Mark Behle - Immanuel United Church of Christ
Mark Behle - Immanuel United Church of Christ
Immanuel UCC - Memorial/Honorarium Gift Form In Memory of ________________________________________ In Honor of _________________________________________ Other (specify) _____________________________________ To: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Immanuel General Fund Every Child’s Hope “ECH” OPERATING FUND Emmaus Homes-OPERATING FUND Emmaus Homes-RESIDENT TRUST FUND Emmaus Homes-ENDOWMENT FUND Emmaus Homes-AUXILIARY “Friends of Emmaus” Marthasville Emmaus Homes-PASTORAL CARE ENDOWMENT FUND Immanuel Building and Capital Improvement Fund Immanuel Endowment Fund Immanuel Good Samaritan Fund Immanuel Brothers’ In Christ Scholarship Fund Glenn Fox Memorial Scholarship Fund Brauch Scholarship Fund Mary Thompson Scholarship Fund Music Enhancement Fund Eden Theological Seminary United Church Neighborhood Houses “UCNH” Parish Nurse Fund Bell Choir Fund *CK # ___________ Organ Fund Heritage Fund *amt $___________ Accessibility Fund Habitat for Humanity *ENV #__________ Discretionary Assistance Fund Audio Ministry Fund Other From: _______________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________ZIP__________ Acknowledge:_____________________________________ Address: _____________________________ZIP__________ Put in Newsletter_____ Do NOT put in Newsletter_______ *Office Use 40 Immanuel News IMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 221 Church Street, Ferguson, Missouri 63135 Ph: 314-521-7324 ~ Fax: 314-522-3701 Email: Website: Volume LXX SEPTEMBER 2014 Number 9 Staff: Rev. Karen Knodt Interim Senior Pastor Linda Stoecklin Parish Nurse Carolyn Rock Minister of Music Sarah Klasing Director of Christian Ed. Jennifer Jansen Financial Manager Come meet and hear son of Immanuel Mark Behle Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014 See Page 27 for more info 1 Debbie Bahr Property Manager Linda Zappe Church Secretary Office Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday - Friday From our Interim Pastor Memorials and honorariums Karen Knodt Dear Immanuel congregation and friends, In divinity school, it was common to refer to a pastor as having 3 different roles: pastor, priest, and prophet. The pastor role cares for members’ spiritual needs. The priest role leads worship and celebrates the sacraments. The prophet role speaks God’s truth to the present day. Of those three roles, we’re most familiar with the first two – pastor and priest. Since the 1980s preaching has been mostly pastoral and educational. In the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s some American pulpits and pastors claimed the prophetic role. The recent events in Ferguson remind me of a lesson that’s a part of interim ministry – how congregations and pastors negotiate the pastor’s role as prophet. A common misconception is that what a prophet does is predict the future. Old Testament prophets didn’t do that. They spoke God’s truth to the present. That’s fine when God’s truth is about how good things are. Do you remember times, in meetings or from the pulpit, when Immanuel’s pastors have said things about the church or the world that made you uncomfortable, or with which you disagreed? How did you react? I hope you’ve had a good enough relationship with your pastors to have honest and respectful conversation when you disagree. As pastors, it’s our responsibility to speak God’s truth honestly and respectful – not out of anger or for our own gain. It’s important for us to create opportunities for members to express their views honestly and respectfully, 2 (Continued on next page) In Memory of Rev. Sheryl S. Cross To the Sheryl Cross Cancer Research Fund Mr. Mrs. Gene Jackson Kent & Debbie Thies Roger & Susan Ressler Steve & Jan Fettig Jean Vortmeier Melinda Schuster Wilbur & Julie Gusewelle Marilyn Breitling Leonard & Lorraine Jaeger Elizabeth Yoon & Lys Buck Marilyn Prater Howdershell Animal Clinic Carolyn Rock Dan Cross Dwain Bollinger Gary & Sandy Smith Frank & Carolyn Lipski Virginia & Russ Viehmann Jennifer Hack Barbara Wehling Norman & Alice Krueger Henry & Suzanne Lentz To Every Child’s Hope ECH Operating Fund Glenn & Shirley Cordes 39 Memorials and honorariums In Memory of Rev. Sheryl S. Cross To the Sheryl Cross Cancer Research Fund Kolene Thies Marsha M. Medley Eileen Lischer Cyndi & Stuart James Don Flesch Mr. & Mrs. Franz Hildebrecht Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice Neil & Kathleen Noelker Harry & Mildred Johnson III Don & Diana Mulick Karen Nothdurft Mike & Belinda Lanfer John & Sue Oelzen Mark & Lori Kruckeberg Kerry Stonis Ott Joetta Vortmeier Ken & Sheryl Hencke Ken & Nancy Vortmeier Robert & Ruth Klenke Russ & Virginia Viehmann John Horseman (JM Horseman Group) George & Barb Krewson Cathy Thies Herb & Sally Duncan Audrey Turner Judith Thompson Keith & Lynn Wogtech 38 (Continued) and work toward consensus, or agree to disagree – “In essentials unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity” (St. Augustine). But it’s hard to talk about tough subjects, compromise, or agree to disagree – with one another or the pastor. What a teachable moment we have. In the weeks to come, as we begin our Bible study about sexuality, and as we listen for what God calls us to do and be here in Ferguson; there will be times when I and others feel called to take that seldom used role of prophet, and say tough things, we believe, on God’s behalf. May we treat one another with respect, and be willing to learn, to imagine what it might be like to live in someone else’s skin, and to listen. Part of the covenant you have with your pastor, and that we have with one another, is a respect for what each one of us feels God is calling us to do and be. In the months to come, may we listen for God’s voice so that we are faithful to the Christ who showed us what it looks like to live prophetically, and the Spirit who gives us the courage. Peace be with us, Pastor Karen September 8 & 15 Bible Study “Peter and Paul and the Christian Revolution” Join us for this 2 part DVD series, Mondays at 7 p.m. in Room 202 3 Church Council Minutes The Church Council met August 11, 2014. Income for July was $29,611.98, which is 28% under budgeted amount (July 2013 income was 25% under budgeted amount). YTD expenses for January - July were at 52% of budgeted amount (should be 55-60% of budgeted amount) so we are under budget for expenses. July attendance averaged 172/week (4 Sundays) (July 2014 averaged 206 week which included the 125th anniversary service and celebration). Letters of concern from members regarding a recent Council decision were read. A suggestion from a member was shared regarding getting back to having the senior pastor teach 2nd year confirmation using the Bible and catechism, and getting rid of Questioning Sunday. Sealing and striping of parking lots was completed as was the roof repair over the choir loft. Names of potential Nominating Committee members were put forth. A training in the use of AV equipment at church will be held. A team has been gathered to review church bylaws and offer ideas for updates. The following scholarships were recently awarded: Glenn Fox Scholarship – 14 scholarships at $800/each Brauch Scholarship – 1 scholarship at $2,000 Mary Thompson Scholarship – 3 scholarships at $700/each Brothers in Christ Scholarship – 2 scholarships at $1,000/ each. The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 7pm. All Immanuel members are welcome to attend Council meetings. There were 11 members in attendance at the August meeting; Council appreciates members taking time to attend meetings and voice concerns. Meetings are held year-round on the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning at 7pm in Room 202 in the Educational Building. Please check the weekly bulletin and/or the monthly Newsletter or eNewsletter to confirm date, time, and location. Council looks forward to having you attend a meeting and learn more about the business of our church! Respectfully Submitted, Krescene Beck, Church Council Secretary 4 Memorials and Honorariums In Memory of Rev. Sheryl S. Cross To the Parish Nurse Fund Charlene Trachte Lee & Joan Crawford Joanne Schneider & Krescene Beck Family Jeannette Monnig Bill & Gerry Becker Bill & Debbie Reape Charlie & Cathy Miller Robert & Carolyn Crowe Steven & Joyce Towner Ed & Jan Viehmann Marian Pohlmann Susan M. Deuser Carol Pohl Ida & Noel Cookson In Honor of John & Sue Oelzen’s 40th Anniversary To Immanuel General Fund Kermine Thies To the Congregation Dear Valued 2014 Workday Volunteers, This is a delayed thank you to all our volunteers that worked so hard to get Camp MoVal ready for our busy summer season. All the painting, power washing, debris removing, garden creating, pool cleaning, building demolishing, wood clearing, brush burning, trail clearing, firewood splitting, etc. really helped create a wonderful environment to serve the hundreds of campers that attended this year’s summer camp. The sacrifice of your time and use of your talents is greatly appreciated. We are so fortunate to have so many people that care. Thank you Immanuel!! 37 Sincerely, Camp MoVal Staff To The Congregation Greetings, We worship you, God and give you praises for supplying for our every need and more, Father. I love the way you use your children to fill our wants and desires of our hearts. The way you work and your timing is awesome and mind blowing. The song from my youth “You can’t beat God’s giving” is so true. Thank you Immanuel, one of our Lord’s tools which help to bless some of his children. May your walk with our Savior continue to bless you. Please continue to pray that we remain both efficient and effective in his service. In God’s service, Johnniest B. Henry Walter V. Fraction, Jr. Dear Church Family, I just wanted to say thank you for sending me to camp. I made a lot of new friends and had a TON of fun. I think it is just so generous of you guys to send me to camp, so Thank You! Sincerely, Emily Burke Dear Church Family, Thank you for helping me to to Camp MoVal for my 3rd year. I really enjoyed my time there because MoVal is one large family while you are at camp and everyone accepts one another. Tim Joachims Search Committee Due to the recent events occurring in the City of Ferguson, our most recent Search Committee meeting had to be postponed. It has not yet been rescheduled. The good new is that Melissa Kurtz has made great progress on the color church profile and has emailed the team with a nearly complete copy to review. This will allow the committee to continue making progress while the city restores a sense of calm. A topic that our team is already discussing is how the shooting of Michael Brown and the community's outrage will affect Immanuel's story. We will very likely change the profile to touch on the subject, even though events are still playing out. We have invited Rev. Allen Fluent to join us at an upcoming meeting. He will bring some sample candidate profiles to review with the team. We are also looking forward to hearing his comments about how the events in Ferguson may influence work going on in the wider conference. Respectfully yours, Charles Wolfersberger Search Committee Chair Dear Immanuel, Thank you so much for sending me to camp this year. I really made some great friends. Than you so much! Jennifer Joachims 36 5 Music Ministry To the MUSICIANS – CURRENT, PAST AND FUTURE – THAT INCLUDES ONE AND ALL! I know the above “headline” is the same as it was last month, BUT, the invitation is still the same. We have “open enrollment” and we have a robe reserved for you. The Sanctuary Choir - Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. We meet in the Reception Room, (downstairs from the sanctuary). There is also a Women’s and Men’s Chorus for you to consider. These groups only meet for 3 or 4 weeks and then sing in worship. Therefore, it is a much shorter commitment of time. The Women’s Chorus will begin on Thursday, September 4 from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. They will sing for worship on Sunday, September 28. Please come join us. SUNDAY SCHOOL SINGERS – Come on kids! Ask mom and dad to bring you to church at 9:30 on Sunday mornings so you can participate in the Sunday School Singers. If you are in grades 1st through 6th or have finished kindergarten, you are invited to be a part of our fun choir. We meet in the Music Room of the Educational Building and sing for “big” church once a month. The first rehearsal is Sunday, September 14. CRESCENDO RINGERS – The handbell choir will also begin rehearsals this month beginning Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in learning to play handbells or choir chimes, please let me know. I would really like to build a “training” group of ringers. Middle school, high school and adults are invited to give handbell ringing a try. A rehearsal time, convenient for all will be decided by participants. Come give it a try! JOIN OUR MUSIC MINISTRY! ALL ARE WELCOME! Read the schedule in the following “box” for all music happenings. 6 Congregation Dear Friends, Your generous donation to the Church World Service Blankets+ program tells people in crisis, “you’re not alone. Someone cares.” We are deeply grateful for your support. On behalf of all the people who feel more hopeful and less alone because of your generosity, we thank you. Sincerely, Rev. John L. McCullough President & CEO of Church World Service Dear Immanuel Friends and Members, Thank you so much for your kind phone calls, get well cards, prayers from the Prayer Circle and thoughts during my July recuperation from vascular surgery. It is always so heartwarming to know I have God’s blessings and such good friends at Immanuel to get me through the many challenges I seem to face. In Christian Love, Maureen Hatch To Immanuel Church Family, Thank you for helping send us to Camp MoVal. We had a really good time and good fellowship. The Carroll Kids, Peyton, Taylor, Madison, Cooper and Mason (grandmother Dody Carroll) Dear Immanuel family, A heartfelt thank you to our church family and friends for all the concern and prayers. Sincerely, Ron & Merry Geisler 35 2014 Every Child’s Hope Food Basket Collection Tear this out for early shoppers 2 cans 1 box 1 large can 1 bottle 1 box 2 cans 1 box 2 cans 2 cans 2 Packages 2 cans 2 boxes _ 2 boxes 2 boxes 2 boxes 1 box 1 box 1 bottle 1 jar each 2 boxes 1 box 2 cans 1 box 1 can 2 cans 2 boxes 2 cans 1 large can 34 1 box Purchased Yes or No ________________________________________________________________________ Beef Stew Cereal Chicken Chocolate Syrup Cookies/Cupcakes Corn Crackers Evaporated Milk Fruit Gravy Green Beans Instant Potatoes Jello Juice Boxes Macaroni & Cheese Muffin Mix Pancake Mix Pancake Syrup Peanut Butter/Jelly Pudding Rice Soup Spaghetti Spaghetti Sauce Spaghettios Stuffing Sweet Potatoes Tuna Tuna Helper Quantity _________________________________________________________________________ Food Item September dates to remember – mark your calendars: September Rehearsal Schedule Women’s Chorus, Thursdays, 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Reception Room Sanctuary Choir, Thursdays, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Reception Room Sunday School Singers – Sundays - 9:30 a.m. Music Room, Educational Building Crescendo Ringers, Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Music Room, Educational Building 7 Linda Stoecklin This month I am going to place an article written by Dr. Rachel Morel, DO on Acute Stress Disorder. I encourage you to attend this event at Immanuel if you, a family member, or someone you know may be suffering from the symptoms listed below. After a traumatic event like the crisis in Ferguson, some people become fearful and overwhelmed with emotion. It happens to between 5-20% of those who witness or are affected by a crisis. This can become Acute Stress Disorder and has the following signs and symptoms: A feeling of numbness. A feeling of “being in a daze.” Feelings that things are not real. Feeling like you are outside of your body. Not being able to remember the events that happened. Reliving the trauma with or without a trigger. Avoiding things that remind you of the events. Trouble sleeping, easily irritated, nervousness, poor Concentration. All of these symptoms can then cause you to not be able to do things you used to be able to do like going to work or taking care of your kids. These can happen between 2 days and a month after the crisis. If you have any of these symptoms, please come to the Mental Health Fair at Immanuel UCC at 221 Church Street in Ferguson. It is on Saturday, September 6th from 10-2. There will be screenings for these types of symptoms as well as for others. You will then be given resources to help you get back to doing what you need to do. At least 90% of people fully recover as long as they seek help. You are not alone because there are others around you who are having the same issues. Please don’t wait - come and get the resources you need. Dr. Rachel Morel, D.O Psychiatrist and native Fergusonian 8 Peace and Love, Linda Things went very well at Room at the Inn in July. We had five guests, two single women and a mother with two children (ages 5 and 10). Krescene and Hannah Beck were our innkeepers. Hannah did crafts with the 5-year-old little girl all evening. On Friday morning when our guests were getting ready to return to the Room at the Inn day site, the little girl hugged Hannah tightly. Hannah had made a difference in her life even if it was just for one night. One of the women had just come into the Room at the Inn program that day. Immanuel was the first church where she spent the night. She kept commenting how nice everything was. She liked sitting at the table in the Fireside room and having a family-style meal. When she heard that Immanuel had showers, she was so happy, but she asked timidly, “is there a time limit?” She wanted to make sure she followed the rules. We will host Room at the Inn again on October 30th. We’ll celebrate Halloween that evening. There will be more information about the meal in the October newsletter. Thanks to everyone who support this important ministry! 33 Women’s Fellowship Bible Study, Luncheon & Program FREE Screenings Thursday, September 4 Our Program is “Chocolate” - Betsey Alexander from the Mo. Botanical Garden will be telling us about chocolate. Did you know chocolate is made from dried, fermented, roasted, ground seeds of the “Theobroma cacao” tree? Come join us on Sept. 7th, to learn more about chocolate and enjoy our annual baked potato bar lunch. Please bring some empty baskets, and new or gently used items for making baskets for the card party. for the Community: Diabetes, PTSD, Depression and Anxiety Speaker: Dr. Morel, DO of Psychiatry on Acute -Stress Disorder and Suicide. Mark Your Calendars! Card/Game Party & Luncheon Thursday, October 9th FREE Food and Refreshments Doors Open at 10:00 a.m. - Noon Luncheon - Party at 1 p.m. FUN! $10 Donation - Call 314-522-3718 or Church Office 314-521-7324 FUN ! RAFFLE FOR: Handmade Quilt, Afghan, Miniature Scene, Painting, Flower Arrangement, hand crafted Wood Shelf & More Questions please Contact Rebecca Poindexter 314-653-5642 Mental Health Wellness Fair Prevalence of Acute Stress Disorder is between 5-20% after a traumatic event. 90% of people respond to treatment and fully recover. Saturday, September 6th, 2014 Where: Immanuel United Church of Christ 221 Church St. Ferguson, MO 63135 Time: 10:00 am-2:00 pm Raffle Tickets: $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 No RSVP needed. Table Prizes and Attendance Prizes Women’s Fellowship Executive Meeting Thursday, September32 18, 9:30 a.m. Room 202 9 News From our Director of Christian Education, Sarah Klasing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Fill in the Blank” questions were, hands down, my favorite questions I had to grade when I was teaching elementary school. The answer key gave one correct answer, but there would almost always be a paper turned in with another answer that made me stop and think. The answer was different, but it was still accurate and true. I would give the student credit, and sometimes get the chance to ask them how they thought of their answer. My conversations always left me smiling at the many ways people think and how we perceive the world around us. This summer, Immanuel used a VBS curriculum for our Sunday School programming. It guided us as we explored ways to “Imagine and Build with God”. Our scriptures, stories, crafts, games and prayers followed the themes of “Imagine with God”, “Build with God”, “Grow with God”, “Work with God” and “Walk with God”. During one of our last chapel times together, we were going to review all of the wonderful ways we learned that we can build our relationship with God. So we started with ____________________________ with God! (Fill in the blank) Well Imagine, Build, Grow, Work and Walk were all remembered, but the joy came when we added Play, Love, Celebrate, Forgive, Put together a puzzle, Go to school, Pray, Sing, Make friends, Share, and Pick flowers to our list! ________________________________ with God! How would you “fill in the blank”? 10 Long Meadow Ranch “Wish List: Bleach, paper towels, white exterior paint for metal, paint mitts and paint brushes, over the fence feeders, heat bulbs, heat lamps, 2-way radios, batteries (all sizes), Rechargeable batteries & chargers, large Kong toys, hose spray nozzles, plastic kids swimming pools, breakaway halters, cotton lead ropes, riding helmets, hi-lighter pens, zip ties, jolly balls, Ziploc gallon and quart bags, copy paper (white, green, blue, yellow), duct tape, Saran wrap, wire cutters, air freshener. Donations to Giddy Up & Go (surgery fund), donation boxes (pays for feed for animals), gift certificates to feed stores, donations to fence fund, mini horse sized cart & harness, mini horse halters, horse hair detangler, XL portable Vari-kennels (for goats and potbellied pigs), plastic sandboxes or kiddie pools to fill with water to keep the pigs cool in summer, medical supplies (vet wrap, brown gauze 4”, Gauze pads 4x4 cotton, manure forks, stall bedding, Dump bed trailer, western saddles, hot walker. First Presbyterian Hosts Trivia Night For the Homeless. TRIVIA NIGHT 2014 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, September 27 at First Presbyterian Church, 401 Darst, Ferguson, MO Teams of 8 people will be competing against each other. Each table costs $120 or $15 per person, with snacks & soft drinks provided. If you would like to reserve a table or make a basket donation, Please contact Karen Schriefer - 314-522-6842 or at or Jamie McDonald - 314-839-1204, or 31 Adventure Seekers Activities 2014 Calendar Sept. 18 - Long Meadow Rescue Ranch: The Wish List for the Ranch is on the next page, so we can help them out as we have done in the past. Meet at Church parking lot at 9:30, and leave at 9:45. Lunch at the Junie Moon Café (on your own). Tour cost: $6.00 per person. Oct. - The Voices of Valhalla Board of Christian Education Minutes The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, August 5th, and discussed the following: TREASURER’S REPORT: The Board of Christian Ed did not meet as a whole in July, but a few members met to put together a 2015 budget proposal. The Board agreed on the 2015 budget proposal and it will be submitted to Church Council. At the August meeting, a revised report of May spending, and the spending for the months of June and July were approved. A $10 fee keeps showing up on the bank statements, but the bank later removes it. The Board received a disbursement in June to pay for July expenses. SUNDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR’S REPORT: Average July attendance was 26 students, 10 teachers. Nov. - Holocaust Museum Dec. - Holiday Brass Concert Jan. 2015 - Planning meeting Come join us for the 2014 adventures!!! More details to come on some of the trips, so watch the newsletters and the weekly bulletins. COFFEE, TEA & CHOCOLATES! Fair Trade coffee sales will be available on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Proud Mama Coffee (caffeine & decaf) & more chocolates: Dark Chocolate with Raspberry, Dark Chocolate Caramel Crunch or Mint Chocolate. All are sold in the Reception Room and the Narthex. These sales support small coffee farmers in various countries. 30 ADULT EDUCATION: MONDAY Night Bible Study is watching a DVD series with discussion. Nurse Linda Stoecklin is hosting “Your Whole Life,” where diet, devotion, and discipline is discussed. Adult Sunday School will begin in September. YOUTH: A letter was received from the new Associate Pastor at St. Peters UCC about wanting to brainstorm and possibly joining our youth groups together for activities. Keep an eye on the church bulletin for future youth activities. Feelings were expressed again that youth and adult integration is needed. RALLY DAY: Sunday, August 24th. Fall/School Year Sunday School classes start. Fourth grade children will get Bibles. Confirmation classes begin. All Immanuel members are invited to attend Board of CE meetings held every 1st Tuesday of the month, in the library of the Educational building. Respectfully Submitted, Laura K. Payer, BCE Secretary 11 E-Team (Evangelism) In Action! As we care for all God’s creatures The E-Team invites you to a community “Pet Blessing” Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Knitting season is not far off. We, of the Prayer Shawl Ministry need yarn to knit the shawls. Lion Brand Homespun is the type of yarn needed, donations will be appreciated. Prayer Shawls can be crocheted, also. Meeting: Thursday, September 25th at 10:00 - Room 202 On the Educational Building Parking Lot If interested call Eleanor Hoefle, 314-869-6534. Come enjoy hot dogs & chips, fun, live music, and fellowship. Lectionary Please have your pet on a leash or in a cage. If your pet is aggressive, please bring a picture in place of your pet. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket. An ice cream truck will be available for the purchase of ice cream treats. September 7, 2014, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 12:1-14 Ezekiel 33:7-11 Romans 13:8-14 September 14, 2014, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 14:19-31 Genesis 50:15-21 Romans 14-1-12 September 21, 2014, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 145:1-8 Matthew 20:1-16 Don’t miss our E-Team’s Potluck Dinner to be held Sunday, November 16 at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 12 September 28, 2014, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 17:1-7 Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 Matthew 21:23-32 29 Dwain & Rose Bollinger Webster Groves Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Westborough Country Club present: First Annual Charity Golf Outing For Room at The Inn www. Barb Krewson Jean Monica Registration 10 a.m. - Lunch 11 a.m. - Shotgun start 12 p.m. 10:00 am Linda Stoecklin & Teddy Branom Leslie Jones Sept 28 - 8:30 am Bonnie & Bud Heenan Darrell & Cindy Thies Barb & Nick Thompson Betty Marino 10:00 am Sue & Melinda Schuster Bud & Bonnie Heenan Beverly Dow Carol Shinn & Sandra Morello Debbie & Bill Reape Jeff Remmert 10:00 am Bill & Darlene Kinderman Christine Struble Beverly Griffin Sept 14 - 8:30 am Phyllis Martinez 10:00 am Cassie Weber Noel & Ida Cookson Scott & Karin Oelzen Russ Viehmann Sept 7 - 8:30 am Barb Bloomfield Sanctuary Greeters Front Door Greeters Lay Readers SUNDAYS Sept 21 - 8:30 am 28 Monday, October 6, 2014 The cost is $150 per golfer or $600 per foursome. For more information call Colleen Price at 314-209-9181, via email: at or at our website listed above. You’re going to be in pictures! Oct. 8 – 11 and 22 – 25 2 – 9 pm weekdays 10 am – 5 pm Saturdays LifeTouch Studios will be at Immanuel to photograph members and friends for a new church photo directory. Beginning Sept. 7 you’ll be able to make an appointment at church or online. Stay tuned for more information…… 13 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED AND SECOND MILE GIVING Church Women United has again taken on the challenge of making kits for Church World Service and the Festival of Sharing. This is not in place of Immanuel’s Festival of Sharing collection. This is an opportunity to go the second mile and fill kits for the North County Unit of Church Women United to which Immanuel belongs. The North County Unit has pledged to fill 3 Family Food Packs, 12 School Kits and 55 Prison Packs. The Food Packs and Prison Packs are distributed in Missouri. Contents of each kit are listed below. SCHOOL KITS: 1 pair metal blunt child’s scissors (round tip); 1 box of 24 crayons (Crayola Brand Does not melt in transit); one 12” ruler; 6 new pencils with erasers, hand-held pencil sharpener; large eraser; 3-70 page spiral notebooks or notebooks containing a total of 200-210 sheets (no loose leaf or filler paper). Place items in a cloth bag with cloth handles 12”x14” or 14”x 17”. (please no reusable shopping bags or backpacks.) NANCY REMMERT HAS COTTON BAGS AVAILABLE FOR THESE KITS $3.00 EACH. FAMILY FOOD PACKS: 3 cans assorted vegetables, 2 cans assorted fruit, 3 cans tuna, 1 can pasta sauce, 1 pound pasta, 1 jar peanut butter, 1 can Spam, 3 packages macaroni & cheese. Place in sturdy box or book carton tape and label “Family Food Pack.” WOMEN’S PRISON PACK: 1 shampoo (12-16 oz. size, alcohol-free only, must be transparent) acceptable brands: Suave, Equate Herbal, Personal Care Herbal, Alberto VO5, Style. 1 Tube toothpaste (6-6.4 oz size, alcohol-free only), acceptable brands: Ultrabright, Colgate, Crest, Aquafresh, Gleem. 1 Deodorant (2-3 oz. size, alcohol-free only, no roll-ons, no men’s brands; acceptable brands: Mitchum for Women, Almay clear Gel, Soft & Dri, Crystal Stick. 1 emery board, 1 eyebrow pencil. Toothbrushes are not allowed as part of these kits. Place the items in a 1 gallon plastic bag and punch a hole in the upper right corner so it cannot be sealed tightly. Mark Behle Sunday, September 14 - 11:30 a.m. In the Reception Room Mark grew up at Immanuel and has been a missionary with Global Ministries for the past 29 years. He will speak about his work, life in Lesotho and the Lesotho Evangelical Church. His current assignment involves working with the LECSA’s Planning Commission which is tasked with overall church planning, developing a strategic plan and church restructuring, amount other issues. He also works on various projects of the church such as the construction of new classrooms for one of the church's primary schools. Sandwiches, desserts and drinks will be provided; bring a side dish to share! We will have childcare for ages 2 and under. So that we know how many to expect, please let us know who’s coming by Friday, Sept. 12, 2014. ------------------------------------------Tear this out and return to the church office or place in the offering plate by Sept. 12th. Name __________________________________________ The Women’s Prison Packs are the most crucial. Over 3,000 are needed each year. The School Kits are one of the most requested items. Please consider this when you decide which kits to fill. Number attending __________________ THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE EFFORT OF CHURCH WOMEN UNITED IN NORTH COUNTY. I will need childcare for __________ child/children 14 27 The 14th Annual GOLF CLASSIC BENEFITTING ech every child’s hope Monday, September 22, 2014 Old Hickory Golf Club St. Peter’s MO 63376 - 314-427-3755 Please register on our website at: or make checks to: ECH 8240 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114 Registration & entry fee deadline is Sept. 16, 2014 Immanuel’s 2014 Golf Tournament Our Tournament will not be held this year. We look forward to seeing you in 2015 at Berry Hills Golf Course. Bon Appetit “Meet in the Homes” Group The Bon Appetit “Meet in the Homes” Group Our get-togethers for the remainder of 2014 are listed below. You may invite any who are interested in sharing a pot-luck meal and lively conversation to join us. Our purpose is merely to get to know one another in the church. You are welcome to attend any meeting; joining the group is optional. Our meetings are listed below. Please call Shirley Joellenbeck at 314-741-2676 or email her at: if you wish to attend. September 14 - Noon at Larry and Sandy Priem’s home in Florissant October 12 - Noon at Al and Shirley Joellenbeck’s in Florissant December 5 - 6:30 p.m. at George and Paula Hildebrand’s in St. Charles Bon Appetit Restaurant Group Bon Appetit Restaurant Group Come join us Wednesday, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at the Ferguson Brewhouse. Come one, come all for great friendship and great food. If you need a ride, please let me know. All those interested in joining us, please email me as soon as possible at: or call me 26 314-494-3561, if you don’t have internet service. - Jerry Hupe 15 BUDGET COMPARISON FOR JULY 2014 Continued MTD To generate financial and material aid responses for hunger, poverty and crisis; To meet and challenge injustice through advocacy and systemic change; To promote awareness of hunger and justice issues, local and international outreach opportunities and stewardship responsibilities; and % of Bgt 14,072.94 24,125.00 58 St. Louis Association 1,031.25 7,218.75 12,375.00 58 50.00 50.00 8,000.00 1 0.00 50.00 11,000.00 0 0.00 50.00 11,000.00 0 St. John Community Services 0.00 50.00 650.00 8 CUE Seminary Support 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0 Room at the Inn Exp. 50.00 50.00 200.00 25 Habitat for Humanity Exp. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Care & Counseling 0.00 0.00 600.00 0 Lydia's House 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0 TBD Local Charity 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0 $3,141.67 $21,541.69 $77,950.00 28 $36,855.85 $295,469.88 $573,055.00 52 Total Benevolences Total Expense RECAP OF GENERAL FUNDS RECEIPTS FOR JULY 2014 Current Activity To encourage and enable hands-on experience with mission projects. The kits selected for this year by the Mission Outreach Committee are: Paper Products Pack for Missouri Families: 3 packages toilet tissue (4 double rolls per pack) 2 rolls paper towels (good quality) 2 boxes facial tissue (large rectangular boxes) Place all items in a tall-sized kitchen trash bags. (Continued on next page) 16 Budget 2,010.42 UC Neighborhood Houses Exp. Every Child's Hope "ECH" Exp. Emmaus Homes-Operations It’s time for the Festival of Sharing! This year’s theme is Breaking the Chains of Hunger and Poverty. Now in its 32nd year, the Festival is an interfaith expression of mission support and involvement that has helped improve the lives of countless individuals in Missouri and around the world. People from more than 30 denominations and church organizations help the Festival to generate approximately $1 million annually. The purposes of Festival of Sharing are: YTD Budget Our Church's Wider Mission 25 YTD (Festival of Sharing Continued….) BUDGET COMPARISON FOR JULY 2014 MTD Gas YTD Budget Budget % of Bgt 188.85 13,615.95 17,000.00 80 2,292.35 10,042.77 20,000.00 50 Water 0.00 402.81 700.00 58 Sewer 87.18 675.26 1,200.00 56 276.56 1,957.38 5,000.00 39 0.00 9,454.00 21,000.00 45 1,532.00 24,197.11 28,000.00 86 343.81 976.39 1,500.00 65 Church Supplies 29.85 4,540.85 8,500.00 53 Office Supplies 170.60 2,640.41 7,000.00 38 Postage 132.57 2,163.59 6,000.00 36 Mileage Reimbursement 673.06 1,390.53 4,000.00 35 0.00 252.75 2,000.00 13 0.00 4,433.34 13,300.00 33 114.45 1,473.13 3,000.00 49 396.94 1,743.64 1,000.00 174 576.75 2,698.22 4,000.00 67 0.00 0.00 500.00 0 279.12 924.02 3,000.00 31 0.00 445.58 750.00 59 0.00 314.72 400.00 79 0.00 227.66 3,000.00 8 Total Other Operating Expenses $7,094.09 $84,570.11 $150,850.00 56 Payroll and Insurance Costs $26,620.09 $189,358.08 $344,255.00 55 Total Operating Expenses $33,714.18 $273,928.19 $495,105.00 55 Electricity Telephone Insurance Repair & Maintenance Janitorial Supplies Music Board of Christian Education Miscellaneous Evangelism & Communication Staff Continue Ed & Conference Stewardship Mission Outreach Parish Life Worship Committee Expenses Search Committee Expenses 24 Student Dental Pack for Missouri Families: 4 child size soft toothbrushes 1 fluoride toothpaste, 6oz or larger 2 adult soft toothbrushes 1 dental floss Place items in a 1 gallon ziplock bag. Readin’ & Writin’ Pack: 6 new pencils with erasers 2” eraser 2 ink pens (medium point) 1 box of 24 crayons 1 pencil holder 1 12” ruler 1 pair of child-sized metal scissors 6 folders with pockets 2 spiral bound notebooks (for a total of 140 pieces of paper) Place items inside the pencil holder. Place all items in a 2 gallon ziplock bag. Health Kit for Church World Services: 1 hand towel (16” x 28”) 1 washcloth 1 bar of soap (bath size in wrapper) 1 toothbrush (in original package) 1 metal nail clipper, remove packaging (no metal files or emery boards) 1 wide-tooth comb (remove packaging) 6 standard size band-aids Place items in a 1 gallon ziplock bag. ** Please note that 1 and 2 gallon ziplock bags are available in the Reception Room for you to put your kits in; you do not need to purchase ziplock bags…please use ours! In addition to the kits, church members can donate garden seeds (must be packages of vegetable seeds no more than one year old) and eyeglasses. Collection of kits began Sunday, July 13 and runs through midSeptember. Visit our display table in the Narthex July – September. Please place all donations in the Reception Room. Learn more about Festival of Sharing by logging on to 17 9/2 9/2 9/4 9/4 9/4 9/4 9/4 9/5 9/5 9/7 9/7 0/8 9/8 9/8 9/8 9/8 9/11 9/11 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/15 9/15 Linda Stoecklin Mark Lipski Cheryl Doggett Cathy Kalkbrenner Kyle Schnurbusch Kevin Clark Cory Schnurbusch Kate Tocco Kelly Stockwell Cynthia Tharp Brian Viehmann Wanda Young Jerald Hupe Michelle Vandever Denny Halleman Kyle Wogtech Claudette Miller Ann Picaud Barbara Hoener Barb Higgins Debbie Bahr Chris Wolfersberger John Hamby John Vortmeier 9/15 9/15 9/16 9/16 9/17 9/19 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/21 9/21 9/22 9/22 9/23 9/24 9/24 9/24 9/25 9/25 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/29 Accessibility Fund Music Enhancement Fund Bell Choir Fund Organ Fund Brauch Scholarship Fund-Interest Fred and Florence Kiefer Fund Bldg & Capital Improvemnt Fund Kitchen Renovation Fund Viehmann Memorial Fund Prosser Samaritan Fund Brauch Scholarship Fund-Princ General Fund Budgeted Benevolences Fund 18 23 TOTALS Endowment Fund-Interest Clearing Account Fund Maxine Anderson Estate Fund Mary Thompson Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund-Principal Parish Nurse Fund Discretionary Assistance Fund Camp MoVal Fund Audio Ministry Fund Good Samaritan Fund Heritage Fnd-Principal Heritage Fund-Interest $2,119,972.49 (46,320.47) 0.00 8,897.47 12,755.07 100,035.00 26,445.60 306,007.50 1,958.72 880.00 9,223.00 3,728.28 (127.30) 9,437.95 5,462.56 103,160.19 18,066.21 16,677.91 2,762.12 30.35 2,030.28 1,034,328.93 17,163.69 167,856.82 253,109.32 66,403.29 $33,255.64 29459.66 100 0 (91.22) 0 360.86 351.05 460 0 0 0 0 0 168.06 (246.06) 371.73 50 0 0 0 1181.99 (18.59) 0 290.43 817.73 $47,392.90 33714.18 3141.67 4440.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 698 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 5098.65 $0.00 (3,041.67) 3,041.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 Transfers/E’s Sonny Adams Johnathan Lum Al Joellenbeck Alan Murphy Jessie Prater LaVerne Frick Helen Stephan Shannon Eckert Josh Hackmann Erich Topp Heather Lanfer Ida Cookson Matt Lanfer Linda Bangert Karen Fox Scott Oelzen Chuck Widbin II Arthur Rinderknecht Annette Howard Mark Behle Janet Becker Andrew Prater Jean Monica Susan Deuser Disb. $2,105,835.23 (53,616.66) 0.00 4,457.07 12,663.85 100,035.00 26,806.46 306,358.55 2,418.72 880.00 9,223.00 3,728.28 (127.30) 9,437.95 4,932.62 102,914.13 18,437.94 16,727.91 2,462.12 30.35 2,030.28 1,035,510.92 15,145.10 167,856.82 253,399.75 64,122.37 End Balance those who celebrate in the month of SEPTEMBER!! (Note: Members include those who are confirmed and older; younger children receive birthday cards in the mail.) Call the office if your name has been missed. Receipts Happy Birthday! Beg. Balance CONSOLIDATED FUND ACTIVITIY REPORT FOR JULY 2014 More September Birthdays! FUND BALANCES FOR JULY 2014 General Fund (53,616.66) 4,457.07 12,663.85 100,035.00 26,806.46 306,358.55 2,418.72 880.00 9,223.00 3,728.28 (127.30) 9,437.95 4,932.62 102,914.13 18,437.94 16,727.91 2,462.12 30.35 2,030.28 1,035,510.92 15,145.10 167,856.82 253,399.75 64,122.37 Viehmann Memorial Fund Prosser Samaritan Fund Brauch Scholarship Fund-Princ Brauch Scholarship Fund-Interest Fred and Florence Kiefer Fund Bldg & Capital Improvemnt Fund Kitchen Renovation Fund Accessibility Fund Music Enhancement Fund Bell Choir Fund Organ Fund Good Samaritan Fund Heritage Fnd-Principal Heritage Fund-Interest Parish Nurse Fund Discretionary Assistance Fund Camp MoVal Fund Audio Ministry Fund Maxine Anderson Estate Fund Mary Thompson Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund-Principal Endowment Fund-Interest Clearing Account Fund Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 9/29 9/29 9/29 Cathy Miller Beverly Stephan Holly Adkison 9/29 9/30 9/30 Widen the Welcome Bible Study At our June discussion with Missouri MidSouth Open and Affirming facilitator, Sheila Merrill, the group who gathered that evening decided that what Immanuel needs next is to learn more about what the Bible teaches about sexuality. The Transition Team, staff, and pastor have planned a fall series that will begin Sunday, September 21. We’ve invited Eden Seminary professors and others to share their expertise. We’ll begin on Sept. 21 with Pastor Karen offering an introduction. On Sept. 28, Prof. Laurel Kopf-Taylor will talk about Old Testament family values. $2,105,835.23 We’ll meet two Sundays a month, and offer 2 different times – 1:30 and 6:30 (same presentation), listening and discussing for 90 minutes, in room 202. During our June gathering the discussion broadened to include the goal of Immanuel learning to being more welcoming of all kinds of people (including one another), hence the title. Come listen and learn! $2,105,835.23 Sept. 21 - 1:30 & 7 p.m. Later start because of Pet Blessing Introduction Pastor Karen Sept. 28 - 1:30 & 6:30 p.m. Old Testament family values Prof. Laurel Kopf-Taylor 22 Nate Kalkbrenner William Thompson Devion Jackson-Post 19 Sun 7 _____________ September 2014 Mon 1 OFFICE CLOSED 2 10 am PACE Rm 100 7 PM BCE Mtg. Lib. 7 pm Search Com. Mtg Rm 202 8 9 Holy Communion Name Tag Sunday 8:30 am Bible Study 11:30 am Mission Outreach Mtg. Lib. 6:30 pm Bowling League Olympic Lanes 14 15 8:30 am Bible Study 9:30 am Sunday School Singers MR 9:30 am BP Screenings AR Mark Behle Speaking at 11:30 RR Tue 9 am Prayer Circle Rm 202 10 am PACE Rm 100 12:15 pm Ministerial Alliance Mgt. FH 7 pm Bible Study Rm 202 DVD “Peter & Paul” 7 pm Church Council Rm 202 6:30 pm Bowling Olympic Lanes 7 pm Bible Study Rm 202 DVD “Peter & Paul” 21 8:30 am Bible St 22 10:30 am W. F. Bible Study, Chapel 11:30 am W.F. Luncheon FH 7 pm Stewardship Mtg 7 pm Women’s Chorus RR 7:30 Sanctuary Choir RR 5 10 11 12 9 am Quilters Rm 100 10 am Prayer & Share Rm 202 10 am Staff Mtg Lib. 7 pm Women’s Chorus RR 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir RR 6 pm Bon Appetit 7 pm Crescendo Ringers MR 9 am Quilters-Rm 100 10 am Prayer & Share Rm 202 10 am Staff Mtg Lib 7 pm Bible Study Rm 202 20 10 am PACE Rm 100 Sat 6 10 am-2 pm Mental Health Fair - FH 13 10 am PACE Rm 100 18 19 20 7 pm Crescendo Ringers MR 9:30 am Women’s Fellowship Exec Mtg Rm 202 9:45 am Long Meadow Ranch Trip 7 pm Women’s Chorus RR 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir RR 24 25 26 27 Newsletter Deadline! 9 am Quilters - Rm 100 10 am Prayer & Share Rm 202 10 am Staff Mtg, Lib 7 pm Crescendo Ringers MR 9 am Assemble Newsletter 10 am Prayer Shawl Mtg Rm 202 7 pm Women’s Chorus RR 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir RR 30 8:30 am Bible Study 9:30 am Sunday School 6:30 pm Bowling Olympic 10 am PACE Rm 100 Singers MR Lanes 1:30 & 6:30 pm Widen the Welcome Rm 202 Fri 4 10 am PACE Rm 100 7 pm Search Com. Mtg. Rm 202 Thu 9 am Quilters Rm 100 10 am Prayer & Share Rm 202 10 am Staff Mtg Lib Lydia’s House Dinner 7 pm Crescendo Ringers 17 23 29 3 16 9:30 am Sunday School Singers MR 10 am PACE Rm 100 1:30 & 7 pm Widen the 6:30 pm Bowling Olympic Welcome Rm 202 Lanes 3 pm Interfaith Dialogue Rm 202 7 pm Bible Study Rm 5:30 pm Pet Blessing 202 BBQ/music/ice cream FH Parking Lot 28 Wed Every Sunday (unless noted differently): 8:30 & 10:00 am—Worship Service—Sanctuary 10:00 am—Church School FH FR AR Sanc 10 am PACE Rm 100 10 am PACE Rm 100 ROOM CODES: Fellowship Hall RR Reception Room Fireside Room CH Chapel Archive Room Lib Library Sanctuary MR Music Room 21