0429-front page.pmd - Braxton Citizens` News
0429-front page.pmd - Braxton Citizens` News
Children’s Memorial Flag Day cermoney held... See Page 11 Vol. 33, No. 17 April 29, 2008 25 CENTS Braxton Airport to receive $111,240 Federal Grant Senators Jay Rockefeller and Robert C. Byrd announced late last week that the Braxton County Airport in Sutton will receive $111,240.00 in federal funding through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These grants will enable the airport to install a runway vertical/ visual guidance system needed to assist pilots in making visual approaches. “Airports are essentially the backbone of every local economy and gateways for new business and new jobs,” said Rockefeller, Chairman of the Senate Aviation Subcommittee. “This grant will help Braxton County Airport install the necessary upgrades, making air travel safer for our residents and visitors.” “Air travel is an essential component of the transportation network in our state, and Braxton County Airport is an important part of that network,” Byrd said. “These funds will help ensure the safety of those who use the airport and expand opportunities there for the long-term.” The airport’s grant was awarded through the Air Improvement Program (AIP), which provides significant funding to local airports, helping them modernize the air traffic control system and expand airport runways and other facilities. Senator Rockefeller was instrumental in securing a substantial increase in the AIP re-authorization in 2003 as part of the VISION 100 – Century of Aviation Re-authorization Act. As Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Byrd has worked to provide needed funding for the FAA programs that award these grants. “Senator Rockefeller and I are a team. Whether it be for these airport funds, highway construction, better schools, health care or mine safety, we are working together every day for West Virginia,” Byrd stated. “Programs serving small community airports, like the AIP, are critical to maintaining service to West Virginia and keeping our airports connected to our country’s aviation system,” Rockefeller continued. “That’s why I’ve fought so hard with Senator Byrd throughout my career in the Senate for a strong aviation sector and improvements to our local airports.” Senator Rockefeller has authored legislation to ensure the continuation of programs which serve West Virginia’s small community airports. Next week, the Senate is expected to begin debate on S.1300, Rockefeller’s Aviation Investment and Modernization (AIM) Act. In S.1300, Rockefeller was instrumental in protecting grants for small airports that the Administration proposed cutting by reauthorizing the FAA and its crucial programs like AIP, Essential Air Service (EAS) Program, and the Small Community Air Service Development Program. The AIM Act also seeks to modernize our air traffic control system and hold airlines more accountable for delays, cancellations and other inconveniences for their customers. “D EVOTED TO B RAXTON C OUNTY -- R ESPONSIVE TO ITS CITIZENS ’ NEEDS ” www.bcn-news.com Grand Jury reconvenes in Gregory case Shaw enters plea; Jury finds James guilty in eight minutes The grand jury attending the Circuit Court of Braxton County was reconvened for a session under the supervision of Judge Jack Alsop on Thursday April 24, to hear a case in which Judge Richard Facemire had recused himself. Jesse Gregory, age 19, of Airport Road, Sutton, was charged in a six count indictment returned by the grand jury with the offenses of kidnapping, abuse of an elder person, robbery, burglary, grand larceny and conspiracy. The charges stem from the home invasion robbery of Virginia Lucille Boone of Frametown which occurred January 21, 2007. Braxton County Prosecuting Attorney William C. Martin noted that he had hoped to be able to present the case against Gregory and his alleged co-conspirator who was a juvenile at last week’s proceedings. “That would save jurors and witnesses having to go through this twice and would save the state and county thousands of dollars in expenses,” said Martin. Judge Alsop had ruled in August that the juvenile could be tried as an adult. The prosecutor actually held off on a second day grand jury at the October term of court so this case could be included with other pending matters. The juvenile filed a petition for appeal of Judge Alsop’s decision with the West Virginia Supreme Court in November. Prosecutor Martin said he had been expecting a quick refusal of the appeal ever since, as the local Judge had ruled, it was a manda- tory transfer to adult status under the statute. Prosecutor Martin further noted he has made repeated inquires of the Supreme Court to find out the status of that case and was only recently informed a decision will not come before May 20, at the earliest. In other Court proceedings, Nancy L. Shaw, age 58, of Deer Forrest Apartments, Gassaway, entered guilty pleas to three counts of drug related offenses before Judge Richard Facemire on Thursday. She entered pleas to the charges of delivery of the controlled substance oxycodone, conspiracy and false claims. Shaw faces three to twenty years imprisonment and $35,000 in fines under her plea agreement which provides eight other charges relating to different drugs delivered at the same times would not be pursued. Sentencing was scheduled for July 14. Charley Clarence James, age 67, of Stumbo Road, Frametown, was found guilty of delivery of the controlled substance hydrocodone by a jury verdict in Circuit Court on Wednesday, April 16. The deliberation of the jury was one of the fastest in recent history. The jury was out for only eight minutes before returning their verdict. Prosecuting Attorney Martin presented three witnesses in the state’s case. Donald Clifford Cupp, also of Frametown, told the jury that he had purchased the pills which he sold to a confidential informant from James. Sgt. John Bonazzo, local detachment commander of the West Virginia State Police, told the jury that he had information the pills in the Cupp case came from James and he, along with Cpl. Mark Yost, interviewed James two days later. The jury heard a recording of the interview in which James acknowledged giving pills to Cupp, but denied selling them. The jury deliberated just eight minutes before returning the guilty verdict. Prosecuting Attorney Martin said this is the first time a historical drug case, that is one in which the state did not monitor the transaction, had gone to a jury trial in Braxton County. Cupp had previously pled guilty to the same offense and had appeared for sentencing on Monday. Judge Richard Facemire delayed the sentencing and ordered Cupp undergo a 60 day pre-sentence diagnosis and classification. Gassaway Police Chief G. Ord Thompson to be remembered in Cogar research Braxton County’s only law enforcement officer shot and killed in the line of duty Though nearly a century has passed since his violent death, Gassaway Police Chief G. Ord Thompson is not forgotten. Ord Thompson, the only Gassaway Police officer to be killed in the line of duty, is the subject of a research project being pursued by Herb Cogar of Gassaway. “My hope is to publish my work at some point so that the true story of the circumstances surrounding Ord Thompson’s death will be known” said Cogar. Chief Ord Thompson was mortally wounded at about 9:00 a.m. on April 30, 1915 by William Holly Griffith of Wirt County during the officer’s attempt to arrest him on check forgery charges. Daniel K. Comer, a young co-operator of a local boarding house who had been deputized by the officer to ac- company him that morning, was also shot, but survived. Unbeknownst to the policeman, Griffith had just a few weeks earlier shot and killed Wirt County Constable Jeff Goff who had similarly attempted to execute a warrant for his arrest. Thompson and Comer were evacuated to Charleston by train, but Thompson died of his wounds later the same evening. He was buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Elkins, the final resting place of Henry Gassaway Davis and Steven B. Elkins. Comer died in 1982. Following Chief Thompson’s death, a posse was organized by Braxton County Sheriff R.N. Rollyson, and the ensuing manhunt, unparalleled in state history, ended with Griffith’s capture in Youngstown, Ohio some weeks later. He was convicted of the murder of Ord Thompson by a Braxton County jury on July 19, 1915, and sentenced to life in prison. Within a few years, Griffith escaped the penitentiary at Moundsville. Before being recaptured, he committed two additional murders for which he was also convicted. Remarkably, in later years, Griffith’s exploits were widely romanticized by the media. The book, Fool’s Parade, written by the late Davis Grubb of Moundsville, was inspired in part by Griffith’s prison life. A movie by the same title, starring Jimmy Stewart, was released in 1971. Griffith died in 1971 at the age of 79, having spent fifty-six years of his life in prison. “Sadly, though in his later years, Griffith was treated sympathetically, Ord Thompson and his valiant sacrifice This picture is the only one known to exist of Chief Thompson who was shot and killed in the line of duty. was largely forgotten” said Please turn to THOMPSON Cogar. “To the extent pospage 3 Last weekend for comedy “Teahouse” at Landmark FBLA students attend State Leadership Conference The Braxton County High School Future Business Leaders of America competed at the State Leadership Conference in Charleston, West Virginia, Monday and Tuesday, March 31-April 1. Around 700 students from various schools participated in over forty different events ranging from individual online tests to team events with production activities. At the conclusion of the conference, the following students were recognized as winners: Brandi Ransbottom—1 st place— Business Law; Nancy Mulhare—2nd Place—Business Law; Chase Duffield— 1 st Place—Personal Finance; Blaine Murphy, Kevin Cool, Matt Bailey—1st Place—Web Site Development; Nick Taylor—2 nd Place—Economics; Matt Culver—6 th Place—Economics; Kyle Allen—3 rd Place—Accounting I; Paige Harper—4 th Place—Business Procedures; Morgan King—4th Place—Computer Applications; Clinton Means—4th Place—Parliamentary Procedures; Kevin Skinner—5th Place—Parliamentary Procedures; Jenny Tonkin—5 th Place—Business Communications; Jamie Chapman—5 th Place—Job Interview; Katie Rollins—5 th Place—Word Processing I; Mandy Burnside—6 th Place—Accounting II; Jacie Whinnery—6 th Place—InPlease turn to FBLA page 3 Be sure not to miss the last weekend performance of The Teahouse of the August Moon, the first play to receive the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award,on May 2 and 3rd at 8:00 at the Landmark Studio for the Arts. Set in 1946, Teahouse is a delightful comedy about a U.S. soldier in Occupied Japan with army orders to bring democracy to a small village in Okinawa. A huge cast, with gorgeous costumes has been assembled consisting of Jessica Bates, Justin Blankenship, Joe, Jeanette, Robbie and Jack Boyce, Merleen Campbell, Westley Carpenter, Rebecca, Taylor and Siarah Conrad, Lex DeGruyl, Romeo and Camma Duchaine, Rocky Gettel, Debbie Hamric, Croix Keener, Clifton Long, Glenn Long, Briar Martin, Dalton Miller, Tess Morris, Sydney Ransbottom, Mike Schartiger, Adam Tanner and Billy, the goat. Technical Crew consists of Mitzi and Esker Morris, Nacole Ransbot- tom, Erica Butler, Kyle Allen and Nathan Rexroad, with Chris Allen directing and Paula Sanders, assistant director. The featured artist for this show will be Janice Delaney whose works will be on display in the lobby. This lavish production has been financed in part with sponsorships from Proctor & Gamble, Café Cimino Country Inn, Ben, Stephanie & Liat Randolph and Maria Frame. Arrangements can be made with Cafe Cimino for a special dinner theatre/ bed and breakfast package by calling 877-924-6466 Ticket prices are $8.00 for adults, $6.00 for seniors, and $4.00 for students. Teahouse is being presented with special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service Reservations and information can be obtained Please turn to TEAHOUSE \page 2 Scenes like this from Teahouse of the August Moon promise theater attendees a hilarious evening of entertainment at the Landmark Studio for the Arts. Page 2 OPINION Braxton Citizens’ News ● April 29, 2008 ● ● ● Editorials Letters Columns Our views Your views Their views l As I See It l Just look at this! From our readers A weekly photo of opinion in Braxton County... sometimes good and sometimes not so good. By Ed Given A Thank you... Contest winners announced… We ran out of space this week, so I am going to begin this column by announcing the winners of our first Citizens News Coloring Contest. We had lots of entries and the judging was very difficult. But, we had to come up with winners and we have. They are: Payton Lacy of Burnsville. Payton won the 7 and under category. He is the six year old son of Chris and Kris Lacy. The winner of the 8 to 12 year old group is eight year old, Chandler Wyne of Sutton. Chandler is the son of Jefferson and Cindy Wyne. Both winners will receive tickets to the circus, dinner for 2 at Shoneys, souvenirs and refreshments at the Circus and a prize package. We congratulate the winners and thank all those who participated in the contest. They were all winners! Words of wisdom… All of us who use a computer now days, are often enundated with worthless junk email. Most, like junk snail mail, ends up in the trash can. However we all get some things that are turely amazing or enlightening by nature. I received a piece last week that I put in that category. Remember Lee Iacocca, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from death’s door? He’s now 82 years old and has a new book, and here are some excerpts... ”Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can’t even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, “Stay the course. “Stay the course? You’ve got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. I’ll give you a sound bite: Throw all the bums out!” “You might think I’m getting senile, that I’ve gone off my rocker, and maybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore.” I have always admired Iacocca. Not only for his business genius, but his quick tongue as well. After reading this email, containing the little bit I have reprinted here and more, I am still intrigued by his keen whit and insight. As blunt as it is… I believe he is right on target with much of his thinking on this subject. And… it really doesn’t matter much whether you’re a democrat or republican. Election day just around the corner… The May 13 th Primary Election is just around the corner… I can’t wait to resume some sort of normal. The election process is critical to our well-being and future, but much of it sure makes life interesting here at the paper. I am contemplating who I am going to vote for. Unfortunately, I haven’t filled in all the “X”s. Some of the position are difficult. I guess not everyone is having the same trouble I am. I understand it is very busy at the early voting site. That’s a good thing. The more that vote the better off we are. You still have until May 10 to vote early at the old Fisher building across from the Courthouse. Or… of course you can be old fashion and go on May 13 th . Either way… be sure and go vote. Read the Citizens’ News on the World Wide Web www.bcn-news.com Braxton Citizens’ NEWS PUBLISHER/EDITOR Ed Given SPORTS EDITOR Shirley Shuman OFFICE MANAGEMENT Jeanine Given CIRCULATION Amber Kelly ADVERTISING Allison Given PRINTING Mike McElwain (SSN 393130) A Weekly Publication Established February 9, 1976 P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street Sutton, West Virginia 26601 E-mail: quality@rtol.net (304)765-5193 Entered as periodic rate at the Sutton, WV Post Office Postmaster: Send address change to: Braxton Citizens’ News P.O. Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601 Subscription rates: $17.50 in county, $25.50 in state, $41.00 out-of-state E-subscription, $20.00 Senior Citizens may deduct $1 Dear Editor, Thank you for time and space that you devoted to your recent coverage of science education activities by the students from your area. Sincerely, Robin Anglin Science Coordinator Office of Instruction A good experience... Teens Get Involved… BCHS’s new Interact Club, sponsored by the Rotary Club, is a community service organization that allows teens to reach out and get involved in their community. Recently members of the Interact Club, Dannie Arnold and Bethany Smith, along with band members Bianca Schiefer, Blaine Murphy, and Nathan Moore served food at the Senior Citizens fund raising dinner. “I was pleased to see the great turn out at the dinner,” Club President Dannie Arnold said. “I hope we will see just as many people at the blood drive.” The Interact Club collected donations of dog food and toys at Rotary’s blood drive April 26 at the Braxton County Memorial Hospital. Everyone who brought a donation was entered in a drawing. (L to R) Emily Backus, Grace Browning and Morgan King collected a large quantity which will be donated to Braxton County’s Animal Shelter. Lola's World News And Views By Lola B. Given Alyce Faye’s fall... May 13 - Primary Election I was so sorry to hear via Alyce Faye Bragg’s email that her dog tripped her and she fell breaking a hip. She is home from the hospital now. Only the week before, my dog tripped me and I rammed my head into the side of my house leaving a knot on my hair line and 2 black eyes, so I was made to think I was lucky. Alyce Faye is a gift to WV with her wit and wisdom in the Gazette, and she is such an active person at home, and in the church and community. This lady like the Phoenix will rise again, and we pray she heals fast. Have you ever wondered why our country is divided almost 50-50 in the two party system. Many have changed to Independents, but it is hard to understand how that would help with so few representatives in the congress to carry out an agenda. So basically, one is throwing their vote away. Also, I wonder at how most look at the person instead of recognizing the party’s platform is what they should consider. We see the Republicans cutting taxes for those who have the most income while leaving us peons to foot the bill of an out of control government. We have a national debt of ten trillion dollars and we borrow monies to give each taxpayer a token “refund.” It’s a big joke and the joke is on us. We know our country can be run right and we know who apparently can’t handle that. McCain rushing to talk with Bush the next day after his confirmation as the candidate should change a thinking person’s mind about considering him for president. This 50-50 political split is misleading since the vast majority of us are middle and low-income people. We have seen this last seven and a half years that the party of the administration does not have the interest of the majority at heart. Instead, the rich executives of giant multi-national corporations control our country. The denial claim that we are in a recession just doesn’t sound right to those of us who are on a fixed income, have families to feed, school, and educate. People are groping for a name for what is happening to us. “Fleecing” might be a good start. The gasoline and diesel to get to work empties one’s pocket book each week. The doubling cost of goods and services is emptying most nest eggs or putting families in the bread line. Our primary election the 13th of May is fast coming upon us. My sample ballot has been filled out and I’m waiting to mark the real one. Remember you can vote early at the courthouse. We well know some changes need to be in some offices. Lola B. Given lolabgiven@wildblue.net The vote will also have great financial ramifications. Last week, the WV School Building Authority expressed their support of the plan and awarded $7.8 million toward the project, contingent on the passage of the bond/levy. If the by Delegate Brent Boggs vote fails, the funding is gone and there is a long waiting list of counties that will stand to Way, way back in the 60’s, the closet; and eventually the attic, where I assume it ultireceive the funds. as a fourth grade student in Consolidation of schools is Mrs. Westfall’s class, I won the mately succumbed to age and the harsh environment of Mom a traumatic experience. It PTA poster contest at Davis affects communities, families Grade School, urging citizens to and Dad’s storage space, periodically moved from place and often involves long bus support the bond issue for the “new” consolidated high school. to place with the annual shuffle rides in rural counties. While it I remember this, because I won of Christmas decorations, until may often be necessary, it is not without great anguish. the $5 first prize and had to go it finally disappeared. Every Davis Grade School The Legislature this year to the PTA meeting to receive it. student in the fourth through took several steps to protect It was hot, crowded and Mom sixth grade was urged to parour kids. First, we passed made me wear a tie. legislation to place time limits I don’t remember what I ticipate. I also remember that did with the winnings, but I do Dad helped me with the project. on future bus routes; increased As young parents, he and Mom local share funding for county recall taking the check to the boards of education along with Bank of Gassaway with Dad on wanted the best educational a revised school aid formula Saturday morning and dutifully opportunities for me and my brother. that will give our rural counties handing it over the counter to Now, approximately 40 additional funding; increased Vic Shingler, along with my years since the vote to consolithe bonding authority for the savings book. It was the first date the high schools, citizens School Building Authority in check I’d ever received. I have in Braxton County have the order to provide more available no idea what I eventually did opportunity to pass a combina- dollars for school replacements with the five dollars. tion bond and levy that will and renovations throughout The poster, however, actually strengthen our comWest Virginia. lasted much longer. Mom insisted it be kept (along with munities by not only keeping In central West Virginia, our remaining schools, but we’ve witnessed the declining all other school papers) after increasing the school populapopulation of our communities being displayed in the window as the schools have been of the Gassaway Midland tion and making major imCompany. The poster eventuprovements to those commuconsolidated, due to increasing costs. Eventually, this creates a ally migrated from my room; to nity schools. News from our Capitol Dear Editor, I went to Ripley Cedar Lakes Spiritual Growth Retreat on April 17th and 18th for the Burnsville United Methodist Women via the Wesleyan District. The District had 11 members who attended the retreat. I stayed at the Mason Co. Lodge. We had good food and quite a restful experience. I would like to thank the BUMW for my 255.6 mile trip-safe and sound. Barbara Joyce Paxton Spiritual Growth Leader Our policy... We welcome letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any letter deemed to contain libelous, inaccurate or misleading information. The deadline for submission is Thursday prior to the Tuesday publication. All letters must contain the name of the author. We do not have a set limit on the number of words a letter may contain, however, space is limited, so please keep your comments as brief and concise as possible. Extremely long letters will not be published. Material submitted for consideration as a letter to the editor should be in the format of a letter. We do not accept letters endorsing or refuting any candidate for political office. Please provide a phone number for verification purposes. That number will not be published except at the request of the writer. negative economic impact on our community businesses and closes the facilities the schools provide for community use. For those areas that still retain local schools, we need to keep them in place as long as feasible, understanding that every Board of Education has a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers and the state requirement to pass a balanced budget. I have enormous respect for all those who give of their time and energy in serving as Board of Education members. Gilmer County has supported an education levy for many years to supplement the educational needs of students and schools. I commend them for this important support. Also this year, a levy to support the Recreation Center is on the ballot, which I hope is supported, as well. The Rec Center is a valuable asset for Gilmer County and vital to county and community. In Braxton County, the school bond and levy on the ballot will be an opportunity to move in a new direction that will have a huge bearing on what happens to our remaining community schools in the future. Every voter will have to Please turn to CAPTIOL page 3 Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV Relay for Life briefs... 16 teams, 117 Longaberger participants ready Basket Bingo to for Braxton “Relay be held The Gassaway United For Life” The American Cancer Society would like to announce as of April 25, 16 teams and 117 participants have registered to join in the fight against cancer and participate in the Relay For Life in Braxton County. Air Waves - The Boss 97FM, Karen Carr, Ian Davis, Judy Davis, Kristi Davis, Linda Davis, Daniel Finch, Lisa Godwin, Kimber Knight, Brad Moyers, Caroline Nicholas, Nathaniel Nicholas, Valerie Nicholas, Shane Patterson and Al Sergi Bank of Gassaway, Kimberly Miller, Debbie Adams, Jennifer Barker, Basilla Brown, Jennifer Cottrill, Beth Jenkins, Cassie Mackey, Brian McNemar and Linda Utt Be A Star Hero’s, Melissa Jones, Larry Jones, Luke Jones, Marc Jones and Scotty Jones Braxton, Samantha Moss, Caleb Harper, Jordan Mace, Alicia Malcomb, Mary McMillion, Allyson Peters, Josh Porto, Julie Rollyson, Alison Utt, Eden Wilson an dRobert Workman. Braxton Health Care Center, Jody Belknap, Crystal Brooks, Deborah Clevenger, Jennifer McKracken, Donna McQuain, Patricia Metheny and Karen Rockhold Christ Church Crusaders, Pamela Bush, Gudrun Brown, John Bush, Amy Gray, Brandon Gray, Maleigha Gray, Douglas Smailes, J.D. Smailes, Kimberly Smailes, Eddie Wade, Ranae Wade, Alice Ware, Lisa Ware and Rusty Ware. Curves for a Cure— Gassaway/Sutton Curves, Elizabeth King Faith Walkers, Wendy Wayne GUMC, Nancy Workman, Rhonda Cox, Mary Jones, Avnell Keener, Butch Lancaster, Linda Lancaster, Aleece Smith, Jeannie Stone, Rose Turner, Becky Woodward, Don Woodward and Charlie Workman Hope For A Cure, Genelda Brown, Linda Brady, Denzil Brown, Kelly Brown, Caron Hudnall, Bonnie King, Misty King and Angela Nesselrotte Miles For Mandy, Angie Houghton, Juanita Cunningham, Rebecca Cunningham, Vena Cunningham, Jason Davis, Scottie Dorsey, Kandy Holmes, Tim Holmes, Judith Houghton and Rylee Rogers. Rolling for a Cure, Janet Burge and Iilene Allen Soldiering For The Cure, Amy Ferebee, Mary Currence, Kenneth Ferrebee, Mary Ferrebee, Tony Ferrebee, Pauline Gerwig, Glenna Luzader, Brenda Taylor, Cory Withrow and Brigida Withrow. Tomorrow’s Hope, Carol Ellis and Jessica Ellis Wendys of Flatwoods, Joellen Ralphsnyder These individuals are all raising money to support the Relay For Life and if you would like to support any of them with a donation or if you are interested in joining their Relay For Life team you can do so by going on line at www.events.cancer.org/ RFLBraxtonCounty . Without the support of local community participants, the American Cancer Society would not be able to achieve its mission. Dollars raised through Relay For Life are used for the American Cancer Society’s research, education, advocacy and service programs. Methodist Church (GUMC) Relay For Life team “Getting United for a Miracle Cure” (GUMC) is hosting a Longaberger Basket BINGO on Saturday May 3rd at the Braxton County Senior Centers new location between Sutton and Gassaway. Doors open at 5:00 p.m., BINGO to start at 6:00 p.m. $20 donation for 20 games of BINGO. Additional games can be purchased. Door prizes and raffles also. Refreshments will be sold with ALL proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. For additional information or to purchase tickets please call Nancy Workman at 3645907 or Linda Lancaster at 364-5678. With your help, we can find a CURE! Relay For Life Silent Auction and Spaghetti Dinner The Stump Chapel Baptist Church Relay For Life team is planning a silent auction and spaghetti dinner on Saturday May 10 at the Flatwoods Community Building from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Take out orders available. All proceeds benefit the Relay For Life in Braxton County. Please come out and support a great cause and enjoy a delicious meal. Any questions, please call Janet Burge at 765-3581 in the evenings after 5pm or Patti Toler 765-2211. Remember with your help, we can find a CURE! Freedom Bag Honoring our Soldiers Soldering For The Cure Relay For Life team is sponsoring “Freedom Bag” to be displayed in honor of your soldier past or present fighting in the war as we are “Soldiering For The Cure” in the war against cancer! For a $5 donation you can honor your favorite soldier. For bags and more information contact Amy Ferrebee at 304-4394726 or Mary Ferrebee at 304-364-8221. Remember with your help, we can find a CURE! Go-Mart team to hold car wash The Go Mart Relay for Life team is having a Car Wash (By Donation), Hotdog and Bake Sale on May 3 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U Pak Store in Gassaway. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society/Relay For Life. For Information call Angie at 364-9093. With your help, we can find a CURE! Team Captains meeting set There will be a Team Captain meeting for the Braxton County Relay For Life at Central WV Outreach in the old Chevy garage in Gassaway Tuesday April 29 starting at 6:00 p.m. All Team Captains are urged to attend or send someone from your team if you are unable to attend. For more information please call Carrie Colliins at 765-5753. It’s not too late to get involved with this year’s Relay For Life in Braxton County!! With your help, we can find a CURE. Survivors Lap Begins American Cancer Society Relay For Life In a nation where more than 1,444,920 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, Braxton County is invited to celebrate life. Relay For Life is an American Cancer Society event where no one fights cancer alone. At the Relay For Life, cancer survivors are invited to walk the first lap in a celebration of victory against their battle with cancer. The 2008 Relay For Life of Braxton County will be held on Friday June 13 at Holly Gray Park, Airport Road. The Survivors Lap will begin at 7:00 p.m. and registration for survivors begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Survivor’s designated registration at Holly Gray Park. Survivors can also register for the event by calling Angie Houghton, Survivor Chair at 304619-9290. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising activity. It began in 1985 when Dr. Gordy Klatt of Tacoma, Washington, walked around a track for 24 hours and raised $27,000 for the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life has grown into an international annual event that is held in 23 countries, on 6 continents, and in over 4,600 communities. Today Relay For Life is the largest nonprofit fund-raising activity in the world with over 3.5 million participants. While each community’s Relay For Life is unique, its greater power lies in the synergy created by all the Relays taking place worldwide. Funds generated through Relay support your American Cancer Society both locally and nationally. By 2015, the Society aims to prevent close to five million additional deaths from cancer, avoid six million new cancer diagnoses, and measurably improve the quality of life for those who have cancer. Community support is bringing us closer to realizing these challenging goals. At Relay For Life events, participants also become more knowledgeable about cancer prevention and early detection, and learn more about services that are available to cancer patients and their families as well as opportunities to become more involved in the fight against cancer. For more information about your local Relay For Life, visit www.relayforlife.org or call Carrie Collins CoChair at 765-5753. You can also visit our event website at www.events.cancer.org/ RFLBraxtonCounty. The American Cancer Society’s national signature event, Relay For Life, will take place June 13 at Holly-Gray Park. This team event to fight cancer kicks off at 7:00 p.m. with cancer survivors making the first lap. Each year during the Relay, cancer survivors are honored for their courage and strength. April 29, 2008 Page 3 The first lap of the evening, known as the “Survivors’ Lap,” officially opens the Relay and demonstrates the survivors’ determination and will to fight, and encourages Relay participants to help them in their battle against cancer. If you or someone you know would like to celebrate being a cancer survivor, please join us for opening ceremonies on Friday June 13, 7:00 p.m. at Holly-Gray Park, Airport Road, for the beginning of our Relay For Life event, followed by a light reception. To participate in the Braxton County Relay For Life Survivor’s Lap, please complete this form and return it by June 9 to: Angie Houghton, Survivor Chair Braxton County Relay For Life PO Box 169, Birch River, WV 26610 304-619-9290 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________Email:__________________________ Year Diagnosed:____ Type of Cancer:_________________ ____________________________________________________________ My shirt size is (If no size is indicated, survivor will receive an XL): • YOUTH (6-8) • SMALL (adult) • X-LARGE (adult) • YOUTH (10-12 • MEDIUM (adult) • 2X-LARGE (adult) • LARGE (adult) • 3X-LARGE (adult) Please check in at the Survivors’ Table by 6:00pm on June 13. Survivors will walk at a designated time. Please let us know if you need special accommodations to participate. THOMPSON continued from page 1 sible, I hope to provide some balance to the story, and to perpetuate the memory of Ord Thompson and Dan Comer.” On April 28, 2008, Cogar presented a framed photograph of Gassaway Police Chief G. Ord Thompson to his current successor, Chief William Alderman. Ord Thompson’s photograph will be prominently displayed in the Gassaway City Building. “I am deeply grateful to Debbie Johnson of Wilsie, West Virginia, who provided an original of the Thompson photograph, probably the last one made of him” Cogar said. “Debbie, it so happens, is a great niece of noted West Virginia photographer W.E. Bollinger, who in the early TEAHOUSE continued from page 2 by calling 765-3766 or by calling Kathy Walker at 765-3462 as well as for help with special seating needs/or handicapped seats. Reserved seats not claimed by 7:45 will be sold to the general public. When calling for your reserved seat, please give your name, the number of seats, the date of the performance, and any special needs you may have. Warm up at the Teahouse of the August Moon to experience a blend of two cultures and a lump of non-stop, comedic entertainment with government goofballs, geishas and a goat. CAPITOL continued from page 2 make their own decision on this important issue of the bond and levy. However, our current students and those yet to come – children, grand and greatgrandchildren – deserve to have the best we can provide. The circumstances of the 1960’s are gone. The The daughters of Daniel K. Comer (Insert), Pearl Comer Nutt & Dolly Comer Miller (of Parkersburg, WV) with current Gassaway Chief of Police William Alderman and the picture of Ord Thompson that was donated to the town by Herb Cogar. part of the twentieth cen- search, including docutury, maintained a studio mentation, memorabilia in Gassaway, and captured or artifacts relating to the some of the earliest images 1915 shooting, contact eiof the town” he said. ther him or Debbie Cogar asks that any- Johnson via e-mail at one who can provide any hrcogar@verizon.net or assistance in the re- debbiejohnson@rtol.net. “new” consolidated high school at Flatwoods is fast approaching the 40 th graduating class to pass through the doors. Now is the time to move beyond the past and look to the future of our kids and community schools. Whatever your decision, make it on the facts of today – not what happened or didn’t happen four decades ago. I look forward to casting my vote in favor of this important educational and economic development issue for our kids and for our future. In the meantime, I need to check with Mom about that poster. She may actually still have it in a safe place. I look forward to keeping you informed, along with receiving your comments and suggestions. Now that the session is completed, please address your correspondence to my home office: PO Box 254, Gassaway, WV 26624. My phone number is 364-8411 and fax 364-8711. Or, you may contact Finance Committee staff at the Capitol office at: Building 1, Room 472-M, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305. The office telephone number is 340-3280 or 340-3364 and fax number: 340-3388. For those with Internet access, my e-mail address is Boggs34@aol.com. You also may obtain additional legislative information, including the copies of bills, conference reports, daily summaries, budget hearing schedule and other information from the Legislature’s web site at www.legis.state.wv.us/. If you write or leave a message, please remember to include your phone number with your inquiry and any details you can provide. Continue to remember our troops - at home and abroad - and keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Until next week, take care. Read the Citizens' News On The World Wide Web www.bcn-news.com FBLA continued from page 1 troduction to Business; Kyler Stower & S a m a n t h a F i e l d s — 8 th Place—Desktop Publishing; and Judith Kennen—9 th Place—Public Speaking. The 1 st and 2 nd p l a c e w i n n e r s a r e now eligible to compete at the National FBLA Conference this summer in Atlanta, Georgia. The 4 th and 5 th place Parliamentary Procedures winners are also eligible to compete with the other members of the state team. This year however, the state will not be taking a Parliamentary Procedures team. The FBLA Advisors would like to give special congratulations to Nick Taylor who has qualified for the National Conference for the third year in a row. We are proud of all of our students and believe that their performance represented Braxton County High School very well! Saturdays at Noon on WDTV Channel 5 CBS The Bluegrass TV Show, with your hosts Ewell Ferguson and his Bluegrass Kitty-Cat, Buster www.BPSMusic.com Saturday, May 3rd @ 12 Noon This Week Featuring the Bluegrass music of: Lost N Lonesome from Kermit, West Virginia-- Don’t Miss It... Citizens’ NEWS Page 4 April 29, 2008 With Deepest Sympathy OBITUARIES Flora Belle (Riffle) Renshaw Flora Belle (Riffle) Renshaw, 86, formerly of Licking St., Pierpont died Monday, April 14, 2008 at Ashtabula County Nursing Home. She was born September 9, 1921 in Roanoke, WV, the daughter of Jesse and Ella Belle (McClain) Riffle. A Cleveland resident from 1946 to 1964, she moved to Pierpont and remained there until moving to the ACNH in 2004. Prior to her retirement in 1985, she worked 11 years as a finisher for Premix. She previously worked 5 years for the Industrial Rayon Plant in Cleveland. A Methodist by faith, she enjoyed woodworking, gardening, landscape painting, and feeding the birds. She was a life member of the Ashtabula County Humane Society. Her survivors include 3 step-children whom she raised like her own, Sheila (John) Woodburn and Karen (Dan) Suchala, both of Ashtabula, and Charles Renshaw of Conneaut; several stepgrandchildren and greatgrandchildren; two sisterin-laws, Marion Riffle of Walkersville, WV and Dottie Riffle of Beckley, WV; five nieces, Pamela Kurilko, Sharon Burge, Patty Zutaut, Debbie Justice, and Pam Tetzloff; four nephews, Paul Joseph, Cecil Junior, and Dwayne Riffle, and Mike Prince; plus two very special friends, Martha and Victor Baker of Jefferson. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Paul, Cecil, and Argyle Riffle; two sisters, Nina Burroughs and Olive Riffle. At her request, no local services were held. She was laid to rest in Quickel Cemetery, Braxton Co., WV where Everything’s easier with people you know Braxton County, WV memorial services will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to the Ashtabula County Humane Society, PO Box 422, Jefferson, OH 44047. Ducro Funeral Services and Crematory, 4524 Elm Avenue, Ashtabula is in charge of a r r a n g e m e n t s . www.ducro.com Grover Eugene O’Dell Grover Eugene O’Dell, 92, of Gassaway, WV died at home on April 23, 2008 after a long illness. He was born April 5, 1918, a son of the late Grover and Osie O’Dell. Also preceding him in death were all of his siblings. He was a member of the Gassaway United Methodist Church, a member of the Gassaway Masonic Lodge #133 and was retired from E. I. Dupont Belle Plant in Belle, WV. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Nellie Hall O’Dell; one daughter, Norma Jean Higgins and husband David of Dunbar, WV; two grandchildren, Denver Higgins and wife Stephanie of North Carolina and Paula Day and husband Jonathan of Red House, WV; and three great grandchildren Corey and Chelsa Higgins of North Carolina and Whitney Day of Red House, WV. There will be no services according to Grover’s wishes and his body will be donated to science. The family would like to thank Hospice Corporation of Burnsville, WV for all their care and concern these past months. They were truly a blessing. Online condolences may be sent to: greenerobertsonfuneralhome.com. Arrangements were made by GreeneRobertson Funeral Home, Sutton. Eugene D. Dunn On April 23, 2008, Eugene D. Dunn was called to his final home with Jesus. Eugene, 86, proudly served his country in the Army during World War II in the Pacific conflict. Afterward, he returned home to Sutton to meet and marry his bride, Mary Nell Johnson Dunn, who preceded him in death after 41 years of marriage. Together they moved to St. Albans, where Eugene worked 32 years for Union Carbide before they retired to Sutton. Eugene spent the last 12 years of his life in Culloden. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Danny and Linda Dunn; and a daughter and sonin-law, Rosemary and Steve Cook, all of Culloden. He has three grandchildren, Jason Dunn and Allison and Katie Cook, all of Morgantown. The funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 27, at Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church, Hurricane, with Dr. Dan Hogan officiating. Sanford D. Exline Sanford D. Exline, 81, of Wilsie, died April 24, 2008 at home. He was born July 5, 1926 at Strange Creek a son of the late Everett and Hattie Walker Exline. He was a retired coal miner. He is survived by daughters, Anita Rollyson of Wilsie and Patty Duffield of Strange Creek; sisters, Stella May Taylor and Rosie Cultip, both of H to ealth Care Brought you by: Health appenings Braxton Care Center Community People You Know TM It’s easier to get things done with people you know. © MCS Spring has sprung and is reminding us with every new bloom that it is the time of year where endorphins run high. Taking time out to do something good for others can be one the most rewarding feelings available. National Volunteer Week is April 27 th May 3rd. Come out and volunteer some of your time and help spread cheer! True dedication and kind hearts can unfortunately be hard to come-by these days. For almost 10 years now, Harmony Bluegrass have been out to Braxton Health Care Center to entertain our residents every third Tuesday of the month. We want to extend a warm thanks to the band for taking the time to do such a benevolent deed. You really do have an impact on their quality of life. Our Medical Director Dr. Scott Keffer shared some interesting information with us this week. Recent studies have shown an even more important reason to identify and treat depression. Untreated depression can cause a change in certain chemicals that control brain functions. These changes can lead to irreversible damage to the brain cells. This information should make it clear that depression is truly a medical problem deserving a high level of attention. As writer Jane Howard says, “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” If you have any questions about senior health care or questions about our nursing home please contact Jody Belknap at BHCC, 200 Days Drive, Sutton, WV 26601. BHCC reserves the right to use or not use your questions to address issues in this column. Your personal information will not be used in this article without your permission. Have a great week in Central WV. Akron, OH; five grandchildren and four great grandchildren; nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by sisters, Buelah and Ethel; brothers, Homer and Ray. Services were held on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at the Strange Creek Cemetery with Rev. Larry Conrad officiating. Arrangements by Richard M. Funeral Home, Gassaway. Grady Aubrey “Red” Rose Grady Aubrey “Red” Rose, 71 of Cowskin, passed away after a short illness. He was born April 1, 1937 in Pulaski, Tennessee. He was retired from Interstate and Yellow Freight Trucking, Teamsters 407 Cleveland, Ohio for 35 years. A loving husband, father and grandfather, remembered for his sense of humor and strenth in his gentle spirit. He had a passion for sports and loved to watch his grandsons play. He was a veteran of the US Army and served in Germany from 1960 to 1962. He was a member of the American Legion Post #33. Preceeding him in death were his mother, Flora S. Hickman Rose, father, Jesse William Rose, and brothers, Eugene, Arvilee, AD and Buck. He is survived by his loving wife of 48 years, Shirley, son Rodney Rose (Deanna) of Cleveland, OH, daughter, Theresa Nichols (Perry) of Cowskin, six grandchildren, Amber (Jimmy) Belknap, Autumn Moskey (Josh Culver), Megan Rose, Beau Hilton, Garron Rose and Cody Hilton; brother, Wheeler Rose; sisters, Corene Casteel, Mabel Owens, Edith Yates, Mary Ruth Johnson, all of Tennessee and Jewell Watson of Cleveland, Ohio and many loving nieces and nephews. Services were held on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at Richard M. Roach Funeral Home, Gassaway with Pastor Arlis “Butch” Rexroad officiating. Burial with military graveside rites followed in the Jamie Hill Cemetery, Cowskin. Ialene M. Shaver Ialene M. Shaver, 80, of Sutton, died April 26, 2008 at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, Weston. She was born October 17, 1927 in Lewis County a daughter of the late William and Flora Allman McCartney. Ialene was a homemaker and a Methodist. She is survived by husband, Everett J. Shaver; sons, Edgar W. Linger of TN, William P. Linger of CT, Donald E. Linger of WV, Larry S. Linger of MD; Clinton E. Linger of WV and Neil A. Linger of GA; sisters, Margie Linger of WV and Mary CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV COMMUNITY CALENDAR •••••••••••••••••••• Announcement: Like to make extra money? Clean out your closets, attics and basements and bring your items to the streets of Gassaway for the May Days sale on May 1-3, 2008. Everyone’s welcome from businesses to individuals living in town at no fee. Out of town residents will have to pay a license fee of $15.00. All inquiries please call the Town of Gassaway and Business Association. •••••••••••••••••••• Juliana Coal Compamy Employees Reunion: Anyone that worked for Juliana Coal Company at Erbacon is invited to a picnic lunch at Holly Gray Park, Sutton, on Saturday May 31 beginning at 11:00 a.m. (lunch at noon). Bring the family, a covered dish, lawn chairs and sporting equipment for a day of fun! Donations are needed for site rental/plates/utensils/meat/softdrinks, etc. Please RSVP with number to attend. No alcoholic beverages permitted in the park. For information or to make donations contact: John Emory Given 3043 6 4 - 2 2 7 3 , sweetbilly@dishmail.net or Jetty Ashcraft 304-2263830, lj.j@frontiernet.net. •••••••••••••••••••• AARP Defensive Driving Class: Braxton County Chapter AARP is sponsoring a Defensive Driving Class at the Braxton County Senior Center on May 1st and 2nd. Class will be from 4pm to 8pm to accommodate those who work. If we have enough people interested, we will also have a day class beginning at noon until 4pm. The cost of the class is $10.00 per person and certificates are good for three years. Register early. Classes are limited. Call Norris at 765-5236 or see her at the Senior Center or call 765-4090 to get your name on the list. •••••••••••••••••••• Braxton County Fairs and Festivals Celebration Annual Pageant: The Braxton County Fairs and Festivals Celebration will hold its annual beauty pageant on Sunday, May 18, 2008. The Queen will receive a nice gift package as usual and a $4,000 scholarship to Glenville State College. Pageant rehearsal will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2008. We will be accepting applications from in county girls through April 20, 2008. We must have at least six queen contestants to keep the pageant closed to Braxton county girls only. If we do not have six girls by April 20, 2008 we will then open the Pageant State wide and the date will be extended to May 7, 2008. Age categories are Tiny Tot ages 3-4, Tot ages 5-6, Miniature Miss ages 7-9, Junior Miss ages 10-12, Teen ages 1315, Queen ages 16-21. Please contact Suzanne Wine for an application at 853-2983 or 678-3478. •••••••••••••••••••• Announcement: Horsin’ Around Riding Club will be hosting horse shows every 4 th Sunday every month beginning on May 25, 2008. The shows will start at noon. They will be held next to the EMS Building in Elizabeth, WV. Come on out and enjoy the shows. •••••••••••••••••••• Dinner: The Boy Scout Troop 135 is sponsoring a dinner in the Gassaway Community Building on May 2nd from 4:00-7:00 p.m. The boy scouts will serve spaghetti, salad, bread and dessert. Dinner is by donation, and proceeds will go towards the boys’ camp expenses. Everyone is invited to join us for dinner, including candidates in the upcoming election. •••••••••••••••••••• Flower Swap: There will be a Flower Swap held on May 3, 2008 at Little Birch Elementary. The swap begins at 9am. No money is to be exchanged. Bring at least one plant, with no limit on how many you may bring. We have something new for you this year. The NRCS will be attending to demonstrate the proper way to take a soil test. Braxton County FFA Students will also be on hand. Everyone welcome to join in on this fun activity. For more information, call Sue at 765-2994 or Cathy at 765-3021. •••••••••••••••••••• Mothers Day Dinner: The Flatwoods Baptist Church, Cedar Street, will be hosting a FREE Mothers Day Dinner on May 11th, from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Come and enjoy a free dinner and great fellowship. •••••••••••••••••••• Saturday Night Gospel Sing: Tommy Hall & The Sunlighters from Ohio will be singing at First Baptist Temple, on Chapel Road in Gassaway, WV on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend. •••••••••••••••••••• April 29, 2008 Page 5 Notice: Frametown area is getting together. A community wide yard-garage sale will be held on May 13 (Thursday-Saturday). Anyone that can join us, please do so. Several indi- vidual yard-garage sales •••••••••••••••••••• starting from Frametown Little Birch Days Hill area, Granny’s Kitchen Pageant: area, Interstate area north The 10th Annual Little and south and Glendon Birch Days Pageant is Tate Creek Road area. Fol- seeking boys ages 1 to 9 low the signs. Sure to have CONT. ON PAGE 7 - CALENDAR something for everyone! Kelly Hamon McLaughlin is very family orientated... Like any mother she works daily to protect and care for her family... As Braxton County’s next Prosecuting Attorney she wants to protect your family as well as her’s... Kelly Hamon McLaughlin is Tough On Crime... She has prosecuted: felonies including Drug Deliveries, Violent Sexual Assaults, Burglaries misdemeanors including DUI, Assault and Battery, Larceny, Negligent Homicide hundreds of crimes committed by Juveniles hundreds of cases of Abuse and Neglect habitual criminal proceedings result in life imprisonment. My many years of Experience working for and with the Assessors office can greatly help you in this time of Recession both in the office and out. Elect an Assessor who will bring the office to you, and save you some gas, time and standing in line. By meeting me at an advertised place and time in your community and I’ll help you with your personal property, Homestead and even collect your Dog Tax. We can also answer questions concerning your Medicare/Medicaid and Prescription Benefits. So help me to help you, our children and our county. Support Howard Carpenter for Assessor. Paid for by the Candidate She wants to put her Experience to work for YOU! Vote for Kelly Hamon McLaughlin for your next Prosecuting Attorney A New Voice in the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office!! Paid for by the candidate - © 2008 Braxton Citizens' News Citizens’ NEWS Page 6 April 29, 2008 COMMUNITY CORNER PAT’S CHAT BY PAT RIDPATH attended school there, or married someone who attended there, you are welcome to come and join KAA and enjoy our Alumni weekend. I received this very interesting email: “Dear Pat, My name is Teresa Hibbs Vickers. I live in Greenville, Kentucky, which is in western Kentucky about 470 miles away. I brought my two granddaughters, ages (almost) nine and three, in for spring vacation, April 5 through 12. My brother Mike Hibbs and sister-inlaw Vickie live on Dumpling Run. That was our first stop. I drove through Burnsville and showed the girls where I went to school and where my grandparents are buried. My oldest, Jenaveve, looked at my old school with kind of strange look on her face and said, ‘I feel like I have gone back in the real old times!’ I guess she was feeling sorry for me since the school she goes to is new and really high-tech. “While [we] looked around town I was remem- Braxton County, WV bering the wonderful dances, basketball and football games, learning the constellations through a telescope on the old football field and my favorite teacher, Mrs. Shreve (long since gone), and the best apple crisp I’ve ever had, served with our hot lunch. Yes, the town does look different but I guess I will always look back at it (when I come home to visit) with rose-colored glasses. “Some of the best memories of my life were on Dumpling Run with my grandparents, Ellsworth and Ethel Hibbs. What I wouldn’t give to relive just one of those days with them. “On the 9th, I brought Chassidy, Jena, and my mother, Mary Jane McKay, back to Burnsville for the day, and a great cook-out at Mike and Vicki’s house. We took time to visit the K of P Cemetery to put flowers on my grandparents’ graves and the grave of my great-uncle Walt Hibbs. The view from up there is beautiful. I also visited with my father, Gene Rose Amos Barnett (Burnsville Class of 1940), survives. They were married in 1940. Denver was 88. He and Rose always greatly enjoyed the Burnsville Alumni events. He was a retired Lt. Colonel and was buried with full military honors in the Burnsville K of P Cemetery. His son, Robert Barnett, sent me this information. Thank you, Robert. It will soon be time for another Alumni event at Burnsville. The Kanawha Alumni Association will have its next meeting on Sunday, May 4, at 4:00 p.m. in the Burnsville School Cafeteria. All members are urged to attend. If you have not received a reservation letter, please send your address to: KAA, P. O. Box 324, Burnsville, WV 26335 or call Margret Willey at 304-853-2968 afgeous day and we are very Hello Everyone! ter 7:00 p.m. Even if you did I hope this finds all of thankful. Today we are not graduate from Burnsville High School, but you well. It is another gor- moving all of the furniture to our new house. I want to say a very special Thank You to Jeffrey and Julia Foster, Daniel Posey and Shannda Gay. We couldn’t have done it without them. Did you get a chance to stop by the Flatwoods Factory Outlet Stores this weekend? Fiesta Ware Color this cute turtle and then be sure to write your name, address, phone number and age in the was having a huge sale space provided. Drop off your entry at the greenhouse or mail it to Frame’s Nursery, 700 Herold along with many of the other shops. There was Road, Sutton, WV 26601, by Friday, May 2nd. Judging will be that weekend . Winners will be also the Spring Fling going notified by phone to win a free hanging basket for Mother’s Day. There will be four winners on, with lots of pretty things to buy. I didn’t make it out chosen, one in each age group of 3-4 year olds, 5-6 year olds, 7-8 year olds, and 9-11 year olds. there but Teresa did and she told me there was so much stuff she didn’t know where to start. Ha! Birthdays this week are: April 29 th - Jenna Facemire; April 30th- David Jarrell, Jr., Brandon Gum, Cassi Durnell; May 1 st Brianna Bodkin, Jenica Grace Stump; May 2 nd Jerry Graham; May 3 rd Chad Lancaster, Jeffrey Douglas Roberti, Cheyanne Lawson, Jarren Morlan, Bryson Morlan, Mancel K. Carr, Adrian Lunceford; May 4 th - Jo Anna Moore, Aaron Wentz; May 5 th - Mary Frame Jones, Joshua Cunningham, Buster Myers, Sandra Whitesel, Diane Ware, Charles Kenton Meadows III. Happy Birthday to all of you!!!! Please keep the following people in your prayers, Harry & Margaret Hoffman, and Candace Layman. This week’s recipe is for Creamy Ranch Pork Chops & Rice. 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 4 boneless pork chops, 3/4" thick 1 can (10 3/4 oz.) Campbell’s® Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup (Regular, 98% Fat Free or 25% Less Sodium) 1/2 soup can milk 1 pkg. (1 oz.) ranch salad dressing mix Paprika Ranch-style rice Heat oil in skillet. Add chops and cook until browned. Add soup, milk and 1/2 pkg. salad dressing mix. Heat to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat 10 min. or until done. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve with Ranch-Style Rice. Tip: Ranch-Style Rice: Add remaining salad dressing mix to water when making rice. McMilan & Life is the name of a singing group who will appear at t h e Buckhannon Seventhday Adventist Church on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. This group has sung with the Gaithers, so you know how good they are. I am looking forward to it. Correction: I wrote last week about Wally Hefner, a Burnsville graduate who saw London Bridge on two continents, but I said he was in London during WW II. Wally writes that it was during the Cold War when the Russians were trying to push us out of West Berlin. He writes, “On the news one night in 1961 after Amos & Andy, President Kennedy said they were going to double or triple the draft. During those days was the closest we came to WW III. The Russians started building the Berlin Wall and the Cuban crisis. People today don’t realize how close we came to War when the Russian started putting missiles into Cuba. Did I ever tell you the story about what W. Churchill and I did in Germany?” No, Wally, you never did tell me. I am sure my readers will enjoy hearing about that. The Mt. Zion Community Church at Anmoore had a sing last Friday evening. Shirley Gilmore is the pastor there and she had invited many great singers, including some from our church whom Claire Givens invited. The singers were great, especially the professional sound of Brenda Jones and her daughter who used to sing in Branson, Missouri. Denver Barnett (Burnsville Class of 1937) died on March 24 after an extended illness. His wife, Hibbs, in Weston that week on a daily basis and stayed with my mother, Mary Jane McKay, in Jackson’s Mill. “The girls loved the mountains since western Kentucky is flat and the trees were just getting baby leaves. The eight-hour drive each way was filled with lots of wonderful things for them to see, including a castle in Lexington that is kind of every little girl’s dream. All that was missing was a knight on a white horse. The horse we left at home in our back yard. “Don’t know when I will get to come in again, but I know Burnsville will always be my first point of remembering the good old days. It might look like something out of an old book to a young child, but to me it was my life as a child – and wonderful cherished memories. “Hope you have a great week. Gotta close now and get ready for church. God bless you. Sincerely, Teresa Hibbs Vickers” Maranatha! GASSAWAY NEWS Frame’ s Nurser y is ha ving ame’s Nursery having a Color ing Contest! Coloring Name: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Age: ___________ BY MELINDA FRAME For dessert how about these new cupcakes? 1box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® french vanilla cake mix 1 1/2cups water 1/3cup vegetable oil 3eggs 1package (1.1 oz) instant chai tea latte mix (or 3 tablespoons from larger container) Frosting and Garnish 1cup white vanilla baking chips 1container (1 lb) Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy vanilla frosting Ground cinnamon, if desired Heat oven to 350°F for shiny metal pans (or 325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Place paper baking cup in each of 24 regularsize muffin cups. In large bowl, beat cake ingredients with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups Bake 18 to 23 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pan to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 1 hour. In medium microwavable bowl, microwave baking chips on High 30 seconds; stir until melted. If necessary, microwave 15 seconds longer. Stir until smooth; cool 5 minutes. Stir in frosting until well blended. Immediately spread or pipe frosting mixture on cupcakes. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Store loosely covered at room temperature. Sympathy is extended to the families of Sanford D. Exline, Grady Aubrey “Red” Rose, Grover Eugene O’Dell, and James C. Waldeck. Please keep them in your prayers. If you have news you would like to share, please call me at 364-4615 or you may email me at Gassawaynews@hotmail.com. My new mailing address is 407 Braxton Street. I look forward to hearing from you. “Sweet April showers Do spring May flowers.” - Thomas Tusser, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry, 1557 Until next week, take care and God Bless! Time for a change We need your vote May 13th Luther Ford Powers For Braxton County Sheriff Paid for by the Candidate Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV COMMUNITY CALENDAR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 and girls ages 1 to 17. The pageant will be held on Saturday, August 9th. Tiny Tot (ages 1-4) and Little Mr./Miss (ages 5-9) contestants will participate in the Penny-A-Vote (start date undetermined). Jr. Miss (ages 10-13) and Miss (ages 14-17) contestants will answer questions from the judges and perform a talent. All contestants will receive a trophy and a gift. Winners will receive a trophy, crown, sash and a gift. The entry fee is $10 per contestant. The deadline for Tiny Tot and Little Mr./ Miss is June 20th. Deadline for Jr. Miss and Miss is July 11th. No late entries will be accepted. Call Wendy or Travis Edgell at 304-765-5069 for more information and an application. •••••••••••••••••••• Bluegrass Instruments Wanted: Burnsville Public Library is looking for old or new bluegrass instruments to put on display during their annual Cultural Exhibit May 19-24. We are also looking for people who would like to speak to an audience about bluegrass or play bluegrass. A small fee can be paid for your time and resources by the library. Call Jonna at 853-2338 for more info. •••••••••••••••••••• Announcement: Gassaway Alumni members please get your reservations in early for the Alumni Dinner on July 5th to Betty Johnson. For more information, call 765-7616 or 765-5443. •••••••••••••••••••• Revival: There will be a Spring revival May 5-10 at the Wayside Church, Rt. 19 South, beginning at 7:00 p.m. each evening. There will be special singing each night. Gary Maynard will be the Evangelist. Everyone is welcome and invited to come and worship with us. Pastor Bobby Dale Harper •••••••••••••••••••• Veterans Service Officer: Please be advised of the following itinerant schedule for May 2008. The officer will be in the following locations at the designated time: Sutton, Braxton County Senior Center, Wednesday the 7th and 28 th, 10:30 3:30; Richwood, City Hall, Wednesday, the 14th, 10:30 - 1:00; Clay, County Clerk, Friday the 16 th , 10:30 1:00; Webster Springs, City Building, Wednesday the 21st, 11:00 - 12:30; Cowen, American Legion Post #62, Wednesday the 21st, 1:30 3:30; Closed, Tuesday, the 13th, for Election Day and Monday, the 26 th due to Memorial Day. Itinerants may change due to emergencies. Please contact the office in Summersville, 715-B Main Street, (304) 872-0829, for itinerant changes. •••••••••••••••••••• Dinner: There will be a Spaghetti Dinner May 4, 2008 from 11am to 3pm at the Gassaway Community Building. The cost of the dinner will be a donation of $6.00 adults and $3.00 for children 3-6 years old. The proceeds from the dinner will be to help sponsor missionary work through Southeast Asia for Amber N. Williams. Amber will be working with Worship Foundation International, a partner organization of the International Missions Board. She will travel to different countries over the course of two months serving God and making His name famous in all the nations. We pray that you will come and be a part of what God is doing all over the world. Family Game Night The Park and Recreation Board will be sponsoring a Family Game night on April 25Th at 7pm. This has been Growing in popularity so don’t miss out bring your own game and a competitive spirit and plan for a fun evening out! Concessions will be provided! For more information Please contact - Paul Beatty at 765-5568. •••••••••••••••••••• Revival: The Sugar Creek Baptist Church would like to invite everyone to a good old time spiritual uplifting revival Sunday, May 11, 2008 thru Wednesday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. each night. The featured Evangelist will be alive Blankenship from Summersville, WV who has proclaimed the gospel of our Lord for many years. Please come as you are and join us for a good time in the Lord! •••••••••••••••••••• Sweep Screenings: Braxton County Schools will conduct Sweep Screening for speech and language disorders among school children beginning May 1, 2008 and ending on May 30, 2008. Speech/language pathologists will screen kindergarten eligible students currently enrolled in school. Tests of articulation and language will be utilized. Parents who do not wish their children to be screened should contact the principal of their child’s school. For more information call 765-7101. •••••••••••••••••••• Dinner: St. Boniface Church will be hosting a Baked Steak Dinner on Saturday, May 3 rd from 4:30pm7:00pm. The menu will consist of Baked Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Country Gravy, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Homemade Bread, Variety of Desserts and Coffee or Tea. The cost will be $8 for adults, $3 for children 6-12, under 6 eat free. Plenty of parking, air conditioned and handicapped accessible. There will be assistance for those unable to go through the line. St. Boniface Church is located on US Highway 33 West, 11 miles from Weston between Camden and Alum Bridge. •••••••••••••••••••• Revival: There will be a revival at Cutlip’s Baptist Church at Exchange on May 8 th10th. Services will begin at 7:00 p.m. The Evangelist will be Linn Schiefer, from Powells Mountain Baptist Church and there will be special singers each night. Everyone welcome. David Grunter, Pastor •••••••••••••••••••• Ramp Dinner: There will be a Ramp Dinner at the Frametown Fire Department on May 4th and begins at 11am and will run while supplies last. The menu will consist of: Ramps, bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, choice of brown or white beans, cornbread, dessert and drink. Prices for this dinner have been sat at: $10 for adults, children ages 412 $4, and kids under 3 eat free. All proceeds will go to the Frametown Fire Department for new rescue equipment. •••••••••••••••••••• Meeting: The Kanawha Alumni Association will have there next meeting on Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 4:00 pm in the Burnsville School Cafeteria. All members are urged to attend. Any alumnus that has moved or did not receive a reservation letter send your new address to: KAA, PO Box, 324, Burnsville, WV 26335 or call Margaret Willey at 8532968 after 7:00 pm. April 29, 2008 Page 7 •••••••••••••••••••• Potatoes, Corn, Fruit, Bread Thursday: Chili with Tomato Soup, Crackers, Braxton County Kiddie Wednesday: BBQ beans, Coleslaw, Cornbread, Jello with Fruit Fair: Chicken, Baked Beans, Fruit BCSCC serves milk Free Health Screen- Broccoli, Fruit, Bread Friday: Pepperoni Roll, and butter with each meal. ings will be given at the Kiddie Fair at the Gassaway Baptist Church Basement on Wednesday, May 7 th, 2008 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. This event One of my opponents has been attacking me by saying too many is coordinated by Braxton County Head Start and the cases are settled with a plea. Let’s take a look at the facts. Braxton County Community Coalition. The Kiddie The justice system has limited resources and pleas are necessary Fair is for all children birth through age 5. The fair infor the it to function properly. Braxton County is served by two circuit court cludes screenings in the judges who rotate among four counties. As with circuit courts statewide categories of: Speech, Viabout 40% of their time (two days per week) is devoted to child abuse and sion, Hearing, Medical, neglect matters. One day per week is devoted to proceedings other than Dental and Developmental. Every participate will retrials. That leaves only two days per week for trials, both civil and criminal. ceive a “treat bag”. Show you care. Bring your kids The courts are not the only agencies with limited resources. The to the fair. We’ll see you there! sheriff and I both have to plead with the county commission every year •••••••••••••••••••• for adequate funding for assistants and deputies. We never get all we need. Benefit Dinner: When those deputies and assistants are tied up in court with trials they are There will be a Bennot available to investigate other matters. efit Dinner for Matt & Heather Tanner on Sunday, May 4, 2008 from During my current term in office we have averaged 80 felony 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at prosecutions per year in circuit court. Even the simplest case takes two the Little Birch Elementary School. The dinner days for a trial. It is easy to see that if most cases are not settled with a will be your choice of the plea there is no way the system can accommodate that many cases. The following: Brown beans & alternative would be that many criminals are not prosecuted. Cornbread, dessert & drink-$5.00 or Hot dog, dessert & Drink-$3.00. In fact, that was the complaint I heard from many law enforcement Matt is the son of officers about the office before I returned in 2005. During the previous Stanley and Becky Tanprosecutor’s term of office there were never more than 50 cases filed in a ner, and Heather is the daughter of Rodney and year. Apparently he decided how many cases he thought he could handle, Sherry Rose. They are the then looked through the reports of pending cases and picked out the best parents of Logan, age 5, cases until he reached his quota. I work with the investigating officers to and Isaac, 9 months. Matt has been diagnosed with try to develop a case that can be prosecuted in all matters. cancer and is awaiting another surgery and possibly The object of plea negotiations from the prosecutor’s perspective chemotherapy. He is emis to assure the defendant is convicted of crimes which expose them to an ployed by Slurry Paving. The family does not have appropriate punishment as swiftly as possible and which can not then be health insurance. Your appealed. If a case goes to trial it can take months for the judge to have support is greatly apprecitime for the trial. It can then be on appeal for years. Guilty pleas can not be ated. God Blessed. It is more blessed to appealed. It has been said that JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED! give than to receive. Acts 20:35 Of course the defense attorney tries to limit their clients exposure •••••••••••••••••••• Gassaway Days Pageant: as far as punishment. Plea agreements are not like it is often depicted on Girls of the ages betelevision. Attorneys do not negotiate the punishment that will be imposed tween 0-21, lets get ready as that is the authority of the judges. Our judges zealously protect that to get geared up for the authority. Even the judge’s authority is largely limited to whether the Gassaway Days Pageant. It will be held at the defendant goes to prison or is granted probation or other alternative Gassaway Community sentencing as this state has indeterminate sentencing. That means the Building on June 21, 2008 state parole board determines when a prisoner is released from confinement at 7:00 p.m. The entry fee for the 0-15 yrs is $50.00 after they have served the minimum sentence set by statute. and the queens (16-21) is $100.00. For more inforThe final outcome of cases settled by plea agreement include: mation, please call Sherryl sexual abuse by custodian 22 to 50 years in prison Wayne at (304) 364-5550 (please note that we do not aiding & abetting robbery 7 to 20 years in prison have long distance calling incest 5 to 15 years in prison on our phone). bank robbery 11 to 30 years in prison •••••••••••••••••••• Meeting: third degree sexual assault 4 to 20 years in prison The Wilse-Rosedale second degree sexual assault 10 to 25 years in prison Waterline Association will fraudulent schemes two life terms in prison hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 1st, 2008 at the Frametown There are two situations in which guilty defendants insist on a trial. Fire Department. The First is when they have little to lose because the punishment they face is so meeting will begin at 7:00 severe or the prosecutor will not agree to limit their exposure by dropping p.m. Everyone Welcome. •••••••••••••••••••• some charges. I have never hesitated to take a case to trial if that was Free Concert: necessary to achieve a just result. The Montclaire String Quartet, resident chamber ensemble of the West VirLong time residents over age 30 may remember the murder of ginia Symphony OrchesDebbie Jarvis. It took a four week trial in another county to bring her tra, will present a free conkiller to justice. That was back when the county was broke and could not cert on Friday, May 9, 2008 at 7:30 pm at Sutton Bapafford an assistant prosecutor. The clerical staff was also cut back to four tist Church, in Sutton, day work weeks to stay within the budget. The result, other than a murder West Virginia. The concert conviction, was that all other matters were put on hold for a month. It was is sponsored by Jim and already difficult to keep up with the caseload because of staff shortages. Rita Douglas and is free and open to the public. •••••••••••••••••••• In the next election my opponent was an assistant prosecutor from Meeting: Nicholas County who successfully used the issue of cases taking too long The May meeting of the Democrat Women will to be concluded. You should also remember that she rarely took anything be held on Monday, May 5, to trial and offered defendants plea agreements that were nearly impossible 2008 at the Gassaway to refuse in order to settle cases. The point is, whatever a prosecutor or Community Building. The judge does there will be some reason for his opponents to criticize it. time will be 6:30 pm. If you have any questions, WHEN VOTING FOR CHANGE BE CAREFUL - YOU MAY GET please call President Linda CHANGES YOU DO NOT WANT! Collins at 364-2348. PLEAS Senior Center weekly menu Braxton County Nutritional Program is funded through the Bureau of Senior Services Utilizing III C Federal and State Funds. Meals are served daily from 11:30 am till 12:30 pm at the Braxton County Senior Center at 33 Senior Center Drive in Sutton, WV. There is no discrimination in the services sponsored by the Braxton County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. regardless of race, creed, sex, handicap, or national origin. Menu For The Week of April 28, 2008 Monday: Cream of Mushroom Soup, Cheesy Pea Salad, Biscuit, Fruit Tuesday: Salisbury Steak with gravy, Mashed The second situation in which guilty defendants insist on a trial is when they believe they have a chance to win even when they are guilty. It is important to have an experienced prosecutor with a proven record of successfully prosecuting cases that do go to trial. I have successfully prosecuted all types of criminal cases during my 18 years as a prosecutor. KEEP WILLIAM C. MARTIN PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Political advertisement paid for by the candidate Citizens’ NEWS Page 8 April 29, 2008 pounds overweight, no MVI trailer, paid; Lance Culverhouse, Expired Motor vehicle inspection, paid; Christy A. Wine, Driving revoked (DUI), improper signal; Jessica J. Mace, cultivation of marijuana, conspiracy, 2 counts, possession with intent to distribute; Joshua M. Balcourt, cultivation of marijuana, conspiracy, 2 counts, possession with intent to distribute; Domestic Battery April 23: Brandon W. Hines, speeding, paid; William C. Callison, no motor vehicle inspection, trailer, paid; Christopher Graham, Grand Larceny; Burglary; Steven A. Gill, Driving Under the Influence, 2nd offense MAGISTRATE COURT R-E-P-O-R-T Magistrate Beth Smith’s Court: April 22: William A. Rentz, speeding; Teresa G. Cunningham, speeding, no operators, payment schedule; Jessica L. Hupp, worthless check, Elk River Foodland, paid April 23: Stacy J. Wine, Driving Suspended, paid; failure to produce operators, dismissed; operators presented to the court April 24: Timmie Maze, destruction of property, pled guilty to charge, assessed court costs, fine and restitution, 10 days in jail, suspended; Patrick M. Douglas, speeding, paid; Tony F. Burdette, No seatbelt, paid, no proof of insurance, dismissed, proof shown; Jeremy P. Walker, speeding, paid; Dwan C. Richardson, speeding, paid Magistrate Joey Kohari’s Court: April 22: Jason S. Dubray, fishing without license, paid; Eric C. StaitGardener, speeding, paid; John C. Thompson, 12,000 Braxton County, WV April 24: Richard A. Blackshire, expired motor vehicle insurance, no registration plate (trailer) paid; Roger A. Gregory Jr., no seatbelt, paid; Matthew E. Wolfe, speeding, paid; Ryan W. Harris, worthless check, Old Turnpike Grocery, paid; Rodney Stalnaker, Breaking and Entering of a building; Casey L. Gregory, Domestic Assault, Earnest L. Tenney, worthless check, payment schedule; James A. Neff II, Driving Under the Influence, 3rd offense, bound to the Circuit Court; Kenneth Blisath, Domestic Battery, guilty plea sentenced to 30 days jail, credit for time served, public intoxication, child abuse, obstructing an officer, dismissed per Jackson Stone Jackson Trucking plea; Francis A. Lough, petit larceny, payment schedule April 25: Robert M. Wild Jr., Speeding, paid; Elizabeth Kerby, speeding, paid; Roy Jenkins, Transferring stolen goods; Michael R. Pierson, Driving Under the Influence, 3rd offense, Driving Revoked for DUI, No insurance, Defective Equipment, Left of Center, False inspection sticker; Denzil R. Patterson, Driving Under the Influence, 2nd offense, guilty plea, sentenced to 6 months home confinement, payment schedule; Obstructing, disorderly conduct, driving suspended, public intoxication, dismissed per plea agreement April 28: Nancy Burgess, worthless check, 84 Cataracts? Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has mason sand and limestone sand, and three sizes of Ohio River gravel. We also have various sizes of crushed limestone, house coal, red mulch, brown mulch and agriculture lime stockpiled at our yard on Little Birch Road. We can be reached at 304-765-7502 to schedule a delivery or to check on a time to get your own truck loaded. 304-765-7502 Treated right in our Eye Center! Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D. 1(800)352-20/20 Buckhannon Eye Center "The finest care in sight" Spring Savings! Kroger Sugar Kraft BBQ Sauce 5 lb Bag 18 oz Bottle $ 99 1 Gatorade 32 oz Bottle 10$ ¢ 79 Limit 3 for 10 Kroger Grilling Links or Bratwurst Kroger Ketchup Kroger Pork & Beans 18 oz Pkg 24 oz Bottle 16 oz Can $ 79 99 1 for 3$ 2$ 3 for 5 2$ for Pound 99 10$ for $ 10 SAVE 10$ lbs Items & prices good in Gassaway through May 2, 2008 WED 30 THUR 1 (1-877-479-5478) FRI 2 10 Copyright 2008. Kroger Mid-Atlantic. We reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to dealers. Visit our website at www.kroger.com for additional savings. 399 * Available at participating Kroger pharmacies only. Offer good on up to a 30 day supply of commonly supplied dosages. The $4 price is inclusive of all discounts. Ask your pharmacist for a complete list of prescriptions available. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time. Arcadia 7-Piece Outdoor Patio Set $50! Black Seedless Grapes More than 300 generic prescriptions are just $4 each in our pharmacy!* www.kroger.com/generic or call 1-877-4RX-LIST 10 Inch 3 TUE 29 4 Fresh Baked Sara Lee Pumpkin Pie Kangaroo Pita Bread Just call or bring us your prescription. We’ll do the rest! That means that you can save even more on generic drugs used to treat a tremendous range of medical conditions. So, with our expert pharmacists, the convenience of picking up prescriptions when you do your shopping and our new, low price on hundreds of generic drugs, we hope to serve you better than any pharmacy in town. 9 oz Bag Snyder Chips available in select stores only Heritage Farm Cooked Ham 1 Utz Kettle Chips 11 oz Bag 2 lb Pkg $ 3$ Snyder Potato Chips Kroger Sauerkraut for ¢ It’s easy to transfer your prescriptions. Includes painted glass top rectangular table, 4 chairs & 2 swivel rocker chairs in easy care sling style fabric. Umbrella and base sold separately. $ 99 299 Everyday Unlimited Manufacturers DOUBLE COUPONS up to & Including a face value of 50¢ See Store for details Lumber, 2 counts; Clark A. Hunt, 24,000 pounds, overweight, paid; Samantha Jo Legg, possession of a controlled substance less than 15 grams, payment schedule; Rebecca Armstrong, speeding, paid; Chad S. Hanks, obstructing officer, domestic battery. CONT. FROM PAGE 4 - OBITS Bahonos of MD; several grand and great grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at Richard M. Roach Funeral Home, Gassaway with Rev. William Griffin officiating. Burial followed in the Shaver Family Cemetery, Riffle. Roger Lee Rose Roger Lee Rose, 33, of Sutton, WV died at home on April 26, 2008. He was born March 31, 1975 in Nicholas County, WV, a son of the late Gene Edward Cox and his mother, Barbara Ann Sartin of Gassaway, WV. Also preceding him in death were his Aunt Rosilee Conrad and Uncle Kenneth Robinson. He was a graduate of Braxton County High School. He is survived by his mother and step-father, Barbara Ann and James Sartin of Gassaway. Maternal grandmother Lillie Robinson of Craigsville, WV Uncles and Aunts Jackie and Sandra Robinson of Camden on Gauley, WV, Kermit and Jessie Robinson of Bays, WV, Mary Ellen Robinson of Weston, WV, Lila Robinson of Polemic Run Rd, Sutton, and several cousins. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at Greene-Robertson Funeral Home with Rev. William Bebe Marshall officiating. Burial followed in the Robinson Cemetery, Birch River, WV. Online condolences may be sent to: w w w . g r e e n e robertsonfuneralhome.com. Patricia L. Moore Patricia L. Moore, 73, of Elk Street, Gassaway, passed away on April 26, 2008, at home, after a battle with cancer. She was born in Rosedale, WV on July 12, 1934. She was preceded in death by her parents, Stanley and Bernice(Workman) Turner, her husband, Roland Moore, and only brother, Jack Turner, of Servia. She is survived by two sons: Jack & wife Ann of Gassaway and Charles K. and wife Marilyn, of Rosedale; three grandchildren: Kip and wife Kelly, of Chapel; Charles K. II and wife Tina, US Navy, Norfolk, Va; and Kristy Jo and husband Jon Wood, of Gassaway; three great grandchildren: Mason Alan Moore, Paige Allison Moore, and Brooke Abigail Wood, all of which her life was built around; and special nephew, Terry Turner, of Servia, WV. With the assistance of a loving family and the Burnsville Hospice Group, she was able to remain at home. Her request was cremation. Friends may call on the family at a visitation on Friday, May 2, 2008 at the Rosedale Baptist Church from 6:00 8:00pm. There will be a graveside service at the Rosedale Baptist Cemetery for family and close friends on May 3, 2008, at 1:00pm. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Burnsville Hospice Care. Coffman Insurance Services, Inc. P.O. Box 450 Birch River, WV 26610 “I can get just the prescriptions I need…at great savings.” Ask Your Pharmacist For Details WV Insurance Company offering Homeowners Policies, Mobile Homes, Modulars, Sectionals, Farm & Business Insurance. For Rates or an Appointment Call 1-800-649-8995 Terry K. Coffman Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV Area Elementary Schools Celebrate Earth Day... Thanks to the sponsors on this page and the Citizens’ News. Every student in all six of our county’s elementary schools received a flower to plant, in addition to a host of other Earth Day activi- ties that took place in all of the schools. All of the schools were very pleased and so were the students. April 29, 2008 Page 9 Cafe Cimino Country Inn Fine Dining in the Heart of Historic Downtown Suttton 765-2193 or 1-877-9CIMINO 364-5138 State Farm Insurance 150 Enterprise Dr., Gassaway, WV 364-8600 Elk River Foodland Gassaway, WV 364-8307 Feeding the growing minds of our community Burnsville NAPA Depot Street, Burnsville, WV 853-2355 Burnsville Drug Store 853-2500 Greene-Robertson Elk Valley Pre-Owned Auto & Rental Funeral Home 600 Riverview Dr., Sutton, WV 201 W. Main St., Sutton, WV 765-5502 765-5565 765-7333 Stockert Gibson Funeral Home Flatwoods Bear Heaven Braxton Motor, Inc. Flatwoods, WV 765-5371 M ichael otors Exit 62 Off I-79 -- Right 1/2 Mile Gassaway, West Virginia 15 Woodward Drive • Sutton, WV 765-7993 R&R Roofing Sutton, WV Sutton, WV • 765-7381 Legg’s Beauty Salon Elk Street in Gassaway, WV 1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132 765-7784 364-5451 Walker’s Drug Store Frame’s Nursery Flatwoods Quick Mart Gassaway, WV • 364-5193 Herold Route in Sutton, WV 15 Woodward Drive • Sutton, WV 765-3237 765-7922 Page 10 April 29, 2008 Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV DEREK V. LONG Believes the Office of County Commission is Important to the Future of Braxton County and ALL its Citizens!!! Derek has the Dedication and Public Service Spirit to make him the BEST CHOICE! Derek has the Education that He will makes him the BEST CHOICE! Work Hard ffor or ALL of Braxton County!!! Derek’s Business Experience will help Advance the Economic Growth of Braxton County! Derek’s Strong Family Values will provide for an honorable elected representative ALL of Braxton County can be proud of!!! #1 on the Ballot! #1 for a Better Braxton County! Derek V. Long is the BEST CHOICE! For: • More Jobs • Economic Growth • Clean - Safe Drinking Water • Fair Representation and the Future of Braxton County!!! Vote For DEREK V. LONG BRAXTON COUNTY COMMISSION Paid for by the Committee to Elect Derek V. Long, Maria Long treasurer. Page 11 Braxton Citizens’ NEWS April 29, 2008 Section A Special Look at Braxton County 2 Honoring Children’s Memorial Flag Day at Braxton County Courthouse Last Friday’s sunshine provided a beautiful day to honor Children’s Memorial Flag Day. Established in 1998, Children’s Welfare league of America launched a public awareness campaign to direct attention to Violent Deaths as part of a national initiative to reduce child mortality. The centerpiece is simple-a red flag depicting blue, paper-doll-like figures of children holding hands. In the center, the white chalk outline of a missing child symbolizes the thousands of children lost to violence. Created by a 16 year old student in Alameda County, California, and flown on the 4th Friday in April , the Children’s Memorial Flag honors each child and raises public awareness about the continuing problem of violence against children. Kandy Dennison of the Women’s Aid in Crisis, the sponsoring agency of the event, welcomed every one. The proclamation was read by Sutton Mayor Jim Walker. Morna Green was recognized for her dedicated work with the Board of Education, as Head start director and also the Director of food services. She has been with the board of Education since 1981. Jennifer Grindo the Bureau of child support enforcement attorney also was recognized for her hard work as the attorney since December of 2005. Grindo represents Braxton, Webster and Nicholas Counties. Accepting the award on behalf of the Braxton County Children’s Services unit (CPS) were Donna Boggs, Marta Ware and Cindy Utt. Amy Marrow graced the gathering with a beautiful version of “God Bless the Children”. Special music was provided by the Sutton Elementary School 2nd Grade. Lance Linden, Minister of Discipleship for Gassaway Baptist Church closed the ceremony with an ending prayer. Refreshments were served for guests at La Dolce Vita immediately following the ceremony. In past years, all 50 governors have united in an impressive bipartisan effort by flying the flag , issuing proclamations, or participating in ceremonies to memorialize children. National and local publicity has been terrific, and Children’s Memorial Flag has become and increasingly recognizable symbol of the need to improve our efforts to protect children. Proclamation Whereas, Child abuse is a serious and growing problem affecting more than 3.2 million of our nations children and over 1,000 children locally; and Whereas, Child Abuse prevention is a community responsibility and finding solutions depends on involvement among all people; and Whereas, women’s Aid in Crisis, through direct services, public awareness and community service activities, are making significant progress in strengthening our communities families; and Whereas, Communities must take every effort to promote programs that benefit children and their families; Whereas, Effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among agencies, schools, religious organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and Whereas: everyone in the community should become more aware of child abuse prevention and consider helping parents raise their children in a safe, nurturing environment Superindendent Carolyn Long and Morna Greene stand together holding a certificate that recognizes Greene and the Board of Education. Jennifer Grindo receives a Merit Certificate from Dennison. Amy Morrow singing God Bless the Children. Sutton Elementary’s 2nd grade class provides special entertainment for the crowd. Mayor Jim Walker delivering the Children’s Memorial Flag Kandy Dennison welcoming all guests to the ceremony. Cindy Utt, Donna Boggs, Marta Ware and Kandy Dennison Day Procolamation. April is Child Abuse Awareness Month Before today is over, 3 children will die from being abused. At least one of them will be a baby-less than a year old. The other two probably haven’t celebrated their 5th birthdays. More than 510 other children will be physically abused today and another 270 will be sexually abused. In total, nationwide, over 2,700 children will be abused today. Tomorrow-the horror starts all over again, just as it does everyday. Child abuse is an American epidemic. And yet, children continue to die everyday. Other children continue to be hurt. And, as they grow up, studies show that they will most likely abuse their own chil- dren, perpetrating the cycle of violence. A blue ribbon is the international symbol of child abuse Prevention. The color blue was chosen to represent the bruised and battered bodies of the thousands of children that are abused daily. It serves as a constant reminder that all of us have a responsibility to keep children safe. If you would like to learn more about Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention, please call Women’s Aid in Crisis at 765-2848 or Toll-free at 1800-339-1185. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please report it to your local law enforcement or DHHR. Share the message • Children Deserve to be safe Teddy, I’ve been bad again My mommy told me so I’m not quite sure what I did wrong But I thought you might know When I woke this morning I knew that she was mad Cause she was crying awful hard And yelling at my dad I tried my best to be real good And do just what she said I cleaned my room all by myself I even made my bed But I spilled my milk on my good shirt When she yelled at me to hurry And I guess she didn’t hear me When I told her I was sorry Cause she hit me awful hard, you see And called me funny names And told me I was really bad And I should be ashamed When I said “I love you Mommy” I guess she didn’t understand Cause she yelled at me to shut my mouth Or I would get smacked again So I came up here to talk to you Please tell me what to do Cause I really love my mommy And I know she loves me too And I don’t think my mommy means To hit quite so hard I guess sometimes grown-ups forget How big they really are So, Teddy, I wish you were real And you weren’t just a bear Then you could help me find a way To tell mommies everywhere To please try to understand How sad it makes us feel Cause the outside pain goes away But the inside never heals And if we could make them listen Maybe they would understand So other children just like me Wouldn’t have to hurt again But, for now, I guess I’ll hold you tight And pretend the pains not there I know you’d never hurt me So goodnight, Teddy Bear -Cindy Pike Dunning Page 12 SPORTS Braxton Citizens’ News April 29, 2008 • Youth • Middle School • High School Reporting Braxton County’s sports action Lady Eagles take record to 14-4 The Lady Eagles softball team, with a season record of 14-4, head into the sectional tournament at Lincoln on Wednesday. Last week, the girls went 3-1 with the only loss coming to always powerful Ritchie County. Braxton downed Calhoun and took both games of a double header against Liberty of Harrison. On Monday, the Eagles scored 11 runs on three hits to defeat Calhoun 11-1. Coach Tim Huffman attributed the win to “good defense” and the strong pitching of Jennie Tonkin, who struck out eight. Liberty of Harrison took the Eagles to eight innings in the first game of a Wednesday doubleheader before Miranda Conrad slammed a triple to score the winning run. Braxton won that game 5-3. This time, however, Coach Huffman referred to “not great defense” as the reason for the eight-inning game. On the mound, Tonkin, who pitched both games, struck out ten in the first. With 14 hits, the Lady Eagles won the second game against Liberty 11-1. Three Braxton batters-Brianna Utt, Bethany Frame, and Meadows went 2 for 3 in the second game. Frame also drove in three runs. Looking at the pitching, Coach Huffman noted that, although Tonkin did not record as many strikeouts as she normally does, “she got them to pop up, so she did her job.” The last game of the week was a different story, as Ritchie handed the Eagles an 11-1 loss. Tiffani Huffman , who had one of the team’s three hits, scored Braxton’s only run. The Although Ritchie traditionally fields a strong team, the Eagles were hampered in this game with the loss of pitcher Tonkin because of an injury in the bottom of the seventh. Coach Huffman said of the loss, “I firmly believe that, if Jennie had been able to play the whole game, the score would have been different.” Huffman added, “We might not have won the game, but we wouldn’t have lost by ten runs.” Braxton’s junior varsity squad edged Calhoun’s jv team 2-0 last week. Courtney Johnson and Hannah Meckley, both 2 for 3, led the Eagles’ hitting. Utt was the winning pitcher. Braxton will play the winner of the Liberty of Harrison–Lincoln game at approximately 6 p.m. Wednesday on the Lincoln field, Coach Huffman announced. Tiffani Huffman steps to the plate during game two of the double header sweep at Liberty. Brick Rancher Located on Town Hill in Sutton (The Cogar home: located on North Third Street) 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Baths • Large Living Room • Dining Room • Family Room with Fireplace (with Buck Stove) • Large Two car garage with additional storage • Large yard with outbuildings • New carpeting and paint • Parquet floors (foyer, kitchen, family room, hallways) • 25 year warranty on newer Trane gas heat exchange • Newer water heater • New dishwasher, bathroom fans and light fixtures (304) 765-5927 (304) 612-7293 Urbanic v. ATS Settlement Fund Town Meeting To Discuss Attic Cleanings and Medical Monitoring Issues April 29, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Days Inn Conference Center Flatwoods, WV For more information, call (304) 965-2500 Individual stats Braxton vs. Calhoun: Tiffani Huffman 1 for 2 1 run Jennie Tonkin 3 runs Brianna Utt 2 runs Bethany Frame 1 run Miranda Conrad 1 for 3 2 runs 2 RBIs Katherine Meadows 1 for 2 1 RBI Jamie Chapman 1 run Katie Jenkins 1 run 1 RBI Braxton vs. Liberty of Harrison, game one: Tiffani Huffman 1 for 4 1 run Jennie Tonkin 2 for 4 1 run 1 RBI Brianna Utt 1 for 4 1 run Bethany Frame 1 for 4 1 run 1 RBI Miranda Conrad 1 for 3 1 run 1 RBI Braxton vs. Liberty, second game: Tiffani Huffman 1 for 3 2 runs Jennie Tonkin 2 for 4 1 run Brianna Utt 2 for 3 3 runs 1 RBI Bethany Frame 2 for 3 3 runs 3 RBIs Miranda Conrad 2 for 4 1 run Katherine Meadows 2 for 3 1 run 2 RBIs Jamie Chapman 1 for 4 1 RBI Katie Jenkins 1 for 4 Chelsie Walker 1 for 4 1 run Braxton vs. Ritchie: Tiffani Huffman 1 for 3 1 run Brianna Utt 1 for 2 Bethany Frame 1 for2 1 RBI Braxton junior varsity vs. Calhoun junior varsity Katie Jenkins 1 for 4 run Shelby Schwab 1 for 4 Courtney Johnson 2 for 3 Candy McKenzie 1 for 3 Hannah Meckley 2 for 3 Cassie Crane 1 for 3 Chelsie Atkins 1 for3 Nycole Wymer 2 for 3 Quarterback Skills Clinic slated for June 7 at BCHS The twelfth annual WV Classic Quarterback Skills Clinic will be held at Braxton County High School on Saturday, June 7, 2008, from 9 am until 3 pm. The instructor will be Kathryn Meadows displays focus and concentration at Jeff Simmons, Carnegie Liberty. -Photos By Lavern Tonkin Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. In two seasons at 7KH:HVWRQ5RWDU\DQG6-0+ CMU, Jeff Simmons has helped those teams finish with an 18 and 5 record. Simmons and his Tartan teams have made two postseason appearances in that time as well. During his playing career, he led his Kiski Prep !SCREENINGPROGRAMDESIGNEDTOASSISTYOURPHYSICIANIN team to the Inter-ScholasPROVIDINGPREVENTATIVEHEALTHCARE tic Prep School League championship. While at Kiski, Simmons got the chance to play for his grandfather—coaching legend Chuck Klausing. Klausing spent a number of 6WRQHZDOO-DFNVRQ0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO years coaching at WVU un:HVWRQ der Bobby Bowden. After DPWRDP Kiski Prep, Simmons moved on to Slippery Rock. His collegiate career at !LLPARTICIPANTSSHOULDFASTFORHOURS!LLANALYSESAREPERFORMEDONASMALL SRU extended from 1994SAMPLEOFBLOOD4HEREWILLBE./02%2%')342!4)/.0ARTICIPANTSCANSHOWUPAT ANYTIMEBETWEENAMANDAMONTHEDAYOFTHETESTS 1997. On the high school !03!THATAIDSTHEPHYSICIANINTHEDETECTIONOFPROSTATECANCERANDA43(FOR level, Simmons has been THYROID SCREENING ARE AVAILABLE !LL TEST RESULTS WILL BE MAILED DIRECTLY TO THE very successful wherever PARTICIPANT he has been. He has spent time at Kiski Prep, Seneca 2EGULAR(EALTH&AIR0ANEL Valley, Gateway, and 03!0ANEL43( Shaler Area. All of which 4HISSERVICEISPROVIDEDBYTHE7ESTON2OTARYINASSOCIATION are high schools that are located in PA. WITH3TONEWALL*ACKSON-EMORIAL(OSPITAL Coach Simmons will %ORRG$QDO\VLV 3URJUDP 6DW0D\ 6DW0D\ 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 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123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 HAVE YOUR PHOTOS W ALKER ’ S D RUG DURING THE MONTH OF A PRIL AND RECEIVE A FREE M INI A LBUM ! PROCESSED AT Digital Prints are Only 18¢ Each FREE Doubles on Wednesdays on 35 mm film. CARL WALKER’S DRUG STORE 620 E S •G , WV 26624 364-5193 teach drills that can be used by quarterbacks from grades 7-12. Drills will begin with arm loosening and strengthening drills and techniques. Then slowly progress to every throw a quarterback has to make. While Simmons’ passion is coaching, his full-time profession is in sales for Gilman Gear. Gilman Gear is a company that manufactures football field equipment. Simmons uses Gilman Gear in his drills, from large target throwing nets to NFL player size popup dummies. He uses them to help teach reading secondary coverages, in agility drills, throwing drills, and drills to improve leadership skills on the field. The camp will end with a quarterback competition with prizes awarded for each age level. This is more than a quarterback camp. It is a football skills camp with an emphasis on the quarterback position. Quarterbacks will be grouped according to grade level and receive one-onone attention throughout the day. This clinic offers young football players a unique opportunity to develop their skills and learn the fundamental techniques of the most demanding position on the football field – quarterback. Instruction will be provided by a staff that includes Pat White, quarterback, WVU; John Bowers, head coach, Morgantown High School; Bernie Buttrey, head coach, Parkersburgh, High School, Bob Lemley, head coach, Poca High School; Glen McNew, head coach (retired), Morgantown High School; Matt Rollyson, assistant coach, Braxton County High School, and Lynn Stalnaker, former head coach, current AD, Braxton County High School. This camp is dedicated to teaching the skills essential to playing the quarterback position. Registration fee is $45 but pre-registration fee is still $40. This fee includes instruction, lunch, camp tee shirt, and refreshments during the clinic. For more information, or a brochure, call Bill Powers, 304-3645234. Page 13 SPORTS Braxton Citizens’ News April 29, 2008 • Youth • Middle School • High School Reporting Braxton County’s sports action Eagles boys track place third of seven in RCB meet The high-school boys earned 67 points in a small meet at Robert C. Byrd last Tuesday afternoon to place third out of seven. George Washington took first place with 122 points, and RCB finished second with 97. Once again, Kevin Tanner led the Eagles as he won four different events. Tanner placed first in the 100 meter dash, the 200 meter dash, the 110 meter hurdles, and the 300 meter hurdles. Braxton also had two second-place finishers. John Hailer placed second Individual Results Boys: Kevin Tanner first Kevin Tanner first Brian Gerwig sixth Brian Gerwig second Russell Nuckles fourth 3200 meter run Russell Nuckles third 110 low hurdles Kevin Tanner first Nathan Tallarito 5th 300 meter Kevin Tanner first intermediate Nathan Tallarito sixth hurdles 100 meter dash 200 meter dash 800 meter run 1600 meter run in the discus throw, and Brian Gerwig finished second in the 1600 meter run. The Eagles’ girls earned 28 points to place seventh in the girls meet. Their highest placers were Grace Flynt, with third in the 100 meter dash, and the 4X800 meter relay team made up of Bethany Dempsey, Khushali Patel, Mandy Frame, and Ashley Reeder, who also placed third. Both teams also competed at Ripley last Friday, but results have not been made available. 4X100 meter relay 4X800 meter relay 4X110 meter shuttle hurdle relay Michael Sartin stretching it out in one of the relay races. High jump Long Jump Shot put Discus throw 100 meter dash 200 meter dash 4X100 meter relay 4X200 meter relay 4X400 meter relay 4X800 meter relay Nathan Tallerito in the home stretch of his race. Charleston. Out of twentyone teams, the boys finished tenth, while the girls finished a respectable twelfth. The week of April 1419 was busy for both teams. On Thursday, the Knights again headed to Laidley BCMS Knights boys track team BCMS Knights girls track team GASSAWAY TRUE VALUE WILL BE AT THE GASSAWAY FLEA MARKET 180 Chapel Road SATURDAY, MAY 3 & SATURDAY, MAY 10 WE WILL HAVE ASSORTED LOTS OF CLOSEOUT MERCHANDISE, MOULDINGS, GUTTER, NAILS, AND A WHOLE LOT OF MISCELLANEOUS fifth 52.10 fourth 9:36.10 third sixth sixth third second sixth Girls’ individual results: Grace Flynt third Michelle Cottrill fifth Grace Flynt Clarissa Gillespie Jessica Murphy Michelle Cottrill fourth Grace Flynt Clarissa Gillespie Ashley Tallarito Jessica Murphy sixth Khushali Patel Bethany Dempsey Ashley Reeder Mandy Frame fifth Bethany Dempsey Khushali Patel Mandy Frame Ashley Reeder third Michelle Cottrill fifth Catie Brown fourth Catie Brown sixth Jessica Murphy begins the High jump 4X200 meter relay race. Shot put Discus throw Field to participate in the Photos By: Keith Ann Knuckles McDonald’s Invitational. Twenty-six teams participated. The boys finished eighth and the girls twelfth. James Singleton set a school record for the discus throw of 119.7 feet. Burnsville Elementary Then on Saturday, both teams got a glimpse of conAnnually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on ference rivals at the Roane (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) Invitational. The boys finWest Virginia Exemplary School ished an impressive secWest Virginia School of Excellence ond, and the girls placed West Virginia Title I Distinguished School fifth out of twelve teams. Hunter Sodaro earned high Davis Elementary point honors. Annually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on Both teams have (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) strong returning athletes West Virginia Exemplary School and have added additional depth with new members. West Virginia School of Excellence Ronnie Carroll, Easton West Virginia Title I Distinguished School Hutton, Yannick Yewawa, Flatwoods Elementary Tim Bedunah, J.C. Hoard, and Jordan Lacy have conAnnually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on sistently performed for the (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) Knights. For the Lady West Virginia Exemplary School Knights Hunter Sodaro has West Virginia Title I Distinguished School continued to score points, while Marianna White, Frametown Elementary Elizabeth Peters, Vanessa Annually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on Rose, Caitlin Rhodes and (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) Anne Golinsky have perWest Virginia Exemplary School formed well. The relay teams for the girls and boys West Virginia School of Excellence have been placing. National Title I Distinguished School The Knights will No Child Left Behind-National Blue Ribbon School travel to Roane County West Virginia Title I Distinguished School next Thursday, May 1 to participate in a co-ed meet. Little Birch Elementary BCMS track teams off and running The Braxton County Middle School track teams are off and running this season. Both boys and girls have competed in three track meets so far this season. On April 4, both teams traveled to Laidley Field in Walter Barnette Alex Valdivieso Michael Sartin Clinton Hudkins Russell Nuckles Seth Stancatti John Hailer Brian Gerwig Thomas Stewart Alex Valdivieso Nathan Tallarito Clinton Hudkins Trey Chapman Alex Valdivieso Ryan Fisher John Hailer Ryan Fisher 11.2 23.20 2:23.80 5:08 5:14.40 11:07.50 15.66 17.81 41.30 46.00 1:10.90 5-06.00 17-01.25 38-04 124-10.50 102-03 13.62 28.50 57.40 2:10.30 5:37.10 12:59.70 4-04.00 29-08 78-03.50 It’s all about the children WESTEST WESTEST WESTEST WESTEST Annually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on WESTEST (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) West Virginia Title I Distinguished School Sutton Elementary Annually meets Adequate Yearly Process (AYP) on WESTEST (West Virginia Standardized Testing Program) West Virginia Title I Distinguished School We are very proud of the staff, parents and students of our Elementary Schools. These accomplishments are seldom seen. Please mark the box YES with a check for the Bond & Levy to keep these schools open. It really is about the kids! Thanks Braxton County! Rich Demastus Page 14 Citizens’ NEWS April 29, 2008 Elk Soil Conservation District to host photo contest Your friendly neighborhood gathering place, Elk Conservation District announces their Annual Conservation Photo Contest for amateur photographers in Braxton, Clay, Nicholas, and Webster Counties. The contest is part of the WV Association of Conservation District Supervisors Conservation Photo Contest and the National Association of Conservation Districts Conservation Photo Contest. There are six main categories for photos: Conservation, Education, Trees & Plants, Wildlife, Landscapes, and Youth Only. Conservation includes conservation challenges, such as erosion or pollution; and conservation in action, such as volunteers planting trees. The Star Bar Your Horseshoe tournament headquarters headquarters!! Every Saturday beginning at Noon on May 3rd! Remember Always Drink Responsibly! Designated Drivers Available for the safety and convenience of our patrons. ELECT DOUG STALNAKER Democrat STATE SENATE EXPERIENCED: 14 years in the WV House of Delegates Former President and member of Lewis County Commission DEDICATED: Recorded as a “NO” vote on the legislative pay raise Co-sponsored legislation to help fund in-home health care for the elderly Co-sponsored legislation to keep convicted sexual offenders 1000 ft. away from schools Voted “NO” on the legislation that would have closed Glenville State College Co-sponsored legislation that would have created horse theme park in Lewis County Has secured funding for: SENIOR PROGRAMS (Meals on Wheels, in-home care, computers, etc.) WATER LINE EXTENSIONS YOUTH PROJECTS (4-H, Little League, etc.) EDUCATION (Safe Schools Program, school bus cameras and radios, etc.) ENDORSEMENTS: WV Farm Bureau NRA (A+ rating) West Virginians for Life WV Senior Citizens Power PAC (Check out my website for many more!) To learn more about Doug Stalnaker, check out www.stalnaker4senate.com WORKING HARD FOR ALL OF YOU! By: Kendra Veltre Our club went back to the Animal Shelter on March 29th and took supplies. We are getting used to volunteering an learning our jobs there. Since I am so small my job is to take out the trash and play with dogs. Each time we go, I pick out my favorite dog an play with it a lot. Shelly a Boxer and Shelby a Basset Hound stole my heart last time. Shelby had cancer. Rob saved the big dogs for us to bath. I think one got sprayed by a skunk. They really didn’t mind the bath at all. I think they kind of liked it. Katlynn, Monica, and I brought home blankets and made them smaller. Mrs. Bender said more people are dropping off supplies and thinks it may be because of our club writing about the shelter December 7, 1951May 1, 2007 You were the love of my life My very best friend How can you be gone? I don’t understand. It’d now been a year Since you went away I ask God for strength To meet each new day. We shared our lives For almost forty years How do I get used To you not being there? Alone at night I cry “Why, God, why?” He softly answers “Just trust Me, My child.” So I’m trusting the Father Hour by hour, day by day For I’m not really alone You’re just a memory away. Steve, I love you and miss you every second of every day. Kathy (Poem written by Kathy) Saturdays at Noon on WDTV The Bluegrass TV Show, with your hosts Ewell Ferguson and his Bluegrass Kitty-Cat, Buster Education entries include workshops for teachers or farmers, and children taking part in conservation activities. Trees and Plants includes anything from wildflowers to oak trees. Wildlife might show deer in the woods or a bird nest in an urban neighborhood Landscapes category is sunsets, mountains, parks and other impressive views. Youth Only is designated for youth or students up to age 18 and may cover any subject related to conservation. Black & white prints, color prints, color slides, and prints from digital photos are all acceptable and will be judged together. There is no size requirement. However, judges prefer that photos be no larger than 8x10 and that photos not be matted or framed. A completed entry form must accompany each photo. Note: Photos will not be returned. Photographs will be judged on technical merit, composition, and creativity. Contest deadline is July 1, 2008. To obtain an entry form, or for more information, contact Elk Conservation District Office at 801 State Street, Gassaway, WV 26624, or call 364-5105. Or check the website at wvca.us/ education/conservation photo contest. Elk CD serves Braxton, Clay, Nicholas and Webster counties. Airport Ridge Runners have busy month full of activities In Loving Memory Stephen E. Cutlip RESULTS: PAID FOR BY STALNAKER FOR SENATE. JOHN WESTFALL, TREASURER; GEORGE WHELAN, CHAIRMAN Braxton County, WV Channel 5 CBS www.BPSMusic.com Saturday, April 19th @ 12 Noon This Week Featuring the Once Blue Bluegrass music of: from Charleston, West Virginia -- Don’t Miss It... in the paper. I hope so. O n A p r i l 2 6 th o u r club traveled to Burnsville and went hiking. It was a beautiful day, but a little muddy. There are several trails there to go hiking on. They are well marked so you don’t get lost. You would probably be surprised to know that there are a lot of hiking trails here in Braxton County. Now that spring is here, you guys should go outdoors and try hiking. Don’t forget your cameras because there are a lot of pretty flowers to take pictures of. In our Hiking project book it teaches LNT. Which means leave no trace. When you are out hiking you should always stay on the trails and leave nature alone. Don’t pick the flowers, leave them for everyone to enjoy. We held our monthly meeting April 11 th at the Sutton Lake. Katlynn Veltre attended dance camp at Jackson’s Mills in March. She reported that she had a blast and learned several new dances. Our club will be attending 4-H field day on April 26 th. We have been working on our song, skit, yell and poster. I think we are ready. Monica Barker and Jared Ice helped out with the cut a thon for the Animal Shelter. Monica reported that one nice man gave her $50.00. Wow what a big help. So thanks to the gentlemen, sorry we don’t know your name. For Community Service we will be heading back to the shelter with supplies CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 - 4-H Singleton’s celebrate 69 years Mr. and Mrs. Garrell Singleton of Frametown, recently celebrated their 69 th Wedding Anniversary. The couple were married on April 8, 1939 in Clarksburg, WV. They are the parents of two sons, Gene Singleton, who is deceased, and Paige Singleton of Frametown. Dear Fellow Democrats, On May 13th, we Democrats will have an important decision to make. For the first time since nineteen hundred forty-five we can vote for a candidate from Braxton County, Doug Facemire for State Senator. Doug didn’t wake up one morning and decide to run for this office, but was asked by some very important people who thought he could do the job. I have worked with Doug as a member of the Democratic Executive Committee and I know his interest is to work to improve the lives of our people. Working with our Delegate Brent Boggs (who does a wonderful job), they could get things done for the counties they represent. Carefully consider your options and how your vote will affect our county and our lives. I hope you weigh these options seriously, and vote for Doug Facemire for State Senate. Sincerely, Martha Taylor Political Adv. Paid For By Martha Taylor Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV April 15, 2008 Page 15 Spring gobbler season opens this week The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds hunters to get their gear ready for the upcoming spring gobbler hunting season. The four-week season opens April 28 and closes on May 24, according to Bill Igo, the DNR’s wild turkey project leader. Igo recom- mends spring gobbler hunters make sure they are prepared with proper clothing, a shotgun that is appropriately patterned, and adequate hunting gear (e.g., turkey calls, knife, rain gear, compass/GPS unit, matches, maps and a pencil for completing field tags). Hunters are advised In Memory of Max Reynolds May 3, 1998 Losing a Piece of Us We will never forget Max He will live forever in our hearts And in our memories Death makes him no less a part of our family. Living with the fact that our child has died Does not mean forgetting. It means knowing and accepting that he is with Jesus, But still holding close those precious memories. It means that our love for him does not change, But that we don’t allow our grief for his death to Over-rule our life forever. Its about remembering that Max would not expect Nor want us to spend the rest of our life in misery Our new normality is not necessarily an unhappy one. Max’s life and death is part of makes us who we are. It has had an immense impact on the way we look at life, And although we wish he was still here, We know that we have grown from our experience. Remember? “Always” Love? “Eternally” Forget? “Never” Miss you, Max and Love always, Dad, Mom, Brenton, Janna & family WV Timber & Wood Products Show - May 9 & 10, 2008 Holly Gray Park, Sutton, WV Professional Lumberjack Competition ATV Pull& Mud Race Logging Competition Crafts For more information: Contact West Virginia Forestry Association 1-888-372-9663 not to wear clothing with the colors of red, white or blue – the colors of a mature gobbler’s head and neck area. A special one-day, youth spring gobbler hunt opens on April 26, just prior to the regular Monday season opening. Youth participating in this hunt must be at least eight years of age and no more than 14 years old on the day of the season. The youth must be accompanied by a licensed adult of at least 21 years of age, who cannot carry a gun or bow and must remain close enough to render advice and assistance to the youngster. The only legal weapon that can be used by a youth hunter is a shotgun with shot sizes 4, 5 or 6. Last year, youth hunters harvested 298 toms during the one-day youth spring gobbler season. “This special youth hunt provides an ideal opportunity for seasoned hunters to introduce young people to the joys of spring turkey hunting,” said Igo. “In addition to having a great day afield, these adult mentors pass along their hunting knowledge, create great memories and keep the fine hunting tradition alive for the next generation of hunters.” Wildlife biologists are predicting a slightly higher harvest of birds this spring when compared to last year’s kill of 9,965. “West Virginia’s brood count was up 12 percent in 2006 over the previous year, but was an average brood count when compared to the last 5 years,” Igo said. “Our data indicate brood counts accurately predict spring turkey harvests two years down the road. With more twoyear old birds in the population this spring, a slight increase in overall harvest is expected.” Igo also advises hunters to be aware that radio transmitters and/or leg bands have been placed on some gobblers. These marked birds are part of a statewide gobbler survival study to determine causes of mortality, effects of hunting and gather more biological data designed to assist the DNR in its efforts to effectively manage the state’s wild turkey resource. Hunters harvesting a banded or radioed bird should contact their local DNR District Office or the Elkins Operations Center. The DNR, in conjunction with the West Virginia Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, is also conducting the Annual Spring Gobbler Hunting Survey. Cooperating turkey hunters submit daily records of their hunts and complete a brief questionnaire. A hunter does not have to kill a gobbler to provide useful data. Much of the survey information collected involves what a hunter hears, sees or has an opinion about. Any hunter interested in participating in the survey is encouraged to contact Patty Fordyce, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, PO Box 67, Elkins, WV 26241, telephone: 304-637-0245 or email: pattyfordyce@wvdnr.gov. For a better and safer community MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD th VOTE May 13 for www.lutherfordpowers.com For Sheriff of Braxton County Paid for by the Candidate. Things You Should Know About Magistrate Beth (Prince) Smith Wilson's Auto Detailing Call Today For An Appointment (304)701-7048 601 Elk Street Gassaway, WV 26624 Tropical Tan We’re HOT when the Sun’s Not!! $30 Unlimited Monthly Special • Magistrate Smith is efficient, impartial, fair & listens to BOTH sides • Magistrate Smith is prompt, prepared & always reliable • Magistrate Smith is tough on decisions, which are based on law & common sense • Magistrate Smith is not intimidated by anyone, especially when doing her job • Magistrate Smith is always in control of her courtroom • Magistrate Smith does not abuse her authority • Magistrate Smith does not quit • Magistrate Smith represents Clean Honest Politics • Magistrate Smith is a qualified Magistrate with 12 Uninterrupted years of Experience with the Magistrate Court System • Magistrate Smith is a life long Democrat • Magistrate Smith is #1 on the Ballot 364-8404 or 364-8113 ✩✩✩✩ Re-Elect Beth (Prince) Smith Braxton County Magistrate Paid for by the Committe to Elect Beth Smith, Magistrate. ELECT ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ELECT ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ELECT ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ASSESSOR ✩ ✩ ✩ ASSESSOR ✩ ✩ ✩ ASSESSOR ✩ ✩ ✩ Paid for by the Candidate. Page 16 Citizens’ NEWS April 29, 2008 CONT. FROM PAGE 14 - 4-H We support dependable, considerate, and impartial Magistrate Beth Smith and urge you to cast your vote and Keep Beth as Braxton’s Experienced Magistrate! Paid for by Don & Laurie Wood on April 29th. Our Club will be hosting the Braxton County 4-H public speaking and visual presentation contest on May 1 st . If you are in 4-H and are Braxton County, WV interested please call Kristy at 765-3572 or let your leader know. Our next meeting and hike will be May 11 th at 2:00 pm. We will meet at the Laurel Patch Road. Our club has been h a v i n g so much fun. Camp will soon be here. We are all excited for that. There are so many different projects to choose from. 4-H teaches us leadership. On a sad note, we Family court mediation to be held TO RE-ELECT training Robert Reed Sowa, I n n a n d S u i t e s i n Ernie Moore Board of Education Political Advertisement ~ Paid for by the Candidate. Family Court Judge for Braxton, Lewis and Upshur Counties (17 th Family Court Circuit) has announced that Basic Family Mediation Training will be conducted at the Country VOTE Emge for Sheriff Larry Emge has Braxton County Covered as Each District Will Be Patrolled Each Night, Seven Days A Week! have been told that Sally Howard, the best Extension Lady in the universe is retiring. Sally thank you for everything you have done for us. We will miss you. Good luck with your retirement. Paid for by the Candidate All Creatures Feed & Pet LLC Now Open in Summersville Located at 3017 Webster Road in the Nicholas Shopping Center 872-4422 Huge Selection of Tropical Fish Birds Reptiles Small Animals Livestock and Pet Supplies 10% Sweet Feed $829 Baby Parakeets $1699 16% Hog Feed $939 Panda Bear Hamsters $699 Purina Horse Chow 100 $1299 Orange Leopard Gecko $2999 Rabbit 50 lb. $1079 Goldfish 10 for $100 Re-cleaned Whole Oats $1049 Baby Rabbits $799 Shop us for all your Pet and Livestock needs! The owner has a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science and Over 25 Years Experience. We have a Very Clean Store with Low Prices! Thank You for Your Support! Beckley from May 19 th to 23 rd, and at the WVU College of Law in Morgantown from August 4 th -8 th. The tuition is $895.00. Approval for LPC, Social Work and Legal Continuing Education credits is pending. The training is to be cosponsored by the Potomac Mediation Services and the Dispute Resolution Skills Institute of the WVU College of Law. Family Court mediators are important to the Family Court litigation process. Normally, Judge Sowa will not set contested trial dates until the case in mediated. There is a statute which requires mediation in all cases where there are contested parenting issues. To be an approved Family Court Mediator by the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, a person must have a bachelor’s degree, take this training, observe two family mediations, co-mediate three family mediations, and have mediator malpractice insurance. Some of the observation/co-mediation requirements may be satisfied by attending mediations scheduled for the evening hours during this training. For further information, contact Professor Tom Patrick, Director, at (304) 293-2371 or tpatrick@wvu.edu. La Dolce Vita Cafe and Gallery for tthat hat per perffect Valentine t! alentine’’s gif gift! For af dable afffor ordable one-of-a-kind gifts, stop in at La Dolce Vita, 400 4th Street in Sutton Beginning Sa da y, Sattur urda day Februar y ther e will be an ebruary there “Open Mic” from 1:00-3:00 every Sa da y. Sattur urda day Musicians are welcome to join us for this hosted event every Saturday afternoon. Call 765-3334 for more information. LEGAL NOTICES Page 17, Braxton Citizens’ News, April 29, 2008 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its office in Building Five, Room A148, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston, West Virginia, 253050430 until 10 A.M. May 20, 2008 and said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the construction of the following project(s): Call Contract State Project Federal Project Description 002 0807143 S304-0013/02003.21 00 Overlay Bridge Deck w/modified PCC Hecks Bridge/ Elk River, 0.01 MI S WV 4 County: Braxton Bridge: 2405.1 Concrete Slab on Fabricated Steel Girder Span (s): 3; Proposals will be received from prequailified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before all work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on the project must include one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier’s Check or Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater. These are projects on which any contractor with a Category W Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserved the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways Robert L. Pennington, P.E. Director of Program Planning and Administration 5-6 NOTICE OF HEARING In the Family Court of Braxton County, West Virginia In Re: The marriage of: Civil Action No. 08-0-22 Robert D. Lamb and Anita J. Lamb Petitioner Respondent To Anita J. Lamb Address unknown You are hereby given notice that the undersigned will bring the abovestyled action on for final hearing before the Family Court Judge. The hearing will be on the 4th day of June, 2008 at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Hearings before the Family Court Judge shall be held at the following location: Family Court , Sutton. You may be present to protect your interests. I will proceed in one year seperation. Robert Lamb 4-29 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Notice is herby given that the undersigned Trustee pursuant to the terms of that certain Deed of Trust dated the 25 th day of September 2003, executed by Corporate Book Resources, LTD, a West Virginia Corporation, to Elizabeth G. Farber and Bernard R. Mauser, Trustees, conveying the real estate therein described and hereinafter described, which Deed of Trust is of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 181, at page 73, and the said Elizabeth G. Farber having resigned as Trustee, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will, default having been made in the payment of said debt, and the beneficial owner thereof having requested said sale, sell at the front door of the Court House of Braxton County, Sutton, West Virginia, at public auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 2008 at 9:00 o’clock a.m., on that day, the following real estate, together with the improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate of the North side of Main Street, in the old part of the Town of Sutton, Braxton County, West Virginia and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: FIRST: Part of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, situate on the North Side of Main street in the old part of said Town of Sutton, fronting 40 feet on said Main Street and extending back from said street between parallel lines a distance of 83 feet, together with all appurtenances thereto belonging. SECOND: Being a part of Lot No. 1, in the old part of the Town of Sutton, described as follows: Beginning on Main Street at the point where said Main Street intersects with the crossstreet leading up the hill to North Sutton in said Town; thence with line of said cross-street a distance of 83 feet; thence with a line parallel to said Main Street a distance of 20 feet to the corner of a lot conveyed by W. P. Newlon and C. K. Newlon to C. F. Eilert, and with was formerly owned by H. B. Curtin; thence with a line of the same 83 feet to main street; and thence with Main Street 20 feet to the beginning. And being the same tracts or parcels of real estate conveyed unto Corporate Book Resources, Ltd. A West Virginia Corporation, by Robert J. Morrison and Ruth B. Morrison, his wife, et als, by deed dated the 24th day of May 1995, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 497, at Page 531. The property conveyed subject to the right of the owners of the building adjourning on the east side thereof, formerly owned by H. B. Curtin, to use the stairway and hall in the property hereby conveyed as a way of access to said Curtain Building; and subject also to the right of the owners of the Curtain Building to use the strip of ground in the rear of the building on said lot for access to said Curtain Building, all of which is set out in a certain deed from W. P. Newlon, et als, to C. F. Eilert, dated June 10, 1896, and of the record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 33, at Page 178. This Conveyance will be made by Special Warranty Deed, subject to any special assessments, unpaid taxes, restrictions, conditions, reservations, exceptions, easements and provisions as set forth in the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Case No. 08-0165-PWD-CN Flatwoods Canoe Run Public Service District, a public utility, Sutton, Braxton County. Application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct certain improvements to its water treatment plant. NOTICE OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE On February 15, 2008, Flatwoods-Canoe Run Public Service District filed an application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct certain improvements and modifications to upgrade its water treatment plant’s capacity. The District proposed an interim 27.25% increase in rates to meet current operation and maintenance costs and to pay its existing bonded indebteness and, upon completion of its proposed project, an additional rate increase of 14.40%. On March 13, 2008, the District filed a Request for Emergency Rate Relief requesting that the interim rates set forth in its certificate filing be approved immediately due to its cash flow deficit of $203,613 and its insufficient bond coverage. Pursuant to the recommendation of Commission Staff, an Interim Recommended Decision was entered on April 22, 2008, which approved an interim rate increase of 27.25% for the Flatwoods-Canoe Run Public Service District, to be effective for all services rendered on and after the date of the Interim Recommended Decision becomes a final order of the Commission. These rates are subject to refund if not justified be the ongoing staff audit and final decision in this case. The approved interim rates are as follows: Rates Present Interim Rates (Per 1,000 gallons) First 2,000 gallons used per month $8.68 $11.05 Next 28,000 gallons used per month $5.76 $7.33 Next 870,000 gallons used per month $4.49 $5.71 Next 8,200,00 gallons used per month $3.73 $4.75 Over 9,000,000 gallons used per month $2.99 $3.80 Minimum Charge Present 5/8 inch meter 3/4 inch meter 1 inch meter 1 1/2 inch meter 2 inch meter 3 inch meter 4 inch meter 5/8 inch meter $17.36 $26.04 $43.40 $86.80 $138.88 $260.40 $434.00 $868.00 Industrial Rate Present $5.93 Water Sales For Resale All water for resale to Birch River Public Service District Present Interim Rates (Per month) $22.10 $33.15 $55.25 $110.50 $176.80 $331.50 $552.50 $1,105.00 Interim Rates (Per 1,000 Gallons per month) $7.55 Interim Rates (Per 1,000 Gallons per month) $3.41 $4.34 These rates are Interim Rates only and may be increased, decreased or left unchanged at the conclusion of this proceeding. Flatwoods-Canoe Run Public Service District 4-29 for the removal of any persons or personal property from the real property. Pursuant to the Deed of Trust, the Trustee may postpone the sale by public announcement at the time and place designated and act by agent in the execution of the sale. The par- ties secured by the Deed of Trust reserve the right to purchase the property at such sale. Dated this 16th day of April 2008. 4-29 PUBLIC NOTICE Precinct Number 28 - Exchange: voting place will be relocated to “SHOP BUILDING BESIDE H.E. Miller’s residence ” situate ½ mile below Exchange. For your confidence signs will be posted accordingly. By Order of the Braxton County Commission. April 18, 2008 5-13 chain of title to the aforesaid property. The property is sold in “as is” condition. Pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust, the Trustee may postpone the sale by public announcement at the time and place designated for the sale. TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on date of sale and subject to any unpaid real property taxes. Bernard R. Mauser, Trustee 4-29 NOTICE OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE’S SALE Notice is hereby given, by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned, James W. Lane, Jr., Successor Trustee, by that certain Deed of Trust made by Denver McMillion, Mary Alice McMillion, Jeff McMillion and Samantha McMillion, to James B. Hayhurst, Jr. and Steven E. Wilson, Trustees, bearing date July 17, 2001 and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 165, page 158; the said James W. Lane, Jr. acting as Successor Trustee by virtue of that certain Appointment of Successor Trustee dated April 4, 2008 of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office, in Trustee Book 3, Page 524, and default having been made in the payment of the Note secured by the aforesaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested in writing by the owner and holder of the Note, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will offer for sale, at public auction, to the Highest bidder at the front steps of the Braxton County Courthouse located at 300 Main Street, Sutton, West Virginia, the 8th day of May 2008 at 2:00 p.m. the following real property: A one half interest in and to the oil and gas within and underlying the following described real estate, together with the improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate on the waters of Steer Creek Run, a branch of Perkins Fork of Cedar Creek, in Otter District, Braxton County, West Virginia, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: FIRST: A certain tract of land containing 39 acres bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake and pointers on the ridge east of Sam Sponaugles; thence S 8 E 39 poles to 2 chestnut oak pointers; S 23 E 33 poles to a hickory; South 27 poles to a black oak and white oak; N 80 E 15 poles to a chestnut oak; N 62 E 18 poles to a stake; N 21 E 121 poles to a stake; S 74 W 104 poles to the beginning, containing 39 acres, more or less. SECOND: A certain tract of land containing 5 acres bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Graham line and with same S 7-1/2 E 36 poles to a Dogwood; N 25 E 10 poles to a white oak; N 20 E 15 poles to a Chestnut oak; N 14 E 13 poles to a chestnut oak; N 21-1/2 E 12 poles to a chestnut oak; N 28 E 11 poles to a red oak, corner to Jacob I. Raffle’s lot and with line of same S 74 W 35 poles to the place of beginning, containing 5 acres, more or less. THIRD: A certain tract of land containing 11 acres bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an ash stump a corner to the Graham survey; thence with a line of same, to white oak pointers corner to Wood Lewis survey and with same to pointers in another line of said Graham survey and with same to the place of beginning, containing 11 acres, more or less. FOURTH: A certain tract of land containing 9-1/2 acres, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a chestnut oak, corner to Sponaugle tract and with line of same N 79 E 84 poles to a stake; N 1 E 36 poles to a chestnut oak corner to J. A. Riffle; S 8 E 62 poles to pointers on a knob; N 86 W 26 poles to pointers; S 75 W 11 poles to pointers; S 85 W 32 poles to a hickory; N 51 W 24-1/2 poles to the beginning, containing 9-1/2 acres, more or less. FIFTH: A certain tract of land containing 7-1/2 acres, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a dogwood S 36 W 16 poles to a black oak; S 5 E 14 poles to a hickory; S 13 W 18 poles to a stake in McPerkins line; N 57 E 5 poles to a hickory; l S 49 E 18-1/2 poles to a chestnut oak; N 21-1/2 E 56 poles to pointers on a point; N 88 W 25 poles to the beginning, containing 71/2 acres, more or less. Being the same one half interest in the oil & gas within and underlying the said tract that was conveyed by Denver McMillion and Mary Alice McMillion, his wife, and Jeffrey R. McMillion and Samantha K. McMillion to Sachdeva Energy Enterprises, LLC, by deed dated July 19, 2001, of record in the office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 532, at Page 494. Which said parcel is more particularly described in the aforesaid Deed and by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully recited and set out; and The referenced real property will be conveyed with no covenants of warranty, and subject to all covenants, restrictions, easements, rights of way and reservations which may be a matter of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office or visible upon the ground. TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand at time of sale, subject to all liens and encumbrances not discharged by the sale, including, without limitation, liens for real estate taxes, incinerator, sanitary and sewer charges. The purchasers at the sale shall be responsible for paying the recording costs and also the tax on the privilege of transferring real property (the cost of the tax stamp to be affixed to the deed). The Trustee and United Bank, Inc. shall not be responsible 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 at Little Birch Elementary School on Sunday, May 4, 2008 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Brown beans & Cornbread, dessert & drink-$5.00 or 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Hot dog, dessert & Drink-$3.00 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Matt is the son of Stanley and Becky Tanner, and Heather is the daughter of 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Rodney and Sherry Rose. They are the parents of Logan, age 5, and Isaac, 9 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 months. Matt has been diagnosed with cancer and is awaiting another surgery and 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 possibly chemotherapy. He is employed by Slurry Paving. The family does not 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 have health insurance. Your support is 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 greatly appreciated. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 God Blessed. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 It is more 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 blessed to give 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 than to receive. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Acts 20:35 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 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1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Benefit Dinner For Matt & Heather T an ner Tan anner Citizens’ NEWS Page 18 April 29, 2008 Braxton County, WV 5004. • BUY • SELL • TRADE From The First & Factually experience. CPR/First Aid FOR SALE: Queen Pillow Certified. 364-5218. 4-01Tf top-2pc mattress set, new, plastic, warranty. $149. BUSINESS WE BUY JUNK CARS. Call in (304) 541-8120. 4-29TF S E R V I C E S 364-2485 or 644-2911. 5-13 FOR SALE: Mattress set: 2pc. Queen Ortho, New, Warranty, In package, $199 SHERRY JO’S NAIL MINI-STOREAGE: (304) 541-8120. 4-29TF SALON Total nail care Burnsville Napa is now provided by an experienced offering Mini-Storage for FOR SALE: Mattress, new award winning Manicurist $45.00 per month. 3 pc king set, in plastic, wardoing business since 1985. Approx. 1,000 Sq. Ft. Call ranty, $299. (304) 541Call Sherry Jo’s for your 853-2355. 10-21 8120. 4-29TF appointment 364-5441. Mention this ad and receive ASPHALT PAVING & REFOR SALE: Full Mattress a hot paraffin wax PAIR: Driveways, Parking Set. Brand new in plastic, treatment. 4-4TF lots and more. Also with warranty. $129. (304) sealcoating. 25% Spring 541-8120. 4-29TF FLATWOODS CENTRAL Discounts, Senior DisCONTRACT-ING:Complete counts. All work guaran- FOR SALE: Tempur-style residential service. Roofing teed. Free estimates. 472- Nasa Memory Foam Mat4-22 siding, windows, electrical, 7362. tress. New, in plastic, with plumbing, building and CRITTERS ENTERPRISE: warranty. $375 (304) 541remodeling. Insured. WV 4-29TF Certified Class I & II Septic 8120. #029277. Call 765-7597. Installations, Repairs and 3-16TF Inspections. Providing FOR SALE: Cherry Sleigh dozer, Backhoe and now Bed & Mattress. Solid D & M CONTRACTORS: dump truck services. Eddie Wood, 2pc Mattress Set, General Building, residential, Facemire. WV #033553 both new in plastic, with roofing, siding, painting, Call 364-2257. 7-1 warranty. $479 (304) 5418120. 4-29TF remodeling, and decks. Licensed and insured. 15 FOR SALE: Super thick years experience. Visa & Plush Queen Pillowtop, 2pc Mastercard accepted. 304FOR set, Famous Maker, Inde364-5736. Owner Dallas pendent Coils, New, WarSALE McCumbers. WV029016. ranty, Retail to $2500. Must 9-6tf sell $799. (304) 541-8120. 4-29TF FOR SALE: Good used YVONNES’S CLEANING SERVICE: Dependable, work clothes. Pants waist FOR SALE: Curio Cabinet, references, reasonable sizes 28 through 58. Shirts Kitchen Cabinet, China rates. Call for more informa- sizes S thru 6XL. $1.00 Cabinet, Tables and Chairs, tion. I do windows! 364- each. 765-7625 after 5:00 Buffet, Rocking Chairs, 4-08TF 5218. 1-8TF p.m. Desk, Wood Gun Cabinet, Coffee and End Table, BedSUTTON EXCAVATION FOR SALE: Sofa and room Suite, Dressers and loveseat, 100% Leather. INC. Driveway ditching and Chests, Beds and Bedding, grading, clean creeks and New, in boxes, warranty. Playpens, Bassinets, WalkRetail value, $1999. Sacridrainage ditches. Grad-all fice $699 for both. (304) ers, strollers, Car seats, service, dump truck 541-8120. 4-29TF other misc. Call 286-3644. services. Will haul gravel 4-29 and dirt. Free estimates. FOR SALE: Living Room Call 765-5576. No job too Set-5pc. Microfiber, Stain small. 3-7TF Resistant, New, Boxed, LifeFOR time Warranty. $599 (304) RENT APPLIANCE REPAIR: We 541-8120. 4-29TF service all major appliances. Same day service. FOR SALE: Bedroom Set Reasonable rates. New and 5pc. New, still boxed, sell FOR RENT: Additional used parts. Call 644-8783 for $499. (304) 541-8120. office space for rent. or 364-8783. 2-12TF 4-29TF Excellent location for establishing a practice. SENIOR CARE HOME: A FOR SALE: Beautiful Ideal for Health Care senior care home has a pri- Cherry Bedroom Set-Louis Practitioners or Medical vate room available. We Phillip style, Solid Wood, Related Business. GlenelG are private care 24/7. Brand New 5pcs, $999. Health & Wellness Center, Gassaway area. 11 years (304) 541-8120. 4-29TF 440 Water St. 364-5873 or 330-699-4315. Summersville, WV 26651. 9-5TF 304-872-3333. 5-6 FOR RENT: One and two FOR RENT: Three bed- bedroom apartments startroom, 1 Bath, remodeled ing at $275. Two and three home with yard in bedroom homes starting at Burnsville. Close to I-79. $375. One months rent re$425 per month plus secu- quired for security deposit. rity deposit and references. Utilities not included. AbAbsolutely no pets. Call solutely no pets. Applica853-2859. 5-6 tion required. Applications may be picked up at FOR RENT: West Virginia Lloyd’s Inc. 2220 Sutton 9-5TF couple have two beach Lane. houses for rent in Myrtle Beach, SC located at Ocean Lakes Family CampREAL ground. Both have 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. Weekly ESTATE rent is $2000 per house. Both homes were completed in June 2007. Visit FOR SALE: Frametown. www.vrbo.com/138764 for 3 - 4 B e d r o o m , 2 b a t h more information or call for brick home. Formal living availability, 704-543-8434. r o o m w i t h m a s o n r y 1-29 TF fireplace and gas logs. Full basement with FOR RENT: Office retail or warehouse space for rent or b e d r o o m , f a m i l y r o o m , sale in Sutton. From 170- laundry room, enclosed 12,000 square feet. Starting cellar. Single car garage at $3.00/per Sq. Ft. We will with large porch above. build to suit your needs. County water and also a Call 678-4400 for more in- deep well in the garage formation. 10-2TF with excellent water. Fruit trees. $149,500. Call 7705-13 MEETING SPACE FOR 412-1586. The Sutton RENT: SALE: 2001 Volunteer Fire Department FOR has a large meeting room M e a d o w b r o o k e available for rent. Ideal for Doublewide and ½ acre lot. B i r t h d a y / C h r i s t m a s / Located in Flatwoods. 3 Wedding parties, meetings, Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Masmulti-day training sessions ter bath has a garden tub and double sinks. One car and more. Ground level on oversized garage, outbuildMain Street, Sutton. Formerly ing, 2 porches (8x28), rear the location of Fisher Auto porch is covered. ½ mile Parts across from the from I-79. Close to schools Courthouse. Call 765-5193 and outlet mall. Serious infor rates, information and quiries only. Asking scheduling. 11-21TF $105,000. Please call (304) 678-4534 after 4:00 p.m. FOR RENT: Mobile home 5-6 lots near interstate, senior citizens welcome. Call 304853-9103. 1-25TF FOR RENT: Garage for rent or lease 32x48 in Flatwoods. Call 765-7797 or 765-3478. 12-30tf FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment, 501 River Street, Gassaway. $375 a month plus utilities. $400 Security Deposit. No pets/ MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE: Special FHA financing program for land owners. 0 down if you own land or can use family land. We own the bank, your approved. Call Today 872- Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County Quality Printing Company Greene Robertson Funeral Home Steven Jeffers, director 600 Riverview Drive Sutton, West Virginia Exit 62 Off I-79 Right 1/2 Mile 1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132 765-5502 Barker B & C Electric, FOODLAND Construction LLC Elk River Let Our Deli Cater your next party!!! 364-8307 Licensed - Insured Residential • Commercial Michael Butcher 678-4275 Jarell Crist 663-8107 Braxton Lumber Co., Inc. Geothermal wells, Central Tire well pumps. Five generations ofSerivce experience. Drilling JoeFrame & Angie Reeder Company 306 Chapel Road Gassaway, WV 26624 (304)636-6025 364-8567 765-7519 or 552-1203 765-5193 KNICELEY INSURANCE AGENCY Hospitalization - Auto - Fire Life Farm - Liability Loran & Kevin Kniceley 189 Main St., Sutton 765-7149 FOR SALE: Attention home buyers. No matter what your credit is we may be able to get you approved for a new home. We can even take your application over the phone. 304-472-8900, Home Show-Buckhannon. 4-29 income. Top 25% of the companies salespeople make over $75,000 a year. Fax resume to 304872-5034 or Call Terry at 872-5004. 9-5TF HELP WANTED: Truck Driver with CDL 2 years experience to haul lumber flat bed. Local work, good pay-benefits. EOE Call 304-453-6381. 12-27TF FOR SALE: No money down Program if you own land. HomeShowBuckhannon, 304-4728900. With approved credit. 4-29 HELP WANTED: Gassaway Microtel Inn & Suites is now FOR SALE: Pre-owned accepting applications for homes for sale. 304-472- desk and housekeeping 8900. 4-29 positions. Full and Part time. Applications may be picked FOR SALE: Outstanding up at the front desk. No deal! Amish 32x80 total dry- phone calls please. 3-18TF wall, $79,900 delivered and set. 472-9286 or 884-8939. 4-29 HELP WANTED: Full time licensed respiratory therapist. Current WV license required – students can apHELP ply. Expanded to 24-hour W A N T E D coverage and will expand job duties; excellent salary and benefits. EO/AAE. Contact: Diane Ocheltree, HELP WANTED: Job 304-269-8094 or write opportunities. Looking for a SJMH, 230 Hospital Plaza, waitress or cook. Have 401k Weston, WV 26452. 5-6 and insurance available. 853-2389. 5-6 HELP WANTED: Securitas is accepting applications HELP WANTED: Do you for guards in Braxton want to make a difference County. Appy online at in someone’s life? Laurel www.securitasjobs.com. Nursing and Rehabilitation Please indicate Center is hiring team Parkersburg, WV for the ofplayers for the following fice you are applying to. 4-29 positions: C.N.A.’s: All shifts. Must have current active WV certification. New starting HELP WANTED: Full-time wage and shift differential. Registered Nurse for $750 Sign-on Bonus. Stonewall Jackson Home LPN’s: Full Time Positions Care Obstetrics Dept. EO/ available and Shift AAE. Contact Cheryl Davis @ 269-8514; write SJ SpeDifferential. $1000 sign on cial Delivery Unit, 230 Hosbonus. If any of these pital Plaza, Weston, WV positions interest you, call 26452; or fax resume to 304-286-4204, fax resume 269-8038. 5-6 to 304-286-3906 or stop by at 1053 Clinic Drive located off of Rt. 16 in Ivydale to fill out an application. LNRC is ????? 1 mile off I-79 at Exit 40. MISC. EOE/LNRC is a drug-free workplace. 4-29 GARAGE SALE: Rain or HELP WANTED: Taking ap- shine. May 2 nd and 3 rd , plications for a truck driver Friday and Saturday, 9am with Class A License. 3 to ? Several numerous years driving experience. items, directions: Hall’s Pull flat bed with some 1-79 to tarping. Home on week- Residence, ends. For more information, Frametown Exit, go right call 304-452-8548. 4-29 towards Clay, 3 miles onst right-Tate Creek Rd. 1 HELP WANTED: 4 on and driveway on the left. 4-29 4 off Schedule. Highwall Miner Electrician. Nicholas NOTICE: I, Richard L. Energy, a Massey Energy Jarrell will not be responCo. subsidiary, located in sible for any debts, public Drennen, WV is now ac- or private, other than my cepting resumes for certi- own from this day forward, 4-29 fied mining electricians. April 8, 2008. Electricians will work fourMOVED TO 12 hour shifts, followed by JUST four days off. Applicants BRAXTON COUNTY? If must possess current WV you have just moved to electrician card with Low, Braxton County within the Medium and High Voltage last 30 days, for the first time, certification. Applicants we have a gift for you. Stop must have a high school di- by the Citizens’ News office ploma or equivalent; expe- and sign up for a FREE rience with addcar systems three month subscription; is preferred, but not re- plus, a FREE gallon of paint quired. EMT certification from Sutton Feed and Hardpreferred, but no required. ware, 75 S. Stonewall St., Underground electricians are encouraged to apply. Sutton. We are located at Competitive benefit package with electrician bonus. CONTINUEDTO PAGE 19- CLASS WV 011566 GASSAWAY Heaters, WV (304)765-5461 FOR SALE: Buyers of Hemlock Siding Sawlogs, Standing Timber 10” & 12” Wide; &T Acreages of All Sizes & G Paneling Water Wells Joe's Local Contractor FREE Estimates New Construction, Remodeling & More Braxton County's Only Commercial Printer For ALL Y our P rinting Needs Your Printing Business Cards T o Books - Call To 7-03TF Qualified applicants may submit resumes to: NichoIT’S DEALING TIME AT las Energy, ATTN: HR, PO MIDDLE TOWN HOMES of Box 707, Summersville, WV Weston offering new & used 26651 or fax resume to 304singles modular and 872-7435. Qualified Applisectionals starting as low as cants may also call 304$39,900 set & delivered. Are 872-5065. EOE/M/F/D/V 4-29 you ready to deal? Stop by or call today! 1-800-874HELP WANTED: Part-time 4663. 2-13TF assistants as company reps wanted!Applicant FOR SALE: The #1 Dealer must have access to the in America. Call for your speinternet and must be above cial financing today. $0 down 18 years . Interested applioptions available. Call today! cant should contact Mrs 872-5004. 9-5TF B l i s s @ brandy.bliss@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Why pay rent 5-27 when you can own with $0 down? We own the bank, HELP WANTED: Manumany financing options factured Home Salesperavailable. Call today! 872- s o n n e e d e d . 4 0 1 K , 5004. 9-5TF Heath Benefits, and great A Full Service Hardware for ALL your jobs:Plumbing,Electrical, Heating,Small Engine,Lawn & Garden,Household 364-2242 1-800-582-2923 State of the Art Technology One Hour Photo Processing Film, digital, enlargements Walker's Drug Elk Street, Gassaway 364-5193 MID-STATEMARINA & CYCLE, INC. Boats • Motors • Trailers Honda • Suzuki •Yamaha Route 19 - Sutton, WV 765-7325 & 1-800-640-7329 Use Our ATMS ® Flatwoods Quik Mart Exit Sutton 67 of I-79 Branch - Flatwoods SuttonBranch 101A West Main Street 101A West Main Go-Mart Big Otter Go-Mart Exit 67Exit of I-79 Flatwoods 40 of-I-79 Burnsville Go-MartBranch Exit Salt 67 of I-79 Lick- Flatwoods Road Burnsville Branch Clay Branch Salt Lick Road Two Run ClayBranch Go-Mart Two Run Go-Mart- Gassaway Exit 62 of I-79 Exit 62 of I-79 -Gassaway Go-Mart Gassaway Branch Go-Mart Birch River 700 Elk Street Birch River Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits! FOUND: Red/Brown Dog found in Corley area. Male. Brown nose, light brown eyes. Appears to be part lab, little white on chest, very friendly. If you know this dog, or you can give him a good home, call 765-2224 or 765-7725. 03-08-D015-21 Six week old terrier/boxer mix puppies found in Little Birch. 03-08-D009 Two year old female, Wire Hair Terrier mix with 7 three weeks old puppies found on old turnpike road abandoned. 03-08-D006 Six month old Lab mix, male, found on Harper Hill. 03-08-D005 Registered Mountain Fiest, 4 year old male, brindle in color, Adopt Today! 03-08-D004 Tan Chow mix 3 months old, female, dumped at the shelter. 03-08-D003 Female tri color 1 year old Beagle Found in Tauge. 03-08-D001 Shepard mix puppy 6 week old male, found in Exchange. Adopt Today! 02-08-D042 Schnauzer mix, male 8 months old, found in Burnsville Adopt Today! 02-08-D038-39 Collie/Hound mix puppies both females 8 weeks old, found in Bluefield. Dumping an Unwanted dog is a Crime! Punishable with a fine and jail time. Give your pet a chance to survive turn it over to the county shelter. The cost is minimal and it’s the right thing to do. Braxton County Animal Shelter 765-2200. Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV DELIVER RV’S FOR PAY! Deliver “new” RV’s to all 48 states and Canada. Get paid to travel! For details log on to www.rvdeliveryjobs.com. From The Continued from Page 18 501 Main St., Sutton, and we would like to welcome you to our community. Stop by today! 1-6TF FOSTER FAMILIES NEEDED: Call the National Youth Advocate Program at 800-836-9894 or 304-366-5832 for information or visit www.nyap.org. No fees & No wait. 7-24TF Residence of Canna Drake, 2 miles off Route 4, Frametown, toward Wilsie on Big Run Hill. 4-29 YARD SALE: Multi-family yard sale. May 3, 2008 9am-? Flatwoods Community Building. Kids clothing of all sizes, adult clothing, toys, a lot of misc. items. Too much to mention. 4-29 PAWNING, BUYING & SELLING: Guns, Musical instruments, YARD SALE: May 1 st-3 rd , 208 tools, AMP’s, electronics & more. Highland Street, Gassaway. Call 304-269-6330. 7-27TF Kids clothes, Home Interior, Household items, size 7 ladies I, DOUGLAS COFFMAN WILL dress shoes, ladies clothes and 4-29 NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for more. Rain or shine. any debts other than my own nd rd from this day forward, 2/05/ YARD SALE: May 2 and 3 . Community Yard Sale. Four+ 2008. Douglas Coffman. 5-6 houses (10 families or more) on I, DENVER CUTLIP, WILL NOT Exhange Rd. Flatwoods end. BE RESPONSIBLE for any acci- Something for everyone. Lots of 4-29 dents that occure on my prop- Baby items. erty in Sutton. 4-29 YARD SALE: Jacob and Shannon Truman will be having a yard sale, Saturday, May 3, 8-5 at Joe Bob Trumans residence in Servia. One mile from I-79 on Servia Rd. Rain or shine. 4-29 YARD SALE: Multi-family yard sale ¼ mile below Strange Creek Bridge on right May 2nd and 3rd. Boys clothes 12 mos. To Size 10. Misc baby items (high chair, walker, crib bedding) quilt tops, lots of misc. In case of rain, will 4-29 be May 9th and 10th. REMEMBER ME? 1952-53 Sutton High School 9th Grade. Wretha Sue Mutter, age 15. Looking for William (Bill) Conley and younger sister. Bill was in the Army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma 1953-55. Last contact with Bill I was living in Charmco, WV. If anyone knows this person, please contact Wretha Sue Farrar, 607 W. third St., Hanover, PA 17331. 5-6 April 29, 2008 Page 19 efits. Need CDL-A and 3 mos recent OTR. 800-635-8669. benefits package. Non-licensed LAND FOR SALE For the best people encouraged to apply as buys on farms, land, country escompany provides complete train- tates, riverfront and mtn top SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for ing. Call now: Randy Davis resort properties call 800-651Store Evaluations. Local Stores, 276-614-4040 or fax your resume 5540 or visit www.mikehaywoodgroup.com. Restaurants, and other busi- to 304-457-1437 EOE. M/F/D/V. EARN UP TO $550 WEEKLY! nesses. Flexible Hours, No ExpeHelping the government. PT. No rience Necessary,Training HOMES FOR RENT HUD MISCELLANEOUS AIRLINES experience. Excellent opportu- Provided. 1-800-585-9024 ext. HOMES! Buy 3 bedroom $199/ ARE HIRING-Train for high paynity. Call Today! 1-800-488- 6747. month! 4 bedroom, 2 bath $317/ ing Aviation Maintenance Career. 2921. Ask for Department S. month! (5% down, 20 years, 8% FAA approved program. Financial DRIVERS: CDL-A OTR Team apr) For listings 800-620-4946 aid if qualified. Job placement asDRIVERS- Immediate openings Drivers Needed! Great Pay/Ben- x1222. sistance. CALL for Regional & OTR .38cpm to efits! 6mos. Min. solo exp. needed. Aviation Institute of Maintenance .40cpm. Full Benefits. 1 Yr OTR Solo drivers may apply. Gainey HOMES FOR SALE BUY FORE- (888) 349-5387. & CDL-A Req. Call 866-543- Transportation. 800-326-8889. CLOSURES! 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1234 Option 6 Or apply @ for $17,900! 4 bedroom, 2 bath REAL ESTATE GOV’T HOMES! $0 www.onlinetransport.com. NAT’L ORGANIZATION NOW only $39,900! 2,3 & 4 bedrooms Down! Bank Repo’s & ForecloHIRING. Avg. Pay $20/ hour or available! For listings 800-620- sures! HUD, VA, FHA. Call for MECHANICS: Up to $20,000 $57K/yr. including Federal Ben- 4946 xT478 Listings! 1-800-528-7968. bonus. Keep the Army National efits and OT Placed by adSource Guard Rolling. Fix Humvees, 1-866-701-3688. Strykers, etc. Expand your skills through career training. Be a NOW HIRING: companies desperSoldier. 1-800-GO- UARD.com/ ately need employees to asth mechanic. semble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly poRAM MOTOR FREIGHT. O/OP’s tential. Info: 1-985-646-1700 up to $1.04+ surcharge. Com- Dept. WV-2230 pany up to $.37. Benefits. $0 Down. Lease-Purchase. Up to HELP WANTED-SALES SEEK$3,000 signing bonus. CDL-A ING: LICENSED INSURANCE 1-800-837-0110 ext. 2022. AGENTS- Combined Insurance, a subsidiary of ACE Limited, is seekDRIVERS... ACT NOW! Sign-On ing manager trainees for local Paid for by the Candidate Bonus. 35-42 cpm. Earn over area. Unlimited earning $1000 weekly. Excellent Ben- potential and comprehensive Time for a change We need your vote May 13 Luther Ford Powers For Braxton County Sheriff Phones reflecting your personal interests at prices protecting your financial ones. Pair one of our cool phones with a National Plan—and start connecting. AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1985 Dodge Ram Truck, $800. 1979 Winnebago Mobile Home, $1500. Call 2862813 or 364-8841. 4-22 YARD SALE: Two family yard sale Friday and Saturday, May 2 WANTED and 3, 9am to 4pm. Rain or shine. Household items, deer stand, hunting bow,2 steel doors and much more. Located on WANTED: Clean fill dirt in Bonnie Rd. in Exchange at the Flatwoods. Will pay reasonable berry farm. 765-2281. 4-29 price. Call 765-7602. 4-29 YARD SALE: May 1-3 8am-7pm. Rain or Shine. Exit 46, 4 miles to Elmira at the residence of Sharon Jarvis. 364-5099. 20 years of gathering. Something for everyone-everything must go. 4-29 WANTED: Want to rent an enclosed shelter for summer use for a 32ft. camper in the Sutton, Flatwoods or Exchange area. Call anytime 765-3426 or 2379110. 4-29 YARD SALE: Remodeling Indoor Yard Sale. Thursday, Friday and STATEWIDE Saturday. May 1st and 2nd 8amCLASSIFIEDS 5pm and May 3 8am-1pm at Robinson’s Sales & Service, 410 Airport Road, Sutton. Rain or Shine! 4-29 APARTMENTS FOR RENT $200/month! 2 bedroom, 2 bath. YARD SALE: Garage sale. Rain $230/month! 3 bedroom, 3 bath. or Shine. May 1st and 2nd from 8- Buy now! Stop renting! (5% 5pm. ¼ mile at 257 Mill Creek down, 20 years 8%!) For listings Road. Off Old Turnpike Rd, Birch 800-620-4946 xR881. River at the Hoover’s residence. Baby Bed, tools, Home Interior, CARS FOR SALE BUY POLICE Furniture, Clothes-Baby to adult. IMPOUNDS! Cars/trucks/Suvs Several household items. from $500! Hondas, Chevys, Freezer. 4-29 Jeeps, etc. For listings 1-800620-4876 x2118. YARD SALE: May 1 st and 2 nd. Rain or Shine. About 2 miles off FOR SALE SAWMILLS from only Servia Rd. Exit at Duck. Power $2,990.00. Convert your LOGS saws, toys, Home Interior, TO VALUABLE LUMBER with Clothes, Lee Middleton Doll, your own Norwood portable Ashton Drake Doll, Furniture, band sawmill. Log skidders also CD’s, Gateway Computer and a v a i l a b l e . lots more. Also, 1985 Dodge www.norwoodindustries.com/ Ram Truck $800. Call 286-2813. 300N - FREE Information: 1-8004-29 578-1363 ext. 300N. YARD SALE: Saturday. May 3, ¼ mile down Stone Run Road, Flatwoods. Turn left onto Claudia Lane, last house, follow signs. Perkins Residence. Baby clothes, name brand clothes, misc. items. 8am-3pm. 4-29 ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO YOU!! All Brand New Power Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds and Scooters. Immediate Delivery. Call Toll-Free 1-888-998-4111 to qualify. HELP WANTED: 29 serious YARD SALE: Multi-family yard people to work from home using sale, May 1st-3rd, 8am-??? Nu- a computer. Up to $1500-$5000 merous items, some tools, cer- PT/FT. www.rdlglobal.com tain lots of clothing $1.00 a bag. Benchmark Hospitality International at Stonewall Resort is seeking candidates for the following positions. We are seeking applicants who have a strong work ethic, are dependable, and are able to work weekends and holidays as needed. Health, Dental and Vision benefits are available for full-time employees. Seasonal, Full-time Positions (March-October) Golf Course Greenkeeper Full-Time Positions Spa Manager Line Cook Seasonal Part-time Positions (March-October) Golf Grill Restaurant Bartender Conference Concierge Conference Floor Attendant Massage Therapist Housekeeper Housekeeping House Attendant In-Room Dining Server In-Room Dining Cashier Front Desk Agent Telephone Operator Recreation Assistant Golf Grill Restaurant Server On-Call Positions Massage Therapist For a more detailed description of each position, follow the Employment link on our website at www.stonewallresort.com. Mail resumes to: Stonewall Resort Attn.: Human Resources, 940 Resort Drive Roanoke, WV 26447 Fax to: 304-269-8827 Email to: loverton@benchmarkmanagement.com Stonewall Resort and Benchmark Hospitality International is an Equal Opportunity Employer EOE-M/F/D/V SAMSUNG u340 WITH CAMERA 9.95 $ MOTOROLA W385 After instant savings. GET GPS WITH VOICE TURN-BY-TURN DIRECTIONS ON YOUR PHONE, TRY OUT YOUR NAVIGATOR WITH A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL (Usage charges will apply for Pay-As-You-Go customers.) FREE After $50 U.S. Cellular® Reward Visa® Card and unlimited easyedgeSM plan purchase. Available in plum and dark grey. SAMSUNG u520 WITH MUSIC PLAYER AND CAMERA 9.95 $ After $50 U.S. Cellular Reward Visa Card and unlimited easyedge plan purchase. LG UX380 WITH MUSIC PLAYER AND 1.3-MP CAMERA 29.95 $ After $50 U.S. Cellular Reward Visa Card and unlimited easyedge plan purchase. On most National Plans, you get: . Free Incoming Calls, Text and Picture Messages regardless of carrier . Free Night and Weekend Minutes starting at 7 p.m. . No roaming charges U.S. Cellular is wireless where you matter most. SM Discover the difference: Put our network, products and customer service to the test for 30 days . Change your calling plan at any time during your service agreement without signing a new contract . Renew your contract and take advantage of new phone pricing before your current contract ends Let us help you find a location: visit uscellular.com or call 1-888-BUY-USCC Things we want you to know: Offer valid with a two-year service agreement on consumer price plans $39.95 and higher. All service agreements subject to early termination fee. Credit approval required. $30 activation fee. $15 equipment change fee. Roaming charges, fees, surcharges, overage charges and taxes apply. 96¢ Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee applies; this is not a tax or government-required charge. Network coverage and reliability may vary. Usage rounded up to the next full minute. Use of service constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions. Unlimited Incoming Calls are not deducted from package minutes and are available only when receiving calls in your calling area. Night and Weekend Minutes valid Monday through Friday 7 p.m. to 6:59 a.m., or 9 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. (depending on calling plan) and all day Saturday and Sunday. Night and Weekend Minutes are available throughout your calling area. Promotional Phones are subject to change. $50 mail-in rebate required on most phones. Rebate will be in the form of a U.S. Cellular Visa Debit Card. U.S. Cellular Visa Debit Cards issued by MetaBank pursuant to license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. Allow 10–12 weeks for rebate processing. This card does not have cash access and can be used at any merchant location that accepts Visa Debit Cards. U.S. Cellular Visa Debit Card valid for 120 days after issued. Promotional offer requires purchase of $9.95 Unlimited easyedge access plan for at least 90 days. easyedge: U.S. Cellular–approved phone required on all easyedge plans. easyedge is a service mark of U.S. Cellular. Application charges apply when downloading applications. U.S. Cellular and easyedge are proprietary marks. All other trademarks and brand names mentioned herein are the exclusive property of their respective owners. 30-Day Guarantee: Customer is responsible for any charges incurred prior to return. Other restrictions apply. See store for details. Contract Renewals: Customers with either 18 or 20 months (depending on market) completed on a 24-month commitment or 10 months completed on a 12-month commitment are eligible for promotional pricing. For Kansas: In areas in which U.S. Cellular receives support from the Federal Universal Service Fund, all reasonable requests for service must be met. Unresolved questions concerning services availability can be directed to the Kansas Corporation Commission Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at (800) 662-0027. Other restrictions apply. See store for details. Limited-time offer. ©2008 U.S. Cellular. Citizens’ NEWS Page 20 April 29, 2008 Braxton County, WV Older Americans must be assured of the right and means to vote By Betty Ireland It has long been known that older Americans vote in higher numbers than their younger counterparts. Whether this is due to an increased sense of duty, or the fact that governmental decisions increasingly affect older Americans (Social Security, Medicare, long term care issues), it is a trend not likely to change anytime soon. In fact, by the year 2040, it is anticipated that more than 40 percent of voters will be age 65 and older. And yet, access to voting by older citizens — and the physical and mental abilities of our aging population — are a fre- quent source of discussion and debate in regard to the electoral process. But there are other concerns that need to be addressed. On Jan. 31, during a hearing in the United States Senate, a University of Pennsylvania medical doctor said all states need guidelines for voting accommodations for residents of long-term care facilities. Currently, 21 states have instituted such guidelines. Dr. Jason Karlawish said he has found there are many nursing home residents who want to vote but can’t. Typically, administrative staff, not election officials, oversee voting procedures in such facili- ties, Dr. Karlawish said. And much voting is done by absentee ballot – well recognized as a mechanism for voter fraud. Dr. Karlawish recommends a movement toward mobile polls. This might mean that county election officials would encourage voting registration, distribute ballots to long-term care residents, assist with voting, then collect and return the ballots to a polling place. Currently, about 10 percent of older Americans live in long-term care facilities, where they face a variety of impediments to voting, including unrealistic geographical distances to the polls, lack of transportation, lack of assis- Lordy Lordy Bush Man’s 40 tance to obtain absentee ballot applications, and caregivers making the decision about whether certain residents can or cannot vote. In West Virginia, my office has pioneered several initiatives to make voting easier for older residents, as well as helping to ensure that senior citizens are not the victims of voter fraud, or having their voices disenfranchised. Current West Virginia law says that any resident 18 and older has the right to vote unless he or she is found mentally incompetent by a court, or is a felon who remains under conviction. Otherwise, there are no legal restrictions to voting, no matter how old or WANTED TO BUY Loudoun Heights Fuel Company Located in Baker, WV Is currently buying by weight, round wood or slab wood, at any length. Happy Birthday We love you! Karen, Hunter, Megan and Ginny For more information call 304-897-5994, 304-257-8776 or 304-257-8739. ' '% ** $* #" #" "* % , --- " -(+,++ &* We are affordable housing OPEN HOUSE May 2-4 Rt. 33 Between Weston and Buckhannon (304) 472-8900 ϴϲϲͲϴϯϮͲϮϱϭϵ ( * '# ! # #* #"* #"" #" " """ """ James “Jimmy” + %+%&$&+&+ +"(& ++&$) ! " "+&$&+'#+"%&% RE-ELECT CAROLYN " "## (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS MAGISTRATE Honest-Fair-Experienced My Promise: To operate an efficient magistrate’s office that guarantees everyone who comes before me will be treated professionally, with courtesy and respect. I will be prepared on court day and all persons tried in my court will receive a fair and impartial trial. Judgments rendered will be made based on evidence, the law and common sense. The purpose on the magistrate is to see that justice is served. It is NOT a position where decisions are always popular and people always happy. Criminal charges filed against an individual not only affects that person for life but affects the entire family financially, emotionally and physically; therefore it is very important that fair and impartial trials be held. I am experienced and capable of weighing evidence and making tough decisions and I accept that responsibility. I appreciate the confidence voters placed in me in the past and again ask for your support and vote again on May 13th. Thank you so much. God Bless! -CarolynPaid for by the Candidate RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS MAGISTRATE RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS MAGISTRATE RE-ELECT CAROLYN (JACK) CRUICKSHANKS Paid for by the Candidate *$+"+!%&$% infirm an individual may become. When I assumed office, I worked with my staff to develop a senior outreach program. Our outreach coordinator literally delivers the services of the Secretary of State’s office to seniors in all 55 counties. These services include voter registration, hands-on sessions with voting equipment, as well as charity fraud and election fraud presentations. My office also publishes articles regarding voting options in newsletters to most of the state’s senior centers, nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. Voting rights brochures have been sent to residents of these longterm care facilities. Through our newly introduced West Virginia Voter Hall of Fame, we are recognizing the efforts of those seniors in our state who have voted for at least 50 consecutive years. It is one of those ironies of life that, for many Americans, the more committed they become to exercising their voting rights, the more difficult that process becomes due to age and illness. As a society, we have a responsibility to do everything in our power to make sure all Americans can vote, while at the same time ensuring that votes represent the will of the voter, without undue influence or coercion from those who might take advantage of the aged or infirmed Dr. Karlawish points out that successful models of mobile polling have been demonstrated in Australia and Canada. He proposes that the U.S. Election Assistance Commission “conduct research to develop a set of best voting practices for long-term care facilities, training for election officials to implement them, and partnerships between the Commission and states to test their feasibility and refine them.” I would like the West Virginia legislature to appoint a group to study Dr. Karlawish’s research regarding how it might be utilized to help our state’s senior citizens. Most of us, God willing, will someday face the obstacles to voting that exist today for our elderly citizens. Democracy demands that all legal voters, regardless of age or physical disability, be afforded the access and opportunity to exercise their most fundamental of rights as Americans. Betty Ireland is West Virginia Secretary of State. Sowa seeks re-election Robert Reed Sowa, Family Court Judge for Braxton, Lewis and Upshur Counties (17 t h Circuit) has filed for reelection. Sowa was elected in 2002. He was initially appointed Family Law Master in October 1991 by Judge Thomas H. Keadle of Buckhannon, Judge Danny O. Cline (now retired) of Sutton, and Judge Jack Alsop of Webster Springs. He was appointed Family Court Judge in November 2001 by Governor Bob Wise, after the Legislature created the Family Court in response to the passage of the Unified Family Court Amendment. Sowa practiced law in Central West Virginia for almost 20 years. He and wife Cathy live in Frametown. They have three children: Pieter of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Heidi of Portland, Oregan and Nickloi, who attends Glenville State College. Sowa graduated in 1980 from the WVU College of Law. He received his BA in 1977 from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He is a member and past president of the Gassaway Lions Club, and Service Coordinator Lions Sight Foundation. He is also a member of the Braxton County Rotary and the David Memorial Presbyterian Church in Gassaway. “I am honored that the voters of Braxton, Lewis and Upshur Counties have elected me to decide important family issues, and if elected, I will strive to serve them fairly and efficiently in the future,” said Judge Sowa.
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