February HaKol - Herzl
February HaKol - Herzl
February 2016 HaKol HaKol is the monthly newsletter of Herzl-Ner Tamid Herzl-Ner Tamid 3700 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 Shevat / Adar 5776 THE 2016 LEGACY BRUNCH FUNDRAISER BUILDING TOGETHER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM ANNUAL COMMITMENTS (DUES) LEGACY BRUNCH AL PE AL AP ANNU Honoring The Bob Zimmerman Community Leadership Award recipients Carol z"l and Rabbi Bob Maslan $2 00 , 0 2 0 RSVP & HELP FILL THE GAP AT: H-NT.ORG/LEGACY 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org PROGRAM REVENUES THE 2016 LEGACY BRUNCH BUILDING TOGETHER Sunday, February 28 In the spirit of inclusivity and commitment, Joann & Carl Bianco, Celie & Zane Brown, Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty, Jill & Chuck Friedman, and Gwenn & Dean Polik are generously underwriting the cost of the 2016 Legacy Brunch. 100% of your donation will go directly to HNT’s ongoing needs. And because each of us has a ‘piece’ to give, we are all challenged to do our part… If you are a new donor or increase your gift over last year, Susan & Lonnie Edelheit, Peggy & Bruce Gladner, and Mindy Hara & Sandy Salzberg will match that increased giving up to $26,800. LEADERSHIP: $10,000+ parking spaces as needed LEGACY: $5,000+ 2 named reserved parking spaces SUSTAINING: $2,500+ 1 named reserved parking space SPONSORING: $1,800+ 1 reserved parking space SUPPORTING: $1,000+ CONTRIBUTING: $500+ SUGGESTED MINIMUM DONATION: $180 PER PERSON Herzl-Ner Tamid is our spiritual home. The home of our congregational family and community. Like our own family home, we must take care of its physical structure. We must insure that our values and priorities are reflected within our Jewish home and, like in all communities, each of us has a responsibility to do our part. Only then are we whole. www.RadmanPhotography.com Only then do we stand united as one. At the Legacy Brunch on February 28, we will inaugurate the Bob Zimmerman Community Leadership Award. Our honorees and first recipients, Carol z”l and Bob Maslan, are doogmaim, role models, individually and as a family, of what it means to a live a life guided by a commitment to the needs of our HNT family, communal leadership and many good deeds and acts of loving kindness. The award is named for our beloved Bob Zimmerman z”l, a mentor for learners of all ages and a spiritual guide to many. He was someone who devoted endless time and energy towards creating community and safeguarding our ritual gifts and building space, and who did it all with compassion and grace. Please join together in our spiritual home, with our congregational family and community, as we honor Carol z”l and Rabbi Bob for the impact they have had throughout their careers and lives, as well as the lasting legacy of our beloved Bob Z z”l. Your generous donations go directly to maintaining our building and insuring that our educational and thematic programs continue to thrive, grow and remain inclusive. In so doing, we help insure that the work of these doogmaim continues for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. Make your pledge and RSVP at h-nt.org/legacy 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 3 A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ROSENBAUM Friendship and Light In our Tradition, light always symbolizes hope. And, hope is connected to friendship. For example, when the light of the new moon is first visible in the night sky, it represents the possibility of increasing happiness in the world. The full moon represents the hope for the ideal world, the coming of the Messiah. So, anywhere between the third and fifteenth night of the lunar cycle, we give thanks for the light of the moon in a ceremony called Kiddush Levana, The Sanctification of the New Moon. There are prayers and a moon dance (I’m not kidding). And, the very last thing we do is seek out 3 people to offer wishes of shalom aleichem/peace be with you, with a hearty shake of the hand. When someone offers us the greeting, we reply: Aleichem shalom. That’s because friendship among us is what is going to bring about a Messianic world. This connection between friendship and light occurs in at least two more places in Jewish practice. The first is Purim. The Megillah tells us that when Haman was defeated, la’yehudim hayta ora v’simcha/the Jews had light and joy. How did we celebrate our happiness? Esther and Mordecai established the 14th of Adar of every year as a day to read the Megillah, give gifts to the poor, u’mishloach manot ish l’rei’eihu/send gifts of food to our friends. Jewish law later concretized this as a minimal obligation for each of us to send a food gift with at least two types of food to at least two friends. This mitzvah is called mishloach manot or shalach manot. A third connection between friendship and light occurs every week in havdalah. There is a modern custom of having everyone in the room link arms in friendship as havdalah begins and we sing Eliyahu Hanavi, dreaming of a better world. We turn off all the lights. The darkness represents the world before Creation. And, the havdalah candle represents our ability to co-create a new world with God, and to overcome whatever darkness we might find in the world in the week ahead. Then, there is a Purim moment. We say: la’yehudim hayta ora v’simcha, sasson v’yikar, ken tihiyeh lanu/the Jews (who defeated Haman) had light and joy, gladness and honor; so may it be for us! For a brief moment at the beginning of every week, we relive the moment that the Jewish people went from darkness to light. And, we assure ourselves that if Mordecai and Esther could overcome the deepest darkness, so can we. At HNT this year, we are going to combine all three of these moments. Each of us is going to have the opportunity to give shalach manot to our friends as a way to express our affection and in a way that also helps our synagogue. Inside each shalach manot package we are preparing will be sweetness and light— delicious chocolate; Shabbat candles; and a havdalah candle so we can experience the light and joy of Purim all year round. 4 Every gift of shalach manot will increase friendship in our congregation. And, each time we light our havdalah candle, it can remind us of the friends who thought of us and the friends we honored. With a simple act of giving this year, we can spread good will and light throughout our community. We will make HNT’s signature event, Purim, a part of our weekly lives. We will raise awareness about havdalah, one of the most beautiful practices of our Tradition. And, if we want to dance to the moon—so much the better. Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum T’Filot DAILY MINYAN: WEEKDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM SUNDAYS AND SECULAR HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM PRESHABBAT ONEG: FRIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM Friday, February 5 - 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Birthday Shabbat • B’Yachad/Simchat Shabbat Services & Dinner Saturday, Feb. 6 – Services in Upper Foyer • Jewish Meditation – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM • Shabbat for Kids - 10:30 AM in Gan Danny & Room 4 Friday, February 12 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary Saturday, February 13 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • B’not Mitzvah of Bella Hartman & Risa Wagner Friday, February 19 – 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer • Third Space Dinner – 6:30 PM (offsite) Saturday, February 20 – Upper Foyer • Parasha Study – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM Friday, February 26 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, February 27 – Services in Sanctuary • Parasha Study – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM • Shabbat for Kids - 10:30 AM in Gan Danny & Room 4 HaKol is published monthly, except June/July/August. Production by HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is the first of the month preceding the 3700 E. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 month of publication. Office Hours Tuesday - Thursday......................... 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday............................................... 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org B'NOT MITZVAH Everyone is invited to share services & the kiddush following our B'not Mitzvah February 13 Risa Ilana Wagner is the daughter of Ilyse & Greg Wagner and the sister of Shayna and Bailey. Risa is the granddaughter of Pauline & Jack Reiter of Mercer Island, WA, of Naomi & Gerald Beane of Oxnard, CA, and of Alvena & Stephen Wagner of Palm Desert, CA. She is the great-granddaughter of Florence Parker z"l, formerly of Camarillo, CA. Risa is in the 7th grade at Issaquah Middle School where she is involved in the Green Team, Basketball, and Craft Club. She also spends her time serving as a Sustainability Ambassador for Sustainable Seattle and participating in Kids4Peace. She volunteers with The Friendship Circle, Teen Feed, and gardens at Herzl-Ner Tamid. This coming summer will be Risa’s fourth consecutive year spending a full month at Camp Ramah in Ojai, CA. OPEN BUDGET MEETING February 13 Bella Hartman is the daughter of Rachel Hartman Ashberg and Jay Ashberg and Amy and Benjamin Hartman. Bella is the sister of Mimi, Mitch, Zachary and Zoe. She is the granddaughter of Geulah Fields, Hank Finesilver and Sharron and David Hartman. Bella is a 7th grader at Islander Middle School. She plays Select Soccer and Basketball for Mercer Island in addition to running on the Cross Country Team. She is a member of National Charity League where she volunteers at many community organizations including Mary’s Place, a woman’s shelter and the Senior Foundation of Mercer Island. Bella has a special love of animals, especially marine life. She enjoys playing the piano and trombone, boating, traveling with her family and hanging out with friends. HAVDALAH DINNER CIRCLE Saturday, March 26 Sign ups due March 4 at h-nt.org/sdc Have you always wanted to try Shabbat Dinner Circle, but have standing weekly Shabbat dinner plans? Do you love the warm, spiritual feeling you get during a havdalah service? Well, have we got a program for you! Tuesday, February 23 • 7:00 PM Synagogue budgets are more than the lights and the repairs and the food; they are also indicators of what the synagogue community values. Please come share your priorities at this meeting. For more information and to RSVP, email Nadine@h-nt.org. If you are unable to attend but wish to provide input please contact Nadine This special twist on Shabbat Dinner Circle will offer the chance to gather in each other’s homes on a SATURDAY night for potluck dinners and havdalah. HNT will provide you with a havdalah candle, besamim (spices), and prayer/song sheets. We are looking for both hosts and attendees, so sign up now at h-nt.org/sdc DAY OF SERVICE TEAM CAPTAINS NEEDED We are seeking team captains for the 2016 Day of Service! What does it mean to be a team captain? 1. Choosing an organization you feel passionate about 2. Organizing a group project with that organization (which you are welcome to do with a friend/co-captain) on Sunday, May 15, 2016 (mark your calendar!) AND 3. Working with a stellar committee to put on a successful day of volunteerism in our community! Interested? Email DOSChairs@h-nt.org to ask questions and get the details for upcoming committee meetings. 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 5 ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, March 13 • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Appointments are preferred and time slots (every 15 minutes) are filling up! The Annual Blood Drive honors the memory of Ellen Yusim z”l, a teenager and congregant whose family’s resettlement from the former Soviet Union was sponsored by our synagogue. Ellen succumbed to leukemia at age 16 and it was her final request to have an annual blood drive to help others in need of transfusions. She understood how her very life depended on donors and wished that gift to be carried forward in her name. It also honors the memory of our other loved ones whose lives have been impacted by bloodrelated diseases, as well as those among us who depend on a steady supply of blood. Every day it takes more than 800 donors to meet the transfusion needs of Western Washington. Many of our congregants have been the fortunate recipients of the gift of blood. A healthy blood supply relies on the diligence of the public to donate. It is easy to perform this mitzvah: register at h-nt.org/save-a-life. TEEN FEED Adult Education Registration, pricing and schedules for all classes can be found at h-nt.org/adult-lifelong-learning The second semester of Hebrew classes is starting! If you only signed up for the first semester, don’t forget to register and pay for the second at h-nt.org/adult-lifelong-learning. The following classes are accepting second semester registration: • Prayerbook Hebrew • Beginning Hebrew • Hebrew Fluency • Modern Hebrew Jewish Spirituality Made Simple, taught by Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum & Rabbi Kula via Skype Sundays, February 7, 14, 21: 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM Skolnick Board Room On February 7 Rabbi Olivier Benhaim is back by popular demand to teach us more about meditation. Israel Current Events, lead by Nevet Basker Tuesday, February 2 • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Skolnick Board Room Topic: the Syria War and Middle East Dynamics This session will take a “broader view” of the latest developments and trends in the Middle East. Who is fighting whom in Syria’s civil war, and why? How is the situation in Syria related to the larger forces roiling (and re-shaping) the Middle East? What is driving American foreign policy in the region, and what are its challenges? Who are the refugees streaming out of the Middle East and into Europe, and what are the humanitarian, political, and security implications of this largescale population shift? And what does this all mean for Israel, amid the regional mayhem? 6 Sunday, February 28 • 5:30 PM University Lutheran Church: 1604 NE 50th St. Seattle Volunteers are needed to help prepare, cook, and serve food. Shifts start at 5:30 PM, and we need 10 or more volunteers for a successful event. RSVP to teenfeed@h-nt.org. Thanks to Julie Katz for leading December Teen Feed and our volunteers: Julie, David, Talia and Daniel Chivo, Orna Edgar, Ellen & Mark Stone, Peter, Tina and Alex Weiss, Sarah and Leah Drucker, Nathalie and Achinoam Bentov, Andrew and Elie Hess. Thanks to Nathalie Bentov for leading the first January Teen Feed and our volunteers: Zivit & Yotam Nissim, Noam Bentov, Greg & Risa Wagner, Orna Edgar, Sophie & Mark Rosenkranz, Karen Ruby, Michael, Eli, and Sammy Arao If you would like to receive monthly Teen Feed reminders, email Rebecca@h-nt.org. Want to help, but aren’t available this month? Please consider a donation to Teen Feed. Donations may be sent to HNT, Attn: Accounting, PO Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040. 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org ONGOING MAGAZINE DRIVE Harborview Medical Center relies on us to provide magazines for patients and their families. When you finish a magazine, tear off your address and drop it in the basket in the Upper Foyer the next time you’re at HNT! No professional magazines please. RUNNERGOGUE AT HNT Fridays, February 5, 12, 19, 26 ● 6:00 AM Sundays, February 7 ● 10:00 AM RunnerGogue is our opportunity at HNT to exercise our bodies in a supportive, non-judgmental and friendly environment. The important obligation to take care of our health is what Shmirat Haguf is all about. We meet on Fridays and Sundays in the above mentioned dates in the HNT parking lot for a noncompetitive jog, walk, or cycle. Stay for minyan on Fridays for a chance to warm up your heart as well. Thanks to Ilyse Wagner, Carol Shiller, Sharon Kellerman, Michael Mayo, Marvin Negrin, and Arik Cohen for your participation in this new program. Participate in the Mercer Island Half Marathon on March 20 with the HNT team! Thank you to Rick Davis for being our team captain! Just go to this link and register with our team (HerzlNer Tamid): http://getmeregistered.com/homepage.php?id=122827 Please contact Eliyahu with questions about RunnerGogue which is open to the entire community and beyond! HAMENTASHEN BAKING & MISHLOACH MANOT ASSEMBLING Hamentashen Baking Thursday evening, March 10 & Sunday morning and afternoon, March 13 We are getting ready to bake hamentashen for our Purim festivities! This communitybuilding activity is not only important, it's also lots of fun! No experience necessary. Sign up now to Elaine.Mintz@comcast.net. What: The Listening Mothers™ program offers a unique opportunity for parents of babies birth through six months of age to discover the joys of parenting. Our science based curriculum will help you turn the present moment into a positive moment! The Listening Mothers program provides the following: • • • • • • • Mindful based skills to help reduce stress and encourage balance An environment to discover your own inner wisdom Skilled professionals & mindfully trained facilitators Parent & child self-awareness with a focus on self- regulation, self-compassion and parent and child emotional development Emphasis on the importance of parent/child attachment Parental confidence and empowerment A community of like-minded parents who aspire to be the best parents they can be and are willing to embark on the parenting journey with an open mind, curiosity and willingness to explore. When: 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM in Gan Danny at HNT on February 5, February 12, February 19, February 26, March 4, March 11, March 18 Who: Instructor Lynne Brazg, M.Ed (Counseling) has retired from school counseling and is a parent educator and coach. She has over 18 years of experience working with children and parents including women in transitional housing and parents of infants and tots through teens. She also has an advanced certificate in Infant Mental Health and is a trained group facilitator of Listening Mothers affiliated with the Community of Mindful Parents. Lynne just completed the yearlong certification with Mindful Schools. She has been facilitating parenting groups teaching mindful parenting and working in schools teaching mindfulness. Lynne is the mother of three young adults. Cost: Mishloach Manot Assembling Sunday morning and afternoon, March 13 While we bake on one side of the Feinberg Social Hall, on the other side we will be assembling the special Mishloach Manot packages that are available to everyone in the congregation (see page 10 for details and ordering). This is another great opportunity to roll up your sleeves to help while making new friends in our community. Sign up at h-nt.org/volunteer $195 with a minimum of six moms and babies. Need based scholarships are available. Please pay Lynne Brazg directly and make checks out to Listening Mothers. For more information Please contact Moreh Eliyahu Krigel, Director of Education, at: eliyahu@h-nt.org or 425-559-3739 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 7 A MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, ED. D. CANDIDATE, ELIYAHU KRIGEL Dvar Torah for the layman and practitioner. Ecstatic Kabbalah includes a CD with guided meditations based on the teachings of "Reading the Hebrew Bible in translation Rabbi Abulafia. More information about Jewish meditation is like kissing your new bride through a from a contemporary perspective can be found at www. veil." rabbidavidcooper.com. -Haim Nachman Bialik Along with silent sitting and walking meditation solely The Jewish tradition is linked together by a chain of Hebrew letters and numbers. The charge of Haim Nahman Bialik (1873-1934) above to lift the veil and look deep within the Hebrew Bible represents an authentic, spiritual approach to studying the Hebrew language. Bialik was a great Jewish poet who wrote his timeless poetry in Yiddish and in Hebrew. Along with Rabbi Ben Yehudah, Bialik’s use of the Hebrew significantly influenced the revival of the Hebrew language in the modern State of Israel. One important way to experience Hebrew is to use the Hebrew language as an anchor in your contemplative practice. Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia (1240-1292) was a Jewish mystic and Kabbalist who was born in Zaragoa, Spain. He created a system of Jewish meditation based on contemplating the Hebrew language by focusing on each Hebrew letter, which is one form of Jewish meditation utilized in our Jewish meditation sessions on Shabbat at HNT. Rabbi Abulafia conjectured spiritual euphoria can be achieved through careful permutations of the Hebrew letters. According to Hoffman, Rabbi Abulafia taught that studying and meditating on the Hebrew letters allows, "The soul [the ability] to actualize its potential with much greater ease. Look at these holy letters with truth and belief," Rabbi Abulafia encouraged, "[Studying Hebrew] will awaken the heart to thoughts of godly and prophetic images." Through a series of letter permutations and body exercises of head movements and controlled breathing, Rabbi Abulafia was able to reach great spiritual places. Rabbi Abulafia stressed the importance of, "Knowing God through the method of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet by cleansing your body.” In order to fully realize the potential and strength of the Hebrew letters, Rabbi Abulafia gave his disciples the direction of, "Combining letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one's] heart feels warm." Rabbi Abulafia’s practice was focused on enabling practitioners to gain, "A plenitude of saintly spirit ... wisdom, under-standing, good counsel and knowledge.... The spirit of God will rest upon [them]." Picking up where Rabbi Abulafia left off, Rabbi David Cooper in God is a Verb and especially in Ecstatic Kabbalah in modern times has opened up the metaphorical doors of Jewish mediation 8 focusing on our breath, our Jewish meditation series at HNT hopes to develop our internal muscle of attention by using a variety of contemplative techniques. We hope you will consider joining us for this alternative series at HNT on the following dates from 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM in the Gladstein Chapel at HNT: February 6, April 16, May 7, June 18 For more information regarding our new, free Jewish meditation experience open to the public, please contact Eliyahu Krigel at eliyahu@h-nt.org. Thank you and FRS Swag Todah Rabah to Marc Shecter for helping to facilitate our FRS t-shirt and swag order. Now’s the time to order your FRS swag and help promote our incredible community! Order your FRS Swag today on the FRS Facebook page found by searching Frankel Religious School on Facebook! GARINIM Thank you to Karen Langman, our Garinim Chair, and to all the helpful hands that made for a wonderful Spice Night on January 30. Yasher Koakh, way to go, to Jason Shindler on all your assistance with logistics and our beautiful flyer. Great working with Rabbi Micah Ellenson from Temple De Hirsh Sinai for sponsoring this great event. Kol Hakavod to Morah Kathy Packer for helping to lead the Simchat Shabbat service on January 8. Thanks Trea & Benjamin Diament for hosting our Garinim group for havdalah with the Cantor and Moreh Eliyahu and Chanukah Under the Stars at SJCC. So much fun to celebrate Chanukah together as one Garinim community! 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org KIDS AND FAMILY PROGRAMMING Tot Shabbat Every Friday ● 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM ● SJCC Join Moreh Eliyahu and Morah Chava at the SJCC for an opportunity to sing, dance, move our bodies, and participate together in welcoming Shabbat with joy and happiness. Babies and parents are welcome to participate. A special thanks to Dana Weiner for help with this collaborative program. Simchat Shabbat Friday, February 5 ● 6:00 PM This service is for toddlers and their families. We start together in one service and then sing songs as a Garinim community in Gan Danny before our scrumptious Shabbat dinner in Room 2. Please RSVP at: https://hnt.wufoo.com/forms/february-byachad/ Morah Chava playing her sweet melodies with FRS students. FRS School Break FRS will be on break from February 13-21. We hope you enjoy your time with your family! B’yachad Family Education at HNT B’Yachad Shabbat for 3rd to 5th Graders and their families Friday, February 5 ● 6:00 PM RSVP: https://hnt.wufoo.com/forms/february-byachad/ B’Yachad Shabbat for 6th and 7th Grade Parents Saturday, February 27 ● 9:30 AM – 12:15 PM in the Youth Lounge with Rabbi Yarkin Thank you Jessi Luper and Ariela Ikezawa for your help organizing and arranging the supply closet at FRS. We really appreciate your support! Shabbat for Kids For 5th grade and below Saturday, February 6 & 27 ● 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM in Gan Danny and Room 4 Shabbat for Kids is our time to practice Shabbat in an ageappropriate way. Join us for this special time of putting the theory of Shabbat to practice with a full heart! Challah Baking Sunday, February 7 ● 10:00 AM – 12:15 AM ● HNT Join master Challah maker Stefan Ahrensdorf for an opportunity to learn how to make Challah. Open to the Garinim group, FRS parents, and the greater HNT community and beyond. Learn the intricacies and special techniques of challah baking in this fun, experiential worship. Please contact Moreh Eliyahu at eliyahu@h-nt.org for more information! Great work second graders and Morah Rachel on an inspiring Chanukah performance in December! Jewish Overnight Camps and Jewish Camperships Maintaining a strong connection between our synagogue and a Jewish summer camp of your choice makes for continuous Jewish growth all year long. Camp Solomon Schechter is a gem right in our own neck of the woods. Experience a place where Judaism and joy are truly one! Join Rabbi Jessica Yarkin at CSS for an incredible summer. Interested in Ramah in the Rockies or another Jewish adventure camp? Please contact Moreh Eliyahu to explore all the options. Thanks to the generosity of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and the HNT campership program, the financial aspect of Jewish overnight camp is no longer a barrier for participation. Simply check out www.onehappycamper.org and then go to this link for more information: jewishinseattle.org/what-we-do/jewish-camping/ 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 9 Mishloach Manot—Sending food gifts to friends and family—is one of the four Mitzvot performed on Purim. It is a heartfelt way to emphasize the Jewish unity that lies at the core of the Purim holiday... and to create meaningful connections within our own community at the same time. Through this project, you can participate in the sending of a gift package to your friends and family. It's a Mitzvah, it's great fun and with HNT it's easier than ever! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: For just $5.00 per recipient, you can participate in the sending of a gift package to anyone on our membership list. Every family on the list who is checked by at least one person will receive one gift package, along with a Purim scroll that lists all the people who participated in sending their package. For every 20 names you check on the list, you will receive a $10 discount! For example, if you are sent a Mishloach Manot package from more than one individual, you will still only receive one package; all those people sending you the Mishloach Manot will be listed on the card. You can easily place your orders at www.hnt.HappyPurim.com. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Check the flyer in your mail the first week of February for instructions AND for your personalized code for accessing the website. Go to the website, enter your code, and place your order! -- ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY MONDAY, MARCH 7, 6:00 PM -Should you have any questions or would like a paper order form, please call Aly Roush at (206) 240-2376 or email PurimGifts@h-nt.org. For technical support, please contact support@happypurim.com. 10 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 11 TEEN PROGRAMMING Kadima Youth Group (for all 6th & 7th graders) Dinner Parties: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM monthly in the Youth Lounge After-school partying time. Let off steam with games, trivia, TV, music clips, and more! Interact with you classmates outside of class! Free because it’s our TREAT. RSVP to rabbiy@h-nt.org 6th Grade • Monday, February 22 7th Grade • Tuesday, February 23 USY (for all 9th to 12th graders) Join our Facebook group Seattle Achim USY for upcoming events! Shabbat Dinner, Sloach, and Games! Friday, February 5 • 6:30 PM LOCATION: The home of Jessi Luper (Issaquah) Celebrate Shabbat with an excellent veggie potluck dinner, a lil sweet singing, games, desserts, and shenanigans! Address given upon RSVP to usyadvisor@h-nt.org or say YES on Facebook group Seattle Achim USY Un-Valentine’s Day Movie Night W/ Luxury Ice Cream Bar and Unlimited Popcorn Saturday, February 13, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM • Upper Foyer All 8th to 12th graders are welcome to join us for a camp style Havdalah, then get comfy for an utterly un-valentine’s movie… Please bring: $5 and pillow, cuddly bear, blanket/ sleeping bag to sit on to be your most comfortable. Please wear: warm pajamas and slippers. SAVE THE DATE: March 4 – 6 • Seattle Achim Shabbaton: The British Invasion at Herzl-Ner Tamid Featuring: Kosher Meals, Innovative Programming, Games, Relaxation, and a post-Shabbat adventure! Cost $75, financial assistance available. Livnot Chai –SECOND SEMESTER STARTS! Innovative supplementary high school course for 8th to 12th graders. It’s not too late to participate in the Livnot Chai experience! New electives are now available! Classes are held weekly from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Tuesdays at Temple De Hirsh Sinai in Bellevue (on the Eastside) or Thursdays at UW Hillel (on the Westside). 6:00 PM Dinner and Schmoozing 6:30 PM Core Classes by grade level 7:30 PM Electives Registration is through HNT, Frankel Religious School registration page at h-nt.org/frs-registration/. Spring semester: $425 (full year: $800) For more information about Livnot Chai, please contact Debbie at debbie@livnotchai.org or visit www.livnotchai.org THIRD SPACE FOR 20S AND 30S Torah on Tap: Birds, Bees, Roe v. Wade, and Planned Parenthood feat. Rabbi Jason Levine! Wednesday, February 3 • 7:30 PM Location: HNT Youth Lounge When Rabbi Jason Levine last taught Torah on Tap, we discussed death. Now, we reverse it and discuss birth – the birds and the bees, our bathing suit parts, and, joking aside, the complex and taboo issues at the beginning of life. To call the current discussion about abortion, family planning, and stem cell research vitriolic is certainly an understatement. These issues have polarized our country, and even led to deaths in Colorado Springs. So let’s take a step back, take a deep breath, and learn about the Jewish legal categories and permissibility of abortion, stem cells, and the right to life or choice. In what cases does Judaism permit abortion? Can we use stem cells for research? When does life begin exactly? Life is a miracle, so let’s learn about it, and celebrate it together. All young adults in their 20s and 30s are welcome to join us as we look at sources, both ancient and contemporary in a friendly, relaxed third space. Torah on Tap events are co-sponsored by TDHS - The Tribe and are held at a different 12 location each month. We keep this event free and collaborative by contributing a dessert, snack, or drink! As you can imagine, this event only works with intimate numbers, and the max we can accommodate is 20 people. RSVP to rabbiy@h-nt.org or on facebook through Third Space at HNT! Third Friday Shabbat Collaboration with JConnect Friday, February 19 Hillel UW building: 4745 17th Ave NE, Seattle, 98105 7:00 PM: Happy half hour 7:30 PM: Two options: services or lively discussion led by Rabbi Jessica Yarkin 8:30 PM: Delish dinner and social time We are teaming up with JConnect this month to bring you an amazing Shabbat experience at Hillel! Join us for a night of signature cocktails, intentional discussions, and a delicious kosher meat meal. Dinner is $12, $6 for graduate students. Even if you cannot pay, RSVP so we know how much food to make. This event is open to all Jews in their 20s and 30s in the greater Seattle area. Invite friends and use our Facebook event for more details, or email: rabbiy@h-nt.org or brooke@hilleluw.org 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org SHABBAT GREETERS TAKING CPR CLASS BLOCK PARTIES The clergy and staff of HNT would like to thank the Membership Committee and Block Party chair Julie Chivo for their dedication in creating a fantastic event, with special thanks to our hosts for opening their homes so that HNT members could meet fellow members in their areas: • Lorna & David Isenberg • Kathy & Jeff Packer • Mindy & David Landsman • Faye & Bob Plum • Elaine & Dan Mintz • Gail Wiener, Linda & Jake • Judy & Nissim Neuman Jacobs Shabbat Greeters taking a CPR class in November. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A GREETER? SIGN UP AT H-NT.ORG/GREETER Kirkland Block Party hosted by Gail Wiener, Linda & Jake Jacobs Mercer Island Block Party hosted by Lorna & David Isenberg Mercer Island Block Party hosted by Mindy & David Landsman 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 13 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through December 31, 2015 Building Fund Danny Lewis Fund Marcia Friedman Richard & Barrie Galanti In Memory of Campership Fund (Amy Mackoff) In Memory of Linda Granat Alan & Ruth Bunin Nikki Schenck Marv z"l & Lore Coe Amy Sidell Neil & Sari Schneider Cantor’s Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Cantor Kurland Alan Sidell Bob & Sue Solomon Jim & Lee Keller Leonard & Louise Berman Marc Sidell Mr. Mark Gaponoff Samuel Arao’s Bar Mitzvah Mr. Michael Arao & Ms. Karen Ruby Earl Lazarus’ 99th Birthday Lazarus Family Eli Isaac becoming a Bar Mitzvah Simon Dadoun Amy Sidell Al & Jeanie Benaroya Ron & Devorah Weinstein Phil Stratiner Bob & Cindy Abramowitz Amy Sidell David & Sharron Hartman Marcia Friedman Seth Eisner Marc, Josh, & Jordan Sloan Lena Freedman Shirley Silverstein In Honor of In Memory of 14 In Memory of Robert Schuffler Amy Sidell Jeffrey & Janet Gindin Kaye Stellman Nick & Michele Keller Amy Sidell Nick & Michele Keller Steve & Jan Lewis Peter Tarsh Steve & Jan Lewis Eileen Mintz Kitchen Fund In Memory of Robert Schuffler Dan & Elaine Mintz Ruth Sanft Louie Sanft Endowment Fund In Memory of Amy Sidell Angie & Josh Burgin Marcia Friedman Arny & Carol Barer Executive Director Discretionary Fund In Memory of Amy Sidell Irwin Dreiblatt Marcia Friedman Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Flowers Fund In Memory of Amy Sidell Alan & Ruth Bunin General Fund In Honor of David & Ruth Peckarsky’s son’s engagement Peter & Bev Blum Wendy Spekor’s 60th Birthday Velva Stern In Memory of Marcia Friedman Al Friedman Beth Lippman The Egnal Family Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Robert & Alayne Sulkin The Schiller Family Amy Sidell Dan & Carolyn Hathaway Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Marvin & Joan Fox Stan & Fran Schill Tilly Zinn Lola Zinn Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Langman Seth Eisner Stuart & Karen Epstein Maslan Memorial Fund In Memory of Carol Maslan Marc & Sue Policar Michael Arao & Karen Ruby Memorial Fund In Memory of Marcia Friedman Dan & Elaine Mintz Amy Sidell Jerome & Kay Adam Louis Lott Al Lott & Family Ben Gula Andrea Cordova Florence Mezistrano Annette Vinnick Frances Loschbin Anthony Wartnik William Reich Arny Reich Herbert Thomas Bob & Natalie Malin Louis Bines Carol Paige Anne Kessler Lenora LaMarche Carolyn Kessler 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org Louis Caplan Charles & Marilyn Caplan Burton Glazer Cynthia Shifrin Miriam Benami David & Judy Benami Morris Director David Director Rose Prottas Dorothy Lederman Sylvia Krisher Efrem and Linda Krisher & Syril Burn Arcady Basevich Elizabeth Bogomolov Ernest Mednick Esther Mednick Steven Chestnut Evelyn Chestnut Selma Mesher Ferne Ross Meier Glazer Gail Arshon Halpern and Trudi Arshon Lawrence Halpern Gail Halpern Shirley Berch Gena Gorasht Rose Klein Harris Klein Sadie Perin Helaine Goldstein Max Orchinsky Hermine Maxwell Mollie Rosenblatt Jackie Rosenblatt, Gary Johnson, Josh Johnson and Joseph Johnson Arnold Schwartz Jason & Toby Massman Marc Welsher Jay & Susan Matt Eugene Okrent Joan Okrent Sam Bernstein Judy Schwarz Bernard Gladstein Julie Gold IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER Gertrude Edelheit Lonnie Edelheit Julia Glucksman Lorraine Cohn John Policar Marc & Sue Policar Gertie Nussbaum Marcia, Brian, Terri & Rusty Nussbaum Frank Kiviat Mark & Nancy Kiviat Charles Balter Mark Balter Marvin K. Taitch Marlene Taitch Sadie Karr Marsha Karr Rabinovitch John MacCormac Tillie Cohen Pauline Sherman Jeffrey Herrman Pauline Stern Gary Shapiro Raquel Shapiro Fannie Feinberg Raymond & Joyce Benezra Sol Shulman Rita Katz Abraham Margolis Robert Lackman and Family Paula Rose Ron Leibsohn Max Lewin Ruth Lerner Seymour Feinstein Sandra Feinstein Frank Parker Sandra Goodglick Jerry Rosenblum Shirley Rosenblum Sharron Hartman Henry Sidell Sheldon Sidell Lena Sidell Shelly Sidell Gabriela Lowenbein Shimon Lowy Michelle Jordan These generous tributes were made through December 31, 2015 Risha Dadoun David Dadoun Esther Dadoun Simon Dadoun Bernard Simon Stacey Brody Robert Wershkoff Susan Edelheit Leon Brody Tom Brody Gertrude Kirstein Tracy Schlesinger & Tamar Rose Ghelman Moysey Marder Yakov Marder Mitzvah Corps Fund In Memory of Marcia Friedman Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets Chuck & Barbara Maduell Greg & Ilyse Wagner Michael & Tina Novick Muriel Zak Lucie Kavesh Bruce & Peggy Gladner Marcia Friedman Amy Sidell Carl & Joann Bianco Nikki Schenck Chuck and Jill Friedman & Family The Medin Family The Wagner Family Amy Sidell Meta Wolf Marv z"l & Lore Coe Refuah Shelemah to Judy Ziedman Mike & Cheri Levy Morning Minyan Fund In Honor of Matan Gavish Ellen Rosenstein Brin Eli Isaacs Bar Mitzvah Simon Dadoun In Memory of Marcia Friedman Aaron & Ruth Bernstein Amy Sidell Mike & Cheri Levy Paul & Launa Winegrad Philip Lemchen Larry & Bev Lemchen Sonny Putter Prayerbook Fund In Memory of Eric Gitelson Lenore Gitelson Sharon and Gary, Sarah and Becky Constantine Marcia Friedman Steve & Brenda Luper Rabbi Rosenbaum Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Rosenbaum Alan Sidell Jim & Lee Keller Leonard & Louise Berman Marc Sidell Saul & Joyce Rivkin Sheila Sternberg Eli Isaac becoming a Bar Mitzvah Simon Dadoun Samuel Arao’s Bar Mitzvah Mr. Michael Arao & Ms. Karen Ruby In Honor of In Memory of Rachel Trager Memorial Fund In Memory of Marcia Friedman Lucie Kavesh Paul & Jennifer Malakoff Frankel Religious School Fund In Memory of Robert Schuffler Agi Day Sylvia Saperstein Anne Van Prooyen, Rose Singer, Ralph and Paul Saperstein Astrid Bloch Brad Rind & Janet Gray Sam Zarkin Lucie Kavesh Bruce & Peggy Gladner Amy Sidell Marv & Rahla Turck Lucy Kavesh Muriel Epstein Youth Activities Fund In Honor of The birth of Cheri & Mike Levy’s grandson Max Jeff & Judy Ziedman In Memory of Amy Sidell Ilyse & Gregory Wagner and Family Marcia Friedman Aaron & Jane Rosenstein Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty Ron & Devorah Weinstein Amy Sidell Tony & Lynn Wartnik Rabbi Yarkin Discretionary Fund In Memory of Amy Sidell Marcia Friedman Zane & Celie Brown 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 15 DAYTIMERS WINTER 2016 SERIES February 17: Deli Man – a 2014 American documentary in English A documentary about the rise, fall, and resurrection of the Jewish deli. This is the story of deli stalwarts, survivors and young bloods who are re-energizing the food and its future. Indulge in the deli foods you love and learn about the traditions that make deli one of America's great cuisines. March 16: Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy – a 2013 American documentary in English This film explores the unique role of Jewish composers and lyricists in the creation of the modern American musical and many of the songs that comprise “The American Songbook.” Films follow lunch, served: 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Reserve by the Friday before the event For more information or to make reservations, call 206-232-8555 Register at: h-nt.org/daytimers MEMBER DIRECTORY UPDATES Please use the updates below to keep your HNT Congregational Directory current. For privacy reasons, we have omitted directory changes in the online version of HaKol. To obtain directory changes, please contact the office for a hard copy of HaKol at 206-232-8555 OPPORTUNITIES & APPRECIATION Todah rabbah to... • Florence Katz Burstein, Mark Luster, and Robin RogelGoldstein for their assistance with the Congregational Directory Mailing. • Linda Krisher for organizing our stellar Legacy Brunch invitation volunteer crew: Norene Arnold, Robbie Caggiano, Ettie Davis, Ricki Gafter, Carol Kane, Rita Katz, Florence Katz Burstein, Mark Luster and Nancy Luster. 16 WITHIN THE SHUL FAMILY We Welcome to the World. . . • Magnolia Alice Mulroney, granddaughter of Nadine Strauss • Daniella Alice Bahat, daughter of Tara & Omri Bahat • Aviva Claire Fish, granddaughter of Susan & David Fish • Samuel Aaron Levin, son of Irit & Dr. Joshua Levin • Noah David Kulp & Maya June Kulp, twin grandson and granddaughter of Marilyn & Ilya Poleschuk We Celebrate. . . Parents, Dawn & Michael Schiller, and grandparents, Babette & Dr. Irwin Schiller on the engagement of Karli Schiller to Joseph Johnson We Wish a Refuah Shelemah to Congregants. . . Marion Aronson, Ety Askenazi, Alan Barer, Ruth Becker, Carl Berkenwald, Simon Dadoun, Valerie Epstein, David Gilman, Peggy Gladner, Leiba Husock, Esther Kahn, Jim Keller, Al Lott, Carrie Rosenfeld, Susanne Rosenkranz, Kelly Schreer, Ellen Sheps, Irv Sonkin We Offer Condolences to the HNT Families of. . . • Gilles Martineau z”l, brother of Renee Robbins • Carol Maslan z”l, wife of Rabbi Bob Maslan, mother of Melissa Maslan, Michelle Younker and Lirit Ziv • Marvin Coe z”l, husband of Lore Coe and brother of Buzz Coe STAFF PHONES Phones are answered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM and Fridays 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. You can dial the numbers below at any time after the system answers and your call will go to the desk of the staff member you choose, or you may listen to the list of options. NameEXT Senior Rabbi, Jay Rosenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Cantor, Bradlee Kurland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Executive Director, Nadine Strauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Rabbi for Community Engagement, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin . . . . . . 210 Director of Education, Eliyahu Krigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Director of Finance, Julie Lovejoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Accounting Assistant, Nicole Elbling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Clergy Assistant, Carol Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Art Director/Designer, Siamack “Max” Sahafi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Operations Coordinator, Melanie Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Administrative Assistant, Rhiannon Gerhardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org WOMEN'S LEAGUE SISTERHOOD Sisterhood Book Club Tuesday, February 2 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Frankel Library Sunday, February 7 • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM • Frankel Library February book: A Backpack, A Bear & 8 Crates of Vodka by Lev Golinkin March Book: Turbulent Souls by Stephen Dubner There’s still time to join the Sisterhood Book Club including NEW Sunday Book Club! Now we have two opportunities to participate. Both groups will read the same book and members may choose to come on Tuesday night or Sunday daytime monthly. Email Kari@Windermere.com or call 206-719-2224 to join. Women's League Sisterhood Monthly Board Meeting Sunday, February 7 • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM • Frankel Library Sunday, March 6 • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM • Frankel Library You are invited to our monthly Women’s League Sisterhood Board meeting. Offer your insight, ideas and support to help make our Sisterhood strong and healthy. We are looking for a couple good people to help us grow. Join us! MINYANAIRES CLUB Schmooze & Nosh Wednesday, February 17 • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at Island Crust Cafe Join us for our new Sisterhood Monthly 'Smooze & Nosh' Dinner! Delicious food and fun people, what more could you want? Come hang out with us! Hamentashen Baking See page 7 for details For more information or to sign up for any of these programs contact Kari@Windermere.com or call 206-719-2224. ROSH CHODESH GROUP Monday, February 15 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Upper Foyer Join us for a light nosh, a warm community and an enlightening, invigorating, spiritual celebration of the new month. Come find out what the buzz is about! Led by Rabbi Yarkin. RSVP to Kari@Windermere.com or call 206-719-2224. HERZL-NER TAMID JUDAICA SHOP Sunday, February 14 • 9:00 AM • Gladstein Chapel Please join us for the HNT Minyanaires Club. One Sunday a month, the morning minyan gets a little more interactive and a little more ruach-y (or spirited), and mixes in some English readings, too. Enjoy a light brunch after the service. Eat, schmooze and get to know other Minyanaires! All who attend will be entered in a monthly Minyanaires Club drawing for fabulous prizes. Named Best Judaica Shop in Seattle by Jewish in Seattle Magazine! We have the largest Judaica Shop in the Seattle Area and we have many beautiful and meaningful Judaica and gifts in all price ranges. We offer wedding and B'nai Mitzvah gift registry and encourage you to volunteer and/or shop. Come in, see what's new and support your local community. FEBRUARY HOURS Open new hours! Spread the word! Wednesdays: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sundays, February 7 & 28: 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM We are open all Sundays when Frankel Religious School is in session as well as during the Legacy Brunch or by appointment call Sue Solomon 206-232-8480 or Kari Haas 206-719-2224 For special order items, contact Iris Schwartz at iris.schwartz@comcast.net If you would like to volunteer in the Judaica Shop and do a mitzvah, please contact manager Kari Haas! Free training provided! Proceeds benefit HNT youth programs. 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org 17 FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 1 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 12 14 14 Ted & Gloria Rosenblume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ron & Vanessa Brazg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Chris & Toni McLendon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Gary & Carol Greenbaum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Marc & Judy Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Joe & Ann Lee Rogel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Dennis Goldstein & Robin Rogel-Goldstein . . . . . . . . . . 35 Leonid Kaplan & Irina Uzhanskaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mike & Elaine Weinstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Jeremy & Elicia Lott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Jerry & Joyce Mesher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 16 18 20 20 23 25 25 26 27 27 28 Gary & Renee Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ben & Brooke Pariser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Carl Bloom & Diane Zipperman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Harris & Jean Klein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Joel & Hoda Mezistrano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Garrett & Ilene Sloan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Howard & Leslie Taub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Tom & Stacey Brody. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Jay & Susan Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Brad & Susan Lehrer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Steven & Carol Paige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 BELOVED DEPARTED MEMORIALIZED WITH YAHRZEIT PLAQUES AT HNT Shabbat of February 5/6 Feb. 6 Edith Hirsch Peter Thomas Feb. 7 Sara Kaganowicz Lea Kaganowicz Herbert Droker Meir Kaganowicz Harry Kraft Feb. 8 Sarah Arron Bertha Glazer Julius Cohn Feb. 9 Mack Lederman George Schweitzer Feb. 10 Bertram Blyden Feb. 11 Esther Frankfurt Henrietta Szold Rachel Kaplan Bessie Rosen Al Cohen Feb. 12 Ben Levine Rose Geyer Dody Norban Shabbat of February 12/13 Feb. 13 Charles Lipper Irma Bieber Feb. 14 Harry Pody Karl Schiller Feb. 15 Charles Glowitz Sally Kaye Isaac Zetin Feb. 16 Mildred Peha Rebecca Efron Wolf Leopold Feb. 17 Frank Schwartz Julia Willner Sophie Lemchen Feb. 18 David Shure Anna Silver Jacob Duvdvani Feb. 19 Marsha Paloy Ethel Lerner Shabbat of February 19/20 Feb. 20 Nathan Lipets Feb. 21 Esther Schweitzer Hayyah Silver Feb. 22 Amelia Tobias Leo Kirstein Fannie Kaminoff Feb. 23 Isadore Schuman Morris Finegold David Boman Chaya Bellina Minkove Harry Lederman Feb. 24 Sarah Joseph Mary Colf Mark Hodin Feb. 25 Ludwig Rosenbaum Sarah Walker Marie Lewinski Phil Paloy Moshe Dahukey Shabbat of February 26/27 Feb. 27 Burnie Sanft Marion Rubenstein Toba Thomas Feb. 29 David Coe Ida Gerber Anna Malakoff Mar. 1 Jack Goldman Mar. 2 Freda Perez Samuel Sands Mar. 3 Sara Sadick Shirley Boman Louis Rosenberg Hyman Block Mar. 4 Max Cohen Herzl Memorial Park, 16501 Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133 If there is a death in the family, call the Seattle Jewish Chapel at 206-725-3067 For information, call Elaine Weinstein at 425-455-4703 The Cemetery Committee: George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196 Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . . 425-455-4703 Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249 Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427 Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009 Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026 Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730 Small rocks to leave at graves are available under the reader board on the north side of the chapel. 18 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org FEBRUARY 5776 2016 Shevat Adar I Information for T’filot: page 4 and Adult Education Classes: page 6 and h-nt.org/adult-lifelong-learning Sunday 7 Monday 28 Shevat 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org RunnerGogue: 10:00 AM Garinim Challah Baking: 10:00 AM Women’s League Board Meeting: 11:00 AM Women’s League Book Club: 1:00 PM 14 5 Adari No FRS Minyanaires Club: 9:00 AM Puri m Rehearsal: 7:00 PM Tuesday 1 22 Shevat 8 29 Shevat Thursday Wednesday 2 23 Shevat 9 30 Shevat Israel Current Events: 12:00 PM Women’s League Book Club: 7:00 PM 3 24 Shevat 4 25 Shevat Third Space Torah on Tap: 7:30 PM Membership Commitee Meeting.: 7:30 PM 10 1 Adari 11 2 Adari 17 8 Adari 9 Adari Daytimer Writing Workshop: 1:00 PM 5 Friday 26 Shevat 6 21 No FRS 3 Adari Ritual Committee Meeting: 7:00 PM 12 13 No FRS RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Services: 9:30 AM Tot Shabbat @SJCC : 9:45 AM B’not Mitzvah of Bella Listening Mothers: 10:30 AM Hartman & Risa Wagner Services: 6:00 PM USY Movie Night: 7:00 PM 18 19 10 Adari 4 Adari 5:09 PM 15 6 Adari No FRS Rosh Chodesh Group: 7:00 PM 22 13 Adari Purim Rehearsal: 7:00 PM 6th Grade Kadima Dinner: 6:00 PM 28 27 Shevat RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Tot Shabbat @SJCC: 9:45 AM Jewish Meditation: 9:30 AM Listening Mothers: 10:30 AM Services: 10:00 AM Services: 6:00 PM Shabbat for Kids: 10:30 AM Birthday Shabbat B’Yachad/Simchat Shabbat USY Shabbat: 6:30 PM Mishpatim 4:58 PM (offsite) 16 No FRS 7 Adari No FRS Daytimers Lunch & Film: 11:30 AM Women’s Leauge Schmooze & Nosh: 6:30 PM (offsite) Teruma 20 23 14 Adari 7th Grade Kadima Dinner: 6:00 PM Open Budget Meeting: 7:00 PM 24 15 Adari 25 16 Adari 11 Adari No FRS RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Tot Shabbat @SJCC : 9:45 AM Services: 10:00 AM Listening Mothers: 10:30 AM Services: 6:00 PM Third Space Dinner: 6:30 PM (offsite) 5:20 PM 12 Adari Saturday 26 17 Adari Tetzaveh 27 18 Adari RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Tot Shabbat @SJCC : 9:45 AM Services: 10:00 AM Listening Mothers: 10:30 AM Shabbat for Kids: 10:30 AM Services: 6:00 PM Anniversary Shabbat 5:31 PM 19 Adari LEGACY BRUNCH FUNDRAISER 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM 19 Teen Feed: 5:30 PM Purim Rehearsal: 7:00 PM 29 20 Adari Ki Tissa THE 2016 LEGACY BRUNCH Building Together • RSVP H-NT.ORG/LEGACY Sunday, February 28 • 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM …And to fulfill the special Purim mitzvah of Matanot La’evyonim, gifts for the poor, please bring a donation as you come in for the Purim Shpiel to benefit area homeless populations and families in the Harborview ICU through HNT’s Day of Service. Please see our list of needed items at: h-nt.org/dos-drive Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: 206-232-8555 info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum / RabbiR@h-nt.org Cantor Bradlee Kurland / Cantor@h-nt.org Rabbi for Community Engagement, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin / RabbiY@h-nt.org Executive Director, Nadine Strauss / NadineS@h-nt.org Director of Education, Eliyahu Krigel / Eliyahu@h-nt.org Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy / Rebecca@h-nt.org 2015-2016 Executive Committee Dan Mintz, President Chuck Friedman, Executive Vice-President Jonathan Langman, Treasurer/Financial V.P. Donna Peha, Membership Vice-President Michele Glasser, Secretary Julie Ellenhorn, Immediate Past President 2015-2016 Board of Directors Marilyn Corets Steven Novick Antony Egnal Scott Perry Benjamin Diament Billy Pruchno Kari Haas Aaron Rosenstein Orit Hickman Leah Saltzman David Isenberg George Siegel Linda Krisher Ilyse Wagner Brenda Luper 206-232-8555 • info@h-nt.org • www.h-nt.org NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mercer Island, WA Permit No. 42
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