Parish Bulletin 7112 SOUTH 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465
Parish Bulletin 7112 SOUTH 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465
Parish Bulletin Website: Facebook: myParish: October 30, 2016 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Staff Parish St. Charles Borromeo Parish is a Catholic Community welcoming all to grow as Faithful Disciples of the Risen Christ. Fr. Mike McDermott ................... ...ext. 0 Our Vision: We are sent to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Parochial Vicar Pastor Fr. Kyle Mangloña .......................... ext. 0 Dcn. Mark Shine ....................... ext. 3059 Deacon Our Mission: Engage the uncommitted Energize the committed Empower every parishioner to share Christ’s good news. Kim Seevers ……….……………..... ext. 3014 Parish Administrator Music Department Pastoral staff: Ann Ashe …………..………………...ext. 3013 Susie Fujita ….8, 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Outreach, Parish Life, and Ministry to the Sick Our Goal: To enable all to experience the peace, joy, love and life that Christ brings. Parish/School ……….253–564–5185 Emer. after hours ….253–677–9827 Fax ………………………253–565–0936 Prayer line ……………253–564–5587 Parish ……… Music Director Chancel Choir and Cantor Renee Bogue ………………………...ext. 3037 Marlys Everson .................... Organist Bob McKamey.................. Sat. 5 p.m. RCIA, Grief Ministry, Baptisms, and Marriages Jodie Clark ................................. ext. 3036 Music Director Faith Formation Schedule Mass: Saturday vigil ………………5 p.m. Mass: Sunday ………….8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Mass: Monday- Friday ……………9 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday ……3–4 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays in the Convent Chapel: 9:45 a.m. until Benediction on Saturday 2:15 p.m. The Parish Office is open Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Food Bank Call to make an appt.: 253–565–7655 9:30 —11:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays Patricia Gleason ......................... ext. 3018 School Brian Suda.................................. ext. 3019 School …………… Sr. High Ministry and Confirmation Carl Sisolak ................................ ext. 3047 Dan Hill ………………………..ext. 3031 Seminarian Principal Support staff: Susan O’Leary ………………..ext. 3021 Madelyn McDougall ........................ ext. 0 Administrative Assistant Receptionist Kristine Zelazny ………………ext. 3031 Jessica Quan ............................... ext. 3029 Secretary Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Development Team: Mary Derouin............................. ext. 3012 Kim Heggerness ……………..ext. 3030 Head Bookkeeper for Parish/School Michelle Hunt ............................ ext. 3058 Development Director Myshile Waltier ……………..ext. 3040 Bookkeeping Assistant for Parish/School Administrative Assistant Jocelyn Basquette…………………...ext. 3017 Cheryl Wald Bookkeeping Assistant for Accounts Payable Bill Uebelacker ................................. ext. 0 Michelle Neeb….……………. ext. 3052 Liturgy, First Reconciliation and Eucharist Director of Maintenance 7112 SOUTH 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465 253–564–5185 1 FROM OUR PASTOR ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY October 30, 2016 Our Parish and Baptism A Parish is like a family. Indeed the family is called the domestic Church. A family does not exist just for itself but to raise up children who will be contributing members of society. In a similar way the parish does not exist just for itself. It exists to help its members live fully as Christ’s disciples so that they can be both witnesses of a new way of living and agents of transformation in the world. More than anything else Jesus wanted God’s Kingdom, God’s Way of Life – the way of Love, to become a reality in this world and in the lives of each person. The Kingdom of God is not so much a place as it is the quality of relationships. We sum up the best of our relationships by the word LOVE. As Disciples of the Risen Christ we, by our lives, are to be witnesses that God will fulfill the promise of the Kingdom and a sign that the Kingdom is even now at hand. So we are to work to make this world a place of Goodness, Order and Life and the quality of our relationships is to be marked by love. At baptism we are baptized “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” That means we now have a special relationship with God: We are God’s beloved. God, the Son, who took on our human flesh as Jesus teaches us how to act as God’s Beloved. By Baptism each one of us has been chosen and sent to be a light, a sign of hope, for all we meet. We do so by making God’s Way of Life more of a reality in our own life and in the world. Our parish community strives to support each household (both families and those who are single) in their growth as Christ’s disciple. In turn both families and individuals will strive to be a force for transformation in the school, the neighborhood, the place of work, the city, the state, the nation and the world. Transforming the world can seem to be an impossible task especially when we each experience so many challenges in day-to-day living. Yet our efforts to provide a loving home, to visit the sick, teach a class or make a weekly donation makes a difference. We also believe that, in God’s providence, the cumulative effect of what we do prepares the way for the coming of the kingdom when people will finally live in true love and peace. READINGS Monday, Oct. 31: Philippians 2: 1-4, Luke 14: 12-14 Tuesday, Nov. 1: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (667), 1 John 3: 1-3, Matthew 5: 1-12a Wednesday, Nov. 2: Wisdom 3: 1-9, Romans 5:5-11, John 6: 37-40 Thursday, Nov. 3: Philippians 3: 3-8a, Luke 15: 1-10 Friday, Nov. 4: Philippians 3: 17-4:1, Luke 16: 1-8 Saturday, Nov. 5: Philippians 4: 10-19, Luke 16: 9-15 Sunday, Nov. 6: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Maccabees 7: 1-2, 9-14 (156C), 2 Thessalonians 2: 16-3:5, Luke 20: 27-38 2 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Oct. 31: 9 a.m.: Tom Quinlan + Tuesday, Nov. 1: 9 a.m.: Ted Baer Sr. + Wednesday, Nov. 2: 9 a.m.: Rumballs & Destunders + Thursday, Nov. 3: 9 a.m.: Rich Rewolinski + Friday, Nov. 4: 9 a.m.: Rich Rewolinski + 11 a.m.: Dee Demers + Saturday, Nov. 5: 5 p.m.: Patricia O’Rourke + WHAT’S HAPPENING ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY Events For The Week October 30, 2016 THE SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT As of October 16, 2016 Monday, October 31 9:00 a.m. Mass 7:00 p.m. CTR: Bible Study Total Actual Budgeted Difference 484,249 506,400 (22,151) Tuesday, November 1 “The authentic disciple regards all he or she is and possesses as gifts and blessings and realizes the need to share those gifts and blessings with others for the sake of the kingdom of God.” All Saints Day 9:00 a.m. Mass 12:00 p.m. Mass 7:00 p.m. Mass 7:00 p.m. CTR: Bible Study 7:00 p.m. MR: Chancel Choir - Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response ADVENT FESTIVAL DATE CHANGE Wednesday, November 2 All Souls Day 9:00 a.m. Mass 9:45 a.m. CVT: Bible Study 4:00 p.m. DR: Bereaved Support Group 7:00 p.m. CVT Chapel: Rosary Group 7:00 p.m. CTR: RCIA Thursday, November 3 9:00 a.m. Mass 8:00 a.m. CTR: Legion of Mary 7:00 p.m. CTR: Baptism Class We have changed the date for the festival due to a variety of reasons. So please remark your calendar for Sunday, November 20th, from 9 a.m. to Noon. We are seeking volunteers to assist with the set up and implementation of the festival. Please see the Volunteer Request Forms that can be found in the vestibule. Help is needed in all areas, from decorations and set up to baking, crafts and clean up. I am looking for a team of players to help. An awesome and fun opportunity to help serve your faith community and get service hours. Call Jodie if you have questions or email her at Friday, November 4 9:00 a.m. Mass: All School 9:45 a.m. CVT Chapel: 24 Hour Adoration 11:00 a.m. CH/CTR: 60+ Club Mass and Luncheon Saturday, November 5 9:00 a.m. Mass of the Faithful Departed 3:00 p.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. Mass 2:15 p.m. CVT Chapel: Benediction 6:00 p.m. CTR Walkway: Ministry Fair Adult Confirmation If you are a baptized adult but have not been confirmed, it is never too late to prepare. Confirmation helps prepare you for the Sacrament of Marriage and also to be a Godparent. Our Adult Confirmation Preparation Program is for parishioners who are over 19 years of age and who have been baptized and received First Communion. Please contact Fr.Kyle at for more information. Next weekend we will be having a Ministry Fair to showcase all the wonderful ministries and organizations that are happening here at St. Charles. All of our efforts are aimed at helping each of us to grow as Faithful Disciples of Jesus. Plan to come by and see our faith in action! Help us celebrate God’s blessings through us. You might even consider how God is calling you to share your time and talent through one of the ministries presented. Nov. SAVE THE DATE for the MINISTRY FAIR! NOVEMBER 5 & 6, 2016 6 3 YOUTH ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY October 30, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION Religious Education. Religious Education classes have begun. We offer classes for Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) and Kindergarten through the 6th grade. We meet between Masses at 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in our school building. We also have a Jr. High Youth Group for 7th and 8th grades that also meets at this time. Registrations are accepted year round. Families expecting children to participate in First Eucharist should be enrolled in Religious Ed by first grade if not attending a Catholic School. If you have questions about our program or would like to join our catechetical team, please contact Jodie Clark at 564-5185 ext. 3036 or by email at for more information. SOMETHING NEW—FAMILY CATECHETICS: New this year, we will be offering a “Family Catechetics” program that will meet once a month for parents, children, grandparents, or any parishioners who may want to attend. We will meet in Feist Hall at 11:15 a.m. and then excuse the children to their classrooms at 11:35 a.m. while adults remain for a special video presentation. This year we will be looking at the Bible and using Ascension Press’ “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible” series. Come join us! Our next session is November 6th! Questions? Call Jodie Clark at 564-5185 ext. 3036. Our school is hosting a Veteran's Day Assembly on Nov. 10th with refreshments starting at 1:00 p.m. and the program beginning at 1:30 p.m. in Feist Hall. We would like to welcome any and all Veteran's who have served our country and any current service personnel who are currently serving. The school children will be honored by your presence. Mr. Dan Hill, Principal Dear St. Charles Borromeo Parishioners, I can hardly believe this weekend brings us to the end of another month. Say goodbye to October and hello to November! We ended the week this week with no school due to parent-teacher conferences. On Thursday and Friday our teachers sat down with parents to conference about academics, goals, and ways to build positive relationships with each other. Good and positive communication between parents and teachers (and students) is very important to a child’s education. That seems like a simple concept but with the busyness of life, it sometimes is easy to forget. Finally, I wanted to make sure the parishioners and their kids know they are invited to attend our Trunk or Treat event after school on Monday (Halloween), from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the parking lot next to the gym. Hope to see you here! Thank you for your support, and please remember to keep our students, and teachers, in your daily prayers. Religious Ed & Faith Formation Calendar of Events: Have a great weekend and week ahead! Sincerely, Mr. Hill Regular Religious Ed Classes. No Jr. High classes (on retreat). November 1: All Saints Day – A Holy Day of obligation November 6: Family Catechetics at 11:15 in Feist Hall, Religious Ed classes to follow. Parish Ministry Fair. Come see what’s going on at St. Charles! November 20: DATE CHANGE Annual Parish Advent Festival October 30: BAPTISM PREPARATION If you have a child under the age of 7 that needs baptism or if you have been asked to be a Godparent at a baptism, we would like to help you fulfill the requirements in training hours by inviting you to attend our two class baptism preparation series on the following dates: Check our R.E. online at to learn more about our Religious Ed program, learn more about your faith, find kid friendly activities, get homework for Family Catechetics, or your R.E. teacher. You will also find some interesting videos for Parents and more… 4 November 3rd at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center and November 10th at 6 p.m. in the Parish Center with a Pot-Luck dinner included. Please bring a salad or dessert if possible. Please sign up for the class by Monday, October 31 with Renee at 253-564-5185 ext. 3037 or if interested. The next session will be February 2nd & 9th, 2017. INFORMATION ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY October 30, 2016 “Marriage Is The Most Beautiful Thing God Created.” - Pope Francis Sign up for the Marriage Monthly newsletter at Teen Night The That Man Is You group at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Vancouver, WA is hosting a half-day retreat for married couples on November 5, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The theme will be "Couple Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing and Changed Hearts." The event includes lunch, and childcare is available. Registration is $25 per couple. For more information please contact Kris Greene 360-334-1664 or Grief Support Group begins Wednesday, November 2nd at 4:00 p.m. in the parish office. Please contact Renee at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or to sign up or for more information. We will meet for five weeks. Catholic Book Club is back. Join us this year as we delve into interesting and challenging books on faith, spirituality, wellness, etc. The book club offers, for a small fee, a selected book every other month and then meets to discuss and review it. All are welcome to participate. We will meet next on November 30th at 5:30 p.m. at the Parish Office. Our new book is a classic by C.S. Lewis called “MIRACLES.” In this classic, C.S. Lewis, the most important Christian writer of the 20th century, argues that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in his creation. Copies and study questions are available in the Parish office. (Suggested fee is $10.) For information on our book club contact Jodie Clark at October 30th there will not be a Teen Night as the leadership team will be meeting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Be safe and enjoy the Halloween weekend. The next Teen Night will be November 6 at 6:45 p.m. in the Convent. Catholic Youth Convention The Catholic Youth Convention (CYC) is a weekend experience of evangelization and transformation, providing our high school youth with an encounter with God and deepening of our Catholic faith. CYC provides a place for over 1400+ youth to enter into a deeper, more vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and return to their parish communities with ardor for the Gospel. Parents, please consider sending your youth to the Catholic Youth Convention 2016. CYC can be a truly powerful experience that will help our youth develop a deeper connection to Christ and grow as active participants in the Church. The Convention is taking the place of this year's Lock-in and is part of Confirmation preparation but open to all teens of our parish. Please register this week at: catholic-youth-convention.html We hope you will join us this year for another successful Catholic Youth Convention. “Bundles of Joy” Quilt Club ATTENTION ALL TEENS: Come join in our quilt club ministry of making baby quilts to encourage mothers who choose life and to support families in need. No experience or special equipment is needed. Everything is provided. Our group makes and donates over 100 baby quilts each year. They meet every other week (Saturdays) to sew baby quilts, share fellowship and sometimes create other special projects. All are welcome, men and women! Do you enjoy working with children? Do you need community service hours for school? Are you interested in assisting in our parish nursery during the 10 a.m. Mass? If you are interested in helping the littlest members of our faith community during the 10 a.m. Mass, stop in and speak with Mary Weger in the nursery. Please plan to stop in to see her AFTER Mass lets out and let her know you are interested. Mary will explain the expectations and level of commitment. We gather next on November 12th and 26th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the convent building located behind the school. No advance notice needed. Just show up. Call Jodie Clark for more information at 564-5185 ext. 3036. 5 SOCIAL JUSTICE ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY October 30, 2016 The St. Charles Food Bank continues to provide food and encouragement to hundreds of people on a weekly basis. Your consistent support with donations of nonperishable food items is greatly appreciated. Currently the Food Bank is in need of the following items: Please note the following times: Respect Life Committee: Thanks to all who attended our last meeting. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 9th in the convent at 7 p.m. All are welcome! • Cereal • Chili • Soup • Canned Fruit • Canned Vegetables • Mayo • Jello • Rice • Mac & Cheese Gabriel Project: Our next meeting is on Tuesday, November 30th at 7 p.m. in the convent. There is no October meeting. If you have any questions or would like more information about Gabriel Project, please contact Karol Mauss (253) 851-3151. The 40 Days for Life Campaign is almost over. It began on September 28th and runs through November 6th. If you haven’t experienced this powerful ministry of prayer and peaceful witness, please consider joining us for the last week of the campaign. Volunteers are needed. See the informational flyers in the vestibule for details. • Spaghetti Sauce • Toilet Paper • Toothbrushes • Bars of Soap • Toothpaste • Hamburger Helper "Therefore every threat to human dignity and life must necessarily be felt in the Church’s very heart.” - St. John Paul II Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away! Healing After Abortion: “The despair and worry about my babies are gone. I am filled with peace knowing that they are with God.” - Testimonial after Retreat God yearns to help you see who you really are in Him and walk the path of healing with you to a joy you have never known before. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard TM Retreat. He will be there! November 11-13, 2016 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Rincón de Raquel Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado Please consider making a donation to our food drive for our Holiday Basket Program. Simply drop your donation in the bins at the back of the church. A list of food items needed can be found in the church foyer and at the doors. Please help us feed 100 local families a Thanksgiving meal and bless them with a week’s worth of food for their family. Thank you for generosity. Thanksgiving Memorial Meal Program You have a unique opportunity to feed a family of four a Thanksgiving meal in honor or in memory of a loved one. Simply donate $50 to the Thanksgiving Memorial Meal Program and fill out a “Memorial Meal” form. You can drop the form and your check into the regular weekend collection baskets or bring them to Parish Office. A special card and prayer will indicate that this is Memorial Meal when the food is delivered. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Ashe at or 253-564-5185. Favor de llamar para próximas fechas: Marisela 206-450-7814; deje un mensaje confidencial. Thank you for your generosity. A final request from the Honduras Mission Team We are in dire need of clothes in these sizes (gently used or new): Boys-6/7, 8,10 and 12; Teen/Jr -14 ,16, 18. Girls size 10 year and Teen 16. Please NO shorts, sleeveless tops, or short skirts. Colorful feminine tops, elastic waist skirts, jeans, button front work shirts and windbreaker or zip/button sweaters are favored. We are collecting until November 9th. Thank you and Bless you! 6 SOCIAL JUSTICE ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY October 30, 2016 Two Great Feasts: All Saints Day, Tuesday, November 1st Masses at 9 a.m., 12 Noon, and 7 p.m. All Souls Day, Wednesday, November 2nd Mass at 9 a.m. On All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation when Catholics celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. We remember all those who have lived lives of heroic holiness, whether the Church has canonized them or not. All Saints is a surprisingly old feast day. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on the anniversary of their martyrdom. The evening before, now known as Halloween, was originally called All Hallows Eve, or the evening before the feast of All Saints. On All Souls Day, we remember all those who have died. It is appropriate to commemorate All Souls Day by praying for those who have gone before us in faith. We invite anyone who has suffered a loss to come to the Mass of All Souls on November 2nd at 9 a.m. If you would like to bring a photo of your loved one we will place them on a table in the church. We will pray that all of our beloved dead may be welcomed to their place at the heavenly banquet. Passion for Justice: Supporting Victims of Trafficking in the Northwest Detention Center The Multifaith Coalition to Address Human Trafficking Through the Lens of Compassion is appealing to faith communities in the Tacoma-area to join us as we seek out justice-oriented legal professionals and concerned community-members to support detainees in the NW Detention Center that are victims of human trafficking. Right here in Washington, victims of human trafficking are being kept in immigrant detention centers with little chance to access legal help. These victims of human trafficking are eligible for a T-Visa, which will allow them to stay in the country legally, but without legal counsel, these visas are rarely obtained. Come join us on Wednesday, November 16th at 7 p.m. at St. Leo Church (Bichsel Hall) to hear how the faith and legal community in Western Washington can come together to help these trafficking victims, and hear the story of one labor trafficking survivor and previous detainee at the NW Detention Center. You can help with lifesaving services and take steps to reduce trafficking in our community. 7 JOIN US IN PRAYING THE ROSARY! You are invited to join us every Sunday morning asking the blessing and intercession of our heavenly mother, Mary, as we pray the rosary in her honor. We begin at 9:30 a.m. and finish before the 10 a.m. Mass. Do you know someone struggling who is separated or divorced? We want to recommend a new book titled Healing After Divorce: Hope for Catholics. This book gently guides you through the pain, isolation and disillusionment of divorces to God’s merciful love. The author offers insightful advice about how to begin to rebuild one’s emotional, spiritual, physical, familial and financial life after divorce. For more information of support available within the Catholic Church and programs here at St. Charles please contact Renee at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or 60 Plus Mass and Luncheon Are you 60 + and looking for ways to connect and get to know others in the St. Charles Parish Community? Come join us for Mass, for lunch and for an informative presentation, as well as entertainment! Consider yourself invited! And please extend an invitation to a newly retired friend to join us! When: Friday, November 4th Where: St. Charles Catholic Church Schedule: Mass at 11:00am / Lunch Presentation/Entertainment NOVEMBER PROGRAM SCB Kindergarteners will sing about the Saints! Speaker: Matt Santelli Are you caring for an elderly parent or a homebound spouse? Do you own a home and have questions regarding tax exemption status? Have you been keeping up with the changing issues regarding social security and Medicare? Matt will speak on senior related topics regarding the Family Caregiver Support Program, the Senior Property Tax Exemption/Deferral program specific to Washington State, Social Security issues and recent Medicare developments. He will also spend time answering any questions you may have on these topics. For more information contact Ann Ashe @ 253-564-5185 x3013 8 St. Charles Holiday Baskets Programs Helping Families & Friends As we begin preparing for the holiday season here at St. Charles, we especially remember those who struggle to make ends meet for their families. As a parish, we reach out to those in need through our Holiday Baskets Giving Program. Volunteer committees are organizing for the collection of food, gifts, shoes and other items. You can be a part of these wonderful ministries. Listed below are the different ways to become involved. You are invited to choose a way to put your faith in action. THE FOOD DRIVE Please fill a grocery bag recycled from home with food items. Pick up a list of needed items at the church doors. Many different items are needed to provide families with a special Thanksgiving and Christmas meal and a little extra for the days following. Your donation can be brought to one of the collection bins in either the church or school. THE GIVING TREE You could choose a gift tag from the St. Charles Giving Tree (display weekend is November 19-20th) to provide a gift such as toys or clothing for a family in need. Bring your unwrapped gift to the church with the tag attached by December 5th. THE SHOE LITURGY takes place in church on Friday, December 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Shoes available for purchase will be outside the school office and in the vestibule of the church. The shoes are given as gifts in our Christmas Giving Baskets, in addition to being distributed through local agencies to other needy children. CASH DONATIONS are needed to purchase perishable foods, laundry products and special need items. You can write a check payable to ST.CHARLES HOLIDAY GIVING PROGRAM and drop it in the collection basket at any Mass, drop it off at the Parish Office, or mail it to the Parish. VOLUNTEERING TIME - We’ll need volunteers to sort, pack, and deliver the food & gift baskets. The sorting and packing for Thanksgiving will be November 16-17 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Christmas Basket sorting and packing will take place December 14-15th beginning at 9:30am. Both events take place in Feist Hall. Basket deliveries will be made on Saturday, November 19th and December 17th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. th THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO BE INVOLVED! Take time now to consider what your special contribution will be. Questions can be directed to Ann Ashe at or 253-564-5185 ext. 3013 9 10 ADVENT – Fresh Greens will be needed Advent is only 4 weeks away. We will once again be collecting fresh greens (evergreens, cedar, variegated cedar, etc.) on Saturday, November 19, come after 12 Noon. So if you have some major pruning that needs to be done, please consider waiting until mid November to do it and donate your greens to the festival. For more info, please call Jodie Clark at 564-5185 ext. 3036. Have you recently moved, changed your phone number or canceled your landline phone? Do you need to register with the parish? Please call Jessica Quan, Admin. Assist., in the Parish Office, 253-564-5185, ext. 3029, or email: to update. Please support these advertisers who make this bulletin possible! BEVERLY McCONAGHY Tom A. Janicki, MBA Financial Advisor Registered Principal FINANCIAL NETWORK Parishioner 5000 Bridgeport Way West Tacoma, WA 98467 (253) 565-3333 • (800) 877-3642 Calvary Cemetery outh Sound’S S S S ’ An Ameriprise associated franchise Tacoma’s only caTholic cemeTery consecraTed Ground An Endowed Property Only Only outh Celebrating 110 Years ound S C CatholiC atholiC-- Pre - Arrangements Available (253) 472-8875 • 5212 70th St. W. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Suite 204 2702 South 42nd Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Bus: 253.472-8200 New & Pre-Owned Sales & Service Ask for Mary Byrne—parishioner owned owned funeral home funeral home New & Pre-Owned Corey Larry Gaffney Larry && Ellen Gaffney Larry & Ellen Gaffney New & Pre-Owned (253) 572-6003 | (253) 572-6003 | Sales & Service New Sales & Service Ask for Mary Byrne—parishioner Ask for Mary Byrne—parishioner Sale Ask for Ma 1.866.99.MOTOR 1.866.99.MOTOR 1.866.99.MOTOR 1.8 www. 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Free and low-cost care MILLION TOTAL $ 59.2 Community MILLION health services 11 MILLION Care and services MILLION operated at a loss ch060 253-627-5448 Providence Cares Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Cooper’s Collision Corner Domestic & Foreign Auto Body Repair Finest in Flowers & Gifts Joel Hellenkamp, MSW Family, Marital & Individual Therapy Pearl Place • 6002 N. Westgate Blvd. #260 Tacoma, WA 98406 Premier Property Specialist Spa Savvy Nails *RH HK Tacoma: 475-4870 University Place: 460-1362 THERAPY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY OCCUPATIONAL PHYSICAL &PHYSICAL realtor International President’s Circle Coldwell Banker Bain Bellarmine Alumni 1 P E R S O N A L I N J U R Y AT T O R N E Y S John Wilson, Parish Member 253-383-5388 ScreenPrint •Embroidery • Letterman Jackets PiPer-Morley with oakwood hill Funeral Home Funerals - Memorials - Cremations Pre-Arrangements Available (253) 756-0771 Cell: 253.208.0755 Questions about an accident? Contact: Businesses - Schools - Teams - Clubs Serving the Catholic Community Since 1908 Fred D. Morley 3211 Ruston Way • Tacoma Connie MCHugH-griesMeyer Helping You Since 1984! 7802 27th St. W. University Place 253-878-1745 Walk-in Welcome 752-6658 Service 922-4835 Nursing Assistant - Registered 24 hour Shifts • 25 years of experience Listing and Selling homes in South King and Pierce County • Versed in the “2nd Home Market” Direct Line 253.381.4111 Email: Daniel Brands, parishioner of St. Rita 2709 N Adams, Tacoma 5436 S. Puget Sound Ave. 253-472-3353 253-565-4000 3021-A 69th Ave West, Tacoma 98466 Mark & Terry Bender, Parishioners Safety Net Because Life Should Get Better With Age Consulting LLC “Social Security Internet Claims” Distinctive Senior Living ...Where it’s home and you’re family! Retirement Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care 253-752-8550 • Vercillo’s 253-691-1053 Parishioner at St. Patrick’s FLOOR COVERING EXPRESS INC. CATHOLIC Book & Gift Serving the Catholic Community Since 1994 Mon - Sat 10 - 5 3HUJR+DUGZRRG:LQGRZV 3680 S Cedar St. • 253-471-8399 &DUSHW*UDQLWHFRXQWHUWRSV7LOH (Off South Cedar St. in the Goodwill Shopping Plaza) 10% off w/ ad LAKEWOOD TACOMA LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD . c o m TACOMA GIG HARBOR i c sTACOMA o p a e d surgeons n d o r oft hproliance p u g e t s oa udivision GIG HARBOR FEDERAL WAY r to2hro.tp7ha2 os uo3nu.dn5od8 ppuuggeet2st 5 o m GIG HARBOR oep5d ai7ces d. ci ocms . c253.582.7257 FEDERAL WAY FEDERAL WAY 225533. 5. 58 82 .27.275275 7 Susan J. Campbell Independent Consultant Retired Claims Representative PETE & JEANINE KNEELAND “Parishioners” 3143 Bridgeport Way W. Tacoma, WA 98466 (253) 566-6880 (253) 256-1543 8201 Sixth Avenue, Tacoma, WA A Vintage Senior Living Community Safe Retirement Planning FREE WORKSHOPS November 15th Tuesday at 11:30 November 17th Thursday at 5:30 at El Gaucho in Tacoma Call or register Online 253-565-0421 Webinar Online JOSEPH M. BORDEAUX, D.D.S., M.S. Parishioner and Alumnus 2302 South Union Ave. Suite C-24 Tacoma, WA 98405 (253) 752-9006 ——--—— 3519 56th St. N.W. Suite 120 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 (253) 851-5262 • Personal Care • Errands/Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Care Management BRACES AND INVISALIGN FOR ALL AGES Need Self Defense Skills Discipline? 253-761-8019 Christian Robinson Real Estate Broker 253.343.4646 Or Want to Get in SHAPE? Ofc 253.589.2680 Fax 253.301.0679 253) 476-2886 Parishioner, Married & Father of 4 With • Meal Preparation • Companionship • Hourly/Live-in • Skilled Nursing Lakewood Colonial Center 6223 Mt. Tacoma Dr. SW TIGER TAEKWONDO Lakewood, WA 98499 Call Each office is Independently Owned & Operated For Advertising Call Michelle Jacobs 253-229-6354. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 060 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Michelle Jacobs 800-867-0660 Senior residents in a home-set environment 253-759-5354 ©CPI @ University Place Rey and Chona Aquinde ph: (253) 565-4545 4734 SO. TACOMA WAY 472-3361
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