July - Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce
Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce CHAMBER LIFE “T HE MISSION STATEMENT IS TO STRENGTHEN AND SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY BY PROMOTING BUSINESS GROWTH , EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.” A NCHORED Vol. 25, No. 7 IN FARRAGUT SERVING THE C OMMUNITY FOR 25 YEARS A Publication of the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce July 2011 Fabulous 4th in Farragut!!! It was early morning on the 4th of July as spectators starting staking their claims and setting out their chairs and blankets up and down both sides of Kingston Pike awaiting the 24th Annual Farragut Independence Day Parade. Thousands, both young and old, gathered to watch the parade. Children were excited and ready with their bags hoping for some extra special treats. It was Welcome 2011-2012 Board Members As our new fiscal year begins, the Disharoon, Parrish & Associates; Les Chamber would like to welcome Jeff Fout, Pellissippi State; Keith Meese, Potter, President of Mercy Medical The Prestige Group; Carol Glidden, West, as our newest Michael Brady, Inc.; member to the Board Debi Tuttle, The Town for 2011-2012. He Framery; Jody Myers, will be serving a Exhibitor Source; three-year term as a Jerry Parkerson of director. The ChamTDS Telecom will ber also welcomes complete the term for Tim Williams, MatLonn Reas, also of lock Tires, to the TDS and ex-officio position of Chairman member David Smoak of the Board. He is from the Town of replacing Mike Such, Farragut. Thank you to Jim DeTar, Junk Bee Gone, who Heritage Investors, will remain as a Jeff Potter who completed two, director and serve as three-year terms, for Past Chair. Other members of the Executive Committee his service and support. The Chamber appreciates all the are Tonya Vest, FSG Bank, Vice Chair, and Jamie Nicely, Balanced Books and applications submitted for the Board Payroll, Secretary/Treasurer. Other position and to those that served Directors serving include: Don Ball, on the selection committee: Elaine Business Machines Company of East Grove, farragutpress; Vivian Aiken, Tennessee; Vivian Akins, NHC Place NHC Place; Jim DeTar, Heritage Assisted Living; Darla Berdal, Myers Investors and Tonya Vest, FSG Bank Bros; Richard Disharoon, Slate, Thank you. great to see so many happy people come out to celebrate our country’s independence and what the 4th of July truly stands for. Thank you to our members including Puroclean, Slamdot, Sweet CeCe’s and Topline Adventures who walked the parade route representing the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce. SPEAKER LUNCHEON with HALLERIN HILTON HILL Hallerin Hilton Hill, known across Tennessee as “Triple H,” will be speaking at a Chamber luncheon on Friday, August 19 at Rothchild Catering & Conference Center, 8807 Kingston Pike. The Luncheon will be from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. Prices are $30 for Chamber members and $40 for guests. Sponsorships are available and include up to four weeks of advertising. Voted “Best Talk Show Host” 9 years in a row by Metro Pulse readers, Hallerin is also the author of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom and host of a weekly television talk show, Anthing is Possible. He is also a motivational speaker, trainer and singer/songwriter. His morning radio show airs on Newstalk 100 WNOX weekdays from 5:30-10:00 am. Hallerin’s mission is “to inspire, inform and entertain every time the microphone comes on.” Photo courtesy of Newstalk 100 WNOX. ENTERPRISE CLUB ADMIRAL ELITE ADMIRAL CAPTAIN ANCHOR These Chamber members generously contribute to the Chamber and the Continuing Education Grant Program above and beyond their annual dues. 2 • CHAMBER LIFE, July 2011 Welcome to our renewing FWKC members! Asset Planning Corporation Associated InsurorsFinancial Services Bill Jones Music Brainstorm International Cellular Sales of Knoxville, Inc. Christmas Decor of Knoxville, Inc. Cobblestone Entertainment Colonial Pinnacle - Turkey Creek James T. DeBerry, Jr., DDS,MS,PC EdFinancial Services Greystone Summit Heritage Lake at Westland Junior Achievement of East Tennessee Kelly Baker Properties Knoxville Executive Suites, Inc. Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation Lovell Crossing Apartments Mr. Sandless Knoxville Reuben N. Pelot, III, DDS, PLLC Shopper-News Now TDS Telecom Thoroughbred Financial Services, LLC Transmission World Tropical Cabana Travel Weight Loss Management Centers Member Briefs Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church is having their annual 2011 Union Bluegrass Festival in Farragut Saturday, September 10, 2011, 10 am – 4 pm. Admission is $ 5.00/person (advance) or $7.50 at the gate with children under 12 free. Come and enjoy the beauty of fall, championship barbeque, and world class bluegrass music. This event includes food, arts & crafts and other merchandizing vendors from all over Tennessee. As always, shade tree pickers and jammers are welcome! A portion of proceeds benefit East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. For further information, call 865-9669040 or email union@unioncpchurch.com Networkings (Left) Members listen as Christine Evans-Longmire, Executive Director of Kids First, speaks about how they help abused children in our area. On a beautiful spring morning, Kids First Child Advocacy of the 9th Judicial District held a networking at their Lenoir City location. This home was built with love which is welcoming, friendly and all about kids. As Chris Evans-Longmire stated, “we stand behind and support the children that have been betrayed by those who they trusted the most”. Kids First is a private, non-profit agency serving severely abused children in the counties of Loudon, Meigs, Morgan and Roane. (Above, left to right) George Lucke of Edward Jones, Bill Hall of Topline Adventures, Cid Letsinger of Money Concepts, Marlene O’Hanlon of Knoxville Executive Suites and Marianne Morse of Mary Kay. (Left) Sean Christman and Daniel Monday of Slamdot and Jennifer Hockenberry of Suntrust Mortgage FWKCC members, customers and friends gathered together on April 14th for an evening networking at Slamdot on Gay Street. It was a great evening to be downtown and to see all the hustle and bustle that Knoxville’s downtown offers. Sean Christman and Daniel Monday were great hosts speaking on affordable website design. The Knoxville Ice Bears have officially kicked off their 10th Anniversary with the unveiling of a new logo. When the Ice Bears take the ice in October, it will mark the longest tenured hockey franchise in the history of Knoxville. In promotion of a decade of play, the team will don three different jerseys they will wear during the course of the season. As part of the unveiling of their new logo, the Ice Bears have a limited number of first edition shirts featuring the new logo. To purchase this piece of Ice Bears history, please visit www.icebearsfanattic.com. Come summertime, kids are always looking for something fun, lucrative, or rewarding to do. After all, there are only so many TV reruns to watch and video games to play before their cries of “I’m bored!” begin. Gary Pierce of Sylvan Learning located in Knoxville suggests ways to inspire some memorable fun this summer and keep children learning in the process. Put on a play or concert, help a neighbor, start a book club, start a new sports team, hike a hundred miles, make a movie, do some gardening, exhibit paintings or photographs, or play marathon board Member Briefs See page 3 April 21 brought many members out to Panera Bread at Turkey Creek for a morning networking. Eric Smith, manager, stated “Panera Bread makes all food from scratch and anything left over is donated to Second Harvest”. CHAMBER LIFE, July 2011 • 3 Networkings (Right) Daniel Monday of Slamdot celebrates Cinco de Mayo in fashion!! Pictured in the background is Dawn Steimer Robison. On May 5th REO held a networking at Master Custom Home at their location on Kingston Pike. It was a well-attended event and some of our members even came in their sombreros. Raeus Cannon, REO, stated that her company has just celebrated their 5-year anniversary. Dawn Steimer Robison of Master Custom Home spoke on their newest acquisition of a deck company. (Left) Merri Lou Minor of David's Abbey Carpets & Floors, Lisa Coram of Office Suites Plus, Rena Amerson of Tillman Companies and Janice Graves of Corporate Quarters enjoy a morning networking. On May 12th Farmers Insurance Group held a morning networking at their location at 117 Center Park Drive. Terri Weatherly stated that since 1928, Farmers Insurance has stood as a symbol of superior service to their customers at every stage of life. They pride themselves in delivering excellent customer service and making sure they help take care of your insurance needs. Ribbon Cutting Member Briefs From page 2 games.Your main purpose is to keep your kids’ minds and bodies active, their social skills keen, and their summer enjoyment high. For more information, please contact Gary Pierce at (865) 690-0671 or LeeDeeCorp@aol.com. West Bicycles is hosting a FREE “Jail Break” Bike Ride on Saturday, July 16, 2011 starting and finishing at West Bicycles in Farragut, Tennessee. The 100 and the 72 mile route departs at 7:00 am and the 50 mile route departs at 7:10 am. The name of this ride will be obvious to the adventurous and conditioned cyclist choosing the 100 mile route. It’s the perfect location for the now abandoned Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. Although you won’t pass the penitentiary on the 72 mile route, you will enjoy challenging climbs, rolling county roads, navigational challenges and beautiful scenery. The decision point to continue on with the 72 mile challenge or go for the 100, comes 26 miles into the ride. The 50 mile route shares the first 17 miles before cutting through Oak Ridge and picking up the last 20 miles of the longer routes. Contact West Bicycles at 671-7591 Skyline Exhibitor Source will be holding a seminar “20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Exhibiting & New Products Update” on Tuesday, August 9th from 9:30 am – 11:00 am at Skyline Exhibitor Source, 516 West Vine Avenue, Knoxville, TN. You will gain valuable insights about attracting prospects to your booth, exhibit design, budget planning, booth staffing, time and lead management and promotions. To register, contact Lori Schmidt at 615-287-9800 x 210 or email at lschmidt@esourcetn.com. July is National Grilling Month and Fleming’s Steakhouse and Wine Bar is doing the cooking! Join them any Sunday in July and/or August for a 3-course Prime Rib dinner specially priced at $29.95 per guest. Check them out on their website @ www.flemingssteakhouse.com or call 675-9463. The Town of Farragut has launched its new “open” website. The new website will be more user-friendly and designed specifically for easy access by Farragut citizens with easy-access buttons that direct users to pages with one click. It also allows business owners or developers to apply for certain licenses and permits online. To access their website, go to www.townoffarragut.org. Turkey Creek Public Market, off Lovell Road, is set to open in mid-July. Developer John Turley said, “It’s amazing that no one has ever done this. It’s a niche and there’s a need.” Paving is underway and 600 booths are framed in the former outlet mall. To take advantage of high traffic times, The Public Market will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Vendors must commit to only two weeks with one week’s rent held as deposit. For more information, contact Patrick Hamm or Libby fisher at 671-5000. Every Business Poops: Why Connection Is Better Than Perfection - Customer relationships don't seem vital until the poop hits the fan, but when it does you realize it's the most important thing you'll do that day. Strive to connect with new thinking and new tools. The Legacy Centre Speaker Series presents Bill Seaver, Friday, August 5, 7:15-9 a.m. at The Falls Banquet and Conference Center across from McDonalds on Cedar Bluff. This is a FREE event! RSVP by Wednesday, August 3rd. Time to Cut The Ribbon!! On a chilly May morning, Crye-Leike Realty held a ribbon cutting for their new office located at 731 Campbell Station Road. Melonie Cariedo, Managing Broker, stated that Crye-Leike is a full-service independent realty. (Above) Left to Right, Mary Bates-Realtor, Vikki Felts-Realtor, Marie Gerrick-Realtor, Diana Traylor-Realtor, Bob Warner-Realtor, Cassie Riconoscuito-Office Administrator, Jamie Seal-Realtor, Pat Thomas-Realtor, Melonie Carideo-Managing Broker/VP, Cathy Swafford-Realtor, Harold Crye-President/Owner, Rena Amerson-Chamber, Jeanne Duncan-Realtor Jamie Nicely 9040 Executive Park Drive, Suite 383 Knoxville, TN 37923 www.balancedbooksandpayroll.com jame@balancedbooksandpayroll.com Office: 865-560-8802 Fax: 865-560-5404 The Optimist Club of West Knoxville celebrated its 20th anniversary with a casual dinner on Thursday, June 30th. The Optimist Club of West Knoxville provides service to area kids and to the community. Some of the activities that the club participates in include Angel Tree, “Plug-in to Your Community” (electronic recycling event) and “Slice-for-Life” (a pizzajudging fund-raiser for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital). The club sponsors a Junior Optimist Club at Farragut High School. They also conduct a Lawn Mower Safety Clinic for kids in the spring. The Optimist Club of West Knoxville meets for lunch every Thursday at Season’s Café in Farragut. Visitors are welcome! 4 • CHAMBER LIFE, July 2011 resident P Quotes ‘n Notes by Bettye Sisco Email Etiquette “If email had been around before the telephone was invented people would have said "hey, forget email - with this new telephone invention I can actually talk to people” ~Unknown When you compose an email message follow simple rules to ensure that you make a positive impression and receive positive response. • Professionalism: by using proper email language you will convey a professional image. • Efficiency: emails that get to the point are much more effective than poorly worded emails. • Protection from liability: Awareness of email risks will protect you from costly law suits. Email is an extremely popular form of communication in both the business and personal landscapes, but can often lead to major problems if the underlying tone of the email message is misinterpreted at one end. If the parties involved are in different emotional states of mind, the slightest disagreement via email can quickly spiral out of control. Be clear. Be brief. Write short email messages with a crystal clear point. Do not write long-winded confusing paragraphs that leave room for misinterpretation. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. Improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give a bad impression of you and your company. Proofread. Proofread your message multiple times, then wait. Do a few other things before your second look. If your emotions were flaring when you wrote the email, a little time can allow these emotions to settle, allowing you to evaluate the message in a different light. If the email deals with touchy subject matter, have a third-party read it over. This can give you added perspective on how well it will be received and will help you send a more effective message and avoid misunderstandings. Pick up the phone! While email is a convenient communication channel, certain discussions are best handled over the phone, or if possible, in person. If you notice that the situation is starting to deteriorate, it’s time to pick up the phone and arrange a face-to-face meeting. Do not write in CAPITALS. IF YOU WRITE IN CAPITALS IT SEEMS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING. There are good and bad arguments for email, phone calls and face-to-face meetings depending on the situation. But always remember communication revolves around “maintaining and developing relationships.” In the end it all comes down to relationships. Welcome to our new Farragut West Knox Chamber members! Amberleigh Bluff Hilary Kilgore Mary Kay Cosmetics Janice Ford 350 Amberleigh Bluff Way Knoxville, TN 37922 www.amberleighbluff.com 2211 Hickory Manor Way Knoxville, TN 37931 www.marykay.com/janiceford Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace Marianne Greer Roof Worx, LLC Grady Regas 124 N. Winston Rd. Knoxville, TN 37919 102 Chaho Rd. Farragut, TN 37934 www.myroofworx.com The Cove at Creekwood Park Wendy Broome Roofing Professionals, LLC Michael Hawn 245 Creekwood Cove Lane Lenoir City, TN 37771 www.thecoveatcreekwoodpark.com 215 Center Park Dr. Knoxville, TN 37922 www.roofingprofessionals.com Hardin Valley Orthodontics Jeffrey Eberting, DMD, MS Viamedia, Inc. Caitlin Riddell 10792 Hardin Valley Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932 www.hardinvalleyortho.com 141 N. Martinwood Rd., Suite 103-3 Knoxville, TN 37923 www.viamediatv.com 16th Annual Farragut Fall 5K Run, Fun Walk & Pet Parade Get the dust brushed off those sneakers and start getting in shape for the Annual Farragut Fall 5K Run, Fun Walk and Pet Parade. Mark your calendars for 8:00 a.m., Saturday, September 17, 2011 at Mayor Bob Leonard Park located on Watt Road. Proceeds of this event support the Farragut West Knox Chamber’s Education Scholarship fund. $1 per entry will be matched by the Chamber and presented as a donation to Young-Williams Animal Center. Pre-registration will be accepted through September 9, 2011 at a cost of $15 and can be done on our website at www.farragutchamber.com. On the day of the race, on-site registration will begin at 7:00 a.m. for runners and walkers at a cost of $20. T-shirts and goodie bags will be presented while supplies last. The run is certified by USATF, sanctioned by the U. S. Track Club and will be managed by Total Race Solutions. Participants will travel on a trafficfree course starting at Watt Road, through Sedgefield sub-division and finish in the park. The Fun Walk and Pet Parade will take place on a separate course in the park. The Chamber would like to thank Knoxville Executive Suites, Inc. for becoming a Community Sponsor. Additional sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information about the 5K, call the Chamber at 675-7057 Debi Tuttle Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett is holding public constituent meetings throughout the month of July. This is a great opportunity to meet one-on-one with the mayor to discuss issues that are important to you. Go to www.knoxcounty.org for meeting dates, times and locations. Governor Bill Haslam and the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development have created a survey for business leaders to provide input to assist with the governor’s regulatory reform initiative. The survey will give the state a broad snapshot of business in Tennessee and will help identify areas that can be improved upon. The survey is available online at www.tnecdit.net/knoxville and will be live through July 20. Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce 11826 Kingston Pike, Suite 110 Farragut, TN 37934 675-7057 Phone 671-2409 Fax e-mail: info@farragutchamber.com www.farragutchamber.com This newsletter is published monthly by the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce. Editor - Cindy Ponzurick The Town Framery On behalf of the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce we would like to commend you for all that you do to help not only us, but our community. It’s because of people like you that our town is such a wonderful place to live and work. Calendar of Events Please call the Chamber office at 675-7057 for information July 21 Networking 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Brixx Wood-Fired Pizza 10978 Parkside Drive July 28 Networking 8:00 am – 9:30 am Newk’s Express Café 11527 Parkside Drive August 4 Networking 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Smoky Mountain Brewery 11308 Parkside Drive August 9 Ribbon Cutting 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Hampton Inn & Suites 11340 Campbell Lakes Drive August 18 Networking 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Calhouns – Turkey Creek 625 Turkey Cove Lane Who’s who… by Courtney Such The buzz Since the company opened in April of 2005, Mike Such, owner of Junk Bee Gone never ceases to be amazed at the business’s rapid growth. This growth has taken them all the way to a Courtney Such new location on five acres of land in North Knoxville. What is his favorite part of the move? “There is a great sense of accomplishment…we started off [in a single office] above a dentist office and look now!” Mike excitedly explained. The main purpose of the down-the-road move is to increase the amount of recycling the business does. Prior to the move, Junk Bee Gone took about 50% of the items collected to local charities or to a recycling center. “Our goal is to increase that to 75%,” explained Mike. “We do not want to fill up the landfills. One hundred percent of the paper is recycled and brought to paper mills where it is turned into hand towels and other miscellaneous products. Paper shredding has been a big part of that.” Junk Bee Gone continues to offer full service removal and driveway dumpsters. “The three services have kept the Junk Bee Gone team busy, especially with all of the storm damage within the last couple months. We are pleased that roofers seem to like our [JBG’s] value.” Such is confident that the Junk Bee Gone teamwork will keep on paying off. “Moving to a new location is an adventure that appears to lead to even more accomplishments for this business. We have enjoyed being in the Farragut area for the past six years, but this move was an opportunity we could not pass up,” said Such. “Of course, Farragut and West Knoxville will continue to be a major part of our business. Our success can be attributed to our number one goal, customer satisfaction first. By taking care of our customers, we have been lucky enough to grow over the past few years.” Junk Bee Gone’s new address is 2137 Wilson Road off of I-640. If you have any questions or are interested in booking an appointment, call 675-5865 or visit www.junkbeegone.biz. America’s Business Plan by Marilyn Cobble Senior Business Specialist Independence Day – July 4, 1776 was the day America declared Marilyn Cobble her independence, but the battle for freedom went on until 1783. Even though the people declared their freedom in 1776, they had to stand and fight for many years before the British would accept and recognize the United States of America. The dictionary defines independence as "freedom from the control and influence of others." The pursuit of independence not only led to the American Revolution in the 1770s, but to the entrepreneurial one in the 1990s. America's founders and entrepreneurs have a lot in common. Whether you lead a huge corporation or are simply a small business owner, your goals are the same as that of America's founders: to achieve freedom, liberty, and independence; to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it; to be responsible for your actions and reap the subsequent rewards. The U.S. Constitution itself is akin to a business plan. The founders had to create a document that was meant to evolve as the country grew. It's a good reminder that our business plans (or business goals) aren't sacrosanct. It's smart to look at your initial plans and goals every three or four months and be ready to "amend" them as your circumstances change. Often we think that being independent means we're on our own. That is simply not the case. It's likely America would not have won the Revolutionary War if not for the help of allies. Entrepreneurs need allies as well. There are trade associations, local Chambers, networking groups and Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) eager to help us. For help, be a willing participant and be ready to give as well as receive. The Tennessee Small Business Development Center is a free and confidential service. Visit the website at www.tsbdc.org or call the office at 865-246-2663 for additional information or to make an appointment.
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