50 - Braxton Citizens` News


50 - Braxton Citizens` News
A photographic look...
the Braxton County Fair
See Page 9 of this issue
Vol. 35, No. 32
August 10, 2010
Special Election Sample
Ballots in this issue...
and lots more....
County and
March of
partner for
2 nd Annual
Bikers for
Babies ride
parties planned
for this weekend
Convention and Visitors
Bureau and March of
Dimes have announced
that plans are nearing
completion for the 2 n d
Annual Bikers for Babies
motorcycle ride August
Flatwoods, West Virginia.
The weekend festivities
will kick-off with a preride party on Friday
night; there will be a pig
roast and performance by
Second Helping, the
nation’s best Lynyrd
Skynyrd tribute band.
Saturday, the 125 mile
ride winds along two lane
blacktop as the riders
make their way through
central West Virginia.
Upon returning, West
Virginia’s very own
Davisson Brothers will
bring the ride to a rocking end!
WCHS television’s
Patrick McMurtry will
serve as the rides honorary chairman this
year. Patrick has been a
committed advocate for
the March of Dimes in
working to make a difference in the lives of
West Virginia’s babies.
Patrick, an avid Harley
Davidson rider and proud
father, was born nearly 3
months premature. “The
fact that we can come together for a great ride
while working to end
birth defects is something I am extremely
proud of. I know first
hand how difficult the
first months can be as
preemie and I’m committed to end prematurity in West Virginia.”
Riders this year will
have several opportunities to pre-register. August 13, at Shoney’s in
Flatwoods for bike night
from 6-8 p.m. Music will
be provided by Kowboyz.
On Saturday, August 14,
Sutton Lake Marina will
host a pre-registration
party. There will be pizza
and a DJ. In Charleston,
riders are invited to
Quaker Steak and Lube
for their bike nights on
August 12. Registration
is also available on Friday evening, August 20
at the Mountain Lakes
Amphitheater or on Saturday morning before the
ride begins.
Anyone wanting to
learn more about this
year’s ride may log on to:
or by calling 304-7202229. “We hope you’ll
join us for a great ride as
we work together to give
West Virginia’s babies a
fighting chance,” says
Mindy Smith, State director for the March of
Dimes. “We’d also need
to give big thanks to this
Shoney’s, Little General,
Consol Energy, Lockards
Kawaski & Flatwoods
McDonalds, Bank of
Gassaway, American Legion, Arby’s, Tomahawks, Tri-State, The
Burnsville NAPA, Days
Hotel, Sutton Lake Marina, WCHS, and Summit
Solution deposited at Frametown Special
injection well to be cut by 50% set for
The West Virginia
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
announced this week that
injection of fracking solution at a Frametown well
site will be cut in half.
The action comes in the
wake of accusations that
injection of huge volumes
of fracking solution into a
well at Frametown is
causing earthquakes in
central West Virginia.
Gene C. Smith,
Regulatory Compliance
Manager for the State
DEP told Citizens’ News
publisher Ed Given of the
reduction in a telephone
interview last week.
Smith added that his
agency is also discussing
placing seismic monitoring at the well site with
the permit holder. When
asked if the agency was or
would consider more
stringent regulations of
such injection wells,
Smith said that he did not
think there would be major changes at this point,
in the way his regulatory
agency handles the matter. He did add that additional stipulations may be
added to permit applicants
when companies apply in
the future.
As reported in last
week’s Citizens’ News;
the site located in the
Lower Rock Camp area of
Frametown is owned by
Chesapeake Appalachia,
LLC. Current records on
file with the DEP, show
that over 10 million gallons of waste water product from the hydraulic
fracturing method of gas
drilling and recovery has
been deposited at the site
since it began operation
in March, 2009. With the
current DEP imposed reduction, the more than 5,
million gallon injected
between January and
June, 2010 will be will be
reduced by one half..
The water solution
that is the by product of
drilling for oil and gas in
the Marcellus Shale is referred to in the industry
as brine water due to its
salt content. However, the
fluids used to drill at the
extreme depths necessary to tap the Marcellus
formation contain a cocktail of chemical additives
to aid the process. In addition to water and
chemicals, large amounts
of sand are contained in
the fracking solution.
The DEP lists the following in their elemental
Frametown site; Aluminum, Boron, Barium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium,
Lithium, Magnesium,
Manganese, Molybdenum,
Sodium, Strontium, Titanium, Sulfate, Chloride,
Bromine, and Iodine.
A representative of
the industry stated that
Hydrochloric Acid is also
used in the process. He
added that the amount is
diluted by the large volumes of water when it is
extracted from the well.
Several responses to
the last week’s CN article
inquired as to where residents could register complaints and/or concerns
about the Frametown operation. Smith said his
agency has a complaint
department. He adds that
comments should be made
in writing and mailed to:
Gene C. Smith, West Virginia DEP – Office of Oil
and Gas, 601 57th Street,
SE, Charleston, WV
25304-2345. Comments
may also be emailed to:
County hires new 911/EMS Director
One of the items on a
full agenda of last Friday’s
regular meeting of the
Braxton County Commission was the hiring of a
new 911/EMS Director.
Commission President
Terry Frame began the discussion by telling those in
attendance that the Commission had interviewed
candidates for the position
that has been vacant since
the first of the years. She
stated that a number of
good candidates applied for
the job and that the selection process was difficult.
She asked for a motion regarding filling the position.
David Jack made a motion
to hire Mike Baker of
Sutton pending a background check. The position
will be full-time, with a salary of $28,000 and full
county benefits. Baker, a
long volunteer in emergency services, will assume his new duties on
September 1.
The meeting began
with Wilda Skidmore and
Rebecca Conrad requesting the use of the Courthouse Square for a scarecrow contest and Sutton
Fall Festival as well as use
of the lawn for displaying
Christmas decorations.
Permission was granted on
a motion by Mike Chapman
Scotty Belknap addressed the Commission
in regard to the Solid
Waste Authority moving
the location of their recycling center beside the fire
station in Gassaway. He
told the commissioners
that he was representing a
group of concerned citizens
that felt a better location
could be found. He requested that the Commission give him 45 days to put
together a committee to
look into options and
present them to the Solid
Waste Authority and Commission. Following a brief
discussion, Terry Frame
said the Commission
needed to discuss the matter with Gassaway Mayor
Ritchie Roach, who is also
chairman of the Solid
Waste Authority.
Also on the topic, Ted
Elonis asked if the Health
Department had approved
the move. No answer was
readily available.
Charlie Keaton, a
former Gassaway Mayor,
asked if the town can legally be a rental agent. He
also questioned the commission about the town of
Gassaway’s dissolving of
the Depot Management
Authority. The Commissioners indicated that
they had no knowledge of
the change
Fran Rice of Keener’s
Ridge asked about extension of water in that area.
She stated that the need
was great for approximately
45 families that lived in
the area. Terry Frame
stated the Commission
would discuss the matter
with the Sugar Creek PSD.
Ed Given requested
that the Commission review facts recently revealed in a Citizens’ News
article pertaining to the
injection of drilling waste
water into a well at
Frametown. He requested
that the Commission review the data and consider
taking a position on the
matter that would best protect the citizens of Braxton
In other action, the
probate appointments for
the month of July were approved as presented on a
motion by Mike Chapman.
The Commission reviewed a Special Fiduciary
Commissioners report in
the estate of Rodney Bryan
Belknap. David Jack made
a motion to approve the
findings of the Special Fiduciary. That motion was
later withdrawn. Jack
made a motion to go into
executive session to discuss the matter. A media
representative inquired as
to what portion of the Open
Meetings Law gave them
permission to discuss such
matters in private. No executive session was held.
Following a discussion
with Bernard Mauser, attorney for one of the heirs,
Commissioner Jack made
a motion to table action on
the matter pending further
Jack introduced a
motion to approve the list
of applications for correction of Erroneous Assessments as submitted by the
Mike Chapman made
a motion to consolidate contiguous tracts of land for
Lois Stewart for tax purposes.
It was also Chapman
who made a motion to approve two purchase order
requests. The Sheriff was
authorized to pay Software
Systems $3,334.06 for
hardware and software
maintenance. The second
PO approved a printer service agreement between
the Sheriff and IBM
Infoprint Solutions at a
cost of $1,313.76.
One topic under new
business resulted in a split
vote. Terry Frame explained that she and the
EMS Advisory Board felt it
was a good idea to send
Theran Hyer and Keith
Davis to scuba diving
school. Mike Chapman
asked about the cost since
there was no paperwork
accompanying the request.
Frame stated that she
thought it was about
$1,000 for the class. She
was also questioned as to
how much it would cost to
totally outfit the pair to be
scuba divers as well as the
cost of additional classes
necessary for them to participate in rescue and recovery operations. She
stated that she did not have
a total figure. When asked
if it would be worth the
$3,000 plus per man that
the Sheriff’s Department
recently spent to put three
deputies through the basic
course and buy equipment,
Frame stated that she
though it would be. David
Jack made a motion to approve the request not to
Please turn to COMMISSION
page 3
County Health Department observes
National Immunization Awareness Month
August is recognized
as National Immunization Awareness Month
(NIAM). The goal of NIAM
is to increase awareness
about immunizations
across the life span, from
infants to the elderly.
Health Department is reminding residents that
August is the perfect time
for family, friends, coworkers, and those in the
community to catch up on
their vaccinations. Parents are enrolling their
children in school, students are entering college,
and healthcare workers
are preparing for the upcoming flu season.
Immunization is one
of the most significant
public health achievements of the 20th century. Vaccines have
eliminated wild poliovirus
in the United States and
significantly reduced the
number of cases of
measles, diphtheria, rubella, pertussis and other
diseases. But despite
these efforts, people in
the U.S. still die from
these and other vaccinepreventable diseases.
Health Department is
working with the West
Virginia’s Division of Immunization Services and
together they are placing
special emphasis this
year on having incoming
7 th graders screened by
their family physician for
missing Tdap (tetanus,
diphtheria, and pertussis)
and MCV (meningococcal/meningitis) vaccines
prior to the start of the
school year.
Many of
these students are missing one or both of those
shots. Students unable to
be vaccinated before the
start of the school year
will be able to receive the
immunization with no
out-of-pocket expense to
the parent through the 7th
Grade Vaccination Initiative, an $807,000 project
funded by the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus funds)
at either a school based
clinic or in partnership
with the local health de-
partment. The project is
a collaborative effort with
the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Department of Education and
West Virginia Immunization Network (WIN).
County Health Department will be holding immunization clinics on
August 11, 2010, August
18, 2010 from 0900 to
1100. Parents should
bring the child’s shot
record prior to the clinic
they attend.
For additional information on National Immunization Awareness
Month call the Braxton
County Health Department at (304) 765-2851.
August 28
Early voting
next week
County Clerk John
David Jordan says everything is in place for
Braxton County voters to
participate in choosing a
replacement for the late
Senator Robert C. Byrd.
The statewide Primary
Election will be held on
Saturday, August 28.
The successful party
nominees will have their
names placed on the
General Election ballot
in November where the
winner will serve the remaining two years of
Byrd’s term.
Early voting will begin Friday, August 20 at
the Sutton Volunteer
Fisher Building across
from the Courthouse on
Main Street, Sutton. The
early voting polling place
through Wednesday, August 25 including Saturday August 21. The special precient will be open
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day except Saturday.
On Saturday voters may
cast their ballot from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
On Saturday August
28, the day of the Special
Primary Election polls in
individual communities
will be open from 6:30
a.m. to 7:30 p.m. as they
are for any other statewide election.
Three candidates
are vying for the Democratic nomination, while
ten individuals will contest for the Republican
party representative.
One candidate is running on the Mountain
Party ticket. (Sample ballots can be found in this
issue of the Citizens’
News on pages 13)
Those wishing to
vote in the Special Election would have had to
been registered to vote in
Braxton County no later
than August 9.
to host
Open House/
Pool Party
Sutton Elementary
School will be holding an
Open House Pool Party on
Wednesday, August 18,
from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00
P.M. at the Sutton Swimming Pool. Prizes will be
given out throughout the
evening. “Come and
meet your child’s new
teacher, see old friends,
meet new friends, and
have an opportunity to
changes at our school,”
say and event organizer.
Parents dropping off
students are being asked
to come down the alley
for student drop off and
pick up beginning this
school year. Parents can
expect details at the pool
party and with the student packet sent home
the first week of school.
Page 2
Braxton Citizens’ News
August 10, 2010
Our views • Your views • Their views
As I
See It
Clint Ferguson
By Ed Given
Montana/ Idaho Summer Adventure
A step in the right direction…
After 6 months of preparation and
You can see by the front page story that there
will be a change in the depositing of waste water
being injected into the ground at Frametown. This is
good news and a step in the right direction.
We have received a tremendous amount of
comments as well as several visits to our office, after
the article appeared in last week’s paper. Many have
provided additional information. This has been a real
education for me. The subject matter is vast and
quite complicated. I believe that the DEP is taking
the matter seriously and working within their means
to insure the safety of our environment and its
Some of the confusion comes from the fact that
fracking solution has been put into the ground for a
number of years with little apparent repercussion.
However, what is going on at Lower Rock Camp and
has created quite a stir in a number of states is not
exactly the same. Drilling into the Marcellus Shale
utilizes a different composition in the fracking
solution than does shallower drilling. But the biggest
change is the volume of surplus solution that must be
disposed of. When it takes as much as 8 million
gallons of mixture to frack a Marcellus well, which I
am told it does, the by-product is much greater than
what shallow drilling products. That increase volume
coupled with the depth and composition of the solution has created a whole new set of circumstances
which everyone, including the DEP, admits is new
I understand that the state of New York has
imposed a moratorium not only on injecting such
contaminates into the ground, but on drilling into the
Marcellus Shale all together. I have been told, though
I have yet to find documentation of it, that Pennsylvania has recently imposed much stricter rules and
regulations on such drilling and injection wells.
It just makes sense to be cautious when dealing
with something as precious as our natural water
Gene Smith of the DEP, who has been my primary contact, asked me this week if I had visited the
site. I told him that other than taking the picture
that accompanied last week’s article, I had not. I now
have a contact name and phone number and I hope to
be given a tour of the local operation this week.
Maybe an up close look at exactly what is going on
down there will ease my mind.
planning Tara and I had a sleepless
night anticipating flying out west on
the morning of July 13 to start our
summer adventure. Our flight was to
leave Charleston at 11:24 am. With
packed bags and high spirits Tara
thought it would be a good idea to check
to see if our flight was on time before
leaving the house.
Flight cancelled was the first thing
that popped up when Tara logged into
Delta’s website. We tried every airport
within driving distance to get there
that same day, but it wasn’t happening.
I was mad to say the least but realized
an early morning flight the next day
was our best option. Thank goodness
everything was on time and just as the
sun was coming up over the ridge tops
we were on our way westward bound.
After two layovers and going from
Eastern to Mountain Time zones we
landed in Idaho Falls right at 12:00
noon. Enterprise was very fast in
picking us up and in no time we were
on our way. We met up with our buddy
Tom who lives in Idaho Falls and also
happens to be a graduate from WVU.
After a quick stop at a grocery store for
food, drinks, and supplies we started
driving towards the rugged Grand Teton
The Grand Tetons are the youngest mountains in the Rocky Mountain
chain and are only 10 million years old.
The tall jagged snow capped peaks can
be seen for miles and as we drove along
they kept getting closer and closer
until we arrived in the Teton River
Valley. Absolutely breathtaking is the
best words to describe the magnificent
sight in front of us.
We wasted no time in suiting up
Lola's World
Lots of activities….
Back to school is just around the corner. As is
true every year… that spurs a lot of activity. Vacations, football practice and now soccer practice, just to
name a few. It is also a busy time here in our office.
The County Fair just ended and I understand it
was a rousing success that drew huge crowds, particularly on Saturday. The unpredictable summer
rains did make their appearance, but for the most
part didn’t spoil much.
As is also noted on the front page of this issue,
the March of Dimes will be returning August 20-21
with their Bikers for Babies event which appears to
be shaping up to be quite an affair. This year, you
don’t even have to own a motorcycle to participate.
The Friday evening concert and pig roast is open to
anyone who wants to come.
In September we will be heading off to Virginia to
Please turn to AS I SEE IT page 3
Read the Citizens’ News on the
World Wide Web
Ed Given
Allison Given
Shirley Shuman
Erica Whitney
Jeanine Given
Virginia Carr
Mike McElwain
(SSN 393130)
A Weekly Publication
Established February 9, 1976
P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street
Sutton, West Virginia 26601
E-mail: quality@rtol.net
Entered as periodic rate at the
Sutton, WV Post Office
Send address change to:
Braxton Citizens’ News P.O.
Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601
Subscription rates:
$17.50 in county, $25.50 in
state, $41.00 out-of-state
E-subscription, $20.00
and starting the hike into the creek we
were going to fish. And what a heck of
a creek it was. After a mile walk we
eased into the water which was running on the cool side due to snow melt.
Tom went upstream and Tara and
I started fishing down. There was a
back eddy near the far bank with
overhanging willows that looked like a
great spot to throw my first cast to. I
waded out in the clear creek and on my
fourth or fifth cast a trout slowly came
out from under the willows and took in
my fly. After a short tussle I landed the
first fish of the trip and what a beauty
it was. I admired the rosey red cheeks
and fine spots as well as the distinct
red slashes under the fish’s lower jaw
that gives it its name. Yellowstone
cutthroat trout live here and this
wasn’t the only fish that was willing to
take a fly that day. Cutthroat trout are
notorious for almost being in slow
motion as they come up after your fly.
You have to almost have a delayed
reaction when you see them coming
before setting the hook to make sure
they have time to take the fly in.
We walked down the creek to the
next nice hole where Tara started
fishing. As her fly drifted towards the
tail end of the pool a really nice cutthroat slowly came up to inspect her fly
but didn’t take. Tara tried to calm her
nerves as she dried her fly and got
ready to cast again. On her next cast
the big fish came up once again only
this time it took her fly in and the fight
was on.
The trout bolted towards the fast
water downstream and Tara let it run
and tried to follow but slipped on the
slick rocks. At the same time her rod
went backwards and slack line came
flying back. The big cutthroat, that was
easily 18 inches plus, won this battle
but we both managed to catch a few
more before heading to the world
famous Henry’s Fork River.
We parted ways with Tom who also
got into some beautiful Yellowstone
cutthroat upstream and drove over to
the famous ranch section of the
Henry’s Fork. It was 8:00 pm by then
Please turn to OUTDOORS page 3
News And Views
By Lola B. Given
Open Letter
Not the same...
Please be advised
the Karate classes
that are being taught
at the Express Fitness
Gymnastics building
on Rt. 4 are not associated in any way with
the American Karate
Academy in Flatwoods.
The AKA is an independent business
licensed to conduct
business within the
state of West Virginia.
We will not be responsible for any accidents
or injuries that may
occur nor will we
recognize any rank
that may be given out
at these classes.
J.W. Morris
American Karate
Our policy...
We would like to
remind readers that we
welcome letters to the
We would like to
reiterate our policy of
not publishing letters
that do not contain the
author’s identification.
If you mail your letter
to our office you must
enclose a phone number for verification
purposes. The number
will not be published.
We reserve the
right to edit and/or
refuse any letter
deemed to contain
libelous, inaccurate or
misleading information. We do not accept
letters endorsing or
refuting candidates for
the upcoming election.
Storms, yard sales, school beginning
Two electric storms mid week
were very severe. Basically, I hibernated as I sure respect thunder and
lightening. My dog Buffy and I find a
place and wait those out. From a
child I have been afraid of storms. I
was raised on the hill between
Widen and Dill and outside of our
kitchen door was a tree that apparently conducted lightning. That poor
tree was knurled and damaged from
the strikes and my mom had us
gather on the couch till the storm
subsided. I still practice that rou-
News from
our Capitol
by Delegate Brent Boggs
Hot, humid summer
weather continues and after
a couple weeks back to the
railroad and taking care of
constituent work here in the
district, it’s back to Charleston this week for the August
interim meetings. Due to a
series of special sessions
and a myriad of pressing
issues, the interim process
has not been given the full
focus of the Legislature until
this month. A host of committees, subcommittees and
select panels will pick up
the pace.
Space does not permit
printing the agendas for
each interim meeting, but it
is worthwhile to check the
legislative website for interim committee meeting
agendas. I encourage you to
check and attend meetings
that may be of interest.
Good economic news for
West Virginians was announced last week, as the
revenue for July exceeded
estimates by $24 million.
While this is only the first
month of the 2011 fiscal
year, it is an encouraging
start. It also is in stark
contrast with many states
that are buckling under
massive deficits that are
requiring huge cuts in vital
services and layoffs.
Coupled with the state
ending the fiscal year on
June 30 with a surplus of
$102 million due to approximately $119 million in midyear budget cuts across state
agencies, the news is even
more striking. By law, onehalf of any surplus automatically goes into the Rainy Day
Fund, which now has a
balance of well over one-half
billion dollars.
This fund and state
pension funds are managed
through the WV Investment
Management Board, which
reported that investments of
the state returned a rate of
16 percent for the 2010
fiscal year. Again, this is
more good news for West
Virginians and another sign
that our responsible state
policies are keeping West
Virginia in the handful of
states that are remaining in
the black. By achieving the
high rate of return, millions
of additional dollars were
added to pension funds,
thereby further strengthen-
Seems the big yard sales were
a success for all those participating
on the Frametown/Herold Road.
Good for those selling and those
School soon will be starting and
children are finding the break was
short from the shutdown of classes
in early spring. I assume the early
start will aid in getting in the required number of days in even with
missing for snow days.
ing the system and economy.
Still, the risk of future
deficits loom heavily and will
require continued vigilance
The balanced West Virginia
budgets, accomplished without raising income taxes for
many years, have not happened without planning, and
making cuts as needed. We
cannot control national and
international events, but we
can do all within our abilities on the state level to
keep West Virginia’s economic climate strong and
West Virginia maintains
one of the highest rainy day
fund percentages as compared with our general
revenue budget. However, it
is maintained for the main
purpose of emergency situations, such as natural disasters that require immediate
assistance for our citizens
and to matching funds for
federal emergency declarations.
While it is necessary to
remove funds from the account for emergencies, we do
not want it to become an
extension of the state budget
for normal expenditures. The
Rainy Day fund provides
economic security to keep
our state bond ratings high,
thereby enabling the state,
counties and municipalities
to obtain preferred rates on
bond to fund projects, including water and wastewater
Please send your inquir-
Read the
on the World
Wide Web...
ies to the Capitol Office at:
Building 1, Room 226-M,
Charleston, WV 25305. Or,
feel free to call the Capitol
office at 340-3220 or my
Assistant to the Majority
Leader, Mr. Tom Bennett at
340-3262 or fax to 340-3213.
If you have an interest in
any particular bill or issue,
please let me know.
For those with Internet
access, my e-mail address
You also may obtain
additional legislative information, including the copies
of bills, conference reports,
daily summaries, interim
highlights, and other information from the
Legislature’s web site at
www.legis.state.wv.us/. If
you write or leave a message, please remember to
include your phone number
with your inquiry and any
details you can provide.
Additional information,
including agency links and
state government phone
directory may be found at
www.wv.gov and on the
Facebook site of the West
Virginia Legislature.
Remember to thank a
veteran for their service to
our nation and continue to
remember our troops - at
home and abroad - and keep
them and their families in
your thoughts and prayers.
Until next week – take
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 1
exceed $1,500. Terry
Frame seconded the action. The motion passed
over the no vote of Mike
Chapman who stated that
no written paper work accompanied the request as
required by Commission
policy and that he didn’t
feel he had enough factual
information to support the
David Jack made a
motion to place the request
to name a private road, left
off Wilsie, 2-1/2 miles from
Route 4, Homeplace Drive,
on the customary two
week public comment period.
Budget revision totaling a $308,000 increase to
the general fund and
$17,750 to the Coal Severance Fund were approved
on a motion by David Jack.
The increases represent
the balances unencumbered in the funds at the
end of the year commonly
referred to as “roll over.”
Poll workers, emergency ballot commissioners and early voting clerks
for the upcoming Special
Primary Election were approved on a motion introduced by Mike Chapman.
David Jack explained
that the Little Kanawha
Parkway Authority has
funding that would build a
helicopter pad near the
Burnsville. By consensus
the Commission supported
the project, if all obstacles
were cleared since it didn’t
cost the County and would
benefit emergency services.
David Jack made a
motion to advertise for applicants for a part-time
janitor for county properties. That motion was later
withdrawn. In making the
motion to resend advertising of the position, the
Commission will review
applications already on file.
Following a review,
the minutes of the
Commission’s, July meetings were approved with
noted corrections.
Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The
next regular meeting will
be on August 20 beginning
at 9:00 a.m.
continued from page 2
our favorite antique and
classic boat show. The
Mountain Lakes Festival is
also in September. If you
missed the anything that
can float race last year, you
missed a hilariously funny
event. In fact, get involved
with your friends, organization or group and build
you a “water worthier craft
– can’t be a real boat” and
come out and compete. You
are not guaranteed to win,
but based on last year, I
can readily assure you that
you will have a good time.
Call or stop by Sutton
Lake Marina for more details.
continued from page 2
and the spinners were just
starting to fall. Tara and I
managed to catch a couple
plump rainbow trout until
it got too dark to see our
flies on the water.
It still blows my mind
that one can wake up in
there own bed in WV and
watch the sunrise over our
Appalachian Mountains
and then travel hundreds
of miles and end the day by
watching the sunset over
the snowcapped Rocky
Mountains. I stood there
in awe as the orange glow
of the sun disappeared into
darkness behind the huge
mountains with Tara’s silhouette gracefully casting
above me. The Henry’s
Fork was everything I
dreamed it would be and
I’m glad to have had the
opportunity to wet a line in
its famous waters.
The next morning we
awoke to the sound of the
flowing river and a crisp air
temperature of 40 some
degrees. There were several ducks on the water
diving for breakfast and we
watched them as we drank
coffee. Today we would be
heading into the Big Sky
Country of Montana.
We drove for an hour
up the wide open valley to
the famous Madison River.
It was high noon by then
and the wind was whipping. There were several
folks fishing the river
that’s also known as the
longest riffle so I decided to
launch plan B. I had researched a tributary of the
Madison that flowed out of
the mountains and was in
the timber.
I figured the trees
would help cut the wind and
we like fishing the smaller
streams so without hesitation we found ourselves
standing in the West Fork
of the Madison ready to
catch some fish. And
that’s exactly what we did
with several small 10-12"
rainbows and browns coming to hand before we
started the real adventure
of the trip.
It all started when I
took a look at the map and
noticed what I thought
would be a shortcut. “Tara
look, we’re here and this
road goes right over to the
Ruby River instead of going
up and around” I think
were my exact words. “It’s
a Forest Service road and
might be slow going but I’m
sure it will be a pretty
drive” I said trying to persuade Tara into letting me
take the shortcut. It was
early afternoon and we had
nothing but time so up the
Forest Service Road I went.
Things were going
well and we were enjoying
the scenery whenever I
met another vehicle going
up hill on a narrow section
of road. I had no choice but
to back up over 150 yards
to a wide spot. The vehicle
stopped and was impressed
with my backing up skills
but I was more concerned
on where the road went. I
forgot to mention that the
vehicle contained 4 older
women with California license plates.
“Boy you did that well”
is what the woman said
when she pulled up beside
me. “Yea, does this road go
over to the Ruby River?” I
asked the lady. “Oh no,
we’ve been driving for over
3 hours and only went 40
miles” she replied. “This
road goes to Ennis. You
better turn back” says the
woman. “Ok thanks” were
my words as the women
drove off.
“Tara, they don’t
know what they’re talking
about. Look at the map,
this road goes right over to
the Ruby” I said as I put the
vehicle in drive and continued on. We stopped for
a sage grouse in the road
and snapped a few pictures.
Of course Tara was ques-
tioning me the whole time
on where we would come
out thanks to the California women.
As we rounded a curve
we met another vehicle
and the fellow stopped.
“There’s a mud hole about
½ mile up the road. I made
it through alright and a guy
pulling a trailer made it
through after me so you
should be ok” he said. I
could only imagine what
Tara was thinking when
she heard that. I noticed
the fellow had waders on as
well as Montana plates so
I knew he would be able to
answer my question. “Yea,
does this road go over to
the Ruby River?” I asked
once again. “Why yes it
does. You can go two ways
and get there” he replied.
I looked at Tara and muttered “I told you so” as I continued talking to the
“Cottonwood Creek
road will drop you right
down on the Ruby” he said
and I quickly replied with
“Yea that’s the one I was
going to take”. “But, I
wouldn’t go that route as
that road is an axle buster”
he went on to say. “There’s
a better road if you take a
left at the intersection but
it will take you longer” he
informed me. “Thanks a
lot, that’s the exact information I was looking for” I
said as we parted ways. I’m
really glad we ran into that
nice fellow or we could
have ended up with a
busted axle.
We made it through
the mud hole with no problems as I hit it right. We
drove past the Wolverine
Basin and Black Butte
Mountain which still had
snow on it. The views
were spectacular on top of
the Gravelly Mountain
Range with snow capped
mountains in every direction. There were numerous wildflowers in full bloom
as Montana experienced a
very wet May. I had to stop
and walk out in a meadow
full of wildflowers to take it
all in before driving down
into the Ruby River Valley.
Just as we neared the
headwaters of the Ruby
Tara spotted an antelope
buck not 15 yards beside
us. He quickly ran off like
they do but she managed a
couple pictures before he
disappeared over the hill.
Once we hit the Ruby it
was familiar grounds for us
as we had been there before. We didn’t get to fish
the Ruby this time however
because it was still running high from snowmelt.
After the 4 ½ hour
shortcut we finally made it
to Dillon where we hit the
sack to rest up for the big
float trip we had the next
morning. I’ll talk about
that float as well as the 20
inch browns we caught
next time as I’ve ran out of
12th Annual
Little Birch Day
The 12th Annual Little Birch Day Celebration
will be August 14, 2010 at the “Robert Flint
Field” at Sutton.
9:30 A.M. Food Wagon Opens
10:00 A.M. Dog Pageant Registration
10:30 A.M. Dog Pageant
Car Show(Central WV Car Club)
11:00 A.M. Highland Trace Cloggers
11:30 A.M. Dress Barn Fashion Show
(Let’s Make A Deal)
12:30 A.M. BCHS Marching Band
Contest-Games (All Ages)
$25.00 Drawing
1:30 P.M. Karaoke Contest
2:30 P.M. Harper Boys
3:00 P.M. Virginia Crites
3:30 P.M. Rhodes Family Gospel Singers
4:00 P.M. Family Ties
4:30 P.M. Agatha Tinney
5:00 P.M. Hillbilly Stompers
5:30 P.M. Steve Hewitt Band
6:00 P.M. Kowboyz
6:45 P.M. Little Birch Dancers
7:00 P.M. Rocky presents tribute to Elvis
7:45 P.M. Little Birch Dancers
8:00 P.M. Southern Drive
9:00 P.M. 50/50 Drawing-Door Prizes-Cash
Yard Sales-Vendors (except Food) are welcome!!!
Come Early-Stay Late! Bring your lawn chair!
Lots of Fun!!
August 10, 2010 Page 3
FCRPSD Board meets
A variety of actions
took place at the FlatwoodsCanoe Run Public Service
District’s first meeting of
the new fiscal year, July
19, 2010. Newly appointed
board member, Lavern
Tonkin, was introduced to
all present by Chairman
John Gibson. The minutes
were approved by a motion
made by Scott Ratliff.
Evelyn Post of the
Burnsville Public Service
District appeared before
the board giving information on the Burnsville Public Service District’s waterline extension An engineering firm, Thrasher
Engineering, has been
contracted for the extension. Post also reported on
a major leak that occurred
in a line under the lake.
Options of replacing or
abandoning the damage
pipe had been discussed as
well as moving the line to
possibly picking up the
Napier/Curry Ridge area
and the Burnsville Lake
campgrounds. With the
Burnsville Public Service
District would be purchasing water from the
Flatwoods-Canoe Run Public Service District.
Ted Elonis and Sonja
Richardson spoke to the
Board concerning the cost
per household of $39,000
for the Bug Ridge water
line. The pair wanted to
know if there was a
cheaper alternative. The
answer was basically no
because the PSD has to
comply with the Public Service Commission and the
Health Department’s mandate that each meter must
have thirty pound of pressure. This was not feasible
at a lower cost because additional pumping stations
would be needed to keep
that amount of pressure at
the meters.
Cary Smith, a representative from Region VII
submitted invoices totaling
$264,397.62 for payment to
Orders Construction for
$250, 362.74 and Bell Engineering for $14,034.88.
Approval was given on a
motion by Scott Ratliff
Lee Lowe of Bell Engineering gave a progress
report on the water plant
upgrade project. With 59%
of the contract time
elapsed, there has been
27% of the project completed. An estimated
completion date is March
25, 2011.
Change order #5 in
the amount of $45,425.32
was submitted by Lee Lowe.
Approval was given on a
motion by Lavern Tonkin.
This change order is necessary to establish a pumping station for the backwash water transfer system and will be completed
in 14 days.
The Verizon issue was
finally take care of on a
motion by Scott Ratliff. Orders Construction was
given a fifty-day extension
on their contract and $7500
in costs for the moving of the
Verizon line. Bell Engineering will officially notify Orders Construction of this
decision. Ratliff also moved
to pay the water bills.
Appalachian Software
representatives were on
hand, but no financial information was reported. By
the next meeting the board
should have a better picture of the finances when
the fiscal year end reports
are to be available..
H. Wyatt Hanna reported that the water rate
surcharge was denied. The
board needs to cure a
$42,000 bond deficiency or
file for a general rate increase. Scott Ratliff moved
to allow Todd Dingess of
Smith, Cochran & Hicks to
proceed with the rate increase paperwork which
includes a cost of service
study. This process will
take six to nine months.
Discussion on the
waterline upgrade projects
was tabled until a work session or the next meeting
because of limited time.
Fred Hypes of Dunn
Engineering reported that
the Army Corp of Engineers
found no significant impact
on the environment for the
sewer project. He added
that the Infrastructure
Jobs and Development
Council would be meeting
on July 27th at 9:30 and
that the sewer project
would be on their agenda
for discussion Mr. Hypes
recommended that someone from the PSD attend to
represent the board.
A representative from
C. I. Thornburg showed the
board new technology in
water meters. The meter
has a 20 year warranty, a
10 year battery life, no
moving parts and allows for
remote reading. It costs the
same as the traditional
meters and interchanges
with the older models.
Lavern Tonkin moved
that the meeting date and
times be changed to better
accommodate the board
members’ schedules. The
meetings will be held on
the second Wednesday of
each month at 10 am. The
next meeting will be August 11, 2010 at 10 am.
Julia Child Show coming
to Landmark Sudio
On Friday August 13
at 7:30 pm the Landmark
Studio for the Arts will
present Karen Vuranch as
famous chef Julia Child.
Ms. Vuranch is an accomplished actor and historical
figure presenter. She will
portray this colorful character in a one woman
show. Dessert tasting will
Food Network fans
are familiar with names
like Rachael Ray, Emeril
or Paula Dean, but Julia
Child preceded them with
her own show in the
1960’s. Her cooking show
was the first of its kind and
she quickly developed a following. She became an
icon of gourmet cooking
and earned the title “The
First Lady of Food.”
Throughout her life, she
suported new efforts in the
culinary world such as the
first academic program in
the culinary arts at Boston
University. Her cookbook,
“Mastering the Art of French
Cooking” co-athored with
two French women has become a classic.
Ms. Vuranch has presented historical figures
many times around the
state and in schools. She
has portrayed of Pearl
Buck, Mother Jones, Mary
Draper Ingles and her own
play “Coal Camp Memories” which she performed
at the Landmark Studio in
the past She is an accomplished actor and story
teller and presents her
characters as if she were
them. Please check her
website for more information on additional performances
Following the performance,
she will have a question
and answer period for
those interested in Julia
Child and in how the character was researched.
All food lovers, cooks
and dessert mavens will
find Julia Child’s history
fascinating and the after
show dessert tasting fun.
All cooks are invited to
bring a dessert for tasting
and a chance to win first
or second prize ( a $50 and
$20 value). Upon purchasing a ticket, audience
members will be given a
ballot and a ticket for a free
taste. Other taste tickets
will be sold separately.
The winning dessert will
be selected by audience
popular vote.
The Landmark Studio
is a not for profit community theater and art center
on Main Street Sutton. It
is part of Sutton’s historic
downtown area. Tickets
will be sold at the door for
$10 adults, $8 seniors and
$6 students. Your ticket
includes the ballot and one
“Taste”. For additional information please check
or call (304) 644-3166.
Advertising space available
at BCHS Football Field
The Braxton County
High School Athletic Department has some open
spots for Advertisement on
the Braxton County High
School Football Field. The
signs at the field cost
$200.00 for the first year.
After the first year the payment will be $100.00 to renew the sign advertisement. This donation will
support the athletes of all
sports by paying for uni-
forms, buses, equipment
and etc. “We would like to
encourage all business (big
and small) in the County to
advertise their business
and support our athletes
that play their hearts out
for the county.”
Anyone with questions should call Lynn or
Shelly Stalnaker at 304765-2355 home.
Sign renewals are
due August 20, 2010.
Citizens’ News... the Newspaper
that brings you the
Happenings of Braxton County
First & Factually
Not just reprints from other newspapers... but real news
including • Sports • County & City Governments • Civic
Organizations • Editorials • Exclusive Columns
• Letters to the Editor and much more...
Still the best 254 bargain you’ll find!
Q New! 12x45 • two stateroom, beauƟful ...............
Q New! 12x35 • roomy with lots of extras ...............
Q Dealer Demo! Aqua Lodge • 12x43 ...................... 64,500
Q Bargain! 1974 Gibson Cabin Yacht
• 36', good condiƟon............................................. $15,000
Boats are located at
beauƟful SuƩon Lake
or can be relocated.
Page 4 August 10, 2010
With Deepest
Dayle Lester Marks
Dayle Lester Marks
departed this life on July
30, 2010 after a long illness. She was born on
February 3, 1937.
She was preceded in
death by her parents
Lawrence and Lillie
Farley Lester, brothers
Edward, Garland and Bill
Lester and sister Ina
She is survived by
husband John Marks of
Pennsboro, WV; three
daughters Brenda and
Bob Wayne of Exchange,
Linda Minor of Exchange
and Rhonda Marks of
Weston; son James
Derosette; brother Junior
Parkersburg; sisters Lou
Laura Harmon of Oak
City, TN; two adopted
children Criss Marks
and Sarah Richards; 8
grandchildren and 8
great grandchildren.
Friends called Mon-
day, August 2, 2010 from
11am to 1pm at the
Hardman Paletti Funeral
Home, Weston and funeral service was 1pm
with Mitch Richards officiating. Burial followed
at Weston.
Wilfred W. “Peck”
“Peck” Allen, 92,
of Frametown,
died August 4,
2010 at Braxton County
He was born December 21, 1917 a son of the
late Wirt and Margaret
Peck was retired
from Libby-Owens Ford
Company, Kanawha City.
He was an Army veteran
of WWII where he was a
P.O.W. and was a
Jehovah’s Witness.
He was preceded in
death by wife, Regina
“Toots” Allen.
He is survived by
Sunday - Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Call in orders accepted
More than 24 Flavors of ice
cream!! Stop in and try them all!
Custartd Stand Hot Dog Chili available in 1 lb, 3lb & 5 lb
tubs. Visit our website www.custardstand.com for menu
or more information. We accept Credit Cards!!
Funeral Home Chapel,
600 Old Fort Street, Cedar Grove.
In lieu of flowers,
Memorial Contributions
may be made to the family in care of Cooke Funeral Home, P.O. Box C,
Cedar Grove, WV 250390643.
Condolences may be
sent to the family via
Home & Crematorium
Cedar Grove is in charge
of arrangements.
daughter and son-in-law,
Carla and Harold Gandee
of Charleston; grandsons, Harold Gandee II
and wife Kathy of
Charleston and Richard
Christie of Charleston;
brothers, Forrest Allen of
Frametown and Travis
Allen of Summersville;
sister, Treva Spellman
of Arizona; four great
Richard William “Bill”
Service was Noon
Richard WillSaturday, August 7 at
Richard M. Roach FuHardway, 81, of
neral Home, Gassaway
Gassaway died
with Speaker Gene
H a m i l t o n o f f i c i a t i n g . August 5, 2010, at CAMC
Burial was in the Allen
Friends called one
The Burnsville Comhour prior to the service
munity Educational Outat the funeral home.
reach Service Club met
July 14, 2010 with Elsie
James Otis “Jimmy”
Pritt as their hostess.
James Otis “Jimmy” P r e s i d e n t
Landers, 56, of Braxton N i c h o l s o n c a l l e d t h e
County, formerly of meeting to order with
Kanawha County, passed roll call and flag pledge
away August 5, 2010, at led by Betty Carson.
For devotion, BarCAMC Memorial Hospital
after an ongoing illness. bara Bragg read poems
He was preceded in entitled “Make Your Day
death by his parents, Bright-By
T r e s s i e Right” and “Look on The
Sunny Side” by Helen
Jimmy is survived Steiner Rice.
by his daughter, Renae
Dawn and husband, minutes from June
Chris Whitlock; special meeting and treasurer
A l i c e reported on the good of
Raines; and three amaz- the club. Bills presented
grandchildren, to the treasurer were
a n d paid.
Several folks in the
Aiden. He also leaves behind brothers, David Lee area were reported sick
J e f f and cards were sent.
County Council will
Landers; sister-in-law,
K a r e n L a n d e r s ; n e p h - meet August third, 10
e w s , M i c h a e l A l l e n , am at the Century Inn
Brian, and Jeremy; and in Sutton.
Beverley Monroe
niece, Cindy Gail.
Visitation was from w i l l b e t h e r e a d i n g
6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Au- chairperson.
Some members will
gust 9, 2010, at Cooke
be working the exhibit
building at the fair.
Snacks were delivered to the Veterans doctor office in Flatwoods.
Braxton CEOS clubs are
providing these items on
a monthly basis, also
backpacks to Department of Health and Human Resources
Braxton County, WV
Teays Valley Hospital,
He was born July 29,
1929, in Frametown and
was a son of the late Roy
L. and Erma J. Keener
Bill was a former
member of the Gassaway
Lions Club. He was an
Air Force veteran of
WWII. He was one of the
founders of the Gassaway
VFW Chapter, of which
he was an officer for 40
D o l o r e s J. Dennison
Hardway; son and daughter-in-law, Rodney and
Dessie Hardway of Eleanor;
grandson, Casey Hardway
of Nitro; granddaughter,
Amanda Metzger of S t .
Albans; two great-grand-
children, Maddie and
Harrison; and brother,
Bob Hardway of Akron.
Service was 3:30
p.m. Sunday, August 8,
at the Richard M. Roach
Gassaway, with Pastor
Bob Moore officiating.
Burial with full military
rites was in Sugar Creek
Cemetery, Gassaway.
Friends called from
12:30 p.m. till time of service.
In lieu of flowers, the
family request that memorial donations be made to
the Parkinson’s Disease
Foundation, a research, education and advocacy for
Parkinson’s disease, 1359
Broadway, Suite 1509, New
York, NY 10018, www.pdf.org,
Burnsville CEOS Club meets
Marbie Tonkin led
the lesson this month on
“Soul Care for Seniors”.
All participated.
Ami Cook won the
hostess gift and Marbie
Tonkin said grace and
lunch was served to the
Bragg, Betty Carson,
Jeannette Dean, Shirley
Kelley, June Knight,
Beverley Monroe, Shirley
Nicholson, Elsie Pritt,
Riffle reunion held
Five generations of the Riffle family pose for picture at
the reunion this past month.
At a family reunion on
July 4, Sadie (Riffle) Barker
(91 years old) of Copen, West
Virginia, enjoyed spending
time with the rest of her five
generations. They are as fol-
Dog Tales: A
The Braxton Co. Animal Shelter will be closed
for staff vacation from Aug.
21-30. Any animal currently at the shelter who is
not reclaimed or placed by
this date may need to be
euthanized. We implore
anyone who recognizes
these dogs or has an interest in providing them a
home to contact the shelter as soon as possible.
The stories that appear
here are a few of our adoptable pets. Come by the
shelter to meet all of our
animals Mon-Fri 12-3 and
Sat. 10-3 or Sunday by appointment. Please call the
shelter for additional information at 765-2200 .
Check out our entire list
of animals online at
petfinder.com by entering
a search for “dogs” at
Sutton, WV 26601
PATCHES: Patches is
an adult old English sheepdog, who was turned in by
an owner who stated he
was no longer able to provide for his care. Patches
has been an outdoor dog.
He is described as calm,
friendly, and good with children and other animals.
On arrival, his coat showed
the effects of his time outdoors. A local groomer donated time to try to untangle the hair. But unfortunately a clean shave was
all that could be accomplished. While he’s a bit
odd-looking right now, his
face clearly shows both his
breed and personality. And
Marbie Tonkin, Maxine
Waldeck, guest Andrea
Tonkin and county agent
Ami Cook.
There will be no
meeting in August and
we will be going to
Ryan’s in Bridgeport for
Next meeting of the
Burnsville CEOS club
will be on September
eighth, 2010, at 10am in
Burnsville with Barbara
Bragg, Hostess.
lows, son Ray Riffle, grandson
Dale Riffle, his daughter
Crystal (Riffle) Hull and her
son Logan Hull, all from
Dandridge, Tennessee. A
great time was had by all.
Community Plea
he is definitely feeling better in this heat and humidity.
He is reported to be
5-6 years old and weighs
about 50#. Please refer to
shelter #8-10-D008
COPPER: Copper is a
happy little mixbreed dog
that looks like he could use
a friend. Found in the company of an adult Great
Dane, he was brought to
the shelter as a stray from
the Crites Mountain area.
He is underweight, but otherwise appears healthy
and active. He does not
appear to have had the benefit of much training, but
he is incredibly eager to
please and desperate to attach to a family. He presently weighs about 40#
and is estimated to be 8
months old. Please refer to
shelter #7-10-D073
NELSON: Nelson is a
beautiful brindle mixbreed
recently arrived at the
shelter as a stray from the
Bear Run area. He was
with an adult male beagle,
who is also at the shelter
looking for a home.
much is known about his
background. But he appears to be healthy and so-
cial. His estimated age is
3 years and his weight is
about 55#. Please refer to
shelter #8-10-D010
MEL: Mel is a special
young Chihuahua/Boston
terrier mix that has had a
series of recent ups and
downs in his life. He is a
survivor of Parvo virus. He
is now considered fully recovered and no special precautions are needed. He is
very loving and playful. At
four months of age and
weighing only 5#, he is the
perfect size for someone
looking for a small, indoor
lap dog. Please refer to
shelter #7-10-D033
MASON: Mason may
be one of the biggest puppies we have ever seen.
He was found as a stray on
the streets of Sutton and
brought to the shelter.
Not much is known about
his background or pedigree. He appears to be only
8 weeks old, and is current weight is 25#. His
anticipated adult weight is
125#. Interested adoptive
families should be prepared
to manage the size and
needs of this large breed
animal. But we think he
is a great investment of
time and resources!
Please refer to shelter #810-D006
Braxton County, WV
Senior Citizens’ Menu:
Braxton County Nutrition Program is funded
through the bureau of Senior Services utilizing III
C Federal and State Funds
and donations from the public. Meals are served daily
from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
at the Braxton County Senior Center at 33 Senior
Center Drive in Sutton,
WV. There is no discrimination in the services
sponsored by the Senior
Citizens Center, Inc., regardless of race, creed, sex,
handicap or national origin.
Cheeseburger w/Bun, Lettuce/Tomato/Onion,
Macaroni Salad, Fruit
Browns, Warm Cinnamon
Apples, Biscuit/Orange
T o m a t o
Soup w/Cheddar Cheese,
Pepperoni Rolls, Mandarin
Oranges, Whole Wheat
Thurs. BCSCC Annual Picnic, BBQ Chicken,
Covered Dish, Ice Tea/
Lemonade/ Milk
Sauerkraut w/Wieners,
Carrots, Fruit, Corn Bread
BCSCC serves milk
and butter with each meal.
All menus are subject
to change based on vendor/
food availability.
Braxton County
Twelve Step Meetings, 1-304-765-2616:
Monday – Alcoholics
Anonymous- Big Book-7:
30 pm, Monday at noon;
Alcoholics anonymous step
Tuesday – Narcotics
Anonymous – Open Discussion at noon; Narcotics
Anonymous – step study at
Wednesday – Narcotics Anonymous—Open discussion noon: Alcoholics
Anonymous – Twelve Steps
and Twelve Traditions at
Thursday – Alcoholics
Anonymous – Beginners
meeting at noon; Relapse
prevention to be held at
2:00 pm
Friday – narcotics
Anonymous – Open discussion to begin at 7:30 pm
Saturday – Alcoholics
anonymous – Open discussion to begin at 7:30 pm
First Saturday of every month – speakers
meeting to begin at 7:30
Daily meditation –
Monday through Friday at
9:00 am
Executive Board
Workforce Investment “Executive” Board will meet
Thursday, August 12, 2010
from 10:30 am to 11:30am
at the Region VI Workforce
Investment Board Office,
17 Middletown Road, White
Hall, WV. For more information about the meeting,
contact Barbara J. DeMary
at (304) 368-9530.
Memorial Service:
There will be a memorial service for Carmel M.
Johnson at Johnson’s
Campground on Sunday,
August 22, at 2 pm to dedicate the Herold Bridge over
Birch River in his honor.
For more information call
Bill Johnson at 765-5077.
The Cottrell/Cottrill
Families and descendants
will hold their reunion on
Saturday, August 14th, 10
am till ? at the Gassaway
Fire House. Bring a covered dish, something for
the white elephant sale.
Enjoy the day with family
and friends. Everyone welcome.
Burnsville Public Utility
Board Public Meeting:
The Burnsville Public
Utility Board is urging all
residents in the Orlando
area to attend an upcoming public meeting August
14, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at the
Orlando Baptist Church.
The purpose of the meeting is to receive feedback
from the Orlando community concerning a proposed
waterline extension to the
area. User agreements,
questions, and comments
will be discussed at this
time. Refreshments will
also be served. For questions call 853-2516.
BCARSE, Special
Session, Thursday,
August 12, 10:30:
The Braxton County
Association of Retired
School Employees extends
an invitation to all senior
citizens to attend the August 12 meeting at the Senior Center. You do not
need to be a BCARSE member to participate in this
special session, which will
begin at 10:30. AARP
Miller, Ruth Wagner and
Linda Bunn will present
program dealing
with the new healthcare
legislation and what it
means to senior citizens.
It will be an excellent
chance to receive information and get answers to any
questions you may have.
SBC 9th Annual
Community Block Party:
The people of our community are very important
to us here at Sutton Baptist Church. In fact you are
one of the main reasons we
are here. Because we care
about you, we are excited
to extend a personal invitation for everyone to join
us for our 9th Annual Community Block Party on Saturday, August 21st! We will
be blocking off 6th Street in
Sutton from 5:00 to 8:00
pm for an evening of fun
and refreshments for all
ages! There will be lots of
activities, games and
prizes including a Bounce
House, Slide, Face Painting, Cakewalk, Balloon
Darts, Coin toss and many
games. Concessions are
free and will include hot
dogs, nachos, cotton candy,
popcorn, funnel cakes,
drinks and more. We will
give away free school supplies to the first 150 kids!
There will be live music
featuring local favorites.
The best part is that everything is free! However, if
you would like to make a
donation, please bring a
can of food to be distributed
through our Care Closet
food pantry to help folks
from our community.
Sutton Baptist Church:
“Where Each One Matters!”
In case of inclement
weather some activities
may be moved indoors. For
more information call 7655811 or 765-5442.
Exchange/ Cedar Creek
Waterline Association
The Exchange/Cedar
Creek Waterline Association will have its regularly
scheduled meeting on August 12, 2010. The meeting will be at the Cutlipville
church at 7:00 P.M.
We will be discussing
our next bake sale location,
time and preparations. We
also have a copy of the
aerial map, which shows
where the waterline will be
going for our project. Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting. Also, for
those who have not paid
their $50.00 deposit, it is
required to do so before a
water meter can be set at
your property location.
Therefore please come to
the meeting or contact one
of the Association’s officers
to make these arrangements. If someone cannot
afford the entire amount at
one time, we will work
with you to help you. See
you at the meeting and
bring a neighbor!
The 12th Annual Little
Birch Day Celebration:
Little Birch Day will
be at the Robert Flint Field
in Sutton this year, August
14th, 2010. We are getting
a beautiful new school at
Little Birch and it is under
construction. Get your
dogs groomed for the Dog
Pageant. For info 304-7655069. We are also having
a Karaoke contest. We can
accept 10 contestants.
Deadline to enter is July
30th. We will award a cash
prize. Call 304-765-2474.
Sound by The Kowboyz.
WV Birth to Three:
All children grow and
learn at their own pace. But
some children may have
delays in their development or trouble learning
certain skills. Do you know
of a child, age birth to
three, whose development
is just not on track? If so,
the WV Birth to Three system of early intervention
services wants to help.
There are no income
guidelines and anyone, including a concerned parent, can make a referral to
this statewide System.
Pleas call WV Birth to
Three at 1-866-321-4728
for more information. We
want to help.
Make a Splash:
Join the Summer
Reading Program at Sutton
Public Library. Children of
all ages are welcome to join
the program at any time
throughout the summer.
Stop by the library during
their new hours. Monday –
Wednesday., & Thursday –
Elmira Baptist
Christian Academy
The Elmira Baptist
Christian Academy is now
enrolling for the 2010-2011
School Year. All grades K12, very affordable. If you
are interested please call
us at 304-364-9011.
53rd Aaron McCord
The 53 rd annual
Aaron McCord reunion is
set for August 15, 2010 at
the River Front Park,
Buckhannon, WV. A
church service will be at
10:00 am with lunch at
12:00 pm.
BCHS Class of 1970
The BCHS Class of
1970 will be holding their
40th class reunion on Friday evening, Sept. 3 and
Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010. For
information please call
Betty Jo (Lloyd) Davis 7652737, Donald Burroughs
(304) 765-7030 or Victor
Berry (304)765-5281.
BCHS Class of 1980
The BCHS Class of
1980 is planning their 30year reunion on September
4, 2010 at the Days Inn,
Flatwoods. Reservations are
needed to confirm dinner
arrangements. Please mail
in your reservations to
Starla Rhodes Jarrell by July
31 if at all possible, but no
later than August 15. If you
have any questions, please
contact Starla at (304) 3645600 or Cheryl Jack
(304) 765-3221.
Burnsville Harvest
Festival Annual Pageant:
The Burnsville Harvest Festival will hold its
annual beauty pageant on
Friday September 17,
2010. Pageant rehearsal will
be held on Thursday September 16, 2010 at 5:00. We
will be accepting applications through September 5,
2010. Age categories are
Tiny Tot ages0- 3, Tot ages
4-5, Little Miss 6-8, Miniature Miss ages 9-10, Junior
Miss ages 11-12, Teen ages
13-15, Queen ages 1621. Entry fee for ages 0-12
will be $50, for ages 13-15
will be $65, for ages 16-21
the entry fee will be
$75. Please
Suzanne Wine for an application at 853-2983 or 6783478. You may also pick up
an application at the
Burnsville Town Hall.
Hill Reunion:
The 100th anniversary
of the Thomas and Belinda
(Sinnett) Hill reunion will
be held on August 15, 2010
at the late G.W. (Jack) Hill
Farm. This is located at
Mahone WV of Mahone Road
in Ritchie Co., WV. Mahone
Rd. is located 9 miles south
of Harrisville, WV on Rt. 16
or 3 miles north of
Smithville, WV on Rt. 16.
Follow the signs and bring
lawn chairs, pictures, and
updates of family history,
birth dates and marriages.
Bring a covered dish and
dinner will be held around
12:30pm. President Clem
Simmons, please E-mail
These are the descendants
of Stephen Hill and Elizabeth Iams from Green Co.,
PA, also Patrick and
Kathrine (Hefner) Sinnett
from Pendleton Co., VA
Pleasant Hill song and
praise service:
A song and praise service will be at the Pleasant
Hill United Methodist
church near Exchange on
August 14th at 7:00 pm featuring Dennis Shaver and
“The Break-a-Ways”. Everyone welcome to come Pastor Alvie R. Loyd
The descendants of
Joseph Quickle and Jasper
Jenkins are having a reunion on August 21, 2010 at
Bee Run, Sutton, WV. For
more information call (724)
Copen School Reunion:
Copen School Reunion
will be held September 4th
starting at 10::00AM. As
usual bring a covered dish
and your own lawn chair.
We’re all getting older so it’s
time to get together and
have a day of fellowship and
meet someone new. Every
year someone new attends
and every year we lose
someone. Life and time is
precious. So come and
spend the day. Info: 8532396
Sigler School
The 7th Annual Homecoming for the old Sigler
School on upper Little Birch
will be held on August 14,
2010 at 10:00 AM at the
Little Birch Southern Baptist Church, one mile south
of the Little Birch Post Office on old Rt. 19. Come on
out and bring a covered dish
of your choice and spend
some time with old school
friends. Everyone welcome.
Long Run Baptist Church
Homecoming and
Sunday, September
12, 2010 the Long Run Baptist Church at Canfield will
have their annual homecoming plus we will be celebrating the 125th anniversary of the church.
We invited everyone to
come and share memories,
meet new friends as well as
old friends. Lunch will be
served at 12:00 noon and
special singing by the
Strings of Faith singers; a
display of pictures will be
displayed of interest. Everyone is welcome to come,
enjoy the fellowship and
share your past memories
Please turn to CALENDAR
page 8
9th Annual Community
Block Party
Saturday, August 21st
5:00 to 8:00 pm
506 Main Street, Sutton
“Everyone is invited!”
Lots of fun carnival games, activities, and prizes!
Bounce House, Slide, Face Painting, Coin Toss,
Balloon Darts, Cake Walk, and lots more.
Craig’s Satellite
190 Main Street, Sutton, West
Virginia 26601 • 765-3746
Free Hotdogs, Cotton Candy, Nachos, Funnel
Cakes, Popcorn, Drinks, and more!
Live music featuring local talent!!
Free School Supplies for the first 150 kids!
Treated right in our Eye Center!
Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D.
August 10, 2010 Page 5
Eye Center
"The finest care in sight"
Everything is free!
If you want to make a donation, bring a can of
food for our community food pantry.
Sutton Baptist Church
“Where Each One Matters!”
Page 6 August 10, 2010
I hope
this finds all
of you well
and enjoying
these warm
days. School
and fall are
just around the corner. My
how time flies!!
By now everyone has
heard about the investigation
of WVU. I sincerely hope
there are no serious penalties and that the corrections
that have been made will help
to prevent any further issues
with our football program.
West Virginia loves our
Mountaineer’s and we are
looking forward to a successful season!! With the opening
game just a few weeks away,
I hope we can get this investigation behind us and play
In last week’s edition of
this paper, the article about
the earthquakes and injection mining was very inter-
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice or nutmeg
8 ounces ground beef or
ground veal
8 ounces ground pork or
ground lamb
1 tablespoon butter or
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons instant beef
bouillon granules
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups milk
3 cups hot cooked
Snipped fresh parsley
1. In a large bowl combine egg and the 1/4 cup
milk. Stir in bread crumbs,
onion, the 1/4 cup parsley,
Robinson, Pamela Lockhart
Schrader, Beverly Huffman
August 15th-Abby Hall,
Katie Hall, Gary Allen
Rexroad, Tyler Boggs
August 16th-Ann Marie
Ramsey, Lindsay Grindo
Happy Birthday to all of
Please keep the following friends and neighbors in
your prayers; Bernice Moyers,
Taylor Chenoweth, Joe
Smarr, Jean Wilson, June
Agostino, Draiegen Rodriguez,
Rick Rose, Jeff Agee, Gerald
Burrows, Jimmy Stout, Van
and Judy Dennison, Debra
Schwab, Brenda Hall, Linda
Carter, Glenn Long, Susan
start with
Petted and Tammie Gay.
good news
This week’s recipe is for
this week. I
Swedish Meatballs
found this
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup milk
“Just leave
3/4 cup soft bread
it up to
crumbs (1 slice)
Google to
1/2 cup finely chopped
come up with something like
onion (1 medium)
1/4 cup snipped fresh
“Here’s a number worth
putting in your cell phone, or
1/4 teaspoon black pepyour home phone speed dial:
1-800-goog411(1-800-4664411). This is an awesome
service from Google, and it’s
free — great when you are
driving on the road with no
pen, pencil or paper handy.
Don’t waste your money on
information calls and don’t
waste your time manually
dialing the number. I am
driving along in my car and I
need to call the Bike Shop
and I don’t know the number.
Years to Come!
I hit the speed dial for information that I have programmed.
“The voice at the other
end says, ‘City & State.’ I say,
esting. I believe it makes
sense that this type of mining would cause the earthquakes. I look forward to reading more on the subject.
Ryan’s wedding is less
than a week away now. It is
very hard for me to believe
that my little boy is all grown
up. We are looking forward to
the wedding and praying for
great weather.
Birthdays this week
Cottrill, Alan Boggs, Molly
Moore, Travis Alward
August 11th-Lucille
Bowman, Jim Jackson, Melissa Rhodes, Anna Lee Carr,
Noel “Skeeter” Pletcher,
Luella Gunter, Evan Pierce
Baker, Mike Duty, Tyler
Jackson, Daniel Jones,
Michael Lemon, Rebecca Jordan Wilcox
August 13th-Stephen
Michael LeBlanc, Lee Cooke,
Seth Adams, Jeff Singleton
Memory Catchers
Photography by Erica Whitney
Indoor • Outdoor • On Location
Seniors • Families • Weddings • Sports
Capturing Your Memories for
Braxton County, WV
Call today to set up an appointment!
the 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and
allspice. Add beef and pork.
Mix well. Shape into 30 meatballs.
2. In a large skillet cook
half the meatballs at a time
in hot butter over medium
heat about 10 minutes or
until done (an instant-read
thermometer inserted into
meatballs should register 160
degrees F), turning to brown
evenly. Remove meatballs
from skillet, reserving drippings; drain meatballs on
paper towels. Measure 2
tablespoons drippings; if
necessary, add cooking oil
to make the 2 tablespoons.
3. Stir flour, bouillon
granules, and the 1/8 teaspoon pepper into drippings.
Gradually stir in the 2 cups
milk. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened
‘Virginia Beach, Virginia.’ He
says, ‘Business, Name or
Type of Service.’ I say, ‘Fat
Frogs Bike Shop.’ He says,
‘Connecting,’ and Fat Frogs
Bike Shop answers the
“How great is that? This
is nationwide and it is absolutely free!” Author Unknown.
Paul Crutchfield and
Rose want to thank all of their
family, friends, neighbors,
and classmates for the cards,
calls, food, visits and all the
ways you have helped. “What
good neighbors and friends we
have!” Paul said.
Martha Brown Taylor
called to let me know that her
brother, Gale Brown, is in
Ruby Hospital and will be
there several days. They
would appreciate your prayers
for him. He is in the Critical
Care Unit. Please, everyone,
pray for him every day.
William Jones said to
tell everyone “hello” and to let
them know he doesn’t need
any chemo at the present
Sam Lantz called to tell
A Better Way
At the New UHC . . .
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – a detailed
picture of the inside of the body – is the most modern
technology available for accuracy and patient comfort.
The new fixed system provides a larger opening for the
patient and is significantly quieter. MRI can be used to
image the entire body, including the breasts and the
heart, without exposing the patient to radiation. Two
64-Slice CT Scanners provide faster, more accurate
multiple cross-sectional images of the body and more
convenient scheduling for patients. The most advanced
diagnostic services available in the region are the
easiest to access – at the New UHC!
[ A Tour of The New UHC ]
For More Information About
Physicians and Services
Member West Virginia United Health System
Saturday, September 11 • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday, September 12 • Noon - 4 p.m.
The tour is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes,
comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
The Cycle Of Nature. The sun comes up and goes
down to come up again. Rivers flow to the sea, the
water evaporates and forms clouds that move over the
land. Rain falls and fills the rivers, which flow to the
sea, and on and on. An acorn falls to the forest
floor, sprouts and produces an oak tree, that produces more acorns, and the cycle is repeated again
and again.
The Vanity Of Life. We come into this world,
live for a time, suffer trial and tribulation, disappointment and sorrow, we die, another generation
comes along and the whole cycle begins again. Is this
all there is to life…..just a series of endless cycles that
go on and on? What is the purpose of life? Is there
really any meaning to life? I recall a man who had
suffered much in his life, and on his sixty-fifth birthday, he made the statement: “If I had my life to live
over, knowing it was going to be as it had been, I’d
rather not live it.”
The Search For Meaning. The book of Ecclesiastes
in the Old Testament records Solomon’s search for the
meaning of life. With his wisdom, power and riches as
king of Israel, he tried it all. “And whatsoever mine
eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my
heart from any joy…” (Eccl. 2:10). “Then I looked on
all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the
labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all
was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no
profit under the sun.” (Eccl. 2:11).
A Better Way. About one thousand years later,
another wise man, one greater than Solomon,
taught that there is only two ways to live this life.
One is a broad way which leads to disappointment
and destruction, the other is a narrow way which
leads to liberty and life (Matt. 7:13-14). Multitudes
travel the broad way, but few find the narrow.
Freedom To Choose. You and I have been
given the freedom to choose the way we will travel
this life, and thus the freedom to choose our eternal destination. It’s not an easy choice to make,
because “There is a way that seemeth right unto a
man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prov.
14:12). “All the ways of a man are clean in his own
eyes (Prov 16:2).
The Teaching Of Jesus. Much of the teaching of
Jesus doesn’t make sense from a human standpoint.
We must Lose in order to Gain: “For whosoever will save
his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for
my sake shall find it (Matt 16:25). We must Give in order to Obtain: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good
measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38). We must Die in order to Live:
“For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him
(2 Tim. 2:11).
Jesus Is The Way. Whether we understand it
or not, Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE
life. No one comes to the Father but by Him (John
Steer Creek Church of Christ
3466 Rosedale Road, Stumptown WV 25267
Minister: Gene H Miller
3281 Rosedale Road, Shock WV 26638-8410.
Phone: 304 462-0384
Web Site: steercreekchurchofchrist.org
and bubbly. Cook and stir for
1 minute more. Return
meatballs to skillet. Heat
through. Serve over noodles.
If desired, sprinkle with additional snipped parsley.
4. Makes 5 or 6 servings
If you have news or a
recipe you would like to
share, please call me at
364-4615 or email me at
Sympathy is extended
to the families of James
Otis “Jimmy” Landers, Richard William Hardway,
and Wilfred W Allen. Please
keep them in your prayers.
“Oh, the summer night,
Has a smile of light, And she
sits on a sapphire throne.” Barry Cornwall
Until next week, take
care and God Bless!
me the sad news that Judy
Buckhannon, sister to Sam
and Russell, died August 5th.
Her husband, Marty, died in
the Sago mine disaster. She
is survived by one son, Russell
Martin and his wife Bobbie Jo.
I extend my deepest sympathy to her sisters and brothers and other relatives and
All of this sadness calls
for prayer. The following is a
story that says what I have
told people when they say
they don’t know HOW to pray:
A woman’s daughter
had asked the local minister
to come and pray with her
mother. When the minister
arrived, he found the woman
lying in bed with her head
propped up on two pillows. An
empty chair sat beside her
bed. The minister assumed
that the woman had been informed of his visit. “I guess you
were expecting me,” he said.
“No, who are you?” said the
The minister told her
his name and then remarked, “I saw the empty
chair and I figured you knew
I was going to show up,”
“Oh yeah, the chair,”
said the bedridden woman.
“Would you mind closing the
door?” Puzzled, the minister
shut the door. “I have never
told anyone this, not even my
daughter,” said the woman.
“But all of my life I have never
known how to pray. At church
I used to hear the pastor talk
about prayer, but it went right
over my head. I abandoned
any attempt at prayer,” the old
woman continued, “Until
one day four years ago
when my best friend said
to me, ‘Prayer is just a
simple matter of having a
conversation with Jesus.
Here is what I suggest. Sit
down in a chair; place an
empty chair in front of you,
and in faith see Jesus on the
chair. It’s not spooky because
He promised, ‘I will be with
you always.’ Then just speak
to him in the same way you’re
doing with me right now.”
“So, I tried it and I’ve
liked it so much that I do it a
couple of hours every day. I’m
careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an
empty chair, she’d either
have a nervous breakdown or
send me off to the funny
The minister was
deeply moved by the story and
encouraged the old woman to
continue on the journey.
Then he prayed with her,
anointed her with oil, and returned to the church.
Two nights later the
daughter called to tell the
minister that her mama had
died that afternoon.
“Did she die in peace?”
he asked. “Yes, when I left
the house about two o’clock,
she called me over to her bedside, told me she loved me and
kissed me on the cheek.
When I got back from the
store an hour later, I found
her. But there was something
strange about her death. Apparently, just before Mom
died, she leaned over and
rested her head on the chair
beside the bed. What do you
make of that?”
The minister wiped a
tear from his eye and said, “I
wish we could all go like that.”
Prayer is one of the best
free gifts we receive. Talk to
Him. He is your best friend.
Braxton County, WV
mestic battery, guilty
plea, assessed court
costs, in jail 8 months,
credit for time served,
restitution pending, destruction of property, dismissed per plea agreement among parties.
Aug. 3:
paid; John Michael
Maher of Charlestonspeeding, paid
Aug. 4:
Melvin Plum Jr. of Ohioobstructing/resisting an
officer, two counts;
Ronda Dee Cosby of PAspeeding, paid; Laura E.
Bentley of Huntingtonspeeding, paid; Gary D.
Humbert of PA-speeding,
paid; William C. Martin of
Sutton-no proof of insur-
missed, valid proof
shown; Cody S. Grounds
of Frametown-speeding,
paid; Nelson R. Bollinger
of Frametown-worthless
check, Braxton Farm
Supply, inactive status;
sion less than 15 grams; Damen S. Griffith of MDDarren D. Dudley of MI- speeding, paid
speeding, no contest
plea, assessed court
costs and fine
Beth Smith’s Court
Aug. 4:
Aug. 2: William P.
P . N u n e s o f O n t a r i o - Rogers of Duck-expired
speeding paid; Timothy motor vehicle inspection
Carl Bush of Sutton-fugi- less than 90 days, distive from justice, circuit missed, valid proof of incourt jurisdiction; Brad- spection shown, seatbelt
ley Rogers of Sutton-fu- violation, paid; Arthur W.
gitive from justice, cir- Valentine of Clarksburgcuit court jurisdiction; speeding, paid, no insurJ o s h u a H a r r i s o n o f ance, dismissed, valid
Sutton-tampering with proof shown; Terry Eagle
or rendering inoperable of Gassaway-expired opfirefighting equipment; erators; Erin N. Riddick
Forrest of NC-speeding, paid;
Blankenship of Big Bend- Frederick Weagraff of PAconspiracy to commit a speeding, paid; Brandon
felony, two counts, dis- J a m e s T h o m a s o f F L missed by state, no prob- speeding paid; Audrey
able cause found
Aug. 5: Jeffrey Wil- Martinsburg-speeding,
l i a m L i p p e r t o f M D - paid; Thomas W. Roberts
speeding, paid; James o f M A - s p e e d i n g , p a i d ;
Hansell of PA-speeding, Jason C. Fady of PA-fleepaid; John Arthur Dove ing in vehicle while drivof Morgantown-speeding, ing under the influence,
paid; Elizabeth M. Pifer- defendant along with atspeeding, paid
torney waived prelimiAug. 6:
R o b e r t nary hearing, case bound
Stewart of Burnsville-no o v e r t o c i r c u i t c o u r t ;
proof of insurance, dis- Norma Jean Wilson-do-
Larry Clifton’s Court
Aug. 2: Melvin Lee
Conner of Troy-driving
while suspended, payment schedule; Matthew
Gene Pittman of TNspeeding, seatbelt violation, guilty plea, paid;
Piotr T. Mizera of IL-failure to maintain control;
Natasha K. Alexander of
Lawrence Breen of GAspeeding, paid; Charles
Hubert Robey of Suttonfugitive from justice, circuit court jurisdiction,
fleeing on foot, disorderly conduct, obstructing/resisting an officer;
Kerry Darros Riffle of Orlando-possession
marijuana less than 15
grams, guilty plea, assessed court costs and
fine; Melissa Hawkins of
Sutton-domestic battery,
obstructing an officer;
Benjamin Lee Veasey of
Servia-driving under the
influence, first offense,
driving while revoked.
Aug. 3: Brandon
Gum of Sutton-worthless
check, Old Turnpike Grocery, paid; Gretchen
no contest plea, paid;
Stephen T. Mayfield of
Jane Lew-speeding, payment schedule, posses-
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Terry K. Coffman
worthless check, 2
counts, Old Turnpike
Grocery, paid; Kimberly
Ann Siegenthaler of OHdriving under the influence, driving too fast for
road conditions, no contest pleas, assessed
court costs, fine and DUI
Aug. 6:
Charleston-no personal
floatation devices on vessel, paid; Charles William
Charleston-no proof of
insurance, paid; Amy C.
Jordan of Cross Lanesreckless driving; Lorene
I. Nash of Sutton-worthless check, Old Turnpike
Grocery, paid; Belinda
Fay White of Sutton-domestic battery.
Chicken Tenders
on Produce!
Services, Inc.
ance, dismissed, valid
proof of insurance shown
to the court; Retha
Harold of Chloe-speeding, payment schedule;
Amanda Rexroad of Little
Birch-worthless check,
Sutton Floral, paid
Aug. 5: James J.
Baker of OH-speeding,
Stephen Groff of PAspeeding, paid; Lori
Syles of Sutton-driving
with a suspended license, payment schedule; Donald M. Gerau of
Daniels- speeding, paid;
Hurshel Giles Rowan Jr.
of Sutton-no seatbelt in
a commercial motor vehicle, paid; Kevin C.
Sartin of Sutton-speeding, paid; Oscar Charles
Barnette of Walkersville-
More value for the way you live.sm
All articles
must be
recieved by
4 p.m. on
for the
Thank you
~ CN Staff
August 10, 2010 Page 7
up to & Including a face value of
Page 8 August 10, 2010
continued from page 5
of the church and what it
has meant to you.
Church Dinner and Sing
Little Birch Southern
Baptist Church will be having a dinner and sing on
August 13, 2010 at 6:00pm.
Everyone welcome.
Sutton High School
Class of 1961:
We need addresses
for the following: Martha
Barnett, Lenora Brown
Facemire, Douglas Holden,
Ron Ludwig, Lonnie Roby,
William Tinney and Barbara Young.
70’s Group Meeting
The 70’s Group will be
meeting Saturday, August
14, 2010 at 6:30 pm at Pizza
Class of 1967 “Get
Sutton High School
Classmates of 1967 will be
having a “Get Together” on
Saturday, August 14th at
the Bee Run picnic area
around 5 PM. We will be
Everything’s easier with people you know
Community People You Know
It’s easier to get things done with people you know.
having hot dogs and etc.,
and reminiscing about
our days in high school.
We will also be talking
about our reunion in
2012. Please come out
and enjoy the evening
with us, along with your
spouse. Also, any ideas
you may have for our
next reunion that will be
here before you know it.
Braxton Pool
The Braxton Pool Association will have their
Thursday, August 19 th at
7:00 pm at the pool. All
members are encouraged to attend. There
will be elections for officers and trustees.
77 th Annual McCauley
Every year since 1934,
McCauley Run Road in
northern Braxton County
have met and celebrated
their families. This year
w i l l b e t h e 7 7 th s u c h
homecoming. It will be
at the Burnsville Community Building on Sunday,
The doors will open at 10
a.m. Everyone is invited
to bring themselves,
their family, cousins
and, of course, a covered
dish. The plan for the day includes guessing games, a 5050 drawing, election of king
and queen, some family history and the most active
event – a white elephant
auction. Bring a gift for
the auction. A value of
around $10.00 is suggested.
The annual homecoming was started by
William Lee McCauley
and his wife. Lucy Ann
Hinkle McCauley. They
had ten children and
lived on McCauley Run
Road for the inaugural
gathering. The youngest
of their children was
Dena Muriel McCauley
Conrad. She passed
away in 2007 while a
resident of Burnsville.
The first McCauley of
their family line moved
into the Walkersville
area around 1800 which
was a part of Harrison
County because neither
County had been formed.
His name was Dr. James
Jonathan McCally, Sr.
Note the different spelling of the family name.
Dr. McCally was born on
Braxton County, WV
Stirlingshire, Scotland.
The presentation on
family history last year
will be continued this
August 15. In some
cases cousins don’t know
much about other cousins and many have
moved to other states.
There will again be a
special activity to help
cousins learn more
about one another.
The Burnsville Community Building has a large
parking area. It is airconditioned. It is a comfortable location for a
homecoming. Lunch will
be served around one
o’clock to accommodate
Plates, plastic ware,
cups, coffee and soft
drinks will be provided.
Grand Opening of
Goodwin Hall
The Grand Opening of Goodwin Hall,
Glenville State College’s
New Student Housing
Complex, has been
scheduled for 11:00 a.m.
on Thursday, August 19,
2010. Tours of the building and refreshments
will be provided after the
ribbon cutting ceremony. The public is invited to attend. Those
planning to attend are
encouraged to R.S.V.P. to
(304) 462-4122.
CollinsFacemire reunion will be
Saturday, August 21,
2010 from 10am to
4:30pm at Camp Holly
Gray Park. Bring a covered dish and something
for the auction. Paper
plates and plastics will
be furnished. Bring any
pictures you would like to
share and gifts. Also
there will be games during the day. Any questions call 1-703-754-
6703, Hope to see you
Summer Reading
The Sutton Public Library will have the grand
finale of their summer
reading program on
Thursday, August 12 th .
The theme for the summer was Make a Splash.
The final project will be
an “ocean in a bottle”.
Stop by the library on
Aug. 12 th between 12:00
– 2:00. Be sure to bring
the list of books you read
during the summer to
enter your name in the
drawing for prizes. The
fun will continue with a
pool party at the Braxton
County Pool in Sutton
form 6:00 - 8:00 Thursday evening. Everyone is
invited to the pool party.
Flatwoods Fall
Festival seeks
Don’t miss the opportunity for a fun day by
participating as a vendor
or setting up a yard sale
booth during Flatwoods
Fall Festival. Details are
as follows: Flatwoods
Festival Vendors and
Yard Sale Booths, Saturday, September 11, 2010
from 10:00 am to 8:00
pm, located in the field
across from StockertSizemore Funeral Home
and Doctor Lane. The
cost is @25.00 per space
for non-electric and
$30.00 for electric hookup. (Need to have own
tables). Must preregister
prior to 8/28/2010 with
a $25.00 deposit. Refund
of $5.00 will be given Saturday to non-electric
vendors. If you are interested in participation as
an arts and crafts or food
vendor or setting up a
yard sale booth, please
contact 765-5961 or 7657235 for a registration
August 18 – First Day for Teachers
August 23 – First Day for Students in
Grades 1-12
August 24 – First Day for Students in
August 31 – First Day for Students in
Pre-Kindergarten and Headstart
September 3 – Early Out
September 6 – Labor Day (Holiday)
October 11 – Instructional Support/
Parent-Teacher Day
November 1 – Early Out
November 2 – General Election
November 11 – Veterans Day (Holiday)
November 22-26 – Thanksgiving
Break for Students
December 23 – Instructional Support &
Enhancement Day
Dec. 23-Dec 31 – Christmas Break for
Students/New Years (Holiday)
January 13 – Early Out
January 14 – Continuing Education
(No School for Students)
January 17 – Martin Luther King Day
February 21 – Instructional Support /
Parent-Teacher Day (Elementary)
March 18 – Early Out
April 11-15 – Spring Break
April 22 – Instruction Support/Parent
Teacher Day (BCMS/BCHS)
May 6 – Early Out
May 30 – Memorial Day (Holiday)
May 31 – Curriculum Development (No
School for Students)
June 1 – Last Day for Students
June 1 – Instructional Support &
Enhancement Day
June 10 – Last Day for Teachers
*Note: If schools are closed during
the winter due to inclement weather, any
non-instructional day (excluding holidays,
election day) after March 1 will be
rescheduled as instructional days to meet
the requirement of 180 days of instruction.
Page 9
August 10, 2010
A Special Look
at Braxton County
Braxton Fairs and Festivals 2010
A Photographic Look
Page 10 August 10, 2010
Braxton County, WV
Back to school inf
ormation ffor
or your students
Frametown ElemenBCMS/BCHS 7:55
Heaters 6:55
fice/Little Birch Road 7:02 7:05
Bus #77—— BCHS/
Little Birch School tary 7:25
Falls Mill 7:05
Little Birch School
Bus #71—— .2 mi. up
Bus #93——— Mouth BCMS 6:15
Wolf Pen off Copen Road
Keener Residence, .75
Extra Duty Contract
of Big Bull Run 6:55
Locust Estates 7:30
# 2 1 — — mi. on Rt. 40 6:50
Robert Stump, Opera- Run Dean Drive 6:25
IGA/Braxton Health
Russell Hosey, OperaChris Staley, OperaActivity
R u n Department 7:36
Mitchell’s, Belfont 6:45
tor Right Fork of Right Hand tor Mouth of Wine hollow
(Evening) Vernon Drive,
Steve Nicholas, Op- tor Staley’s, Rt. 42 7:00
Sutton Elementary
Fork 7:00
Strange Creek Railerator Hartley’s 6:50
Copen Post Office – Rt. 15 Junction 6:35
Hughes, 1.1 mi. up
road Crossing 7:15
Delmas Stewart, OpWilsie Store 7:15
Int. of 2/2 and Rt. 2 7:05
Right Hand Fork 7:11
James & Rollyson,
Bottom of Big Run
Mouth of Wolf Pen e r a t o r K a n a w h a R u n
Trailer Park, Route 5
Trading Post 6:38
Road 7:25
Morton’s, Barker Ridge Hill-Compressor Station Rt. 4 7:19
Frametown ElemenBus
# 8 3 — — 7:00
Burnsville ElemenMarks Store 7:42
Church, Lake Lane &
Frametown Elemen- tary 7:22
Mark Rose, Operator
Burnsville School tary 7:36
BCMS/BCHS via IRiver Run Road 6:50
Mustard’s Last Stand 7:16 tary 7:20
Charles Smith, OpA L L S T O P S F R O M 79 8:00
Bus #99—— Lakes
Cat Heaven Road 7:23
Bus #79—— Gilmer
erator Dock Herndon’s
Little Birch Elemen- BEYOND OLD KENTON
Bus #72—— Carson, Store 19/24 6:25
County Line 6:45
Richard Slaughter, 7:00
tary 7:27
Falls Mill 19 and 4 6:30
Willie Schiefer, OpBear Garden Road
Rowan’s 7:35
John Wimmer, Op- Operator 4.3 mi. out PleasCAMP ROAD 7:23 – 7:35 erator Gerwig Cemetery
Sub Station 7:42
erator Ware/Jones, Turn ant Hill to Green Hill 6:53 7:05
Corley Bridge 7:10
Head of Sugar Creek Turn Around 6:57
Turn Around, Green
Sutton Elementary
Around 6:50
Trace Run 7:07
Dock Herndon’s 7:20 7:46
Gwynn/Baker, Curry Hill Church 7:00
Y at Stone Run Road
Davis Elementary
Napier Transfer/Bus
Ridge Road 7:15
Cutlip’s Baptist Church
Bus #91—— Osborn’s, School 7:45
Transfer/ #72 7:25
B r o w n ’ s Rt. 17/2 7:03
Brown’s, 5 mi. on Rt.
Bus#99 3.1 mi. on 19 7:25
Perkins Fork 7:25
Trailer Park 7:43
Allen Shaver, OperaHeaters - Ducky’s 5 7:45
Kyer Ins. AgencyF l a t w o o d s S c h o o l tor Haley’s, Bug Ridge 7:21 Crooked Fork/Benjamin
Burnsville School
Stonewall Street 7:33 6:40
Weyerhaeuser Plant 8:00
Chris Stewart, Op- 7:45
Sutton Elementary
Entrance 7:37
Davis Elementary
# 8 4 — — 7:40
erator Crooked Fork/
Bus #22—— TransFlatwoods Elementary
fer Contract Bus, Foot of Johnson’s Camp Ground,
Otter Mountain – Jenkins 6:45
Rt. 40 6:59
Rexroad’s, Rt. 12/5
Crites Mtn. 6:48
BCHS/BCMS Students
Bus #81—— Bonnie
Cleve Westfall, Op- 7:45-7:50
Geary White, OperaBus #75—— Gilmer
M e e t B u s # 8 5 – Road 6:40
t o r T r a n s f e r C o n t r a c t erator Birch River JuncBCMS/BCHS 8:03
Station, Rt. 44 6:45
Alvie Loyd, Operator
#92——— Nicholas Run 7:08
Sherri Stump, Opera- Bus, Foot of Crites Mtn. tion , Canfield 7:12
Frame’s Meat Shop Deans/McCourt-Houston
McLaughlin’s – Ex- Turn around, Singletontor Cosner, End of Long 7:00
Brush Camp 6:53
change 7:22
C a r p e n t e r ’ s 7:21
Run 6:45
Shoal Road 6:56
Slab Camp 5/4 7:06
Keener’s, Herold
Fishers & Sartins
Mary Rose, Operator
Heavner, Hyers Run - Fork Road & Old Rt. 19
Turn around, ExRoad 7:29
Mouth of Poplar Ridge 6:55 7:45
.5 mi. on 35/2 7:10
– change Bridge 7:17
Little Birch Elem
Centralia Road 7:13
Burnsville ElemenChemical Town 7:33
Transfer w/Bus #797:22
Jct. Morton Rd/Camp Transfer Bus #86, Bus
tary 7:21
Sutton Feed & HardCutlip’s Baptist Church
#78 7:52
Floyd’s 7:29
Scott Rd 7:29
Drake’s Trailer Park
ware 7:38
A L L S T O P S O N 7:25
Old Ridge Top Market
Road 7:33
Sutton Elementary
Bonnie School House
Bus #57—— BCHS/ 7:42
Pepsi Plant 7:50
Sutton Elementary SUTTON
Cooley Trucking 7:53 BCMS 6:20
Skidmore Truck Stop
Flatwoods Elementary
Bus #86—— Webster 7:46
( E v e n i n g ) T o w n H i l l , County Line, Vernon Road
Sutton 6:27
#94——— 7:55-8:05
Flatwoods Elementary
Sutton Elementary
Iris Fowler, OperaBus
Gary Brown, Operator Kanawha Run Trading Post
Skidmore’s Clover Fork tor Rowan’s Trailer Park, Veltre, Laurel Patch Road 6:54
Bus #82—— Tunnel
Bus #73—— PICK UP
OTR 6:33
Jim Holcomb, Opera6:28
Harper Hill, Turn
Arnold Bender, OperaTurn onto McClain tor Jarvis – Meadow Lane A L L S T U D E N T S O N Fork 6:40
Shirley Skidmore,
Road 7:09
tor Three Lick Trailer Park Around 6:50
Ridge Rd. 7:05
Terry Bly, Operator Operator Bluefield 6:55
Brooks Run Mine
Dean Drive 7:22
Cutlip Fork Rd., Rt. 7/
Nettles Trailer CourtOffice off Rt. 19 on 40/15 Hill 1.3 mi. on 1/22 Inter
Laurel Heights 7:29
Oil Creek Road 7:06
7 7:15
Turn Around 6:55
Mouth of Dumpling 7:05
Davis Elementary
Mayse/Lower Mill
Flatwoods Elementary
Run 7:09
Richardson’s – 2.7 mi.
Creek Road 7:00
Motel 79 Intersection Around, Bear Run Road on Rt. 15 7:26
Elk River Foodland
Frametown Elemen7:15
Contract Run——
BCHS -Transfer Bus
tary 7:15
B u s # 7 7 — — 1 s t #23 7:52
Burnsville ElemenWindy Run 6:40
Enterprise Drive/
Hopkins - RR Trestle
tary 7:20
Ron Facemire, OperaFlatwoods Elementary
BEYOND SUGAR CAMP Deer Forest 7:50
End of Browns Run 7:00
tor Bear Run 6:50
Sutton Elementary
Delmas Stewart, Op7:24
Brooks Run Mining ROAD
Bus #87—— Old Rt.
Burnsville Elemen- e r a t o r H e l m i c k ’ s - S a l t 19-Nicholas County Line Office-Meet Bus #88 7:00
Lick Rd. 19/21 7:06
tary School 7:30
Harper Hi l l - T u r n TARY 7:23-7:40
Davis Elementary
Flatwoods ElemenBCMS/BCHS-TransBilly Rose, Operator Around 7:12
McKenzie, Flatrun 14/3
Little Birch Elemen- 7:40
fer to Bus #23 7:52 tary 7:15
Hinkle’s Residence - Above
P l e t c h e r P o n t i a c 6:55
tary 7:20
Bus #83—— BCHS/BCMS
sawmill 7:13
Jeff Jenkins, Operator
2nd Taylor’s – Old
Cat Heaven 7:25
Facemire’s, Swinging
Dollar General Store Nicholas Run, Transfer w/
Stump Chapel-Meet
Activity Bus (Evening) Woman’s Run 7:25
Bridge 7:21
#23 7:08
613 Main St., Sutton
ChurchLittle Birch School Bus #87 7:30
Trace Run 7:15
Contract Run——
Flatwoods 6:22
Trailer Park-Chapel
Bus #74—— Right
Sutton Elementary
1st Crites Mtn. – Sartin’s
Chuck Smith, OperaRhodes, OTR 7:40
o n T a g u e R o a d o f f 7:23
tor Burnsville-Kwik Pick 7:35
Davis Elementary
Connie White, Op- Rosedale Rd Rt. 9/3 6:25
20 mi. on 5E 6:35
Bus #88—— Polemic
Dennis Cottrill, Op- 7:33
T O Church Jct. on 38/4 6:45 erator Transfer Bus #66,
Gem 17.6 mi on 5E S U T T O N
Fitness Center 7:38
BCHS/BCMS 7:42 – 7:52
Darla Shaver, Opera- Foot of Crites Mtn. 6:48 e r a t o r
2nd 1.2 mi. up 19/ M c C o u r t / J a r v i s / D o b tor Brooks Run Mine OfBus #90—— Bender’s
35 to bus house – turn bins 6:57
T u r n a t E s t e p ’ s - 6:40
around 6:54
Transfer Bus #66, Dessie Road 7:08
Carr/GroundsFoot of Crites Mtn. 6:59
3rd 1.6 miles up Rosedale/Wilsie Road
continued on page 13
Crites Mtn. - Wolf/Davis 7:12
Cathy Pecora’s
School of Dance
announces the
Dance Season Registration
Classes Offered:
Ballet, Pointe, Tap,
Baby Ballet, and Jazz
Ages 2 and Up
Classes begin
August 23rd
Call 765-7621 or
644-7623 after
5 pm to register!
Page 11
Braxton Citizens’ News
August 10, 2010
• Youth
• Middle School
• High School
Reporting Braxton County’s sports action
Football coach commends players on hard work
One of head football
coach Matt Rollyson’s first
comments regarding the
first week of practice
was, “I definitely want to
commend the kids for
doing such a good job the
first week of practice.”
Rollyson noted that the
55 players who reported
for practice last week
“are made up of predominately juniors and seniors” and that most of
them “saw some action
last year since the Eagles
were such a young team
last season.” The resulting experience he hopes
will have a positive impact
on the team. The coach
continued to say that the
Eagles lost only two offensive starters and four defensive starters to graduation.
Coach Rollyson says
he has “a great group of
seniors” and he’s “expecting a lot out of them in leadership both on and off the
field.” He referred to Tyler
Cottrill, Keith Hardesty,
Jacob Murphy, Russell
Nuckles, and Dwight Wilson as “having great work
ethic.” Other seniors the
coach named include
Nathan Harper, who will be
playing for the first time in
his high school career,
Nathan Tallarito, and Thomas Stewart. The coach
emphasized that he is
“counting on every senior
on the squad to provide
Among the returning
juniors, fans can expect to
see Jordan Coen, Nathan
Greene, Jordan Lacy, and
Golf season already underway
While other athletes
and band members are
readying themselves for
upcoming seasons, one
group—the golfers—have
already had four outings.
Coach Bill Mitchell and his
golf team played three days
last week and yesterday.
Seven returnees and
one newcomer make up
this year’s golf squad. At
the top of the list is threeyear player senior Jacob
Tyo, who first became interested in golf on a family
vacation three years ago.
“I tried it and liked it, so
I’ve continued playing,” Tyo
explained. Preparing for
golf competition, he plays
at least twice a week,
sometimes “in [his] own
yard” but generally on one
of the closer courses and
almost always with friends.
His best score up to this
point is a par-70 on the
Glenville course, but he
hopes to improve on that
this year. The desire to
improve comes as part of
his goal: He plans not only
to “make it to the state
tournament” but also “to do
well at states.” The senior
has already shown some of
his skills by garnering
medalist honors in the first
competition of the season.
Tyo shot a 74 to lead all
teams——Braxton, Roane,
South Harrison, and Wirt.
The Eagles placed third in
that meet.
Next on the team
come two juniors, Jordan
Cutlip and Tammy Roberts.
Cutlip is also a third-year
player. Roberts, who is in
her second year, said she
began playing golf because
her dad plays but added,
“Now I play because I enjoy
it.” A dedicated athlete, she
started taking lessons last
March and has had lessons
twice a week since that
time. She also practices
every day during the summer and every day on
which she doesn’t have a
match once the season begins.
Returning sopho-
mores include Shannon
Lohr, Jacob Shaver, Jordan
Balcourt, and Heather
Lunceford. Easton Hutton,
the only newcomer on the
squad, is also a sophomore.
Coach Mitchell said
the team “is starting off
better this year than they
did last year” and that he
feels they’re “improving
greatly but they still have
a lot to learn.”
After Tuesday’s match
at Roane, the Eagles played in
the Gilmer Invitational on
Wednesday. Braxton finished
fourth out of ten teams. Tyo
finished second among individual golfers. The Eagles’
showing on Friday was their
worst of the week. “We didn’t
play well at all,” the coach reported as Braxton placed in
the bottom half of the field of
After a three-team
meet at South Harrison yesterday, the Eagles will play in
the St. Marys Invitational on
Wednesday and will host a
meet at Snowshoe on
Yannick Yewawa and Joey
Wilfong among others.
Lacy, who played quarterback last season, will most
likely fill the slot again this
year. Wilfong, who should
see action at middle linebacker, may not see action
right away because he’s
still recovering from knee
surgery. Coach Rollyson
reported that Wilfong is
“eight weeks out of surgery
and has been working diligently but still faces a
Wilfong has undergone
aquatic therapy all summer under the coach’s
supervision and, according to Coach Rollyson, “is
really eager to play.”
The Eagles’ coaching
staff hopes to run “a lot of
spread sets with variations” this fall, and they
feel they have the manpower to do it. Looking at
the makeup of the team,
they see “all the quarterbacks doing well” although they don’t really
foresee anyone taking
Lacy’s spot behind center. They also see themselves “loaded with running backs” as they have
“five or six” who could
start varsity play along
with what Rollyson referred to as “tons of receivers.” He explained,
“We probably have three
or four kids competing
for each of the four receiving spots, and almost
all of them will do well for
If there is any area
where the coaches have
questions, it will be the offensive line. “It isn’t that
we don’t have a sound offensive line,” Rollyson commented. “Our concern
here would be the depth on
the offensive line.”
Overall, the first week
of practice went well.
“Practices were good, discipline issues were minimal, and every day the players were upbeat, enthusiastic, and intense,” the
coach explained. He attributed much of the success
of the first week to his
coaching staff and to
Everett Wine for “their
hard work and dedication.”
Coach Rollyson also mentioned that he wanted to
commend “those individu-
als, especially Richard
Carroll, who contributed
so much to the team’s
fundraising efforts, and
the Braxton County Athletic Expansion Commission for continuing their
efforts in improving the
Braxton’s first “test
under fire” comes with
Satur day’s scrimmage
against South Harrison.
The scrimmage, which will
take place on the Eagles’
field, begins at 10 a.m.
On Friday, Aug. 20,
Braxton will scrimmage
Buckhannon Upshur at
Buchannon. The Eagles
open at home against
the Lincoln Cougars.
Coach Matt Rollyson demonstrates play during the
preseason practice.
Coaches congratulate Cardinal’s players
Looking for a Doctor?
Accepting new patients, Dr. Crystal
Hickman will be joining the staff of Hope
Medical Center September 1,
We treat patients with acute and chronic
illnesses such as Diabetes, High Blood
Pressure, COPD, Asthma, Heart
Disease, Joint Pain, Sore Throat, Ear
infections, Depression.
We offer:
* on site laboratory services, EKG and
Pulmonary Function testing
* BCCSP (Breast & Cervical Cancer
Screening program) available to patients
with no insurance or underinsured.
* Sport Physicals, Children check up and
Adult check up appointments
* Same day appointments
* Women’s health services
We also are available to our patients’ after
hours for emergent needs through our
answering service.
Located at Webster County Business
Park, Cowen
Call (304)226-5527 today to schedule an
Coaches and Parents of the “Cardinals” wish to congratulate them on a great baseball
season. “We are proud of each of the boys and their sportsmanship during the games”
The Cardinals were also the 2010 Braxton County Minor League ChampsLeft to Right:
Coach Chad Lockard, Cole Browning, Ryan Shreve, Payton Lockard, Brandon Johnson,
Blake Withrow, Drew Toler, Chase Browning, Samuel Hammon, William Rushing, Thomas
Hammon & Coach Brandon Browning. Not pictured: Coach Billy McDonald, Seth McDonald
& Grace Hammon.
BCSC’s Backwood’s World Cup
3 on 3
Soccer Tournament
Think you have what it takes?
If so Braxton County Soccer Club is hosting a 3v3
soccer tournament for EVERYONE!!! No previous
experience is required. This is for everyone
between the ages of 8 and 18. The tournament
date is August 14th. There is NO entry charge. All
you have to do is simply show up at the new soccer
fields outside of Holly Gray beside the Braxton
County airport on the day of the tournament.
Registration begins at 9am and play begins at
11am. Anyone with questions please call
(304) 678-4833.
So do you have what it takes to be a soccer
player? Let’s see it!!!
**Registration forms for fall soccer season 2010 will also be
available that day.
Page 12 August 10, 2010
Braxton County, WV
Braxton County Board of Education meets for work session
The Braxton County
Board of Education met for a
work session in their office
at 411 North Hill Road, Sutton
West Virginia on Monday,
July 26, 2010, at 4:00 p.m.
with a regular board meeting
and a public hearing for the
CEFP (Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan) at
5:00 p.m. The following members present: Ernie Moore,
President, Kathy Parker, Vice
President, Roger Hall, Dave
Hoover and Elizabeth M.
The CEFP public hearing and regular meeting was
called to order by President
Ernie Moore at 5:03 p.m.
Ernie Moore offered a
non-denominational prayer.
Williamson Shriver Architects, gave a Comprehensive
stitute Secretary (effective
July 27, 2010), and Randall
Teacher – Burnsville Elementary (effective July
27, 2010).
Kathy Parker moved
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following employment – professional: Brenda Wells –Assistant Principal – BCHS
(effective July 27, 2010),
Alicia McPherson – Gifted
Teacher – BCMS (effective
August 18, 2010), Patty
Montgomery – Elementary
Teacher (Grade Level as
Assigned by Principal) from
Grade 2 Teacher –
Burnsville Elementary (effective August 18, 2010),
Kim Davis – Special Education Teacher – Sutton Elementary from Special Edu-
Education Facilities Plan presentation.
Roger Hall moved and
Elizabeth Stewart seconded to
approve the consent agenda
items (minutes of July 12,
2010 meeting, payment of
bills, budget transfers and
supplements, Treasurer’s
report, permission to attend school in Clay County
from Braxton County and
permission to attend
school in Braxton County
from Nicholas County).
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Dave Hoover
seconded to approve the following resignations – professional: Rosemary Potts
– BCHS (effective September 18, 2010), April Fisher
– Special Education
Teacher – Frametown Elementary and also as Sub-
Flatwoods Elementary (effective August 18, 2010),
Joe Hoskins – Principal at
Burnsville Elementary
from Assistant Principal –
BCMS – 220-Day Contract
(effective August 2, 2010),
Jamie Oates – 6th Grade
Teacher from Math Intervention Specialist (halftime) – BCMS (effective
August 18, 2010), and
Amanda Gum – Health
Teacher – BCHS (effective
August 18, 2010).
Roger Hall moved and
Dave Hoover seconded to
approve the following employment – service:
Charles Smith – Bus Operator – Activity Run (effective beginning of 201011 School Term).
Kathy Parker moved
Our exclusive new Samsung Acclaim gives you all the
advantages of an Android-powered phone, including:
Everett Wine; Substitute
Administrator: J. Edwin
Stewart; Service Substitutes: Substitute Bus Operators:
Cary Scott
Westfall, Deanna Westfall,
Gregory Scott Mosley,
*Keith Lewis, *David
Cooks: Beverly Rollins,
Alice Hawkins, Linda
Lemon, Pamela Cottrill,
Linda Butcher, **Wilma
Davis, **Reva Fincham,
Lynn Bright, Brenda Long,
Lori Pritt, Cole Smith, Jessica
Chenoweth, Misty Staley,
Linda Blankenbeckler,
Peggy Vankirk, and Mary
Dennison; Substitute Custodians: Tammy Hinkle,
Cary Scott Westfall, Linda
Butcher, Gregory Mosley,
Mary Dennison, Lynn
Bright, Deanna Westfall,
Misty Staley, *Marvin
Graves, and *Lewis Burge;
Substitute Secretaries:
**Carolyn Patrick, Terry
Tyo, Maranda Cook, Julia
Singleton, April Fisher,
Pam Cottrill and Amy
Knight; Substitute Teacher
Aides: Kelli Woodward,
Peggy Vankirk, Pamela
Cottrill, Robin Hoover,
Christy Belknap, Linda
Blankenbeckler, Wendy
Wayne, Michelle Myers,
Shannon Triplett, Amy
Hamric, Sandra Fisher,
Amanda Bennett. *Fulltime employees working in
anther position **Retired
Kathy Parker moved and
Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following request for
leave of absence: Samantha
Dent – Paid maternity leave
of absence from August 20,
2010 through and including
September 3, 2010.
moved and Roger Hall seconded to grant permission to
post the position of Assistant
Principal as a split Assistant
Principal between BCHS and
Approval of students
riding the activity bus pend-
continued on page 13
The Hair Studio
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Walk ins Welcome
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• Full access to Gmail, Google Maps and Google Talk on your phone
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following employment – Substitute Teacher:
Loftis – effective beginning
the 2010-11 School Year).
Kathy Parker moved
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following
employment – Extra-Curricular: Mary Beth King – Flags/
Majorettes Sponsor – BCHS
(effective 2010-2011 Season)
moved and Roger Hall seconded to approve the following
employment of Substitutes for
the 2010-2011 School Year:
Professional Substitutes: Substitute Teachers - Kristy Abel,
John Matthew Ashley, Sterling Beane, Sharon Brannon,
Sandra Burchett, Randall
Butcher, Ashley Butler, Carol
Carr, Stephanie Chapman,
Tashauna Chapman, Ruth
Chisler, Kelly Clevenger (1/
Desper, Jane Dyer, Joshua
Ellison, Carol Frame, Jan
Frame, Sandy Frame,
Annette Merzouk Frey, Alex
Godfrey, Barbara Gower,
Louise Grindo, Diane
Gross, Pamela Gross, Faith
Nicole Harper, Norman
Hart, Leah Heater, Pamela
Heater, Alice James, Staci
James, Stephen Jarrett,
Johnson, Jayson Johnson,
James King, B. Sue
Lancaster, Ellen Lewis,
Glenna Luzader, John
Morrison, Amy L. Mullins,
Paul Nagy, Lynn Nettles,
Steven Osborne, Kathryn
Pletcher, Mary Ramsey,
Sandra Reese, Alicia
Richardson, Pam Roberts,
Stephanie Rollyson, Justin
Rose Jessica Scalf, Kelly
Serdynski-Gray, K. Beth
Simmons, Rebecca W.
Smailes, Felicia Smith,
Burton Spaur, Cassie
Squires, Casey Stewart,
Lois Stewart, Lori Stover,
Martha B. Taylor, Rene
Tyo, Terry L. Vankirk,
Alison Westfall, Twila
White, Brittney Wilson, and
Color, Perms, Hi-lights, Pedicures, Manicures, and
Waxing services available
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Mon 10am - 4pm
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 10
Judy Morris, Operator
Leatherwood Road 6:51
Upper Mill Creek RoadPICK UP ALL STUDENTS 7:05
Frametown Elementary
MEADOWS SHOP 7:27-7:32
Davis Elementary 7:38
Hoylman Drive-PICK UP
Sutton Moose Club 7:51
Sutton Elementary 7:54
Bus #95—— Mountain
Run Road 6:50
Bryan Nottingham, Operator Mouth of Sleith Fork
Servia Exit I-79 7:18
BRIDGE 7:21-7:33
Frametown School 7:39
Bus #96—— Moore’s –
O’Brion Road 6:45
Sally Hart, Operator
Cottrill/Dobbins, Rosedale
R & L Store 7:03
Bottom of Big Run Hill
Frametown School 7:20
Bus #97—— Cottrill,
McCumbers/ Rt. 11 6:45
Ernest Bennett, Operator Mill Fork and Rosedale
Road Int. , 16 & 9 7:04
Rosedale and Sleith
Roads, Rt. 9 7:18
August 10, 2010 Page 13
Bottom of Big Run Hill Braxton County High School.
After obtaining more inFrametown Elementary formation and reviewing the
bids for the 121 desktops and
59 laptops that were originally
Bus #98—— 1st Tate presented to the board on
Creek Road-1.2 mi. on 13/9 June 28, 2010, Kathy Parker
moved and Elizabeth Stewart
Dennison seconded to approve the folJames’ – Joe’s Fork 7:05
lowing final low bids: DeskFrametown Elementary tops (121): Dell $89,109.24,
and Laptops (59): Pomeroy
2nd Foodland Parking $64,487.00.
Lot 7:40
Roger Hall moved and
Mouth of River Street on Dave Hoover seconded to apElk St, Gassaway 7:53
prove the 2010-2020 CompreWILL NOT GO UP RIVER hensive Educational FaciliSTREET
ties Plan.
Davis Elementary 8:07
The following bids were
Bus #98 BCHS 6:15
presented to the board for the
Activity Bus (Evening) Braxton County High School
Braxton Memorial Hospital plumbing repair: Flint Con6:25
Jeff Dennison, Operator $42,855.00 and Rich’s ReGo-Mart - Gassaway 6:35
Tyler Mountain Road $45,500.00.
Kathy Parker moved
Frametown School and Dave Hoover seconded
Drive 6:55
to approve the low bid preDuck Creek 7:12
sented by Flint ConstrucWilsie-D.O. Moyers tion for $42,855.00.
Store-Turn Around 7:30
The following bids
were presented to the
board for the HVAC filter
and inspection service for
2010-11: American Filter
continued from page 12
Service - $29,355.64,
Charleston Filter Service ing legal interpretation will be $18,464.00 and Rich’s Retabled until a later board frigeration,
Roger Hall moved and
moved and Roger Hall sec- Kathy Parker seconded to
onded to approve the approve the low bid prefundraisers for Braxton sented by Charleston Filter
County Middle School and Service for $18,464.00.
Ann’s Image Maker
in Gassaway
Marsha Hacker
(304) 364-8131
Kathy Parker moved
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the Head
Start FY 2011 Grant.
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Roger Hall seconded to approve the Head
Start Training Plan for
Roger Hall moved and
Dave Hoover seconded to
approve the Head Start
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan for 20102011.
Kathy Parker moved
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the Head
Start Goals for 2010-11.
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Kathy Parker
seconded to approve the
Head Start Mission.
Kathy Parker moved
and Dave Hoover seconded
to approve the Head Start
Community Needs Assessment for 2010-11.
Kathy Parker moved
and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the
Change Orders for Davis
and Sutton Elementary
The Superintendent
and Board Members reviewed
the following reports: Teen
Court, and BCHS C-Section
Sewer Problems.
Kathy Parker moved
and Roger Hall seconded
that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.
The next regular
meeting of the board will be
held on Monday, August 9,
2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Others in attendance:
Rick Cutlip, Dawn Dooley,
Patty Montgomery, Tammy
Brown, Joyce Hamrick, Pat
Westfall, Linda Leggett,
Dawn Cutlip, Joe Hoskins,
J e f f M a r p l e , Margaret
Squires, Shawn Dilly,
Judith Carson, Jerry
Milliken, Dennis Albright,
Andrea Loftis, and Brenda
Interested in a career in health care?
Pierpont Community & Technical College announces its
NEW Health Careers Center
Lab Assistant
Classes are forming for the fall.
Adults and current high school students are eligible to enroll.
For more information, call (304) 368-7235 or (304) 765-73͜͜Ȉ™™™Ǥ’‹‡”’‘–Ǥ‡†—
Page 14 August 10, 2010
Braxton County, WV
From The
First & Factually
Local dependable young
men available to mow and
weedeat your lawn.
estimate or an appointment
(304) 472-8900.
please call (304) 678-4833.
service all major appliances.
SameDay Service. Reasonable Rates.35 Years Experience. Insuredand Bonded.
Call 304-644-8783or 304364-87??
SALES Monument sales
and engraving, complete
services including setting, cleaning, and resetting. Home consultations welcome anytime.
304-364-5287. 8-17
Certified Class I & II Septic Installations, Repairs and
Inspections.Dozer Backhoe,
and DumpTruck Service. Most
Visa andMasterCards accepted. EddieFacemire,
WV#033553. Call 3043642257.
FRENCH AND SPANISH INSTRUCTOR: Private and group lessons.
Foreign Language Simplified. Annette Merzouk,
Cell: 910-398-0708 Local.
Looking for an
exciting New Career?
Come join a winning
customer service reps
Good communication
computer skills
call or stop by
121 Direct Response
89 Arnold Ave.
Weston,WV 26452
FOR RENT: 3 Bedroom, 2
Bath mobile home, Part utiliFOR
ties paid, No more than 3
people, No pets, No illegal
drugs, Lease, deposit and
two references required,
FOR SALE: 1970 Gibson Ready end of August, Call
House Boat, 30’, sleeps 304-765-2465.
six,solid boat, needs tender
loving care, $9500.00. Call FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom
Trailer at Gassaway, $300
Rent, $300 Security Deposit
plus utilities, 1 year lease,
FOR RENT: 2-3 Bedroom
Apartment at Tesla, $300
Rent, $300 Security Deposit
plus utilities, 1 year lease,
Davidson - Dyna Wide Glide
chrome everthing... forks,
triple trees, clutch & brake
levers, switch covers,
regularor cover, battery box,
belt covers and more. Also
has Front Air Dam, Drag
bars, Vance & Hines Big Radius Exhaust, Custom Head
Light, smoke lens covers,
Screaming Eagle Kit. Extra
seat and luggage rack. Super clean and fast bike.
Priced to sell at $13,800.
Call (304)651-9615.
Yorkie Puppies Male
$750.00 Call (304)6784823.
FOR SALE: 2 riding mowers, 1-20HP, 1-15 HP, good
condition, call 304-3648382.
FOR RENT: Mobile Home
lotsnear interstate, senior citizens welcome. Call 304-8539103.
FOR RENT: Mobile Home with
3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1 mile from
the Frametown exit of I-79. Situate on3 Acres of level land.
Absolutely no inside or outside
pets. Call 304-689-0298.
FOR RENT: Two bedroom
Onemonth’s rent required for
security deposit. Utilities not
included. Absolutely no pets.
Application required. Applications may be picked up at
Lloyd’s Inc. 2220 Sutton Lane.
FOR RENT: 1 or 2 Bedroom apartment. Call 304364-8105.
FOR SALE: Whitfield Pellet
Stove with pipe, Quest
model, complete with
owner’s manual, excellent FOR SALE: Pre-qualify for
condition, $500.00. Call a new home loan in less
than 4 minutes…Call today
FOR SALE: Homebuyers
…incredible opportunity.
Call for the exciting details
(304) 472 8900 or call toll
free (888) 472-8904. Believe me it is worth the call.
FOR SALE: Grand opening/lot model reduction sale
at the new Clayton Homes
of Buckhannon, Rt 33 between
Buckhannon. (304) 472
8900. Singles, sectionals,
and modulars..Many financing options available.
We buy factory direct to
save you money. Check us
out on Facebook at “Clayton
Homes of Buckhannon”. We
take trade ins toward your
down payment (must
FOR SALE: Abandoned
Home, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
(304) 472-9231.
FOR SALE:L o t m o d e l
clearances sale. Save
thousands on select display models, singles,
sectionals and modulars.
Stopby or call today.
Middletown Homes of
Weston 304-269-7500.
67, Cook wanted, some experience, god work history
required. Must be available
all shifts. Apply in person at
FOR SALE: Freedom Truck Stop 67, Flatwoods.
Homes Mt. Nebo is the area
leader in Modular Home
Construction. Great options HELP WANTED: Mystery
like 9' foot sidewalls, Cape shoppers earn up to $100
Cods, and 3 section homes per day. Undercover shopall at the best price in the pers needed to judge retail
and dining establishments.
area. Call 304-872-4925.
No experience required.
Call 1-877-471-5669.8-31
FOR SALE: Paying Top dollar for singlewide trades. HELP WANTED: Therapist
- United Summit Center is
Call 304-872-4926. 8-24
accepting applications/reFOR SALE:Need a new sumes for a full time therahome? We can help. Single pist position to work in our
Wides, Double Wides and Braxton & Gilmer County
Modulars all at factory direct offices. The incumbent must
prices. Superior Service be a generalist, will work
and The best Brands in the primarily with adult clients,
C o u n t r y . Q u i c k will provide assessment
prequalification and great and diagnostic services as
loans available. Call 304- well as individual, group
872-5004 Freedom Homes and family therapy. The incumbent will also develop
Mt. Nebo.
and implement treatment
FOR SALE: Grand Open- plans, complete all necesing/Lot Model Reduction sary paperwork to assure
Sale..Clayton Homes of proper documentation of
Buckhannon, Rt 33 between client contacts. This posiWeston and Buckhannon, tion requires a Master’s de(304)472-8900. Singles, gree in an appropriate menSectional,and Modulars. tal health discipline, one
Many financing options year of experience. Current
available. We buy factory LICSW preferred but candidirect to save you money. dates must be license
Check us out on Facebook (LICSW or LPC) eligible. If
at “Clayton Homes of applicant has an LICSW the
Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County
Funeral Home
Hospitalization - Auto - Fire Life Farm - Liability
Steven Jeffers, director
600 Riverview Drive
Sutton, West Virginia
Exit 62 Off I-79
Right 1/2 Mile
1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132
Elk River
Let Our Deli Cater
your next party!!!
Your local Nationwide
office located on Elk
Street in Gassaway
Heaters, WV
Water Wells
Braxton County's Only
Commercial Printer
our P
rinting Needs
o Books - Call
Business Cards T
For All Your Dry Cleaning
FOR SALE: Hemlock
Siding 10' & 12' wide
T&G paneling
Lumber Co., Inc.
Loran & Kevin Kniceley
189 Main St., Sutton
Use Our
Sutton Branch
101A West Main Street
Exit 67 of I-79 - Flatwoods
Burnsville Branch
Salt Lick Road
Clay Branch
Two Run
located on Elk Street in Gassaway Exit 62 of I-79 - Gassaway
State of the Art Technology
Geothermal wells, well
pumps. Five generations
of experience.
One Hour
Photo Processing
(304) 636-6025
Walker's Drug
Film, digital, enlargements
Elk Street, Gassaway
Boats • Motors • Trailers
Honda • Suzuki •Yamaha
Route 19 - Sutton, WV
765-7325 &
Birch River
Big Otter
Flatwoods Branch
1960 Sutton Lane
Gassaway Drive-In
700 Elk Street
Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits!
pay scale will be higher.
Qualified applicants should
send a resume to United
Summit Center, Inc. #6 HosWANTED
pital Plaza, Clarksburg, WV
26301 or fax to (304) 6234892
hr@uscwv.org .. Please indicate in a cover letter which WANTED: Attention: Reposition you are applying altors, landowners and
development owners. We
for. EOE/ADA.
have customers who need
HELP WANTED: Immediate land please call us with info
opening for one RN Home- on any listings in Greenmaker Supervisor for an brier, Clay, Webster,
agency in Sutton. Multi- Braxton and Nicholas
county travel required to Counties. 304-872-5004.
complete assessment home
caregivers. Must have RN WANTED: Soliciting Prolicense in good standing posals. Braxton County
and valid WV Driver’s Li- High School Building Concense. Very competitive sal- struction class is soliciting
ary commensurate with proposals to build a modutraining and education as lar building at the high
well as fringe benefit pack- school in the 2010/2011
age including health insur- school year. Submission
ance, 401-K, Vision/Dental, will be judged on how well
AL/SL, mileage, CEUs, and they fit the class curriculum
holidays. Monday through and how realistic they are
Friday schedule with an oc- for the students to build.
casional Saturday for train- We can help with drawings
ing purposes. Experience if need be. The successful
with the geriatrics/disabled party will be responsible
population, having a dy- for providing all materials
namic and energetic per- needed for construction
sona and the ability to also and any transportation
market agency programs and set up costs for the
are real pluses for the suc- modular. Please call
cessful candidate. Com- Michael Corlis at 364-2687
puter literacy required with with any questions. Proworking knowledge of posals are due at the
Microsoft Word, Outlook, Braxton County Board of
Excel, and other operating Education office by end of
systems as needed. Fax re- the day August 20, 2010.
sume and cover letter to Executive Director, 304-4724673
kcurrence@wvdsl.net PosiS TAT E W I D E
tion will remain open until
filled by qualified individual.
EOE/AA Employer. 8-17
driver with class A license,
3 years driving experience,
good driving record, pull
flatbed, home on weekends, call 304-452-8548.
ONLINE from home. Medical, business, paralegal,
accounting, criminal justice.
Job Placement assistance.
Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 8772 0 5 - 2 5 0 2 ,
cash for your structured
settlement or annuity payNO TRESPASSING: Abso- ments. High payouts. Call
lutely no hiking, hunting, or J.G. Wentworth. 1-8664 wheelers on the proper- SETTLEMENT (1-866-738ties of the late Jack C. and 8536). Rated A+ by the BetMae Burns, O’Brien Rd., ter Business Bureau.
Rosedale, that is now
owned by the daughters.
prices, all sizes, They will
go fast! Call Clayton
GARAGE SALE: 1201 Homes-Danville 888-3690
Herold Road, Fri., Aug. 13 5
and Sat., Aug. 14, Rain or www.claytonhomesdanville.com
BENEFIT YARD SALE: manufactured homes less
Anyone having items they than $40 per square foot!
would like to donate for a New modular homes less
benefit yard sale for two than $75 per square foot!!
cancer patients please Call Clayton Homescall Sally Hart at 304-364- Danville TODAY!!! Call
5 0 7 4 . T h e s a l e w i l l b e Clayton Homes-Danville
held on August 21 from 8 8 8 - 3 6 9 - 5 0 0 2 .
8am - ?. Will be cancelled www.claytonhomesdanville.com
and rescheduled in case
of rain.
Jack? Flea Beacon?: controls fleas in the home without toxic chemicals or
costly exterminators. ReFOR SALE sults overnight! At Southern
FOR SALE: Ford 1976
truck, 4x4, Runs good and MYRTLE BEACH, SC. 5
good body. $2,500. ‘03 night family special; all for
Pontiac Grand Am, runs $199. Sunday-Thursday; 2
good, make a good work adults; 2 children; 2 beds;
car, $2,000. Call (304)644- Beach 200 yards; 1-8005199, please leave a mes- 331-7300. Beach Sands
sage if there is no answer. Inn.
Get your news
Check us out on the web
at www.bcn-news.com
Page 15, Braxton Citizens’ News, August 10, 2010
Increase of Maximum OUtflow
from May through november
Burnsville Lake,
Braxton county, West Virginia
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, by this
Notice of Availability (NOA), advises the public that the Draft
(DEA) for the Increase of Maximum Outflow Stage from May
through November at Burnsville
Lake is complete and available
for public review. The project is
located in Braxton County, West
Virginia and will allow the lake to
be drained more rapidly after a
flood event. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is anticipated for the proposed project.
A FONSI is included with the DEA
for public review.
In compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
and 40 CFR 1501.4, the DEA and
FONSI will be available to the
public in the affected area for
thirty (30) days for review and
comment. Final determination
regarding the need for additional
NEPA documentation will be made
after the public review period,
which begins around August 10,
2010. A copy of the document
may be viewed at the following
Burnsville Public Library
PO Box 141
Burnsville, WV 26335
The documents may also be
viewed at the following website:
projects/review/. Copies of the
DEA and FONSI may be obtained
by contacting the Huntington District Office of the Corps of Engineers at 304-399-5276. Comments pertaining to the documents should be directed by letter to:
Mr. Jonathan J. Aya-ay, Chief
Environmental Analysis Section,
Planning Branch
Huntington District Corps of Engineers
502 Eighth Street
Huntington, West Virginia 257012070
Bank of Gassaway will offer the
following described property for
sale at Public Auction August 18 th,
2010 at 10:00am on the front
steps of the Courthouse at
Sutton, WV. The Honda ATV,
Oliver Dozer and 2005 Ford Focus are located at Elk Valley
Dodge. Other listed vehicles are
at Pletcher Pontiac. The property
may be inspected prior to the
Oliver Dozer 12-1214-0C9 Series
2001 Ford F150
2004 GMC Yukon
2005 Ford Focus
2003 Ford F150
2003 Dodge Ram1500
2005 Chev Impala
2007 Chev Cobalt
2009 Honda TRX500
John D. Jordan, Braxton County
Clerk, hereby gives notice that
in compliance with WV Code 3-117 and 59-3-1, the members of
the Braxton County Commission
have changed the location of the
Precinct 36 polling place for the
upcoming Special Primary Election on Saturday, August 28, 2010.
Voters previously voting at Precinct 36, the former Burnsville
Senior Center, will utilize the
Burnsville Elementary School,
located at 228 Kanawha Ave.,
Burnsville for this Election.
John D. Jordan
Braxton County Clerk
The undersigned Trustees, by
virtue of the authority vested in
them by that certain deed of trust
dated July 14, 2004, and duly
recorded in the Office of the
Clerk of the County Commission
of Braxton County, West Virginia,
in Deed of Trust Book 186, at
page 433, Randall L. Woods and
Toni Woods did convey unto William T. Holmes, Trustee, certain
real property described in said
deed of trust; and the beneficiary
has elected to appoint Teays Valley Trustees, LLC as substitute
Trustees by a Substitution of
Trustee recorded in the aforesaid Clerk‘s Office; and default
having been made under the
aforementioned deed of trust and
the undersigned Trustees, having been instructed by the secured party to foreclose thereunder, will offer for sale at public
auction at the front door of the
Braxton County Courthouse, 300
Main Street, Sutton, West Virginia
26601on: August 23, 2010
At 10:55 AM
All of their right, title and interest,
in and to that certain tract of land
situate in Birch District, Braxton
County, West Virginia, near the
mouth of Strange Creek,
bounded by lands of Margaret
Ballangee and the county road,
and being nearly opposite the
George Goad store building, containing one-fourth (¼) acre, more
or less.
HC 75 Box 2A Road, Strange
Creek, WV 25063
The aforesaid property is SUBJECT TO any and all easements,
rights-of-way, conditions, covenants and restrictions of record
or in existence.
The sale of the foregoing real
property will be made subject to
all exceptions, reservations,
rights of way, easements, conditions, covenants, restrictions,
leases and other servitudes of
record, if any, pertaining to said
real estate, subject to all matters
disclosed by an examination and
inspection of the property, subject to any and all unpaid taxes
as recorded against said property, and to any further matters
announced at said sale. The property is sold subject to an accurate survey at purchaser‘s expense.
The sale of the foregoing real
property will also be made expressly subject to any and all
other deeds of trust, judgments,
liens, and all other encumbrances
of any nature whatsoever, if any,
having priority over the deed of
trust referred to herein.
The Trustees reserve the right to
adjourn the sale, for a time, or
from time to time, without further
notice, by announcement at the
time and place of sale describe
above or any adjournment
thereof. The Trustees reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
The subject property will be sold
in “AS IS” condition. The Trustees shall be under no duty to
cause any existing tenant or person occupying the subject property to vacate said property. The
Trustees will deliver a trustees`
deed to the purchaser without
any covenant or warranty (express or implied) in the form prescribed by W. Va. Code §38-1-6.
The Trustees make no representations and warranties about the
title of the real estate to be conveyed. If the Trustees are unable
to convey insurable or marketable title to purchaser for any
reason, purchaser`s sole remedy
is return of deposit.
TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00
cash in hand at the time of sale
in the form of a certified check or
cashier‘s check made payable to
“Teays Valley Trustees, LLC,”
and the balance in cash closing
within 30 days of the date of the
sale. Purchaser shall pay for
transfer stamps and recording
fees. Additional terms of sale may
be announced prior to the sale.
Teays Valley Trustees, LLC
600 A-1 Prestige Park
Hurricane, West Virginia 25526
(304) 757-7956
Sealed proposals will be received
by the West Virginia Department
of Transportation, Division of
Highways at its central Right of
Way office in Building Five, Room
A-618, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard,
East, Charleston, West Virginia
25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. August 16, 2010. The next business
day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and
read immediately thereafter for
the appraisal or appraisal review
services for the following project:
CALL 020 Project: PM10-7-BRAX1, Federal Project I-79-2(15)67;
Braxton County; Property Management John Skidmore; Appraisal Approx. 1 Parcel. See proposal for more detailed information.
CALL 021 Project: PM10-7-BRAX1, Federal Project I-79-2(15)67;
Braxton County; Property Management John Skidmore; Appraisal Review Approx. 1 Parcel.
See proposal for more detailed
CALL 022 Project: PM09-4-MARI1; Marion County; Property Management Bruceton Farm Services, Inc.; Appraisal Approx. 1
Parcel. See proposal for more
detailed information.
CALL 023 Project: PM09-4-MARI5, X325-58/6-0.00; Marion
County; Property Management
Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line
Company-Applicant; Appraisal
Approx. 1 Parcel. See proposal
for more detailed information.
CALL 024 Project: PM09-4-MARI5, X325-58/6-0.00; Marion
County; Property Management
Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line
Company-Applicant; Appraisal
Review Approx. 1 Parcel. See
proposal for more detailed information.
Proposals will be received from
prequalified West Virginia licensed/certified appraisers currently on the WVDOT, DOH’s
Approved Appraiser and/or Review Appraiser List. Registration
is required with the Department
of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with
Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12
of the West Virginia Code.
Interested parties should request
a bid package containing project
plans and all necessary bidding
documents by contacting Ms.
Carolyn Gorrell via email at
[Carolyn.S.Gorrell@wv.gov]. Information regarding qualification
requirements necessary for inclusion on the WVDOT, DOH’s
Approved Appraiser List is available by contacting Ms. Carolyn
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer,
delay or postpone the date for
receiving and publicly opening
proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing
such advertisement. All bidders
obtaining valid bidding proposals
as provided above will be notified of such deferment, delay or
postponement and the date that
proposals will be received and
publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to reject
any and all proposals.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders
that it will affirmatively insure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will
be afforded full opportunity to
submit bids in response to this
invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of
race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for
an award.
Division of Highways
David L. Jack
Director, Right of Way Division
Notice is hereby given that Equitable Gas Company, LLC, a public utility, has filed with the Public
Service Commission of West Virginia, an application containing
decreased rates, tolls and
charges for furnishing natural gas
service to 13,243 customers in
the Counties of Braxton, Clay,
Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison,
Monongalia, Ritchie, Taylor, Tyler,
Upshur, and Wetzel.
The proposed decreased rates
and charges will become effective November 1, 2010 unless
otherwise ordered by the Public
Service Commission and will produce approximately $266,516
annually in decreased revenue,
a decrease of 2.08%. The average monthly bill for the various
classes of customers will be
changed as follows:
($) Decrease
( % )
$ 1.33 1.9%
$ 4.83 2.0%
$ 36.67 2.1%
The decreases shown are based
on averages of all customers in
the indicated class. Each class
may receive an increase or decrease greater or less than
stated here. Individual customers may receive decreases that
are greater or less than average.
Furthermore, the requested decreased rates and charges are
only a proposal and are subject
to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service
Commission in its review of this
filing. Any decrease in rates and
charges will not become effective until authorized and approved
by the Public Service Commission. (If a hearing is conducted,
notice will be given of the time
and place of hearing.)
A complete copy of the proposed
rates, as well as a representative of the Company to provide
any information requested concerning it, is available to all customers, prospective customers,
or their agents at any of the following offices of the Company:
Route 19 South Oakmound
Road, Clarksburg, West Virginia
A copy of the proposed rates is
available for public inspection at
the office of the Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission at 201 Brooks Street,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The 30-C procedure is designed
to provide a procedure for changing rates charged to customers
by natural gas distribution utilities based exclusively on the cost
of purchased gas. Consequently,
protest should be limited to the
reasonableness of such costs
and the method by which they are
calculated. Anyone desiring to
protest or intervene should file a
written protest or notice of intervention within twenty-five (25)
days following the date of this
publication unless otherwise
modified by Commission order.
Failure to timely intervene can
affect your rights to protest any
rate decreases and to participate
in future proceedings. Requests
to intervene must comply with the
Commission’s rules on intervention set forth in the Commission’s
Rules of Practice and Procedure.
All protests and interventions
should be addressed to Executive Secretary, Public Service
Commission of West Virginia, PO
Box 812, Charleston, WV 25323.
Equitable Gas Company, LLC
Tariff Form No. 8-C
(Tariff Rule No. 30-C)
NOTICE is hereby give that Hope Gas, Inc., dba Dominion Hope
(the “Company”), a public utility, has filed with the PUBLIC SERVICE
COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA, an application containing decreased rates, tolls and charges for furnishing natural gas service
to all of its customers at various locations in the Counties of Barbour,
Boone, Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Jackson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Marion, Marshall, McDowell,
Mingo, Monongalia, Nicholas, Pleasants, Preston, Raleigh, Ritchie,
Roane, Taylor Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood and Wyoming.
The proposed decreased rates and charges will become effective
November 1, 2010, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service
Please turn to LEGALS
page 16
Page 16, Braxton Citizens’ News, August 10, 2010
Under provisions of section 29-22B-1107 of the West Virginia Code, the West Virginia State Lottery
Commission will accept bids from persons who intend to become licensed operators and retailers for
permits to purchase or lease limited video lottery terminals from licensed manufacturers. The minimum
bid per-terminal must be at least five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars. The total number of terminals to be
awarded in the initial Competitive Bid is five thousand (5,000). To be licensed as a limited video lottery
operator or retailer, a person must meet the four-year West Virginia residency requirement.
Bids for authorizations to own or lease video lottery terminals shall be submitted to the Purchasing
Division, West Virginia Department of Administration. Bids delivered or mailed to the Purchasing Division shall be in the possession and control of the Purchasing Division on or before 11:00 a.m. eastern
standard time on Monday, October 18, 2010. A duplicate bid shall be mailed to the State Auditor’s bid
observer’s office using the same time restrictions. Mailed, hand-delivered and courier-delivered bids
shall be addressed as follows and must also be received by the deadline listed above:
Submit one (1) original bid to:
Submit one (1) copy of the bid to:
State of West Virginia
State Auditor’s Office
Department of Administration
Bid Observer
Purchasing Division
State of West Virginia
2019 Washington Street, East
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East
Charleston, WV 25305-0130
Bldg. 1, Room W-118
Charleston, WV 25305-0230
The outside of the bid envelopes should be clearly marked:
The kids aren’t the only ones who
need to get ready to go back to
Parents, we can help you!
Bids submitted to either office by e-mail or fax shall be rejected. Failure of the United States Postal
Service or a courier service to make timely delivery of any bid shall not validate any bid not in the hands
of the Purchasing Division or the State Auditor’s Bid Observer’s Office by the required date and time.
Each bid should be typed or printed on the BID FOR LIMITED VIDEO LOTTERY TERMINAL PERMITS
form provided by the West Virginia Lottery. Bid forms may be downloaded and printed from the Lottery’s
website at www.wvlottery.com. Hard copy forms may be obtained by contacting the Lottery at (304)
558-0500. The following information will be required for completion of this form:
White’s Pre-Owned
can get you into an A+ Car, Truck or SUV
for the upcoming school year!
‘04 Cadillac Esclade
FULLY LOADED, All Options, 115K Miles,
‘06 Chevy Trailblazer LT
Keyless Entry, 4X4,
62K Miles, CD, All Power, Automatic
West Virginia Lottery Buyer
Limited Video Lottery Permit Bids
Monday, October 18, 2010
(Bid Opening) 1:30 p.m.
bidder’s name:
bidder’s address:
bidder’s telephone number:
bidder’s LVL License Number (if a current permit holder):
number of video lottery terminals for which the permit is sought:
per-terminal bid for which the permit is sought: $
total bid (per-terminal bid multiplied by the number of terminals): $
amount of the bid bond submitted with the bid (must equal “total bid”): $
Additional bid information, including a sample of a completed bid, may be found on the Internet at
www.wvlottery.com. No bid shall be considered unless the amount of the bid equals or exceeds the
$5,000 minimum per-terminal bid amount specified by the Commission. Multiple bids in varying perterminal bid amounts must be accompanied by separate bid bonds and submitted in separate, sealed
envelopes. No bid shall be altered or withdrawn after the appointed hour for the opening of the bids.
No bid shall be considered unless the required bid bond accompanies the bid or was submitted to the
West Virginia State Treasurer on or before 11:00 a.m. eastern standard time on Monday, October 18,
2010. In order to have a bid considered, each person submitting a bid must furnish a bond guaranteeing payment of 100 percent of the bid amount for the permits sought by the bidder. The bond must be
furnished in the form of one of the following – cash or cash equivalent, negotiable security acceptable
to the State Treasurer’s Office, a surety bond issued by a company authorized by the West Virginia
Insurance Commissioner to do surety business in the State of West Virginia, or an irrevocable letter of
credit issued by a national or state bank or other financial institution acceptable to the State Treasurer’s
Office. If the bid bond is furnished in cash or acceptable negotiable security, the principal shall be
deposited without restriction in the West Virginia State Treasurer’s office and credited to the West
Virginia State Lottery Commission, and a true copy of the receipt issued by the State Treasurer shall be
included in the sealed bid(s). If the bid bond is furnished in the form of a surety bond or irrevocable
letter of credit, the bond or letter of credit shall be included in the sealed bid(s).
Permits shall be awarded to the persons submitting the highest per-terminal bids. No operator or
retailer shall be authorized to directly or indirectly own or lease more than 675 video lottery terminals
whether the permit is obtained by successful bid, by certificate of reservation or by a combination of
both reservation and bidding. No retailer shall be authorized to operate more than five (5) video lottery
terminals at one licensed location, with the exception of qualified fraternal clubs and veterans’ organizations, which may operate up to 10 video lottery terminals at one licensed location.
continued from page 15
‘06 Jeep Grand Cherokee
‘04 Toyota Rav 4
Keyless Entry, 4X4,
43K Miles, CD, All Power, Automatic
4X2, 78K Miles, CD, Automatic
‘00 Jeep Cherokee Sport
‘06 Saturn Ion
Keyless Entry, 4X4,
90K Miles, All Power, Automatic
Loaded, Keyless Entry,
78K Miles, CD, All Power, Automatic
‘06 Subaru Impreza
‘05 Chevy Uplander
Keyless Entry, Tinted Glass, 50K Miles,
CD, All Power, All Wheel Drive
LOADED Multi CD, DVD System,
Leather, OnStar & MORE!!
Commission and will reduce revenues approximately $3.9 million
annually, a decrease of 2%. The average monthly bill for the various
classes of customers will be changed as follows:
Resale customers of Dominion Hope include Standard Gas Co.,
Consumers Gas Utility Co., Lumberport-Shinnston Gas Co., Inc.,
East Resources, Inc., Mountaineer Gas Co., Southern Public Service Co., Blacksville Oil & Gas Co., Inc., Tawney Gas Services,
Inc., and Equitable Natural Gas Co.
The decreases shown are based on averages of all customers in
the indicated classes. Each class may receive an increase or decrease greater or less than stated here. Individual customers may
receive decreases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested decreased rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increase or decrease) by the
Public Service Commission in its review of this filing. Any decrease
in rates and charges will not become effective until authorized and
approved by the Public Service Commission. (If a hearing is conducted, notice will be given of the time and place of hearing.)
A complete copy of the proposed rates, as well as a representative
of the company to provide any information requested concerning it,
is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents
at the Clarksburg office of the Company, 48 Columbia Boulevard,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
A copy of the proposed rates are available for public inspection at
the office of the Executive Secretary of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION AT 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
The 30-C procedure is designed to provide a procedure for changing rates charged to customers by natural gas distribution utilities
based exclusively on the cost of purchased gas. Consequently,
protest should be limited to the reasonableness of such costs and
the method by which they are calculated. Anyone desiring to protest
or intervene should file a written protest or notice of intervention
within twenty-five (25) days following the date of this publication
unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely
intervene can affect your rights to protest any rate increases and to
participate in future proceedings. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission’s rules on intervention set forth in the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and
intervention should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, Post Office Box 812,
Charleston, West Virginia 25323, with copies to Georgia B. Carter,
Dominion Hope, 48 Columbia Boulevard, Clarksburg, West Virginia
25323 and E. Dandridge McDonald, Post Office Box 1588, Charleston, WV 25326-1588.
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has mason
sand and limestone sand, and three sizes of
Ohio River gravel. We also have various sizes
of crushed limestone, house coal, red mulch,
brown mulch and agriculture lime stockpiled at
our yard on Little Birch Road.
We can be reached at 304-765-7502 to
schedule a delivery or to check on a time to get
your own truck loaded. 304-765-7502
This Saturday
August 14th at
“Eagle Field” in
Flatwoods, the
Braxton County
Football Program
will be hosting
the NRVC’s
annual “Grid-oRama.” A total of
8 teams from
central and
southern West
Virginia will be
giving a preseason snapshot
of their talent.
Come and
support teams
from- Braxton,
Roane, Clay,
Cowen, Webster
Springs, New
Haven, and Oak
Hill in this Little
League football
showcase. Play
begins at 3pm
and admission is
free to all who
‘01 GMC Sonoma SLS ‘02 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT
Keyless Entry, 4X4,
104K Miles, CD, All Power, Automatic
Tinted Glass, 4X4,
54K Miles, CD, All Power, Automatic
502 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV 26624