0318-front page.pmd - Braxton Citizens` News


0318-front page.pmd - Braxton Citizens` News
A Photographic Look at...
Rotary’s Elimination Dinner
Vol. 33, No. 11
March 18, 2008
See Page 9 of this issue
Rotary Club
Dinner ever
Braxton County High
School’s gymnasium/cafeteria was filled to near capacity last Saturday night
as the local Rotary Club
hosted a record crowd at
their annual elimination
dinner. “It was a great night
for those who attended and
for the projects that will benefit from the proceeds,” said
Lee Fisher, current president of the civic organization. The primary benefactor of this year’s event will
be BCHS graduates who
will be eligible for $10,000
in local scholarship to help
further their education.
The second happiest
person will be Jack Alsop
will take home the $1,000
grand prize. Unfortunately,
Judge Alsop was not in attendance to hear, Singleton
Trailer Sales eliminated
when only two tickets remained in the hopper.
When 490 of the 500
tickets had been pulled
from the hopper, the final
ten contestants were extended an option to split
the prize. All remaining
ticket holders have to be
present and agree to split
the money before the option can be exercised. Since
Alsop was not in attendance the elimination had
to continue.
A host of door prizes,
donated by community
business and professionals, were awarded to those
in attendance by way of
random drawings and the
proceeds from a silent auction.
The elimination followed a meal prepared by
Anita Miller and her crew.
The newly formed Rotary
Interact Club at BCHS and
Band members, under the
supervision of Interact
sponsor, Jean Bulka,
served the 550 plus guests
in attendance.
During his opening
remarks, President Fisher
told those in attendance
this year’s event would
mark over $100,000 the
Braxton County Rotary
Club has provided in local
scholarship money. Other
benefactors of the event will
be local J.A.K.E.S. Program, the Central West Virginia Out-Reach Center,
Mark Clark’s school educational program, United
Christian Food Pantry,
Landmark Studio Youth
Theater Project and the
In addition to the
elimination and raffles the
club recognized their Benefactors (those who purchased ten tickets or more)
which included: Bank of
Gassaway, Dunn Engineers, HealthCare Associates, H. Wyatt Hanna, GoMart, Inc., Dr. Katiny,
Smith, Cochran & Hicks,
Sutton Moose Lodge, and
Weyerhaeuser. Patron,
those who purchased four
to nine tickets were also
presented a certificate of
appreciation for their support of the annual charity
event. “We extend a heart
felt thank you to all those
who made this year’s event
the huge success it was.
Through their valued support, the Braxton County
Rotary Club will continue
to be an active part of the
existence and growth of our
community,” concluded
(See additional photographic coverage on page 9
of this edition.)
State Police apprehend three
wanted fugitives, in single day
Tuesday, March 11,
was a busy day for the
Sutton Detachment of the
West Virginia State Police.
Three fugitives for justice,
involved in three separate
cases, were apprehended
by local officers during the
twenty-four hour period.
Sgt. J. W. Bonazzo,
commander of the Sutton
Detachment, received a
tip that Eric Wade
Chidester was hiding out
at a residence on Pigeon
Roost Road in northern
Chidester, was listed in
the NCIC data base as being wanted for operation of
a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory in
Upshur County. Chidester
fled his home when officer
attempted to arrest him
and had been on the run
since February 7, 2008.
When officers arrived
at the residences of James
Huddleston and Corporal
Clark of the Weston Detachment went to the front
door, while Sgt. Bonazzo
and Trooper K.S. Sharp
kept watch on the back
stolen RV
A motor home, missing for nearly three years,
was found last week on
Chapel Route. Sheriff’s
Deputy Ron Clay received
information from a Gilmer
County Deputy that led
him to discover a 1979
Chevrolet Travel Craft, recreational vehicle that was
stolen from Mantua, OH on
July 27, 2005. Michael
Allen Jenkins of Nicholas
Run Road, Gassaway has
been charged in a criminal
complaint with bringing
into the state, receiving or
disposing of property stolen in another state.
The information received by Lt. Clay led him
Gassaway Concrete on
Chapel Route where the
vehicle was parked. Lt. Clay
and Deputy Aaron James
reported, in the complaint,
that they witnessed no registration place or identification numbers on the vehicle. They also said that
the ignition switch had
been tampered with.
Discussions by the officers, with other investigators and witnesses lead
them to believe that the
vehicle was initially stolen
to enable the owner to collect insurance money.
Officers questioned
Jenkins and his place of
employment, where they
said he admitted to have
position of the vehicle for
an extended period of time.
The investigation is continuing.
side of the dwelling.
officers to spray Chidester
Sgt. Bonazzo ob- with chemical agents. Even
served an individual he the mace was not enough
thought to be Chidester to allow him to be subdued.
attempting to escape out Ultimately, Sheriff’s Deputy
a rear bedroom window. Brice Scarbro utilized his
The officer grabbed taser to force the suspect
Chidester, throught the to comply.
window, and ordered him
Following his arrest,
to the ground. The officer officers discovered a small
summoned assistance quantity of marijuana on
when he observed a large his person. A 4-wheeler,
hunting knife and another believed to be stolen, was
knife strapped to the also recovered.
fugitive’s side. Chidester
Since, Ables and
broke free from Sgt. Lowther initially told officBonazzo and fled toward ers that Chidester was not
the bedroom door, only to inside their home; both
be met by Troopers were arrested and charged
Huddleston and Clark. with obstructing a police
Chidester resisted arrest officer and giving false inand would not allow either formation.
officer to handcuff him. His
Chidester, 25, was
continued resistance, led initially lodged in the Cen-
tral Regional Jail. He has
since been transferred to
the Tagart Valley Regional
Correctional Facility to
await additional court
Also on Tuesday, information led Trooper K.S.
Sharp to a residence in the
O’Neal Mobile Home Park
behind Elk River Foodland
on Route 4 between
Gassaway and Sutton. Officers arrested Ralph Douglas Blankenship on a
felony breaking and entering warrant. He is currently lodged in the Central Regional Jail awaiting
The third fugitive was
arrested at a residence in
Flatwoods. Trooper D. B.
Gast and a U.S. Marshal’s
investigation led to the arrest of Johnathan Roy
Dunlap wanted in Pennsylvania on sexual assault
charges. The apprehension
also led officers to an indoor growing operation and
the discovery of 45 marijuana plants. Dunlap, 30,
is currently lodged in the
CRJ awaiting extridiction.
He may face additional local charges.
Circuit Court holds Motion Day
Butler, Murphy headed for prison
Jackie Dale Butler,
age 40, of Frametown, was
sentenced Monday, March
t h e
for a period of
two to
t e n
The Defendant
h a d
Jackie Dale
entered a guilty plea to 2
counts of sexual assault in
the 3rd degree, counts 94
and 97 of a 352-count indictment alleging he had
sexual relations with a female juvenile over an extended period of time.
The Defendant and
his council, Bernard
Mauser made a motion for
probation of which Assistant Prosecuting Attorney,
Daniel Dotson opposed.
The Defendant also asked
for a stay of execution of the
sentence which the prosecutor also opposed. Judge
Richard A. Facemire rejected both requests and
ordered Butler to serve not
less than two years, nor
more than ten, pay a
$2,000 fine plus Court
costs. The Judge further
order Butler taken into
custody immediately. He is
currently lodged in the
Central Regional Jail awaiting transfer to Commissioner of Corrections and
the State Penitentiary.
Kenneth Murphy, Jr.,
age 29, of Burnsville, also
appeared before the court
for sentencing, with his at-
torney Bryan Kinkle. The
Defendant was convicted of
the felony offense of forgery of a prescription as a
result of a plea agreement.
Prosecuting Attorney William Martin had filed a motion to revoke Murphy’s
bail because he had been
arrested for domestic battery as a result of an altercation with his step-father.
Prosecutor Martin told the
Court he could not stand
by the recommendation for
probation made as part of
the plea agreement because Murphy’s conduct
had gone down hill since
the plea. Murphy also admitted to using marihuana
while on bail. Murphy was
sentenced to one to four
years in the penitentiary.
He was remanded to the
custody of the Sheriff to be
delivered to the Central
Regional Jail to await
transfer to State Penitentiary.
Also on March 10, as
part of the Circuit Court’s
Facemire took up the case
of State of West Virginia, vs:
Michael Carr. On the 12th
day of October, 2007 Carr
was sentenced to the Penitentiary for a period of not
less than one nor more
than five years.
Defendant’s counsel subsequently filed a motion requesting the Court to reconsider the sentence.
Judge Facemire denied the
Defendant’s motion and
upheld the Court’s original
In the case of the
Bank of Gassaway vs: LGM
Restaurant Corporation,
Helen L. Metz and Larry G.
Metz, Defendants, the
Plaintiff appeared by counsel Bernard Mauser and
the Def e n dants
T h e
Murphy, Jr.
that the jury trial would remain on the docket for the
8th day of April, at 9:00
Dustin Richardson
appeared in person and
with the assistance of
counsel, Thomas J. Drake,
for arraignment. Judge
Facemire informed the Defendant that the recent
Grand Jury handed down
an Indictment charging
Richardson with manufacturing a controlled substance. The Defendant entered a plea of not guilty.
The Court set the matter for
a jury trial on June 17, at
9:00 A.M., and further set
the matter for docket call
on June 9, at 9:00 A.M.
The case of the State
of West Virginia vs: Sixteen
Thousand Feet of Real
Property was set for a jury
trial to begin on April 15 at
9:00 A.M following a scheduling conference before
Judge Facemire. Assistant
Prosecutor Dotson filed a
motion on behalf of the
State to forfeit certain property including land and
Please turn to MOTION DAY
page 3
Domestic argument leads to arrest
of two separate fathers and sons
On Monday, March
10, at approximately 11:40
P.M., Braxton County’s
emergency communications center received the
first call that led to the arrest of a father and son.
The following day, officers
would receive a second
complaint that would lead
to the second pair of arrests.
On Monday, State
Troopers and Sheriff’s
Deputies responded to
Route 5 near Copen to what
was reported as a domestic argument between a son
and father involving firearms. Upon arrival, Troopers found Israel Paugh, the
son, standing in the driveway with a shotgun. After
being disarmed, the
younger Paugh told officers
that his father was armed
and had fired a shot. Officers located and disarmed
the father, Ronald Paugh
inside the residence. The
elder Paugh told authorities that he attempted, several times, to fire upon his
son with different firearms
but only a 22 caliber rifle
discharged. The bullet from
that weapon struck the
floor. Ronald Paugh stated
that his son placed him in
fear because he had discharged a shotgun outside
into the air.
Trooper K. S. Sharp
placed both Ronald and Israel Paugh under arrest for
wanton endangerment. Both
Please turn to FATHERS/SONS
page 3
Bobby Joe Evans
Court refuses
to hear
appeal of
Bobby Evans’
life sentence
The West Virginia Supreme Court, by a unanimous vote, has refused to
prohibit the enforcement of
two life sentences imposed
upon a man who admitted
stealing more than $60,000
from a retired Braxton
County school teacher. On
June 19, 2007, Bobby Joe
Evans, age 52, of Glen
Jean, Raleigh County,
plead guilty to two counts
of obtaining money by false
pretenses, a felony punishable for a first offender by
imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one
year nor more than ten
years, or, in the discretion
of the court, by confinement in jail not more than
one year and a fine not
more than two thousand
five hundred dollars.
However, the plea
agreement negotiated by
prosecuting attorney William Martin provided the
state could file a recidivist
information. Prosecuting
attorney Martin filed an
Evans’ had been convicted
of felony crimes on five
prior occasions. Evans
admitted the allegations of
the information at his sentencing hearing on the 21st
day of December. Judge
Richard Facemire imposed two consecutive life
Evans’ attorney objected to the sentence being improper, asserting
the offenses must involve
actual or threatened violence to the person before
a life sentence can be imposed. The court ordered
the attorneys to brief the
issue and allowed Evans
to remain free on bond
until there was further argument on the 6 th day of
February 2008. At that
time the court affirmed its
prior sentence and ordered Evans to begin serving his sentence on the
29th day of February.
Evans’ attorney then
filed a petition for a writ
of prohibition with the Supreme Court, alleging the
sentence was unconstitutional. Prosecuting attorney William Martin filed a
reply with the court arguing Evans was the definition of a career criminal.
Prosecutor Martin asserted the sentences were
proper because Evans has
been stealing as long has
he has been an adult and
before, and he has been on
probation, on parole or incarcerated almost all of
his adult life..
Evans’ attorney also
asked Judge Facemire to
reconsider his sentence
and that motion was argued on Tuesday. Prosecuting attorney Martin
made the same arguments
to Judge Facemire who
again refused to change the
sentence. Evans will be eligible for parole consideration in 30 years.
Page 2
Braxton Citizens’ News
March 18, 2008
Our views Your views Their views
As I
See It
Just look at this!
A weekly photo of opinion in Braxton County...
sometimes good and sometimes not so good.
By Ed Given
Some interesting satistics...
I got way behind this week. I had worked on this
column no less than ten times, but never completed
it. I will have to do better next week. In the mean
time I want to share this “food for thought” with you
that a friend sent me...
This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!
The year is 1907.
One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some of the U.S. Statistics for the Year
The average life expectancy in the U.S. Was 47
years old.
Only 14 percent of the homes in the U.S. Had
a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
A three-minute call from Denver to New York
Cost eleven dollars.
There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S., and
only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was
10 mph.
Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee
were each more heavily populated than California.
With a mere 1.4 million people, California was
only the 21st Most populous state in the Union.
The average wage in the U.S. Was 22 Cents per
The average U.S. Worker made between $200
and $400 per year .
A competent accountant could expect to earn
$2000 per year, A dentist made $2,500 per year, A
veterinarian $1,500 per year, And a mechanical
engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births in the U.S.
Took place at home.
Ninety percent of all U.S. Doctors had No
College Education! Instead, they attended so-called
medical schools, many of which were condemned in
the press and the government as “substandard.”
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a
month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor
people from entering into their country for any
Five leading causes of death in the U.S. Were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3.
Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and
Alaska hadn’t been admitted to the Union yet.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea
hadn’t been invented yet.
There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn’t read or
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated
from high school.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all
available over the counter at the local corner drugstores.
There were about 230 reported Murders in the
entire U.S.A . !
Just Try to imagine.....
What it may be like ....
In another 100 years !!!!!!!
Read the Citizens’ News on the
World Wide Web
Ed Given
Shirley Shuman
Jeanine Given
Amber Kelly
Allison Given
Mike McElwain
(SSN 393130)
A Weekly Publication
Established February 9, 1976
P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street
Sutton, West Virginia 26601
E-mail: quality@rtol.net
Entered as periodic rate at the
Sutton, WV Post Office
Send address change to:
Braxton Citizens’ News P.O.
Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601
Subscription rates:
$17.50 in county, $25.50 in
state, $41.00 out-of-state
E-subscription, $20.00
Senior Citizens may deduct $1
Bear Heaven and the American Cancer Society are teaming up for the 3rd consecutive
year. Bear Heaven and the American Cancer have donated live cut and potted Daffodils
to the Braxton County Health Care Center. The ACS and the Boyds Collection each
year have promoted the American Cancer Societies annual Daffodil Days campaign
with live Daffodils and an Exclusive Boyds Bear with all proceeds benefiting the
ACS. Kim Craft is shown presenting flowers to BCHCC representative Jody Belknap.
Lola's World
News And Views
By Lola B. Given
Palm Sunday leading to the day of
victory over death, Hell, and the grave
Having come into the city of
Jerusalem and being lauded by the
crowds strewing palm leafs and shouting hosannas for Him, Jesus for a few
hours was honored. Although knowing
how quickly their opinions would
change, he quietly accepted their
actions. Palm Sunday, as we label it
now, is the D-Day that prepares the
way for the greatest sacrifice of any
age, and the V-Day of Christ’s conquering of death.
Some speculate about how much
Jesus suffered to redeem humanity
and restore a relationship with God
our creator and sustainer. One must
realize that inhuman acts of torture
happened in the process of the arrest,
trial and shameful death of crucifixion.
The Gospels do not go into much detail
about the physical abuse, but his
humiliation was prophesied in the Old
Testament scriptures. To contemplate
what he endured for those who accept
Him as their savior makes tears come
to one’s eyes.
I keep finding titles of articles
that amount to “Putting a New Spin on
the Easter Story.” Come on folks! Let
News from
our Capitol
by Delegate Brent Boggs
This week’s column is about
as up to date as it gets, as I am
writing this at 3 a.m. on Monday
morning after arriving home from
the Capitol. Shortly before midnight, the Senate and House
wrapped up the budget session
and special session. As was expected, the final bill was the legislation to permit members of the
Teachers’ Defined Contribution
System (“TDC”) to transfer themselves and their assets to the State
Teachers Retirement System
(“TRS”). This was introduced by the
Executive as HB 101.
Unfortunately, the final bill
is not as simple as the House
version (HB 4496) that the Senate failed to agree to last week.
The following is a brief abstract
of House Bill 101, which was
supported by WVEA, AFT-WV
Threshold and Service Credit
Members who elect to transfer in writing to the Consolidated
Public Retirement Board (CPRB)
by May 13, 2008, may transfer if
at least 65% of the actively contributing TDC members elect to
do so.
All who transfer will receive
only 75% of the service credit they
earned in TDC, unless:
If less than 75% agree to
transfer, they will receive 100%
of their TDC service credit in TRS
if they pay TRS a sum known and
defined in the bill as the “Actuarial Reserve” by June 30, 2009.
If 75% or more agree to
transfer, they will receive 100%
of their TDC service credit in TRS
if they pay TRS 1.5% of the
member’s estimated total earnings for which assets are transferred, plus interest of 4% per
annum accumulated from the
date of the member’s initial participation in the TDC, by June
30, 2009.
Loans for the purposes of
paying these amounts are provided at no more than 7.5% interest, with a payroll deduction
program for the repayment of the
Dates of Opportunities to
elected to transfer
All documents electing to
transfer must be sent to the Con-
us keep the old and true story going.
Missing the mark, sinners by nature,
we needed to pay the debt of being
alienated from God by Adam and Eve’s
transgression. Through them, our
relationship with our creator was
broken for all human kind. God, before
the creation, anticipated the situation
and made the plan to redeem—buy
back—the race, to release us from
enslavement to the powers of evil and
death. Death was both physical and
spiritual. But God provided the perfect
sacrifice, a perfect lamb, without spot
or blemish, to save us.
The death burial and resurrection
of Jesus Christ is not about the fertility goddess, eggs, rabbits, chickens or
chocolate candy, but about the most
serious subject to each of us, the
destiny of our eternal soul. The news
in a nutshell is, “For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten
Son that who-so-ever believes in Him
should not perish but have eternal life”
(John 3:16).
Lola B. Given
Eph. 2:8-9
solidated Public Retirement
Board (“CPRB”) by May 13. Members may mail their own documents by May 12, or may provide them to the principal of their
school, who must mail them by
Certified Mail (Return Receipt
Requested) or by Commercial
Carrier with written receipt, by
May 13.
May 5, 2008 will be the Statewide Selection Day, upon which
each TDC member must be provided opportunity in his or her
school to submit transfer documents to their principals. For 3
days after that, the principals will
attempt to contact those who have
not done so and remind them of
the deadlines.
Although the transfers will be
effective July 1, 2009, the first day
transferring members may retire
is September 1, 2008. The bill
would also provide a minimum
guarantee upon transfer of assets
from TDC to TRS so that all members transferred are “guaranteed
a minimum benefit equal to his or
her member contributions plus the
vested portion of employer contributions made on his or her behalf
to the Teachers’ Defined Contribution Retirement System, plus any
earnings thereon, as of ” June 30,
Education Processes
The CPRB will conduct a
program to educate the members
about their transfer choices
starting by April 1. CPRB through
Dear Editor,
I wish to express my
heartfelt congratulations
to Jill Lemon for receiving the 2008 Arch Coal
Teacher Achievement
Award and to thank you
for running the article on
the front page. In this
day of endless bad news
it is wonderful to read a
positive article about one
of our native Braxton
Countians receiving
recognition for a job well
In Miss Lemon’s
years with Health Services and Technology
Academy (HSTA), I have
had the privilege to
observe this exemplary
teacher working with
students in many difficult situations. Her poise
and ability to devise
creative solutions has
never ceased to amaze
me. HSTA is very fortunate to have a teacher as
gifted as Miss Lemon
who is willing to give of
her precious after-school
hours to mentor students.
Braxton County
School system is privileged to have a teacher
the caliber of Miss
Lemon. She is a shining
example to the students
at Braxton County High
School and is making a
lasting difference in
numerous young lives.
Debra Burgess
Field Site
Sewer increase...
Dear Editor,
Our household
received a letter this
week from the
Flatwoods-Canoe Run
Public Service District
stating that they were
running short on funds
and are going to raise
the sewage prices by
9.5%. This is quite an
increase for those of us
who live on fixed incomes in Braxton
County of which most
likely 50-60% are
retired people and many
of them, in addition, are
Please turn to LETTERS
page 3
county board representatives and
others will provide classes and
seminars in the schools that includes specific summary info
about each TDC member’s account and the financial consequences of each potential choice,
and may provide this and other
information by mail.
The CPRB will train representatives chosen by the county
boards who are approved by
CPRB to provide classes or seminars in each of the schools where
TDC members may be working.
The CPRB will also approved attendants for the informational
booths that will be set up in each
of those schools. The CPRB may
also train any other persons it
determines to be necessary to
provide the education program.
By April 1, CPRB must submit a
plan for the execution of the education and outreach requirements to the Governor, Speaker
and Senate President. The CPRB
will be exempt from
purchasing and personnel rules
for purposes of providing the education program and conducting
the election and transfer. Effective
Date: From Passage
I commend Speaker Thompson for his leadership in getting
a bill during the special session.
Had he not persisted in his negations with the Governor and
Senate, there would have been no
Please turn to CAPTIOL
page 3
Braxton County, WV
Larry Emge is candidate
for Sheriff’s office
continued from page 1
were taken to the Central
Regional Jail and later released pending court appearances. No injuries were
Sheriff’s Deputy D. A.
Dennison responded to a 91-1 call on Tuesday. Upon
arrival at Braxton County
Memorial Hospital, Deputy
Dennison observed that
Brenda Brown, of Old Turnpike Road just outside of
Sutton, had a severely
beaten face as well as
bruises and scratches on
her arms and hands.
Brown had been picked
up at a neighboring grocery
store by local EMS and
taken to the area medical
She told the investigating officer that an argument
between her and boyfriend,
Joseph Allen Thayer had
escalated into violence. She
stated that Thayer’s son,
Joseph Bradley Thayer had
gotten into the argument
and both “took turns punching, kicking, and hitting the
victim’ according to the
criminal complaint.
The elder Thayer was
charged with domestic battery and malicious wounding. His son also faces allegations of malicious wounding. Both were taken to the
CRJ and later released.
This Meet Your Candidate series is a public service of the Citizens’ News. Items are
provided by the candidates and will be published during the month of March.
Carpenter seeks election as Assessor
Howard Carpenter, wife Cyndy and granddaugthers
Ryley and Chloe.
I would like to take ways been open when you
this opportunity to an- had a problem, and I alnounce that I am seeking ways returned your telethe Office of Assessor, and phone calls. My goal has
I will welcome the chal- been to make our county
lenge in these changing a better, safer place in
times. As a former magis- which to live, work and
trate and the current raise children.
I know the ins and
Sheriff, I have always
taken pride in the way my outs of running a public
offices have served the office and the demands
Braxton that are made on your
County. My door has al- time and expertise. A pub-
continued from page 1
continued from page 2
bill at all.
Next week, I will provide an overview of the final budget numbers and
begin to dissect the many
bills that passed during the
session. I will also continue
the task of answering the
hundreds of e-mails on this
subject and others.
I look forward to keeping you informed, along with
receiving your comments
and suggestions. Now that
the session is completed,
please address your correspondence to my home office: PO Box 254, Gassaway,
WV 26624. My phone number is 364-8411 and fax
364-8711. Or, you may contact Finance Committee staff
at the Capitol office at:
Building 1, Room 472-M,
State Capitol Complex,
Charleston, WV 25305. The
office telephone number is
340-3280 or 340-3364 and
fax number: 340-3388.
For those with Internet
access, my e-mail address is
Boggs34@aol.com. You also
may obtain additional legislative information, including
the copies of bills, conference reports, daily summaries, budget hearing schedule and more from the
Legislature’s web site at
www.legis.state.wv.us/. If
you write or leave a message,
please remember to include
your phone number with
your inquiry and any details
you can provide.
Continue to remember
our troops - at home and
abroad - and keep them
and their families in your
thoughts and prayers. Until next week, take care.
lic servant has to be ready
each and every day to assess any problems that
are presented and find a
common sense, fairminded approach to solving them. There is no substitute for experience.
My wife, Cyndy, and
I have been married for 37
years. We raised our three
children right here in
Braxton County. While
our son, Allen lives in
California, Shannon and
Morgan make their homes
here. Shannon is married
to Calvin Martin and they
have blessed us with two
beautiful granddaughters,
Chloe and Ryley.
I ask you for your
continued support in the
belief that my years of experience and knowledge in
working as a Deputy Assessor, a Magistrate and as the
County Treasurer will not
only benefit the Office of
Assessor, but the citizens
of Braxton County as well.
I am Larry Emge,
Democrat Candidate for
Sheriff of Braxton County.
I have 35 years of Law Enforcement experience to
bring to the Sheriff’s Department. I also am retired
from a government agency
in Washington DC.
I am married to Carol
Emge nee Singleton. I have
a son Jon of Liverpool, England and daughter, Lela
Triplett and husband John
of Clarksburg.
I have been the Chief
of Police of Sutton for the
past nine years.
I was one of the
founders and still chairman of the Central WV Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
My years of experience
in law enforcement will provide me with knowledge to
handle the issues of the
Sheriff’s Department in a
professional way. Also this
will help with supervisory
duties and issues. I have
made this statement before
that I would like to use civilians to serve the many
civil papers, so the deputies will be available to do
the criminal investigations
in the county. The Sheriffs
Department is paid a fee to
serve these civil papers,
which I would have deposited into an account to use
to pay the people who serve
the papers.
I would also like to
bring back the Canine
Unit to the Sheriff’s Department, to fight the
never-ending drug problem we face each and every day here in Braxton
Martin seeks re-election
as Prosecuting Attorney
personal property that the
State alleged was used in
the commission of criminal
drug offenses.
Facemire set the matter for
a jury trial on April 15, at
9:00 A.M.
In the civil matter of
Patricia Carr, et al, vs:
Francis Atsberger, a hearing was held considering
the Plaintiff’s motion to enforce a settlement previously awarded. The Plaintiffs appeared by counsel,
John F. Hussell, IV and
Andrew L. Ellis, and the
Defendant was represented
by Bernard R. Mauser.
Judge Facemire found
that the parties had entered into a settlement
agreement and ordered
that the parties would comply with the agreement previously entered.
The Court also heard
fourteen juvenile matters.
March 18, 2008 Page 3
William C. Martin is a
candidate to remain Braxton County Prosecuting Attorney, a position in which
he has served for nearly 17
Bill is a third generation Braxton County resident. He and his wife of 33
years, Mimi, are the proud
parents of four grown children. Michelle is the art
teacher and track coach at
Sissonville Middle School.
Melanie and Meghan are
stylists at Visions Day Spa
in Charleston. Their son,
Chris, is a petty officer second class in the United
States Navy where he
serves on the amphibious
assault ship USS Tarawa.
While deployed with an expeditionary strike group in
the Middle East, his wife,
Stephanie, recently gave
birth to their first grandchild.
When asked why he
wants to remain a prosecu-
tor after practicing law for
nearly30 years, Martin said
“I am a prosecutor at heart.
I get personal satisfaction
from vindicating victim’s
rights. I want to continue
to wear the “white hat” of
the victims advocate. I have
successfully prosecuted
nearly every type of crime
during my career; from
murder, robbery, sexual
assault, and kidnaping to
minor traffic offenses in the
magistrate courts.
“When seeking to return to the prosecutors office four years ago I made
several promises which
have been kept. I do not
dismiss cases or plead
them down just to keep a
clean docket. I believe
having just results is more
important than a quick
“Juvenile offenders
are being prosecuted
speedily, before they commit additional crimes.
Young offenders often can
be rehabilitated with intervention before they become career criminals. If
the justice system waits
until they are adults to
deal with them, it is often
too late to make a difference. I use the “three
strikes law” to obtain life
sentences for those who
make their living by com-
mitting crimes. Career
criminals should be punished severely.
“I believe in the second amendment. The best
way to protect the rights
guaranteed to law-abiding
citizens by the second
amendment is to fully prosecute those who use guns
in the commission of a
crime. The law provides for
mandatory incarceration of
those convicted of using
guns to commit crimes. I
will always seek such punishment if the evidence
“Law enforcement
must be a team effort. The
police could solve every
crime, but if the prosecutor is not capable of prosecuting, or will not prosecute, their work is in vain.
Likewise, the prosecutor’s
case is only as good as the
evidence developed by the
investigating agency. For
that reason I make myself
available to consult with
police agencies during an
investigation to assist in
developing a case which
can be prosecuted.
“I would be happy to
answer voter concerns at
any time. Please feel free to
contact me by phone at 7653880 (office) or 765-5925
(home), or by e-mail at
Roger Hall vies for
Board of Education seat
My name is Roger Hall
and I am announcing my
candidacy for the Braxton
Education.I am running for
the board of education because the children of today
are the leaders of tomorrow
and we must provide them
with an excellent public
education system. I want
Braxton County Schools to
remain strong in these difficult economic times. My
diverse experiences have
taught me that education
not only benefits our children, but our entire society. As a member of the
School Board I want to help
make SUCCESS possible
for all students. We must
continue to provide opportunities for our collegebound students as well as
“real world” preparation for
those students not attending college.I was born in
Braxton County and at-
tended a neighborhood
grade school. I graduated
from Gassaway High
School in 1968. I am married to Diana who has been
a teacher in Braxton
County for many years. We
have three children and
two grandchildren. Our son
Roger, Jr. Is a driver for
Ward Trucking in Akron,
Ohio. Our daughter Allison
is a teacher in Pensacola,
Florida where she lives with
her daughter, Audrey. Our
youngest son Christopher
and his wife Ashley and son
Braeden live in Gassaway.
Christopher is currently
serving his second tour of
duty in Iraq and Ashley is
teaching.My experience
and success in owning and
operating my own business, Hall’s Kitchens and
Baths, for the past 20 years
affords me the leadership
skills, level head and com-
mon knowledge necessary
to become a viable member
of the Braxton County
Board of Education.I find it
impossible to sit on the
sidelines when there is an
opportunity to create positive change. Being a member of the Braxton County
Board of Education, would
allow me to continue my
service to our county. I
want to represent YOU on
the school board.Vote for
me, Roger Hall, for Braxton
County Board of Education.
Matthew James Criner receives his diploma after
completing studies at the Virginia Beach Law
Enforcement Training Academy.
Criner graduates
Virginia Beach Law
Enforcement Academy
Criner, grandson of the late
Jamas D. and Janet M.
Criner and son of James A.
and Cheryl E. Criner of the
Airport Road and Cheryl E.
Criner of Airport Road,
Sutton, recently completed
six months of training at
the Virginia Beach Law Enforcement Training Academy and is currently a Virginia Beach Police Officer.
continued from page 2
According to the letter, Mr. Sanders is not sure
why the FCR-PSE-S has
witnessed a decrease in
revenues the past 18
months. Realizing that we
have lost several good citizens of Braxton County
during this period, it is also
safe to assume that Braxton County has not lost an
equal proportion of citizens
in relation to new births
and people moving into this
As stated in the fourth
paragraph, people who are
paying $36.92 now will see
a raise to $40.44. Four dollars more. With the increases in mild, bread,
cheese, ect. including gasoline, the Senior Citizens of
this county simply cannot
support another raise in
their sewer bill. In order to
pay a higher sewer bill, seniors must cut somewhere… prescriptions, gas,
food, medical care, ect.
Frankly, you are pricing
sewer customers right out
of business. Surely there
Don’t Delay... Call Today!!!
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Matt was accepted
into the 45 th graduating
class from hundreds of applicants. Training at this
academy is consider second to none.
Matt is a 2002 graduate of Braxton County High
School and completed four
years in the United States
Marine Corps after graduation. His parents and family are very proud.
are grant monies available
for use in repairing and up
keeping services.
I strongly urge the
FCR-PSC-Sewer to reconsider their position in light
of the people they serve and
to try every avenue of funds
before they force and increase on the citizens of
Braxton County without
the input from such citizens.
M. O’Dessa Geary
Sutton, WV
Our policy...
We welcome letters to
the editor. We reserve the
right to edit and/or refuse
any letter deemed to contain libelous, inaccurate or
misleading information.
The deadline for submission is Thursday prior to
the Tuesday publication.
All letters must contain the
name of the author.
We do not have a set
limit on the number of
words a letter may contain,
however, space is limited,
so please keep your comments as brief and concise
as possible. Extremely long
letters will not be published.
Material submitted for
consideration as a letter to
the editor should be in the
format of a letter.
We do not accept letters endorsing or refuting
any candidate for political
Please provide a
phone number for verification purposes. That number will not be published
except at the request of the
Page 4 March 18, 2008
With Deepest
Janet Long Johnson
Johnson, 71, of Birch
River, WV went home to
be with her Lord on Saturday, March 8, 2008 in
Braxton Health Care
Center. She was born
July 26, 1936 in Braxton
County, WV a daughter
of the late Guy and
Mayme Carpenter Long.
She was retired
owner and operator of
C&J Merchandise of
Birch River and member
of Powell Mt. Baptist
Janet was preceded
in death by her daughter,
Tinnel, her brothers,
Emil & Dail Long, and
her sister Lucille Riffle.
She is survived by
one son, Jeffrey Johnson
and wife Crystal of
Sutton; her daughters,
Marsha Cook and husband David and Robin
Coffman and husband
Tony all of Birch River.
Also survived by her is
sister, Linda Gruver and
brother, Roger Brown of
Massillion, OH. Five
grandchildren, David
Cook II of Flatwoods, WV
and Shea Cook and Jodie
Cook both of Birch River,
WV, Ashlee Johnson and
Dakota Johnson both of
Sutton, and her great
granddaughter Kimberly
Lacycin Elaine Cook and
step-great granddaughter, Alexzandria Garvin
of Flatwoods, WV.
Funeral services
were held on Wednesday,
March 12, 2008 at
Greene-Robertson Fu-
Paid for by the Candidate
neral Home in Sutton
with Rev. Gary Coffmand
officiating. Burial followed at the Little Birch
Community Cemetery,
Little Birch, WV.
condolences may be sent to
w w w . g r e e n e robertsonfuneralhome.com.
Dorothy Lee Reeder
Dorothy Lee Reeder,
72 of Strange Creek,
went to be
with the
March 9,
short illness.
She was born March
5, 1936 at Wilsie, a
daughter of Marjorie
Young Hughes of Wilsie
and the late Creston
Dorothy was the oldest of three children and
is survived by one sister,
Nellie Carr and husband,
Argene of Frametown
and one brother, Melvin
Hughes and wife, Judy of
She is survived by
her loving husband of 52
years, Nolen Reeder, to-
Treated right in our Eye Center!
Braxton County, WV
gether they had six children, Kimball Reeder and
wife, Janet of Duck, John
Reeder of Sutton, Robin
Barker and husband,
Donald of Exchange, Melissa D. Ice and husband
Ricky of Duck, Abby Miller
and husband John of
Gassaway, Joey Reeder
and wife Angie of Duck; 12
grandchildren, five stepgrandchildren, one great
granddaughter, and one
step-great granddaughter.
Also survived by
aunts, Carol Gaskins of
Ohio and Bessie Frame of
Gassaway, five nieces and
three nephews.
In addition to her father, she was also preceded
in death by her father-inlaw, Harold Jackson
Reeder, daughter-in-law,
Carolyn Reeder and grandson, Brent Reeder.
Dorothy was a loving
wife, mother and grandmother who spent her lifetime caring for others. She
was a devoted Christian
and was a member of the
New Testament Baptist
Church of Frozen Run. She
was a very hard worker
with a gentle soul who
loved helping anyone she
could. She was an avid gardener and had a passion for
Services were held on
Friday, March 14, 2008 at
Richard M. Roach Funeral
Home, Gassaway, WV with
Pastor Gary Moore officiating. Burial followed in the
Reeder Family Cemetery,
Runnion Ridge.
Willis Lee Hutchison
Hutchison Jr., 63,
of Flatwoods, WV,
died March 10,
Johnson, VA Medical
Center, Clarksburg, WV.
He was
Flatwoods, WV March 13,
1944, a son of Mildred
Lenore Furby Hutchison
and the late Willis
Willis was a member of
Sutton Baptist Church.
Sutton High School in
1962 and was a member
of American Legion Post
33. He was owner/operator of Hutchison Trucking and formerly shared
ownership of Braxton
Farm Supply with his
family. He was a U.S.
Army Vietnam Veteran
and was a recipient of
the Purple Heart and
Bronze Star.
He is survived by
his wife Kathleen Green
Hutchison; a brother
William Hutchison and
wife Loretta of Flatwoods;
sisters, Phyllis Hagan
and husband Wayne of
Riverside, AL, Lois Kelly
and husband Larry of
Pinch, WV, Ruth Browning and husband Karl of
Sutton, WV, Pam Stump
and husband David of
Morgantown, WV and
Donna Knight and husband Steve of Flatwoods,
WV. He is also survived
by 13 nieces and nephews, 15 great and 2
great- great nieces and
Funeral services
were held on Thursday,
March 13 at Sutton Baptist Church, Sutton, WV
with Rev. Mike Sisson
officiating. Burial followed in the Stone Run
Cemetery, Flatwoods, WV
with military graveside
rite by American Legion
Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D.
Eye Center
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Post 33.
Funeral arrangements are by GreeneRobertson
Home, Sutton, WV.
Doris Hughes Robison
Robison, 73, of Ivydale,
WV passed away on
March 1, 2008 in Ohio
after a long illness.
She was born on
March 21, 1934. She was
preceded in death by her
husband, Arel K. Robison
and step daughter,
Arideth Huthmaker.
She is survived by
daughter, Sandra of
Ohio; Sons, Ron Swecker
and his wife Karen of
Ohio; step-sons, Mike
Robison of Brunswick,
Robison of Cleveland,
Ohio and Belinda Hajek
of Lakewood, Ohio.
Memorial services
were held Saturday,
March 15, 2008 at
Stockert-Gibson Funeral
Home in Flatwoods, WV
with Rev. Ressie Robison
and Wilma Jackson officiating.
Villa Salon
to hold CutA-Thon
The Villa Salon is
Sutton will host their 5 th
Annual Cut-a-Thon on
Sunday, April 6 th from 15 p.m. Hair cuts will be
given for $10. All proceeds will go to the
Braxton County Humane
Society. If you are unable
to attend the Cut-aThon, but would like to
support the event, The
Villa will be accepting donations between now and
April 6 th. Remember, every dollar helps. There will
be three stylists working
this year. Please stop in,
no appointment is necessary. Refreshments will
also be served. Call 7655377 if you have any
You can also bring a
gallon of Clorox and receive a 10% off coupon for
your next salon visit.
The Humane Society uses the money to
transport animals to rescue groups, buy supplies
such as medications,
food, cages, crates, pay
for non emergency surgery to make animals
more adoptable and
make repairs on the
Just a reminder that
the Humane Society does
not pay for euthanasia.
Don't spend your "nest egg" on your funeral.
We can help you understand the steps you can
take right now to make your arrangements and
pay for them over time. At Stockert-Gibson
Funeral Home we can show you how to pay for
your funeral on affordable payment plans.
Funeral Home
P.O. Box 280 / Main Street
Flatwoods, West Virginia 26621
Phone: (304) 765-5371
Timothy S. Sizemore
Alvin Martin
For complete and concise information on
pre-arranging your funeral, contact our
pre-planning experts at (304) 765-5371 to
schedule a personal consultation today.
1151 Airport Road
Sutton, WV 26601
Phone: 304-765-5833
Fax: 304-765-2063
Jerry McCauley
Staff Assistant
Ray & Jeanie Bledsoe
Pre-Need Consultants
I would like more information on pre-planning. I understand there is
no obligation.
City, State, Zip
Braxton County, WV
Church of Christ will be
having a Revival for Sunday, March 23 rd thru
Thursday, March 27th. Sunday at 6 p.m. and Monday
thru Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Please attend and bring a
friend. For directions or for
more information, please
call 462-8859 or 364-4377.
North Sutton Charge
Spring Revival:
The Spring revival will
be at the Mt. Nebo UM
Church on March 19th-21st.
The event will begin a t
7:00 p.m. each evening.
Wednesday night John
McQuain will be bringing
the message. Thursday
night will be Billy Griffin
and Larry Bennett on Friday. Also on Friday night
will be singer Josh
Oldaker. Come out and enjoy three nights of song and
praise services. Everyone
is welcome.
Pastor John McQuain
Library Hours:
The Sutton Public Library is open for evening
hours every Thursday from
5 p.m. until 7 p.m. This is
in addition to being open
every Saturday from 10
a.m. until 3 p.m. For those
who can’t make it to the
library during the normal
working day, please take
advantage of the above
hours to find that interesting book, send or receive
faxes, make copies, e-mail
that special friend or surf
the web. Our other hours
remain the same. If you
have any questions, please
call the library at 765-7224.
CMA Motorcycle Club:
We are starting a
CMA Motorcycle Club. The
first meeting will be on
March 29, 2008 at the
Waffle Hut at 9 a.m.
Everyone welcome.
The first meeting will be a
breakfast discussion.
The 70’s Group will
meet on March 29, 2008 at
6:30 p.m. The meeting will
be held at Pizza Hut.
The West Virginia
State Police in conjunction
with the Commission on
Drunk Driving Prevention
will be conducting DUI
Checkpoints during April
2008. The ultimate goal is
to reduce the number of
alcohol related deaths and
motor vehicle accidents in
West Virginia through the
arrest and prosecution of
drunk drivers.
A checkpoint is
scheduled in Braxton
County on Route 4 in front
of Braxton County High
School for the evening of
April 18, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.
through April 19, 2008 at
2:00 a.m.
Revival & Sing:
We will be having a
fifth Sunday sing and revival at First Baptist
Temple on Chapel Rd.
Gassaway. The sing will be
on March 30th. Scheduled
to sing is Larry Cochran
from Webster County.
The revival starts on
March 31 st and will run
through April 4th with evangelist Gary Maynard. All
services will begin at 7:00
p.m. Special singers
nightly. Come worship with
Pastor Brace Cook
Literacy Group:
Did you ever stop to
think what it would be like
if you couldn’t read?
Now you have the
chance to help organize
and support a Literacy program in Braxton County!
We are trying to organize
a steering committee for a
volunteer program. This
will involve attending
monthly meetings, using
your talents and community contacts to recruit and
support tutors and students. You do not have to
tutor if you do not want to.
For more information,
please contact Judy Seaman at 304-636-7712 or
contact the Sutton Public
Easter Celebration:
The Gassaway Baptist
Church Adult Choir invite
you to an Easter celebration. “3:16-The Numbers of
Hope” will be presented
March 21st and March 22nd
at 7:00 p.m. in the GBC
Sanctuary. Refreshments
and fellowship will follow
the cantata. For more information, call 364-8843 or
Everyone welcome!
The Burnsville Public
Library would like to remind the community that
it has wireless internet
available to all! Just stop
in anytime Monday 10am7pm, Tuesday- Friday
10am-5pm, and Saturday
10am-2pm. Bring your
laptop and take advantage
of one of the county’s only
wi-fi spots!
Easter Egg Hunt:
Central WV Hunting
Dogs Association will be
having their 2 nd annual
Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 22nd at 1 p.m.
at Big Johns Hunting Supplies on Curry Ridge Road
at Falls Mills. Candy and
Prizes for the kids. A 50/
50 drawing will also be
held. Hot dogs and beverages will also be available.
For more info, call
John Hedrick at 452-8831
or Marlon Moats at 7657077.
Book Sale:
Burnsville Public Library will be having a book
sale Monday, March 24th
thru Saturday, March 29th
during library hours: Monday 10am-7pm, TuesdayFriday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. Paperbacks will be $0.25 each,
hardbacks will be $0.50
each, and children’s books
will be $0.50 each. Come
out and support your local
library while adding to your
personal collection! For
more information call
Jonna at 853-2338.
Braxton County Fairs
and Festivals
Celebration Annual
The Braxton County
Fairs and Festivals Celebration will hold its annual beauty pageant on
Sunday May 18, 2008. The
Queen will receive a nice
gift package as usual and
a $4,000 scholarship to
Glenville State College.
Pageant rehearsal will be
held on Saturday May 17,
2008. We will be accepting
applications from in
county girls through April
20, 2008. We must have at
least six queen contestants to keep the pageant
closed to Braxton county
girls only.
If we do not
have six girls by April 20,
2008 we will then open the
Pageant State wide and the
date will be extended to
May 7, 2008. Age categories are Tiny Tot ages 3-4,
Tot ages 5-6, Miniature
Miss ages 7-9, Junior Miss
ages 10-12, Teen ages 1315, Queen ages 16-21.
Please contact Suzanne
Wine for an application at
853-2983 or 678-3478.
There will be a revival
at Little Birch beginning
on March 30, 2008. Mike
Jackson will be bringing
the message. The services
will begin at 7:00 p.m. each
evening. Everyone welcome.
Pastor Phillip
Knickerbocker Portraits:
The SPCA is sponsoring a Portrait session at
the Sutton Community
Building on April 11th and
12th. The cost for this session is $10.00, with your
choice of three different
sizes. You can purchase a
certificate for this photo
shoot from the Sutton
Mayor’s office, SPCA Members, Sutton Flower Shop,
Hair Haven and Day Spa,
Paws and Claws and from
Amber at the Braxton Citizens Newspaper.
For more information,
call 765-5581.
Please be advised that
the regular meeting of the
Braxton County Memorial
Hospital Board of Directors
is scheduled for Monday,
March 24, 2008, at 6:30
p.m. in the hospital’s
Learning Resource Center.
If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please feel free to con-
March 18, 2008 Page 5
tact Ben Vincent, Administrator.
There will be a revival
at Mill Creek Union
Church, Bays Road, in
Birch River March 23,
2008 to March 30, 2008.
Pastor Russell “Gene”
Copen will bring the message. Services will begin at
7:00 p.m. each evening.
There will be special singers each night. Everyone
There will be a revival
at the Sunrise Community
Church on Exchange Road
beginning on March 30th
and will run through April
5th. Services will begin at
7 p.m. each evening with
special preaching and
singing. Everyone Welcome. Pastor Dennis
Horsin’ Around Riding
Club will be hosting horse
shows every 4 th Sunday
every month beginning on
May 25, 2008. The shows
will start at noon. They will
be held next to the EMS
Building in Elizabeth, WV.
Come on out and enjoy the
The Boy Scout Troop
135 is sponsoring a dinner
in the Gassaway Community Building on May 2nd
from 4:00-7:00 p.m. The
boy scouts will serve spaghetti, salad, bread and
dessert. Dinner is by donation, and proceeds will go
towards the boys’ camp expenses. Everyone is invited to join us for dinner,
including candidates in
the upcoming election.
Spaghetti Dinner:
The Wilse-Rosedale
Waterline Extension will
hold a Spaghetti Dinner on
Sunday, April 6, 2008
starting at 11:30 a.m. at
the Frametown Elementary
School. More details to
come. Everyone Welcome.
Holy Week and Easter In
Braxton County:
churches of the Braxton
County Ministerial Association would like to invite
all residents of Braxton
County to join in any or all
of the following worship
March 17th - Holy
Monday – 12:00 Luncheon
and worship at Davis Memorial v Presbyterian
Church, in Gassaway
March 18th – Holy
Tuesday – 12:00 Luncheon
and worship at St. Thomas
Catholic v Church, in
March 19th – Holy
Wednesday – 12:00 Luncheon and worship at
Gassaway United v Methodist Church
March 20th – Maundy
Thursday – 12:00 Luncheon and worship at New
Life Chapel, v Rt.4 south of
Maundy Thursday
evening, 7:00 PM, most all
area churches have worship services, please call
the churches for particulars
March 21st -Good Friday- 11:00 Solemn Service
on the Seven Last Words of
Christ, at v Davis Memorial Presbyterian
Good Friday evening,
many area churches have
evening services, call…
Easter Sunday – SUNRISE – 6:30 AM
Church, Main Street (com-
bined worship of Sutton
1st Southern Baptist,
and Christ Church United
Davis Memorial Presbyterian
Gassaway (combined worship of Davis Memorial
and Gassaway United
New Life Chapel
We invite everyone to
take this opportunity to worship God and experience a
variety of worship styles.
Blessings – Braxton
County Ministerial Association
Flower Swap:
There will be a Flower
Swap held on May 3, 2008
at Little Birch Elementary.
The swap begins at 9am. No
money is to be exchanged.
Bring at least one plant, with
no limit on how many you
may bring. We have something new for you this year.
The NRCS will be attending
to demonstrate the proper
way to take a soil test.
Braxton County FFA Students will also be on hand.
Everyone welcome to join in
on this fun activity. For
more information, call Sue
at 765-2994 or Cathy at 7653021.
Braxton County Health
Department Schedule:
The schedule for
March for the Braxton
County Health Department
is as follows:
Family Planning Clinics will be held on March 31st
Political Advertisement Paid for By the Candidate
Assessor Hopeful... Says He Is Looking
For Ways to Help In Time of Recession...
Plans to implement...
If elected Assessor, Howard Carpenter has
pledged, "I and my co-workers will meet and serve the
citizens of Braxton County not only in the office, but
where they live with a new Mobile Office Program in
your communities.
"As your Assessor, I will not only strive to
Keep Taxes Down , I will also look for ways to
Save YOU Money!
In this time of recession, with high gas, food and
utility prices, The Assessor's Office will hit
the road...
"We will travel to places such as, the new Senior
Center, the Community Buildings and Fire Departments
of Frametown, Rosedale, Burnsville, Flatwoods, Heaters, Falls Mill, Copen, Gassaway and others, to bring
the services of the Assessor's Office to your door. As
an added convenience to the citizens of Braxton
County, me and my staff will come to you!!! We will
help fill out paperwork and answer questions you may
have in an effort to provide the best service possible to
our friends and neighbors. I believe in the Office
working for the people and as your next Assessor I am committed to that goal!"
There is no Substitute for Experience...
Vote For and Support A True Public Servant...
Democrat For
Positive ID Required. $5.00 Cover Charge.
As Always You Are Encouraged To Bring A Designated Driver.
Political Advertisement - Paid For By The Candidate
Page 6 March 18, 2008
I love
this spring
the robins,
and especially the
Our final
school before Spring Break at the
Brushy Fork Christian
School is sandwiched between St. Patrick’s Day and
Easter. There is sure to be
some celebrating up
Bonnie Cutright’s sleeve.
It is a great experience to
be her teacher’s aide! She
can work miracles with
the children and they turn
out some amazing work
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has mason sand and
limestone sand, and three sizes of Ohio River gravel.
We also have various sizes of crushed limestone, house
coal, red mulch, brown mulch and agriculture lime
stockpiled at our yard on Little Birch Road.
We can be reached at 304-765-7502 to schedule a
delivery or to check on a time to get your own truck
loaded. 304-765-7502
Call Today
For An Appointment
601 Elk Street
Gassaway, WV 26624
and crafts, etc.
There is a site,
which may be the best
place for you to go to spend
some time studying
God’s Word, God’s love
letter to you. (These include studies written especially for kids, or
American Indians, or
ones that focus on prophecy, plus the regular
Bible guides.) By studying online, you may be
able to spend more time
with God’s Word. I have
said this before, but
where is all the time we
are supposed to have now
with all of the “time-saving devices” we have become accustomed to using? I had three children
in diapers and washed
clothes with a wringer
washer and had no dryer,
but I had more time than
I do now. What happened?
emailed some more information about the 1950
snowstorm. (I had the date
1951. My mistake.) He
says the storm started the
day after Thanksgiving. It
snowed all day Friday and
Friday night, and all day
Saturday. When it finally
stopped there were an
amazing 44 inches of
snow. The snow was shoveled off the Burnsville
High School roof the following week by him and
Donald Lindsay! He says
they threw snowballs at
people passing by and they
couldn’t figure out who
was doing it. Ornery boys,
those! My classmates,
Braxton County, WV
I also heard via
email from Linda Sledz of
Canal Fulton, OH. She
says she reads my column
each week and was happy
to get the March 12 issue
with the egg gravy recipe.
Her next-door neighbors
are both very sick and
weak and have no appetite. She had told Linda
that she had tried to make
egg gravy that her mother
used to make many years
ago when she was a small
child. Her mom had made
it for them when they
were not feeling well. Her
neighbor said the gravy
she made did not taste
like her mother’s. Linda
could not imagine “egg”
gravy until she read my
column. She copied the
recipe for her neighbor
and took it to her. She was
too sick to try it now, but
Linda will let me know
whether she likes it or
not. I still invite you to let
me know if you try egg
Sonny, my brother
(Harry Wiant, Jr.) has been
baking pies! He found a
recipe that he says is
GREAT for crust because
you do not have to roll them
out. It has some strange
ingredients, but he says it
is very good.
No-Roll Pie Crust (the
fastest, easiest, tastiest
no-roll crust ever, he says)
3 C. flour (can use
pastry flour, part whole
wheat, or just all-purpose)
1 T. sugar
½ t. baking powder
1 1/8 t. salt
1 t. vanilla extract
2/3 C. light or extralight olive oil
1/3 C. cold water
Optional ingredients
for streusel topping are 1/
3 C. brown sugar & 1 t. cinnamon.
Hello Everyone!
Happy St. Patrick’s
Day!! I hope this finds all
of you well. It has been a
very beautiful day. The
sun was shining so
brightly, it makes one
want to get outside and
plant flowers.
Easter is sure early
this year. I can’t believe
it is here already. I have
many fond memories of
Easter as a child. I attended the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church
until I was probably 16 or
so. As a child, I looked forward to my new Easter
dress. My grandmother
crocheted a poncho (she
called it) for me almost
every year as well as a
little purse to carry. My
mommy always rolled my
hair the night before and
then fixed it in a special
way only she could. I always looked forward to
church every Sunday but
Easter Sunday was very
special. I didn’t know how
special but I knew Jesus
had been crucified and He
had risen. I didn’t quite
grasp the whole thing. Of
course, we always had an
egg hunt. Our Sunday
school teachers made
sure we knew our Bible
verses and our songs.
They also tried their best
to make sure we under-
stood that Easter was not
about the Easter Bunny. I
want them to know I have
remembered what they
taught me, and I thank
them for taking the time
and caring about me. I
understand now. I know
that all of you have fond
memories of your childhood. The holidays seem
to bring some that I
haven’t thought of in
years. When Ryan was
small, I did my best to
teach him the meaning of
Easter and not focus too
much on the Easter
Bunny and eggs. Although
they are fun, I think they
need to know the real reason.
Birthdays this week
are: March 18 th -Olivia
Cunningham; March 19thTom Heckler, Connor Lee
Lane, Jason Lockard;
March 20 th -Erica Jade
Duffield, Michelle Moore;
March 21 st -Derek Joel
Stump, Julie J. Lewis,
Nathan James, Laura
Mae Given
22 nd -Jim
Heater, Cathy McCoy;
March 23rd-Barbara Prince
(Jane Lew), Matthew
Taffer, Christopher Neil;
March 24 th -Andrea Kate
Brady, Loraine Allen, Rob
Pierce, Karen White. Special Happy Birthday
Did you know?
Gilmer County Health Department Offers
the following services Free of Charge:
The hard working citizens of Braxton
County face enough obstacles without having to deal with the current drug problem in
the county... illegal drugs, as well as a lot of
prescription medications such as oxycotin,
hydrocodone, zanax, morphine, and more
find their way to our streets.
Vote for a Sheriff who brings 23 years
of Law Enforcement Experience to the table
in service to the citizens of Braxton County.
Elect a Sheriff who will continue to stand
against drug use and their distributions in
our community... Vote For
• He will fight along side the State Troopers,
City Police and Prosecutors to bring Drug
Pushers to Justice!
• He will fight hard to see that drug
violators are prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law!
• He will make sure his Deputies are well
trained and kept abreast of ever-changing
laws in the WV Code which is very
important to working good solid cases!
Elect CHUCK HOSEY Sheriff
Pursuing Justice
with Knowledge & Experience!!!
Political Advertisement - Paid For By The Candidate
Stir together dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately, then combine the two, stirring just
to blend. Divide the mixture in half for two single
crusts or one crust plus
streusel topping.
Press half the pastry
into the bottom and up the
sides of a 9" pie pan,
crimping the edges. Use
the other half of the pastry
to make the bottom crust
for another pie or. . .
Put half the pastry
back into the mixing
bowl, add the brown
sugar and cinnamon.
Mix together until is becomes moist/crumbly.
Put your filling into the
prepared crust and
spread streusel crumbs
over the top of the filling.
Bake as directed for the
type of pie you are making.
*Family Planning
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wishes to our Aunt Barbara Prince from Jane
Lew!! Happy Birthday to
all you!!!! Happy 21st Anniversary to Alan & Joyce
Robinson on March 15 th!
Best wishes for many,
many more!
Toni Wine would like
to wish a very Happy Eater
to her friends, Marrssa &
Crystal Barrow and
Courtney Burroughs as
well as the workers at
Precision Services.
Please keep Tammie
Gay, and Margaret &
Harry Hoffman in your
Recent visitors in our
home were Jeffrey Foster,
and Luke Robinson. Our
daughter, Kristen, was
also by this week. We are
always happy to see all of
them and to hear from my
baby brother, David, in Raleigh, who calls every
other day.
The recipe this week
is for Easter Basket Cake.
1 box yellow cake
mix (follow directions on
1 container creamy
fudge frosting
1 Cup shredded coconut
Green food coloring
Candy Easter Eggs
Make and cool cake
as directed on box for two
8-inch or 9-inch round
Place 1 cake layer,
rounded side down, on
serving plate. Spread with
about 1/3 cup frosting. Top
rounded side up. Frost
side of cake and spread a
thin layer of frosting on
top of cake. Make a basket weave pattern in frosting on side of cake by
drawing inch-long horizontal and vertical lines
with tines of fork.
Shake coconut and 3
or 4 drops food color in
tightly covered jar until
evenly tinted; sprinkle on
top of cake. Place candy
eggs on coconut. Store
loosely covered.
Sympathy extended
to the families of Marion
Louise Smithers, Rosie A.
Holcomb, Martin A. Steed,
Doris Robison, Dorothy
Lee Reeder, Willis Lee
Hutchison, Jr, Janet L.
Johnson, and Gary Lynn
Cogar, Sr.
If you have news you
would like to share, please
call me at 364-4615 or
I look forward to hearing
from you.
“Oh, give us pleasure
in the flowers in the flowers
And give us not to think
As the uncertain harvest;
All simply in the springing
of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure
in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day,
like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the
The swarm dilating round
- Robert Frost, A Prayer
in Spring
I wish all of you a
very Happy Easter. Until
next week, take care and
God Bless.
Braxton County, WV
Magistrate Donald
Sharp’s Court:
March 11: Michael
A. Jenkins, Bringing
into the state, receiving/transferring stolen
Golembiewski, speeding,
paid; Ryan S. Williams,
worthless check, paid;
Tina F. Wolfenbarker,
possession less than 15
grams, 2 counts; Buddy
O. Robinson, possession
of marijuana
March 12: James
Modesitt, obtaining under false pretences; Mary
Linger, obtaining under
false pretences; Ronald
Clark Paugh, wanton endangerment;
Paugh, wanton endangerment; Charles M. Hosey
seatbelt, failure to drive
with due care, paid; Paul
D. Chapman, Reckless
driving, no contest plea,
Brandon D.McCourt,
Driving under the influence, no contest plea,
given 24 hours, credit for
time served, payment
schedule; leaving scene,
dismissed per plea agreement;
Stalnaker, Driving suspended/revoked for DUI,
dismissed per plea; Driving suspended/revoked
for DUI, no contest,
placed on home confinement, 6 months, payment schedule; Michael
Meadows, no registration, guilty, payment
Sanchez, speeding, no
contest plea; speeding,
Jenkins, overweight,
overlength, overwidth,
payment schedule; Benjamin S. Dean, false info
to officer, dismissed per
plea agreement; conspiracy, dismissed per
plea; conspiracy, no con-
a p p o i n t m e n t Phyllis.
only; Breast and Cervi••••••••••••••••••••
cal Cancer Control ClinPancake Dinner:
ics will be held on March
The Flatwoods Vol18th and March 25th by ap- unteer Fire Department
pointment only; Immu- would like to Invite the
nization Clinic is sched- Public to a By donation
uled for March 19 th from Pancake Dinner at the
Flatwoods Community
9am to 11am.
H a n d l i n g Building on March 20th
Classes are also sched- at 5:30PM.
This is a great time
uled for March 14 th at 9
a.m. and on March 27 th at t o c o m e a n d h e a r t h e
candidates speak and to
2:30 p.m.
mingle and ask ques••••••••••••••••••••
tions that are pertinent
Career Night:
A Career Night will to you. There will also be
b e h e l d a t B r a x t o n a Chinese auction and
County High School on 5 0 / 5 0
Thursday, March 20, throughout the night!
2008 from 5:00 p.m. to D i n n e r w i l l b e s e r v e d
6:30 p.m. The event will starting at 5:30 with the
be held in the Commons candidates speaking at
If you are a candiParents and students are welcome and date and would like to get
encouraged to explore on the agenda to speak
d i f f e r e n t o c c u p a t i o n s please call 765-5568 and
and speak to representa- ask for Paul.
tives. Refreshments will
Game Night:
be provided.
The Flatwoods Park
This event is spons o r e d b y t h e B r a x t o n and Recreation Board is
County High School, the happy to announce our
Braxton County Middle 2nd Game night at the
Flatwoods Community
School and Gear Up.
Building on March 28th
starting at 7pm till 11 or
2 0 0 8 beyond! So bring your
Eggstravaganza will be Favorite Game and enjoy
held on March 22, 2008 a fun family night out!
from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 Cover charge is $1.50
p.m. at the Flatwoods and a concessions stand
Factory Outlet Stores. will be provided. Popcorn
There will be lots of great and Coffee are provided
a c t i v i t i e s . T h e E a s t e r FREE of charge. Even if
Bunny will arrive at you don’t like to play
10:30 a.m. The Easter Games come and enjoy a
Egg Hunt will begin at g o o d t i m e t a l k i n g t o
11:00 a.m. Bring your friends and neighbors!
camera and take a pic- F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n
t u r e w i t h t h e E a s t e r call 765-5568 and Ask for
Bunny at 11:30 a.m. The Pastor Paul.
school coloring contest
winners will be anThere will be a renounces at 12:30 p.m.
There will be com- v i v a l a t N e b o B a p t i s t
munity groups on hand Church beginning Monday, March 31 through
with information.
I f y o u h a v e a n y Saturday, April 5, 2008.
questions about this Services will begin at
e v e n t , o r i f y o u a r e a 7:30 p.m. each evening
c o m m u n i t y g r o u p a n d with different preachers
would like to be involved, and singers each night.
please call the Braxton Everyone welcome. PasCounty Convention and tor Dewey Tanner
Visitors Bureau at 765Dip & Donate:
There will be a Ham
and Turkey Dinner and
The Flatwoods Bap- G o s p e l S i n g a t U p p e r
tist Church will be hav- West Fork Community
ing a “peters” son rise P a r k , R t . 1 6 , 5 m i l e s
service on Easter Sun- north of Nebo. The dinner
d a y M a r c h 2 3 r d a t will be held on Sunday,
9 : 3 0 a m . T h i s s e r v i c e March 30, 2008 beginwill focus on the Resur- n i n g a t n o o n . S i n g e r s
rection of Jesus Christ will be the Tanner Boys,
and will be lead by lay- The Pilots, and others.
J a m e s . Proceeds go to Big Otter
The service will be fol- Fire Department. Sponlowed by a large break- sored by Nebo Baptist
fast made by the men of Church.
the Church. Then there
Burnsville Public
will be a Easter egg hunt
open for children of all Library Now Has Wi-Fi:
The Burnsville Pubages with many fun
lic Library would like to
prizes to be won.
The worship service remind the community
will be at 11:00AM with a t h a t i t h a s w i r e l e s s
message by our Pastor internet available to all!
Paul Beatty. If you don’t J u s t s t o p i n a n y t i m e
have a church you call M o n d a y
your Home make plans Tuesday- Friday 10amto come to and worship 5 p m , a n d S a t u r d a y
10am-2pm. Bring your
with us!
For more informa- laptop and take advantion or Directions call t a g e o f o n e o f t h e
7 6 5 - 2 2 7 8 a n d a s k f o r county’s only wi-fi spots!
schedule, ordered to pay
restitution to Gloria
Salisbury; Cassondra A.
Williams, obstructing an
officer, no contest plea,
6 months probation, payment schedule; Robert L.
Bender II, destruction of
property, dismissed per
plea; conspiracy, 2
counts, conspiracy, no
contest plea, payment
schedule; pay restitution
to Gloria Salisbury;
Bobby J. Pardue, Driving
Under the Influence, no
contest, 14 days confinement, payment schedule
March 13: Judy R.
McMillion, worthless
Chidester, obstructing
officer 3 counts, possession less than 15 grams,
operating a clandestine
lab; Marc C. Carson, Violation of a domestic violence order; Amber Dawn
Lowther, Obstructing Of-
March 18, 2008 Page 7
ficer, false information;
Jamie L. Ables, providing
false information
March 14: Carl D.
Demastus, speeding,
payment schedule; Jia
W. Yan, speeding, paid;
Larry E. Hall Jr., possession more than 15
grams, payment schedule; Donnis L. Jenkins,
Driving Under the Influence, fail to signal, no
insurance, no proof of
registration; Charles E.
Dennison, possession
with intent to deliver, 2
counts; conspiracy, 2
counts; Pliant R. Smith
Jr., possession with intent to deliver, 2 counts;
Melissa H. Hawkins, possession with intent to
McCourt, failure to drive
with due care, left of center
March 17: Richard
A. Stewart, Public intoxication, paid; Larry L.
Price, possession with
intent to deliver, ob-
structing (2 counts),
into state facility; Larry
A. Duffield Jr., Driving
Suspended, payment
schedule; Dewaine D.
Robinson, Driving Suspended; Cyril D. Wass,
speeding, paid; Olvin L.
Martin, Driving Under
the Influence, dismissed
Maigistrate Beth
Smith’s Court:
March 11: Jonathan
Cook, possession with intent to deliver marijuana;
Joshua Riechert, possession with intent to deliver
marijuana; Michael D.
Gillespie, sexual abuse in
the first degree, three
counts; Charles T. Strope,
Driving Under the Influence; Carl A. Foster Jr.,
Driving Under the Influence, first offense; Joseph
W. Rappold, possession of
marijuana, possession of a
controlled substance
March 12: Joseph
Bradly Thayer, malicious
wounding; Scott Townley,
Registration violation,
Driving Suspended, paid;
Joseph Allen Thayer, Malicious wounding; James
M. McKinney, no seatbelt,
Duckworth, possession of a
controlled substance, paid
March 14: Barbara A.
Altman, speeding, payment schedule; Charles E.
Sleving, speeding, paid;
Freddie Bell, Speeding, dismissed, no proof of insurance, dismissed, prosecuting attorney does not wish
to pursue, nor does issuing
All articles and
advertising for the
next edition of the
Citizens’ News are
due in our office by
4 p.m. on
Thanks ~ CN Staff
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Page 8
March 11, 2008
Braxton County, WV
Notice to voters
who have filed a
change of address
Secretary of State
Betty Ireland announces
that, beginning this
month, voters who move
and file a change of address form with the post
office will receive in
their welcome kit, a reminder to update their
voter registration information. The notice will
< h t t p : / /
where they can download
a voter registration form
to fill out and send in to
their county clerk. The
registration form can be
used to register for the
first time or change registration information already on file.
“My office is always searching
for new and better ways
to make it convenient
for West Virginia citi-
zens to register and
vote,” Secretary Ireland
said. “And this is just
one more tool to help our
voters make sure their
registrations are up to
date when they go to cast
a ballot,” Secretary Ireland added.
To be able to vote in
t h e M a y 1 3 th P r i m a r y ,
first time voters must
submit their voter registration application to
their county clerks by
April 22, 2008. Address
changes to existing registrations can be made
up to and including Election Day. However, Secretary Ireland urges voters to submit their address changes as soon as
possible. “This will help
ensure voters learn of
their correct precinct in
plenty of time before
Election Day. Voting in
the correct precinct is
necessary to help avoid
voting a provisional or
‘challenged’ ballot,” Secretary Ireland explained.
In addition to finding the voter registration
form online, the forms
are also available at the
County Clerk’s office,
Secretary of State’s Office, any branch of the
Department of Motor Vehicles and many other
public facilities throughout West Virginia. For
information on updating
voter registration information or any other
questions, voters may
contact their county
clerk or the Secretary of
State’s Office at (866)
SOS-VOTE, or visit the
S e c r e t a ry of State’s
www.WVvotes.com <http:/
Westfall thank you
No words could ever
express our most sincere
heartfelt thanks to each
and every one of you in this
Braxton County. We have
never felt or seen so much
unbridled love.
Samuel was a wonderful little boy and losing
him has and will continue
to be the hardest thing we
have ever had to face, but
all the love that has been
shown to me and my family has in some ways
helped to ease the pain,
not that it will ever go
wrapped us in a blanket of
love and for that we will
forever be thankful. We
could never express indi-
vidual thanks to each and
everyone who has helped
us during this difficult
time, but we would like all
of you to know that because of your efforts we
know that God is an awesome God and Braxton
County is full of his angels.
From the bottom of our
hearts we thank you,
Bill and Kelly Westfall
Dobbins announce
birth of first child
Worthy and Ashley
Dobbins would like to
proudly announce the
birth of their first born son,
Clarence Troy Dobbins.
He was born on February
Summersville Memorial
Hospital. He weighed 6
pounds and was 18 inches
long. He was born at 1:00
a.m. He has blue eyes and
blondish brown hair.
The grandparents are
Jamie and Mary K. Bragg
of Crites Mountain Road,
Erbacon, WV,
Danny and Jennifer
Dobbins of Burnsville
andCarolyn Dobbins of
Stumpville. Great grandparents are Thomas and
Deana Sartin of Erbacon,
13 year Public Servant
• 10 years-Board of Education
- Former Board President for 4 years
• 2.3+ years- County
- Current County Commission President
Ask yourself the following
• Which Candidates do you feel are most TRUSTWORTHY?
• Which Candidates do you feel have the most INTEGRITY?
• Which Candidates do you feel will perform their duties in a
manner using GOOD JUDGEMENT and adhere to HIGH
• Which Candidates do you feel will INTERPRET the law and
will APPLY the law most fairly and impartially to every
matter that would come before the court?
I want to thank everyone for the confidence shown in me
during the past 13+ years of public service, and I humbly ask
for your VOTE and SUPPORT this coming election, May
13.Thank you
A proven leader you can TRUST!
Political Advertisement Paid for By the Citizens to Elect Mike Chapman Magistrate, Gary Potts, Treasurer.
Mid-State Marina
Clarence Troy Dobbins
Senior Center
releases menu
Braxton County Nutritional Program is funded
through the Bureau of Senior Services Utilizing III
C Federal and State Funds.
Meals are served daily
from 11:30 am till 12:30 pm
at the Braxton County Senior Center at 33 Senior
Center Drive in Sutton,
WV. There is no discrimination in the services
sponsored by the Braxton
County Senior Citizens
Center, Inc. regardless of
race, creed, sex, handicap,
or national origin.
Menu For The Week
of March 17, 2008
Monday: Irish Stew,
Shamrock Spinach, Golden
Corn Bread, Lucky Lime
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe
with Bun, Cole Slaw, Seasoned Potatoes, Fruit
Wednesday: Oven
Fried Fish, Macaroni &
Cheese, Beets, Fruit and
Ham, Mashed Potatoes
with Gravy, Green Beans,
Bread & Dessert
Friday: Closed-Good
BCSCC serves milk
and butter with each meal.
Claytor family
note of thanks
We would like to take
this opportunity to thank
each and everyone that
has helped Dad and/or our
family through his illness
and recent passing.
Thanks so much for the
bountiful food, beautiful
cards, lovely flowers, uplifting phone calls, reassuring
prayers and generous do-
nations made in Dad’s
memory. Thanks, also,
Chapel for all their kindness and helpfulness.
God has blessed us in so
many ways and for that
we will be forever grateful.
The Family of Buck
Page 9
March 18, 2008
Braxton Rotary Club
hosts Elimination Dinner
A Photographic Look
A Special Look
at Braxton County
Page 10 March 18, 2008
Braxton County, WV
Candidates and the Internet
We live today in the would have been greeted
age of the “information with a blank stare from
highway,” a phrase which most individuals.
just a few short years ago
The Internet has
transformed our lives more
rapidly than anything since
the advent of electricity. For
the most part, the develop-
ments have been positive.
Communication is easier
and faster than ever, and
information which previously required hours or
days of research at a library
is now available at the click
of a button.
The Internet is also
having an effect on political campaigns, although its
ultimate usefulness in that
arena is still a matter of
debate. For most candidates other than those running for president, visits to
candidate websites are
relatively low, and online
fundraising has generally
not yielded impressive results for anyone except the
presidential candidate, or
national groups targeting
certain statewide positions.
And yet, almost all candidates are expected to create and maintain websites
containing issue statements, biographical information and, yes, online donation features. A candidate without a website is
considered behind the
More and more candi-
dates and officeholders
have also begun offering
political commentary on
“blogs,” terminology which
is short for “web logs.”
These online diaries are increasingly prevalent, and
most contain a means by
which readers can offer responses or thoughts of
their own to the opinions
posted by the authors. In
some cases, all across the
country, we have seen running feuds erupt on these
blogs, as candidates or
their supporters answer
charges or allegations
made by their detractors.
Should candidates respond to charges made
against them by bloggers?
It’s an interesting question,
and my own discussions
with candidates and officeholders of both parties
bring about varying responses.
For my part, I believe
candidates should not generally respond to allegations or insults leveled at
them by bloggers. While the
Internet has truly made
freedom of speech a demo-
cratic ideal open to everyone with access to a computer, it also has a tendency to devalue information. Can we trust what we
read on the Internet? Only
the most careless individual would accept opinions, facts or statistics provided on blogs without verifying them through traditional, trusted sources.
Most blogs allow individuals to respond anonymously,
Internet names. While the
ability to hide one’s identity when expressing an
opinion might be attractive
to many people, it in fact
devalues the opinion itself.
Statements made by individuals willing to clearly
identify themselves carry
much more weight than
something said anonymously. Candidates should
avoid the temptation to
conceal their identity and
respond under the cover of
phony names or “handles.”
If you are a candidate or an
officeholder, be confident in
Bear Heaven
announces winners
of coloring contest
Bear Heaven sponsored a Valentine’s coloring
contest at Flatwoods Elementary. Coloring pages
were selected by a team of
judges of personnel from the
school. Winning pages were
given a WEBKINZ virtual
pet. WEBKIZ are virtual pet’s
that can be purchased at
Bear Heaven as well as
many other accessories.
Read the Newspaper
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Braxton County
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Mail To: Citizens' News, P.O. Box 516,
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Or Call (304)765-5193 and CHARGE IT
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Winners include: Back Row L-R: Maggie Skidmore-Mrs. Rader Kindergarten, McKenzie
Tillery-Mrs. DeNuzzo 1-2, Kearstin Stancati-Mrs. Winemiller 3-4, Elizabeth Allen- Mrs.
Coffman 4, Kielah Shaver-Mrs. Squires 3, Madison Rollyson-Mrs. Warner 1, FRONT
ROW L-R: Summer Mays-Mrs. Singleton Pre-K, Linda Lamb-Mrs. Wilson Pre-K, Cody
Morrison-Mrs. Brady Kindergarten (not pictured Heath Cottrill-Mrs. Carson 2)
Gregory Wine named to
the Fall 2007 Dean’s List
at Davis & Elkins College
Gregory Wine of
Sutton was named to the
Dean’s List for the 2007
fall semester at Davis &
Elkins College. Wine is
majoring in Nursing and
is the son of Larry and
Sharon Wine. The Dean’s
List includes full-time
students with a 3.6 semester g.p.a. or above on
a 4.0 scale.
" ' ((( !
+ &
# ! #
*))$ &
Davis & Elkins College is a private, fouryear liberal arts college
Virginia’s top ranking in
the 2008 U.S. News guide
to America’s Best Colleges. It is the only college in West Virginia that
offers a Winter Term program, a unique threeweek January term that
provides concentrated
on-campus courses as
well as study abroad and
other off-campus learning opportunities. Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, Davis &
Elkins offers more than
30 academic programs,
Hospitality, Recreation
Management and Tourism, Theatre Arts, Environmental Science, and
Criminology. The College
is home to a USCSA ski
team as well as NCAA
(Div. II) athletic competition. To find out more
about Davis & Elkins
College, call the Office of
Admissions at 1-800624-3157, or go to
Braxton County, WV
March 18, 2008 Page 11
Hospice hosts Cinderella project
A group is slated to
donate over 100-formal
dresses and prom gowns to
a Local Charity. The Hands
of Love Mission from
Frederick MD were in
County on March 1, 2008.
Hospice Care Corporation’s
Thrift Stores have hosted
this event called “The
Cinderella Project” for the
past few years.
The mission for the
project is that every girl
deserves to look like a princess at their prom, but not
everyone has a Fairy Godmother to buy her a new
gown. That’s where the
Cinderella Project comes
in. If you’re a young lady
who needs a prom dress
then why pay hundreds
and thousands of dollars?
The Cinderella Project a
fundraiser sponsored by
Hospice Care, a non-profit
Hospice Care Thrift
Shops in 3-communities
will be displaying hundreds
of donated formal dresses,
shoes, and accessories to
be sold to local high school
girls who want to go to the
prom, but may not be able
to afford it. Prom dresses
and other formal dresses
will be sold for at little as
$10.00. If you’re thinking
this is too good to be true
then wait! There’s more, all
profits from the Cinderella
Project will go to help uninsured and underinsured
patients in our community
who need Hospice Care. It’s
a Win-Win for everyone!
For More Information
about the Cinderella
Project call Kim Riley at
304-376-0545. Or you can
use the 800 number is you
wish. 1-800-350-1161…
Hospice Care is a non-
profit corporation serving
seriously ill patients in 12counties in West Virginia
and 4-counties in southern
Pennsylvania. For more information about Hospice
Care see Hospice Care
DNR stocks local waterways
The following waters
were stocked with trout the
week of March 10, 2008.
Anawalt Lake, Anderson Lake, Anthony Creek,
Back Fork of Elk, Beech
Fork Tailwaters, Big Sandy
Creek, Blackwater River,
Blaney and Morgan Runs,
Boley Lake, Brandywine
Lake, Brushy Fork Lake,
Buffalo Creek, Bullskin
Run, Burnsville Tailwaters,
Cacapon Park Lake, Chief
Cornstalk Lake, Chief Logan Pond, Clear Fork Tug,
Clover Run, Coonskin
Park, Coopers Rock Lake,
Cranberry River, Deer
Creek (Nicholas), Desert
Fork, Dunkard Fork Lake,
Dunloup Creek, East Fork
Greenbrier, East Lynn
Tailwaters, Elk River Glady
Fork, Evitts Run, Gandy
Creek, Glade Creek of
Mann, Glade Creek of New,
Hopkins Fork, Indian
Creek, Knapps Creek,
Underwood, Laurel Creek
Cherry, Laurel Creek of
New, Laurel Fork, Laurel
Fork Lake, Lick Creek
Pond, Little River East Fork
Greenbrier, Little River
West Fork Greenbrier, Long
Marsh Run, Lost River,
Lower Cove Run, Mason
Lake, Meadow Creek of
Anthony, Middle Creek,
Middle Fork River, Miletree
Lake, Mill Creek of New,
Mill Creek Opequon, Mill
Run of Back Creek, Miller
Fork Pond, Moores Run,
New Creek , Newburg
Lake, North Fork of Anthony,
Patterson, North Fork
South Branch, Opequon
Creek, Pennsboro WS Reservoir, Poorhouse Pond,
Potts Creek, Rhine Creek,
Rocky Marsh Run, Rollins
(Bemis), Shavers Fork
(lower section), Shavers
Fork (upper section), South
Branch (catch & release),
South Branch (Franklin),
South Branch (Smoke
Hole), South Fork of Cranberry, South Fork Potts
Creek, South Mill Creek
Lake, Spruce Knob Lake,
Tailwaters, Sugar Creek,
Summit Lake, Sutton
Lake, Wayne Dam, West
Fork Greenbrier, West Fork
Twelvepole, Williams River
and Wolf Creek.
Paid for by the Candidate
Dairy &
Easter Lilies
5-7 Blooms
6 Inch Pot
Stouffer’s or Lean
Cuisine Dinners
Assorted Varieties
6-21 oz
Tropicana Orange
or Grapefruit Juice
Select Varieties
6 pk-64 oz
Private Se
Spiral Sl lection
Brown Su iced Ham
gar or Hon
$ 99
$ 99
Cookie Dough
Cumberland Gap
Whole Semi
Boneless Ham
Assorted Varieties
16.5-18 oz
Butter Quarters
Select Varieties
1 lb Country Club Butter
Shredded Cheese
Canned Vegetables
Select Varieties
6-8 oz Kroger Bar Cheese
Select Varieties
4-6 oz
what you believe and in
your own position and
what you believe and in
your own position and
identity, and be proud to
state your case under
your own name.
But what candidates
in particular must remember is that when
they choose to respond to
a blog, they immediately
endow the blog author
with credibility that
might otherwise not exist. To most readers, the
fact that a statement or
opinion has elicited a
quick or angry response
from a candidate indicates that there might in
fact be some truth or
substance to the allegation.
Further, a response
from a candidate will almost certainly bring about
another response from the
blogger, and on and on it
goes. Suddenly, a statement or claim that might
otherwise have vanished
as quickly as it appeared
takes on a life of its own
because the candidate
chose to engage.
There are times when
responding to a statement
made by a blogger is unavoidable, particularly
when the issue is picked
up and reported by the
mainstream media. But
generally, the best response to about 90 percent of what appears
online is no response at
Betty Ireland is West
Virginia Secretary of State.
Tailwaters, Tilhance Creek,
Tracy Lake, Trout Run,
Tuscarora Creek, Waites
Run, Warden Lake, Watoga
or call 1-866-656-9790.
Hospice Care is our region’s
“Helping Hands and Caring
Select Varieties 14.5-15.25 oz
Easter Savings!
Hershey’s, M&M’s or
Nestle Easter Candy
Assorted Varieties
11-14 oz
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Buy Any 4
12 pk 12 oz
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Two-2 Liter Bottles
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Assorted Varieties 27-46 oz
BUY 1, GET 1
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The Traditional Private
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Items & prices good in Gassaway
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We reserve the right to limit
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Visit our website at
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Prime Rib
Ready to Heat & Serve
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Page 12 March 18, 2008
Final weekend for
Rumors at Landmark
On Sale March 10th
new scratch-off games
Lucky Numbers
Win up to $10,000
Win up to $10,000
Nifty 9s
Win up to $999
Spotlighting Winners of
Winners of more than $600
claimed during March 2007.
Braxton County, WV
MORE THAN $10.1 MILLION in all games and prize amounts claimed in March 2007.
The zany Neil Simon the Landmark Studio for and 22 nd. The shows will
c o m e d y , R u m o r s , w i l l the Arts in Sutton this begin at 8:00 p.m. Tickhave its final showing at next weekend, March 21 st ets may be purchased at
the door or you may reserve your seats by calling 765-3766 or 7653462. Ticket prices are
$8.00 for Adults, $6.00
for Seniors, and $4.00
for Students.
The play deals with
a dinner party hosted by
Charlie and Myra Brock.
But, as the guests arrive,
Charlie is upstairs with
a gunshot through his
ear lobe, and Myra is nowhere to be seen. And so
the rumors begin!
Cast members in#
clude Kathy Walker,
Rocky Gettle, Lydia
Mong, Greg Mach, Troy
Bowgren, Tommye Geil,
Lex deGruyl, Vanessa
Roach, Camma Dushaine
'$+++"" %
and Adam Tanner.
The play is directed by
*$+# +"%& $%
Jim Walker.
Arrangements can be
# #$$
made with Café Cimino for
a special theatre/bed and
breakfast special package.
Call 765-2913 for details.
Special advertisers/
sponsors for Rumors include Go-Mart, BOSS 97
Chevrolet, City National
Bank, Jim Kokel and
Tommye Geil.
Winners of more than $600 claimed during January 2008.
MORE THAN $10.3 MILLION in all games and prize amounts claimed in January 2008.
Doris Atkinson
Tari Blanchard
Bridgeport, Ohio
7 11 21
Barbara Allen, Princeton, WV $2,100
Gary Allender, Gap Mills, WV $2,100
Josh Brannon, Clarksburg, WV $2,100
Tanisha Glover, Clarksburg, WV $2,100
Brian L. Goddard, New Martinsville, WV $2,100
Channing L. Ritch, Jane Lew, WV $2,100
Mark K. Woosley, Rock View, WV $2,100
Big Money
Doris C. Atkinson, Huntington, WV $1,000
Francis Juszczak, Chester, WV $1,000
Thomas McDonie, Culloden, WV $1,000
Ashley B. Messenger, Jane Lew, WV $1,000
Thomas A. Robinson, Morgantown, WV $50,000
Black Jack
Robin L. Fox, Morgantown, WV $2,100
Mary Knicely, Elizabeth, WV $2,100
Block Bingo
Delores A. Belcher, Liberty, WV $700
Bob A. Bradshaw, Wayne, WV $1,000
Dawn M. Crose, Ashford, WV $700
Ralph Grey, Dailey, WV $700
Janelle Hafner, Shepherdstown, WV $1,000
Dennis C. Harrison, Kingwood, WV $700
Carolyn R. Jones, Clarksburg, WV $1,000
James Kirk, Lerona, WV $1,000
Betty J. Marching, Farmington, WV $700
Betty W. Moore, Romney, WV $1,000
Kimberly M. Osborne, Morgantown, WV $5,000
Billy A. Preast, Gauley Bridge, WV $700
Ronald Robertson, Fort Gay, WV $5,000
Cash Encounters
Richard M. Flinn, Weirton, WV $13,000
Judith A. Morgan, Fairmont, WV $13,000
Teddy L. Parker, Bluefield, WV $13,000
Charles K. Woodard, Letart, WV $13,000
Cash on a Stick
Gary L. Funk, II, Baker, WV $8,000
Cash on the Spot
6 $120 Winners
Cozy Cash
Robert E. Brown, III, Charles Town, WV $3,000
Larry L. Cunningham, Duck, WV $3,000
James Faust, Helen, WV $3,000
Rosemary M. Finkley, Beckley, WV $3,000
Mallory Grogg, Mullens, WV $3,000
Mark D. Phillips, Lerona, WV $3,000
Corey M. Porter, Washington, WV $3,000
Danny L. Sprouse, S. Charleston, WV $3,000
Double Shot
Shelia R. Bonie, Pennsboro, WV $2,222
Patty Jones, Charmco, WV $2,222
Double Whammy
8 $200 Winners
Enchanted Cash
Tara L. Dawson, Charleston, WV $25,000
230 $500 Winners
Jack Browning, Charleston, WV $200,000
Clovis D. Casto, Jr., Milton, WV $40,000
Richard J. Chica, Maysville, WV $600,000
Aaron M. Lawson, Jr., Charleston, WV $10,000
Mellie B. Redden, Beaver, WV $10,000
Kenneth E. Riffle, Jr., Morgantown, WV $10,000
Robert L. Sperow, Martinsburg, WV $10,000
Norma V. Wilson, Huntington, WV $10,000
Cynthia A. Allen, Lester, WV $2,600
Ted Anderson, Beckley, WV $2,600
Joycelina N. Baker, Kimball, WV $2,600
Reginia Barner, Crumpler, WV $2,600
Tari Blanchard, Bridgeport, WV $2,500
Lemenzo Brooks, Jr., Charleston, WV $2,600
Veram Brooks, Iaeger, WV $2,600
Pearlie R. Cook, Saint Albans, WV $2,500
Steven T. Cook, Huntington, WV $2,600
Helen I. Cordray, Newell, WV $5,000
Anna M. Davis, Dunbar, WV $2,600
James E. DeGarmo, Wellsburg, WV $2,600
Linsey DeGarmo, Benwood, WV $5,000
Mario DiCarlo, Steubenville, OH $800
Dolores D. Dumas, Saint Albans, WV $7,600
Larry J. English, Beckley, WV $2,600
Donald C. Foltz, Jr., New Cumberland, WV $2,600
Dawn G. French, Martinsburg, WV $2,600
Carl E. Gainer, Jr., Richwood, WV $2,600
David Gentry, Beckley, WV $2,600
Gregg W. Gies, Charleston, WV $800
Carolyn M. Glover, Charleston, WV $2,600
Kimberli J. Gobel, Parkersburg, WV $2,500
John Goodwin, Weston, WV $26,000
Barbara Holcomb
Strange Creek
Larry Hughes
instant games
Christopher R. Freeman, Meadowbrook, WV $25,000
Foy T. Miller, Jr., Madison, WV $25,000
Dennie L. Rhodes, S. Charleston, WV $1,000
Robert Sperow
Robert Stevens
Money Ben
1 $100 Winner
Pharaohs Gold
Juanita E. Burnopp, Bluefield, WV $10,000
Extreme 8s
Mavis S. Browning, Beaver, WV $1,000
Christopher P. Flanagan, Wilkinson, WV $1,000
Travis L. Honaker, Sophia, WV $1,000
Lorna Westfall, Bickmore, WV $1,000
Record Numbers
Vernon Stone, Thornton, WV $2,000
Roll with the Change
Christina R. Jenkins, Clarksburg, WV $2,000
Jason W. Strawder, Junior, WV $2,000
Gem 7s
Angel D. Closson, Fairmont, WV $777
William B. Dunlap, Jr., Tornado, WV $7,000
Timothy Ferguson, Clarksburg, WV $777
Robert Martin, Jr., Arnett, WV $777
Amanda L. Matheny, Granville, WV $7,000
Scratch Keno
Brenda Bailey, S. Charleston, WV $2,000
Charles Barton, Horner, WV $1,000
Joseph A. Clark, Moundsville, WV $1,000
Bertha Hickman, Wheeling, WV $15,000
Shelly S. Hough, Harpers Ferry, WV $1,000
Lori Johnson, Gauley Bridge, WV $15,000
Cynthia R. Lanham, Richwood, WV $1,000
Joe R. Lewis, Parkersburg, WV $1,000
Blanche Mullins, French Creek, WV $1,000
Roy R. Phillips, Richwood, WV $1,000
Barbara Reckner, Gerrardstown, WV $1,000
Dennie R. Smith, Dunbar, WV $1,000
Pamela S. Tomblin, Masontown, WV $1,000
Shirl Whisman, Huntington, WV $1,000
Frankie E. Workman, Minden, WV $1,000
Great 8s
John W. Crihfield, Gandeeville, WV $888
Jerry W. Hawkins, Jr., Hamlin, WV $888
Happy Holidays
Terry L. Clauze, Arthur, WV $1,200
Kathy A. Dotson, Culloden, WV $1,200
Barbara J. Garten, Mabscott, WV $1,200
Sarah Goodrich, Smithfield, WV $1,200
Lee Looman, Fairmont, WV $1,200
Margaret Maugans, Mechanicsburg, PA $1,200
Sara L. Moulds-Ridenour, Saint Thomas, PA $1,200
Harvest Moon
Arnold J. Black, Huntington, WV $1,000
Benjamin F. Painter, Charles Town, WV $1,000
Debra Slater, Charleston, WV $1,000
Scream for Cash
John Myers, Sinks Grove, WV $13,000
Silver 6s
Annie L. Clouser, Lumberport, WV $1,200
James E. Lively, Justice, WV $1,200
Christy R. Simmons, Huntington, WV $1,200
Holiday Will Bullas
Patricia Horner, Mingo Junction, OH $12,000
James F. Kenney, Hico, WV $12,000
TV Guide Crossword
Ellen L. Beeghly, Tunnelton, WV $7,000
Chris Blankenship, Pineville, WV $700
Shirley A. Carpenter, Mannington, WV $7,000
Leonadus Chaney, Fairmont, WV $700
Wanda S. Flint, Flatwoods, WV $700
Nicky Jones, Charleston, WV $700
Sharon K. Mills, Herndon, WV $700
Jamie D. Smith, Pennsboro, WV $700
Conrad Stratton, Barboursville, WV $700
Jack Frost
Allen C. Croom, Virginia Beach, VA $2,000
Barbara A. Holcomb, Strange Creek, WV $2,000
Patricia A. Kessler, Rupert, WV $2,000
Jimmy R. McReynolds, War, WV $2,000
Clemeth O. Miller, Buckhannon, WV $2,000
Larry D. Page, Charleston, WV $2,000
Lorena M. Phillips, Charleston, WV $2,000
Vicki Smith, Belle, WV $2,000
Susan E. Stinogel, Martinsburg, WV $50,000
Veterans Cash
Danny L. Carpenter, Jacobsburg, OH $2,000
Heather R. Cottrell, Henderson, WV $2,000
Deborah L. Howard, Fairmont, WV $2,000
David Jackson, Inwood, WV $2,000
Paul D. Perdue, Jr., Verdunville, WV $2,000
Pamela A. Radabaugh, Clarksburg, WV $2,000
Kenny B. Riley, Jr., Bluefield, WV $2,000
Latte Cash
Tracy H. Mann, Coal City, WV $3,000
Richard Piccalo, Fairmont, WV $3,000
Lemon Twist
Ezra V. Bales, Bluefield, WV $6,000
Mine Mine Mine
Eva V. Collins, Ripley, WV $10,000
Pamela S. Dixon, Cedar Grove, WV $10,000
Melissa Estrada, Harpers Ferry, WV $10,000
John H. Ghiz, Danville, WV $10,000
Rubert Swiger, Lumberport, WV $10,000
Janet L. Webb, Charleston, WV $10,000
Wild Doubler
John E. Bassett, Middlebourne, WV $4,000
Ricky J. Davis, Oak Hill, WV $4,000
Nancy A. Dotson, Alma, WV $4,000
Robert A. Snyder, Dunbar, WV $4,000
Rachel Wrick, Dilliner, PA $4,000
online games
James B. Badgett, II, Parkersburg, WV $1,200
Ronald Bosley, Clarksburg, WV $3,000
Brian Bryant, White Oak, WV $1,200
Roy E. Collins, Buckhannon, WV $4,000
Beverly J. Davis, Follansbee, WV $4,800
Robert J. Gant, Parkersburg, WV $1,600
Joe Graham, Ranson, WV $800
Brian M. Hawkey, New Cumberland, WV $800
Timothy C. Hightower, West Hamlin, WV $1,200
Jeanne M. Huffman, S. Charleston, WV $800
Michael D. Kloeppner, Wheeling, WV $1,500
Roger E. Mason, Clarksburg, WV $800
Bernard M. Monnat, Charleston, WV $1,500
Matthew R. O’Kelley, Wheeling, WV $2,400
Stephen B. Osbourn, Martinsburg, WV $1,500
Mary L. Pancoast, Pursglove, WV $1,500
Brooks M. Smith, Morgantown, WV $2,000
John G. Walters, Charles Town, WV $1,200
Danny L. Canterbury, Hurricane, WV $25,000
Gerald B. Pruden, Newell, WV $25,000
Audie M. Ramey, Salt Rock, WV $25,000
Larry K. Utt, Wellsburg, WV $10,000
Basil I. Gray, Chesapeake, WV $7,600
Robert S. Green, Charleston, WV $2,600
Robert Haas, Charleston, WV $5,200
John Hankins, London, WV $2,700
Dennis Hawks, Beckley, WV $5,000
Bernard L. Haynes, S. Charleston, WV $2,600
Carolyn A. Hornick, Idamay, WV $3,200
Larry Hughes, Kimball, WV $52,600
Frances M. Hurtte, Beckley, WV $2,600
Richard R. Irwin, Weirton, WV $2,600
Vicki A. Johnson, Verdunville, WV $2,500
Jack Jones, Jr., Ellenboro, WV $2,600
Janice Jones, Elizabeth, WV $10,000
Christine Karantonis, Charleston, WV $5,000
Susan J. Keeper, N. Cumberland, WV $5,000
Kala I. Keller, Marietta, OH $5,000
Jessie S. Lawson, Beckley, WV $2,600
Nora L. Lester, Flat Top, WV $2,600
Francis M. Litz, Fairmont, WV $2,500
Amber Martin, Dunbar, WV $5,000
James Mason, Charleston, WV $7,600
Donald Melchek, Falling Waters, WV $2,500
Dwight E. Miller, Kyle, WV $2,500
James Minor, Beckley, WV $2,600
Nancy J. Morgan, Clarksburg, WV $2,600
Mary C. Morrison, Fairmont, WV $2,500
Kathryn Mumbauer, Glenville, WV $2,600
Connie L. Perry, Prichard, WV $3,100
Gary M. Piccalo, Fairmont, WV $5,000
Elaine S. Priest, Fairmont, WV $7,700
Joseph Retton, Fairmont, WV $2,600
Lincoln K. Rutledge, Bluefield, WV $15,200
Frank Scarcelli, Clarksburg, WV $2,600
Michael Scholl, Saint Albans, WV $2,500
Jon D. Smith, Fairmont, WV $5,000
Ortha Smith, Jr., Harper, WV $2,600
Robert R. Stevens, Bluefield, WV $20,200
James F. Stouffer, New Cumberland, WV $7,800
Bruce D. Terry, Chesapeake, OH $2,600
Arlene F. Treadway, Beckley, WV $7,600
Charles W. Twyman, Ranson, WV $2,600
Larry K. Utt, Wellsburg, WV $2,700
Sharon Utt, Wellsburg, WV $2,700
Thelma L. Vann, Reedy, WV $2,500
Darrell L. Ward, Bluefield, WV $2,600
Dale H. Watson, Charleston, WV $2,500
Robert N. Woods, Bluefield, WV $7,600
James Workman, Charleston, WV $2,600
Find out at www.wvlottery.com
West Virginia Lottery Information: 1 800 WVA CASH
Please play responsibly.
Paid for by the Candidate
Bradley and Jennifer
Jackson of Sutton would
like to announce the birth
of their daughter.
Taylor Ann Alizabeth
Jackson was the given
name of their baby girl. She
was born on March 10,
2008 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Buckhannon.
Clark’s Town Hill
ed Apartments
Accepting Applications
Some Rental Assistance Available
Central Heat & Air
Washer & Dryer in each unit
Long Established Neighborhood
On-site Mgmt./Maintainance
Harold Clark,
Resident Manager
There are millions of successful people who aren’t succeeding
on diets. Because diets promise to change your life, then
leave you on your own to do it. Weight Watchers® isn’t a diet.
Meetings provide motivation and information that keep you
on the road to success. In fact, people who go lose three
times more weight than those who go it alone!1
Purchase a 12-Week Commitment Plan,
and we won’t charge you a Registration Fee!
Otherwise, pay $30 to join - no gift. Bummer.
Stop Dieting. Start Living.
Registration offer valid 03/09/08 through 03/22/08. ®2008 Weight Watchers International, Inc., owner of the
WEIGHT WATCHERS trademark. All rights reserved. 1 Journal of the American Medical Association 2003
289(14) 1792 Heshka S et al.
Page 13, Braxton Citizens’ News, March 18, 2008
Sealed Proposals will be received
by the West Virginia Department
of Transportation, Division of
Highways at its office in Building
Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha
Blvd. East, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305-0430 until 10 a.m.
April 08, 2008 and said proposals will be publicly opened and
read immediately thereafter for
the construction of the following
Contract State Project
Federal Project Description
S387-0REC/AL-008.00 00 S T P
2008 021 D00
Pavement Markings D-7 Recal
Striping/Pavement Markings
(Paint) 08 Various County: Lewis,
Barbour, Braxton, other
Proposals will be received from
prequailified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except
that on Federal-Aid Projects a
contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be
required before all work can begin. Registration is required with
the Department of Administration,
Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3,
Section 12 of the West Virginia
Code. All contractors submitting
bids on the project must include
one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond,
Cashier’s Check or Certified
Check for $500.00 or 5% of total
bid, whichever is greater.
*These are projects on which any
contractor with a Category W
Prequalification Rating may be
eligible to bid.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways reserved the right to defer,
delay or postpone the date for
receiving and publicly opening
proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing
such advertisement. All bidders
holding valid bidding proposals
will be notified of such deferment,
delay or postponement and the
date that proposals will be received and publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders
that it will affirmatively insure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will
be afforded full opportunity to
submit bids in response to this
invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of
race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for
an award.
West Virginia Department of
Division of Highways
Robert L. Pennington, P.E.
Director of Program Planning and
To Larry W. Dean, C a r o l y n F .
Dean, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
Carla Coffman
Insurance Agent
Life & Health
Medicare and Rx
401 K Rollovers
You will take notice that Leland
Rhodes the purchaser of the Tax
Lien(s) on the following real estate, That certain tract of land,
assessed as 0.66acres, situate
on Brady Fork, Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia
Which was returned Delinquent
in the name of Dean, Larry W. &/
or Carolyn F. and for which the
tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the sheriff of Braxton County at
the sale for delinquent taxes
made on the 16th day of November, 2006, has requested that you
be notified that a deed for such a
real estate will be made to him on
or after the last day March 31,
2008, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount you will
have to pay to redeem on the last
day, March 31, 2007 will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, $83.67
with interest to March 31, 2008.
Amount of subsequent years
taxes paid on the property, since
the sale, $1.92
with interest to March 31, 2008.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
Served, and for preparation and
service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2007 to March 31,
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: $0.00
Recording Taxes paid after the
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand and Eight by paying the
above total less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 11th day
of March, 2008.
John David Jordan
Clerk of the county Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that Shawn
Lake and Tonya Elizabeth Lake,
will petition the Circuit Court of
Braxton County, West Virginia, in
the Courthouse at Sutton, West
Virginia, at 9:00 o’clock A.M. on
the 28 th day of April 2008, asking
permission for the adoption of
LMW and KAW.
Any person who is likely injured
by the adoption or knows why the
adoption should not take place
may appear at the time and place
named in this notice and be heard
in opposition to the adoption.
Braxton Health
Associates, Inc.
Dated this the 18 th day of February, 2008.
Kevin Shawn Lake and Tonya
Elizabeth Lake
By counsel
Donald K. Bischoff
WV State Bar ID #347
Counsel for Petitioners
517 Main Street
Summersville, WV 26651
Phone: (304) 872-4085
(304) 872-1043
Sugar Creek Public Service Distinct
Case No. 07-1984-PWD-19A
On October 16, 2006, the Sugar
Creek Public Service District
filed a Rule 19-A application to
increase its water rates and
charges by 17%, pursuant to the
Commission’s Rules for Construction and Filing of Tariffs.
Commission Staff has reviewed
the application and has recommended approval of an across
the board increase of 14.5% and
an increase in the tap fee from
$250 to $300.
A public hearing has been scheduled in this matter on April 9,
2008, in the Gassaway Community Building, 416 Elk Street,
Gassaway, West Virginia, at
11:00 a.m.
Anyone wishing to protest this application must appear in person
at the hearing to be held on April
9, 2008 to voice their protest.
Per Month
Present Rates
Proposed Rates
Staff-Recommended Rates
Per 1,000 Gallons
3,000 gallons
$10.88 $10.65
3,000 gallons
$10.54 $10.32
4,000 gallons
$10.04 $9.82
40,000 gallons
50,000 gallons
Next 100,000 gallons
Minimum Charge
Present Rates
Proposed Rates
Staff-Recommended Rates
5/8 inch $27.90 $32.64
1 inch
$69.79 $48.96
1 ¼ inch $101.87 $81.60
1 ½ inch $139.50 $163.20
2 inch
$223.21 $261.12
3 inch
$418.51 $489.60
4 inch
$697.52 $816.00
Tap Fee
A tap fee of $300 is to be charged
to all customers who apply for
service outside of a certificate
proceeding before the Commission for each new tap to the system.
Returned Check Charge
A service charge equal to the
actual bank fee assessed to the
District at a maximum of $25 will
be imposed upon any customer
whose check for payment of
charges is returned by their bank
due to insufficient funds.
The final rates approved by the
Commission will be the same as,
greater than or less than the
rates hereby published.
Sugar Creek Public Service District
Sealed Proposals will be received
by the West Virginia Department
of Transportation, Division of
Highways at its office in Building
Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha
Blvd. East, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305-0430 until 10 a.m.
April 8, 2008 and said proposals
will be publicly opened and read
immediately thereafter for the
construction of the following
Contract State Project
Federal Project Description
0514572 S304-0079/00067.66 00
00IM 0792 140
R e surfacing Flatwoods-Burnsville
Road 0.64 Mile N US 19 O/P2.34 MI N of Flatwoods County:
DBE Goal: 2% of Contract Bid
Amount. Bidder must provide written assurance of meeting goal on
form in proposal.
Proposals will be received from
prequailified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except
that on Federal-Aid Projects a
contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be
required before all work can begin. Registration is required with
the Department of Administration,
Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3,
Section 12 of the West Virginia
Code. All contractors submitting
bids on the project must include
one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond,
Cashier’s Check or Certified
Check for $500.00 or 5% of total
bid, whichever is greater.
These are projects on which any
contractor with a Category W
Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways
reserved the right to defer, delay or
postpone the date for receiving and
publicly opening proposals for any
project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals
will be notified of such deferment,
delay or postponement and the
date that proposals will be received and publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders
that it will affirmatively insure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will
be afforded full opportunity to
submit bids in response to this
invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of
race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for
an award.
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Division of Highways
Robert L. Pennington, P.E.
Director of Program Planning and
The Elk Conservation District, covering Braxton, Clay, Nicholas and
Webster Counties, is requesting
Expression of Interest (EOI) for engineering services as needed for a
period of 1 year.
Additional information about the potential project may be obtained from
the Conservation District contact.
The Elk Conservation District reserves the right to reject any and all
Conservation District Contacts:
Gene Saurborn, Watershed Management Director,
Watershed Division
Phone: (304) 285-3118
(304) 285-3128
Jennifer Skaggs, Watershed Manager,
Watershed Division
Phone: (304) 469-6415
(304) 469-4395
Proposal Requirements:
1.EOI may be withdrawn only by
submitting a letter of withdrawal to
the Conservation District contact.
2.Include federal employee identification number (FEIN).
3.Include demonstration of firm’s
ability to accomplish required services for work described.
4.Include vendor identification # and
copy of any other licenses required
by state of WV.
5.Submit an original and 1 copy of
EOI to:
Elk Conservation District
801 State Street
Gassaway, WV 26624
Work Description:
1.Channel restoration
2.Debris removal
3.Agricultural practices
4.Geotechnical analysis
5.Hazardous material disposal
6.Right of Entry to private property
7.Site reclamation
8.Stream bank stabilization
9.Utility relocation
Services Required: (Including & not
limited to)
1.Cost estimates
3.Site Drawings
Key Dates
Closing date for EOI: March 30,
2008 at 12:00 noon.
Please send your packets to:
Elk Conservation District
801 State Street
Gassaway, WV 26624
Everything’s easier with people you know
617 River Street, Gassaway, WV
Charity Woods,
Wm. Doug Given,
Bethany Ratliff,
Family Practice
Caring for all ages.
Walk-ins Welcome
(For established patients only, as time permits)
We offer Well Women exams, Pediatric
care, Internal Medicine, Preventive
Medicine, Minor Surgery and Holter
Community People You Know
It’s easier to get things done with people you know.
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to Noon
For Appointments Call: (304) 364-8941
Page 14 March 18, 2008
Braxton County, WV
From The
First & Factually
Queen mattress set, new in
plastic, 304-541-8120.
INC. Driveway ditching and
BUSINESS grading, clean creeks and
ditches. Grad-all
S E R V I C E S drainage
services. Will haul gravel
BARKER CONSTRUCT- and dirt. Free estimates.
ION General Building Call 765-5576. No job too
Contractor. New construct- small.
ion; homes, garages,
porches, decks. Re- APPLIANCE REPAIR: We
modeling; siding, roofing, service all major appliconcrete. Dozer, backhoe, ances. Same day service.
Reasonable rates. New and
excavator and dump truck
used parts. Call 644-8783
services. Licensed and or 364-8783.
insured. Call for Free
Estimates 765-7519 or 552- BLACKTOP
1203. WV011566.
Driveways, Parking lots and
4-18TF much more. Free Estimates.
All work guaranteed. LiCRITTERS ENTERPRISE: censed and years of expeCertified Class I & II Septic rience. Senior, Veteran,
Installations, Repairs and and military discounts.
Inspections. Providing 304-613-5288.
dozer, Backhoe and now
dump truck services. Eddie A-1 ASPHALT BLACKFacemire. WV #033553 TOP PAVING. Pave and reCall 364-2257.
3-25 pair driveways. Also
sealcoat driveways. All
SHERRY JO’S NAIL work guaranteed. Free esSALON Total nail care timates. Over 30 years exprovided by an experienced perience. Meet or beat
award winning Manicurist competitors price. 7654-8
doing business since 1985. 3555 or 472-2699.
Call Sherry Jo’s for your
appointment 364-5441.
Mention this ad and receive
a hot paraffin wax
FOR SALE: Full mattress
set, never used, still in plastic, $135 304-541-8120.
FOR SALE: Mattress, 3 pc
king set, Brand New in plastic, warranty, $325 304541-8120.
FOR SALE: Bed Set, Solid
Wood Cherry Sleigh Bed
with 2pc mattress set. New
in box, sacrifice $375 304541-8120.
FOR SALE: Tempurpedic
style NASA Memory Foam
mattress set, new in plastic
with warrenty. List $1500,
sacrifice $450. 304-5418120.
FOR SALE: Sunquest Tanning Bed, 7ft, 26 bulbs, 20
minute timer. Very clean
and well taken care of.
$1,300.00. Call 765-3601.
FOR SALE: 6-22 Ft Steel
Beams all for $400. 100
plus time cut stone $700.
Call 765-5839.
FOR SALE: Sofa/Love
Seat-Microfiber, new, still in
box. Sacrifice, $599. 304541-8120.
CENTRAL CONTRACTING:Complete residential
service. Roofing siding,
plumbing, building and
remodeling. Insured. WV
#029277. Call 765-7597.
General Building, residential,
roofing, siding, painting,
remodeling, and decks.
Licensed and insured. 15
years experience. Visa &
Mastercard accepted. 304364-5736. Owner Dallas
McCumbers. WV029016.
SERVICE: Dependable,
references, reasonable
rates. Call for more information. I do windows! 3645218.
FOR SALE: 2002 Harley
Davidson Dyna Super
Glide. Only 11,000 miles,
excellent condition. Detachable windshield, engine guard, saddle bags
& more. Selling to buy
bigger bike. Only $9,500
Firm. Call 765-5193
days, 765-7517 evenings.
FOR SALE: Recliner. Comfortable Microfiber. New in
box. Retail $799, Sell for
$475. 304-541-8120.
bedroom, kitchen, living
room, dining room near
puter. $350. Call 286-2813. pleted in June 2007. Visit school. Call 765-0171.
4-18 www.vrbo.com/138764 for $350 rent plus security/
more information or call for rererences.
FOR SALE: Bed, dresser, availability, 704-543-8434.
1-29 TF
chest of drawers, office desk
and chair; table and chairs,
buffet and china cabinet. FOR RENT: Three BedDishes. Call 364-5520. room, one bath older reESTATE
Items are located at 109N modeled home with yard in
Elk St. in Gassaway. 3-18 Burnsville. Close to I-79.
$425 per month plus de- FOR SALE: Unfinished
FOR SALE: John Deere posit and references. Abso- dome building on 2 acres.
Gator, 850 D Diesel. 6 lutely no pets. Call 853- $21,000.
3-18 Newville. 363-8880. 3-18
months old, like new. Paid 2859.
$10,500, asking $9,500.
3-18 FOR RENT: Office retail or FOR SALE: 1992 Clayton on
warehouse space for rent or .352 of an acres on Rt. 4 just
FOR SALE: Rainbow sale in Sutton. From 170- below Gassaway. 3 Bedsweeper, $500 Complete 12,000 square feet. Starting room, 2 full bath, large living
Factory recondition. Oval at $3.00/per Sq. Ft. We will room with Cathedral ceiling
Oak Table with 6 chairs. Ti- build to suit your needs. Call and fireplace. Dining room,
ger claw legs. $400. Seri- 678-4400 for more informa- kitchen with area for table and
ous calls only. 765-2336.
chairs, refrigerator, stove,
dishwasher, laundry room, 2
MEETING SPACE FOR porches, sun room, detached
ESTATE SALE: at the home RENT:
Sutton 1 car garage with work
of the late Howard and Volunteer Fire Department bench, black top driveway, 2
Macel Given, 11 Main St., has a large meeting room outbuildings, city water and
Flatwoods WV. The first available for rent. Ideal for sewer. Please call after 6pm
house on the left on the road B i r t h d a y / C h r i s t m a s / and before 9pm or leave
Flatwoods Wedding parties, meetings, message at 364-5295. 3-19
School. multi-day training sessions
Household items, hoosier and more. Ground level on FOR SALE: Lot and acreage
cabinet, tiller, lawn mower, Main Street, Sutton. Formerly in 604 N. 6th St.. 304-7654-1
craftsman riding mower, the location of Fisher Auto 7829.
womans clothing, china Parts across from the
cabinet and many other Courthouse. Call 765-5193 BUSINESS FOR SALE:
items to numerous to for rates, information and Braxton Coin Laundry Mat in
Sutton, WV containing 19
mention. Doors will open at scheduling.
11-21TF washers, 10 dryers and two
8:30 a.m. and close at 4:30
apartments upstairs. For an
p.m. Saturday, March 29, FOR RENT: Mobile home
appointment, call 765-5065
3-25 lots near interstate, senior after 9 pm.
citizens welcome. Call 304853-9103.
FOR SALE: Bedroom Set5 Pc, New in Boxes, Sacrifice $599. 304-541-8120.
FOR RENT: Garage for rent
Flatwoods. Call 765-7797 or
FOR RENT: Bi-level home,
2 bedroom, 2 bath, Laundry room, Living Room,
Family Room, Back Upper
FOR SALE: Country Pine 7 Deck, Lowing Sliding Glass
PC. Bedroom Set-Solid door onto a concrete patio
Wood, 4 Poster Bed, New sits on 2 wooded acres.
in Boxes, Retail $2999, Call 765-2007 (pm) or 6443-18
Must Move $1499. 304- 9030.
FOR RENT: West Virginia
FOR SALE: New in plas- couple have two beach
t i c , 5 v i n y l w i n d o w s houses for rent in Myrtle
FOR SALE: Mattress set. 41”X57 ¼” Double pane Beach, SC located at
Queen Pillowtop, new, in tilt in for easy cleaning. Ocean Lakes Family Campplastic, warranty. $155 $100 dollars each . Call ground. Both have 5 bed304-541-8120.
3-25TF 364-3057.
3-25 rooms and 3 baths. Weekly
rent is $2000 per house.
FOR SALE: Bed $145-2pc. FOR SALE: Gateway Com- Both homes were com-
FOR RENT: Unfurnished
apartment, 501 River Street,
Gassaway. $375 a month
plus utilities. $400 Security
Deposit. No pets/ 364-5873
or 330-699-4315.
FOR RENT: One and two
bedroom apartments starting at $275. Two and three
bedroom homes starting at
$375. One months rent required for security deposit.
Utilities not included. Absolutely no pets. Application required. Applications
may be picked up at
Lloyd’s Inc. 2220 Sutton
Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County
Funeral Home
Steven Jeffers, director
600 Riverview Drive
Sutton, West Virginia
Exit 62 Off I-79
Right 1/2 Mile
1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132
B & C Electric,
Elk River
Let Our Deli Cater
your next party!!!
Licensed - Insured
Residential • Commercial
Jarell Crist
Lumber Co., Inc.
Water Wells
well pumps. Five
generations ofSerivce
& Angie
Chapel Road
WV 26624
Local Contractor
FREE Estimates
New Construction,
Remodeling & More
765-7519 or
Braxton County's Only
Commercial Printer
our P
rinting Needs
Business Cards T
o Books - Call
Hospitalization - Auto - Fire Life Farm - Liability
Loran & Kevin Kniceley
189 Main St., Sutton
WV 011566
Heaters, WV
& 12”
& G Paneling
A Full Service Hardware for ALL
your jobs:Plumbing,Electrical,
Heating,Small Engine,Lawn &
State of the Art Technology
One Hour
Photo Processing
Film, digital, enlargements
Walker's Drug
Elk Street, Gassaway
FOR RENT: Two bedroom
house, bath, kitchen, dining
room. $350 per month plus
$350 deposit. No pets. Call
Boats • Motors • Trailers
Honda • Suzuki •Yamaha
Route 19 - Sutton, WV
765-7325 &
FOR SALE: Special FHA financing program for land
owners. 0 down if you own
land or can use family land.
We own the bank, your approved. Call Today 8725004.
FOR SALE: No Money
Down Program if you own
land. 304-472-8900, Home
Show-Buckhannon. 3-25
FOR SALE: Pre Owned
Homes for Sale. 304-4728900.
FOR SALE: 4 Bedroom
Clayton Home, Delivered
and Set-$57,900. Home
Show-Buckhannon, between
Buckhannon on Rt. 33,
(304) 472-8900. Also 3
Bedroom Delivered and Set
for around $44 sq. ft. Open
7 days a week.
Jobs. $17.89-$28.27 per
hour. Now Hiring. For application and free government job info, call American
Assoc. of Labor. 1-913599-8226, 24 hours. Emp
HELP WANTED: Manufactured Home Salesperson needed. 401K,
Heath Benefits, and great
income. Top 25% of the
companies salespeople
make over $75,000 a
year. Fax resume to 304872-5034 or Call Terry at
Driver with CDL 2 years
experience to haul lumber flat bed. Local work,
good pay-benefits. EOE
Call 304-453-6381.
LPN Needed. Pediatric
Home Care Masontown
& Fairmont, WV Long
Term Care Morgantown,
WV RN’s Needed 13
week assignments ERElkins & Kingwood M/S
C.N.A.’s needed Long
Term Care Morgantown,
Fairmont, Clarksburg
and Flatwoods Call US
Nursing Network 1-866644-4484 Apply online
Weston offering new & used
sectionals starting as low as
$39,900 set & delivered. Are
you ready to deal? Stop by HELP WANTED: Are you a
or call today! 1-800-874- senior looking for part time
2-13TF or full time work in Braxton
County? If so, come see
FOR SALE: The #1 Dealer Shirley to find out the types
in America. Call for your spe- of jobs she can develop for
cial financing today. $0 down you at various locations in
options available. Call today! Braxton County. She will be
9-5TF at DHHR in Flatwoods from
9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.
FOR SALE: Why pay rent and at the Braxton County
when you can own with $0 Senior Center near Sutton
down? We own the bank, from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00
many financing options noon on Thursday, March
available. Call today! 872- 27 to take your application
9-5TF for the Senior Employment
Programs. You must be 55
FOR SALE: Attention years of age or older and
homebuyers! No matter on a limited income to
what your credit is, we may qualify for this program.
have a way to get your ap- EOE.
proved for a new home. We
can even take your applica- HELP WANTED: Braxton
tion over the phone. 304- Community Coalition Coor472-8900, Home ShowBuckhannon.
FOUND: White male Siberian Husky. One blue eye, one
brown eye. Found in Servia Area. Call 364-5404.
MISSING: Young male beagle (black, tan and white). Has
leather collar Last seen on Bonnie Rd. Exchange. Name
is Mike. 765-2368.
MISSING: Reward for Jack Russell size male dog, went
missing on Feb. 18th. Black spots on blue, brindled chest
and front legs. From Wilson Ridge area, answers to Toby.
He is missing a piece from his right ear. If you have any
information, please call 765-3840 Monday thru Friday 8
am to 4 pm.
MISSING: Reward for recovery of a Jack Russell Terrier.
Male, all white body. Black around right eye. Black and
brown ears. Long legs, large frame. Had on an orange
collar with ID tag. Name is Rocco. From Flatwoods area.
Call 765-5887 or 364-8000 ext. 130.
MISSING: 3-year old Redbone, has been neutered. Missing from Oil Creek area. Reward for safe return. Leather
Collar, no tags. 853-2527.
Use Our
Flatwoods Quik Mart
Exit Sutton
67 of I-79 Branch
- Flatwoods
101A West
Main Street
101A West Main
Big Otter Go-Mart
Exit 67Exit
of I-79
40 of-I-79
Exit Salt
67 of I-79
Lick- Flatwoods
Salt Lick Road
Two Run
Two Run
Go-Mart- Gassaway
Exit 62 of I-79
Exit 62 of I-79 -Gassaway
Gassaway Branch
Elk Street
Birch River
Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits!
FREE TO GOOD HOME: Cream colored male 1/2 fiest
and 1/2 rat terrier. 1 year old, great with kids and would
make an excellent squirrel dog. Call 678-3775 or 7657625.
03-08-D015-21 Six week old terrier/boxer mix puppies found in
Little Birch.
03-08-D009 Two year old female, Wire Hair Terrier mix with 7
three weeks old puppies found on old turnpike road abandoned.
03-08-D006 Six month old Lab mix, male, found on Harper Hill.
03-08-D005 Registered Mountain Fiest, 4 year old male, brindle
in color, Adopt Today!
03-08-D004 Tan Chow mix 3 months old, female, dumped at the
03-08-D003 Female tri color 1 year old Beagle Found in Tauge.
03-08-D001 Shepard mix puppy 6 week old male, found in
Exchange. Adopt Today!
02-08-D042 Schnauzer mix, male 8 months old, found in
Burnsville Adopt Today!
02-08-D038-39 Collie/Hound mix puppies both females 8 weeks
old, found in Bluefield.
Dumping an Unwanted dog is a Crime! Punishable with a fine
and jail time. Give your pet a chance to survive turn it over to the
county shelter. The cost is minimal and it’s the right thing to do.
Braxton County Animal Shelter 765-2200.
Braxton County, WV
From The
Continued from Page 14
dinator. Requirements: 4-year
college degree or experience
with community service agencies. Annual Salary $24,000 with
no benefits. Reliable transportation required. Requires extensive outside involvement with
community groups. Grant writing
experience required. Some night
and weekend work required.
Must be able to provide proof of
auto insurance at time of interview. Submit resumes to: BCC
c/o 847 Farmall Lane, Little
Birch, WV 26629 no later than
March 25.
Microtel Inn & Suites is now accepting applications for desk and
housekeeping positions. Full
and Part time. Applications may
be picked up at the front desk.
No phone calls please. 3-18TF
needed in the Burnsville area.
Call 1-800-839-7025 for an interview between 9 a.m. and 5
Service is recruiting an Extension
Agent in Calhoun County.
Master’s Degree required. Appointment is subject to approval
of the Calhoun Extension Service Committee. All application
material, must be received in
electronic submissions using
Word format by closing date of
March 20, 2008 or the individual
will not be considered for the
position. The successful applicant will work in the areas of community development, 4-H Youth
and Families and Health Development. Transcripts can be unofficial by hard copy (No faxes
accepted) or electronic. Send to
For a complete position announcement and applications
process, visit our web-site at http:/
/www.wvu.edu/~exten. WVU is
an EEO/AA organization. 3-18
HELP WANTED: Now hiring full
time position at Burnsville NAPA.
Compensation based on experience. Bring resume or stop by
for an application. No phone
calls please.
we have a gift for you. Stop by
the Citizens’ News office and
sign up for a FREE three month
subscription; plus, a FREE gallon of paint from Sutton Feed and
Hardware, 75 S. Stonewall St.,
Sutton. We are located at 501
Main St., Sutton, and we would
HELP WANTED: Do you want to like to welcome you to our commake a difference in someone’s munity. Stop by today! 1-6TF
life? Laurel Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is hiring team FOSTER FAMILIES NEEDED:
players for the following posi- Call the National Youth Advotions: C.N.A.’s: All shifts. Must cate Program at 800-836-9894
have active WV certification. or 304-366-5832 for information
New starting wage and shift or visit www.nyap.org. No fees
differencial. LPN’s: Full Time & No wait.
Positions Available and Shift
differencial. If any of these posi- PAWNING, BUYING & SELLtions interest you, call 304-286- ING: Guns, Musical instruments,
4204, fax resume to 304-286- tools, AMP’s, electronics & more.
3906 or stop by at 1053 Clinic Call 304-269-6330.
Drive located off of Rt. 16 in
Ivydale to fill out an application. I, DOUGLAS COFFMAN WILL
LNRC is 1 mile off I-79at exit 40. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for
EOE/LNRC is a drug-free work- any debts other than my own
3-25 from this day forward, 2/05/
2008. Douglas Coffman. 5-6
HELP WANTED: Laurel Nursing
& Rehabilitation in Ivydale has
the opportunity for the perfect
person to join our successful
team. If you are a highly motiCLASSIFIEDS
vated and caring licensed Social
Worker and enjoy enhancing the
lives of others, then we have the EXPO 2008 Construction and Deposition for you. The Director of sign Exposition will be held March
Social Services, Admissions and 19-20, 2008 at the Charleston
Marketing position is integral in Civic Center. It will feature over
the day-to-day lives of our resi- 300 exhibitors with 500 indoor
dents, leads the marketing team and outdoor exhibits and and 52
and is the key to census en- seminars for the Construction,
hancement. The ideal candidate Engineering, Architectural and
will have experience in a liong- Public Works Industries. Exhibit
term care setting, MDS and care hall hours, March 19, 10:00 a.m.
plans, highly effectibe commu- to 8:00 a.m., March 20, 10:00 a.m.
nication skills, compassion and to 2:00 p.m. For more information
be a team player. To be consid- visit www.wvexpo.com or call
ered, send a resume to: Laurel 304-342-3976.
Nursing and Rehablitation Center, Attn: administrator, 1053 APT’S FOR RENT HUD HOMES!
Clinic Dr., Ivydale, WV 25113. Or 4 bedroom, 2bath. $199/ month! 5
fax a resume with cover letter to: bedroom, 3 bath. $254/month! 4%
304-286-3906. LNRC is 1 mile down, 30 years at 8%! For listings
off I-79at exit 40. EOE. LNRC is call 800-620-4946 ext. 1222.
a drug-free workplace.
$2,990.00. Convert your LOGS TO
your own Norwood portable band
sawmill. Log skidders also availa
FOR SALE: 1967 Pontiac GTO, 300N - FREE Information: 1-800Completely Restored. $15,000 578-1363 ext. 300N.
Firm. Call 765-2336.
FOR SALE Absolutely No Cost To
You!! All Brand New Power
Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds
and Scooters. Immediate Delivery. Call Toll-Free 1-888-9984111 to qualify.
March 18, 2008 Page 15
cellent opportunity. Call Today! 1- HOMES! 4 bedroom, 2bath.
800-488-2921. Ask for Depart- $199/ month! 5 bedroom, 3 bath.
ment S.
$254/month! 4% down, 30 years
at 8%! For listings call 800-620HELP WANTED Drivers... ASAP! 4946 ext. 1222.
Sign-On Bonus. 35-42 cpm. Earn
over $1000 weekly. Excellent Ben- LAND FOR SALE 42 ACRES in
efits. Need CDL-A and 3 mos re- WV on NEW CREEK, $99,000.
42 acre Mountain Estate with
cent OTR. 800-635-8669.
700 ft Frontage on New Creek.
HELP WANTED SECRET SHOP- Close to DC/Pittsburgh. Call
PERS Needed for Store Evalua- 800-770-9311 Ext. 178.
tions. Local Stores, Restaurants,
and other businesses. Flexible AIRLINES ARE HIRING-Train
Hours, No Experience Necessary, for high paying Aviation MainteTraining Provided. 1-800-585- nance Career. FAA approved
9024 ext. 6747.
$20/ hour or $57K/yr. including
Federal Benefits and OT Offered
by USWA 1-866-701-3688.
FIRST YEAR! Protected territories.
Small initial investment recouped
in first couple of sales. Contact
Southlandloghomes.com or call
Keith Hodgson, 1-800-845-3555,
ext. 4609.
Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public
Schools, located in Northeastern
NC, will host a TEACHER JOB
FAIR on April 26, 2008. We are
seeking to fill teaching positions
in all areas of certification. All attendees must have a pre-scheduled interview. Please visit our
website at www.ecpps.k12.nc.us
for details on the job fair. Pre-registration is required - the deadline
for registration is April 4, 2008. All
registration and application material must be received by April 4,
2008, Contact information: :
ECPPS, Attn: Teacher Job Fair
2008 , 1200 S. Halstead Blvd.,
Elizabeth City, NC 27906-2247.
(252) 335-2981(P) (252) 3350974(F)
Sales Career in West Virginia.
$55K first year potential. Weekly
pay, free leads, bonuses and stock
ownership. Good work habits and
self-starter? Call 877-416-5378.
HOMES! 4 bedroom, 2bath. $199/
month! 5 bedroom, 3 bath. $254/
month! 4% down, 30 years at 8%!
For listings call 800-620-4946 ext.
HOMES FOR SALE 4 bedroom,
2 bath, Home only $14,900! More
HELP WANTED: Someone to
1-4 bedrooms from $199/month!
work on a farm. Must be able to WANTED: Single white male FOR SALE $500 Police Im- 4% down, 20 years at 8%. For
work with large animals. Must seeks single white female for pounds! Cars, Trucks, SUV’s, from listings 800-620-4946 ext. R881.
have drivers license. $7 per hour. companionship. 304-624-3220. $500! Honda’s,Chevy’s Jeeps
4-1 and more! For listings call 1-800- HOUSES FOR RENT HUD
706-1759 ext. 6457.
HELP WANTED: Someone to do
mechanical work. Must have
HELP WANTED Deliver RV’s for
drivers license, prefer CDL’s.
pay! Deliver “new” RV’s to all 48
Call 364-2485.
states and Canada. Get paid to
travel! For details log on to
HELP WANTED: Taking applicawww.GoRVing4pay.com.
tions for truck driver with Class A JUST MOVED TO BRAXTON
license. 3 years driving experiCOUNTY? If you have just HELP WANTED EARN UP TO
ence, pull flat-bed with some
$550 WEEKLY! Helping the govtarping. For more information, moved to Braxton County within ernment. PT. No experience. Explease call 304-452-8548. 3-25 the last 30 days, for the first time,
HELP WANTED: Braxton County
Emergency Ambulance Service
Authority is looking for full-time
and part-time Medics, EMTs and
Drivers. Applicants must have all
requirements for position applying for as mandated by the WV
Office of Emergency Medical
Services. Send resume to
Braxton County EASA, 505 Main
Street, Sutton, WV 26601 or pick
up an application at the above
address. EOE.
HELP WANTED: Braxton County
911 is looking for part-time dispatchers. Send resume to
Braxton County 911, 505 Main
Street, Sutton, WV 26601 or pick
up an application at the above
address. EOE.
Paid for by the Candidate
Rapid Communications
Gassaway Would like to hire a
Clerk to work 1 day per week,
THURSDAY ONLY 8:00am4:00pm. $7.00 per hour. Computer and Typing Skills a plus!
Mail Resume Attn: Mayor Roach,
Town Of Gassaway, PO Box 147,
Gassaway, WV 26624 or Email
cityofgassaway@wvdsl.net If
questions please call (304)3645111 (Ask for Mayor Roach).
shipped postpaid at the
right time for planting
between March 1 and
May 31 with enclosed
planting instructions.
The six to twelve inch
trees are guaranteed to
grow or they will be replaced free of charge.
Members also receive a subscription to
Arbor Day, the Foundations bi-monthly publication, and The Tree
Book with information
about tree planting and
To become a member of the Foundation
and receive the free
trees, send a $10 contribution to Ten Free White
Pine Trees, Arbor Day
Foundation, 100 Arbor
Avenue, Nebraska City,
Nebraska 68410, by
March 31, 2008. Or join
1BR- $0 - 547/month; 2BR - $0 - 572/month
62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled,
regardless of age. HUD vouchers accepted; Laundry
on premises.
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Call Selena at (304)765-2433
TDD: 800-982-8771
HELP WANTED: Mystery Shoppers wanted for a Gassaway grocery store: Apply Online at
www.TrendSource.com & then
for details.
GOV’T HOMES! $0 Down! Bank
Repo’s & Foreclosures! No
Credit OK! $0/ Low Down! Call
for Listings! 1-800-446-6185.
Elk Village Apartments
HELP WANTED: Dependable
person needed for insurance
sales in counties of Braxton,
Nicholas, Webster, Lewis and
Pocahontas. Travel and reliable
transportation is required. This
will be a part time position with
the possibility of becoming fulltime. Please submit resumes to:
Help Wanted, 203 Second
Street, Sutton, WV 26601 no later
than April 15th, 2008.
NOW HIRING: Full and Part
time Positions Apply at any:
Go Mart Food Store Located
in Braxton County Or Call: 1866-4GO-MART Benefits:
Paid Vacation, Health and Life
Insurance, 401K Retirement
Plan, Flexible Work Schedule. An Equal Opportunity Employer
The Arbor Day Foundation wants to celebrate
the arrival of Spring by
helping people plant trees.
Ea c h p e r s o n w h o
joins the Arbor Day
Foundation in March will
receive 10 free white
pine trees.
The free trees are
part of the nonprofit
Foundation’s Trees for
America campaign.
“The white pines
will add year-round
beauty to your home and
neighborhood,” said John
Rosenow, chief executive
of the Foundation. “They
are fast-growing landscape trees with soft
needles and graceful
branching. You can use
them as specimen trees
or as a privacy screen or
windbreak…even as a
The trees will be
ACRES- WV MTN’s $79,900.
Authentic 2000 sq. ft Log
Home Package and 10 acres in
Beautiful WV Mountains. Call
800-770-9311 Ext. 178.
Arbor Day
Foundation invites
new members to
receive 10 free trees
program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance.
CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387.
This Institution is An Equal Opportunity
Provider and Employer
Page 16, March 18, 2008
Braxton County, WV
Glenville State College to Braxton County
present ‘Death Trap’
residents receive GED
Rehearsals are now
taking place for their final
presentation of this academic year by the Glenville
State College Theatre.
‘Death Trap’ will be presented on April 9th, 10th,
and 11th at 7:00 p.m. each
evening in the Presidents
Auditorium in the Heflin
Administration Building.
‘Death Trap’ is written
by Ira Levin who also
penned Rosemary’s Baby.
“This is a murder
thriller with just a twist of
comedy as well. The play is
very intense with only two
of the five characters surviving,” said Dennis
Wemm, GSC Professor of
Communications and Di-
rector of ‘Death Trap’. The
play is not recommended
for children because of violence.
The cast for ‘Death
Trap’ includes four veterans of GSC Theatre productions; GSC students
Edmond White of Webster
County, Whitney Stalnaker
and Sarah Sivard of Gilmer
County, and GSC Food
Service Supervisor Lois
Miller of Gilmer County.
GSC student Chris Summers of Cabell County is
making his stage debut in
‘Death Trap.’
Admission for the performance is free for GSC
students and $3 for the
general public.
Green celebrates
first birthday
Alexas (Lexi) Gracie
Paige Green celebrated her
first birthday this week.
Lexi was born on March 12,
2007. She weighed 5
pounds and 13 ounces and
was 17 ½ inches long.
Lexi’s mother and stepfather are Erica (Green) Clutter and David Clutter of
Sutton. Lexi’s father is Eric
Digman of Wolfcreek.
Lexi’s birthday party
was held on March 9, 2008
in Sutton. Lexi and Erica
would like to thank her
maternal grandparents,
Larry and Barbara Green,
Uncle Nathan Green, all of
Sutton; Aunt Anna and
Gassaway; paternal grandparents Emma and Jim
Digman and Kendra
Digman, all of Wolfcreek.
Thank you to all of our
many friends and family
members for attending the
party and bringing wonderful gifts.
For more information
On February 12th and
about ‘Death Trap’ or the
several Braxton
GSC theatre, contact
Wemm at (304) 462-7361 County residents took the
GED test, which was given
ext. 7323.
by Mary Cool and Susie
Marple at the Braxton
County High School. The
results are now back and
we would like to acknowledge all of the individuals
who obtained their GED!!!
GSC Fine
Arts host
Jazz Band
The Glenville State
College Fine Arts Department presents the Jazz
Band Spring Concert. The
group is scheduled to perform on Wednesday, April
16, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in
the GSC Fine Arts Center
Auditorium. In addition to
the GSC Jazz Band, the
Lincoln County High
School Jazz Band will also
be performing at the concert. According to Dr.
Donna Maher, Assistant
Professor of Music at GSC,
“Both ensembles will
share music of many
styles, including swing,
rock, funk, and Latin.”
Maher adds, “We are excited to be making music
together on the same
General admission
for this show is $2.00 and
GSC students can get in
free with a current GSC
ID. For more information,
call (304) 462-4130.
Relay for Life
Lexi Green
The Relay For Life of
Braxton County will have
on Thursday March 20 at
6:00pm at Wendy’s in
Flatwoods. All COMMITTEE Members are urged
to attend. Any questions
please call Carrie Collins
at 765-5753.
Chris Nottingham
Congratulations go out to
the following: Chris
Nottingham, Brittany
Ritter, Vincent Andritsis,
Amanda Young, and
Dustin Miller. We wish
you success in all of your
future endeavors. (Amanda
Young and Dustin Miller
were not available for photos)
The next GED test will
be given on April 15th and
16 th. Registration will be
held on April 1st at 8:30am
in the Adult Basic Education classroom in Sutton.
There is still time to prepare for the exam, come
and join us. For more information, contact Amy
Curtis at 765-5415.
Vincent Andritsis
Brittany Ritter
Coastal Lumber
employee of the month
Delbert (Dell) was
hired on March 25, 2003 as
a lumber handler on the
green chain for the
Gassaway mill. He learned
the different lumber sorts
and how to work at a safe
pace to prevent having an
accident. Delbert advanced to the position he
currently holds as green
chain lead man.
Delbert has a genuine concern about his job
responsibilities, making
sure the job is done correctly. He maintains a
good working attitude,
that fellow employees enjoy working with.
We congratulate Dell
on his accomplishment,
and are proud to keep him
as part of our team at the
Gassaway Mill.
Dell Cogar