St. Paul`s United Methodist Church 620 Romeo Street • Rochester


St. Paul`s United Methodist Church 620 Romeo Street • Rochester
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
620 Romeo Street • Rochester, MI 48307 • mail to: P.O. Box 80307 • Rochester, MI 48308 • phone: (248) 651-9361
May/June 2013
May/June Sermon Series
For the first time, St. Paul’s has its very own logo. It was designed by a local
graphic artist, Leigh Savage, who sought to visually convey the spirit of
St. Paul’s.
Did you write a one-word description of St. Paul’s on the posters earlier this
year? Then you played a key role in creating our new logo. We used those
words for a creative brief that illustrated how we are:
Rich in history
Traditional … and contemporary
Continually striving to offer Christ-like care to all
Multi-layered, bright and hopeful
When Leigh toured our building, she was struck by the lovely stained glass
and wanted to convey its beauty in our logo. She also drew inspiration by
researching Tiffany Glass.
Look closely, and you’ll notice that Leigh designed the cross with lighter
colors on top and darker tones on bottom, which serves to move our eyes
The end result? A logo that is fresh, bright, unique and hope-filled. Like
St. Paul’s.
St. Paul’s monthly newsletter for May/June 2013
John 14:23-29
“Fearless Love”
Rev. Latha Ravi
John 17:20-26
“Jesus Prays”
Rev. Jeff Regan
John 14:8-17
“God Present”
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Romans 5:1-5
“The Love of God ”
Jon Reynolds
Galatians 1:1-12
“The Call”
Rev. Jeff Regan
Galatians 1:11-24
“The Journey”
Rev. Jeff Regan
10:00 a.m. All Church Worship
Galatians 2:15-21
“My Robe”
Rev. Jeff Regan
Begin Summer Worship Schedule
(8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.)
Luke 8:26-39
“The Power of Christ”
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Galatians 5:1, 13-25
“Living by the Spirit”
Jon Reynolds
Concert in the Garden Series
Bring a lawn chair and a picnic basket or snack to enjoy great music in a
beautiful setting. Stay tuned to the weekly Worship Program, the
emailed Connector and the St. Paul’s website
for more detailed information. Concerts are Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
in the Garden of Hope. Keep these dates on your calendar:
 June 26: Paul Keller’s Jazz Quintet with vocalist Sarah D’Angelo
 July 17: Sarah Farnam
 August 14: The Dodworth Saxhorn Band
Saturday, May 4
8:00 a.m.; Hickey Hall
All men at St. Paul's are invited to
join us for a bountiful breakfast,
fellowship and book study.
St. Paul’s Afternoon Reading Klub
Tuesday, May 7
1:30 p.m.; Parlor
We will discuss My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim
Potok. Everyone is welcome to attend as we discuss
a new book each month. If you have any questions,
contact Karen Clemons at (248) 656-5183.
YOGA with Courtney Malburg
Wednesdays, May 15 thru July 3
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Narthex
$64 for 8 week session
We need a minimum of 8 people to hold the class
Yoga is the balance of mind, body and spirit. It is a
non-impact form of exercise. Yoga postures, breathing
techniques, and meditation can all be tools used in
overcoming mild to severe anxiety and also may be a
good choice for stress management. Led by Certified
Yoga Instructor, Courtney Malburg. The entire
session fee is due by May 14. Make checks payable to
St. Paul’s UMC. Contact the church office at (248)
651-9361 to register.
YAHAs: Young At Heart Adults
Tuesday, May 21
YAHAs is a group for adults of
retirement age with the goals of
providing a time for fellowship,
inspiration and entertainment.
Meeting Schedule
11:00 a.m.: Visiting and table
12:00 noon: Lunch Catered lunch $7.00 per person.
Reservations due by May 17 by calling (248) 651-9361.
1:00 p.m.: Program: “What’s Happening at St.
Paul’s?” by Rev. Jeff Regan.
Mondays, June 17 – August 26
(classes every other week)
7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m.; Room 131
Scripture teaches that as Christians, ALL have been
given a spiritual gift by God, with which He calls us to
be good stewards. I Peter 4:10 says: “As each one has
received a special gift, empl oy it serving one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Do
you know what your special gift is and if so, are you
using it as God planned for you to do? This study will
challenge us to examine what we believe about our
spiritual gifts and how we are using them. Are we using them to help others know Jesus and grow in their
faith? Come and discover how has God equipped you
to serve so you can help build up the body of believers.
Email Evie:, if you are
interested in attending this bible study class. Led by
Evie Roguske & Amy Ritenburgh. Manuals ($12) need
to be picked up by June 3 to complete lessons 1 & 2 by
June 17.
For more information, please contact the church: (248) 651-9361
The Path to Wholeness
Eight weeks beginning Wednesday, June 19
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Room 132
Come 15 minutes early for coffee & fellowship!
With short daily readings and weekly class discussions, we’ll dig deep into Jesus’ parable
of the prodigal son and other passages to discover new ways to look at our relationships
from God’s perspective. This study has been called transformational by others who have
taken it! Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal Son, included in the book, serves as a focal
point for reflection and discovery. Please
** Childcare is available for events and
register by calling the church office (248) 651-9361 and, where possible, classes with this notation. Call the church
office (248) 651-9361 ext. 114, to register
pick up books and read chapter one prior to the first class. Books are
$10, payable at the first class. Scholarships are available by calling Rev. by 3:00 p.m. at least 2 business days
prior to the first class. Ability to provide
Latha Ravi. Coordinated by Nancy Fidler and Brenda Younker. Taught
childcare will be based on a minimum
by a variety of leaders. **Childcare available.
RSVPs received prior to the first class or
event date.
Let’s Honor Rev. Jeff and Linda Regan
Sunday, June 16
Service at 10:00 a.m.
Reception immediately following in Hickey Hall
In June, our Senior Pastor, Rev. Jeff Regan, will retire after 41 years in
ministry, 39 of which have been in ordained ministry with the United
Methodist Church. Over twelve of those years -- and no doubt Jeff’s best and
most spiritually rewarding years! -- have been at St. Paul’s.
Rev. Regan will preach one service on June 16 at 10:00 a.m. in the
Sanctuary. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will host a reception in
Hickey Hall immediately following.
Please feel free to bring a card for the Regans to this event and wish them well. If you’d like to make a monetary
gift towards the Regans’ retirement, you may do so by making a check payable to St. Paul’s UMC. Please place
the check in an envelope and write Regan Retirement on the outside. Mail the envelope to the church office or
place it in the offering plate during an upcoming service. The mailing address for St. Paul’s is P.O. Box 80307,
Rochester, MI 48308.
We’ve been blessed to have Jeff and Linda at St. Paul’s. They are loved here and we look forward to celebrating
their meaningful contribution to our congregation and community.
Please contact Tom Talbert, Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson, at (248) 375-5719 with any questions.
For current events and happenings, visit our website:
We would like to recognize the students in our
congregation who have graduated from college or
post-college this year. If you have a student who has
recently graduated and would like their name printed in
the worship program, please send their name and
college to Debbie Kelly at
by Monday, May 13.
Sunday, June 2
Recognition: 11:00 a.m. worship
Brunch: noon in Hickey Hall
All High School seniors and their families are invited
to a recognition service and brunch in your honor.
There will be special recognition of graduating seniors
at the 11:00 a.m. worship service, followed by brunch
in Hickey Hall. Please wear your gown (please do not
wear your cap).
Monday, June 3; 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Hickey Hall
During summer months, collecting blood is a major challenge. People are busy
planning summer activities and attending graduations. There never seems to be
enough time.
We continue to thank our veteran donors, but now throw out a challenge to those
who have only thought of, but not acted upon giving blood…..especially new
church members and young parents.
Please…. take the first step on the path of a gratifying road of giving. This deed
can be a gift in honor of your child.
Monday, June 3; 2:00—8:00 p.m.
Hickey Hall
Narthex sign-up sheets, online registration and phone calls will begin in May.
Please call Tom Zebehazy at (248) 370-0797 with any questions.
“Give the gift that costs nothing to give…. except your time.”
Sunday, June 9
9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
We will have the opportunity to recognize and
appreciate the dedication of our Christian Education
volunteers. It takes over 80 volunteers and 3000
volunteer hours to provide classes, programs, and
events. What an amazing gift all these volunteers have
given to the body of Christ! Make sure to say a word
of “thanks” to all of our volunteers on June 9.
And it’s never too early to start thinking about next
school year. We are looking for caring individuals to
share God’s love with our preschool and elementary
children. If you are available one Sunday a month
during the school year (that’s only 7-8 Sundays during
the year) to make crafts, play games and read Bible
stories, contact Amy Heitman at
SAVE THE DATE for these Summer Events:
July 7 - Welcome Rev. David Eardley as he
preaches for the first time at St. Paul’s. The Staff
Parish Committee will host a welcome reception.
July 14 - Ice Cream Social and Car Show
Join us at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. for a dish of ice
cream and to see some classic cars at the St. Paul’s
Car Show. Do you have a classic car that you’d like to
exhibit? Contact church office (248) 651-9361 no
later than July 12 to register your classic car.
August 4 - Family Softball Game & Picnic
Following the 10:00 a.m. worship service, we will
move across the street to Howlett Park to enjoy hot
dogs and lemonade and participate in a pick-up
softball game.
August 12-16 - Vacation Bible School
Come, sing, play and ROCK with us this summer
during Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for
God! 9:00 a.m. to noon.
For more information, please contact the church: (248) 651-9361
May Circle Meetings
All Circles will meet Tuesday, May
7 at 6:00 p.m. before the May Dinner
and will also help with the Rummage
Sale May 13-18.
Faith Circle – Thursday, May 9;
11:30 p.m. lunch at Olive Garden.
June Circle Meetings
Patience Circle – Thursday, June
13; 9:30 a.m. Restaurant breakfast
and field trip to Grace Centers of
Joy Circle - For details, contact Pam
Feidner at
The Ambassadors from Cass Community Social Services
and Tom Talbert on the St. Paul’s House at Cass
Tuesday, May 7
6:00 p.m. - Circle Meetings
6:30 p.m. - Catered Dinner; Hickey Hall
7:00 p.m. - Program; Hickey Hall
Join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship, great food and an
interesting program featuring the delightful music of The Ambassadors
from Cass and Tom Talbert who will speak about the St. Paul’s House
at Cass. St. Paul’s is partnering with Cass Community Social Services to
adopt a four-unit apartment building that Cass recently acquired and, in
turn, provide transitional housing to the homeless men, women and
children of Cass.
Beforehand, UMW invites you to join us for a catered barbeque dinner in
Hickey Hall. Circles will meet at 6:00 p.m. where we also welcome
guests. Please contact the church office at (248) 651-9361 or your circle
chair if you plan to attend.
Spring Sale Dates
May 17, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
& May 18, 9:00 a.m. - noon
DROP OFF: May 14 & 15
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Hickey Hall drop off – men’s and women’s
clothing and shoes (please tie laces together),
household items, bedding/linens (please pin a note
indicating sheet size), towels, pillows, rugs,
appliances (please tape remotes to the top of the
TV, etc.), furniture, sports equipment, luggage,
lamps, jewelry, and Christmas trees.
Lower level classroom area drop off – Children’s
items (clothing, shoes) toys, games, baby items
(strollers, activity centers, baby blankets and
sheets), books, magazines, records, video/DVD’s,
all holiday decorations, and craft supplies.
Paper grocery sacks are also needed.
Please give a few hours Tuesday, May 14 through
Saturday, May 18
Childcare is available on Thurs. & Fri. by calling
(248) 651-9361, ext. 114 at least 48 hours in advance.
Call Kathy Lutey at (248) 375-0958 if you have
We are also looking for people to help sell things on
We do not accept: computers, large appliances, tires,
batteries, waterbeds, built-in-type dishwashers/
cooktops/ovens, air conditioners, building supplies,
storm windows, non-working electrical appliances, old
textbooks, or magazines over 5 years old. We cannot
accept cribs due to government regulations.
For current events and happenings, visit our website:
Sunday mornings, 10:00 a.m.
No classes May 26
FIRST STEPS: Parents of Infants, Toddlers and
Preschoolers; Room 131: We welcome new families
to our class any time! Childcare is available during class.
For more information, please contact Allison and Jeff
Sapp at
TIME-OUT: Parents of School-age Children;
Room 128: Sharing laughter, faith, and support during
this busy and ever changing time of the parenting journey.
Contact: Angela Youngblood at
FAMILY LIFE: Retirees and Empty Nesters;
Parlor: A caring Christian fellowship of people in or
approaching retirement years who enjoy learning new
things, socializing and participating in mission
activities. Everyone is welcome. Contacts: Tom and
Sherry Davenport (248) 651-3001.
FAITH & FRIENDS: Spiritual Growth Study;
Room 132: Join us as we start our next study. No book
required. We welcome visitors, so drop by any time!
Contact: Sharon Hiller at
** Childcare is available for events and classes with
this notation. Call the church office (248) 651-9361
ext. 114, to register by 3:00 p.m. at least 2 business
days prior to the first class. Ability to provide
childcare will be based on a minimum RSVPs received
prior to the first class or event date.
H.U.G.S. for moms of all ages!
Humor, Understanding, Growth and Support
Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Rickard Chapel or as noted
May 1 - The Five Love Languages: Gifts: Don’t
mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver
of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort
behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect
gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared
for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed
to bring the gift to you.
May 8 - Annual Celebration Brunch in Parlor
May 15 - Rummage Sale! We will continue our
tradition of supporting the UMW rummage sale by
helping organize and price the donations while we
share in the camaraderie and mission of the UMW
during our regular meeting time.
May 22 - Planning Session – Come with ideas, or just
show up for fellowship as we brainstorm plans for next
year! Everyone is welcome!
May 29 - No Class
June 5 & 12 - HUGS Unplugged (the summer
session) in Room 132.
June 19 - August 7 - in Room 132 - The Way of
Forgiveness study with Brenda Younker and Nancy
HUGS observes the Rochester Community School calendar.
When schools are closed for vacation or inclement weather,
HUGS will not meet. **Childcare is available.
St. Paul’s Preschool Offering MORE classes for Fall 2013
3’s class:
4’s class:
Parent Tot:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
5 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Our preschool is Christ Centered, Hands On and Literacy Based with the largest
emphasis being on play and social interaction. This dynamic preschool is located right
here in our church.
We would LOVE for you to schedule a visit and see what we are all about.
Registration is NOW OPEN.
Call the Preschool at (248) 651-9361 ext. 116 to register your child.
For more information, please contact the church: (248) 651-9361
Partners on the Highway is an opportunity for the
congregation to support the high school youth traveling
to Rochester, NY for worktrip this summer. It is your
chance to support our church, our youth and to invest in
God’s work around the country. You can be a part of
God’s loving concern for all humankind by helping
youth put their faith into action as they repair and
rebuild homes in Rochester. We will partner you with a
youth and you will receive first-hand accounts of the
amazing experience we had! Opportunities to partner
with youth will kick off with our famous chocolate chip
cookies on May 5 and continue through May 19. You
can donate by stopping by a table in the Narthex or by
picking up a form at the Kiosk.
Thanks for the support!
FOR SALE Sunday, May 5
3 FREE with each donation; or,
$1 per cookie, $10 per dozen
All proceeds support
Partners on the Highway
High School Youth Group
Open to all 9th through 12th graders and their friends
Sundays; 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Lounge
High school youth group is for youth in grades 9-12
and meets weekly on Sunday nights. Friends are
always welcome!
May 5
Farewell Fiesta Year End Picnic
Youth Sunday School
Through May 19
10:05 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.; The Lounge
Get the Youth Ministry Newsletter and stay
Contact Andrea Langhoff at
Vacation Bible School
Worktrip 2013
June 29 - July 7
Rochester, New York
Final Meeting/ Final Payment
May 19; 5:00 p.m.; Rickard Chapel
June 16 - September 8
Birth to 4 years of age: Childcare will be provided in
the Toddler Room (Room 116-117) ONLY at the 10:00
a.m. service. NO child care provided for the 8:30 a.m.
Elementary students: All elementary school
children are invited during the 10:00 a.m. worship
service to Fun with Faith on June 23, July 28 and
August 18 in Rickard Chapel.
All other Sundays during the summer, please look for
special worship packets for children in the Narthex.
9:00 a.m. - Noon
Come, sing, play and ROCK with us this summer
during Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for
VBS will ROCK St. Paul’s with God’s love and
energy because of you! Registration will begin May 15
for children currently in the 3 & 4 year old Sunday
School Class up through 5th grade.
All Middle School and High School Youth will have
an opportunity to volunteer as well as any adult who
would like to grow their own faith by participating in
this amazing week.
To register watch your mail, the emailed Connector,
St. Paul’s website or stop by the church office to pick
up registration forms beginning May 15.
For current events and happenings, visit our website:
May 5 & June 2
10:00 a.m. & 12:15 p.m.
The sacrament of Holy
Communion celebrates the
presence of Christ and helps us
find strength for Christian living.
In the United Methodist Church,
communion is open to all who
intend to lead a Christian life.
May 12, August 4,
September 22 & December 1
The sacrament of Holy Baptism is an
important event in the life of a child
and the Church. The sacrament of
baptism is open to children and
adults. We know that families need
time to plan and "gather the clan" for
the day. Contact the church office at
(248) 651-9361 for more information.
Begins Sunday, June 23
8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. &
Noon - 12:30 p.m.; Narthex
8:30 a.m. Outdoor Informal Service
Sunday, May 19:
Have your blood
pressure checked and
pick up valuable
information about
“Vision and Hearing”.
(under the canopy near the
Narthex) This more relaxed service
features modern music, a time for
sharing joys and concerns, and a
brief sermon under the canopy in
the back parking lot.
10:00 a.m. Traditional Service
(Sanctuary) This liturgical service
features mostly classical music and
hymns, time-tested rituals like
responsive reading and a full
Sunday, June 9:
Check your blood pressure and pick
up valuable information about
“Summer Health and Travel Safety
We will be collecting a
“noisy” offering with
proceeds going to support:
May 12 - Habitat for Humanity
June 9 - Baldwin Center
Please bring your coins!
Vacation Bible School
August 12-16
9:00 a.m.
- Noon
Looking Forward. . .
Below are upcoming events to schedule on
your calendar. Watch for further details.
June 29 -July 7 Youth Worktrip
7th Rev. Eardley Welcome Sunday
14th Youth Worktrip Report
Ice Cream Social and Car Show
17 Concert in the Garden
4 Softball Game
12-16th Vacation Bible School
14th Concert in the Garden
18th VBS Sunday & Picnic
Sunday Evening Worship
7:00 p.m.; Hickey Hall
The CORE Sermon Series:
5th “Why is Love the Greatest?”
12th “Empty CORE”
19th “What do we believe about evil
in the world?”
26th “Can a Christian believe in Evolution
and Faith?”
“What Happens when you die?”
“Why do you believe God exists?”
“Was Jesus the SON of God?”
“What is grace? And why is it so
“What about Hell? Does it exist?”
Labor Day Weekend
10:00 a.m. All Church worship
10:00 a.m. All Church worship
2013 Tailgate Event
Begins at 11:00 a.m.
15 Fall worship schedule begins
9:00 a.m. Contemporary service
11:00 a.m. Traditional service
For more information, please contact the church: (248) 651-9361