BILD - Media Impact
BILD - Media Impact
Rate Card No. 70 Valid as of 1/1/2016 Rate Card 2016 1 The BILD Brand Group 9 Economy Rate 15 BILD DIGITAL: Stationary, Mobile and Apps 2 Title Portrait 10 Special Advertising Forms 16 BILD Social Media 3 Publisher Information 11 Placement Charges and Geographic Split 17 Regional and 4 Scales of Discount 12 Inserts 18 Crossmedia Concepts of the BILD Group 5 Basic Rates for GERMANY-TOTAL 6 Outside Formats and Special Placements 13 Ad and Printing Material Deadlines, Cancellation Deadlines 20 Technical Specifications 7 1/2 Page and 1/1 Page 14 BILD DIGITAL 8 Millimetre Rates and 1.000 Format 19 Creative Services 21 Contact at the National Marketer Media Impact 1. The BILD Brand Group 1 Whether print or digital: BILD is the undisputed No. 1! The BILD Group has a total reach of 38,15 million1 readers (net)*. Including BILD, BILD am SONNTAG,, MOBIL and the BILD apps, this make it Germany's highest-reach media brand1 – a reach that promotes your company. The BILD Group allows your campaign to have an impact! * The total reach of 38,15 million corresponds to a reach of 55,1%.1 More than half of the German-speaking population age 14 years and older has contact with the BILD brand at least once per month. ¹Source: b4p 2015 I, crossmedia brand reach (basis: brand per month). BILD is the No. 1 among retail newsstand publications in the print category. BILD am SONNTAG is the No. 1 in the segment of current periodicals and magazines. BILD-Digital is the No. 1 of journalistic content offer (digital facts) and the apps are also No. 1 among journalistic paid content offers. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. BILD1 BILD am SONNTAG1 Germany’s biggest daily newspaper. 10,35 million readers per edition Germany’s biggest Sunday newspaper. 8,66 million readers per edition ■■ 6,76 million men ■■ 5,76 million men 3,59 million women ■■ 7,40 million readers (14-59 years) ■■ 6,99 million readers (14-69 years) 2,90 million women The perfect BILD headline ensures that Germany opens the BILD every day – and has done so for more than 60 years. Already on Sunday, BILD am SONNTAG presents the topics that Germany talks about during the week. BILD Tablet-Apps 3 Germany's successful news app launches its new generation. 60,29 million page impressions 2,62 million visits ■■ 68% are men 32% are women MOBIL 2 2 is the leading multimedia medium for all of Germany – at any time and anywhere. 16,39 million users per month ■■ 9,34 million men 7,05 million women ■■ 11,14 million users (20-49 years) 1 2 3 A major German news portal. More up-to-date than print and faster than online.. 6,79 million readers per edition ■■ 3,94 million men 2,85 million women ■■ 3,67 million users (20-39 years) ■■ 50% of users are 20-39 years BILD Smartphone-Apps 2 Premium app with exclusive news 0,49 million app users ■■ 0,33 million men 0,16 million women ■■ 0,25 million users (20-39 years) Source: Print reach of BILD DEUTSCHLAND TOTAL, BILD am SONNTAG, ma 2015 Pressemedien II; population: 69,24 million by circulation and reach IVW. Source: Reach according to AGOF digital facts 2015-06, based on 10+ years; time period of individual month; structural data based on 14+ years, average month. Source: Reach IVW August 2015; structure: b4p 2015-I; population: German-speaking population age 14+; 69,24 million (n = 30.177). Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 2. Title Portrait Ich habe bei BILD 100 000 € gewonnen Heute gibt es 200000 Euro! Gestern, 22.24 Uhr, ARD: Sänger Andreas Kümmert (ganz rechts) sagt zu Barbara Schöneberger, dass er die Wahl nicht annimmt. Ganz links: Die neue Gewinnerin Ann Sophie 50010 6. März 2015 0,70 ¤ SIEGER WILL NICHT FÜR DEUTSCHLAND SINGEN Das gab es noch nie in der Geschichte des Eurovision Song Dänemark 7,50 DKK Puff-Boss muss 8,3 Mio. für Sozial-Versicherung nachzahlen Düsseldorf – Hartes Urteil gegen Bert Wollersheim (63, Foto)! Das Düsseldorfer Sozialgericht entschied, dass der Rotlicht-König 8,3 Millionen Euro für die Sozialversicherung seiner Prostituierten nachzahlen muss (Az.: S 5 R Contest (ESC): Sänger Andreas Kümmert (28) gewann den deut- schen Vorentscheid – und lehnte ab. Er wollte beim Finale vor 120 Mio. Zuschauern nicht für Deutschland singen. Seite 5 ARD, 20.15 Uhr Diese Dame nimmt Abschied. Von ihrem Lieblingsmaler – und von ihrem Leben. Noch einmal wollte sie Rembrandts „Selbstbildnis mit zwei Kreisen“ sehen. Das Selbstporträt hing in seinem Atelier, als der Maler 1669 starb. Ärzte und Museumshelfer erfüllten der bettlägerigen Frau, die an der Nervenkrankheit ALS litt, ihren letzten Willen. Zwei Wochen nach dem Besuch im Amsterdamer Rijksmuseum starb sie im Alter von 78 Jahren. Bundestag beschließt Mietpreisbremse Berlin – Nach monatelanger Diskussion beschloss der Bundestag die Einführung der umstrittenen Mietpreisbremse. Stimmt der Bundesrat am 27. März zu, kann die Reform zum 1. Juni in Kraft treten. Das Gesetz sieht u. a. vor, dass die Miete bei Neuverträgen max. 10 % über ortsüblichem Niveau liegen darf. Außerdem muss künftig derjenige den Makler bezahlen, der ihn beauftragt. Unterstützung! Ihre doppelte Jetzt NEU: nicorette® Kombi-Therapie Lindert akutes Rauchverlangen in nur 60 Sek.1,2 ! FußballUltras! Sie sehen sich außerhalb des Gesetzes, erlauben Drogen-Konsum und befürworten ausdrücklich Gewalt gegen die Polizei. BILD enthüllt den brutalen Kodex einer Schalker Ultra-Gruppe – SPORT. NACHRICHTEN US-Botschafter attackiert Seoul – Aus Protest gegen ein Militärmanöver stach ein Aktivist (55) während einer Diskussionsrunde in Seoul (Südkorea) US-Botschafter Mark Lippert (42) mit einem Messer ins Gesicht. Lippert musste notoperiert werden, der Attentäter wurde festgenommen. 8,3 Mrd. Euro für ARD/ZDF Hamburg – Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender nahmen 2014 insgesamt 8,32 Milliarden Euro ein, teilte die ARD mit – 643 Mio. Euro mehr als im Jahr zuvor. Grund: mehr erfasste Schwarzseher. Neues Blutbad in Nigeria Abuja – Islamisten der Terrorgruppe Boko Leserbriefe Seite 6 Haram stürmten das Dorf Njaba im Norden Nigeria, richteten ein Blutbad an. Es gab laut Webseite „Sahara Reporters” über 60 Tote, darunter auch Kinder und Jugendliche. Dax über 11 500 Punkte Frankfurt/M. – Der Aktienindex Dax stieg um 1 % auf 11 504,01 Punkte. Euro: 1,1069 Dollar (– 0,49 %). Feinunze Gold: 1202,00 Dollar (+ 0,2 %). Gewinnquoten 1. Rang: 6 190 269,30 Euro, 2. Rang: 1 417 675,10, 3. Rang: 13 515,20, 4. Rang: 5267,70, 5. Rang: 207,50, 6. Rang: 54,80, 7. Rang: 22,30, 8. Rang: 12,60, 9. Rang: 5,00 (o.G.) Verlierer sst ... Psss Pflaster 1 Hansson A et al. Effects of nicotine mouth spray on urges to smoke, a randomised clinical trial. BMJOpen 2012; 2:e001618. 2 Mit 2 x 1 mg/Sprühstoß. Nicorette® TX Pflaster 10 mg/15 mg/25 mg. Wirkstoff: Nicotin. Anwendungsgebiet: Behandlung der Tabakabhängigkeit durch Linderung der Entzugssymptome. Dadurch Unterstützung der Raucherentwöhnung. Nicorette® Spray 1 mg/Sprühstoß. Wirkstoff: Nicotin. Anwendungsgebiet: Behandlung der Tabakabhängigkeit bei Erwachsenen durch Linderung der Nicotinentzugssymptome, einschließlich des Rauchverlangens, beim Versuch das Rauchen aufzugeben. Die komplette Einstellung des Rauchens sollte das endgültige Ziel sein. Warnhinweis: Enthält Ethanol (Alkohol). Johnson & Johnson GmbH, 41470 Neuss. 2 LETZTER WILLE REMBRANDT 120/14 ER). Laut Gericht lag eine abhängige Beschäftigung vor. Wollersheim hatte argumentiert, die Frauen seien selbstständige Unternehmerinnen gewesen, er habe nur Zimmer zur Verfügung gestellt. hr ins Frühja Rauchfrei ! SIE JETZT STARTEN 1 Sie entspannt buchen, einchecken und abheben und dabei noch die sichersten Plätze ergattern – Seite 8 Foto: ROEL FOPPEN T V-T I P P „Vier kriegen ein Kind“ KOMÖDIE ALA der So fliegen Sie am besten! b GEPÄCK b CHECK-IN b UPGRADE b SICHERHEIT Im Schnitt reist jeder Deutsche einmal im Jahr mit dem Flugzeug. Wie Gewinner 17 Grad am Wochenende Warnung vor Sonnenbrand Hamburg – „Sonnenschutz ist empfehlenswert!“ Vor dem ersten Frühlingswochenende warnen Experten vor März-Sonnenbrand! Sonnenbrand? Anfang März? Ja, sagen die Forscher vom Ham- burger Institut für Wetterund Klimakommunikation: b Unsere „Winterhaut” ist noch besonders UV-empfindlich und verfügt nur über wenig Eigenschutz. b Der Schutzschirm der Atmosphäre vor UVStrahlen ist im Frühjahr noch vergleichsweise schwach. Laut Vorhersagen beschert Hoch „Katrin“ am Wochenende weiten Teilen Deutschlands Sonnenschein und Temperaturen von bis zu 17 Grad. Es ist eine Investition in unsere Zukunft: SAP-Gründer Dietmar Hopp (74) überzeugte den reichsten Mann der Welt, MicrosoftGründer Bill Gates (59), mit 45 Mio. Euro bei seiner Biotechnik-Firma Curevac einzusteigen. Zugleich investiert Gates mehr als 1,8 Milliarden Euro in die Entwicklung neuer Impfstoffe, berichtet „Bilanz“. BILD meint: Super! „ SUPER FRISCH. SUPER PREIS. Die mögliche US-Präsidentschafts-Kandidatin Hillary Clinton (67) gerät unter Druck. Grund: die ausschließliche Nutzung eines privaten EMail-Kontos als Außenministerin. Jetzt will sie die Mails öffentlich machen. Kritiker sagen, sie habe durch die Benutzung des privaten, weniger gesicherten Kontos gegen Gesetze verstoßen. BILD meint: Das gibt Ärger! Kalenderspruch Wissen lässt sich büffeln, Begreifen braucht Zeit “ It’s really big every day BILD is Europe's big daily newspaper and clearly informs almost 10,35 million readers2 together with the B.Z., which is published in Berlin. 1.99 PREIS RM kg Gültig bis Samstag, 7.3.2015 UNABHÄNGIG · ÜBERPARTEILICH Endlich schwanger! Das Glück für das lesbische Pärchen Steff (Friederike Kempter) und Neele (Christina Hecke) könnte perfekt sein. Doch die Ärzte haben bei der künstlichen Befruchtung die Samenspende verwechselt. Blaue Tafeltrauben Südafrika, Sorte: Dan Ben Hannah, Lavellée, Kl. I KW 10/Fr 4198063200706 55/10 Inland Foto: MARCUS PRELL ●● AN A Freitag, Knackig frisch auf den Tisch. TV-Eklat bei ESC- brutalen Die Show Regeln Wie auch Sie gewinnen können – S. 6 Foto: JONAS RATERMANN ab 6.3. Fr PENNY Markt GmbH, Domstraße 20, 50668 Köln. Astrid Kauck NUR FREITAG + SAMSTAG FRISCHE- T YPISCH ALDI! What is it about BILD that everyone loves? There is a concept behind the success of BILD. This concept consists of five principles: Information BILD moves people. BILD causes reactions and discussions. Concise and provocative. BILD is part of the required daily reading for decision-makers from politics, business, entertainment and sports. Fantastic for your advertising: An appearance that reaches everyone can achieve anything. Personalisation BILD connects concepts and minds. Makes facts comprehensible. BILD works with personalities – and has its own unmistakable character. BILD has the profile that benefits brands. FRISCHE-ANGEBOTE AUF SEITE 3 Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Schweizer Schriftsteller (1921–1990) Entertainment Sometimes funny, sometimes serious – but always original! Because there's no excuse for boredom in journalism. This originality makes BILD unique as an advertising messenger: You won't be overlooked by anyone if you entertain everyone! Visualisation A picture says more than a thousand words. This is why the look of BILD is also unique. If you want to quickly and clearly inform your readers, the news must be made visible. BILD shows exclusive photos that no other medium has. With the impact of the big image. This is where you can show off your brand! Orientation BILD gets to the heart of complex correlations – as extensively as necessary and as clearly as possible. BILD is the medium for what matters. For example, your advertising message! The booking unit of GERMANY-TOTAL1 at a glance: ■■ Consists of the BILD and B.Z. titles ■■ 10,35 million readers2 ■■ 2.219.739 copies sold (Mon.-Sat., IVW 2015/2) ■■ BILD is available everywhere with 25 regional editions ■■ Direct, unmistakable style and competent coverage ■■ Unique reader proximity Make it big – with a placement in GERMANYTOTAL11! The booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z. titles. B.Z. can also be booked individually. Source: ma2015 Presse II. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 3. Publisher Information Publisher and Regional Marketer National Marketer BILD: Axel Springer SE B.Z.: B.Z. Ullstein GmbH Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Address BILD Anzeigen Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Frequency Daily (Mon.-Sat.) Guaranteed Sold Circulation 1.950.000 copies (Mon.-Sat.) (GERMANY-TOTAL) (According to clause 10 of our General Terms and Conditions Bank Account Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin IBAN DE73 1007 0000 0083 4747 00 BIC DEUTDEBB Current Data and Services ZIS-Number 102541 (GERMANY-TOTAL) Contact BILD Ads Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 76 709 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 79 022 Email: (not for print data) Internet Email Order Management Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Terms of Payment Payments are due immediately on receipt of invoice net cash. Clients who make prepayments or authorize direct bank debits will qualify for a 1 % discount, provided that previous invoices are not overdue and this form of discount has not been explicitly excluded. No discount will be granted for adjustments of discounts. Terms and Conditions The execution of advertising orders is done in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions for Newspapers, the additional Terms and Conditions of the respective title and the General Terms and Conditions for Advertising Orders in Online Media. You can find our complete General Terms and Conditions at: BILD · · B.Z. 4. Scales of Discount Scales of Discount for BILD Nielsen/Regional Editions and B.Z. Frequency Scale/ Campaign Period: 12 Months 6 times 12 times 24 times 52 times 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % Quantity Scale/Campaign Period: 12 Months For Millimetre Sales of at least 3.000 mm 5% 5.000 mm 10 % 10.000 mm 15 % 20.000 mm 20 % Mini-Contracts for BILD-Nielsen/Regional editions and B.Z. Frequency Scale/ Campaign Period: 3 Months 2 times 4 times 8 times 16 times 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % Quantity Scale/Campaign Period: 3 Months For Millimetre Sales of at least 1.000 mm 5% 1.500 mm 10 % 3.000 mm 15 % 6.000 mm 20 % Each edition is discounted separately. For contracts on sub-editions, ads millimetres of the next bigger edition(s) - in so far as the campaign periods correspond – can be included. Each edition is discounted separately. For contracts on sub-editions, ads/ millimetres of the next bigger edition(s) – in so far as the campaign periods correspond – can be included. Minimum size for discount eligibility of the editions: 20 mm. Minimum size for discount eligibility of the editions: 20 mm. In case of ad orders, eligibility for discounts for all booking units requires that the discount is claimed in writing and submitted to the publisher by 31 March of the calendar year following the publication of the respective ad. In the case of contracts, the discount for ads placed during the insertion time period must be claimed in writing and submitted to the publisher within 3 months after the end of the insertion time period. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 5. Basic Rates for GERMANY-TOTAL1 1/1 Page € 495.000,00 1/2 Page € 311.000,00 1.000 Format € 139.500,00 Mm-Rate € 153,70 2/1 Panorama ad € 1.068.500,00 Strip ad (8 columns, 175 mm high) € 208.300,00 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. Corner ad XXL (5 columns, 325 mm high) € 241.800,00 Strip of page height (2 columns, 528 mm high) € 157.100,00 Strip of page height (3 columns, 528 mm high) € 235.700,00 GERMANY-TOTAL1 1 1/1 page 1/2 page 1.000 format mm rate2 2/1 Panorama ad 8 columns/175 mm (page width) Corner ad XXL 2 columns/528 (page height) 3 columns/528 (page height) BILD Nordic Format 8 columns, 376 x 528 mm 8 columns, 376 x 264 mm/4 columns, 187 x 528 mm 4 columns, 187 x 250 mm minimum size, 20 mm 17 columns, 777 x 528 mm 8 columns, 376 x 175 mm 5 columns, 234 x 325 mm 2 columns, 92 x 528 mm 3 columns, 139 x 528 mm Normal Rate Gross 495.000,00 311.000,00 139.500,00 153,70 1.068.500,00 208.300,00 241.800,00 157.100,00 235.700,00 The booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z. titles. B.Z. can also be booked individually. A minimum format of 1400 total mm applies to ads of 5 or more columns. Ads appearing in partial editions that are published in tabloid format are subject to scaling, if necessary. See technical specifications for details. All rates in Euro plus VAT. 1 2 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 6. Outside Formats and Special Placements Front page head Front page footer left/right Front page footer XXL Front page text-passage ad Strip under Guide Strip under TV Strip on first Sports page Back page head/footer Back page VIP strip Love Is... Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. NEW OUTER FORMATS ON THE BILD COVER NEW ! Be right in the front! New possibilities on the BILD cover: What moves Germany today appears on the cover of BILD. The BILD cover is up-to-date, highly relevant and always an eyecatcher! Cover header left € 91.600,00 Cover header XXL € 145.000,00 Is the cover header always sold out exactly when it would best fit into your campaign? A second ad can now be placed there on the left and allows us to create planning certainty for you!! If you have a lot to say and really want to reach everyone: Use the new maximum area for your message on the header of the cover. This is ideal for the kick-off of your campaign – or as the crowning conclusion! Note: Both of the new formats run 4 times per month. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. GERMANY-TOTAL1 Front page head right Front page head left2 Front page head XXL2 Front page text-passage ad Front page footer right large Front page footer left/right Front page footer left/right small Front page footer XXL left Back page head Back page head small Back page footer left/right Back page footer left/right small VIP strip back page Love Is Strip under TV, 50 mm high Strip under TV, 100 mm high Strip under Guide, 50 mm high Strip under Guide, 100 mm high Strip on first Sports page BILD Nordic Format 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns 92 x 250 mm 2 columns, 92 x 50 mm 115 x 164 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 2 columns, 92 x 250 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 8 columns, 376 x 100 mm 1 column, 45 x 50 mm 8 columns, 376 x 50 mm 8 columns, 376 x 100 mm 8 columns, 376 x 50 mm 8 columns, 376 x 100 mm 8 columns, 376 x 175 mm Normal Rate Gross 91.600,00 91.600,00 145.000,00 29.500,00 93.700,00 70.700,00 46.300,00 129.600,00 69.700,00 45.600,00 61.200,00 40.100,00 150.400,00 9.500,00 59.200,00 118.400,00 73.400,00 132.300,00 226.600,00 The booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z. titles. B.Z. can also be booked individually. Only available 1x per week. Ads appearing in partial editions that are published in tabloid format are subject to scaling if necessary. See technical specifications for details. All rates in Euro plus VAT. 1 2 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 7. 1/2 Page and 1/1 Page1 Booking Unit GERMANY-TOTAL2 GERMANY-WEST-TOTAL2 NIELSEN I NIELSEN I-North BILD HAMBURG NIELSEN I-South BILD HANOVER NIELSEN I-West BILD BREMEN NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA BILD RUHR AREA BILD RUHR-EAST BILD RUHR-WEST BILD DUSSELDORF BILD COLOGNE BILD AACHEN BILD MUNSTERLAND BILD WESTPHALIA Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 1/2 Page (B/W–4c) 311.000,00 278.416,00 107.040,00 62.350,00 29.484,00 35.250,00 13.728,00 31.750,00 3.285,006 69.696,00 26.189,00 13.622,00 15.629,00 9.821,00 2.440,006 6.611,00 6.758,00 15.312,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 207.500,00 19.156,00 8.913,00 2.825,00 17.023,00 8.849,00 10.159,00 6.378,00 2.098,00 4.287,00 4.393,00 9.948,00 1/1 Page (B/W–4c) 495.000,00 406.000,00 139.200,00 85.500,00 52.062,00 50.800,00 24.213,00 44.800,00 5.775,006 109.990,00 52.378,00 27.245,00 31.258,00 19.642,00 3.900,006 13.221,00 13.517,00 30.624,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 279.000,00 38.312,00 17.825,00 4.938,00 34.045,00 17.699,00 20.317,00 12.756,00 3.335,00 8.575,00 8.786,00 19.895,00 BILD · · B.Z. 7. 1/2 Page and 1/1 Page1 Booking Unit NIELSEN IIIa BILD FRANKFURT BILD MAINZ-WIESBADEN BILD SAARLAND BILD RHINE-NECKAR NIELSEN IIIb BILD STUTTGART NIELSEN IV BILD MUNICH4 BILD NUREMBERG GERMANY-EAST-TOTAL2 BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL2, 3 BILD BERLIN-BRANDENBURG3 B.Z.3 MECKLENBURG-WESTERN POMERANIA SAXONY-ANHALT BILD HALLE BILD MAGDEBURG THURINGIA SAXONY BILD LEIPZIG BILD DRESDEN BILD CHEMNITZ 1/2 Page (B/W–4c) 94.960,00 18.311,00 8.490,00 2.100,006 10.349,00 51.910,00 15.629,00 57.340,00 2.590,006 10.623,00 75.006,00 21.721,00 11.785,00 9.936,00 12.280,00 14.678,00 8.659,00 6.019,00 6.864,00 19.425,00 9.757,00 3.522,006 6.146,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 11.912,00 5.512,00 1.806,00 6.716,00 10.159,00 2.227,00 6.906,00 7.667,00 5.983,00 5.618,00 3.928,00 4.456,00 6.336,00 3.029,00 3.992,00 1/1 Page (B/W–4c) 126.600,00 36.622,00 16.980,00 3.200,006 20.698,00 68.500,00 31.258,00 77.000,00 3.990,006 21.247,00 133.762,00 43.432,00 23.570,00 19.862,00 21.600,00 27.606,00 15.568,00 12.038,00 13.728,00 34.584,00 17.694,00 4.598,006 12.292,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 23.823,00 11.025,00 2.736,00 13.432,00 20.317,00 3.411,00 13.812,00 15.333,00 11.955,00 11.236,00 7.857,00 8.913,00 12.672,00 3.931,00 7.983,00 1 Fixed format of the 1/1 page: Nordic format: 376 x 528 mm (W x H), tabloid format: 257 x 369 mm (W x H). Or the fixed format at 1/2 page: Nordic format: landscape 376 x 264 mm (W x H) or portrait 187 x 528 mm (W x H); tabloid format: landscape 257 x 184 mm (W x H) or portrait 131 x 369 mm (W x H). 2 The booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z titles; B.Z. can also be booked individually. 3 See Rate Card for BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL, BILD BERLIN-BRANDENBURG and B.Z. 4 BILD MUNICH is BILD MUNICH and BILD MUNICH CITY. Ads in BILD MUNICH CITY will be scaled down proportionally. 5 Economy Rate for all colour layouts. 6 Heavily discounted fixed format rate that is not eligible for further commitment discount. For discounts, see section 4. Ads appearing in partial editions that are published in tabloid format are subject to scaling. See technical specifications for details. All rates in Euro plus VAT. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 8. Millimetre Rates and 1.000 format1 Booking Unit GERMANY-TOTAL2, 7 GERMANY-WEST-TOTAL2, 7 NIELSEN I7 NIELSEN I-North7 BILD HAMBURG NIELSEN I-South7 BILD HANOVER NIELSEN I-West7 BILD BREMEN NORTH RHINE WESTPHALIA BILD RUHR AREA BILD RUHR-EAST BILD RUHR-WEST BILD DUSSELDORF BILD COLOGNE BILD AACHEN BILD MUNSTERLAND BILD WESTPHALIA Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 MM Rate (B/W–4c) 153,70 138,14 50,78 29,58 13,96 16,73 6,50 15,07 3,02 33,00 12,40 6,45 7,40 4,65 3,13 3,13 3,20 7,25 1.000 (B/W–4c) 139.500,00 114.684,00 45.630,00 26.550,00 13.960,00 15.090,00 6.500,00 13.510,00 1.845,006 33.000,00 12.400,00 6.450,00 7.400,00 4.650,00 1.265,006 3.130,00 3.200,00 7.250,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 83.500,00 9.070,00 4.220,00 1.596,00 8.060,00 4.190,00 4.810,00 3.020,00 1.094,00 2.030,00 2.080,00 4.710,00 BILD · · B.Z. 8. Millimetre Rates and 1.000 format1 Booking Unit NIELSEN IIIa7 BILD FRANKFURT BILD MAINZ-WIESBADEN BILD SAARLAND BILD RHINE-NECKAR NIELSEN IIIb7 BILD STUTTGART NIELSEN IV7 BILD MUNICH4 BILD NUREMBERG GERMANY-EAST-TOTAL2, 3, 7 BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL2, 3 BILD BERLIN-BRANDENBURG3 B.Z.3 MECKLENBURG-WESTERN POMERANIA7 SAXONY-ANHALT7 BILD HALLE BILD MAGDEBURG THURINGIA SAXONY7 BILD LEIPZIG BILD DRESDEN BILD CHEMNITZ MM Rate (B/W–4c) 45,05 8,67 4,02 3,50 4,90 24,62 7,40 27,20 5,47 5,03 41,64 16,38 5,58 10,80 5,83 6,95 4,10 2,85 3,25 10,56 4,62 3,03 2,91 1.000 (B/W–4c) 40.550,00 8.670,00 4.020,00 1.300,006 4.900,00 22.600,00 7.400,00 24.680,00 1.710,006 5.030,00 38.584,00 16.344,00 5.580,00 10.764,00 5.280,00 6.050,00 3.200,00 2.850,00 3.250,00 7.730,00 3.250,00 1.570,006 2.910,00 ECO5 (B/W–4c) 5.640,00 2.610,00 1.125,00 3.180,00 4.810,00 1.479,00 3.270,00 3.630,00 6.573,00 2.660,00 1.860,00 2.110,00 3.000,00 1.358,00 1.890,00 Fixed format: 1.000: 187 x 250 mm (W x H). Booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z titles. B.Z. can also be booked individually. See Rate Card BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL, BILD BERLIN-BRANDENBURG and B.Z. 4 BILD MUNICH is BILD MUNICH and BILD MUNICH CITY. Ads in BILD MUNICH CITY will be scaled down proportionally. 5 Economy Rate identical for all colour layouts 6 Heavily discounted fixed format rate that is not eligible for further commitment discount. 7 This applies to the millimeter rate: A minimum format of 1400 total mm applies to ads of 5 or more columns. Minimum size for all bold printed issues: 20 mm. For regional editions, see regional supplementary sheets. For discounts, see section 4. All rates in Euro plus VAT. 1 2 3 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 9. Economy Rate Simply affordable: We will also reward your flexibility in 2016 with the popular Economy Rate. NEW: Now also available with the corner ad XXL! No matter whether you choose the 1.000 format, corner ad XXL, 1/2 page or 1/1 page: In the Economy Rate, you book one calendar week and we decide on the exact publication date. Savings Profit from an enormous price advantage of up to 43%! Booking Units and Rates 1/1 page, 1/2 page, corner ad XXL and 1.000 format: See sections 7 and 8. Outside page formats: only GERMANY-TOTAL. See below for rates. Deadline for Ads and Print Material, Cancellation Deadline GERMANY-TOTAL: Monday before the respective calendar week BILD Regional Editions: Friday, 11 a.m. before the respective calendar week Right to Move You book the calendar week, and we decide the exact publication day between Monday and Saturday. You can exclude any day within the booked calendar week when booking, which increases your planning security. Mon. Tues. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Wed. Thurs Fri. Sat. Sun. BILD · · B.Z. GERMANY-TOTAL1 BILD Nordic Format 1/1 page 1/2 page 1.000 format NEW: corner ad XXL Front page head right Front page text-passage ad Front page footer right large Front page footer left/right Front page footer left/right small Front page footer XXL left Back page head Back page head small Back page footer left/right Back page footer left/right small VIP strip back page 8 columns, 376 x 528 mm 8 columns, 376 x 264 mm 4 columns, 187 x 250 mm 5 columns, 234 x 325 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 50 mm 115 x 164 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 2 columns, 92 x 250 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 2 columns, 92 x 135 mm 2 columns, 92 x 100 mm 8 columns, 376 x 100 mm Conditions:: No reservations, no waiting list ■■ No changing motifs, no split ■■ More than 2 ads per week upon request ■■ Ads in the Economy Rate are subject to agency commissions, but cannot be applied to other discounts and are not eligible for contracts and further discounts ■■ Normal Rate Gross Economy Rate Savings Economy Rate 495.000,00 311.000,00 139.500,00 241.800,00 91.600,00 29.500,00 93.700,00 70.700,00 46.300,00 129.600,00 69.700,00 45.600,00 61.200,00 40.100,00 150.400,00 279.000,00 207.500,00 83.500,00 143.500,00 60.000,00 19.500,00 65.000,00 50.000,00 33.500,00 90.500,00 48.500,00 32.500,00 42.500,00 28.500,00 90.500,00 43,6% 33,3% 40,1% 40,7% 34,5% 33,9% 30,6% 29,3% 27,6% 30,2% 30,4% 28,7% 30,6% 28,9% 39,8% Handling for the Economy Rate ■■ Right to move: within one calendar week (Mon.- Sat.), one weekday can be excluded when booking 1 The booking unit consists of the BILD and B.Z. titles. B.Z. can also be booked individually.. Ads appearing in partial editions that are published in tabloid format are subject to scaling. See technical specifications for details. All rates in Euro plus VAT. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 10. Special Advertising Forms Special advertising forms in BILD are exciting, attention-grabbing and surprising time and again. They stimulate the senses and motivate readers to become intensely involved with your advertising message. Here is a small selection. Super-Panorama A unique presentation platform emerges with the special advertising form of the Super-Panorama. You will immediately stand out with your advertising and attain new design opportunities for a very special customer appeal. Present yourself on a total of 8 pages in the Nordic format (4 front and 4 back pages). The SuperPanorama is available in both the national and regional editions. Interaction Ad With the help of a very innovative hybrid printing process, your ad can be individually printed in every single copy. Enrich your basic motif with individual number or letter codes, ■■ texts, ■■ graphics, symbols or logos, ■■ numerical keypads, ■■ barcodes ■■ QR codes Examples for the printing in your ad: You can find all of the rates and further information on the Interaction Ad at Non-binding application example ■■ Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 24738`6 BILD · · B.Z. Many different print-related special forms of advertising can be realised in our regional editions, depending on the location. Flying Page, Half Cover, Half Page, scented coating, luminous colours, transparent ads or coloured paper: Please contact us for customised offers and implementation possibilities. Flying Page Your advertising stands out – and doesn't get lost – with the flying page! Attention guaranteed! With the flying page, you can take advantage of an attractive advertising surface around the front and back page (the 1st book) of BILD! Front Page 135 mm/2 columns Inside Page 2x 1/2 page (page height) Back Page 1/2 page (page height) Half Cover With the half cover, your ad jumps out – without falling out of the newspaper! The half cover offers you an attractive advertising surface that is placed prominently around the front page! Half Cover Front Page 135 mm/2 columns Inside Page 1/2 page (page height) Half Page You will be discovered with the half page - and not skipped over! Use the prominent advertising surface within BILD and attract plenty of attention with your ad! Half Page Inside Section 1/2 page (page height) Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Inside Section 1/2 page (page height) BILD · · B.Z. 11. Placement Charges and Geographic Split Placement Charges Binding commitments regarding placement are possible for the 1.000 format upwards. Extra charges are applied to the gross rate once the purchase order has been submitted and contain no commitment to appearing as the only advertiser on that particular page. Only a limited number of placement commitments can be granted. Extra placement charge: 10% of gross rate (eligible for discount and agency commissions). Geographic Split – We Do It Best Book nationally and advertise with regional reference: Use the options of a motif split in our total of 39 regional and Nielsen booking units. Technical costs: 2 – 3 motifs: € 3.000,00 4 – 7 motifs: € 5.000,00 > 7 motifs: € 7.000,00 Technical costs are eligible for agency commissions, but not discounts. Status: 01/12/2014 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 12. Inserts Insert weight per started 1.000 copies All other editions BILD HAMBURG B.Z. To 10 g To 15 g To 20 g To 25 g To 30 g To 35 g To 40 g To 45 g To 50 g 82,00 86,00 90,00 94,00 98,00 102,00 104,00 106,00 108,00 82,00 86,00 92,00 98,00 104,00 110,00 116,00 122,00 128,00 85,50 88,00 90,50 93,00 95,50 98,00 100,50 103,00 105,50 Heavier weights upon request. All rates in Euro plus VAT. Format Smallest format: 10,5 x 14,8 cm (postcard) Largest format: 26,0 x 36,0 cm1 No commitments can be given on the exclusion of competitive advertising and on appearing as the only advertiser. Larger formats can be inserted if they are folded down to the highest format. All multiple page inserts should be folded along on the longest side. Different types of folding such as double-gate and zigzag folding cannot be processed. If the brochure inserts contain postcards, these should be glued to the inside. If you have questions: BILD Beilagen (Inserts) Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 76 798 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 76 802 Email: Booking and cancellation deadline for inserts: 6 business days before date of publication. 13. Ad and Printing Material Deadlines and Cancellation Deadlines Ads All colour layouts Split ads 1 2 GERMANY-TOTAL, GERMANY-WEST TOTAL, GERMANY-EAST-TOTAL and Nielsen Editions Ad/ Right of Cancellation Printing Material Deadline Before Publication 3 business days, 12 p.m 5 business days 5 business days, 12 p.m 5 business days Regional Editions2 Ad/ Right of Cancellation Printing Material Deadline Before Publication 1 business day, 11 a.m. 4 business days Monday edition: Friday, 2 p.m. 2 business days 4 business days BILD CITY LARGEST DEVIATING FORMAT: 22,5 X 30,5 CM. Different advertising and printing material deadlines for BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL: See Rate Card BERLIN-BRANDENBURG-TOTAL. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 14. BILD DIGITAL is the leading print-based general interest portal1 and stands for passionate BILD journalism on the Internet. Around the clock and on all devices, Germany's No.1 multimedia medium provides up-to-date information, sports reports, lifestyle reports and news from the world of celebrities. BILD is multiscreen and reaches users in every use situation, no matter whether mobile or at the desktop, via tablet or on the smart TV: BILD is always everywhere. ■■ ■■ Innovative design and high level of usability Modern video portal with daily videos and own formats Specials Use our diverse editorial environments and specials for your advertising campaign: ■■ BUNDESLIGA in BILD: BUNDESLIGA in BILD stands for 24/7 football coverage. Whether this involves exclusive Bundesliga highlight clips just after the final whistle, interviews or background reports - BILD reaches the fans anytime and anywhere. ■■ EURO 2016: Paris, Paris, we're going to Paris! BILD will be live on location, capture emotions and report on all happenings around the EURO. On all channels of the BILD Group! ■■ Moving image in BILD: The new video sponsoring in BILD provides a broad spectrum of attractive products to address your target group on all screens. From the highly attention-grabbing presenter clip to the integrative product placement: We offer the full programme. ■■ Native advertising in BILD: The main focus is on the story – the brand story! The brand story as a new and integrative advertising possibility marks the start of a new product family at BILD. It tells a story in the look and feel of always multiscreen. Source according to reach: AGOF digital facts 2015-06, individual month. 1 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 15. BILD DIGITAL: Stationary, Mobile and Apps MOBIL is the leading multimedia medium for all of Germany – at any time and anywhere. Target Group MOBIL is Germany’s biggest mobile news portal: more up-to-date than print, faster than online and always just an arm's length away from the user. Target Group ■■ 57 % are men ■■ 68 % of users are 20 to 49 years old ■■ 47 % have a high level of education (at least 58 % are men 54 % are between 20 and 39 years 49 % have at least university entrance exam 43 % have a household net income of Ð 3.000,00 and more ■■ 73 % are employed ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ university entrance qualifications)) ■■ 59 % have a net household income of Ð 2.000,00 and more Source: AGOF digital facts 2015-06, structure based on 14+ years; average month Source: AGOF digital facts 2015-06; Basis mobile WNK 14+ years; average month Key Figures (per month Key Figures ■■ Unique users: ■■ Visits: ■■ Page Impressions: ■■ Unique users: ■■ Visits: ■■ Page Impressions: 16,39 Mio. 181.811.481 1.399.673.726 6,79 Mio. 112.898.819 480.398.342 Source: IVW August 2015; AGOF digital facts 2015-06, Basis mobile WNK 14+ years, individual month Source: AGOF digital facts 2015-06, based on 10+ years, individual month; IVW August 2015 BILD Tablet-Apps BILD Smartphone-Apps BILD for the Tablet: Germany's successful news app launches its new generation! BILD goes app! And how! You will only receive the most exclusive news directly on your smartphone and always have a head start on information with the new BILD Premium App. Users of the iPhone App and Android App ■■ 67 % are men ■■ 50 % are between 20 and 39 years ■■ 45 % have a high level of education (at least university entrance exam) ■■ 35 % have a household net income of 3.000,00 and more ■■ 77 % are employed Users of the BILD Tablet App ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 68 % are men 50 % are between 20 and 39 years 43 % have at least university entrance exam 76 % are employed Source: b4p 2015 I, app users with tablet BILD. Key Figures (per month) ■■ Visits: ■■ Page Impressions: 2.629.384 60.229.334 Source: IVW August 2015; values apply to iPad Source: AGOF digital facts 2015-06, Basis mobile WNK 14+ years; average month Key Figures (per month) 490.000 19.454.886 340.914.553 ■■ Unique users: ■■ Visits: ■■ Page Impressions: Source: IVW August 2015; AGOF digital facts 2015-06 Basis mobile WNK 14+ years, individual month Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 16. BILD Social Media Whether Facebook, Twitter or YouTube – you will reach BILD fans and their contacts in a new environment and a completely new use situation! Facebook More than 1.800.000 fans 2 Target group1 ■■ 43 % are 14 to 29 years old ■■ 43 % are 30 to 49 years old Twitter More than 989.000 followers 2 Target group1 ■■ 52 % are 14 to 29 years old ■■ 40 % are 30 to 49 years old YouTube Über 160.000 Subscriber 2 Target group1 ■■ 43 % are 14 to 29 years old ■■ 41 % are 30 to 49 years old Source: best for planning 2015-I, population: German-speaking population age 14+; 69,24 million (n = 30.177);; Target group: Major and FB/YouTube/Twitter users in %. Status 01.10.2015; regarding YouTube channel BUNDESLIGA in BILD. 1 2 Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 17. Regional and Regional: Advertise digitally – in your chosen region! Use your opportunity to contact new target groups and expand your reach in innovative channels. Chose from different topical and regional channels on and MOBIL or let your advertising rotate. In addition, you can opt for the delivery of your advertising in a region of your choice – select according to German state, city or postal code (possible up to 5 digits!). Regional Display Advertising Crossmedia Package Car Combo Multichannel Package Regional channels on Predictive Behavioural Targeting Online and Mobile Advertorials Special Publication Plus Run of Portfolio & Topic Combinations You will benefit from the low level of overlapping for the BILD media, as well as the attractiveness of three target groups. Individual specials for our regional clients Our bestseller, the Regio Online Advertorial, offers you the possibility of also giving your products a stage in the digital world. Furthermore, you benefit from the many other regional specials and our discount promotions to achieve optimal success for your advertising message. We would be glad to assist you with your individual digital campaign. *AGOF digital facts 2015-06. **ma 2015 daily newspaper, Berlin and Brandenburg. Source graphic: b4p 2015 I, Print: LpA (BILD Germany-Total), Online, Mobile: NpM (full booking), Based on German-speaking population age 14+ (69,24 million) Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Berlin’s newspaper on the Internet When something happens in Berlin, this is the first place that you will hear about it. With the new 24-Hour Live Ticker, you always have an eye on all of the city’s current events. Use this platform for your advertising message and develop new target groups for your business. With, you will reach 113.000* users every day in addition to your print ad in the B.Z. with 393.000** readers. You can also find our respective current rates at BILD · · B.Z. 18. Crossmedia Concepts of the BILD Group Use the unique reach and high advertising pressure through a combination of various media genres and media brands. The crossmedia concepts of the BILD Group offer the right solution for every campaign goal. Strengthen the trust of our readers in your product through the joint presentation with our strong media brands. Volks-Produkt (People's Product): Exclusive new advertising formats and advertising media! Exclusive price advantage! Exclusivity for your product! Profit from a high degree of attention and reach, as well as from the positive image values with our cooperation, in which a mutually selected product is advertised exclusively as a Volks-Produkt. The use of prominent testimonials, large-format ads with designed contents, attractive add-ons and innovative online, mobile formats and moving-image formats ill ensure your success. Put the qualities and functions of your products or topics into the spotlight and communicate them in the typical simplified and compact BILD style. The attention-grabbing and high-reach advertising of the promotion products with testimonials and opinions by consumers, glossaries and background information turns the promotion into a crossmedia communications concept for your sales. AKTION The Product Tip is a sales-oriented promotion product that puts the products from a large variety of fields in the focus of the communication. No matter whether this is a Digital Tip, a Car Tip or a Health Tip – there is a large diversity of possibilities. Due to the joint presentation with and the established Tip logo, the concept is distinguished by a strong recommendation character and high level of credibility. The Nielsen Tip is the first sales-oriented cooperation option in which the partial Nielsen placements of BILD, BamS, and MOBIL are combined in order to reach your regional target group without wastage. Due to the crossmedia linkage of print and online media, the Nielsen Tip achieves an exceptional reach with high advertising impact in selected regions of Germany. SCHLAN UT GROSSER DS DE Produkt LESERTEST präsentiert von LOGO We jointly distinguish especially family-friendly products and services as Family Products. Through eye-catching advertorials, ads and advertising media, we stage your products crossmedially. The client and product benefit from the credibility and journalistic competence of the joint presentation with BILD am SONNTAG. In Germany’s big reader review, the BamS readers test your product or your service. In the form of a product sample, a voucher or a test promotion, readers can try out a new or existing product directly at the PoS and become your large test community as a result. They evaluate your product or service in the form of a questionnaire and make it possible for you to get firsthand market research results in this way. The brand concepts are designed in-house by the Creative Services Department. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 19. Creative Services Everything from one source… Creative Services designs individual, convergent communication concepts with the possibility of crossmedia implementation in the overall portfolio of Media Impact (print, online, mobile, social media, tablet, TV, out-of-home). Case Study: Volks-Rasierer (People’s Shaver) with Philips The 360° Approach Crossmedia implementation to maximise advertising impact POSSIBLE COMMUNICATIONS COMPONENTS ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Campaign development, reinforcement and optimisation Brand- and performance-optimised Stationary and mobile advertorials, specials and brand stories Use of the moving image channel Presenting and sponsoring Special forms of advertising Creation of insert concepts Crossmedia concepts with joint or individual presenter Credible testimonials to support the campaign BILD Page Dominant Placements in BILD Social Media Integration into social media channels BILD Logo Use of the BILD copresentation for your own shop Creative Services puts a great emphasis on individuality in the realisation of media packages so that the client's communication goals can be optimally achieved. Creative Services offers you full service from the communications idea to media planning and project control to the creative implementation by a professional team. Home Attention-grabbing online advertising media Mobile & Tablet The customer is also reached directly while on the road. The 360° approach is an integrated communication solution that shines the spotlight on your marketing objective. With the focus on this objective, we will develop customised, client-specific creative concepts, take care of the design and place your advertising in the respectively relevant media channels – tailored to the message and the target group. The product is presented in an online special. The integration of moving images or sound is possible Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Point of Sale Targeted advertising at the POS activates buyers Newsletter Increase of range through the newsletter service BILD · · B.Z. 20. Technical Specifications Contact telephone: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 7 30 03 Fax +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 7 29 77 NORDIC FORMAT Type area 376 mm wide x 528 mm high (4.224 total millimetres) Number of columns Ad and text passage: 8 columns per 45 mm Column widths 1 column = 45 mm, 2 columns = 92 mm, 3 columns = 139 mm, 4 columns = 187 mm, 5 columns = 234 mm, 6 columns = 281 mm, 7 columns = 329 mm, 8 columns = 376 mm Crossover Max. 777 mm wide, 528 mm high, (17 ad columns) Fonts Positive fonts from 6 point; Negative fonts from 8,5 points, semibold, sans-serif Line width Positive lines at least 0,2 mm Negative lines at least 0,3 mm Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 TABLOID FORMAT Type area 257 mm wide x 369 mm high (1.845 total millimetres) Number of columns Ad and text passage: 5 columns per 45 mm Crossover Max. 532 mm wide, 369 mm high (11 ad columns) Scaling for tabloid format All ads on the outside pages, as well as ads in the inside section that exceed a format of 5 columns in width and 286 mm in height, will be automatically scaled for the partial edition in tabloid format. Separate print material can be provided for the edition in tabloid format. Please contact us for the format data. For ads that are scaled in the tabloid format, we recommend the following font sizes and line widths in order to ensure optimal readability: BILD MUNICH CITY Type area: 288 mm wide x 422 mm high Ads from national bookings and BILD MUNICH will be scaled down proportionally in BILD MUNICH CITY. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Printing process (Coldset) web-fed offset according to ISO 126473:2005 Dynamic range Tonal gradations in print from 3% to 95% Dot gain 50% tone of the lithograph gains approx. 26% in newspaper offset printing. QR Code We recommend a minimum format of 25 x 25 mm and resolution of 300 dpi to ensure the readability of QR code illustrations in newspaper printing. The advertising client is responsible for the content of the link. Fonts Positive fonts from 9 point; Negative fonts from 12 points, semibold, sans-serif Line width Positive lines at least 0,3 mm Negative lines at least 0,45 mm BILD · · B.Z. Screen angle cyan = 15°, magenta = 75°, yellow = 0°, black = 135° Colours Euro scale ISO 2846-2 Please use additional colours as HKS-Z special colour. As a rule, these are implemented in CMYK values according to the HKS-Z CMYK colour table, version 2006 (available upon request). Registration mark tolerance: ≤ 0,3 mm (congestion > 0,3 mm) ADVERTISEMENT DATA Image resolution 200 dpi, for line of max. 1.270 dpi For higher resolution picture components, the publisher reserves the right to reduce the picture resolution to the specified values. We will not assume any guarantee for the correctness of the conversion. File Format PDF/X-1a:2001, PDF/X-3:2002, PDF/X-4:2008 In general, we do not use any open formats. When creating the EPS file, the picture data (no DCS) must be integrated. The files must be set up in the original size of the ad; please do not set up trim signs. Colour Processing Please use the ICC colour profile ISOnewspaper26v4. icc. This takes into account the parameters of achromatic composition, max. colour application and dot gain in newspaper printing. The profile can be downloaded at: Total colour applicationg Max. 240 % 4c proof print Client's proof supplied and adapted for newspaper printing in accordance with ISO 12647-3:2005 with FOGRA Media Wedge CMYK v3.0a DIGITAL DATA TRANSMISSION PRINT QUALITY In the case of different data structures, no guarantee can be given for the print quality. Variations in colour at the printing sites are caused by the process and do not justify claims for compensation. No guarantee is given for the accurate realisation of 4c ads by means of ICC colour profiles. The dimensional stability of the print paper is subject to slight variations due to the processes used. Additional options for the transfer of print material can be found at Please see the corresponding Rate Card for technical specifications and contact information for individual bookings of B.Z. at You can access information on the structure and sending of the printing material at the Internet page http:// and directly transmit the printing material. We recommend an upload with registration. Please contact us per email at zugangsdaten.upload@ to receive a transmission account. Please send data-storage medium (CD or DVD) and proof to: Axel Springer SE, AdMedia Pool BILD- und WELT-Gruppe Axel-Springer-Straße 65, 10888 Berlin Please note that the publisher will flatten the included transparencies in the case of PDF/X-4 file delivery. Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 BILD · · B.Z. 21. Contact at the National Marketer Media Impact INTERNATIONAL SALES GERMANY Region East Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Felix Kemna Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 7 25 74 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91 - 7 25 79 Email: Region North Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Stephanie Huth Axel-Springer-Platz 1 20350 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0) 40 3 47 - 2 81 57 Fax: +49 (0) 40 3 47 - 2 81 60 Email: Region West Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Ingo Kölbl Neuer Zollhof 1 40221 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0) 2 11 15 92 68 14 Fax: +49 (0) 2 11 15 92 68 55 Email: Region Central Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Stefan Margies Mittlerer Hasenpfad 25 60598 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 (0) 69 96 23 85 22 Fax: +49 (0) 69 96 23 85 33 Email: Region South Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Christina Kuth Theresienhöhe 26/1. Stock 80339 München Tel.: +49 (0) 89 7 43 25 96 - 4 71 Fax: +49 (0) 89 7 43 25 96 - 4 80 Email: Region South-West Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Martin Baumgardt Zeppelinstraße 116 73730 Esslingen Tel.: +49 (0) 7 11 3 19 91 56 Fax: +49 (0) 7 11 3 19 91 30 Email: If you are interested in regional advertising, please contact the respective regional BILD marketing organisation. Status: October 2015 Your local contacts are listed at Rate Card No. 70 · Valid as of 1/1/2016 Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG International Sales Philipp H. Mankowski General Manager International Sales Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91 7 25 72 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91 7 25 55 Email: Benelux Anita Rodwell Mediawire International Plein 1945, nr. 27 NL-1251 MA Laren Tel.: +31 (0) 651 48 01 08 Fax: +31 (0) 355 33 59 85 Email: Europa/AMEA Fellin Wolter/Robert Langenbach Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG International Sales Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91-7 25 63 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91-7 25 55 Email: France Jean-Robert Mamin Axel Springer Media France S.R.L. à Associé Unique 93, Avenue Charles de Gaulle F-92521 Neuilly-sur-Seine CEDEX Tel.: +33 (0) 176 21 85 00 Fax: +33 (0) 176 21 85 01 Email: Great Britain/Ireland Patricia Meier Woster Axel Springer Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG 120 Charing Cross Road, 6th Floor GB-London WC2H 0JR Tel.: +44 (0) 20 78 36 43 13 Fax: +44 (0) 20 78 36 53 64 Email: Italy Cristiano Merlo Axel Springer Media Italia S.r.l. Via Leopardi N° 21 I-20123 Mailand Tel.: +39 02 43 98 18 65 Fax: +39 02 43 40 04 25 Email: Japan Yutaka Mogi Tandem Inc. Kyodo Bldg. 4F 7-15-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku J-Tokyo 104-0061 Tel.: +81 3 35 41 41 66 Fax: +81 3 35 41 47 48 Email: Austria/Switzerland Alina Friede/Benedikt Faerber Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG International Sales Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 25 91 7 25 61 Fax: +49 (0) 30 25 91 7 25 55 Email: Spain Maria Navarro Publicitas International S.A. Calle Serrano 43/45, 2 planta izda. E-28010 Madrid Tel.: +34 (0) 91 323 79 11 Fax: +34 (0) 91 323 79 23 Email: USA/Latin America Michael Monheim Axel Springer Group Inc. 286 Madison Avenue, Suite 2001 USA-New York, NY 10017 Tel.: +1 (0) 21 29 72 17 20 Fax: +1 (0) 21 29 72 17 24 Email: BILD · · B.Z.
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