Miscelanea 135.p65 - Fundación Miguel Lillo
Miscelanea 135.p65 - Fundación Miguel Lillo
1 Miscelanea 135 (2015) Miscelanea Nº 135 — 2015 — 2 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I Miscelanea Serie no periódica cuya temática incluye innovaciones metodológicas, información biológica catalogada, actualizaciones y ensayos científicos. ISSN 0074–025X Cita bibliográfica: Bustos, María S., Silvia N. Martínez De Marco, Virginia Mirande, Beatriz C. Tracanna. 2015. Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I: Material donado por el Herbario del New York Botanical Garden. Miscelanea 135, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Argentina. © 2015, Fundación Miguel Lillo. Todos los derechos reservados. Fundación Miguel Lillo Miguel Lillo 251, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina Telefax +54 381 433 0868 Editora de Miscelanea: Myriam del Valle Catania. Editor gráfico: Gustavo Sánchez. Comité editorial: Graciela Ruiz de Bigliardo (Fundación Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán) Julieta I. Carrizo (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán) Santiago A. Catalano (CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán) Graciela I. Ponessa (Fundación Miguel Lillo) Guillermo M. Suárez (CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán) Gerardo L. Robledo (CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) Ezequiel Aráoz (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán) Asesores editoriales: Pastor Arenas (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina) María Teresa Cosa (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) Massimiliano Dematteis (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina) Jorge L. Frangi (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) Eduardo Greizerstein (Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina) Jesús Muñoz (Real Jardín Botánico CSIC, España) Jefferson Prado (Instituto de Botánica de San Pablo, Brasil) Andrea I. Romero (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Argentina) María del Mar Trigo Pérez (Universidad de Málaga, España) Gustavo Heiden (Universidad de San Pablo, Brasil) Publicación indexada en Biosis Previews, CAB Abstracts, Zoological Record, Latindex, Entomology Abstracts (CSA), Referativnyi Zhurnal, Periodica. Canje y ventas: Centro de Información Geo-Biológico del Noroeste Argentino, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. biblioteca@lillo.org.ar, maprieto@lillo.org.ar Impresión: ... Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial. Impreso en la Argentina. Printed in Argentina. 3 Miscelanea 135 (2015) Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I: Material donado por el Herbario del New York Botanical Garden Bustos, María S. 1* ; Silvia N. Martínez De Marco 1 ; Virginia Mirande 1 ; Beatriz C. Tracanna 2,3 1 Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, (4000), San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. 3 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). * Autor corresponsal: solbustos81@gmail.com 2 Resumen — Bustos, María S.; Silvia N. Martínez De Marco; Virginia Mirande; Beatriz C. Tracanna. 2015. “Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Par te I: Material donado por el Herbario del New York Botanical Garden”. La Colección Ficológica del Herbario Criptogámico de la Fundación Miguel Lillo (Tucumán, Argentina) ha preservado más de mil especies de valor histórico donadas por museos y colectores importantes a nivel internacional. El material conservado en la colección fue revisado, fotografiado e ingresada la información de las etiquetas a la Base DATA-LIL. En esta primera etapa se publican los 576 ejemplares donados por el Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden que datan del período 1842-1938. Además, se debe destacar la presencia de dos duplicados de tipos correspondientes a Caulerpa lentillifera subsessilis y Symploca howei. Palabras clave: Algas; Herbario Criptogámico (LIL); Tucumán; Argentina. Abstract — Bustos, María S.; Silvia N. Martínez De Marco; Virginia Mirande; Beatriz C. Tracanna. 2015. “Catalogue of the Phycological Collection of Miguel Lillo Foundation. Part I: Material donated by the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden”. The Phycological Collection belonging to the Cryptogamic Herbarium of Miguel Lillo Foundation (Tucumán, Argentina) has preserved more than 1000 algal species with historical relevance. Important algal collections and collectors from around the world are represented in this herbarium. The samples preserved in the collection were revised, photographs were taken and the data contained in the labels was entered in the Base DATA-LIL. Five hundred and seventy six species donated by the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (1842-1938) are listed in this first catalogue. Finally we highlight the presence of two duplicates of types: Caulerpa lentillifera subsessilis and Symploca howei. Keywords: Algae; Cryptogamic Herbarium (LIL); Tucumán; Argentina. INTRODUCCIÓN La Colección Ficológica es un archivo histórico que resguarda material algal y forma parte del Herbario Criptogámico de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Esta colección contiene muestras algales representativas de prestigiosas Instituciones a nivel mundial como: Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden, Herb. Univ. Coll. Auckland, Mus. Bot. Stockholm, Herb. Algol. Romaniae, Flora Hungarica Exsiccata, Kryptogamae Exsiccatae, Flora Exsiccata Austro-Hungarica, Schiffner, Algae marinae, entre otros. Recibido: 22/05/15 – Aceptado: 28/07/15 Como parte del Proyecto Informatización de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo se elaboró el primer Catálogo de los especímenes algales preservados, con el objetivo de dar a conocer a la comunidad científica el material que se encuentra depositado en ella y fomentar de este modo su consulta por especialistas. Esta primera parte se refiere al material que fuera donado por el Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden el cual provino de colectas efectuadas principalmente en América del Norte y el Caribe. Dichas contribuciones incluyeron muestras de las Phycoteca Boreali-Americana, Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae de T. F. Allen y North American Marine Algae, 4 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I además de colecciones personales de algólogos como C. F. Durant y M. A. Booth, entre otros. La mayor parte de las especies catalogadas representan a la Phycoteca Boreali-Americana, colección de muestras secas editada en una exsiccata por F. S. Collins, I. Holden y W. A. Setchell. Entre los colectores que participaron se encuentran N. L. Gardner, De A. Saunders, M. S. Snyder, J. M. Weeks, C. E. Pease, G. A. Hall y C. Messina. Esta colección fue publicada entre 1895 y 1919, encontrándose dos volúmenes completos depositados en el Herbario de la Universidad de Berkeley y uno en el Instituto Smithsoniano (Regents of the University of California, 2009a). Se incluye a continuación una breve biografía de los colectores más representados en este Catálogo: – Allen, T. F. (1837-1902). Timothy Field nació en Westminster, Vermont, Estados Unidos de América (EUA). Se dedicó al estudio de las Charophyceae y a finales de 1800 realizó una colección de alrededor de 4000 especímenes de América del Norte, Sudamérica, Asia y Europa (The New York Botanical Garden, 2003). – Booth, M. A. (1843-1922). Mary Ann, científica muy respetada, nació en Longmeadow, Massachusetts, EUA. Por muchos años fue responsable como editora de la parte de microscopía para revistas científicas y sus preparados de diatomeas y polen son mundialmente reconocidos por su calidad (Stevenson, 2011). – Collins, F. S. (1848-1920). Frank Shipley fue un botánico aficionado nacido en Boston, Massachusetts, EUA. Realizó exploraciones y colectas en la costa de New England que luego extendió a Newport, Rhode Island y Long Island Sound. Hizo un importante intercambio de material con otros colectores de la época, lo cual le permitió ampliar sus conocimientos sobre las algas de Vancouver, Islas Bermudas, Jamaica y el Ártico Americano. Además, llevó a cabo colectas de algas y plantas con flores en Bermudas y publicó numerosas obras entre las cuales podemos citar: The Green Algae of North America y la Phycoteca Boreali-Americana (Setchell, 1925). – Durant, C. F. (1805-1873). Charles Ferson nació en Nueva York, EUA y se dedicó en su tiempo libre a la colección y clasificación de las algas marinas locales. Fue más conocido por su trayectoria como aeronauta que por sus investigaciones algológicas (Christie’s, 2015). Publicó el primer trabajo de algología de los Estados Unidos Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York, el cual se considera un trabajo único, de valor histórico y científico que tuvo una única edición de 50 ejemplares ilustrados con especímenes naturales (Hollick, 1913). – Gardner, N. L. (1864-1937). Nathaniel Lyon nació en Keokuk, Iowa, EUA, fue un importante colector de algas, hongos y espermatofitas que realizó colectas en México y Estados Unidos. Fue colaborador de William A. Setchell y sus muestras formaron parte significativa de la Phycoteca BorealiAmericana (Campbell, 1943). Se desempeñó como profesor en la Universidad de California desde 1913 a 1934 y a partir de 1920 como curador del Herbarium hasta jubilarse en 1934 (The Regents of The University of California, 2011). – Hervey, A. B. (1839-1931). Alpheus Baker, clérigo y educador además de ficólogo amateur, nació en Triangle, New York, EUA. A finales del siglo XIX publicó el libro Sea Mosses: A Collector’s Guide and an Introduction to the Study of Marine Algae (President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2010). En 1917 dio a conocer The Algae of Bermuda, primera flora de las Islas formada por cinco fascículos que integraron parte de la Phycotheca Boreali-Americana (Schneider, 2014). – Holden, I. (1832-1903). Issac nació en Preston, Connecticut, EUA, fue uno de los fundadores de la Phycoteca Boreali-Americana, se desempeñó como profesor y luego se dedicó a los negocios. Desde temprano tuvo gran interés por la botánica, realizando colecciones sistemáticas y notas fundamentalmente sobre algas (Regents of the University of California, 2009b). 5 Miscelanea 135 (2015) – Howe, M. A. (1867-1936). Marshall Avery nacido en Newfame, Vermont, EUA, fue miembro del cuerpo científico del New York Botanical Garden desde 1901 a 1936 y el principal impulsor del Herbario Ficológico de dicha institución (The New York Botanical Garden, 2003). Especialista en algas, hepáticas y aficionado al cultivo de Dalias y otras plantas ornamentales. En 1906 fue designado curador del herbario, en 1923 director asistente y luego fue director en 1935 (The New York Botanical Garden, 2005). – Setchell, W. A. (1864-1943). William Albert nació en Norwich, Connecticut, EUA, se graduó en Yale y obtuvo su doctorado en Harvard. Fue profesor de biología y botánica y se desempeñó como jefe del departamento de botánica de Berkeley. Estudió diversos aspectos de la botánica, taxonomía de algas, hongos y algunos grupos de angiospermas, parasitismo, biogeografía, etnobotánica, arrecifes y algas termales (Moe y Browne, 1996). M ATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Para la consecución de los objetivos planteados se ha revisado el material algal herborizado preservado en la colección y se controló su estado de conservación. De forma simultánea se consultaron los cuadernos de inventario históricos de la Colección Ficológica y se tomaron fotografías de los ejemplares con una cámara fotográfica digital marca Fuji modelo Finepix JV200. Se realizó la transcripción textual de la información contenida en las etiquetas de cada ejemplar. Los datos contenidos en éstas fueron cargados en la base de datos DATA-LIL y complementados con información sobre la taxonomía de las especies de acuerdo a AlgaeBase (Guiry y Guiry, 2015). Asimismo, se recabó información sobre la historia de las colecciones, biografía de los colectores y técnicas de preservación y montaje. Las muestras algales se encuentran montadas sobre papel, láminas transparentes o contenidas en sobres. La metodología para la preservación de las algas macroscópicas descripta por Collins (1899) consistía en mantenerlas en agua salada limpia y fresca, dejando que asuman su forma natural. Posteriormente se deslizaba un papel por debajo del especimen y se lo extraía cuidando que conserve la forma que exhibía en la naturaleza. El ejemplar adherido al papel se dejaba secar sobre un tablero inclinado por un corto período, colocándole seguidamente papel secante y cubriéndolo con una pieza de tela de algodón. Esta operación se aplicaba a los ejemplares que iban adicionándose y se prensaban siguiendo las mismas técnicas empleadas con las plantas superiores. Los papeles secantes se cambiaban cada lapso de una hora inicialmente y luego a intervalos más espaciados. Una vez secas las algas quedaban adheridas firmemente al papel, caso contrario se adicionaba pegamento. Asimismo, para graficar el número de ejemplares por colector se utilizó el software LibreOffice Versión (The Document Foundation, 2000-2013). Se empleó un Scanner HP Scanjet 4070 Photosmart y el software Photoshop versión 5 para la digitalización de los ejemplares seleccionados a fin de ilustrar el material ficológico (Figs. 2-4). RESULTADOS Se contabilizaron alrededor de 80 colectores de los cuales se destacaron por el número de ejemplares: Collins (115), Durant (66), Hervey (56), Howe (49), Allen y Gardner (26). Los demás colectores están representados por menos de 20 especies (1 a 17) y 23 ejemplares no tienen datos de colector (Fig. 1). A continuación se describen 576 ejemplares distribuidos en 190 géneros pertenecientes a Charophyta (13), Chlorophyta (46), Cyanobacteria (26), Ochrophyta (32) y Rhodophyta (73) que fueron donados por el Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. 6 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I FUNDACIÓN MIGUEL LILLO HERBARIO CRIPTOGÁMICO (LIL) CATÁLOGO DE LA COLECCIÓN FICOLÓGICA ACANTHOPHORA 1. Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl.) Borg. BERMUDA, Fairyland, 13/08/1913. In shallow water, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6430). 2. Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl.) Borg. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 28/10/1913. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6650). 3. Acanthophora thierii Lamour. US, Florida, Key West, C. Messina. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 41. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6580). ACROCHAETIUM 4. Acrochaetium gymnogongri Setchell & Gardner. US, California, San Francisco, Land’s End, 22/05/1905. Epiphytic on Gymnogongrus, W. A. Setchell & N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana 2244. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6338). AEGIRA 5. Aegira virescens (Carm.) Setchell and N.L. Gardner. CANADA, Newfoundland, 26/ 07/1901-03/08/1901. On various algae just bellow low tide mark, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 768. Distributed from Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6278). AGARDHIELLA 6. Agardhiella tenera (J. Ag.) Schmitz. US, New York, Orient, M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6302). ALARIA 7. Alaria grandifolia J. Ag. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº CV. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6589). Fig. 1. Número de especies por colector de la Colección Ficológica, en base al material donado por el Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. SD: sin datos de colector. Miscelanea 135 (2015) 8. Alaria musaefolia De la Pyl. US, Coast of Maine, 18/07/1897. Coll. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6702). 9. Alaria pylaii (De la Pyl.) Grev. US, Maine, Portland, Peak’s Island, 02/05/1904. Young plants from lowers pools, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1237. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6491). 10. Alaria sculenta f. australis. US, Coast of Maine. Coll. Wm. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6701). ANABAENA 11. Anabaena azollae Strasb. US, California, Los Angeles River, 11/1900. Endophytic in Azolla caroliniana, S. P. Monks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 754. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6553). 12. Anabaena catenula (Kuetz.) Born. & Flah. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Eagle Island, 07/1896. In a ditch just above the beach, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 506. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6515). 13. Anabaena catenula (Kuetz.) Born. & Flah. var. americana Collins. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex Fells, 01/06/1893. In company with others species of algae forming scum on pools or ditches, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 207. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6541). 14. Anabaena circinalis Rab. US, California, San Francisco, Ingleside, 11/1904. N. L. Gardner. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1430. (LIL 6660). 15. Anabaena circinalis (Kuetz.) Rab. US, Massachusetts, Medford, 26/06/1906. Forming a scum on a small pond, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1308. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6473). 16. Anabaena flos-aquae Breb. US, New Hampshire, Jaffrey, 18/08/1896. Flooding 7 on Thorndike pond, L. W. Riddle. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2208. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6349). ANADYOMENE 17. Anadyomene flabellata (Wulfen) Agardh. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 02/ 1912. In shallow water, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1906. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6447). ANKISTRODESMUS 18. Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. duplex (Kuetz.) G. S. West. US, Massachusetts, Waverley, 03/1916. In a culture, A. B. Seymour. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2226. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6425). 19. Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs. var. mirabilis (W. & G. S. West) G. S. West. US, California, cultivated. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2227. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6434). ANTITHAMNION 20. Antithamnion boreale (Gobi) Kjellm. US, Maine, Harpswell, 06/07/1906. F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1346. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6450). 21. Antithamnion cruciatum (Ag.) Naeg. BERMUDA, St. George’s, 04/1912. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2191. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20018). 22. Antithamnion floccosum var. pacificum Harv. US, California, La Jolla. E. Snyder. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 147. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6571). 23. Antithamnion plumula (Ellis) Thuret. US, Rhode Island, Conanicut Island, 02 y 03/1898. W. C. Simmons. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 496. Distributed from the 8 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6539). 24. Antithamnion pylaisaei (Mont.) Kjellm. US, Massachusetts, Revere Beach, 07/05/1893. F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 97 a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6557). APHANIZOMENON 25. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs. US, Wisconsin, Chetek Lake. G. M. Smith. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2209. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6378). APHANOTHECE 26. Aphanothece microscopica Naeg. US, California, San Francisco, Mountain Lake, 17/05/1905. On moist sand, N. L. Gardner. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1702a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6465). 27. Aphanothece saxicola Naeg. US, Massachusetts, Woburn, Horn Pond, 09/09/ 1905. F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1301. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20027). APIARIUM 28. Apiarium apicula. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Jersey City, 10/1850. On Fucus vesiculosus, and at low water mark on a rock, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 27. (LIL 5959). ASCOCYCLUS 29. Ascocyclus orbicularis (J. Ag.) Magnus. US, Rodhe Island, Newport, 07/09/ 1896. On Zostera, Coll. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 106. (LIL 6679). ASCOPHYLLUM 30. Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Stackh. US, New York, Long Island, Northport, 02/ 09/1896. Coll. A. Schneider. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herba- rium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6251). ASPEROCOCCUS 31. Asperococcus fistolosus vermicularis (Griff.) Batters. CANADA, Nova Scotia, Pictou, 15/07/1901. On Fucus serratus and F. vesiculosus at low water mark, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 602. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6274). BANGIA 32. Bangia ciliaris Carm. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 05/11/1893. On Fucus, etc., I. Holden. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 88. Distributed from the The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6575). BATOPHORA 33. Batophora oerstedii var. occidentalis (Harv.) Howe. BERMUDA, Shelly Bay, 12/ 1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2016. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6410). BATRACHOSPERMUM 34. Batrachospermum boryanum Sirdt. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex Fells, 14/04/ 1890. In a brook, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 187b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20054). 35. Batrachospermum moniliforme Roth. US, Massachusetts, Wakefield, 06/04/1890. On stones in culvert in under railway, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6690). 36. Batrachospermum vagum keratophytum (Bory) Sirod. US, New York, Catskills, 01/08/1868. T. F. Allen. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6259). 37. Batrachospermum vagum keratophytum (Bory) Sirod. US, New York, Catskills, 01/08/1868. T. F. Allen. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6273). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 9 Fig. 2. A) Acanthophora spicifera, Collins (LIL 6430). B) Callithamnion spongiosum, Durant (LIL 6003). C) Callophyllis violacea, Setchell, (LIL 6696). D) Chorda filum, Booth, (LIL 6319). 10 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I BOODLEOPSIS 38. Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) M. A. Howe. US, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Santurce, 16/05/1903. On wooden piers, littoral, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1880. (LIL 6288). BOSTRYCHIA 39. Bostrychia anceps (Lamk.) Decne. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 48. (LIL 5952). 40. Bostrychia montagnei Harv. BERMUDA, Tucker’s Town, 06/02/1913. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6645). 41. Bostrychia sertularia Mont. BERMUDA, Gravelly Bay, 01/04/1912. On roof of cave, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2094. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6374). BRACHYTRICHIA 42. Brachytrichia maculans Gomont. BERMUDA, Fairyland, 30/11/1915. On mangrove, among Rivularia polyotis, Dichothrix and Calothrix species, etc., F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2159. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6525). 43. Brachytrichia quoyi (Ag.) B. & F. US, Puerto Rico, Bay of Guayanilla, Cayo María Langa, 25/06/1915. On roots of Rhizophora at l.t.m., Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7124. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6258). BRYOPSIS 44. Bryopsis hypnoides Lamour. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Staten Island, Castle Garden, 1850. On rocks at low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 186. (LIL 6020). 45. Bryopsis hypnoides Lamour. BERMUDA, Dingle Bay, 15/01/1915. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2166. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6401). 46. Bryopsis hypnoides Lamour. BERMUDA, Flatts Bridge, 10/03/1917. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2167. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6414). 47. Bryopsis pennata Lamour. US, Puerto Rico, San Juan, 04/06/1903. On margins of the tide-pool, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 2299. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6266). CALLITHAMNION 48. Callithamnion baileyi Herv. US, New York, Red Hook and Staten Island, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 176. (LIL 6004). 49. Callithamnion byssoideum Arnott. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. At half tide, on shells, Zostera and Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 174. (LIL 6006). 50. Callithamnion byssoideum Arn. var. jamaicense Collins. BERMUDA, Gravelly Bay, 15/12/1913. In cave, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2045. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6366). 51. Callithamnion cordatum Borgs. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 01/02/1915. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2189. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6404). 52. Callithamnion corymbosum (Eng. Bot.) Lyngb. US, Rhode Island, Newport. On Zostera marina, W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 444. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6485). 53. Callithamnion corymbosum (Eng. Bot.) Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport. Washed ashore, Coll. W. C. Simmons. North American Algae Nº 226. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6677). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 54. Callithamnion halliae Collins. BERMUDA, 08/03/1912. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6648). 55. Callithamnion lignator? US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. In great abundance, between tide marks, on docks logs and other submerged woods, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 171. (LIL 6008). 56. Callithamnion pinnata. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, 1850. Abundant at low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 177. (LIL 6016). 57. Callithamnion roseum Sm. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. At half tide mark, in all part of the bay, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 173. (LIL 6001). 58. Callithamnion spongiosum Harv. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Between tide marks rather abundant, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 175. (LIL 6003). CALLOPHYLLIS 59. Callophyllis furcata Farlow. US, California, San Diego. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6642). 60. Callophyllis obtusifolia J. Ag. US, California, San Diego, 06/1915. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6669). 61. Callophyllis obtusifolia J. Ag. US, California, San Diego, 06/1915. W. A. Setchell. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6689). 62. Callophyllis variegata Kg. US, California, Pacific Grove. S. P. Monks. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 3288. (LIL 6634). 63. Callophyllis variegata (Bory) Kuetz. US, California, Santa Cruz, 1888-1889. M. Tuttle. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6694). 64. Callophyllis violacea J. Ag. US, California, 06/1915. W. A. Setchell. Distributed 11 from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6667). 65. Callophyllis violacea J. Ag. US, California, 06/1915. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6695). 66. Callophyllis violacea J. Ag. US, California, 06/1915. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6696). CALOGLOSSA 67. Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. US, Florida, St. Agustin, 05/1897. Growing on various plants between tide marks, G. A. Hall. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 438. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6538). 68. Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. BERMUDA, Ely’s Harbor, 21/04/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2038. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6372). 69. Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. US, Puerto Rico, Hacienda Catalina near Palmer, 29/01-01/02/1915. In a brook, Coll. N. Wille. Freshwater Algae from Porto Rico Nº 792. Distributed from the The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6285). CALOTHRIX 70. Calothrix braunii Bornet & Flahault. US, California, 01/1916. Developed in a water culture in Bot. Lab. University of California, N. L. Gardner. Phycotheca BorealiAmericana Nº 2211. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6351). 71. Calothrix fasciculata f. incrustans Collins. US, Massachusetts, Revere Beach, 29/ 09/1895. On rocks in littoral zone, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 561. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6523). 72. Calothrix vivipara Harv. US, Massachusetts, Marblehead, 27/08/1895. In upper tide pools, on smooth rocks, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 560. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6549). 12 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I CATENELLA 73. Catenella opuntia Good. et Woodw. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, 1850. In rock pool, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 128. (LIL 6018). CAULERPA 74. Caulerpa clavifera (Turn.) Ag. US, Puerto Rico, Mouth of Guanica Harbor, 21/ 06/1915. In 3-6 dm. of water, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 6984. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6320). 75. Caulerpa crassifolia (Ag.) J. Ag. US, Puerto Rico, Guanica Harbor, 23/06/1915. In shallow water, in Rhizophora association, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7026. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6282). 76. Caulerpa crassifolia (Ag.) J. Ag. forma laxior (Weber) Collins. BERMUDA, 23/ 04-02/05/1912. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1919 A. (LIL 20105). 77. Caulerpa crassifolia var. mexicana J. Ag. US, Florida, Key West. Leg. C. Messina. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 724. (LIL 6629). 78. Caulerpa juniperoides J. Ag. JAMAICA, Port Antonio, 07/1894. Growing in abundance in shallow water on dark mud bottom, C. E. Pease and E. Butler. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 79. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6572). 79. Caulerpa cupressoides (West.) Ag. US, Puerto Rico, West of the Mouth of Guanica Harbor, 30/06/1915. Common in 2-6 dm. of water of Rhizophora-Thalassia association, on reefs and cays, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7261. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6328). 80. Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl.) Ag. var. mamillosa (Mont.) Weber. JAMAICA, 1900. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6635). 81. Caulerpa fastigiata Mont. US, Flori- da, Key West. C. Messina. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6659). 82. Caulerpa lentillifera subsessilis M. A. Howe. US, Puerto Rico, East of the mouth of Guanica Harbor, 23/06/1915. Dredged in 40-50 meters of water, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7098. (LIL 6289). Type Duplicate. 83. Caulerpa paspaloides compressa (Web. - V. Bosse). M. A. Howe. BAHAMAS, Atwood (Samana) Cay, 04/12/1907. Near low - water mark, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 5328. (LIL 6330). 84. Caulerpa prolifera (Forsk.) Lamour. US, Puerto Rico, East of the mouth of Guanica Harbor, 01/07/1915. Common in 2-3 dm. of water in Rhizophora association, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7299. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6327). 85. Caulerpa pusilla (Kuetz.) J. Ag. BERMUDA, Harris Bay, 25/11/1913. In tide pool, A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2019. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6358). 86. Caulerpa racemosa (Forsk.) J. Ag. US, Puerto Rico, Mouth of Guanica Harbor, 21/06/1915. In 3-6 dm. of water, with and near C. clavifera, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 6985. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6290). 87. Caulerpa racemosa (Foersk.) J. Ag. var. occidentalis (J. Ag.) Börgs. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 02/05/1912. Floating on surface of quiet pool, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2021. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6359). 88. Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl.) Ag. US, Puerto Rico, Guanica Harbor, 23/06/1915. In shallow water in Rhizophora association, common in roots and mud, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7025. Distributed from the Herbarium of Miscelanea 135 (2015) 13 Fig. 3. A) Desmarestia viridis, Holden (LIL 6632). B) Grinnellia americana, Booth (LIL 6315). C) Liagora ceranoides, Hervey (LIL 6626). D) Microcladia coulteri, Tuttle (LIL 6615). 14 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6297). CERAMIUM 89. Ceramium californicum J. Ag. US, California, Santa Cruz, 08/1897. On Gracilaria confervoides, thrown ashore, J. M. Weeks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 447. Distributed from the The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6545). 90. Ceramium californicum J. Ag. US, California, Monterrey County, Pescadero Point, 05/1916. On rocks and algae in lower litoral, N. L. Gardner. Phycotheca BorealiAmericana Nº 2248. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6342). 91. Ceramium diaphanum var. obtusa. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Zostera and other Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 148. (LIL 6021). 92. Ceramium fastigiatum Harv. US, Rhode Island, Newport, Eastern Point, 01/09/ 1901. Washed ashore, W. C. Simmons. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 4237. (LIL 6638). 93. Ceramium rubrum Huds. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 145. (LIL 5994). 94. Ceramium rubrum var. corymbiferum J. Ag. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, Salt Pond, 03/09/1916. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2249. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6364). 95. Ceramium strictum Harv. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Spectacle Island, 07/1895. Growing in dense masses in high shallow pool, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 347. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6529). 96. Ceramium strictum (Kütz) Harv. US, Long Island, Orient, M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6307). 97. Ceramium tenuissimum var. pygmaeum (Kuetz.) Hauck. BERMUDA, Cooper’s Island, 02/08/1913. On Codium decorticatum, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2193. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6395). 98. Ceramium transversale Collins & Hervey, BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 01/05/ 1912. On Zonaria variegata, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2049. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20135). CHAETOMORPHA 99. Chaetomorpha crassa (Ag.) Kütz. BERMUDA, Heron Bay, 24/04/1913. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6605). 100. Chaetomorpha gracilis Kuetz. BERMUDA, Hungry Bay, 04/1912. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2162. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6398). 101. Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 03/ 1914. On Cladophora, Lyngbya, etc. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2007. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6381). CHAETOPHORA 102. Chaetophora elegans (Roth.) Ag. US, Washington, Whidbey Island, 07/1901. In a pond, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1026. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20148). 103. Chaetophora incrassata (Hudds.) Hazen. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, Pequonnoch River, 01/12/1890. I. Holden. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1330. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6489). CHAMAEDORIS 104. Chamaedoris peniculum (Ell. & Sol.) Kuntze. US, Puerto Rico, Muertos Island (Cayo de Muertos), 08/07/1915, Washed shore. Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7530. Distributed from the Miscelanea 135 (2015) Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6270). CHAMPIA 105. Champia parvula Harv. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6311). CHANTRANSIA 106. Chantransia dufourii Collins. BERMUDA, Hungry Bay, 12/1913. On Dictyota ciliata, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2087. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6335). CHARA 107. Chara aspera (Deth.) Willd. US, Illinois, Chicago, 07/1889. Coll. E. S. Bastin, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6038). 108. Chara aspera (Deth.) Willd. US, New York, Geneva. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6044). 109. Chara contraria A. Br. MÉXICO, Tula, 02/08/1896. In springs of alkaline meadows, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6032). 110. Chara contraria A. Br. MÉXICO, San Luis de Potosí, San Bartolo. In alkaline pools, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6055). 111. Chara contraria A. Br. US, New York, Cayuga. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6078). 112. Chara contraria A. Br. US, New York, Seneca. Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6080). 113. Chara coronata Ziz. US, Vermont, 1881. Coll. Horsford. Characeae Americanae Exsicattae Nº 12. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6072). 114. Chara coronata Ziz. MÉXICO, San Luis Potosí, 28/09/1890. In shallow ponds, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6034). 15 115. Chara coronata var. schweinitzii A. Br. US, Connecticut, Litchfield, 06/1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 8. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6029). 116. Chara crinita Wallr. US, Massachusetts, Nantucket, Wauwinet, 30/08/1895. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6051). 117. Chara crinita f. leptosperma Allen. US, Massachusetts, Nantucket, Sesacacha Pond, 07/1886. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 823. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6509). 118. Chara delicatula Desv. SUECIA, Smorsund insulae Koön ad Marstrand, 6/ 1898. In fossa argillaceae, O. Nordstedt. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6305). 119. Chara elegans (A. Br.) C. B. Robinson. US, Massachusetts, Winham. E. Faxon. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1440. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6477). 120. Chara excelsa Allen. US, New York, Canandaigua, 08/1881. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6074). 121. Chara flaccida A. Br. US, Florida, 25/05/1875. Coll. A. H. Curtiss, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6035). 122. Chara flexilis Ag. var. subcapitata A. Br. US, Connecticut, Litchfield. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 30. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6049). 123. Chara foetida A. Br. US, New York, Syracusse, 08/1881. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 17. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6028). 124. Chara fragilis Desv. US, Conneticut, Goshen, 07/1881. Coll. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6085). 125. Chara fragilis Desv. US, Massachusetts, Boxford, 23/08/1880. In a brook, 16 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6058). 126. Chara fragilis Desv. US, New York, Honeoye, 08/1881. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 21. Distributed from of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6040). 127. Chara fragilis Desv. f. tenuior. MÉXICO, Tlalnepantla, 10/12/1892. In railroad ditches, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6081). 128. Chara gymnopus elegans A. Br. US, New York, Lake Champlain, South Bay, 20/ 08/1894. Coll & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6037). 129.Chara gymnopus elegans. US, Massachusetts, Wenham. E. Faxon. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6607). 130. Chara gymnopus humboldtii A. Br. US, Florida, Jacksonville, St. John’s River, 04/08/1891. Coll. K. Minakata, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6061). 131. Chara gymnopus humboldtii A. Br. MÉXICO, Tampico, 04/07/1896. In a pool, among the sand dunes of the gulf coast, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6079). 132. Chara gymnopus michauxii A. Br. US, West Virginia, Harper’s Ferry, 10/1881. Coll. J. D. Smith, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6041). 133. Chara gymnopus michauxii A. Br. MÉXICO, Chihuahua, Bachimba Cañon, 31/ 10/1885. In warm springs, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6046). 134. Chara gymnopus michauxii A. Br. US, Texas, Brownsville, 13/08/1888. In lagoons of the lower Río Grande, Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6047). 135. Chara gymnopus michauxii A. Br. US, West Virginia, Harper’s Ferry, 10/1880. Coll. J. D. Smith, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6088). 136. Chara gymnopus trichacantha A. Br. US, Florida. Coll. A. H. Curtiss, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6063). 137. Chara hornemanni A. Br. var. nordhoffiae Allen. US, California, San Diego, 08/ 1897. Coll. Nordhoff. Characeae Americanae Exsiccattae. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6033). 138. Chara hydropitys var. septentrionalis Nordst. US, Rhode Island, Apponaug, 08/ 1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 10. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6084). 139. Chara intermedia A. Br. US, New Jersey, «Panther Pond», 08/1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsciccatae Nº 4. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6086). 140. Chara intermedia A. Br. US, South Dakota, Lake Cochrane, 30/08/1898. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6045). 141. Chara intermedia A. Br. US, South Dakota, Lake Hendricks, 1898. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6066). 142. Chara intermedia A. Br. var. americana A. Br. US, Connecticut, Lakeville, 08/ 1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 8. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6087). 143. Chara sejuncta A. Br. US, Minnesota, 07/1882. J. C. Arthur. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6075). 144. Chara sejuncta f. elongata. A. Br. US, New York, New Jersey, 08/1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 7. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6062). 145. Chara sejuncta f. tenuifolia A. Br. US, Rhode Island, Apponaug, 09/1882. Coll. E. Faxon. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 39. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6052). CHORDA 146. Chorda filum L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 20. (LIL 5964). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 17 Fig. 4. A) Nereocystis lutkeana, Weeks (LIL 6699). B) Polysiphonia urceolata, Pike (LIL 6257). C) Rhodomela subfusca, Simmons (LIL 6432). D) Sargassum filipendula, Simmons (LIL 6609). 18 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 147. Chorda filum (L.) Stackh. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6319). CHONDRIA 148. Chondria curvilineata Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Heron Bay, 28/01/1914. Coll. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2039a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6368A). 149. Chondria curvilineata Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Inlet, 24/12/1913. Coll. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2039b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6368B). 150. Chondria tenuissima Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6304). 151. Chondria tenuissima Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6325). CHONDRUS 152. Chondrus crispus L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 110. (LIL 6013). 153. Chondrus crispus (L.) Stack. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 04/1898. Coll. W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 488 b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6548). CHROOCOCCUS 154. Chroococcus helveticus Naeg. US, California, 05/1916. Cultivated, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2201. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6394). 155. Chroococcus turgidus (Kuetz.) Naeg. US, California, 03/1916. Cultivated, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2202. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6377). CHRYSYMENIA 156. Chrysymenia divaricata J. Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Red Hook, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 78. (LIL 5982). CHYLOCLADIA 157. Chylocladia parvula Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate and Staten Island, 1850. In tide pools, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 80. (LIL 5981). CLADOPHORA 158. Cladophora arcta Dillw. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On rocks at low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 201. (LIL 5963). 159. Cladophora callicoma Kuetz. US, Connecticut, Still River, near New Milford, 08/05/1892. Attached to rocks in swift running waters, I. Holden. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 25. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6560). 160. Cladophora canalicularis (Roth.) Kuetz. US, Missouri, Saint Louis, 01/04/ 1910. G. T. Moore. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1689. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6449). 161. Cladophora corallicola Børgs. BERMUDA, Tuckerstown, 27/12/1912. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2010. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6411). 162. Cladophora crispula Vickers. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 11/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2011. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6424). 163. Cladophora crystallina (Roth.) Kuetz. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 03/05/ 1912. Pool, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1865b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6488). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 164. Cladophora delicatula Mont. US, Oregon, North Bend, 05/1914. Growing on sound rock in a sheltered shady place near high tide line, N. L. Gardner. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2747. (LIL 6682). 165. Cladophora expansa (Mert.) Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, «Sunken Meadow», 13/09/1909. Floating in mats in the surface of pools, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1633a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20308A). 166. Cladophora expansa (Mert.) Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, «Sunken Meadow», 19/04/1909. Lying loose on the bottom, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1633b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20308B). 167. Cladophora fascicularis (Mert.) Kuetz. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 23/02/ 1916. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2163. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical. (LIL 6420). 168. Cladophora flexuosa (Griff.) Harv. US, California, Monterrey County, Peeble Beach, 05/1916. In comparatively quiet water, among Enteromorpha, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2239. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6343). 169. Cladophora fracta (Fl. Dan.) Kuetz. BERMUDA, Spanish Rock, 17/01/1913. Artificial fresh water reservoir, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2013. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6360). 170. Cladophora fuliginosa Kuetz. BERMUDA, Harris Bay, 09/01/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2012. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20319). 171. Cladophora hemisphaerica Gardner. US, California, Monterrey County, Pebble Beach, 05/1916. In tide pools above high water mark, on sand rock, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2240c. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6344). 19 172. Cladophora hemisphaerica Gardner. US, California, Monterrey County, Cypress Point, 06/1916. On rocks in middle and upper litoral zone, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2240b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6340). 173. Cladophora pellucida Huds. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On mud-covered rocks, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 196. (LIL 5975). 174. Cladophora piscinae Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Godet Island, 30/11/1915. In still salt water, stone fish pool, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2165. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6413). 175. Cladophora refracta Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On the mud flats, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 199. (LIL 5960). 176. Cladophora rudolfiana f. eramosa Gardner. US, California, Oakland, 04/1915. In warm salt water pool, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2241. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6348). 177. Cladophora rupestris L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On rocks and Algae at half tide mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 197. (LIL 5957). 178. Cladophora utriculosa Kuetz. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 03/1914, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2014a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6350A). 179. Cladophora utriculosa Kuetz. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 11/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2014b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (LIL 6350B). CLADOPHOROPSIS 180. Cladophoropsis membranaceus (Ag.) Borg. BERMUDA, Flatts Bridge, 01/ 20 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 05/1912. Forming firm, spherical or ovoid cushions on shoots of mangroves, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1866b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6456). CLOSTERIUM 181. Closterium dianae Ehrenb. US, Massachusetts, Tewksbury, Round Pond, 07/09/ 1908. Among other algae, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1564. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6497). CODIUM 182. Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) Howe. BERMUDA, Coopers Island, 02/08/ 1913. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7702. (LIL 6664). 183. Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) Howe. BERMUDA. F. S. Collins & A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8112. (LIL 6606). 184. Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) Howe. BERMUDA, 02/08/1913. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8113. (LIL 6671). 185. Codium tomentosum (Huds.) Stack. JAMAICA, Port Maria, 17/03/1893. In immense tufts along shore, J. E. Humphrey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 168. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6555). COELOSPHAERIUM 186. Coelosphaerium kuetzingianum Naeg. US, Massachusetts, Arlington, 27/07/ 1891. Leg. E. Dewart. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2160. (LIL 6602). CONFERVA 187. Conferva melagonium Web. and Mohr. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Governor´s Island, 1850. In deep water, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 210. (LIL 6015). CORALLINA 188. Corallina berterii Mont. Explorations in South America, 02/11/1914. Coll. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Rose. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 19425. (LIL 6254). 189. Corallina gracilis Lamour. US, California, La Jolla. E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 399. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6556). 190. Corallina officinalis L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 83. (LIL 5973). CORDYLECLADIA 191. Cordylecladia rigens (Ag.) Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Fairyland, 12/1915. In mangrove swamp, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2186. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6403). COSMARIUM 192. Cosmarium reniforme Archer var. elevatum W. & G. S. West. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, 09/1909. On decaying of Nimphae leaves, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6112. (LIL 6600). 193. Cosmarium pseudonitidulum Nordst. var. validum West. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, 08/09/1915. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6674. (LIL 20404). CROUANIA 194. Crouania attenuata (Bonnem.) J. Ag. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 24/02/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2048. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6373). Miscelanea 135 (2015) CRYPTONEMIA 195. Cryptonemia obovata J. Ag. US, California, San Francisco, Fort Point. On rocks at extreme low water mark, C. P. Nott. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 550. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6511). 196. Cryptonemia obovata J. Ag. US, California, La Jolla. E. Snyder. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6676). 197. Cryptonemia obovata J. Ag. US, California, La Jolla. Washed ashore, E. Snyder. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6697). CRYPTOPLEURA 198. Cryptopleura ruprechtiana (J. Ag.) Kyl. CANADA, Vancouver Island, 07/1901. E. Butler and J. M. Polley. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6652). 199. Cryptopleura violacea (J. Ag.) Kyline. US, California, White’s Point, 11/06/ 1911. N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2246c. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6333). CUMAGLOIA 200. Cumagloia andersonii (Farlow) S. & G. US, California, San Pedro. S. P. Monks. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6611). CYSTOCLONIUM 201. Cystoclonium purpurascens (Huds.) Kuetz. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 06/1899. W. C. Simmons. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 690. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6513). CYSTOSEIRA 202. Cystoseira setchellii Gardner. US, Southern California. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº CXVb. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6591). 21 DASYA 203. Dasya corymbifera J. Ag. US, Florida, Key West. G. A. Hall. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1745. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6421). 204. Dasya pedicellata Ag. US, New York, Long Island. Coll. N. Pike. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6298). 205. Dasya pedicellata Ag. US, Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard, 1893. Coll. F. H. Blodgett. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6301). 206. Dasya pedicellata Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6316). 207. Dasya pedicellata Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6318). DASYCLADUS 208. Dasycladus clavaeformis Ag. JAMAICA, 1900. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6619). 209. Dasycladus clavaeformis (Roth.) Ag. US, Florida, Key West, 22/10/1896. Washed ashore, G. A. Hall. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 97. (LIL 6681). DERBESIA 210. Derbesia lamourouxii (J. Ag.) Solier. BERMUDA, Tucker’s Town, 21/03/1916. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2168. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6384). DESMARESTIA 211. Desmarestia aculeata (L.) Lamour. US, Massachusetts, Revere Beach, 02/06/ 1895. Growing below low marked, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 129. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6564). 22 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 212. Desmarestia confervalis. US, New York, Red Hook, Yellow Hook, 1850. On Fucus vesiculosus, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 24. (LIL 5990). 213. Desmarestia latifrons Kutz. US, California, Carmel Bay, 07/1896. De Alton Saunders. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 279. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6586). 214. Desmarestia viridis Mull. US, Bay and Harbor of New York Hurlgate, 1850. On Fucus and other Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 23. (LIL 5955). 215. Desmarestia viridis (Mull.) Lamour. US, New York, Long Island, Montauk Point, 15/07/1934. Washed ashore, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7676. (LIL 6323). 216. Desmarestia viridis (Muell.) Lamour. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 03/1889. Washed ashore, I. Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6622). 217. Desmarestia viridis (Muell.) Lamour. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport. Washed ashore, I. Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 299. (LIL 6632). DESMOTRICHUM 218. Desmotrichum balticum Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Marblehead Neck, 08/08/ 1903. Growing just below the water mark in ferry ship, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca BorealiAmericana Nº 1080. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6480). DICHOTHRIX 219. Dichothrix baveriana Bornet & Flah. BERMUDA, North Shore, 29/11/1913. On rocks near high water mark, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2160. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20457). 220. Dichothrix horsfordii (Wolle) Bornet. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, Pequonoch River, below Factory Pond dam, 22/07/1894. On stones in quiet water, I. Holden. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 215b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6558). DICTYOPTERIS 221. Dictyopteris delicatula Lamour. BERMUDA, Heron Bay, 26/12/1919. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1924. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6416). 222. Dictyopteris zonanoides Farlow. US, California, San Diego, La Jolla & Pacific Beach. E. Snyder. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 581. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6522). DICTYOSIPHON 223. Dictyosiphon hispidus Kjellm. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Spectacle Island, 17/ 07/1898. On Chordaria flagelliforme & other algae in tide pool, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 677. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6512). DICTYOSPHAERIA 224. Dictyosphaeria favulosa (Ag.) Decaisne. BERMUDA, Harris Bay, 31/01/1913. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2015. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6347). DICTYOTA 225. Dictyota bartayresiana Lamour. BARBADOS, 04/01/1903, lower litoral. A. Vickers. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1492. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6444). 226. Dictyota bartayresiana Lamour. JAMAICA, Port Antonio. C. E. Pease and E. Butler. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 579. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6510). 227. Dictyota bartayresiana Lamour. JAMAICA, Kingston Harbor, 03/05/1901. J. E. Duerdon. Distributed from the Herbarium of Miscelanea 135 (2015) The New York Botanical Garden Nº 4173. (LIL 6601). 228. Dictyota bartayresiana Lamour. JAMAICA, West Indies. C. E. Pease. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6625). 229. Dictyota crenulata J. Ag. BERMUDA, Hungry Bay, 30/07/1913. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6610). 230. Dictyota dichotoma (Huds.) Lamour. BERMUDA, Tucker’s Town, 25/04/1912. In shallow water, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2175. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6418). 231. Dictyota dichotoma (Huds.) Lamour. US, North Carolina, Beaufort, 06/08/1909. Coll. W. D. Hoyt. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1641. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6484). 232. Dictyota indica Sonder. BERMUDA, Ely’s Harbor, 25/07/1913. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2030. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6376). DUDRESNAYA 233. Dudresnaya bermudensis Setchell. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 02/03/1916. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2195. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6412). 234. Dudresnaya crassa M. A. Howe. BERMUDA, Shelly Bay, 05/1912. F. S. Collins. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7242. (LIL 6641). 235. Dudresnaya crassa Howe. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 29/03/1917. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2196. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6385). ECTOCARPUS 236. Ectocarpus confervoides (Roth.) Le Jolis. US, Maine, Harpswell, 16/07/1905. Coll. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6686). 23 237. Ectocarpus crinitus Carm. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On muddy shores in summer, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 40. (LIL 5968). 238. Ectocarpus distortus Carm. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Near low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 44. (LIL 5972). 239. Ectocarpus granulosus (Eng. Bot.) Ag. US, California, Monterey County, Carmel Bay, 05/1916. On Nereocystis luetkeana, N. L. Gardner. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2242. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6389). 240. Ectocarpus litoralis L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 41. (LIL 5965). 241. Ectocarpus litoralis. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Fucus in strong tidal current, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 41. (LIL 5984). 242. Ectocarpus mitchellae Harv. BERMUDA, 01/1914. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7409. (LIL 6684). 243. Ectocarpus mitchellae Harv. BERMUDA, 01/1914. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7141. (LIL 6688). 244. Ectocarpus penicillatus Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 06/1898. On Scytosiphon lomentarius and other algae. W. C. Simmons. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 479. Distributed from Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6498). 245. Ectocarpus rallsiae Vickers. BERMUDA, Gibbet Island, 02/04/1915. On rocks, A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2172. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6399). 246. Ectocarpus siliculosus f. arctus (Kutz.) Kuckuck. BERMUDA, Walsingham, 04/04/1913. Coll. F. S. Collins. Distributed 24 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7495. (LIL 6678). 247. Ectocarpus spongiosus Dickie. US, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Santurce, 15/05/ 1903. On rocks, low-littoral, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1813. (LIL 6291). 248. Ectocarpus spongiosus Dickie. US, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Santurce, 19/05/ 1903. On rocks, low-litoral, M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1919. (LIL 6299). 249. Ectocarpus spongiosus Dickie. US, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Santurce, 27/05/ 1903. On rocks low-litoral, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2159. (LIL 6276). 250. Ectocarpus tomentosus Huds. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. In summer on docks and stakes, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 43. (LIL 5980). EGREGIA 251. Egregia laevigata Setchell. US, California, San Pedro, near Los Angeles, 10/ 1895. Monks. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº XII. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6596). ELACHISTEA 252. Elachistea fucicola Velley. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Fucus and others Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 33 A. (LIL 5979). ENDODERMA 253. Endoderma viride (Reinsch) Lagerh. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 03/1914. In Chaetomophorma Linum var. aerea, Coll. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2006. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6388). ENTEROMORPHA 254. Enteromorpha chaetomorphoides Börg. US, Puerto Rico, Ballena Bay, 20/06/ 1915. Forming streams 3-10 dm. long from sticks n.l.t.m., M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6944a. (LIL 6309). 255. Enteromorpha chaetomorphoides Borg. US, Puerto Rico, Guanica Harbor, 23/ 06/1915. In shallow water in Rhizophoid association, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7034. (LIL 6283). 256. Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth.) Grev. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº LXXVIII. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6583). 257. Enteromorpha compressa L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. At and below low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 221. (LIL 5949). 258. Enteromorpha constricta. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Attached to shells and pebbles, on mud flats, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 223. (LIL 6002). 259. Enteromorpha erecta (Lyng.) J. Ag. US, Massachusetts, Spectacle Island, 07/ 1894. In tide pool, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2924. (LIL 6643). 260. Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulf.) J. Ag. BERMUDA, Inlet, 17/03/1913. A. B. Hervey. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2004. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6448). 261. Enteromorpha fulvescens (Ag.) J. Ag. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 18/12/ 1892. I. Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 769. (LIL 6647). 262. Enteromorpha intestinalis L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On rocks near high water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 220. (LIL 6022). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 263. Enteromorpha intestinalis f. tenuis Collins. US, Colorado, Greeley, Cache La Poudre River, 04/10/1916. Still water along the shore, W. Johnson. Phycotheca BorealiAmericana Nº 2230. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6436). 264. Enteromorpha intestinalis var. tenuis Collins. US, Massachusetts, South Shore Marshes, 01/09/1913. In brackish ditch, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2003. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6429). 265. Enteromorpha linza. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Eagle Island. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6633). 266. Enteromorpha microccoca Kuetz. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Eagle Island, 07/ 1892. Growing in perpendicular rocks or on walls of caves, in places always dripping with water from above, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 66. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6576). 267. Enteromorpha minima Naeg. BERMUDA, Agais Island, 09/08/1913. In drips from oulet of aquarium, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 2005. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6437). 268. Enteromorpha percursa (Ag.) Rosenv. US, Maine, 12/07/1897. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 3445. (LIL 6680). 269. Enteromorpha plumosa Kütz. US, Maine, Harpswell, 13/07/1905. Marsh pool, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6670). 270. Enteromorpha prolifera J. Ag. US, Maine, Cape Rosier, 07/1894. In shallow pool, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 53. (LIL 6675). ERYTROPHYLLUM 271. Erytrophyllum delesserioides J. Ag. US, California, Pacific Grove. J. M. Weeks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 50. Distri- 25 buted from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6573). EUASTRUM 272. Euastrum verrucosum Ehrenb. var. alatum Wolle. US, Massachusetts, Medford, 29/05/1912. In pool in meadow, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1973. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6445). EUCHEUMA 273. Eucheuma isiforme (Ag.) J. Ag. BERMUDA, Tuckertown, 25/04/1912. F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 1886. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1886. (LIL 6492). 274. Eucheuma muricatum (Gmel.) Weber-van Bosse. US, New York. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6268). EUTHORA 275. Euthora cristata (L.) J. Ag. US, Massachusetts, Revere Beach, 05/1893. Thrown up from deep water, and floating, F. S. Collins. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana Nº 40. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6566). FALKENBERGIA 276. Falkenbergia hillebrandi (Born.) Falk. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 02/11/ 1913. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2043. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6369). FIRMATUS 277. Firmatus pumilus. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, 1850. On Fucus nodosus and F. vesiculosus, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 143. (LIL 6007). FUCUS 278. Fucus evanescens f. macrocephalus Kjellman. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº CX. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6592). 26 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 279. Fucus evanescens forma pergrandis Kjellman. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana CXI. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20418). 280. Fucus nodosus L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Red Hook and Hurlgate, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 12. (LIL 5983). 281. Fucus vesciculosus L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate and Yellow Hook, 1850. Very abundant on most rocks in the harbor, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8. (LIL 5950). 282. Fucus vesciculosus L. US, New Jersey, Atlantic City, 08/1924. Coll. J. N. Rose. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6277). GALAXAURA 283. Galaxaura flagelliformis Kjellm. BERMUDA, 1914. Coll. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6657). 284. Galaxaura flagelliformis Kjellm. US, Puerto Rico, Santurce, 15/05/1903. On rocks in 3 dm. of water, Coll. M. A. Howe. North America Marine Algae Nº 1859a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6284). 285. Galaxaura marginata (Ell. & Sol.) Lamour. US, Florida, Atlantic. G. A. Hall. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 285. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6543). 286. Galaxaura obtusata (Ellis) Lamour. BERMUDA, Tuckertown, 02/1911. In shallow water, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1881. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6453). 287. Galaxaura squalida Kjellm. BERMUDA, Cooper’s Island, 08/02/1913. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6603). GELIDIUM 288. Gelidium australe J. Ag. US, California, San Diego County, La Jolla, 12/ 1898. In tide pool, E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 586. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6527). 289. Gelidium australe J. Ag. Coll. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 3204. (LIL 6608). 290. Gelidium coerulescens Crouan. JAMAICA, Port Antonio, 07/1900. C. E. Pease & E. Butler. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 783. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6454). 291. Gelidium coulteri Harv. US, California. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6673). 292. Gelidium crinale f. luxurians Collins. US, California, San Diego County, Pacific Beach, 08/03/1899. On stones at low water mark, E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1138. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6530). 293. Gelidium glandulaefolium H. & H. AUSTRALIA, Port Philip Bay. H. Averill. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6280). GIGARTINA 294. Gigartina acicularia Wulf. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Jersey City, Kavon Pt., 1850. On rocky shores at and below low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 105. (LIL 6010). 295. Gigartina acicularis (Wulf.) Lamour. BERMUDA, Tucker’s Town. Coll. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6661). 296. Gigartina baileyi. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Abundant on rocky shore at alow water mark. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 107. (LIL 5998). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 297. Gigartina canaliculata Harv. US, California, La Jolla. Washed ashore, E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1139. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6526). 298. Gigartina teedii Turn. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Staten Island-Red hook, 1850. On rocks and stones from halftide to low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 106. (LIL 5995). 299. Gigartina volans (Ag.) J. Ag. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana XXIb. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20419). GLOEOCAPSA 300. Gloeocapsa atrata Kuetz. BERMUDA, Hillcrest, 15/08/1913. On inland cliff, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2152. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6356). 301. Gloeocapsa fusco-lutea (Naeg.) Kuetz. BERMUDA, Hungry Bay, 23/04/1912. Forming a thin coating, in company with Synechocystis, on flat rock, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2153. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6353). 302. Gloeocapsa versicolor Naeg. JAMAICA, 07/1906. On wet rocks, I. F. Lewis. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2203. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6379). GLOEOTHECE 303. Gloeothece rupestris (Lyng.) Bornet. BERMUDA, Old Ferry Road, 09/08/1913. In fresh water pool, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2154. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6357). GLOIOSIPHONIA 304. Gloiosiphonia californica (Farl.) J. Ag. CANADA, British Columbia, Departure Bay. J. Macoun. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6640). 27 GRACILARIA 305. Gracilaria compressa Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Abundant, below low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 93. (LIL 5951). 306. Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. CANADA, Vancouver Island, Departure Bay, 06/08/1908. Col. J. Macoun. Ex Herb. Geological Survey of Canada Nº 120. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6628). 307. Gracilaria cornea J. Ag. South America, Delta of the Amazon River, 05/ 1931. W. E. Martin & R. S. Stevens. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6260). 308. Gracilaria curtissiae J. Ag. US, Florida, Atlantic. Washed ashore, G. A. Hall. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 432. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6528). 309. Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Staten Island and Red Hook, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 92. (LIL 6014). GRATELOUPIA 310. Grateloupia cutleriae (Binder) J. Ag. US, Washington, Widbey Island, Near Coupeville, 07/1901. Attachet to stones in a narrow channel, where the tide flows in and out of a small bay, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº XCIX. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6584). 311. Grateloupia pinnata (Post. & Rupl.) Setchell. US, Vancouver Island, Minnesota Seaside Station, 07/1901. E. Butler and J. M. Polley. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 947. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6508 A). GRIFFITHSIA 312. Griffithsia tenuis Ag. BERMUDA, Heron Bay, 26/03/1914. A. B. Hervey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6651). 28 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I GRINNELLIA 313. Grinnellia americana Harv. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6313). 314. Grinnellia americana Harv. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6315). 315. Grinnellia americana Harv. US, New York, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6324). 316. Grinnellia americana (Ag.) Harv. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 07/1898 and 08/1898. Most abundant on pebbles and shells in rather quiet waters, I. Holden. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 593. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6494). GYMNOGONGRUS 317. Gymnogongrus plicata Huds. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. At and below low water, on rocks and drifting on shore, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 120. (LIL 5999). HALIDRYS 318. Halidrys dioica Gardner. US, Southern California. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº CXVII. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6588). 319. Halidrys dioica Gardner. US, Southern California. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº CXVI. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6590). HALIMEDA 320. Halimeda luna (Ell. & Sol.) Lamour. BAHAMAS, 06/12/1907. Coll. M. A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1484. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6460). 321. Halimeda monile (Ell. & Sol.) Lamour. US, Puerto Rico, Bay of Guayanilla, Cayo Maria Langa, 25/06/1915. In 3-6 dm. of water, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7132. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6262). 322. Halimeda opuntia (L.) Lamour. US, Florida, Key West, 25/10/1902. Very common in 3-10 dm. of water, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 1414. Distributed from Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6255). 323. Halimeda opuntia (L.) Lamour. BAHAMAS, Anguilla Isles, Salt Key Bank, 1518/05/1909. Coll. P. Wilson. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8069. (LIL 6287). 324. Halimeda simulans Howe. US, Florida, Boot Key, 09/04/1909. Near low water mark, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6577. (LIL 6293). 325. Halimeda tridens (Ell. & Sol.) Lamour. US, Puerto Rico, East of the Mouth of Guanica Harbor, 01/07/1915. In 2-4 dm. of water, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7300. (LIL 6261). 326. Halimeda tuna (Ell. & Soland.) Lamour. BAHAMAS, Atwood (Samana) Cay, 03/12/1907. In 1-10 dm. of water, M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 5252. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6264). 327. Halimeda tuna (Ell. & Soland.) Lamour. BAHAMAS, Mariguana, Abraham Bay, 06/12/1907. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 5379. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6256). HALOSACCION 328. Halosaccion ramentaceum f. subsimplex. US, Maine, Casco Bay, Eagle Island, 16/07/1905. On exposed rocks in litoral, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1343. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6490). Miscelanea 135 (2015) HALYMENIA 329. Halymenia bermudensis Collins & Howe. BERMUDA, 1914. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6687). 330. Halymenia gelinaria Collins & Howe. US, Florida, Jupiter Inlet, 14/09/ 1896. Washed ashore, Coll. G. A. Hall. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 749. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6433). 331. Halymenia pseudofloresia Collins & Howe. BERMUDA, Green Bay, 03/1890. Coll. W. S. Wadsworth, Det. M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6612). HAPLOSPORA 332. Haplospora vidovichii (Menegh.) Bornet. BERMUDA, Inlet near Hotel Frascati, 19/03/1914. In long tufts on wall, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2026. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6375). HAPTEROPHYCUS 333. Hapterophycus canaliculatus Setchell. US, California, Lagoona, 11/1908. On rocks and in tide pools in the upper litoral zone, W. A. Setchell. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1844. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6483). HECATONEMA 334. Hecatonema maculans f. soluta Collins. US, Maine, Casco Bay, Eagle Island, 07/1905. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6655). HERPOSIPHONIA 335. Herposiphonia secunda (Ag.) Falk. JAMAICA, British West Indies. J. E. Humphrey. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 374. (LIL 6604). 336. Herposiphonia secunda (Ag.) Falk. BERMUDA, Ely’s Harbor, Reefs, 05/08/1913. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana 29 Nº 2041. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20420). HORMISCIA 337. Hormiscia tetraciliata Frye and Zeller. US, Washington, San Juan Island, Near Friday Harbor. T. C. Frye. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 2237. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6363). HORMOTHAMNION 338. Hormothamnion enteromorphoides Grunow. JAMAICA, St. Ann’s Bay, 03/1893. In tufts from sandy bottom, in shallow water, J. E. Humphrey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 56. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20421). HYPNAEA 339. Hypnaea musciformis (Wulf.) Lamour. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 03/1916. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2185. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6393). INEFFIGIATA 340. Ineffigiata neglecta W. & G. S. West. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, Herring Pond, 17/06/1907. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1621. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6440). IRIDAEA 341. Iridaea laminarioides Bory. US, California, Pacific Grove. J. M. Weeks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 91. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6587). 342. Iridaea laminarioides. CANADA, British Columbia, Departure Bay, 26/06/ 1908. J. Macoun. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6614). 343. Iridaea laminarioides Bory f. typica Setchell. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº XVI. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6597). 30 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I ISACTIS 344. Isactis centrifuga Bornet. US, Rhode Island, Newport, Ochre Pt. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2213. Distributed from The Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6355). LAURENCIA 345. Laurencia dasyphylla Woodw. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Common between tide marks, on most rocks, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 73. (LIL 5989). 346. Laurencia obtusa (Huds.) Lamour. BERMUDA, Ely’s Harbor, 28/07/1913. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2092. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6337). 347. Laurencia parniculata (Ag.) J. Ag. US, California, La Jolla, 17/04/1902. E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1093. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6532). 348. Laurencia tenuissima Good and Wood. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Very common on rocks and other Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 74. (LIL 5971). 349. Laurencia tenuissima Good and Wood. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Common on rocks and other Algae, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 75. (LIL 5974). Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6626). 352. Liagora pulverulenta Ag. US, Florida, Tortugas, 10/12/1896. G. A. Hall. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 331. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6516). 353. Liagora valida Harv. JAMAICA, Port Antonio, 01/07/1900. C. E. Pease & E. Butler. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1542. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6452). 354. Liagora viscida (Forsk.) Ag. (= L. california Zeh). US, California, Catalina Island, 07/1907. M. B. Nichols. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1494a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6463A). 355. Liagora viscida (Forsk.) Ag. (= L. california Zeh). US, California, Catalina Island, 08/1907. S. P. Marks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana 1494b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6463B). LESSONIA 350. Lessonia littoralis Farlow. US, California, Monterey Co., Carmel Bay, 07/1898. On exposed rocks, in lower littoral and upper sublitoral zones, C. P. Nott. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº XXXVII. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6595). LITHOTHAMNION 356. Lithothamnion conchatum Setchell & Foslie. US, California, Marin Co, Dillon’s Beach. On Amphiroa tuberculosa f. californica, B. Nichols. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1750. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6435). 357. Lithothamnion glaciale Kjellm. CANADA, Newfoundland, Conception Bay, Topsail, 14/08/1901. On shells and pebbles, becoming free, near low-water mark, M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 911. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6272). 358. Lithothamnion parcum Setchell & Foslie. US, California, San Mateo, Moss Beach, 12/1909. In rock pools, near low tide, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1749. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6423). LIAGORA 351. Liagora ceranoides Lamour. BERMUDA, Harris Bay, 26/04/1915. A. B. Hervey. LOMENTARIA 359. Lomentaria uncinata Menegh. US, Long Island, Orient. Mrs. M. A. Booth. Dis- Miscelanea 135 (2015) 31 tributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6314). The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2862. (LIL 6658). LOPHOSIPHONIA 360. Lophosiphonia obscura (Ag.) Falk. US, California, La Jolla. In pools at low water mark, Coll. Mrs. E. Snyder. North American Algae Nº 221. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6656). 361. Lophosiphonia saccorhiza Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Smith’s Bay, 25/03/ 1913. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2042. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6402). MESOGLOIA 367. Mesogloia divaricata (Ag.) Kuetz. US, Maine, Cape Rosier, Goose Creek, 24/ 07/1893. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 175. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6578). LYNGBYA 362. Lyngbya confervoides f. violacea Collins. BERMUDA, near Harrington Sound, 02/05/1912. Forming a reddish film on decaying Algae in a small pond, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1853. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6499). 363. Lyngbya majuscula Harvey. BERMUDA, 11/1913. Ditch leading from Harrington Sound into inlet, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2001. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6387). 364. Lyngbya subtilis Holden. US, Massachusetts, Magnolia, 09/1903. On Enteromorpha, W. S. Farlow. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1163. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6496). MELOBESIA 365. Melobesia farinosa Lamour. US, Massachusetts, Mattapasett, 01/09/1906. On Fucus vesiculosus, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6693). MESOCARPUS 366. Mesocarpus pleurocarpus (=Mougeotia genuflexa (Dillw.) Ag.). US, Massachusetts, Hemlock Pond, 04/06/1894. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of MICRASTERIAS 368. Micrasterias radiosa var. swainei (Hastings) W. & G. S. West. US, Massachusetts, North Eastham, 15/07/1916. Pool in a hollow, Charles Bullard. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 2219. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6443). MICROCLADIA 369. Microcladia coulteri Harv. US, California, Santa Cruz, 1888-1889. Coll. Mrs. M. Tuttle. Plants of California. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6615). MICROCOLEUS 370. Microcoleus chthonoplastes Thuret. US, Massachusetts, Woods Hole, 17/07/ 1895. Growing on sand between tide marks, salt marsh, W. J. V. Osterhout. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 153. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6562). MONOSTROMA 371. Monostroma crepidinum Farlow. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, Seaside Park, 27/11/1892. I. Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden 763. (LIL 6692). 372. Monostroma grevilleis (Hurst.) Wittr. US, Massachusetts, Little Nahant, 24/11/ 1907. Rock pools in upper littoral, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1467. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20423). 373. Monostroma lactuca (L.) J. Ag. US, Conanicut, Rhode Island, 02/03/1905. Atta- 32 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I ched to larger algae, near low water mark, W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1271. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6466). 374. Monostroma latissimum (Kuetz.) Wittr. US, Glenwood, 16/03/1890. Clay pit, Coll. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1506. (LIL 6500). 375. Monostroma latissimum fide F. S. Collins. BERMUDA, The Flatts, 30/04/1912. On mangroves, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7155. (LIL 6639). 376. Monostroma latissimum fide F. S. Collins. BERMUDA, The Flatts, 30/04/1912. On mangroves, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7155. (LIL 6691). NACCARIA 381. Naccaria corymbosa J. Ag. BERMUDA, Buildings Bay, 09/04/1914. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2036. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6382). MOUGEOTIA 377. Mougeotia laetevirens (A. Br.) Wittr. US, Massachusetts, Round Pond, Tewpsbury, 07/09/1908. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 5912. (LIL 6616). 378. Mougeotia sphaerocarpa Wolle. US, California, San Francisco, Mountain lake, 06/08/1902. On springy ground, W. J. V. Osterhout & N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1173. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6546). NEOMERIS 384. Neomeris mucosa Howe BAHAMAS, Atwood (Samana) Cay, 4/12/1907. In small clusters on rocks, low littoral, M. A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1586. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20424). MYRIOTRICHIA 379. Myriotrichia repens Hauck. BERMUDA, Cooper’s Island, 29/04/1912. In fronds of Castagnea mediterranea, F. S. Collins. Algae of Bermuda. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2025. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6400). NEUROCARPUS 386. Neurocarpus justii (Lamour.) Kuntze. US, Puerto Rico, Santurce, 16/06/1915. Washed ashore, Coll. Marshall A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6909. (LIL 6269). MYXONEMA 380. Myxonema lubricum var. varians Hazen. US, Massachusetts, Medford, 10/05/ 1903. In small pond near Tufts College, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1075. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6544). NEMALION 382. Nemalion multifidum (Web. & Mohr.) J. Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Montauk Pt., 15/07/1934. On stones near low water mark, Coll. M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 7675. (LIL 6300). 383. Nemalion multifidum (Web. & Mohr.) J. Ag. US, Massachusetts, Marblehead Neck, 19/08/1893. On rocks at low water mark, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 193. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6565). NEREOCYSTIS 385. Nereocystis lütkeana P. & R. US, California, Pacific Grove. Leg. Mrs. J. M. Weeks. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6699). NITELLA 387. Nitella axillaris A. Br. US, New York, Bronx park, 02/1935. E. J. Alexander, Det. G. O. Allen. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6279). 388. Nitella californica Allen. US, California, Lake County, 1894. Coll. J. W. Blan- Miscelanea 135 (2015) kinship, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6039). 389. Nitella clavata (Bertero) A. Br. MEXICO, Western Chihuahua, Sierra Madre, Arroyo Ancho, 05/11/1888. Coll. C. G. Pringle, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6027). 390. Nitella clavata (Bertero) A. Br. US, California, San Francisco, Lake Merced, 10/ 1892. Coll. M. A. Howe, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6056). 391. Nitella flexilis Ag. US, Connecticut, Litchfield. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 28. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6048). 392. Nitella flexilis (L.) Ag. US, California, Marin Co, Sequoia Canon, 06/08/1892. Coll. J. W. Blankinship, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6073). 393. Nitella flexilis Ag. forma subnidifica. US, California, San Francisco. Coll. J. W. Blankinship. Characeae Americanae exsiccatae Nº 41. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6067). 394. Nitella glomulifera A. Br. US, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Fresh Pond, 12/09/ 1874. In 3 ft. of water, W. G. Farlow. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6064). 395. Nitella glomerulifera A. Br. US, New Jersey, Green Pond, (also common in Lake Ontario, Saranac Lakes, and probably in other deep and pure waters), 09/1883. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 32. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6070). 396. Nitella gracilis Ag. US, Massachusetts, Medford, 18/10/1908. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 5983. (LIL 6627). 397. Nitella hydropitys A. Br. var. mexicana Allen. MEXICO. Coll. C. G. Pringle. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 45. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6031). 398. Nitella intermedia Nordst nov. spec. US, New Jersey, «Morris Pond», 08/1880. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 2. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6043). 33 399. Nitella microcarpa glaziovii (Zeller). US, Missouri, Springfield. Coll. J. W. Blankinship, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6076). 400. Nitella microcarpa A. Br. sub-sp. Glaziovii, (Zell.). US, Missouri, Springfield. Coll. J. W. Blankinship. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6060). 401. Nitella missouriensis, Allen. US, Missouri, Springfield, 06/1895. Coll. J. H. Kimmons. Characeae Japonicae Exsiccatae. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6071). 402. Nitella mucronata (A. Br.) Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Worcester, 1890. Coll. Geo. E. Stone, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6042). 403. Nitella obtusa Allen. CANADA, Province of Quebec, Lake Temiscouata, 25-27/ 08/1891. Coll. T. Morong, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6030). 404. Nitella opaca Ag. US, New Hampshire, «Saco River,» 05/1882. Coll. E. Faxon. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 33. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6057). 405. Nitella opaca Ag. US, New Hampshire, White Mts, Source of Saco River, 19/ 06 - 20/07/1884. Coll. E. Faxon, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6059). 406. Nitella opaca Ag. US, New Hampshire, White Mountains, Ammonoosuc lake, 20/07/1884. Coll. E. Faxon, Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6065). 407. Nitella subglomerata A. Br. US, Missouri, 1893. Coll. J. W. Blankinship, Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6068). 408. Nitella subspicata n. sp. US, Springfield, Missouri. Coll. J. W. Blankinship. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6082). 409. Nitella tricellularis Nordst. NEW ZEALAND. Coll. A. Hamilton. Characeae 34 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I Exsiccatae Nº 40 a. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6069). NITOPHYLLUM 410. Nitophyllum violaceum J. Ag. US, California, Los Angeles Co, Venice. 04/1911, Cast ashore, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2246 b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6345). 411. Nitophyllum wilkinsoniae Collins & Hervey ms. BERMUDA, Dingle Bay, 01/05/ 1912. On rocks below low water mark, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2037. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6383). NODULARIA 412. Nodularia spumigena var. genuina Born. & Flah. US, Maine, Harpswell, Stover’s Pt., 14/07/1906. Marsh pools, among Cladophora expansa, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1307. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6534). NOSTOC 413. Nostoc carneum (Lyng.) Ag. US, Connecticut, Mount Carmel, 10/1907. Floating in a spring in irregularly rounded masses from the size of a pin head to 5 cm. diam, A. H. Graves. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1403. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6464). 414. Nostoc piscinale Kuetz. CANADA, Alberta, Laggan, 07/1901. Pool near Bow river, Misses E. Butler & J. M. Polley. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1111. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6531). ODONTHALIA 415. Odonthalia floecosa f. comosa Setchell & Gardner. CANADA, British Columbia, Minnesota Seaside Station. Butler and Polley. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6683). OEDOGONIUM 416. Oedogonium crenulato-costatum Wittr. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex fells, Wright’s Pond, 19/08/1900. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 810. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6495). 417. Oedogonium longatum Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Medford, 26/06/1900. On stems of plants, in claypit, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 812. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6507). 418. Oedogonium rufescens subsp. lundellii (Wittr.) Hirn. US, Massachusets, Medford, Glenwood, 17/05/1906. Attached to flowering plants or floating, in a clay pit, F. S. Collins Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1428. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6478). ONYCHONEMA 419. Onychonema serratum (Bail.) Stokes. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, 08/09/ 1912. R. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2221. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6334). OOCYSTIS 420. Oocystis naegelii A. Braun. US, California, Marin County, Mount Tamalpaid, 16/ 09/1906. In ditch by road side, W. J. V. Osterhout. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1776. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6502). OSCILLATORIA 421. Oscillatoria brevis Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex Fells, Mill Brook, 06/ 10/1909. Miss E. M. Sturtevant. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1603. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6336). 422. Oscillatoria laetevirens Crouan. US, Maine, Harpswell, 12/07/1903. On woodwork under old tide mill, in company with O. nigroviridis, Spirulina subsalsa, etc., F. S. Miscelanea 135 (2015) Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1054. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6487). 423. Oscillatoria linosa Ag. US, Massachusetts, Malden, 03/06/1891. Floating in ditch, F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 5. (LIL 6623). 424. Oscillatoria prolifica (Grev.) Gomont. US, Massachusetts, Jamaica Plain, Jamaica Pond, 10 to 12/1893. Forming a floating scum, Severance Burrage. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 154. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6574). PALMELLA 425. Palmella miniata var. aequalis Naeg. US, California, North Berkeley, 06/ 05/1906. Along the edge of running water in a gutter by the roadside, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1314. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6470). PALMELLOCOCCUS 426. Palmellococcus marimus Collins ms. US, Maine, Harpswell, Stover’s Pt., 16/07/ 1906. In a marsh pool, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1316. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6475). PEDIASTRUM 427. Pediastrum duplex Meyen. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, near Bay Shore, 06/07/ 1910. With other algae in a green slimy coating on the stalks of plants, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1670. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6352). PENICILLUS 428. Penicillus capitatus Lamarck. BRITISH WEST INDIES, Caicos Islands, Fort George Cay, 18/12/1907. In 3-10 dm. of water, with P. lamourouxii Decaisne, Marshall. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The 35 New York Botanical Garden Nº 5633. (LIL 6275). 429. Penicillus lamourouxii forma gracilis A. & E. S. Gepp. BAHAMAS. Marshall A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1476. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6472). 430. Penicillus pyriformis A. & E. S. Gepp. BAHAMAS, Mariguana Is, 12/12/ 1907. In a shallow bay with P. capitatus Lamarck and P. lamourouxii Decaisne, M. A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1477. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6462). PETROCELIS 431. Petrocelis cruenta J. Ag. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Spectacle Is., 07/1896. On rocks in lower part of litoral zone, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 899. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6547). PHORMIDIUM 432. Phormidium fragile Gomont. US, Missouri, Saint Louis. In a copper tank, Henry Hus. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1709. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6504). 433. Phormidium lucidum Kuetz. US, California, Oakland, Key Route Power House, 04/1916. In warm salt water, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2205b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6365). 434. Phormidium retzii (Ag.) Gomont. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 05/1897. On sticks and stones in brook, Isaac Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 9. (LIL 20425). 435. Phormidium retzii var. fasciculatum Gomont. US, Massachusetts, Lynnfield, Walden Pond, 11/06/1905. In long masses in quick running water, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1254. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6517). 36 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 436. Phormidium uncinatum (Ag.) Gomont. US, Maine, Bar Harbor, Cromwell Harbor Brook, 24/07/1896. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 452. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6533). PHYLLOPHORA 437. Phyllophora brodiaei (Turn.) J. Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport. Mrs. W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 428. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6550). 438. Phyllophora brodiaei Turn. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Red Hook and Hurlgate, Staten Island, 1850. Abundant at low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 115. (LIL 6009). PLECTONEMA 439. Plectonema norvegicum Gomont. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, 28/07/1907. Forming with Calothrix, a loose, friable, detachable crust, on ground of a slat marsh, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1757. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (LIL 6482). PLEUROCAPSA 440. Pleurocapsa fuliginosa. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, Seaside Park, 18/12/1892. I. Holden. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 777. (LIL 6636). PLOCAMIUM 441. Plocamium coccineum. US, California. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6306). 442. Plocamium coccineum Lyngb. US, California, near Los Angeles. Miss S. P. Monks. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 3143. (LIL 6624). PLUMARIA 443. Plumaria elegans (Bonnem.) Schmitz. US, Rhode Island, Newport. Mrs. W. C. Simmons, with tetraspores and polyspores. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 445. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6521). POLYSIPHONIA 444. Polysiphonia cuspidata J. Ag. US, Florida, Indian River Inlet, 04/1899. On old wreck, Miss. G. A. Hall. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 637. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6537). 445. Polysiphonia elongella Har. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, At Owl’s Head and Yellow Hook, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 57. (LIL 5986). 446. Polysiphonia fastigiata Roth. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Fucus nodosus and Fucus vesiculosus, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 60. (LIL 5961). 447. Polysiphonia fastigiata (Roth.) Grev. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Eagle Island, 07/ 1894. On Ascophyllum nodosum, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 145. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6559). 448. Polysiphonia fastigiata (Roth.) Grev. US, Maine, Seguin Island. 01/09/1900. On Ascophyllum, littoral, Marshall A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 250. (LIL 6294). 449. Polysiphonia ferulacea Suhr. US, Florida, Key West. Miss C. Messina. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 340a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6518). 450. Polysiphonia formosa Suhr. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, Fort Hamilton and Staten Island. At low water mark on rocks. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 55. (LIL 5953). 451. Polysiphonia harveyi Bailey. US, Massachusetts, Mattapoisett, 08/09/1906. On Zostera, etc., F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1400. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6501). Miscelanea 135 (2015) 452. Polysiphonia harveyi Bail. US, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6296). 453. Polysiphonia havanensis Mont. forma mucosa J. Ag. BERMUDA, St. George’s, 12/12/1912. On Sargassum, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1941. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6441). 454. Polysiphonia nigrescens Hud. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 59 A. (LIL 5988). 455. Polysiphonia nigrescens Hud. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On rocks and shells, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 59. (LIL 5993). 456. Polysiphonia sancti-petri Collins ms. US, California, San Pedro, White’s pt., 06/ 1908. In rock pools at and above high water mark, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2247. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6332). 457. Polysiphonia schaebelerii. US, Maine, South Harpswell, 16/07/1902. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 4447. (LIL 6698). 458. Polysiphonia schuebelerii Foslie. US, Maine, Harpswell, 07/1905. Washed ashore, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1294. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6486). 459. Polysiphonia stricta Dillw. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, at Yellow Hook and Fort Hamilton, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 53. (LIL 5958). 460. Polysiphonia tenuistriata Hook & Harv. Port Holmes. J. Macoun. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 53. (LIL 6646). 461. Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf.) Grev. US, New York, College Point, 02/04/ 1842. Coll. Nicolas Pike. Distributed from 37 The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6257). 462. Polysiphonia urceolata Sm. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, at Staten Island and Fort Hamilton, 1850. On the shore, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 56. (LIL 5985). 463. Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf.) Grev. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 10/1899. In tide pools, Mrs. W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 748 a y b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6468). 464. Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf.) Grev. var. patens (Dillw.) Harv. US, Massachusetts, Marblehead, 15/06/1901. Growing in dense masses below low water mark, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 997. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6471). 465. Polysiphonia variegata Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Black Tom’s Reef near Kavon Point 1850. On rocks, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 63. (LIL 5956). 466. Polysiphonia variegata Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Found floating on Zostera in the sea, at the mouth of harbor, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 58. (LIL 5987). 467. Polysiphonia variegata Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Abundant on most rocks in the harbor, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 58. (LIL 5997). 468. Polysiphonia variegata (Ag.) Zan. US, Connecticut, Harbor of Bridgeport, 16/ 07/1899. Isaac Holden. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 639. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6506). 469. Polysiphonia variegata (Ag.) Zan. US, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6303). 470. Polysiphonia variegata (Ag.) Zan. US, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6310). 38 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 471. Polysiphonia violacea (Roth.) Grev. US, Rhode Island, Newport. Coll. Mrs. W. C. Simmons. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6630). 472. Polysiphonia violacea (Roth.) Grev. US, Massachusetts, Wood’s Hole, 08/1904. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6663). POLYTHRIX 473. Polythrix corymbosa Grunow. BERMUDA, Mangrove Bay, 20/02/1913. On rock in shallow water, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1903. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6415). PORPHYRA 474. Porphyra vulgaris Ag. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On rocks and pebbles from half tide to low water mark, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 235. (LIL 5962). PORPHYRIDIUM 475. Porphyridium cruentum (Ag.) Naeg. US, District of Columbia, Washington. H. H. Bartlett. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2243. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6392). PRIONITIS 476. Prionitis decipiens (Mont.) J. Ag. US, California, La Jolla. Mrs. E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 199b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6569). 477. Prionitis lanceolata Harv. US, California, La Jolla. Mrs. E. Snyder. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 199. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6570). 478. Prionitis lyallii Harv. CANADA, Vancouver, 07/1901. Butler & Polley. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6662). PROTOSIPHON 479. Protosiphon botryoides Klebs. US, Connecticut, New Haven, 10/1905. On moist clayey ground, A. W. Evans. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1268. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6542). PTILOTA 480. Ptilota densa Ag. US, California, San Mateo, Moss Beach near Halfmoon Bay, 08/06/1906. Epiphytic on Amphiroa tuberculosa, W. A. Setchell & N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1345. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6451). 481. Ptilota serrata. US, Massachusetts. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6308). PUNCTARIA 482. Punctaria latifolia Grev. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Fort Hamilton, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 25. (LIL 5977). 483. Punctaria plataginea Roth. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 26. Var. A. (LIL 5969). 484. Punctaria plataginea Roth. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 26. (LIL 5970). RHIPOCEPHALUS 485. Rhipocephalus phoenix (Ell. & Sol.) Kuetz. US, Florida, Key West, 06/11/1902. On sandy bottom in half a meter water at low tide, Coll. M. A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1030. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6469). RHIZOCLONIUM 486. Rhizoclonium crassipellitum W. & G. S. West. BERMUDA, near Ely’s Harbor, 21/ 04/1914. In fresh water pool, A. B. Hervey. Miscelanea 135 (2015) Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2008. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6408). 487. Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum Kuetz. BERMUDA, near Spanish Rock, 17/01/1913. Artificial fresh water reservoir, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2009a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6396). 488. Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum var. macromeres Nordst. US, California, San Leandro, Little Lake Chabot, 30/06/1903. W. J. V. Osterhout & N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1191. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6455). 489. Rhizoclonium hookeri Kütz. US, West Virginia, near Harper’s Ferry, Furnace Creek, 07/11/1938. David White. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6267). 490. Rhizoclonium hookeri Kütz. URUGUAY, Paysandú, San Francisco Chico. Coll. F. Felippone, Det. M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2449. (LIL 6312). 491. Rhizoclonium Kerneri Stockmayer with Enteromorpha chaetomorphoides Börg. US, Puerto Rico, Ballena Bay, 20/06/1915. Marshall A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6944b. (LIL 6321). 492. Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth.) Harv. US, California, San Francisco, G. G. Park. W. A. Setchell. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 6379. (LIL 6653). 493. Rhizoclonium riparium v. implexun BAHAMAS, Bemini Harbor, 17/04/1904. On roots of Rhizophora, Marshall A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 3248. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6620). 494. Rhizoclonium riparium var. polyrhizum Rosenv. US, California, Marin Co, Tomales Bay, 10/08/1910. Just above the high water mark, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2238a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6341). 39 RHODOMELA 495. Rhodomela subfusca (Woodw.) Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 02/1897. W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1598. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6432). RHODYMENIA 496. Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. samiensis (Mert.) Grev. US, Alaska, Seldovia. Coll. C. V. Piper. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6674). 497. Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. US, Long Island, Orient. M. A. Booth. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6317). RHYTIPHLAEA 498. Rhytiphlaea thuyoides Har. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 50. (LIL 5991). ROSENVINGEA 499. Rosenvingea intricata (J. Ag.) Borg. US, Puerto Rico, Guanica Harbor, 26/06/ 1903. Washed ashore in abundance, Marshall A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2587. (LIL 6281). SARGASSUM 500. Sargassum agardhianum Farlow. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº CXVIII. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (LIL 6599). 501. Sargassum bacciferum Turn. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Staten Island, 1850. On the shore at the mouth of the harbor, Charles F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1 (LIL 5954). 502. Sargassum bermudense Grun. BERMUDA, Little Agaro, 23/11/1915. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8405. (LIL 6644). 40 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I 503. Sargassum filipendula Ag. US, New York, Long Island, Northport, 02/09/1896. Dr. Albert Schneider. North American Marine Algae. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6252). 504. Sargassum filipendula Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 1898-1899. Coll. R. B. Simmons. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6609). 505. Sargassum filipendula var. montagnei (Bailey) Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Castle Harbor, near Walsingham House, 11/ 1917. In cave, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2176. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6419). 506. Sargassum fluitans Börgesen. BERMUDA, near Bethel’s, 08/12/1915. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2177. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6367). 507. Sargassum lendigerum (L.) Ag. US, Porto Rico, San Juan, Santurce, 15/05/1903. On surge-swept rocks, just below l.t.m., M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1814. (LIL 6326). 508. Sargassum lendigerum (L.) Kuetz. BERMUDA, South Shore, 08/1913. On exposed rocks, A. B. Hervey (= S. bermudense Grun.). Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2178. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6391). 509. Sargassum linifolium (Turn.) Ag. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 14/12/1915. F. S. Collins (= S. bermudense Grun.). Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2179. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6390). 510. Sargassum montagnei Bailey. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Red Hook and Hurlgate, 1850. C. F. Durant. (= S. filipendula Ag.). Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2. (LIL 5978). 511. Sargassum piluliferum (Turn.) Ag. US, California, San Pedro. Miss S. P. Monks. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 537. Distri- buted from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6514). 512. Sargassum polyceratium Mont. US, Puerto Rico, Culebra Island, 06/03/1926. On stones at low-water mark, M. A. Howe. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 4333. (LIL 6295). 513. Sargassum pteropleuron Grunow. US, Florida, Key West, 01/11/1902. Washed ashore, Marshall A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 1555. New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6329). SCENEDESMUS 514. Scenedesmus brasiliensis Bohlin. US, Massachusetts, Melrose, 01/07/1916, in a pool in the rock, Charles Bullard. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2229. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6397). 515. Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kuetz. US, California, Berkeley, 23/07/1906. Cultivated, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1320. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6459). SCHIZOGONIUM 516. Schizogonium laetevirens Kuetz. US, Maine, Penobscot Bay, Eagle Island, West Beach, 07/1894, below low water mark, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 313. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6519). SCHIZOTHRIX 517. Schizothrix calcicola Rab. 11/1915. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2158. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6354). 518. Schizothrix purpurascens var. cruenta (Lespinassse) Gomont. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex fells, Winchester Reservoir, 14/ 08/1898. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 504. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6524). Miscelanea 135 (2015) SCYTONEMA 519. Scytonema figuratum Ag. US, Connecticut, Housatonic River near Gaylordsville, 23/06/1901. Coating moist limestone rocks, I. Holden. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 857. Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6508 B). 520. Scytonema guyanense minus Gardner. US, Puerto Rico, Arecibo to Utuado, 04/ 03/1915, on the rocks, N. Wille. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden Nº 1455. (LIL 6286). 521. Scytonema millei Bornet. JAMAICA, Mavis Bank, 18/06/1906. On earth and rocks, J. F. Lewis. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1405. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20426). 522. Scytonema ocellatum (Dillw.) Thuret. BERMUDA, Paget, 01/1900. On sand dunes, W. G. Farlow. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 711. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6551). 523. Scytonema ocellatum Thuret. US, California, Fort Ross, 04/1915. On bark of Arbutus menziesii, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2210. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6339). SIPHONOCLADUS 524. Siphonocladus tropicus (Crouan) J. Ag. US, Florida, Key West, 30/10/1902. M. A. Howe. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1031. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6520). SPERMOSEIRA 525. Spermoseira litorea Kutz. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. Nº 245A. (LIL 6011). SPERMOTHAMNION 526. Spermothamnion macromeres Collins & Hervey. BERMUDA, Pink Bay. 28/12/ 1913. A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Ame- 41 ricana Nº 2044. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20427). 527. Spermothamnion macromeres Collins and Hervey. BERMUDA, Smith’s Bay, 08/03/1914. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 8075. (LIL 6618). SPHACELARIA 528. Sphacelaria cirrhosa (Roth.) Ag. US, Rhode Island, Newport, 12/1897. On Cladostephus, W. C. Simmons. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 416. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6503). 529. Sphacelaria cirrhosa Roth. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, 1850. On Fucus vesiculosus and F. nodosus, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (Nº 35). (LIL 5976). 530. Sphacelaria plumosa Lyng. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, Hurlgate, Castle Garden, 1850. On other Algae, near the low water mark, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. Nº 36. (LIL 5966). SPIROGYRA 531. Spirogyra bellis (Hass.) Cleve. US, Massachusetts, Cambridge, 05/1895. In ditches, W. A. Setchell. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 359. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6554). 532. Spirogyra bellis (Hass.) Cleve. US, Masssachusetts, Tufts College, Reservoir, 08/ 1914. F. D. Lambert. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2222. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6431). 533. Spirogyra illinoiensis Transeau. US, Ilinois, Lerna, 15/6/1911-20/05/1913. In stream, E. N. Transeau. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1991. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6426). 534. Spirogyra insignis var. hantzschii (Rab.) Petit. US, Massachusetts, Melrose, 04/05/1894. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Borea- 42 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I li-Americana Nº 364. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6535). 535. Spirogyra irregularis Naeg. US, Illinois, Charleston, 27/07/1908. E. N. Transeau. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2223a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6417A). 536. Spirogyra irregularis Naeg. US, Illinois, Charleston, 20/09/1912. E. N. Transeau. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2223b. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6417B). 537. Spirogyra quadrata (Hass.) Petit. US, Massachusetts, Middlesex Fells, 01/04/ 1913. F. D. Lambert. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2224. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6428). 538. Spirogyra setiformis (Roth) Kuetz. US, Illinois, Charleston, 17/11/1910. E. N. Transeau. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1724. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6467). 539. Spirogyra velata Nordst. var. occidentalis Transeau. US, Illinois, Lerna, 20/ 05/1913. E. N. Transeau. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 1992. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6439). 540. Spirogyra Weberi Kuetz. US, Massachusetts, Wakefield, 25/04/1894. Floating in a small pond, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 368. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6536). Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. Nº 160. (LIL 6000). 543. Spyridia filamentosa (Wulf.) Harv. US, New York, Long Island, Orient Pt. M. A. Booth. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6322). 544. Spyridia filamentosa (Wulf.) Harv. BERMUDA, Harrington Sound, 02/1912. In shallow water, A. B. Hervey. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1897. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6446). SPOROCHNUS 541. Sporochnus bolleanus Mont. BERMUDA, Hamilton Harbor. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2174. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6371). STIGEOCLONIUM 548. Stigeoclonium lubricum (Dillw.) Kuetz. US, California, San Francisco, 03/ 1916, On grass in a pond, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2233. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6409). SPYRIDIA 542. Spyridia Americana. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Zostera and rocks, at and below low-water mark, C. F. STAURASTRUM 545. Staurastrum Hantzschii Reinsch. US, New Hampshire, Chocorua, Hayford’s Pasture, 14/08/1916. C. Bullard. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2216. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6552). STICHOCOCCUS 546. Stichococcus flaccidus (Kuetz.) Gay. US, Massachusetts, Eastham, 30/11/1914. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2232. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6561). STICTYOSIPHON 547. Stictyosiphon subsimplex Holden. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, 04/06/1899. In a large salt marsh tide pool, I. Holden. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 630. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6505). STIGONEMA 549. Stigonema mamillosum Ag. CANADA, Newfoundland, Windsor lake near St. Miscelanea 135 (2015) John’s, 19/07/1897. On submerged stones in a pond, I. Holden. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 356. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6540). 550. Stigonema panniforme (Ag.) Born. & Flah. US, Connecticut, Woodbridge, Sargent’s River, 07/11/1891. W. A. Setchell. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 61c. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (LIL 6577). 551. Stigonema panniforme (Ag.) Born. & Flah. US, Maine, Cape Rosier, 07/1894. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 61a. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6579). STREBLONEMA 552. Streblonema sphaericum Thuret. BERMUDA, Cooper’s Island, 29/04/1912. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. Nº 7142. (LIL 6685). SYMPLOCA 553. Symploca howei Gardner. US, Puerto Rico, Cayo Don Luis, near Pt. Montalva. 27/ 06/1915. In shallow warm water, in Rhizophora association, Coll. M. A. Howe. Distributed by the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. Nº 7186. (LIL 6292). Type Duplicate. TETMEMORUS 554. Tetmemorus granulatus Ralfs. US, New Hampshire, Chocorua, Lily Pond, 18/ 08/1916. Charles Bullard. Phycoteca BorealiAmericana Nº 2217. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20428). TETRAEDRON 555. Tetraedron minimum (A. Br.) Hansgirg. US, California, Felt Lake near Stanford University, 11/1915. On water weeds, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2228. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 20429). 43 TETRASPORA 556. Tetraspora cylindrica (Wahl.) Ag. US, Minnesota, Two Harbors, North Shore of Lake Superior, 08/1906. In sheltered pools, C. Bullard. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1510. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6427). 557. Tetraspora lubrica (Roth) Agardh. US, Massachusetts, Somerville, 12/06/1901. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 4059. (LIL 6631). 558. Tetraspora lubrica var. lacunosa Chauv. US, Massachusetts, Melrose, 03/05/ 1894. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2839. (LIL 6637). TOLYPELLA 559. Tolypella comosa Allen. US, New York, Seneca Lake, 08/1882. Coll. T. F. Allen. Characeae Americanae Exsiccatae Nº 35. Distributed from The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6036). 560. Tolypella comosa Allen. US, New York, Seneca Lake, 08/1882. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6053). 561. Tolypella comosa Allen. US, New York, Skaneateles, 1891. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6083). 562. Tolypella comosa Allen. US, New York, Geneva. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6077). 563. Tolypella fimbriata Allen. US, Vermont, Lake Memphremagog, 19/08/1890. Coll. & Det. T. F. Allen. The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6054). TRICHOGLOEA 564. Trichogloea herveyi Setchell. BERMUDA, Cooper’s Island, 29/04/1912. At and below water mark, F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2034. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6380). 44 M. S. Bustos et al.: Catálogo de la Colección Ficológica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Parte I TUOMEYA 565. Tuomeya fluviatilis Harv. US, Connecticut, Bridgeport, Pequonnock River. In streams, I. Holden. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 132. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6568). UDOTEA 566. Udotea flabellata Lamour. US, Florida, Key West. In shallow water, Coll. J. E. Humphrey. North American Algae Nº 88. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6621). 567. Udotea flabellum (Ell. & Soland) M. A. Howe. BERMUDA, Heron Bay, 26/03/ 1914. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6666). 568. Udotea flabellum (Ell. & Sol.) M. A. Howe. US, Puerto Rico, Muelle de Ponce, 07/07/1915. In 2-10 dm. water, collected in a Rhizophora association, Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 7460. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6263). ULOTHRIX 569. Ulothrix collabens Thuret. US, Massachusetts, Swampscott, 02/04/1891. Leg. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 2033. (LIL 6617). ULVA 570. Ulva fasciata Debile. BERMUDA. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6665). 571. Ulva lactuca L. US, Bay and Harbor of New York, 1850. On Fucus and on other Algae, between tides and on rocks and shells, C. F. Durant. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Nº 231. (LIL 6017). ULVELLA 572. Ulvella postrata Gardner. US, California, San Francisco, Land’s End, 23/12/ 1905. Epiphytic on Iridaea laminarioides Bory, N. L. Gardner. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 1629. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6457). VALONIA 573. Valonia aegagropila Ag. BRITSH WEST INDIES (B. W. I.), Caicos Island, 20/ 12/1907. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 5698. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6271). 574. Valonia ocellata M. A. Howe. BAHAMAS, Lagoon, Watling Island, 25/11/ 1907. On roots of Rhizophora and on bottom in 1-20 dm. of water. Coll. M. A. Howe. North American Marine Algae Nº 5090. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6265). 575. Valonia ocellata M. A. Howe. BERMUDA, Ely’s Harbor, 08/1913. On reefs exposed to full force of the waves. F. S. Collins. Phycoteca Boreali-Americana Nº 2074. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6361). 576. Valonia verticillata Kuetz. BERMUDA. F. S. Collins. Distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. (LIL 6672). CONCLUSIONES A partir del Proyecto de Informatización de la Colección Ficológica se catalogaron 576 ejemplares donados por el Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden que datan de 1842-1938. El lanzamiento del primer catálogo servirá para poner en conocimiento de la comunidad científica la existencia de material algal relevante por su valor histórico. Además, constituye un avance para la revalorización de la Colección de Algas de la Fundación Miguel Lillo. Es importante destacar la existencia de dos duplicados de tipos que corresponden a Caulerpa lentillifera subsessilis y Symploca howei. Miscelanea 135 (2015) AGRADECIMIENTOS A la Lic. Lelia Bordón de la Sección de Iconografía del Área Botánica de la Fundación Miguel Lillo por la elaboración de las figuras incluidas en este trabajo. BIBLIOGRAFÍA Campbell D. H. 1943. Biographical memoir of William Albert Setchell 1864-1943. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Biographical Memoirs XXIII. Fifth memoir: 125-147. Dirección URL: <http://www.nasonline.org/publications/biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/ setchell-william.pdf>. [Consulta: 12/2014]. Collins F. S. 1899. To seaweed collectors. 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