From the Pastor`s Laptop


From the Pastor`s Laptop
Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People,
beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist
A Stewardship Parish
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church • 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355
July 7, 2013
Sunday in
Ordinary Time
(209) 551-4973
Fax: (209) 551-3213
Visit our website:
Holy Eucharist
Sunday Mass:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sundays: 7:30am,
9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am,
Noon, 1:30pm (Español),
5:30pm & 7:30pm
Daily Mass:
8am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8am
Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at
Perpetual Eucharistic
Chapel access code available in office
Children’s Services:
Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Mass 10:30am
Sacrament of
Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm
Fridays 6:30-7:30pm
Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm
Homebound please call 551-4973
for a priest to visit you by
Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor
Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc Pastor
Fr. Tony Chacko, Assoc Pastor
Fr. Larry Guerrero, Hospital Chaplain
Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon
Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon
From the Pastor’s Laptop
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends out 72 disciples ahead of Him to the
towns that He intended to visit. He sent them out in pairs “like lambs
in the midst of wolves.” He clearly said that some towns would
receive them peacefully but that others would reject them.
Jesus then refers to the Old Testament story of the town of Sodom,
which was destroyed because it violently rejected those who would
oppose homosexual acts. (Genesis 18, 19)
We hear in the news that increasingly in our country there is rejection
against those who oppose same-sex marriage. We who are the
children of the Kingdom of God must live in a climate of
rejection. We feel like lambs in the midst of wolves who oppose our
church's teaching that marriage must be between a man and a woman.
Nevertheless, Jesus sends us out. He sent the disciples out in pairs so
that they would not be alone. We, too, must stick together and support
one another as we go out into the world to fearlessly proclaim the
truths of the Kingdom of God. Let us pray for persecuted Christians
everywhere and that our own town and country will
allow us to live peacefully with our beliefs.
For more resources on this topic visit these sites:
To make an appointment with a
priest or deacon or to register at St.
Joseph’s please contact Lulu,
Rosario, or Donna in our parish
office at 551-4973.
Parish Office
(Lulu, Donna, & Rosario)
Sunday: 10am-3pm.
Monday: 10am-noon and 1-6:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday:
8:30am-noon and 1pm-6:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am-11:15am and
Friday 8:30am-noon
Weekend Maintenance 568-7558
How can we help? 551-4973
Se Habla Español........... Rosario x103
Accounting ..................... Barbara x108
Adult Ed & Bible StudiesMichael x203
Altar Servers ............... Svetlana x200
Buildings & Grounds ......... Susie x201
Child Ed & Sacraments . Debbie x205
Choirs & Cantors .......... Svetlana x200
Events & Activities ............ Susie x201
Faith & Life Magazine ...Michael x203
Giving to St. Joseph’s .... Tammy x207
Parish Lending Library ............... x208
Parish Ministries ............ Tammy x207
Parish Registration ........... Donna x102
Room Reservations ........ Rosario x110
Volunteering .................. Tammy x207
Youth Ministry ................ Nathan x206
Modest Dress in Church
As the hot weather
approaches we need to
remind everyone of the
importance of dressing
appropriately in the house
of God. Please avoid short
dresses or shorts, spaghetti
straps, and any other
immodest attire which does
not cover the shoulders,
back and cleavage. We ask
that men avoid wearing
shorts or sleeveless
shirts. Thank you for
wearing your Sunday best!
Page 2 - St. Joseph’s Modesto
Welcome to St. Joseph’s
We’re glad you’re here!
Parish Life
 Upcoming Events & Activities 
Join the Lay Dominicans as they receive three new members
Saturday, July 13, JP Room 5,after the 8am Mass.
Refreshments and meeting to follow ceremony of reception.
For more information, contact Judy Chamberlain 529-7545.
AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience,
strength and hope with each other that they may solve their
common problem and help others to achieve sobriety. If you want to
stop drinking but don't know how, please join us on Wednesday
evenings at 5:45pm in Room 5 of the JPII building. This is a
CLOSED meeting, for alcoholics only, and both men and women are
welcome. For women only, please join us Saturday mornings at 9am
in the Vatican Room in the JPII Center.
St. Joseph’s Parish Library is
Library Hours:
having a summer reading contest
Monday & Tuesday
for the month of July (July 1-31).
Adults: Pick out a book from our
library, read it and write a short Wednesday 9:30am–11:30am
review/summary. Your name will Thursday 10:30am-2:30pm &
be entered into a drawing for a
prize worth $100!!! Review may
Friday 10:30am-12:30pm &
be published in our parish
bulletin. Contest winner will be
announced August 11.
Children: Read eight books and turn in your reading log, win a prize!
Parents read to your small children for 20 minutes a day for 8 days and
they will win a prize too! Visit the library to pick up forms and more
 Thank you 
A special thank you to all the volunteers during our Family Promise
Hosting week of June 9-16. We are so honored to have such a loving
generous team. We had over 100 volunteers during our hosting week.
God bless the set-up and take-down team, the team that brought the
food, the meal preparers (yummy meals), the evening hosts, the
overnight hosts, those who helped with the laundry and those who
transported the beds to the next congregation. St. Joseph's is and will
always be an example of a truly loving parish.
Religious Education
Our Lady of Mount Carmel & the Brown Scapular
By Maria F. Delgado-Braun, Religious Education
July 16, Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, is a very important day for
all Carmelites around the world. Tradition tells us that in 1251, Our
Lady appeared to the Prior General of the Carmelite Order, St. Simon
Stock in England, and “gave him what is called the brown Scapular, a garment
that has become the symbol of the bond between Our Lady and the Order of Carmel.”
The rule of Carmel was written around 1208 AD by St. Albert, Patriarch
of Jerusalem, for a small group of men living as hermits on Mount
Carmel, who later had to leave Jerusalem and move to Europe. The
order of nuns and the secular order were founded around the year 1400,
with some modifications made to the rule of St. Albert. Carmelites
seek to have a closer relationship with God through prayer and
contemplation. The spirituality is based on the soul being subjected
wholly to the action of the Holy Spirit, who purifies, enlightens, unifies
and transforms it. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the soul acquires
simplicity and abandons herself to divine action in imitation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, whose soul is ever pure and simple, wholly open
to the work of God. It is Our Lady who is the ideal of Carmelite
spirituality — she is “the beauty of Carmel,” she exemplifies the purity
of soul and spiritual poverty necessary for union with God. The
Carmelite soul is open to the Spirit of Love, it seeks to suffer love and to
be finally transformed into love, in the words of St. John of the Cross; “
Where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love.” Throughout the history of the Church, the
Carmelite Order has contributed greatly to its spiritual life and gifted her with such great saints as St. Teresa
of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Benedicta of the Cross and St. Elizabeth of the
Trinity, to name a few.
Going back to the tradition of St. Simon Stock, the brown scapular is a gift not just for Carmelites but for
everyone. Many miracles have been attributed to the brown scapular. However, many Catholics don’t know
this tradition and are unaware of the true meaning of the scapular. The brown scapular is a garment, a sign
that the Blessed Mother wants to clothe us with her garment, that of salvation. When we wear the scapular,
we do so in imitation of Our Heavenly Mother and we consecrate ourselves to her. By wearing it we are
saying that we trust in her intercession and seek to follow in her footsteps, for she is the perfect disciple of
Christ. The scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Carmel stands for garden, the garden of our soul), is a
sacramental that signifies we put our trust in her protection and unite ourselves with the Carmelites in
seeking to grow in union with God. Let us wear our scapular at all times and may it be a reminder that we
have a Heavenly Mother who wants to help us to grow in holiness. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
 RCIA 
The main reasons people say that they can’t be a catechist Inquiry classes are for people who want
is: I am too intimidated, I can’t teach children about the to learn more about Catholicism, but aren’t
faith, I don’t know enough!
necessarily sure they want to become
The RCIA process is also for
And to that we say: Great! You can learn about the
Catholics who have not yet completed
Catholic faith, too! God might be calling you, especially
their sacraments of Confirmation or Holy
during this Year of Faith to take a leap of faith and
Communion. To start the process: call
become a catechist! It is in giving that we receive, so
and Nichole Sablan 581-8477 to
come receive the joy of children learning about the love
make an appointment.
God has for them. Call Debbie Greco at 551-4973 ext
205 or email her at
Page 3 – July 7, 2013
At least pray about it!
 Youth Ministry 
Contact Us!
C. 247-7863
W. 551-4973, ext. 206
Katie Steffanic
W. 551-4973, ext.223
San Diego: Youth
July 26-28
For those of who have turned
in permission slips,
remember to turn your
payments into the parish
office or youth office. You
will be receiving a packet in
the mail with a checklist of
what to bring and a schedule
for the weekend.
A follow-up phone call may be
made if paperwork is still
needed for a teen.
Reminder: The parent/student
mandatory information
meeting will be held this
Wednesday evening, July 10,
at 7pm in the John Paul II
center in room 6.
Page 4 - St. Joseph’s Modesto
-Summer EventsBe sure to read the bulletin and be up to
date on youth events happening over the summer!
 Mass and Breakfast continues over the summer every
Tuesday. There has been a great turnout so far! You don’t
want to miss out. Join us for 8am Mass, then visit the youth
room and enjoy breakfast, games and fellowship. Join us for
lunch, as well, and stay for the summer sessions, a
roundtable discussion of hot topics of the faith such as living
out our Catholic faith, same-sex marriage and modesty.
Save the Date:
Aptos High School Retreat
November 8-10
It might seem too early to think about, but
this retreat will be here before you know
it! Permission slips are available in the
youth office and parish office. The cost is
$100 for a weekend at the beach while
growing and learning more about our
faith, attending Mass, confession,
adoration and a lot of fun!
Summer XLT!!!
Join us over the summer in the church for a night of music,
prayer and worship. All are welcome! The next night will
be held this Thursday, July 11, beginning at 7pm.
Center for Lay Apostolates
Profiles in Stewardship
by Michael Webster
FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: Plaza Refreshments are served today by
our Parish Council. Please thank them for their service.
Parish Stewardship — a way of life
Our Parish Bookstore is open most weekends after Masses,
and some occasional holidays. Get to know other members
of our parish by joining this dynamo volunteer team.
Have retail store experience? Wonderful!
Do you just want to help with stocking the store during
the week? Wonderful!
Need retail store experience? Wonderful!
Love talking to people and being indoors in this hot
weather? Wonderful!
At left, some of our
wonderful bookstore
Our parish bookstore is wonderful, but needs wonderful you to
help staff it. Call Bertha at 551-4973, ext. 202 to see how
easy it is to be wonderful.
Fr. Larry’s Retirement Celebration
Dinner was enjoyed by over 400 guests,
who shared their favorite dishes and F
r. Larry’s good stories.
A big St. Joseph’s parish ‘Thank you!’ to
our Hispanic Leadership Council, who
planned, decorated and staffed this
splendid parish event!!
New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?
Call the Center for Lay Apostolates
551-4973, ext. 207
Loy has been a parishioner of
St. Joseph’s for many years. The
one thing that stands out most to
me about Loy is his faith. Loy
has weathered the storms of life
and has remained steadfast in his
faith, always keeping his eyes
fixed on Christ.
He doesn’t just talk about faith but
actually lives it. He knows what it
means to pray gratefully. He has
a great love for the Eucharist and
for him I know it is the source and
summit of his life. He attends
daily Mass and can be found daily
praying a holy hour before the
Blessed Sacrament in the
adoration chapel. Also, he often
leads the rosary that is prayed
before the 8am daily Mass. No
matter what has happened in his
life, he has an attitude of gratitude
toward God.
Many people (myself included)
are inspired by his example and
encouraged to have a love for the
Eucharist in the same way. He is
a true blessing to have at
St. Joseph’s and lives out our
mission: To Evangelize God’s
People Beginning with the Gift of
the Holy Eucharist. Thank you,
Loy, for your fervor for Christ in
the Holy Eucharist.
Page 5 - July 7, 2013
From our Holy Father in Rome
Join John Paul the Great Catholic
University for an Open House on
Saturday, July 13, from 11am - 2pm.
JP Catholic offers an
authentically Catholic
environment and cutting-edge
programs in film, entrepreneurial
business, animation, video
gaming and theology. For more
information, visit or call
858-653-6740 ext. 1101.
A Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend is
a gift for your spouse.
It’s a breath of fresh air,
the rebirth of romance
and new beginnings. If you’d like to
make your marriage even more
special than it already is, register
now! The next weekend dates are
August 23-25 in Sacramento and
October 25-27 in Modesto . Early
registration is highly
recommended. For more
information visit: or
contact John & Angelica Angarita
at 521-7973.
2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR
Saint Stanislaus Preschool offers a
fun, faith-filled environment with
developmentally appropriate
curriculum. We are now enrolling
children ages 2-1/2 to 6 years old
(must be potty trained) for our
Preschool program and our
Pre-Kindergarten program. For
more information please call
(209)524-3428. Spaces are limited.
Page 6 - St. Joseph’s Modesto
Sunday, 16 June 2013 (Cont. from 6/23/13)
2. Today’s Gospel brings us another step forward. Jesus allows a woman who
was a sinner to approach him during a meal in the house of a Pharisee,
scandalizing those present. Not only does he let the woman approach but he
even forgives her sins, saying: “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she
loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little” (Lk 7:47). Jesus is the
incarnation of the Living God, the one who brings life amid so many deeds of
death, amid sin, selfishness and self-absorption. Jesus accepts, loves, uplifts,
encourages, forgives, restores the ability to walk, gives back life. Throughout
the Gospels we see how Jesus by his words and actions brings the
transforming life of God. This was the experience of the woman who
anointed the feet of the Lord with ointment: she felt understood, loved, and
she responded by a gesture of love: she let herself be touched by God’s mercy,
she obtained forgiveness and she started a new life. God, the Living One, is
merciful. Do you agree? Let’s say it together: God, the Living One, is merciful!
All together now: God, the Living One, is merciful. Once again: God, the
Living One is merciful! This was also the experience of the Apostle Paul, as
we heard in the second reading: “The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith
in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20). What is
this life? It is God’s own life. And who brings us this life? It is the Holy Spirit,
the gift of the risen Christ. The Spirit leads us into the divine life as true
children of God, as sons and daughters in the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Are we open to the Holy Spirit? Do we let ourselves be guided by him?
Christians are “spiritual”. This does not mean that we are people who live “in
the clouds”, far removed from real life, as if it were some kind of mirage. No!
The Christian is someone who thinks and acts in everyday life according to
God’s will, someone who allows his or her life to be guided and nourished by
the Holy Spirit, to be a full life, a life worthy of true sons and daughters. And
this entails realism and fruitfulness. Those who let themselves be led by the
Holy Spirit are realists, they know how to survey and assess reality. They are
also fruitful; their lives bring new life to birth all around them.
3. God is the Living One, the Merciful One; Jesus brings us the life of God; the
Holy Spirit gives and keeps us in our new life as true sons and daughters of
God. But all too often, as we know from experience, people do not choose life,
they do not accept the “Gospel of Life” but let themselves be led by ideologies
and ways of thinking that block life, that do not respect life, because they are
dictated by selfishness, self-interest, profit, power and pleasure, and not by
love, by concern for the good of others. It is the eternal dream of wanting to
build the city of man without God, without God’s life and love – a new Tower
of Babel. It is the idea that rejecting God, the message of Christ, the Gospel of
Life, will somehow lead to freedom, to complete human fulfillment. As a
result, the Living God is replaced by fleeting human idols which offer the
intoxication of a flash of freedom, but in the end bring new forms of slavery
and death. The wisdom of the Psalmist says: “The precepts of the Lord are
right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening
the eyes” (Ps 19:8). Let us always remember: the Lord is the Living One, he is
merciful. The Lord is the Living One, he is merciful.
... let us look to God as the God of Life, let us look to his law, to the Gospel
message, as the way to freedom and life. The Living God sets us free! Let us
say “Yes” to love and not selfishness. Let us say “Yes” to life and not death. Let
us say “Yes” to freedom and not enslavement to the many idols of our time. In
a word, let us say “Yes” to the God who is love, life and freedom, and who
never disappoints. ..Amen.
 Our Mass Intentions 
Sunday, July 7 (Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:30a Kay Baggett
1:30p Consuelo Monjaraz and Valentin Vargas
9:00a Fr. Joseph O’Hare
3:30p Indian Mass
10:30a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners
5:30p Angelica Sanchez
12:00p Paul Urmeneta
7:30p Cefus Williams
Monday, July 8
Elizabeth Machado and
John Hammond
Tuesday, July 9
O’Anh Vu and
Veronica & Severino Bautista
Wednesday, July 10
8:00a Joe Barratt and Bonifacio Ramirez
Thursday, July 11
Florence M. Rozelle and
Rafael Caballero
5:45p Idalina Rocha and Peter Serrano
5:45p Polly M. Strong and Jesus Esclarin
5:45p Robert Baxter and Alzira B. Victoria
5:45p Rita Santos and Armando Quadros
Friday, July 12
Alicia Pena and Mary Rocha
Saturday, July 13
8:00a Sylvester De Leon and Craig Wolff
Yvonne Solis and Deceased Members of
St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus
5:30p St. Joseph’s Memorial Mass
Sunday, July 14 (Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:30a Rozann Platt
1:30p Angelica Sanchez and Juan Andres
9:00a Albert Mendonca
5:30p Alicia Pena
10:30a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners
7:30p Andrew Santana
12:00p Tony & Alezira Mendes
Adorers needed and
welcome! Try a Holy Hour
with Jesus once a
week! Please contact
David& Monica at
527-4920 if you can pick
up an hours. You will
receive many blessings
from Our Lord!
Readings 7/08– 7/ 14
Gn. 28:10-22; Mt. 9:18-26
Gn. 32:23-33; Mt. 9:32-38
Gn. 41:55-57; 52:5-7; Mt. 10:1-7
Gn. 44:18-21; 23b-29; 45:1-5; Mt. 10:7-15
Gn. 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt. 10:16-23
12pm Latin Mass:
Ecclus. 45:1-6; Mt. 5:43-48; 6:1-4
 This Week 
Sunday, July 7, 2013
9:00 AM MiliƟa Immaculata-Family
Children's Liturgy of the
Word (CLOW)
3:30 PM Indian Mass
Monday, July 8, 2013
CharismaƟc Prayer
7:00 PM (English)
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
9:00 AM Senior Strength Training
6:15 PM Legion of Mary
7:00 PM CharismaƟc Prayer Spanish
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Widows & Widowers Bible
1:30 PM Study
5:45 PM Priciple Study Group
5:45 PM Path to Serenity - ALANON
"Courage To Be Me"
5:45 PM Alateen Group
Thursday, July 11, 2013
9:00 AM Senior Strength Training
12:00 PM Carmel Study Group
6:30 PM Rosary Makers
ComparƟendo las
6:30 PM Escrituras
7:00 PM Filipino Liturgy CommiƩee
7:00 PM BapƟsm Class- Spanish
Friday, July 12, 2013
12:00PM LaƟn Mass
3:00PM Divine Mercy Prayer
Indian Prayer Group
6:00 PM (children)
6:00 PM Indian Prayer Group
Saturday, July 13, 2013
7:30 AM Lay Dominicans
9:00 AM AA Language of the Heart
Sunday, July 14, 2013
10:30AM CLOW
Remember a special
day or person
~Altar Flower Donation~
Call the Development Office
for info. 551-4973, x207
Gn. 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt.10:24Sunday:
Dt. 30:10-14; Col. 1:15-20; Lk. 10:25-37
Latin Mass
Rom. 8:12-17; Lk. 16:1-9
Call the parish office at
551-4973 to find out about
online offertory gifts
instead of writing checks.
Page 7– July 7, 2013
Bienvenido a St. Joseph’s
Catecismo para Adultos
Las clases en español
para Primera
Comunión y
Confirmación para
adultos comienzan el
viernes, 9 de agosto de 7
-8:30pm. Para
inscribirse llamar a Rosario en la
oficina al 551-4973. Favor de traer el
certificado de Bautismo.
- Eventos de Verano Estudiante de high school:
acompáñanos a misa los martes a las
8am y después visita el centro juvenil
y disfruta de un desayuno, juegos, y
Aparta el Día:
Retiro Espiritual para Estudiantes de
High School, Noviembre 9-11
¡Te parecerá muy temprano
para pensar en esto, pero la
fecha llegará muy pronto!
Las formas para inscribirse
están en la oficina. El costo
es de $100 por un fin de semana
disfrutando del compañerismo, la
presentaciones que nos retaran a
crecer en nuestra fe.
¡Boleơn Parroquial en Español!
Querida Familia Parroquial,
En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús manda a setenta y dos discípulos
antes de él hacia los pueblos que tenia pensado visitar. Los manda
en pares “como ovejas en medio de lobos.” El dijo claramente que
algunos pueblos los recibirían en paz pero que otros los rechazarían.
Jesús se refiere a la historia de Sodoma en el Antiguo Testamento,
la cual fue destruida violentamente porque rechazó a aquellos que se
oponían a los actos homosexuales. (Génesis 18, 19)
Escuchamos en las noticias mas a menudo en nuestro país, el
rechazo contra aquellos que se oponen al matrimonio entre personas
del mismo sexo. Nosotros que somos los hijos del Reino de Dios
debemos de vivir en un clima de rechazo. Nos sentimos como
ovejas en medio de los lobos que se oponen a las enseñanzas de la
Iglesia sobre el matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer. De todas
maneras, Jesús nos manda a que vayamos afuera. El mandó a los
discípulos en pares para que no estuviesen solos. Nosotros debemos
de unirnos y apoyarnos los unos a los otros mientras que vamos al
mundo a proclamar sin miedo las verdades del Reino de Dios.
Recemos por aquellos Cristianos que son perseguidos en todo el
mundo y para que nuestro pueblo y país nos deje
vivir en paz con nuestras creencias.
Para más recursos sobre este tema, visite estos sitios:
Vestimenta Modesta
para la Iglesia
Al aproximarse el clima caluroso les
queremos recordar a todos la
importancia de vestirse
apropiadamente en la casa de
Dios. Por favor evite los vestidos
cortos o “shorts”, camisas de
tirantitos o sin mangas y cualquier otra
vestimenta inmodesta que no cubra los
hombros, la espalda y el
escote. Pedimos que los hombres
eviten los “shorts” y las playeras sin
mangas. ¡Gracias por vestirse con su
mejor atuendo para la Misa!
Página 8 - St. Joseph’s Modesto
Haga su oración frente al Santísimo
Sacramento e inscríbase para pasar una hora
por semana con Jesús Sacramentado!
Necesitamos ayuda para cubrir algunas horas.
Favor de llamar a David y Monica Wood al
Nuestro Santo Padre en México
Por Michael Webster
Domingo, 16 de junio, 2013 (Cont. de 6/23/13)
2. El pasaje evangélico de hoy nos hace dar un paso más. Jesús encuentra a
una mujer pecadora durante una comida en casa de un fariseo, suscitando el
escándalo de los presentes: Jesús deja que se acerque una pecadora, e incluso
le perdona los pecados, diciendo: «Sus muchos pecados han quedado
perdonados, porque ha amado mucho, pero al que poco se le perdona, ama
poco» (Lc 7,47). Jesús es la encarnación del Dios vivo, el que trae la vida,
frente a tantas obras de muerte, frente al pecado, al egoísmo, al cerrarse en sí
mismos. Jesús acoge, ama, levanta, anima, perdona y da nuevamente la fuerza
para caminar, devuelve la vida. Vemos en todo el Evangelio cómo Jesús trae
con gestos y palabras la vida de Dios que transforma. Es la experiencia de la
mujer que unge los pies del Señor con perfume: se siente comprendida,
amada, y responde con un gesto de amor, se deja tocar por la misericordia de
Dios y obtiene el perdón, comienza una vida nueva. Dios, el Viviente, es
misericordioso. ¿Están de acuerdo? Digamos juntos: Dios es misericordioso,
de nuevo: Dios el Viviente, es misericordioso. Esta fue también la experiencia
del apóstol Pablo, como hemos escuchado en la segunda Lectura: «Mi vida
ahora en la carne, la vivo en la fe del Hijo de Dios, que me amó y se entregó
por mí» (Ga 2,20). ¿Qué es esta vida? Es la vida misma de Dios. Y ¿quién nos
introduce en esta vida? El Espíritu Santo, el don de Cristo resucitado. Es él
quien nos introduce en la vida divina como verdaderos hijos de Dios, como
hijos en el Hijo unigénito, Jesucristo. ¿Estamos abiertos nosotros al Espíritu
Santo? ¿Nos dejamos guiar por él? El cristiano es un hombre espiritual, y esto
no significa que sea una persona que vive «en las nubes», fuera de la realidad
como si fuera un fantasma. No. El cristiano es una persona que piensa y
actúa en la vida cotidiana según Dios, una persona que deja que su vida sea
animada, alimentada por el Espíritu Santo, para que sea plena, propia de
verdaderos hijos. Y eso significa realismo y fecundidad. Quien se deja guiar
por el Espíritu Santo es realista, sabe cómo medir y evaluar la realidad, y
también es fecundo: su vida engendra vida a su alrededor.
3. Dios es el Viviente, es el Misericordioso, Jesús nos trae la vida de Dios, el
Espíritu Santo nos introduce y nos mantiene en la relación vital de
verdaderos hijos de Dios. Pero, con frecuencia, lo sabemos por experiencia, el
hombre no elige la vida, no acoge el «Evangelio de la vida», sino que se deja
guiar por ideologías y lógicas que ponen obstáculos a la vida, que no la
respetan, porque vienen dictadas por el egoísmo, el propio interés, el lucro, el
poder, el placer, y no son dictadas por el amor, por la búsqueda del bien del
otro. Es la constante ilusión de querer construir la ciudad del hombre sin
Dios, sin la vida y el amor de Dios: una nueva Torre de Babel; es pensar que el
rechazo de Dios, del mensaje de Cristo, del Evangelio de la Vida, lleva a la
libertad, a la plena realización del hombre. El resultado es que el Dios vivo es
sustituido por ídolos humanos y pasajeros, que ofrecen un embriagador
momento de libertad, pero que al final son portadores de nuevas formas de
esclavitud y de muerte. La sabiduría del salmista dice: «Los mandatos del
Señor son rectos y alegran el corazón; la norma del Señor es límpida y da luz
a los ojos» (Sal 19,9). Recordémoslo siempre: El Señor es el Viviente, es
misericordioso. El Señor es el Viviente, es misericordioso.
... miremos a Dios como al Dios de la vida, miremos su ley, el mensaje del
Evangelio, como una senda de libertad y de vida. El Dios vivo nos hace libres.
Digamos sí al amor y no al egoísmo, digamos sí a la vida y no a la muerte,
digamos sí a la libertad y no a la esclavitud de tantos ídolos de nuestro
tiempo; en una palabra, digamos sí a Dios, que es amor, vida y libertad, y
nunca defrauda. Así sea.
Loy ha sido feligrés de St. Joseph’s
por muchos años. Lo que a más me
llama la atención a mí sobre Loy es
su fe. Loy ha soportado las
tormentas de la vida
permaneciendo firme en su fe y
manteniendo siempre su mirada
en Cristo. Él no sólo habla sobre la
fe sino que activamente la vive. Él
sabe lo que significa rezar
agradecidamente. Tiene un gran
amor por la Eucaristía y yo sé que
para él la Eucaristía es la fuente y
sima de su vida. Asiste a la misa
diariamente y se le puede
encontrar haciendo una hora santa
en la capilla frente al Santísimo
Sacramento diariamente. También,
el ayuda y guía el rosario que se
reza antes de la misa diaria de las
8am. No importa lo que haya
pasado en su vida él siempre toma
una actitud de agradecimiento
hacia Dios.
A mucha gente (incluyéndome a
mí) nos inspira su ejemplo y nos
anima a tener el mismo amor por
la Santa Eucaristía.
Verdaderamente es una bendición
tenerlo en St. Joseph’s viviendo
nuestra misión de: Evangelizar al
Pueblo de Dios comenzando con el
don de la Santa Eucaristía. Gracias
Loy, por tu fervor por Cristo en la
Santa Eucaristía.
Página 9 - 7 de julio del 2013
Volunteer Sign Up Weekends
Saturday, July 13-Sunday, August 4
2013 — 43rd Annual
Parish Festival
September 6-8
Festival Volunteers have the
most fun because
we get… free t-shirts!!!!
Put a CAN on hunger!
New Volunteer opportunities : Live country auction helpers, Hamburger and Hotdog Booth,
Guinness Record Can Crew & Teen Zone
Women’s Summer
Bible Study
Lessons from the Beloved Disciple:
A Study of Letters of St. John
FREE bible study, just bring your
own bible & invite a friend!
Tuesday Evenings 6:30 – 8pm
JP II Center, Rm. 5
(July 9, 16 & 23)
For questions and more information please
contact Donna Roeck at 209-863-2944
Francesco Furini’s
St. John the Evangelist (1630s)
This women's bible study welcomes women of all ages who seek a deeper
relationship with Jesus Christ through the study of Sacred Scripture.
Contact InformaƟon
523093 St. Joseph’s Modesto
1813 Oakdale Road
Modesto, CA 95355
Pastor—Fr. Mark Wagner—209-551-4973
Michael Webster—BulleƟn Manager — 209-551-4973 X203