Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope
Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope
New York Post, Tuesday, February 2, 2016 36 ■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE PLACE AN AD Phone: 212-930-8100 Mon-Fri – 8:30am – 6pm Fax: 212-930-8120 To confirm your fax 212-930-8154 Email: nypostclassifieds Mail/Prepay: New York Post Classifieds 1211 Ave of the Americas, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 CAREER TRAINING Place your ad 24 hrs/7 days: &%!+!)%+# +%( +-+%#+*#' %& ,$. ".+#%&, /post 24*=97+;7 @>4; '+;<<; 24*=97+ *<%5'+- 7;+5)5): *<%5 DEADLINES Display Ads Monday:Thursday 4:30PM Mon @Work: Thursday 3PM Tuesday: Friday 5PM Wednesday: Monday 5PM Thursday: Tuesday 5PM Thurs NYPHome: Tues Noon Friday: Wednesday 5PM Saturday/Sunday:Thursday 5PM PAYMENTS 4%F)VT:8%B P>@%BF! /TVT)<F='1 7 P>@%BF! ;::%:8FV8 U0P;S $JXCGX#, "L#J UM.69S 7 4%F!1:%: .>B'V%B%FV O5<:> ;::%:8FV8 U6O;S 7 3Q2 ! M'!>DT8TW1 6TWDT $X?ILE? (XCL "L#JEI#IXE U6M6.S &L"I#XH *IHHIEK U696/S 7 P>@ N++ ;@W%V%:8<F8%TV U6P;;S $JXCGX#, "L#JEI#IXE UM.69S ($# U91 ;W><%BFV R>F<8 ;::TB%F8%TV -F!%@ A1<:S "22'.0,%.0 5*&%,%$%. - 4,2(0 +# 3/1 !0) 8&+ )62" :&'#(*! (*2&&2 /2*#8#8% (&8/&2 :*8$*//*8 4-&&80 ,7,59;35;;;; 37<5;1=5;.;= +++58):&'/2*#8#8%5(6: MANHATTAN APTS FURNISHED The New York Post reserves the right to edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at any time. We can only give appropriate credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for one insertion. We are not liable for complete omissions. Any discrepancies must be brought to our attention within 30 days of the first day the ad runs, in order to receive consideration for credit. Kitchenettes & Studio Apartments Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single $800m /up Couple $900m /up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 Don't expect everything to come easy to you on the work front today or tomorrow. Mars in the career area of your chart may make it look as if others are being obstructive but only because they see you as a threat. You can be rather intimidating! i PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20) If trying to figure certain things out gives you a headache then give up. You don't have to know it all, you don't have to be the best informed member of the human race. Switch off your brain today and let your mind wander where it will. ^ ARIES (March 21April 20) If you allow negative thoughts to take over today then, inevitably, negative results will most likely follow. If, however, you make an effort to think positive no matter what kind of situation you find yourself in, it should all come right. Your mind creates your !B B* 7F$A%=$=4% 2/+0 !, ,F@'#E9=%D *#%$F!@C 2,+0 ! ,F@'#E9 :F$<E=@& 2:+0 ! **,/ !0. '&3&(+ ,.0$./1- 2% *)/3"%# ;6,/,*6/1 /6) /3/61/-1? '''(4$F$4EFFE(F"< ./,8/77/, 1.($3(3$#&63 >5??,: 1.($..,$#,., Looking For A New EMPLOYMENT Check Out Your Options in the GENERAL HELP WANTED Career Training Listings Want it sold? Need it sold? Sell it in NY Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 Or email MANHATTAN FURNISHED ROOMS A1 All Areas - Rooms & Studios Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms $125wk/up; Studios $800mo/up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended in 1988 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicapped, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.” To complain of discriminiation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Or, call the Anti Discrimination of New York (the Fair Housing Agency for the 5 Boros of New York) at 718-422-0066, or The New York City Commission of Human Rights hotline at 212-306-7500. Sally Brompton h AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 Feb. 19) '>*=47<; ;<=+5; " )<7/>;05): +'< 5)975747< !? 7<'8)>->:@ REAL ESTATE We Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, checks and money orders * $"+&+$$) $ ! $##"'%( % '+ +>!6#12 ,;;6;81$8 '7 7/4 3>#9$6#61$ ': :92>0"8"&% 3>#9 '+ +>!6#12 *6226$< '( (), .)5=;> ,;;6;81$8- Liner Ads Monday: Friday 2:30PM Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM Thurs NYPHome: Wed 2:30PM Friday: Thursday 2:30PM Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Sunday: Friday 2:30PM EMPLOYMENT Career? EXPERIENCED LOCKSMITH TECHNICIAN & HARDWARE COUNTER SALES for a shop in Manhattan. Call 11am-5pm, 212-737-7769 _ TAURUS (April 21May 21) If you are unhappy about something you must speak up but you must also emphasize the positive rather than the negative. Also, don't get into the mindset of believing that the world is a bad place it isn't, it's a good place. Adjust your attitude. ` GEMINI (May 22June 21) What someone tells you today may sound reasonable but can you be sure they know what they are talking about? Just because someone calls themselves an "expert" does not mean you should accept what they say. Checks the facts for yourself and draw your own conclusions. a CANCER (June 22July 23) There are times when your suspicions are well founded and the planets warn you are right to be doubtful this is not a good time to commit yourself to anything that you cannot easily get out of later. What's the rush? There's always tomorrow. b LEO (July 24Aug. 23) If you jump to conclusions today you could find out later on that you have jumped way too far. The planets warn that what you think you see and what is actually there may be two entirely different things, so keep your mind, and your options, open. c VIRGO (Aug. 24Sept. 23) '&(' "*'!!% )&$%!#+ $'$"!%&"&#'# FINANCE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONTHLY INCOME Manufacturer gives its dealers 180 day payment terms. We are selling these insured invoices for 80% of the value. Invoice purchaser receives 3% cheque monthly and paid in full on the 180th day. 616-559-0101 or INVESTMENTS Relieve yourself of the thought of worldly turmoil regularly impacting the stock market and your money. Start enjoying the benefit of secured and safe returns. We are a real estate portfolio company specializing in providing cliens with income producing rental properties in Miami Florida. We provide a safe 10% to 25% yearly return on your investment. Call Nelson Poll at Life Plus Relaty at 786-270-8899 to see what opportunites await you. Daily Horoscope DISCOVER MORE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS AT SALLYBROMPTON.COM reality. EMPLOYMENT RELATED OPPS Ease up a bit. Give your brain a rest. If you are typical of your sign your mind is on the go 24 hours a day and that's not always a good thing. Even a Virgo needs some down time occasionally. Make this a more relaxed and pleasant day. d LIBRA (Sept. 24Oct. 23) It is unlikely that you will be thinking too clearly today and if you let your fears get the better of you it could have costly implications. The more someone tells you that you need to act fast or miss out altogether the more suspicious you should be. e SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) No matter how formidable your rivals may be you can still defeat them. While they are bragging about what they are going to do and how much money they are going to make you will be actually getting on with things. It's the Scorpio way. f SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 Dec. 21) It might be a good idea to keep your thoughts to yourself today. You may be bursting to tell the world what you know but the planets warn there is a flaw in your understanding and if you speak too soon you could look silly. Check your facts. g CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) If friends and family members go out of their way to give you advice today you should go out of your way to listen to it. If you don't you may regret it towards the end of the week. They are not trying to interfere they are trying to help. BIRTHDAY TUESDAY You will need to rely on your own skills and selfbelief, because those who have supported you in the past may not be able to support you over the coming year. Also, set yourself specific goals, because if you leave things vague the results could be vague as well. SERVICES NOTICES PSYCHICS LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL NOTICES +#(',.)/ 2.0$(4 )&&,(.#4' $ 38F8" ;1GE9?1 499E61:F! $ B?E#*@"E# % +=?? >:CD"E1! *)#&)% ( *)#&)%' +"$"! (0 -8D"F BF"11F, BDEF1 '&)5 /"88A?<:, .2 (('7( 5%3-"1!-33** 3(-- ",.'$0&1&),. +% 2-1(' !#*-()-./- +**')(%$ &+",(#! 1.,,.(*% (' !(,,/&% 0-$/.*)+ '(& (#& ",.)*$% H ?,16I:!FI&,1 4FF&J#1I6 H ?G: 4FF&J#1I6"<:&7 @ 2G.. H C!:6&1$ A,(# 4E!6#"C#$.#FI H ':G&1 ;G(G$# ?G6#6 !-$$,'% + 1&/*#%.') 0("( !$%% "#&& 3)+**)->C58B9; PET PLACE DOGS SHIH-TZU PUPPIES Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 MALTESE PUPPIES Adorable males and females, toy or teacup sizes, shots and papers. Call 718-234-6628 YORKIE PUPPIES ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF TAXI MEDALLION BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT in a certain Security Agreement dated May 19, 2014, executed by GAGANDEEP MULTANI LLC To MEDALLION BANK (the “Secured Party”), Notice Is Hereby Given that William E. Mannion, licensed auctioneer, NYC DCA License No. 796322, will sell at Public Auction, collateral consisting of one NYC Taxicab Medallion #3W26, and all attachments, on February 11, 2016 at 2:30 PM, at The Law Offices Of Roger H. Davis, Esq., 1650 Broadway, Suite 508, New York, NY 10019. The Secured Party Reserves The Right To Bid And/Or Confirm Said Sale. The Medallions will be sold “as is”, without representation or warranty of any kind. The sale is subject to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale available upon request from the undersigned and such revisions thereto as may be announced at the start of the auction. The successful bidder at auction must produce a deposit of $35,000.00 by official bank check payable to Roger H. Davis, Esq., as attorney for MEDALLION BANK. Note: Only Bona fide bidders who exhibit a check for the initial deposit, lien holders and the debtor will be permitted to participate in the auction. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event the proceeds of said sale are not sufficient to satisfy the indebtedness secured by the said agreement(s), the Debtor will be liable for the deficiency. LEGAL NOTICES MERCHANDISE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE Selling National Geographic Magazines. 63 different issues from 18881910. Condition Good. For details, call 570-373-5641 Selling Brand New High End Furniture. Including bedroom, dining rm, and living rm furniture. Everything. Dallas, PA. Call 570-406-0750. Notice is hereby given that an OnPremises Liquor license, serial number 1291231 has been applied for by the undersigned to sell Beer, Wine and Liquor at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1250 Morrison Ave., Bronx, NY 10472 for on-premises consumption; NEW TACOPETON RESTAURANT & BAR CORP. LIST YOUR CAR FOR SALE ONLINE AT VEHICLES.CLASSIFIEDS.NYPOST.COM P72T;[ 7Y ? S7TP2 61=RT; U[?4TPW C' <#) Y@HD-#!>) HD+ ;CD-)>>!CD 4)8!)Z ;CEE!<<)) HD+ <#) P)Z OC@_ ;!<V 9)BH@<E)D< C' 6H@_> HD+ 4)-@)H<!CD <C F) #)]+ CD QCD+HVL Y)F@:H@V a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aL ,G.$L F)<Z))D <#) #C:@> C' ` HE HD+ & BEL )X-]:+!D% Z))_)D+> HD+ #C]!+HV> H< <#) P)Z OC@_ ;!<V 9)BH@<E)D< C' 6H@_> \ 4)-@)H<!CDL ]C-H<)+ H< a*G Y!'<# ?8)D:)L 4CCE *.*L P)Z OC@_L PO .GG$&J TD+!8!+:H]> @)A:)><!D% 3!%D RHD%:H%) TD<)@B@)<)@> >#C:]+ -CD<H-< <#) QHVC@5> 7''!-) C' ;CD<@H-< 3)@8!-)>L 6:F]!U)H@!D%> 1D!<L ,&* =@CH+ZHVL `<# Y]CC@L P)Z OC@_L PO .GGG"L N,.,M "aaK"(`GL DC ]H<)@ <#HD 3[0[P N"M =13TP[33 9?O3 64T74 27 2U[ 61=RT; U[?4TPWJ 2[R[;7QQ1PT;?2T7P 9[0T;[ Y74 2U[ 9[?Y N299M ,.,K&G(K(..& 2C 3I<!>(X I 3<C@I&* R!*D 9CDI_, =I,*@ ?:.<!CD**@ I> ?&*D<> \!__ >*__ :D,*@ PO 3<I<* R!*D RI\ CD 17);+DPH R)B=7D=P .$H ,C.$ I< XVCCDA R?= 0GOD7U K?5!@% T 29?=D%) ?' 8DAB=!D O)!%#9;H ,C"GC& L!@+)@ :U5+H 8DAB=!D O)!%#9;H JI ..(.,F 2$* 6@CB*@<X 9*>.@!G*, I> WC:>*$C_,J=:>!D*>> 4*.C@,> 7(` ;_!D<CD ;IEBG*__ /HHb ^ 9\!&$< Q.UD<X@* /H//F T NAA)+!D9)UP R?UU?S!@% 1#)=)D'9)=H 0GOD7U K?5!@% T 29?=D%) ?' 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You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application/notice to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Attention: Bank Applications Officer, 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045, or via email: The comment period will not end before March 3, 2016 and may be somewhat longer. The Board’s procedures for processing applications/notices may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262. Procedures for processing protested applications/notices may be found at 12 C.F.R. 262.25. If you need more information about how to submit your comments on community affairs aspects of the application/notice or to obtain copies of relevant procedures contact Ms. Claire Kramer, Community Affairs, (212) 720-5371; other questions, including those relating to general procedures, should be directed to Mr. Ivan J. Hurwitz, Vice President, Bank Applications Function, (212) 7205885. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the application/notice if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period. =;= ?:8A:8$"B 33,+ "E6E8 =A#! ' =A#C+ \!__ >*__ I< 6:G_!. ?:.<!CD :D,*@ P*\ OC@a R!*D _I\ (C@ .I>$ CD_X CD ?D6C@8C% 9*+ 7(90 I< /H`HH?Q ID, CD >:.$ >:..**,!D& ,IX> ID, <!E*> I> EIX G* D*.*>>I@X I< 972(9 ?:8A:8$"B 1>D)+ /C##<:%$+ .E 997(* <$* B@CB*@<X ,*>.@!G*, I> .I@<CD>M (:@D!<:@*M C((!.* (:@D!>$!D&> ^ >:BB_!*>M $C:>*$C_, &CC,> ID, C<$*@ *((*.<> G*_CD&!D& <C` 3<*8*D ]K 4!.$I@,>CD "/H%/F Q!__!.*D< UK 3!EB>CD "//'HF 4*D** 3K =C:@D* "//d'F 3$I@*>* 2K TI.a>CD "//b-F ?D&*_!.I 9K ?_*ZID,*@ "/-)'F 3XECD* 2K 0I_<*@> "/-#)F 9I>$I\D =*>< "/+H'F 3*ID TIE!>CD "/+#'F ?D,@*I ;K W:>>*X "/+d-F 2CDX TK 9:GC>* "-/H) ^ -%-%F 4CECDI 1K TC$D>CD "-/b/F 2CD!I S*DD*,X "--+dF 4!.$I@, 2K P*_>CD "--)'F 9I_<$IDD*<<* Q:D_!D "--%-F 5:ID,I RK =CDIBI@<* "-+H/F 3IG@*DI ]K ;ID<I8* "-+-#F T*>:> 3C_!> "-'+-F R!D,I 2$CEI> "-%H#F 4C>*L EI@!* O*<EID "-%/%F 3<*B$ID!* TK ;:<_*@ "-%b-F RI@CX 0K 9CG>CD "-#H-F PC@**D =*_.CD "-#HdF TI,* 9I8!> "-#+%F 5:!D>*>>I PK WI@@!>CD "+//HF R!__!ID ;K WC_,*@ "+/)/F 2@I8!> =@C\D "+-H#F U>I!I$ ?K 6*CB_*> "+)++F Q*_8!D ]K Q*I,C\> "+)%%F 0!__!IE [K TI.a>CD "+'H-F 9*GC@I$ W!D*> "+'-bF 9\IXD* 3$*BBI@, "+'%+F 3X,D*X SK =@I<$\I!<* "+'#dF SI@*D 9@Ia*> "+%/-F 4C,D*X 3K 6I<<*@>CD "+%/)F U@8!D& Q.Q!.$I*_ "+#H/K 9CDI_, =I,*@M 9;? "d%'d/' ^ 6I<@!.a 0!__!IE>M 9;? "/+##H#-M ?:.<!CD**@> I> ?&*D<>K STORAGE NOTICE Big Apple Mini Storage, Inc. will sell at Public Auction at 9.00 a.m. at 119 East 124th Street, New York, NY 10035 and at 11:00 a.m. at 157 West 124th Street, New York, NY 10027 on February 9, 2016 for due and unpaid charges by virtue of a lien in accordance with the provisions of the law and with due notice given to all parties claiming an interest therein, the time specified in each notice for payment of said charges having expired, household items of all descriptions and the contents thereof stored under the following names; Tenin Diallo, Tarsha Evans, Nichelle Brown, Kaliq Ramsey, Duke Fergerson, Donovan McLean, Justina Serlin, Paul Thomas, Frances GarciaNewsome, Morgan Hawley, Alfred Heredia, Damon Jackson, Lillian Malloy, Javier Linares, Ruth Rivera, Carlos Santana, Ramon Fermin, Millie Emory, Josie Brown, Lynora Ashford, Ms. Mary T. Ward, Ms Mary Ward, Jazmin Tejeda, Ny-Quasha J. Singleton, Seth Scruggs, Kevin Scott. Sincerely, Willie Tomlin, Auctioneer. Sell your car on =;= Q:D$&##" 33,+ "E6E8 =A#! ' =A#C+ \!__ >*__ I< 6:G_!. ?:.<!CD :D,*@ P*\ OC@a R!*D _I\> (C@ .I>$ CD_X CD ?D6C@8C% 9*+ 7(90 I< //`HH?Q ID, CD >:.$ >:..**,!D& ,IX> ID, <!E*> I> EIX G* D*.*>>I@X I< 4-9( Q:D$&##" 3")+ /C##<:%$+ .E 99754+ <$* B@CB*@<X ,*>.@!G*, I> .I@<CD>M (:@D!<:@*M C((!.* (:@D!>$!D&> ^ >:BB_!*>M $C:>*$C_, &CC,> ID, C<$*@ *((*.<> G*_CD&!D& <C` 2X@CD* TK ;I>CD "/-/-F TC>*<<* T*IDL=IB<!><* "/-/+F 2I,X@I 4C>* "/+H'F 9*@@*.a 4CG!D>CD "-/)#F T*>>!* [@ID.C!> "-/%+F UID TCD*> "-/#-F 2!EC<$X QK 0I_a*@ "--H)F [@*,*@!. ?K =@I:D*@ "--+#M -+H#M ++H# ^ )//%F 6I:_!D* ]K ;C_*EID "--b)F 6$!__!B Q!__*@ "-+-+F YIG@!*__* 4CE:_:> "-++%F ]@!. ;C@<*> "-)b#F ?!>$I 2IX_C@ "-'H/F ;!*I<$I PK 2$CEBL >CD "+H)'F 2$*C,C@* Q:@@IX "+-/dF S*8!D WK 9!I> "+++#F 6I<@!.!I ?K 0!__!IE> "++%#F 3$ID*__ 4K TI.a>CD "+d/)F 2@*8C@ ?K 3IE ")/H-F 7>\!D [C><*@ ")/+/F T*@_*X 2$CEI> ")-HHF ?,@!*DD* OK =IDa><CD ")-//F =@!ID SI$D ")--dF 2@CX TC>*B$ ")+/#F 6I<@!.!I ;K TC>*B$ "))+-F QCD!A:* =I@a*@ ")'+'F WIX\I@, 4IE>IX ")%/-K 9CDI_, =I,*@M 9;? "d%'d/' ^ 6I<@!.a 0!__!IE>M 9;? "/+##H#-M ?:.<!CD**@> I> ?&*D<>K Notice of Formation of J OS E P H SPITERI PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/14/2015. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o US Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Ste 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. STORAGE NOTICE New York S. Storage Inc. will sell at Public Auction at 225 East 120th Street, New York, NY 10035 at 10:00am on February 9th, 2016 for due and unpaid charges by virtue of a lien in accordance with provisions of the law and with due notice given all parties claiming an interest therein, the time specified in each notice for payment of said charges having expired, household furniture & effects, pianos, trunks, cases, TV’s, radios, hi-fi’s, refrigerators, sewing machines, washers, air conditioners, household furniture of all descriptions and the contents thereof stored under the following names: Mills/Asante, John and Jane Doe, Jof Theodore Somesfalean, Lorie Cruz and Howard Horowitz. Sincerely, Willie Tomlin, Auctioneer Need a tax deduction? Donate your car! Place an ad or check out your options daily in the Classified Autos Wanted Listings %%%0DG66.#:=:,!:/#0F,( +D<:*B DA 7D:+< C9,2:* =B.@:+?) AB,@9.@E () 8#;/% :+<B+< <D .4.@' .> . *D+*B>>:D+ <=B DCB@.<:D+ .+' -.:+<B+.+*B DA . 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