R - Braxton Citizens` News
R - Braxton Citizens` News
Easter Eggstravaganza held at Outlet Mall Vol. 31, No. 17 April 25, 2006 See Special Photographic Feature on Page 11 25 CENTS “D EVOTED TO B RAXTON C OUNTY -- R ESPONSIVE TO ITS CITIZENS ’ NEEDS ” www.bcn-news.com State GIS coordinator praises local mapping effort Hospital patient accused of stealing FCRPSD gives update on waterline projects purse at Friday’s County Commission meeting A hospital employee called police, last week, and reported that a female patient has been seen going through a stolen purse in the restroom. When Sgt. J. W. Bonazzo of the Sutton Detachment of the State Scrogham Police arrived, he confronted Vivian Scrogham, who denied any involvement. Bonazzo’s investigation lead to the arrest of Scrogham, 24, alleging she stole the purse of a medical assistant and removed a checkbook and cash in a restroom at Braxton County Memorial Hospital. The officer discovered the assistant’s wallet in the trash. He also noticed something sticking out of the waste band of Scrogham’s clothing. When asked about the object, the accused told the officer it was her underwear. It turned out to be the victim’s checkbook. When asked about the missing cash, Scrogham again stated that she had no knowledge of that either. Bonazzo said he suspected that Scrogham’s 6 year old son might be hiding something and requested that the youngster empty his pockets. Sure enough, there was the missing money, he said. Scrogham was lodged in the Central Regional Jail in lieu of a $12,000 bond. She is charged with felony breaking and entering and misdemeanor charged of larceny of bank notes and petit larceny. The youth was not charges as an accessory. Scrogham is considered a suspect in two similar thefts at the Braxton County office of the Department of Health and Human Resources and Sutton Elementary School. Anyone with information should contact Sgt. Bonazzo at 765-2101. Braxton man among State Police 55th Cadet Class After thirty long weeks at the West Virginia State Police Academy, the 55th Cadet Class graduated Friday, April 21. A Braxton County man is among the new troopers. Ian B. Jackson, former local Braxton County Deputy Sheriff, has been assigned to Troop 4, the South Charleston Detachment. Currently there are 595 Troopers in the State Police. The addition of these cadets will bring the number to 620. There are also still 31 cadets, members of the 56th cadet class, at the Academy. Of those 620 Troopers, there are currently 13 Troopers activated in the military. The graduation of the 56th cadet class in July will raise the total number to 651 Troopers. Trooper Jackson is the son on Bill and Jeanie Jackson of Gassaway. State GIS (Geographic Information System) coordinator, Craig Neidig was the first to address the County Commission at their regular meeting on Friday, April 21. Niedig’s purpose was to update local officials on the statewide mapping and addressing initiative currently underway in West Virginia. He praised the work of County mapping coordinators Danny Myers and Paul Bragg. “Your county is in very good shape, but we are approaching a critical time,” the state official explained. He went on to explain that the new software to manage the data is scheduled to arrive in the near future and some duplicate road names remain. Most of the duplications occur within the municipalities. Niedig stated that he realized the county was only responsible for the non-incorporated areas but hoped the Commission would encourage the municipalities to cooperate with Myers and Bragg to remove the duplications. President Terry Frame stated that the Commission had a work session planned with the mapping coordinators and would be working on the problem areas. Gassaway Mayor Ritchie Roach thanked Bragg and Myers for their effort and work within his town. Steve Sanders, general manager of Flatwoods Canoe Run Public Service District was on hand to give the Commission an update on the various waterline extension projects that are underway in the county. Sanders stated that the Morrison Ridge Poplar Ridge project was going very well and was ahead of schedule. He stated that most of the line work was completed and they were awaiting the completion of the tank construction. “We believe we will have water in the lines of the new project by August and that will be way ahead of schedule.” “We do not have surplus funds from this project, but we do have some extra pipe. We will be extending a 2” line to approximately eleven customers at the end of Morrison Ridge on Beamer Drive,” Sanders explained. “We will also be adding six to ten customers in the Newville area.” The company official also stated that his organization had received permission to seek funds to finance waterline extension in the areas originally projected to be served by the projects, but eliminated due to funding restrictions. “I don’t want to mislead anyone. We are only applying for funds at this time. It will depend on what monies are available. We probably won’t know anything for several months,” said Sanders. He also informed the Commission that the last of the Small Cities Block Grand funds had been drawn down which would allow the County to apply for addition money under the program. Sanders also told the Commission that he had only received one bid to date for the extension in the Little Birch area which was $398,000 not including any road resurfacing that may be required. He said he was still working on means to get the project within acceptable funding limits. The Foodland sewer project is waiting funding, according to Sanders. Ed Given and members of the Sutton Recreation Association addressed the Commission regarding prob- lems associated with opening the county’s only public swimming pool. Given said that his group’s efforts to obtain insurance had been futile after the previous carrier dropped their coverage without giving any reason. Given stated that he had made his group’s plight known to Terry Frame when he requested the organization be placed on the Commission’s agenda. He stated that Frame had contacted the County’s insurance carrier who had found an underwriter who would insure the pool. Following the discussion, Evelyn Post made a motion to pay the $2,000 insurance premiumn to allow the group to use their remaining funds and donations for other necessary repairs for the facility which is now over 30 years old. Given thanked the Commission on behalf of the Sutton Recreation Association and the youth of the community. Given also reported the suggestions of the Braxton County Humane Society in regard to the extension of the Animal Shelter. After discussing the modifications, Commissioner Post made a motion to put the labor portion of the addition out for bid. The Humane Society has committed over $10,000 toward materials County educator, Lou Ann Gaines publishes new children’s book Braxton County educator Lou Ann Gaines, a Glenville State College graduate and Faculty Emeriti Deanna Foxworthy have just published a new children’s book. “The Wild Ride,” which chronicles the journey of a cast of animal characters, was released last month. Not only does the book tell a charming tale, it helps parents and teachers use the book as a teaching tool. The back page of the publication gives adults tips and techniques on how to expand the tale into teachable concepts, such as teamwork. “A lot of times, when parents read books, they just read the book and don’t know what else to do with it,” Foxworthy said. “This is more educational than just fluff reading.” Foxworthy and Gaines spent the last six months working on the venture. Gaines wrote the story, while Foxworthy illustrated the pages. The book is geared for nonreaders or early readers. “The most challenging aspect was to make the characters look like the same characters on each page,” Foxworthy said. Gaines said she’s been using the tale with her Head Start students in Braxton County for 18 years. This book marks the first time she’s written the story down. “I’ve always had a lot of stories,” Gaines said. “They’ve been a part of me forever.” Gaines, who lives in Gassaway, has taught in Braxton County schools for the past 30 years. She said that when she was child, her family kept her entertained with stories and when she got older, she kept her younger cousins entertained with stories and songs. Foxworthy, who has now retired to her Doddridge County farm, taught in the Education and Fine Arts departments at Glenville State from Early voting underway 1989-2003. She is an artist, and uses watercolor, oils and pastels in her works. Foxworthy was on GSC campus April 11 to speak to students in the education program. Both Foxworthy and Gaines were on campus last week to sign their book during GSC’s Book Fair. “We were just very pleased that a former faculty member has continued to work in education,” said Dr. Debra Simon, dean of teacher education. “We wanted to bring these women here to campus to share their accomplishments and expertise with our teacher candidates.” No excuse, early voting began last Wednesday in Braxton County and throughout the state. County Clerk John David Jordan said the turnout to date is as expected. Officials report that more and more voters are taking advantage of the early voting option. While early and absentee voting has normally taken place in the Courthouse, a separate precincthas been established for voter convenience. “We believe the use of the old Fisher Auto Part building across from the Courthouse on Main Street is more convenient, has easy access and is private for the voters,” said the County Clerk. Voters may cast their Primary Election ballot weekdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. In addition two special Saturdays, April 29 th and May 6 th will be availabe for early voting. The special polling place will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on those two dates. Early, no excuse, voting is currently underway at the old Fisher Auto Parts Early voting for the May 9th building on Main Street, next to the Sutton Fire Station. Primary Election will end May 6. for the add-on that will house felines. Dale McCutcheon and Chris Garrett, Braxton County Sanitarians appeared before the Commission. McCutcheon presented the Commissioners with copies of the state law pertaining to deteriorated and abandon buildings. He stated that his department did not currently have the ability to deal with such public nuisace. Following the discussion, Evelyn Post stated that she would only be willing to pass an ordinance that protected individual property owner’s rights. She proposed having town meetings to discuss the issue and receive public input. Gassaway Mayor Ritchie Roach stated that he would host the first meeting in his city. County Humane Officer Joe Brown requested the county purchase a lawn mower for use at the Animal Shelter. Brown presented a number of bids from different local vendors. Following the discussion, Mike Chapman made a motion to purchase a John Deere 125 from Flatwoods Lawn and Garden at a price of $1,799. Fred Thompson, County OES Director, outlined an application for a Citizens Crop Grant. He stated the funds were from the Homeland Securities monies and were a 100% to the county. Commissioner Post motion gave Thompson and Citizens Corp chairperson, Edie Tichner permission to submit the grant application. In other business, the short form settlements were approved as presented on a motion by Chapman. It was also Chapman who introduced action to approve an exoneration refund request for Bernard W. and Rosetta Greathouse in the amount of $140.14 Evelyn Post made a motion to approve the name change of Dogwood Road to Lee Ware Drive and Sycamore Road to Stout Hollow. That same motion placed to two additional private roads on a two week public comment period. The affected roads are Fletch Drive, (right off Upper Sleith approximately two miles off Wilsie Road.) and Willow Creek Road (Left off Twistville Road toward apartment owned by Mark Robinson. Post also made the motion to accept the $40,000 grant from the Governor’s 2006 Industrial Park Assistance Program to enable the local Economic Development Authority to complete interior office space in the multitenant building they are constructing near Flatwoods. The motion authorized the Commission president to sign all necessary documents on behalf of the County. May 14-20 will be designated as Emergency Medical Services Week in the county to coincide with a nationwide recognition as a result of the motion made by Mike Chapman. Action to repair or install a new cooling tower in the Courthouse Annex building was tabled pending further review by the Commission. The renovations to the Please turn to COMMISSION page 5 Page 2 OPINION Braxton Citizens’ News Our views As I See It Election nears… Your views April 25, 2006 Editorials Letters Columns Their views Just look at this! From our readers A weekly photo of opinion in Braxton County... sometimes good and sometimes not so good. By Ed Given A good person... The election is just around the corner. As is noted by an article on this week’s front page, early, no excuse, voting is now underway. I believe the early voting has done more to increase voter participation than anything in the last fifty years. People can vote at their convenience without the hassle of someone soliciting their vote or otherwise annoying them. The number of those who participate in the early voting process has increased each year since legislation authorized the procedure. I expect this year to be no exception. Election signs…. The ugly sign of an upcoming election is ever present… those political signs. I hate them. I realize they are a part of the electoral process and in all likelihood, will not disappear any time soon. However, I still think they are a public nuisance. I noticed one candidate in particular had attached their signs to state road signs. Under our state’s election laws, that is not permissible. Most candidates are pretty good about collecting their signs. In the past, I have noticed that some of those who lose may be slow at retrieving their posters. The real problem lies with the statewide candidates. Who picks their signs up and when? Voting machines??? I have stated my skepticism with electronic voting machines in this space previously. It appears that some who supported the initiative may now be joining my side. I read an article that appeared in this past Sunday’s Gazette Mail titled “Voting machine problems widespread.” It said that millions of dollars worth of new voting machines sit nonfunctional in courthouse around the state. If the ones that make them can’t get them to work… what will hackers and crooked politicians do with them? The Secretary of State’s office defended what they termed a temporary setback. The article went on to say that West Virginia was not the only state to experience problems with trying to take their democratic process into the twenty-first century. In fact it is so bad that some states have filed suite against the contractor. That can’t be good. When our county opted to stay with paper ballots we were shamed by some who though us non-progressive. The two counties that stayed with paper ballots are not so dumb after all. I have said before and will say again, that I realize the problems larger counties face with handing paper ballots that are often much larger than ours. But the fact of the matter is… a county our size does quite well with paper and they are, by far, the most secure and safest means of casting a vote. We all know how the electronic age has impacted our lives. In most cases that has resulted in a positive impact. That certainly is true of my profession. However, it doesn’t apply to everything and the use of electronic voting machines is a graphic example. Those who promote the system can say what they want, I don’t trust them. I will not vote on a machine until I have no other choice. I still believe they are not tamper proof. I can live with the majority ruling as long as I have reason to believe the majority has spoken. The use of computers in this process, clouds that vision. Our very existence as a nation is on the premise of freedom. I fear that taking our elections to computers will undermine the very fabric of that freedom. We can and must have free elections to be a free nation. Paper ballots served that process for the last hundred, plus years, It is obvious to me that now is not the time to change it. It appears this probably is not the mechanism either. The Sand Fork Seminoles 4-H Club was recent visitors of Delegate Brent Boggs at the State Capital. They stopped to have their photo taken with their Delegate inthe House Chambers during their tour. Lola's World News And Views By Lola B. Given No sign of leadership for vital issues involving ALL of us... Hooray for the Braxton county radio station broadcasting the County Forum of the three congressional candidates gathering at the community building at Sutton. So if one can’t attend they can listen to WSGB Tuesday night at 7 PM to the panel asking questions of the three candidates running for the US House of Delegates. Remember Braxton County has not voted for the Republican candidate for the House. We don’t need a rubber stamp for more of the same in Washington. Surely one of the three seeking this position can go and help change the direction this country is going. So listen to their stand on the policies. Hands off has been the policy of the present administration while the prices of gasoline are wiping us out. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see and know who was in that secret committee meeting Cheney had under the guise of the United States energy policy. He refuses to divulge who was there. Email messages say to blackball a couple oil companies and their gas stations, but those advocating this seem to forget that it would just result in a gas war among other companies. Isn’t the whole shebang buying from the same source? Much has been written about West Virginia getting more than their share of public monies. My gripe with that is that WV is a rural state and we get the short end of the stick on public transportation. So we find ourselves at the mercy— where no mercy exists—of the oil companies. The prices at the pump have caused an inflation of every vital service including the grocery store. Enough! Enough! I think I hear the sound of people saying enough! An enemy attacked us on the shores of the United States, but our armed forces ,our leadership pursued a previous fight a family had with Iraq and concocted the story of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. The city was taken over easily and the statue of Hussein pulled down and basically the city conquered. But with poor planning and not enough troops to control the city, the war has gone on for three years and we are still fighting there. The rearranging of the FBI/CIA and setting up an office of Homeland Security with a leader who told us to use duct tape and plastic against chemical warfare really was a joke. Any fire department can tell you that sealing with duct tape or plastic was nonsense. Soon there was a shortage on those items. The scare tactics of red alerts was enforced for a while and despite the continued danger apparently was disbanded. Now with aliens pouring into the southern borders it is high time the congress be changed and that they protect the country they take oaths to defend. The administration has been leaning toward attacking Iran for some time. With the country in debt to communist countries, dare we start another war on tainted information? Oh for some sanity back in the leadership of our country! Most of us who have lived through the ups and downs of our country lack confidence in the direction our country is headed and has gone at this time. Over the years we have been taught that the proper way to change the direction of our country is with an election. The midterm election in May is the beginning of doing just that. Hopefully you are properly registered and you will go to the polls and vote for change. amended several times by the House and Senate and passed late in the session. Meanwhile, several other health-related www.bcn-news.com bills of note passed during the session. They include: Braxton SB 170 — Creates the West Virginia Health Information by Delegate Brent Boggs Network (WVHIN), a publicprivate entity to oversee the PUBLISHER/EDITOR Rosedale, this is a multi-county design, implementation, operaIf you tried to reach me Ed Given last week, I was definitely out of project. Fortunately, Gilmer and tion and maintenance of a fully SPORTS EDITOR interoperable electronic Braxton Counties have a range – no phone, electric or Shirley Shuman history of close cooperation on healthcare network to facilitate heat – as Justin and I spent public and private use of several days camping and trout numerous issues, including OFFICE MANAGEMENT Jeanine Given the Gilmer-Braxton Technology healthcare information in the fishing on Williams River. We Research Zone. A similar state. also caught a few on Elk and REPORTER Melanie Davis SB 112 — Establishes meeting was already held with Cranberry before returning Alzheimer’s Disease Registry Representative Capito, who has home. We even took a little ADVERTISING within West Virginia University time to dig ramps for some of indicated her support for the Allison Given as a central information dataproject. Justin’s teaching colleagues PRINTING base for policy and planning. The water quality in that had never had the opportuMike McElwain SB 350 — Authorizes the nity to experience them. Then, Rosedale is extremely poor and (SSN 393130) Department of Health and of a similar nature of what was over the weekend, Dad, Justin A Weekly Publication Human Resources to promulthe problem in Bluefield a few and I worked on a construction Established February 9, 1976 gate a number of healthcareproject together. It was a week years ago until we facilitated a P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street related legislative rules, includout of active duty, but the time water extension for that area. Sutton, West Virginia 26601 ing hospital licensure. Several projects are currently spend with my father and son E-mail: quality@rtol.net in the works locally, and it SB 619 — Eliminates the definitely ranks as priceless to (304)765-5193 two, four-year term cap for the me. takes years of planning to see Entered as periodic rate at the 11 members of the Board of As I write this week’s these improvements come to Sutton, WV Post Office fruition. Directors of the Physicians installment, a delegation of Postmaster: One of the centerpiece Mutual Insurance Company. county commissioners and Send address change to: SB 755 — Clarifies the residents from Gilmer and legislative initiatives of last Braxton Citizens’ News P.O. session was HB 4021 – the Physician’s Mutual Insurance Braxton County will be meeting Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601 Healthcare Reform Act of 2006. Company’s authority to refuse on Monday with staffers of Subscription rates: In a future column, I wan to to renew insurance contracts Congressman Mollohan at his $15 in county, $21 in state, based upon perceived risks. give a more in-depth overview Parkersburg office to seek $29.75 out-of-state of the goals and objectives in The bill also provides for resupport for the Rosedale – Senior Citizens may deduct $1 quirements and minimum Wilsie waterline project. As the the legislation. Introduced by standards for self-funding the administration, it was county line cuts through Read the Citizens’ News on the World Wide Web Citizens’ NEWS News from our Capitol Dear Editor: I agree with Gloria Woods’ article about Toni. My family and I (and our church) have witnessed all the good things that were done while she and Randy were at the Baptist Temple. All the love, concern and sacrifices will never be forgotten. Randy would drive to Charleston, Clarksburg and wherever God called him; together, he and Toni could be seen visiting the sick, the lost and those on their deathbeds. Two of the precious souls that God saved during Randy’s ministry were my own Dad, and my Brother. Randy was one of my favorite pastors and we pray he continues his ministry. Toni stood beside him, helping him and making sacrifices of her own. There were so many things that were good. We know, and care, about everyone who was hurt in this situation, and each one is in our prayers. These are surely the last days and Satan seeks to destroy anyone who is a threat to him. The church was growing, and God was saving souls. Toni and Randy (as a team) were a real threat to Satan, and he tried to destroy them. But God is still great, and He is still in control. He alone knows all the details, and He can and will heal. (Psalm 32:5, 44:21 & 26, 69:16) P.S. The church will never be destroyed, the Baptist Temple is still growing, and God is still there. We invite you to join us to hear God’s precious words of healing, comfort and mercy. Sincerely, Marilyn Sue Warner Volunteer week... Editor: April 23-29, 2006, marks the 32nd Annual National Volunteer Week. On behalf of the Please turn to LETTERS page 5 programs as a substitute for medical professional liability insurance. SB 773 — Clarifies the policy considerations that the Health Care Authority shall utilize in developing State Health Plan criteria, including cost, quality, need, access and continuity of care. HB 4069 — Continues the Rural Health Advisory Panel until July 1, 2009. HB 4296 — Provides employers civil immunity from liability for disclosing jobrelated information concerning an employee or former employee to a prospective employer. HB 4491 — Establishes the third week of October as Disability History Week for West Virginia.Schools are encouraged to teach lessons on disabilities as part of their curriculum. HB 4488 — Creating a commission to complete a comprehensive study of the state’s behavioral health system. Healthcare and the access thereto are fundamental to the well-being of our residents. Furthermore, they are magnets to attract and retain business and the jobs that follow. We are indeed fortunate to have Braxton Co. Memorial Hospital and Please turn to CAPITOL page 5 Braxton County, WV Citizens’ NEWS April 25, 2006 Page 3 I am Rodney Mac Brown, a Democrat candidate for the position of County Commissioner and am asking for your support in the May 9th election. I have owned and operated businesses in Burnsville for the past 26 years. I am the son of the late Hugh Brown and my mother Erclyen Brown still resides in Burnsville. I am married to Donna Jean Lake Brown, the daughter of the late Leo Hilbert “Hibb” Lake and Verma Lowther Lake. Donna Jean and I are the parents of two sons. Mac Travis Brown who served his country in Iraq and is now an Army Veteran. My second son Randal “Bull” Brown is a student at Glenville State College where he is studying for a Teaching Degree in Education. I have served my country in Vietnam and now I am willing to serve Braxton County. Rodney Mac Brown Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate Citizens’ NEWS Page 4 April 25, 2006 With Deepest Sympathy OBITUARIES Betty Brady Betty Brady, 72, of Gassaway, West Virginia went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 22, 2006. She was born December 10, 1934 in Heaters, West Virginia to the late Charles and Nellie Skidmore Posey. She was a retired Dietary Aide for Braxton Memorial Hospital in Gassaway. She attended Gassaway Baptist Church. Two sisters; Orpha and Auda Davis preceded Betty in death. Surviving are her sons Joseph A. Brady, III of Webster Springs, West Virginia, Randall S. Brady and Ronny and his wife Marilyn Brady of Gassaway. Daughters and husbands, Ronda & James Williams of Flatwoods, West Virginia, Renee & Rodney Norman of Gassaway, brother, Charles Posey of Tampa, FL, sisters, Jean Meadows of Parkersburg, West Virginia, Rosalee Metheny of Akron, Ohio, and Thelma Cowger of Baltimore, MD, 13 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren and a special friend Susie Clayton. Services will be held on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Greene-Robertson funeral home with Rev. Mark Stump officiating. Burial will follow in the Bgggs Cemetery on Coon Creek in Gassaway. Greene-Robertson funeral home is serving the Brady family. Erwin “Orvin” E. Ratliff Erwin “Orvin” E. Ratliff, 67, of Flatwoods, died April 22, 2006 at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston. He was born March 22, 1939 a son of the late Tom and Nancy Ratliff. He was retired from Ford Motor Company, an Army veteran and a protestant. His favorite pastime was woodworking and finish work. He is survived by brothers, Thurman Ratliff and wife, Olga of Duck, Norman Ratliff and wife, Georgia of Clay, sisters, Norma Houghton and husband, Virgil of Strange Creek, Junie Myers and husband, Lee of Harrison, Enna Harvey and husband, Bob of Canton, OH; several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents he was also preceded in death by brothers, Ishmail, Charlie and Luther; sister, Orpha Cummings. Service will be 11 am, Tuesday, April 25 at Richard M. Roach Funeral Home, Gassaway with Gene Miller officiating. Burial will be in the Houghton Family Cemetery on Hickman Ridge Road, Strange Creek. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to: Hubbard Hospice House, 1001 Kanawha Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25311. Becky June Markle Becky June Markle, 43, of Gassaway, West Virginia died at her residence on April 20, 2006 after a short illness. She was born September 17, 1962 in Sutton, West Virginia to Donald L. and Loreda Davis Cochran. Becky was a respiratory Therapist with Braxton Memorial Hospital in Gassaway. She is preceded in death by her father Donald L. Cochran and a great niece Makenzie Beth Morrow. She is survived by her husband Shannon Markle: sons Jason Ray Markle of Cowen, WV, James Scott Markle of Gassaway, WV, In Loving Memory of Harvey Dennis Shaw and Hazel Nellie Davis Shaw Harvey – March 28, 1914 to June 11, 1990 Hazel – March 8, 1921 to March 8, 2003 You both took God’s hand when you heard him call. Your turned your backs and left it all. Dad went first and Mom followed behind him, with a smile and grin. She always wanted to go and be with her husband, her best friend, our Dad. We know they would like us to be happy and not sad, But remember them in the life they had just left behind. Mom and Dad were married for over 50 years before God came and separated them. Now we know they are together again. The angels will give them comfort And watch over them in God’s garden. Where they can sit, walk and talk together. Sadly missed by their children, Airwanda “Dottie” Riffle, Carnie, Darrell and Allen Shaw. Braxton County, WV and Travis Adam Markle of Sutton, WV; two daughters Crystal Gayle Snyder of Gassaway, WV and Amber Dawn Markle of Cowen, WV; Mother and step father, Loreda and Jennings Balles of Sutton, WV; sister Linda Lawrence of Dry Ridge, KY; grandsons Donavon Tyler Shafer, Caleb Edward Shafer, Ethen Ray Shafer, Skylar Adam Markle and Issack Scott Markle; niece Jennifer Epley; nephew Todd Morrow; 3 great nephews Jeremy Epley, Chase Morrow, and Lane David Morrow. Funeral services were held Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 3:00 pm at GreeneRobertson Funeral Home, Sutton, WV with Rev. Bill Griffin officiating. Burial was in the Poplar Ridge Cemetery, near Sutton, WV. Greene-Robertson Funeral Home served the Markle family. Jacqueline Carpenter Jacqueline Carpenter, 81, of Crooked Fork, Braxton County, died April 21, 2006 at home. She was born January 4, 1925 in Calhoun County, a daughter of the late Oscar and Esta Blosser Belknap. She was a homemaker, farmer and a protestant. She is survived by sons; Curtis, Bill and Oscar Carpenter all of Chapel, Camden Carpenter of Wilsie, Matthew Carpenter of Crooked Fork, John Carpenter of Sandfork; daughters, Lillie Deuly and Betty Stump both of Crooked Fork, Gay Dobbins of Chapel, Leta Jenkins and Catherine Deuly both of Weston, Esta Boggs and Jacqueline Hughes both of Gassaway, Anita Cowger of Birch River; step-daughter, Gaythel Barnette of Cowen; brothers, Bernard Belknap of Garrettsville, OH; Roy Belknap of Akron, OH; sisters, Inest Spencer of Garrettsville, OH; Daisey Wilke of Mantua, OH, Rachel Farka of Streetsboro, OH; 38 grandchildren, 29 great grandchildren, 6 step-grandchildren; 7 sons-in-law and 5 daughters-in-law. She was preceded in death by her husband, John William Carpenter; son, Orville Floyd, daughter, Fanny Ann, brothers, Lonnie, James, Delmas, Oliver, Donnald, Farrell Belknap, sister, Ruby Kasier, one son-in-law. Services were held at 11 am Monday, April 24 at Richard Roach Funeral Home, Gassaway with Pastor Bill Carr officiating. Burial was in the Perkins Cemetery, Chapel. Louella Shaw Louella Shaw, 49, of Centralia Road, Sutton, West Virginia died April 14, 2006 at home after a short illness. She was born July 29, 1956 the daughter of the late Clarence and Eva Lucille Berry Marsh. She is survived by husband, Bert Shaw Jr.; 2 sons, Gabriel “Gabby” Shaw and John Rhodes; brothers and sisters, David and Carol Marsh, Shirley and Bill Long, Margie Marsh, Clara Lee Parsons, Virginia and James Long, Roy and Anna Marsh, Eddie Marsh, Cam Marsh and James Marsh; brother and sister in laws, Bill and Lynn Shaw, Jenny and Leonard Millikin, Donna and Rico Andrade, Jean and Frank Fairfax, Linda and Roger Smallwood; stepchildren, Deanna Lafever, Tina Shaw, Tommy Shaw, and Bert Shaw III; mother in law, Edna Shaw and several nieces and nephews. Services were held 2:00 pm Wednesday April 19 , 2006 at the GreenRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton, West Virginia. Burial followed at the Barker Ridge Cemetery in Sutton, West Virginia with Rev. Bill Griffin officiating. Arrangements by GreeneRobertson Funeral Home, Sutton, WV. Judith Ellen “Judy” Fisher Judith Ellen “Judy” Fisher, 64, of Gandeeville, West Virginia, died April 14, 2006 at Charleston Area Medical Center Memorial Division, Charleston, West Virginia after a long illness. She was born July 22, 1941 in Kanawha County, a daughter of the late Oral Clifford and Elsie Harper Fisher of Fairplain, West Virginia. Judy, an artist, retired from SPD Technologies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was a graduate of Stonewall Jackson High School in Charleston. She is survived a by a son, Daniel Shane (Darlene) Fisher of Gandeeville; grandchildren, Shawn Clifford Fisher and Mickala Thompson of Gandeeville; one sister, Sharon Fisher (Allen) Lynch of Staats Mills, West Virginia; and two brothers, Bruce (Joann) Harper of Strange Creek, West Virginia and Larry (Carolyn) Fisher of Killingworth, Connecticut. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Taylor-Vandale Funeral Home, Spencer, Wet Virginia, in charge of the arrangements. Ruth M. Greenlief Ruth M. Greenlief, age 84, of Glenville, departed this life at 11:13 am, Sunday, April 9, 2006 at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, following an extended illness. Born December 29, 1921 in Gilmer County, near Glenville, West Virginia. She was the daughter of the late Homer and Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate April 28th 29th & 30th Friday & Saturday 8:00p.m. Sunday 2:00p.m. Visit our web page at: www.geocities,com/elktheatre A dignified service with careful attention for your wishes, your budget, and your faith. We reverently comply with these thoughts as we try to relieve the family of every burden in their time of need. Stockert-Gibson Funeral Home Timothy Sizemore and J. Steven Jeffers, Directors Rated - PG-13 E lk Theatre Staff: Jerry McCauley, John Ware & Doris Jeffers Flatwoods, West Virginia 765-5371 Bessie Minigh Langford. Mrs. Greenlief was a homemaker. She was a long time member of the Crooked Run Community Church. She loved gardening and working with her flowers. She loved to cook and bake; she loved sharing her delicious food with family and friends. On June 8, 1937, she was united in marriage to Charles Lee Greenlief, who preceded her in death on May 15, 1971. Surviving are five daughters, and two sons: Betty Byrd and husband Asel; Mildred Greathouse; Wanda Frederick and husband Lawrence; Linda Nolan and husband Bill; and Emma Byrd ad husband Frank, all of Glenville, West Virginia.Kenneth Lee Greenlief and wife Elizabeth of Glenville, West Virginia, and Steve Greenlief and wife Joyce of Burnsville, West Virginia. One brother; Melvin Langford of Weston, West Virginia and three sisters; Geneva Wolfe of Baldwin, West Virginia, Naomi Beall of Glenville, West Virginia and Maxine Jenkins of Sullivan, Ohio, also survive her. There are 16 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and 11 great great grandchildren. Mrs. Greenlief was preceded in death by one son, Charles Linn Greenlief, in 1964, one granddaughter, Lecia M. Byrd, two grandsons, Charles A. Byrd and “Infant Byrd”; one great great grandson, Joseph L. Fredrick, and one brother, Paul Langford, and two sisters, Lela Langford and Rosalie Hess. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, April 12, 2006, at Ellyson Mortuary, Inc. in Glenville, with Rev. Ronzel Roberts, and pastor Bryan Groves. Burial followed in Rhoades Cemetery near Glenville, West Virginia. Ronzel Adam White Ronzel Adam White, 90, of Wilsie, Braxton County, died April 10, 2006 at Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center, Clarksburg. He was born November 11, 1915 a son of the late Homer and Rosa B. Six White. He was a retired steel worker; an Army veteran of WWII for which he received the Purple Heart; and a Christian by faith. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Gladys Carte White; sons, Charles White and wife, Betty, of Exchange, Dana White of Frametown; daughters, Edna Zwoll of Orma, Janet Glessner and husband, John, of Adrian, Marie Collins and husband, Darrell of New London, OH; brothers, Roscoe White of Parkersburg and Dorvin White of Rockport; sister Naomi Gilbert of Elizabeth; 16 grandchildren, 6 step grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by son, William “Ronnie” White; two grandchildren; five brothers and five sisters. Services were held 11 a.m. Friday, April 14 at Richard M. Roach Funeral Home, Gassaway with Rev. Dewey Tanner officiating. Burial was in the White Family Cemetery, Sleith, with military graveside rites conducted by American Legion Post #33. Friends were able to call from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to: Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center Long Term Care, Attention: Volunteer Services, Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center, 1 Medical Drive, Clarksburg, WV 26301. Leslie Brannon Dodge Leslie Brannon Dodge, 85, of Sutton, WV died April 19, 2006 in Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV. He was born August 18, 1920 in Anna CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV COMMISSION continued from page 1 Court Room will proceed as a result of action introduced by Commissioner Chapman. Evelyn Post made a motion to approve the request from the Braxton County Senior Center to release funds appropriated to their agency in the current fiscal year budget. Purchase of a condensation pump for the old Jail building was tabled pending receiving additional bids. The County agreed to purchase the radio tower located on Sugar Creek PSD property from Fred Slaughter at a cost of $4,000. Commission president Terry Frame stated that some controversy surrounding a recent appointment to the Sugar Creek PSD Board had revealed that the terms of the remaining two members had also lapsed. Mike Chapman made a motion to place the vacancies on a public comment period as had become the custom of the Commission. Filling the positions will be an item on the agenda of the Commission’s May 19 meeting. The Commission discussed a statement from the West Virginia County Commissioner’s Association. The charge for dues had been substanically lowered to $150. Commissioner Mike Chapman asked “what do we get for our money?” The only substative response came from Terry Frame who said the group lobbys for things important to the elected officials and county. The Commission took no action on the payment of the dues which means the county will not be a member. The County does belong to the West Virginia Association of Counties. The Commission reviewed the Bills presented for payment by the County Clerk before approving the same. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton county Commission will be at 9:00 a.m. on May 5, 2006. CAPITOL continued from page 2 Minnie Hamilton Healthcare as integral parts of our rural healthcare network in central West Virginia. Please contact me if I may be of assistance. Now that the session is completed, please address your mail to my home at: PO Box 254, Gassaway, WV 26624. By telephone, you may contact me at the Capitol office at 340-3134 or at home at 364-8411. For those with Internet access, my e-mail address is Boggs34@aol.com. You can obtain additional legislative information, including the budget conference report, from the Legislature’s web site at http:// www.legis.state.wv.us/ Please continue to remember our troops - at home and abroad - and keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Until next week – take care. LETTERS continued from page 2 American Cancer Society, we would like to thank the millions of people who give their time and tireless efforts to many good causes across the nation and here in Braxton County, including our organizations. Volunteers impact the community and individuals in need in ways that would not be possible without their personal commitment. Every day in our com- munities, American Cancer Society volunteers support, inform and guide people fighting cancer; transport patients to treatment appointments; send strong messages to lawmakers about issues that matter to people touched by cancer; and work tirelessly to raise much-needed donations to fund life-saving research, cancer prevention and early detection awareness programs, patient support resources and other crucial services. Volunteering truly does make a difference. Again, we want to thank all of those who give their time and encourage others to find an organization of choice to which you can lend your time and passion. Shelli May, Mission Delivery Manager and Debbie Groves, Community Manager American Cancer Society Braxton County A special thank you... Dear Editor: I was rolling down Highway 19 on March 29 on my way from Pittsburgh, PA to Ballengee, WV to visit a college friend in the middle of radiation therapy when I noticed that while my RPM’s are increasing, I’m slowing down! It took me a couple of heartbeats to figure it out, but when I ran through all the gears and realized nothing was connecting, I drifted over to the right side of the highway. I felt like I was in the middle of nowhere… the back end of my car was under a sign that said “scenic overlook 1 mile, no facilities.” I had no cell phone signal, so no *SP for the highway patrol or for AAA road service. After about 20 minutes trying to flag someone to stop, an Allegheny Power – Fairmont truck, coming the other way, turned through a break in the median and stopped. The two employees looked my situation over, tried a few things, agreed, “the clutch was gone,” and conferred about who to call, finally deciding “Pletcher’s garage would be best.” They called, explained my situation to Skeeter, told me someone would come to get me and that Skeeter would “take care of things.” They left. About 45 minutes later, Brad arrived from Pletcher’s Garage in Gassaway. When we got there I found that Skeeter had determined that Mike’s Garage (Sutton) could do the repair and there was also a place nearby that would rent my a car so I could get on with my trip while the car was being taken care of. Brad dropped my car at Mike’s Auto Repair, Sutton, and took me – after assuring me that he’s “make sure everything would be OK and not to worry” – the short distance to Elk Valley Preowned Auto and Rental. There I rented a car and, after leaving my contact information at Mike’s, I was again on my way to Ballengee. On Friday Mike called, “the part is in my hand,” he said, and “we’ve already dropped the transmission. It looks like rain for tomorrow, so I’ll be in to put car back together.” On Saturday he called and said it was ready but we decided I’d stick with my original plan and pick it up on Tuesday on my way to Pittsburgh, instead of driving an extra 4 ½ hour roundtrip. Which is what I did. My friend since college at the University of Kentucky 40 years ago is fine as well. So, a large, relieved thank you to Richard Nettles and Suzie Steele at Elk Valley Auto; Mike and Linda Thibodeaux and Tony Barber at Mike’s Auto Repair; the two Allegheny Power guys who got the ball rolling (and whose names I did not get) and to Skeeter and Brad at Pletcher Pontiac – all who took and extra time and showed the extra concern to make a potentially high anxiety situation into a very well managed one. Your communities should to be proud to claim you. I’m certainly glad to have encountered you. N. Blithe Runsdorf Pittsburgh, PA Postal services... Dear Editor: Please consider printing the following letter to the editor or guest column. Many residents in our community, such as homebased businesses and eBay users, and those who ship packages and can’t easily go to the Post Office, would have interest in this. It’s easy to mail packages from home or business using Click-N-Ship and free carrier pickup service. Many of postal customers – businesses and residential – ship packages. Whether frequently or just occasionally, I’d like to tell you about two very simply and convenient postal services we offer via the Internet. These services are becoming increasingly popular with Americans, especially those with small and home-based internet businesses and those who use eBay. These convenient USPS services will save you time and a trip to the Post Office. The first service is Click-N-Ship. It allows you to send Express Mail (1-2 day delivery) and Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery) packages and envelopes using http://www.usps.com/ and a credit card. The second service is Carrier Pickup Online Service. It allows you to have your package(s) picked up free-of-charge by your letter carrier by using the Internet the day before. You can access ClickN-Ship by going to www.usps.com/clicknship. Click on “Register Now” and follow a short, simple registration process. Prepare your package for mailing and enter the weight. (You can use your bathroom scale, or better yet, purchase a weight scale for a low price at your local Post Office, hardware store or usps.com.) Choose the mailing service shipping option and method of payment. You will then be able to print postage-paid shipping labels. Delivery Confirmation service is also free using Priority Mail service with Click-N-Ship. The last step is even easier. You can request free Priority and Express Mail Carrier Pickup of your package(s) at your home or business for the next day using the website www.usps.com/pickup/. Or you can give the packages to your letter carrier; or take them directly to the Post Office. Customers are invited to contact the Post Office for more information about these services. Sincerely, Robin Taylor Postmaster of Napier, WV (304) 765-5969 April 25, 2006 Page 5 Gassaway Community Alliance to sponsor community-wide yard sale The Gassaway Community Alliance is sponsoring the First Annual Community-wide Yard Sale to kick off their campaign to raise funds for the restoration of the Gassaway Depot. Along with the Gassaway businesses, the sale will take place May 5, 6 and 7. Anyone wishing to participate in the yard sale needs to contact the Gassaway Community Building or Ritchie Roach at 3642231, so you will be listed with your location on an information sheet that will be distributed to the public. The Gassaway Community Alliance will be setting up their sale at the Gassaway Depot, so if you wish to donate items for their sale, please contact Ritchie Roach. There will be free parking throughout the Town of Gassaway beginning May 5 thru the weekend. The GFWC Woman’s Club of Gassaway will be having a sub sale on Friday, May 5 at the Gassaway Community Building. The Club members will have turkey and ham subs, chips, dessert and a drink for $6.00. They will deliver or you may pick up. The Gassaway Community Alliance welcomes all citizens of Central W.V. to come and enjoy a great weekend in Gassaway, where you may find that unexpected treasure. Braxton County Memorial expresses gratitude to Auxilians Braxton County Memorial Hospital has an Employee Activities Committee (EAC) that raises money to assist in the funding of various activities for BCMH employees. Two of the biggest events that take place are hospital week and an annual Christmas dinner. Our hospital auxilians are also instrumental in helping with some of these activities, whether it be making food for the event or donating money toward the event. Recently, the EAC held a 50/50 drawing as one of their fund raising endeavors. The lucky winner was Letha Cantrell, one of the hospital’s auxilians. Instead of taking the money, Letha donated it Letha Cantrell back to the EAC. This is just one of the many examples of how dedicated and caring the auxilians of Braxton County Memorial Hospital are. Their warm greetings as you enter the hospital are always a way to brighten even the dreariest of days. In conjunction with National Volunteer Week, BCMH would like to take this opportunity to thank Letha for her generous donation and to the rest of the auxilians who volunteer countless hours of service to our hospital and help make this community a better place. 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In County $15.00 Name ______________________________________ In State $21.00 Address ____________________________________ Out of State $29.75 Seniors Deduct ____________________State _____ Zip _________ Mail To: P.O. Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601 .. Or Call $1.00 (304)765-5193 and charge it to your MasterCard or Visa Read The Citizens' News On The World Wide Web www.bcn-news.com Citizens’ NEWS Page 6 April 25, 2006 With Deepest Sympathy OBITUARIES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Mariah, Calhoun County, WV the son of the late Leslie W. and Opal Brannon Dodge. He was a World War II Army Veteran and was the recipient of a Purple Heart. He was a truck driver and owner of Sutton Taxi. He is survived by wife Madeline Williams Dodge of Sutton, WV; two sons Leslie Dodge and wife Sue of Maryland and Lawrence Dodge and wife Janet of Edmonton, Alberta. Also surviving are five grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at Greene-Robertson Funeral Home, Sutton with Rev. Be Be Marshall officiating. Burial was in the Williams Cemetery, Sutton, WV. Greene-Robertson Funeral Home served the Dodge family. Clara Mae Given Clara Mae Given, “The Cake Lady”, 85, of Birch River, WV, died April 19,2006 in Braxton County Memorial Hospital, Gassaway. She was born November 19, 1920 in Gassaway, WV the daughter of the late Howard and Lillian Davis Martin. Also preceding COMMUNITY CALENDAR Arts and Crafts Show: The 12th Annual Arts and Crafts Show will be Sunday, April 29 at Nicholas County High School in Summersville from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Admission is by donation to shop 100 booths. There will also be hourly door prizes with the grand prize drawing at 2:00 p.m. for $100 (must be present to win grand prize). The show is two weeks before Mother’s Day, perfect for finding that special gift. ••••••••••••••••••• Cemetery Notice: All those having loved ones buried in the Flatwoods Cemetery are urged to clean off the graves before May 1, 2006, so mowing season can begin unhampered. ••••••••••••••••••• Scapbooking Night: Back by popular demand – scrapbooking night at Antioch Alliance Church on Friday, April 28th, at 7 p.m. Beginners welcome! We will have a class to get you started. Cost for materials is $2. Call Missy Rose at 7657068 or Ruth Swenson at 364-5330 for any questions. We are going to make it a monthly event on the Fourth Friday of each month!! Mark your calendars! ••••••••••••••••• Gassaway CleanUp: Tidy up and make it shine. My home, my town, we will make it shine, and look just fine. Community beauty is everybody’s duty. Gassaway clean up days are May 8-12. For more information please call the Mayor’s office at 3645111. ••••••••••••••••••• Spaghetti Dinner: Davis Elementary is inviting you to the Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, April 30 th from 11:30 to 2:30 at the Gassaway Community Building. Carry out is available, please call your order in on Saturday the 29, 2006 at 364-5113. An adult plate is $6.00 and a child’s plate is $3.00. Dinner includes Spaghetti with a hot roll, salad with dressing, green beans, applesauce, dessert and a drink. All proceeds go to the Davis Elementary PTO. Thank you for making Davis Elementary a great place to learn and grow. ••••••••••••••••••• A.A. and N.A. Meetings: Alcoholics Anonymous is holding regular meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Braxton County Fellowship House. Narcotics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same time. There are no dues or fees. You only need a desire to quit drinking or using drugs. For more information or directions call 765-2616. ••••••••••••••••••• Recipes Needed for Local Cookbook: If you were one of the lucky ones that purchased a copy of “Dog-gone Purr-fect Recipes, Vol. 1” from the Braxton County Humane Society, you will be pleased to know that Volume 2 is in the works! However, we need your help. We need recipes; lots and LOTS of recipes! We will also add a section for weight loss and diabetic recipes to this volume if there are enough contributions. Please send recipes via email to necy261@yahoo.com or you can mail them to Denise Mowery, 604 Braxton Street, Gassaway, WV 26624 or to Debbie Westfall, 287 N. Baxter Street, Sutton, WV 26601. You can also drop them off at GTR Labs in Gassaway. Don’t forget to submit your name with your recipe so you can receive credit in the book. We anticipate having the books finished by the end of October if all goes according to plan. All proceeds will go to the Braxton County Humane Society to benefit the animals housed in the Braxton County Animal Shelter. Please help support this very worthwhile cause. ••••••••••••••••••• Gassaway Centennial Committee Dinner: The Gassaway Centennial Committee Appreciation Dinner will be held Saturday, April 29th at 6:30 p.m. at the Gassaway Community Building. The public is welcomed. Reservations must be made in advance by calling 3645111 or Ritchie Roach at 364-2231. Deadline is April 27. ••••••••••••••••••• Revival: The Frametown United Methodist Church will hold their Spring Revival April 30 through May 7 with services beginning at 7:00 p.m. Evangelist will be Gary Maynor with special singers each night. Pastor Larry Conrad. ••••••••••••••••••• Meet the Candidate’s Night: The Burnsville Elementary School PTA will be hosting a “Meet the Braxton County Board of Education Candidates Night” on Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the Burnsville Elementary Cafeteria. This event is open to the public. ••••••••••••••••••• Benefit Softball Tournament: There will be a benefit softball tourney on May 6 th and 7 th at the baseball field in Holly Gray Park, double elemination. $100 entry fee. Bring your own softballs, nothing over .47 core will be allowed. All proceeds will go to help Fred Lloyd of her in death were her husband of 51 years, Ernie A. Given and one daughter, Lillian Sue Given. She was a 57-year member of the Birch River Baptist Church where she was the church treasurer for 25 years, and involved in Women’s Missions. She was a homemaker, a lover of animals and a 43year cancer survivor. She will be sadly missed by her faithful companion, a dog named Blackie. She is survived by four daughters, Sandra Kerekes and husband David, Sharon Woods and husband Doyle, all of Sutton who is battling Lukemia. To enter the tournament call Jerry at 765-5935, Randy at 3649063 or Jim at 765-2645. ••••••••••••••••••• Sing: The Faith Harmony Boys from Montgomery and the Needhams from Murfreesburo, TN will be singing on Friday, May 12 at The Villanova Baptist Church on Servia Road in Duck, WV (take Exit off I-79). The service begins at 7pm and admission is free. Refreshments will be served after the Service. Everyone welcome. For more information call Pastor John Cole at 304632-9835 or Phil McKown at 304-364-5286. ••••••••••••••••••• Braxton Community Coalition: The April meeting for the Braxton Community Coalition General Members will be held at the Mountaineer Food Bank on Thursday, April 27 th at noon. Everyone is invited to attend. Lunch will be provided. There will be a presentation on Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Program. ••••••••••••••••••• Revival: The Zion Pentecostal Church of God, located at 1720 Bug Ridge Road, will holding a revival from April 27-30 starting at 7:00 p.m. There will be special singing nightly. Everyone welcome. Francis and Lester Boylen preaching. ••••••••••••••••••• Memorial Flag Day Ceremony: April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Join us at the Court House Square on Wednesday, April 26th at 10:30 a.m. for Braxton County’s Memorial Flag Day Ceremony. This day is set aside to remember our children that have become victims of abuse and to increase national awareness of this growing problem. ••••••••••••••••••• Fellowship Meeting: The Fall Run Baptist Church is having a fellowship meeting on Saturday, May 20. We will be starting at 9:00 sharp. We will have special singing, three great speakers followed by a thirty minute break. Then some more special singing, and two more great speakers. Lunch will be served around 1:00. Our guest speakers, Lord willing, will be Elder Gene Kiger from Stanleyville, NC, Elder James Hobbs from South Shore, KY, Elder Doug Newell from South Shore, KY, Elder Paul Stepp from Indore, WV, and Brother Barry Boswell from Mercerburg, PA. Everyone is invited and invited to bring as many as will come with you. We are looking forward to a great time in the Lord, Please make plans to be with us. For more information contact Elder Carl Barnette at 304452-8256. ••••••••••••••••••• Rummage and Bake Sale: The Burnsville United Methodist Women are sponsoring a rummage and bake sale on May 5 and 6 in the Church basement. Braxton County, WV Cuyahoga Falls, OH, Shirley Scott and husband David of Abingdon, VA, and Sundee Kitchen and husband Weyman of Mogadore, OH; one brother, Don Martin of Northfield, OH; and one sister, Eleanor Jean Hunker of Morgantown; seven grandchildren, Brian and Eric Kerekes, Michael Woods, David and Timothy Scott, Ernie Kitchen, and Wendy Hennings. Also surviving are 9 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the Birch River Baptist Church, Birch River, WV with Rev. David Scott and Rev. Rob Worlledge officiating. Burial was in the Eureka Cemetery, Strange Creek, WV. G r e e n e - R o b e r t s o n ther, Kimberly and Mike F u n e r a l H o m e s e r v e d Ayers and father Rick Pingley all of Sutton; the Given family. One sister, Marinda at Meredith Dawn Pingley home and two brothers, Meredith Dawn Matthew and Michael P i n g l e y , 1 8 , o f S u t t o n both at home. GrandparWV, passed away April ents, Dolores and Edward 1 9 , 2 0 0 6 a t t h e W V U Hawkins of Gassaway. Funeral Services Medical Center in Morgantown from inju- were at 2:00 PM Saturries sustained in an ATV day April 22, 2006 at the accident on Sunday near Braxton County Armory in Gassaway with Pastor Flatwoods, WV. She was born Janu- Paul Beatty and Pastor ary 19, 1988 and was a William Hurt Officiating. senior at Braxton County B u r i a l w i l l b e i n t h e Cemetery in High School where she T e s l a was a member of the Na- Tesla, WV. Friends may t i o n a l H o n o r S o c i e t y . call from 6-9:00 PM FriShe worked at Braxton day at the Armory and County Memorial Hospi- two hours prior to the tal as a co-op student and service on Saturday. In Lieu of Flowers was a member of Morrison United Method- the family suggests mei s t C h u r c h i n S u t t o n , morials to the Braxton County Memorial HospiWV. She is survived by tal, 100 Hoylman Drive her mother and step-fa- Gassaway, WV. 26624 ••••••••••••••••••• Ramp Dinner: There will be a Ramp Dinner on Sunday, April 30, from 11:00 a.m. till gone at the Gilmer County Senior Center, located at 720 N. Lewis Street, Glenville. Call 462-5761. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. The menu consists of ramps, ham, potatoes, brown and w h i t e beans, salad, desert, sassafras tea, tea and coffee. ••••••••••••••••••• Revival: The Christ Church United Methodist invites one and all to Revival 2006 with speaker Dr. John Allen. Come and hear the good news, Christ is Risen! Revival will start nightly at 7:30 p.m. on April 23 through 26. Christ Church United Methodist is located at 188 Main Street, Sutton. ••••••••••••••••••• Arbor Day Tree Planting: Judy’s Garden Club will hold a ceremonial tree planting in honor of Arbor Day on the grounds of Braxton County Memorial Hospital at 10:30 a.m. on April 26th. ••••••••••••••••••• Gospel Sing: There will be a gospel sing Saturday, April 29th at 7:00 p.m. at the Orlando Baptist Church. The singers will be the Copen Choir. Everyone is welcome. Lonnie Ramsey, pastor. ••••••••••••••••••• Revival There will be a revival at the Right Hand Fork Church on May 4-56 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Preaching will be by pastor Doug Smailes. Singing May 4: Napier Choir. Singing May 5: The Riffles from Jane Lew; Singing May 6: The Copen Choir. Everyone please come out and join the worship service! Pastor Tim Kelley. Get ready to dig, Little Birch Elementary to host plant swap The annual Flower Swap held at Little Birch Elementary School’s pavilion is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is an all volunteer event organized by Sue Clifton, family and friends. There is no money to change hands. The rules are simple: bring a plant and trade for another plant! But, because gardeners are a generous lot, there are usually more plants to find a home than to be traded away! If you’ve been here before, you’ll know what we mean. And if you are just curious, please plan on coming out to visit with us. There will be a sign up sheet that we are hoping to enhance a bit. We’d like to help network people who need help and who can help (we work pretty cheap - usually in exchange for p l a n t s ! ) And there has been some interest in having a lecture while we gather. Perhaps someone might speak on grafting skills and techniques. But first we have to find that someone! So, if you are that person, please call Sue at 7652994. And if you have any other questions please call her or e-mail her at sclifton@localnet.com. If you are not aware of the WV Extension office, and their services, you might also be interested in the Master Gardener Program which is being offered this year. Please contact Debbie Friend at Debbie.Friend@mail.wvu.edu for more information on the class and schedule. So mark your calendar, mark you plants and get ready to dig! Bring them on out to the Little Birch Elementary School pavilion on Saturday, May 6th from 9:00 to 12:00 and get ready to go home with some different plants and some new friends! It’s a wonderful time to share and meet people! Hope to see you there! Little Birch Pre-Owned Auto Sales 4937 Old Turnpike Road, Little Birch, WV 26629 765-7700 Stock # Year 1409 2001 1228 2000 1336 2000 1410 1999 1414 1999 1426 1999 1430 1999 1434 1999 1415 1998 1419 1998 1435 1998 1412 1997 1418 1997 1433 1997 1428 1995 1427 1995 1247 1995 1375 1994 1382 1991 Make Description Chevrolet Cavalier - 4 door, auto, air Toyota Tacoma - 4 cyl., auto, 4X4 Land Rover Discovery - 4 door, auto, 4X4 Ford Escort - 4 door, auto, air Chevrolet S-10 Truck - X-Cab, V6, 4X4 Dodge Dakota - X-Cab, V8, 5 speed, 4X4 Jeep Cherokee - 4 door, auto, 4X4 Jeep Grand Cherokee - 4 door, auto, 4X4 Chrysler Cirrus - 4 door, V6, leather, air Dodge Grand Caravan - All Wheel Drive, rear air Ford F-150 Truck - X-Cab, V8, auto, 4x4 Chevrolet C-3500 Truck - Flat bed, V8, 5 speed Chrysler Town & Country - All Wheel Drive, leather Ford F-150 Truck - X-Cab, V8, auto, 4X4 Chevrolet S-10 Truck - X-Cab, V6, 4X4 Pontiac Grand Prix - 4 door, auto Subaru Legacy Wagon - 4 door, AWD Dodge Dakota - X-Cab, V8, auto, 4X4 Ford Explorer - 4 door, auto, 4X4 Free fill-up with the purchase of every vehicle. Ask about our extended warranty coverage on select models. On the spot Bank Financing Available Buy here - Pay here available on select vehicles Open: Monday - Saturday -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (After hours by appointment) Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV COMMUNITY CORNER PAT’S CHAT I found the ultimate Bible Resource site on the Internet. It is www.bibleuniverse.com! I like clicking on “Hymn of the Day” and listening, and it looks like almost any Bible question could be answered while my own point of view is respected. I like that! Visit that site and expand your universe. Ilene Pickens called me a few days ago wondering if I had a less expensive Verizon Freedom package here in Buckhannon like the one her sister has in Pennsylvania. I had to say I do not have that but I still love my Freedom package. It lets me stay in touch with my children and grandchildren, family and friends who live too far to personally visit! By the way, my number is (304) 472-5102, if you have something you want me to put in the Chat. A baby shower was held today at the Adventist Church on Brushy Fork BY PAT RIDPATH Road for Danny and Dawna Gregory’s new daughter who is expected to arrive in the next two to four weeks! It was fun, even though I didn’t do well on the games! Dawna is radiantly beautiful, as are many soon-to-be new mothers! We pray that all will go well. We got some delicious Gardenburger Portabello burgers in the frozen foods section at the store and they are deliciously vegetarian. They are even “wheat-free!” On the box is this quote: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” - Albert Einstein Jewel Burkhart Wilfong with whom I used to work at the old Weston State Hospital, and who retired from Sharpe Hospital called me recently. She and her husband Bob are both fighting cancer. Keep them in your prayers. The Mt. Hope Method- ist Church will not be having church service next Sunday (30 th) since it is fifth Sunday and Pastor McCormick is given the day off. Me, too, since I won’t need to go play piano for them. I will play for the Mt. Washington congregation at 10:00, but just won’t have to go on to Mt. Hope at 11:00. (Mt. Hope should soon have their regular piano player who is soon to return from Florida, I think.) I played for the Adventist church yesterday, too, since we finally got the organ repaired and Sheri-Lyn Sapp plays it. I like organ music for worship service. Pat Blake writes, “I just got home from [Kanawha Alumni Association] KAA meeting. It was a busy!!! Directly after the business session was concluded we began getting the mailers ready. Three pages this year: the Association letter/reservation form, a note about the library reception, and information about the Friday night gathering in the park. Over 1000 ‘letters’ were prepared: stamping, folding, stapling... The group hit a good lick and finished in roughly an hour. These will go in the mail early this week, so if anyone fails to receive an invitation, please contact Cherry Dale Ramsey (304) 853-2474.” Also, remember that if you have any donations for the auction (especially BHS memorabilia) call Russ McClain at (304) 853-2826. Also, to get Juanita Sholes, Jean McNemar and Pauline Sands about your yard sale site on the map for that weekend, con1938. tact Terry Vankirk at (304) 853-2460. Ray Crutchfield, Jr. has had shoulder surgery and needs lots of prayer and get-well cards! (P. O. Box 51, Burnsville 26335.) We need him to lead the singing of the Burnsville High School song at the Alumni meeting! The Class of ’51 plans to meet Friday at 2:00 p.m. in the park at the back of the school on Alumni weekend! Bring your own chair, remember. Burnsville Methodist Church will have the spring Rummage and Bake Sale (plus hotdogs!) the first weekend of May, Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th. Mark your calendar. A dear friend of mine in Burnsville tells me that the Church of God had a note-burning celebration recently because they are now debt-free! That is a wonderful accomplishment! Shirley Singleton Lloyd announces that they will have a Garage and Bake sale at their home in Flatwoods on April 29 th , rain or shine, from 8:00 a.m. until ?? Proceeds will be for the Cancer fund. If you have questions, call Shirley at (304) 765-7514. To raise funds for the Burnsville Library, they are selling Burnsville Bruin tee shirts for $10.00 each. They are black with Burnsville Bruins and bear face in orange on the front. Pam Wine, librarian, also reports that their exhibit this year is based on the PBS documentary, “The Appalachians: America’s First and Last Frontier.” There are DVD and companion books in the library to check out. This will begin May 15 and end on the 27th with the reception. The reception will begin at noon and there will be some local folks presenting old-time mountain music and bluegrass. At 1:00, Mari-Lynn Currence April 25, 2006 Page 7 Evans, who produced the documentary will show a 50-minute screener of the film, followed by a brief presentation from her and a DVD/CD/Book signing. Tune in for more information on this. Wally Hefner wrote that he remembers George and Laura Ptomey as “two of the finest people I ever knew.” Mr. Ptomey was the man who hired Wally at the Home National Bank. Wally says he always took Mr. Ptomey a mess of frog legs and asks, “Where have all the frogs gone?” (I wonder that myself.) Wally also remembers my Uncle Clate Wiant’s blind horse CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Re-Elect John Campbell for Board of Education Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate ON MA Y 9, V OTE and ELECT MAY VOTE YOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Proven and Dedicated to the people of Braxton County Experienced and Qualified in serving the public Served over 5 years on the Braxton County Board of Education while working full-time without conflict Actively involved in civic and community organizations A regular citizen looking to mak e a difference make Committed to doing the job with the time and energy needed Will keep an open mind and door to the people Honest and Sincere in fulfilling the duties of the office NO T a professional politician NOT Mak e your vote count and let ’s work together Make let’s to mak e a difference for Braxton County!!! make SUZIE NETTLES-STEELE for COUNTY COMMISSION V ote Vote Your support greatly appreciated Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate Citizens’ NEWS Page 8 April 25, 2006 COMMUNITY CORNER CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 and he has a picture of Clate with it. He says he always liked my “Aunt” Iva Lou, or rather listening to her. She sent Wally a case of wine once. “A wonderful person,” he writes. Here is a picture from about 1938 or so. It is from left to right, Juanita Sholes, Jean McNemar, and Pauline Sands, and is taken in front of the Sands house in the Stringtown part of Burnsville. Jean is my aunt and has lived in Buckhannon since she and Bill Haymond and their daughters, Debbie (now Davis) and Barbara moved here from Alexandria, VA in 1976. I have another aunt who lives here, too Betty McNemar and her sons, Ronnie and Randy and their families. Maranatha! ORLANDO NEWS Hello everyone!! Elizabeth Persinger of Spencer, had Nathan Kidd, Euclid Ohio and James Kidd of Willoughby Ohio for dinner guests on Friday, then they come to their Aunt Faith Kidd of Napier, where they spent Saturday with their aunt and enjoyed dinner with Faith they returned home Sunday. Happy Birthday wishes to Erica Wine on April 27th and to Carl Lowther. Prayers are needed for: Pearl Smith, Marvin Allen, Tyler Knight, Ruby Bee, Rev Ronzel Roberts and wife Leona, Vorris and Madeline Scott, Lucille Bennett, Donna Riffle, Glennis Williams, Jeremy Allen, Lona Claypoole, Wally Hefner, Martha Taylor. Hazel and Issac Fleming and Sol and Betty Brown attended the ramp dinner at Hackers Valley. The food was really good and sure had plenty of it. The trustees of Little Kanawha Memorial Garden at Heaters wants everyone that has flowers on the graves (that are on the ground) to remove them soon as you can so they can get the mowing done. Thanks to you that moves them and once again dona- tions are needed for the cleaning and mowing there, you may send donations to: Solomon Brown Box 31 Heaters WV 26627 or Milford Given Box 127 Burnsville WV 26335. Thank you for all your donations. Also donations are needed for the Blake / Riffle cemetery on Clover Fork you can send donations to Charles Bennett, 3498 Clover Fork Road, Orlando, WV 26412. Thank you for any and all donations. It is greatly appreciated. Deepest condolences are sent to the Pingley family. Recent visitors of Lucille and Charles Bennett were John Bennett, Susan Stafford and son Carl Stafford, Courtney Metz, Lynn Riffle, Casey Riffle, Joseph and Austin Posey, Martin and Shawn Posey, and Ray Fisher. Easter dinner guests of Martha Taylor were Martha and Charlie Cochran, Mary Gregory, Steve Forinash, Marion Forinash, Betty, Laurel, Greg Lloyd and Rick Carder. Recent visitors of Martha Taylor were Jimmy Robinson, Jody Taylor, Amy Taylor, Drew Taylor, BY KATE POSEY and Andy Grogg. Thanks to the men who cleaned up the Clover Fork Road. It sure looks good let’s help the keep it looking nice and clean. Visiting my family and me were Carl and Susan Stafford and son Carl, Daughter Courtney Metz, Barbara and Marty Posey, Shawn and Martin Posey, Rusty and Austin and Joseph Posey, Lynn Riffle, Casey Riffle, and Pete Ware. The humming birds are back now. Lucille Bennett and I enjoy the wild birds and feeding them also. Happy Birthday wishes to Rusty Posey on May 1 and to Russell Posey on May 4. Visitors of Reba Ratliff were Jane Hickman, Craig Singleton, Whitney Walker, Dakota Walker, Chelsea Walker, Emily Walker, Jim Ratliff, Jean Allen, Ronnie Valentine, Leann Allen, Randy Howk, Kay Howk, Bubby and Lori Walker, Alva Glenn Allen, Jerry Allen, Allie Pritt and Matt Pritt. Recent visitors of Vorris and Madeline Scott were Susan Stafford and son Carl, Courtney Metz and Kate and Russell Posey. This weeks recipe is Roger Hall wants to be your next Braxton County Commissioner • Native of Braxton County • Businessman • Family man • Active in church and community activites... • Eager to serve the citizens... I have a great love for the people of Braxton County, I am very active in many community and service organizations. Diana and I attend Villa Nova Baptist Church and are members of the Gassaway Chapter of the Eastern Star #32. I am Chairman of the Sugar Creek PSD, Past Master and present Secretary of Strange Creek Masonic Lodge #130, President of the Braxton County Scottish Rite Club, member of the Upshur County Shrine Club, Beni Kedem Shrine and contributor to the Shrine Hospital, member of the Braxton County Rotary Club and Braxton Flying Club. If elected I will work diligently, with the other commissioners, to equally represent all the people of Braxton County. On May 9th Vote... Make Roger Hall your elected representative... Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate Braxton County, WV for Spinach-Stuffed Chicken Breasts. You will need: 1-1/2 cups water, 6 Tbsp. KRAFT Roasted Red Pepper Italian with Parmesan Dressing, divided, 1 pkg. (10 oz.) spinach leaves, stems removed, chopped, 1 pkg. (6 oz.) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken, 1/4 cup coarsely chopped roasted red peppers, 6 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1-1/2 lb.), pounded to 1/4-inch thickness, and 1/2 cup KRAFT Shredded Mozzarella Cheese. Directions: preheat oven to 350°F. Bring water and 2 Tbsp. of the dressing to boil in large skillet on medium-high heat. Stir in spinach, stuffing mix and peppers; cover. Remove from heat. Let stand 5 min. Set aside. Place chicken, topsides down, on large cut- ting board; spread evenly with stuffing mixture. Starting at one of the short ends, lightly roll up each chicken breast. Place, seam-sides down, in 13x9-inch baking dish. Brush with remaining 1/ 4 cup (4 Tbsp). dressing. Bake 30 min. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake an additional 5 min. or until cheese is melted and chicken is cooked through (170°F). GASSAWAY NEWS Hi Everyone! I hope this writing finds all of you well. Hasn’t this weather been gorgeous? Everyone here in Gassaway are mowing their lawns and planting flowers. My compliments to my neighbors, your houses and lawns all look beautiful. I am very proud of our little town. When you drive through Gassaway take a look at the store fronts. Each business owner does a great job in keeping them looking neat and clean. Their window displays look great! Have you seen the window displays at the Senior Center? They are always a treat. We have a new store in town. It is owned and operated by Larry and Lilly Helmick, who also have L&L Music Shop. In the new shop, you will find all of your quilting and craft supplies as well as some unique gifts. She also carries fabric for those of you who sew. I wish I could do that! I’m afraid I’m not very creative. So, stop by and check out this wonderful addition to our town. The town of Gassaway has many activities coming up this spring. Mayor Roach tells me that there will be a Town Meeting on Thursday April 27 th at 7pm and urges all Gassaway residents to attend. Also, the town is having their Annual Community Sale. This will be on May 5, 6 & 7. Mayor Roach asks that you contact him and let him know if you are going to participate, so that they may create a map for those attending the sales. May 8-12 is Clean up Days in Gassaway. Please call the Mayor’s Office if you have items that need to be picked up. No appliances, furniture, or mattresses will be taken this year. Please mark your calendars for these events! Keep in mind that Gassaway Days is June 29, 30 and July 1 st this year. Plan to attend as there will be many, many activities to enjoy. I will write more on that in the coming weeks. A reminder note, the Gassaway Woman’s Club will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, May 2 nd . This is a member’s night with a dinner prepared by Mrs. Jeanie Jackson. The Woman’s Club is a great organization and they are always looking for new members. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact Teresa Jackson at 364-2628. There are several activities planned at the Braxton Senior Center this week. On Wednesday April 26 th there will be a program at 10 am presented by Hospice Care. On Thursday April 27 th , there will be another program, this time at 10:30 am presented by CVS Pharmacy. Stop by and check these out! Also, the Center is conducting a fund raiser in Charleston on May 13 th. Volunteers will be working a concession stand at Laidley Field during the National College Coaches Association Field Day. Volunteers are needed. Transportation will be provided by the Center Van. So, if you want to help a good cause, and have a day of fun, your volunteer services would be greatly appreciated. For more information, contact Michelle Carpenter at the Senior Center. I recently took a drive to Sutton. I used the “short cut”, as we lo- RE-ELECT ELIZABETH M. STEWART for BOARD OF EDUCATION Political Advertisement - Paid for by the Candidate BY MELINDA FRAME cals call it. I went through Cutlip Fork onto Tiffany Jackson Drive and over to Sutton. This is where the Braxton County Animal Shelter is located. I must tell you that I was extremely disturbed by all of the garbage along this road. Computer monitors, tires, and just common everyday trash. What are people thinking? Littering is against the law. This really saddens me, because this road was named for a very beautiful young lady who was very dear to me. I can remember Tiffany, her brother, Tyler and her parents walking along that road, picking up garbage every spring. Teresa Jackson was telling me that one of her neighbors had worked very hard picking up all of the garbage and only a few days later it was trashed up again. I know this problem is not exclusive to Tiffany Jackson Drive. As I have told you, Phil and I take drives on these lovely days, and we see this as a problem everywhere. Garbage has a proper place. Let’s all do our part to keep it there. I’m sure that if we keep reminding everyone that it will make a difference. Let’s keep our county clean and beautiful. Get well wishes to three year old, Kolton Hoffman of Elkview, who broke his arm. Get well soon! Belated Happy Anniversary wishes to Jim & Louise Simmons celebrating 60 years. Congratulations! Birthdays this week are; April 23-Jacob Boggs, Michael Taffer, Jenny Hardway, Deanna Wayne April 25-Julia E. Carr April 26-Ruth Helen Uldrich, Cory Nicholas, Brian Holcomb April 27-Jamie Gum, Gladys Butcher April 28-Micah Anne Cutlip, Richard Andrew Minnich April 29-Jenna Facemire Happy Birthday to all of you!!!! It deeply saddens me to say that our children have lost another classmate. Our county has lost so many young people in the last couple of years. This tragedy will not soon be forgotten by anyone. Our entire community is mourning the loss of this beautiful young lady. Please keep the family of Meredith Pingley in your prayers and pray for the speedy recovery of her sister, Marinda. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Meredith Pingley, Leslie Dodge, Clara Given, Louella Shaw, Jacqueline Carpenter, and Becky Markle. I want to sincerely thank all of you for your positive feed back on my article. I appreciate all of your kind words and enco u r a g e m e n t . P l e a s e feel free to call me at 364-4615 or email me at Gassaway_news@verizon.net with your news. I will be happy to put it in the article. Thanks again, and until next week, take care! Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV MAGISTRATE COURT R-E-P-O-R-T Magistrate Beth Smith’s Court: April 13: Christopher Coppage, speeding, paid; Michael Franklin, speeding, paid. April 17: Andrew Eric Lough, driving on suspended, revoked 3rd and 4th offenses; Teddy Lewis Moss, overweight, paid; Mark J. Hillman, speeding, paid; Leroy Stephenson, speeding, paid; Robert James Davis, speeding, paid; Stephen Sondike, speeding, plead not guilty; Jason Hacker, reckless driving, pled down to speeding; Edward Fisher, truancy; Wesley Gibson, speeding, paid; Buster Pennington, driving on revoked to DUI, pled not guilty; Cheryl Baker, truancy; Christen Ayers, truancy; James Stanley, speeding, dismissed, incorrect information on citation; Jeffrey Mihelich, speeding, possession of less than 15 grams marijuana; Monica Adams, speeding, paid; Linda McCumbers, truancy. April 18: John C. Sartin, public intoxication, fled by foot; Laura Anne Townsend, fraudulent prescriptions. April 19: James Goodson, no proof of insurance, dismissed, proof shown; Kevin L. Roberts, failure to display IFTA fuel decal, paid; Scott J. Isaacs, speeding, paid; Mirriam A. Duncan, possession of a controlled substance, six months probation; Norma Browning, possession of less than 15 grams marijuana, paid; Travis Scott Hamric, fraudulent MVI; Tracy Gradd, truancy, pled guilty; Mary Carper, truancy, pled guilty; Christopher W. Hoffman, truancy, pled no contest; Brandi Jo Basham, speeding, pled no contest; Anita Sandy, truancy, paid. April 20: Fred Shane McPherson, Jr., no proof of insurance, dismissed, proof show, expired MVI; Jokwin R. Schoonover II, worthless check to MidState Marina, paid; Don Kevin Ratcliff, assault, reached pre-trial diversion agreement. April 21: Tara Fields, worthless check to Moyers Store, paid; Larry M. Neff, possession of less than 15 grams marijuana, defective equipment, failure to drive with due care; Mark Christopher Lemon, driving on suspended 3 rd offense, possession of less than 15 grams marijuana; Jada Powell, speeding, paid; Crystal Willson, worthless check to KwikPik. Magistrate Carolyn Cruikshanks’ Court: April 13: Daniel Cosgrove, speeding, paid, Morgan McKernow, speeding, paid; Christopher Furlon, speeding, paid; Imtiaz, Siamwalla, speeding, paid; Jeanne Harris, worthless check to Moyers Store, paid; Travis Chapman, possession with intent to deliver, dismissed, no evidence presented by state; Calvin Cottrell, tampering with firefighting equipment, destruction of property, both dismissed, state did not wish to prosecute; Travis Chapman, petit larceny; Michael J. Newberry, overweight, over length, over width, pled guilty; Scott D. Singleton, domestic battery; Jeffrey M. Strange, speeding. April 17: Richard Bird, speeding, paid; Michael Andrew, speeding, paid; Blake Rogers, speeding; Jack McCroskey, overweight, pled no contest; Robert J. Roy Sr., overweight, paid; Michael Wooten, no seatbelt, paid; James A. Caleb, domestic battery; Michael Short, conspiracy to purchase precursor with intent to manufacture methamphetamine; Misty Westfall, two counts, purchase/possession of precursor with intent to manufacture methamphetamine, conspiracy to purchase precursor with intent to manufacture methamphetamine; William Bohr, possession of controlled substance, bringing controlled substance into jail; Samantha Rae Jones, two counts each forgery and uttering; Salena Tanner, domestic battery, obstructing an officer. April 18: Kaleb Lloyd Davis, no proof of insurance, dismissed, proof provided; Shraba Sternbaugh, speeding, defective equipment; Melanie Dawn Spencer, expired registration, paid; Michael C. Kopher Jr., truancy; Charles Edward Dennison, possession with intent to deliver controlled substance, preliminary hearing waived, bound over to circuit court; Eva L. Rhodes, possession with intent to deliver controlled substance, preliminary hearing waived, bound over to circuit court; David J. Goad, possession with intent to deliver controlled substance, probable cause found at preliminary, bound over to circuit court. April 25, 2006 Page 9 April 19: Ian Bassil, speeding, paid; Barry Hairston, speeding, paid; Christopher F. Beal, speeding, paid; Bradley Ray Mayes, speeding, paid. April 20: Keith Coon, overweight, paid; John Robert Clements, speeding, paid; Charley James, worthless check to Sutton Moose Lodge, paid. Senior Center releases weekly lunch menu The Braxton County Senior Center, Inc. Nutrition Program is funded through the Bureau of Senior Services utilizing III C Federal and State Funds. Meals are served daily from 11:30 am till 12:30 pm at the Braxton County Senior Center, 602 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV 26624 and the Burnsville Community Center in Burnsville. There is no discrimination in the services sponsored by The Braxton County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. regardless of race, creed, sex, handicap or national origin. The menu for the week of April 17th is as follows: Tuesday – turkey a’la king, broccoli, biscuit and fruit; Wednesday – spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread and fruit; Thursday – lima beans, cooked cabbage, corn bread and peach crisp; Friday – oven baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, stewed tomatoes, fruit and bread. BCSCC serves milk and butter with each meal. WV Division of Tobacco Prevention now receiving applications for grant monies to be distributed The West Virginia Division of Tobacco Prevention (WV-DTP) Clean Indoor Air Program operating under the Department of Health and Human Resources and the Bureau for Public Health is offering mini grants to local groups to support tobacco control efforts in Barbour, Braxton, Gilmer, Lewis and Upshur Counties. Applicants may request up to $5,000 of the $15,000 available for this region. (Amount of funding contingent upon availability) The goals of the mini grants program are to prevent tobacco use, promote cessation, educate the community about the dangers of secondhand smoke and enforce CIA regulations in counties with 100% smoke-free restaurants. All applications re- ceived on or before May 19, 2006 will be reviewed, evaluated and ranked. Applicants are required to use the provided forms and application must be typed to eligible for funding. Applicants are encouraged to partner with agencies throughout the region. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate regional or multicounty collaboration. Notice of awards will be made by July 15, 2006. Mini grant projects must be completed by May 31, 2007. Funded agencies must submit their final report and all project-related receipts by May 31, 2007. For more information or to obtain an application, please contact: Patricia Lake, RTPCC, Mountain CAP of WV, Inc., a CDC, P.O. Box 181, Cowen, WV 26206, or call (304) 226-3646. Plus This Week! Special This Week! ® With Your Kroger Plus Card •Healthy Choice Familiar Favorites •Kroger Jumbo Biscuits Assorted Varieties 5.6-11 oz 8 ct Kroger Cinnamon or Crescent Rolls or 16 oz Kroger Vegetables •Marie Callender Pot Pies •Kroger Orange Juice (Excluding Premium) Assorted Varieties 9-16 oz Any Variety 9.5-10 oz •Michelina Entrees Apple, Cranberry Juice, Lemonade Assorted Varieties 6-9 oz MIX OR MATCH MIX OR MATCH •Kroger Grape Jelly •Kroger Peanut Butter •Kroger Pasta Sauce 18 oz Creamy or Crunchy 26 oz 32 oz Sweet Red and Golden Delicious, Pink Lady, Braeburn, Gala and Cameo Apples or Jumbo Red Globe Grapes Kroger Mayonnaise or Classic Whip Salad Dressing Hillshire Farms Deli Select Lunchmeats Assorted Varieties 5-6 oz Pkg 32 oz Pound 14.25 oz Kroger Refrigerated Bagels or 8 oz Kroger Drinking Water Pound •Texas Sweet Onion •Kroger Cottage Cheese 6 pk .5 Liter Select Varieties 16 oz Kroger Dips, Sour Cream Pound PRODUCE MIX OR MATCH MEAT •Seedless English Cucumbers •Kroger Shrimp Poppers •Gwaltney Great Dogs or Smoked Sausage Links •Kroger Red Radishes Assorted Varieties, 1 lb Pkg •Valleydale Pork Sausage 16 oz •Avocados or FMV Pork Sausage 1 lb Roll Each Tennessee Pride Sausage Gravy 8 oz DELI •Listerine Pocketpacks Assorted Flavors, 24 ct •Kroger Fabric, Sheer or Clear Bandages •King’s Hawaiian Rolls Assorted 10-60 ct •Tribes of Two Sheik Hummus Assorted Varieties 8 oz Assorted Varieties 6-6.4 oz FRI 28 •Oral B Indicator Toothbrushes •Southern Style Fried or Rotisserie Baked Chicken Breast Each All White Meat SAT 29 Visit our Website at www.Kroger.com For Additional Savings. Kroger 12 oz American Slices, 6 oz Natural Slices 8 oz Bar 4 ct Package •Aqua Fresh Toothpaste Copyright 2006. Kroger Mid-Atlantic. We reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to dealers. Kroger Shredded Cheese Choose from White or Multigrain Assorted Varieties, 12 ct Items & Prices Good in Gassaway Through April 29, 2006. Limit 3 With Card and Additional Purchase •In-Store Baked French Bread •Tums Smoothies CHOOSE FROM 100 12 pk 12 oz Cans Regular, Thick or Thin 12 oz Pkg 10 oz OVER Diet Coke or Coke Classic •Oscar Mayer Sliced Meat Bologna •Dole Classic Romaine HEALTH & BEAUTY Sprite, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, 6 oz Each WED THURS 26 27 USDA Select Pound •Kroger Cream Cheese Bars •Red Ripe Slicing Tomatoes MIX OR MATCH Boneless Strip Steaks ITEMS THIS WEEK! While Supplies Last Everyday Unlimited MANUFACTURERS DOUBLE COUPONS up to & including a face value of 50 ¢ See store for details Jumbo Boston Ferns 10 Inch Citizens’ NEWS Page 10 April 25, 2006 Braxton County, WV Gateless inducted into college honor society Ashley Spring Gateless, daughter of Clifford and Karin Gateless of Flatwoods, WV, is among the Muskingum College students who we r e i n ducted into Omicron Delta Kappa Society at the 75 th Annual Scholarship Recognition Day re- You and your family deserve nothing but the best. Get the best with ERIE®’s Pioneer Family Auto Insurance cently held in Brown Chapel, Muskingham College Campus. Omicron Delta Kappa Society is a na- tional leadership honor society for junior and senior level college students. It recognizes and encourages superior $IMMEDIATE OPENINGS$ TELEPHONE SALES AGENTS EVENINGS M-THURS. 5-10PM/11PM & SAT. 9:00 AM - 2/DAY SHIFT 9-4:30 M-F ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR AN INTERVIEW For a thorough review of your auto insurance needs, please call us today. scholarship, leadership, and exemplary character. Muskingum College is a four-year, liberal arts college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). Muskingum offers a full range of academic majors, interdisciplinary and pre-professional programs, as well as master of arts in teaching and master of arts in education degrees. For further information, log on to www.muskingum.edu. Putting “Children First” Call (304) 269-2900 or stop by Jason E. Ware 1.2.1 DIRECT RESPONSE Ware Insurance Agency 611 Elk Street Gassaway, WV 26624 (304)364-9120 89 Arnold Drive, Weston, WV Three great phones. One tough choice. Vote for John R. 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SPECIALIZING IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 872-1411 or 1-800-479-1411 1406 WEBSTER RD., SUMMERSVILLE - ACROSS THE ST. FROM HARDEE’S Page 11 April 25, 2006 Braxton Citizens’ NEWS Section A Special Look at Braxton County 2 A Photographic Look Eggstravaganza Over 900 were in attendance at the 2 nd Annual Flatwoods Factory Outlet Stores Eggstravaganza held April 15th. Flatwoods Factory Outlet Stores sponsored the Spring Event in celebration of Easter and to thank the community for their continued patronage. The Outlet Stores provided 120 prize eggs and the gifts for the Grand Prize Basket valued at over $250. The events for the day included a visit from the Easter Bunny, and Egg Hunt, Games, a Scavenger Hunt and, of course, a grand prize drawing. hosted by Flatwoods Factory Outlet Stores The Easter Bunny was on hand for pictures with the children. This service was provided by the Braxton County High School FFA who also volunteered their time to help out with other activities at the event. The Sutton Baptist Church Youth group and Leaders assisted by stuffing and hiding more than 800 eggs. Other local groups involved included the Friends of the Sutton Library, Relay for Life Teams and 4-H Clubs. The Dress Barn Store won the store thank you basket sponsored by the Braxton County Convention and Visitors Bureau. A huge Easter celebration was held at Burnsville Elementary School Burnsville Elementary School celebrated Easter in a big way. A host of activities and lots of fun could be seen anywhere in the school on Thursday, April 13th. The Preschool and Kindergarten classes, under the direction of Bertha Scott, Barb Kerns, Joyce Hamrick and Linda Leggett, presented an Easter program that incorporated dancing, singing, reciting n u r s e r y rhymes and a d o r n i n g unique Easter bonnets/hats for a parade. The program was followed with an Easter egg hunt and party for all the students. The bunny hops in Burnsville Nutrition Site Council entertained with a lavish covered dish meal on Tuesday, April 11 th in celebration of Easter. The many musicians that play at our site every Tuesday played all kinds of “toe tapping” tunes and a few ladies: Alice Prunty, Linda Dean, Marg Crislip and our Braxton County Senior Citizens’ Center Director, Leigh Ann Singleton, joined in doing the “ Bunny Hop” as part of the entertainment. Roger Hall joined in on the pickin’ & grinnin’ on a guitar and Rodney Brown donated candy and flowers. Small Easter baskets prepared by site council members: Shirley Nicholson and Norma Jean Brown were distributed to all who attended the festivities. Door prizes were won by: Steve Brown, Veda Cottrill, Shirley Allen, Betty Marks, Marvin Allen, Shirley Nicholson, Juanita Clay, Harry Brown and Gene Brown. Please come and be a part of what is happening at our Burnsville Nutrition Site….good food and new friends to be made. Citizens’ NEWS Page 12 April 25, 2006 Braxton County, WV Davis Elementary releases honor roll Davis Elementary School is proud to release the names of students who have received awards for Academic Excellence, Perfect Attendance and Outstanding Citizenship. The following students have received Academic Excellence (Straight A’s - E’s) for the third nine weeks. Glenna Luzader’s 1st Grade Class: Seth Backus, Luke Bonnett, Chloe Case, Allie Conley, Preston Hamrick, Krista Huffmaster, Holden Hunter. Paula Frame’s 1 s t Grade Class: Madison Casdorph, Thea Cook, Brent Dittman, Cierra Dobbins, Julia Foster, Courtney Hoover, Sierra King, Jacob Stout. Jan Frame’s 2 n d Grade Class: Emily Conley, Kaleb Conrad, Michael Hamrick, Wyatt Helmick, Daniel Hoard, Taylor Johnson, Alexia Romine, Alexa Wayne. Ruth Moss’ 2nd Grade Class: Kassi Adams, Price Beane, Tyler Dobbins, Tiara Hunter, Courtney King, Jeremiah Mace, Bruce Wayne. Alice James’ 3 r d Grade Class: Beverly Bosley, Cheyenne Copen, Jessica Ellis. Dawn Butler’s 3 r d Grade Glass: Jessica Ellis. Bobbi Ratliff’s 3rd /4th Grade Class: Ryan Graham, Jacob McLaughlin, Nikki Paintiff, Allie Ramsey, Jerrica Wilt. Mary A. Backus’ 4 th Grade Class: Amber King, Roy Moore. The following students have had Perfect Attendance for the 3rd nine weeks: Kathy Pletcher’s Kindergarten Class: Jacob Ellis, Joshua Wilt. Melinda Wilson’s Kindergarten Class: Dylan Dennison, Noah Facemire. Glenna Luzader’s 1st Grade Class: Allie Conley, Holden Hunter, Mary Ramsey. Paula Frame’s 1 s t Grade Class: Wyatt Barrett, Julia Foster, Cody Kidwell, Jacob Stout. Jan Frame’s 2 n d Grade Class: Brianna Miller. Ruth Moss’ 2 nd Grade Class: Kassi Adams, Stephen Romel.. Dawn Butler’s 3 r d Grade Class: Cheyenne Copen, Allen Bennett, Laura Gerwig, Sierra Stump, Kevin Hamric. Bobbi Ratliff’s 4 t h Grade Class: Dustin Bragg, Ryan Graham, Diane Nicholson, Jerrica Wilt, Taylor Miller. Mary A. Backus’ 4 th Grade Class: Morgan Stewart, Dakotah Taylor. The following students have received Outstanding Citizenship for the 3rd nine weeks: Kathy Pletcher’s Kindergarten Class: Grace Belknap, Rachel Browning, Kenny Dobbins, Katellyn Fincham, KC Hoard, Caitlyn Jenkins, Charley McMillion, Courtney Parker, Hallen Skeens, Caleb Skidmore, Cheyenne Thompson, Nikki Wayne, Joshua Wilt. Melinda Wilson’s Kindergarten Class: Matthew Burge, Ian Conley, Daniel Deuly, Cody Dobbins, Noah Facemire, Amber Frame, Britney National V olunteer W eek Volunteer Week April 23rd through April 29th The staff of Braxton County Memorial Hospital would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the dedicated group of Auxiliary members that contribute countless hours of service to our hospital and help make this community a better place. Hoover, Abiligail Myers, Savannah Payne, Shayleen Pettry, Lexi Pletcher, Colton Harris. Glenna Luzader’s 1 st Grade Class: Seth Backus, Luke Bonnett, Chloe Case, Allie Conley, Krista Huffmaster, Troy McMillion, Mattthew Romel, Mary Ramsey, Caitlyn Simms. Paula Frame’s 1 s t Grade Class: Wyatt Barrett, Madison Casdorph, Katie Cline, Thea Cook, Brent Dittman, Cierra Dobbins, Julia Foster, McKayla Hacker, Courtney Hoover, Trey Jack, Cody Kidwell, Sierra King, Jonathan Mar, Katlyn Moss, Jacob Stout. Jan Frame’s 2 n d Grade Class: Kassi Adams, Tiara Hunter, Courtney King, Lexi Little. Dawn Butler’s 3rd /4th Grade Class: Kelli Friend, Angel Stump Alice James’ 3 r d Grade Class: Beverly Bosley, Kylie James, Matthew Lemon, Kelli Friend, Angel Stump, Joshua Thomas. Bobbi Ratliff’s 4 th Grade Class: Dylan Barrett, Zoe Ann Bender, Dustin Bragg, Ryan Graham, Courtney Holmes, Courtney Huffmaster, Kendra Hurst, Steven Jarvis, Jacob McLaughlin, Diane Nicholson, Nikki Paintiff, Allie Ramsey, Rhaynin Simons, Jerrica Wilt. Mary A. Backus’ 4 th Grade Class: Angela Carper, Carrissa Facemire, Christina Gross, Clayton Johnson, Amber King, Breanna Perkins, Dakotah Taylor, Trevor Goff, Hannah Beckett. Judy’s Garden Club members attend State Garden Club Convention Judy’s Garden Club met March 16 at the home of Mary Martin. Joanne opened the meeting with the reading of the minutes by Esta Marie. Bonnie gave the treasurer’s report. Donations were made to the Nature Conservancy $25, the Botanical Garden $25 and a check went to Sarah for the Blue Star Memorial that our club is getting erected, at the south side of Burnsville for $235.00. Three people went to the State Garden Club Convention at Tamarack. They were Mary Martin, Agnes Sigley and Esta Marie Brown. Agnes reported on the evergreen seedlings. She contacted the Forest Service about a Red Bud tree. At this time none were available. So she talked to a Forester from Preston County. He will check on one for us. We will sort and package the seedlings at Mary’s house April 13 and deliver to the schools. There was more discussion on where to plant the Redbud tree. It was moved, seconded and carried that we plant it at the hospital. Karen reported that she had taken the pots of spring flowering bulbs back to the Nursing Home for the people to enjoy the flowers. She had a good time there. The meeting was then turned over to our guest speaker Billy Suder. She is the Water Quality Supervisor from Upshur County. It was a very interesting and educational lecture. The earth is 75% water and 97% of that is salt water. That leaves 3% to be used as drinking water. There are several stages of cleaning and treating water to be used for drinking. After the water goes through the several stages to kill disease causing bacteria, parasites and viruses, then only 1% on the planet is safe to drink. We then adjourned and enjoyed Mary’s delicious refreshments. Those is attendance were: Martha Skidmore, Betty Thomas, Joanne Boeger, Wanda Knight, Bonnie Weigen, Karen Hutchins, Esta Marie Brown, Agnes Sigley, the hostess Mary Martin, and her daughter, Ms. Chapman, and our guest Billy Suder. White thank you Thank you to all my Family and Friends for all your cards, food, flowers and love you showed during the illness and death of my beloved husband, Robert N. White. A special thank you to the Richard Roach Fu- neral Home, Rev. Steve White, Gassaway Methodist Church and Jim and Ann Heaters. May God Bless you all. You showed the love of Christ through all you have done. Martha White. Cataracts? Thank you for making a difference! Treated right in our Eye Center! Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D. 1(800)352-20/20 Caring for you close to home Buckhannon Eye Center "The finest care in sight" Buy a 16-week commitment plan & Get 17 weeks! 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Other restrictions may apply, see store for Tel-Assistance/Lifeline details. & Link-Up plans are available for eligible consumers. Cellular One is a service mark of CellularOne Group. Apr/May 06 $36$WKDWDLGVWKHSK\VLFLDQLQWKHGHWHFWLRQRISURVWDWHFDQFHUDQGD76+IRUWK\URLGVFUHHQLQJDUHDYDLODEOH $OOWHVWUHVXOWVZLOOEHPDLOHGGLUHFWO\WRWKHSDUWLFLSDQW 2EGULAR(EALTH&AIR0ANEL 03!0ANEL43( 4HISSERVICEISPROVIDEDBYTHE7ESTON2OTARYINASSOCIATION WITH3TONEWALL*ACKSON-EMORIAL(OSPITAL -).)(%!,4(&!)24// Page 13 SPORTS Braxton Citizens’ News April 25, 2006 • Youth • Middle School • High School Reporting Braxton County’s sports action Lady Eagles sweep doubleheader with North Carolina team Braxton’s Lady Eagles took both games of the April 15 doubleheader against J.F. Webb (NC). Behind the pitching of senior Kayla Cochran, Braxton won the first game 11-6 and the second 8-6. Cochran recorded eight strikeouts in the first game and four in the second. Freshman Bethany Frame led the Eagles’ hitting with 2 hits in 4 at-bats. She also scored 2 runs. Also batting .500 with a 1 for 2 performance was Jennie Tonkin, another freshman. Braxton’s 8 runs in the second game came on four hits. The day before the doubleheader, the Eagles lost, 2-1, “a game which could’ve gone either way,” according to coach Tim Huffman, to Roane County. Huffman explained that all three runs were earned, and that there were no errors in the game. Tonkin led Braxton’s hitters as she went 2 for 3. Cochran struck out 8. During spring break, the Eagles shut out Gilmer 6-0, lost 6-4 to Wirt, and went down 12-3 to Lincoln. Braxton’s 6 runs against Gilmer came on 8 hits from 7 different batters. Leading the Braxton offense was jun- ior Maddie Johnson, who went 2 for 4 on the afternoon and scored one of Braxton’s runs. Cochran, who struck out 4 in the win, contributed offensively with 2 RBIs on a single. Of the 6-4 loss to Wirt, Coach Huffman stated simply, “We gave them the game. They had five unearned runs. Braxton’s jv team, behind the pitching of Brianna Utt, did win Editor’s Note: Before the Lady Eagles hosted J.F. Webb in a doubleheader, Dr. Wayne Given D.D.S. and Dr. Chad Lancaster D.D.S. along with the Citizens’ News provided a meal together at the China Buffet for the two teams. Top Left: Coach of J.F. Webb’s team and former Braxton County resident Larry Salisbury and Tim Huffman, coach of the Lady Eagles also sat down at the China Buffet while their teams got to know each other. Middle Left: Team members from J.F. Webb brought the Lady Eagles team members a gift, a softball pin. Each member of J.F. Webb handed their Lady Eagle counterpart who played their position a pin. their game. Shelley Hawkins put in a 4 for 4 performance at the plate in the Eagles’ 12-3 loss to Lincoln on Thursday. Also hitting well were Tonkin, who went 2 for 3, Frame at 2 for 4, and McGraw, 2 for 4. Braxton had 12 hits in the loss to Lincoln, but, according to their coach, “couldn’t put the hits together to drive in the runs they needed.” Frame, 2 for 3, led the junior varsity team in a 4-0 win over Lincoln’s jv squad. Utt was the winning pitcher in that game. After hosting Richwood yesterday afternoon, the Eagles will play in the LKC championship on Thursday. On Friday, Braxton plays at Lewis County and on Saturday they travel to Richwood for their last regular-season game. Individual statistics Braxton’s first game against J.F. Webb: Shelley Hawkins 1 run Bethany Frame 2 for 4, 2 runs Kayla Facemire 2 runs Hollie McCraw 1 run Jennie Tonkin 1 for 2 Kara Piechowski 1 run Stephanie McKenzie 1 run Game two against J. F. Webb: Hawkins 1 for 3, 2 runs Frame 1 for 2, 2 runs Cochran 1 for 3, 2 runs McCraw 1 for 3, 1 run Roane–Braxton Kayla Facemire 1 for 3, 1 run Hawkins 1 for 3 Tonkin 2 for 3 Braxton—Gilmer Tiffany Huffman 1 for 4, 1 run, 2 RBIs Hawkins 1 for 4, 1 run, 1 RBI Facemire 1 for 2 Tonkin 1 for 2, 2 BB, 1 run Maddie Johnson 2 for 4, 1 run McCraw 1 for 3 Cochran 1 hit, 2 RBIs Wirt–Braxton Johnson 1 for 3, 1 run Hawkins 1 for 4 McCraw 1 run Huffman 1 run Lincoln–Braxton Hawkins 4 for 4, 1 run Johnson 1 for 3 Frame 2 for 4, 1 run Brianna Utt 1 for 3 McCraw 2 for 4 Tonkin 2 for 3 Cochran 1 run Junior Varsity: Braxton—Lincoln Frame 2 for 3, 1 run Utt 1 run McKenzie 1 RBI, 1 run Heather Smarr 2 BB, 1 run Katherine Greene 2 sacrifice bunts Do you or someone you know need to relieve ? Casey Critchley The J.F. Webb and Braxton softball teams fill their plates before batteling in a doubleheader. Baseball team downed by Lincoln, Wirt and Gilmer “We were in three of the four games we played last week,” Braxton baseball coach Bill Morlan stated after his team’s losses to Wirt, Lincoln, and Gilmer. In a doubleheader against Wirt, the Eagles led 2-1 going into the third inning, Morlan explained, but, he said, “Then they just fell apart.” In the second game against Wirt, Braxton led 1-0 going into the third and gave up only one run in that inning. Then, in the fourth, the errors took over again. Wirt won the first game 13-3. In that game, Braxton shortstop Josh Ramsey hit the Eagles’ first homer of the season, while Jamie Poling and Aaron Ridler each picked up two hits. Pitching for Braxton were Poling and Christopher Shuman. After the 7-3 loss to Lincoln, Coach Morlan stated, “I thought we were going to get them, but the Eagles’ 5 errors and 4 consecutive walks did us in.” All seven of Lincoln’s runs were unearned. Once again, Poling and Shuman were on the mound for the Eagles. Morlan did say of the game, “This was by far the best game we played all year.” Gilmer shut out the Eagles 10-0 on Friday. Braxton was hampered in this game because the coaches could not use four of their pitchers because of sore arms. The Eagles’ hitting was also off in this game. Braxton began this week at Clay on Monday. On Wednesday, the Eagles play a doubleheader at Grafton; game times are 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. A home game against Roane County is scheduled for Thursday, and the Eagles will host Liberty of Harrison on Friday. That game is set for 6 p.m. is your answer! Nationally Certified Massage Therapist Casey’s services are now available at Hair Haven & Day Spa • Swedish • Deep Tissue • Myofasial Mid Mountain Bowling Lanes located on Sutton Lane Call for more details or an appointment 765-3400 Page 14, April 25, 2006 Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV ANNUAL DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT 2005 FLATWOODS-CANOE RUN PSD P.O. BOX 677 • SUTTON, WV 26601 WV 3300409 & WV 3300402 April 4, 2006 Why am I receiving this report? In compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments, the Flatwoods-Canoe Run PSD is providing its customers with this annual water quality report. This report explains where your water comes from, what it contains and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. The information in this report shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2005 and/or other test results if test period is not on a yearly cycle. If you have any questions concerning this report, you may contact Rodney Pritt, Plant Manager, Monday through Friday (7:30 AM - 4:00 PM) @ 304-765-2300. If you have any further questions, comments or suggestions, please attend any of our regularly scheduled board meetings held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30 PM in the Flatwoods-Canoe Run PSD Office on the East End of Main Street in Sutton, WV. Where does my water come from? Your water source is surface water from the Elk River, just below Sutton Dam. Source Water Assessment A Source Water Assessment was conducted in 2003 by the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, (WVBPH). The intake that supplies drinking water to Flatwoods-Canoe Run PSD has a higher susceptibility to contamination, due to the sensitive nature of surface water supplies and the potential contaminant sources identified within the area. This does not mean that this intake will become contaminated; only that conditions are such that the surface water could be impacted by a potential contaminant source. Future contamination may be avoided by implementing protective measures. The source water assessment report which contains more information is available for review or a copy will be provided to you at our office during business hours or from the WVBPH 304-558-2981. particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. WATER QUALITY DATA TABLE (Definitions of terms and abbreviations used:) MCLG - Maximum Contaminant Level Goal or the level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level, or the highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment techniques. MRDLG - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal, or the level of drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect benefits of use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants. MRDL - Maximum Residual Detection Level, or the highest level of disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of disinfectant is necessary to control microbial contaminants. AL - Action Level, or the concentration of contaminant which, when exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. TT - Treatment Technique, or required process intended to reduce the level of contaminant in drinking water. Abbreviations that may be found in the table: ppm - parts per million or milligrams per liter ppb - parts per billion or micrograms per liter NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, used to measure cloudiness in water. NE - Not established Why must water be treated? NA - Not applicable All drinking water contains various amounts and kinds of The Flatwoods-Canoe Run PSD routinely monitors contaminants. Federal and state regulations establish limits, controls, for contaminants in your drinking water according to and treatment practices to minimize these contaminants and to reduce Federal and State laws. The tables below show the results any subsequent health effects. of our monitoring for contaminants. Contaminants In Water In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes Table of Test Results - Regulated Contaminants Likely Source of Level Unit of Violation? regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water Contaminant MCLG MCL Detected Measure (Yes/No) Contamination provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establish limits of MICROBIAL CONTAMINANTS contaminants in bottled water, which must provide the same protection 100% of Soil runoff 0 Turbidity NTU TT N samples for public health. <0.3 Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be 1.4 Naturally present in NA Total organic ppm TT N the environment carbon expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of these contaminants does not necessarily indicate INORGANIC CONTAMNANTS that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants 1.3 Copper* ppm AL=1.3 Corrosion of house.065 N hold plumbing sysand potential health effects may be obtained by calling the tems ,erosion of natural deposits Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800Errosion of natural 4 Fluoride ppm 4 1.38 N 426-4791. deposits; water additive which promotes The source of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) includes strong teeth 10 Nitrate ppm 10 Runoff from fertilizer rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water 0.67 N use; leaching from septic tanks, sewtravels over the surface of land or through the ground, it dissolves age; erosion of natunaturally occuring minerals, and, in some cases radioactive material, ral deposits VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or Water additive used 4 4 Chlorine ppm 2.2 N from human activity. (MRLDG) (MRDL) to control microbes Contaminants that may be present in source water include: Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife. Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring, or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, farming. Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses. Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff, and septic systems. Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. Haloacetic acids N 27.5 ppb NA 60 By-product of drinking water disinfection TTHMs (Total trihalomethanes) N 58.83 ppb NA 80 By-product of drinking wate disinfection *Copper and lead samples were collected from 10 area residences on August 23, 2005. None were found to exceed the MCL. The 90th percentile values are shown. Table of Test Results - Unregulated Contaminants Contaminant Violation? (Yes/No) Level Detected Unit of MCLG Measure MCL Sodium * N 9.28 ppm NE 20 Sulfate N 12.7 ppm 250 250 Likely Source of Contamination Erosion of natural deposits Erosion of natural deposits WE ARE PLEASED TO REPORT THAT FLATWOODSCANOE RUN PSD MET ALL FEDERAL AND STATE WATER STANDARDS FOR THE YEAR 2005. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking Additional Information: water than the general population. People with compromised immune All of our other water tests for 2005 were non-detects or within systems, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, compliance standards. This report will not be mailed. A copy will be made persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/ available for review for your use upon request at our AIDS or other immune disorders, some elderly, and infants can be office during business hours. Citizens’ NEWS Braxton County, WV April 25, 2005 Page 15 Mid-Mountain Rollers held annual awards banquet The Wednesday night women’s league, Mid Mountain Highrollers, held their annual awards banquet on Wednesday, April 12 at the Mid Mountain bowling center. The banquet opened with a welcome by league president Shirley Miller followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Dinner was served to the nine teams before the president introduced the awards committee consisting of Judy Floyd, Claudia Given and Mae Greene. League Champions, winning 79 games, were the Elk River Foodland team made up of Doris Cowger, Laurie McCourt, Chub Blake, Millie Beall and Vickie Fincham. High Handicap Game – team, scoring 1,048, went to Doc’s Pin Heads consisting of Ernestine Murphy, Sheila Stout, Nancy Moss, Judy Stout and Darlene Suesli. High Handicap Series – team, scoring 2,925, was awarded to the Alley Wreckers, made up of Melanie Davis, Sarah Crews, Linda Moyers, Mona Thompson and Judy Steorts. Individual awards were given as follows: High Handicap Game to Sarah Crews for her 258; High Handicap Series to Mindy Kniceley for her score of 651; High Scratch Game to Darlene Suesli for a score of 248; High Scratch Series to Mary Cogar for her Ten year old catches rainbow trout It was a good day for ten year old Justin Browning who was fishing below the Sutton Dam with his 673; High League Average of 175 to Doris Cowger; and Most Improved to Vickie Fincham, who increased her average by 17 pins during the course of the league. Special recognition was given to re-counters, Doris Cowger and Darlene Suesli in appreciation of their efforts throughout the season. After the awards were presented, the nomination committee presented the following league officers for 2006-2007 season: President Shirley Miller, Vice President Claudia Given, Secretary/Treasurer O’Dessa Geary, Sergeant at Arms Doris Cowger. The officers were elected as presented. These teams will return next season: Elk River Foodland, The Alley Wreckers, Doc’s Pin Heads, Dave’s Alley Babes, Sutton Moose Girls, Dolls with Balls, Happy Hookers and Jerry’s Auto Girls. The winners of the hanging basket door prizes were Laurie McCourt, Nancy Moss, Lynette Leslie, Joan Cottrell, Lisa Butcher, Bugs Keener, Linda Moyers, Dorothy Bennett and Lisa Freeman. It was also noted that 39 out of the 45 members of the league will travel to Huntington, WV the weekend of April 29-30 to compete in the West Virginia State Bowling Tournament. This is the highest percentage to participate for this league. The league will convene for the first meeting of the 2006-07 season on Wednesday September 6 at 5:30 p.m. at the Mid Mountain Lanes. If changes be- come necessary, advance notice will be provided via the team captains. Anyone wishing to participate in this league, or any other, please contact the Mid Mountain Lanes for information. The first place team Elk River Foodland (Left to Right) Vickie Fincham, Chub Blake, Millie Beal, Doris Cowger and Laurie McCourt Community Coalition to hold meeting on underage drinking Braxton County is ranked 6 th is the state for underage drinking. It is grandfather, Fred Brown- one of hundreds commuing when he caught this 23 nities nationwide that inch long 6 pound rainbow will hold an Underage trout. Drinking Prevention: National Town Hall Meeting on April 26, from 6:30 to 8:30 at Braxton County Middle School. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about the issue of underage drinking. Braxton Community Coalition, in collaboration with the Federal government’s Interagency Coordinating Committee for the Prevention of Underage Drinking is sponsoring the event. Parents, teachers, officials, youth and other community members will be educated about the impact that underage drinking has on the community, and they will help develop possible ways to address this issue. New data shows that approximately 29 percent of youth ages 12 to 20 have used alcohol il- legally. By the time they reach eighth grade, 41 percent of adolescents have had at least one drink, and almost 20 percent report having been “drunk”. Braxton County stat i s tics for underage drinking are: binge drinking, 38%; use of liquor, 2nd in the state, 27.1%; wine coolers, 1 st in the state 28.8%; and beer 25.5%. The Braxton Community Coalition will be serving refreshments at the April 26 th meeting at Braxton County Middle School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and hope to see you there. Fire Escape Youth Center Bear Heaven is accepting applications for a immediate FULL TIMEPermanent, Bear Associate position. April 29th at 197 Main St., Sutton 12 Noon till 4 p.m. FREE Picnic 12:30 Any Questions Call Justin Rose 765-7068 Pick up application at location. Justin Browning with his prize catch. 7DNLQJJRRGFDUHRI\RXUVHOI VWDUWVZLWKVFUHHQLQJV /HZLV&RXQW\&$5(6,VKDYLQJD )UHH:RPHQ·V+HDOWK6FUHHQLQJ WR $JH :RPHDQ\TXDOLI\IRUD 0D\DQG0D\ $W0RXQWDLQHHU+HDOWKFDUH)RU:RPHQ'U1DLP·V2IILFH 0 02*5H$UYLFDO 0 $ 0 & )5(( VWDQG P H%UHD IURPWK QFHU3URJUDP &D EHWZHHQDPDQGQRRQHDFKGD\ &DOOWKH/HZLV&RXQW\+HDOWK'HSWIRU\RXUDSSRLQWPHQW $&RPPXQLW\+HDOWK)DLU In ages past people exchanged goods and services with trade. )UL0D\ We are still trading with each IURPQRRQWRSPDW :LQ'LQQHUIRU7ZRDW 6WLOOZDWHUV 6WRQHZDOO5HVRUW DQGD We loan money to others. They )UHH&RPPXQLW\&RRNRXW use money to buy goods and IURPQRRQWRSP services from another. By invest- :LQRQHRIILYH IUHHPDPPRJUDPV /&&$5(6HQFRXUDJHVDOO/HZLV&RXQWLDQVWRJHWDFWLYHDQGHDWKHDOWK\ ing and trading right here in our area, you make the community © 2003 gary michaels trade, huh? )UHH0LQL0DQLFXUHV &KDLU0DVVDJHVE\WKH &ODUNVEXUJ%HDXW\$FDGHP\ 6WRQHZDOO-DFNVRQ 0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO other. People invest with us. flourish and prosper. Not a bad )5,'$<0$< %URXJKWWR\RXE\ :9&RPSUHKHQVLYH&DQFHU3URJUDP 6WRQHZDOO-DFNVRQ0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO 0RXQWDLQHHU+HDOWKFDUHIRU:RPHQ :9%UHDVWDQG&HUYLFDO&DQFHU3URJUDP /HZLV&RXQW\+HDOWK'HSW /HZLV&RXQW\)51 $PHULFDQ&DQFHU6RFLHW\ :98([WHQVLRQ6HUYLFH :RPH Q VFKHG )UHHE U $JH XOH\R WR XUI HDVWH [DPV UHH DQGSH 3 OYLFH[ DSWHVWV DPV Citizens’ NEWS Page 16 April 25, 2006 First & Factually D & M CONTRACTORS: General Building, residenroofing, siding, paintBUSINESS tial, ing, remodeling, and decks, S E R V I C E S free estimates. Licensed and insured. 15 years experience. Visa & BARKER CONSTRUC- Mastercard accepted. 304TION General Building Con- 364-5736. Owner Dallas tractor. New construction; McCumbers. WV029016. homes, garages, porches, 9-6tf decks. Remodeling; siding, roofing, concrete. Dozer, M & S PAVING: Asphalt backhoe, excavator and paving & repair of drivedump truck services. Li- ways. Also do seal coating censed and insured. Call for of driveways. 30 years exFree Estimates 765-7519 or perience. Free estimates, 552-1203. WV011566. all work guaranteed. WV 4-18tf contractors license #WV014146. Call 765CRITTERS ENTERPRISE: 3555. 2-21tf Dozer and backhoe service. Specializing in Class I & II SUTTON EXCAVATION septic and aeration sys- INC. Driveway ditching and tems, driveways, house grading, clean creeks and sites, landscaping, etc. Rea- drainage ditches. Grad-all sonable rates. Eddie service, dump truck serFacemire, WV#033553. vices. Will haul gravel and Call 364-2257. 6-27 dirt. Free estimates. Call 765-5576. No job too small. SEWING MACHINE RE3-7tf PAIR: Time adjust, oil, clean and general repairs, call AFORDABLE TREE SERJames Hamilton at 872- VICE: Cut, trim and removal 2675. 4-11tf of trees. Storm clean-up and emergency calls. SeSHERRY JO’S NAIL SA- nior citizens’ discount. Free LON Total nail care pro- estimates. 304-472-7794 or vided by an experienced 304-613-5279. 3-7tf award winning Manicurist doing business since 1985. STEINER’S LAWN SERCall Sherry Jo’s for your ap- VICE: Mowing, trimming, pointment 364-5441. Men- storm clean-up. Licensed, tion this ad and receive a insured, free estimates. Call hot paraffin wax treatment. 765-5955. 5-23 4-14tf CLASSIC SURFACES FRIENDS DITCH WITCH CONCRETE: Patios, driveAND BACKHOE SERVICE ways, sidewalks. ArchitecSewer, water, gas, electric, tural Stamp and Color Contelephone, drain lines, cer- crete available. Call Jeff at tified septic systems. 765-2069. 4-11tf WV005906. Thomas A. Friend, Chapel Route, Gas- ATTENTION: $$$ for Yoursaway. 765-5265 9-26tt self, School, Church Organization. Host a photo D.S. CONTRACTING INC. schoot. Antiques, Glamour, General Building Contrac- Families. 1-800-892-7604. tor. New construction; 4-25 homes, garages, porches, decks. Remodeling; siding, SEW 4 U: Alterations, reroofing, concrete. Dozer, pairs, dressmaking, handbackhoe, excavator and bags, shawls, ponchos. Call dump truck services. Call Sheryll at 364-4127. 5-16 765-7540 or 765-5489. WV021734. 1-27tf ALL AREA ASPHALT PAVING: Driveways, parking CENTRAL CONTRACT- lots, etc. Free estimates. All ING: Complete residential work guarranteed. Special service. Roofing siding, win- Spring and Summer Savings. dows, electrical, plumbing, 304-613-5288. 4-25tf building and remodeling. Insured. WV #029277. Call 765-7597. 3-16tf FOR SALE (304)765-7323 from 8:30 could be used as an office a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday or guest suite. Priced at through Friday. 2-21tf $330,000... Call Jack Powers (304) 838-1805 for your FOR RENT: Three room private tour. RE/MAX Propfurnished apartment in erty Center, Jack Powers, Sutton. 765-5095 or 644- Broker. 5-2 5059. 4-1tf FOR RENT: Two and three bedroom mobile home, part utilities paid, deposit, lease & references required. No pets. 765-2465. 5-2 FOR RENT: In Flatwoods, 3 bedroom mobile home with large yard, close to church, school and post office. First month rent and security deposit required. Absolutely no pets. 304678-4189. 5-23 FOR RENT: Mobile home lots near interstate, senior citizens welcome. Call 304853-9103. 1-25tf FOR RENT: Garage for rent or lease 32x48 in Flatwoods. Call 765-7797 or 765-3478. 12-30tf Light & Heavy Duty 4X4 & Roll Back Wrecker Service Elk Valley Towing 24 Hours Service 765-5569 FOR SALE: Wonderful four bedroom, three bath home on a private 2.9 acres+/-. Built in 1997. Open floor plan. Spacious kitchen. Hardwood floors throughout. Security system. GenTran Hook-up. Covered Front Porch W/ Panoramic Views. Two-car attached garage. Bonus room. City water. Excellent Location. Only 2 miles off I-79 Exit 62 Gassaway. Available immediately!!! $179,500, Home Land Realty,LLC, Hazel Ware, Broker, Libby Hudkins, Realtor, 364-8001. 4-25 FOR RENT: In Flatwoods area, One bedroom apartment $225 a month. 2 bedroom homes starting at $350 a month. One month's rent required for security deposit. Utilities not included in rent. No Pets. Call Diana at 7653332 for more information and to make viewing ap- FOR SALE: Lovely twopointments. 5-13tf story home w/ three bedrooms, two baths, and full FOR RENT: New two bed- basement in Gassaway. room apartments, Sunroom. Covered porch. Burnsville, next to I-79, Originial woodwork. Hard$350 deposit and lease re- wood floors. Central Heat/ quired. 304-853-2423. 5-2 Air. Level back yard accessible to paved alley. FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom $49,900, Home Land Rea p a r t m e n t , 5 0 1 R i v e r alty, LLC, Hazel Ware, BroStreet Gassaway, $375 ker, Libby Hudkins, Realtor, 4-25 per month, security de- 364-8001. posit and lease required. Call 364-5873 between 9 am and 8 pm or 330-699MOBILE 4315. 12-13tf HOMES FOR RENT: Country apartment close to Gassaway. A good place or the elderly. LOT MODEL CLEAR364-8105. 4-25 ANCE: Save $1,000’s on 2005 display model homes. FOR RENT: Apartment in Choose from sectionals, Gassaway. Off street park- singles or modulars. We ing, small yard, available also have repos. Call 800May 1st. Call 364-4119 be- 874-4663 or 304-269fore 8 p.m. 4-25 7500. 12-20tf FOR RENT: 3 bedroom trailer in trailer park at Frametown, $300 per month plus deposit & references, no pets. Call 304-364-8194. 5-9 FOR SALE: Health Insurance Low Rates, Good Cove r a g e FOR RENT: 3 bedroom WVHealthPlanFinder.com apartment small yard in 1-800-999-4445. 5-9 Frametown $300 per month, plus deposit, referCONTINUOUS GUTTER in- FOR SALE: After Market ences required, no pets. Call stallation and repair, and Parts! Fenders, grills, 304-364-8194. 5-9 drain lines. Call 765-7540 hoods, bumper covers, tailor 765-5489. Free estimates. lights, patch panels, fuel WV Lic #WV021734. 2-22tf pumps, etc. Lambert’s Body REAL Shop in Duck. MasterCard WILL PAVE & REPAIR and Visa accepted. 364ESTATE driveways, also do seal 2277. 5-9 coating. Free estimates, all work guaranteed. Will meet FOR SALE: 2004 Avaor beat any reasonable lanche Bass Tracker, same FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 1 price. Call 472-7349. 2-1TF as new, 150 hp Mercury bath house on 2 city lots Braxton St. in engine. $18,000. Call Terri o n RILEY’S TREE SERVICE Frame (304)642-2716 G a s s a w a y . C l o s e t o Trim, cut and removal of (Cell) 4-25 D a v i s E l e m e n t a r y a n d trees. Storm clean-up and churches. Excellent honemergency call. Call today FOR SALE: Set of Porch est neighbors! Brand new for 10% off. Will meet or beat Furniture, nice couch, roof, virtually new paint. any competitor price. Free loveseat, recliners, lift chair, Completely rewired in the estimates. Call 304-472- coffee and end tables, com- late 80’s. New plumbing 7794. 3-15tf puter desk, TV Stand, table for gas and sewer. Gas and chairs, bedroom suite, heat. Old hardwood floors WE DO ALL YOUR HOME chest & dressers, bunk and large baseboards alIMPROVEMENTS NEEDS beds, beds and bedding, most throughout. 9 foot ceilinside and out. Roof repair, bookshelves, baby beds, ings downstairs. Ceiling siding, drywall, deck stain- car seats, strollers, play fans throughout down ing, all types of painting also pens, bassinets and other stairs. Gas cook stove, repaving and repair, seal coat misc. Call 286-3644. 4-25 frigerator, dish washer, and driveways and much dining room furniture, and more. Free estimates, 24% large window air condiSpring discount & senior tioner included. Huge carFOR discount. Will meet or beat peted front porch with 7 foot any competitors price. Call oak swing. Nice cool back R E N T 304-472-7794. 3-15tf porch with ceiling fan and sandstone retaining wall. CN CONTRACTING Now F O R R E N T : M o d e r n 2 Intimate deck for entertainoffering seamless gutters. b e d r o o m u n f u r n i s h e d ing. Good garden spot in Highest quality materials a p a r t m e n t , f u l l k i t c h e n back yard, along with sevused. Call now for free esti- with breakfast bar, utility eral nice flowers and dogmates. 364-8123. License room with hook-ups, car- wood trees. Would like to # WV034866. 3-22tf pet, heat and air condi- see it make a great home t i o n e d . E x c e l l e n t l o c a - for the right family. It was for tion, $350 per month. Se- ours. $67,000 firm. Call 6154-25 curity deposit and refer- 0910. ences required. Call 7657323. 2-14tf Professional cations for the position of a full-time town worker for the Sanitation Department. The position requires a CDL driver’s license, and applicants must be available to work possible overtime. Applicants should also possess some knowledge of vehicle maintenance. InterOTR experience required ested persons may pick up Dedicated Truckload freight an employment application Salem, VA/Lakewood NY at Sutton Town Hall, loGuaranteed miles. Great pay cated at 450 Fourth Street, & benefits. Call Tana 888- phone 765-5581. Cut-off 422-5275. 10-26tf date for accepting applications for this position is May HELP WANTED: Gilmer 3, 2006. EOE. 4-25 County Health Department has an opening for a full HELP WANTED: Glenville time registered nurse. For State College seeks applimore information please cants for an immediate call 462-7351. 4-25 opening in the following position: Residence Hall HELP WANTED: CNAs, Director. This is a 12-month Certified Homemakers/ live-in (required) position. Caregivers needed in An apartment with paid utiliBraxton County. Agency of- ties is included. Responsifers competitive compensa- bilities will include all buildtion. Requirements are ing specific administrative background CIB checks, tasks and assisting in the references and valid WV coordination and impleDriver’s License with reli- mentation of a comprehenable transportation. Week- sive and contemporary end shifts available. Ability Residence Life program, to follow service plans, fast including safety and health, paced, high productive en- student life activities, environment. Call today for an forcement of standards of application at 765-3668 or conduct, administration of 1-800-814-8514. EOE/AA College rules and regulaEmployer. 4-25 tions, supervision of RA’s, training of personnel, HELP WANTED: Postal records management and Jobs. $15.67 to $21.98 per problem resolution. Minihour, now hiring. For appli- mum requirements include cation and free government a Bachelor’s degree with a job information, call Ameri- Masters preferred, six or can Assoc. of Labor 1-913- more months of related ex599-8042, 24 hrs. perience and prior experiemp.serv. 5-2 ence in planning and directing social activities, managHELP WANTED: Flatwoods ing and supervising others Days Inn is accepting ap- and counseling. For addiplications for energetic, re- tional details, visit our liable, self-starters for vari- website at ous positions. Apply in per- www.glenville.edu. Applison with a resume at the cants must include a letter Flatwoods Days Inn. 4-25 of interest, current resume, and names and contact inHELP WANTED: Human formation for at least three Services Agency is need- references. Submit to: Huing licensed and/or license man Resources, Glenville eligible social workers to State College, 200 High provide in-home parenting, Street, Glenville, WV adult life skills, and super- 26351. Email: vised visitation services in David.Stalnaker@glenville.edu the following counties: Screening of applications Webster, Braxton, Clay and will begin immediately and Nicholas. $18.00 per hour will continue until the posiand benefits. Please send tion is filled. Glenville State resume and letter of inter- College is proud of its comest to: Tina Currence, 503 mitment to affirmative acMain Street, Sutton, WV tion. Women, members of 26601. Interested parties minorities and people with please call (304) 487-9998. disabilities are encouraged 5-2 to apply. 4-25 • BUY • SELL • TRADE From The M & R CONSTRUCTION Drywall hung & finished, roofing, siding, build decks, build additions on houses, insured and licensed. WV Lic. # 023510. 1 Free estimate per contract. Call 364-8433. 2-15tf Braxton County, WV NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CREDIT IS LIKE if you have a large downpayment and/ or land, we may be able to get you financed. Call 888472-8904 today before this program ends. 4-25 FOR SALE: Come check it out! Sectional home delivered and set for $39,999. Also incredible 4 bedroom $57,999 and a 5 bedroom, 3 bath home $65,999. Only at the Home Show Buckhannon, Rt. 33 between Weston and Buckhannon. 304-4728900. Open Sunday’s. 4-25 FOR SALE: 1984 Champion Trailer, 14 X 60 with appliances, electric entrance equipment, some underpinning, total electric. $3,300. Buyer responsible for moving. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 364-5062. 4-25 HELP WANTED: Phlebotomist, performs phlebotomy (the practice of entering a vein to draw blood) services on patients, as requested by physicians, in support of the hospital’s mission of patient care. The successful candidate will be certified or eligible for certification as a phlebotomist by NCA. Relevant experience may be considered. WVUH has recently been honored with MAGNET designation and chosen by Working Mother Magazine as one of the 100 best companies for working moms. The AARP also ranks WVUH among the best employers for workers over 50. WVUH offers excellent benefits, opportunities to advancement and a healthy work environment. For immediate consideration, visit us at www.wvuh.com to apply online. WVU Hospitals, Human Resources, Morgantown, WV 26506, phone 1-800-453-5708. EOE, M/F/V/D. WVUH is a part of the West Virginia United Health System. 4-25 FOR SALE: New 3 bed, 2 bath, sectional delivered HELP WANTED: Dependand set for $29,900. 884- able Babysitter ASAP for 8939. 4-25 two young children in our home (Flatwoods Area) one FOR SALE: Amish Built 28 day a week, sometimes X 80, 4 bed, 2 bath, loaded two. Send information and with options, fireplace. references to: P.O. Box 391, $64,900. Prestige Housing, Flatwoods, WV 26621. 4-25 Jane Lew. 884-8939. 4-25 HELP WANTED: MountainFOR SALE: New: 2006 3 eer Food Bank is accepting bed, 2 bath Sectional Del& applications for a part-time position as a Development Set for $29,900. 884-8939. 4-25 Officer. This person will write press releases, letFOR SALE: Factory Goof: ters, grants, organize speAmish built 28x52 sectional cial events and other tasks. 2x6 walls, loaded w/options Strong communication Del & Set $54,9000.00 884- skills are a must. If inter8939. 4-25 ested deliver your resume and/or application to 180 FOR SALE: 2003 Clayton Enterprise Drive, Gassaway 4-25 Modular Double Wide in by April 27, 2006. Excellent/Like New Condition. Three bedrooms, two HELP WANTED: Mountainbaths (one with garden tub), eer Food Bank is accepting eat in kitchen, family room application for CDL truck with cathedral ceiling and drivers, which is a full time great closet space. Refrig- position. This person will erator, Stove, Washer, be responsible for driving, Dryer and Microwave in- delivering and unloading cluded. Must be moved. the truck at designated Seller will pay 1/2 of mov- sites in 47 West Virginia ing costs. For more informa- counties each month. Also tion or to view call 304-645- a part of this position is 3231. $28,000 asking price working in the warehouse, per appraisal. 5-2 which includes lifting, pulling orders, loading trucks and other tasks. Please HELP submit resume and/or appliat 180 Enterprise W A N T E D cation Drive, Gassaway by April 27, 2006. 4-25 FOR SALE: Mountain top chalet. Located on Scotts FOR RENT: Commercial Fork Road convenient to Ibuilding,ideal for central 79 overlooking the scenic distribution. 6,000 sq. ft. valley below. A private road building has warehouse leads to 4 plus acres of with dock and approxi- privacy. The 3,471 square mately 300 sq. ft. retail foot home features cherry area with two offices and flooring, native stone firehis and her restrooms. places, a master suite with Excellent l o c a t i o n . hot tub and sauna, and an HELP WANTED: Drivers HELP WANTED: The town $1,400 per month. Call area with private access that needed. Home daily CDL-A of Sutton is accepting appli- HELP WANTED: Glenville State College seeks applicants for an immediate opening in the following position: Printing Services Specialist. Responsibilities will include printing of all non-outsourced materials for the college, managing charge-back logs and billing for individual departments and any outside agencies utilizing the print shop, managing student workers assisting in the print shop and delivering printed materials throughout the campus. The incumbent is also responsible for purchasing paper and other related printing materials for the College. Minimum qualifications include a bachelor’s degree with 2-3 years experience in printing technology and/or printing management. Background in digital printing using MS Office and Adobe software preferred. For additional details, visit our website at www.glenville.edu. Applicants must include a letter of interest, current resume, and names and contact information for at least three references. Submit to: Human Resources, Glenville State College, 200 High Street, Glenville, WV 26351. Email: David.Stalnaker@glenville.edu Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Glenville State College is proud of its commitment to affirmative action. Women, members of minorities and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 4-25 HELP WANTED: $2,500$5,000 in 30 days. Stuff and mail envelopes for our company. $5 for each envelope stuffed. Payment guaranteed. For information, send a large S.A.S.E. to Global Research P.O. Box 310643, Flint, MI, 48531. 5-9 HELP WANTED: Bear Heaven is accepting applications for a immediate full time - Permanent, Bear Associate position. Pick up application at location. 5-2 ????? MISC. YARD SALE: May 1, 2 & 3. Rain or Shine, PlayStation 2, Game Cube and GameBoy Advance games. Exercise bike, Home Interior, clothes, furniture and more. 2 miles off Servia Exit at Duck, beside Villa Nova Church. 4-25 NO TRESPASSING ON THE PROPERTY OF FRANKLIN AND MARY J. CARR on either side of the Right Fork of Steer Creek at the mouth of Upper Sleith Fork. Violators will be prosecuted. Owners are not responsible for any liabilities resulting from trespassing. Boundaries are plainly marked. 5-30 JUST MOVED TO BRAXTON COUNTY? If you have just moved to Braxton County within the last 30 days, for the first time, we have a gift for you. Stop by the Citizens’ News office and sign up for a FREE three month subscription; plus, a FREE gallon of paint from Sutton Feed and Hardware, 75 S. Stonewall St., Sutton. We are located at 501 Main St., Sutton, and we would like to welcome you to our community. Stop by today! 1-6tf PAWNING, BUYING & SELLING: Guns, Musical instruments, tools, AMP’s, electronics & more. Call CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 FOR SALE: Used Fender Guitars All USA made. All in excellent condition. Call (304) 364-9939 or (304) 678-9933 before 10 p.m. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR CAT? Approximately one year old grey and white male cat, answers to Moby if he’s in the mood. He has been gone from his home on South Industrial Avenue for almost two weeks and we dearly miss him. If you have seen him please call us. Willing to give reward. Call 765-5560 in evenings or 476-3003 daytime. BRAXTON COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY: The following animals are currently available for adoption at the Braxton County Animal Shelter: -Foxhound Mix (Daisy): Adult female. Very gentle and loving dog. Loves lots of attention. -Beagle (Annie): 6-7 year old adult female. Very shy, needs a loving family to show her kindness and gentleness. -Yellow Mr. Cur (Rodney): Adult male, very malnourished. Needs lots of love and kindness. -Terrier Mix (Paco): Two year old adult male, very friendly, good with other dogs. -Norwegian Mix (Marge): Adult female, owner died, shy and gentle, does well with other dogs. -Chow Mix (Big Red): Adult Male, owner died, Red in color, Very friendly. -Treeing Walker (Jeb & Boone): Two 9 Month Male Treeing Walkers, picked up on Brown’s Run on 3/5/06. -Boston Terrier Mix (Ajax): 6 month old male, very friendly, good with other dogs, 20lbs. -Chocolate Lab: Adult Male (Grizzley), approximately 3 years old, 55lbs. Very nice dog. -Golden Retriever Mix (Raz): 1 year old male, 60lbs. Shy and Timid. -Black and Tan Hounds(Maggie & Suzie): 2 females, picked up in Tesla. Approximately 1 and 2 years old and weigh about 25lb. Very sweet, but very shy and timid. -Shepherd/Hound Mix (Hoss): Adult male approximately 2 years old and 55lbs. He is also shy and timid. HOURS: Monday through Friday 12 Noon to 3 p.m. Monday evening 4:30-7:30 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. Phone Number: (304) 7652200. Super Van, 4.3 Eng, auto- 1363 ext. 300N. matic, ladder rack, 114K 304-269-6330. 7-27TF miles. Ready to work 4250. FOR SALE WOLFF TANNING 765-3687. 10-11tf BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full ABSOLUTELY NO HUNTING, Body units from $22 a month! TRAPPING, OR TRESPASSFREE Color Catalog CALL TOING on the property of John DAY! 1-800-842-1305. STATEWIDE and Lois Oman in Gem, on eiwww.np.etstan.com. ther side of the creek. CLASSIFIEDS 11-23tf FOR SALE Absolutely No Cost To You!! All Brand New Power NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS- ADOPTION Childless married Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds and ING on the J. W. Singleton, couple (in our 30’s) seeks to Scooters. Immediate Delivery. Carol Emge, and Phyllis adopt newborn. A life of love, Call Toll-Free 1-888-998-4111 Cierpisc properties located be- laughter and happily ever after. to qualify. tween Exchange and Bonnie Expenses paid. Allison & Tom 1Road without written permis- 800-243-2598 pin#00. HEALTH AND FITNESS Limited sion. Violators will be prosOffer! Absolutely No Cost to ecuted. Property owners will AUCTION Estate Auction, 2 You!!! Power Wheelchairs + not be responsible for acci- acres commercial LAND in front Scooters Call Toll Free 888-333dents. 10-17TF of Raleigh County Armory, Beckley 5138. WV LOCATION! 12:55 pm TuesYARD SALE: May 6th from 9 am day, May 9 HELP WANTED DRIVERS - OTR to 4 p.m. at Rosa Blake resi- www.riverbendauction.com 1- “We Have It All”. 9 pd Holidaysdence across parking lot from 800-726-2897 Randy Burdette Vacation, Personal & Sick Pay Hope Baptist Church. Ladies of #927. Health Benefits- 401K. Average Spruce Grove CEOS will be hav$1250 Plus Weekly. We need 3 ing this sale. Lots of good items. AUTOMOBILES $500 POLICE years Exp., CDL-A Hazmat, Any questions please call 364- IMPOUNDS! Cars/Trucks/SUVs Clean MVR. 800-499-0464. 5562, 364-8676 or 364-2665. from $500! Honda, Chevy, Ford, 4-25 Jeep, etc. Must Sell Fast! For List- HELP WANTED NOW HIRING ings 800-366-0124 xV715. FOR 2006 POSTAL JOBS $18/ NO TRESPASSING ON THE hour Starting, Avg. Pay $57K/ P RO P E RT Y O F R AY A N D BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY year Federal Benefits. Paid MARY HARRIS of Exchange, GREATEST BUSINESS OPPOR- Training and Vacations. No ExWV. Violators will be pros- TUNITY, 12,000% Profits. Selling perience Needed! 1-800-584ecuted. Property owners will Information. 750 How to Books 1775 Ref#P8601. not be responsible for acci- One Amazing CD ROM Informadents. 5-2 tion SASE . World Video, 5513 HELP WANTED Drivers ¥Avg Casa Maria Ave. Ste. A, Las Ve- 2500 mi per week ¥Starting pay gas NV 89141. FINANCIAL up to 42 cpm with yearly avg over $47k ¥Great benefits ¥Dedicated WANTED $$CASH$$ Immediate Cash for & OTR openings ¥Lease-PurStructured Settlements, Annu- chase with $0 down 1-800-2JBities, Law Suit, Mortgage Notes HUNT EOE/ subj to ds/ CDL exp WA N T E D : T h e B r a x t o n & Cash Flows. J.G. Wentworth req. County Humane Society is in #1. 1-800-794-7310. FOR SALE need of portable animal car- BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE- HELP WANTED CLASS A&B riers or crates for use at the Name-brand Kidswear! Save 50- CDL Drivers for road construcBraxton County Animal Shel- 70% OFF retail! Exclusive TIME tion. Starting pay- $16.00 per ter. Portable containers may be LIMITED offer! hour. Travel to and from work wire or hard plastic. All dona- www.magickidsusa.com or 1- provided for some areas of WV. tions will be greatly appreci- 888-225-9411 for FREE catalog. Requires M-F travel. Company ated. We are prepared to pay a Mention code MK22705 for Provides Hotel for employees. reasonable fee. All sizes are HUGE Savings! Slurry Pavers, Inc. 1277 Mounneeded. Please bring them to tain Rd., Richmond, VA 23060. the Citizens’ News, 501 Main FOR SALE ELECTRIC HOME/ 1-800-966-1812. St., Sutton, WV or call Ed Given FARM WINDMILLS! for additional information at Manufacturer’s Clear-out: Save HELP WANTED Driver- COV765-5193. 3-7tf over 50%. 2kw-20kw. Limited ENANT TRANSPORT. Check quantities from $5,975.00, in- out our 4 divisions. Temp ConWANTED: WVU Student to cluding tower and on/ off-grid trol, Dedicated, Regional and rent room in Morgantown with i n v e r t e r . Team Expedited/Longhaul, Solo, another Braxton County Stu- www.emarkelectric.com. Factory Teams, Student Graduates, O/O. dent. $350 plus 1/2 utilities. Direct: 1-800-973-WATT SACRI- Lease Purchase. 866-684-2519 304-364-8427. 4-25 FICE! drive4covenant.com. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 FOR SALE SAWMILLS from only $2,795.00. Convert your AUTOS logs to valuable lumber with your FOR SALE Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodindustries.com FOR SALE: 98 Ford E-250 FREE Information: 1-800-578- HELP WANTED Drivers/CDL-A Van & Flatbed Drivers. $60,000 Plus Yearly Potential. High Weekly Miles 1 yr T/T exp. SMX 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 4 7 - 8 0 4 0 www.smxc.com. LEGAL NOTICES Page 17, Braxton Citizens' News, April 25, 2006 2006-2007 FISCAL YEAR LEVY ESTIMATE – BUDGET DOCUMENT STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA MUNICIPALITY OF BURNSVILLE In accordance with Code 11-8-14 as amended, the Council proceeded to make an estimate of the amounts necessary to be raised by the levy of taxes for the current fiscal year, and does determine and estimate the several amounts to be as follows: REVENUE SOURCES Unencumbered Balance (July 1) $10,000 Property Tax – Current Expense 41,894 Tax Penalties and Interest 300 Gas & Oil Severance Tax 350 Excise Tax on Utilities 18,500 Business & Occupation Tax 40,260 Wine & Liquor Tax 280 Animal Control Tax 200 Hotel Occupancy Tax 3,000 Fines, Fees & Court Costs 20,000 Licenses 475 Building Permit Fees 150 IRP Fees (Interstate Reg. Plan) 890 Park & Recreation 10,000 Rents & Concessions 2,800 Federal Government Grants 1,343,000 State Government Grants 1,163,000 Other Grants 176,000 Video Lottery 360 Miscellaneous Revenue 10,280 TOTAL REVENUE (GENERAL FUND) $2,841,739 COAL SEVERANCE TAX FUND REVENUE SOURCE Unencumbered Balance (July 1) Coal Severance Tax TOTAL REVENUE (COAL SEVERANCE) 600 600 1,200 ESTIMATED CURRENT EXPENDITURES General Fund Mayor’s Office 1,200 City Council 1,800 Recorders Office 1,200 City Clerk’s Office 15,360 City Auditor 5,500 Printing 500 Other Grants 2,682,000 Elections 1,075 City Hall 93,004 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2,801,639 Fire Hydrants Police Department TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES 4,700 5,000 9,700 Streets and Highways Street Lights TOTAL STREET & TRANSPORTATION 15,000 4,000 19,000 Parks & Recreation Visitors Bureau TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION EXPENDITURES 10,000 1,400 11,400 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,841,739 State of West Virginia County of Braxton Municipality of Burnsville I, Marsha E. Dean, Recording Officer of said municipality, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies from the record of orders made and entered by the council of the said municipality on the 27 day of March 2006. Marsha E. Dean, Recorder LEVY PAGE – FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 REGULAR CURRENT EXPENSE LEVY Entity: Burnsville Column E Class I Personal Property Certificate of Valuation Assessed Value for Tax Purposes $12,000 Levy Rate/$100 12.50 Taxes Levied 15 CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County HARTSProHardware More Than Just A Hardware Store We Carry Auto & Small Engine Parts & Plumbing Supplies 364-5282 Sutton Floral & Gift Wedding Bouquets & Flowers Silk & Live Arrangements Gift Items • Funerals We service all funeral home 765-7262 or 800-860-8484 Hall's Kitchens Cabinets By: Schmidt, Scheirich & Home Crest Appliances By: Tapen, GE & Modern Maid ELKMOTORCOURT 12 FAMILY UNITS 35 Camden Avenue Sutton, West Virginia 26601 Sutton Feed & Hardware, Inc. See Us For: Block • Mortor Sand • Gravel Paint• Plumbing Storage T anks Tanks Carhart Clothing Propane • Electrical and lots more... Keith's Alignment & Mechanical Ser vice Service 765-2351 State of the Art Technology One Hour Photo Processing Film, digital, enlargements 364-5335 (304)765-7173 1-800-760-7173 Open: M-F 9 AM to 5 PM Evenings & Sat. by appointment Barbara & John David Jordan owners 765-7151 GASSAWAY CONCRETECO.INC. Now Available Shock Well Service Mini - Storage Water Well Drilling & Cleanout Pumps & Repairs Backhoe - Ditchwitch Septic Systems Class 1 &2 Geothermal Heat Systems Phone: 354-7946 Used Cars • Pawn Shop Money Loans • We Buy Guns 500 Home Sales and Argle's Gun & Pawn Shop COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL "Where You Want It When You Want It" Buy - Sell - Trade 304-364-5051 364-8340 Gassaway, WV 26624 Quality Printing Company Braxton County's Only Commercial P rinter Printer For ALL Y our P rinting Needs Your Printing Business Cards T o Books - Call To JacksonQuikMart Exit 67 of I-79 - Flatwoods 311 W. Main St., Sutton 10 X 20 & 6 X 10 Units Clean•Dry•Secure•New 765-5569 Read the on the internet. Visit our website at: 765-5193 Use Our ATMS Your Lock Your Key SUTTON AUTO PARTS ® Exit 62 Off I-79 Right 1/2 Mile 1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132 KrogerStore Mid-City Plaza Go-Mart Exit 67 of I-79 - Flatwoods BurnsvilleBranch Salt Lick Road ClayBranch Two Run Go-Mart Exit 62 of I-79 -Gassaway Pro-Mart Birch River Professional Wrecker Service Light & Heavy Duty 4X4 & Roll Back ELK VALLEY MOTOR SALES 24 Hour Service 765-5569 Braxton MotorInc. "The Home Center" Main St., Sutton 765-7381 USED PARTS Elk Valley Motor Sales Salvage Yard Open: Mon-Fri 8 AM to 5 PM 765-2338 364-5193 1-800-935-3938 Contractors #WV003586 Interested in having your business listed in the 765-2828 SuttonBranch 101A West Main Walker's Drug Elk Street, Gassaway Elk Valley Auto & Rental Business & Professional Review? Contact the Citizens' News for details 765-5193 or by email allison@bcnnews.com Greene Robertson Funeral Home Larry Joe Greene, director 600 Riverview Drive Sutton, West Virginia 765-5502 Parts & Service Dept. Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 AM - 5 PM / Closed Sat. & Sun. Sales & Rental Dept. Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM / Sat. 8 AM to Noon Closed Sun. 765-5565 * Acme Liquors Your Local ABCC Store 714 Elk Street Gassaway, WV 364-5124 * Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits! SUGAR CREEK PSD UPDATE This update concerns the following matters, that we at the District felt should be addressed: 1. Proposed Wilsie-Rosedale water line extension: The District has been informed that the project has been recommended to pursue funding by the WV Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council and/or ARC grant and other avenues. The grant money is vital, as the project cannot proceed without the proper funding. Dunn Engineering has been hired by the District as the engineering firm to design the project. The project consists of 12.5 miles of 6" pipe and 5 miles of 2" pipe, along with a 100,000 gallon storage tank, one pump station and fire hydrants to be installed on the 6" main line to serve approximately 175 new customers. There will also be mandated updates to the existing water treatment plant. This is a proposed $6.5 million project. Dunn Engineering has proposed an increase of $2.60 per month on the existing minimum bill. 2. As further explanation to existing water customers concerning the public notice you recently received, the Haloacetic Acids levels were elevated due to insufficient data that was used by the Public Health Department to determine our compliance. We reported to you that the average level of Total Haloacetic Acids in the year 2005 was 95.7 UG/L. The standard is 60 UG/L. Our level for the first quarter of 2006 was 12.8 UG/L and we are in compliance with the Health Department. This is a nationwide problem with any utility that uses chlorine as a disinfection agent. 3. We would ask that any of our existing customers with swimming pools, please notify the District 24 hours prior to filling your pool. We also ask that you only fill pools during operating hours. As always, Sugar Creek PSD is working diligently to provide you with the best water possible. Our Board of Directors meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM at the Water Plant. All meetings are open to the public. The Wilsie Rosedale Waterline Association, which is a private group of citizens that are working with the District to acquire water service within their area, meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Frametown Fire House. If there are any questions or comments pertaining to the District, you may call Chris Floyd, District Manager, at the plant at 364-8619. Business hours for Sugar Creek Public Service District are 7 AM through 3 PM, Monday through Friday. Business Operation and maintenance of facilities Student transportation Food Services Community Services Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges LEGAL NOTICES Page 18, Braxton Citizens' News, April 25, 2006 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Public Utility 0 Total Class I 12,000 Class II Real Estate 2,901,000 Personal Property 29,280 Total Class II 2,930,280 Class IV Real Estate 1,709,690 Personal Property 1,533,391 Public Utility 4,472,166 Total Class IV 7,715,247 Total Value & Projected Revenue 10,657,527 Less Delinquencies, Exonerations & Uncollectable Taxes Less Tax Discounts Less Allowances for Tax Increment Financing – see worksheet (Subtracted from regular current expense taxes levied only) Total Projected Property Tax Collection Less Assessor Valuation Fund (Subtracted from regular current expense taxes levied only) Net Amount to be raised by Levy of Property Taxes For Budget Purposes (Transfer amount to #301-01 on page 4) 0 15 25.00 50.00 5% 2% 7,253 73 7,326 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Estimated Revenues: Local Sources State Sources: State aid to schools Other Federal sources Miscellaneous sources 8,548 7,667 22,361 38,576 45,917 2,296 872 THE BRAXTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2007 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA BRAXTON COUNTY, to-wit: In accordance with West Virginia Code 11-8-12 as amended, the Braxton County Board of Education proceeded to make an estimate of the amounts necessary to be raised by a levy of taxes for the 2007 fiscal year, and doth determine and estimate the several amounts to be as follows: The amount due and the amount that will become due and collectible from every source during the fiscal year, INCLUDING THE LEVY OF TAXES, is as follows: GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Estimated Revenues: 12,287 653,968 3,373,165 0 Estimated Expenditures: Instruction Supporting services: Students Instructional staff Central administration School administration Business Operation and maintenance of facilities Student transportation Food Services Community services Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total estimated expenditures Total estimated transfers and other financing uses Total estimated expenditures and other financing uses $2,378,830 134,400 188,701 15,365,962 803,608 16,169,570 9,475,513 798,719 262,128 479,228 1,288,685 WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its office in Building Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia 253050430 until 10 a.m. May 02, 2006 THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Braxton Co., West Virginia Primary Election May 9, 2006 To vote for a candidate mark an X in the square opposite to and at the left of his or her name. STATE TICKET For U.S. Senate (Vote for One) HIRAM LEWIS Morgantown (Monongalia Co.) ZANE LAWHORN Princeton (Mercer Co.) CHARLES G. “BUD” RAILEY Bridgeport (Harrison Co.) RICK SNUFFER Beaver (Raleigh Co.) PAUL J. BROWN Summersville (Nicholas Co.) JOHN R. RAESE Morgantown (Monongalia Co.) For U.S. House of Representatives Second Congressional District (Vote for One) SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Charleston (Kanawha Co.) For State Senate Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for One) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No Candidate Filed For House of Delegates Thirty-Fourth Delegate District (Vote for One) No Candidate Filed For Republican State Executive Committee–Female Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for Not More Than Two) Two males can be elected and two females can be elected; but, not more than two people [male or female] of any one county can be elected. PRINGLE ~ PATTY Clarksburg (Harrison Co.) For Republican State Executive Committee–Male Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for Not More Than Two) Two males can be elected and two females can be elected; but, not more than two people [male or female] of any one county can be elected. CORK ~ RON Lost Creek (Harrison Co.) L. “JACK” SMITH ~ JACKSON Lost Creek (Harrison Co.) McKINNEY ~ DOUG Bridgeport (Harrison Co.) PRINGLE ~ JACK Clarksburg (Harrison Co.) W. LOVE ~ DERRICK Weston (Lewis Co.) 4,551,361 34,254 0 32,813 10,335 0 0 0 168,728 1,142,998.88 0 0 0 0 1,389,129 3,162,232 4,551,361 and said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the construction of the following project(s): Call: 003 Contract: 0435666 State Project: S304-0019/00016.64 00v Federal Project: OSTP 0019 273 E00 Description: Rehabilitation – Restoration – Resurfacing OFFICIAL BALLOT OF NATIONAL TICKET 4,202,461 348,899 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA BRAXTON COUNTY, to-wit: I, Carolyn D. Long, Secretary of the Braxton County Board of Education, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed budget being considered for adoption by the board of education on the 1st of May, 2006. Carolyn Long Secretary of the Board of Education 4-25 9,670,392 2,993,639 Estimated Expenditures: Instruction Supporting services: Students Instructional staff Central administration School administration $163,042 855 41,894 Total estimated revenue Estimated transfers in and other financing sources Estimated beginning balance Total estimated revenues, other financing sources, and beginning balance 15,820,671 348,899 16,169,570 Total estimated revenues Estimated transfers in and other financing sources Estimated beginning balance Total estimated revenues, other financing sources, and beginning balance 4-25 Local Sources: Property Taxes (Net of allowances) Other Local Sources State Sources: State aid to schools Other unrestricted Federal Sources: Unrestricted Miscellaneous Sources: 0 0 Total estimated expenditures Total estimated transfers and other financing uses Total estimated and other financing uses 0 42,749 2% 255,607 1,462,145 1,760,254 0 38,390 0 COUNTY TICKET ~ DISTRICT TICKET Southern District For Republican Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) For County Commissioner (Vote for One) EDDIE WAYNE WILLIAMS Ireland (Northern District) For Congressional District Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote for One) No Candidate Filed For Congressional District Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote for One) ~ No Candidate Filed For Republican Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) JACK M. BOONE Frametown, WV Eastern District For Republican Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) No Candidate Filed For Senatorial District Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote for One) No Candidate Filed For Republican Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) No Candidate Filed For Senatorial District Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote for One) No Candidate Filed Western District For Republican Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) No Candidate Filed No Candidate Filed For Republican Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) No Candidate Filed Northern District For Republican Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) ~ No Candidate Filed For Republican Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) EDDIE WAYNE WILLIAMS Ireland (Northern District) I, John D. Jordan, Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all the candidates for public office to represent the Republican Party, certified to me by the Secretary of State and have filed Certificates of Announcement of Candidacy in the Office of the County Clerk of Braxton County, West Virginia, within the time required by statute to be voted for in the Primary Election to be held on the 9th day of May, 2006. This 31st day of March, 2006. John D. Jordan Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia Jack M. Boone Ballot Commissioner Delbert Facemire Ballot Commissioner Flatwoods – Heaters Road 0.01 MI N WV 4 S End Bridge #041921.77 County: Braxton DBE GOAL: 5% of Contract Bid Amount. Bidder must provide written assurance of meeting goal on form in proposal. Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, is accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must include one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier’s Check, or Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater. *These are projects on which any contractor with a Category “W” Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways John E. Lewis, Jr., Assistant Secretary for program Administration. 4-25 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BRAXTON COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, ex rel, BRAXTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, Petitioner VS: CASE NO. 06-P-9 1991 CHEVY COUPE/CAMARO AUTOMOBILE bearing Vehicle Identification Number VIN #: 1G1FP23E0ML107717, Respondent, ORDER OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING To: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN You are hereby notified that a PETITION FOR FORFEITURE has been filed on the 11 th day of April, 2006, in the Circuit Court of CONTINUED TO PAGE 19 Coffman Insurance Services, Inc. P.O. Box 450 Birch River, WV 26610 WV Insurance Company offering Homeowners Policies, Mobile Homes, Modulars, Sectionals, Farm & Business Insurance. For Rates or an Appointment Call 1-800-649-8995 Terry K. Coffman LEGAL NOTICES Page 19, Braxton Citizens' News, April 25, 2006 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Braxton County. The property seized and sought to be forfeited in this certain action is a 1991 CHEVY COUPE/CAMARO AUTOMOBILE bearing Vehicle Identification Number VIN #: 1G1FP23E0ML107717. 1.That this Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act, Chapter 60A, Article 7, Sections 701, et seq. 2.This Court has venue over this action as seizure was made in Braxton County, West Virginia, Route 4, North of Gassaway, West Virginia, pursuant to West Virginia Code 60A-7-705(a)(2). 3.The law enforcement agency responsible for this seizure is the Braxton County Sheriff’s 4.The seizure was made on or about February 10, 2006, on Route 4, North of Gassaway, West Virgina, near the U-Pak grocery store. 5.The identify of the owner of the property is Andrew Alex Skupnich or Theresa M. Palmer, 1880 Old Turnpike Road, Lot #4, Sutton, West Virginia, 26601, to whom the said automobile is titled in the state of West Virginia. 6.The property was in the possession of Theresa M. Palmer, who was the driver of said automobile. 7.There is probable cause for belief that the seized property is subject to forfeiture as a vehicle which was used, had been used, or was intended for use, to transport, or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, possession or concealment of raw materials and products which were intended for use in manufacturing or compounding a controlled substance that is: Hydrocodone, which is a Schedule III controlled substance under the provisions of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act, West Virginia Code 60A-2-208 (b)(6), because of the following: a.The accused was stopped at the U-Pak grocery store along Route 4, North of Gassaway, West Virginia, by Sheriff’s Deputy C.S. Dellinger. The accused, Theresa Palmer, had in her possession Hydrocodones, a Schedule III, narcotic substance which she admitted selling out of her vehicle, a 1991 Chevy Coupe/Camaro. b.Deputy Dellinger arrested the accused on a Fugitive from Justice warrant from the State of Virginia. c.The pills, believed to be Hydrocodone, a Schedule III, controlled substance, were sent to the West Virginia State Police Lab in Charleston, West Virginia to be analyzed. Results of said analysis is not available at this time. 8.Results of said analysis is not available at this time. 9.There is no known party to have any type of security interest or a possessory or statutory lien against the respondent’s property. THEREFORE, based on the foregoing factual representations, the Petitioner believes that the respondent vehicle, a 1991 CHEVY COUPE/CAMARO AUTOMOBILE bearing Vehicle Identification Number VIN #: 1G1FP23E0ML107717, is subject to forfeiture, pursuant to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act (West Virginia Code 60A-7-703), which vehicle was used, had been used, or was intended for use, to facilitate the sale, receipt, possession on a controlled substance, to-wit: methamphetamine, (in violation of Chapter 60A of the Code of the State of West Virginia). WHEREFORE, the Petitioner prays that due process issue to enforce the forfeiture requested herein and to give notice to the parties required by statute to appear and file claim or show cause why forfeiture shall not be decreed; and the property be ORDERED forfeited to the State of West Virginia; and that, thereafter, it be disposed of according to law; and for such other and further relieft as the Honorable Court may deem just and proper. Wherefore, the State of West Virginia prays that due process issue to enforce the forfeiture requested herein and to give notice to the parties required by statute to appear and file claim or show cause why forfeiture shall not be decreed; and Get ready for the Riding Season...with new rubber from the BIKER BARN All TIRES 15% 0FF Most brands & sizes available Good Through 04/31/06 Check with us before you buy... Why pay more! Look for the Black & Orange! We specialize in HD Par ts & Accessories BIKER BARN e Th Route 19 (402 Glen Oaks Road) Summrsville, West Virginia 304-872-1947 www.wvbb.com the property be ORDERED forfeited pursuant to West Virginia Code 60A-7-705(a)(2). You are hereby notified that all persons having a claim upon said property have a right to file such a claim stating the identity of the claimant; the nature of the claim; and an address where the claimant can be served with legal process. Such claims must be filed in writing with Daniel B. Dotson, III, Prosecuting Attorney for Braxton County at P.O. Box 118, Sutton, West Virginia 26601 no later than June 1, 2006. Accordingly, you who may have an interest in these proceedings must file such claims and may make such defense as you shall deem available. A hearing has been set in this matter for the 12th day of June 2006, at 3:00 o’clock in the Circuit Court of Braxton Court of Braxton County, West Virginia. Entering this the 11 th day of April 2006. J.W. Morris, Clerk Prepared by: Daniel B. Dotson, III, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Braxton County P.O. Box 118 Sutton, West Virginia 26601 WVSB No. 5944 4-25 DO •A NOTICE: The Braxton Board of Education hereby gives notice that a public hearing, per WV Code 18-8-4, with regard to its 2006-2007 operating budget will be held at 4:00 p.m. on May 1, 2006 at 411 North Hill Road, Sutton, WV 2006. At this hearing, reasonable time shall be granted to any person or persons who wish to speak regarding parts or all of said budget. Copies of the budget documents will be available for public inspection at the Board Office at 411 North Hill Road, Sutton, from April 11, 2006 to May 1, 2006. The budget will also be available on the Braxton County Schools’ internet home page at http:// boe.brax.k12wv.us during the same period. 4-25 NOTICE: The Region VI Workforce Investment Board (R6WIB) is extend- CONTINUED TO PAGE 20 PLAN WITH NO GAP www.coveyengineering.com Engineering, Surveying, Quality Control, and Environmental Services Auto problems or Just Preventative Maintenance Come to • Fully trained in all aspects of electrical & mechanical repairs • We service: IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY! PRECRIPTION DRUG PLAN I G.A. COVEY ENGINEERING for your automotive needs PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN WITH NO DEDUCTIBLE HELP P.O. Box 5584 Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: 304-256-2003 Fax: 304-929-3494 EuroCentral Auto Inc. YOU WANT? •A P.O. Box 185 Sutton, WV 26601 Phone: 304-364-4100 Fax: 304-364-5100 HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED TO HELP YOU •Honda •Toyota •Nissan •Subaru We fix it right the first time! Call Barry for an appointment. Monday - Friday • 8 am to 5 pm CHOSE THE RIGHT PLAN FOR YOUR NEEDS I’LL EVEN DO THE PAPER WORK FOR YOU! CALL SHIRLEY BROWN 304-286-2160 •Mercedes •BMW •Audi • All domestic vehicles 765-4011 AT Night Drop Service Available OFFICIAL BALLOT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Braxton Co., West Virginia Primary Election May 9, 2006 To vote for a candidate mark an X in the square opposite to and at the left of his or her name. NATIONAL TICKET STATE TICKET COUNTY TICKET DISTRICT TICKET For U.S. Senate (Vote for One) ROBERT C. BYRD Sophia (Raleigh Co.) BILLY HENDRICKS JR. Whitesville (Boone Co.) For U.S. House of Representatives Second Congressional District (Vote for One) MIKE CALLAGHAN Charleston (Kanawha Co.) MARK HUNT Charleston (Kanawha Co.) For State Senate Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for One) JOSEPH (JOE) MINARD Clarksburg (Harrison Co.) For House of Delegates Thirty-Fourth Delegate District (Vote for One) BRENT BOGGS Gassaway (Braxton Co.) For Democratic State Executive Committee–Female Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for Not More Than Two) For County Commissioner (Vote for One) Southern District For Democratic Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) ~ ~ ~ ~ ROBB ~ RICHIE South Charleston (Kanawha Co.) ~ ~ Two males can be elected and two females can be elected; but, not more than two people [male or female] of any one county can be elected. Not More Than One Resident of Any Magisterial District May be Elected L. JACK, SR. ~ DAVID Exchange (Northern District) No Candidate Filed SUZIE NETTLES-STEELE For Democratic Executive ~ Burnsville (Northern District) Committee (MALE) RODNEY M. BROWN (Vote For One) ~ Burnsville (Northern District) DOBBINS HALL ~ KENT Duck, WV ~ ROGER Duck (Southern District) BURROUGHS Eastern District ~ DONALD Heaters (Northern District) For Democratic Executive For Congressional District Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote for One) W. STULTZ ~ ROBIN Weston (Lewis Co.) DONALDSON SMITH ~ PEGGY Weston (Lewis Co.) J. “LIBBY” STOUT ~ LEATRICE Clarksburg (Harrison Co.) No Candidate Filed For Congressional District Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote for One) For Democratic State Executive Committee–Male Twelfth Senatorial District (Vote for Not More Than Two) Two males can be elected and two females can be elected; but, not more than two people [male or female] of any one county can be elected. SMITH ~ GREG Glenville (Gilmer Co.) F. FORDHAM ~ GEORGE Bridgeport (Harrison Co.) SHARPE ~ BILL Weston (Lewis Co.) E. MCKEEN ~ JERRY Bristol (Harrison Co.) “BOB” ANDREW ~ ROBERT Bridgeport (Harrison Co.) ~ ~ No Candidate Filed For Senatorial District Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote for One) BRENDA MOLLOHAN Sutton (Eastern District) For Senatorial District Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote for One) PAUL W. “BILL” TALLMAN Wilsie (Southern District) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) BRENDA MOLLOHAN Sutton, WV For Democratic Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) GEORGE F. SKIDMORE Sutton, WV L. ALLEN COGAR Sutton, WV Western District For Democratic Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) MARLENE HUNTER Gassaway, WV PAT FACEMIRE Gassaway, WV For Democratic Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) WILLIAM ALDERMAN Gassaway, WV Northern District For Democratic Executive Committee (FEMALE) (Vote For One) MARTHA B. TAYLOR Napier, WV For Democratic Executive Committee (MALE) (Vote For One) DON SINGLETON Burnsville, WV EDDIE B. WESTFALL Sutton, WV I, John D. Jordan, Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all the candidates for public office to represent the Democrat Party, certified to me by the Secretary of State and have filed Certificates of Announcement of Candidacy in the Office of the County Clerk of Braxton County, West Virginia, within the time required by statute to be voted for in the Primary Election to be held on the 9th day of May, 2006. This 31st day of March, 2006. John D. Jordan Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia Jack M. Boone Ballot Commissioner Delbert Facemire Ballot Commissioner LEGAL NOTICES Page 20, Braxton Citizens' News, April 25, 2006 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 WE WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS ON AMERICA’S #1 BRAND ALL NEW VEHICLE INVENTORY MUST BE REDUCED IMMEDIATELY!!! • Top Dollar for your Trade!!! • Now Is The Time To Buy!!! CHASSIS Best Selection in Central WV 06 Ford F-350 4x4 06 Ford F-150 CHASSIS READY TO WORK The #1 Selling Truck for 29 Years Straight! 06 Ford 500 06 Ford Explorer All Wheel Drive or Front Wheel Drive All New Design... Several In-Stock ing the previously advertised deadline of April 17, 2006, for the submission of quotes from qualified providers for bookkeeping and tax services. The extended deadline for submission of the quote is May 5, 2006. Interested parties must contact the R6WIB Fairmont office at 304-368-9530 to obtain a complete Quote Information Packet. The completed packet must be received by post or hand delivery in to the R6WIB office by the close of business (4:30pm) on May 5, 2006. Fax or email submissions will not be accepted. The period of service provision is from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007 with the possibility of renewal contract negotiated yearly thereafter based on performance and cost effectiveness. The R6WIB reserves the right to reject any and or all quotes submitted. 5-2 ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS: The Frametown Volunteer Fire Department is accepting sealed bids on a: 1971 Chevrolet C-60 Firetruck, 427 engine, 17,527 miles. Truck may be examined at the Frametown Fire Department any Monday during their regular meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. Minimum bid is $2,500. Mail sealed bids to Truck Bid, c/o Frametown Volunteer Fire Department, P.O. Box 412, Frametown, WV 26623. All bids must be received no later than 4:00 pm, May 1, 2006. 4-25 BID ADVERTISEMENT: The Braxton County Board of Education will be accepting bids for the paving/repaving of the construction area of Braxton County High School. For further information, please contact Mike McCoy at the Braxton County Board of Education office 304765-7101, ext 272. Specifications are available at the Board of Education office. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 28 th. Bids will be opened at the next regular meeting of the Braxton County Board of Education. 4-25 NOTICE OF ACCEPTING BIDS: The Town of Flatwoods is accepting sealed bids for on the following: 1994 Jeep Cherokee Dump Truck The jeep is at the Municipal Building in Flatwoods. The dump truck is at the Flatwoods Community Volunteer Fire Department. All vehicles will be sold as is. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., May 8, 2006. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For more information, contact Ed Cutlip at the Municipal Building at (304) 7657235. Bids will be opened at the next scheduled Town meeting following the May 8, 2006 deadline. 5-2 REGION VI WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD BUSINESS PLAN AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW The 2006-2007 operation/business plan modification for the Region VI Workforce Investment Board (WIB) is available for a thirty (30) day public comment period from April 17 through May 16, 2006. It can be reviewed at: Several In Stock Employment Service offices located in the Region VI WORKFORCE West Virginia Centers in Clarksburg, Elkins, Fairmont, and Morgantown; and the Region VI WIB website at www.regionviwv.org. It may also be requested by calling the Region VI WIB office at (304) 3689530. Public comments on the plan can be mailed to: Barbara J. DeMary, Executive Director, Region VI WIB; 107-109 Adams Street, Suite 140; Fairmont, WV 26554. 5-2 LETTERS OF INTEREST SOLICITED Braxton County Board of Health is soliciting individuals who have a sincere interest in serving on the Board of Health. Currently one vacancy exists. WV Code 16-2-7 states… “A county board of health is composed of five members selected and appointed by vote of the county commission. Each member appointed to the county board of health shall be a resident of the county. No more than two members who reside in the same magisterial district may be appointed and no more than two members may be appointed who are personally licensed or certified in, engaged in, or actively participating in the same in the same business, profession or occupation. No more than three members of a county board of health may belong to the same political party.” If interested for consideration, please submit a letter of interest detailing background information, and a brief summary of why applicant would like to serve. Submit letter of Interest to the Braxton County Health Department, 495 Old Turnpike Road, Sutton, West Virginia 26601. Letter of Interest must be postmarked, and/or received by 4:00 p.m., EST, May 3, 2006. 5-2 EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE AUTHORITY BOARD LETTERS OF INTEREST SOLICITED Pursuant to WV Code 7-15-5, the Braxton County Commission is accepting letters of interest for the appointment to the Braxton County Emergency Ambulance Service Authority Board. The aforesaid Board shall be lodged in a board of not less than five more than fifteen individuals who shall be known as members of the board and who shall be appointed for terms of three years each by the governing bodies of the participating governments. Any individuals who is a resident of, or member of the governing body of any participating government is eligible to serve as a member of the board. Interested persons are to submit a Letter of Interest to the Braxton County Commission, Post Office Box 486, Sutton, West Virginia 26601, postmarked, and/or received by 4:00 p.m., EST, May 3 rd, 2006. 5-2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BRAXTON COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIA DRUG AND VIOLENT CRIMES TASK FORCE Petitioner VS: CASE NO. 06-P-10 FIVE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT DOLLARS, in United States Currency, Respondent. The Al l New 06 Ford Fusion 06 Ford Freestyle Stop by for your test Drive TToday! oday! All Wheel Drive and Great Gas Mileage... OFFICIAL BALLOT Non-Partisan Ballot of Election of Members of The Braxton County Board of Education PRIMARY ELECTION May 9, 2006 To vote for a Candidate, Make an X in the Square Opposite to and to the Left of the Name. For County Board of Education (Vote for Not More Than Three) Maximum eligible to be elected from districts: Northern-1; Southern-2; Eastern-2; Western-1 06 Ford Escape 06 Ford Ranger XLT Package Great Gas Mileage... Supercab Sport, Several In-Stock, Ready to Go M ichael otors Exit 62 Off I-79 -- Right 1/2 Mile Gassaway, West Virginia 1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132 Visit Our Web Site: www.michaelmotors.com E-Mail: info@michaelmotors.com ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KATHY PARKER Heaters, WV Northern District JOHN R. COX Gassaway, WV Western District JOHN CAMPBELL Sutton, WV Eastern District ELIZABETH M. STEWART Sutton, WV Eastern District RONNIE CARROLL Sutton, WV Eastern District TERRI GATES Sutton, WV Southern District I, John D. Jordan, Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all candidates who have filed for Members of the Board of Education, Certificates of Announcement of Candidacy within the time required by statute, in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia for the Election to be held on the 9th day of May, 2006. This 31st day of March, 2006. John D. Jordan Clerk of the County Commission of Braxton County, West Virginia Jack M. Boone Ballot Commissioner Delbert Facemire Ballot Commissioner ORDER OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING To: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN You are hereby notified that a PETITION OF FORFEITURE has been filed on the 13 th day of April, 2006, in the Circuit Court of Braxton County. The property seized and sought to be forfeited in this certain action is a FIVE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT DOLLARS, in United States Currency. 1. That this Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act, Chapter 60A, Article 7, Sections 701, et seq. 2. This Court has venue over this action as seizure was made at 39s Stonewall Street, Sutton, in Braxton County, West Virginia, pursuant to West Virginia Code 60A-7-705(a)(2). 3. The law enforcement agency responsible for this seizure is the Central West Virginia Drug and Violent Crimes Task Force. 4. That on the 31 st day of January, 2006 officers utilized a confidential informant and made a controlled purchase of four Dilaudid tablets, a Schedule II controlled substance, for the sum of $160 dollars. 5. That on the 3 rd day of February, 2006, officers utilized the same confidential informant, making an additional controlled purchase of four Dilaudid tablets, for the sum of $160 dollars. 6. That on the 9 th day of February, 2006 officers utilized the same confidential informant making two purchases of methamphetamine from Helen Rose. The total of these two buys were $350 dollars. Upon the execution of said search warrant, officers located seven (7) grams of methamphetamine in Ms. Rose’s bedroom, in a porcelain figure, with scales accompanying the methamphetamine in the dresser drawer. In addition to the drug paraphernalia found in her possession, Helen Rose had, within her purse, Five Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars in United States Currency. 7. That the property seized and sought to be forfeited in this certain action is Five Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars in United States Currency. 8. The only person(s) known to have any type of security interest or a possessory or statutory lien against the respondent’s is the defendant, Helen Rose THEREFORE; based on the foregoing factual representations, the Petitioner believes that the FIVE HUNDRED NINETY DOLLARS in United States Currency is subject to forfeiture, pursuant to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act (West Virginia Code 60A7-703), which vehicle was used, had been used, or was intended for use, to facilitate the sale, receipt, possession of a controlled substance, to-wit: methamphetamine, (in violation of Chapter 60A of the Code of the State of West Virginia). WHEREFORE; the State of West Virginia prays that due process issue to enforce the forfeiture requested herein and to give notice to the parties required by statue to appear and file a claim or show just cause why forfeiture shall not be decreed; and that the property be ORDERED forfeited pursuant to West Virginia Code 60A-7-705 (a)(2); and that, thereafter, it be disposed of according to law; and for such other and further relief as the Honorable Court may deem just and proper. You are hereby notified that all persons having a claim upon said property have a right to file such claim clearly stating the identity of the claimant; the nature of the claim; and an address where the claimant can by served with legal process. Such claims must be filed in writing with Daniel B. Dotson, III, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Braxton County at P.O. Box 118, Sutton, West Virginia, 26601, no later than the 19 day of May, 2006. Accordingly, you who may have an interest in these proceedings must file such claims and may take such defense as you shall deem available. A hearing has been set in this matter for the 6th day of June, 2006, at 1:30 o’clock p.m. in the Circuit Court of Braxton County, West Virginia. Entered this the 19 th day of April, 2005. J.W. Morris, Clerk Prepared by: Daniel B. Dotson, III Assitant Prosecuting Attorney for Braxton County P.O. Box 118 Sutton, West Virginia 26601 WVSB No. 5944 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA COUNTY OF BRAXTON, to-wit: I, J.W. Morris, Circuit Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an Order of record in my office in __ Order Book No.__ at page__, as taken from the records. Given Under My Hand this 19 th day of April 2006. J.W. Morris, pb Circuit Clerk 5-2 REPOSSED PROPERTY FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Little Birch Preowned Auto Sales will offer the following vehicles for the sale at public auction on Thursday, May 03, 2006, at 10:00 a.m. At Little Birch Preowned Auto Sales in Little Birch, WV. The vehicles are located at 4937 Old Turnpike Road and can be inspected prior to the sale. 1996 Subaru Legacy 4S3BG6852T7981015 1994 Plymouth Voyager 1P4GK44R7RX141527 5-2