September 1, 2012 Volume 6 Issue 1
September 1, 2012 Volume 6 Issue 1
Special points of interest: Volume 6 Issue 1 • Westmont's First Annual Pet Promenade and Picnic September 1, 2012 • Be Your Dog’s Hero • Trial Recap by Gail Meyers Doggie Doings LYONS TOWNSHIP DOG TRAINING CLUB DOGGIEDOINGS@LTDTC.ORG From the President First, a big THANK YOU to Amy Hanrahan for taking on the job of Doggie Doings Editor! I know we are all anxiously awaiting her “first” edition. I hope you all have survived this unusually hot summer. There now seems to be a break from the 90 and 100 degree days, and how fortunate for us that the Odeum gave us those two weeks off during the worse part of it. How did they know it would be so hot then??? And on the other hot weeks they put the AC on for us, and I also noticed a few new floor fans out on the floor and running. It has actually been pleasant on most hot nights. Lyons has been busy this summer with a few extracurricular activities. In July we were asked to participate at the Amazing Pet Expo being held at the Odeum. They asked us to put on Obedience and Rally Demo’s twice during the day at the expo, and although we only had 3 weeks to put everything together, we did and we had a lot of fun doing it. Those who came out to help were Sherry Gignac, Jan Salzman and her granddaughter Briana, Mel Tomeczko, Marie Starciak, Betty Smith, Synoma Hayes, Francis Soresi, Dave Crawford, Karen Click, Donna Angeleri and all of the dogs. If I missed anyone, I’m truly sorry. We saw a lot of people, some of who were very surprised to find out that we trained on Tuesday nights right there at the Odeum, and I mentioned that if we have two people to sign up for class I would consider our time there well worth it. And guess what??? We had three people to sign up for this session. SUCCESS!!! Hope we can do this again next year. On August 4th, we were at Cantigny Dog Days, where we were asked to do an Agility Demo. And, wow, was it hot! We did three demos, talked to a lot of people, handed out a lot of brochures and AKC material and generally had a great time. And, when the day was shortened by a terrific thunderstorm, it was wonderful to see how we all came together and cleaned up our area and the demo ring in record time and we were all in our cars before the rains came. Thank you to Marie Starciak who spearheaded this project, Sherry Gignac, Francis Soresi, Betty Smith, Jan Constance, Ann Baker, Sue Folkerts, Maureen Kotlow, Gina Camron, Dallas Ingold and again, all of the dogs for participating. And in September, Westmont has asked that we join them in their first “Pet Promenade”, and Sharon Detro is heading up this project. These outings that we participate in are great outreach tools for LTDTC, and they are a Inside this issue: Fundraising Corner 6 Delta Test/Ben’s Friends 7 Summer Picnic 7 Trials 8&9 Brags 10 &11 Page 2 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS From the President (Continued) (Continued from page 1) lot of fun, too. So when she asks for your help, please give it thoughtful consideration. There are a lot of us that purchase things for the club and then hand in the receipts to our Treasurer for reimbursement. And I wholeheartly want everyone to be reimbursed for monies spent, there is a protocol to follow, and here it is. If you are not the chairperson of the committee doing the purchasing, you are to give your reimbursement request to the chairperson so they can review it and approve it for reimbursement. If you are the chairperson, be sure to initial your reimbursement request. Also, any equipment repairs that need money reimbursement must first be approved by Kevin Wyderka, our Equipment Chair. After serving as our Correction Clinic Coordinator for several years, Dave Crawford has stepped down. While this leaves a big whole to be filled and I just know that there is one of you that would consider taking on this event. For many, many years we have had wonderful Correction Clinics, thanks to the hard work of Pat Mauney and Dave Crawford. Now it’s your turn. Dave is willing to give you as much help as you need to keep this tradition going. So please look deep into your heart, and let me know that you are willing to take on this task. I am pleased to announce that we have a new “Logo Item” chair. Chris Kowalkowski has agreed to do this for us. Look for her new ways of advertising what we have to offer, or if you are looking for a hat or a shirt, or any other piece of clothing with our logo on it, just see Chris. And lastly, we are looking for someone that may be interested in monitoring the club’s potential social networking program. While I must admit that I am not real good with computers, and don’t really understand what we are asking of you, but if you know, you are the person for the job. If you have questions regarding this job, please talk to Chris Kowalkowski, she does have a wonderful understanding of just what exactly this involves. LTDTC is a volunteer only club, without our volunteers we couldn’t exist; from your instructors, the various committee chairmanships, the Registrar, your Director of Training and her assistants and the Board of Directors, all giving up their time to make sure that Lyons is up and running every Tuesday when you come to train your dog. Please give Doggie Doings Submissions By Amy Hanrahan I wanted to say thank you to Erin Rezmer who has done a magnificent job the past three and a half years as your Editor of the Doggie Doings. I can only hope to keep up the wonderful tradition of the Doggie Doings with the help of all of the club members. Please submit photos, stories, extra special brags as they happen, no need to wait until the submission deadline. Feel free to email me anytime at I would like to thank Betty Smith who has agreed to continue to help with editing this Newsletter. Her behind the scenes help is much appreciated and the Doggie Doings would not be complete without her. VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 Page 3 Westmont’s First Annual Pet Promenade and Picnic By Sharon Detro Westmont is hosting their first annual family event on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10AM to2PM at Ty Warner Park (Plaza & Blackhawk Dr.) They have contacted our club to participate in both an agility and therapy dog demonstration! The event will begin with a pet promenade around the park from 10AM to 11AM, followed by demonstrations scheduled every half hour. LTDTC will be the first group assigned to put on an agility demonstration from 11AM to 11:30AM. Our therapy dog demonstration will immediately follow from 11:30AM to 12PM. Other demonstrations for this event include: information on child and animal safety, the K-9 Unit from Villa Park and search and rescue dogs. There will also be room for 10-15 booths allocated for vendors. LTDTC is being provided a covered booth with electrical hook-up. Therefore, fans can be used if necessary to keep our dogs comfortable while we promote our training club to the public. Please mark your calendars to save the date of Sep. 15th to help with this event. We can set-up our agility equipment beginning at 8:30AM. We will perform our agility demonstration at 11AM and need to take down the equipment immediately as all demonstrations will be conducted in the same space. Volunteers are needed to help set-up/take-down agility equipment, bring dogs to demonstrate agility for 30min, bring therapy dogs for a 30 min. presentation and members to stay at the table during this event to answer questions and distribute club material. This is another wonderful opportunity to promote Lyons Township Dog Training Club and showcase our talented dogs. Please give careful consideration in volunteering to help. Page 4 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Pawsitively in the News The LTDTC family welcomes the following new canine members: Annie Oakley (formerly Orphan Annie) Border Collie, Adopted on June 11th 2012 (at 20 months old) by Carol Ely. They had her hips, elbows and knees x-rayed for agility and all came back clean. The vet showed Carol her x-rays that showed a pellet and a BB in her right hip. Someone had shot at her twice before she was caught and taken to her foster Mom's last year! She should still be good for agility. She runs and jumps like a gazelle! Rainbow Bridge A dog comes into your life for a reason. It all becomes clear after they have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It is with much sadness that Chad and Amy Hanrahan say good bye to Guinness (February) and Murphy (August). Both were wonderful Shar-pei adopted thru Rescue and will be forever missed. Page 5 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS FUND RAISER FOR JIM & GERRI SMITH Help Jim Beat Lymphoma & Leukemia ALL-BREED RALLY AND OBEDIENCE FUN MATCH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2012 at PAWS IN TIME (Donated their facility) 1891 E. Fabyan Pkwy. West Chicago, IL 60185 Rally & Obedience judging begins at 9:00 a.m. – No walk-ins after 10:30 a.m. (Two rings – One Indoor/One Outdoor Connected; Indoor Crating Is Available) CIRCLE THE CLASSES BELOW YOU ARE ENTERING Rally classes (Starts at 9:00 am): Novice Only (Special invitation to those new to Rally – assistance will be provided) Obedience classes: Beginners Novice (Starts at 9:00 a.m.) / Novice / Open / Utility Fees: Pre-Entry - $7 ($6 second entry same dog) Gate Entry - $8 ($7 second entry same dog) All classes are limited to 20 entries – Mail in entries due Wednesday before the match MAIL PRE-ENTRIES TO: Nancy DiMenza, 28W171 Garys Mill Road, Winfield, IL 60190 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call 630-665-8222 or Email **************************************************************************************************** Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email/Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Breed:_______________________________________________ Jump Height Rally: __________________________________ Amount Paid: ______________ Dog’s name:_______________________________ Jump Height Obedience: ___________________ NOTE: Proof of current vaccines will be required. A copy should be sent with this registration or shown upon arrival. ***************************************************************************************************** I agree to indemnify and hold harmless PAWS IN TIME & the organizers of this match their officers, directors and members against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them or any of them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause or action growing out of, or connected with my attendance or my dog’s attendance at the Correction Clinic conducted for this fund raiser. Signature: Date: Fund Raiser Site for additional donations or to donate if you can’t attend: hp:// Page 6 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Fundraising Corner by Deborah Sazma Hi All, I would like to take this time to say Thank you to all who supported the World's Finest Candy sales. It was fun selling the candy and the it definitely was a huge success for the club. Look for candy bars at the registrars table when you come into to class. Also, thank you to all who donated items for the raffle at the May trials, that was a success. Hopefully we can have another fund raising raffle next year. Our next fund raising event will start in late October. We will be selling See's Candies. Anyone who knows See's candies knows that is the best in the world. We will have pamphlets available for you to take soon. What a great opportunity to buy that special teacher / instructor, groomer, babysitter, dog walker, or just anyone a treat. They make wonderful stocking stuffers and center pieces on that Holiday table. If you have any fund raising idea's or are interested in joining the committee please feel free to bring them to the attention of the Fund raising committee: Debbie Sazma Agility Instructor with the Cocker Crew Elaine McDowell Obedience Instructor / Past President The Bassett Lady Sue Sobrya Agility Instructor The Jumpin Jack Russell With that being said I would like to Thank the committee for all the help with the fund raising events. I as well as the Board of Directors appreciate the time and hard work you have dedicated to the club. Page 7 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Ben's Friends/Delta Test by Gail Meyers We at Ben’s Friends have sort of taken the summer off, with only British Home the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, and a senior residence every 2nd Thursday. But September is quickly approaching and we’ll start up again with Maryville Academy and Stone School, and I know a library that is looking for one Read to the Dog evening. Also, we are giving the Pet Partner test (formerly Delta Society) on September 22nd, and because of so much interest, we are giving it again on September 29th! So here is a reminder that you should all check once in a while to see when your certification is expired and let me know so I can get you on the list for the next test. Pet Partners has changed their way of educating and testing the human half of a Pet Partner team. Before, you’d get their book, read it, fill out all of the paper work at the end of the book and arrange to take the practical test with your dog. But now, they have done away with the book, and all of this is done online, go to Delta and follow the directions. I’ve had one person do it this way already, and she had everything done and a certification of course completion within a week! I have one sad note to report. Although they weren’t LTDTC members, they were part of Ben’s Friends and this team did join us at most of our visits. Happy Bielecki, a little Bichon, lost his battle with kidney disease. Happy lived up to his name, and when I saw him at the Pet Expo, he was rail thin, but his tail never stopped wagging. He was loved at all of our visits and will be sorely missed. Until next time, happy visiting. Thanks, Gail Meyers Ben’s Friends Coordinator LTDTC Summer Picnic by Gail Meyers Well, once again we did it! We had a wonderful picnic in the park and the weather was AMAZING! Not hot, cool breeze, no rain just sunshine, wonderful company and great food. Who could ask for more? Just me, wishing more of you could have been there with us. But not to worry, come the 4th Sunday in June 2013, we’ll do it all again, and you can join us then, so mark your 2013 calendars as soon as you get them, you won’t be sorry you did. Page 8 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Obedience and Rally Trials by Gail Meyers and Sherry Gignac This year’s trials are now in the history books of LTDTC. Although they were smaller than some of our past year’s trials, it was successful to say the least. Congratulations to all who went home with qualifying ribbons, and for those of you who didn’t, we hope you had fun and will come back and trial with us again. There are a lot of “thank you’s” that need to be shouted out, and if we forgot someone, we are heartfully sorry. Thank you Pam Crawford for seeing that our Rally Trial went smoothly and without a hitch. Thank you to our Chief Ring Steward, Bill Casey and his group of stewards, for without you we couldn’t have a show. You are the silent heroes of any dog show or trial. Our Hospitality Chair, Elaine McDowell, organized the morning coffee “and”, and our lunches for both days. . .great food. Erin Rezmer took on the job of getting trophy donations from you, our members, and thank you to all who donated. And how about those banners everyone saw as they walked into the Odeum? Debbie Sazma and her Fundraising Committee did a great job at putting that all together for us this year. And to our mentors, Frank and Thalia Puncochar, thank you for being there every time we needed you! Page 9 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Agility Trial May 12-13, 2012 by Betty Smith Another successful Agility Trial is over! Even though this year’s trial fell on Mother’s Day weekend once again, our agility entries increased by 24 over those for last year’s non-Mother’s Day trials. We had about 600 entries on Saturday, and almost 500 on Sunday. We could not have been so successful without the assistance of a lot of workers. With the help of members (and quite a few non-members), each day of the trial ran smoothly. I want to especially thank the trial committee—Chris Zielinski, Ron McGrath, Sue Sobyra, Carolyn Hesse, and Debbie Sazma—for their support and help before, during, and after the trial. As immediate past trial chair, Chris was invaluable as he answered questions, ordered toys for dogs that placed, made MACh and PACh Bars for potential Master Agility Champion /Preferred Agility Champion runs, and helped on Friday afternoon repairing equipment. Ron ordered ribbons and worked as a scribe (recording the judge’s calls on the official forms) all day on Saturday. Sue and Debbie helped with set up on Friday and Debbie with tear down on Sunday, and they and Carolyn signed up to work in the rings as needed. I also want to thank Jim Wierdak for scribing all day both days. Others who helped with set up on Friday and/or tear down on Sunday include Phil Nuger, Carol Ely, Carol’s daughter, Jennifer Merle, Marie Starsiak, Sharon Detro, Gus Pusateri, Donna Nuger, and Jeff Vidt—who doesn’t do agility but happened to be in the (wrong?) place on Sunday afternoon. (I’m sorry if I forgot anyone; please let me know.) A number of other club members and newer students who are not yet members worked one or more time slots over the weekend, including some who had their first experiences at an agility trial. And finally, the week after the trial Dave Crawford hauled boxes and bins of extra ribbons, toys, and trial supplies to the club storage facility. Thank you all! I am also grateful to the many non-members who were essential to our trial. The judges, Joan Mullen and Terry Elger, created fun, interesting, challenging courses. Beth Elliott, Trial Secretary, quickly printed the results for each class and height. John Elliott was our Chief Course Builder. Carol Ely’s daughter, Jennifer Merle, helped with set up Friday and worked all day on Saturday and on Sunday morning. And I am especially appreciative of the help and time given by Kris Garra, who took on the job of Worker Coordinator. Kris set up an online worker sign up site and encouraged many of her friends to help, including two who were not even entered. She also stopped in on Friday with a donation for our raffle, brought goodies Saturday morning, and was at the trial all day Saturday and Sunday as a Ring Coordinator. Thank you, Kris! I know many of our members were entered, and I heard about quite a few successful runs. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves, as that is why we do this agility thing—to have fun with our dogs! Thank you all again, and see you at the 2013 trial. For no dog has acted quite so inane. From this I have come to one brilliant conclusion My Dog rates first place in the art of illusion! Page 10 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Brags Please enter your legs and titles in the Brag Book on the Registrar's table. It is very important they are entered for tracking awards for the club’s annual award banquet. OBEDIENCE BRAGS Andrew Ansenberger Synoma Hays Marilyn Lada Loretta Marchese Pat Mauney Mary Simpson Mary Simpson Mary Simpson Cocker Spaniel Dachshund Golden Retriever Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Italian Greyhound Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Oliver Asti Wood E Brandy Toby Nala Puncho Puncho UD BN UD BN UD BN BN CD Sugar Sugar Sugar Leila Mae Leila Mae Jettah Patrick RN RA RE RA RE RN RN RALLY BRAGS Donna Angeleri Donna Angeleri Donna Angeleri Sharon Detro Sharon Detro Meb Ingold John McDowell Rottweiler Rottweiler Rottweiler Coton de Tulear Coton de Tulear Golden Retriever Basset Hound AGILITY BRAGS Sharon Detro Coton de Tulear Kevin Grudem Golden Retriever Kevin Grudem Golden Retriever Kelsey Hall All American Kelsey Hall All American Marilyn Lada Golden Retriever Marilyn Lada Golden Retriever Erin Rezmer Boxer Erin Rezmer Boxer Tom Rezmer Boxer Tom Rezmer Boxer Tom Rezmer Boxer Debbie Sazma Cocker Spaniel Debbie Sazma Cocker Spaniel Virginia Sensenbrenner Cocker Spaniel Virginia Sensenbrenner Cocker Spaniel Betty Smith Golden Retriever Betty Smith Golden Retriever Betty Smith Golden Retriever Betty Smith Golden Retriever Betty Smith Golden Retriever Betty Smith Golden Retriever Leila Mae OA Kimi OA OAJ Kimi Charlotte OAJ Charlotte OA Wood E OAJ Wood E OA Kahlua AXJ Kahlua NF Killian AXJ Killian AX Killian NF Chesie NF Chesie NAJ Giotto NA Giotto OAJ Jason OA Jason AXJ Mattie NJP Mattie NAP Mattie NFP Mattie OAP Page 11 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 DOGGIE DOINGS Brags (continued) THERAPY TITLE Jim Wierdak Karen Wierdak Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Marley Glory THD THD OTHER BRAGS Laura Donaldson All American Daisy AKC Agility - Master Agility Jumper MXJ Laura Donaldson All American Daisy AKC Agility - Master Agility MX Erin Rezmer Boxer Killian AKC Rally – Rally Advanced Excellent RAE Erin Rezmer Boxer Kahlua AKC Rally - Rally Advanced Excellent RAE Debbie Sazma Cocker Spaniel Brandy AKC Agility – Master Agility Excellent 2 (20 legs) MXP2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HONORABLE MENTIONS - 2012 Veronica Graham White Golden Retriever Bristol CPE CL1-R Std Veronica Graham White Golden Retriever Bristol CPE CL1-H Handler Synoma Hays Dachshund Tarragon UKC AG II Carolyn Kurt German Shepherd Alta-Tollhaus Kali Chi Schutzhund Verein BH (Begleithund) title Kevin Grudem Golden Retriever Kimi NACSW NW1 Virginia Sensenbrenner Cocker Spaniel Giotto CPE Level 2 Standard Virginia Sensenbrenner Cocker Spaniel Giotto CPE Level 2 Colors – Handler Title VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 Calendar of Events: September 4 - Training night September 11 - Training night September 18 - NO TRAINING September 25 - Training night October 2 - Training night, CGC, Open & Utility (Last night of Session) October 9 - Training night (New Session) October 16 - Training night October 23 - Training night October 30 - Training night November 6 - Training night November 13 - NO TRAINING November 15 - Deadline for Submissions to Doggie Doings November 20 - Training night November 27 - Training night L yo ns To wn sh ip Do g T r a in in g C lub d o ggie do in gs @ ltd tc .o r g LTDTC Doggie Doings C/O Amy Hanrahan 759 Rebecca Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440 the web! n o e r ’ e W www.ltdt An AKC Training Club training at the Odeum in Villa Park.
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Doggie Doings L - Lyons Township Dog Training Club
Thank you everyone for your continued support of the Lyons Township Dog Training Club. We wouldn’t be here if
it were not for our wonderful membership.
Ron McGrath
LTDTC Board President