December 2003 / January 2004 - Chichester Chamber of Commerce


December 2003 / January 2004 - Chichester Chamber of Commerce
Fishbourne Roman Palace
A Vision for the Future
Fishbourne Roman Palace was discovered by accident during
the digging of a water main trench in 1960. The discovery led
to nine seasons of excavations which showed how the site
had developed from a military base at the time of the Roman
invasion in AD43 to a sumptuous palace by the end of the
first century. Over the last five years new excavations by the
Sussex Archaeological Society have revealed exciting new
insights into this development.
hroughout the year there are lots of exciting special events
at the Palace from Roman Soldiers to Baroque concerts.
There are a wide range of facilities on site including café, car
park and disabled access. The Palace is easily reached by public
or private transport and is open throughout the year.
Since opening to the public in 1968, Fishbourne Roman
Palace has welcomed over 4 million visitors. In 1987, the
Education Workshop was opened and in 1995 the Plants
Garden and small museum of Roman Gardens were added
but lack of capital for investment has meant no major
developments have been undertaken. Fishbourne attracts
some 80,000 visitors each year, 30,000 of which are children
mainly booked on parties. This, however, is all about to
change with an exciting £4million development plan
• Major refurbishment of the north wing to protect the
in-situ mosaics, with new audio-visual programme and
museum displays.
• Construction of a new Collections and Discovery Centre
to house the reserve collections of both Fishbourne and
Chichester District Museum, incorporating a Conservation
Laboratory and research room.
• A new education workshop to facilitate the expansion
of this already exciting and highly successful programme.
• Improved physical and intellectual access to the wealth
of archaeological material and knowledge of the Romans
at the Palace.
When you consider the national and indeed international
significance of Fishbourne Roman Palace, £4 million to
develop this unique site seems a small price to pay. With
the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Sussex
Archaeological Society, Chichester District Council and
various trusts and foundations Fishbourne is well on the
way to achieving their goal.
Continued on page 1
Jacques Vert Winter Promotion
Chichester in Bloom Prize Winners
(see competition on page 5)
The prize winners for the Chichester in Bloom Awards: Boots The Chemists, East
Street; Chanterelle Restaurant, St Pancras; The Bush Inn, The Hornet; J Harry
(President); Hadleys Restaurant, West Street; Casa Fina, Little London.
Chichester Business Guide See centre pages
June // May
July 2002Chichester
News 3
December 2003/January
Letter from the President
President for the year 2003–2004: Jonathan Harry
As we draw to the end of the year the
Chamber is looking forward to an exciting
Our plans include upgrading our website,
pressing ahead with lobbying for a city centre
manager, forging closer links with Sussex
Enterprise for the benefit of our members and
supporting further networking opportunities
to allow you to develop your businesses. For
those members who receive our newsletter
but have not attended our monthly members’
meeting do please come along to meet others
in business, listen to some interesting speakers
and have your voice and opinions listened to.
The Chamber is here to represent you and
provides opportunities for members to
support each other.
On behalf of the Chamber Executive may
I take this opportunity of wishing you all
a happy Christmas and a prosperous 2004.
Fishbourne Roman Palace (continued from cover)
To bring the vision of Fishbourne for the
future to life they need to raise a further
£1 million. So far through the ‘Million Pound
Mosaic’ – Fishbourne Roman Palace
Development Appeal has raised £10,000.
There are many exciting opportunities for
Chamber members to help Fishbourne
through the development of mutually
beneficial partnerships.
➔ To find out more and explore partnership ideas
please contact: Tracey Richardson or David Rudkin
T 01243 785 859 or visit
Speakers: Peter Young and Mark Beaumont
(Graffiti Solutions)
THE SHIP HOTEL, North Street
Speaker: Graham Sargeant ‘In at the sharp end’ –
the realities of running small businesses.
Monday 9th February, 6pm
Salthill Road, Fishbourne
including a tour of the premises.
TREASURER Rosemary Hodge
T 781970
T 536467
Business Affairs
CHAIRMAN Jonathan Harry
Geoff Bass
Jennifer Schofield
Rosemary Hodge
Town Centre & Planning
Joyce Tidy
Chris Whitmore-Jones
Stephen Oates
John Britten
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Copy Deadline
for articles and
Feb 2004
Apr 2004
Jun 2004
Aug 2004
23 Jan 2004
26 Mar 2004
21 May 2004
23 Jul 2004
➔ For editorial and advertising
please contact Sylvia Stone
T/F 01243 531765
T 787077
B+W pages
Leaflet Insert (1300 Run)
Per Issue
Excluding cost of leaflet
Monday 12th January, 6pm
Jonathan Harry
Colour pages
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Business Guide 6 Issues
Business card
Forthcoming Events for Members
Monday 8th December, 6pm
Jonathan Harry
RPM Print & Design
Designed by
Steve Wilson
Wilson Design Associates
Printed by
RPM Print & Design
Sylvia Stone
Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce is very grateful to The Chichester Observer for sponsoring the costs of postage
of this newsletter to our members. We would also like to thank Barclays Bank plc for their assistance in
postage to businesses outside the city.
• Please submit your article as a
Microsoft Word document or
equivalent, or typed copy.
• If adverts are not supplied as
print-ready digital files an
artwork fee of £20 will be made.
➔ For production details
please contact Steve Wilson
T 01243 787100
Chichester Business News
3 Chapel Street
Chichester PO19 1BU
Published six times per year
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Business Affairs / Promotions
News in Brief
Inland Revenue – Financial
The Inland Revenue will provide
financial incentives to employers
with fewer than 50 employees
to encourage them to file
electronically (e-file) for the
five years up to 2008/09. For
returns from 2009/10 all
employers will be required to
e-file. The detailed criteria that
will need to be satisfied to
qualify for incentive payments
will be published shortly. On
current plans, to qualify an
employer will have fewer than
50 employees and file the End
of Year Return (Forms P35 and
P14) – on time, electronically,
meet quality standards and be
full and correct. The incentive
amounts to £825 per employer
paid over the five years starting
with £250 for year 2004/5
reducing to £75 for year 2008/9.
➔ For more information go to :
NEW bank rules help SMEs
The Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) and the eight
main banks have reached a new
agreement to make it simpler
for smaller businesses to change
banks. The new agreement
will come into effect as from
31st December 2003. The new
measures are designed to
improve the change over
procedure so that both old and
new banks meet clear target
times. This will allow the SME
customer to know the process
and how long each step should
take. The new rules will suit
the smaller business in the UK
who are usually frustrated by
extended delays experienced
when switching bank accounts.
➔ For more information:
First Focus Business Exhibition
A unique opportunity to showcase your company
Want to sell more locally? Then join the First Focus Exhibition in Chichester in May 2004
(provisional dates are Friday 14th and Saturday 15th May 2004), supported by Chichester Chamber
of Commerce and Industry and Chichester District Council as well as leading city businesses.
This is a great way to showcase your business to others locally, raise your profile and generate
more sales. The aim is for all sectors of the local economy to demonstrate what they offer to
others in the business community and to the community at large.
Companies are naturally attracted to the Chichester area because of its perceived commercial
success, be it in the retail, business services or manufacturing sectors. Your company can also
benefit from The Chichester Effect by exhibiting and in turn feeding off the acknowledged success
of the economy in Chichester.
This exhibition will attract visitors from business of all sizes and disciplines from across the
West Sussex and East Hampshire areas – and hopefully beyond! They will be coming to see what
Chichester has to offer in the areas of manufacturing, leisure, tourism, recruitment, marketing,
IT support and a host of other business expertise.
As an exhibitor you can expect to be approached by companies and individuals looking for
manufacturers, advisors or support services to help grow or supply their business, or people
looking for recruitment opportunities to enhance their career paths.
COSTS Stands will be available at £300 for a 2 metre space and £200 per extra metre –
for either shell scheme or floor space.
SPONSORSHIP £1000 for a 3 metre space and £300 per additional metre – for either shell
scheme or floor space. Sponsors will have their logos displayed on all promotional material
connected with the marketing of the show.
➔ For further information on First Focus please contact Steve Wilson:
T 01243 787100
Maritime Report
Planning for the 2004 Chichester Maritime Event is now under way, with consideration being
given to several venue options and dates. The main theme of the 2004 event will be to
showcase the tremendous range of exciting opportunities available to young people
considering a career in this very diverse industry. To encourage participation it is intended to
run a competition for both schools and individuals. The event will also host a workshop for
local marine companies to consider ideas for capital projects, which might attract substantial
SEEDA funding in the future.
The SEEDA Marine Task Force (MTF) is making significant progress in developing the Marine
Information Hub and should be in a position to appoint a hub manager shortly. The MTF has
also let a new long-term contract for the production of Wavelength (an E-Newsletter), with
the first edition due out shortly. The MTF has now secured funding to hold events around the
region to brief on the work of the group and to hold workshops on local maritime issues. It is
anticipated that these events, which started in Chichester last year, will return to West Sussex
early in 2005.
Many of you will have been visitors to the London Boat Show at Earl’s Court in the past and
I would encourage you to visit the 2004 Show in January, which will be held at Excel in
London’s Docklands. The Excel centre is a purpose-built exhibition and conference centre and
reflects the latest standards in such facilities. It opens onto the river, which will permit afloat
demonstrations, and there will be a return of themes within the exhibition as well as an
increase in the number and scope of exhibitors.
➔ For further information on Chichester Maritime or the SEEDA Marine Task Force please contact
Iain Shepherd: T 01243 787427 E W
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Business Affairs / Promotions
Jacques Vert Competition
Jacques Vert, Chichester is pleased to present its new Autumn-Winter 2003 collection, which now includes Windsmoor.
The brand is known for its beautiful occasion wear – this
season the range also includes a glamourous selection of
evening wear together with an excellent array of coordinated accessories including shoes, bags, hats, scarves
and shawls.
Early Autumn styles include smart sharp tailored styles
in Magenta Pink that can team with a modern Italian
abstract floral print shirt and top. A selection of
embroidered knitwear and a matching small handbag
complete the look.
Ever popular Ultra Marine Blue is seen in floaty georgette
styles. This collection has individual garments uniquely
embroidered with a delicate leaf and matched with an
unrivalled selection of accessories.
Easy-to-wear and easy-care Aspen tailored styles, which
team with silk mixture devoré tops and skirts for a
contemporary look.
Autumn Cayenne coloured long cardigan and sweater –
each teamed with bands of Fudge suedette and Chocolate
Brown look cosy with matching Chocolate Brown pants
with stretch for a more casual look.
Heading for Christmas is the perfect little Black Suit –
beautiful tiny hand-stitched Bronze beads outline the
open revere and shape of the jacket. The inverted fanstitched net featured at the neck of the tee top is again
embellished with bronze glittering beads that also appear
on the delicate sleeves. Unique matching low-heeled
sling-back shoes add that finishing touch.
To have the chance to WIN a superb new outfit, simply answer the question and send the completed form to
‘Jacques Vert Competition’, Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3 Chapel Street, Chichester P019 1BU.
Closing date: Monday 12th January 2004. The first correct answer drawn on the day will win the prize.
Q. Which new brand of clothes are now stocked in
Jacques Vert, 70 North Street, Chichester?
Answer ..........................................................................................
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rules: Employees of Jacques Vert or anyone else connected with the competition are not able to enter. The judges’ decision is final.
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Business Affairs / Promotions
News in Brief
The government is watching
you – official
The snoopers’ charter that will
see every phone call made,
website visited and email sent
monitored by the government
officially became law on the
13th November 2003. While
the almost universal rejection
of the data retention orders
from the opposition was widely
expected to derail the
governments plans, last minute
political manoeuvring saw it
through the House of Lords.
Despite claims from the legal
authorities that the Order
contravenes the European
Convention on human rights,
the Order will now oblige all
communication service
providers to keep records of
who their customers phoned,
where from, who and when
they emailed and what website
they visited for 12 months.
‘PayPal’ Mimail worm variant
on the loose
Users are being warned about
a new variant of the Mimail
worm on the loose that takes
victims to a fake PayPal web
page in an attempt to steal
credit card details. The variant,
W32/Mimail-I, hits inboxes with
the subject line “Your PayPal.
com account expires” and tells
the user they need to update
their credit card details because
of a new security policy being
implemented. The email asks
for the details to be confirmed
using a program, www.paypal.
com.scr, which is attached. Not
only are unsuspecting users
fleeced of their credit card
details but also Mimail sends
itself to everybody whose email
address appears on the victim’s
hard disk in order to spread
itself. Always check before
opening any attachments from
people you do not know.
New Head Office of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
The Rolls-Royce Phantom in
the courtyard of the newly
completed home of RollsRoyce Motor Cars Limited,
at Goodwood, Chichester.
Photo: Ian Burt of ChichesterWeb
➔ More pictures and story at
Don’t Break The law
Using a hand-held phone while driving becomes illegal under a new law, effective 1st
December 2003. This law defines hand-held in this context if it ‘is or must be held at some
point during the course of making or receiving a call’.
So if a phone can be operated without holding it, hands-free equipment is not prohibited by
the legislation. Pushing buttons on a phone held in a cradle or holder is also not prohibited,
providing you don't actually hold the phone.
The penalty for using a hand-held phone while driving? A fixed fine of £30. Rising to a
maximum of £1,000 if the case goes to court. Employers who ‘require or permit’ their staff to
use a hand-held mobile while driving for work can also be charged under the new law.
In at the Sharp End
The Realities of Running a Small Business
Bosham based author Graham Sergeant has written a book all about the realities of running a
small business based on 50 case studies and is coming along to talk at the Chamber meeting on
Monday 12th January 2004 about his work.
“Running a small business is not rocket science – it’s basically all about common sense… but if
you don’t know the ropes and if you don’t have the right type of personal characteristics, then
small business is a minefield. Tell me how many people, beyond the truly suicidal, would try to
defuse a bomb without first getting some training, then watching and working with people
who really know what they’re doing. If you are the right type, small business today offers some
truly wonderful career and money-making opportunities and you can get a buzz from it that
you are unlikely to experience as an employee.” Come along in January and find out more.
Bright Lights
The Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Chichester City
Council would like to thank the following businesses for their
very kind donations to the Chichester Christmas lights.
Abbey National
Alliance & Leicester,
Art for All
R L Austen Ltd
Bedford & Upton
C & H Fabrics
Casa Fina
The Carpet Shop
Chichester Armoury
Chichester Dental
The Earth Collection
Gold Arts
Jackson Stops & Staff
Jumpers Ltd
Lakeland, North Street
David Messam
Montezuma Ltd
Andrew McDowall
Phase Eight
Arthur Purchase
Q Hair & Beauty
Timothy Roe Fine Jewellery
Sussex Stationers
Stone Milward
Venture Portraits
Willard Electrical Ltd
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Business Affairs / Promotions
Chichester District Council’s Economic Development Service
would like to wish you all a
very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2004
Surviving a Crisis
The horror of September 11th 2001 highlighted not only the
immense capability to cause human devastation but the
massive disruption that a disaster can cause to businesses,
irrespective of their size.
A greater reliance on technology and the organisational
supply chain has increased the potential for business
interruptions. The need to ensure business continuity has
never been greater. The environment in which organisations
operate is complex, with change and innovation driven by
increased competition and technological change. In
conjunction with this, businesses have become increasingly
reliant on ‘hidden technology’.
Business Continuity is a proactive process which identifies
the key functions of an organisation and the likely threats to
those functions. This enables plans and procedures to be
written which ensure key functions can continue whatever the
circumstances, and ensures that business’s are not exposed to
any unnecessary risks. Potential risks which could effect a
business, include adverse publicity, product contamination,
computer failure, fire and arson and by no means is this list
The floods of 2000 caused considerable disruption to
businesses within this District and with 50% of all businesses
that are affected by a disaster failing within 12 months of its
occurrence then the importance of a business continuity plan
is reinforced. It has been suggested that organisations
themselves incubate the potential for accidents or business
interruptions. While the final trigger may be an uncontrollable
event, storm, flood or bomb, the weakness that permitted such
a failure, is within the control of the organisation. Examples
include complacency – believing this will not happen to you,
lax management and poor procedures.
By Undertaking business continuity planning, every aspect
of business activity including relationships with customers and
suppliers can be protected.
➔ Further information relating to Business Continuity can be found
on the Chichester District Council website:
Be Bold... Get Involved!
The fourth annual Business Conference organised by the
Chichester District Education Business Partnership will take
place on Friday March 26th at Chichester College. ‘Prospering
Through Stormy Times’ will feature six interactive workshops
designed to help local businesses cope with an ever changing
economic environment and give practical advice on dealing
with company and personal issues when times get tough.
priced and starts from as little as £150. This is remarkably good
value and has been structured specifically to help the
Conference continue to prosper and grow.
collaboration of the area’s schools, University College Chichester,
Chichester College and representatives of the Public and Private
Sectors whose aim is to ensure students are fully equipped to meet the
More than 100 delegates attended the conference in 2003
confirming its reputation as the area’s leading management
event with links back into our local educational establishments.
The success of these Conferences has prompted the EBP team
to open up the doors to would be exhibitors wishing to market
their services to the local business community. Support services
such as solicitors, accountants, finance, consultants and office
equipment supplies could benefit from this exposure to a
captive audience and exhibition space has been competitively
demands of local employers.
➔ If you are interested
in taking part, contact
the Economic
Development Office at
Chichester District
T 01243 534676
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Business Affairs / Promotions
News in Brief
Starter for 10 – How to avoid late payments
1. Credit check potential customers
2. Agree terms in advance
3. Send out invoices as you despatch goods
4. Keep clear documentation
5. Collect your money on time
6. Communicate effectively
7. Give priority to your largest customers
8. Have the right attitude
9. Keep clear records
10. Review your credit checking procedure
How little of a £100 earned do you get to keep?
Of £100 earned, you pay National Insurance and income tax
(22% or maybe 40%). Of the remaining, over a week, you
might spend some money on eating out, going to the cinema,
filling the car with petrol and putting some aside for the
electricity. Maybe you smoke or like a drink or two in the
pub, pay out on insurance premiums, council tax and road
fund license – an average week.
The question is how much of the £100 is paid in tax and what
value (approx.) have you got in goods and services?
Answer: approx. £64 will have been paid in tax with only £36
in goods and services. (£22 if you are a higher rate taxpayer).
Five Habits of Highly Effective Postcards
They’re simple. A postcard has to get someone’s attention
while they’re going through the mail. And a disorganised mass
of information just isn’t going to do it. Simple headlines like
‘Spring fashions are in’, ‘Come meet the famous Chef George’,
or ‘50% Off Specially Marked Cookware’ work best.
They’re timely. When asked what was the most effective
direct mail he had ever created, a highly regarded copywriter
pulled out a postcard. On that postcard, in big bold type, it
said, ‘Your warranty expires on October 26th’. Do you have a
timely message for your customers? Use it.
They’re printed on both sides. What are you supposed to do
now that your warranty is expiring on October 26th? The
answer to the question is on the other side of the postcard.
Your postcard has two sides. Use them – but that doesn’t
mean fill every inch.
They’re attractive. In some ways, the design of a postcard has
to work harder than the design of any other media. There are
no envelopes to open or gimmicks to play with. Your postcard
doesn’t have to be a work of art, but it should be attractive.
They’re measurable. A postcard can also be a coupon, a gift
certificate, or a ticket to an event. Ask people to present the
coupon to take advantage of an offer or promotion.
Counting coupons helps you measure the effectiveness of
your promotions. That way you can better understand what
worked and what did not.
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Business Affairs / Promotions
Website Plans
Caption Competition
The Chamber is planning to upgrade its website shortly to
include a members’ directory, the latest issue of Chichester
Business News as well as the opportunity to link to your
website for a small annual charge.
The aim is to get a simple but effective site up and running that
communicates clearly what the Chamber is doing as well as to
promote members’ businesses. The plan is also to have links to
other websites offering business information and advice such
as the economic development service of Chichester District
Council. Watch this space for further developments.
Congratulations to Andrew Tyrie Esq, the Conservative MP for
Chichester, who has become the Shadow Minister for
Economic Affairs in the changes made under their new leader,
Michael Howard.
Other local MPs who are shadow ministers are Nicholas Soames
(Mid Sussex) – Shadow Minister for Defence and Howard Flight
(Arundel) – Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
For those who need to know more about membership contact:
Sylvia Stone T/F 01243 531765
Payne Sherlock
Chartered Accountants
Business Advisors
Our vision is to help our clients
achieve more than they thought possible
and to have fun doing it.
Send your funny caption for this pic to Chichester Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, 3 Chapel Street, Chichester P019 1BU
– a suitable prize will be awarded!!!
Independent Financial Advice
Investments, Mortgages, Pensions
Life and Critical Illness Insurances,
Income Protection and Tax Planning.
Initial meeting is free.
Call today for an appointment
Please contact:
John Pressdee FCA
10-11 North Pallant, Chichester
West Sussex PO19 1TQ
Tel: 01243 533321 Fax: 01243 532754
Donnington Park, Birdham Road, Chichester PO20 7DU
Tel: (01243) 532161
FSA do not regulate mortgages, tax planning
and some aspects of protection.
Written details are available on request.
Cawley Financial Services Limited is regulated
by the FSA.
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business Guide
Established 1794
Gold & Silversmiths,
Registered Valuers
& Dealers in Antiques
A La Carte
Set Menu from £12.95
Light Snacks from £7.95
French and International Cuisine
Pre and Post Theatre Bookings
13 South Street, Chichester
Please telephone 01243 786989 for bookings
See menu on
Proprietor: Rickie Hollingshead
4 West Street, Chichester Tel: (01243) 771631
The Chichester
Bedroom Centre
• Wood & Cast Iron Beds
• Guest Room Beds
• Pocket Sprung Beds
• Brass Bedsteads
• Adjustable Beds
• Cabin/Bunk beds
• Mattresses
• Sofa Beds
• Pine
• Linen
Main Road (A259) Bosham Roundabout, Bosham, Chichester
T/F 01243 576622
As well as offering a professional recruitment service,
JD Recruitment can provide a tailor-made consulting service
saving your time and the time of your key personnel.
Contact Jan Dixon to find out more.
Tel: 01243 839270 Fax: 01243 787566
Corporate Member of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC)
Promote your business to over 1000 companies in and around Chichester by advertising on these pages
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Chichester Business Guide
spring summer autumn winter
25 North Street, Chichester
tel: 01243 781532
9 South Street Chichester Tel 01243 790203
Always short of time?
Wonder where your day goes?
Contact PA Book-Keeping
to find out how to give yourself more time
to do the things you want to do...
Tel: 01243 670419 Fax: 01243 673992
The Wine Merchants of Chichester since 1780
Tel 01243 783144 Fax 01243 533397
at Purchase’s
Tel 01243 537352
OPEN FROM NOON UNTIL 8pm (Last orders 7.45pm)
Proprietor: Neil Rusbridger
For more details please contact Sylvia Stone T/F 01243 531765 E
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Business Affairs / Promotions
Celebrations as Local Business Wins National Design Award
October 2003: Chichester’s premium bathroom retailer, Ripples
has extra cause to celebrate this week – the company has won
this year’s prestigious Kitchen & Bathroom Designer award.
The final was held at Mezzo in London’s Soho on Friday 24th
October and was attended by the cream of the bathroom
industry. Zak Reynolds, one of Ripples team of designers won
the new bathroom designer category for his contemporary
bathroom design, which uses a stunning mixture of limestone
mosaics, clever lighting and sumptuous, dark chocolate walnut.
Zak has been working at Ripples for over a year. His design
incorporates many features, creating a luxurious yet practical
bathroom, with a contemporary feel.
Design - Planning - Listed Building Consent
Building Regulations - Residential & Commercial
Extensions & Alterations - Refurbishment - Loft Conversions
T > 01243 542 116
E >
W >
> Half Penny Cottage Copse Lane Walberton Arundel BN18 0QH
Jane Rines, Director of Ripples Chichester said: “We are all
thrilled that Zak has won this prestigious award. One of the
things that we pride ourselves on at Ripples is having the best
young designers in the business and we are delighted to have
won a national award that recognises this.”
Ripples Chichester is located on Crane Street, Chichester.
Stockist number 01243 776 661 or log onto
to order a copy of the latest brochure.
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Members’ News
Welcome to our New Members
Brook Street (UK) Limited, Chichester
Recruitment Agency
01243 538834
Fishbourne Roman Palace, Salthill Road, Fishbourne
Archaeological Site and Museum
01243 785859 Ltd, Quarry Lane, Chichester
Website Design and Admin. Support
01243 866834
Henderson Global Importers, Itchenor
Miller Hughes Associates Limited
Urban Masterplanners/Building Surveyors
South Downs Planetarium Trust, Chichester
Registered Educational Charity
We provide world-class training, certification, courseware
development and consultancy services for help desks, call
centres and complete organisations.
All of our trainers and consultants have real service delivery
experience and have trained and certified personnel from some
of the largest international companies as well as from local
businesses. Although the company was founded in 2003, our
key staff have a proven track record in the IT and customer
service education industry stretching back nearly 10 years.
Based in the centre of Chichester we have a whole range of
customer care courses which are scheduled at regular intervals
or can be adapted to run as ‘closed workshops’ using material
specific to your company.
A Sussex farmhouse converted to the highest standards is the
perfect venue for conferences, meetings or training sessions.
The meeting rooms benefit from natural daylight and
spectacular views over the Sussex countryside. This coupled
with first class service provides the perfect setting for your
company event.
Half day room hire is available for as little as £100 plus VAT,
with catering packages from less than £10 a head. A recently
installed AV system is available for no additional charge,
making Chichester Golf Club one of the most competitively
priced quality meeting venues in the area.
01243 513511
01243 774748
01243 774400
For more details contact Jo on T 01243 536666, or
For further information please contact Lorraine Friend on
T 0845 129 7299 or E
A planetarium enables you to see the stars, the Sun, Moon
and planets, just as they would appear if you were looking at
the real sky, but in comfort and without interference from
bad weather!
We offer a regular series of public shows, each lasting for
an hour, covering at least one new topic every month. We
could be taking you on a journey to Mars or, on another day,
exploring deep space or explaining some topical event, such
as an eclipse or the appearance of a comet.
In addition, the Planetarium provides a fascinatingly
different venue for conferences and business meetings for
up to 90 people, in a comfortable main auditorium with a
circular seating layout. Audio-visual aids include equipment
for presentation of your Powerpoint images, slides video
tapes and DVD disks. Access to the Internet is also available,
on broadband.
➔ For further information contact
T 01243 774400 F 01243 829868
Websites from £149
Participate in our success. Creative design and management,
plus our top search engine rankings and huge number of visitors,
ensures your website really works for you – a winning package.
See for
examples and price list or contact Ian Burt on
01243 785024 or
For those who need to know more about membership,
please contact: Sylvia Stone T/F 01243 531765
The winners of the Business Card draw at the Goodwood
Marriott Hotel meeting were, Penny Forshaw who won a
beauty treatment and John Goose who won a dinner for two
with wine in the Richmond Restaurant.
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Members’ News
News from Chez Minervois Photo Holidays!
We arrived here in the
Minervois, a beautiful sun
drenched wine region, which
lies in a valley between
Carcassonne and Bezier, at the
end of July during the hottest
weather since 1947.
Everyday the temperature was
in excess of 40˚ & every night
was well over 30˚; we thought
it would never cool down.
Now, in mid November the
days are cooler with very chilly
nights but the house is great,
Left to right – Frances, Claire,
Lawrence and Duncan
the sun is still shining and the
wine is good.
Phase one is well and truly in progress. The builders are in and
things are starting to happen; walls are being pulled down, floors
taken up & garden being pulled apart. The top floor is in total
chaos but should be ready for decoration by Christmas along with
the new kitchen on the ground floor. Phase two is already planned
for after Christmas and will involve the rest of the house with work
carrying on through until Easter when we will be expecting our
first guests. By then the weather
should have warmed up again and
we will be in the garden on the new
terrace by the side of the pool. Of
course this is France and things
don’t always happen as planned.
Watch this space!
Meanwhile we are making plans
for the courses we will be running
for next year and noting the best
places to visit for our guests. The light here is stunning and every
corner holds something beautiful to capture on camera. The Canal
du Midi is just minutes away but there are also mountains in every
direction, typical french villages, coastlines to take your breath
away, wildlife, fishing communities, historical buildings with true
Mediterranean architecture, french markets, not to mention the
vineyards. Every way you turn there are vines and then more vines.
Currently they are turning crimson red and being pruned ready
for the next year’s harvest, the boats are being pulled from the
Canal, which is being dredged, and cleaned ready for the spring
and we too prepare our home ready for a new year of action.
Visit our website:
or phone Duncan Barron & Claire Archer 00 33 (0) 4 68 91 83 08
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Members’ News
New Generation Takes The Helm at Family Firm
A new generation takes over the helm at Chichester based print
and design company RPM with the appointment of Chamber
president Jonathan Harry as Managing Director.
Jonathan takes over the running of the thirty year old company
from his father Geoff, who founded the company in 1973
originally as a print and copying business, and his mother Carolyn
who has latterly been MD and finance director for 12 years.
Jonathan joined the family business in 1996 after gaining an
engineering degree from Cambridge University and following a
brief spell of working in the Aerospace business. His first
appointment with RPM was as Productivity Manager but he was
soon promoted to Sales and Marketing Director before being
appointed as Managing Director at the beginning of November.
From an initial staff of two the company now employs over 40
and has a turnover of £2.3 million.
RPM Team Up With MarketScan
RPM Print & Design has teamed up with MarketScan, the
database and mailing list company, to provide businesses with a
one stop shop when it comes to conducting mailing campaigns.
RPM’s comprehensive range of services means it can now provide
companies with a total package from design to the
implementation of campaigns. Utilising RPM’s capabilities and
investment in technology mailing campaigns can be targeted
through personalisation and can either be large scale using
traditional litho printing techniques, or small scale and more
focused using RPM’s digital short print run capabilities.
The alliance with MarketScan, based in Chichester, also means
that business mailing lists can be sourced and provided direct to
RPM saving the customer both time and money. The selections
based on a mega database of over 2 million records can be
selected by type of business, geographic location, number of
employees, financial data and job function.
Jonathan Harry, Managing Director of RPM, says “by teaming
up with MarketScan we are able to take some of the stress out of
mailing campaigns for customers. We can now source databases
and lists, design campaign material, print and mail it saving
customers considerable time.”
For further info please contact Jonathan Harry T 01243 787077 E W
We are a company that will
Listen to Your Graphic or
Interior Design requirements. Consider the best design
response for your needs.
Appropriate outstanding creative solutions.
David Thurlow
Associates Limited
Business and Management
Corporate Identity
Brochures & Reports
Specialists in helping businesses of all sizes to …
• Increase productivity •
• Reduce costs •
• Improve procedures and controls •
• Improve quality •
• Incentivise pay •
• Develop leadership capabilities at all levels •
• Establish strategic plans •
• Manage change •
• Manage capital projects •
Commercial Interiors
Web Design
For further details contact David Thurlow
01243 778104
Cost Effective
Lever House, Lavant Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 5RG
12 Northgate Chichester PO19 1BA.
T: (01243) 537444
F: (01243) 537440
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Members’ News
Spirit FM 96.6 & 102.3 – the commercial radio station for
Chichester, Bognor Regis, Arundel, Littlehampton and West
Worthing – has announced a number of new appointments to
its sales and programming teams.
Caroline Kingsmill joins Spirit
FM as news editor following a
rich and varied freelance
career in the BBC and
commercial sectors as a
journalist. She studied and
completed a BA Honours
degree in Journalism at the
Surrey Institute of Art and
Design and has worked for
Spire FM, Star 106.6, Yorkshire
Coast Radio and BBC Southern
Counties Radio. Caroline was
also a regular freelancer for
Spirit FM before being made
news editor.
Sally Austin has been
appointed to the post of
Senior Sales Executive. This is a
newly created post to coincide
with the proposed increase to
Spirit FM’s broadcast area,
with the forthcoming launch
of a new transmitter for the
Midhurst area. Sally, who
originally joined the radio
station from the sales
department of the Chichester
Observer, has worked at Spirit
FM for the past two years as a
sales executive.
We are looking forward to the continued growth of the First
Friday network in the new year. To celebrate the success so far,
in association with the Ship Hotel, we are giving a discount
voucher against a meal for two at Brookes Brasserie to
everyone who attends the meeting on Friday 7th December.
(There will not be a meeting in January.)
People who attend First Friday have found it very useful being
able to meet other people from a wide range of businesses who
are all there for the same reason – so are happy to be handed a
business card and listen to a sales pitch! Being able to talk direct
to members of local government organisations without having
to book meetings also has odvious benefits.
Once you have visited First Friday your contact details are
posted on the website which is growing into a valuable reference
for local businesses.
To find out more call Steve Wilson T 01243 787100 or
The aim of this networking group is that local people from the
Chichester and surrounding areas can meet up on a monthly basis to
exchange business cards, ideas, views and have a guest speaker on
issues related to business.
Steve Oates, Managing Director of Spirit FM, said: “These new
appointments further strengthen the sales and programming
talent already here at Spirit FM. We are preparing to switch on
a relay transmitter to serve the area north of Chichester – an
area that has long been starved of a locally-focussed radio
service. The new appointments of Caroline and Sally will ensure
that we maximise this opportunity to the benefit of everyone.”
There is a website at which is now
‘live’ that contains details of all the members, recruitment,
bartering, events and details of other network groups and business
support issues. The F.R.I.E.N.D.S in Business network is supported by
the Economic Development Service of CDC which provides support to
local businesses and are often in attendance at our meetings.
Many business people want to make contact with others to do
business but it can be hard simply just cold calling someone, so
meeting these people informally can make all the difference.
Next Meeting in January 2004 TBC (see website for details)
Further information about Spirit FM can be found at
W Press enquiries: Steve Oates T 01243 773600
To join F.R.I.E.N.D.S in Business there is no joining fee or monthly
membership fee, you simply contact Sarah on T 01243 774613 or
E – to book your place you can also visit the
website and join the network online W
If you are a member of a networking group that would like to promote itself in the Chamber newsletter or have an event coming up soon
that you would like to publicise please contact Sylvia Stone T/F 01243 531765 E
December 2003/January 2004
Chichester Business News
Chichester Business News
December 2003/January 2004
Every company needs somebody who is trained to deal with the accounts–
we can provide that training!
We employ highly qualified tutors to teach our Sage book-keeping courses which lead to an
approved qualification. If you want your staff to go a step further, we can provide training for
AAT qualifications, up to Technician stage, which may be Government-funded.
We also offer training for Modern Apprentices in the following areas:
Administration, Care, Early Years, Catering, Craft Trades, Customer Services, Engineering,
Hairdressing, Horticulture, Information Technology, Retail and Warehousing.
If you already employ young people aged 16-25, or are considering doing so,
please contact SUSSEX TRAINING for further information, on:
01243 532500
Sussex training is an Equal Opportunities provider