Full-time MBA programme - Frankfurt School of Finance


Full-time MBA programme - Frankfurt School of Finance
Full-time MBA programme
Université Protestante au Congo
in collaboration with the
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Word of Welcome
Working as a business and management
professional demands a set of certain abilities:
strong analyticals skills, efficient communication
and proven problem solving capacities.
Our programme is designed to equip you with the
skills and knowledge needed to be succesful in an
international business environment. We are proud
to offer you a curriculum that combines the best
of different worlds: African expertise, German
scientific management approach and a network of
international companies. Frankfurt School is one
of the top business schools in Germany – with a
strong focus on Finance and General Management,
and is both AACSB and EQUIS accredited.
Our fruitful cooperation with UPC goes back
to 2002. We are happy to offer now this joint
Full-time MBA programme, that gives students a
degree from UPC supported by Frankfurt School.
We are looking forward to embark with you on a
unique learning experience!
Prof. Dr. Udo Steffens
President of the
Franfurt School of Finance & Management
L’Université Protestante au Congo and Frankfurt
School of Finance & Management are proud to
offer a new joint programme, a Full-time MBA in
Kinshasa. The programme’s aim is to strengthen
the capacities of future leaders in Africa with
diverse academic backgrounds (e.g. medicine, law,
theology, engineering or social science) who wish
to gain a profound management expertise. This
programme requires attendance on the campus on
a permanent base. The scheduling does, however,
allow for students to pursue an internship or work
part time, while studying.
We’re happy to bring this innovative education
concept not only to the Congolease market but
also to Central Africa. The region’s economy is
growing at an immense pace. Having developed
this programme together with Frankfurt School of
Finance & Management, l’Université Protestante
au Congo wishes to contribute to help educating
a society that is open to the challenges of a
globalized world and able to find appropriate
solutions to current problems.
We would like to give a warm welcome to our new
Prof. Mgr. Daniel Ngoy Bolia
Rector of l’Université Protestante au Congo
General Programme Overview
Target group
Congolese and African University Graduates from all disciplines – e. g. law, medicine,
social sciences, business – who want to boost their leadership skills.
Ambitious young professionals who want to accelerate their career.
Highlights of the programme
Strong professional connections: Lectures by practitioners, networking events and
company visits.
Active support in finding internships and pre-organized internships in Kinshasa and
Intensive personal career development: language and communications skills, etiquette
training, job application training.
A teaching faculty that combines Congolese local expertise and German scientific
managment approach.
Nairobi Week: Join a course at our Partner University United States International
University (USIU) in Nairobi.
Organisation of the programme
The programme takes place in Kinshasa
It is a full-time programme. It can be combined with a part-time job
Duration: 15 months
Start: March 2016
Language: French and English
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System)
8.500 Euro + 150 Euro admission fee
The price includes the stay in Nairobi but not the flight. Frankfurt School will facilitate
the obtainment of visas for the trip.
Reductions up to 30 % are available. More information under: www.caebs.org
Learning Outcomes
With our Full-time MBA you will:
1st Semester (March – July)
Business Environment
Corporate Finance
Organisational Behaviour
International Development Business
Financial Accounting
Information Management
Business in Emerging Markets
Management of Technological Innovation
(at United States International University in Nairobi)
2nd Semester (August – December)
HR & Leadership
Communication & Negociation
Managerial Accounting
Operations Management
acquire up to date knowledge in the main business disciplines, understand the
theory and develop the ability to apply your knowledge to actual problems.
gain a global perspective: The programme combines local expertise with an
international scientific management approach.
be able to manage information effectively by getting an understanding of
advances in information technology and how to integrate this in business processes.
develop you personal skills like work habits, efficient communication, selfpresentation, teamspirit in group situations or English language skills.
gain a deep and concrete understanding what knowledge and skills are needed to
achieve a responsible position either in a private enterprise, international NGO or
political institution.
3rd Semester (January – May)
Internship 2 or 3 months
Thesis or final project
Throughout semster 1 und 2: Career Development workshops and events, additional lectures by
practioners and English language course take place.
Note: Courses are subject to change
Nairobi Week – a unique learning experience
One element of the MBA programme is the Nairobi Week in Kenya, where the Frankfurt
School’s Partner University United States International University (USIU) is located.
Participants in the programme are invited to spend a week in Nairobi to experience
the academic atmosphere at USIU campus and take the course “Management of
technological innovation” there. On top of this company visits will be organized. This is
a great opportunity not only to get in touch with managers and professors but also to
network with your fellow students.
Take a seminar on “Management of technological innovation” at USIU in Nairobi and
experience the international atmosphere on the campus.
Career development
An integral part of our MBA programme is the Career Development. Our experienced
Career Services Team from Frankfurt has developed different components to support
your career development actively. The Career Development programme will take place
during the first and second semester parallel to your academic courses:
Active support in finding internships
Pre-organized internships at renowned international companies and organisations
(limited number)
Guest speakers from international companies
Individual career planning and coaching
Job Application Training
Company visits
Mentoring programme with Alumni
Faculty Overview
Prof. Dr. Patrick Bakengela Shamba
is the director of the Congolese German Centre for Microfinance, a joint operation of the UCP and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. He is also in charge
of the research unit on the Analysis of Organisations, Innovation, and Management at the faculty of business administration and economics at UPC. He is Professor
for HR Management and Strategies at UPC as well as a visiting lecturer for the Master of International Business at Frankfurt School. He obtained his PhD in business
administration at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
Prof. Dr. Erich Barthel
is Professor of Corporate Culture and Human Resources as well as the Department Head of Management at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. His
research interests include change management, performance-oriented remuneration and human capital. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Hohenheim in
Stuttgart and has held several management positions in banks and consulting agencies.
Prof. Dr. Matthijs Breugem
joined the Department of Finance at Frankfurt School in August 2015. He received his PhD from INSEAD in 2015. Prior to his doctoral studies, Matthijs received an
MSc in Management from INSEAD, an MSc in Applied Mathematics from University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, an MSc in Economics from the University of Venice
Ca Foscari and a BSc in Applied Physics from Delft University of Technology. Matthijs’ main research is in the area of Portfolio Choice with Endogenous Information
Choice, and Asset Pricing with Frictions. Other fields of interests include High Frequency Trading and Empirical Asset Pricing. He currently teaches in the Master of
Finance at Frankfurt School as well as in an Executive Programme in France. During his PhD, he obtained teaching experience in the INSEAD MBA programme.
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Kalala
holds the chair of Microfinance at CCAM and UPC and has extensive experience as a trainer of high-level managers. He started his career in Brussels in 2007 working
for ICHEC-Entreprises, participating in the training of high-level executives of large Belgian companies. Afterwards he redirected his expertise back to Africa, notably to
Kivu (Director of the “Kivu PME” programme) and Kigali (Rwanda) and afterwards to Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire as a training expert for PlaNet Finance. Since 2010
he has been as a senior trainer and programme coordinator for executive education for managers of the Congolese IMF as part of the team at CCAM, the FPM, as well
as the Master of Management and Law – 3rd cycle of ISC (Kinshasa) and ULG (Belgium).
Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel
is Professor of Economics and the Academic Director of the EMBA – Programme at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. He is also a Visiting Professor at
the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai, China. He is one of Germany’s leading experts in questions concerning the Chinese economy,
particularly its integration into a globalised market. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory board of the Asia-Pacific Business Review Journal. He recently edited the
book ‘China’s Changing Banking Industry’ (2012).
Judith Mader
is the Head of Languages as well as a language instructor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. She has worked as an English instructor for various
companies as well as universities and business schools. Judith Mader has also worked on e-learning solutions as well as teacher trainings. She has university degrees
from the University of Sussex, England and from the University of Birmingham, England.
Prof. Dr. Udo Steffens
was appointed CEO and President of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Frankfurt, Germany in 1996. He works with the School since 1992. He is one of
the main resource personas for the further development of the system of higher education in Germany, having lifted the Frankfurt School to a level of excellence, for
which it is renowned internationally. He frequently comments current developments of the finance industry nationally and internationally. His research, lectures and
publications evolve around the dynamics of Financial System, Management Sciences and aspects of Governance issues including University Governance. Prof. Steffens
spent 4 years in Africa (Togo) setting up modern management and finance structures in the framework of the Protestant Church of Togo from 1989 until 1992.
Prof. Dr. Nils Stieglitz
has been Professor of Strategic Management at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management since August 2012. He obtained his PhD at the University of Marburg
and started his academic career in the Department of Marketing & Management at the University of Southern Denmark. Nils Stieglitz teaches strategic management
and organizational design. His research is mainly concerned with strategic decision-making, managerial risk-taking, and organizational learning.
Central Africa Europe Business School
The Central Africa Europe Business School (CAEBS) aims to give managers and young
executives in the DR Congo and other Central African countries access to high-quality
professional education. It was founded in July 2013 by the Frankfurt School of Finance
and Management and Université Protestante au Congo (UPC). The Business School is
part of the UPC and is located in Kinshasa.
With the establishment of the Central Africa Europe Business School, UPC and Frankfurt
School are striving to make an important contribution to the development of educational
excellence in Central Africa. We are committed to providing a high standard of
professional education in order to provide the region with the well-trained professionals
that are needed to keep track of and support the rapid development of the region.
We are committed to the idea of providing an excellent education and thus to
establishing the Central Africa Europe Business School as a first choice for young
professionals in the Central African region who are seeking to improve their skills and
make an impact in the regional business and finance world.
Admission Requirements
University degree (licence or equivalent)
Work experience or internship
Good knowledge of English
Fees: 8.500 Euro + 150 Euro admission fee
The stay in Nairobi is included in the tuition fees, Frankfurt School will facilitate the
obtainment of visas for the trip. Students have to organise and pay their flight to
Nairobi themselves.
Admission Process
The first step in applying for our programme is the completion of our online application,
which includes uploading the following required documentation in support of your
1. copy of your university degree
2. CV
3. letter of motivation
The final deadline is February 15th 2016.
After reviewing your application documents, we will invite qualified candidates to
participate in a personal interview with a member of the Central Africa Europe Business
School. The purpose of the interview is to gain a better understanding of your character,
personality, expectations, motivations and goals.
The final decision regarding admissions into our programme will be based on a
combination of the candidate’s grades, English language abilities, and the interview
We look forward to receiving your application!
Amelie Feuerstein
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Tel.: 0049 69 154008-813
Franck Mulamba
Université Protestante au Congo
Tel.: 09999 55798 (RDC)
We can arrange telephone/skype interviews for those applicants who are unable to join
us in Kinshasa.
Central Africa Europe Business School
Croisement des Avenues de la Libération et Victoire