GCSE in Italian


GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
Open interactions
The following are possible presentations* that students could deliver (up to a maximum of 2-3 minutes
within a total assessment time of 4-6 minutes) before responding to related questions.
The open interactions are designed to enable students to produce target language skills in response to
stimuli related to a particular context and theme. The stimuli provide students with an unscripted, openended role-play type task although enable them to take greater ownership of the content. They may be
formal and transactional in nature or, alternatively, relate to more informal situations such as a focused
dialogue between friends. Students may refer to the stimulus when undertaking their open interaction
assessment as well as their own notes.
*All the questions included in this Edexcel test were entirely created by the author. The Edexcel board was not involved at all.
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
A: Media and culture
Stimulus 1
Theatre Week Event at St Joseph School
Free entrance
Monday - 6pm
The wonderful world of Wizard Max
A funny play written and performed by Year 9 students.
Tuesday – 7pm
My school is so musical!!!
A little musical written and performed by Year 10 students.
Wednesday – 6pm
Creative Monologues
Students of all years perform their own monologues.
Thursday – 6pm
My big family
An interesting drama performed by Year 11 students.
Friday – 7pm
Final award ceremony and prize giving to best actor, best
actress, best monologue performer and best play
Refreshments in dining hall.
Information for candidates
You wish to invite one of your Italian friends to the Week Theatre Event organized by your school. He or
she is asking you about this event.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l when and where the event is going to take place
l whether you are performing in some plays
l which play according to you is the best
l about the benefits of this type of event
l apart from theatre what kind of Art activities you like
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
Stimulus 2
Drawing & Painting courses
at Arts Tutors School
Open Enrollment
Learn how to be a drawing and a painting artist
Fully qualified Arts teachers
Fun group and individual classes
Special price for students
In the mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am
In the afternoons from 3:00pm to 5:00 pm
In the evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
All material is provided by the school
All welcome
Information for candidates
You are talking to your Italian friend about the Arts courses organized by the school.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l what kind of Arts courses are organized by the school
l about the timetable for the classes
l whether you will enroll or are already enrolled
l why he/she should join the Art courses
l for information about the material to be used
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
Stimulus 3
Youth Film Club
Every Tuesday evening at 7pm Italian films are screened at the Project room of the School
Tuesday 08th “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” (1988), Director: Giuseppe Tornatore; Stars: Enzo Cannavale,
Antonella Attili, Isa Danieli.
In Italian with English subtitles.
Tuesday 15th “La vita è bella” (1997), Director: Roberto Benigni; Stars: Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta
Braschi, Giorgio Cantarini.
In Italian with English subtitles.
Tuesday 22nd “Caterina va in città” (2003), Director: Paolo Virzì; Stars: Alice Teghil, Sergio Castellitto,
Margherita Buy.
In Italian with English subtitles.
Tuesday 29th “Notte prima degli esami” (2006), Director: Fausto Brizzi; Stars: Giorgio Faletti, Cristiana
Capotondi, Nicolas Vaporidis.
In Italian with English subtitles.
Discussion mediated by the teacher at the end of each film
Free entrance
Information for candidates
An Italian friend is interested in joining the Youth Film Club of your school. He/She asks you to explain to
him/her better what it is about.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l about the film schedule and information about the films (director, actors, titles, etc.)
l whether you have already gone to watch a film
l whether you need to pay
l whether the film is followed by a discussion
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
B: Sports and leisure
Stimulus 1
Sport Tournaments at Christopher Marlowe’s School
Open Enrollment
Special prize: one ticket to watch your favourite team alive
Five-a-side football
From 01/05 to 31/05
8 teams
(All matches will be
played at the gym
of the school
in the evenings)
From 15/05 to 19/06
8 teams
(All matches will be
played at the gym
of the school
in the afternoons)
From 03/06 to 24/06
4 teams
(All matches will be
played at the gym
of the school
in the evenings)
From 04/06 to 25/06
4 teams
(All matches will be
played at the rugby
pitch of the school
in the afternoons)
Price: 50 pounds per team
Only for the students of the school. From year 9 onward.
For more information: 01439 868844
Information for candidates
An Italian schoolmate who still has some problems understanding English, asks you to explain to him/her
the sign advertising the sport tournaments of the school.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l about the general conditions to get enrolled (price, age, grade, etc.)
l about the characteristics of each sport tournament (number of teams, dates, places, etc.)
l whether you are interested in getting enrolled in one particular tournament
l about the final prize
l how to get further information
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
Stimulus 2
The local Youth Centre is organizing:
A day trip to the lake, visiting the castle, the wood and much more
07:00am – Departure from the Youth Centre Headquarters
09:00am – Arrival at St. George Castle
(guided tour within the castle from 9:15am to 11:15am)
11:30am – Bus to the lake
12:00am - Arrival at Pretty Lake
12:15am - 1:15pm walk down the lake river
1:30pm - Lunch at the traditional local pub
2:30pm - Walk into Pretty Woods and visit of the little village
5:00pm – Return journey home
15 Pounds - members / 25 Pounds – non-members
(lunch included)
Under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult
Information for candidates
An Italian friend has just come to live in your neighbourhood. You would like to invite him/her on a day
trip organized by the local Youth Centre.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l about the places to be visited and the timetable
l about the price
l whether you have already gone on a day trip organized by the Youth Centre
l whether he/she might invite another friend
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
Stimulus 3
New Olympia Sport and Leisure Centre
114, Duke Street SWH1 (near St Peter’s Church)
pool z gym z billiard tables z ping pong tables z cafeteria z sauna
30 Pounds a month
1 year membership – 250 Pounds
Students and senior citizens 1 year membership – 200 Pounds
Reception open 10:00am–10:00pm
For information:
01465 8875278
Information for candidates
A new sports and leisure centre has just opened. You are discussing about it with your Italian friend.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l about the location of the centre
l about sports and activities available at the centre
l about prices and timetable
l whether you take part in some sport activities of the centre
l why you think it is good to join the centre
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
C: Travel and tourism
Stimulus 1
Information for candidates
During your summer holidays in Italy you have met a nice Italian friend. He/She tells you that he/she
would like to travel in your country next year.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l which cities and regions you would recommend
l about important churches, monuments, museums, etc. to visit
l about leisure and entertainment places
l which is the best time to arrange a trip
l about accommodation
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
Stimulus 2
Information for candidates
You tell your Italian friend about the holiday you have just had in Italy.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian friend and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l when and with whom you went to Italy
l about cities and places of interest you visited
l what you did to enjoy yourself
l whether you could learn new things
l whether you intend to go to Italy again
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
Stimulus 3
Information for candidates
You are in Italy for an exchange program with an Italian school. A week after your arrival, the head of the
school summons you to his/her office for an interview about this new experience.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian head of the school and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l whether you like your accommodation
l how you found the school
l what you do in your free time in Italy
l whether you think this is a useful experience and why
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
D: Business, work and employment
Stimulus 1
Italian teachers wanted
Giuseppe Garibaldi Italian School
l Native language speaking
l At least 2 years of experience
l Qualifications: BA degree and Postgraduate teaching qualification
l Computing skills: Word, Excel, Power Point and Internet
l 2 references needed
Please send your CV and Cover letter to: garibaldiitalianschool@hotmail.com
114, John Wood Street, SW1 9SD
For further information, call Tel. 01439 876524
Information for candidates
You work in the administration of an Italian school located in your area. An Italian candidate has read
the job announcement for the post of Italian teacher and come to your office to ask for information.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian candidate and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you about:
l requirements
l work schedule
l age of students
l salary
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation
Edizioni Edilingua
Controlled Assessment: Unit 2 - Speaking in Italian
Open interactions
Stimulus 2
Professional apprenticeship in Italy
Wednesday 6th of November at 10:00am at the local Town Hall
Interviews and selections at the lecture hall of the school
Come and talk to us about your interests and aspirations
Be dynamic and entrepreneurial
Together we can choose the best path for you
Information for candidates
You have decided to go to an interview to do an apprenticeship in Italy. All the expenses (flight,
accommodation, food, etc.) will be paid by the organization. During the conversation you will discuss
your interests, skills and aspirations.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian committee member and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l a general introduction of yourself: name, age, family
l about your interests, skills, aspiration
l why you would like to do an apprenticeship in Italy
l in which field you would like to do the apprenticeship
l why you think you are a good candidate for the apprenticeship
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Preparazione al GCSE in Italian
Preparazione al
GCSE in Italian
Stimulus 3
International Hotel
Single room: £120 per night
Double room: £150 per night
(breakfast included)
Services provided by the hotel:
Information for candidates
You work in the reception of an international hotel dealing with customers from all over the world. An
Italian potential customer who cannot speak your language is asking you some information about the
services of the hotel.
Your teacher will play the part of the Italian potential costumer and will start the conversation.
He/She may ask you:
l about the price of a bedroom per night
l whether breakfast is included in the price
l about services provided (Internet, air conditioning, sauna, etc.)
l what time he/she must leave the room
l whether the animals are admitted
Be prepared to ask questions during the conversation.
Edizioni Edilingua