Bulletin 100911
Bulletin 100911
Mass Schedule SAINT MARGARET PA R I SH 141 N. Hickory Ave. • Bel Air, MD 21014 Parish Offices 410-838-6969, 410-879-2670 Fax: 410-879-2518 www.stmargaret.org Pastor Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner Pastor Emeritus Rev. Francis Callahan Associate Pastors Rev. John P. Cunningham Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Assistant Pastor Karen Saccenti Deacons John Chott, James DeCapite Patrick J. Goles, Victor Petrosino Martin Wolf Seminarian Deacon Steven Roth Business Manager Mary Ellen Bates Director of Development Michele Kogler Music Minister Michael Britt Outreach Jane O’Hara Adult Faith Formation Marie Dekowski Preschool and Elementary Faith Formation Marge Troilo and Keri Geibler Daily: Saint Margaret Chapel Weekend: Saint Margaret Church Saint Mary Magdalen Mission Reconciliation: Saint Margaret Church Saturday: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm and immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass Mass Intentions October 8 - October 16, 2011 Saturday 4:00 pm Ennio Scopel 5:30 pm Betty and Joseph Nagy Parishioners of Saint Margaret Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am Lt. Owen Sweeney 9:30 am Frank Meadowcroft 10:30 am Edward Munding 11:00 am Russ LaGreca 12:00 pm Sandy and Joseph Keenan Monday 6:30 am Mercedes Bonorand (Sp. Int.) 8:30 am Jame Robert Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Frank Braun Tuesday 6:30 am 8:30 am Mary Kelly Reinmann Eucharistic Service Wednesday 6:30 am Tom Brennan 8:30 am 8:30 am Santo Barco Thursday 6:30 am Joseph Patti 8:30 am Theodore Strozyk Friday 6:30 am Eucharistic Service 8:30 am Bonnie Basener Saturday 8:30 am Frank Meadowcroft 4:00 pm Meta Von Bank 5:30 pm John, Margaret and Robert Wilzack Donald R. Esposito Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am Eleanor Kunkel 9:30 am John Della Ratta 10:30 am Kenly Van Horn 11:00 am Parishioners of Saint Margaret 12:00 pm Joseph Kist, Jr. and Joseph Kist, Sr. The Parish Office hours: Monday through Thursday - 9:00 am to 7:30 pm. Friday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Middle and High School Faith Formation CeeCee Meholic For children up to 3 years of age, nursery service is available in the Preschool building (next to the church) during the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses and at Saint Mary Magdalen during the 9:30 and 11:00 am Masses. Trained staff will care for your children while you attend Mass. This is a free service. Youth and Young Adult Minister Kristin Rupprecht Saint Margaret School Madeleine Hobik, Principal 410-879-1113 The Pastoral Council Dan Berardi Connie Brozic Ann Brecht-Castle Bill Coward Ken Dawson Keith Knaide Tricia Landis Arlene Novak Michael Ostrowski Sandy Peters Ed Rhodes Greg Yantz 8 410-420-9114 410-734-7789 410-893-6162 410-893-1958 410-836-8278 410-638-1272 410-838-3376 410-734-6088 443-987-7902 410-879-1833 410-838-8612 410-638-1828 Readings for October 16, 2011 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Social responsibility Reading I Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Rewards to Cyrus, king of Persia Reading II 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 A model for believers Gospel Matthew 22:15-21 Paying tax to the emperor Key Passage At that [Jesus] said to them “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21) Adult: How much responsibility do you feel the government should take for meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our society? How willing are you to contribute? Child: Who needs help in your neighborhood or community? What could you and your family do to help? Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org SAINT MARGARET Monday - Friday: 6:30 am and 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am Chapel is open for private prayer daily 6:30 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am and 11:00 am PARIS H Seeking a world transformed and unified in Christ Saint Margaret Church n Bulletin for the week of October 9, 2011 Welcome To Our Parish Community If you are a visitor to Saint Margaret, we welcome you. Whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish here in the Archdiocese, we are blessed that you joined us today. Play It Forward Our next gathering will take place on Monday, October 10 at 10:00 am in the Adult Education Center. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and join in some fun activities with members from ARC. Cooperative Food Ministry Widow and Widower Group Meet this Tuesday, October 11 at 12:30 pm at the Silver Spring Mining Company in Bel Air. If you are able to attend, please call Fran at 410-557-9732. As always, new members are welcome. Welcome Areeya Katherine Cataldi Lauren Marie Farally and Ryan Daniel Ghio who were baptized last weekend into the Saint Margaret parish community. May they continue to receive God’s blessings and grace. Saint Mary Magdalen Mission The Roman Missal Late Breaking News Saint Margaret will be serving dinner to the homeless and needy on Monday, October 10 at Calvary Baptist Church. If you would like to make a dessert or have extra vegetables from your garden, please drop them off at the parish office by 3:00 pm on October 10. Thank you for your generosity. n Over the past few weeks several members from the committee working on the new translation of the liturgy have been met with great excitement and enthusiasm as they presented the new texts to different groups within our parish. Many are finding this a fruitful opportunity to more fully understand the liturgy, feel deeply unified with the universal Church and think more about the prayers we say at Mass instead of just reciting them from memory. However, a few great and insightful questions have been raised in this process. We share them here, to help all of us during this time exciting time of transition. 1. Why is the Church making these changes now? Considering all of the other issues the Church is facing shouldn’t it focus on other items? While it is true that since the Church exists in the midst of the world, it faces many daily challenges. However, the most important action of the Church is the liturgy. The Second Vatican Council reminds us so clearly that the liturgy is the SOURCE and SUMMIT of all we do. Consequently, while the Church must remain vigilant in caring for the needs of all people, the liturgy is unparalleled in its importance. Without the liturgy, our work as a Church would be no different than any other humanitarian effort. But because everything we say and do begins, flows from and draws us back to the liturgy; our Church is the presence of Christ to the world. While this reality does not mean that the Church is perfect as we continue to struggle with our human frailties, it does demand that we must stay rooted in Christ for strength and guidance, most clearly present in the liturgy. 2. Does having a revised translation mean the current Mass is wrong? Absolutely not. The current translation is not wrong or bad. However, the late Blessed John Paul II invited many theologians and Scriptural scholars to review our English translation to bring us into a more unified connection with every other translation throughout the world. The gift in our revised text is that it is more clearly connected to many Scripture stories we are familiar with. It also uses phrases that are different from our ordinary speech which can remind us of the great power of God and the profound impact that He alone as God can have in our lives, if we allow Him. If you have questions or would like to discuss the new translation, please contact Deacon Steven at sroth@stmargaret.org. Dear Parishioners, It has been quite a long time since I have written a personal article in the bulletin so I thought this might be a good moment to share an update. Three weeks ago, I began my final year of academic and spiritual formation for the priesthood! It has been a very interesting point for me. While I am very excited and hoping to be ordained a priest in June, I still realize there is so much more to learn and know to be a good priest. As a result, despite being tired at times with studying, I’m trying my best to stay focused in completing these last months of study. However, without a doubt, I also continue to learn not just at the seminary but here in our parish as well. Working full time in the liturgical areas of the parish have given me such wonderful opportunities. I have met countless faith-filled individuals who generously share their faith, talent and time to support the liturgies of our community. It has inspired me to see such a welcoming and committed spirit. Be certain that you continue to inspire me! Deacon Steven Roth Adult Faith Opportunities For more information, contact Marie Dekowski, 410-879-2670, ext. 126 mdekowski@stmargaret.org The Mass In Scripture This book by Stephen J. Binz will be the focus of this Wednesday evening six-week study beginning October 19 at 7:00 pm in the Adult Education Center. The book reveals how our Catholic liturgy is profoundly rooted in the word of God. Using the new translation of the Mass, it demonstrates that attention to the biblical tradition is one of the hallmarks of the revised Roman Missal. This study is ideal for Catholics who desire a deeper understanding of the biblical roots of the Mass. Contact Marie Dekowski, 410879-2670, ext. 126 to register. One-Day Retreat Finding God in the Silence. Saturday, October 29 from 9:00 am to 3:45 pm in the Adult Education Center. Learn about contemplative practices and centering prayer, with the intention of learning to quiet ourselves long enough to rest in the presence of God. Registration is limited. To register or for additional information please contact Marie Dekowski, 410-879-2670, ext. 126. Upcoming Events! Parish Mission, November 7, 8 and 9 Love Thinks, Saturday, November 12 2 From Father Mike Dear Friends, From mid-August through much of September, my columns were devoted to some major needs here at Saint Margaret Parish. I focused on the needs of our church building and of our hall/ gym that is part of the elementary school building. The plans for these buildings will cost about $3 million. In this column, I will start to share the needs of our Archdiocese. We are one of 150 parishes that make up the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Beginning about two years ago, Archbishop O’Brien oversaw a careful and thorough study of the needs of the Archdiocese. The rather well-known Blue Ribbon Committee on Catholic Schools was a prominent feature of this Archdiocesan self-study, though by no means the only part of it. The Archdiocese has completed its study, defined the needs, and created a vision for moving into the future. These needs and this vision are things that no parish can do alone. They are services that we can only do together, as the living Body of Christ working cooperatively. They are services that we as the Catholic community can only do together as a half million Catholics spread from Harford County in the east to Garrett County in the western area of Maryland. Allow me to review the needs and vision of the Archdiocese. Archdiocesan Schools – $50 million. By far the largest segment is for Catholic schools. These schools in the Archdiocese educate 29,000 students. They have done and continue to do an excellent job in providing a good overall education and a fine formation in our Catholic faith and religious tradition. The vision is: Music Notes Our Music Director, Michael Britt will be accompanying the 1923 silent film, “Three Ages” starring Buster Keaton at the Weinberg Center for the Arts, 20 West Patrick Street in Frederick, Maryland on Saturday, October 15 at 3:00 pm. The Weinberg Center, formerly the Tivoli Theatre, was built in 1926. It houses its original Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ with a console that rises up from Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org • • • to provide tuition assistance to poor and middle-class Catholic families to continue providing a values-based, community-oriented Catholic education to students from low-income families in impoverished areas of the Archdiocese, including Baltimore City and Western Maryland to develop advanced academic programs in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese that keep our schools academically excellent and desirable To accomplish the above, the Archdiocese is seeking to raise $50 million. • Most of this money will be designated for an endowment for tuition assistance. • Some will be used for six community schools already selected (e.g. Archbishop Borders Elementary School in Highlandtown, Holy Angels Catholic School in Southwest Baltimore, Bishop Walsh School in Cumberland). These schools are located in and serve communities in serious financial need, and they have good potential for the future. The physical plant or infrastructure of these schools needs immediate attention and this will be the focus of some of money devoted to Catholic schools. • Finally, some of the $50 million will be used for enhancing educational opportunities in various Catholic schools. There are plans for STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) in certain schools, a dual language school – English and Spanish – at one school, and an expansion of the PRIDE Program (Pupils Receiving Inclusive Diversified Education) in four schools. Jesus, fill me with passion for your people, especially those who are hungry. Help me to serve them generously. Open my eyes to those who are hurting and in need of food. ad page Next week I will continue with other segments of the Archdiocesan vision and plan. Father Mike the orchestra pit for every performance! Tickets are $7 for general admission and $5 for seniors, students and children. On Sunday, October 30 at 3:00 pm, Michael will also accompany “Phantom of the Opera” starring Lon Chaney at Saint Margaret church on our Moller Pipe Organ. Free will donation accepted. SAINT MARGARET PARISH 7 Parish Notes . . . SAINT MARGARET Outreach Notes Marriage Moments To rediscover your love P A RtakeI aStripHdown memory lane. Ponder the first time you saw the person who is now your life partner. Share with each other your first impressions and what initially attracted you to each other. Reminisce together. Giggle if you must. © Susan Vogt Marriage, Divorce and Annulments from a Catholic Perspective Wednesday, October 19 at 7:00 pm at St. Ignatius, Hickory in the Madonna Room. This presentation by the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be helpful for divorced Catholics, those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, those parish leaders involved in the RCIA process and any others who may have a vested interest because of family or friends. No prior registration is required. For information, please call 410-547-5533. Men’s Winter Clothing Drive Sunday, October 9, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Adult Education Center. The Catholic Men’s Fellowship and Little Rock Scripture Study are working with members of our partner parish, St. Anthony of Padua, to collect coats,, sweaters, scarves, gloves, boots, shoes, etc. to help Baltimore’s homeless men. Please be sure donations are new or laundered and in wearable condition. Thank you. Community Notes Family Bingo Friday, October 14 at St. Ignatius Parish Center, 533 E. Jarrettsville Road in Forest Hill. Doors open at 6:00 pm, bingo begins at 7:00 pm. Cost is $10 and includes 20 games and specials. Call Cetta, 410-879-0959 or 410-838-0780. Save Energy, Save Money This free BGE seminar is being hosted by the Bel Air K of C and Catholic Ladies Service Org. at the Bel Air K of C Hall, 23 Newport Drive in Forest Hill on Tuesday, October 18 at 7:00 pm. Please contact Dick at 410-838-6329 for reservations. 6 For more information, contact Jane O’Hara at 410-838-6969/410-879-2670, ext. 143, or e-mail johara@stmargaret.org. Hooked On Prayer Our next prayer shawl meeting will take place Tuesday, October 11 at 9:30 am in the Adult Education Center Library. All knitters and crocheters (including novices) are welcome. Rosary For Human Life Tuesday, October 11, the Mother Teresa Human Life Commission will lead this rosary in the chapel at 12:15 and 5:30 pm. Each mystery will have a special intention for the poor, the inform, the unborn, the imprisoned and the addicted. Please come spend 20 minutes in prayer for a loved one who might be afflicted with any of these conditions or our brothers and sisters in Christ who need someone to pray on their behalf. All Souls Memorial Mass November 2 at 7:00 pm in Saint Margaret church, our parish will offer this Mass for loved ones who have passed away. All are invited to attend. If you would like to have your family member’s name mentioned at this Mass, please call the parish office. Please note that we no longer offer a Children’s Memorial Mass in December. This will be our only Mass of Remembrance. Health Ministry Know someone who needs a little nudge or encouragement to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Check this out: these free http://www. healthfinder.gov/ecards/cards.aspx. For health questions, call 410-838-6969, ext. 141 e-mail saintmhealthministry@stmargaret.org or drop by the Adult Education Center library on Fridays from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org Saint Margaret Ministry of Consolation Monday, October 10 at 7:00 pm and Wednesday, October 19 at 4:00 pm in the Adult Education Center Library. Note change of time. If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, please consider coming for support. Contact Donna Jones at mike-donna@comcast.net. Find a trusted friend with whom to duscuss the difference between “healing” and “curing.” New Volunteer Opportunity Dream Center, 438 S. Main Street in Bel Air - a new day shelter run by Central Christian Church - provides a place for the homeless Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to provide lunch for about 20 people. Food can be prepared at home and brought to the Center at 11:45 am. Volunteers are invited to spend time with the clients. For more information or to volunteer, call Pat Stasiak at 410-420-2852. Furniture Needed! The “Havens of Hope” transitional housing units are in need of twin beds, a full-size bed, chests of drawers, table lamps, floor lamps, and matching small end tables. Please e-mail Robert at robert@fccau@comcastbiz.net. Bereavement Seminar Beginning this week, October 12 through December 7, from 3:00 - 5:00 pm, , St. Ignatius will host an eight-week seminar based on Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s book, Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart. Cost is $15 to cover materials. Call Beth at 410-420-0133 or Debbie at 410-879-1926 to register. Substance Abuse Ministry The third step of AA is “Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” If you or someone you know is struggling with substance issues, please consider coming to one of the following meetings on our campus: Mondays, 7:00 pm - Families Anonymous Fridays, 7:00 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous Saturday, 7:30 pm - Women for Sobriety Sundays, 6:00 pm - Narcotics Anonymous Sundays, 8:00 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous 3 Liturgy Corner The Gloria Last week we talked about the penitential rite at Mass, a period focused on the sorrow of sin. How awesome it is that the Church follows this period with a moment of celebration and joy in singing the Gloria. In this hymn, now translated to more closely echo the angels’ song at the birth of Christ, we rejoice! This transition from sorrow to joy greatly reflects and mirrors the way God desires our reconciliation with Him. Whenever we find ourselves choosing to sin and regret it, God wishes that we say we are sorry. But the Lord does not want us to stay in this sorrow. Instead, after we have been forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we try our best to make amends if we have hurt another person, God desires that we experience peace and happiness. God created us in His image and likeness and calls us to repentance that leads to peace in having a deeper relationship with Him. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will! Keeping The Faith This is an informal study group that examines core Catholic beliefs and where they come from. We give you Biblical backup, historical proofs and common-sense reasoning to help you understand and appreciate your faith - AND be able to explain it to others. If you love your faith (but missed out on some CCD lessons) this group is for you. Keeping The Faith meets the first and third Thursdays of every month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Join us! Miraculous Medal Novena Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in Saint Margaret chapel until October 26. A Living Rosary The Notre Dame Council of the Knights of Columbus will bring the “Traveling Rosary” to the chapel on Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30 pm. This 125 feet long rosary becomes a “living” rosary as you pray one of its beads. Join us in the for the Miraculous Medal Novena where we shall use this special rosary. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to introduce their children to the rosary. 4 Music Notes Michael Britt, Music Minister 410-879-2670, ext. 136 mbritt@stmargaret.org Order of Worship Last weekend, we began teaching the sung acclamations from the Revised Order of Mass. They include the Gloria, Sanctus and the Memorial Acclamation and are taken from the “Jubilation Mass” by James J. Chepponis. We encourage you to take an Order of Worship when you come into Mass. The music and text for these acclamations are in this worship aid and we hope that this will assist you as you learn the revised Mass setting. Special Music for the 10:30 am Mass “The Lord Is My Shepherd” - Howard Goodall Saint Margaret Adult Choir Howard Goodall is an English composer known for his film and television scores. The anthem, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” was composed for the well-known British television show “The Vicar of Dibley.” On Sunday, October 16, the Cherub Choir and the Children’s Choir will provide the special music for the 9:00 am Mass. Mondays - Saint Margaret Church 6:00 – 6:30 pm Laudate Ringers 6:30 – 7:30 pm Jubilate Ringers 7:30 – 8:30 pm Westminster Ringers Thursdays - Saint Margaret Church 4:30 – 5:00 pm Cherub Choir (K-Gr. 2) 5:00 – 6:00 pm Children’s Choir (Gr. 3 – 8) 7:15 – 8:45 pm Adult Choir Thursdays at the Callahan Center 7:00 – 8:00 pm Instrumentalists 7:30 – 8:30 pm Vocalists Altar Guild Needs Your Help Have you ever wondered how the linens used during Masses are prepared? Saint Margaret Altar Guild is a group of fine volunteers who willingly donate just a few hours each month laundering and ironing these linens. Team captains collect the soiled linens for the volunteers to take home and clean. It is a wonderful opportunity to give a small amount of your time and service in your home for all who attend the Masses. Please consider joining the Altar Guild in providing a very vital contribution to our parish! Call or e-mail Anne Heidenreich, 410-8368950 or anneheid@comcast.net. Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org Saint Margaret Youth Ministry Kristin Rupprecht Youth and Young Adult Minister 410-879-2670, ext 166 krupprecht@stmargaret.org Confirmation Retreats We Need Your Prayers For the next three weekends, our 138 Confirmation candidates will be going on their overnight retreats at the Msgr. O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD. They will return to their Mass of Candidacy at the 4:00 pm Mass each Saturday. Please hold them in prayer as they complete this important part of their journey towards Confirmation. Maize Quest Trip! On Saturday, October 15, we will be taking a bus to Maize Quest in New Park, PA. This is open to all middle and high school students. We will leave Saint Margaret parking lot at 6:30 pm and return around 10:15 pm. Cost is $20 to cover admission and bus transportation. Bring a permission form (found in the parish office and in the back of the church and Callahan Center) and $20 to the parish office to register. Sign up early to reserve your spot! Questions? Call Kristin, 410-879-2670. National Program Rachel’s Challenge Comes to Saint Margaret! On Tuesday, October 25 at 7:00 pm in the church, all middle and high school students and parents are invited to come hear an incredible story of courage and hope. Rachel Scott was the first person killed in the Columbine High School tragedy on April 20, 1999. She left behind an amazing legacy and a simple challenge to anyone who will accept it - treat others with kindness and compassion, and you just may change the world you live in. Please note that the material presented will not be appropriate for children younger than middle school age. Jammin’ Java Coffeehouse Friday, October 21 from 7:30 10:30 pm at the Adult Education Center. For information, contact Ken Spoerl at 410-836-7401. Education Notes . . . Faith Formation SAINT MARGARET Saint Margaret School 410-879-2670/410-838-6969 P A and R IElementary SH Preschool Marge Troilo, mtroilo@stmargaret.org Keri Geibler, kgeibler@stmargaret.org Middle and High School CeeCee Meholic, cmeholic@stmargaret.org Elementary Faith Formation Classes Madeleine Hobik – Principal Elementary Campus 410-879-1113 Middle School Campus 410-877-9660 Principal: mhobik@smsch.org Assistant Principals: ashanahan@smsch.org; and pfederowicz@smsch.org Admissions: cpleiss@smsch.org Middle/High School Faith Formation Oct. 10: School closed; Teacher Archdioc- esan Professional Day Oct. 11: School closed; EDC closed; Faculty retreat, School Board Mtg 4:30 pm Oct. 12: Mass; Field Trip, Gr. 6 Lancaster, Sight and Sound 10:30 am - 4:45 pm Oct. 13: Hot Lunch Looking Ahead: Diocesan Accreditation week of October 16. Families Invited: Deacon Steven Speaks About the Changes in the Mass! News From The Admissions Office 3 and 4 year olds, Kindergarten and Grade 1 Sunday, Oct. 9 9:00 and 10:30 am Wednesday, Oct. 12: 4:45 and 6:45 pm Tuesday, Oct. 11 and Wednesday, Oct 12 7:00 - 8:15 pm Education Center at Saint Mary Magdalen Home Study Students: Keep working! Deacon Steven Roth will present a brief 30-minute overview of the changes to the Mass based on the revised Roman Missal. The changes officially go into effect the first Sunday of Advent, November 27. This is a wonderful learning opportunity for our Faith Formation students and families. We encourage you to join your students in the Callahan Center from 7:45 - 8:15 pm on either Tuesday, October 11 or Wednesday, October 12. Students will attend with their class. Home Study families can choose either night to attend. Don’t just wonder about the changes; let Deacon Steven explain them to you! SMS Open House is November 10 Spread the word! Open House will be held on both campuses from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. This Open House is geared to prospective families. Tours will be available and volunteers ready to answer questions. To volunteer your help with Open House on either campus, contact Admissions Director Cecilia Pleiss 410-879-1113 or cpleiss@smsch.org. Limited openings are still available for the 2011-2012 school year. Home and School Association News Upcoming Events • Golf Outing – October 17 at Bulle Rock • Halloween Tailgate - October 22 at the middle school campus Bulletin Bonus - What Did We Learn This Week? Class #3 Faith Formation Families: Complete appropriate questions below, cut out, and bring to class for a chance to win dinner for the family once a semester. (Try to guess the answers on the way home from Mass! Look in your textbook for the answers when you get home!) Name(s):_____________________________________________________ 6th Grade: _______________ is the Father’s most complete and perfect revelation of God’s love for his people. 7th Grade: _______________ was a close friend of Jesus. She was at the cross when he died and she was the first person Jesus appeared to after he rose from the dead. 8th Grade: The saints in heaven are _______________ who pray with us and for us to God. 9th Grade: The mystery of the union of Jesus’ divine and human natures in one person is called the _______________. Like the Trinity, this is a mystery that we will never be able to fully understand. Only correct answers will qualify for the drawing. If you have students in more than one grade, complete appropriate sections. Home Study students may turn in entries at large group sessions. SAINT MARGARET PARISH Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org Archdiocesan Accreditation This coming school year, the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be seeking accreditation for the entire Archdiocese rather than having individual schools go through the process by themselves. This was discussed two years ago and the Blue Ribbon Committee made it a recommendation in their Strategic Plan. Each school was to develop a Self-Improvement Plan based upon the Viability Study that was done in the fall of ‘09. Our three goals were developed with input from the faculty and school board in collaboration with the parish. On October 18, 2011, 12 schools (six elementary and six high schools) in the Archdiocese will be selected to be visited by a committee to observe the Factors of Viability in action and to witness our schools fulfilling their missions. Saint Margaret School’s Viability Report was very favorable and showed that we are viable in all ten factors. We based our goals in areas that we wish to continue our progress and in areas that we feel additional growth is needed. Parenting Pointers Respect Life Month. Teach your children that human life begins at conception and what it takes to nurture that life through pregnancy and at least 18 more years. It’s important to respect each other even when others do things I don’t like or that hurt me. © Susan Vogt Bingo Sponsored by Scout Troop 564 Vera Bradley/Longaberger/Pandora Saturday, October 22, in Saint Margaret Elementary School, 141 N. Hickory Avenue in Bel Air. Doors open at 6:00 pm - games begin at 7:00 pm. Tickets: $15 includes 20 games, specials, raffles. Food and drinks will be available. For tickets, e-mail Troop564MD@gmail.com or call Mark or Terri Tabler at 410-937-7117. Thank you for your support! Due Date For Bulletin Information Items are due by 10:00 am on Monday. Please note above changes. Include name and phone number the item and fax to 410-879-2518 or e-mail ksaccenti@stmargaret.org. 5 Liturgy Corner The Gloria Last week we talked about the penitential rite at Mass, a period focused on the sorrow of sin. How awesome it is that the Church follows this period with a moment of celebration and joy in singing the Gloria. In this hymn, now translated to more closely echo the angels’ song at the birth of Christ, we rejoice! This transition from sorrow to joy greatly reflects and mirrors the way God desires our reconciliation with Him. Whenever we find ourselves choosing to sin and regret it, God wishes that we say we are sorry. But the Lord does not want us to stay in this sorrow. Instead, after we have been forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we try our best to make amends if we have hurt another person, God desires that we experience peace and happiness. God created us in His image and likeness and calls us to repentance that leads to peace in having a deeper relationship with Him. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will! Keeping The Faith This is an informal study group that examines core Catholic beliefs and where they come from. We give you Biblical backup, historical proofs and common-sense reasoning to help you understand and appreciate your faith - AND be able to explain it to others. If you love your faith (but missed out on some CCD lessons) this group is for you. Keeping The Faith meets the first and third Thursdays of every month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Join us! Miraculous Medal Novena Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in Saint Margaret chapel until October 26. A Living Rosary The Notre Dame Council of the Knights of Columbus will bring the “Traveling Rosary” to the chapel on Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30 pm. This 125 feet long rosary becomes a “living” rosary as you pray one of its beads. Join us in the for the Miraculous Medal Novena where we shall use this special rosary. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to introduce their children to the rosary. 4 Music Notes Michael Britt, Music Minister 410-879-2670, ext. 136 mbritt@stmargaret.org Order of Worship Last weekend, we began teaching the sung acclamations from the Revised Order of Mass. They include the Gloria, Sanctus and the Memorial Acclamation and are taken from the “Jubilation Mass” by James J. Chepponis. We encourage you to take an Order of Worship when you come into Mass. The music and text for these acclamations are in this worship aid and we hope that this will assist you as you learn the revised Mass setting. Special Music for the 10:30 am Mass “The Lord Is My Shepherd” - Howard Goodall Saint Margaret Adult Choir Howard Goodall is an English composer known for his film and television scores. The anthem, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” was composed for the well-known British television show “The Vicar of Dibley.” On Sunday, October 16, the Cherub Choir and the Children’s Choir will provide the special music for the 9:00 am Mass. Mondays - Saint Margaret Church 6:00 – 6:30 pm Laudate Ringers 6:30 – 7:30 pm Jubilate Ringers 7:30 – 8:30 pm Westminster Ringers Thursdays - Saint Margaret Church 4:30 – 5:00 pm Cherub Choir (K-Gr. 2) 5:00 – 6:00 pm Children’s Choir (Gr. 3 – 8) 7:15 – 8:45 pm Adult Choir Thursdays at the Callahan Center 7:00 – 8:00 pm Instrumentalists 7:30 – 8:30 pm Vocalists Altar Guild Needs Your Help Have you ever wondered how the linens used during Masses are prepared? Saint Margaret Altar Guild is a group of fine volunteers who willingly donate just a few hours each month laundering and ironing these linens. Team captains collect the soiled linens for the volunteers to take home and clean. It is a wonderful opportunity to give a small amount of your time and service in your home for all who attend the Masses. Please consider joining the Altar Guild in providing a very vital contribution to our parish! Call or e-mail Anne Heidenreich, 410-8368950 or anneheid@comcast.net. Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org Saint Margaret Youth Ministry Kristin Rupprecht Youth and Young Adult Minister 410-879-2670, ext 166 krupprecht@stmargaret.org Confirmation Retreats We Need Your Prayers For the next three weekends, our 138 Confirmation candidates will be going on their overnight retreats at the Msgr. O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD. They will return to their Mass of Candidacy at the 4:00 pm Mass each Saturday. Please hold them in prayer as they complete this important part of their journey towards Confirmation. Maize Quest Trip! On Saturday, October 15, we will be taking a bus to Maize Quest in New Park, PA. This is open to all middle and high school students. We will leave Saint Margaret parking lot at 6:30 pm and return around 10:15 pm. Cost is $20 to cover admission and bus transportation. Bring a permission form (found in the parish office and in the back of the church and Callahan Center) and $20 to the parish office to register. Sign up early to reserve your spot! Questions? Call Kristin, 410-879-2670. National Program Rachel’s Challenge Comes to Saint Margaret! On Tuesday, October 25 at 7:00 pm in the church, all middle and high school students and parents are invited to come hear an incredible story of courage and hope. Rachel Scott was the first person killed in the Columbine High School tragedy on April 20, 1999. She left behind an amazing legacy and a simple challenge to anyone who will accept it - treat others with kindness and compassion, and you just may change the world you live in. Please note that the material presented will not be appropriate for children younger than middle school age. Jammin’ Java Coffeehouse Friday, October 21 from 7:30 10:30 pm at the Adult Education Center. For information, contact Ken Spoerl at 410-836-7401. Education Notes . . . Faith Formation SAINT MARGARET Saint Margaret School 410-879-2670/410-838-6969 P A and R IElementary SH Preschool Marge Troilo, mtroilo@stmargaret.org Keri Geibler, kgeibler@stmargaret.org Middle and High School CeeCee Meholic, cmeholic@stmargaret.org Elementary Faith Formation Classes Madeleine Hobik – Principal Elementary Campus 410-879-1113 Middle School Campus 410-877-9660 Principal: mhobik@smsch.org Assistant Principals: ashanahan@smsch.org; and pfederowicz@smsch.org Admissions: cpleiss@smsch.org Middle/High School Faith Formation Oct. 10: School closed; Teacher Archdioc- esan Professional Day Oct. 11: School closed; EDC closed; Faculty retreat, School Board Mtg 4:30 pm Oct. 12: Mass; Field Trip, Gr. 6 Lancaster, Sight and Sound 10:30 am - 4:45 pm Oct. 13: Hot Lunch Looking Ahead: Diocesan Accreditation week of October 16. Families Invited: Deacon Steven Speaks About the Changes in the Mass! News From The Admissions Office 3 and 4 year olds, Kindergarten and Grade 1 Sunday, Oct. 9 9:00 and 10:30 am Wednesday, Oct. 12: 4:45 and 6:45 pm Tuesday, Oct. 11 and Wednesday, Oct 12 7:00 - 8:15 pm Education Center at Saint Mary Magdalen Home Study Students: Keep working! Deacon Steven Roth will present a brief 30-minute overview of the changes to the Mass based on the revised Roman Missal. The changes officially go into effect the first Sunday of Advent, November 27. This is a wonderful learning opportunity for our Faith Formation students and families. We encourage you to join your students in the Callahan Center from 7:45 - 8:15 pm on either Tuesday, October 11 or Wednesday, October 12. Students will attend with their class. Home Study families can choose either night to attend. Don’t just wonder about the changes; let Deacon Steven explain them to you! SMS Open House is November 10 Spread the word! Open House will be held on both campuses from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. This Open House is geared to prospective families. Tours will be available and volunteers ready to answer questions. To volunteer your help with Open House on either campus, contact Admissions Director Cecilia Pleiss 410-879-1113 or cpleiss@smsch.org. Limited openings are still available for the 2011-2012 school year. Home and School Association News Upcoming Events • Golf Outing – October 17 at Bulle Rock • Halloween Tailgate - October 22 at the middle school campus Bulletin Bonus - What Did We Learn This Week? Class #3 Faith Formation Families: Complete appropriate questions below, cut out, and bring to class for a chance to win dinner for the family once a semester. (Try to guess the answers on the way home from Mass! Look in your textbook for the answers when you get home!) Name(s):_____________________________________________________ 6th Grade: _______________ is the Father’s most complete and perfect revelation of God’s love for his people. 7th Grade: _______________ was a close friend of Jesus. She was at the cross when he died and she was the first person Jesus appeared to after he rose from the dead. 8th Grade: The saints in heaven are _______________ who pray with us and for us to God. 9th Grade: The mystery of the union of Jesus’ divine and human natures in one person is called the _______________. Like the Trinity, this is a mystery that we will never be able to fully understand. Only correct answers will qualify for the drawing. If you have students in more than one grade, complete appropriate sections. Home Study students may turn in entries at large group sessions. SAINT MARGARET PARISH Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org Archdiocesan Accreditation This coming school year, the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be seeking accreditation for the entire Archdiocese rather than having individual schools go through the process by themselves. This was discussed two years ago and the Blue Ribbon Committee made it a recommendation in their Strategic Plan. Each school was to develop a Self-Improvement Plan based upon the Viability Study that was done in the fall of ‘09. Our three goals were developed with input from the faculty and school board in collaboration with the parish. On October 18, 2011, 12 schools (six elementary and six high schools) in the Archdiocese will be selected to be visited by a committee to observe the Factors of Viability in action and to witness our schools fulfilling their missions. Saint Margaret School’s Viability Report was very favorable and showed that we are viable in all ten factors. We based our goals in areas that we wish to continue our progress and in areas that we feel additional growth is needed. Parenting Pointers Respect Life Month. Teach your children that human life begins at conception and what it takes to nurture that life through pregnancy and at least 18 more years. It’s important to respect each other even when others do things I don’t like or that hurt me. © Susan Vogt Bingo Sponsored by Scout Troop 564 Vera Bradley/Longaberger/Pandora Saturday, October 22, in Saint Margaret Elementary School, 141 N. Hickory Avenue in Bel Air. Doors open at 6:00 pm - games begin at 7:00 pm. Tickets: $15 includes 20 games, specials, raffles. Food and drinks will be available. For tickets, e-mail Troop564MD@gmail.com or call Mark or Terri Tabler at 410-937-7117. Thank you for your support! Due Date For Bulletin Information Items are due by 10:00 am on Monday. Please note above changes. Include name and phone number the item and fax to 410-879-2518 or e-mail ksaccenti@stmargaret.org. 5 Mass Schedule SAINT MARGARET PA R I S H 141 N. Hickory Ave. • Bel Air, MD 21014 Parish Offices 410-838-6969, 410-879-2670 Fax: 410-879-2518 www.stmargaret.org Pastor Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner Pastor Emeritus Rev. Francis Callahan Associate Pastors Rev. John P. Cunningham Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Assistant Pastor Karen Saccenti Deacons John Chott, James DeCapite Patrick J. Goles, Victor Petrosino Martin Wolf Seminarian Deacon Steven Roth Business Manager Mary Ellen Bates Director of Development Michele Kogler Music Minister Michael Britt Outreach Jane O’Hara Adult Faith Formation Marie Dekowski Preschool and Elementary Faith Formation Marge Troilo and Keri Geibler Middle and High School Faith Formation CeeCee Meholic Youth and Young Adult Minister Kristin Rupprecht Saint Margaret School Madeleine Hobik, Principal 410-879-1113 The Pastoral Council Dan Berardi Connie Brozic Ann Brecht-Castle Bill Coward Ken Dawson Keith Knaide Tricia Landis Arlene Novak Michael Ostrowski Sandy Peters Ed Rhodes Greg Yantz 410-420-9114 410-734-7789 410-893-6162 410-893-1958 410-836-8278 410-638-1272 410-838-3376 410-734-6088 443-987-7902 410-879-1833 410-838-8612 410-638-1828 Daily: Saint Margaret Chapel Weekend: Saint Margaret Church Saint Mary Magdalen Mission Reconciliation: Saint Margaret Church Saturday: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm and immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass Mass Intentions October 8 - October 16, 2011 Saturday 4:00 pm Ennio Scopel 5:30 pm Betty and Joseph Nagy Parishioners of Saint Margaret 7:30 am Sunday 9:00 am Lt. Owen Sweeney 9:30 am Frank Meadowcroft 10:30 am Edward Munding 11:00 am Russ LaGreca 12:00 pm Sandy and Joseph Keenan Monday 6:30 am Mercedes Bonorand (Sp. Int.) 8:30 am Jame Robert Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Frank Braun 6:30 am Tuesday 8:30 am Mary Kelly Reinmann Eucharistic Service 6:30 am Wednesday Tom Brennan 8:30 am 8:30 am Santo Barco Thursday 6:30 am Joseph Patti 8:30 am Theodore Strozyk 6:30 am Eucharistic Service Friday Bonnie Basener 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am Frank Meadowcroft 4:00 pm Meta Von Bank 5:30 pm John, Margaret and Robert Wilzack Donald R. Esposito Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am Eleanor Kunkel 9:30 am John Della Ratta 10:30 am Kenly Van Horn 11:00 am Parishioners of Saint Margaret 12:00 pm Joseph Kist, Jr. and Joseph Kist, Sr. The Parish Office hours: Monday through Thursday - 9:00 am to 7:30 pm. Friday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For children up to 3 years of age, nursery service is available in the Preschool building (next to the church) during the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses and at Saint Mary Magdalen during the 9:30 and 11:00 am Masses. Trained staff will care for your children while you attend Mass. This is a free service. Readings for October 16, 2011 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Social responsibility Reading I Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Rewards to Cyrus, king of Persia Reading II 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 A model for believers Gospel Matthew 22:15-21 Paying tax to the emperor Key Passage At that [Jesus] said to them “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21) Adult: How much responsibility do you feel the government should take for meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our society? How willing are you to contribute? Child: Who needs help in your neighborhood or community? What could you and your family do to help? Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org SAINT MARGARET Monday - Friday: 6:30 am and 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am Chapel is open for private prayer daily 6:30 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am and 11:00 am PARIS H Seeking a world transformed and unified in Christ Saint Margaret Church n Bulletin for the week of October 9, 2011 Welcome To Our Parish Community If you are a visitor to Saint Margaret, we welcome you. Whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish here in the Archdiocese, we are blessed that you joined us today. Play It Forward Our next gathering will take place on Monday, October 10 at 10:00 am in the Adult Education Center. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and join in some fun activities with members from ARC. Cooperative Food Ministry Widow and Widower Group Meet this Tuesday, October 11 at 12:30 pm at the Silver Spring Mining Company in Bel Air. If you are able to attend, please call Fran at 410-557-9732. As always, new members are welcome. Welcome Areeya Katherine Cataldi Lauren Marie Farally and Ryan Daniel Ghio who were baptized last weekend into the Saint Margaret parish community. May they continue to receive God’s blessings and grace. Saint Mary Magdalen Mission The Roman Missal Late Breaking News Saint Margaret will be serving dinner to the homeless and needy on Monday, October 10 at Calvary Baptist Church. If you would like to make a dessert or have extra vegetables from your garden, please drop them off at the parish office by 3:00 pm on October 10. Thank you for your generosity. n Over the past few weeks several members from the committee working on the new translation of the liturgy have been met with great excitement and enthusiasm as they presented the new texts to different groups within our parish. Many are finding this a fruitful opportunity to more fully understand the liturgy, feel deeply unified with the universal Church and think more about the prayers we say at Mass instead of just reciting them from memory. However, a few great and insightful questions have been raised in this process. We share them here, to help all of us during this time exciting time of transition. 1. Why is the Church making these changes now? Considering all of the other issues the Church is facing shouldn’t it focus on other items? While it is true that since the Church exists in the midst of the world, it faces many daily challenges. However, the most important action of the Church is the liturgy. The Second Vatican Council reminds us so clearly that the liturgy is the SOURCE and SUMMIT of all we do. Consequently, while the Church must remain vigilant in caring for the needs of all people, the liturgy is unparalleled in its importance. Without the liturgy, our work as a Church would be no different than any other humanitarian effort. But because everything we say and do begins, flows from and draws us back to the liturgy; our Church is the presence of Christ to the world. While this reality does not mean that the Church is perfect as we continue to struggle with our human frailties, it does demand that we must stay rooted in Christ for strength and guidance, most clearly present in the liturgy. 2. Does having a revised translation mean the current Mass is wrong? Absolutely not. The current translation is not wrong or bad. However, the late Blessed John Paul II invited many theologians and Scriptural scholars to review our English translation to bring us into a more unified connection with every other translation throughout the world. The gift in our revised text is that it is more clearly connected to many Scripture stories we are familiar with. It also uses phrases that are different from our ordinary speech which can remind us of the great power of God and the profound impact that He alone as God can have in our lives, if we allow Him. If you have questions or would like to discuss the new translation, please contact Deacon Steven at sroth@stmargaret.org.