this issue from the principal contact details


this issue from the principal contact details
2 August 2013 | Term 3 - Week 3
from the principal
Dear Parents,
this issue
 principal
 assistant principal
 bursar
 mental health awareness
 college noticeboard
 college links
 edmund rice cottage
 social justice 2014 tour
 college cocktail party
 year 7 ski trip
 shopping tour info
 languages news
& Waseda visitors
Last week there were two important events in the life of the College. One was the opening
of the Edmund Rice Cottage. The second was the Year 7 ski trip. These events are both
very different, but they speak to the common purpose of our Catholic School. That purpose
is to help young boys grow into responsible, respectful and able members of the
community. In short, to graduate Manly Men.
The ski camp aims to build values of community, self-reliance and endurance amongst the
boys. The Edmund Rice Cottage is a place where we can focus on faith, community and
the work of the Spirit.
This common purpose was well expressed by our special visitor on that day, Brother Peter
Brother Lennox reminded the boys and staff that, in the tradition of Edmund Rice, the
founder of the Christian Brothers, our school should be focused upon three key values –
Bread, Love, Learning.
helping others in a practical way
care for those who hurt
seeking to do our best
 literacy & numeracy week
 year 12 news
Last week spoke in a special way to these values, which we try to live.
 sport report
 sport student showcase
 school event—relay for life
A Reflection:
 p&f news
 study skills
The History of Edmund Ignatius Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers
 TAS news
 important information
 uniform shop relocation
 st paul’s in the press
 community notices
Edmund Rice was blessed to be born in Callan, County Kilkenny, Ireland, where the Penal
Laws were not strictly enforced. As a boy he was educated, moved into his uncle’s thriving
merchant business in Waterford, married at the age of 23, and within four years became a
widower with a little daughter who was disabled. Edmund’s life was never the same again!
His compassion for the poor grew so much that 13 years later, having cared for his
daughter, he sold his prosperous business, lived in renovated stables and commenced a
school for the ‘street kids’ of Waterford. This small, precarious beginning blossomed into
two religious congregations which have spread throughout the world to communicate the
contact details
knowledge and love of Christ. Edmund was one of the few laymen ever in the Church to
St Paul’s Catholic College,
found a religious congregation. In Australia no religious congregation of men has done
Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095 more than the Christian Brothers to help uplift the poor. On 6 December 1996 the Pope
t 9977 5111
beautified Edmund Rice in Rome. He will be held up to us for our imitation because there is
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some aspect of his life that each of us can initiate.
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from the principal...
A new web site called “Edmund Rice Online” located at the URL may be of interest if you are
seeking further information regarding Edmund Rice.
Edmund Rice Prayer
O God, we thank You for the life of Edmund Rice
He opened his heart to Christ
present in those oppressed by poverty and injustice
May we follow his example of faith and generosity.
Grant us the courage and compassion of Edmund as we seek to live lives of love and service.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
Mr Mark Baker
from the assistant principal
Last week the Year 7 students enjoyed their annual camp. This year 126 students travelled to the snow for five days. The
boys enjoyed themselves and their behaviour, from all reports, was wonderful. Camps are school experiences that allow
students to work together, be independent from their parents and allow them to see work with their teachers in a more
relaxed atmosphere. I thank the staff who gave of their time and energy away from their own families to allow this
experience to go ahead.
Our Year 12 students have begun their Trial HSC Examinations this week and it has been wonderful to see the seriousness
they have displayed during the papers. These results are important not only for their rankings but also to inform them of
what they know or do not know prior to the HSC. After this Trial exam period they need to be working together to ensure that
all members of their course are well informed of the content. The feedback received when these papers are returned should
be informative and used to ask questions.
This week we had the pleasure of having a number of Japanese students visit the College. The students were hosted by
students in Year 8 and Year 9, and attended classes here in both Japanese and English. Many thanks to Mrs Campbell and
Miss Lee for their organisation throughout the week and to the families who generously hosted these students
A reminder that on Monday 5 August students will be dismissed from a College assembly at 2pm, to allow for the staff
to be attend an anaphylaxis training course. This course is imperative for all staff to attend as it ensures the safety of all
students. I thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Ms Karen Shawcross
Assistant Principal
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from the bursar
School Fees
Could all families who are paying their St Paul’s School Fees using a payment plan please reassess their payment plan so the
full amount of school fees will be paid by the 15 November 2013. Some families are behind in their plans. Now is the time to
readjust your plan if necessary.
Thank you to all families who have made their final payments of school fees for 2013.
When paying your last instalment, please check the amount that is owing. There have been quite a number of families that
have paid over what is required of them. In cases of overpayments the College will hold the amount in credit to go against
2014 school fees unless you specifically request a refund. Always check your monthly statements closely and if you have any
issues, kindly contact the school office.
Current Year 11 students will be billed shortly for the Senior Retreat which is being held in November. The amount is
$280.00. This item will appear on your next statement.
Please note that the Bpay method of payment can only be used when paying school fees that have been billed by the
school. You cannot use the Bpay method for such things as overseas school trips, calculators or ad hoc incidentals.
Mrs Vivienne Woods
mental health awareness month
Dear Parents,
During the month of August this year, St Paul's will be focussing on Mental Health Awareness. Mental Health is a vital factor
in ensuring our boys are healthy and happy. By raising awareness of this issue, we are encouraging all the students and
their families to think about their own mental health and the mental health of those around them.
Throughout the month, we will be encouraging the boys to think about the positive things in their lives, as well as the
strengths and values that help them get through challenging times. We will be asking them to connect with others and pay
attention to their close relationships as well as reaching out and making new friendships. We will also be encouraging the
boys to ask for help when they need it, and will provide resources for them to be able to do this. In addition to educating t he
boys about mental health, the month of August will be primarily geared towards promoting good health and wellbeing.
We encourage you to discuss the issue of mental health with your sons. The importance of this issue cannot be overstated.
Please take the time to read the following article by Michael Grose, it will give you some ideas of how you can promote good
mental health at home.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Mary Thomas / Richard Morgan
School Counsellors
St Paul's Catholic College
Manly NSW 2095
Ph: 9977 5111
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mental health awareness month
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mental health awareness month
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college noticeboard
A reminder that on Monday 5 August students will be dismissed from a College assembly at 2pm
2012 College Magazine
If you are in Years 8 to12 and did not receive your 2012 College Magazine at the end of last term, please see your Year
Coordinator to collect it. Last call.
Mental Health Awareness Month
August is Mental Health Awareness Month at St Paul’s. It is an opportunity to educate the boys as to what mental health is,
what to look out for, how to look after themselves and their mates, and building strategies that may help combat mental
illness. It will be geared towards promoting good health and wellbeing. See information later in this newsletter.
Uniform: Shoes and Haircut Reminder
Please ensure your son is wearing the correct school shoes. All students must wear traditional black polishable leather
lace-up school shoes (skate shoes are a WHS hazard and not to be worn). Also, please make sure your son’s hair is kept at
an appropriate length, as per the College policy.
Thanks to all the helpers last term. Please note there are a few price changes for canteen items this term. We still need
more helpers - especially on Mondays and Tuesdays! Please let us know if you can help. Thanks - Maxine.
Uniform Shop
A reminder that the Uniform Shop at St Paul’s has ceased operating. St Paul’s uniforms will be available for purchase from
Pickles from mid August. See Pickles page near back of newsletter for details.
College Parking
The surface of the back car park was upgraded during the holiday period. Please refrain from parking 4WD vehicles and
heavier cars on this area, as the ground is too soft at the moment. (Year 12 students - remember: no permit, no parking.)
college links
The following important information is available on the College website:
email or call 9977 5111
via the Parent Portal (click on above link and have your username/password handy)
Please bookmark these pages for future reference.
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edmund rice cottage official opening
Last week the College returned to its Christian Brothers roots adopting the motto, "Bread, Love, Learning" at the opening of
the newly acquired Edmund Rice Cottage.
Former Principal Brother Lennox
officially opened the Cottage, which
will be used as a spirituality centre for
the College.
The Cottage will be used primarily for
religious education, youth ministry and
social justice initiatives, although all
school departments will be able to use
the facilities and is currently being
used by our Japanese visitors.
Deemed by Brother Lennox "as a first of its kind in concept" the facility, which has a self-contained kitchen, three bathrooms
and large communal area, can additionally be used after hours for church related functions.
Special dignitaries on the day included
Mr Gregory Wilson, CSO Education
Officer for Mission Services, as well as
Deacon David Mackenzie from the
Lakes Parish. The Lakes Parish has
generously offered a lounge for the
Edmund Rice Cottage, as well as
celebrating a monthly Mass at St
Brother Lennox inspired students and teachers alike with his recount of the struggle
he experienced as Principal and the necessary vision required to build a better
school. This is the same vision shared by our current Principal, Mr Mark Baker.
As the motto of the new Cottage suggests, we pray that all our neighbours will have
Bread for their table, that Love permeates all that we do at St Paul's, and the
Edmund Rice Cottage cultivates a spirit of Learning for all.
Ms Joanne Kalayzich
Youth Ministry Coordinator
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social justice immersion tour 2014
Social Justice Immersion Tour of Cambodia 2014
Expressions of Interest are currently being received for the Social Justice Immersion Tour of Cambodia 2014. The tour is
held biennially and will be our fourth tour to Cambodia for Year 11 and 12 students. An information evening will be held on
Monday 19 August at 7pm in the College theatrette.
The all-inclusive cost of the tour will be approximately $2600 and each student is required to raise $1500 for the house they
will build for remote communities living in abject poverty. Could you please register your interest via email to
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college cocktail party
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year 7 ski trip
The Year 7 Ski Trip has come and gone, and what a wonderful trip it was! 126 boys, nine teachers and one parent all
boarded the bus early Monday morning, all praying there’d be enough snow for us to actually ski on. And blessed we surely
were, arriving to the news that there’d been a big dump in the days before and the hills were open and ready for our
collective skiing assault.
The boys spent their first night being kitted out and
briefed on the experience that lay before them and trying
(some more than others) to get a good night’s sleep
before day one on the slopes.
Arriving at the ski hill the next morning was quite the
spectacle. 136 people had to locate and retrieve the
correct skis and stocks, struggle into their boots, make
sure they had their helmets, gloves, goggles and
beanies, and then toil with all said equipment to the
designated meeting area. We had it down to a well-oiled
machine (well almost) by day three, but a spectacle it
For most of the boys, this was their first time skiing, and for many, their first
time seeing snow. So it wasn’t surprising that during the first lesson there
were a lot of stacks and tumbles. There was a lot of struggling to get up, and
a lot of falling straight back down. There were crashes on the magic carpet
and many stacks off the chair lift. But the boys persisted and endured, and by
the afternoon of day one, Friday Flats was abuzz with St Paul’s Year 7
students ploughing and turning their way down the mountain.
On day two the improvements were even
more pronounced. Many boys made their
way down the harder runs of Merritt’s,
some trying their hands at jumps and
parallel turns. By day three, the boys as
good as owned the slopes. Instructor
after instructor commented on the
enthusiasm of the boys and on how
gutsy they were in their efforts. It was
truly a pleasure to see the excitement
and enjoyment of all our budding skiers.
It was a big five days and we asked a lot of the boys in terms of their effort,
behaviour and organization. And, collectively, they rose to the challenge in spades. In a letter to Mr Baker, the Managing
Director of the camp, Andrew Brown, remarked “all 126 students were a credit to the school in the way they applied
themselves to directions and requests. They all gave skiing a really good go and showed significant improvement by the end
of the three days. Not one boy gave up, and it was impressive to see the boys rise to the challenges presented, both on and
off the snow.”
I couldn’t agree with these sentiments more. It was a pleasure to spend this time
with Year 7 and to see first-hand what a worthy group of boys we have in this group.
Mrs Madelaine Keogh
Year 7 Coordinator
NB: All lost property from the ski trip has been left at the College lost property
area behind reception.
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2014 academic & cultural tour to USA
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languages news
Tokimeki Cup Presentation
Jack Waud of Year 10 won the interschool Japanese contest last term, run by Manly Council. VIP Mr Ozaki came to St
Paul’s this week to present the Tokimeki Cup trophy to Jack, who entertained us again with his winning 2 minute speech in
Year 8 and 9 Hyakuten Club members for Term 2
Last term several boys put in an outstanding effort to achieve 100% in an assessment task and gain entry into this exclusive Club. They met for a reward morning tea last week and sampled Japanese treats such as white chocolate cornflakes
and edamame green bean chips! The highlight of the event though was the ramune enjoyed by the Year 9 boys. This is a
traditional lemonade drink that features a glass marble. You pop the marble into the bottle to open it – with a lot of fizz as
you do this! Well done to the following boys who made it into the club for this term :
Year 8
Sam Munday
Michael O’Neil
Austin Devaney
Oliver Tabor
Jesse Ball
Dante Cox
Mitchell Ranken
Ben Blakeney
John Magtoto
Cadel Sumner
Year 9
Euan Donald
Theo Guichon
Tony Hung
William Quail
Cooper Snel
Tyrell Zochling
Mrs Liberty Campbell
KLA Leader—Languages
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languages news
Waseda arrives!
This week students from our sister school Waseda arrived for their annual 12 day visit. We thank all those wonderful families
who have opened their homes to host our visitors. It was great to see the excited faces of the boys as they met their new
families for the week to follow. See next page for photos!
On Monday we had our first excursion with Waseda in the form of a bushwalk from the Spit
bridge to Manly. Former history and geography teacher of St Paul’s, Mr Pashley was our
tour guide for the day introducing our visitors to both the harbour views and aboriginal
artworks to be found along the route.
Year 9 elective Japanese boys and
five Year 8 representatives were
buddied up with our visitors to share
the experience.
It was great to see the boys
interacting so well together, playing
soccer and basketball at the end of
the walk.
Well done also to Year 9 for their
tour of the school in Japanes
On Tuesday our visitors headed down to St Mary’s Church to meet with Father David and learn about Catholicism. Then it
was back to school to join 8Y in a combined Japanese/Religion class. In this lesson, Mr Fitzsimmons taught the visitors
about Catholic icons such as rosary beads. Then we worked together to prepare for next week’s Peace Day liturgy. Watch
this space to read how our liturgy goes.
After lunch Year 10 buddied up with the visitors to use our Learner response devices that work with the Interactive
whiteboards. The students text answers to the multiple choice questions about Australian culture. The questions were
written in a combination of Japanese and English though, so the boys had to work together to solve the questions. We also
found time to present a video made by Year 11 introducing the suburb they live in, in Japanese.
A big thank you to Ninja Nett, for his fantastic efforts to put the
DVD together in a short space of time. His IT skills are very
impressive and I was thankful for his generous offer to work on
this project.
Mrs Liberty Campbell
KLA Leader—Languages
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languages news
Waseda arrives! (continued)
And on Wednesday our Japanese visitors played AFL with the Year 9 PASS class in periods 4 and 5. The mixed teams had
a lot of fun!
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languages news
Waseda arrives! (continued)
We would like to thank the 17 homestay host families who have opened their homes to
host our special Waseda school exchange
Mrs Liberty Campbell
KLA Leader—Languages
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national literacy and numeracy week
St Paul’s Writing Competitions
This year St Paul’s is running two writing competitions in conjunction with National Literacy and Numeracy Week. Entries are
due in on Monday 5 August -so you still have the weekend to finalise your submission!
Whilst the competitions are not compulsory, the College strongly encourages all students to submit an entry and engage in
the process of writing wherever possible.
Please refer to the competition details below and encourage your son to submit an entry in support of our ongoing efforts to
promote the importance of literacy at St Paul’s.
Mr Andrew Lomax
English Teacher
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national literacy and numeracy week
Prominent Author Visit
National Literacy and Numeracy Week: Melina Marchetta Visit to St Paul’s
On 29 July, the students in the two Advanced English classes at St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly were
extremely fortunate in having the opportunity to hear bestselling author, Melina Marchetta deliver a
creative writing workshop.
Since leaving school, Melina achieved worldwide success with her first novel,
'Looking for Alibrandi'. She later won an AFI award for her role in writing the
screenplay. She went on to write 'Saving Francesca', her breakthrough novel
in the US market, and 'On the Jellicoe Road', for which she won the
prestigious Printz Award. Recently, Melina has completed her first fantasy
trilogy, 'The Lumatere Chronicles'.
For much of her writing career, Melina was also a high school English
teacher and she used her experiences in schools in her earlier novels. Although she now writes
full time, her experiences as an English teacher and an HSC marker allowed her to provide
valuable insights into the writing process and she took the St Paul’s students through a number
of different writing strategies in order for them to improve their own creative efforts.
Mr Anthony Catanzariti
KLA Leader—English
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year 12
The HSC year is an ever busy one for the Year 12's with the stress of exams, assessments and the continual push to achieve
their best. They still however have found the time to raise funds for the annual Year 12 gift they present to the school. Last
Thursday the Year Group put on a BBQ which was an overwhelming success with the boys raising in excess of $400.
Congratulations boys and keep up the good work.
Mr Trent Masters
Year 12 Coordinator
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sport report
Rugby Union Peninsula Cup
Students travelling to Rugby games in the Peninsula Competition will leave school at 3pm. Games are played from 4-5pm.
There is a return bus from the games.
Games Week 4:
5 August
v Barrenjoey High School @ BHS Hitchcock Park, Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon
6 August
STP Black v St Luke’s Grammar @ Melwood Oval, Melwood Ave, Forestville
6 August
7 August
v Barrenjoey High School @ BHS Hitchcock Park, Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon
Games Week 5:
12 August
13 August
v Masada College @ Masada, 9-15 Link Rd, St Ives
14 August
v Moriah College @ MC Queens Park, Baronga Ave, Queens Park
See the Parent Portal for the U14 and U16 Rugby Union draw, and for the U14 squad teams.
For all information pertaining to draws and the competition please go to the following website:
Upcoming events BBSSSA:
Athletics – 21 August. Any students selected in the BBSSSA Athletics need to return their permission notes to Mr Callow by
5 August.
Golf – Invitational at Tuggerah Lakes. Open to players who are members of a club.
Surfing – At Avoca Beach 30 August. There are 3 divisions with 2 students selected in each:
Junior Boys (U15 years) Surfboarding and Body boarding
Open Boys (16 and Over) Surfboarding and Body boarding
All Age Malibu
Ms Fiona Stuart
Sport Coordinator
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sport report
Rugby: U14 Red v Pittwater House
The Red team played their first game this week against Pittwater House. With the
majority of the team being Year 7’s they were giving away size and age to the Pittwater
side who had some very large players. The passion with which St Paul’s played the
game, however saw them triumph 32-12.
Tries to Finn O’Shea, Jack Polselli, James Roach (2) James Woolford and Samuel
Callow, gave the team the best possible start to the season. Jacob De Angelis added 2
points for a conversion.
Some other stand outs were captain
Luke Maiolo, Zac O’Brien, Charlie Antill
and Josh Cox.
U16 Rugby League Gala Day
Despite having a very strong roster, the Under 16 St Paul's League
team, were plagued with misfortune and injury that ultimately saw them
fail to make the finals. Illness on the day or unavailability depleted the
team before the kick off, but injury to two key players led to the team
playing their last game with the bare 13.
They had started well with a solid win over Pittwater; Louis Dowling
being a stand out at full back. This was followed by a gigantic battle
against Cromer, that was only decided with a minute to go, when
Cromer went over for 2 quick tries. The exhausted remaining players
then battled hard against Davidson before again letting one try in during
the final minute.
It was a display of skill and commitment that just didn't come off this
time. I have no doubt that the squad will be strong enough for next
year's contest.
Mr Steve Callow
Teacher/Rugby Coach
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sport student showcase
NSW State Junior Surfing Titles
The NSW State Junior Surfing Titles were held at Maroubra Beach last week.
The opening two days kicking off with the NSW Schools Surfing Titles taking
place. Harley Ross-Webster and Alex Hayes both competed in the MR Junior
Team Shield event, with Harley also competing in the Under 16 Boys individual
All stars event.
There were plenty of waves on offer with clean and glassy offshore conditions
with both boys putting in a fantastic effort making it all the way through to the
finals in both events.
We unfortunately ended up walking away with 2nd place in the MR Junior
Teams Shield final and Harley taking a 3rd place in the individual ALL star final.
The good form however continued through the remainder of
the week with Harley Ross-Webster competing in Under 16
boys NSW Junior State Surfing Titles after making it through
the regional qualifiers earlier this year. The five day event
brings the state’s best surfers together to compete against
each other to hopefully earn a state team spot for the
upcoming Australian Junior Titles to be held later this year.
Harley had a solid campaign posting solid scores to secure a
series of wins through the qualifying rounds and firmly
cement his position into the four-man final. Harley took an
early lead, locking in a pair of 8.67 rides to claim victory and
to be crowned the Under 16 Boys NSW Junior State
Harley will now represent NSW in the under 16 Boys
Australian Junior Surfing Titles to be held in December.
Congratulations to both Harley and Alex in what was a great effort and while we did not walk away with the NSW Junior
School Surfing Title this year, we have certainly shown that in only our second year of schools surfing competition we have
the ability and determination to succeed in future years.
Mr Warren Webster
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school event—please join us
Students!! It’s time to enter RELAY FOR LIFE
7-8 September at Keirle Park, Manly
Relay For Life is a fun, outdoor overnight fundraising event that brings
communities together to
celebrate & remember the lives of those who have battled cancer.
Teams take turns to walk or run around a track whilst enjoying
entertainment, activities & moving ceremonies.
It is sooooo much fun & for such a good cause : )
We’re asking each student to raise just $50.
And there’s a prize for our highest fundraiser!
Parents & siblings can also join our team! (BYO tent for families)
$15 if you register by 7 August 2013 or $20 after 8 August 2013
To register, click here & fill in your details!
Our team captain is Ms Julie Jones
Remember….Cancer never sleeps!
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p&f news
’Raise the Roof’ Cocktail Party!
Please join us at one of Manly’s premier venues for a social night of Food and Drink, Live Music, Raffles and Lucky Door
The building of our new School Hall is scheduled to start soon! Please support us and help us raise funds for its ‘fit out’.
So….put the date in your diary, take out your dancing shoes, talk to your friends and get a group organized! It promises to be
a great night!
Saturday 14 September
Manly Golf Club (Balgowlah Rd, Manly)
7.30pm - midnight
sold online click on this link or cut and paste it into your web browser
If you have any questions/concerns regarding the purchase of tickets please contact Maria Murace on 0418 408 580 (after
2pm on weekdays).
Save $5 on each ticket! Get a group of 10 friends together and get your Cocktail Party tickets for only $50/head. Book your
tickets as a group to take advantage of this offer!! Don’t miss out!
Mrs Cathy Gardner
P&F Vice President
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study skills
Effective Internet Research
Do your children waste hours on the Internet when they are researching for an assignment? Here are our top 10 tips for how
students can be more effective and efficient in their research.
Tips for students to research on the Internet:
1. REQUIREMENTS: Before you start, review all the info about the assignment carefully. What have you been asked to do?
What are the main points or requirements? What guidelines or directions have you been given? Do you understand the task?
Is there anything you need to ask your teacher about? Spend around 10 minutes on this. Highlight key words, try and
paraphrase in your own words.
2. BRAINSTORM: You need to decide what you are going to research. Spend around 20 minutes on your initial brainstorm.
Write a list of the different areas you will need to include in your assignment. For each section brainstorm topics or phrases
that might help you narrow your research. Pay particular attention to any marking criteria you have been given. If you know
absolutely nothing about the topic, you may like to spend 5-10 minutes in Wikipedia to give yourself a bit of background and
overview. While many schools do not want you to use Wikipedia as a reference in your assignment (as it is not always a
reliable or expert source to quote from) it is a good way to get an overview about the main points and to generate some
thoughts on what you may need to research.
3. PLAN: You need to work out how much info you will need for each section of your assignment. There is no point collecting
pages of information on a point if you only need to write a paragraph. Look at the word or page limit for the assignment. This
may vary depending on the format of the task. For each section, work out roughly how much information you will need for
that section and write this down on your brainstorm list. This should only take 10 minutes. You may also want to write your
list of what you need to research, the key words or phrases and amount of info needed out again neatly so you can have it
by you when you start your research on the computer.
4. FEEDBACK: Show someone your initial plan before you start researching. A parent, a sibling, your teacher – just get
someone to have a quick look to make sure you haven’t missed anything obvious or misinterpreted the assignment. They
may also suggest other lines of enquiry for you to explore.
5. BROADEN SEARCH: Don’t forget that there are other places to research apart from the internet! Libraries, books,
magazines and newspapers. Your librarian might also know about certain databases you could access. You may know
people who are experts on the topic. Don’t always go straight to Google.
6. INTERNET SEARCHES: Many students waste a lot of time as they do not know what they are looking for! Well you have
a plan, so you will start with the first item on your brainstormed list. Remember to put “exact phrases” in quotation marks. Try
other search engines apart from Google as they may show different results.
7. BE SELECTIVE: When the search results appear on your screen, do not just click on the first link. Take a few moments to
look at where the links are from (eg. National Geographic? A blog?). Think about which ones seem more likely to a) answer
your assignment question and b) be from a reputable source (such as an expert or authority). Read the few lines of
information underneath each link. Many students waste a lot of time as they just click at random. Make an assessment
before clicking. You may also look at more than just the first page of results. Also assess your search terms. Did the search
engine find the sorts of things you were looking for or should you modify your search terms before clicking on a link?
8. ASSESSING INFORMATION: When you find information that looks useful, you need to decide if the source is reputable.
Who is the author and what are their credentials? What sort of organisation has created the site? Can you tell anything from
the URL of the site? When was the site last updated? Who is the target audience of the site? Where has the information
come from? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself when you are critically evaluating a website.
9. RECORDING INFORMATION: If you find information that is useful, you need to record this information. You have two
main options. You could print out the information so you can highlight it. Or you can cut and paste the relevant information
into a word document or a program or app like Onenote or Evernote. If you take the second option, make sure you collate
the information under your list of headings that you created when brainstorming.
10. RECORDING REFERENCES: If you print the information, make sure the following is on the page and if not then write
onto the page: the title of the source, the author, the publisher, and place and date of publication. This is your preliminary, or
draft, bibliography. If you are cutting and pasting into a program, make sure you also have this info and it is linked to the
correct content! You will need this for your bibliography and to ensure that you do not plagiarise when you start writing your
Mrs Trish McGregor
KLA Leader—Mathematics
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TAS news
Year 9 Industrial Technology Timber: Folding Table Project
Year 9 Industrial Timber students have completed their
first major assessment for the year in their elective
The boys all thoroughly enjoyed the project finding it
both challenging and rewarding.
Generally a great sense of achievement was felt as they
created what is, for many of them, their first physical
Mr Dale Casburn
Acting KLA Leader—TAS
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important information
uniform shop
parking & personal property
Please note the Uniform Shop no longer operates at
St Paul’s. From mid August College uniforms will be available
Brookvale. See next page for more details.
Parking: Only staff/permit holders may park on the College
grounds. Those who park onsite do so at their own risk.
Personal Property: The College cannot be held responsible
for any damage to personal property incurred on the College
personal contact information
band information
Please ensure you notify the College immediately if your
Ensemble: Rehearsals are held on
personal contact information changes; it is important that we Percussion
2:20pm in DM3 with Mr David Kemp.
have current addresses, phone numbers and email
Big Band: Big Band rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at
Please e-mail or call 9977 5511.
7:45am in DM3. Please see Mr James Bresnahan for more
absent students
Please contact the College Office on 9977 5111 by 10am to Senior Jazz Ensemble: The Senior Jazz Group is held on
advise that your son is not attending school. A note must be Mondays at 3:30-4:30pm in DM3. Please see Mr David Kemp
given to the Front Office or his PC Teacher on his return to for more information.
study club
A reminder that study club is held each Monday from
in the IRC. All students are welcome.
If your son is experiencing any issues regarding bullying
please email your son’s Year coordinator or e-mail
maths club & peer tutoring
Maths Club
Maths staff provide assistance for all students 3:30-4:30pm
Does your son deserve recognition for a job well done outside each Tuesday in the IRC. All students welcome.
the College community? Let us know!
Please email:
Maths Peer Tutoring - for Years 7 and 8
With Year 11 students. Thursdays and Fridays 8.00-8.30am
in the IRC. To book in, please email
Standard excursions will be automatically billed on your fees.
Annual and one-off excursions will need individual approval.
canteen roster
5 August
6 August
Nicky De Nysschen
Kylie Hearn
Cathy Martin
7 August
8 August
9 August
Jo Barham
Karen Hayes
Lyn Pryor
Cathy Gardner
Jenny Grimmond
Jenni Priest
Jenny Gilchrist
Liz O’Brien
12 August
13 August
14 August
15 August
16 August
Petra Chappell
Alicen von Bokhoven
Huang Jenson
Tracey Crowe
Rebecca Main
Camilla Zervas
Gaby Palin
Vanessa Ball
Shell Mayo
Jill Guemandi
Jacinta Adair
Sandrine Chevalier
Volunteers - please ensure you arrive by 10:00am and you will be needed until 2:30pm. You MUST sign in at the College
Reception and be issued with a VISITOR badge each time you enter the site, then sign out at the end of your shift. Thank
you for your support again this year. We are so grateful !!
HELP !! The Canteen still need volunteers to help in the Canteen particularly on a Monday or Tuesday. Please call the Front
Office on 9977 5111 or Max on 0447 690 136. Thanks again for your help, Maxine
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uniform shop relocation
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st paul’s in the press
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st paul’s in the press
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community notices
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