our board saw
the need for expanding and
upgrading a 40-year old
water plant for this county,”
said Sanders.
“It has been a long
road to get funding in place
but with the generous
Weyerhaeuser grant, that
became the catalyst for the
EDA grant,” says Sanders.
When bids were opened for
the upgrade, the lowest bid
was higher than the
amount of money available. The District then received quick action from
Region VII and the Braxton
County Commission. Both
entities worked to come up
with the second EDA grant
that was necessary to complete the project as
“The current board,
led by Chairman Eldred
Drake picked up the
project and ran with it,”
says Sanders. He claims
water will be one of the
most important commodities on earth in the not too
distant future.
The current District
Board is led by Drake,
Board Treasurer John
Gibson and Board Secretary Scott Ratliff. Chairman Drake personally
thanked the great work of
everyone involved, especially Rosemary Wagner of
the Region VII Planning
and Development Council
who worked through the
Braxton County Commission to get the final EDA
grant that brought the
project to fruition.
Chairman Drake said
the project is a wonderful
thing for this county. “With
this project, and the wonderful abundance of water
we are blessed with here,
we will be assured of good,
clean drinking water for a
long time to come,” said
Construction on the
project officially began this
past Friday, August 21st and
should take approximately
a year and a half to complete.
Those on hand for last Friday’s look over the site of the expansion included (L to R)
Shane Whitehair, Region VII, David Jack, County Commission, Terry Hugart,
Weyerhaeuser, Eldred Drake, Flatwoods Canoe Run PSD, Scott Ratliff, PSD, John
Gibson, PSD Run, Edie Tichner, County Commission, Steve Sanders, FCRPSD General
Manager, Terry Frame, County Commission, Bob Jacobus, Region VII, Jean Boggs,
wife of Delegate Brent Boggs, Rosemary Wagner, Region VII, Mary Elizabeth Eckerson,
representative of Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito.
Jury finds Sniffin guilty; Judge
revokes Miller’s probation and more...
On Tuesday, August
18, 2009, the Circuit Court
was in session with the
Honorable Richard A.
Facemire presiding. Jury
selection began in the case
of State of West Virginia vs:
Matthew Sniffin.
The State of West Virginia was represented by
Prosecuting Attorney Kelly
Hamon McLaughlin. The
Defendant was represented
by Sutton attorney, Bernard R. Mauser. The Defendant was charged in an
indictment with third offense driving under the
influence of alcohol.
The Prosecuting Attorney called only one witness to testify, Deputy
Aaron James to testify before the State rested it’s
case. Sniffin, took the
stand and testified in his
own behalf.
Judge Facemire instructed the jury as to the
law and then the jury retired to the jury room to deliberate. The jury deliberated for approximately three
hours before being excused
until the following day.
On Wednesday, August 19, the jury resumed
deliberation. After an additional hour of discussion,
the Jury returned a verdict
of guilty. Judge Facemire
ordered that a presentence
investigation report be prepared by the Probation Division and set the matter
for sentencing on the 19th
day of October, 2009, at 1:30
On Monday Ivan
Christopher Miller ap-
peared before Judge
Facemire with the assistance of counsel, Thomas
J. Drake, for a hearing to
revoke the Defendant’s probation. On February 20,
2009, the State charged
the Miller in a one count
Information with the felony
offense of Fraudulent
Schemes. On March 16,
the Defendant entered a
plea to the felony offense of
Fraudulent Schemes. On
May 11, the Court sentenced Miller to not less
than one nor more than
ten years in the penitentiary and ordered that all
but fourteen days of the
sentence be suspended.
Judge Facemire ordered
the Defendant spend the
two weeks in the Central
Regional Jail and thereaf-
ter be placed on probation.
The Defendant failed to appear at Central Regional
Jail on three different occasions which resulted in
Judge Facemire ordering
that the Miller be apprehended and placed in the
Jail pending the hearing
on the Petition to Revoke
Probation. The Defendant
admitted that he violated
his probation and his counsel requested the Court readmit him to probation or
home confinement. The
Prosecuting Attorney opposed the motion. Judge
Facemire denied the
Defendant’s motion and ordered that the Defen-
Please turn to COURT
Page 2
Braxton Citizens’ News
August 25, 2009
Our views • Your views • Their views
As I
See It
continued from page 1
By Ed Given
Another blow to public rights…
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the actions of
elected officials. It doesn’t take too long when one
watches someone in public office to identify their
priorities. Once that happens the odds are in your
favor when it comes to predicting their reactions to a
given situation.
The one item on the agenda that I wasn’t necessarily surprised to see, was the Commission wanting
to raise the limit of spending required before a purchase order was required. I had heard Terry Frame
discuss the matter on several occasions. When she
started to justify the increase from $200 to $500, it
was the same ole argument. It was too difficult to get
a purchase order for every nickel and dime purchase.
It slowed the process down too much, etc.
I pointed out that there have been several cases
around the state and right here in Braxton County
where public monies were diverted for personal use.
What about a few years ago when the county had to
pay back over $13,000 identified in a DNR audit as
being misappropriated from a solid waste grant? There
is a similar investigation going on right now. What
about the missing money from the Sheriff’s Department a few years ago? History clearly shows that
public monies present too great a temptation for some.
The County Commission should be looking closer at
ways to protect the taxpayer. This attitude that it is
too much trouble in the daily course of business is a
bunch of hog wash. Making things easier for the
officer holder is all that seems to count. These checks
and balances must be in place. Elected officials must
provide due-diligence to make sure the rules are
I have watched the spending of county government for more years than I care to count. All too often
I see, and question money being spent above the limit
without a purchase order. It happened as late as last
Friday. Some people have ignored the policy regularly.
For example, tires on county vehicles seldom are seen
on a purchase order. The reason, I am given, is that
there is not time and it is a “safety issue.” Sure, good
tires are important from a safety aspect… but, if the
operator was doing their job of caring for the vehicle,
they would identify wear well in advance and be able
to apply for a purchase order before tires become
unsafe. That is the way it is with my vehicles as I
imagine it is with most of our readers.
The second issue that was on the same line item
of the agenda applied to the limits on the county
credit card. There are some that wanted to allow it to
be used, up to $500, without prior approval. When the
county first got that card it was widely debated. This
type of purchasing invites thievery if it falls in the
wrong hands. That is the reason that the use of the
credit device required the prior approval of the Commission. Some expenses are reoccurring and the
credit card is the necessary method of payment. I see
no problem with giving a one time authorization, as
long as someone is paying attention to see that items
are not being purchased that are outside the original
request. Fortunately, this policy did not change.
Makinf things easy for the county employees and
office holders has to be secondary to protecting the
public interest. This change in policy certainly didn’t
follow what’s best for the taxpayer. Terry Frame and
David Jack should be ashamed of putting other interests ahead of those who elected them. I can safely
predict that it is only a matter of time before the
headlines of this newspaper spell out wrong doings
with public money. This move makes me think that
the time will be sooner, rather than later.
Read the Citizens’ News on the
World Wide Web
Ed Given
Allison Given
Shirley Shuman
Jeanine Given
Virginia Carr
Mike McElwain
(SSN 393130)
A Weekly Publication
Established February 9, 1976
P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street
Sutton, West Virginia 26601
Entered as periodic rate at the
Sutton, WV Post Office
Send address change to:
Braxton Citizens’ News P.O.
Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601
Subscription rates:
$17.50 in county, $25.50 in
state, $41.00 out-of-state
E-subscription, $20.00
Senior Citizens may deduct $1
how to shoot in a safe environment. We would especially welcome female
shooters. They often turn
out to be some of the best
shooters around.”
members of the Association are Jack Phillips, the
Secretary/ Treasurer, and
Lawrence Moore, the Executive Director. Dr. Doug
Given has been the coordinator for all NRA sanctioned
matches. He is also one of
the founding members of
the club and is on the Board
of Directors.
“We are especially
proud of our association
with American Legion Post
33 and the NRA Foundation,” Jeff said. “Both of
these groups came forward this year to sponsor
an air rifle shooting team
in Braxton County. This
team will afford young
people in the county an opportunity to shoot competitively at a number of different levels.”
“Two years ago,
Lawrence Moore coached
a local team that won at
the state 4H level, shot in
the National 4H competition in South Dakota and
placed 12th or 13th in the
country,” said Jeff. “We
want to give other youth in
the area the opportunity to
experience this kind of
competition. We are actively seeking members
for this youth team.”
WVU’s Rifle Team coach,
sat down as his scores
were posted for the 50
yard, 22 caliber competition. Five shots per target
at four targets for a total
of twenty shots, revealed
that Jon had put all
twenty of his shots within
the width of a dime on every target. Jon shot with
a special rifle that looked
more space age than
weapon. Perhaps Jon’s
spot on Great Britain’s National Team (He’s Scottish) and his shooting in
the 2008 Olympic Games
in Beijing had something
to do with his scores.
“We were pleased to
have been able to come
down to participate in the
match,” Jon said. “We use
very opportunity that we
can to promote the sport of
shooting and to let people
know that WVU has a very
active and a championship shooting program at
the NCAA level. We won
the 2009 NCAA crown as
top rifle team in the country this Spring at Texas
Christian University.”
“Rifle teams at the
NCAA level are something
that many people know
very little about,” Jon said.
“We are bound by the same
NCAA recruiting rules as
all other major sports, have
the same academic requirements as other athletes, and we are the only
sport at the NCAA level
that is truly co -ed. This
year we will nine shooters.
There will be one senior in
this group, six juniors, and
two sophomores. Two of the
juniors are young ladies
who are very good shooters.”
Jon went on to say
that the NCAA limits each
university rifle team to 3.6
full scholarships a year
and that the top eight
teams make it to the NCAA
finals. The team will shoot
approximately ten head-tohead matches a year with
other universities. This is
followed by NCAA qualifying matches, and it is then
on to the NCAA championships. The team also only
shoots small bore and air
rifle, and every team member has to be able to shoot
both rifles.
Jon actively recruits
for WVU’s team at events
like the Junior Olympics
held in Colorado Springs
and the NRA sanctioned
matches at Camp Perry,
Ohio. He recruits internationally, as well. This was
evidenced by the presence
of the newest member of
the WVU rifle team being
with Jon at the Braxton
Campriani, from Italy, was
recruited by Jon after he
saw Nicco shoot at the
World Championships last
year. Tommy Santelli, a
WVU Junior from Prosperity, Pennsylvania, joined
Nicco in putting on an incredible display of shooting for every shooter who
took part in the event.
At the end of the
day, trophies were
handed out, scores were
forgotten about, and everyone seemed only to
look forward to the next
event at the Gun Association Range. The range
and the Association are
somewhat unknown to
many in the county; but
now you know about
them, and Jeff McKenzie
at 364-5530, looks forward to hearing about
those who want to join
the new Junior Shooting
team. Perhaps a few ‘seniors’ could make the
call, as well.
It would be nice to
think that some young
County with the desire,
focus, and a steady hand
could one day don the
uniform of a WVU
shooter and teach us
older shooters how to
center something when
we decide to plink.
Lola's World
News And Views
By Lola B. Given
Class for diabetes began Senior Center,
Dangerous road hazard
Thursday August 20 was the first
meeting of a class at the Senior Citizens Center on diabetes for the twentyfive persons enrolled. The aim of the
class is to learn more about diabetes
and how to control the disease. Ami
Cook, West Virginia University’s Braxton County Agent, and Mary Given, RN
and Braxton County Senior Citizens
Center Nurse conducted the first of four
sessions. The following three will be on
Thursdays from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. The
AIC test determining your last three
months blood count and enrollment
began the class. A film was shown with
information about what diabetes is and
its damage to our bodies. Some 3
months after the AIC test, one comes
back for a follow up test to see if the
information has helped you. With
health the need of the hour, this is a
real service and if enough people voice
the need, another class will be set up
for them. One can call the Senior
News from
our Capitol
Center ask for DeAnn to let her know of
your desire for another class. The
Senior Center phone number is 7654090. There is no cost of this service
conducted by the Senior Center and the
West Virginia University County Agent.
Can anyone tell me how to get the
State Road interested in a couple of
trees on the Frametown/Herold Road
that are leaning more each day? They
could fall on one of us or the school bus
that will be passing under them very
soon every weekday. This road carries a
lot of traffic daily. Only Friday August
21st we heard on the state news of a
tree falling on a vehicle in Clay County,
wrecking it and injuring person’s. I
called the State Road office weeks ago
and to date the trees have not been
taken down. The root system of one is
visible on top of the ground. Someone
help before someone is killed or maimed
for life.
similar savings of greenhouse
gas emissions, without sacrificing features, style or comfort.
ENERGY STAR® helps consumers make energy-efficient
choices. The ENERGY STAR®
label is now on more than 60
product categories including
by Delegate Brent Boggs
major appliances, office equipLast week, the heat and
ment, lighting, and home elecbranches are on the same page
humidity reminded me that
tronics. EPA has also extended
in working toward a stable
summer is still in full swing.
the label to cover new homes
economic base, despite the
However, I can’t overlook the
and commercial and industrial
national and international
fact that football season begins
economic downturn of recent
this week, the nights are beAll West Virginia retailers
coming a little cooler, and the
Here’s another way to save of ENERGY STAR® qualified
shadows are getting a little
products will participate in the
money this fall. Because of
longer as the days gradually
legislation passed in 2007, West sales tax holiday. West Virginia
shorten. All signs point to Fall as Virginia’s second ENERGY
retailers, who sell ENERGY
just around the corner – the best STAR® Sales Tax Holiday will
STAR® qualified products, have
season of the year.
take place Sept. 1, 2009 through been asked to display a sign in
While it mostly went unno- Nov. 30, 2009. During this
the store’s windows, on the door,
ticed last week, Standard and
extended period, West Virginians or in the aisles, noting their
Poor’s upgraded West Virginia’s
participation in the September 1
will not have to pay sales and
bond rating. This is great news
through November 30, 2009
use tax on certain ENERGY
for all West Virginians. By
STAR® qualified products valued Sales Tax Holiday.
obtaining the higher rating, our at $5,000 or less.
ENERGY STAR® qualified
state and local governments,
The previous ENERGYSTAR products are designated by the
including county school boards,
EPA and are identified by the
tax holiday in 2008 was for only
public service districts and
following label: Purchases qualify
seven days. This year it has
economic development agencies been expanded, so that more
for the sales and use tax holiday
can stretch the available dollars citizens can take advantage of
if the purchase is for a product
further by financing at a lower
the opportunity. Also, in 2008
interest rate.
• Has earned the ENERGY
the limit was $2,500. In 2009,
West Virginia was one of
STAR® label.
the maximum has been raised
only three states to have re• Costs $5,000 or less.
to $5,000.
ceived a ratings upgrade this
• Is for non-commercial home
According to the Governor’s
year. This accomplishment
or personal use.
Office, the typical U.S. household
speaks volumes to our working
If you have any qualifying
spends $2,200 a year on energy
to pay down our debts and build a bills. With ENERGY STAR®
purchased planned, I urge you to
better future for generations to
take advantage of this cost
qualified products, consumers
come. It also demonstrates that
savings opportunity. Additional
can save more than 30 percent
our executive and legislative
or more than $700 per year, with information and details are
A WVU shooter with a 22
caliber at 100 yards
Our policy...
We would like to
remind readers that we
welcome letters to the
We would like to
reiterate our policy of
not publishing letters
that do not contain the
author’s identification.
If you mail your letter
to our office you must
enclose a phone number for verification
purposes. The number
will not be published.
We reserve the
right to edit and/or
refuse any letter
deemed to contain
libelous, inaccurate or
misleading information.
We do not accept letters
endorsing or refuting
candidates for the
upcoming election.
available at the following web
To conclude this week, I
want to extend birthday wishes
to my Dad. He is a wonderful
example, husband, father,
grandfather, great-grandfather,
friend and a Christian, first and
foremost. Thanks, Dad, for all
you do.
Please address your mail to
my home office at PO Box 254,
Gassaway, WV 26624. My phone
number is 364-8411 and fax 3648711. If you need immediate
assistance, call the Capitol office
at 340-3220 or Assistant to the
Majority Leader, Mr. Tom Bennett
at 340-3262 or fax to 340-3213. If
you have an interest in any
particular bill or a list of all bills
that passed both the House and
Senate, please let me know.
For those with Internet
access, my e-mail address is You also may
obtain additional legislative
information, including the
copies of bills, conference reports, daily summaries, interim
highlights, and other information from the Legislature’s web
site at If
you write or leave a message,
please remember to include your
phone number with your inquiry
and any details you can provide.
Additional information, including
agency links and state government phone directory may be
found at
Until next week, take care.
Braxton County, WV
August 25, 2009 Page 3
Burnsville Utility Board asks Commission
to help with new vehicle purchase
Evelyn Post, chairwoman of the Burnsville
Utility Board, was the first
to speak to County Commission last Friday at
their regular meeting.
The representative explained that the utility
has lost revenue as their
largest customer; the I-79
rest stops near the 83
mile marker, had been
closed for over a year
while the facilities were
being rebuilt. She explained that the utility
projected a rebound in
their financial situation
once the rest areas reopen as well as the addition of an extension to the
State Road Garage. “However, we do not foresee
having enough money to
replace our 12 year old
service truck with a much
needed 4 wheel drive vehicle,” said Post. She explained that the 4 wheel
drive was necessary to
read meters and perform
service work in the Curry
Ridge area during the
winter months. Following
the discussion, Post told
the Commissioners that
she would get two estimates on a new vehicle.
County OES Director requested that four members
of the E-911 Advisory Board
be reappointed. He stated
that Bill Huffman, Angie
Short, Charlie Workman
and Shane Thompson have
all agreed to serve. It was
pointed out that Thompson,
held the seat assigned to the
OES Director, by virtue of appointment by his father as
assistant OES Director, and
would not need reappointment. David Jack made a
motion to table action on the
request, and advertise for
interested persons, as had
been the Commission’s previous policy.
Deputy Jake Dennison
appeared before the Commission and requested that
$1,550 that had been donated by individuals toward
the purchase of a county K9 be returned as an animal
had not been procured by
the Sheriff’s Department.
The Deputy requested that
the checks be prepared and
give to him to personally
deliver to the contributors
so he could thank them for
their support. Permission
was granted on a motion by
Mike Chapman.
Betty Rivard was on
the agenda to update the
Commission on the PATH
project that will cross the
county if approved. Terry
Frame stated that Charles
H. Friddle III of the power
company would be at the
Commission’s meeting on
September 4 meeting to answer questions. Mike
Chapman made a motion to
advertise that meeting to
the public.
A motion by David Jack
authorized the use of the
Courthouse Lawn for the
Fall Festival being planned
by the Sutton Development
In other action, the
Commission approved the
short form settlements for:
Locke C. Barbe, Harlis,
Brown, Obert Morris, and
Ronald Keith Shuman.
A motion by Mike
Chapman resulted in the
approval of a list of erroneous tax tickets.
David Jack introduced
action to consolidated con-
Lack of sewer easements a concern
The August 3, 2009 of
the Flatwoods Canoe Run
Public Service District was
called to order by Chairperson, Eldred Drake, at 10AM.
Present were Board Members Mr. Drake, John
Gibson, and Scott Ratliff.
Also present were Manager,
Steve Sanders, Rodney Pritt,
Lee Fisher, Fred Hypes,
Wyatt Hanna, Michael Williams, and Joe Nunes.
Public comment was
offered by Lee Fisher who
called attention to a June,
2009 Charleston Gazette
article in which Governor,
Joe Manchin, was quoted
as saying that any forthcoming requests for water
line projects in the state
would have to include a
plan for installing fiber optic cable for Broadband connections to customers who
would be served by any, proposed, water project.
The minutes of the
June 30, 2009 meeting
were approved on a motion
by John Gibson and a second by Scott Ratliff.
Wyatt Hanna reported
that Phase I of the proposed
sewer project to the Chemical Town, Buckeye area
was progressing with the
pump site acquired and the
deed being finalized.
Phase II of this project
caused a considerable
amount of discussion
among the Board. It was
reported that the PSD was
having difficulty in acquiring right-of-way easements
from some potential land
owners along the route
who would benefit from the
project. Complicating this
issue was the announcement made by Wyatt Hanna
that the DEP (Department
of Environmental Protection) had suspended Stimulus money for projects that
did not have the required
80% of the necessary easements in place in order to
proceed with the project.
Without this Stimulus
money to fund the project,
FCR will have to look for alternative funding sources.
Funding sources, outside
of Stimulus, would result
in a higher than anticipated rate structure for
current customers.
John Gibson suggested
that the PSD, vigorously, pursue the acquisition of the
needed right-of ways. There
was an extensive discussion, led by the right-of way
agents present, that specified those landowners who
had signed easements and
those landowners who had
not signed easements. The
Board agreed that they
would undertake a final effort to acquire these easements before initiating condemnation action against
the properties in question.
One, other, alternative discussed was the possibility of changing the engineering of the project so
that some customers would
be excluded from receiving
sewer service.
Manager, Steve Sanders, spoke about a CSO
(Combined Sewer Outlet)
issue of concern to the PSD.
Mr. Sander said that rain
water roof run offs filtering
into the PSD’s sewer filtration system caused a significant increase in pumping time. This increase in
pumping time continues
to cost the PSD considerable sums in pump repair
and maintenance costs.
Mr. Sander and Mr.
Pritt recently attended a
Green energy conference
where filtration barrels
were exhibited. These barrels are used at residences
to filter water coming out
of gutters away from the
connecting sewer systems.
Mr. Sander suggested that
the DEP, at some point, may
require that roof run off not
enter a PSD’s sewer system. This barrel system is
just one available alternative solution to the problem.
The PSD Board took the
matter under advisement.
The PSD’s sewer bills
were approved on a motion
by Scott Ratliff and a second by John Gibson.
Counsel Wyatt Hanna,
gave the Board a summation of the progress on the
water plant upgrade. Mr.
Hanna said that the plant
upgrade had to be under
construction no later than
August 23 rd in order to
meet financing requirements. He added that the
financing of the project is
still being worked on. He
also added that it is a common practice among PSD’s
to issue construction
awards without having every detail of financing for a
proposed project completed;
but Mr. Hanna told the
Board that there is always
a financial risk in proceeding without having every
financial detail worked out.
Mr. Hanna suggested
the following schedule for
meetings to bring the
project on line:
August 5, special
Board meeting to discuss
contractual issues
August 10, special
meeting to consider special issues involving
project bonds
John Gibson made a
motion that these special
meetings be held. Scott
Ratliff seconded the motion.
Mr. Hanna went on to
say that on August 13 or 14
the underwriters will price
the project bonds in the
bond market. On or about
August 19th, legal counsel
will meet with the PSC to
sign bond documents. On
August 21, financial closing will take place followed
by the contract signing.
This signing would be followed by a preconstruction
conference. The plant upgrade construction would
begin on August 23.
Fred Hypes gave the
Board a summary of
progress on the Little Birch
Road water line project.
Hypes said the project was
at 50% completion and
that FiberNet had fulfilled
all of its commitments to
the project.
There was a general
discussion about the proposed Exchange/Cedar
Creek water line.
The water bills were
approved for payment on a
motion by John Gibson and
a second by Scott Ratliff.
Accountant, Todd
Dingess, was not present;
but the financial statements provided by Mr.
Dingess were reviewed.
The statement reflected activity through June 30,
2009, the end of the PSD’s
fiscal year.
through the period (July 1,
2008-June 30, 2009) was
under budget estimate by
$20,875. Water expenses
were $35,297 over budget
estimate. Sewer revenue
was under budget estimate
by $33,850. Sewer expenses were under budget
estimate by $8,914.
Under New Business,
John Gibson discussed the
need for blinds and carpeting in the new Board room.
There was a general discussion about these items,
but no action was taken.
Under Old Business,
the proposed Beamer/
Harper water line on
Erbacon Road was discussed. Rodney Pritt said
that one local bid had been
received for a cost of $9,000.
The PSD is also considering
whether or not it would be
less expensive to do the
project with PSD staff and
renting equipment. There
was also a discussion about
a possible extension of the
line beyond the Harper property. John Gibson suggested
that any extension be looked
upon as a separate project
for future consideration so
that plans for the line would
not be delayed any further.
Mr. Gibson announced
to the Board that Sutton’s
Mayor Campbell had informed him that Sutton had
secured funding of approximately $42,000 that would
be used to pave the lot behind the PSD offices for
parking. There was a discussion about what matching funds the PSD would allocate to this project. There
was also discussion about
the need for a Memorandum
of Understanding between
the Town of Sutton and FCR
concerning use of the lot.
This issue will continue for
Board action.
The meeting was adjourned at 12PM on a motion by John Gibson and a
second by Scott Ratliff. The
next regular meeting of the
FCR PSD will be held on
August 31, 2009 at 10AM at
the PSD offices.
tiguous tracks of land for tax
purposes as requested by
Fred H. Depoy and Ressie
Belle Wilson.
David Jack’s motion
authorized the following purchase orders; $23,400 and
$4,000 respectfully to
Brewer & Company for a fire
protection system and fire
alarm system for the new 91-1 center; $346.10 to West
Virginia Uniforms for the
Sheriff; and $456.75 to Casto
and Harris for record books
for the County Clerk.
Mike Chapman made
a motion to approve the
name change of approximately ¾ mile of Chapman
Road 18/3 to Blessing Road.
It was also Chapman
who introduced action to
authorize an invoice being
issued to Weyerhaeuser for
their $700,000 commitment
to the Flatwoods Canoe Run
PSD plant upgrades.
David Jack made a
motion to approve the draws
to the Little Birch waterline
extension grant funds as
A request from Glenn
Long for the Commission to
release funds allocated to
the Landmark Studio were
tabled on a motion by David
Jack pending a request for
a financial reports of the organization.
Terry Frame explained
that the amount required for
a purchase order needed to
be raised from $200 to $500.
She stated that the lesser
was inconvenient to the op-
eration of normal business.
A media representative argued that the purchase order system was part of the
checks and balances to protect the citizens from spending abuse and raising the
conterproductive. Both
Frame and David Jack disagreed. Jack made a motion to change the limits. It
was seconded by Frame and
passed over the no vote of
Commission’s administrative assistant was requested
to send a memo to office
holders advising them that
invoices would not be paid if
the purchase order was not
attached to the voucher for
purchases over $500.
Mike Chapman made
a motion to advertise the
position of part-time assistant to the Dog Warden to
replace Joe Brown.
Dog Warden Rob Hamil
requested permission to purchase a debit/credit card
machine enable the Animal
Shelter to accept credit
cards. Permission was
granted on a motion by
David Jack.
Sugar Creek Public
Service District was authorized to draw down money for
expenditures on their waterline extension.
A discussion was held
concerning an estimate for
installing doors and service
windows in the Magistrate’s
offices. Mike Chapman
asked if a second bid had
ealth Care
The final piece of the
West Virginia Office of
Health Facilities Licensure and Certification
(OHFLAC) annual survey
has been completed at
Braxton Health Care and
Rehabilitation Center. A
Life Safety Inspector arrived in our facility on
Wednesday August 12 and
exited on Thursday August
13. During the exit interview the inspector stated
that we are deficiency free.
There are not many Long
Term Care Facilities (LTC)
in the State of West Virginia that can make that
statement. Very few are
deficiency free in one
single year let alone in consecutive years. We are
very happy that our Maintenance Supervisor, Tom
McCumbers, has shown
that a high level of efficiency can be accomplished. Tom puts in many
hours at our facility and is
on call 24/7 except during
deer season. Tom is a New
Jersey native transplanted
to West Virginia when he
married a local gal from
Braxton County.
family consists of his wife
Johnnie Stout McCumbers
and their children Bonnie,
Jennifer, Noah and Crystal.
Tom also has a quiver full
of grandkids. Their names
are Colby, Lannie, Leigh
Ann, Emily, Brian, Zayden
and Destiny. Tom we congratulate you for a most
excellent performance on
your assigned duties at
BHC&RC. Congratulations
on your second year of a
deficiency free survey.
Braxton Countians should
be very proud of their facility.
Football seems to be a
more prevalent topic in the
hallways of our facility. As
we head into the season of
Friday nights at the local
stadium, Saturdays up I-79
(ok a few will go down I-79)
and long Sunday afternoons
in front of the TV one has
to notice that football is not
a contact sport. Football is
a collision sport. Sad to say
but a study has proven that
the largest proportion of
severe injuries occur during two specific times of a
football game. During kickoff and during punts players in the high school level
are most likely to receive
a severe injury. A large
portion of the kickoff/punt
injuries are severe and
most of those are concus-
been received since that
was the Commission’s established practice. Action on
the matter was tabled pending the second bid.
Replacement of the
audio/video camera in the
processing room was approved on a motion by Mike
Chapman. The low bid of
$1,849 from Teletech
Voice/Data Systems was
A discussion was held
regarding heat for the old
Jail where records are
stored. The County will have
a professional look at a
heater offered by the Sutton
Volunteer Fire Department.
David Jack made a motion
to send a memo to all office
holders instructing them to
sort through any material
they have stored in the jail
to see what must be kept
and what can be disposed of
within the next 60 days.
The bills presented for
payment were reviewed.
David Jack made a motion
to pay the bills with the exception of $2,750 in dues
and a $330 invoice for a registration fee to a recent
meeting Jack and Commissioner Frame attended from
the West Virginia Association of Counties. A separate
invoice to Graphic Designs
was also removed from the
authorized list. EMS bills
were approved for payment
pending examination. The
list was not presented at the
The meeting recessed
at 10:45 a.m. until an 11:00
a.m. to hold a hearing on a
contested will.
The next regular meeting of the Commission will
be on September 4 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Brought to you by:
Braxton Health Care and
Rehabilitation Center
sions. Kickoffs and punts
at the beginning of each
half are the most dangerous. Kickoffs and punts at
the end of a game or during an overtime session
are not as severe. This
information has come from
the National High School
Sports Injury Surveillance
Study. Is there anything
that can be done to provide
more protection and safety
for our youth? Those of us
older, maybe I should say
more experienced, players
who struggle each morning
to get the old (experienced)
joints working can attest
that some injuries last a
life time. No matter what
the sport properly warming
up is always highly encouraged to avoid injuries.
A study from Rush
University Medical Center
has found that elderly
people who spend less time
socializing experience
more rapid decline in motor functions. Activities is
a big part of LTC from exer-
cise, card games, board
games, bingo, concerts,
gathering under the shade
trees for conversation and
other areas of interest.
Our activity directors,
Linda Nettles and Sara
Beecher, encourage social
interaction between residents at BHC&RC through
these events. Let me
please remind you that we
would greatly appreciate
any volunteers that could
help with these events.
Please contact us if you
would like to help.
New research suggests that a diet high in
Omega3 fatty acids from
fish and nuts can help protect your eyesight as you
grow older and can slow the
progression of age-related
macular degeneration.
AMD is a devastating disease where individuals
slowly lose their central
vision. This makes reading, driving and face recPlease turn to HEALTH CARE
page 4
Flatwoods Days Schedule
Continued from Page 1
1:00 p.m. - Historical Flatwoods Tour & Monster Landing Site Tour Meet in front of Granddad’s Store; Cost:
$5.00. Contact Steve Smith @ 765-3194 to purchase
advance tickets or for more information
1:00 to 9:30 p.m. - Entertainment and Contests L o cation: Main Stage Area
1:00 – 1:45 p.m. – Local Talent
1:45 – 2:15 p.m. – Hard Times
2:15 – 2:45 p.m. – Frog Jumping Contest
(bring your own frog)
2:45 – 3:15 p.m. – p.m.Hard Times
3:15 – 3:45 p.m. – Local Youth Talent
3:45 – 4:15 p.m. – Variety Pack
4:15 – 5:00 p.m. – Karaoke Cowboys
5:00 – 5:30 p.m. – Variety Pack
5:30 – 6:00 p.m. – Turtle Race Contest (bring your own
turtle – no snapping turtles)
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Short Time
6:30 – 7:15 p.m. – Rivers Edge
7:15 – 7:45 p.m. – Short Time
7:45 – 8:30 p.m. – Rivers Edge
9:00 p.m. - UFO Light Show
3:00 p.m. - Flatwoods Monster Seminar and Movie
Location: Granddad’s Store; Cost: $3.00
3:30 p.m. - Flatwoods Fire Department “Kids Games”
Location: Main Stage Area
3:30 p.m. to Close - On Site Concessions Available
from “The Spot”
4:00 p.m. - Meet & Greet with Frank Feschino and
Freddie May Location: Granddad’s Store;Cost: Free
6:00 p.m. - Flatwoods Monster Seminar and Movie
Location: Granddad’s Store; Cost: $3.00
7:00 p.m. - Historical Flatwoods Tour and Monster
Landing Site Tour Meet in front of Granddad’s Store;
Cost: $5.00
Sunday, September 6, 2009
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School Location: Main Stage Area
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service Location: Main Stage
12:45 p.m. - Free Dinner and Gospel Sing L o c a t i o n :
Main Stage Area
1:00 to 4:00 p.m. - Meet and Greet with Frank
Feschino and Freddie May Location: Granddad’s Store
Page 4 August 25, 2009
continued from page 1
dant be sentenced to the
Penitentiary for a period of
not less than one nor more
than ten years. The Court
remanded the Defendant
to the custody of the Bailiff
to be turned over to the
CRJ to await delivery to the
custody of the Commissioner of Corrections to
serve his penitentiary sentence.
Also last week, the
Court took up the matter of
State of West Virginia,
Plaintiff, vs: George Smith.
charged in an Indictment,
handed down October 7,
2008, with the felony offense of transferring stolen
property and conspiracy.
Judge Facemire scheduled
the matter for a jury trial
on September 15, beginning at 9:00 A.M.
In a Webster County
case being heard in Braxton County Kara Wilkins
appeared before Judge
Webster Prosecuting Attorney Bryan Hinkle appeared
on behalf of the State.
Daniel Grindo represented
the defendant. Wilkins entered a plea of guilty to the
felony offense of daytime
burglary. Judge Facemire
set sentencing for October
19, at 9:00 A.M., and ordered that the Probation
Division prepare a presentence investigation report.
Justin Adkins, with
the assistance of counsel,
Dennis Willet on behalf of
Christina Flanigan, was in
Court to enter a plea of
guilty to the felony offense
of forgery. Judge Facemire
ordered that a presentence
investigation report be prepared and set the matter
for sentencing on October
8, at 11:00 A.M.
On Monday, August
10, the Circuit Court held
its regular Motion Day.
Rodney Stalnaker,
with the assistance of
counsel, Rico Moore, appeared in Court for sentencing. On June 9, 2009,
the Defendant entered a
plea of guilty to the felony
offense of conspiracy.
Stalnaker requested the
Court grant him probation
or home confinement. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keith Cooper did not
oppose the Defendant’s
motion. Judge Facemire
noted that the Defendant
was on probation out of the
State of Pennsylvania
when he committed this
offense. Further, the Court
noted that the State of
Pennsylvania advised the
probation department that
the Defendant had failed to
advise his Pennsylvania
probation officer that he
had committed the offenses
in the State of West Virginia which would be in violation of the Pennsylvania
probation. The Court also
noted that the Defendant
was charged in other offenses in Pennsylvania.
Judge Facemire denied the
Defendant’s motion for probation ordered that he be
sentenced to the maximum time in the penitentiary of not less than one
nor more than five years.
The Defendant was committed to the custody of the
Bailiff to be turned over to
the State Penitentiary.
Robert Vasilinda, and
his attorney, Bernard R.
Mauser, appeared for sentencing. On June 11, 2009,
the Defendant entered a
plea of guilty to obtaining
goods by false pretenses.
The Defendant requested
the Court grant him probation or home confinement.
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keith Cooper did not
oppose the motion for probation and recommended
probation. Judge Facemire
denied the Defendant’s request and ordered that the
he be sentenced to the
maximum time of not less
than one nor more than
ten years in the penitentiary and fined the sum of
$1,000.00 and he would
make restitution to the victims within eighteen
months of his release. The
Defendant was remanded
to the custody of the Bailiff
to be delivered to the State
Penitentiary to begin serving his sentence.
“Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God
by your tradition” Matthew 15:3
The Kingdom of Christ is Future...Truth or Tradition? #5
One of the most popular teachings in the religious
world today is that Christ is coming back to earth to
establish His Kingdom, and will reign for a thousand
years here on earth, from Jerusalem. Truth or Tradition?
The View. His Kingdom will be an earthly, physical
kingdom, and His reign will be with absolute peace and
harmony, since the devil will be bound in a “bottomless
Observable. “The kingdom of God cometh not with
observation.” (Luke 17:20). Can we not see earthly
kingdoms rise and fall?
But the kingdom
of God is invisible. “Neither shall they say, Lo
here!or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is
within you.” (Luke 17:21).
Can we locate the kingdom of God in some spot on the
earth? Does Christ not reign within the hearts of those
who have yielded their lives to Him? Is His kingdom
physical or spiritual? Not Of This World. When Pilate
asked Jesus if He were a king, He answered: “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this
world, then would my servants fight, that I should not
be delivered to the Jews.” (John 18:36). If He is literally going to reign from
David’s throne in
Jerusalem, wouldn’t His kingdom be of this world?
Our Warfare. “(For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor 10:4-5).
(See also Eph 6:12). The Christian is at war, not with
people, but
ideas, imaginations,
theories, philosophies, etc.
Is Paul not saying here
that the kingdom of Christ is spiritual, rather than
The Reign Of Souls. “.and I saw the souls of them
that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for
reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (Rev 20:4). This
is the only place in The Bible that mentions a thousand
year reign of Christ, and it will be with souls, not physical bodies.
What do you think. The Kingdom of Christ is
future...Truth or Tradition?
Minister: Gene H Miller, 3281 Rosedale Road, Shock
WV 26638-8410. Phone: 304 462-0384
In the civil matter of
Weyerhaeuser Company,
Plaintiff, vs: Beverly
Murray, the Defendant did
not appear nor was she represented by counsel.
Weyerhaeuser’ attorney
filed a petition for an injunction enjoining and prohibiting Murray, from coming in or about their facilities. The Plaintiff’s counsel moved to continue the
hearing due to the fact that
the Plaintiff had not served
the Defendant. Judge
Facemire granted the
Plaintiff’s request for a continuance and ordered that
the temporary emergency
injunction prohibiting
Murray from going in or
about the Weyerhaeuser
facility would remain in effect. The Judge scheduled
the matter for a hearing on
September 2, at 9:00 A.M.
The matter of Stacy
Morris vs: West Virginia
Mutual Automobile Insurance, was scheduled for a
pretrial conference, but as
a result of Court ordered
mediation the parties announced to the Court that
they had resolved this case.
The State of West Virginia appeared by her Prosecuting Attorney Kelly
Hamon McLaughlin, regarding a petition she had filed
seeking to forfeit a truck
and monies seized from Joseph Albert Brady, III during
a drug investigation. It is
alleged in the petition that
the truck and the money
were used in illegal drug
trafficking. Judge Facemire
ordered that the pickup
truck and the money seized
be forfeited to the Braxton
County Sheriff’s Department.
attorney’s in the case of
C.K., Plaintiff, vs: Braxton
County Board of Education,
et als, Defendants request
to be permitted to withdrawal as counsel. There
being no opposition to the
request the Court granted
the action. The matter involves a civil law suit against
the Braxton County Board of
Education and others as a
result of a teacher who was
convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting minor
male students.
Heather Jones, with
the assistance of counsel,
Christopher Moffatt, came
before the Court for sentencing. On June 3, the
Defendant entered a plea
of guilty to possession of a
controlled substance with
intent to deliver. Jones requested the Court grant
her probation or home confinement. The Prosecuting
Attorney stood silent and
took no position regarding
the requested action.
Judge Facemire ordered
that Jones be remanded to
the custody of the Commissioner of Corrections to be
placed in the Penitentiary
for a diagnosis and classification for sixty days and
then be returned to the
Court for sentencing on
November 9, at 1:30 P.M.
Marshall Kopfer, with
the assistance of attorney,
Joyce H. Morton, appeared
for sentencing. On June 3,
2009, the Defendant entered a plea of guilty to possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver. The Defendant requested the Court to grant
him probation or home confinement. Judge Facemire
noted that the Defendant
had admitted he had purchased illegal drugs with
the intent to resell them.
The Court denied the
Kopfer’s motion for probation and home confinement and ordered that he
undergo sixty days diagnosis and classification before being returned to the
Court for sentencing on
November 9, at 1:45 P.M.
Burdette, with the assistance of counsel, David
Karickhoff, were in Court
for a hearing upon the
Prosecutor’s motion to dismiss certain charges
againt the Defendant. Prosecuting
McLaughlin advised the
Court that the victims
take the position that the
Defendant did not commit
this offense. The victims
appeared in Court and advised Judge Facemire that
they desired the matter to
be dismissed. The Court
dismissed the matter without prejudice which means
if after further investigation the Prosecuting Attorney determines that the
Defendant was involved in
this offense they can recharge him.
The Court scheduled
the matter of Daniel Weir
and Joretta Weir, Plaintiffs,
vs: Mitchell Browning and
Shannon Browning, for a
bench trial on October 7, at
10:00 A.M.
Angel Forzetting, with
the assistance of counsel,
Andrew Chattin, appeared
for sentencing. On June 15,
2009, the Defendant entered a plea of guilty to
transferring stolen property. The Defendant requested the Court grant
him probation or home confinement. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keith
Cooper did not oppose the
request. Judge Facemire
sentenced the Defendant to
not less than one nor more
than ten years in the penitentiary and ordered that
the sentence be suspended
and Forzetting be admitted
to probation for five years
under strict terms and conditions of probation.
Erica Marie Wine, and
her attorney, Andrew
Chattin, were in Court for
a hearing on the State’s
motion to revoke the
Defendant’s home confinement. On August 28, 2008,
Wine entered a plea of
guilty to the offense of forgery and uttering. On November 12, 2008, Judge
Facemire sentenced the
Defendant to not less than
one nor more than ten
years on the offense of forgery and further sentenced
her to the same fate on the
uttering charge. The Judge
ordered that the sentence
be suspended Wine admitted to one year home confinement and five years
probation. Subsequently,
the State filed a motion to
revoke her home confinement alleging that she violated the terms and conditions of that conditional
release. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keith
Cooper announced to the
Court that after conferring
with the Defendant’s attorney that the parties agreed
for the Defendant to be readmitted to home confinement. Judge Facemire ordered that the Wine’s
home confinement be reinstated as well as the five
years probation.
Attorneys in the matter of Coastal Lumber Company, Plaintiff, vs: Herbert
Ratliff, Defendant, requested the Court continue the hearing in this
matter. Judge Facemire
continued the matter until October 8, at 2:15 P.M.
Jason D. Lockard, appeared with counsel, Daniel
Grindo, and Linda Lockard
appeared with her attorney,
Steven Wickland, for a hearing upon the Plaintiff’s petition that he be granted access to the residence of
Mary Waggoner, deceased,
in order to inventory the personal property items in the
decedent’s residence so that
they could complete the affidavit of property of the Estate of the deceased. Judge
Facemire ordered that the
Plaintiff be given access to
the Waggoner residence in
order to inventory the personal property contained in
the residence and that a
Deputy accompany the
Plaintif for that purpose. The
Court also ordered that the
Executor and personal representative of the Estate of
Mary Waggoner, Jason
Lockard, file the State’s appraisal within thirty days
after the completion of the
Ryan Deusenberry
with the assistance of
counsel, Daniel Grindo,
appeared for sentencing.
On the 8th day of September, 2008, Judge Facemire
sentenced the Defendant to
not less than one nor more
than five years and ordered
that the sentence be suspended and Deusenberry
be admitted to probation.
The Probation Division of
the Court subsequently
filed a petition to revoke
the Defendant’s probation
due to illegal drug use.
Judge Facemire revoked
Braxton County, WV
the Deusenberry’s probation but delayed sentencing in order to afford the
Defendant to go to an inpatient intensive substance
abuse program. The Defendant did enroll in the program and satisfactorily
completed it. The Defendant was now before the
Court for further sentencing. The Defendant requested the Court to grant
him probation or home con-
finement. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keith
Cooper did not oppose the
request. Judge Facemire
granted the Defendant’s
motion and ordered that he
be placed on probation for
five years after having successfully completed the inpatient intensive substance abuse program.
The Court also heard
thirteen juvenile related
matters during the time.
Flint family
thank you
The family of James E.
Flint would like to thank
everyone for their visits,
phone calls, food, all the
beautiful flowers, the
money and all the prayers
during our loss.
First, to our family we
want to say thank you for
all the love and support you
gave us and continue to
give us. You are a Blessing.
For those who stood in
line and shared stories and
memories of Jim, we
thank you, some stories we
were hearing for the first
time. We will cherish those
forever…Bless You..
Many thanks go to
Burnsville Fire Department and Braxton EMS for
answering the call; also we
want to thank Monty Burks
and Andrew Slaughter for
the great care as they
transported Jim to Ruby
Memorial Hospital.
We would like to
thank the Heaters Community, New Life Chapel
and the Heaters United
Methodist Charge and for
everyone who donated food,
drinks and their time for
the dinner after the funeral. To Lucy Stalnaker
thank you for making sure
that everything was taken
care of for the dinner and
for all the phone calls you
made. Bless You.
A special thanks to
Rev. & Mrs. Billy Griffin for
the wonderful service, and
for being there for us during this difficult time,
words cannot express our
heartfelt thanks. God
Bless you Both….We want
to thank Glenn Hypes, for
the beautiful song, Jim
would have loved it.. To the
Stockert Gibson-Sizemore
Funeral Home, you helped
us through this difficult
time, thank you Tim,
Angie, Jerry M. and Jerry
L, for all the support, and
for allowing us to cry on
your shoulders…
Thanks to American
Legion Post 33 for the Military Service at the Funeral
Home and at the Grave.
You provided a wonder service for Jim. Thanks to
those who served as Pallbearers, thanks to the
Lloyds for opening and closing the grave.
Finally thanks to God
for his undying love and
support during our loss.
To clarify the many
rumors, we did want his
obituary put in the
Charleston Paper, we decided on the shortened version, so our money could be
used towards the Burial
Expense. Tim Sizemore
submitted it to the paper,
and this was no fault of his
or The Funeral Home. We
apologize to those who
found out after the service.
We had many phone calls
about this; Jim’s obituary
was on the StockertGibson-Sizemore Funeral
Home web site, as well as
both our county papers….
God Bless You and
Thank You,
The Family of
James E. Flint
Linda Flint
Kim, Mike, Justin &
Hunter Butcher
Ashli & Jared Steiner
Fall “Bling” featured in
Fashion Show for Sutton
Public Library benefit
At the unexpected
venue of the Sutton Public
Library, ladies from the
Sutton Woman’s Club and
Friends of the Library did
the “runway strut” wearing
the latest fall fashions from
The Dress Barn. The afternoon program on Sunday,
August 16 th, was a successful fund-raising event
for the Sutton Public Library co hosted by the
Sutton Woman’s Club and
the Friends of the Library.
Featuring seasonal colors
of deep teal and autumn
bronze, the ladies modeled
casual chic, office neat and
elegant formal wear. Emphasis this season is on
jeans paired with jackets
decorated with studs and
brass for casual wear; and
blouses with “bling” and
glitter coupled with tailored
slacks for office wear.
Evening wear flows with
Palazzo pants and bejeweled tops; and floaty
dresses with handkerchief
Along with a preview
of the up-coming season’s
fashions, attendees were
treated to refreshments
and door prizes. All the door
prizes were donated by local businesses: Braxton
Motor, Sutton Floral and
Gift Shop, Century Inn,
Evans Auto Repair, The
Sewing Basket, The Villa
Salon, Hometown Events
and Party Rentals, La Dolce
vita, Napa Auto and The
Dress Barn. The Sutton
Woman’s club wants to
thank all the businesses,
participants and attendees
for their support of this successful benefit event for
the Sutton Public Library.
Health Care Happenings continued from page 3
ognition virtually impossible. Omega-3 fatty acids
are an important structural component of the
retina. Sources of Omega3 fatty acids are olive oil,
salmon, tuna, mackerel,
almonds, pecans and other
tree nuts. Fruits and vegetables such as broccoli,
peas, corn, tangerines
spinach and kale contain
antioxidants that have protective effects against
The risk of AMD
triples if one smokes a
pack of cigarettes a day. If
you do not smoke but you
live with some who does
your chance of AMD
doubles. So it is the same
old story that we hear about
Eating a
wholesome, nutritious, balanced diet and getting
plenty of exercise will go a
long way in preserving your
vision as you age and ex-
tending your life.
Finally there is a
“Canvolution” taking place
in the United States.
Home canning is not just
for grandma anymore.
Home canning is actually
shifting from the Boomers
to the Generation Xers
and Yers. Fifty percent of
home canners live in the
suburbs so this is not just
a rural event. The recession also is another reason
to get out the old pressure
canner and to clean out the
Mason jars as this can help
save money. So all you experienced canners be sure
to socialize with the less
experienced canners and
share your expertise. Let
the “Canvolution” begin.
If you have any questions about long term care
please call BHC&RC or
send an e mail to
Braxton County, WV
Senior Menu:
Braxton County Nutrition Program is funded
through the Bureau of
Senior Services utilizing
III C Federal and State
Funds and donations
from the public. Meals
are served daily from
11:30 am till 12:30 m at
the Braxton County Senior center at 33 Senior
Center Drive in Sutton,
WV. There is no discrimination in the services sponsored by the
Senior Citizens Center,
Inc. regardless of race,
creed, sex, handicap or
national origin.
Menu for the week
of August 24, 2009
C o o k ’ s
Vegetable Soup, Tuna
Salad w/Tomato Slice,
Apple & Bread
B a k e d
Chicken, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Green
Beans, Fruit & Bread
Thurs. Sloppy Joe
French Fries and Fruit
w/Meat Sauce, Tossed
Salad, Garlic Bread and
BCSC Serves Milk
and Butter with each
Sobriety Checkpoint
Planned September 45, 2009:
The Sutton Detachment of the West Virginia State Police in conjunction with the commission on Drunk Driving Prevention will be
conducting a sobriety
checkpoint on Friday,
September 4 through
Saturday, September 5,
The checkpoint will
begin at 8 p.m. on September 4 and will run
until 2 a.m. on September 5.
The checkpoint will
be set up in Braxton
County on Route 4 in
Flatwoods. More specifically, the checkpoint will
be located in the area of
the Braxton County High
The purpose of the
checkpoint is to prevent
and deter impaired driving. Motorists who wish
to avoid the checkpoint
may take an alternate
route of travel.
Baughman Family
It’s time to join family and friends again for
the annual Baughman
reunion. It will be Saturday, Sept. 5, 2009 at the
Eureka United Methodist
Church, Keeners Ridge,
Strange Creek, WV.
Bring a covered dish
along with your favorite
beverage. Dinner will be
at 12:30 pm. Bring along
your pictures and funny
stories as well. Come
early and stay late, see
ya on reunion day. Call
Frances at 304-890-4100
or Ruth at 304-765-2483,
if you need directions.
Living River Chapel
Gospel Sing:
Living River Chapel
will be having their
monthly sing on Friday,
August, 28 th at 6:30 pm.
Bring your musical instrument, your voice and
a covered dish. Pastor
Ace will grill hotdogs and
hamburgers. Come and
join us. Sing, talk, relax
and praise the Lord with
us. The Living River
Chapel is in Flatwoods
next to Keith’s Alignment. Call Pastor Ace at
304-765-7234 for any
Ham and Bean Dinner:
The Ireland Lions
Club will sponsor a ham
and bean dinner with
cornbread plus desserts
on Aug. 30 th from 11:00
am till 2:00 pm at the
Building. Cost is $5.00
for Adults and $3.00 for
Ratliff Reunion:
The family of Mack
and Alice Groff Ratliff will
be having their annual
family reunion Saturday,
September 5 th , 2009 at
the Burnsville Community Building. All relatives and friends are invited to come and bring
a covered dish and enjoy
the day.
BCMH Board of Directors Meeting:
Please be advised
that the regular meeting
of the Braxton County
Memorial Hospital Board
of Directors is scheduled
for Monday, August 31,
2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the
hospital’s Learning Resource Center.
If you have any
questions regarding this
meeting, please feel free
to contact Ben Vincent,
Simmons Family
The descendants of
George and Delia Friel
Simmons will hold their
family reunion on Sunday, September 6, 2009
from 12:noon to 5:00
p.m. at the home of
Daniel and Rita Cogar,
Sutton, WV. All family
members and friends are
invited to attend. Please
bring a covered dish and
item to auction.
Benefit Yard Sale:
There will be a benefit yard sale on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2009, 9 am
Frametown Fire House.
All proceeds go to Sallie
Kuhl’s funeral expenses.
Everything must go!!.
Food will be available.
Sponsored by friends and
Town of Sutton Hosts
Free Pool Party:
Kids!! Come OneCome All!! Free Pool
Party! Free Swimming!
Free Admission, Sat.
Aug. 29, 2009, 7pm – 9
pm. Kids under 7 must by
accompanied by an
There will be a revival at Zion Pentecostal
Church, 1720 Bug Ridge
Rd, Aug. 27-30, starting
at 7 pm each evening.
70 th Johnson Reunion:
The descendants of
William and Jane Given
Johnson will have their
Johnson Campground,
Sept. 6 at 10:00 am. All
relatives, neighbors and
friends are invited to attend. Bring a covered
dish and your swimwear.
There will be horseshoes, ball playing, etc.
Call 304-765-5077, Bill
Norman Reunion
Changed to Gassaway:
The Maxine Norman
Linger family will be having their annual family
reunion on Saturday,
September 5 th , 2009 at
the Gassaway Community Building. Dinner
will be t 12 noon to ??
The family will be providing the meats and desserts. Everyone is asked
to bring a covered dish
and drinks for your family. There will also be a
Chinese Auction at 2:00
pm and a cakewalk following.
So if you know any
of this Norman clan
come on out and enjoy
the day with them.
There is never a dull
moment, so you will definitely have a good time.
Theme is the 50’s –
girls wear your poodle
skirts and guys comb
your hair- if you still
have any, in a 50’s style.
Charge Dinner and
The Braxton Charge
will be having a Hot Dog
roast and Pot Luck supper, followed by a sing at
the Fairview UM Church
starting at 5:00 pm Sunday, August 30, 2009.
Singers will be the
Dean Wayne Family and
the Copen Choir. Everyone is Welcome. Bill
Carr, Pastor.
Stout Reunion:
The Stout Reunion
(families and friends of
the late Tom and Rosa
Stout) will once again be
held at the home of
Roger and Lucretia Stout
of Gassaway, WV on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2009. Everyone welcome, come
spend the day with us.
Sunday School
The Braxton County
72 nd Sunday School Convention will be held
Methodist Church, Exchange.
Sunday School begins at 10 am, Worship
Service at 11 am with
Pastor Alvie Loyd.
Picnic dinner at
12:00 noon.
Afternoon session
begins at 1:30 pm. Special singing by the
Napier Choir and the
Light of Hope Singers.
Evangelist – Pastor
Markco Pritt will bring
the message.
Come and bring a
covered dish and drink.
Everyone is invited.
Long Reunion:
The annual Long
Reunion will be on September 5 th at the Carson
Dobbins Pavilion at Holly
Gray Park, Airport Rd,
Sutton, WV. Lunch will
be served at 12:00 noon.
Please bring your favorite dish and soft drinks.
We have an auction so
bring something for the
auction. All families and
friends are invited to
spend the day with us.
Library Benefit Yard
The Burnsville Public Library will host a
yard sale Saturday, September 5 th beginning at
9am. All proceeds will
benefit the library.
Items will include books,
computer equipment,
DVD player and more.
The sale will be held in
the library parking lot.
For more information,
please contact the library at 304-853-2338.
Central West Virginia
Car Club Meeting:
There will be a
meeting of the CWVCC
on Tuesday, Sept. 1 st at
Wendy’s at 6:00 pm. Anyone welcome.
The Davis-Carpenter reunion will again be
held at Camp Holly Gray
Park in the Carson-Dobbins Pavilion on Sunday,
Sept. 6, 2009.
It’s time to make
plans now and have a
great visitation with
family and friends.
This year, there will
be a “heritage hat” contest. An award will be
presented to the most
unique hat depicting the
heritage of the individual. Also, there will be
gifts for those traveling
the farthest; those who
are the oldest, the
youngest attendee; and
possible other areas of
Again, the following
items will be provided:
chicken, green beans
and salads, plates, cups,
napkins and silverware.
Just bring a favorite dish
and plan to have a great
The schedule is as
visitation –
morning – 1:pm; Lunch
at 1:pm; memorial service at 2:pm; family recognition and pictures fol-
lowed by special presentations.
The reunion committee is really looking
forward to a large crowd
and catching up on
friends, neighbors and
If more information
is needed, please call
Winter Bowling Season
to Begin:
Mountain Highrollers
will begin their winter
Wednesday, Sept. 2,
2009, with registration
and sanctioning at 5:30
p.m. Bowling will begin
at 6:30 p.m.
The USBC Thursday
morning coffee league
will open their season on
Thursday morning at Mid
Mountain Lanes at
10:am, with a meeting
scheduled for registration and sanctioning.
leagues are looking forward to a full and busy
schedule the first week.
Team captains are urged
to contact all their members and report to the
secretary if players are
needed. (Call 765-7279).
Wednesday night’s
teams are Jerry’s Auto
Girls, Alley Babes, Happy
Hookers, Sutton Moose
Girls, Doc’s Pin Heads,
Suzy’s Stingers, Pin
Splitters and Elk River
Thursday morning
coffee league teams: Pin
Queens, Who Cares, D &
D Pals, Hall Cats, Pathfinders and High 5’s.
Sanction fees are
$16.00 and bowling per
night is $9.00. All persons interested in joining a women’s league are
welcome to come join
the only organized physical and competitive
sports for women in
Braxton County.
If more information
is needed, please call
Gospel Sing and
There will be a gospel sing and Homecoming at the Laurel Run
Baptist Church (I-79 Exit
57, Eight miles south on
Rt. 19 (Pine View Drive))
on Sunday, August 30,
2009 from 10:00 am to
4:00 pm. Featured singers are the Copen Choir.
Everyone Welcome.
Popular Bible Teacher
Beth Moore Live
Satellite Simulcast:
Women are expected to converge at
Gassaway Baptist church
on Friday and Saturday,
August 28-29, when
LifeWay Christian Resources brings Living
Proof Live with popular
Bible teacher Beth Moore
to Gassaway via a live
satellite simulcast.
Moore is known for
her ability to apply biblical scripture to everyday
life. Her mission is to
guide women everywhere into a richer,
more fulfilling relationship with God. Moore’s
message for local women
will be uniquely created
for them, based on what
God has laid on Moore’s
heart to speak. No two
Living Proof Live events
are ever the same.
An author whose
books and Bible studies
have sold millions of copies, Moore shares from
her own experiences and
challenges and inspires
women to strengthen and
grow their own relationships with God.
Joining Moore for
the weekend event will
be worship leader Travis
Cottrell and his praise
team. The event is
scheduled for Friday, August 28, from 8pm to
10:30pm with doors
opening at 7pm and Saturday, August 29, from
9:30 am to 1pm, doors
opening at 8:30am. All
seats are $20 general
admission, and women
or by calling 304-3648843.
August 25, 2009 Page 5
Water Aerobics Class:
Sutton Swimming
Pool is offering water
aerobics (exercising in
the pool). Instructor is
Rusty Ware. Cost is
$2.00 per session. Meeting times are Monday
and Wednesday 5:006:00pm.
Everyone is welcome. Even if you can’t
swim you can exercise
in the water.
Artist Group
group is seeking those,
interested in painting,
oil, acrylic, etc, or
sketching, to join their
workshop. If you would
enjoy spending the day
painting, learning together,
ideas and fellowship join
us at 9:00 am each
Wednesday at the Senior
Citizens’ Center Art and
Crafts room. For more
information call 304364-4042 or 304-3645089.*
Gibson Cemetery
Gibson Cemetery
needs donations for the
mowing and upkeep of
the cemetery. Please
send donations to Gibson
Cemetery Fund, c/o
Deborah Campbell, 888
Gibson Road, Flatwoods,
WV 26621-8104. Thank
you to everyone who donated last year.
Deborah Campbell,
Secretary and Treasurer
Coombs Cemetery
To the children,
grandchildren, any and
all family relatives of
Robert & Rose Coombs,
Percy Coombs, Patrick
Coombs, Orval & Ruth
Casto, and infant daughter-Carol Elaine Casto
you are notified that assistance is needed with
the Coombs Cemetery on
Bug Ridge Road. Contributions for the upkeep
and mowing of the fenced
cemetery is desperately
needed. (For instance
graves-1 per person is a
minimum of $80. The
fence surrounding the
primary burial area
needs to be repaired or
replaced. All family relatives connected with the
Coombs Cemetery are
requested to submit
their name, address and
phone number for the
purpose of communicating with individuals concerning plot maps, keys,
Please forward any
and all communication
and contributions to:
Bill Casto, 300 Baker St.
Box 8, Pittsburg, OH
45358, 1-937-692-5844.
Facility Rental:
The Burnsville Park
and Recreation Board
has announced that an
increase in the rates for
the rental of the building
has taken effect. In addition, a User Agreement will need to be
completed prior to the
use of the rental of the
building. The new rates
are $50.00 for the use of
the main dining room
and if the kitchen is
used, it will be an additional $25.00. If you are
interested in the rental
of the facility, please call
James Lee Wine at 304853-2880.*
Sutton Fall Festival
Seeks Pageant
The Sutton Fall Festival Pageant will take
place on September 26th
and 27th. For more information or an application
please call Gary Beamer
at 304-765-3395, or stop
by the Sutton Police Department. Seeking contestants in the following
categories: Girls: Birth 21; Boys: Birth - 10; Married women ages 18 and
up; and Golden Bells
ages 55 and up.
Brady-Dancy Reunion:
The Brady-Dancy
Reunion will be held on
Saturday, September 5,
from 10 am until ? at the
home of Dorothy Brady in
Frametown. Dinner will
be served about 1:00 pm
– 1:30 pm. Bring a covered dish and enjoy the
day. No drugs or alcohol
on premises. Everyone
Flatwoods Days
Spaghetti Dinner:
The Flatwoods Days
Spaghetti Dinner will be
held Friday, September
4, 2009 from 4:30 p.m. to
Flatwoods Community
Building. The menu is
Spaghetti, Salad, Roll,
Dessert and Drink. The
cost is $6.00 for adults
and $3.00 for children 10
and under. This is sponsored by Flatwoods Park
and Recreation. Contact
Paul Beatty at 765-5568
for tickets.*
Conley Reunion:
Conley Reunion will be
on Sunday, September 6,
2009. Come and enjoy
the fun. Bring a covered
dish to the 2 nd pavilion at
the foot of the Burnsville
Dam. Everyone is welcome.*
Flatwoods Days
Hometown “Natural
Beauty” Contest
“Natural Beauty” Contest
will be held on Friday,
September 4, 2009 at
Flatwoods Community
Building. Participant
Cost is $20.00. The application deadline is August 21, 2009. The admission to the event is
$2:00 for Adults and
$1.00 for children 12
years old and under. Attire for pageant participants is Casual Wear,
Dressy “Not Formal,” and
Interview. Categories
are Ages 2,3,4
Tiny Miss; Ages 5,6,7Little Miss; Ages 8,9,10
11,12,13- Junior Miss;
and Ages 14,15,16,17Miss Flatwoods. Each
participant will receive a
gift bag. Category winners will receive a tiara
and sash and will participate in the Flatwoods
Days Parade. Contact
Twila Beatty @ 765-5568
for an application.
Agape Youth Pool
United Methodist will
sponsor an Agape Youth
Pool Night Every Monday
6:30-8:30pm at the
Sutton Pool. Free food
and drinks. Everyone
Flatwoods Days Vendors and Yard Sale
Booths Rental:
This event will occur on Saturday, September 5, 2009 from
10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
near Granddad’s Store,
Flatwoods. The cost is
$15.00 for non-electric
space and $20.00 for
electric space. A deposit
of $20.00 (refundable) is
Any nonfood vendor or individual
that would like to sell
yard sale items and
would like to rent a
space, should contact
Mary Ann Rogers @ 7655961 for more information.
Flatwoods Days Parade
The parade will take
place on Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 11:00
a.m. (parade line-up
10:30 a.m.) on Main
Street, Flatwoods. Categories are Big Rigs, Antique Cars, Floats, Motorcycles, 4-Wheelers,
Monster Floats, Lawn
Tractors, Small Vehicles, Fire Trucks and
Best Dressed Animal.
1 st and 2 nd place trophies will be awarded in
each category. If you
would like to participate
in the parade, please
Please turn to CALENDAR
page 6
Page 6 August 25, 2009
continued from page 5
contact Carolyn Sprigg @
765-7683 for more information.
Gassaway to Host
Gassaway will be hosting
the inaugural Braxton
Mountain Lakes Festival
on Sunday, September
13th at 2pm. Line up for
the parade will be at
1:00pm. The theme for
this year’s Festival is
“Mountains, Music and
Monsters”. We are celebrating Braxton County
and all of the things that
make us great!! The
three-day festival will be
celebrated in many different
throughout the county.
Events will include a 5K run, Battle of the
Bands, Braxton Idol Contest, Anything that
Floats Race, Monster
Fish Contest, games,
music, food, fun and
more. All participants of
contests and the winners are encouraged to
join in the parade! Everyone is welcome!!
Theme floats are encouraged as well! For
more information please
call Melinda Frame at
364-4615. For information on the contests and
Braxton Mountain Lakes
Festival please call
Tammy Dickens at the
Braxton County CVB at
Lion’s Club Dinner:
Heaters Lion’s Club will
have a dinner on Saturday, September 5, 2009
11:00 a.m. until
3:00 p.m. Menu consists
of Roast Beef, Corn on
the Cob, Baked Beans,
Cole Slaw, Cobbler w/ice
cream & drink. Cost is
$8.00 for full meal and
Ala Carte Roast Beef
Sandwich is $4.00.
For advance tickets
for this delicious meal,
please contact Lucy
Stalnaker @ 765-7277.
Flashlight Tour of the
Monster Landing:
The flashlight tour
of the monster landing
will be Friday, September 4, 2009 at 9:00 p.m.
The cost is $5.00. Participants will meet in
front of Granddad’s Store,
Flatwoods. Contact Steve
Smith @ 765-3194 to
purchase advance tickets or for more information.
Historical Flatwoods
Tour and Monster
Landing Site Tour:
Flatwoods tour and monster landing site tour
will be on Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 1:00
p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The
cost is $5.00. Those taking the tour will meet in
front of Granddad’s Store,
Flatwoods. Contact Steve
Smith @ 765-3194 to
purchase advance tickets or for more information.
Orlando Reunion:
The 3 rd Annual Orlando Reunion will be
held Saturday, September 5, 2009 starting at
10:00 a.m., with a lunch
at 12 noon, at the field
located past the Orlando
Post Office on your left.
Please bring a covered
dish and your lawn chair
and enjoy the day. Please
bring old photos or news
clippings that you would
like to share with everyone. The Buckhannon
Mountain Bluegrass band
will provide the entertainment.*
King Reunion:
The descendants of
Martin and Nancy King
are having their annual
reunion on Sunday,
Sept. 6 th at shelter #2 at
Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 450
Birch River, WV 26610
WV Insurance
Policies, Mobile
Homes, Modulars,
Sectionals, Farm &
Business Insurance.
For Rates or an
Appointment Call
Terry K. Coffman
Open Every Day at 10 am
Close Sunday – Thursday 10 pm
Close Friday & Saturday 11 pm
Call in orders accepted
We are conveniently located at the
Flatwoods exit, beside Subway.
Full menu available on our website
Cedar Creek State Park
starting around noon. All
friends and family are
cordially invited to attend. Everyone welcome.*
25 th Anniversary
Celebration Gospel
Join The Faith Harmony Boys as they celebrate 25 years of singing Southern Gospel Mus i c . T h e 2 5 th A n n i v e r sary Celebration Gospel
Sing will be held on Saturday, August 29 at 6:00
pm in the Lighthouse
Worship Center, Rt. 19
Smales Branch Road,
Hico. Previous and
present members of the
Faith Harmony Boys will
unite in an evening of
reunion, singing, and
fun. Admission is free.
Everyone is welcome to
be a part of this spectacular and exciting
event. For more information
EdVenture Group to
Offer Free Computer
If you’re looking for
computer training for
any reason, the Nicholas
County Technology Opportunity Center (TOC)
is your answer. Enroll by
phone now for Free computer training in the
TOC at Nicholas County
High School, registering
now for two classes starting September and October. The classes are
Microsoft Office Word,
Excel, PowerPoint and
some Internet, and an
Excel Class. For more information and to register
contact Gloria at 1-888862-0505
Braxton County Health
Dept. August Schedule:
Clinics (by appointment
only) August 31
Breast & Cervical
Cancer Screening Clinics (by appointment only)
August 25
Immunization Clinics from 9-11 am-August
19 and August 26
Food Handling Class
at the Senior Citizens’
Building-August 21 at
1:30 pm.
These classes are
food-handling classes
that are recommended
for managers, assistant
managers, all food handling positions as well as
70’s Group Meeting:
The 70’s Group will
meet on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
at the Pizza Hut.*
Gross Reunion:
The William Lincoln
and Gedida (Jackson)
Gross reunion will be
held on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at the
Carson Dobbins Pavilion
at Holly Gray Park,
Sutton, WV.
Their children were
David & Minne (Rigsby)
Carter, Elsworth & Vina
(Holbrook) Gross, Bertie
Hamrick, Emma (Gross)
& Oscar Lamb, Orpha &
Delphia (Jenkins) Gross,
Okey & Mamie (Jenkins)
Gertrude (Dilley) Gross
and Kenny & Dona
(Jenkins) Gross. All
family and friends are
invited to come and
spend the day with us.
Bring a covered dish and
enjoy lunch about noon.
For more information
contact Jimmie Gross at
304-364-5580 or Jean
McCourt at 304-7655381.
French and Sarah
“Cottrell” Jarvis
The twenty-ninth
annual French and Sarah “Cottrell” Jarvis Reunion will be held on
Sunday September 6 th ,
2009 from 10 am until ?
at the Gassaway Fire
House Multi-Purpose
Room, Gassaway, WV.
Bring a covered dish and
enjoy the day. Everyone
Braxton County, WV
I hope
this finds
all of you
well. It has
turned out
to be a gorgeous day.
We went to
Clarksburg today and
stopped in Jane Lew on our
way back. The 101 Unique
Places to Dine in WV lists
Hickory House BBQ, in
Jane Lew, as a place to be
sure to bring your family for
mouth-watering barbeque.
Believe me, it is absolutely
true. The food is delicious,
service is outstanding and
the atmosphere is very
welcoming! So, if you have
a chance, make the short
drive to Jane Lew and try
it out! You won’t be disappointed.
We also stopped by my
mom’s and visited with the
family. Everyone was
there and having a wonderful time. It was great to see
everyone even though our
visit was short. I am very
blessed to have such a
wonderful family!
This past weekend
was a busy one in the
county, The March of
Dimes Bikers for Babies
weekend kicked off on Friday evening. I was told
there were over 200 bikes
who registered to ride in
the run. There was a parade that went over a big
part of Braxton County. On
Saturday, the post ride
party was held at the
Microtel on Enterprise
Drive, Gassaway. The
band Southern Drive provided the entertainment.
We went to hear the band
because we are friends
with most of the members
and were excited to hear
them play!
Larry, Bill,
Randy, Joe and Amanda all
sounded really great. Also
at the party was a tattoo
contest and biker’s games.
Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. We
then went to Flatwoods
Factory Outlet Mall to
watch the Stunt Riders. If
you didn’t get a chance to
see that, you missed an
awesome show!! We really
enjoyed it. There was
more music at Mountain
Lakes Amphitheater and a
worship service there on
Sunday morning led by Pastor Doug Smailes. All proceeds went to the March of
Dimes and all money
raised in West Virginia
stays in West Virginia. This
was the first event of its
kind in Braxton County
and I would like to see it
become an annual one.
Coming on September 4th, 5th and 6th is the
annual Flatwoods Days Celebration. There will be a
beauty pageant on Friday
the 4 th, as well as a 9pm
flashlight tour of the landing spot of the legendary
On Saturday the 5th,
there will be a parade, vendors,
Flatwoods Lions Club Dinner, Historical Flatwoods
and Monster Landing Tour,
and more. Finishing out
the Celebration will be a
worship service on Sunday
the 6th as well as dinner and
music. Mark your calendars and join in the fun!!!
Gassaway is hosting the
inaugural Mountain Lakes
Festival Parade on Sunday
September 13 th at 2pm
with line up at 1pm. Five
Smooth Stones will be performing immediately following the parade at
Kenton Meadows Field. If
you are interested in being
in the parade, we would
love to have you! Please
call me at 364-4615.
Birthdays this week
are: August 25 th-Brenda
Duckworth, Tish Ratliff,
Tyler Lancaster, Alison
Cameron Lancaster; August 27 th -Louise Ann
Minnich, Eldred Drake, Virginia Reynolds; August
28 th-Christian Paul Bowman, Maddie Hall; August
29th-Pat Lawson, Richard
Roach, Clifford Lampe; August 30 th -Greg Lemon,
Caleb Skidmore, Erin
Hawkins; August 31 st Patrick Facemire. Happy
Birthday to all of you!!!
Please keep the following friends and neighbors in our prayers; Please
keep the following friend
and neighbors in your
prayers; Carol Long, Taylor
Moore, Joe Smarr, Jean
Wilson, June Agostino,
Draiegen Rodriguez, Rick
Rose, Chico Alonzo, Kay
If you have news you
would like to share, please
call me at 364-4615. I look
forward to hearing from
We have still not discovered
Chance, but if the person
who committed this terrible
crime thinks that we are
going to forget, he is sadly
mistaken. We will not stop
until we find out who did it.
This week’s recipe is
for those nice fresh toma-
U.S. News
& World
Report as
reported by
Maszak in
the April
2005 issue
of Reader’s
Digest, I read the article
New Proof Prayer Works.
Throughout the article
there are reports of the
measurable improvement
and healing of patients
who were prayed for over
those who were not. It
pointed out that intimacy
with God was the most
important purpose of
prayer. “This sense of relationship with a divine
being has profound psychological effects. Prayer
can organize anxieties,
alleviate worries, offer a
sense of comfort and connection, and solidify communities. It can assist in
changing bad behavior, as
those enrolled in 12step
programs can attest.. . .
Whether or not prayers
are actually answered
doesn’t really matter: For
those who believe, that is
not where the true power
of prayer will ever reside.”
God adores each one of us
and yearns for an intimate relationship with
each of us. But He will
not force His love and
friendship on anyone.
Reach out with a silent
prayer and let Him bring
peace to your heart.
I just got news of the
death of David Depue,
husband of Kathryn
Parmer Depue of Ohio, after a long illness. Kathryn
is a 1953 graduate of
Burnsville High School.
Also surviving is David
Jonathan Depue, their
son, his wife Kim and
three grandchildren. If
you wuld like to see the
My deepest sympathy to
Kathryn, family and
A lot of traveling
happens in the summertime. My son, Chuck
Bucklew, just returned
safely to Ft. Lauderdale
after flying to Indiana to
spend a week with his
son, Brian and family. His
two grandsons brought delight to his voice as he
toes that everyone is getting right now.
Cheese Toasts
2 ripe tomatoes
Kosher salt
8 strips bacon
4 slices Texas toast or
other thick sandwich
3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
3/4 cup grated partskim mozzarella cheese
3/4 cup mayonnaise
5 scallions, finely
1/4 cup chopped fresh
1/2 small zucchini,
very thinly sliced
Freshly ground pepper
Preheat the oven to
400 degrees. Core the tomatoes and thinly slice.
Place in a colander in the
sink and sprinkle with 1/
2 teaspoon salt; let drain
for at least 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, cook the
bacon in a large skillet over
medium heat until crisp,
about 10 minutes; transfer
to a paper-towel-lined
plate. Pour off and reserve
the drippings, leaving 1
tablespoon in the skillet;
toast the bread on one side
in the drippings until
golden (do this in batches,
adding more drippings as
needed). Place the bread,
toasted-side down, on a
baking sheet.
Combine the cheeses
with the mayonnaise, scallions and parsley in a bowl.
Spread the cheese mixture
on the toasts, reserving
about 1/3 cup. Crumble
the bacon on top. Shake
any excess liquid from the
tomatoes; distribute the
zucchini and tomatoes
among the toasts. Dot with
the reserved cheese mixture and season with pepper. Bake until golden
brown, 15 to 20 minutes.
Serve warm.
Sympathy is extended
to the families of Richard
Pritt, Alice M Bragg, Doy H
Marks, Paul Townsend,
Margie Maze, Admiral D
Butcher, Frances K Cutlip,
Rev Nolan D Turner, and
Dencil R Stout. Please
keep them in your
“The moon is at her
full and riding high,
Floods the calm fields
with light.
The airs that hover in
the summer sky
Are all asleep tonight.”
- William C. Bryant
Until next week, take
care and God Bless!!
reported their antics!
Alexander and Jack love
their new home and large
lawn where they can play
My brother, Harry
Wiant, made it safely driving across the country to
Mercer Island, WA, after
many happy adventures
with his grandson, Graham Tullett.
Jessica Boehmer
came from Gaithersburg,
MD for an overnight visit
with her grandmother,
Mary Ann Bucklew here
in Buckhannon. We ate
with them at Huddle
House Sunday morning,
and then went to Gabriel’s,
a favorite for her, before
she traveled on home.
The 3 rd Annual Orlando Reunion will be held
on Saturday, September
5, 2009 starting at 10:00
a.m. with lunch at 12
noon at the field located
past the Orlando Post Office on your left. Please
bring a covered dish and
your lawn chair and enjoy
the day. Please bring old
photos and news clippings
that you would like to
Please turn to PAT”S CHAT
page 7
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 6
share with everyone. The
Buckhannon Mountain
Bluegrass will provide the
Marple Peer wrote that
Mona Dean who died recently was a sister to
John, a classmate of
Jimmie Beth in high
school. She writes that
there was a period of time
when her dad, Jim Marple
and Mona’s dad, Buck
Dean were growing up
that Buck stayed up on
the hill with the Marples
in Burnsville.
The Buckhannon
Seventh-day Adventist
Church will be having a
Rummage Sale October 5,
6 and 7 from 8:0 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. If you have
something you would like
to contribute, call 304472-0962 and leave a
Charles Crutchfield,
a graduate of Burnsville
High school, now of
Clarksburg, sent the following story about an interesting happening in
One hot summer
morning in September
1939, the Burnsville High
School football team was
getting ready for a hard
McKinney was showing
some defenses we might
meet against Grafton
High School the next
week. We had been practicing twice a day. Sore
and tired, we were moving
at a snail’s pace until that
terrifying scream, “Fire!
Fire!” broke the monotony.
I knew exactly
where that cry had come
from. In preparation for
painting our house, my
brother Ed was taking
heavy layers of paint off
the house with a blowtorch – a dangerous instrument commonly used
in those days. Some dry
leaves or bird’s nest had
caught on fire. Ed had told
my sister Laura Belle to
call for help.
We had no fire department in Burnsville at
that time so the fire had
to be extinguished quickly
or the building was a
The Little Kanawha
River ran along the football field. Across the
river, Route 5 ran from
Burnsville to Glenville.
The Crutchfield residence
was about three hundred
fifty yards down Route 5.
I had to get there as soon
as possible. If I went upstream and crossed the
bridge, it would take me
an extra fifteen minutes.
I chose the alternative.
I sped across the
football field, down the
riverbank, and jumped
out into the Little
Kanawha River as far as I
could. I came up sputtering and shoved for the opposite shore. The water
was up to my chest. I
heard noises behind me.
Looking around, I saw the
whole football squad following me into the water.
It looked like one of those
Western movies where
the cowboys drove cattle
through the river. We
climbed up the muddy
bank to Route 5 and
started down the road at a
dead run.
Nearing the house, I
saw some people starting
a bucket brigade from the
river. I knew this would
be too slow.
Our house had one
outside faucet with a hose
connected to it. We lived
at the end of the street
and the water pressure
was so low it would not
throw the water up to the
blaze. I ran around the
house looking for a ladder.
I was beginning to think
we had lost but then I saw
The McNemar
twins, Howard and Hayward, and Bob Bush, had
climbed the porch and
were standing on the
porch roof. I knew those
three boys could climb
any tree or grapevine in
Braxton County, but how
they climbed up there in
a muddy football uniform
was beyond me.
We got the hose up
to them and they put the
water directly on the
flame. They had that fire
out in no time. They
saved the house!
Exhausted, we lay on
the lawn and caught our
I turned to
Howard McNemar and
asked, “How did you get up
on the roof?” “We climbed
it,” he said. I knew that
was all the answer I would
get, so till this day, “They
climbed it.”
We slowly walked up
the road to begin practicing. This time, we went
up and crossed the bridge.
Please turn to PAT’S CHAT
page 8
August 25, 2009 Page 7
from the Braxton
Dog Tales: Stories
County Animal Shelter
One hundred and
fourteen dogs came to
the shelter in the month
of July, each in search
of food, shelter, some
love, and a chance at a
forever home. Not all
could be placed.
August is a new month,
and it brings renewed
hope for all our dogs that
someone will be looking
just for them.
Al our
dogs and pups have
something special to offer a potential new
If you have
thoughtfully considered
adopting a pet, please
visit the shelter and see
if your next forever
friend is waiting for you.
Dogs of all ages, sizes,
color and gender can’t
wait for you to come! Our
usual hours are Monday
through Fri 12-3 PM and
Sat. 10 AM-3PM. However, due to vacation
schedules, hours may be
abbreviated during the
week of August 24-30.
Please call for additional
information at 765-2200
or log onto
and enter dog search for
Sutton zip code 26601 for
our entire listing. Here
are just a few of the animals ready to greet you:
GUS: Gus is a great
boxer that recently arrived
at the shelter as a stray.
He was found wandering
in a local community. It is
curious that no one has
been looking for him, as he
appears to be very social
and loving. Even Gus has
a hard time understanding
what he might have done
to have ended up here. He
is estimated to be 3 years
old and weighs about 50#.
Please refer to shelter #0809-D032.
PENNY: Penny is a
four month old collie mix
that was brought to the
shelter from an owner no
longer able to provide her
care. She arrived along
with her sister, Lilly, and
is described as being
good with children and
other animals. Penny
was a bit shy on arrival,
but has adapted well to
the shelter environment. She is very playful and eager for attention.
She has been an
outdoor dog, but appears
intelligent, trainable, and
eager to please. Her current weight is 30#. Please
refer to shelter #07-09D040.
SCARLETT: Scarlett
is a sweet young beagle
that recently arrived at the
shelter as a stray.
is estimated to be 3
months old. She appears
very friendly, social,
healthy, and is very eager to interact with both
children and adults. She
gets along very well with
her two kennelmates.
Scarlett has great pet
potential and would love
an opportunity to find a
home and family of her
Please refer to
shelter #08-09-D033.
CHACHI: This cute
two month old pup is from
a litter of four males and
two females that were
brought to the shelter by
an owner unable to provide
care. They are affectionately known as our “Happy
Please turn to DOG TAILS
page 8
“This park has over a million
visitors a year and to this day, we
haven’t had a negative comment.”
–Mark Hufeisen,
New River Trail State Park Manager
Mark Hufeisen was convinced a proposed transmission line would disrupt the ecology and beauty of Virginia’s
New River Trail State Park. Those worries disappeared once he became part of the process. The lines are now
in place, bringing reliable energy to the region — and leaving the beauty of the park virtually untouched. We’re
committed to working with landowners, neighbors and businesses to secure reliable power for our future. For
more information, visit
The Power
of Progress
Page 8 August 25, 2009
Braxton County, WV
Spruce Grove CEOS National senior’s bowling Gassaway High
tournament held
have July Picnic
School holds 18th
The Spruce Grove
CEOS (Community Educational Outreach Service)
Club met at Freida Woods
Pavilion, on July 13, 2009,
for our yearly picnic. It was
a beautiful location for our
Those attending were
Rosa Lee Blake, Shirley
Brown, Christa Brosius,
Brenda Duffield, Willa
Brown, Linda Dobbins,
Genevieve Heckert, Mary
O’Dell, Kelsie Pierson, and
Sandy & Jacki Samples. A
few deer showed up also!
Rosa Lee and Sandy fired
up the grill and cooked hot
dogs and hamburgers for
everyone. Shirley said
grace and we all enjoyed a
delicious meal which also
included, cole slaw, potato
salad, baked beans, banana pudding, cookies,
cake, drinks and much
more. We had a brief meeting and talked about the up
coming Braxton Co. Fair.
Several members volunteered to sit and watch the
displays that week. We
gathered for our club
photo. Jacki went for a
swim in the river, which
she enjoyed very much.
We all had a wonderful
time. Our next club
meeting will be dinner
out at Waffle Hut on August 10, 2009 at 5 pm.
Everyone is welcome to
join us! If you have any
questions call 304-3648731. God Bless!
The USBC National
Senior’s Bowling Tournament was held in
Reno, Nevada during the
month of June of this
year and witnessed some
very exciting events for
Braxton County.
Those bowling ladies
from Central Mountain
Lanes who attended the
nationals this year were:
Judy Floyd, Sarah Crews
and Marian James.
Ironically, these ladies
all bowl on the same
team at Central Mt.
Lanes, The Alley Babes.
Central Mt. Lanes
is proud to announce
that Judy Floyd placed
second in the nationals
in her division and Sa-
rah Crews placed second
in her division. The divisions are based on age
qualifications. The gals
not only won big money
but also had a grand time
touring sites of interest
such as Lake Tahoe and
Carson City.
They also had the
privilege of bowling in
the USBC National Bowling Alley – A House of 100
gals from all the bowlers
at Central Mountain
Lanes and the folks of
Braxton County.
annual banquet
The Gassaway High
S c h o o l h e l d t h e i r 1 8 th
annual banquet Saturday, July 4 th , 2009 at the
Flatwoods, WV. There
was a social hour from
4:00 to 5:00 pm in the
hot lobby. Several alumni
socialized with their
classmates and friends.
Dinner was served at
5:00 pm by the hotel’s
catering team serving
buffet style.
Although our number of attendees was way
down this year, everybody seemed to have had
a good time and enjoyed
themselves. The Class of
1959 was our honor class
this year. Danny Myers
of the Class of 1959 gave
a very interesting talk on
Gassaway High School
(Left to Right) Sarah Crews and Gassaway as a little
and Judy Floyd
To place ads, submit articles and more...
Visit us online @
10 10
6 pk
16.9 oz Bottles
Land O’ Frost
2.6-5 oz
Select Varieties 3 oz
10 10
Select Varieties
10 10
10 10
10 10
Select Varieties 2 oz
People looked at us but
said nothing. I was surprised because a football
team in wet, muddy uniforms is not your everyday
Now, Coach McKinney
was my hero. All of the
boys liked him, but we just
weren’t sure what his reaction would be to this latest exploit. He blew his
whistle and we all gathered
him. “Hit the showers,
practice at 3:00 this afternoon. Put your uniforms
out on the lawn to dry.
Practice over.”
As we were leaving
the field, the Coach
yelled my name and motioned for me to come
In his soft
McKinney drawl, he said,
“Crutchfield, if you boys
run as fast and are as
intent and determined
as you were getting that
fire out, we’ll win some
games this fall.”
Our record was 8
and 1 that fall, losing
only to Grafton by 6
points at their place.
Crutchfield residence
still stands but as I pass
the house and look at
that roof, I think,” About
seventy years ago, if it
hadn’t been for some
brave young men, you
could be a pile of ashes.”
10 10
continued from page 7
3 oz
Bakery Fresh
Pudding Cake
Armour Sliced
16 oz
Mars or
Hershey’s King
Size Candy Bars
Great Bolony
10 10
Assorted Varieties
4 ct
10 10
Bakery Fresh
10 10
16 oz
Chicken of the Sea
White Canned Tuna
or Salmon Pouch
Great Dogs
10 10
were the following: Judy
& Julian Altier; Jane
Welch Arrasmith & Kim;
Wilma Brown; James A.
& Carolyn Boggs; Thomas & Mary Alice Bragg;
Patricia & Rick Baldwin;
Bill & Rita Bartlett;
Hartsel & Katherine
Brady; June Browning;
Buchanan; Terri & Jerry
Cantrell; Lowell & Sue
Cutlip; Sharon Craft;
Mary Sears; Mary Lou
Childress; Byron & Sally
Dean; Austin (Toots) Jr
Duckworth; David &
Georgia Dean; Zelda
Dean; Robert Stanley;
Ben & Jeanette Drake;
Kenny & Teri Dean;
Jean Durin; Eldred &
Doris Drake; John &
Lorretta Dobbins; Hazel
Farley; Lela Fulks;
Francis Garee; Pat
Goettler; Rondle Gerwig;
Please turn to REUNION
page 10
continued from page 7
Select Varieties 8 oz
Hefty One-Zip
Storage or
Freezer Bags
Cool Whip
Delallo Fire
Roasted Tomatoes
Minute Maid
Fruit Drinks
14.5 oz
Assorted Varieties
Select Varieties 64 oz
Days” litter, and are all
named for characters from
that classic TV show. The
pups currently weigh 5#.
They are each active,
healthy, social, and looking
for a home of their own.
Please refer to shelter #0809-D038.
Additional $10 Savings!
5 lb
1 lb
Copyright 2009.
Kroger Mid-Atlantic.
We reserve the right
to limit quantities.
None sold to dealers.
Limit 5
Limit 4
Items & prices good in Gassaway
through August 29, 2009
Select Varieties
11.5-13 oz
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FERGIE: Fergie is a
four month old pit bull mix
that was recently brought
to the shelter as a stray.
She is a bit underweight,
but otherwise appears in
good health. She has been
very gentle and social with
the shelter staff and their
children. Fergie also appears to get along well with
the other dogs. She is a bit
scared in the new home,
but we know she will blossom when she gets the security and attention that a
new family and home can
bring. Her current weight
is 20#. Please refer to
shelter #08-09-D009.
Page 9
August 25, 2009
A Special Look
at Braxton County
8th Annual Mountain Lakes
NWTF Porter Wagoner
JAKES event a success
The Mountain Lakes
Chapter of the National
Wild Turkey Federation
held it 8th annual Porter
Wagoner J.A.K.E.S. (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge,
Ethics and Sportsmanship) event on Saturday
August 1, 2001 at Holly
Gray Park, Sutton. The
event had over 100 registered participants from
numerous counties featuring stations in: ATV
Safety, Water Safety, Turkey Calling, Fishing, Taxidermy, WV DNR hunting
safety, Game tracking,
shotguns and .22 shooting,
and Archery.
“JAKES events give
children an opportunity to
experience the outdoors
safely and preserve our
outdoor and hunting heritage.” JAKES coordinator
Mike Shaffer
“I would like to express a special thank you
to all who worked for The
Sutton Volunteer Fire Department for their hard
work and dedication to this
program!” Mike Shaffer
For the 5th year in a
row, with the cooperation
of the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles ATV
Safety program, All registered participants were
able to complete the required State of West Virginia ATV Safety certification program necessary to
ride an ATV in West Virginia. “I feel this is a good
opportunity to reach young
individuals and inform
them of the ATV safety
rules and regulations that
exist in our state.” Mark
Holmes, WV Division of
Motor Vehicles ATV safety
The Mountain Lakes
Chapter of the NWTF would
like to thank the sponsors
and volunteers, without
whom this event could not
take place: The Braxton
County Rotary Club, Lloyds
Hardware, Columbia Forest
Products, The WV Division
of Natural Resources, The
Kroger Company, Frame
Mountain Turkey Calls,
Pathfinder Sporting Goods,
The Braxton Citizen’s
News, The West Virginia
Regional Jail and Correctional Authority WVRJA,
Sutton Fire Department,
Braxton County EMS, Appa-
lachian Timber Services,
The Braxton County Commission, Braxton County
Hunter Education, US
Army Corps of Engineers,
West Virginia State Police,
Mark Holmes WV State ATV
MidState Archery (Danny
Mayse), The West Virginia
Bow Hunters Association,
Orville & Patricia Shaffer,
John and DeAnna Palmer,
Jim Barr, Jim Simpson,
and all others who helped
make this event a success.
All JAKES participants were again asked
to bring can goods to the
event so we could make
a donation to local food
pantries on behalf of the
JAKES program. “I think
teaching our JAKES
members how important
it is to give something
back to the community
is beneficial for everyone involved. Planning is
already beginning for
next year’s event, taking
place on July 31, 2010.
Look for registration
forms at your local school
in May 2010!
Page 10 August 25, 2009
continued from page 8
Janet Gentry; Shelba
Gillespie; Rose Gunter ;
Haymond; James H. Hall
& Patricia Moore; James
S. Hall; Rose Hoard;
Ramona Hall & Betty Wilson; Jim & Ann Heater;
Hayhurst; Robert Jack;
Lyman Jarvis; Terry &
James; Larry Jarvis;
Roger & Julia Jarvis; William
James; Betty Jackson;
Dena Kelly; Robert &
Loretta Kemp; Reta
Kuritz; James & Avnell
Keener; Helen Lewis;
Danny & Alice Myers;
Marjorie McLaughlin;
Bradley & Roberta Meadows; William & Phyllis
Patricia Mollohan; Lue &
Charles Mullins; Judy
McCormick & Valma
McMillion; Beverly &
Nottingham; Jacqueline
Pace & Ted; Carma
Perrine & Ann; Dottie
Pisapia; Charles &
Phyllis Reed; Susan Roberts; Donna Romriell;
Hazel Riffle; Delores
(Dee) Smith; Aleece
Smith; Adah Stump;
Betty Singleton; Leo
Stonestreet; Francis
Sears; William Sumpter;
Ruth Skidmore; Hugh
Schiefer; Joy & Russ
Shepherd; Arco & Hazel
Sharp; Erman & Jo Ellen
Smith; Kenna & Paula
Seal; Dorothy & Jim
Underwood; William &
Cherie Wallace; Denver
& Moira Westfall; Harold
Wilson; Wanda Wolfe;
Dale & Helen Westfall;
Julie White; Eula Young;
Janice Hall; Ernstine
Ferri; Mr. & Mrs.
Charlie Lancaster; Ann
Braxton County, WV
W e s and Amos Brady & Guest. You) and have a wonderM c L a u g h l i n & Guest;
If I have missed any- ful year.
Betty Ruiz; Robin Barker; one, I am truly sorry. UnBetty Jackson-SecJames Hall; Carrie Leslie; til next year (God Bless retary.
Flatwoods Days and Monster
Festival information
There will be several activities going on
during Flatwoods Days
this September 4 th , 5 th ,
and 6 th . Several of these
events are outlined below with additional contact information for anyone who would like further information.
There will be a Spaghetti dinner held on Friday, September 4 th from
4:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. at
the Flatwoods Community Building. The menu
will be: spaghetti, salad,
roll, dessert and a drink
for $6 for adults and $3
for children 10 and under. This dinner is spon-
sored by the Flatwoods
Park and Recreation.
Contact Paul Beatty for
further information or to
purchase tickets at 304765-5568.
“Natural Beauty” Contest
(non-sanctioned) will be
held on Friday, September 4 th at 7:00 p.m. at the
Flatwoods Community
Building. Admission to
this event will be $2 for
adults and $1 for children 12 and under. The
contest will feature contestants in many categories including: Ages
2,3,4 - Tiny Miss; Ages
5,6,7 - Little Miss; Ages
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8,9,10 - Young Miss; Ages
Miss; Ages 14,15,16,17 Miss Flatwoods competing in the following divisions - Casual Wear,
Dressy “Not Formal,” and
Interview. Each participant will receive a gift
bag. Category winners
will receive a tiara and
sash and will participate
in the Flatwoods Days
Parade. Contact Twila
Beatty at 304-765-5568
for an application.
On Friday evening
Granddad’s Store at 9
p.m. with $5 for the
Flashlight Tour of the
Monster Landing. Contact Steve Smith at 304765-3194 to purchase
advance tickets or for
more information.
If any individual or
organization is interested in a vendor booth
or yard sale booth for
Saturday, September 5 th
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
near Granddad’s Store
the cost is $15 for a nonelectric space or $20 for
a space with electrical
access. There is a refundable $20 deposit required. Any non-food
vendor or individual that
would like to sell yard
sale items and would
like to rent a space,
should contact Mary Ann
Rogers at 304-765-5961
for more information.
Interested parties
in the Flatwoods Days
Parade that will be held
on Saturday at 11:00
a.m. should contact
Carolyn Sprigg at 304765-7683. Categories
are as follows: Big Rigs,
Antique Cars, Floats, Motorcycles, 4-Wheelers,
Monster Floats, Lawn
Tractors, Small Vehicles,
Fire Trucks and Best
Dressed Animal. 1 st and
2nd place trophies will be
awarded in each category.
Lion’s Club will be hosting
a dinner Saturday afternoon between 11:00 .m.
and 3:00 p.m. The menu
will be Roast Beef, corn on
the cob, baked beans, cole
slaw, cobbler with ice
cream and a drink. The
cost for the full meal is $8
or choose Ala Carte roast
beef sandwich for $4. For
advance tickets, contact
Lucy Stalnaker at 304765-7277.
Join in on the Historical Flatwoods and
Monster Landing Tour
Saturday at 1 p.m. and at
7 p.m., leaving from
Granddad’s Store. Cost is
$5 per person. For more
information or to purchase advance tickets
please contact Steve
Smith at 304-765-3194.
To celebrate the 57th
Flatwoods Green Monster,
the Flatwoods Days Committee is honored that
Frank C. Feschino, Jr.,
“Flatwoods Monster” investigator, who has led an
18-year investigation into
the incident, will join us.
Honorary guest, Fred
May, who eye witnessed
the UFO and the famed
“Flatwoods Monster” will
also join us.
Alfred Lehmberg, a
retired Military Aviator
and one of the leading observers of the UFO field
will join us as a special
guest writing as a columnist for “UFO Magazine.”
Following is a list of
events that our very special guests will be participating in:
On Friday, September 4th beginning at 9:00
Flashlight Tour of
the Monster Landing
Hosted by:
Feschino, Jr. , cost is
Leaving from
Granddad’s Store in
Flatwoods. Bring your own
flashlight. Also 10:30 p.m.
Sky Watch with Advice
and Tips for Recording
Hosted by:
Feschino, Jr. Cost: Free
Location: Field across
from Stockert-Sizemore
Funeral Home.
On Saturday, September 5 th the activities
begin at 11:00 a.m. with
“The Flatwoods Monster
Homecoming Parade”.
Frank Feschino, Jr. will
be serving as the Grand
Flatwoods Tour & Monster
Landing Site Tour” will be
at 1:00 p.m. Monster
Landing Narrator: Frank
Feschino, Jr. Historical
Flatwoods Narrator: Dylan
Johnson Meet in front of
Granddad’s Store , cost is
At 3:00 p.m.
“Shoot Them Down – The
Night They Were Here” A
53-minute documentary
movie about the Flatwoods
Monster never before
seen in Flatwoods, West
Virginia Hosted by: Frank
Feschino, Jr., cost is
$3.00. Leaving from
Granddad’s Store in
Flatwoods. At 4:00 p.m.
Meet and Greet with
Frank Feschino, Jr., Fred
May & Al Lehmberg This
event is free and will be
held at Granddad’s Store,
Flatwoods. “Shoot Them
Down – The Night They
Were Here” will begin at
6:00 p.m. It is a 53minute
movie about the Flatwoods
Monster never before
seen in Flatwoods. Hosted
by Frank Feschino, Jr.
and held at Granddad’s
Store, Flatwoods. There is
a $3 charge. At 7:00 p.m.
“Historical Flatwoods Tour
& Monster Landing Site
Tour” Monster Landing
Narrator: Frank Feschino,
Jr. Historical Flatwoods
Narrator: Dylan Johnson
Granddad’s Store. There
is a $5.00 charge per person.
On Sunday, September 6th from 1:00 to 4pm
Meet and Greet with
Frank Feschino, Jr., Fred
May and Al Lehmberg at
Flatwoods. There is no
charge to attend. Also
showing from 1:00 to 4pm
is “Shoot Them Down –
The Night They Were
Here” A 53-minute documentary movie about the
Flatwoods Monster never
before seen in Flatwoods,
West Virginia Hosted by:
Frank Feschino, Jr. at
Granddad’s Store, there
is a $3 charge to attend.
Page 11
Braxton Citizens’ News
August 25, 2009
• Youth
• Middle School
• High School
Reporting Braxton County’s sports action
Coach Rollyson and the Eagles
eager for the season to start
“We’re getting there,”
Eagles football head coach
Matt Rollyson said of his
squad and their preparation for Friday night’s season opener at Lincoln High
School. Rollyson commented that he and his
coaching staff have “pretty
much settled on one or two
players for every position.”
Braxton fans will see either senior Stacy Jirles or
sophomore Jordan Lacy.
Jirles, who didn’t play last
season, received some experience at quarterback
during the two years that
he did play. Lacy saw action in that position during
some varsity games as a
“Yannick Yewawa and
Nathan Tallarito are probably the front runners for
the rest of the backfield,”
Rollyson said, adding “but
they are being strongly contested by Logan Wilson and
Justin Foster, both of
whom will definitely see
some action.” The coach
continued with “also getting some looks for work in
the backfield” are Jacob
Yanero and Zac Perkins.
Receivers with an
edge are returning seniors
Michael Coen and Ethan
Shaw. “Others looking at
playing time” are Jordan
Coen, Jirles, Tyler Cottrill,
Seth Stancatti, Keith
Hardesty, Caleb Cline,
Yanero, and Perkins.”
Nathan Greene and
Jared Harper are still vying for center, and Coach
Rollyson explained
he still isn’t sure who
will start in that position at
Lincoln on Friday night.
Eagles have returnees
Tyler Cottrill and Jacob
Murphy—both juniors, in
the secondary, and Yewawa
and Tallarito will definitely
see action as linebackers.
Wednesday’s scrimmage at North Marion
“went very well,” Rollyson
said. He continued to add,
“Our players improved in
some key areas between
the first scrimmage and
the second one. I was overall very pleased, especially
since we saw the defensive
improvements that we
Looking at Friday
night’s game, Coach
Rollyson reported that Lin-
coln “has the starting quarterback and receiver back,
and they are both excellent
athletes.” Beyond that, he
noted that Lincoln is “big
on the line–on both sides
of the ball” and that overall, “Lincoln seems to have
a pretty good football
squad.” Looking at his own
team, the Braxton coach
would most likely describe
it as “a darned good football
squad” and he hopes to
prove that on Friday night.
This years Eagle football squad. Not pictured, Ryan Mitchell, AJ Atkins, Stacy Jirles and Spencer Jackson.
High-school athletic
building gets a new look
Anyone who has
driven by the BCHS athletic
building will most likely
have noticed the recently
painted signs on the outside. No one can miss the
proud BC or Home of the
Eagles which adorn the
exterior. However, what
can be seen from the outside is only a small part of
what two young women
have accomplished during
much of their summer vacations. Kim Johnson and
Ashley Smallwood, both
students at the high school
and both interested in art,
have added, according to
Johnson, “paintings, motivational sayings, and even
a Bible verse” in various
spots inside the athletic
building. An eagle also
graces the door of the building.
Johnson, explaining
why she contributed so
much time to the project,
said, “Coach Rollyson
asked me to do it, and I really like art, so I decided to
go ahead with it.” She continued to say that she fit
her work on the building in
with cheerleading and her
job, and that she and
Smallwood “are still work-
ing inside. Johnson is definitely glad she did the art
work, especially since the
players seem to appreciate
it. “Several of the guys
have told us ‘Thanks,’ and
others have indicated that
they think the art is cool,”
she said.
“I painted ‘Home of
the Eagles’ on the outside
and the eagle on the door,”
Smallwood said, continuing to explain that she
spent one day on the exterior wall and “four or five
days painting the eagle on
the entry door because it
contains so much detail.”
The players actually chose
the model for the eagle
which Smallwood painted,
she said. “Coach Rollyson
found several eagles and
let the players vote on the
one they wanted,” she explained.
She echoed
Johnson’s reason for her
involvement in the project;
the coach asked her to
help, and she agreed. She,
too, feels that the players
are pleased with the new
look which she and
Johnson have created. “Every day the players commented positively about
what we were doing,” she
The players aren’t the
only ones who like the new
look of the athletic building. Coach Matt Rollyson
definitely appreciates
what the two girls have
accomplished. He explained that he asked the
girls, whom he knows from
their having been in his
classes, to brighten up the
athletic building to improve the morale of the
players, but he also did it
for what he terms a bigger
reason. He explained,
“When we look at the overall picture, we can definitely see that success in
any area of our school
takes involvement from
more than one group. It
takes the students, the
staff, parents, and members of the community,
and that’s what I’m trying
to promote.” Rollyson continued to say, “When we
look at the athletic program here at the high
school, one of the first
things we notice is that
student involvement has
been lacking for several
years. I want to change
that, and I think we’ve
taken the first step.”
Returning Letterman for the Eagles are (Front Row - Left to Right) Jacob Murphey, Jordan
Lacy, Yannick Yewawa, Jared Harper, Ethan Shaw, Josh Hoffman, (Middle Row) Seth
Stancatti, Kenton Morlan, Jeremiah Ramsey, Tyler Cottrill, Nathan Greene, Nathan Tallarito,
(Back Row) Russell Nuckles, Daniel Wilson, Dwight Wilson, Jordan Coen and Michael
Golf team has busy week
With only one varsity
match scheduled, coach
Bill Mitchell and his golfers will have something of
a rest this week. They
definitely can use it, since
they competed on three different days last week.
The Eagles, with
Jacob Tyo and Jordan
Cutlip leading the way,
placed second out of four
teams in a quad-match on
Monday. Braxton defeated
both Ravenswood and
Roane in that match,
which Gilmer won.
Tuesday, the Eagles
went up against 27other
teams, ranging from A to
AAA, and finished 20 th .
Coach Mitchell said that, of
the 28 teams, 13 were
AAA. “Competition was
pretty tough,” he explained.
“We didn’t play very
well on Thursday,” the
coach commented of his
team’s performance
This week’s sole varsity match is against
South Harrison at Stonewall Jackson. There may
be a junior varsity match
sometime during the
week, but Mitchell didn’t
have it scheduled definitely.
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Kim Johnson working on finishing her addition to the Athletic Building.
Page 12 August 25, 2009
Lloyd celebrated
89th birthday
Braxton County, WV
Hunting Dog Association holds poker run
On July 18, 2009, with family and friends.
George Bailey Lloyd of
He wishes to thank
G a s s a w a y , W V c e l - everyone for all the cards
ebrated his 89 th birthday and phone calls.
Breaking for the first drawing that was held on the trail.
Bailey Lloyd with his birthday cake at his celebration.
Riffle family thanks
The family of the late
Dave Riffle of Gem would
like to thank all of those
who helped us during our
In sharing your love
and prayers, memories
and stories of Dad with us,
you helped us more than
you know. Thanks to everyone who sent flowers, gave
money and brought food to
the house.
We extend a special
thanks to: Don and Sue
Brown, Larry Blake, Karis
and Kay Drake, the ladies
of the Orlando Methodist
Church and the Loyd boys.
You are all in our
thoughts and prayers. Will
also be missed.
The Family of David
Eugene Riffle
Everyone enjoying the dinner break at the cabin.
The Central WV Hunt- Auction), Jerry’s Sporting Dogs Association had i n g G o o d s , B l a c k &
their A.T.V. Poker Run on D e c k e r , D & D P a w n ,
July 25, 2009 at their club- L l o y d ’ s A u t o V a l u e ,
house. Everyone had a real S u t t o n N a p a S t o r e ,
good time until the rain Kanawha Run Trading
hit. There were 81 riders Post & Midstate Marina.
& 43 A.T.V.’s.
We would also like to
Winners were: Big
Hand – John Hashman;
Low Hand – Rodney
Book Cellar is offering
Gillespie; Kids Big Hand – a special gift to customers
Brandon Johnson; 50/50 who donate their excess
Winner – Michael Bright; garden bounty to the local
and Raffle Winners – food bank or soup kitchen
Wayne Beckett – Rem. 870- of their choice with the
20 Gauge and Donnie “Reap ‘em and Read” progust 9, 2009. Dana is the Spinks - $200.00.
gram. Non-gardening cuspastor of the Heaters
The Club would like to tomers can participate by
M e t h o d i s t thank the following spon- donating non-perishable
sors: Dave Dobbins (D & D items.
“Food banks and other
camp. Thank you to
Michael for the use of his
camp and for laying out
the trail and everyone
else that made the ride a
success. Watch the paper
for the next ride in September. Thanks Again.
Book Cellar to help Food Bank
Friends celebrate
51st anniversary
Friend of Gassaway celebrated their 51 st wedding anniversary on Au-
thank the ladies who
breakfast during the registration. The club would
like to thank Travis,
Nickie & Jane for preparing the lunch, which was
held at Michael Bright’s
Everything’s easier with people you know
charitable organizations
are struggling to keep up
with the needs of the community,” say a company
spokesperson, “Book Cellar
wants to help connect successful gardeners with
thereby helping the community.” It’s easy to participate: For vegetable gardening customers, donate a
Jackson Stone/
Jackson Trucking
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has mason sand
and limestone sand, and three sizes of Ohio River
gravel. We also have various sizes of crushed
limestone, house coal, red mulch, brown mulch
and agriculture lime stockpiled at our yard on
Little Birch Road.
We can be reached at 304-765-7502 to schedule a
delivery or to check on a time to get your own
truck loaded. 304-765-7502
portion of your successful
harvest and obtain a donation receipt. Bring the receipt to the store and
choose a free book from a
special selection. Non-gardening customers can donate $20 or more in nonperishable food items,
bring the donation receipt
to the store and pick a free
book from a special selection.
According to Book Cellar, the “Reap ‘em and
Read” program is a thank
you to customers for thinking of and helping others in
their community. The program runs through September 30, 2009. For more
information, contact Book
Cellar at 304-765-2907.
Book Cellar has been
serving Braxton County
and surrounding communities for more than 2
years. They are located at
Flatwoods Factory Outlet
Mall just off Exit 67 of I-79.
Back to School
August 28th & 29th
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Try your skill with your children and
grandchildren! All Ages Invited!!
Community People You Know
It’s easier to get things done with people you know.
o o e s Dance
D i z Contest
$ 00
I c a m Coloring
e ng
C t i s t Contest
Ea nt e
Golf for all Kids
So Bring T
he F
y Out F
or Some F
28 th
& 29 th
Teen Nights
50¢ FREE $1 00 Root
Fro p.m.
First 10 teens
Pool Beer Floats FREE Golf
Come out with your Friends and Enjoy Some Fun!
Video Games • Golf • Pool
§ Bring This In And Receive A FREE Sundae! §
Braxton County, WV
With Deepest
Harry Hoffman
Harry Hoffman, 71,
of Pinch passed away
Saturday, August
15, 2009, in CAMC
Memorial Hospital
after a long and
courageous battle
with cancer.
He served as Postmaster in Gassaway and
later retired as the Postmaster of St. Albans with
38 years service. He was
an Army veteran and in
his spare time he loved
to do wood working, fish
and hunt.
Harry was preceded
in death by his parents,
Mack and Bertha Wills
Hoffman; brothers, Bob
and Charles Hoffman;
and granddaughter, Tiffany Jackson.
He is survived by
his loving wife of 50
years, Margaret Fouty
Hoffman; son, Steven
Tamara of Pinch; daughter, Teresa Jackson and
Gassaway; sister, Emma
Lea Landers of Winston
Salem, N.C.; brother,
Lowell M. Hoffman and
wife Peggy of St. Albans
and grandchildren, Tyler
Jackson, and Kaylea,
Hoffman. He is also survived by many nieces;
nephews; and friends;
plus his loving and faithful dog, Maggie, who
misses him dearly.
Funeral service was
held at 11 a.m. Tuesday,
August 18, 2009 at the
Hafer Funeral Home
Chapel with the Rev.
David Keeney officiating.
Burial was in Elk Hills
Memorial Park, Big
Friends called from
6 to 8 p.m. Monday, August 17, 2009, at the funeral home.
Online condolences
Home, Elkview is in
charge of the arrangements.
Paul William
Summersville, WV, died
August 16, 2009 at CAMC
Memorial Hospital in
Charleston. He was born
November 15, 1942 in
Gilmer Station, WV, a
son of the late Arthur
and Lena Gay Parsons
Townsend. Also preceding him in death were
sisters, Jackie Love,
Maxine James, and
brother, Arthur Jerry
He attended Powell’s
Mt. Baptist Church, and
was a Heavy Equipment
Paul is survived by
his loving wife Linda Kay
Pullen Townsend; his
sons David L. Townsend
and partner Tim Bowlin
of Chambersburg, Pa.,
Robert K. Martin and
wife Michelle of Birch
River, WV, Walter Lane
Jack and wife Sherri of
Gassaway, WV; Daughters,
Townsend Hall and husband Randy of Jane Lew,
WV, Donna Raye Martin
Pate and husband Robert
of Beckley, WV and Joy
Elaine Jack Barnes and
husband Tom of Spencer, WV; sister Peggy
Townsend Bragg and husband Bob of Copen, WV;
Townsend of Fairmont,
WV, Mike Townsend and
wife Deloris of Weston,
Glenna Townsend of
Jane Lew, WV, Sherry L.
Jackson & husband Gary
of Sutton, WV, Nancy
Williams of North ort,
Deserae & Skye Hall of
Jane Lew, WV, Jeffery
Martin of Birch River,
Jeremy Martin & wife
Tina of Birch River,
Danielle Pate of Beckley,
Abby & Thomas Barnes of
Spencer, and Walter
Lane “Trey” Jack III of
Graveside service
was held at 1:30 p.m. on
Thursday, August 20,
2009 at Little Kanawha
Heaters, WV with Rev.
Linn Schiefer officiating.
Friends called from
12:00 noon Thursday
until 1:00 pm at GreenRobertson Funeral Home
Sutton, WV.
Online condolences
may be sent to:
Arrangements are
by Greene-Robertson Funeral Home, Sutton, WV.
Admiral D. Butcher
Admiral D. Butcher
(Abby), 88, of Richwood
formerly of Sutton,
passed away Monday Au-
gust 17, 2099 after a long
He was born on
March 1, 1921 in Braxton
County a son of the late
Robert R. and Emma
Murphy Butcher. He was
a retired Coal Miner and
avid Hunter and Fisherman and was the last remaining member of his
immediate family.
He is preceded in
death by his parents, sisters, Dicie Foye Butcher
Butcher and one brother,
Kenneth Butcher.
He is survived by an
extended family of Butchers,
Funeral Services
were held at 1:00 PM on
Wednesday August 19,
2009 at Stockert-GibsonSizemore Funeral Home
in Flatwoods, WV with
Rev. Doug Smailes officiating. Burial followed in
Keeners Ridge, Birch
River, WV. Friends called
one hour prior to services at the funeral
Alice M. Bragg
Alice M. Bragg, 93,
of Pennsboro, formerly of
County, passed away August 19, 2009.
She was born June
7, 1916 at Belfont,
Braxton County and was
a daughter of the late
George R. and Lucy
Caroline Fox Rose.
Surviving are a son,
Raymond Digman of
Pennsboro; a daughter,
Erma Burr of Columbia
Station, Ohio; stepchildren are Coleen Garcia
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August 25, 2009 Page 13
of Florida, Conrad Bragg
of Mississippi; 12 grandchildren; 25 great grandchildren; and 35 great
great grandchildren.
She was preceded in
death by her parents and
Clarence Digman in
1944 and her second
husband, Artie Bragg in
1993; 6 sisters and 3
Funeral services
were held Sunday at 2
pm at the Rosedale
Church. Elder George
Rose officiated. Interment
Rosedale Community
called at the Stump Funeral
Grantsville from 5 to 8
pm Saturday and one
hour prior to the services at the church Sunday.
Squires birth announced
Jason, Cassie and
Jadyn Troy Squires would
like to announce a new
addition to their family.
Cade Lee Squires was born
June 7, 2009. He weighed
9 pounds and 3 ounces and
was 22 inches long.
Maternal grandparents are Earl and
“Merge” McMillion of Exchange and paternal
Father Edwin George
Daschbach SVD
Please turn to OBITUARIES
page 16
Cade Lee Squires
4 5 % 3 $!9 s 3 % 0 4 % - " % 2 s 0 !UCTION,OCATION(OLIDAY)NNs,ODGEVILLE2Ds"RIDGEPORT76
150 000
70 000
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Douglas W. Clatterbuck, Broker
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Our Seniors Don’t
Have to Choose.
For class times and locations,
visit or
call 1-800-HRBLOCK.
You should never be forced to choose
between filling your prescriptions or
paying for other necessities.
That’s why if you have Medicare or
Medicaid and need the service of
hospice, your prescriptions related
to your hospice diagnosis are
covered 100 percent.
Other services covered by hospice include;
· Nursing Care on-call 24 X 7
· Volunteers to assist with errands/chores
· Keep your same doctor
It’s never too soon to experience the support that
Hospice Care has to offer. Call us today.
Enroll now!
516 Elk St.
Gassaway, WV 26624
*Enrollment restrictions apply. Enrollment in, or completion of, the H&R Block Income Tax Course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of employment.
©2009 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Braxton County Memorial Hospital
Home Health
Estate Auction
Real Estate & Personal Property
James H. Kiger Estate – 289 N. Baxter St., Sutton, WV
Sandra Mannion, Exc.
Sat. Sept. 12, 2009 @ 9:30 am
Directions: From I-79 at Flatwoods Exit (67), get off and take Rt. 19 S. into
Sutton, WV at the Y intersection bear left, go approx. ¼ mi. and turn left up the
hill off of main St. Go to top of hill and turn right. Sale is on the left of the street.
Signs to follow from Flatwoods.
Real Estate
2B.R., 1 & ½ Bath, Kit., D.R., L.R., Utility Rm., Walk-in-Closet, Linen closet, 2
Garages, Garden Spot, Lot Size (45’ x 175’), All City Utilities, House is very
nice and well maintained. For more information call Auctioneer @ 304-8532342. Reserved Bid.
Terms on real Estate: 10% down day of sale (Non-Refundable), with balance
due at closing. For more info check @ Courthouse in Deed book 457 & Page
Note: complete listing of Household & Personal Property will follow at a closer
date to the Auction.
Auctioneer: Dick L. Graff
Burnsville, WV, 304-853-2342, WV. Lic. 882
grandparents are Steve
and Barb Squires of Palm
Bay, FL.
Maternal great grandparents are Richard and
Ma r y J a n e Y e l t o n o f
Hebron, KY and Paternal
great grandparents are
Billy and Debbie Squires
of Gassaway. Paternal
great-great grandfather
is Bill Squires of Sutton.
Your home health solution.
Caring for a loved one with special health
care needs can be a difficult experience. At
BCMH Home Health we provide you
with the care you need in the privacy of
your home. We offer several types of
home health services, including:
For more information call
(304) 364-1063.
(304) 364-5156
100 Hoylman Drive
Gassaway, WV 26624
Skilled nursing care
Home health aides
Medical social services
Physical therapy services
Caring for you close to home
Page 14, Braxton Citizens’ News, August 25, 2009
continued from page 13
TRUSTEE, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that KKJ Holdings, the purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.
044464, located in OTTER District, 52.71 AC OTHER MINERAL
SLAB CAMP, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of BRAXTON
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. KKJ Holdings requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate
will be made on or after 9/14/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed
to redeem in or before 9/14/2009,
will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of this
sale, with interest, to 9/14/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on property, since the sale, with interest
to 9/14/2009.
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be
served and for preparation of
service of notice with interest to
Additional Statutory Fees with interest to 9/14/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before 9/14/2009 by paying the
above total less any unearned
Given under my hand 7/27/2009.
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent and
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
Please make certified check or
money order payable to the Honorable George Keener, Sheriff of
Braxton County and return to WV
State Auditors Office, County
Collections Office, Building 1,
Room W-118, Charleston, West
Virginia, 25305.
Questions, please call 1-888-5096568.
Civil Action No. 09-C-44
50 Lous Drive
Flatwoods, West Virginia
351 West Market Street
Alliance, Ohio 44601
Please take notice that the undersigned will bring on for hearing the
previously filed Emergency Motion
for Temporary Restraining Order
and Preliminary Injunction on the 2nd
day of September, 2009, at 9:00
a.m., before the Circuit Court of
Braxton County, West Virginia, at
which time you may be present if
you so desire.
Mary E. Snead
Tariff Form No. 8
(Tariff Rule No. 23)
NOTICE is hereby given that
Monongahela Power Company and
The Potomac Edison Company, both
doing business as Allegheny Power,
and both public utilities, have filed
with the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA, tariffs containing increased rates, tolls
and charges for furnishing electric
service to approximately 515,000
customers in 40 counties in West
The proposed increased rates and
charges will become effective September 12, 2009 unless otherwise
ordered by the Public Service Commission and will produce approxi-
mately $122.1 million annually in additional revenue, an increase of
12.8%. The average monthly bill for
the various classes of customers will
be changed as follows:
Industrial $276.96 11.4%
$128.35 18.7%
The increases shown are based
on averages of all customers in
the indicated class. Individual
customers may receive increases that are greater or less
than average. Furthermore, the
requested rates and charges are
only a proposal and are subject
to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service
Commission in its review of this
filing. Any increase in rates and
charges will not become effective until authorized and approved
by the Public Service Commission. (If a hearing is scheduled,
notice will be given of the time
and place of hearing.)
Anyone desiring to protest or intervene should file a written protest or petition to intervene prior
to September 12, 2009, unless
otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your
rights to protest any rate increases and to participate in future proceedings. All protests or
requests to intervene should
briefly state the reason for the
protest or intervention. Requests
to intervene must comply with the
Commissions rules on intervention. All protests and interventions should be addressed to The
Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, P.O. Box 812, Charleston,
West Virginia 25323.
A complete copy of this tariff, as
well as a representative of the
Company to provide any information requested concerning it, is
available to all customers, prospective customers, or their
agents at the following office of
the Company:
1310 Fairmont Avenue, Fairmont,
Notice is hereby given that
Brooks Run Mining Company, LLC, 25 Little Birch Road, Sutton, WV 26601
(Applicant Name and Business Street Address)
has submitted an application to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) located at
105 South Railroad Street, Suite 301, Philippi, WV 26416
(DEP Regional Office Address)
for an Article 3 permit for the surface disturbance of approximately 22.6
acres in order to
face-up a deep mine
(Surface/Tipple/Preparation Plant/Haulroad/Shop Area/Face Up Deep Mine)
in the
Lower Freeport seam(s) of coal. The proposed operation is discharging
(Geological Title)
Unnamed Tributary of Panther Fork of Right Fork of Little Birch River of Birch River of Elk River
of the Kanawha River
and is located
3.7 miles
(Receiving Stream)
(Major Subbasin)
Little Birch
District of
(Nearest Post Office)
Braxton County, Longitude 80° 39 ‘ 30 “
and Latitude
38° 32' 41 “
(Coordinates from USGS Topographic Map).
Surface of the area associated herewith is owned by:
Custis Heirs c/o Henry Custis, Agent 5604 Road Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC 20015
Brooks Run Mining Company, LLC
25 Little Birch Road, Sutton, WV 26601
Tall Trees and Land, LLC
1 Industrial Park, Route 219, Slaty Fork, WV 26291
*and the mineral associated herewith is owned by:
Custis Heirs c/o Henry Custis, Agent 5604 Road Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC 20015
M-B, LLCP.O. Box 390, Forsyth, GA 31029
Surface of the area within 100 feet of the permit area is owned by:
Polino Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 750, Elkins, WV 26241
*and the mineral within 100 feet of the permit area is owned by:
M-B, LLCP.O. Box 390, Forsyth, GA 31029
Written comments and/or requests for an informal conference of the surface mining application will be received
by the Permit Supervisor at the DEP address above until October 8, 2009 or thirty (30) days from date of final
publication. A copy of the application will be available for review until October 8, 2009 or thirty (30) days from
date of final publication in the DEP Regional Office located at the address above AND in the Braxton County
Clerk’s Office during normal business hours.
DEP Telephone No. (304) 457-3219
Permit No. U-2012-08
*These items are to be completed only for operations involving mineral removal.
Include location map in accordance with regulations
West Virginia 26554
A copy of this tariff is also available for public inspection at the
office of the Executive Secretary
of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION at 201 Brooks Street,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone Board of Directors will
host their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
at the Kanawha Valley Community
and Technical College, Valley Fork
Education Center.
Representatives of all agencies,
elected officials, concerned citizens,
and business owners within the zone
are encouraged to attend to learn of
the progress being made to accomplish the benchmarks as covered by
the CAEZ strategic plan. Also, it will
be an opportunity for you to talk about
your community needs.
CAEZ has been instrumental in supporting emergency services, water
and sewer projects, school programs, economic development, and
housing needs throughout the counties of Braxton, Clay, Fayette, Nicholas and Roane.
Please join us and tour the new educational facility at Kanawha Valley
Community and Technical College,
Valley Fork Education Center, off interstate 79, Exit 34, Wallback, facility is approximately two miles on left.
The Sugar Creek Public Service District is requesting proposals from
qualified consultants to provide legal services as they relate to the
acquisition of lands and right-of-ways
for the Sugar Creek PSD – Phase I
and Phase II Water Extension
projects. Phase I, which includes the
Wilsie and Tague areas of Braxton
County, will have approximately 50
to 100 right-of-ways that need obtained. Phase II, which includes the
area of Rosedale, will also have approximately 50 to 100 right-of-ways
that need acquired.
Professional services that are
needed include, but are not limited,
to the following:
Project Attorney
Title Searches,
Acquiring of property and easements,
Preparing preliminary and final title
Filing and recording of right of ways;
Any other legal documents pertaining to the acquisition of properties
for this project.
Procurement of said services shall
be made in accordance with current
federal procurement regulations.
Contracts are to be awarded on a
fixed fee basis with a ceiling on the
amount available. Proposals must
Experience of the firm with
federal grant programs.
Experience in providing
legal services for this type of project.
Qualifications of personnel
directly involved in the project.
Completeness of the proposal.
Current workload of firm
Magistrate Beth Smith’s
August 17: Eric S.
Durbin-driving suspended
for Misc., obstructing/resisting an officer; Issac A.
Jackson-driving under the
influence, first offense;
Emma Morgan-petit larceny; Patrick T. Shankspeeding, paid; Janet
McCauley-speeding, paid;
Richard Cooke-petit larceny, dismissed per plea
agreement, assault, dismissed by prosecutor, victim doesn’t want to pursue
charge, signed a sworn affidavit and in open court
under oath doesn’t fear for
life and safety, destruction
of property and battery,
guilty plea, assessed
court costs, fine, restitution, given 90 days jail
(10 days credit for time
served) to serve 7 days,
suspended 73 days, given
6 months unsupervised
probation to run concurrent with battery charge
probation, payment schedule; Kathleen Coombs-driving suspended for misc.,
first offense, dismissed by
motion of prosecutor, no
objection from the court
August 19: Johnna
Uveges-speeding, paid;
Gerald L. Irvine III-possession less than 15 grams,
August 20: Jesse C.
Poling-speeding, payment
Magistrate Larry
Clifton’s Court:
August 17: Trent A.
Travis-speeding, paid;
Delbert Wynes-failure to
yield, payment schedule
August 18: Jennifer
M. Hartman-seatbelt violation, front seat passenger,
paid; Randy Jeffrey-driving
on revoked, non-DUI, no
registration, paid; Richard
Jack Dobbins-driving under the influence, first offense, concealed weapon
without license; Fredrick
Jenkins-destruction of
property; Matthew Robeygrand larceny; Larisa
check, Old Turnpike Gro-
and/or individual to be involved in the
The availability for prompt
completeness of the services
Costs (proposed hourly
fee with a “not-to-exceed” amount
for each phase.)
All interested parties must submit
three (3) copies of their proposals
detailing the items listed above. Proposals must be submitted on or before 12:00 p.m., September 1, 2009
to: Mr. John Tinney, Manager, Sugar
Creek Public Service District, Post
Office Box 427, Frametown, WV
The selected firm will be required to
comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246,
Section 109 of the housing and Urban Development Act of 1974, Section 3 of the Housing and Urban
Development Act of 1968, Conflict
of Interest Statement and Access to
Records provisions and all other
requirements as they relate to HUDfunded projects.
The Sugar Creek PSD will offer full
opportunity for disadvantaged business enterprises to respond to this
invitation and will not discriminate
against any interest firms or individuals on the grounds of race, creed,
color, sex, age, handicap, or national
origin in the contract award.
The contract will be awarded to the
responsible firm/individual whose
proposal is within the competitive
range and determined to be the most
advantageous to the District, price
and other factors considered. However, the District reserves the right
to accept or reject any and all proposals.
J. R. Spencer
cery; Paula J. Taylor-assault, dismissed by motion
of prosecutor with no objection from the court
August 19: Sharon
Marsowicz-speeding, paid;
Hurl Dean Smith-grand
larceny, preliminary hearing waived, bound over to
circuit court
August 20: Justin
Hanes-speeding, paid; William Rodgers-driving suspended, dismissed, no operators, no contest plea,
payment schedule; Donna
Wolfe-worthless check,
Braxton Farm Supply;
Bryan Cole Burkhammerdriving revoked for DUI,
first offense, fail to maintain control; Daniel Rosetrespassing posted land;
Hammons-burglary (daytime), obstructing an officer
August 21: Mark Anthony Moyers-shoplifting,
first off e n s e , p a y m e n t
paid; Daniel C. Wallerworthless
Shoneys; Terry Wayne
Smith-failure to register
as sex offender; James
Vandon Ronk-false report emergency, obstructing an officer
Braxton County, WV
From The
First & Factually
ATTENTION: Tired of Big
Prices from Big Companies on Stone? If so and
you can use 20+ ton
loads give me a call. I can
Help! 304-364-5732.
erences, Work Guaranteed,
Senior & Veteran Discounts, Machine laid &
rolled, receive a Free Seal
coat with Asphalt Job when
you mention this ad. Lic.
#WV032018, 304-3648008
J A RV I S C O N S T R U C TION: New construction,
metal pole structures,
flooring, chain link fencing, plumbing & more.
Lic.# WV029079 304678-3151.
ENTERPRISE: Certified Class I
& II Septic Installations,
Repairs and Inspections.
Providing dozer, BackBLACKTOP PAVING AND hoe and now dump truck
REPAIRING. Driveways, s e r v i c e s .
parking lots and more. Also Facemire. WV #033553
sealcoating. 30% Discount Call 364-2257.
on all your paving. Also Senior Discount, All work guar- SUTTON EXCAVATION
anteed. Free estimates. INC. Driveway ditching and
8-25 grading, clean creeks and
drainage ditches. Grad-all
MILL CREEK BUSINESS service, dump truck serSERVICES: AP, AR, Bill- vices. Will haul gravel and
ing, bookkeeping, busi- dirt. Free estimates. Call
ness taxes, payroll, indi- 304-765-5576. No job too
vidual income tax prepa- small.
ration, and much more.
Phone 304-364-8420.
Driveways, parking lots &
more, Free estimates, Ref-
Pillowtop Mattress Set –
New, Unopened, Warranty,
$150. Delivery Available.
Set – 2pc Full Size, In plastic, has mfr warranty. $135.
304-541-8120. Can Deliver.
FOR SALE: Pillowtop Mattress Set – King Size, Factory Plastic & Warranty.
Never Used. $295. Will Deliver. 304-541-8120. 8-25TF
FOR SALE: Orthopedic
Mattress Set – $210, Queen
Size, Warranty, New, still
Factory Sealed. 304-5418120.
FOR SALE: Bedroom –
Complete Set $450, New &
Unopened with Warranty.
304-541-8120 Delivery
FOR SALE:Microfiber Living Room Set – 3pc, New,
Factory Wrapped, Lifetime
Warranty! $450. 304-5418120 Delivery Available.
FOR SALE: Leather Sofa &
Chair – Never Used, Has
Warranty, Still in Boxes.
$575. Can Deliver. 304541-8120.
FOR SALE: Floor Model
Furniture Liquidation – Living Room, Bedroom, & Dining Room. Most pcs in excellent condition! Huge
$avings!! All models must
go!! First Come, First Serve!!
FOR SALE: Like New
Berkline Lift Chair. Used 6
Tweed. Paid $700.00, Asking $400.00. Call 304-7655776.
FOR SALE: New Mattress
CALL (304)269-2900
WESTON, WV 26452
August 25, 2009 Page 15
Job Requirements: Current CPR & First Aid Certification or Agree
to Obtain; Valid WV Driver’s License and Reliable Vehicle
Criminal History Background Check
CALL 304-765-3668 or 1-800-814-8514 to Obtain
Application or Additional Information
FOR SALE: 2006 Clayton
FOR SALE: Mixed Hard- sessions and more. 32 x 70 doublewide, 5 BR,
wood barn lumber- $100/ Ground level on Main 2 BA, upgraded kitchen with
M. Mixed Oak $250/M. Street, Sutton. Formerly the stainless appliances. Must
Call for details. 304-364- location of Fisher Auto be moved. $65,000.00 Call
8-11tf Parts across from the 304-765-7278.
Courthouse. Call 765FOR SALE: Fiberglass 5193 for rates, information MIDDLETOWN HOMES OF
(raised) Camper Top for
WESTON offering Amish
short bed Dodge Truck.
built homes. Exciting new
(2nd Generations modmodels. Over 300 floor
els.) Will fit some
plans to choose from.
shortbed Chevrolets and
Modulars, singles and
Fords. Sliding front and
sectionals starting as low as
side widows. New Paint.
$46,900. Affordable financDark Blue. Very good coning backed by our award
11-21tf winning service. Stop by or
dition. $500. Can be seen and scheduling.
at the Braxton Citizens’ FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom, call today 304-269-7500.
N e w s o f f i c e . C a l l 7 6 5 - single bath home, gas heat,
5 1 9 3 d a y s , 7 6 5 - 2 2 7 3 new carpet, 2 city lots, loevenings.
4-28TF cated at 605 Braxton Street, MOBILE
Gassaway, asking $51,500. Money Down” Programs for
FOR SALE: Topper for short Call 304-444-3339. 12-16tf Land Owners, and many
wheel base flare-side Ford.
other financing programs
Came off of a 1980 Truck. FOR SALE: Residence including those with “No
Good condition. $375. Call and 2 city lots, Town of Credit”, “Slow Credit”, “Bad
4-28TF Gassaway. Contact Jack at Credit” and “Good Credit”
Bank of Gassaway, 304- (Must Qualify). Call to364-5138 ext 111.
9-1 d a y … 3 0 4 - 8 7 2 8900…Home Show –
FOR SALE: Commercial Buckhannon. Up to $8000
Property. Storefront with 4 in Free Government MonFOR
furnished apartments. 524 ies if you qualify…Time is
Elk Street, Gassaway, WV running out on this program
26624. Assessed Price so call today.
$82,700.00 Price just reFOR RENT: 2-bedroom duced for quick sale MOBILE HOMES: Unbeapartment, River St., $49,900.00. Please call lievable 24’ x 56’ Clayton
8-18 Home…3 or 4 Bedroom
Gassaway. $600/ month in- 304-295-9090.
cludes utilities. $400 secuModel…Delivered, Set
rity deposit required. No FOR SALE: 12 AC M/L-ex- Skirting, Central Air,
Pets, Serious inquiries only. actly 2 miles from I-79, Exit Thermo Pane Windows, FiCall 304-364-8433.
8-25 67 on Scotts Fork. New berglass
blacktop to site. Large lot Fireplace…$59,999…Only
FOR RENT: Mobile Home dozed, ready to put your at the Home Show –
lots near interstate, senior new home. 304-765-3351 Buckhannon (MHI Retailer
8-25 of the Year)…Route 33 becitizens welcome. Call 304- or 304-644-3352.
Buckhannon…Open 7
days a week…304-472FOR RENT: Two bed8900
room apartments. Two
and three bedroom
homes. One month’s rent
“Trade Ins”…Toward the
required for security dePurchase of your new
posit. Utilities not inhome. Call today 304-472cluded. Absolutely no
p e t s . A p p l i c a t i o n r e - FOR SALE: Century 21
quired. Applications may Runyon and Associates,
be picked up at Lloyd’s Inc., Spacious and energy
efficient Rancher on 2
Inc. 2220 Sutton Lane.
9-5tf acres. Has 5 other lots. Total
of 7.15 acres. Designed
MEETING SPACE FOR with comfort and conveRENT: The Sutton Volunteer nience in mind, handicap HELP WANTED: The Town
Fire Department has a large access. Has sunroom, deck of Burnsville is seeking a
meeting room available for and porch. Three-car ga- qualified individual for the
rent. Ideal for Birthday/Christ- rage. Less than 10 minutes position of Police Officer.
mas/Wedding parties, meet- from the Sutton Lake. Price Experience & Certification
ings, multi-day training $364,000. For appointment preferred but not required.
Candidate will be subject to
an extensive background
check. Salary will be determined on experience & credentials. If interested,
please inquire at the
Burnsville Mayor’s Office at
106 Municipal St. in
Burnsville. Call 304-8532605 for office hours. Deadline: August 31st, 2009. AA/
EO Employer.
Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County
Funeral Home
Hospitalization - Auto - Fire Life Farm - Liability
Steven Jeffers, director
600 Riverview Drive
Sutton, West Virginia
Exit 62 Off I-79
Right 1/2 Mile
1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132
Elk River
Let Our Deli Cater
your next party!!!
Your local Nationwide
office located on Elk
Street in Gassaway
Heaters, WV
Water Wells
Braxton County's Only
Commercial Printer
our P
rinting Needs
o Books - Call
Business Cards T
For All Your Dry Cleaning
FOR SALE: Hemlock
Siding 10' & 12' wide
T&G paneling
Loran & Kevin Kniceley
189 Main St., Sutton
Lumber Co., Inc.
Use Our
Sutton Branch
101A West Main Street
Exit 67 of I-79 - Flatwoods
Burnsville Branch
Salt Lick Road
Clay Branch
Two Run
located on Elk Street in Gassaway Exit 62 of I-79 - Gassaway
State of the Art Technology
Geothermal wells, well
pumps. Five generations
of experience.
One Hour
Photo Processing
(304) 636-6025
Walker's Drug
Film, digital, enlargements
Elk Street, Gassaway
call 304- 545-5266 or 304- HELP WANTED: Driver
9-1 with Class “A” CDLs, 3 years
driving experience, pull
flatbed with some tarping.
Load locally and surroundMOBILE ing states. Call 304-4529-1
HOMES 8548.
Boats • Motors • Trailers
Honda • Suzuki •Yamaha
Route 19 - Sutton, WV
765-7325 &
Birch River
Big Otter
Flatwoods Branch
1960 Sutton Lane
Gassaway Drive-In
700 Elk Street
Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits!
Internet Specialist Wanted:
Central West Virginia’s only
winning Ford, Chrysler,
Dodge, and Jeep dealer is
looking for an efficient finance/internet specialist to
join our team. The successful candidate must be
internet proficient and have
previous work experience
with various Microsoft programs including: Word, Access, and Excel. Banking
education or experience is
a plus, but not required. To
be considered for this full
time position, submit a res
or mail to: Michael Motor
Co. Inc., 2764 State Street,
Gassaway, WV 26624.
Shoppers needed immediately! No fees required. Apply
or call 1-866-518-6508 for
further information.
Wanted: Sutton Lake Marina part time, fulltime, includes some weekends and
special events. Moms and
students we will work
around your schedule. Call
Karen at 304-765-2120 or
see her in person at the
marina. EOE .
FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge
2500 Extended cab Truck.
Cummins engine, automatic, Cab stretched 12
inches, larger back seat.
Great running truck, too
many ad-on to list. Sprayed
in bedliner. 216,000 miles
has been well maintained
and is in very good condition. Awesome looking and
running (one of a kind) truck.
$10,500. Call 304-7655193 days, or 304-7652273 evenings.
IN HOUSE SALE: Beginning Aug. 26th, Jim &
Shirley Aumock, Rt. 4,
Box 5, Frametown. Everything goes. Mini Auction, August 29th at 9a.m.
FOUND: On August 6 at
Sand Fork, a medium size
female dog. She is a mixed
breed, tan with short hair.
Approx. 1 year old. Call 304462-4562.
ONLY: a small Jack Russell
Mix (male), very friendly
and loves kids, cute. Young
dog. Call 304-765-2545.
NOTICE: No trespassing
on the property of Agnes
and Darrell Crites, Tunnel
Fork, Gassaway. Will not be
responsible for accidents.
Violators will be prosecuted.
2 GARAGE SALES, 1191 &
1201 Herold Rd, Thurs.,
Aug. 27th thru Sat., Aug. 29th,
rain or sine, TVs, Tools, motorcycle, saddle bags
(new), DVDs, clothes up to
3X, CD Player, DVD/CD
Player, Games (Wii, PS2,
Gameboy) & much, much
more. 8-25
Something for everyone,
lots of Christmas items, lots
of misc., housewares, August 29th, 8 am - ?, Sat., Sept.
5th, 8 am - ?, 2495 Sutton
Lane, Flatwoods. 9-1
SALE: Thurs., Aug. 27, Fri.,
Aug. 28 & Sat., Aug. 29, from
8am to 6pm, Canna Drake’s
Residence, 2 mile from
HELP WANTED: Sales As- Frametown on Rosedale
West Road on Big Run Hill. 8-25
Virginia’s only award winning Ford, Chrysler, Dodge,
and Jeep dealer is looking
for an energetic salesperS TAT E W I D E
son to join our team. The
successful candidate must
have good communication
and math skills along with
a desire to succeed. Previ- APARTMENT FOR RENT
ous automotive sales expe- HUD Homes! 3 Bedroom 2
rience is not necessary. Bath $201 Month! 5 Bedroom
Candidate must be willing 2 Bath home $317/Month! 5%
to participate in extensive down, 30 years @8%! For listhands-on and on-line train- ings 800-620-4986xT840.
ing. To be considered for
this full time position, sub- CAREER TRAINING ATmit
to- TEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, business,
or mail to Michael Motor Co. paralegal, computers, criminal
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Page 16 August 25, 2009
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 13
09 Dodge Caravan
09 Dodge Ram 2500
0% Long Term Financing 0% Long Term Financing
or... Up To: $4,500* or... Up To: $5,500*
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*With approved financing. Rates in lieu of Rebates.
Ask a salesperson for complete details.
On a Great Selection
of Pre-Owned - Cars, Trucks, Vans & SUV’s
on All Summer Toys Boats, RV’s & Motorcycles
George Daschbach SVD
age 70 of Good Sheperd
Church, 701 Mineral Rd.
departed this life at 4:22
a.m., Saturday, August
15, 2009 in the Stonewall
Jackson Memorial Hospital, Weston following a
brief illness.
He was born December 6, 1938 in Pittsburgh, PA, a son of the
late George and Beatrice
Shimek Daschbach.
Father Ed as he was
affectionately known,
began his education at
St. Canice, St Norbert, St
Paul. Elizabeth (all in
Pittsburgh); Profession of
First Vows in the Society
of the Divine Word (SVD)
in 1958; Profession of
Perpetual Vows: 1964;
Ordination to the Priesthood: Jan. 15, 1966;
Bachelor’s degree, St
Mary’s Seminary at
Techny, IL; Master’s degree in Religious Education, Fordham University, NY in 1970; Divine
Bordentown, NJ; 19661973 (taught religion
and music); St. Thomas
Parish, Gassaway, WV
(1973-1978); St. Anne
Parish, Webster Springs,
WV (1978-1987); St. Rita
Parish, Indianapolis, IN
(1987); St. Peter/Christ
the King Parish, Welch
and War, WV (1987-1991);
Good Shepherd Parish,
Glenville, WV (19912009); Glenville State
College, Glenville, WV
(Chaplin, & teacher of
Latin & ESL to Japanese
County High School
(many years a teacher of
Latin); regular columnist on the Catholic
Faith for the Glenville
Braxton Citizen News, &
Webster Echo; he was
chaplin at the Gilmer
FCI & a long time member of the Gilmer Co.
Ministerial Association.
He was an avid photographer and very proficient at it. He was an accomplished pianist and
organist; author of numerous books on the
Bible and the Catholic
Religion in West Virginia.
Father Ed is survived by one brother:
Daschbach SVD orphanage in East Timor (formerly part of Indonesia);
one sister, Judy Hernam
and husband John of
Collegeville, PA. He is
survived by 2 nieces and
2 nephews and 7 greatnieces and nephews.
A funeral Mass of
the Resurrection was
conducted at 11:00 a.m.,
Tuesday, August 18,
2009 at Good Shepherd
Glenville with Father
Xavier Cooney SVD as
Ellyson Mortuary,
Inc. assisted the Church
and family of Father
Edwin G. Daschbach with
Margie Ann Maze
Margie Ann Maze,
69, of Little Birch, WV,
died August 16, 2009 in
United Hospital Center,
Clarksburg. She was
born June 14, 1940 in
Sutton, WV a daughter of
the late Isaac & Pearl
Lockard Cutlip. Also preceding her in death were
one son, Jimmy Dale
Maze; one daughter Dora
Jean Maze and seven sisters.
She was a Baptist
and a homemaker.
She is survived by 5
sons Tom Maze of Hampton, KY, Roger Maze of
Mundy, Billy Maze of
Jumbo, Tim Maze of
Birch River, and Bruce
Maze of Little Birch; one
daughter Helen Pullin of
Little Birch; one brother
Ravena, OH; one sister
Elgine Sill of Webster
Springs; several grandchildren; and several
nieces & nephews.
Funeral service was
held at 1:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, August 19,
Home, Sutton, WV with
Rev. Bill Griffin officiating. Burial was in the
Ward Garee Cemetery,
Little Birch. Friends
called one hour prior to
the service.
Online condolences
may be sent to:
Arrangements are
by Greene-Robertson Funeral Home, Sutton.
06 SunT
er PPontoon
ontoon Boat 02 Harley Davidson
17 foot, Party Barge...
Custom Sportster, 4,673 miles
Rainbow Head Farms
will be at
Braxton Farm Supply
September 1, 2009 1 - 2 pm
Last sale of the year.
Call 304-783-5025 to place orders.
08 Y
amaha R6S
06 Starcraft Camper
Only 1030 miles...
19 foot, Great for family outings
03 Audi A6 Quattro
02 Ford F-150
All-wheel-drive, Local trade
4X4, V6, standard, one-owner
06 Chevy Cobalt LS
05 GMC Canyon
Auto, air, clean 85,540 miles
4X4, auto, air, one local owner
Dr. B. Wayne Given,
DDS announces that he
and his wife will be relocating to Pennsylvania.
His last day of practice will
be September 17, 2009.
All patients and records
will be transferred to Dr.
Chad J. Lancaster, DDS.
West Virginia
breast and
The West Virginia
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
(WVBCCSP) offers free or
low-cost services to
women who meet age
and income guidelines.
The program has announced the income
guidelines effective July
1, 2009 through June
30, 2010.
The services offered
are: pap tests for women
ages 25 to 64 who are not
on another program that
offers this service;
breast exams for women
ages 25 to 4; and
women ages 50 to 64
(mammograms may be
available for women ages
40 to 49 who meet WV
BCCSP criteria for being
at high-risk.).
Women may be eligible for these free or
low-cost services if they
meet the age and income guidelines and do
not have health insurance or they have
health insurance that
does not cover these
screening services or
they have a high deductible.
The maximum allowed to get these free or
low-cost services is
listed below: Family of
one- monthly income of
$1805, yearly income of
$21660; family of twomonthly
$2428, yearly income of
$29136; family of threemonthly
$3052, yearly income of
$36624; family of fourmonthly
$3675, yearly income of
$44100; family of fivemonthly
$4298, yearly income of
$51576; and family of
six- monthly income
of$4922, yearly income
of $59064.
Local WVBCCSP providers are the Braxton
County Health Department (765-2851) and Elk
Memorial Clinic (3642401). Please contact
these providers for more
information or to schedule an appointment for
The WVBCCSP is offered by the WV DHHR,
Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health…a
message from Mary
Babb Randolph Cancer
Center, WVU and Jean
Tenney, Region IV Cancer Information Specialist.
All advertising and
articles must be
submitted by
Thursday at 4 p.m.
to be considered for
publication in the
following Tuesday’s
Thank you.
CN Staff
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