Harvest of the Spirit
Harvest of the Spirit
Harvest of the Spirit Witnessing the love of God This month we celebrate Valentine’s Day in our country and in other nations as well. Some countries refer to this as day of friendship. In our country, it is a day of celebrating love – romantic as well as fraternal love. The love of our God is unconditional and constant and we can take an opportunity on St. Valentine’s Day to remember the love of God and how that love transcends all things including our relationships and friendships. TABLE OF CONTENTS Bishop’s corner continued I have reflected quite often on my friends over the years and what these relationships have meant to me. Some of these friendships go back to my high school and college days, other are more recent since I arrived in the Diocese seven years ago, but as I reflect on each of them, I feel the blessing that each is for me. I know that God has sent each of these people into my life for various reasons and to fill voids that would cause me anxiety or loneliness. Alerts Birthday’s/Anniversaries PAPA’S page! Department of the Protection of Children and Thus as we pause this month to look to the Sacred, loving Heart of Jesus, let us thank God for our few and many friendships and relationships that give us life and hope as they radiate love. Young People Department Human Resources I quote Pope Benedict XVI in his first encyclical letter “Deus Caritas Est” God is love. As Pope Benedict notes so beautifully; Bulletin Board: Reflections, Theology on At the same time, the devotion of the faithful shows an infallible intuition of how such love is possible: it becomes so as a result of the most intimate union with God, through which the soul is totally pervaded by him—a condition which enables those who have drunk from the fountain of God’s love to become in their turn a fountain from which “flow rivers of living water” (Jn 7:38). Mary, Virgin and Mother, show us what love is and whence it draws its origin and its constantly renewed power. To her we entrust the Church and her mission in the service of love. Holy Mary, Mother of God, You have given the world its true light, Jesus , your Son—the Son of God. You abandoned yourself completely to God’s call and thus became a wellspring of the goodness which flows forth from him. Show us Jesus. Lead us to him. Teach us to know and love him, so that we too can become capable of true love and be fountains of living water in the midst of a thirsting world. (GOD IS LOVE, DEUS CARITAS EST ENCYCLICAL LETTER, Benedict XVI) May God, the source of love itself, bless you, your family and friends and all who are dear to you - and know in your hearts that God is love. A blessed month of February to all of you, Most Reverend Richard J. Garcia Tap and more! Attachments Department of Catechetical Ministries LA Congress Luncheon Lenten 2014 Department of Catholic Schools February Newsletter St. Angela’s Preschool Fundraiser Dioconate Department Information Sessions Co nt He reflexionado a menudo en mis amistades a través de los años y lo que estas relaciones han significado para mí. Algunas de estas amistades son de mi escuela secundaria y mis días de colegio, y otras son más recientes desde que llegue a la Diócesis hace siete años, pero al reflexionar en cada una de ellas. Siento la bendición que cada uno es para mí. Sé que Dios ha enviado cada una de estas personas a mi vida por diferentes razones y llenar los vacíos que pudiera sentir con facilidad y que me pudiera causar ansiedad o soledad. Al hacer una pausa este mes para mirar al amor Sagrado del Corazón de Jesus, demos gracias a Dios por las pocas y muchas amistades y relaciones que nos dan vida y esperanza al irradiar amor. Cito al Papa Benedict XVI en su primera encíclica “Deus Caritas Est” Dios es Amor. Como el Papa Benedicto observa de una manera tan hermosa. La devoción de los fieles muestra al mismo tiempo la intuición infalible de cómo es posible este amor: se alcanza merced a la unión más íntima con Dios, en virtud de la cual se está embargado totalmente de Él, una condición que permite a quien ha bebido en el manantial del amor de Dios convertirse a sí mismo en un manantial « del que manarán torrentes de agua viva » (Jn 7, 38). María, la Virgen, la Madre, nos enseña qué es el amor y dónde tiene su origen, su fuerza siempre nueva. A ella confiamos la Iglesia, su misión al servicio del amor: Santa María, Madre de Dios, tú has dado al mundo la verdadera luz, Jesús, tu Hijo, el Hijo de Dios. Te has entregado por completo a la llamada de Dios y te has convertido así en fuente de la bondad que mana de Él. Muéstranos a Jesús. Guíanos hacia Él. Enséñanos a conocerlo y amarlo, para que también nosotros podamos llegar a ser capaces de un verdadero amor y ser fuentes de agua viva en medio de un mundo sediento. (Carta Encíclica DEUS CARITAS EST Benedicto XVI) Que Dios la fuente del amor mismo lo bendiga, a su familia y amistades y sobre todos sus seres queridos y saber en su corazón que Dios es amor. Bendiciones para el mes de Febrero a todos, Obispo Ricardo J. Garcia ALERTS The USCCB has sent information regarding the following individual. Reverend Joseph Thanh-Son Nguyen, CSSR - The Vice-Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Vice Province of Extra Patriam advised the Conference of its concerns regarding Rev. Joseph Thanh-Son Nguyen, CSSR is an exclaustrated priest and does not have faculties. Reverend Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera - The Office of the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York reports that Reverend Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera priestly faculties ceased in October 2000. Please call Sister Patricia Murtagh at the Pastoral Office, (831) 373-4345 extension 221 if you’ve been contacted by any of the priest mentioned above. In your charity Please pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Claralee Griffin mother of Rev. John Griffin who passed away on January 15, 2014 “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them; and may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen” February Birthdays & Anniversaries February 2nd: Rev. Michael Cicinato: Happy Birthday! February 5th: Deacon Michael McNally: Happy Birthday! St. Cyril & St. Methodius February 9th: Rev. Dominic Castro: Happy Birthday! February 13th: Rev. Matthew Pennington: Happy Birthday! February 18th: Rev. Pedro Umana, OFM: Happy Birthday! Presidents’ Day February 20th: Deacon Greg Dutra: Happy Birthday! February 22nd: Rev. Alphonse Van Guilder, OFM Conv.: 50th Anniversary of Ordination ~ Congratulations! February 23rd: Rev. Larry Betrozoff: Happy Birthday! February 24th: Deacon Tom O’Brien: Happy Birthday! February 25th: Deacon Steve Michaelson: 19th Anniversary of Ordination ~ Congratulations! February 27th: Rev. Rodolfo Contreras: 4th Anniversary of Ordination ~ Congratulations! February 29th: Rev. John Ulrich, SM: Happy Birthday! If your birthday or ordination anniversary is in February and is missing from our list, or if we have your information incorrectly documented, please contact Bernardine at: bjohson@dioceseofmonterey.org PAPA’s PAGE ! Messages from your Holy Father, Pope Francis Homily of Pope Francis given at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls Saturday, 25 January 2014: hhhhhhh Christ, dear friends, cannot be divided! This conviction must sustain and encourage us to persevere with humility and trust on the way to the restoration of full visible unity among all believers in Christ... Dear brothers and sisters, let us ask the Lord Jesus, who has made us living members of his body, to keep us deeply united to him, to help us overcome our conflicts, our divisions and our self-seeking; and let us remember that unity is always better than conflict! And so may he help us to be united to one another by one force, by the power of love which the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts (cf. Rom 5:5). Amen. © Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana To read the complete text of this homily as well as other homilies, speeches and messages from Pope Francis, please visit the official Vatican website at: http://www.vatican.va/ Papa Franciscus says … Let us pray for Christian unity. There are so many beautiful things which unite us. ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 28, 2014 It is easy to ask God for things; we all do it. When will we also learn to give him thanks and to adore him? ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 25, 2014 I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable. ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 22, 2014 If we live the faith in our daily life, then our work too becomes a chance to spread the joy of being a Christian. ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 21, 2014 Wars shatter so many lives. I think especially of children robbed of their childhood. ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 18, 2014 Let us pray for peace, and let us bring it about, starting in our own homes! ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 16, 2014 No elderly person should be like an “exile” in our families. The elderly are a treasure for our society. ~ @Pontifex: Jan. 11, 2014 Follow Pope Francis on Twitter! @PONTIFEX Department of Human Resources Thank you from HR! Thank you to all of our employees and their families who attended the Health Fairs in January. Your wonderful energy and positive attitude made this an overwhelming success. The goal of the health fairs was to create an atmosphere for learning and wellness while at the same time providing some fun, food and fellowship. You brought wonderful questions and hopefully took away valuable information from the vendors and the nutritionist and had the opportunity to get your biometrics done or have a relaxing chair massage. Congratulations to all of you who won raffle prizes and to our grand prize winner of $500, Juana Uribe of St. Patrick’s Church, Watsonville. Juana says, “Thank you Diocese of Monterey! It was so nice to see the pastoral office staff having a good time with us and letting their hair down. The health fair made me more aware of my health, something I never would have done without it. It was great!” If you did not have an opportunity to complete your Health Quotient at the health fair you may log on to WebMD and complete it. If you completed your Biometrics exam at the health fair, your numbers should be available at WebMD in approximately 3 weeks. If you did not have an opportunity to attend one of the health fairs, you may still sign up to have your Biometrics testing done by another method. Check WebMD for more information. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers, Resurrection parish in Aptos, Madonna del Sasso Church and School, the Cathedral in Monterey, and St. Paul the Apostle parish in Pismo Beach for their hospitality in hosting the health fairs. Bulletin Board First Mondays of the Month 11:00 a.m. & 9:00 p.m. KYAA 1200AM KIHC 890AM The beautiful Shrine of St. Joseph on West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz is looking for a part time musician. The primary responsibility would be to provide music for the Sunday 11:00 am Mass as well as on special feasts that occur during the week. The ability to play the organ (the Shrine has a small electronic instrument) and to cantor from the console is an essential requirement. If you know of anyone in the area, or perhaps a retired musician who is moving to the area, please do encourage them to contact the Shrine rector, Father Paul McDonal, OSJ at (831) 457-1868. Please let us know of any change of e-mail, address, phone number or fax number to Dona Acuff: dacuff@dioceseofmonterey.org ~~~~ Send your information updates for the Diocesan Directory or Website to Dona Acuff: 831-373-4345 Ext. 234 dacuff@dioceseofmonterey.org Newsletter Contact Leticia Flores-McPherson - 831-373-4345 ext. 220 - lmcpherson@dioceseofmonterey.org USCCB Forms and Documents www.usccb.org Now in two locations! Monterey & Salinas NEW! Theology on Tap! Theology on Tap-Salinas Monday, March 3rd 7:00 PM RESPECT LIFE MASS Theology on Tap offers fellowship and discussions about topics important in our lives today, with interesting speakers guiding the conversation, while enjoying your favorite beverages and snacks. This month’s session will be Thursday, February 27th 7:00PM London Bridge Pub 256 Figueroa Street (at the foot of Wharf 2) Monterey Our topic this month is “Sabbath Rest in a Workaholic Culture”, with the conversation led by Reverend Brother Peter Junipero, O.P. Do you live to work, or work to live? American society places a high value on efficiency, production, and work. Honest work is a good thing, but as Christians we are called to strike a proper balance between work and rest, between activity and time devoted to renewal. Sunday is the day inscribed into each week by the Creator for this renewal. Drawing off of John Paul II's apostolic letter Dies Domini ("Day of the Lord"), from Scripture, and from a variety of historical, theological and popular sources, Brother Peter will unpack the biblical, theological, and practical meaning of Sunday for our busy lives. Come and learn more while enjoying food, drinks, and friends! Join Monterey Theology on Tap on FaceBook!. You can also send questions to Deacon Warren Hoy at whoy@dioceseofmonterey.org. We hope to see you there! Casa Sorrento Pizzeria Wine and Spirits 393 Salinas St. Salinas, CA 93901 Being a Christian Recording Artist in a Secular World This month, Martay a local Christian recording artist who graduated from Notre Dame High School will join us as she kicks off her Coffee Shop tour to strategically enter secular venues and share her faith through music. “I enjoy all things having to do with music and am deeply driven to create art that inspires people to realize the beautiful, compassionate God I love. No matter what I do or create, I hope it leads those who come into contact with it to look beyond the trials of life and dream again.” Please contact: Yulma Velasco for more information Thank you Fr. Peter Sanders for being our first guest speaker this month, it was a wonderful success! We are also truly grateful to Deacon Warren Hoy who helped us jump start Theology on Tap-Salinas! We could not have done it without you! Reflections by Rosie Murray We have all experienced being in unfamiliar or stressful situations in which we were not quite certain how to behave or knew the right words to say. Likely someone told us “Just be yourself.” Each situation, however, requires us to be a version of ourselves for that particular moment. While attending a black tie event at Pebble Beach, for example, it would not be appropriate to behave like the passionate football fans we are when we root on our favorite team. Social events will require the use of our social graces. While at work or school there are rules that must be adhered to. The boss decides what our dress code will be, what time to report to work, and when we can take time off. Appropriate behavior is essential and being politically correct is a virtue. Although most people do not enjoy being told what to do and do not enjoy being questioned, we humans are adaptable creatures. In order to function in society we develop the self-discipline that allows us to follow rules at work and behave properly in social circles even though we may not like it. We learn to adjust our behavior and personality to fit the environment we are in. It is not a weakness to give way to the rules set before us. It speaks to our character and our ability to be flexible. We build tolerance and understanding with one another each time we bend just a little. The gentleman who asked if he could go ahead of me at the Costco line was not in a hurry. He simply did not think he should wait in line behind someone with a full shopping cart. I did allow him to go ahead of me and realized that he must push his way through the day. The one item he was attempting to purchase was a one year membership but in actuality he wanted was a gift card. The cashier patiently explained that he needed to go and get the correct item but the gentleman would not have any part of it. He insisted that the cashier “do his job” so he could go on his way. Even in the face of his own error and in the presence of genuine kindness, this man would not give up the control he thought he had of the situation. Thankfully he soon was on his way but without a meager thank you to anyone. The cashier thanked me for my understanding and I thanked him for his tolerance. Our identities are composed of many factors. We are parents, spouses, siblings, employees, customers, and each of us with a variety of interests. There is a difference between who we are what we do. Whether we are artists, writers, dancers, photographers, tourists, musicians or athletes in our free time, perhaps the suggestion to “just be you” has to do with character. We may not be able to control the external factors of everyday life, but we can manage the internal mechanisms that drive who we are. We are in control of our integrity, our decisions, our professionalism, our sportsmanship, our attitude, our authenticity, and our faith. Peace comes from truly knowing who we are and from our relationship with our God. Finding the proper balance between what we do and who we are takes effort. What others should see radiating from us is the grace and the light of God. When in unfamiliar or stressful situations let God’s grace find you, soak it in, and remember that you are His child. The other morning a very special person said to me, “Have a wonderful day and shine like only you can.” A beautiful reminder that the light from within comes from above. For the latest Diocesan information, check out our website at http://www.dioceseofmonterey.org/ The Diocese is also on Twitter and iTunes @MontereyDiocese and on Facebook – search Diocese of Monterey @MontereyDiocese Search: Diocese of Monterey Follow us on Search: Diocese of Monterey Search: Diocese of Monterey