September / October 2009 - Chichester Chamber of Commerce and


September / October 2009 - Chichester Chamber of Commerce and
Celebrate the seasons
Over the past few years, consumers have come to understand the seasonality of produce more.
Celebrity chefs and restaurants are emphasising this trend by making the most of what is available locally.
But how many people
actually know what is “in
season” unless they are a
keen gardener? Independent
retailers are well placed to
capitalise on the seasonality
of products, and it could help
encourage a loyal following.
Here are some ideas:
1. Autumn harvest
themed displays
60 per cent of purchase
decisions are made in store,
according to statistics from POPAI (Point of Purchase
Association International), so an attractive display can make an
enormous difference to whether an item sells. If you can make
your customers feel comfortable, they will stay longer and buy
items not on their list. It does not all have to be about the
products of course. You could link in with a local school and
run a pumpkin carving competition, with the results displayed
in your windows. You could invite pupils to draw pictures of
their favourite autumn activities, which could be made into a
mural across one wall. All of these things will create an
autumnal “feel” and help secure your place in the community.
2. Themed cross-promotions
Essentially, cross-promoting is suggesting to the
customer other items to buy which
complement one they are
going to already purchase.
If they are buying a ham,
perhaps they would like
honey to roast it with?
If they are buying a
pumpkin, perhaps they
need a carving knife?
Linked items should be
displayed close together to
encourage purchase. Staff
should be made aware of the
promotion and encouraged
to point them out.
3. Recipe cards
Demonstrations and tastings
Some seasonal produce may
be unfamiliar – beetroot
makes an excellent chocolate
cake ingredient, marrows can
be turned into chutney or
stuffed. Placing recipe cards
close to the products can
encourage people to buy
products they might
otherwise avoid. If you have
time and space,
demonstrations are an
extremely effective way of getting customers’ attention.
If not, tastings are always popular. Perhaps you have a
seasonal beer that goes well with a local cheese? Offer both
on a tasting together to encourage a linked seasonal sale.
4. Link in with British Food Fortnight, farmers’ markets or
your local food group
British Food Fortnight runs from Sept 19 to Oct 4 2009.
Retailers who take part in the national promotion have
increased sales by up to 30 per cent, with a resulting £15m
estimated increase in regional food and drink sales over the
fortnight. For full information on how you can take part,
whether you are retailer or caterer, visit the website
There are around 40 farmer’s
markets and food events across
Sussex, so there will be one near
you. They are a good place to
start if you are interested in
sourcing seasonal local
delicacies, or you could
visit the Sussex Food
Finder website at
Continued on Page 4
Chichester Business Guide See pages 10 and 15
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June // May
July 2002Chichester
News 3
Letter from the President
Farid Ahmed – President CCCI
I find myself sitting on the balcony of a delightful holiday house
overlooking South Sands in Salcombe, Devon, and thoroughly enjoying
being a bit of a tourist. In many ways this place is idyllic, with the
sunlight dancing and glinting off the gently lapping waves, boats
bobbing lazily against their moorings and sleek, majestic yachts sailing
out to sea, taking advantage of the morning tide.
However, if I were to return here in the middle of February on a wet
Wednesday the place would be dead; the sailing and powerboat hire
shut for the season, restaurants and bars battened down until summer,
kiosks and knick-knack shops shuttered and empty. Salcombe depends on tourism – its survival
relies on outsiders going there, enjoying themselves and spending money to inject life-blood
into the local economy.
Editorial team
Iain Shepherd, Louise Fenwick,
Julie Harrison
Designed by
Wilson Design Associates
Printed by
Kall Kwik, Chichester
Julie Harrison
Chamber of Commerce
add 25% for non-members
Colour pages
relative closeness to London, proud historical past, many beautiful buildings, the cathedral,
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
the harbour, the seaside, the downs – all of these bring hundreds of thousands of tourists to
B+W pages
The same is true to some degree for Chichester, although admittedly to a lesser extent. Its
the district every year. In many ways, they pass unnoticed by local residents – we’re used to
them being here. Nevertheless, we’d very soon notice if they disappeared and the effect of
losing their financial input into our economy.
Tourism, like any other industry, is a competitive business and the weak will fall by the
wayside. We need to actively invest and nurture this valuable – no, vital – contributor to our
continued prosperity. We have a fantastic location, some excellent facilities and an enviable
reputation, but that alone is not enough to ensure longevity as a tourist destination of choice.
All stakeholders in our business community need to help support and promote the work of
organisations such as Visit Chichester, because what’s good for Chichester tourism is ultimately
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Business Guide 6 Issues
Business card
Leaflet Insert
Per Issue
(1000 Run)
For single sheet up to A4 size. Excluding cost
of leaflet.
good for all Chichester business.
President Farid Ahmed
T 788440 E
Vice-President Louise Fenwick
T 604043 E
Geoff Bass
Alan Edmonds
Rosemary Hodge
Gloria Robinson
Jennifer Schofield
Iain Shepherd
Julie & Carylyn
T 576622
T 0560 1606574
T 781970
T 512168
T 787427
T 787427
T 531765
Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s news, views and events now feature each
month as a supplement in Business Matters with the Observer series.
The editorial team compiling the material is Iain Shepherd, Louise Fenwick and Julie Harrison,
get in touch with one of them if you have something to contribute.
Relationship banking – Just as you remember it
Handelsbanken is proud to sponsor the CBN postage for businesses outside the City Centre
The Chamber of Commerce is very grateful to The Chichester Observer for sponsoring the costs of postage
of this newsletter to our members. We would also like to thank Handelsbanken for their assistance in
postage to businesses outside the city.
Copy Deadline
for articles and advertising
Nov/Dec 09
17 Oct
7 Nov
Jan/Feb 10
7 Dec
8 Jan
Mar/Apr 10
12 Feb
5 Mar
May/Jun 10
15 April
10 May
Nov/Dec 09
Festive Season
Jan/Feb 10
Millennium +10
Mar/Apr 10
Travel & Tourism
May/Jun 10
The Olympic Cycle
For editorial and advertising
please contact Julie Harrison
T/F 01243 531765
• Please submit your article as a
Microsoft Word document or
equivalent, or typed copy.
• Adverts should be supplied as
print-ready digital files or an
artwork fee of £25 will be made.
Chichester Business News
3 Chapel Street
Chichester PO19 1BU
Published six times per year
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Local Produce
Celebrate the seasons
Continued from front cover
Sussex Food Finder has been designed for anyone who would
like to know how to source locally produced food or find out
about organisations involved in growing it, cooking it, buying
it and eating it. It is useful for caterers, shopkeepers and
community groups as well as individuals. Your local food
group is A Taste of Sussex, which can be contacted either via
the web at or on 01444 259265.
It provides extensive support to all Sussex based organisations
involved in the food chain, including local producers and
processors, to expand their markets and make their produce
more accessible to the public.
5. Season add-ons
You could experiment with a seasonal customer service offer,
such as free delivery for orders over X amount during the
Christmas period. As a producer, you could test out a short run
product (such as an autumn-themed chutney) to see if it
would prove popular. If it did, in both cases, you could aim to
run the same scheme or product every autumn.
6. Keep it personal
Knowing who is producing our food is at least as important as
where and when. A personal relationship sells product and
this is as true in the world of food as it is in any other industry.
It is one of the main reasons why people go to farmers’
markets, the local deli or farm shop and the local pub. For that
reason, make sure you know the stories behind your products.
Ensure your staff know where things come from, why you
used them or what they taste like.
The idea that something is not always available can be a great
sales driver, if used effectively. One of the survivors of the
combination of scarcity value and seasonality is, of course
English asparagus. Looked forward to by many for months and
enjoyed for only six weeks a year gives this wonderful product
both luxury appeal and the ability to attract a premium price.
There is no reason why, with a little forward planning, every
season could not have its success stories.
Hilary Knight, Taste of Sussex
The local market for local goods
AtMarket, a new online company which launched its website
services in August, is the brainchild of two local
businessmen, Stephen Baker and Derek Bond. Their cyber toll
market combines technology with a historically proven and
fair route to market.
AtMarket will enable those living in the Chichester area to reestablish the trade balance between local producers and local
consumers for quality products and services. AtMarket has the
backing from the leading local quality names such as like of
the Goodwood Estate, O’Hagans sausages, Appledram Farm
and Relish in Spice.
Derek Bond a lamb farmer explains: “There are no
overhead charges; buyer and seller take advantage of being
connected on-line with neighbourhood products delivered to
the door, reducing
transport costs and
carbon waste, representing
great savings for all who
“My organic pedigree lamb, for
example, which I sell to supermarkets has
to travel to Wales for slaughter, the
carcasses having travelled over 500 miles in
total. I pay for this, but a sum that is
regrettably passed on to the consumer. I would far prefer to
retail my seasonal lamb in the Chichester area to help sustain
the local community.”
The website, a fully interactive one, guides customers to
their chosen type of produce, including vegetables, meat, fish,
fruit, drink and cupboard essentials. The goods are collected
and delivered using the most MPG friendly route possible.
Stephen explains: “Derek and I believe most things can be
made or grown locally. With our localisation model we will
engage communities without feasting from them. Buyers and
sellers are our investors and they simply reap the rewards of
employing our cost-effective route to market”. is where you can sign up to the atmarket
Stephen and Derek were behind a bid to renovate Chichester’s
Butter Market and re-open it as a traditional toll market but
when their plans were not taken up by the city council they
decided to take their vision online.
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Local Produce
Fairtrade and local food are a good fit
Fairtrade Chichester has always made the point that we see
no conflict between local and Fairtrade produce. ‘Buy locally,
think globally’ is the slogan we follow.
Enjoy local and seasonal food where you can and buy
Fairtrade for those items such as coffee, tea, rice or chocolate
that we cannot grow in our climate and which add a bit of
luxury and spice to our diet.
It has been a wonderful summer for native soft fruits in the
local markets and shops, but many of them would be less
enjoyable without a dash of sugar, and especially if you want
to preserve them by making jam.
What better partnership can there be than local fruit and
Fairtrade sugar, which is now widely available? Tate and Lyle
granulated sugar went Fairtrade in 2008 and all supermarkets
do own brand Fairtrade sugar.
The range of sugars has grown too. You can even, at long
last, buy Fairtrade icing sugar.
There are ethical dilemmas, of course, with the marketing
of out of season Fairtrade vegetable and flowers, as was
discussed in the December 2008 issue.
Farmers in the West have been suffering hard times. In
2003 it was proposed to extend the Fairtrade mark to organic
food grown in UK to help consumers identify produce in
shops for which the growers had been fairly recompensed.
After debate, the Fairtrade Foundation rejected the idea as
it would dilute the Fairtrade message by confusing the
‘absolute poverty’ of Third World farmers with the ‘relative’
poverty suffered by some farmers in the West, where there
are health and social security systems to fall back on.
It was also argued that better-educated Western producers
were more able to band together and protect themselves.
This issue is not dead, however and the debate goes on.
If you want to discuss these issues further contact:
Weald & Downland Open Air Museum Shop
The shop at the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum at Singleton, stocks a wide range of tasty local produce as well as a
selection of gifts, toys, stationery and books. The museum shop is open daily from 10.30am, tel 01243 811020.
In particular, the shop sells wholemeal stoneground flour,
which is ground daily in the museum’s historic 17th century
watermill which is open to the public as one of the museum’s
historic building exhibits. The flour is available in various size
bags and is ideal for a range of recipes including bread,
biscuits, cakes, scones and more.
In addition, the flour is made into biscuits sold in the shop, as
well as used in the museum café. The flour and biscuits are
also sold in the museum’s stall at the regular farmers’ markets
in Chichester and a number of local farm shops. The shop also
sells delicious local produce including unusual chocolate
flavours by Montezuma’s Chocolates in West Stoke, local jams
and preserves, and delicious non-alcoholic ginger wine.
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Local Produce
Cooking our way to success
Chichester College student chefs put on a great meal made
from local produce at the recent British Culinary Federation
Challenge. They designed their menu using produce that is
found locally in West Sussex using ingredients such as
samphire, elderflower, lobster and crab.
Adam Hartley and Cameron Bradshaw worked hard in the
kitchen to produce a beautiful meal which was much
complimented while Joe Edwards used first class waiting skills
to deliver the finished dishes to the judges.
Michael Oliver, their chef lecturer, said: “We are trying to
encourage an understanding of local produce and the local
tastes that can be created in using such produce. An important
lesson for the team has been that what is good, fresh and
plentiful in one area may not be so in another.
“For example, samphire abounds around Hayling Island and
the harbour area but was very difficult to find in Stratfordupon-Avon where the competition was held. Nevertheless our
team did brilliantly and were finalists following in the
footsteps of the previous year when Chichester College were
the overall winners.”
Local food information
Selsey Crab It was St Wilfrid who was thought
to have taught the Saxons to fish and now one
of the largest fleets of fishing boats in West
Sussex is located here, on East Beach. They
provide an annual income to the area of
£3 million, with their catches of lobsters, crabs
and prawns; Crabs from our supplier “The Selsey
Fish and Lobster Co” were also sourced by Chef
Stuart Gillies for the Great British Menu.
Red Chard Langmead Farm in Bosham which is
spread over 5,000 acres of the Chichester Plains
and where they grow and supply quality salad
products like Red Chard – which have dark to
mid green leaves with a red stalk and veins. They
have a semi-sweet beetroot-like taste.
Rocket Also from Langmead Farm, Rocket, a
very versatile leaf which has gained in popularity
hugely in recent years. It is thin and spiky in
appearance, and peppery and hot in flavour. It
The curriculum and training which the student chefs follow
at Chichester is organised to allow the use of fresh local
produce wherever possible. At the last Emsworth Food Festival
Chichester student Ashley Rule took the winning honours in
the live cooking competition using local produce and, more
recently, Matt Breasson, who trained at Chichester College,
was the Territorial Army competition winner, again coking
with fresh local produce.
We have our own farm at the Brinsbury campus and rears and
produces its own beef, lamb and pork which it also serves in the
college restaurants. Courses on rearing, shooting, preparing and
cooking local game are held for local chefs in conjunction with
industry body ‘Game to Eat’. The college has worked on a ‘Fresh
Skills for Chefs’ project jointly with Tourism South East where the
aim was to put on courses for chefs who wanted to extend and
improve their skills using fresh local produce. With the current
emphasis on the health value of fresh produce produced locally
and the need to help the environment by reducing food miles,
Chichester College has put the use of local produce high up its
agenda for the training of its future student chefs.
Helen Ward, Chichester College
Supplied by Helen Ward, Chichester College
has long had a role in Italian cookery and
popular uses are salads, as a garnish, wilted in
pasta or on top of pizza. It is also known as
arugula, ruccola and rocquette and was thought
to have originated from Southern Europe.
Watercress The watercress beds at Hambrook
which were founded in 1870 by George Hair,
where there was a chalk spring on the Hair Farm
with an abundant supply of water and was
formerly used to drive the corn mill mentioned in
the Domesday Book. Watercress is the UK’s most
historic salad leaf.
Broad beans From Chidham our broad beans
which are at their best from the end of May
through to mid-July, when the pods are pale
green and soft and the beans are still small. Only
brief steaming or cooking is required when broad
beans are in their prime. Broad beans are a good
source of fibre, similar to oats which helps keep
the gut healthy. They help lower cholesterol levels
and prevent heart disease. Our broad beans are
grown and sourced from market gardener Charlie
Foot at Eastfield farm, Chidham Lane, Chidham.
Samphire Our samphire sometimes referred to
as Sea Asparagus and can be found in the rock
pools at Hayling Island. The crisp, salty, fleshy
tender stalks of young samphire, gathered in
May or June, can be eaten raw, plain or with a
vinaigrette, alone or in a salad with other
ingredients, particularly fish and shellfish.
Elderflower heads These are from Michael’s
garden. Its Latin name is Sambucus Nigra and
botanically it belongs to the honeysuckle family.
As a food it should never be eaten raw as the
flowers, like the berries, contain a mildly
poisonous alkaloid which is destroyed by
cooking. It has widely been used as a food and
native Americans would cook them in fritters.
September/October 2009
Council News
Chichester Business News
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Chamber Events
Karting and castanets!
Farid presents the trophy to the winning team.
Diana patiently teaching us a few flamenco steps.
Members enjoyed a great night’s karting in June. The four
chamber teams (Chamber Maids, Chamber Pots, Chamber
Music and a group from FA Holland funeral directors with an
interesting tag of Team “De’ath”!) joined a further eight
business teams at Teamsport Gosport.
James and Diana at El Castizo welcomed guests to the
Chamber Spanish Night at El Castizo in July. After Sangria we
were treated to some delicious tapas and giant paella.
We all had the chance to have a go at flamenco dancing
and playing the castanets, although I think none of the guests
were considering a career change based on their performance!
There was also a Spanish quiz to tease the little grey cells
and the restaurant’s second anniversary was marked by
bashing a piñata – with some hilarious results! The “paper
donkey” was eventually decapitated with a winning blow
from Vivienne McGavin (House of Colour) and for guessing
that it would take 13 hits, Hilary Julian (Carpenter Box) won a
bottle of brandy provided by Wolf Unique.
During the course of the evening, there were a number of
fund-raising efforts and members raised £150 for The Sussex
Snowdrop Trust. Thanks to Wolf Unique, MARCOM Defence,
Our groups were well matched with some good racing
throughout the two-hour race. However, places on the
podium were, perhaps, determined not so much by racing
strategy but more by which teams had incurred the lowest
number of enforced stops in the pits due to the odd racing
transgression (fiercely contested, of course!).
Team De’ath were the winners, recording the highest
number of laps (236), and our President, Farid Ahmed, was just
pipped to recording the fastest lap of the evening from all
those racing.
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Chamber Events
Calendar of Future Events
Put Them In Your Diary Now!
Thursday 24th September
City Treasure Hunt
Test your local knowledge of the City and Chamber members.
Friday 25th September
Adrian Howell and Gloria Robinson (Tawny Nursery) and Geoff Fall
(Selsey Country Club) with guests at the Spanish Night.
El Castizo and The Sussex Snowdrop Trust for providing prizes.
A special mention must also be made for Gary Fenwick
(Coalition Communications) and Sue Tivey (Chichester
University) for coordinating the event and, of course, James,
Diana and all at El Castizo for looking after us so well.
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Networking Breakfast Meeting
Venue: The Dining Room, 31 North Street, Chichester, PO19 1LY.
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am.
Full English Breakfast. £9.00 per head.
Tickets purchased in advance from CCC&I office.
Speaker: “Benefits of personal productivity in a recession”
by Matthew Bates from Essentially Ltd.
Prize draw: Kindly donated by Improbiz.
Monday 12th October
Networking Chamber Monthly Meeting – Bring a Guest Evening
Venue: The Barn, The Park House Hotel, Bepton, Midhurst,
GU29 0JB.
Time: 6pm – 8.15pm. Refreshments provided.
Presentation: “Effective networking for outcomes”
by Deborah Naylor of JD Training.
Presentation: “Acupuncture, what’s the point for business?”
by Mark Shepherd.
Prize Draw: Kindly donated by Wolf Unique Ltd.
“A Minute to Win it”: A one-minute presentation by a
Chamber member to promote their business.
Friday 23rd October 2009
A three course lunch with our local MP, Andrew Tyrie.
Venue: The Dresden Room, George Bell House, 4 Cannon
Lane, Chichester PO19 1PX.
£28.00 per person, tickets to be purchased in advance from
the CCC&I office.
Friday 30th October 2009
Wii Games Night at Chichester University
Tennis, bowling and much more – with or without the
armchair it’s very addictive!
Monday 9th November 2009
Networking Chamber Monthly Meeting –
Bring a Guest Evening
Venue: The Chichester Park Hotel, Madgwick Lane,
Westhampnett, PO19 7QL.
Time: 6pm – 8.15pm. Refreshments provided.
Presentation: “How to sell to large organisations, what they
look for and what are their constraints” by Martyn Bell.
Presentation: Quarterly Update on “Chamber Hot Topics”
by Gill Edinburgh, Sussex Enterprise.
Prize Draw: Kindly donated by Winbrooks Ltd.
“A Minute to Win it”: A one-minute presentation by a
Chamber member to promote their business.
For further information on any of the above events, please contact
The Chamber Office: 01243 531765 or Email:
The Chamber would like to thank all of the hosts, speakers and prize givers for their generosity in providing buffets, venues, interesting presentations
and prizes. As a self-funding organisation, we all need to actively encourage new members. If you would like to bring a guest to one of our meetings
with a view to them joining the Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry, please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber office on 01243 531765 or
email to or write to: 3 Chapel Street, Chichester, PO19 1BU
Chichester Business News
July/August 2009
Chichester Business Guide
You and your business can
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July/August 2009
Chichester Business News
Local Produce
Many restaurants and hotels in the Chichester area make a feature of using local
produce on their menus, including The Dining Room and The Ship
Chargrilled Loin of Goodwood Lamb
Poached Pears
Serves 6-8 people
2.5 – 3 kg loin of Goodwood lamb
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons chopped thyme
250 ml olive oil
⁄4 teaspoon of salt
⁄4 teaspoon pepper
• Wash the loin of lamb under cold running water and set
• Crush the garlic using a garlic press and put it in a bowl
large enough to hold the meat. Add thyme, olive oil, salt
and pepper. Mix with a fork and roll the lamb in the
marinade. Cover, and leave in the marinade for at least 3
hours in the fridge, turning every once in a while.
• Pre heat the oven to 190 degrees transfer the meat to the
oven and bake for one hour and 20 minutes. Remove from
the oven and allow the meat to rest before carving. Retain
juices for gravy and serve with crushed new potatoes and
local vegetables.
The Dining Room, 31 North Street, Chichester, PO19 1LY
01243 537352
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1 litre water
2 cup granulated sugar
2 star anise
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and scraped,
reserving the seeds and pod
• 4 conference pears
• Combine the water, sugar, star anise and vanilla bean seeds
and pod in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over
high heat, stirring until sugar is completely dissolved.
• Peel the pears, leaving the stem intact. Slice off the bottom
⁄8 inch of each pear to create a flat, stable base.
• Reduce heat to keep poaching liquid at a bare simmer and
add the pears, laying them on their sides so they are almost
completely submerged. Cook, turning pears occasionally so
they become saturated on all sides, until they are just
tender when pierced with a fork, about 7 minutes.
• Allow pears to cool completely in their poaching liquid.
To serve:
Warm pear with poaching liquid, topped with clotted cream.
The Ship, 57 North Street, Chichester, PO19 1NH
01243 778000
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Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Local Produce
Plenty of appetite for Food Fare
The second Chichester Local Food Fare will be held over the
weekend of September 11-13. The first Chichester Food Fare,
held last year, was a big success. More than 130,000 visitors
attended the three days, making it one of the city's busiest
weekends of the year.
This event celebrates the best of local food with East and
North Streets hosting up to 50 trading pitches. These will
feature bread, cakes and baked goods, a wide range of
cheeses, ice cream, lavender products, fruit and vegetables,
sausages, game, beer, Indian foods, and preserves and sauces.
Chichester-based cook and food writer Rosemary Moon will
be presenting and cooking from the food demonstration area.
She will be giving cookery tips, using many of the products
available from Food Fare traders. Her advice will include what
to do with leftovers and how to avoid food waste.
Children and those young at heart can meet and pet
animals at the mobile farm on Sunday. The animals may
include a cow, sheep, goat, dog, chickens, ducks, rabbits,
guinea pigs. This is a great opportunity to learn how farming
and local food are linked.
The Food Fare will be held in the pedestrianised streets of
the city at the following times: Friday 11, 9am-5pm; Saturday 12,
9am-5pm; Sunday 13, 10am-4pm. The event is being sponsored
by Better Tomorrows, a not-for-profit company dedicated to
education initiatives across the county for reducing waste.
If you are a local trader making and selling your own
produce or you sell goods related to food, you could trade
from one of the pitches over one, two or all three days of the
Food Fare. Or what about organising a food-related themed
event such as a wine and cheese tasting?
Please contact Chichester District Council’s farmers’ markets
co-ordinator Pip Frederick for an application form or to
discuss being involved.
Since moving into the city centre, Chichester farmers’
market has grown in size and popularity and has become one
of the most successful in the region.
They are held on the first and third Friday of each month
and have on average 32 to 36 stalls each market. Footfall
statistics for the city centre show consistently higher figures
on farmers’ market days than other Fridays, illustrating how
the market attracts people into the centre.
Even in the current financial situation the Chichester
market continues to have a waiting list of traders who want
to join it. The model formulated by the council is considered
to be a benchmark for other market operators to aspire to
and a number have visited Chichester to see it in operation.
There is now also a Farmers’ Market email club which
customers can join simply by sending their email address to They will then receive a
monthly update of new and seasonal traders with market
dates and some discounts.
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Serco wins Businesslink contract
As many of you will have heard, the South East England
Development Agency (SEEDA) Board has approved SERCO as
its preferred bidder to deliver an enhanced ‘Business Link’
support service for three years from April 2010.
Business and stakeholder views strongly influenced design of
the new contract and this decision came after full competitive
tendering and detailed evaluation of all the bids.
By setting the bar high, SEEDA intends that the new
contract will deliver more support for South East businesses,
by providing, for example:
• More investment in frontline advice
• A service which will reach more of the region’s businesses
• More intensive 1-1 tailored support.
SEEDA Chief Executive Pam Alexander said: “We are confident
that the new service will provide consistent, high quality support
to meet the needs of all businesses in the region.”
Business Link Sussex and the other Business Link Services in
the SEEDA region will continue to provide a comprehensive
service to all their clients until the handover date, and are
committed to ensuring a seamless transition with the essential
focus remaining on the business customer.
SERCO is a global service company which has been
delivering essential public services for more than 40 years. It
employs more than 70,000 people who deliver mission-critical
services to government and private clients in more than 30
For quality Ladies and Menswear,
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and outstanding service, visit:
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29-30 North Street
Chichester West Sussex
PO19 1LX
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The company prides itself in customer focus and has an
amazingly diverse portfolio including operation of the
kilometre-long Ghan trans-continental train service in
Australia and London's Docklands Light Railway as well as
services in IT and BPO, local government, home affairs,
defence, science, nuclear, health, education and welfare to
work, to name but a few.
The scale and scope of the services operated by SERCO are
extensive and it:
• has a forward order book which stands at £16.3bn
• operates traffic management systems covering more than
17,500kms of roads worldwide
• provides a secure computer and software support service to
all 66 UK law enforcement agencies
• manages 192,000 square miles of airspace in five countries
• employs 5000 scientists
• manages education authorities on behalf of local governments
• provides defence support services worldwide
SERCO’s principal customer base is the public sector,
representing more than 90% of its business and it already
operates the national Business Link service and Business Link
London, so has significant experience of the requirement and
expectations of businesses when it comes to support services.
Clearly, much work will need to be done between SERCO
and the existing Business Links in the coming months and we
will keep you up to date with developments as they occur.
Iain Shepherd
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
University of Chichester top for south coast graduate job prospects
A new study has revealed that more than 94.2% of
graduates from the University of Chichester are in jobs or
further study six months after they graduated, making it the
best university on the south coast for job prospects.
The Higher Education Statistics Agency study looked at last
summer’s graduates and the national average was 91%. The
figures for Chichester show that it is in the top 10 universities
in England for overall graduate employment.
Head of the Research and Employer Engagement Office at
the University of Chichester, Dr Andy Dixon, said: “This is great
news for the university and shows that our graduates have
fared well compared to the national picture. Although we are
undoubtedly in tough times, it shows that a degree is a strong
investment which stands graduates in good stead for a long
and successful career.”
The University of Chichester is also working with local
partners including Chichester College, Arun District Council,
Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council to
run the GraduateOn project.
This is funded by Higher Education Funding Council for
England through the Economic Challenge Fund and the
package will provide support for 300 new graduates across
200 businesses, through personal coaching and mentoring, a
two-day motivational course, online networks, placement
schemes, seminars, business support service and subsidised
knowledge transfer partnerships.
Dr Dixon added: “We are committed to helping our
graduates find work. GraduateOn will further strengthen the
skills and employability of graduates in West Sussex and
improve graduate retention in the county. This will contribute
to sustainable higher-value economic recovery. The project will
assist business to secure the skills it needs to succeed during
this challenging time.”
For more information, please contact public relations manager Sam
Philpott on 01243 812155 or email or visit
Oxjam seeks business support
Oxjam, Oxfam’s month-long music festival is set to take
Chichester by storm this October. A number of Chichester
venues will be providing the setting to showcase the talents
of many artists and bands, who are all volunteering their
time in aid of the charity.
The festival’s objectives concern raising money as well as
awareness of Oxfam’s high-profile climate change campaign.
The debate about whether climate change is really happening
is a thing of the past; the efforts of the international
community are now focused on how we can safeguard our
future. To kick start the festival activities in Chichester, the Live
Lounge at Chichester Gate will be hosting the launch party on
October 8. The launch party will provide the stage to the
talents of a number of local artists and musicians. The Live
Lounge is just one of 11 venues across the city.
“Such a positive response has been received from not just
the venues, but more than 40 artists and musicians alike,” says
Ajay Parekh, Director of Chichester’s Creative Media Company
Kabuki Productions and Regional Manager for the Oxjam
“For any charity,” adds Ajay, “Every penny counts. For an
organiser creating something out of nothing is completely
liberating, but challenging at the same time. It focuses
everybody’s attentions on getting the most for the cause, from
every penny donated.
“Right now, we need support from local businesses through
offers of donations, sponsorship and volunteering in order to
make the event a real success. Every offer of support is
worthwhile so please get involved.”
With something different taking place throughout October,
at a variety of the city’s venues, there is entertainment on
offer to suit every taste that hopes to bring home a powerful
message too.
To find out more about how you can get involved through
volunteering, donation, sponsorship or through attending
one of the events, please contact the oxjam team on
or phone Ajay on 07710 077399.
Ajay Parekh, Director
Kabuki Productions
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Chichester Business Guide
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Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Maritime report
By the time CBN is issued, the Southampton Boat Show will
be well underway (Sept 11–20). Sales at the show will be
absolutely critical to the survival of some companies and
many in the leisure marine sector are holding their breath
and hoping for a successful event.
Unlike the London Boat Show, which attracts a large number
of overseas buyers, Southampton traditionally has catered to
the domestic market as well as a number of our closer
European neighbours. For some companies, the show can
represent their entire annual order book and it is seen as a
critical benchmark for assessing the state of the industry.
In recent months some big names within the sector have
run into difficulty, including Tarquin in Emsworth, and, more
recently, Yachts and Yachting went into Administration after
62 years of publishing. That said, both have been bought out
quite quickly, which shows that there is still confidence in the
longer-term viability of these companies if the finance can be
put in place to get them through this very difficult period.
An almost absurd issue is beginning to threaten the
availability of flares to the leisure marine sector. Traditionally,
Time Expired Pyrotechnics (TEPs) could be disposed of via the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) which held them in
suitable storage until the MoD collected them and disposed of
them. MoD is, however, now saying that it can no longer
afford to have an armoured vehicle touring the UK picking
these stores up from the various collection points.
It is illegal to dump TEPs at sea, dispose of them with
household waste or fire them to get rid of them. We are an
island nation with tens of thousands of recreational craft,
safety at sea is paramount and we need the authorities to
resolve this issue quickly and efficiently.
Stress – is it the new bad back?
For some employers it’s ’the new bad back’. For others, it’s an
understandable reaction to the pace of change both in the
workplace and in the world outside. But whether you are
convinced by every sick note that comes in with the word
“stress” on it, stress is on the rise – and that’s official!
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has indicated that
“stress is likely to become the most dangerous risk to business
in the 21st century”. Recent evidence suggests that two out of
five employees suffer from work-related stress, with 13.8
million work days lost each year as a result.
The average period for absence where stress is the cause is
28 days, making it one of the major causes of long-term
sickness absence – up there with musculoskeletal disorders.
Stress can affect people mentally, in the form of anxiety and
depression, and physically, in the form of heart disease, back
pain and alcohol and drug dependency.
Any absence is expensive for organisations, but absence
due to stress has legal implications which can be hard for
businesses to deal with.
Of course, an increase in absence is not the only outcome of
a stressed workforce; low morale reduces productivity, and
staff turnover goes up as employees leave. Employers do have
a legal responsibility to tackle stress in the workplace. Under
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999, employers must assess the risk of stress-related ill health
arising from work activities and under the Health and Safety
at Work Act employers must take measures to control that
risk. Apart from the law, there are also some very good
practical and commercial reasons to tackle stress in the
• Increase staff performance and productivity;
• Reduce staff turnover or intention to leave;
• Help with staff recruitment and retention; and
Tackling a stressed workforce will also have a positive
impact on customer satisfaction and on the reputation of the
wider organisation. Stress in the workplace rarely disappears
on its own and it can be difficult for employers to spot the
symptoms until it becomes a problem. Employers often find it
difficult in managing stress themselves, let alone managing
and reducing stress across the workforce.
Bringing in external help and advice is often the first step in
identifying and then reducing workplace stress. In the South
East, Acas has a network of expert advisers who can help
businesses identify some of the bigger issues affecting the
workplace – such as the systems for informing and consulting
employees – and provide practical advice and support helping
manage and reduce stress. We also have a telephone helpline
which can offer information and advice on a wide range of
employment relations issues.
Acas can help businesses achieve the Health and Safety
Executive standards for tackling work-related stress. We also
work with businesses to secure the commitment of the
workforce and to develop practical solutions to problems
identified. To help businesses across the South East, Acas is
holding a ‘Managing Stress’ training course at the Brighton
Metropole on October 22. The course will be looking at what
organisations and individuals can do to tackle stress at work
and, thereby, improve health and well-being – leading to a
more motivated and productive workforce.
For more information about how Acas can help your company and
for information on the ‘Managing Stress’ training course,
As well as reducing absenteeism, it will help to:
• Improve employee commitment to work;
visit or call
the Customer Services Team on 08457 38 37 36.
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Business Link
Free hospitality and tourism
business guide
Business Link and Tourism South East have produced a guide
for business owners in the hospitality and tourism sector as
individuals, businesses and families cut back on perceived
‘luxury’ services in light of the economic downturn. The
survival and long term health of this industry, which
generated around £10.5 billion in expenditure last year and
accounts for 300,000 jobs in the region, is vital.
Business Link and Tourism South East urge businesses involved
in this sector to review their operations and find ways to
respond to changing levels of demand. The guide suggests
ways for business owners to make improvements to their
enterprises so that they can be in the best shape to retain and
attract more customers.
The 16-page guide is focused on key challenges and
opportunities for the sector such as – managing cashflow;
mitigating increases in costs; reviewing supplier agreements
and undertaking training to improve customer service.
Tourism companies which have benefited from free support
from Business Link include:
• The New Steine Hotel, Brighton, which had a free
environmental audit, arranged by Business Link, and is now
saving money on its energy bills.
• Enchanted Manor, which was renovated by the owners and
has achieved industry awards as recognition of their hard
• Hooley-Sha-Mooli, a sole trader in catering, who took
advantage of free Business Link workshops for help with
finance and running a business.
To get hold of a free copy call 0845 600 9 006 or go to
Chief executive, Tourism South East, Michael Bedingfield
explains: “This is an excellent Business Link Guide for
businesses in tourism and hospitality sectors. It’s a concise
manual with useful information about actions and decisions
about how to run your business to cope in these uncertain
Business owners can also book a business review to assess
the strengths, issues and opportunities for the business, and
get an independent assessment of their current situation.
For more information, call 0845 600 9 006.
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Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
New Members
Welcome to our new members
OBE Fabrications
Amberley Project Management Ltd
Type of Business:
Type of Business:
Mark Osborne
Metal fabricators
01243 531538
Stephen Royffe
Interim financial management
01243 605329
Investment Solutions
Type of Business:
Phil Klimek
Corporate Independent Financial Adviser
0845 013 6790
Raising Awareness Productions
Type of Business:
Peter Fildew
01243 829728
Type of Business:
Simon Moore
Financial advisors
01903 214640
At Market Ltd
Type of Business:
Stephen Baker
Online local goods and services market
01243 280000
The Directory Group
SWAG (South West/West Sussex Arts Group)
Type of Business:
Michael Follis
Arts & heritage association
01798 344068
OBE Fabrications is your one-stop service to providing all your
metalwork solutions. Specialising in bespoke customer
requirements, we provide metalwork in mild steel, stainless
or aluminium; fabrication in either MIG or TIG welding and
the facilities to roll steel, manual milling and turning. OBE
Fabrications offers a 'design to completion' service for either
industrial, commercial or residential metalwork;
Gates and railings
Structural steel work
Industrial work furniture
Site work
General fabrication.
Call now to discuss your metalwork requirements and let the
team at OBE Fabrications provide you with your metalwork
Type of Business:
Torynn Keefe
01730 266 746
In 2008 Raising Awareness Productions was formed after
Choi-Bo Productions (the team behind the highly-successful
Choi-Bo exercise video) merged with a number of other
professionals in order to not only produce high
definition/high quality content but develop solutions in order
to deliver that content to customers. The merging of these
entities has enhanced the highly professional work ethic
which made Choi-Bo productions so successful.
Our highly-motivated and creative team consists of
established producer and director, software engineer, four
cameramen, editorial, animator, web developer.
Some of our clients include: (Media & Broadcast Sector),
Universal Pictures, Sky TV, Body in Balance, The Really Useful
Health Show, (Educational/Charity/Public Sector).
The National Health Advisory Service, The Humane Society –
Dr Michael Greger, The EFT Centre , (Financial Services Sector)
Merrill Lynch, Fidelity Investments, (Manufacturing and Retail
Sector), Bacardi-Martini Ltd.
Raising Awareness Productions can be contacted as follows:
OBE Fabrications Ltd
Call 07775 500827 – Peter Fildew (Sales)
Unit 1 Leigh Road, Terminus Road Industrial Estate, Chichester,
07931 560412 – Anthony Aurelius (Producer/Director)
West Sussex, PO19 8TT
Tel: 01243 531538 e-mail:
Website/Software Development:
If you are a member of a networking group that would like to promote itself in the Chamber newsletter or have an event coming
up soon that you would like to publicise please contact Julie Harrison T/F 01243 531765 E
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
New Members
I worked with companies in the 1980s recession, the 2000
post dot com downturn, and the contractions following Sept
11, focusing on cash flow generation, working capital
management and financial strategy, and am happy to share
my experiences on a confidential basis.
In the current tighter trading conditions, I am advising
growing companies on financial strategy, including cash flow,
finance raising and accounting issues.
I also work on transforming finance departments into first
class functions, though BPR delivering enhanced controls,
more efficient processes and procedures, faster close and
improved management reporting, including identifying areas
for profit improvement, and cost reductions.
Contact: Steve Royffe
Mobile: 07974 768277
Phone: 01243 605329
AtMarket, is the brainchild of two local businessmen, Stephen
Baker and Derek Bond. Their cyber toll market combines
technology with a historically proven fair route to market.
The ‘virtual farmers market’ means buyer and seller take
advantage of being connected on-line with neighbourhood
products delivered to the door. AtMarket has the backing
from the leading local quality names such as the Goodwood
Estate, O’Hagans sausages, Appledram Farm and Relish in
AtMarket is the cyber door to fair value, stimulating local
supply and restoring traditional values. is where YOU can sign up to the atmarket
SWAG was formed in 2000 by the Duke of Richmond as an
information/networking group whose members range from
individual artists to the large local arts and heritage
SWAG has recently researched the branding of Chichester
as a ‘City of the Arts’ (the launch of this project is imminent)
and other current developments include SWAG becoming the
arts/heritage component of Visit Chichester and being invited
by CDC to form a new arts/heritage strategic partnership.
With the proven economic and lifestyle value of links
between cultural and commercial success, SWAG looks
forward to a rewarding partnership with CCC&I, promoting
the extraordinary appeal of Chichester and its environs.
New web-based software system to manage business goals for SMEs
iK Developments Limited, based in Chichester, is pleased to
announce the launch of its new product DINAMIKS® LITE.
DINAMIKS® LITE is a web-based software system which will
help small/medium sized businesses improve their productivity,
reduce costs and help develop staff. The product – DINAMIKS®
LITE – is a web-based employee performance appraisal
solution aimed at small to medium sized businesses.
It requires no physical installation as it is accessed securely
via any PC with an internet connection, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week and it is:
• simple to operate
Special offer for CCCI members from
Juliet Pick Designs
We pride ourselves on supporting the local economy by
making all our bespoke soft furnishings here in West Sussex.
Our upholsterers are locally based too. In order to make our
services more affordable for members, we’re offering a
discount of up to 20% on all fabrics purchased for new
projects confirmed by October 31. We can’t reduce our
makers’ labour costs, but we can offer a reduction on the
price of fabrics. Estimates are prepared free of charge.
Call Juliet 01243 779696 or email:Juliet@pad-dé
• secure (all traffic is 128bit encrypted), and
• cost-effective at just £15 per person per year
DINAMIKS® LITE automates the performance appraisal
process, promotes and supports the setting of good quality
performance objectives, encourages the cascading of business
goals, includes both individual performance and development
plans, supports the regular monitoring of progress throughout
the year, prompts staff of approaching target dates through
automated e-mail reminders and provides visibility through inbuilt set of analytical reports
To view the product and assess the benefits visit the new website at
A new member of the JANDA team
Many congratulations to Jon and Angela Munn from JANDA
Photography on the birth of their beautiful daughter Freja.
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Members News
‘Blue Q Day’ A Salon Success
Q Hair and Beauty, 37 North Street, Chichester, hosted a
fundraising day in aid of St Wilfrid’s ‘Hospice at Home’
charity appeal on July 15.
The excited team donated their time, efforts and skills for
donations to the charity, providing cut and blow dry
appointments for donations. The salon team also sold ‘blue’
cakes, in their ‘Blue Q’ T-shirts, kindly donated by Arun Signs,
as well as holding a collection during the entire day.
To end the fundraising day for ‘Hospice at Home’, a
celebration party from 4pm to 6pm was held, with music from
WintertoneS. Food and wine, kindly donated by The Dining
Room, Chichester, was served to guests by waiters of the local
Guests attending the late afternoon celebration event
included hairdressing industry VIPs, key Chichester city figures,
salon clients, family and friends.
The total amount raised was £651.16 which will go towards
providing and promoting high quality specialist palliative care
through in-patient and community services. ‘Hospice at Home’
is a new initiative that has been met with great community
Salon Managing Director Dawn Lawrence who was key to
the organisation and decision-making of the ‘Blue Q Day’
event, said: “Each one of us at Q hair and beauty has, or
knows someone who has benefited from the care that St
Wilfrid’s provides; It’s our pleasure that we have been able to
contribute and give back to the great work they do.”
Creative Director Helen Kewell said: “The finale to the day
was amazing, the salon was a buzz of activity, with music and
National Art offers more prize money
The National Open Art Competition Chichester, opens its 13th
Annual Art Exhibition at The Minerva Theatre Art Gallery on
November 7. Entry is free. Six thousand visitors enjoyed the
show last year and it was reported as “One of the best
contemporary art exhibitions seen outside London in 2008”.
On Monday November 16 there is also the inaugural
CHICHESTER ART LECTURE at The Minerva Theatre. Andrew
Graham Dixon will talk on MICHELANGELO and THE SISTINE
CHAPEL. Tickets are £10 from The Festival Theatre Box Office.
Would any chamber members please consider advertising in
the superb art exhibition brochure. Neil Lawson Baker would
be delighted to hear from members who would be willing to
help support this important Chichester charitable project
which now offers £40,000 in corporate and privately donated
prize money... more than any other art exhibition in the UK.
He would be delighted to come and see you in your office.
Tel 01243 576082
Masterclasses, Success and Networking
Business Focus ’09 is set to be a successful event. All the
exhibition stands have been taken and our masterclasses and
seminars are filling up fast – make sure you reserve your place!
Learn how to: Balance your “Marketing Mix”; Beat the
Dragons at their Own Game; Bid for Public Sector Contracts
and Sell to Large Companies in our masterclasses.
The seminars taking place throughout the day include:
Planning for the Future; Face up to Employment Issues;
Designing Demand and Manage your Crucial Cash Flow – all of
which are vital for a business to survive.
Our Success Panel Q&A sessions consists of well known
“local companies done good”, who are willing to tell us how
they did it! We’re thrilled to be welcoming Caron Howe from
the wonderful baked treats company More Food, Simon
Pattinson from our favourite local chocolatière Montezuma
and Tom Sloan from WiredRed, providing innovative online
video conferencing. So come and hear their inspirational
stories about how they grew their businesses and reached
where they are today.
Our networking session takes place in the afternoon after
the exhibition has closed, which enables all the exhibitors to
attend as well as newcomers. We are expecting to attract
around 70 companies, so make the most of your networking
skills and make new contacts and leads – you never know
what might come up!
Seminars and masterclasses are free of charge and take place in two
time slots on 28 October. They’re filling up fast, so don’t forget to
book your place online at
September/October 2009
Chichester Business News
Members News
ChiBeds@Bosham celebrate their 15th anniversary in style
ChiBeds, located in Bosham, Chichester, is one of the South
Coast’s leading bed stores, and this year celebrates 15 years
in business. So what is the secret to such a successful
business for all these years, particularly in the recent
economic downturn? Managing Director Geoff Bass tells us
that it’s down to a simple mixture of a personal service, a
wide range of quality products and friendly, expert advice.
The ChiBeds team offers a personal service based on a
thorough understanding of the bed and bedroom furniture
market. They thoroughly believe in their products, and know
them inside out. This makes a genuine difference when it
comes to talking to and dealing with customers, and the team
hope that this comes through in every transaction they make.
Ultimately, they believe that their expertise is the best in the
area. Why not give them a try and see what you think for
Geoff goes on to say, ‘We work hard to ensure our
collections suit the purposes of today’s customers and is the
best of budget ranges through to exclusive luxury. Service is a
vital part of our business and gives us a significant edge. All
the showroom and delivery team are focused on giving the
best customer service which is how we set ourselves apart
from the chain stores.’
ChiBeds pride themselves on being part of the local
community. They focus on recommending the most suitable bed
and furniture based on customer needs, and their customers
know that they can get competitively priced products. When
delivering items, the team will always assemble the bed, placing
it where the customer would like it and dispose of the old bed.
Feedback received shows that customers appreciate this, and
this makes it an important part of the ChiBeds ethos.
If you would like some more information on ChiBeds, please call
01243 576622, visit or why not pop into the store
to see it for yourself at Bosham Roundabout, Bosham, Chichester.
Chichester Business News
September/October 2009
Members News
Networking Needs
Chichester Chamber Unveiled
Chichester Chamber of Commerce is set to unveil its new
website at the Business Focus 09 exhibition. The site will be
showcased at the event on the Chamber stand and members
are invited to test it in all its glory!
Corporate sponsors & Volunteers to help organise events –
‘We fulfill dreams for terminally-ill children’
Contact: 01730815000
The tender process started in quarter one of this year, when
all Chamber members were invited to tender for the project.
After a great deal of deliberation and discussion, WSI Net
Expert was brought on board for the project in July. With
much going on behind the scenes, we will be able to unveil
our exciting new site at Business Focus 09, which offers a
friendly resource for members and non members alike.
So pop along to the stand and join us in wetting the
“baby’s head”!
Helping you to help yourself – No charge first visit –
Nothing to lose – Lots to gain!
Contact: Robin Hamilton 07834 039585
We embroider or print corporate clothing –
as well as selling sports stuff
45 North Street, Chichester Tel: 01243 539909
National Express tickets on sale in city
Chichester Tourist Information Centre is adding to its portfolio
of useful services for visitors and residents by starting to sell
National Express tickets for coach travel throughout the UK.
As a Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry member,
you are able to hire a high-quality XGA projector for only £15
per day and the screen for £3.50 per day. It comes with remote
control and integrated laser pointer. Please book through the
chamber office 01243 531756 or,uk
For more information, visit the office at 29a South Street, Chichester,
or call 01243 539435.
Help your
Business to
stand out!!
To advertise in Business Matter please call
01243 534144/ 01243 534117
Inserted monthly into the
Observer series, over 38,000 copies.
One of the UK’s leading modern
universities – on your doorstep!
The Best …
University of Chichester ranked as the best modern
university in the UK for student satisfaction.
The Independent Newspaper, Complete University Guide
Student Experience…
Voted the top modern university in the country for allround student experience.
Times Higher Education, Student Experience Survey 2009
Research …
75% of research submitted by the University was rated
as world-leading, internationally excellent or
internationally recognised
Research Assessment Exercise 2008
Completion …
The top modern university for the percentage of students
who complete their degree (89.2% of our students going
on to complete their degree courses)
The Times Good University Guide 2010
To find out more, visit our website below or contact our Admissions department:
tel: (01243) 816002 or email:
At Westergate House, we believe that experiencing a
dementia doesn't stop you from leading a full and active life.
Having taken the difficult decision with a person experiencing a
dementia to find a care home, there is still a challenging process
ahead to find the right home.
• How do I find a care home with expertise in dementia care?
• How will I know what good dementia care looks like?
Many people have no idea where to go for help – you are not alone.
We recognise the needs of every individual and have created
our ‘Memory Lane Communities’ , which have at their heart:
• The creation of a
home-like feel
• The provision of expert
care and support
• Supporting life-skills
and individuality
• Promotion of wellbeing
• Enabling freedom
through choice
• Involvement of family and
friends wherever possible.
Westergate House Care Home | Tel: 01243 544 744
Denmans Lane, Fontwell,West Sussex, BN18 0SU
workplace consultancy
design/space planning
construction/fit out
office furniture procurement
move management
health and safety
post project support
Please call:
T: 01243 527300
TSI (UK) Limited
41-42 Southgate
West Sussex PO19 1ET