Passionist International Bulletin


Passionist International Bulletin
N. 4 - April 2004
Passionist International Bulletin
N. 4 - New Series - April 2004
The Curia Informs
Fr. Ottaviano D'Egidio
Easter Letter to the Congregation
and to the Passionist Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.
General Curia of the
Congregation of the Passion
Fr. Jefferies Foale
New Missionary Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.
Fr. Luigi Vaninetti
Restructuring in Italy
The CIPI National Assembly 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.
Fr. Robert Joerger
Inter - provincial Meeting
PAUL-CRUC, 26-28 January 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 11
Fr. Vital Otshudialokoka
General Consultor for Communications
Luis Alberto Cano, C.P.
Editing and Translation of Texts
Marco Albarella, C.P. (Italian)
Luis Enrique Bernal, C.P. (Spanish)
Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. (English)
Vicariate of Christ the Savior
(Democratic Republic of the Congo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 12
Fr. Luis Alberto Cano
Communications: a sector of common interest . . . . . .p. 14
Fr. Giovanni Zubiani
The Shrine of Blessed Charles Houben
in Munstergeleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 15
Fr. Fabiano Giorgini, P. Paulino Alonso
Arthur. Carrillo, C.P.
Jefferies Foale, C.P.
Christopher Gibson, C.P.
Ottaviano D’Egidio, C.P.
Luigi Vaninetti, C.P.
Enzo Del Brocco, C.P.
The interest of the General Chapters and the General Curias in
the history and the spirituality of the Congregation . . .p. 18
Fr. Umberto Palmerini
The General Consulta of 29 January - 4 February . . . . . . .p. 20
Fr. Christopher Gibson
Called to Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 22
Passionist Life
News from the Conferences
Communications Office of the
General Curia
Pza. Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, 13
00184 Roma - ITALIA
Fax: 06.700.84.54
Web page:
CIPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 23
CLAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 24
PASPAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 25
Marco Animobono
CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 25
NECP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 26
IPCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 26
Witness of the Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 27
Ordinations and Professions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 29
Notitiae Obitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 30
New Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 31
Cover Logo
Loretta Lynch
Grafica Animobono s.a.s.
Via dell’Imbrecciato, 71a
00149 Rome
The Curia Informs
Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, C.P.
Easter Message 2004
My dear brothers of the Congregation and my
brothers and sisters of the Passionist Family,
I would not be surprised if the world, the earthly
globe and its continents, oceans and glaciers were to
assume the form of a cross, so great is its suffering.
It seems that there is no end to the violence, the evil,
the inhuman brutality: children, women - there are no
distinctions. There are declared wars and terrorism with
daily deaths. There is the daily certainty of victims of
the acknowledged wars and those wars that are
undeclared. What is not known is the number
of the victims. There is extreme poverty
throughout the world and there is wealth:
the rich continue to keep the numerous
“Lazarus’s” at their feet, their
wounds licked by the
It is as if the world
was given to “the
enemy” and he is
harvesting it: “Therefore, rejoice, you
heavens, and you who
dwell in them. But woe
to you, earth and sea, for the
Devil has come down to you in great
fury, for he knows he has but a short
time.” (Rev. 12:12)
We are living through the long
week of the Passion. And we are part
of it. Through the great mystery of
the purification of sins, the sufferings of the world complete the
Passion of Jesus, so too the world
and we, who are active collaborators
with Jesus, through Jesus and in Jesus,
are part of the Father’s plan of salvation.
Can we shorten the time of suffering in the world by a
holier life and a more positive attitude toward others?
What would the world be like if it adhered to the
Dear brother religious and laity of the Passionist
family, how many time have we been tempted to ask
ourselves: “But how am I involved in the events of
September 11th, with Palestine and Israel, with the war
and post-war in Iraq, with the dramatic events that
caused the almost 200 deaths in Madrid and with the
wide-spread violence and poverty in families and in the
world? Others deliberated; others made those decisions
- not me; not us!
St. Paul of the Cross, our Father, saw that the cause
of so many of the evils of the world was rooted in not
keeping alive the memory of the Passion. It might seem
to be spiritual sentimentality, but keeping alive the
“memoria”, calling to mind the Passion of Jesus, is
something more profound than mere pious sentimentality. It is in entering into the mystery of the
gratuitous love of God that it achieves
its highest expression - that of the
offering of Jesus on the Cross. And
Jesus completely offers himself,
unconditionally, taking
our sins upon himself,
as if they were his own
- thousands are hurled
into his heart and are
purified by his blood.
Again today, Jesus, his
glorious wounds visible
to the Calvary of the
world, prays his prayer to
the Father: “Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they
do.” In addition to asking for forgiveness and entrusting us to the
pure mercy of the Father, with the
confidence of a son, he also offers an
excuse: “they do not know that they
do.” It is our ignorance; it is our
blindness that makes us crucify love.
Jesus, love, has “us” as the center of
his life. It is as if his “I” had disappeared, being replaced by “us”: “Yet it was
our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that
he endured, while we thought of him as stricken, as one
smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our
offenses, crushed for our sins...he gives his life as an
offering for sin.” (Is. 53:4-5, 10) He disregards himself
and his equality with God and he makes himself completely vulnerable in order to assume all of our weaknesses and wounds.
And we, religious and laity, called by our baptismal
and Passionist vocation to the charism of the Passion,
The Curia Informs
are witnesses to this love. At the feet of the Crucified
One we learn how much one can love and how much
one can forgive. God has given us the task of being
leaven for the world through the “memoria passionis”
that is lived and announced.
Therefore “to keep alive the memory” of the
Passion of Jesus is a life-long project. It involves making the paschal mystery the motivation of our choices,
be they in our relationship with
God or with our neighbor, beginning with the community of our
fellow religious or, for the laity,
the members of our own family,
as well as in our relationship with
the world and its sufferings, its
poverty and its power. “To keep
alive the memory” of the Passion
of Jesus is to undertake the project of the Crucified One and to
live it. This is no minor undertaking. In fact, the integrity and
the honesty of our life will determine the efficacy of our preaching. And the evils that affect
humanity will diminish in propor-
not perish.” (Jonah 3:8-9) God saw their repentance
and Nineveh was acquitted. And even if there is no
direct link between sin and suffering (cfr. Jn. 9:3) the
calamitous situation that surrounds us and which seem
to have arrived at its extreme limits, are an invitation to
penance and conversion. “At that time some people who
were present there told him about the Galileans whose
blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacri-
Fr. Ottaviano with the Postulants and the
community in Santo Domingo
Fr. Ottaviano with the Passionist Community in Panama
tion to the increase of love in the world and in our conversion. This is our mission: to undergo conversion and
to grow in mutual charity for the salvation of the world.
“Return to the LORD, your God…For gracious and
merciful is he…relenting in punishment.” (Joel 2:13). I
recall the conversion of Nineveh at the preaching of
Jonah and the decree of the king who covered himself
with sackcloth and ashes: “Call[ing] loudly to God
every man shall turn from his evil way and from the violence he has in hand. Who knows, God may relent and
forgive, and withhold his blazing wrath, so that we shall
fices. He said to them in reply, ‘Do
you think that because these
Galileans suffered in this way they
were greater sinners than all other
Galileans? By no means! But I tell
you, if you do not repent, you will
all perish as they did! Or those
eighteen people who were killed
when the tower at Siloam fell on
them - do you think they were more
guilty than everyone else who lived
in Jerusalem? By no means! But I
tell you, if you do not repent, you
will all perish as they did’!”
“Upon him was the chastisement that makes us
whole”. (Is. 53:5) It is the mystery of sin and expiation
that Jesus, in the Passover, by means of his blood that
was shed and by his resurrection, transforms into a
covenant and changes sinners into children of God.
This is the work and the gift of mercy that we should
re-live in the upcoming celebration of Easter: the great
mystery of the purification of sins and the promise of
new life.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The for-
The Curia Informs
few days, with our religious in
the local areas where they live
and carry out their mission and
with those to whom they minister.
I refer to those with whom I
lived the experience of Congregation and of family Passionist,
who profess the same charisma
in the Passion of Jesus, even if
in diverse cultures and settings.
Last January, February and
March I did visitation of the
communities and I presided at
the celebration of the Congress
in Colombia (FID). I recall: the
meeting of the General Council
with the Curias of North
America, PAUL and CRUC,
Fr. Ottaviano with the Passionist Family in Cuba
attended also by Fr. Alfonso Iberri
mer heaven and the former earth had passed away, and and Fr. Héctor Rangel Galván, the Consultor of the
the sea was no more. I also saw the holy city, a new Mexican Province (REG) in our Retreat House of North
Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, pre- Palm Beach, Florida; the visits to the communities of
pared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic (PAC-CORI),
loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, God’s Panama (SANG), Cuba (FAM) and finally India
dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with (THOM-CRUC) where, among other events, I received
them and they will be his people and God himself will the perpetual profession of two of our students, Bruno
always be with them (as their God). He will wipe every Robert D’Souza and Jenish Maria Edwin. I also partictear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death ipated in their deaconate ordination which took place
or mourning, wailing or pain, (for) the old order has together with 22 young men of other religious congrepassed away.’ The one who sat on the throne said, gations. I send my best wishes for a Happy Easter to all
‘Behold, I make all things new.’” (Rev. 21:1-5)
of the religious and laity that I met and also my gratiAnd it is my wish that we become new people, re- tude for the charity and the faith with which I was welborn in the baptism of the paschal mystery that is once comed - rich and powerful experiences of fraternity and
again given to us to celebrate this year, 2004. This wish future hope.
is personally for each one of us: men and women reliI especially wish to extend my best wishes to the
gious and the laity, for communities and families, the religious and to the members of the Passionist Family
Provinces and the entire Congregation.
of the provinces of MICH (France), SPE (NetherThe Resurrection of Jesus is an opportunity that lands/Germany),
should not be missed. Once again, it is an opportunity (Ireland/Scotland/France) and REG (Mexico) which
to rise to new life: from the treasury of the empty tomb after Easter, during the next four months, I will join for
we must bring forth both the new and the old. “He who the celebration of their respective Chapters.
separates” should have no place in our heart or in our
To the cloistered Passionist nuns that accompany us
communities or in our families. Beginning with the in prayer, to the women religious and the laity of the
primitive Christian communities, charity and love were Passionist Family and to all of the religious of the
essential. It was said of them: “See how they love one Congregation, including the Passionist Bishops, togethanother.”
er with the recently consecrated Bishop Afonso
Let us show consideration to one another, especial- Fioreze, I wish a “Happy Easter” using the words of St.
ly toward the sick who most clearly take on the appear- Paul of the Cross: “I wish you the most holy Peace of
ance of the Crucified One and also the aged.
Jesus, our Well-being”. May Mary, Mother of the Risen
I fondly remember and I extend my best wishes for One, bless us.
a peaceful Easter to those religious, whom I have Fraternally,
recently visited, visits which have kept me away from
Rome for almost three months. It is always a gift of
Palm Sunday
God to meet and to share community, even if only for a
Rome, 4 April 2004
The Curia Informs
Fr. Jefferies Foale, C.P.
Congress in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Not long after ordination I volunteered for the
new Passionist Mission to be founded in Vanimo,
Papua New Guinea, in the Pacific islands. I served there ten years, being the first missionary to
live among the stone age people in the districts
where I founded three missions. Those were the
early days, full of enthusiasm, full of a hope to
overcome all obstacles. We walked great distances over mountains and rivers; we planted the
Christian community with practically no physical
Our buildings
were made of
sticks and leaves.
We left behind
schools, hospitals,
and airfields.
Father Ottaviano, our Superior General. He
appeared to fall in love with the people and the
country. He wanted to know why Papua New
Guinea had been kept a secret for so long. I know
that he gave much encouragement to our brethren there.
I attended the Papua New Guinea Vicariate
Congress in February. It is an interesting time for
the Vicariate, as it faces many difficulties, but
strong signs of hope too. There are sixteen religious serving in
the Vicariate, two
priests, two Brothers, a professed
student and three
novices from Papua New Guinea,
two priests from
Indonesia, one
priest from the
Last SeptemPhilippines, and
ber I had the
opportunity to go
and five priests
back, renewing
from the mother
my acquaintance
with people in
where I was the
The new Regiofirst messenger
The Superior General in Papua New Guinea
of the Gospel 40
Father Tony Egar,
years ago, Ossima, Wasengla and Kamberatoro. The reunions First Consultor is Phil Smith and the Second
were both happy and sad. Happy to see old Consultor is Valensius Son. Valensius is a misfriends, sad to find that most of the people I knew sionary from Indonesia who has served two years
have already died, and sad to see so many sick in PNG.
people, adults and children, sad to see so little
progress in education, in health and development
New Missionary Challenges
in those remote parts of the country, sad to see
While in Florida for a General Council meepeople in some villages discouraged and demo- ting in January I was able to attend a meeting of
ralized. It was sad too to see that our the charitable trust, “St Paul de la Croix”, initiaCongregation can no longer find enough missio- ted by Theresa Luu. The trust has supported chanaries to staff any of the inland parishes of ritable works in Vietnam and other Passionist
Vanimo Diocese.
projects. Father John Schork CP, Superior of the
Harlem Avenue Community in Chicago, has joiI was present to see how deeply PNG affected ned the board, and together we hope to expand
The Curia Informs
the donor base to make the body capable of supporting new initiatives.
New York our Father Kevin Dance was already a
familiar figure in the corridors of the international community. He has been very effective, wearing a borrowed entry badge, at raising
issues on the environment, indigenous
peoples, Palestine and others. We are now
establishing a new corporate entity, called
Passionists International, which will
represent the whole Passionist Family
before the UN. After Passionists
International has been in existence for a
certain period it will apply for
Consultative Status with the United
Nations Economic and Social Council.
This status enables more direct participation in major conferences, more input
into debates, hopefully more influence.
At this stage our partners in Passionists
Fr. Jefferies with a child of Papua New Guinea
As I travel around I have found a
keen interest on the part of a few of
the brethren regarding the apostolic
opportunities that face us in China
and Vietnam. I believe this interest
would be much higher if our men
knew more about these wonderful
lands and the situations that we face
there, the great hunger for God. Last
October the Korean Provincial,
Father Augustine, announced to the
Paspac Assembly in Papua New
Guinea that his Province is ready to
Foto of the group of religious ministering in Papua New Guinea
receive more volunteers from other
Provinces or Vicariates to join the three men International are the Sisters of the Cross and
already giving generous service in China. China Passion, with their Generalate in England. All
needs us, China which is so vast and so hungry members of the Passionist Family are welcome to
for the good news. Vietnam too, calls on our participate, individuals and Congregations.
generosity and courage. Please write me if you
are interested in this challenge to the
Again and again the work of religious at the
UN has born fruit in the form of decisions that
give protection and relief to the poor and oppresJustice and Peace
sed. Powerful leaders listen to our voices becauIn 2000 the General Chapter decided we se they see us as the authentic voice of the poor.
should raise our voice for the poor, the oppressed This work will be more successful to the degree
and the environment (JPIC) at the United that our Representative is aware of the JPIC
Nations. Father Kevin Dance has been in New issues that you struggle with in your own situaYork for two years. In December the UN Public tion “at the grass roots”. Passionists struggling
Information Office recognized the Congregation for justice need to talk to each other, to encouraof the Passion as one of the Non Government ge each other.
Organizations (NGOs) admitted to various UN
forums at a preliminary level. After two years in
The Curia Informs
Fr. Luigi Vaninetti, C.P.
In Vita Consacrata (Consecrated Life) John Paul
II invites us to learn how to distinguish “the historical destiny of a specific Institute or form of consecrated life from the ecclesial mission of the consecrated life as such.” The former can change along
with a change of circumstances; the latter is destined
to remain constant. And then he adds: “What must
be avoided at all costs is the actual breakdown of
consecrated life, a collapse which is not measured by
a decrease in numbers but by a failure to cling steadfastly to the Lord and to personal vocation and mission.” (VC, #63)
Therefore, to address the topic of restructuring,
an act of faith in the future is needed; faith in the
validity of our life and of our mission in the Church
and in the midst of our sisters and brothers, the mission of announcing the Gospel of the Cross. While
this idea attracts us, we also experience the limitations of an historical model of religious life that runs
the risk of no longer being meaningful and which
can no longer be sustained by the present resources
of people and energy. Furthermore, new perspectives and new developments have for some time
now, confronted each other on the world level and on
a local level, and have affected the Church and the
Congregation and challenge the identity and mission
of our life.
Today we should not limit ourselves to the matter
of existence; rather we should concentrate our efforts
on long-term programs that work toward regeneration and renewal of the Institute. Such a program is
elaborated within a faith setting because it aims at
giving meaning to charisms and evangelical counsels in new socio-cultural contexts, of a restructuring
of forms of presence, the tasks and the models of
Consecrated Life. All of this should also be accompanied by a revision of the structures that should
give consistence to the restructuring itself. The
process of restructuring should involve individual
religious, but above all it should affect the life of the
community and the organization of the Province.
“The finality or the need that the Congregation
should address today of attending to its restructuring
should be understood within the perspective of its
revitalization, i.e. to give greater life to our
Congregation: “Restructuring for life” (Letter, 13
April, 2003, of Vital O., General Consultor responsible for the sector of restructuring in the
Congregation.) It is important to understand the
relationship, the profound bond between revitalization and restructuring.
The de-structuring that is currently occurring
might be defined as: “the interruption of a cycle of
reproduction in an institution”: the decline in vocations, aging, the inadequacy of the forms and structures of life, especially the consequent precariousness of motivations, the fragmentation of consensus
all of which negatively impact on the quality of our
life and our apostolic effectiveness. Therefore
restructuring is a process that enables a capacity for
a meaningful and sustainable future. Above all it is
significant because it can offer a credible reality of
an ecclesial interaction with present day times.
It is sustainable in this phase when the available
resources for change are taken into account. The
resources are not only and above all not the quantity
of the group and their capacities, rather it is the
strength of renewing together the original motivation, the choice for Christ, that is, the charismatic
inspiration by which the Congregation exists.
In this context, and accepting the invitation in the
letter of Fr. Vital: “If we point out the necessity in
our Conference of making some changes in order to
be more effective in our work as Passionists and
above all for a greater vitality in the region, it is
already time to begin to devote some time for study
on this topic during the course of our meetings in
order to find concrete and effective means for this
work”, the National Assembly of CIPI (International
Conference of Italian Passionists) met during Feb.
15-18, 2004 in Rome in order to reflect and better
understand the topic of restructuring.
The Assembly was composed of the six provincial Councils of the Italian provinces, the President
and the Secretary of the same, the Master of the
National Novitiate, the Director of the STIP
(Interprovincial Italian Student Theologate) and the
MLP Assistant (Lay Passionist Movement). The
guest speaker was Fr. Vital O., the General Consultor
whose area of responsibility is restructuring.
The primary and most important question with
regard to the process of restructuring concerns the
The Curia Informs
“why” of the matter: “How can we give sense and
meaning to our presence and evangelical witness in
the Church and in the world in the service of our
brothers and sisters? What is needed is evangelical
courage in order to analyze the meaning of our varied forms of presence, of questioning the ecclesial
and apostolic meaning of the same, while avoiding
easy rhetoric concerning the marvelous history to be
recounted. And it is based on a clear response to
these questions that an Institute of Consecrated Life
may arrive at the process of restructuring that
enables it to continue its own future history. Even
the most exact effort at institutional engineering will
prove to be a useless endeavor if it does not become
a visible sign of ecclesiastical presence and pastoral
This study was initially begun with a questionnaire given to the individual CIPI Provincials along
with their Councils concerning the necessity/ advisability of institutional reorganization and about the
possible strategies for trying to bring about a vision
and participation in order to address the present situation. The synthesis of these questionnaires, presented to the Assembly as a study instrument, reveals
a convergence toward denounce “de-structuring” as
something which tends to cause the qualitative worsening of the presence and of the mission of the individual provinces. On the other hand, the religious of
a particular province continue to identify the
province as “their institute”, including the historical,
ecclesial and pastoral patrimony, together with the
tendency to sink roots on the local level, are considered to be undeniable elements by the Provinces and
the religious that comprise it.
Therefore, there is a convergence in the identification of the ecclesial objective of the Passionist
presence in the Announcement of the Gospel of the
Passion and the Memoria Passionis, and a consensus
about the “status questionis”, i.e. “a consensus of
perspective” that reveals “a cautious waiting that
includes an ascetical element” with regard to the
necessity to activate restructuring in the Italian
region in keeping with the re-qualification of our
apostolic presence.
Even the small groups of this Assembly have
confirmed what has already emerged, precisely, a
dialectic between awareness of disintegration in fact
and the resistance, more or less veiled, in thinking
about the future as a reorganization of the existing
institutions, “an eventuality situated in a still distant
A work session during the Assembly
The Curia Informs
future.” This allows for the emergence of different
approaches and formulations of this reality, the
diversity of languages and a persistent effort to
“divest” oneself of one’s local reality which is necessary for reflecting upon wider horizons and perspectives. There was agreement on general objective of the witness of unity of life and of the
Memoria Passionis and the urgency to involve all of
the religious so that they become mindful of the
issue of restructuring as an opportunity that invites
them to be protagonists.
At this point the Assembly was enriched by the
intervention of Fr. Gianfranco Casagrande, an
Augustinian religious, who was a key figure in the
process of unification of the seven Italian provinces
of his Order. This process was begun in 1983 and
lasted for several years and was completed only several years ago. He spoke about the fundamental element that put the process of restructuring in motion
which is the awareness of being a great Family at the
service of the Church in order to announce the Good
News. The provincial structures were relative,
“instrumental” in the service of the Gospel and of the
Church. The desire to renew this mandate of the
Order at the present time implied a process of renewal and of conversion that was both existential and
institutional. This fundamental objective of restructuring continually needed to be re-formulated and to
be programmed so as not to leave the questions
hanging, while respectfully, acknowledging ties to
the past, to the history of the individual Provinces, to
preset-day institutions, to the individual presence in
that area. He invited us to realize the truly urgent
nature of restructuring, which is the qualifying element of religious life, to open ourselves to the horizon of the Congregation the true body to which we
belong, more than to the individual provinces, and to
promote a dynamic of listening, of challenge and of
co-responsibility freed of every form of self-sufficiency and from every territorial and institution
The final phase of the Assembly had as its objective arriving at “a consensus as to a common plan.”
Fr. Pierluigi Nava wisely guided us to a clarification
and a contextualization of the possible path to be
taken that would take into consideration time elements that were not yet quantifiable or identifiable.
The road could be summarized and articulated in
four segments:
- Conceptualization is a cognitive process in which
one tries to understand and to accept that the renewal of Religious Life concerns everyone, involves
everyone in the search for a solution. It is necessary
to correctly understand the problem, in its diverse
aspects and perspectives, in its effect on our identity
and mission and by means of clarification of language.
- Consciousness-raising which, different from conceptualization, has as its objective that of studying
some of the proposals that lie at the foundation without arriving at solutions or prefabricated proposals.
It is an on-going evaluation of the proposals.
- A plan that is a not a pretext for a completely predetermined route but rather is about the activation of
priorities and operative choices. It is a plan “in
itinere” that discerns the steps that are being taken
with strong dialectic ties to the periphery (the
Province) and the center (General authority).
- The programming is the concrete actualization of
the plan within which the when, where, who, at what
point are progressively determined.
Currently we find ourselves in the first phase, wanting to talk about restructuring, its meaning and its
urgency and we want to talk about it from the perspective of an ever closer unity with the
Congregation and in the knowledge that only the
Congregation can be the horizon within which we
operate. Therefore, while we await and prepare ourselves to be involved and guided by the upcoming
General Synod, the CIPI Conference at the conclusion of this Assembly has decided to dedicate itself
- entering into a process of conceptualization by
means of a unified, inter-provincial plan;
- The CIPI president will elaborate a plan that is
unified, shared and approved by the Executive
The Curia Informs
26 - 28 JANUARY 2004
Fr. Robert Joerger, C.P.
Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center provided a
beautiful setting for the annual meeting of the provincial councils from Holy Cross and St. Paul of the
Cross provinces. Also present for this gathering were
the Provincial and Consultor from Mexico, Frs.
Alfonso and Hector, and the Regional Vicar from
Canada, Fr. Stephen Dunn. This year the meeting
took on a more unique character as those assembled
were joined by the Superior General, Fr. Ottaviano
D’Egidio, and the members of the General Council.
This was the first time that the General Council has
met with the full provincial councils of a particular
region, an action recommended by the General
Chapter of 2000. Brother Paul Michalenko, who has
served as facilitator for the provincial chapters of both
provinces and for the last General Chapter, served as
facilitator for this meeting.
Input and dialogue on a variety of topics took
place with a particular focus on the collaboration that
has already begun and that is being proposed for the
future, especially in the areas of initial and lay formation. After reviewing the respective formation programs of both provinces, a joint meeting of the formation boards was proposed to discuss future collaboration, notably in regard to an inter-province novitiate.
Philip Paxton (CRUC) and Gerald Laba (PAUL)
then gave an overview of programs for the laity in
their respective provinces. These include, from Holy
Cross, Passionist Partners and Passionist Lay
Missioners, and from St. Paul of the Cross, Mission
Fulfillment, Passionist Associates, Passionist
Volunteers, and Passionist Volunteers
International. In August 2003, a formal
dialogue began among the leadership of
these programs. Inter-province participation in programs and events is being
planned in the spring and summer of this
year. Dialogue will also take place in
regard to future cooperation between the
Passionist Volunteers and Passionist Lay
Missioners. The goal of these two programs is compassionate outreach to the
poor and to those in need.
Dialogue followed reports from the
provincials, Fr. Michael Higgins (CRUC)
and Fr. Terence Kristofak (PAUL), and from the
Regional Vicar, Fr. Stephen Dunn (PAUL-MACAN).
The discussion then turned to the Restructuring of the
Congregation and Provinces. Within the context of
our charism and mission, and building upon a history
of inter-province collaboration, the participants suggested that further cooperation between the provinces
might take place in particular areas of ministry,
administration, and communication.
Other topics on the agenda included a review of
the Sexual Misconduct Policy adopted by both North
American provinces and a presentation from Fr.
Kevin Dance on the Passionists at the United Nations.
Kevin reported that the Passionists are now officially
recognized as “Passionists International”.
In personal remarks to the gathering, Fr. Ottaviano
expressed appreciation for the way in which the
provinces address issues and plan for significant gatherings, i.e., provincial chapters and the
Sesquicentennial celebration. He also encouraged
more investment in vocation animation and in the
study of languages, and asked for observations in
regard to the restructuring of General government and
the Generalate, and communication from the
Generalate to the Congregation.
In all, there was excellent participation from those
assembled, who spoke in three languages. The agenda and dialogue flowed smoothly, thanks to the efforts
of the facilitator, Brother Paul, and to those who
served as translators, Frs. Enzo del Brocco, Alfonso,
and Alex Steinmiller.
Fr. Gerald Laba, C.P.
The Curia Informs
(Democratic Republic of the CONGO)
Fr. Vital Otshudialokoka, C.P.
1. The Passionists in the diocese of Tshumbe
The Vicariate of Christ the Savior is present in three
dioceses of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the
diocese of Tshumbe, of Kitwit and the archdiocese of
Kinshasa. The Passionists arrived in Congo in 1930
specifically in the diocese of Tshumbe, thus making it
the cradle of the Passionists in Congo.
From the beginning, the Passionists have been
involved in the foundation of the local church in the
diocese of Tshumbe. The first bishop was a Passionist,
his Excellency Bishop Victor Hagendorens, who also
founded two diocesan congregations: the Congregation
of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi and the
Congregation of the Brothers of the Passion of St.
Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin.
Currently, all of the apostolic responsibility is in the
hands of diocesan clergy. The Passionists have
remained only in two localities: the parish of Ototo and
the catechetical center of Lodja, recently established for
the formation of catechists. Geographically, the diocese of Tshumbe is located in the center of the
Democratic Republic of Congo, in the Region of KasaiOriental, the Province of Sankuru.
For five years this region has suffered greatly on
account of the war and has been under the control of
rebels supported by Rwanda and Uganda, two nations
that share the eastern frontier of
the country. When the conflict
erupted, four Passionists were
working in the area. From the
very beginning they experienced the horrors of the war.
Many times each week they
had to seek refuge in the nearby
forest. The parish of Ototo has
suffered much structural damage. The pastor, Fr. Michel
Woko, with great skill, was able
to prevent many goods from
being stolen by the invaders.
And it is truly admirable that he
never once abandoned his primary responsibility, that
is, his pastoral ministry, especially in the area of youth
work. He continued to visit the Christian communities
in centers beyond the mission and he did so on foot or
by bicycle, at least until his motorcycle, that was
robbed and then ruined by the military, was repaired.
Thanks be to God, there was no human loss of life in
either community. God cared for the lives of our religious.
For various reasons, two of our religious had to
leave the area and seek refuge in Kinshasa. For a long
period of time, therefore, only two religious remained
in situ, one in each house. These two religious imitated the good shepherd who doesn’t abandon his sheep in
difficult moments. They remained close to their people.
“One knows a true friend in moments of trial.”
The war has been a real challenge to the Passionist
community of the Congo. “You will recognize them by
the way they love one another.” In living out these
words of Jesus, the Passionists chose to stay close to the
people of God to whom they were sent. This choice to
remain where Passionist life in the Congo began has
required much faith, much courage and a great spirit of
sacrifice. Fortunately today, following the agreement
between the government and the rebels, life is getting
back to normal, although at a slow pace.
2. The administration of Caritas entrusted to a
Several years ago, the diocese of Tshumbe, in the
person of Bishop Nicholas
Djomo, entrusted the administration of the diocesan Caritas
to a Passionist, Fr. Czeslaw
Duda, a Pole, the first
Consultor of the government of
the SALV Vicariate and superior of the house in Lodja. What
does Fr. Czeslaw do? He was
named the representative of the
diocese for international charitable organizations. His responsibility is to study and program
humanitarian projects and to
present them to international
organizations in order to acquire the necessary financial
assistance to bring them to fruition. Furthermore, he is
responsible for the distribution of materials received
The Curia Informs
from Caritas. He also coordinated the evacuation of
refugees from the capital to the region of Sankuru, with
the help of MONUC (the UN mission in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.) The photos show him
distributing goods to the people, especially to school
children and also scenes of the arrival of refugees of
Kinshasa by the ship rented by MONUC. This is the
difficult work of Fr.Czeslaw. The principal goods distributed are: salt, soap, clothing, tents (due to the fact
that the houses in many of the villages were burned by
the military, something that frequently occurred during
the war), machetes and plows for agriculture. Thanks
to the Caritas organization, the diocese has been able to
confront and overcome many problems of first aid for
the people during this time of war. It is unfortunate that
this program was so late in beginning because of the ill
will of the protagonists of the war. It is good to remember that our religious shared in the same difficulties as
their people.
Fr. Czeslaw is doing excellent work and feels greatly fulfilled in serving the needs of others. In the eyes of
the people, Fr. Czeslaw is like Santa Claus or St.
Nicholas, who always brings good things for them.
However this is not all. Father assures only the control
and just distribution of the goods that Caritas gives to
the diocese. The most important thing is the love with
which he undertakes his work, work done with a sincere
and generous heart.
In Fr. Czeslaw’s work those qualities of a Passionist
clearly emerge such as compassion, kindness and
benevolence toward people in difficulty of any kind and
almost left to fend for themselves. Our Lord Jesus
always gave a place of priority to the poor, to the little
ones, to the suffering. Our Founder, St. Paul of the
Cross, always tried to concretely live out this attitude in
his life and wanted his sons to acquire the same attitude
of association with the poor, the suffering, the marginalized, etc.
The time of war was not only a period of terrible difficulties for our religious and everyone else in the
Congo, but always an opportunity for the Passionists to
deepen and live the spirit of a missionary even under
extreme conditions and above all it was a time to take
to heart the virtues of St. Paul of the Cross, who always
chose to reach out to people who were suffering. The
Passion of Jesus is nothing other than a dialectic of love
between the Father and the Son for the good of
mankind, and which should always challenge us to
reach out to others, above all those who are in difficulty.
3. The great Passionist family in Kinshasa.
Passionists in the Congo, at least in those areas where it
is possible, try to unite themselves with other institutes
that share their charism (the congregation of the
Passionist Sisters of Signa, the Mexican congregation
of the Daughters of the Passion, the Congregation of the
Brothers of the Passion of Jesus Christ), thus entering
into the great Passionist Family of the Congo. It is a
wonderful beginning that should be further encouraged.
This project has especially been undertaken by the
communities that are in Kinshasa, where each month
they have a retreat day to which the extended Passionist
Family is invited, during which they share experiences
of prayer, and which is concluded with a shared meal.
The Passionist community is working toward incorporating laity, men and women, who are interested in our
spirituality and our charism, thus further developing the
Lay Passionist Movement. What will it be called? We
still do not know. At this time we will settle for this
generic title.
The effort at placing the Congo within the general
plan of the Congregation and of taking all the other initiatives to root our Passionist identity in this country is
evidence that the Passionist community in the Congo is
on the road toward recognition of its status as an
autonomous entity of the Congregation, capable of
assuming its responsibilities within the framework of
the spirit of St. Paul of the Cross, lived in the context of
the reality of the times and seeking to attentively
respond to the challenges of a world that is quickly
On the occasion of the feast of the Exaltation of the
Cross I was in Kinshasa and I had the opportunity of
participating, together with the extended Passionist
Family, in the celebration of the Eucharist on the feast
day, whose principal concelebrant was Father Martin
Fripont, the counselor for community life and charism
in the SALV vicariate.
In the spirit of the 44th General Chapter, the
The Curia Informs
Fr. Luis Alberto Cano, C.P.
I am very pleased to share with you some brief a means of drawing upon those realities that gather us
reflections that I recently requested from Fr. Antonio into a collective unity. In essence, it deals with brothGarcia, CP (author of numerous publications) regard- ers of the same family.
An overabundance of articles becomes tiring. Ining his impression of the new PIB. I believe that this
page should not only give me the possibility of shar- depth articles for the PIB consisting of long paraing with other members of the Congregation my graphs are not inviting. We are not necessarily in the
reflections about this important sector of communica- presence of a Stauros publication where sitting down
tions, but it should also be available to anyone of you to read involves deep, cerebral study of the text. I
who would so wish to avail yourself of this opportuni- believe that perhaps what is needed is less intellectually demanding material in favor of material that
ty. Below is what Fr. Antonio sent to me:
“I am sincerely pleased to share with you some touches the heart. The news article is like a blood
transfusion with its supply of red and white blood cells
brief thoughts of interest to everyone.
Communication is the usual path by which the mem- that affect the entire body.
The PIB is paper, is news, is an image; it is conbers of a community enter into relationship with each
other. Communication is fundamental for us to inter- gregational communication. It should awaken interest
act with each other, to come to know one another, to be and stimulate curiosity. The new format of the PIB
near to one another, to create a family atmosphere. has the aspect of a serious, well-structured, carefully
Communication enables us to realize that we are a designed magazine. The majority of the pictures serve
Congregation that is united despite geographic dis- more as a reminder of the past through their uniformitance and that we comprise one body composed of ty of dress and ceremony, rather than a vision of curvarious members. Communication is like the hearth in rent realities and the normalcy of life.”
As you have read there is much food for thought
a home.
Indeed, communication must be truly simple, about such an important topic as that of communicatransparent, confidential, trustworthy and pleasing, tion and often one person’s point of view is reflective,
especially during this period of history in which such as it is, of his own social and cultural roots. In
advanced means of communication are ever more the hope of trying, as far as this is possible, to give a
attractive. If communication is not pleasing to the eye more multi-cultural face to the Sector of
Communication I once again invite everyone to share
it becomes heavy and does not awaken curiosity.
A proper equilibrium must be maintained between your own ideas with the rest of the Congregation.
official and anecdotal styles. Over a period of time, if
the PIB tries to be a magazine of
articles by the members of the
New internet options for the Generalate.
Curia the result may be tedious.
The internet connection of the Generalate has undergone some revisions with the start of the
Being a consultor doesn’t necessarnew year. In order to provide more opportunities for development of our communications netily include the gift of grace or the
work, the Generalate switched providers from the PCN (Peace Communication Network)
gift of being a good narrator or
Consortium to a commercial provider, Mc-Link. At the same time, the domain of the
journalist. The same article, well
Generalate Website ( was moved onto the Mc-Link server. Under the new
or poorly written, can either attract
ISP (Internet Service Provider), we manage our e-mail addresses directly (“in-house”), and are
attention or leave one indifferent.
able to provide up to 150 mailboxes. Some confusion resulted around the congregation from
If communication does not
the change in our Generalate e-mail addresses from “” to “”. If
engender unity and political, finanwhen sending an e-mail to one of the members of the Generalate you received a message that
cial and spiritual solidarity, the
read “address non-existent” or “user unknown”, it may be due to fact that we have switched
fundamental nucleus of the news is
from the previous domain of “” to the new “”. In most cases, the
unfruitful. Information cannot be
part of the address that precedes the “@” has remained the same. Please make note of these
non-incarnated information. At the
changes and inform us of any difficulties that you may encounter in this area.
level of the Congregation the PIB is
The Curia Informs
Fr. Giovanni Zubiani, C.P.
Last January Fr. Harrie, the pastor of
Munstergeleen invited me to visit the birth
place of Blessed Charles Houben. Fr. Enzo Del
Brocco, who already knew Fr. Harrie, agreed
to accompany me in order to help me with
English translation and to organize the trip that
was offered to us. The following article consists largely of the report of Fr. Harrie Broers
concerning the fame of the saint in that place;
a possible miracle obtained through the intercession of Blessed Charles and the account of
the serious accident that befell the Vice-postulator for the cause, Fr. Joachim. They testify to
the protection of Blessed Charles in their
regard, obtained in answer to their prayers.
Blessed Charles was born here in
Munstergeleen, the Netherlands in 1821.
During the early twenties of the last century,
the Passionists had the opportunity to buy a
part of the farm where Blessed Charles was
born. And more specifically, that corner of the
farm in which the room where he was born is
located, was converted into a small chapel.
However as the popularity of Blessed Charles
increased, it soon became too small for all the
pilgrims. In the early fifty’s it was possible to
purchase the remainder of the farmhouse and
barn and the Passionist who was Postulator at
Foto of the celebration of January 5
that time (Fr. Xaverius, CP) decided to change
the barn into a chapel. It was consecrated in
1954 and became a well known and treasured
place of worship for many people here in the
south of our country. Over the years more and
more people discovered Blessed Charles, and
since assuming the role of Postulator, Fr.
Joachim has zealously labored to create an
atmosphere of faith and devotion.
In 1982 he was able to reside near the shrine
itself. This offered the possibility of celebrating
daily Mass and also provided for a very special
kind of apostolate and evangelization. Because
of his affable character, his great faith, his
unconditional loyalty to the Church and, last
but not least, his sincere way of life as a devout
and convinced Passionist, he won the hearts of
thousands of people, bringing them into contact
with Blessed Charles and also witnessing to the
graces received in answer to their prayers.
The shrine, already visited by a large number of people, has continued to become even
more popular. On an average, people light
100,000 candles a year. They come from all
parts of the surrounding area, and at the time
that the chapel opens at 9:00 in the morning,
there are always some people waiting to get in.
There is a book in which people can write their
prayer intentions — a silent witness of all those who have great
faith in Fr. Charles’ intercession.
You meet young couples and old
people, boys and girls who have to
pass their exams; you meet influential and educated people, gypsies
and Hells-Angels. Young couples
come to pray for healthy pregnancies and, in turn, want to have their
baby baptized here. Last year there
were 119 baptisms and in 2002
there were 154.
Was the healing of my parishioner, Mr. Dolf Dormans in 1999,
through the intercession of Blessed
Charles, a true miracle? In April,
1999 he suffered because of a very
The Curia Informs
complicated appendicitis, which caused irrevocable damage to the intestines. The surgeon of
the hospital told him and his wife and children
that he should call for a priest to anoint him and
to help him to prepare for death. The surgeon
said to them: “Do what you have to do quickly,
because soon you will be in a coma and won’t
wake up anymore. You have only 24 hours to
live.” Indeed we can testify that he was dying,
and soon went into a coma. Mr. Dormans, who
has great confidence in Blessed Charles –he
was a cousin of his grand-mother- held the relic
of Charles in his hand and prayed. Because he
is a very well known and beloved person in our
village many people from the parish were praying for this recovery at the shrine where
Blessed Charles was born. He went into a deep
coma that same day, April 11th. Then the miracle happened: the next day he woke up and was
completely clear of mind and his vital signs
continued to improve. The recovery had begun!
With this information the Postulator, Fr
Joachim van der Heijden cp and I, Fr. Harrie
Blessed Charles Houben
Broers, pastor of Munstergeleen, talked things
over, spoke with the surgeons and decided to
ask the Bishop to establish a tribunal to investigate this presumed miracle. The Bishop was
positive and the members were given on oath
on November 6th, 2002. Now we - I was one of
them- could start the work which, I must confess, was the most interesting and wonderful
thing (in addition to celebrating Mass and the
Sacraments) that I had to do up to this point in
my priestly life. Thanks to blessed Charles, it
was one of the most incredible experiences of
my life! Yes, as you will see, it changed my life.
On February 19th, 2003 we went back to the
Bishop to have the final session of the tribunal
and had the documents placed under the episcopal seal. Then on February 20th we went to
the Papal Nuncio who would take all the documents to the Vatican. So that day, in the early
morning, we departed: Fr. Joachim van der
Heijden cp, the Delegate of the Bishop for this
Tribunal, Prof. Dr. Stefaan van Calster and I.
Prof. Van Calster drove the car and I was sitting
in the front (after first having argued with Fr.
Joachim who insisted that he had to sit in the
back: “You sit in front,” he said, “I want to take
a nap, it’s been a fatiguing day!” All went well
until we approached Utrecht where we encountered a traffic-jam. All the traffic slowed down:
70 km…, 50 km… At the moment that we and
all the cars stopped, we were hit from behind
by a huge Mercedes-van which, ignoring all
signs, drove at high speed and hit us and the car
in front of us and an additional three more cars.
Fr. Joachim was in the back of the car and was
bleeding and showing no signs of signs of life.
I climbed out over the steering-wheel and
climbed into the back to get to Fr. Joachim and
gave him general absolution. As I was holding
him he started moving again and I had to try to
keep him calm. He was in terrible pain. Soon an
ambulance arrived and brought him to the nearest hospital. Because the situation was so hectic, we could not accompany him on his trip to
the hospital. We followed later.
Meanwhile Prof. Van Calster was collecting
the packages of the documents and X-rays
which were strewn all over the highway. As we
arrived at the hospital they were attending to Fr.
Joachim who, we were told, was in very critical
condition. He was sedated. He had 7 broken
ribs, punctured lungs, a broken pelvis and
cheek-bone, and was connected to a respirator.
He continued in this highly critical condition
until March 25th, but did not open his eyes
until April 13th. For us here in the parish it was
a period of fear and faith: Blessed Charles
The Curia Informs
won’t let him die! So we started to pray a novena every evening at 6:00 PM in the Shrine, until
he awoke from the coma. The Shrine was completely filled every evening with not only people of our village, but also from the wider area.
It was incredible! The surgeons’ diagnosis of
Fr. Joachim was very pessimistic:
if he survives, what will the prognosis be?
When finally he opened his eyes on April 13th,
he appeared to be completely lucid! We said
with tears in our eyes: Praised be our Blessed
Charles! Now he is in a rehabilitation clinic and
is undergoing therapy in the hope that slowly
he will be able to walk again; however, that will
still take a long time.
The celebration on the
diocesan level of the presumed
miracle was the occasion for Fr.
Giovanni Zubiani, CP and Fr.
Enzo del Brocco, CP, the personal secretary of the Superior
General, to come to Munstergeleen. With great joy we welcomed them here during the
early days of January, to see,
experience and meet a “living”
Blessed Charles. On the
Solemnity of Blessed Charles,
January 5th, they celebrated
Mass in our parish church and
Fr. Enzo preached the homily in
English. For the occasion Fr.
Joachim, in a wheel chair, left
the hospital for the first time.
The Provincial of the DutchFrom left to right:
Passionist province, Fr. Leo
Bos, assisted. It was such an
emotional Mass, that even now, four weeks
later, people here in the village are still talking
about it. The church was overflowing, about
1200 people (on a Monday evening!). After
Mass the people came to venerate the relic of
Blessed Charles. During the following days the
telephone didn’t stop ringing with requests for
Masses, relics, prayer-cards and baptisms. In
the shrine the number of candles that were
lighted doubled: last Sunday we counted 180
new novena-candles that burn for 9 days and
750 little candles!
We all hope and pray that the Vatican will
approve the presumed miracle and that Blessed
Charles will soon be canonized. We also pray
for Fr. Joachim that he will recover. And, if, at
his age (74), he won’t run very quickly anymore, he at least will not need a wheel-chair
and be able to return here. Through the intercession of Blessed Charles may the Congregation be blessed with many young Passionist
vocations and, through his powerful intercession, may Blessed Charles bless all of you!
That’s my prayer here in at the Shrine in
Munstergeleen for all of you.”
Currently, thanks to the work done by the
Tribunal of Roermond and by Fr. Joachim, the
diocesan process has been officially opened at
the Congregation for the Causes of Saints – at
Fr. Zubiani, Fr. Joachim Van Der Heijden and Fr. Enzo del Brocco
which a decision will be made concerning the
presumed miracle – thru the study at the
Pontifical level of March 27, 2003. Present
together with me were Prof. Van Calster, the
Episcopal delegate and dear Fr. Broers who, in
addition to being the pastor is also one of the
notaries of the process at the diocesan level.
Furthermore, the Congregation is deeply grateful to him for the warm and generous hospitality that was shown to us as, well as for the faith
that he has in the intercession of Blessed
Charles Houben and for the fraternal kindness
that he showed to Fr. Joachim following his
The Curia Informs
Fr. Fabiano Giorgini, C.P.
C.P.The establishing of the Historical Commission
(cf. BIP, No.1, p.16) is the fruit of a collective
awareness that began in a significant way in the
Congregation on the occasion of the second centenary of its foundation (1720-1920). The then
Superior General, Fr. Silvio Di Vezza, on 18 Oct.
1919 launched the celebration and, in addition to
other aspects, he encouraged the Provinces to
bring about the following as fruits of the celebration:
- the historical annals of each Province that would
serve for the writing of the general history of the
- to care for and promote the growth of the
Confraternity of the Passion of Jesus which over
the period of two centuries was a great help to the
Congregation in carrying out its mission.
On his part, he dedicated himself to printing
Fr. Paulino Alonso
the letters of our Founder, which in fact occurred
in 1924 in four volumes. He also founded the
Bolletino della Congregazione (The Bulletin of the
Congregation) in order to circulate current news
items of the Congregation and to present documents and historical synopses of the past.
(Bollettino della Congregazione, I, pp. 28-29).
The exhortation of the General produced several works that even today serve as valid reference
** Brevissimi Cenni storici della Provincia religiosa di Maria Santissima della Pietà, Senigaglia,
1923, pp. 35.
** P. Amedeo del Buon Pastore, I Passionisti
nell’Alta Italia, Pianezza, 1922, pp.389.
** Felix Ward, The Passionists. Historical and
personal Sketches, New York, 1923, pp. 478.
** Herbert, C.P., The Preachers of the Passion; or
Frontispiece of the 1st issue of the Bulletin of the Congregation
The Curia Informs
The Passionists of the Anglo-Hibernian Province,
London 1924, pp. 236.
** Bernaola de San Martín, C.P., Album histórico
de los Pasionistas de la Provincia de la Sagrada
Familia, México, 1933, pp. XV-533.
Fr. Gaetan du Nom du Marie began systematic
research on the sources of the life of St. Paul of
the Cross in preparation for a scientific biography
and also facilitated the publishing of various
works that illustrated the life and the activity of
Paul of the Cross. After 1920 almost every
Province gradually dedicated itself to the publication of a magazine in order to promote Passionist
spirituality among the laity, but which often contained historical articles dealing with various
communities or provinces.
The Superior General, Fr. Leo Kierkels
encouraged many to study Passionist spirituality
especially by means of his circular letter dealing
with the study of the Passion of 25 Feb. 1930
(Acta Congregationis XI, 1930, 05-62).
In the first issue of the magazine (PIB I, pp. 1617) we were informed about the effort of the
XXXVII(1958) and of the General Curias of that
time to encourage the study and the teaching of
the History and the Spirituality of the
Congregation. Mindful of the creation of the
Historical Commission (September 1958) and its
members, we now propose to briefly present the
efforts undertaken by the General Chapters and
the General Curias to develop and consolidate the
institution and organization of the study of the
Theology of the Passion and the History and
Spirituality of the Congregation.
One of the recommendations of the General
Chapter XXXVIII (1964) was to ask the
Historical Commission to publish a magazine
with certain periodicity, for example once or twice
a year, which would contain documents and studies. Even the title, “Archivium C.P.” was proposed. However many obstacles prevented its
At the XXXIX General Chapter (18 April
– 19 June 1970), decree number 10 of the legislation dealt with the study of the Congregation.
They sought to bring about a more widespread
diffusion of all materials that referred to the special vow and proposed to the Superior General
and his Council the development of a program for
the overall study of the Theology of the Passion,
of the history of the Congregation and of its
Spirituality. According to the intention of the
Chapter this institute should be of interest for all
of the Congregation and the religious who are
entrusted with this work should, in addition to the
research, supply the sources that form the basis for
the studies to be published (Acta Congregationis,
C.P., XXV(1969-1971), 197).
The General Chapter XL (1976) asked for the
creation of a center of Passionist History and
Spirituality. The General Council prepared a program that was presented to the provincials for
them to study in preparation for their approval at
the Synod that took place in Lima. On the part of
the General Curia, Fr. Fabiano Giorgini, then
Vicar General, agreed to continue his work on the
General Curia, as the director of this center (BIP,
83, p. 118).
The XLI General Chapter (1982), expressing
satisfaction for the volumes dealing with the
History of the Congregation that were recently
published and that were to be published, desiring
an International Passionist Center of Culture and
Spirituality, recommended that the General
Council do a study about the History of a School
of Passionist Spirituality (BIP 1/83, p. 10). In the
meantime a “historical sampling” for the use of
the novices and the students was published in
Italian in 1986 and entitled: La Congregazione
della Passione di Gesù. Saggio storico. The same
volume was published in English in 1988 and in
Spanish in 1989.
In light of the General Chapter XLII (1988),
seconding the suggestion of the Conference of
Provincials of Northern Europe, the General
Council named a small commission and gave it
the task of preparing two or three proposals directed to the Chapter with regard to the publication of
inspirational documents of the Congregation. In
the Acts of this Chapter the only recommendation
to the Superior General that can be found is that
which refers to the creation at Sts. John and Paul
of a library specializing in the various elements of
the Memoria Passionis.
Beyond these endeavors, the General Curias
have expressed great interest in the efforts of the
members of the Historical Commission because of
their work and have made great human and economic sacrifices for the publication and the translation of all that has been written on the Memoria
Passionis and the Spirituality of the Congregation.
Without their contribution many projects would
never have seen light.
The Curia Informs
Fr. Umberto Palmerini, C.P.
The first General Council Meeting of 2004, at which made to the community in Bogota, seat of the Vice-proall of the Council was present, took place at our Retreat vince, regarding their personnel and community organiof Our Lady of Florida, North Palm Beach FL. The zation. The Congress, moderated by Fr. Antonio
Meeting began on January 29, and concluded on Munduate, produced a good scheme for guiding the ViceFebruary 4. Just prior to the General Council Meeting, province during the coming years, and was carried out
from January 26 to January 28, the two provincial coun- with the cooperation of all.
Father General then took part in the solemn celebracils of the United States held their annual Interprovincial
Council Meeting (IPCM). At this meeting, whose theme tion of the 50th anniversary of Passionists in the Vicariate
was “Restructuring”, the moderator was Bro. Paul of Our Lady of Victory (VICT) in Brazil, part of the
Michalenko of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Italian province of the Sorrowful Mother (DOL). On this
Trinity. Also invited to take part were the Regional Vicar occasion, our parish church, which is dedicated to St.
in Canada, Fr. Stephen Dunn, and the Provincial from Paul of the Cross, was elevated to the status of a Shrine
Mexico, Fr. Alfonso Iberri. The entire General Council Church (“Santuario”) by the Cardinal of Belo Horizonte.
The celebrations were accompanied by vast crowds of the
took part in the Interprovincial Council Meeting.
At the start of the Council Meeting, there was a brief faithful. From Brazil, Fr. General traveled to Venezuela
review of the meeting just
completed (IPCM), with
favorable comments for the
fraternal welcome and
hospitality, the sharing, and
the general agreement on
the fundamental necessity
of a restructuring.
The Council Meeting
first undertook a meeting
with the Provincial from
Mexico (REG), Fr. Alfonso
Iberri. The material had to
do with the organization of
the coming Synod (personnel for the Secretariat, participation of the Regional
Vicars of Latin America,
etc.). Thereupon the usual
Council Meeting agenda
was followed with reports
from the Superior General,
Father Ottaviano with the Passionist Family of Caracas
the General Consultors, particular cases, and the ongoing
for a fraternal visit on the occasion of the 75th anniverpreparations for the General Synod.
Father General reported on the Congress held in sary of the Passionist presence in the Vicariate of Our
Colombia (FID) from the 19 to the 23 of February. Lady of Coromoto (COROM), which is part of the
Previously, from the 10 to the 19 of February, he conduc- Spanish Province of the Holy Family (FAM). Fr. General
ted a fraternal visit to the communities. He reported on commented on the joy and the pastoral commitment of
the notable work being done both in the pastoral and in the religious as well as on the efforts made to collaborate
the formation areas, and he mentioned his suggestions with the laity.
The Curia Informs
The General Consultors each gave their reports about
the principal activities of their spheres of responsibility.
Luis Alberto Cano, a former provincial of Holy
Family Province, accompanied the present provincial, Fr.
Fernando Rabanal, in a visit to the communities of
Central America. In Honduras,where he had been the
Regional Vicar, Fr. Luis Albert took part in a study week
on the emerging theology of Latin America. There are
five Passionist Centers there which operate under the
structure of several parishes. In El Salvador, the province of the Holy Family has acquired a religious house
which at one time belonged to Mons. Oscar Romero.
Jefferies Foale, had taken part in a meeting in Rome with
the designated moderator of the coming General Synod,
and he is working on the preparation and review of the
Statutes for “Passionists International”, which is the body
representing the Passionist Family at the United Nations.
He also gave a brief report on the Vicariate in India
Augusto Canali took part in the celebration of the
50th anniversary of the Vicariate VICT, in the celebration
of the Vicariate Congress in VICT, and also assisted at the
extraordinary Assembly of the Brazilian province CALV,
which had to elect a new consultor to take the place of Fr.
Afonso Fioreze, who had been named coadjutor Bishop
of Luziania. Fr. Alcide Bassani was elected consultor and
first consultor. The Assembly also expressed itself positively with regard to a considered move of the students to
Rio de Janeiro.
Vital Otshudialokoka reported at length on Kisima,
the International Theologate for Passionists in Africa, and
also reported, more briefly, on his visit to Tanzania. With
respect to Kisima, he explained the report presented at the
Board of Directors meeting about the life of the community, and the proposal being considered of handing over
the theologate to one of the three provinces participating
there (PATR, CORM and GABR). Such a proposal
would be experimental, and would result in the house
being under the direction of one of the provinces, rather
than under the direct authority of the General. However,
the nature of the house as an international formation community for the Passionists in Africa would be maintained.
Father General, together with the Council, expressed his
willingness to go forward with the proposal. At this time,
a response from one of the three provinces is being awaited.
Fr. Vital had been invited by the Regional Vicar in
Tanzania, Fr. Cesare Pozzobon, to take part in the inauguration at Dar-es-Salaam of the Joyful Village
(“Villaggio della Gioia”), a home for homeless children,
developed under the auspices of Fr. Fulgenzio Cortesi,
and with the cooperation of generous benefactors. The
children are looked after by the Passionist Sisters (Signa).
Giving special solemnity to this inauguration was the presence of the Cardinal of Dar-es-Salaam, and the wife of
the President of Tanzania.
Fr. Vital also mentioned, in the context of the
Commission established to prepare for the promotion of
the Vicariate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to
the level of Vice-province, that the future Vice-province’s
pastoral plan was still being awaited so that it might be
studied by the “economic commission” which would then
have fulfilled its mandate.
Luigi Vaninetti reported on his meeting with the community of Sts. John and Paul when the division of the
administration of the house was divided between Casa
and Curia. He also spoke of the printing of the Acts of
the Seminary held in honor of Fr. Stanislas Breton on the
occasion of his 90th birthday. He spoke of the meeting
for our Missionaries in Italy, which was attended by a
good number of younger religious. Finally, he spoke of
the impending canonical visit to the community of Sts.
John and Paul, for which a new superior is to be named
this year.
Robert Joerger spoke principally of his visit to the
Province of Our Lady of Holy Hope (SPE, HollandGermany), and of his visit to the communities in France.
In SPE the religious are in two communities, one in
Holland, and the other in Germany. The religious who
are working in the parish ministry outside of one of these
two houses spend one day a week in one of the local communities of the province. Those religious who have need
or special care, for reasons of health or age, are cared for
in religious houses for that purpose. Fr. Provincial visits
these religious quite often. Fr. Robert also took the
opportunity to visit the religious in these care facilities at
the same time as he was visiting the communities. The
vicariate of this province, LIBER, in Brazil, is moving
toward its own future and counts on its local vocations for
that future.
The General Synod was the principal agenda item for
the Consulta. The discussion revolved around several
points: the meaning of “restructuring”, which is the
theme of the Synod; the need to restructure; various
models for restructuring; the engagement of the
Provinces, Vicariate, communities and individuals in the
process; the relationship of this synod with the work of
the prior synod in Korea, and the preparation of the program and the convocation letter to be issued.
Restructuring is an important element in the future of the
Congregation because it touches personnel, apostolate,
sharing and solidarity in an ever more globalized society,
Church, and Congregation. The theme will be taken up
again with the assistance of the Moderator, Brother Luis
Garcia Sobrado of the Marist Brothers, at a meeting scheduled for March 5.
Among the single points to be treated, much of the time
was spent in examining the statutes for “Passionists
The Curia Informs
Fr. Christopher Gibson, C.P.
It took me several weeks to build up the courage to get
out there with the car, not only to drive in Roman traffic,
but also to do this in an unfamiliar layout of the city on oneway streets, without getting lost. It would have been so
much more comfortable not to make that effort to venture
out, but then I would have remained stuck only with the
alternate public transport or depending on the good will of
others to take me to a certain spot. I’m fine with public
transport but having to get quickly to and back from the
Vatican bank in the middle of a busy schedule can be problematic.
The reason I share this experience is because I think it
reflects a common pattern which one way or another we all
experience in life. It takes some effort on our part to move
out of our comfort zone into the new, the unknown, and the
risky and yes, even the dangerous.
Yes. We as Passionists are called to mission. We, like
Paul of the cross, are called to move off the ordinary into
the unexpected way, to reach out to those ‘bandits living on
the margin of society’ so to speak or to those living in those
swampy areas and whom no one reaches out to; to give that
special attention to a returning Christian in a parish mission, to reach out to the needy of our parish areas, many of
whom are un-churched, maybe even consider ‘adopting a
parish’ in a much poorer area of the world other than our
own, to reach out to those in a hospital or prison whom
maybe no one visits, to go out to the youth on the street
caught up in gangs and drugs, to the alcoholic who struggles to get back on their feet, to take on a mission in a place
where no one wants to go, to participate in movements that
could bring about change in society. And without doubt
there are plenty of heroic examples of this spirit in the
But what I feel we have to be on guard, is allowing our
communities to become closed in comfortable nests that
loose its awareness and sensitivity to the needs of a larger
world, and therefore of its sense of mission to that world.
Our parishes can also become closed in spiritual clubs. Our
parish missions and retreat centers could become simply a
means of bringing in funds for the community.
Yes, we are constantly invited to conversion. We are
constantly probed by the Spirit to move out of that comfort
zone and to reach out knowing that we are more than likely to make mistakes in the process of learning new ways.
I feel privileged to have been called to ministry in this new
unique way within the congregation as mission secretary.
I would have never remotely imagined it as a possibility at
this time last year. It was last June when the general asked
me if I was willing to consider it and I without knowing
exactly what I was getting into said ‘yes’. But by saying
‘yes’ I realized it would have a very radical effect on my
Diving into a new culture (including the Passionist
aspect of it), language, ministry and into the world scene,
having to attend to the needs of my ministry while learning
the ‘tools’ to do it well, be it the Italian language as an
important means of communication, or new computer programs in order to handle better the book keeping and other
aspects of this ministry, has all been a challenge and I’m
happy for it, even when it has not by any means been easy.
In the middle of the ministry I have taken on within the
congregation, I am fully aware that we are in the process of
looking for ways of re-structuring our Congregation and I
know that this will also affect my office in ways I still cannot foresee but which is already in the making. That is part
of this adventure we are all called to be part of, as we move
from structures that where good for our founder in his time
and that seem to have become inadequate for a very different world stage of our time. It’s another way in which the
Spirit is inviting us to go out to the challenge of renewal as
an effort to respond to the directives of Vatican Council II
I want to take this occasion to thank all those who have
assisted me at this time of transition, especially the different helping hands in performing my ministry. In this sense
I have formed a small assisting group from our community
at John and Paul’s, representing different mission areas of
the world: they are Fr. Emery Kibal (from Congo), Fr.
Nicodemus (from Indonesia), Bro. Ernaldo Reátegui (from
Perú) and Fr. Roy Scrampical (from India).
Lets not lose hope in the middle of our troubled times
and dare to venture out to meet the challenge of a renewed
way of being Passionist.
Passionist Life - News from the Conference
CORM - Israel
Bethany and the “security wall”
The construction of the safety wall between Israel
and Palestine is in progress and has almost arrived
at the borders of our house in Bethany. It will
probably go beyond the confines of the property,
thus dividing the property itself. The situation for
our community is very delicate, exacerbated by
the continuous flow of hundreds of Palestinians
who, in order to save numerous kilometers to
reach the city, quietly pass through our gardens.
Given the present situation and the total lack of
pilgrimages, at the present time, the religious
community can merely undertake a few ministries
within the confines of the neighboring religious
The Conference of Italy
PRAES - Italy
150 years of Passionist presence at the Scala Santa, Rome
On 29 November 2003, the Passionists of the Scala Santa
(PRAES) here in Rome are celebrating their 150th anniversary
since the conferral of the Shrine to the Passionists by Blessed
Pius IX because of his esteem for the Congregation from the
days of his youth. At the same time as the Passionists
received care of the Scala Santa, Blessed Pius IX also had the
attached monastery built for the community. Since then the
Passionists, in keeping with the charism of the “Memoria
Passionis” care for the sanctuary dedicated to the Passion of
Jesus, one of the most venerated shrines of Rome, undertaking
various pastoral activities in particular, the welcoming of pilgrims and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
CIPI Seminar on Mission
The Generalate was particularly busy from the
12th to the 16th of January, during the workshop
on “Mission: The Nature and Activity of the
Church”, sponsored by the Italian Interprovincial
Conference of Passionists. Religious and Laity from Italy followed lectures, workshops and discussions, and prayerful times together as they
explored ways of enriching the Passionist Mission at large, and to families in a world that is quickly changing.
St Gemma Galgani
At the civic auditorium located in the
historic center of the city of Lucca, from
19-21 February, a study seminar and celebration took place on the occasion of
the centenary of the death of Saint
Gemma Galgani (11 April 1903). The
theme was: “Mystical oblation, salvation
and redemption in the experience of
Saint Gemma Galgani.” There were
seven conferences and eleven interventions. The opening address to the group of over 250 people was
delivered by Bishop Bruno Tommasi and the mayor of Lucca, Pietro Fazzi. Bishop Tommasi recalled,
among other points, the pontifical exhortations, at the dawn of the third Christian millennium concerning the call to holiness as the true and authentic Christian witness in a world that is ever more diversified. Also Fr. Luigi Vaninetti, General Consultor, representing Fr. General, gave one of the presentations.
Additionally there was a concelebrated Mass in the Sanctuary of St. Gemma at which the Archbishop
of Lucca, Bishop B. Tommasi was the principal concelebrant and who was joined by his co-adjutor,
Bishop Italo Castellani and by Bishop Piergiorgio Nesti.
Passionist Life - News from the Conference
The Conference of Latin America
FID - Colombia
Congress of the Vice-province
Fr. General was present at the VI Congress of the Colombian Vice-province, FID, together with the General
Consultor for Latin America, Fr. Augusto Canali. The Congress took place from the 19th to the 23rd of
January in Cajicá. All the Passionts in final vows
that are currently ministering in the country
participated, among whom were six Basques. The
young province proposed five basic objectives for its
programming during the next four years:
revitalization of community life; re-animation of the
apostolate through study, publications and the Mass
as part of a pastoral plan; greater efforts with the
Passionist Family; the revision and restructuring of
the government and the finances of the vice-province;
and finally, the possibility of a new foundation of a
mission in the southern area of the country. It is
noteworthy that for the first time in its history, the
two consultors of the vice-province have been given
responsibility for specific sectors. At the same time,
a religious will coordinate the work with the lay
Passionist family. The following religious were
elected to positions of leadership in the Vice-Province: Vice-provincial, Fr. Miguel Enrique González
Carvajal (re-elected); I Consultor, Antonio María Munduate Larrea (CORI); II Consultor, Joaquín María
Vargas Salas. On the 10th of January, Fr. General made a fraternal visit to the six communities and to all
the religious of the Vice-province.
VICT - Brasil
New Regional
On 04 December,
the Vicariate of Our Lady of Victory (DOLVICT, Brasil), elected its new leadership. Fr.
Genilson José Dallapicola was elected Regional
Vicar. Frs. Luiz Carlos Miniguite and José
Ricardo Zonta are the two Consultors, in that
DOMIN - Brasil
X Congress of the Vicariate
The vicariate of Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God
(PRAES-DOMIN) in Brazil held its Congress recently.
On 22 January, the new curia was elected.
The Regional Vicar is Pe. Stéfano Soresina
( The two consultors are Pe.
Robson Rios Pinto, 1° consultor; and Pe. Marcos
Antonio Souza de Jesus, 2° consultor. Congratulations
to them and to the vicariate. Fr. Adolfo Lippi, provincial
of PRAES, was present. The principal points that were
discussed during the Congress and considered as priorities for the upcoming year are: concrete organization
of the various sectors; greater attention to community
life; deeper awareness of the Passionist charism; seach
out new ways of addressing financial difficulties.
Passionist Life - News from the Conference
The Conference of Asia-Pacifico
VERB - Papua New Guinea
Assembly of the Vicariate
On Monday, February 23,
2004, Fr. Jefferies Foale notified the Generalate of the outcome of the elections held during the Assembly of the
Vicariate in Papua New Guinea
(VERB). Elected Regional
Vicar was Tony Egar, the two
consultors are Valensius Son
(REPAC) and Philip Smith.
Philip Smith was also elected
first consultor.
A more in
depth analysis of the Province
appears in Fr. Jefferies article
in this issue of the PIB.
REPAC - Indonesia
New Provincial House in Indonesia
On Sunday, 4 January 2004 the new province center for the
Passionists of Indonesia was inaugurated, the gift of the Catholics
of Jakarta to our Congregation. At the end of the celebration
marking this event, the Vice-Provincial, Fr. Sabinus Lohin, C.P., in
the name of the Passionists of Indonesia and the world, thanked
the Catholic community of Jakarta for this great act of generosity,
a sign of the esteem and affection of the people for the apostolic
ministry carried out by the Congregation in that nation.
SPIR - Australia
Visita in Vietnam
Fr. Tom McDonough (SPIR) has spent part of the month
of January in Vietnam in order to acquire a better knowledge of the country and its people and culture, given
that so many of our parishioners in Marrickville,
Sydney (Australia) are Vietnamese. His trip also served
to get a broader view of the reality in that country, given
the desire of the Congregation to open a mission there. The Church is
undergoing a spurt of growth in Vietnam and, despite all the difficulties
created by the authorities for the establishment of foreign religious
Congregations there, the Church is in dire need of reinforcements from
outside in order to help meet the needs of a people who have lived through many long years of warfare, persecution and poverty.
Conference of Africa
GEMM - Tanzania
Inauguration of the Village of Joy
On January 11, 2004, the “Village of Joy” was inaugurated in Dar Es Salam (Tanzania). The Mass that was celebrated to mark the event was concelebrated by Cardinal
Polycarp Pengo and twelve priests. The “Village of Joy”
currently houses 12 children and is administered by the
Passionist Sisters of Signa,
Italy. The founder of the
Village, Fr. Fulgenzio
Cortesi, received the
greetings of Fr. General.
The event was reported by
the press and television of
MATAF - South Africa
The Passionists and AIDS in South Africa
Last November, Fr. Kierna Greagh, C.P., who for
many years has ministered in the parish of
Atteridgville, near Pretoria (South Africa) has
volunteered, together with 24 other persons, for
an experimental project of a new vaccine for
AIDS. His decision to participate in this initiative had its origin in his on-going contact during
recent years with dozens of people that were terminally ill with AIDS in this parish. It is hoped
that the vaccine, the first tested on human beings
in South Africa, will bear positive results
from the immune system of the volunteers. Additionally, with the assistance
of the Irish government Fr. Kieran, who
is from Ireland, is presently overseeing
the construction of a hospice for the sick
called “Leratong” (which means: “The
place where there is love”).
Passionist Life - News from the Conference
The Northern European Conference
ASSUM - Poland
Symposium celebrating 80 years of Passionist
Presence in Poland
Fr. Waldemar Linke (ASSUM) sent a notice of a
recent symposium held in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Passionist presence
in Poland. The symposium took place at the
Catholic University of Warsaw on 26 November.
The presenters and their subjects were: Fr.
Adolfo Lippi (PRAES), “The Trinitarian
Mysticism of St. Paul of the Cross”; Fr. Gregor
Lenzen (VULN, who could not be present, but
whose paper was read by Fr. Marek Miotk),
“The Vocation of St. Paul of the Cross and the
Passionist Vocation”; Fr. Tomasz Galkowski
(ASSUM), “The Efforts of St. Paul of the Cross
to Organize the Passionist Congregation”; Fr.
Damian Woystyska (ASSUM), “ The Passionist
Presence in Poland”; Fr. Jerzy Kopec
(ASSUM), “Consecrated Life in the III
Millennium”; Fr. M. Ratajczyk, “The
Treatment of Death in St. Paul of the Cross”;
and Fr. Waldemar Linke, “The Bible in St. Paul
of the Cross”.
The Nord America Conference
PAUL - Honduras
The Province of St. Paul of the Cross (PAUL) in Honduras
During the past month of January, Fr. Joseph Jones, C.P., Fr. Melvin Shorter, C.P., (Provincial Consultors),
Fr. Bill Murphy, C.P., (former missionary in Honduras), Bro. James Johnson, C.P., Dr. Eliot Casey,
Christopher Jungers, (Provincial Secretary) and John DeGraaf (Director of Development) made their annual
pastoral visitation to the Passionist ministries in and around Tegucigalpa, Honduras. They met with Hernan
Reyes Soto, the Director of St. Benedict’s Clinic in Tegucigalpa, a medical facility sponsored, in part, by the
PAUL Province. This clinic cares for approximately 200 people each day. They walk for hours to receive
exams, diagnoses, treatments and medications. A large percentage of the patients are children brought by their
mothers and grandmothers. The other large group of clients is
young women who come for pre-natal and post-natal care. Six
medical doctors, several skilled assistants and two dentists staff
the clinic.
They also visited Casa Pasionista, the Passionist AIDS Hospice
in La Venta, about a 2 hour ride from the Capital. Founded by
Fr. Rick Frechette, C.P., the comfortable home houses ten residents, the youngest being a boy who is 14 years old. In addition
to being home for those who have nowhere else to go, there is
now an outpatient clinic available at Casa Pasionista for people
with HIV. The patients, who have homes and families, come
regularly to the facility for antiretroviral medications and treatment; about 40 use the clinic in this way each day.
Passionist Life - News from the Conference
PAUL - Haiti
A dramatic experience
(Fr. Rick Frechette (PAUL) writes the following reflection about the recent political upheaval in Haiti and
its effect on his ministry in that country.)
“Haiti is a land which, without any exaggeration, is in the crucible of suffering. Poor beyond description, torn by political violence and socioeconomic chaos, and reeling from crime and drug traffic, Haiti’s
people know the dark skies of Golgotha. Most people that I know cannot send their children to school,
do not eat every day, and cannot bury the dead they mourn.
As Ash Wednesday approached… I was called to bless the bodies of a number of poor people who were
savagely killed after giving their life-savings to get a place on a boat heading for Miami. It was a poor,
rickety boat that, for them, meant hope and deliverance. They were deceived, betrayed and murdered, and
their rotting bodies were washed up on the shore of a fetid slum. It was a very dark moment. My only
thought, as I stood aghast, was how to bring some dignity to this nightmare...I carefully blessed each one
with holy water…. I did my best to bring dignity to the moment, and to focus the attention of all present
through prayer- prayer against evil, prayer for the
deceased, prayer for a better tomorrow. As I left that
dreadful place, a man approached me and said,
“Thank you for coming to pray. You are the only
priest who ever comes here. We cannot let goodness
perish, along with everything else.” I was very
moved by his words. They come from the very heart of
passion, and proclaim the message of hope, the message of Calvary, which we Passionists are privileged
to proclaim with our lives and our words. We preach
Christ crucified, and His love which will never perish.”
Passionist Life - Witnesses of the Passion
50th Jubilee of Profession of Bishop Nesti
One of the major festivities of the recent weeks
was the celebration here at Sts. John and Paul of
the 50th Anniversary of Profession of Bishop
Piergiorgio Nesti, C.P., who is the Secretary of the
Vatican Congregation for Consecrated Life and
Societies of Apostolic Life. The occasion also
recalled the 10th anniversary of his being named
a Bishop. A banquet followed the Eucharist,
which was celebrated in the Founder’s Chapel of
the Basilica. Joining Archbishop Nesti for the
Mass was Cardinal Secretary of State, Angelo
Sodano. Concelebrating with Archbishop Nesti
was the Nuncio to Italy, Bishop Paolo Romeo.
Other prelates assisted and joined in the community celebration afterwards at table. Archbishop Nesti was professed on 08 September 1953, for the
Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CORM).
Passionist Life - Witnesses of the Passion
VII National MLP Convention
The Passionist Lay Movement in Italy
announces a coming 8th National
Convention, 27-30 May, 2004, to be held at
the shrine of St. Gabriel. The principal presenter is Fr. Gabriele Cingolani, C.P. (PIET),
who is presently working in Canada at the
Toronto Major Seminary. These assemblies
are held every two years, under the direction
of one of the six Italian Provinces of
Passionists. This year, the Province of the
Pietà is responsible for the program. The
Passionist Lay Movement in Italy
(Movimento Laicale Passionista, or MLP) is
an umbrella organization which takes in the
varied local forms of Passionist participation by the laity in Italy. Fr.
Alberto Pierangioli (PIET) is the
national coordinator for the
Appointment of a Delegate for the
Italian Monasteries
Fr. Paul Francis Spencer (PATR), presently Superior and Pastor at St. Mungo’s
Parish in Glasgow, Scotland, has been
named by the Holy See as Pontifical
Delegate for the preparation of a
Federation of Passionist Nuns in Italy.
The letter, dated January 12, 2004, was
issued under the name of our Archbishop
Piergiorgio Silvano Nesti, C.P., who is the
Secretary of the Congregation for
Institutes of Consecrated Life
and Societies of Apostolic
Stained-glass window in our
church in Cajicá, Colombia
Meeting of the Center
Forum in Mexico
During the early part of January,
the first meeting of the Center
Forum took place in our Passionist
Spiritual Center in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The
facilitator of the meeting was Fr. Octavio
Mondragon of the Province of Cristo Rey
(Mexico). Six Passionists, 20 laity and two
Sisters participated. Together they studied the
topic of the re-foundation of our faith and
Christian-Religious consecration. The main
themes were: the importance of an attitude of
contemplation and awe; the encounter with
the Living God that we share with our Jewish
brothers and sisters; the Christological
moment that is concentrated in the contemplation of the Crucified One; and the effort to
keep the memory of the Passion alive and
active, which is specific to us Passionists.
They reiterated that the central context of the
Center Forum is the Passionist Family,
together with other men and women religious
and the laity. However in the near future they
are considering inviting other religious to
participate in this project.
Letters of St. Gemma
Fr. Fabiano Giorgini has published
a book that brings together the correspondence with and about St. Gemma
Galgani. The work is a compendium that
will guide a serious inquiry into the life of
this mystic of the Passion. Still only in
Italian, the work comprises 1) the diary of
Gemma (July 13 to September 3, 1900),
2) her autobiography (written at the insistence of Fr. Germano), 3) Letters of Mons. Volpi (87) Fr.
Germano (151) various others (45), 4)
Gemma’s “Dialogues” with Jesus in her
ecstacies, 5) Fr. Germano’s letters to
Gemma (36), 6) Cecilia Giannini’s letters
to Fr. Germano (129), 7) Fr. Germano’s
letters to Cecilia Giannini (176), and 8)
Fr. Germano’s letters to the Giannini family. Fr. Fabiano’s presentation of the
book is published in the most recent, special edition, of the magazine, La Sapienza
della Croce.
Passionist Life - Ordinations and Professions
With joy and thanksgiving to the Lord, we fraternally greet our Passionist brothers who completed the formation process and have taken steps of profession and ordination during this period.
During this period there were numerous religious who professed First Vows: December 8th, 2003
the young Colombian Fredy Leopoldo Venegas Mendoza of the FID Vice-province; on 11 Jan.
2004 various young Brasilians professed vows: Edinaldo Leandro Fernandes, José Milton
Ferreria da Silva, José Francisco do Nascimento, Osvaldo Victorino Garcia Aquino, Sérgio
Raczkóviak, Paulo Afrânio da Silva, José Jailson da Silva and Mário Porfírio Ferreira of the
CALV Province. On 17 Jan., Joedson Brito dos Santos, Davi Oliveira dos Santos, Adilson
Santana do Carmo and Uildefonso Machado de Souza of Vicariate of Bl. Domenic, PRAES
Province; on 7 Feb., Francisco César Ferreira of the
Victoria Vicariate, DOL Province and, finally, Ribamar
Divino Vieira de Souza, of the Vicariate of Christ the
Liberator, SPE Province on 20 March.
During these months six religious professed Perpetual Vows:
Pedro Luis Fuentes Valencia, a Bolivian of the Vicariate of
the Exaltation, SANG Province, on 6 Nov. 2003; Patricio
Manosalvas, an Ecuadorian of the LAT Province, Italy, on
6 Jan.; on 10 Jan., Rosendo Aquilino Goñe Buiza, Peruvian
of the Vicariate of the Resurrection, CORI Province; on the
25th of the same month, Joâo De Souza Cabral Junior and
Everaldo Galheira, Brasilians of the CALV Province; and
finally, on 13 March,
Mazzoccante, an Italian of the
PIET Province.
Joâo De Souza Cabral Junior
and Everaldo Galheira
The following were
ordained to the deaconate: Gianluca Zanni and Erasmo Sebastiano, Italians of the
DOL Province, last December 20th; Antonio Rodríguez López,
on 9 Jan. of the FAM-CHRIC Province; Patricio Manosalvas,
Ecuadorian of the LAT Province, Italy, on 27 Feb.; David Benito
Martín, Spaniard of the SANG Province, on 28 Feb.; and
Aristide Zini, of the CORM Province, Italy, on 28 March.
Patricio Manosalvas
Lastly, the following three Brazilian
Passionists were ordained to the PRESBYTERATE: Fr. José Roberto Dos Reis,
LIBER Vicariate- SPE Province, on 7 Dec.
2003; and Frs. Paulo César Munhoz
Torres, on the 13th of the same month and
Rogério De Lima Mendes on 7 Feb.
2004, both of CALV Province.
We extend our best wishes to these religious on behalf of all of the Passionist
Family. Thanks be to the Lord of the
Harvest for their vocations!
Fr. Paulo César Munhoz Torres
Notitiae Obitus
Usque ad diem 9 martii 2004, acceptae
29 novembris 2003
P. Emiliano Yagüe Miguel
25 octobris 1964
8 dicembris 2003
P. Armand Groothaerd
18 septembris 1933
30 dicembris 2003
P. Ramón Alvarez Vázquez
9 augusti 1959
7 ianuarii 2004
P. Damian McHale
9 iulii 1954
12 ianuarii 2004
P. Antonio Doyle
28 decembris 1941
14 ianuarii 2004
P. Celestino Giannelli
29 octobris 1931
16 ianuarii 2004
P. Joseph Regis Mulligan
15 augusti 1930
16 ianuarii 2004
P. Clement Paynter
9 iulii 1945
22 ianuarii 2004
P. Cletus Dawson
15 augusti 1937
30 ianuarii 2004
P. Simone Simeone
26 aprilis 1926
4 februarii 2004
P. Silvio Mazzarotto
14 novembris 1929
5 februarii 2004
P. Linus Kelly
15 septembris 1948
8 februarii 2004
P. Karel Imbrechts
4 septembris 1944
1 martii 2004
Fra. Joseph O’Brien
8 decembris 1946
9 martiii 2004
P. Pedro Lain
14 februarii 1960
3 decembris 2003
Sr. Carla Teresa Beccaro
MON Costigliole d’Asti
28 octobris 1939
4 decembris 2003
Sr. Dionisia Argia
Inst. S. P. S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa)
19 maii 1938
10 decembris 2003
Sr. Agata Semeraro
Inst. S. P. S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa)
15 septembris 1948
19 decembris 2003
Sr. M. Godelieve Berben
MON Tielt (Belgium)
16 septembris 1943
MON Oviedo
7 augusti 1929
MON Tarquinia
18 februarii 1936
2 ianuarii 2004
29 ianuarii 2004
Sr. Maria Gema Canga
Sr. Rosalia Porrello
New Publications
di fede e cultura” 6. Ufficio Diocesano per la Cultura, Lucca 2004, pp. 72.
2003, pp. 38.
CALVARIO. Paróquia São Paulo da Cruz. CPP Conselho de Pastoral Paroquial; São Paulo
AA.VV., PERCORSI ARTISTICI 2002-2003. Annali Fondazione Stauròs Italiana Onlus V. A cura di Carlo Chenis.
Edizioni Stauròs, San Gabriele (TE) 2003, pp. 488.
Inaugural al Año Académico 2003. Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos Redemptoris Mater, Callao-Perú
2003, pp. 32.
Artola, A. M., CURSO DE PASIOLOGÍA. II - La vivencia de la Pasión. La Molina-Lima 2002, pp. 46.
Artola, A. M., EL ELEMENTO SACRIFICIAL EN LA CARTA A LOS HEBREOS. Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos
Redemptoris Mater, Callao-Perú 2003, pp. 137.
Artola, A. M. EL PECADO ORIGINAL EN Rm. 5, 12-19. Instituto Superior de EstudiosTeológicos Redemptoris Mater.
Callao-Perú 2003, pp. 113.
Curso Teológico 2003. Iset-Lima 2003. pp.
CIPI, LA MISSIONE È L’ESSERE E L’OPERARE DELLA CHIESA. Corso Missionario CIPI per la Famiglia Passionista.
SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Roma 2004, pp. 108.
Damen, F. L., BIBLIOGRAPHY STAUROS BIBLIOGRAFIA. XV 2000-2001. Human Suffering and Christ’s Passion.
Sufrimiento Humano y Pasión de Cristo. Stauros-International Association. Kortrijk-Belgium 2003, pp. 134.
Danei, P. (St. Paul of the Cross), SPIRITUAL MAXIMS. From The Letter of Saint Paul of the Cross. Edited by
Passionist Nuns, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. 2003, pp. 74.
Greco, D., LA POVERA GEMMA. La stimmatizzata di Lucca. Antonio Sicilia Editore, Piano Lago 2003, pp. 112.
P. Fabiano Giorgini, C.P. San Gabriele Edizioni (TE) 2004, pp. 1168+10.
Pompilio, S., LA MADONNA NELLA BIBBIA. Mese mariano. PP. Passionisti Napoli 2003, pp. 274.
Pompilio, S., VIA CRUCIS E VIA MATRIS. PP. Passionisti Napoli 2002, pp. 70.
Editrice Salentina-Galatina 2004, pp. 382.
SALENTO (1875-2000). Edizioni La Missione 2004.
Viviani, F., LA VITA DI SANTA GEMMA GALGANI. Modello di un cammino cristiano. Monastero-Santuario “Santa
Gemma”, Lucca 2004, pp. 10.
Magisterio in Scienze Religiose. Pontificia Università Gregoriana. Roma 1999-2000, pp. 150.
Lupo, A. M., LA SETE, L’ACQUA, LO SPIRITO. Studio esegetico e teologico sulla connessione dei termini negli scritti giovannei. Editrice Ponficia Università Gregoriana, Roma 2003, pp, 470.
Religiose. Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Istituto di Scienze Religiose, Roma 2002-2003, pp. 140.
Petrarca, E. A., “PALAZZO PETRARCA A PALIANO” Architettura e Decorazione. Tesi di Laurea in Storia dell’Arte
Moderna. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Istituto di Storia dell’Arte,
Roma 2000-2001, pp. 145.