Bulletin 040112 - St. Margaret Parish


Bulletin 040112 - St. Margaret Parish
Mass Schedule
141 N. Hickory Ave. • Bel Air, MD 21014
Saint Margaret Chapel
Weekend: Saint Margaret Church
Saint Mary Magdalen Mission
Monday - Friday: 6:30 am and 8:30 am
Saturday: 8:30 am
Chapel is open for private prayer daily 6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Parish Offices
410-838-6969, 410-879-2670
Fax: 410-879-2518
Reconciliation: Saint Margaret Church
Saturday: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm and immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass
Saint Margaret Church
Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner
Mass Intentions March 31 - April
Welcome to Saint Margaret!
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Francis Callahan
Associate Pastors
Rev. John P. Cunningham
Rev. C. Douglas Kenney
Assistant Pastor
Karen Saccenti
John Chott, James DeCapite
Patrick J. Goles, Victor Petrosino
Martin Wolf
Deacon Steven Roth
Eric Dinga, Ken Kirkman and Brian Lewis
Business Manager
Mary Ellen Bates
Director of Development
Michele Kogler
Music Minister
Michael Britt
Jane O’Hara
Adult Faith Formation
Marie Dekowski
Preschool and Elementary Faith Formation
Marge Troilo and Keri Geibler
Middle and High School Faith Formation
CeeCee Meholic
Youth and Young Adult Minister
Kristin Rupprecht
Saint Margaret School
Madeleine Hobik, Principal
The Pastoral Council
Dan Berardi
Connie Brozic
Ann Brecht-Castle
Bill Coward
Ken Dawson
Keith Knaide
Tricia Landis
Arlene Novak
Michael Ostrowski
Sandy Peters
Ed Rhodes
Greg Yantz
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
11:30 am 12:30 pm
6:30 am
8:30 am
6:30 am
8:30 am
6:30 am 8:30 am Holy Thursday 8:30 am 7:30 pm
Good Friday
8:30 am
Holy Saturday
8:30 am
Easter Vigil
7:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
11:30 am 12:30 pm
12:30 pm
8, 2012
Bill Prinke, Jr.
Katherine Albanese
Charles Ferraro
Parishioners of Saint Margaret
Joseph Berry
Ricardo Orlando Amoroso I
Frank Meadowcroft
Paul and Josephine Guercio
Ellen and Mike Lachesky
William R. Schwaed
Eucharistic Service
Elizabeth Ward
Eucharistic Service
Mary Kelly Reinmann
Morning Prayer
Maurice Koury, Dorothy Barczak and
Kathleen Barnes Sanchez
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Intentions of RCIA/RCIC
Anthony Strasavich
Michael Guercio
Jeff Gruzenski and George Zorbach
Frank Meadowcroft
Eugene Edwards
Rinaldo Bucci
Joseph and Sandy Keenan
Parishioners of Saint Margaret
The Parish Office hours: Monday through Thursday - 9:00 am to 7:30 pm
Friday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
For children up to 3 years of age, nursery service is available in
the Preschool building (next to the church) during the 9:00 and
10:30 am Masses and at Saint Mary Magdalen during the 9:30
and 11:00 am Masses. Trained staff will care for your children
while you attend Mass. This is a free service.
Readings for April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday Hope of salvation
Reading I
Acts 10:34, 37–43 Peter’s discourse
Reading II
Colossians 3:1–4 Mystical death and resurrection or
1 Corinthians 5:6–8 Unleavened bread of sincerity and truth
John 20:1–9 Peter and the disciple at the tomb
Key Passage When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be
revealed with him in glory. (Colossians 3:4)
Adult Why do you believe that you will live with Christ for all eternity?
Child Who has helped you believe that you will live with Jesus forever?
Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org
Seeking a world transformed and unified in Christ
Bulletin for the week of April 1, 2012
Our warmest welcome to all who worship with
our parish family, whether long-time residents
or newly arrived in the parish. We thank you
for choosing to be here with us today.
Saint Mary Magdalen Mission
Welcome and God Bless
The Parish Offices Hours
The parish offices will close at 4:00 pm
on Holy Thursday and will be closed all
day on Good Friday, April 6.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday, April 3: 12:15 and 7:30 pm
Good Friday: 1:30 - 2:45 pm
Holy Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Saint Margaret Chapel
Tuesday, April 3: 6:00 pm
Friday, April 6: 12:15 pm
Holy Thursday
Morning Prayer: 8:30 am - chapel
Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper: 7:30 pm
Good Friday
Morning Prayer: 8:30 am - chapel
Stations of the Cross: 12:15 pm
Solemn Liturgy: 3:00 pm
Living Stations: 7:30 pm
Holy Saturday
Morning Prayer: 8:30 am
Blessing of Food: 10:00 am
Easter Vigil: 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday
Saint Margaret Church
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am and 12:30 pm
School Hall: 10:30 and 12:30
Saint Mary Magdalen: 9:30 and 11:30 am
On Saturday morning, March 24, Saint
Margaret Parish welcomed into the
Catholic Church Mose Golden, Jr. and
his son, Frederique Golden. Typically
individuals are fully initiated or welcomed into the Church with the reception of the sacraments of Baptism,
Eucharist and Confirmation during the
Easter Vigil. Special consideration had
been given to Mose since getting word
of his upcoming deployment to Afghanistan on Easter Sunday.
Mose, a retired sergeant from the US
Army, enlisted in 1981 and retired
during the time of downsizing of the
Blessing of Easter Foods
We will celebrate this
tradition here at Saint
Margaret on Holy
Saturday at 10:00 am
in the chapel. Some
typical foods you may wish to include
to be blessed are Easter meats, breads,
dairy foods, cakes, pastries and any other
foods used for your Easter Celebration.
military in 1996. Currently he works
for the Department of the Army as a
GS civilian. He and his family moved
here in 2009 from Ft. Monmouth, NJ
as part of BRAC.
As a small token of our appreciation
for his service to our country, Mose was
presented with a Timothy P. Schmalz
sculpture entitled, “Drawing Strength.”
The sculpture depicts Christ embracing a serviceman. Our prayer is for not
only Mose to feel Christ’s strengthening presence, but all those serving in
our military to feel His loving embrace.
Nursery Service on Easter Sunday
Our parish nursery for children three
years old and younger will be open on
Easter Sunday at Saint Margaret Church
during the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses and
at Saint Mary Magdalen Mission during
the 9:30 and 11:30 am Masses. Trained
nursery coordinators will care for your
little ones in a safe environment while
you attend Mass. This is a free service.
Marriage In Maryland
After each Mass on April 21 and 22,
Saint Margaret parish in conjunction
with the Archdiocese of Baltimore and
Knights of Columbus will conduct a
petition-signing drive in an effort to get
a referendum on the ballot for the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. This referendum will
allow the voting citizens of Maryland
to determine if they are in favor of or
against Maryland HB438 which legalizes
same sex marriage. To place the referendum on the ballot will require 55,736
validated signatures of registered voters
in Maryland.
From Father Mike
To support this effort, we’ll need a total of 40 volunteers to staff tables after
each Mass on the weekend of April 21
and 22. The volunteers must be at least
18 years of age and attend a training
session (less than one hour) on April 9
at 7:00 pm, April 12 at 1:00 pm or on
April 16 at 7:00 pm at the Saint Margaret
Adult Education Center. Volunteers will
also be asked to collect signatures after
one, or possibly two, Masses on April 21
or 22.
We begin the liturgy this Sunday by
reading the gospel of Jesus’ entrance
into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-10). This
was a rather triumphant moment. People
waved palm branches and even spread
their cloaks on the road as Jesus rode
into Jerusalem on a donkey. And yet, this
upbeat moment was short-lived because
within days, Jesus was arrested and most
of his followers abandoned him. In our
liturgies, we always have some kind of
procession with the palms, even if it is
only from the back of the church. The
procession is significant. It speaks of
journey – of Jesus’ journey throughout
his life, of his journey to Jerusalem to fulfill the mission given by his Father, and
of his acceptance of suffering and death.
We are also called to see our lives as journey, journeying with God, journeying
back to God, and embracing along the
way the suffering that is part of being human and the suffering that comes from
being a disciple of Jesus. Holy Week calls
us to do this without abandoning Jesus
as so many of Jesus’ followers did soon
after his entrance into Jerusalem.
If you could assist us in this petition
effort, please contact Dick Belmonte
by e-mail (rbbelmon@gmail.com) or
by phone (410-838-6329) by Monday
morning, April 9 to plan for sufficient
materials for the training session.
Primary Election Day - April 3
In their statement on Faithful Citizenship, our bishops state, “In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a
virtue, and participation in political life is
a moral obligation.” Maryland Catholic
Conference’s Voter Survey can inform
you of candidates’ positions on various issues of concern to Catholics, and
particularly during this year, the protection of religious freedom. Be informed.
Please visit www.mdcathcon.org, and
vote April 3.
Father Mike’s Spiritual Reflection
Via E-Mail
Are you receiving Father Mike’s weekly
reflections? If you would like to receive
these reflections each Wednesday morning, please send your name and preferred
e-mail address to ksaccenti@stmargaret.
Dear Friends,
Our Church’s official title for this
Sunday is Palm
Sunday of the
Lord’s Passion. It
sounds a bit odd.
Decades ago, the
Fifth Sunday of Lent (last Sunday)
was called Passion Sunday, with Palm
Sunday one week later and marking
the start of Holy Week. The two titles
– Palm and Passion – have been combined and with good reason.
Soon after the procession of palms
on Palm/Passion Sunday, the Word
of God is proclaimed and the heart
of this is the account of our Lord’s
Passion. This year we hear the Passion from Saint Mark’s Gospel (Mark
14:1-15, 47). Here are a few observations that may enrich our appreciation
of this passage during this sacred week.
Total Goal: $4,000,000
Raised to Date: $3,613,137
Percent of Goal: 90.3%
Number of Gifts: 1017
Average Gift: $3,550
First, throughout the story, Mark
cites a number of titles that are applied to Jesus and each of these tells
us something about him. For example, Jesus is called “teacher” and “rabbi.”
These titles speak of one who is wise and
brings us insight into how to live a holy,
godly life. Jesus refers to himself as “the
Son of Man.” This title has Old Testament roots and conveys that Jesus is the
one ushering in the final plan of God
for the world. This final plan is the new
covenant that Jesus himself speaks of at
the Last Supper. Jesus is also called the
“King of the Jews” – a title that shows,
even when used in a mocking way, Jesus’
unique place among his own people.
This title is equivocal in meaning, since
Jesus was a spiritual king and not the political king who had been expected.
Jesus, fill me with passion for
your people, especially those
who are hungry. Help me to
serve them generously.
Remember the power of 1
1 person, 1 food item, 1 Mass
ad page
All of the titles and names given to Jesus throughout the Passion according
to Mark build up to the end of gospel. Jesus has just died on the cross, and
the Roman guard proclaims: “Truly this
man was the Son of God.” The soldier
has witnessed Jesus’ patience with the
humanity of his disciples and his opponents, his non-violent actions and speech,
and his prayerfulness on the cross even
amidst great suffering. He senses that
Jesus has an absolutely unique relationship with the Almighty One. Therefore,
he can make no other conclusion than to
accept Jesus as “the Son of God.” Saint
Mark, in his telling of the events of Jesus’
suffering and death, also wants us to be
moved to make this same act of faith.
I recommend that you make The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark central to your personal,
private prayer this week. Re-read
it slowly, with the above reflections in
mind, and allow this gospel to touch your
heart, enlighten your mind and lift your
spirit. And, of course, I also strongly recommend that you participate in the Holy
Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil
liturgies. You will find them very spiritually enriching and meaningful. Happy
Holy Week!
Father Mike
Campaign News!
Thank you! Your generosity continues to bring us closer
to our goal. If you have not yet had an
opportunity to make a commitment,
please call the office at 410-879-2670.
Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org
Capital Campaign Update – Work Will Begin In June
Parish Notes . . .
Thank you to everyone who has so generously contributed to the Embracing Our Mission ~ Shaping Our Future campaign. I want to give you an update on the direction that we are taking on one
of the projects in the capital campaign.
After much consideration and consultation, I have decided to approve our moving immediately on
the repair and renovation of the hall/gym. Here are the details and rationale.
With the encouragement of Archdiocesan officials, our Business Manager and Finance
Committee are busy pursuing financing for our two capital projects, the hall/gym and the church. This financing will be at a very
competitive, good rate of interest and a helpful term of years. It should be available to us within months, certainly by mid-summer.
Income is starting to flow from the capital campaign. In addition to that, we have some capital reserve that our Finance
Committee has prudently developed over recent years because they knew that we had major needs approaching on our buildings. This
savings will help us to initiate one of the projects more quickly and will also limit the amount we will have to finance.
The total estimated cost for the hall/gym project is $900,000. We are advised that it is to our advantage to go to bids as soon
as possible because of a very favorable market.
There are several advantages to doing the hall/gym project before the church. First, it is an easier and far less complicated
design project. We knew from the outset that design documents could be developed in far less time for the hall/gym than for the
church. Those documents are now virtually completed and we are ready to go to bids. The second advantage is that the hall/gym will
then be a nice setting for the months when the church will need to be closed while its repair and renovation is taking place.
As of now, the intention is to close the hall in early June. It will be completely unavailable for the months of June, July and
August. It will be available for limited use by late September. We are working with all interested parties in making appropriate adjustments for the early fall months as the project is completed.
The entire project is being guided from start to finish by our Finance and Facilities Committees and our Business Manager.
This is an exciting moment for us as a parish. We are about to initiate the first of two projects that are needed and will strengthen us
as a parish for years to come. Thank you to everyone that has helped to make this possible. If you have any questions, concerns or
comments, please feel free to direct them to me.
Students Prepare For First Communion
The First Communicants began the day by practicing the songs for their First
Holy Communion ceremony with our music director Michael Britt and cantor
Theresa Newberry. At the center entitled “Taste and See,” Seminarian Brian
Lewis taught the children how to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Later, they practiced how to walk up for Communion, the meaning of the
response “Amen,” and how to bless themselves and remain reverent through
During the “Listen and Learn” session, led by catechist Amanda Haberman,
the children learned about key components ofwhat it means to be Catholic
and reflected on ways we can be like Jesus in our daily lives. The children
learned that, as Catholics,our lives must be centered on Jesus Christ andhow
the sacraments instruct our lives. We also learned the meaning of the word
“catholic,” how that indicates that our Faith is universal and inclusive, and that we are asked to love all
of God’s children as Jesus showed us.
Our final center was “Banner Making,” led by catechist Carol Armiger, Mary Bonacci, and Lucy Lukas.I
t is a Saint Margaret tradition for the children receiving First Holy Communion to make a banner for
their special day. In this session, the children chose a bible verse (Luke 22:19 or John 6:35) and decorated a banner with their names and images of the bread and wine. Here the children make the connection between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Parishioners showed their support by baking a small loaf of bread for each child to take home and
share with their family.The Catholic Ladies Service Organization is affiliated with the Bel Air Knights
of Columbus and generously offered to bake the loaves for the children.The children were overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of these ladies.Thank you to LuAnn Belmonte, Pat Bucci, Diane
Custer, Mildred Ferrara, Dorothy Higgins, Karen DeMaio, Pat Lijewski, Betty O’Leary, Sharon DiMatteo, Mary Jane Zarachowicz, and Natalie Boyd for making their First Communion Retreat so special!
Marriage Moments
From the ecstasy of Palm
R I toS the
H crucifixion
on Good Friday; it all seems
so foolish and surreal. Is
your life ever like this roller
coaster? How do you calm
each other in themidst of
joy and tragedy? ©SusanVogt
Adult Faith Opportunities
For more information, contact
Marie Dekowski, 410-879-2670, ext. 126
Little Rock Scripture Study
The Book of Psalms - Part Two
To study Psalms is to study prayer, ultimately to enter into prayer. This study
focuses on a selection of 28 psalms divided into three categories: Royal Psalms,
Psalms of Lament and Psalms of Declarative Praise. This seven-week study begins
Wednesday, April 25 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm
in the Adult Education Center. For more
information or to register, please contact
Marie Dekowski, 410-879-2670, ext. 126 or
Catholic Men “Movie Night Out”
The movie, “Courageous - What it means
to be a man of courage in today’s world”
Friday, April 27, 7:00 - 10:00 pm at St.
Ignatius Parish Center. Reservations are
needed. Call 443-567-5473. No charge but
a freewill offering will be accepted.
Overnight Retreat - April 30 - May 2
This retreat, sponsored by the Baltimore Pastoral Associates, will afford participants an
opportunity to attend to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social dimensions of life.
Retreat director, Fr. Thomas Ryan, CSP is a
writer, poet, and yoga instructor. The cost is
$220 and includes 3 days of retreat, 2 overnights, 5 meals and refreshments.
For more information, contact Jane O’Hara
at 410-838-6969/410-879-2670, ext. 143,
or e-mail johara@stmargaret.org.
Coffee and Conversation
Please note that we will NOT meet April 5
due to Holy Thursday and the beginning of
the Easter Triduum. See you on May 3.
Substance Abuse Ministry
”Perfection is not the elimination of imperfection, as we
think. divine perfection is, in
fact, the ability to recognize,
forgive, and include imperfection - just as God does with all
of us. Only in this way can we
find the beautiful and hidden wholeness of
God underneath the passing human show.
This is the ‘pearl of great price’ in my opinion.
Non-dual thinking and seeing is the change
that changes everything. It makes love, mercy,
patience and forgiveness possible.” Richard
Rohr. If you or someone you love is struggling
with substance issues, please come to one of
the following meetings on our campus:
Mondays, 7:00 pm - Families Anonymous
Fridays, 7:00 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous
Saturday, 7:30 pm - Women for Sobriety
Sundays, 6:00 pm - Narcotics Anonymous
Sundays, 8:00 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous
Holy Rollers Are On A Roll!
Guided tours of the
Franciscan Monastery
and the Basilica (Holy
Mass), snack and drinks,
bus games and prizes,
lunch at Union Station, and excellent fellowship. If you are planning to join us on our
Saturday, May 5th trip to Washington, DC,
you need to contact Mary Castagnera, 410470-4021
Seats are
limited! Do not miss out!
Health Ministry
”With nearly 1 million Americans
dying every year from diseases that
could be prevented, even small
preventive changes and initiatives
an make a big difference in leading healthier
lives.” This message from the director of the
American Public Health Association sets the
stage for this week’s annual National Public
Health Week observance. During this Lenten
week, try to make one positive healthy change
each day. For more information, go to www.
nphw.org or contact the Health Ministry Team,
410-838-6969, ext. 141 or e-mail saintmhealthministry@stmargaret.org.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
This weight loss group is now meeting
weekly in the Adult Education Center on
Thursdays from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm. Please
consider joining! For more information,
contact our Health Ministry Team by e-mail
saintmhealthministry@stmargaret.org or
call 410-838-6969, ext. 141.
Serve Fest 2012 - Saturday, April 28
Numerous churches in the Bel Air area will
combine forces to serve “beyond our walls”
and impact our community. Rain or shine.
There are a variety of projects to choose
from. Generally, the work period is from 9:00
am to 2:00 pm, with some groups finishing
by noon. For more information, please visit
Ministry of Consolation “Life After Loss”
Support group will meet on Tuesday at 11:00
am in the Adult Education Center Library.
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one,
please consider attending. Make a list of what
you need to get through the next month. Ask your
friends and family to help you meet these needs.
Lenten Service Giving Ideas
The next luncheon will be held on the second Friday, April 13. Callers will contact
you this week. Join us for the rosary at 10:45 am followed by Mass at 11:00 am.
Lunch will be provided by Kentucky Fried Chicken. We will have a Zumba lesson
by the Arena Club, and bingo conducted by the Knights of Columbus. It will be a
fun-filled afternoon. You may bring a wrapped prize and designate if it’s for a man or woman.
~ Prepare and bring to the parish office a
casserole for Our Daily Bread
~ Cooperative Food Ministry needs drivers
to deliver dinners to the hungry in
Aberdeen and Edgewood. Contact
Dennis Longo, 410-838-6080
~ FCCAU Homeless Shelter Bowl-a-thon
to “Strike Out Homelessness” April 21,
11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Entrance fee is $15.
Call Robert Meza at 410-272-2229.
Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org
First Friday Seniors Luncheon
Liturgy Corner
An exciting title that the Church uses
to refer to the Easter Vigil. It is a special time for Catholics as we celebrate
so many things. The new wax paschal
candle is blessed and lit for the first
time. This candle is burned for 50 days
after Easter and for every baptism and
funeral. We gather in darkness to hear
wonderful Scriptural readings that tell of
our history as believers…beginning with
the story of creation. Water is blessed as
a sign of new life. MOST OF ALL, we
welcome new members into our Church.
It is an awesome experience to see individuals baptized, confirmed and receive
Holy Communion for the very first time.
Indeed, it is a night unlike any other.
Please join us on Holy Saturday at 7:30
pm in the plaza in front of the church.
We begin outside by gathering around a
fire, a symbol of the light and warmth
of Christ. It is an incredible way to begin
Keeping The Faith
Faith vs. Works: The Ultimate Smackdown!
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the Redemption
Rumble! In this corner, Faith, without which
no one is saved. And in this corner, Works,
without which no one is saved. Uh oh . . .
Catholics are many times accused of relying
on good works to get us into heaven. Then,
there are those who believe that it doesn’t
matter what we do, as long as we have made a
profession of faith. What does Jesus say and
what does the Catholic Church teach?
Come duke it out with us at our next meeting
of Keeping the Faith, Thursday, April 19 at
7:00 pm in the Adult Eduction Center. We’ll
go a few rounds debating faith and works and
how they relate to our ultimate salvation. If
you’ve ever been confused as to the relationship between the two, this is the event for you.
Keeping the Faith meets every first and third
Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the
Adult Education Center. We travel in-depth
into Catholic topics that you may have missed
and help you to understand and be able to
explain them. New parishioners are always
welcome, so if you’re interested, give Marie
Dekowski a call at 410-879-2670, ext. 126 or
e-mail her at mdekowski@stmargaret.org.
Note: Keeping the Faith will NOT meet
on April 5. We will be celebrating Holy
New Altar Server Training
This training, for students who are in the 4th
grade or above, consists
of three sessions and
the Installation Mass. To accommodate
schedules, for each session there will be two
dates available from which to choose.
Session 1: Apr. 17, 6:30 - 7:30 pm OR
Apr. 22, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Session 2: Apr. 24, 6:30 - 7:30 pm OR
Apr. 29, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Session 3: May 1, 6:30 - 7:30 pm OR
May 5, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
The Installation date is June 2 at the 5:30 pm
Mass. Each student is required to attend all
three sessions in addition to the Installation.
Please contact Maureen Yantz at mmyantz@
gmail.com or 410-638-1828 to sign up.
Music Notes
Michael Britt, Music Minister
410-879-2670, ext. 136
Special Music for the 9:00 am Mass
“Hosanna! Blessed Is He” – Michael Bedford
Cherub Choir
“Hosanna to the Son” – Jody W. Lindh
Children’s Choir
Special Music for the 10:30 am Mass
“So Lowly Does the Savior Ride” – V. Earle
Adult Choir and Alicia Noonan, flute
Holy Thursday: Adult Choir, Children’s Choir and Alicia Noonan, flute
Good Friday: Adult Choir and Rebecca Ballenger, French Horn
Easter Vigil: Adult Choir and Alicia Noonan, flute
Easter Sunday: Adult Choir, Westminster Ringers and Brass quintet
Special Music - 10:30 am Mass:
Prelude: “Andante” – Craig Penfield
Postlude: “Pièce Pour Orgue” – Cesar Franck
Nina Scher, organ student
“Turn Thy Face From My Sins” – Thomas Attwood
Adult Choir
Special Music for the Noon
“Chant” – Douglas E. Wagner
“Praise the Father” – arr. by Anna Laura Page
“Holy, Holy, Holy” – arr. by Sandra Eithun
Laudate Ringers
Saint Margaret Youth Ministry
Kristin Rupprecht
Youth and Young Adult Minister
410-879-2670, ext 166
High School Youth Ministry
(HSYM)FiRE House
Drop Ins!
Every Monday and Wednesday,
FiRE House is open to high school students 2:30-5:00 pm. Stop by – it’s a quiet
place to read, do your homework or study.
And now we have new chairs for the deck
so you can enjoy the beautiful weather!
Snacks and soda for sale.
High School Hangout Nights!
Every Tuesday, 7:00-9:30 pm Different activities every week. Games, movies, food,
fun! Come on over!
Confirmation Information for
9th Grade Parents
It’s time to start to think about Confirmation for your children. The required parent/candidate information meeting will
be offered in the Callahan Center three
times, but you only need to attend once.
Options are: Monday, April 30, 6:30 - 8:30
pm OR Wednesday, May 2, 6:30 - 8:30
pm, OR Sunday, May 6, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. In
late March/early April, all parents of 9th
graders in our database will be e-mailed
registration forms and other necessary information to bring to the meeting.
Saint Margaret School
Preschool and Elementary
Marge Troilo, mtroilo@stmargaret.org
Keri Geibler, kgeibler@stmargaret.org
Elementary Faith Formation Classes
Sunday, Apr. 1: 9:00 and 10:30 am
Wednesday, Apr. 4: No class
First Communion
Children receiving their
First Holy Communion in May who did
not attend the retreat
on March 24, 2012
should pick-up a banner kit in the parish office. Please contact Keri Geibler with
any questions.
Madeleine Hobik – Principal
Elementary Campus 410-879-1113
Middle School Campus 410-877-9660
Principal: mhobik@smsch.org
Assistant Principals: ashanahan@smsch.org
and pfederowicz@smsch.org
Admissions: cpleiss@smsch.org
Apr. 2: Early Dismissal Band;
MS Grandparents Day; Passion Play at 10:45 am Callahan Center
Apr. 3: Hot Lunch; Field Trip Gr. 3 Balti-
more Museum of Industry
8:30 am-2:30 pm; Passion Play at 1:30 pm Callahan Center for MS
H.S.A. Exec Board Mtg 7:00 pm;
Apr. 4: No Mass; P4H Easter Egg Hunt; Passion Play at 1:30 pm Church for ES; Gr. 8 dismissal from ES
Easter Vacation: April 5 - April 15
On Saturday, March 24, more than 170 children from Saint Margaret Parish and School participated in the First Communion Retreat. The first communicants experienced a series of
educational centers designed to enrich their understanding of the sacrament. The retreat was
a huge success, thanks to the hard work of 80 parish volunteers.
Continued on insert.
Volunteers Needed for Easter Egg Hunt
Middle and high school students are needed on Saturday,
April 7 at the Saint Mary Magdalen Education Center 9:00
am – 1:00 pm. We need help
with the moon bounce, face painting,
snacks and crafts. Want to help? Call Kristin at the parish office!
Our parish youth will present the Living Stations on Good Friday, April
6 at 7:30 pm in the church. Please join us as we continue this long standing tradition and remember our Lord’s suffering and death.
News From The Admissions Office
We are currently accepting applications for all
grades. Applications are found on the home
page of our website at www.smsch.org. Look
for information regarding our new and exciting incentive plan, “Finder’s Fee,” at the end
of the newsletter. Please contact Admissions
Director Cecilia Pleiss at 410-879-1113 or
cpleiss@smsch.org for the most updated enrollment and admission information.
Congratulations to Our
2nd Trimester Honor Roll
6th Grade: Elizabeth Baummer, Lauren
Becker, Matthew Bollinger, Colin Bowes,
Isabella Brooke, Francesco Buontempo,
Grace Burke, Colin Burns, Taylor Bynion,
Olivia Collins, Anastasia DiPeso, Veronica
Ewing, David Fetcho, Grace Gercken,
James Gorschboth, Hunter Hawes, Anne
Grace Hornstein, Jonathan Kaufman,
Gregory Komondor, Kali Lambert, Ethan
McCarthy, Annika Meyer, Amanda Pugh,
Erin Rittershofer, Pierce Sanders, Andrew
(AJ) Schalk, Alex Scott, Noah Sekowski,
Meghan Sheehan, Madeline Smith, Maria
Snee, Gabriella Spilker, Daniel Stapleton,
and Jordan Wrzesien.
7th Grade: Matthew Basler, Kaitlyn Buza,
Grace Christian, Grace Chubb, Caroline
Cooney, Daniel DiPeso, Olivia Ewers, Jeff
Geier, Adriana Guidi, Brooke Hare, Caroline Hill, Hailey Ishak, Megan King, Giana
Liberatore, Robert (RJ) Linz, Erin McCloskey, Angela Miceli, Courtney O’Connor,
Jeff Otenasek, Claire Pika, Grant Sharretts,
Lauren Strohman, and Vittoria Wills.
Reminder: Any student looking to register for Confirmation in the 10th grade
year must have been enrolled in either
Catholic school or a Catholic faith formation program during the 9th grade year.
Questions? Call Kristin Rupprecht, 410879-2670, ext. 166.
Living Stations of the Cross
Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org
Education Notes . . .
Middle/High School Faith Formation
Middle and High School
CeeCee Meholic, cmeholic@stmargaret.org
No classes on April 3 and 4
April 10 and 11: Classes
April 17 and 18: Last classes
Operation Rice Bowl Collection
If you did not turn in your Operation Rice
Bowl money at the Large Group Session last
week, please turn them in at one of the remaining two classes listed above. Thank you!
Visit our website at www.stmargaret.org
8th Grade: Raymius Angelo, Abigail
(Abby) Ascenzi, Andrew Bogdan, Kyle
Bollinger, Sean Campbell, McKenna Cawman, Rachel DiCamillo, Mary Kate Gerety,
Catherine (Katie) Golya, Julia Henninger,
Michael Imbierowicz, Andrew Jagielski,
Peter Kirby, Joseph Kyburz, Karli Maguire,
Ray McDermott, Adam Mrowiec, Kishan
Patel, Katherine (Kate) Runser, James (Jimmy) Schall, Stewart Schenking, Catherine
(Catie) Snee, Rory Szymanowski, Preston
Thomson, and Timothy Yantz.
Parish Tuition Assistance
Applications are being processed, and applicants will be notified of grant decisions by
May 1. If you have questions, please call Mary
Ellen Bates at t410-838-6969.