lingua franca - Accueil Lycée Janson de Sailly


lingua franca - Accueil Lycée Janson de Sailly
Foreign language newspaper
Lycée Janson de Sailly, Paris, France
Spring 2016
Issue #2
Janson de Sailly, Monday November 16, 2015 – 12 :08 pm
Students and faculty are gathered as Mr. Sorin, the school’s principal, delivers a heartwarming homage from one of the hallways overlooking the main
yard, following the tragic terrorist attacks of November 13th.
Dear readers,
school in Rome, highlighting the differences between the
Italian and French educational systems.
A number of stories touch upon European issues - the migrant crisis, Angela Merkel, civil unions in Italy. But articles
also extend beyond our European borders to the Middle
East (women’s right to vote in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia’s Nobel peace prize) and Africa (“The Rise of Africa”).
We are proud to present to you this second edition of
“Lingua Franca”, a magazine written by Janson students
from a wide range of CPGE classes and sections, in six
languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and
2015 was a terrible year for our country - more generally
for the values of freedom and democracy. The picture
above reminds us of the need to stand together and unite
against adversity.
Sure enough, the U.S. presidential campaign has drawn
much interest, and two articles focus on the outlandish
figure of Donald Trump.
Science stories are primarily concerned with the rise and
impact of artificial intelligence or new technologies, while
the Art section is a chance for us to rediscover such painters as Anselm Kiefer or Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
As we grapple for answers on how best to respond to the
madness and terror, a group of students have chosen to
look at the value and importance of art (“Can Art Be a
Response To Terrorism?”)
The Travel and Tourism section will take you to Berlin. A
Psychology column discusses the issue of addiction, and
the Music section looks at the impact of music on body
and mind.
Other articles focus more broadly on our “duty to remember”, in order to honor the past, and to prevent it from
repeating itself.
As always, a number of stories deal with the challenge
of studying in a prépa class - including with drawings! -,
but this year one 2nd year student has gone as far as reporting from the inside on the actual experience of sitting
entrance exams (“The Battle For Exams”).
The “Movies” section considers at length the career of
film director Christopher Nolan, “the Magician”, and the
“Books” section reviews Dream of the Red Chamber by
19th century Chinese novelist Cao Xueqin.
And there’s even more!
Students of Italian, for their part, have written about a
most enriching exchange program with a secondary
Did you know that your journey in classe prépa will
certainly affect your sight ?
While this is not based on a true scientific study, I
am progressively seeing more and more people in
classe prépa wearing glasses and saying that they
are near-sighted. In fact, some surveys (much more
serious) were conducted in order to highlight the link
between advanced studies and the evolution of myopia in young adults. Some researchers at the Department of Ophthalmology of The University Medical
Center of Mainz (Germany) conducted a statistical
study with a panel of 4,658 Germans aged 35 to 74.
It appeared that 24 percent of the near-sighted subjects of this panel had no high school education. In
contrast, 53 percent of the number of university graduates were near-sighted. According to this survey,
our “eyes should not be used for close-up activities
such as reading, watching TV, or using computers
and smartphones for more than 30 hours per week.”1
Text: Angélique Bastin, Sup 6
Drawings: Agnès Gallant, Sup 6
You think class prépa can sometimes be difficult?
Well, so does your body.
Approximately 40 hours a week including hours of
tests (two to six), hours of class (thirty hours), hours of
khôlles (two to three), and a changing timetable depending on our personal work (and a bit of fun & chilling-out time)..: for two or three years we live in classe
prépa, we work in classe prépa, we eat in classe
prépa, and (I am not only referring to the boarders,
So beyond the increasing use of smartphones and
their influence on vision, studying can also affect
our eyesight. Facebook, Snapchat, text messages or
college studies… for all of these you have to be very
Another victim of our life in classe prépa: our back.
During a typical week in classe prépa, we spend most
of our time sitting, writing or studying. But the fact is
that prolonged sitting can lead to physical pain in the
back. We actually have a bad sitting environment.
I mean, our lovely chairs are actually not adapted
to us. We are used to sitting in a way that our legs
form a 90-degree angle, but that is not a proper position for our body. Scottish and Canadian researchers conducted a large study using leading medical
imaging devices. Considering the results of this study,
they concluded and told the Radiological society of
North America that we should be sitting in a way that
our legs form a 120-degree angle with our back. In a
nutshell, the constraint of a bad posture in addition
to a decrease in sports activities in classe prépa both
impact our physical health.
I know that sometimes you fall asleep during your
Maths, your Economics or your Latin class) we even
sleep in classe prépa.
But in fact this way of life can have detrimental effects on your body.
(continued from previous page)
-Journal of a SurvivorHermine Courtois, PSI (2nd year)
Hermine has just sat through four intensive weeks of exams, the infamous competitive entrance exams - known
as “concours” in French - to gain admission to the country’s
top engineering schools.
She gives a vivid account of the “ordeal” she went through,
but also of the sense of self-fulfillment she acquired along
the way.
Last but not least: The lack of sleep in classe prépa.
Ting-a-ling! Ting-a-ling! Today is the first day of exams...
We all experienced the 5 minutes in class at the end
(or the beginning) of the day when we’re dozing. It’s
useless to lie !! We begin to nap for various reasons :
Well, firstly because we went to bed too late as we
absolutely needed to finish our work.
This is the end of my second year of “Prépa” in PSI.
For two years now I have been living in Paris, 5 minutes away from Janson De Sailly. But the exams will
take place in the Vincennes park for all Paris-based
Prépas. Which is a faraway location. Many of my
classmates decided to relocate for the 5 weeks of
exams and be near the exam site. They feared subways’ incidents and traffic problems so living nearby
is much more convenient if you don’t want to be late.
I decided to remain in my room. It may be far from
Vincennes, since I have to cross the whole French
capital to arrive on site, but compared to a small
room in a gloomy hostel surrounded by strangers who
might get in the way of the tranquility I need, I made
a really quick choice.
As today is D-Day, I decided to proudly wear my class
sweater with our logo, a deer whose horns create a
Ψ. You can be sure that every single school will be
present today : the war begins and every warrior from
each Prépa is ready to fight.
After one last check (exam notification slip and ID
card, your most important artefacts in this quest…
but your main weapons will be your pens, rulers and
so on…) I leave for the Paris underground. The subway is practically empty: only the Braves are up… but
doesn’t “the early bird catch the worm”, as the saying goes?
Or because we’re just finding the class boring. But this
is a vicious
circle : Let’s imagine that we haven’t slept a lot because just once we decided to finish all of our work.
So the following day we’re almost sleeping right in
front of the teacher, and we missed some important
points during class. To catch up on them, we need
more time in the evening to get a good grasp of
them and we go to bed even later than the previous
At the final stop I jump off. Last week I scouted the
way to the battle place, so I’m quite confident where
I’m going.
And once we have fallen behind in our sleep, there’s
no turning back.
On the way, the number of followers behind me
keeps growing like an enormous army, soldiers from
everywhere, all gathered with a sole purpose...
We go through the doors of the Floral Park. It’s quite
nice to be surrounded by the quiet of the park. This is
what we called “the calm before the storm”.
I follow the movement and show credentials: ID card
and exam notification slip.
(cont. p4)
Sources: 1
(continued from p.3)
Now the end of the journey is close: a huge building
on one level with only glass walls through which you
see the countless tables where we, brave students,
will be sitting for many hours and days. It looks like a
are in the starting blocks…
“You may begin!” Those three words are the start of a
long, breathtaking battle, the one that ten thousand
students have prepared themselves for over two
It’s time to find
Zones O, P, Q
were attributed
to PSI students.
in the bunch
of people, you
can distinguish
Prépas by their
sweaters. There is a highly-charged atmosphere: every warrior is impatient, curious and excited at the
same time.
In actual fact, today isn’t really my first day of exams
(“my bad I lied”). In fact, there are five exams: Mines,
Centrale, CCP and E3A…The fifth is the first : the X-ENS
exam. If the four others are taken by most students,
not every student tries X-ENS, because it’s considered
too hard and students don’t want to lose one week
of revisions. I myself decided to take it. First, because
it could reduce my stress before challenging the
others. Second, because it’s a hard challenge and I
won’t have any regret!
It’s 7.30 am and the doors open. New quest: find your
line and place!
When I reach
mine, I take a
close look at
the desk and
the chair I’ll
occupy for the
3 days of the
Mines exam: I
end up being
in the first line of
the O zone (A
joke!… Sorry…).
I put all my writing stuff on the
table, ID card, exam notification slip… and last but
not the least… my bottle of Coke and Snickers bars!
(You need energy to survive: there are no less than 3
exams per day for Mines!).
Time starts ticking. The speaker loudly announces
the rules (about cheating and exam specifics), spoils
the last episode of Game of Thrones (which just resumed in the midst of exams…. Raaaaaah!) and I
read some funny messages between the different
Prépas (Ginette and Louis Le Grand are especially
active when it comes to insulting other schools but
the answers fly from all sides quite fast in retaliation).
An army of supervisors open the envelope with the
exam papers, scatter about in the different zones
and start handing out the papers. The air is thick with
tension… My pen turns frantically in my hand… We
harsh years. A Lot of people may not comprehend
what it means to be a Prépa student and to battle
for one’s life goal, but seeing this whole army of pens
tackling their mission head-on may make them shiver.
For hours on
end the five
thousand students –myself
included– will
(maybe not totally, thanks to
the cry of the
two peacocks
in the park...
Damn birds!)
Once home in the evening, you fall asleep like a warrior who fulfilled his duty.
This is the daily life I have had for 4 weeks. Maybe
some will say it is tough. Which is true. But, it’s not an
impossible quest!
Personally, I keep good memories from those weeks.
Weeks during which you use all the knowledge you
have accumulated for two years to the fullest. Weeks
which make you realize that those years weren’t for
nothing because you learned an incredible amount
of problem-solving techniques.
The competition was there but I didn’t have any bad
feelings and the exams were a time for self-improvement. You have to surpass yourself first, to be able to
surpass others.
per uno o due anni e alla fine, sanno parlare italiano
senza difficoltà. Un esame di valutazione permette
ad ogni alunno di iscriversi ad un corso del suo livello.
Per quanto mi riguarda, io, studente francese di
“classe préparatoire”, con un livello medio o basso in
lingua, sono andato in C1-C2. A questo livello, si può,
oltre i corsi di lingua, seguire corsi di cultura italiana:
storia dell’Arte, storia d’Italia, storia del cinema, letteratura, traduzione, giurisprudenza.
Il corso “normale”, comprende tra 15 e 25 ore di lezione alla settimana. Il corso “intensivo” tra 30 e 38
(per uno studente di “prépas” in vacanza, non è l’ideale!).
Ma i corsi non sono la parte essenziale del viaggio.
L’ambiente è, per un alunno parigino, differente dal
quotidiano: l’Università si trova in un palazzo del settecento che somiglia a un museo. La città di Perugia,
“capitale culturale” d’Italia nel 2015, possiede un patrimonio meraviglioso, come l’arco etrusco che si trova accanto all’Università ed è il simbolo della città e
dell’università (garantito il corso su questo!). Situata a
metà strada tra Roma e Firenze, a circa settanta chilometri dal mare, Perugia è il capoluogo dell’Umbria
(chiamata “il cuore verde dell’Italia”), una regione
incredibilmente ricca culturalmente (Assisi, Gubbio,
Arezzo...). Conoscere l’Italia non vuol dire solo avere
visitato il Colosseo, mangiato una pizza e essere andato a Venezia: visitare la domenica le cittadine nei
dintorni di Perugia è memorabile...
Gauthier Jacquemin, KH-BL
What better way to improve one’s knowledge of a language than to spend time in the country? Gauthier Jacquemin, in between the first and second years of his intensive literary preparatory course for admission to the Ecole
Normale Supérieure, spent the month of August 2015 at the
University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy.
This proved to be a wonderful experience in a multicultural
environment, where studying Italian was only one part of
the adventure. There were also many cultural discoveries,
and great encounters along the way – the rich human experience was just as important.
Quale mese scegliere per un soggiorno perugino? In
luglio, la città organizza un festival di jazz famosissimo
con musicisti e cantanti internazionali. Agosto è più
Per trovare una casa, l’Università ti aiuta con il suo
sito Internet ( che permette di vedere e di scegliere gli annunci interessanti.
Spesso, delle camere sono affittate a prezzo molto
conveniente per gli alunni in case di quattro o cinque
camere per studenti (come ne “L’auberge espagnole”!). Questo tipo di alloggio rende l’immersione nella lingua italiana più semplice. Io, per esempio, ero
in una casa con un australiano, una peruviana, una
coreana e un russo. I nostri vicini di casa erano due
afgani, una cinese, un abitante di Costa d’Avorio e
uno svedese.
Oltre alla dimensione educativa, dunque, il soggiorno estivo all’Università di Perugia permette un’esperienza umana ricca e forse, unica.
Dire che “per parlare una lingua straniera, basta andare all’estero” è un’evidenza. Però come decidere
di partire due settimane, un mese o tre mesi in un paese senza saperne parlare perfettamente la lingua?
Costruita nel 1921, l’Università per stranieri di Perugia
accoglie studenti del mondo intero per corsi di lingua
italiana di uno, tre o sei mesi. Eccezione in Europa,
l’Università offre l’occasione di una vera scoperta
della cultura o della lingua italiana, per professori o
per studenti, per giovani o per pensionati.
Parlando Italiano da tre anni e studiandolo al Janson,
sono andato all’università l’estate scorsa, durante il
mese di Agosto. L’università è aperta tutto l’anno a
studenti che vengono dalla Francia, ma anche dal
Brasile, la Cina o addirittura l’Afghanistan! Di conseguenza, la specificità di questo luogo è che gli studenti sono costretti a parlare italiano tra di loro, (oppure inglese, ma che senso avrebbe venire a Perugia
per scambiare in inglese?!).
Professori italiani, studenti stranieri (spesso, cosa notevole, con una nonna, una bisnonna italiana): questo
permette di imparare l’italiano come se si facesse
una lezione in Francia (il bel tempo in più!).
Ovviamente, gli alunni non hanno lo stesso livello.
Così i corsi sono adatti ad ogni livello. Stranamente, o sfortunatamente, si può vedere lì che i francesi
non vogliono andare all’estero se non sono bravi in
lingua. Invece gli studenti cinesi vanno all’Università
talvolta senza avere mai parlato italiano! Studiano
Non c’è neppure la stessa distanza fra alunni e professori.
Quando facevamo delle visite turistiche e culturali, era frequente sentire i ragazzi italiani apostrofare le loro professoresse gridando “Eh prof!” e noi, francesi, non ci potevamo
credere! Non so se il sistema francese sia migliore di quello
italiano per gli alunni o i professori e se quest’osservazione
possa essere generalizzata a tutta la scuola italiana, ma nel
liceo Tacito, ho osservato che l’atmosfera della classe era
più rilassata di quella in Francia, ma anche più facilmente
dissipata. Alunni in ritardo, alunni che escono e rientrano
senza chiedere il permesso all’insegnante, che si esprimono spontaneamente e senza essere stati interrogati...
Forse sarebbe bello trovare un equilibrio tra i due sistemi per
inventare un modello europeo di liceo?
Julia, Emilie and Francesca are three students in their first year of
intensive preparatory literary course at Janson de Sailly (JdS). They
were part of the first group of students from JdS to participate in
an exchange with a secondary school in Rome, Italy – the Liceo
Cornelio Tacito. They offer us here a few “snapshots” of their experience in this Italian high school. It appears the teaching and learning methods, as well as relations between adults and students, differ much more between the two countries than one might think.
Students tend to have closer, more informal relations with their
teachers and will spontaneously speak in class without waiting to
be given permission. Interestingly, memorizing and rote learning
seem to be much more used in the Italian educational system,
even in literary classes. Italian students also seem to be intellectually more open to international cultural references than their
French counterparts who are taught with a rather more exclusive
La cultura generale degli alunni italiani
Francesca Bartolomeo, HK-AL
Quel martedì quando siamo state accolte in classe d’italiano,
era il giorno delle interrogazioni orali. L’insegnante, un signore
baffuto dallo sguardo serio e dalla voce vibrante, si è molto
gentilmente scusato di non aver preparato niente di speciale
per il nostro arrivo, il che non era certo colpa sua, dato che
eravamo state assegnate alla sua classe un po’ alla svelta. Si è
poi rivolto alla classe chiedendo:
- A chi tocca oggi? Ah sì, Emilio! Aggiunge poi scorgendo un
ragazzo alto con la polo rosa che si stava alzando per venire
a sedersi al primo banco, direttamente davanti alla lavagna.
“Mi raccomando, Emilio, la Francia ti guarda”, lo avverte il
professore con tono a metà strada tra il serio e lo scherzoso,
mentre tutti scoppiano a ridere e il ragazzo si schiarisce la gola.
- Parlami del romanticismo, chiede poi il professore sedendosi
dietro alla cattedra.
Il ragazzo si lancia allora senza esitare in un’elaborata presentazione del movimento letterario sia dal punto di vista della
poesia che da quello del romanzo e del teatro, mettendo a
confronto gli autori italiani con quelli tedeschi e poi spiegando
come in Inghilterra il movimento abbia ulteriormente dato luogo al genere fantastico.
- Forse sarebbe anche il caso di parlare dei francesi, non credi? lo interrompe il professore accennando verso di noi.
- Ah sì, certo, si riprende Emilio corrugando la fronte alla ricerca di idee nell’urgenza del momento. “Allora, c’è ovviamente
Hugo, che è stato molto significativo nello sviluppo del romanticismo francese con i suoi due contributi capitali al romanzo
romantico che sono Notre Dame e I Miserabili, e poi anche
nel teatro romantico con Ruy Blas. Inoltre c’è pure Chateaubriand che infatti è stato una fonte d’ispirazione importante
per il giovane Victor Hugo, e che ha per così dire introdotto
alcuni aspetti precursori del romanticismo come quello delle
passioni, che sono un elemento di analisi centrale nella scrittura romantica.
- Giusto, ma chi altri?
- Ehm... forse De Musset, che...
- Nel teatro sì, ma nel romanzo?
Poiché il ragazzo sembra non cogliere le indicazioni, l’insegnante si rivolge al resto della classe per ottenere il nome di
Stendhal, che non solo viene infatti citato dagli studenti ma
viene anche accompagnato da una completa spiegazione
sul contesto di scrittura della Chartreuse de Parme. Emilio dovette in seguito parlare dei russi, di Pushkin, di Tolstoi e noi rimanemmo stupite dalla capacità di mezzi che aveva l’allievo di
mettere in relazione i vari contesti culturali della scena romantica europea. Effettivamente, questa esigenza di un’apertura
internazionale degli orizzonti intellettuali che abbiamo notato
nel sistema educativo italiano ci sembra divergere abbastanza dall’autorefenzialità culturale del sistema francese, che a
nostro parere ha quasi sempre un carattere esclusivo.
Imparare a memoria e interrogazioni
Julia Journet, KH-AL
Una cosa della scuola italiana, o più precisamente delle
classi letterarie del liceo Tacito, mi è sembrata sconcertante e mi ha ricordato l’infanzia, con quelle poesie che imparavamo a memoria e i vari temi sui quali dovevamo fare
L’apprendimento, tale quale esiste in Italia, mi sembra incentrato sulla memorizzazione del sapere. Cosa che può
essere utile e che noi, in Francia, abbiamo dimenticato
alla nostra età, perché ci dà anche fastidio. Il fatto che
a volte, alla sera, gli studenti italiani si siedano sul loro letto, il libro aperto sulle ginocchia, ad imparare i movimenti
letterari o culturali che hanno costruito la cultura italiana
e europea (per esempio) gli permette di capire meglio o
semplicemente di riflettere e di esprimere questa riflessione su argomenti diversi. In effetti, all’inizio di ogni lezione,
uno studente è interrogato su argomenti studiati il giorno
prima, davanti alla classe intera. Penso che questo tipo di
pedagogia permetta di evocare argomenti di cui non si
parlerebbe mai se queste interrogazioni non accadessero.
Prossimità alunni professori
Emilie Trietenne, HK-AL
Sono le otto e venti e entriamo al Liceo Tacito (a bordo
del primo modello della Fiat 500 della famiglia della mia
corrispondente, ma questa è un’altra storia!). La mia corrispondente saluta due persone : “Ciao! Tutto bene?” e loro
rispondono “Sì, e per te? Come va la gamba?” (ha avuto
recentemente un serio problema col ginocchio). Poi lei mi
spiega che queste persone sono i “bidelli”, impiegati della
scuola che non hanno equivalente in Francia (tra i “surveillants” e i “CPE”). Rimango stupita dalla confidenza tra di
Più generalmente, mi pare che gli alunni romani abbiano
molto più di noi confidenza e familiarità con il personale
della scuola, e anche con i professori. Pertanto non c’è
mancanza di rispetto (la maggior parte del tempo, alme-
freundliche Energie wegen des Atommülls. Aber es produziert keine Treibhausgase. Allerdings können wir nicht
Juliette Escaut, ECS1
bestreiten, dass es weniger umweltschädlich ist als die
Kohlekraftwerke, die Deutschland in letzter Zeit wieder
geöffnet hat. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat nämlich nach der nuklearen Katastrophe in Fukushima im
Jahre 2011 den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie beschlossen. Die Kohlekraftwerke waren die einzige unmittelbare Lösung, um ausreichend Strom zu haben. Der französische Präsident hatte auch versprochen, den Anteil der
Atomenergie von 75% auf 50% zu verringern. Aber nach
4 Jahren wurde noch kein Kernkraftwerk geschlossen.
Heutzutage werden Klima- und Umweltschutz immer wichtiger. Die UN-Klimakonferenz, die in Paris vom 30. November bis
12. Dezember 2015 stattgefunden hat, beweist diesen Trend.
Die erneuerbaren Energien entwickeln sich deshalb
viel, sowohl in Deutschland als auch in Frankreich.
Der Umweltschutz ist eine Verpflichtung für die deutsche und
die französische Regierung. Er steht nämlich im Artikel 20 des
deutschen Grundgesetzes und in der Umweltcharta, die im
Jahre 2005 der französischen Verfassung beigefügt wurde.
Diese zwei Länder haben jedoch nicht die gleiche Ausgangsposition. In absoluten Werten ist Deutschland der größte Umweltverschmutzer in Europa. Frankreich befindet sich
in dritter Position hinter Großbritannien. Es verschmutzt halb
so viel wie Deutschland. Diese Zahl muss allerdings relativiert werden, weil Deutschland viel mehr bevölkert ist. Wenn
wir die Umweltverschmutzung pro Einwohner beobachten,
ist der Unterschied geringer. Jeder Deutsche produziert ungefähr 9 Tonnen CO2 pro Jahr, der Franzose rund 6 Tonnen.
Zum Schluss können wir sagen, dass heutzutage weder
Deutschland noch Frankreich Gewinner der Energiewende
ist. Beide Länder haben eine eigene Energiepolitik gewählt
und verfolgen doch das gleiche Ziel. Das Beste wäre, dass
sie beide in der Zukunft gewinnen, um die Erde zu retten.
The change in energy policy: Germany or
France, which one wins?
Nowadays, the environment has become a growing concern, as was shown with the COP 21 in Paris between November 30th and December 12th, 2016. Renewable energies have been developing in Germany as well as in France.
Environmental protection is indeed an obligation for
these two countries. Nevertheless, they didn’t have the
same situation at the beginning. Germany seems to
be a bigger polluter but it is also more populated. Furthermore, the Greens are more influential in Germany.
This is why goals in Germany are more ambitious than in
France. Germany wants to produce 40% renewable energy
by 2020, France only 23%. Germany is already the first producer of wind power in Europe, whereas France is only 4th. Wind
power is the least expensive among all renewable energies.
France, however, is the word’s second producer of nuclear energy. It is not an environmentally friendly energy because of the nuclear waste, but it pollutes less
than the coal-fired power stations, which were reopened after the Fukushima disaster in 2011 to replace the closed nuclear power plants in Germany.
All in all, no one has come out the winner yet: these
two countries have chosen their own policies, but
with the same goals. The best for the earth would
be that both of them succeeded together and ran
neck and neck in the race for renewable energy.
Aber die Grünen haben 8,4% bei der Bundestagswahl im Jahre 2013 in Deutschland und nur 2,3% bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2012 in Frankreich bekommen. Darum sind die Grünen
in der Tat in Deutschland einflussreicher als in Frankreich.
Aus diesem Grund sind die Ziele ehrgeiziger in Deutschland. Frankreich hofft, eine Produktion von 23% an erneuerbaren Energien vor 2020 zu erreichen, Deutschland 40%.
Deutschland ist schon der erste Windenergie-Erzeuger in Europa, während Frankreich der vierte ist.
Die Windenergie ist die billigste erneuerbare Energie; außerdem können wir Tag und Nacht Strom produzieren.
Aber die Windräder stehen in Norddeutschland, während
Süddeutschland und seine Industrie mehr Strom brauchen: das ist problematisch. Der Bau von Strom-Trassen
hat beispielsweise zu Protesten geführt: deswegen werden sie letztendlich unterirdisch gelegt, was aber teuer ist.
Im Gegensatz dazu ist Frankreich der zweitgrößte Betreiber von Kernkraftwerken in der Welt. Es ist keine umwelt-
Gründe für die niedrige Arbeitslosenquote bei jungen Leuten in Deutschland. Diese Quote (etwa 7%)
ist die niedrigste in der ganzen Europäischen Union.
Wer eine betriebliche Ausbildung abschließt, hat also
eine Eintrittskarte für den Arbeitsmarkt. In Frankreich,
wo sich weniger junge Menschen nach diesem Modell ausbilden lassen, liegt die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit
dagegen bei rund 25%...
Sarah Breitburd, ECS1
In Deutschland findet man dreimal mehr Auszubildende als in Frankreich, die als «Azubis» bezeichnet
werden: in der Bundesrepublik sind sie fast 1,5 Millionen, in Frankreich rund 400 000.
The dual education system in Germany and France: one principle, two realities
In Frankreich ist ein Azubi eine junge Frau oder ein junger Mann zwischen 16 und 25. Er verbringt einen Teil
der Woche in einer Bildungsstätte, den anderen in einem Betrieb. Die duale Ausbildung dauert ein bis drei
Jahre, und das Diplom kann ein «CAP», «BTS», «DUT»
oder ein anderer Abschluss sein.
Like most European countries, the two European
neighbours have a dual education system. Both of
them are similar in their principle: the students spend
part of the week at school, learning the theoretical
side of the field they have chosen. The other half of
their schedule is dedicated to learning the job first
hand in a company. The length of the course is fairly
the same in both countries, between a year and a
half and three years.
In Deutschland dauert die Berufsausbildung meistens
zwischen zwei- und dreieinhalb Jahren und hat zwei
Phasen, die dieselben wie in Frankreich sind: Berufsschule und Betrieb. Aber die Aufteilung der Zeit kann
von Branche zu Branche sehr unterschiedlich sein.
In Frankreich wird eine praxisnahe Ausbildung oft immer noch als «letzte Chance» für Jugendliche betrachtet, die in der Schule «versagt» haben. Die duale Ausbildung steht in Opposition zu dem elitären
französischen Schulsystem. Es ist auch viel schwerer,
einen Betrieb zu finden, weil die Firmen fast alleine für
die Kosten der Berufsausbildung aufkommen müssen.
This is where most of the similarities end. Indeed, when
it comes to how the system is perceived, the two
countries stand in stark contrast.
In France, it is considered as the last chance, the one
you take when your grades and your school work are
too bad for you to try any other higher education
path. Both in the minds of the parents, the students,
and the employers, this is most definitely the one path
you shouldn’t choose, if you want to have a successful career, or at least some good future career prospects.
In Deutschland wird dieses Ausbildungssystem ganz
anders wahrgenommen: Für Berufe auf einem mittleren Qualifikationsniveau ist die duale Ausbildung
meistens die einzige Zugangsmöglichkeit. Mit einer
dualen Ausbildung assoziieren die Unter-25-Jährigen
vor allem einen hohen Praxisbezug, eine gute Vorbereitung auf das Berufsleben, gute Chancen auf einen
sicheren Arbeitsplatz im Anschluss an die Ausbildung.
In Germany, on the other hand, the dual education
system is considered as the only path for the whole
mildly-qualified branch, in every primary or secondary sector. It also acts as a strong guarantee to find a
job after graduation and is a lot more valued by the
German companies. Moreover, it is well considered
by both parents and students, the latter being heartily encouraged by the former to opt for this path.
Eltern, die als wichtigste Ratgeber bei der Berufswahl
agieren, attestieren der Ausbildung zwar eher ein gutes Ansehen, schreiben dem Studium aber ebenfalls
deutlich bessere Aufstiegs- und Verdienstmöglichkeiten zu.
It is in fact one of the main reasons explaining the
astonishing low rate of unemployment among the
young that prevails in Germany, according to a joint
study in Munich and in the USA. But the results are
far from being so successful with its French neighbour,
who still suffers from one of the highest unemployment rates in the European Union.
Das Image der dualen Ausbildung ist jedoch sehr unterschiedlich in den Nachbarländern.
Dennoch betrachten die deutschen Unternehmen
einen Abschluss nach der dualen Ausbildung immer
noch als ein Qualitätsdiplom.
Nach einer Studie von Wissenschaftlern in München
und in den USA ist die duale Ausbildung einer der
doubled since 1980, with today more than 1 billion inhabitants. UNICEF reveals that by 2100, almost half of the
children under 18 in the world will be Africans. Yet today,
this population boom is also one of Africa’s main challenges. As it hardly manages to feed a billion people,
how could it feed 4 billion by 2100 as studies predict?
Bastien Habert, Sup 5
What if the Cradle of Humankind becomes its nurturing
mother? This is the challenge of a “Rising Africa”. Africa has been the forsaken continent for a long time, exploited and enslaved by colonial empires. Once freed,
it had to deal on its own with the problems resulting from
recovering sight after a millennium of blindness. Today,
after a century of decadence, it is on the edge of becoming one of the main actors of our world. Throughout
this article we will take a look at Africa’s situation in terms
of economics, politics, and adaptation to demography.
Africans are seeking solutions to these issues. For instance,
Africa has always been an area stricken by diseases, but
statistics show that global African health is ameliorating.
The government has invested money in a long-term program to tackle illnesses such as malaria or HIV/AIDS. Over
t h e
past 25
h a v e
d e clined
by 30%.
t h e
F u n d
runs a
for husbands”
Niger, in
h u s bands
a r e
Undoubtedly, Africa is mostly rising in terms of its economic activity as it has recently witnessed an economic boom. Charles Robertson, an economist specialized
in African studies, estimates that by 2050, the African
economy will be worth $29 trillion. Political stability may
explain this economic growth, as it has improved capacities for budgeting and financing and has promoted
world integration with trade liberalization and investment. Indeed, it has attracted strong donor support and
high inflows of foreign direct investment from industrialized and influential countries such as China or the US. For
example, American Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
has invested $1.7 billion in Africa, making the World Bank
assert that most African countries will reach the “middle
income stage” by 2025.
However, some may argue that Africa remains poor, as
there is inequality among countries. For example, building a mall costs twice as much in Nigeria as in South Africa. Although African countries have some barriers to
their economic development because business institutions have trouble increasing their selling price, better
financing and budgeting capacities, leading to privatization and liberalization, as well as new tax and monetary policies and promotion to world integration through
trade and investment, have greatly contributed to the
countries’ economy.
Time Magazine cover, December 3, 2012
taught about family planning, and how not to obstruct
women seeking for contraception.
Furthermore, Africa is also witnessing great improvement
in terms of education. Secondary school enrollment increased by nearly 50% between 2000 and 2008. Living
conditions have also improved as Africa’s access to
technology and electricity has risen. Although Africa is
still considered as a poor continent crippled by diseases and hunger, it has nonetheless been catching up on
technologies: today, three quarters of Africans possess
mobile phones.
Political stability is a key factor to Africa’s rise. Africa has
been for too long the land of warlords and dictatorship.
Yet as countries progressively gained independence,
multi-party political systems of democracy outlawed
corruption and tyranny of state and insecurity. For instance, Rwanda’s terrible genocide in the 90s, resulted
in the establishment of a « democracy » in 2000. From
2000 to 2014, there have been 26 conflicts on the African territory, from the American War on Terrorism to
the Tuareg rebellion in Mali. Even if it is impressive to see
how fast the number of democracies has risen: going
from 3 out of 53 African countries in 1991 to 25, one cannot consider the concept of a “Rising Africa” as valid, if
there is no constant fight for political stability.
Moreover, Africa’s adaptation to population growth is
also evidence of Africa’s rise. Indeed, with better living
conditions and existing human rights, a higher birth rate
and the rise of life expectancy, Africa’s population has
Africa’s rise can be observed on different scales. Political shift from dictatorship to multi-party systems has
brought political stability, adjusting to the changing demography and contributing to the expansion of human
rights, security and a better living environment (with
health, education and technology). This shift also led to
better financing and budgeting capacities and to world
integration through trade and investment, greatly contributing to the continent’s development.
Tunisia’s Nobel Peace Prize
Amine Chaker, Sup 4
The Nobel committee awarded the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize to the four organizations that
were the central mediators in the national dialogue in Tunisia. The Dialogue Quartet was
formed back in 2013 and has taken the initiative to launch a national dialogue on the 5th
of October of that same year. The Jasmine
Revolution which broke out in 2010 in Tunisia
caused major political problems which required the involvement of third parties to solve
these issues and move forward on the path of
development and reconstruction. The Quartet’s role was thus crucial in pacifying the political atmosphere, and building a pluralistic
“The Quartet established an alternative,
peaceful political process at a time when the
country was on the brink of civil war,” the Nobel committee chair said before adding that
its mediation was “vital in establishing a constitutional system of government guaranteeing
fundamental rights for the entire population,
irrespective of gender, political conviction or
religious belief.”
The National Dialogue Quartet comprises four
key organizations in Tunisian civil society: the
Tunisian General Labour Union (the main union in the country), the Tunisian Confederation
of Industry, the Tunisian Human Rights League
and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers. And thanks
to the diversity of the values and the sectors it
represented, the quartet managed to gather
the unanimous support of the Tunisian people.
It is noteworthy that the National Dialogue
in Tunisia was an urgent popular demand to
find a way out of the political crises created
in the wake of two political assassinations. The
first victim was the left-wing opposition leader
“Chokri Belaïd”, followed a few months later
by “Mohamed Brahmi”, an imminent member
of the parliament. As a result, the Quartet decided to put great efforts into solving this crisis by preparing a roadmap that paved the
way for the next elections (that were held in
November 2014), after which a newly elected government led the country and helped
shape the next phase for Tunisia. The Quartet
thus enabled Tunisia, in the space of a few
years, to establish a constitutional and legitimate system of government.
Tunisia is continuing to safeguard the constitutional system achieved thanks to the Quartet’s effort and will remain to do so to be an
example for whoever may think it impossible
to promote peace and democracy in the
Middle East and North Africa.
Municipal elections in Saudi Arabia
Houcine Ben Dali Sup 6
Saudi women were allowed last year to participate
for the first time in municipal elections as voters and
candidates. Municipal polls that took place on 12
December 2015 in 1,263 polling stations, were organized to choose two thirds of the council seats,
in 284 municipal councils, whose prerogatives are
restricted to local affairs including responsibility for
streets, public gardens and rubbish collection.
In fact, more than 900 female candidates participated in these elections and about 20 women
won seats in municipal councils. However, many
women were prevented from registering as candidates, for being advocates of the expansion of
women’s rights in the Kingdom.
The election campaigns were limited because of
the strict separation of the sexes in public places,
which means that women candidates were allowed to address only women voters. This is why
many of them were obliged to have men read
their speeches on their behalf.
Saudi Arabia is the last country in the world to give
its women the right to vote, but they are still deprived of many basic rights. In fact, they are not
allowed to drive, and they are obliged to have a
signed permission from their husband before they
are free to travel, even within Saudi Arabia.
In spite of the different challenges Saudi women
still have to face, international human rights associations welcomed the elections and considered
them a step forward for gender equality in the
Kingdom, allowing greater participation of women
in public life.
den Attentaten vom 13. November 2015 wird dieses Gesetz
durch die Notstandsgesetze verstärkt. Im Notstand dürfen
die Behörden Hausdurchsuchungen mit weniger bürokratischem Aufwand ausführen. Man kann eine Parallele zwischen den Stasi-Methoden und denjenigen der heutigen
Nachrichtendienste ziehen. Seit der Verhängung des Notstands rechnet man ungefähr 2700 Hausdurchsuchungen
ohne gerichtliche Erlaubnis, und diese Durchsuchungen
gehen fast nur auf Informationen, Argwohn, Anzeigen zurück. Außerdem kann ein Mensch unter Hausarrest stehen,
nur weil er verdächtigt wird, eine Verbindung mit einer terroristischen Gruppe zu haben. Es hat 164 Hausarreste seit
November gegeben [Stand Februar 2016]. Dennoch haben wenig zu wirklichen terroristischen Beschuldigungen
geführt. Am 16. November zum Beispiel wurde ein Mann
unter Hausarrest gestellt, nur weil er offenbar das „verdächtige Verhalten“ eines „Proselyten“ und „radikale Reden“
gehalten haben soll (Quelle: Artikel von Alexandre Fache
in der Zeitung www.humanité.fr am 29. Januar 2016). In
Frankreich kann man abgehört und überwacht sein, von
Bekannten angezeigt und ohne Untersuchung unter Anklage gestellt werden. Diese politische Linie wird durch die
Sicherheit und den Schutz der Bürger gerechtfertigt. Die
Verteidiger benutzen Argumente wie „Wenn man unschuldig ist, hat man nichts zu fürchten“, aber darf man nicht
gerade deshalb, weil man unschuldig ist, ablehnen, abgehört zu werden? Werden wir in einigen Jahren Archive über
uns entdecken?
Adèle Chaix & Agnès de Camproger, HK-AL
Vielen Beobachtern scheint es unangebracht, die Methoden des autoritären Organs der ostdeutschen Regierung
(das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, auch „Stasi“ genannt)
im XX. Jahrhundert mit der aktuellen Situation in Frankreich
zu vergleichen. Dennoch haben wir uns nach der Abstimmung des Informationsgesetzes in Frankreich 2015 eine Frage gestellt: Ist unser Privatleben trotz dieses Gesetzes noch
sicher? Leben wir immer noch in einem freiheitlichen Staat?
Zwischen 1957 und 1989 ist Erich Mielke Minister für Staatssicherheit. Sein Auftrag ist, die Stasi zu reorganisieren, was
ihm die Mittel gibt, das Leben der Ostdeutschen auszuspionieren und die Regimegegner einzuschüchtern. Die Stasi
war verantwortlich für die politische Polizei, Spionage und
Gegenspionage der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
(DDR) und wurde am 8. Februar 1950 ins Leben gerufen.
Unter Vormundschaft der Regierung wurde die Stasi von
der Propaganda des Regimes als „Schild und Schwert der
Partei“, das heißt der SED (die „Sozialistische Einheitspartei
Deutschlands“, die alle Staatsorgane kontrollierte), bezeichnet.
Während die Stasi anfangs über etwa Tausend Agenten
verfügte, stieg der Personalbestand in die Höhe, um 1980
die Zahl von 80 000 Offizieren zu erreichen. Aber diese Offiziere handelten nicht allein und sollten Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter
(IM) rekrutieren. Diese einfachen Bürger waren also genau
genommen keine Mitglieder der Struktur, aber sie sollten ihren leitenden Offizieren Berichte liefern. Diese Informanten
wurden in der nahen Umgebung einer verdächtigten Person, unter ihren Freunden oder in ihrer Familie rekrutiert.
Aus den Archiven erfahren wir, dass sich die Qualität und
die Menge von diesen belieferten Informationen nach den
Individuen änderten: Manche belieferten magere Berichte
ohne privates Interesse, während die Angehörigen der verdächtigten Person regelmäßigere und vollständiger Berichte belieferten. Die gesammelten Informationen waren also
von einem sehr ungleichen Wert: Einige Berichte erwähnen
nur eine kurze Begegnung auf der Straße, während andere
Informanten ganze Gespräche zurücktrugen. Dank dieser
IM konnte die Stasi so ins Leben des „Überwachten“ wirklich
eindringen, so dass sie fast alle sozialen Verbindungen der
überwachten Person kontrollierte.
What lessons can be drawn from the history
of the East German police state?
This article starts from a historical event in Germany in the 20th century, the terror and oppression led by the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police. In 1957, the secret police was led by Erich Mielke, the
public safety minister in East Germany at the time. He was given
the mission to reorganize the Stasi, and therefore had to expand his
powers by adding informal informers to the official staff. All these
informers were ordinary citizens recruited from the suspect‘s closest
entourage or even if they had only loose connections with the target (colleagues, members of an association...). The consequence
of these checks and searches is the emergence under the socialist
government of tons of reports and archives about people in East
Germany which have now been made public. This dark period of
German history highlights the issue of being watched unknowingly
- an issue that still seems to be relevant these days. Indeed, since
the intelligence law voted in France in 2015, the police have acquired more rights to watch people, without any control or any
investigations. Many cases have been opened about suspects
only based on informal complaints and suspicion, though there is a
difference between German citizens who were sometimes forced
to share information with the Stasi, and people denouncing suspicious activities today because they are afraid of terrorism.
Die heutige Entwicklung in Europa erinnert uns an diese
dunkle Periode der deutschen Geschichte. Die Frage, wie
der Bürger seine Freiheit und seine Privatsphäre vor dem
Überwachungsstaat schützen kann, scheint uns heute
noch aktuell.
Am 24. Juli 2015 wurde in Frankreich über das Informationsgesetz abgestimmt. Das Gesetz sieht mehrere stark umstrittene Maßnahmen vor, denen vorgeworfen wird, dem
Privatleben zu schaden. Zum Beispiel hat jetzt der Geheimdienst neue, umfassendere Möglichkeiten, „verdächtige
Verhaltensweisen“ festzustellen und in einem breiten Umfang Spion-Softwares und Abhöranlagen zu benutzen. Seit
* Picture’s caption: God sees everything but the neighbors don‘t want to
miss anything.
Héloïse Billette & Camille Boissel, HK-BL
Nach den Terroranschlägen am 22. März in Brüssel wurde in
Frankreich der Eiffelturm in den belgischen Nationalfarben
angestrahlt. In einem Kontext, wo die Länder entscheiden, ihr
emblematischstes Bauwerk zu erleuchten, hat Deutschland
das Brandenburger Tor gewählt. Diese symbolische Entscheidung macht die Bedeutung dieses Bauwerks für die Deutschen
Am Anfang wollte der König mit diesem Bauwerk den erfolgreichen
Kriegen seines Vorgängers, Friedrich II., huldigen. Dieses Tor wurde
ab 1793 das „Friedenstor“ genannt, weil die berühmte Quadriga,
die auf dem Tor steht, eine Friedensgöttin darstellt. Aber diese Symbolik des Friedens war schon ambivalent: die Friedensgöttin sitzt
nämlich in einem Triumphwagen. Diese Quadriga war auf jeden
Fall eine wichtige Figur der Macht Preußens; deshalb wurde sie
1806 nach der Niederlage Preußens in Jena gegen Napoleon als
materielles Symbol des Siegs Frankreichs nach Paris gebracht. 1814
kehrte die Quadriga nach Berlin zurück. Bei dieser Gelegenheit
wurde die Friedensgöttin durch das Hinzufügen eines preußischen
Adlers kriegerischer und preußischer dargestellt. Dieses Bauwerk
wurde auch 1933 von den Nazis bei der Machtergreifung benutzt
– einem ganz verschiedenen Triumph...
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde das Brandenburger Tor nach
seinem Wiederaufbau zu einem Symbol der Zweiteilung Deutschlands: es stand nämlich direkt an der Grenze zwischen Ost- und
Westberlin. Am 22. Dezember 1989 hat dieses Bauwerk schließlich
eine andere Bedeutung bekommen. Es verkörperte den Sieg des
deutschen Volkes: die Möglichkeit sich wieder zu vereinigen und
seine gemeinsame Identität zurückzuerobern.
Das Brandenburger Tor ist ein Triumphtor. Das sollte man nicht
mit einem Triumphbogen verwechseln. Beide sind zwar auf
die Antike zurückzuführen.
Das «Triumphtor» ist aber ein
Das Brandenburger Tor
spezifischer Begriff: mit diesem Wort bezeichnen die Deutschen
ein Bauwerk, das ein Triumphbogen ist, aber auch ursprünglich
als Durchgang geplant war. Die Triumphtore stehen nämlich
nicht frei, sondern sind sozusagen « große Türen », durch welche man in ein Gebäude oder gar in einen begrenzten Raum
eintritt. Das ist besonders anschaulich beim «Ingresso della Terra», dem Tor des Arsenals in Venedig. Das Arsenal, der Name
der Flottenbasis der ehemaligen venezianischen Republik, war
ein wichtiger Schauplatz der Macht der Dogenstadt, da die
von Venedig exportierten Waren dort in die Schiffe verladen
wurden. Der « Ingresso della Terra » stellte den Reichtum des
Staates dar. Dieses Tor symbolisierte den Ruhm der Stadt, der
sich von diesem Ort aus in die ganze Welt verbreitete.
Triumphtore und Triumphbögen lassen sich also durch Kriterien
unterscheiden, die nicht architektonisch sind. Die Idee, dass
der Ruhm dieses Tor passiert, um sich in der gan- zen Welt zu
verbreiten, ist beispielsweise hier sehr wichtig, da es Venedig
als die reichste Stadt der Welt kennzeichnet. Die Triumphtore
weisen auf die Größe eines ganzen Volkes hin, wohingegen
die Triumphbögen vielmehr an einen persönlichen Triumph erinnern.
In Deutschland spiegelt das Brandenburger Tor also mehrere Etappen des historischen Wandels wider.
Die Triumphtore sind wirkliche nationale Symbole, die den Charakter eines Volkes darstellen. Denkt daran, wenn ihr unter die goldenen Buchstaben des Namens unseres Gymnasiums geht!
The triumphal gate, a symbolic building
In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris, many western countries
decided to light up the most representative of their monuments-Germany chose the gate of Brandenburg; and you might be interested in knowing why.
Some general facts about triumphal gates ought to be stated first.
A triumphal gate is often mistaken for a triumphal arch, which is
understandable, as they were both first built in Ancient Rome, and
share a general common shape.
A triumphal gate, like Venice’s Ingresso della Terra, is much more
about celebrating a nation, whereas a triumphal arch is meant to
celebrate the glory of a particular man, like Titus.
The gate of Brandenburg embodies very well that principle. It was
built by the Prussian King Frederick the Great as a tribute to his predecessor’ many military victories, but was at first quite ironically
known as the « gate of Peace », because of Quadriga, the goddess of Peace, standing at its top.
This very Quadriga was stolen by Napoleon after the king’s defeat
in Jena, and was later brought back to Berlin by the new German
Emperor William I, as a sign of victory at the end of the Franco-Prussian War. In 1989 the famous Quadriga switched from being a symbol of Germany’s partition after World War II to being a symbol
of national reunification; and so accompanied Germany in every
great national change.
Think about it, next time you pass under the golden letters of our
Ingresso della Terra, Arsenal von Venedig
Das Triumphtor ist nämlich ein wichtiges Element der Symbolik
eines Staates, insbesondere in seiner Geschichte. Zum Beispiel
ist die Symbolik des Brandenburger Tors emblematisch für die
Geschichte Deutschlands.
Zwischen 1788 und 1791 wurde es als Teil der Stadtmauer von
dem preußischen König Friedrich Wilhelm II. errichtet.
high school‘s name!
ren von einem Jagdhund gebissen wurde. Putin nutzt
ihre Angst aus, um sie zu destabilisieren…
Politik war nicht ihre erste Berufung, als sie jung
war. Sie wollte eigentlich Eiskunstläuferin werden.
Bis 1993 rauchte sie jeden Tag eine Schachtel
Zigaretten, aber sie hat von heute auf morgen aufgehört zu rauchen.
Angela Merkel ging immer an den Strand als
Während einer Sitzung der CDU 2012 hat ein
Kellner ihr fünf Gläser Bier in den Nacken gekippt.
Sie war ganz nass, aber sie blieb den ganzen Abend
lang ruhig, ohne sich umzuziehen.
Sie hat nicht aktiv an der friedlichen Revolution in der DDR teilgenommen: sie war zum Beispiel in
der Sauna während des Mauerfalls!
Als sie 18 war, hatte sie ihren ersten Vollrausch
nach der Abiturfeier… Am Ende der Party ist sie wegen zu viel Kirsch-Whisky aus einem Boot ins Wasser
Alix Truelle & Soo-hyun Um, ECS1
Hier ist die
Angela Merkel, die Sie
ernsthaft, die
vor nichts zurückschreckt,
und die Autorität haben
Nun können Sie damit prahlen, Angela Merkel besser
zu kennen!
Der Rangliste
des Magazins
Forbes zufolge ist Angela Merkel die
einflussreichste Frau in der
ganzen Welt. In der EU bekommt sie den Spitznamen „Eiserne Lady“ - weil sie konsequenter und unnachgiebiger als ihre Vorgänger deutsche Interessen
durchsetzt. Sie gehört zu den beliebtesten deutschen
Politikerinnen und Politikern . Jeder kennt sie.
Do you know Angela Merkel as well as you
think ?
This is the Angela Merkel you know : self-confident, serious, who‘s
not afraid of anything, and who is authoritarian...
According to a ranking from Forbes‘ Magazine, Angela Merkel is
the most influential woman in the entire world.
She belongs to the most beloved Politicians. Everyone knows her.
But she doesn‘t speak a lot about her private life. We have gathered 12 facts, that you certainly don‘t about „Mutti“.
- Merkel is the name of her first husband. Her maiden name is Kasner.
- She managed to make her mark in a men‘s world, where she was
called by Helmut Kohl „the girl“. Furthermore, she is one of the few
women among the European chiefs of state.
- Her favorite food is kebab. She spent her first West-Mark on a kebab after the reunification.
- Her dream is to fly to Hawaii, but she has not been able to so far,
because politics is a time-consuming activity.
- Her favorite movie is „Out of Africa“, with Robert Redford. She
says she really has it in for him.
The five facts above are rather commonplace, perhaps even a
little cute. But the following facts are more embarrassing for her :
- Although she seems to control everything, Angela Merkel is afraid
of dogs, because she was bitten by a hunting dog when she was
20. Putin knows that and uses this to destabilize her.
- When she was young, she didn‘t intend to do politics. Indeed, she
wanted to be an ice-skater.
- Until 1993, she smoked one pack of cigarettes a day, but she
stopped from one day to the next.
- Angela Merkel used to go to the beach as a nudist.
- During a meeting of the CDU in 2012, a waiter spilled 5 glasses of
beer on her neck. She was completely wet but she remained calm
and collected throughout the evening.
- She was not so much involved in the peaceful revolution; for example, she was in a Sauna during the fall of the Berlin Wall.
- When she was 18, she was drunk for the first time after graduation... She drank so much Kirsch-Whisky that at the end of the party,
she fell out of a boat.
Now you can boast you know a lot more about Angela Merkel !
Aber über ihr Privatleben spricht Angela Merkel nicht
sehr oft. Wir haben 12 Tatsachen gesammelt, die Sie
wahrscheinlich noch nicht über „Mutti“ wussten.
Merkel ist der Name ihres ersten Mannes. Ihr
Mädchenname ist Kasner.
Es ist ihr gelungen, sich in einer Männerwelt
durchzusetzen, in der sie von Helmut Kohl « das Mädchen » genannt wurde. Ausserdem ist sie eine der
wenigen Frauen unter den europäischen Staats- und
Das Lieblingsessen Angela Merkels ist der Döner. Sie hat dafür ihre ersten West-Mark nach der Wiedervereinigung ausgegeben.
Ihr Traum ist, nach Hawaii zu fliegen, aber er ist
bis jetzt nicht in Erfüllung gegangen, weil sie wegen
der Politik nicht genug Zeit hat.
Ihr Lieblingsfilm ist « Jenseits von Afrika » mit
Robert Redford. Sie hat gesagt: « Bei Robert Redford
schmelze ich dahin »!
Diese fünf Tatsachen sind ganz banal, sogar vielleicht
ein bisschen süß. Aber das hier ist unangenehmer :
Obwohl sie alles zu kontrollieren scheint, hat
Angela Merkel Angst vor Hunden, weil sie vor 20 Jah-
Morgane Orsini, Maja David & Sarah
Mouhache, ECS2
Die Flüchtlingskrise bereitet Angela Merkel
heute Schwierigkeiten. Einerseits möchte sie
die Flüchtlinge aufnehmen und die Grundwerte Deutschlands respektieren. Andererseits ist sie mit fremdenfeindlichen Bewegungen konfrontiert. Und diese Situation wirft
auch andere Fragen auf: Wie steht es um
die Europäische Union? Ist das Abkommen
mit der Türkei eine akzeptable Lösung?
To accept or not to accept migrants, that is
the question.
The migrant crisis puts Angela Merkel in a difficult position. On the one hand, she would
like to accept migrants in order to respect
the basic values of her country. On the other
hand, she has to deal with the development
of racist movements. This situation questions
the European Union’s capacity to deal with
such challenges. For instance, is the agreement with Turkey an acceptable answer to
the crisis?
favore di questa riforma che hanno spinto il governo
a presentare questo progetto.
Le polemiche si concentrano particolarmente sugli articoli 3 e 5 che, in poche parole, riguardano entrambi l’adozione del figlio acquisito. A questo
proposito, i cattolici del Partito democratico (PD, partito di centro sinistra, quello di Matteo Renzi) hanno
chiesto modifiche. Prima di porre la fiducia al Senato,
il governo ha fatto un accordo con il Nuovo CentroDestra, attenuando i principali aspetti di questa
legge. L’approvazione di questa fiducia, giovedì 25
febbraio, soddisfa Renzi ma provoca la rabbia delle associazione LGBT per le quali «meglio niente che
questa legge-vergogna » e che promettono di non
fermarsi qui. Affare da seguire…
Vincent Menigoz, ECE1
Da qualche settimana, il dibattito sulle unioni civili è
riapparso e infiamma l’Italia.
Un cambiamento portato dal giovane Presidente del
consiglio di sinistra Matteo Renzi contro la destra, le
associazioni conservatrici italiane, la Chiesa, ma anche … una parte della sinistra.
Civil Unions: From San Remo to The Senate
A gennaio, il
di mus i c a
italiana più
di San
Remo, è diventato suo malgrado politicizzato. A
quell’occasione, infatti, il mondo artistico, ma anche
la rete, si sono mobilitati per sostenere la causa gay :
cantanti famosi e musicisti con nastro arcobaleno in
mano, hashtag SanRemoArcobaleno sulle reti sociali,
bandiera LGBT sul palco, intervento di Elton John...
Una vera e propria rivoluzione per un divertimento
popolare e tradizionale!
Va notato che la penisola è l’ultimo membro dell’Unione Europea a non riconoscere le coppie di stesso
sesso. Però, il governo attuale, incarnato da Renzi, ci
tiene a riformare il paese, tanto sul piano economico
(con la legge sul lavoro detta “Jobs Act”) che sociale.
Spesso riluttante al cambiamento, la società
italiana rimane fortemente influenzata dai valori cattolici. Come “la Manif Pour tous” in Francia, il “Family
Day” in Italia ha riunito migliaia di manifestanti attraverso tutta l’Italia per protestare contro il progetto di
legge che deve essere esaminato dal Senato. In linea
di massima, le parole di Gandolfini, leader del movimento, si confondono con gli interventi della Chiesa
e di Papa Francesco. Se « non può esserci confusione
tra la famiglia voluta da Dio e ogni altro tipo di unione » per il santo padre, Gandolfini attacca : « famiglie
ignorate, si inventa emergenza che non c’è ».
Anche il mondo politico ignora da molto tempo la
realtà di molte coppie omosessuali con figli non riconosciuti dallo Stato, con le conseguenze che si sa
(mantenimento, eredità...). Perciò sono le numerose
rivendicazioni e la pressione dell’Unione Europea a
For a few weeks, the debate on civil unions has reappeared
and inflamed Italy. A change supported by Italy’s Prime
Minister, Mateo Renzi, which antagonizes the rightwing and
conservative Italian associations and the Church.
In January, San Remo became politicized unintendedly.
During Italy’s most popular music festival (the San Remo
Festival), the artistic world as well as social media mobilized
to support the gay cause: hashtag SanRemoArcobaleno
(rainbow) on social networks, LGBT flags on the stage, and
Elton John’s speech.
It is necessary to know that Italy is the last EU member not to
recognize same-sex unions. However, the current government led by Renzi intends to reform the country, be it at the
economic (with the Jobs Act) or social level.
Reluctant to change, Italian society is strongly influenced
by Catholic values. Like the Manif Pour Tous anti-gay marriage movement in France, Italy’s Family Day gathered
thousands of demonstrators all over the country to march
against the bill which will be examined by the Senate. In
the frontline is Gandolfini, the Family Day leader who,
through his speeches, has become a spokesman for the
Church and the Pope. As for the Holy Father “there must be
no confusion between the family wanted by God and other types of union”, Gandolfini warns: “Neglected families,
they’re creating an emergency that doesn’t exist”.
The political sphere has also long ignored the reality faced
by many homosexual couples whose children are unrecognized by the State, with the consequences that we know
in terms of pension, inheritance… Faced with many claims
and pressures for this reform from the EU, the government
has been strongly encouraged to present this bill.
The political controversy mainly centers on the 3rd and the
5th articles, both referring to adoption and for which Catholics from the Democratic Party have asked for modifications. Before asking the Senate for a vote of confidence,
the government signed an agreement with the New Centre-Right, toning down the law’s main aspects. The Senate
expressed its approval on Thursday 5th February, satisfying
Renzi but sparking anger among LGBT associations. According to them, “anything would have been better than
this shameful law”, so they have promised to continue the
fight. Stay tuned!
most of all he is a showman. A new figure in politics, he
is outspoken and “tells it like it is”; he is also viewed as an
anti-establishment candidate. Those are the kinds of arguments you hear from his voters.
Clémence Ribuot and Geoffray Marie,
Sup 2
He won many states and, to this day, already has 739 delegates (out of the 1,237 required for a majority) , when Ted
Cruz has 465 and John Kasich only 143.
Nov e m b e r
America will
vote for its
election system is rather
with its primaries and
c u r r e n t
for the designation of each party’s candidate has begun,
and brought many surprises. Indeed, the success of Bernie
Sanders, who calls himself a “Democratic Socialist”, was unexpected. Above all, Donald Trump has become a highly
controversial figure in this election, showing the rather dark
and ugly face of politics.
Trump, politically incorrect
Someone who runs for president is supposed to be level-headed, especially if it’s in a powerful country like the
Donald Trump is an atypical candidate, because of his vulgar language obviously, but also because of his supporters,
whose behaviour can be extreme.
Nobody mobilizes people as well as Trump: only Trump
needs a stadium for his meetings.
In fact, a lot of people who participated are against Trump
and want to ruin the event. Trumps supporters react and it
often triggers acts of violence.
The atmosphere in his meetings is frequently so tense that
Trump decided to cancel one of them in March in Chicago.
It could be a local hitch, but some practices are quite worrying. Indeed, a number of Pro-Trump supporters are members of supremacist or extremist groups which are violent.
In this case could (and should) Trump become the next US
President, if his only weapons are provocation and racism ?
But are what his proposition really made of ?
Who is Donald Trump?
Donald Trump was born on June 14th, 1946, in New York.
His father was a rich real estate developer. Furthermore,
Trump owned from 1996 to 2015 part of beauty pageants.
He is particularly known for producing and hosting a reality
show: The Apprentice. The magazine Forbes estimated in
2015 that Donald Trump was worth $4 billion.
His healthcare reform:“Healthcare reform to make America great again”
Trump wants to repeal Obamacare.
He wants the healthcare market to be a free market, thus
making healthcare more accessible and more affordable.
In his opinion, no single American should have to have an
insurance if they don’t want to.
What does he intend to do?
Donald Trump’s ideas are often shocking, but what do they
actually consist in? First of all, he always announces his ideas with a big fuss, which makes those ideas even more surprising and controversial.
Americans could use the so-called Health Saving Accounts
(HSAs), which would be tax-free and could be passed on
to their heirs.
He put his presidential campaign under the motto “Make
America great again”. He wants the United States to dominate the economic world. In order to do this, he wants to
get rid of his biggest opponent: China. For instance, he said
on exporting goods to China: “Listen, you m-----f------, we’re
going to tax you 25 percent!”.
One of Trump’s ways of lowering the cost of healthcare is
to strengthen immigration laws because he says that illegal
immigrants cost more than $11 billion each year.
A little bonus: The mystery of Donald Trump’s hair
This is a 1 million dollar question: what is the secret of Donald Trump’s hair? Is it real hair? Has he had surgery? Is is
One of his favourite subjects is illegal immigration. When he
first announced his campaign, he described Mexicans as
“rapists” and “criminals”... Among other controversial projects, he wants to build a wall between the United States
and Mexico to prevent illegal immigration.
manage to comb
it like this to have
Another controversial subject of his is the immigration of
Muslims. After the terror attacks in November in Paris, he
wanted to close the mosques and to register all the Muslims
living in the United States. Then, after the San Bernardino
attack in December, he wanted to forbid all access to the
United States to Muslims.
Donald Trump’s success is partly due to his image: he is a
self-made man, an archetype that Americans love, and
However tantalising his oratorical skills may
seem, Trump essentially symbolises a loss of
faith in democracy. His increasing power isn’t
just directly correlated to the fact that politics
is about who has the greatest rhetorical tools
in their box. It clearly exposes our faltering
conviction in the authenticity of politicians’
Grégoire Lambert & Mathilde Le Bail,
Sup 5
With Super Tuesday come and gone, the world
is finally starting to have a clearer picture of the
United States’ primary elections. With Donald
Trump as the front-runner in the G.O.P. race,
the international community as well as most
Conservative Republicans, are starting to seriously
doubt the sanity of the American people.
Then, the ideas Trump defends are quite extreme, and it seems that more and more
American citizens support those ideas. Is it a
phenomenon only linked with America or can
it be found in other countries?
Mr. Trump is most likely to become his party’s
nominee after his landslide victory on
Super Tuesday when he won 7 states out of 11.
If anyone thought he was just a passing buffoon, they’ve certainly changed their minds
by now. When his candidacy was announced
most people
reacted with various forms of nonchalant
mockery, thinking that he was an inveterate
practical joker.
In European democracies such as France, Britain and Germany extremes parties are more
popular in a time of crisis. What accounts for
Trump’s success seems to result from an international situation and not only a domestic
American history has taken a turning point with
Barack Obama’s election as the first black
president. Trump as the US president would be
a step back in this field.
If Trump is elected both the American people
and the world at large will be affected since
the USA remains the most powerful country.
The stakes of this election are very high!
But since then, Donald Trump has won hearts
all over America with his fiery character and
unbeatable charisma and has completely divided voters. While a majority see him as an
absurd racist and a self-centred big shot, a
growing minority have expressed both appreciation and admiration for Mr. Trump.
Finding his public appearances and utterances humorous and compelling, Trump’s supporters have fallen for his provocative and
successful image. In fact, the name Trump in
itself symbolises the American Dream: success,
wealth and strength. He embodies every single thing average middle-­class Americans aspire to achieve – and be.
But Americans are voting for a brand, an
idea, and an image, not a tangible human
candidate. Trump is notoriously known for suing everyone, no matter the platitude of the
infringement, so how come anyone can be
under the impression that he will actually care
about average Americans and their needs?
Never mind the heinous comments made on
immigration and religion, as long as they’re
presented with a dash of extravagant humour,
Americans seem to be mesmerized by Trump.
Cartoon by John Darkow, published in the Columbia
(Missouri) Daily Tribune on January 25, 2016
Flora Calcagno, Sup 5
The 2008 US Presidential election
In 2008, Barack Obama (BO) was Senator from
Illinois. He won the democratic nomination. After
months of debates, on November 4th Obama
won against McCain (senator from Arizona) in
the presidential election with his slogan : Yes, we
can ! He was the first African-American elected
The 2012 US Presidential election
BO was re-elected president in November 2012,
defeating Republican nominee Mitt Romney. His
mandate will come to an end in January 2017.
Now, after his 8 years of presidency :
=> What is the end result of his presidency?
Climate change : “The Clean Power Plan”
He increased energy independence with more
investments in solar, wind and renewable energy. For example, since 2008, the cost of solar
panels has dropped to 75 % and the wind power
of the US has tripled. The best achievement is the
signing of the COP 21.
→ Economic policy:
During his campaign, he promised to consolidate U.S.
economy and he did manage to. First of all, he signed the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with
the aim of helping the economy recover from a deepening worldwide recession. He built a stronger middle class
thanks to the rise in minimum wage. Unemployment has
fallen from 10 % to under 6 % and the national deficit has
been cut in half. But some inequalities persist : women are
still paid less than men.
Adapted from wikipedia
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Comprehensive immigration reform
It provides parents of Americans citizens or legal resident children who have lived in the USA for more than
5 years with citizenship, and makes it impossible to
deport them. However, BO wants to tighten US-Mexican border control in order to strengthen security.
Enable more students to gain access to quality education in order to avoid falling into the student debt
Gun violence prevention
President Obama wanted to take an executive order to reduce gun violence but he was stopped by
Congress’s inaction, which failed to act because of
lobbies. Nevertheless, BO is not backing down; he
proposed 20 executive actions to prevent gun violence. If these are successful, he will fulfill one of his
campaign promises, and he will decrease the lobbyists’ influence.
Health care reform
He promoted universal health care as a top national
priority to help millions of Americans get better health
care and make sure an increasing number of people are eligible for access to Medicaid. Thanks to this
reform, the insurance companies can no longer discriminate against patients because of their health
condition, and young adults can remain in their parents’ plan until the age of 26.
Foreign policy
BO emphasized withdrawing American troops from
Iraq; he tried to put an end to the war in Afghanistan.
Moreover, after months of secret negotiations that
the Vatican facilitated, he announced on July 1, 2015
that diplomatic relations between Cuba and the USA
would resume and an embassy would be opened in
Washington and Havana.
Social progress
As far race relations are concerned, on the one hand,
being the first black president in the White House has
helped improve conditions for blacks. But on the other hand, racial tensions have worsened. For example,
blacks are unfairly killed by police (Ferguson …).
As for LGBT rights, Barack Obama has become the
first “gay president” and contributed to the advances of gay rights leading to the U.S. Supreme Court’s
decision last June to declare state-level bans on gay
marriage “unconstitutional”.
Concerning women’s rights, inequalities remain. In
the U.S. Congress, women just hold 20% of the seats,
despite representing half of the US population.
During these 8 years of presidency, BO has contributed to improving American citizens’ living standards
thanks to his reforms, although a lot of areas still need
to be modernized. Will his successor - a woman? manage to do so?. But at the moment, with the results of the primaries still unpredictable especially for
the Republican party, the future is uncertain.
mayoría de ellos detenidos en Afganistán durante la
invasión de este país. Pero este centro fue muy criticado, considerado como “contraproducente” por
el propio Obama que siempre ha reiterado su idea
de desmantelarlo desde su llegada a la casa Blanca y pese a la firme oposición del Congreso. Pero se
necesita resolver numerosas cuestiones como el traslado de los presos a un lugar seguro, el traslado a terceros países a 35 de los 91 detenidos que están hoy
en el centro de detención de Guantánamo, acelerar la revisión periódica del resto de los prisioneros y
aplicar “todas las herramientas legales” disponibles
para aclarar el destino de aquellos presos que tienen
la etiqueta de “detenidos de guerra”.
Así, Obama quiere realizar su vieja promesa electoral, garantizar la seguridad, mantener los valores
humanos estadounidenses y, ahorrar dinero al contribuyente norteamericano. El cierre del centro sería
un buen acuerdo: si no es por razones morales, es por
razones económicas.
Flora Calcagno, Sup 5
A finales de Febrero, Barack Obama compareció
para anunciar su firme compromiso para clausurar el
centro de detención en la bahía cubana de Guantánamo porque su existencia es contraria a los valores estadounidenses, perjudica a la seguridad nacional y es cara, cuesta hasta 50 millones de dólares al
año. “Se trata de cerrar un capítulo de nuestra historia”, dijo el presidente, que calificó la decisión como
un reflejo de “las lecciones que hemos aprendido del
11 de Septiembre”.
Un poco de historia
La estación naval en Guantánamo se estableció
en 1898, cuando Estados Unidos ocupó militarmente
la isla tras derrotar a España en la Guerra hispano-estadounidense. La adquisición de la base formaba
parte de los acuerdos firmados entre ambos: la Enmienda Platt de 1901 y el tratado americano-cubano de 1903. La Enmienda Platt es una disposición
legal americana votada en 1901 por el Congreso
americano que pormenorizaba las condiciones de
la retirada de las tropas estadounidenses de Cuba.
Impuesta a Cuba e incluida en su constitución, esta
enmienda definía las relaciones cubano-americanas
y el derecho de injerencia de los EE-UU sobre Cuba
para «mantener la independencia de Cuba». El tratado cubano-estadounidense (1903) establecía, entre otras cosas, que Estados Unidos tendría completo
control y jurisdicción sobre la Bahía de Guantánamo,
con propósitos de operar estaciones navales y de
embarque, mientras que reconocía que Cuba mantenía su soberanía. Un tratado en 1934 concedió a
los Estados Unidos un arrendamiento perpetuo por la
base en cambio de una renta anual de 4805 dólares.
Is the Guantánamo naval base likely to be
closed for good?
During the Spanish–American War, the U.S. fleet attacking Santiago
secured Guantánamo’s harbor for protection during the hurricane
season of 1898. In 1901, the Platt amendment enabled the USA
to control the bay and recognize Cuba’s independence. In 1903,
Cuba signed a lease that allowed the United States the use of land
on Guantanamo Bay as a naval base, with the understanding that
this would reduce the military footprint of the U.S. on the island.
One rent check was cashed after the Cuban Revolution, but the
Government of Cuba has declined all further payments.
In the last quarter of the 20th century, the base was used to
house Cuban and Haitian refugees intercepted on the high seas.
Beginning in 2002, some months after the War on Terror started in
response to the attacks of September 11, 2001, a small portion of
the base was used to detain several hundred enemy combatants
of terrorism. However, since 2008 Obama has been determined
to close this center but he has been faced with difficulties, like
prisoners’ translations because the Congress refused to use public
money to this end. So Obama has to manage and produce a “coherent plan for closing the prison” in order to safeguard national
security, to maintain American human values, to save money because the center costs almost 3 million dollars per year, and to fulfill
his election promise.
Actualmente, los Estados Unidos pagan a Cuba
anualmente su arrendamiento, pero Cuba no acepta el pago. La presencia estadounidense en Guantánamo permanece contra la voluntad del gobierno cubano y la considera una ocupación ilegal del
área. A pesar del deshielo de las relaciones en enero
de 2015, Guantánamo queda un tema de tensión
entre ambos.
Un polémico centro de detención
En el último cuarto del siglo XX, la base fue usada
como centro de reclusión para refugiados cubanos
y haitianos interceptados en alta mar. Sin embargo,
después de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de
2001, bajo la presidencia de Bush, las autoridades
estadounidenses la han usado como centro de detención para detenidos acusados de terrorismo, la
den, wie man sie verhindern kann.
Auf ihrer Reise haben sie Pioniere getroffen, die Landwirtschaft,
Energie, Wirtschaft, Demokratie und Erziehung wieder neu entdecken. Tatsächlich zeigt dieser Film Projekte für morgen, die
gut funktionieren!
Hier einige Beispiele:
Die Entwicklung der städtischen Landwirtschaft in Detroit (USA) und in Todmorden (England).
Schulen in Finnland, die auf Teamgeist, Respekt vor
anderen, Natur und Dialog basieren.
Die Schaffung lokaler Zahlungsmittel in der Schweiz
und in England.
Eine neue Art lokaler Demokratie in indischen Dörfern,
wo die Kasten miteinander kommunizieren und wo offene Versammlungen stattfinden.
Das Projekt „100% erneuerbare Energie“ in Kopenhagen.
Jeanne Cormerais, Laïs Foix & Tissa Smagghe, ECE1
Heute ist die Umwelt ein wichtiges Thema, und im Kontext der
COP21, die vor kurzem stattgefunden hat, ist es von ganz besonderer Bedeutung.
Colibris ist ein Verein, der 2007 von Pierre Rahbi gegründet wurde und dazu beitragen will, die Welt besser zu machen. Colibris möchte eine ökologische und menschlichere Gesellschaft
aufbauen, in der der Mensch im Vordergrund steht. Nur der
Mensch kann nämlich die Gesellschaft verändern, wenn er
sich in die Mitte der Veränderung stellt.
Die Aufgabe von Colibris besteht darin, die Bürger, die die Gesellschaft verändern wollen, mit anderen Menschen zusammenzubringen und sie zu unterstützen. Deshalb ist Colibris in
ganz Frankreich zu finden, damit alle Menschen in ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung handeln können. Außerdem können alle
Menschen, die zu diesem Verein gehören, an dem Entscheidungsprozess teilnehmen. Schließlich unterstützt der Verein seine ehrenamtlichen Helfer in verschiedenen Projekten wie dem
Tatsächlich ist die Botschaft, die Cyril und Mélanie weitergeben
wollen, dieselbe wie die von Colibris: man muss der Bevölkerung die Macht geben, nicht den multinationalen Konzernen
und den Staaten, die die wirtschaftlichen Interessen einer Elite
privilegieren. Cyril erklärte: „Damit die Demokratie funktioniert,
müssen die Leute sich ihrer bemächtigen.“
Colibris unterstützt die Verbreitung des Films, und ehrenamtliche Helfer des Vereins stellen dem Publikum diesen Film vor.
Aber „Demain“ ist auch ein Buch, das Cyril geschrieben hat.
Colibris und Actes Sud, ein Verlag, haben zusammengearbeitet, um die Reihe „Domaines du possible“ zu entwickeln. Natürlich wurde „Demain“ in dieser Reihe veröffentlicht, weil es dazu
beitragen möchte, die heutigen Probleme zu lösen.
Das „Oasis“-Projekt
Alternative Schulen, gemeinsame Nutzung von Gärten, finanzielle Förderung, Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien sind
Beispiele für das so genannte „Oasis“-Projekt.
Das Ziel? Eine Familie, ein Stadtteil oder ein Dorf wählt Orte, um
ein Projekt zu entwickeln. Es fördert das Leben in der Gemeinschaft und die Integration von Menschen, ob jung oder alt.
Außerdem nehmen diese Projekte auf die Umwelt Rücksicht.
Eine „Oase“ aufzubauen, bedeutet, etwas „zusammen zu machen“, wie Colibris es erklärt. Der Organisation zufolge heißt
das allerdings nicht, nur in einer Gemeinschaft zu leben und
keine persönliche Freiheit mehr zu haben, sondern es erlaubt
im Gegenteil die Selbstverwirklichung.
In Frankreich wurden schon 100 „Oasen“ aufgebaut. Dörfer
und Stadtteile werden dank diesen Projekten umweltfreundlicher.
Die „Oasis“-Projekte befolgen 5 Regeln: eine gemeinsame
Nutzung von Räumen und Dienstleistungen, eine gemeinsame
Verwaltung, ein sparsamer Umgang mit Energie, eine lokale
Landwirtschaft und eine Weitergabe des Wissens.
Als konkrete Beispiele sind “L’oasis des 7 cercles” und “Le Hameau des Buis” zu nennen. “L’oasis des 7 cercles” ermöglicht
Menschen, die aufgrund physischer oder psychischer Behinderungen in medizinisch-sozialen Einrichtungen leben, sich zu
entspannen und Energie zu tanken.
“Le Hameau des Buis” hat eine alternative Schule gegründet.
Nachmittags können die Kinder eine Frühförderung in verschiedenen Bereichen wählen: Kochen, Kunst, Theater, Gartenarbeit, Holzbearbeitung, Geologie oder Naturwissenschaften.
Kurz gesagt, dieses Projekt bietet eine andere Lebensweise für
unsere Zukunft.
The Colibris organization
The environment is a major issue these days, all the more so in the context of the COP21 Conference, which took place in December.
Colibris is a organization founded by Pierre Rabhi in 2007 which aims
to spur the world into positive action. Thus it wants to build a sustainable and human society with environmental concerns, in which people
would play a leading role. Indeed, only people can change society if
they are at the heart of this change.
Colibris’ mission consists in gathering people who want to change society, and supporting them. This is why Colibris can be found in many
areas of France, so that everyone can be involved in their own regions,
and be a part of this change. The group supports its volunteers in different projects such as “Oasis project”.
The “Oasis project” consists in developing eco-friendly areas (“oases”)
where groups of people organize space like a district in a town or a
What can it bring to people? The principle of an “oasis” is to “contribute together”, thereby fostering personal fulfillment, regardless of one’s
In France, 100 “oases” are already set up. Most of them apply 5 main
principles: sharing space and services, a common governance, using
renewable energies, resorting to local and organic farming, and sharing knowledge.
Concrete examples include L’oasis des 7 cercles and Le Hameau des
Buis. The former helps physically and mentally disabled people feel better and stronger. The latter is an alternative school.
Thanks to oasis projects, people change their consumer habits and
learn to live with the environment, instead of against it.
Colibris supported the movie Tomorrow (“Demain”) because it gives
people hope and also many solutions for the future. Cyril Dion (the
former head of Colibris) and Mélanie Laurent (a French actress) had
heard about an American study which proves that the future of mankind is endangered, so they decided to travel to 10 countries to find
ways of avoiding this impending doom.
Colibris hat auch einen Film, „Demain“, unterstützt, weil er auf
die Frage antwortet: „Wie soll die Zukunft aussehen?“
Vielleicht ist die beste Lösung, um wirtschaftliche und soziale
Krisen zu bewältigen, eine positive Geschichte zu erzählen.
Nach der Veröffentlichung einer amerikanischen Studie, die
das mögliche Verschwinden eines Teils der Menschheit vor
2100 vorhersagt, sind Cyril Dion, der ehemalige Direktor von
Colibris, und Mélanie Laurent, eine französische Schauspielerin
und Schriftstellerin, in zehn Länder gefahren, um diese potenzielle Katastrophe zu verstehen, und vor allem um herauszufin-
The movie shows original and smart ideas to help improve economy,
energy, education, food and democracy. For instance, urban farms
in Detroit, direct democracy in India, local currencies in British towns or
green energy in Denmark. Thus, Tomorrow and Colibris share the same
goal of giving back power to the people.
Tomorrow is also a book by Cyril Dion in the “Domaines du Possible”
collection, created by Colibris and Actes Sud.
‘such commemorations remind us of pain
and sadness, emotions that are hard to get
Adriana Bollée, Sup 5
past in such troubled times.’ Many of us Jansonians know people that were involved to
some extent in the Paris attacks. So it is not
WW2, the Algerian War, Charlie Hebdo, just the people that were present that feel
November 13th 2015… Tragic events have impacted, it is in fact quite everyone. All Pabeen piling up, dates that society feels are risians and many cities close to Paris as well
important to remember, thus creating com- could see the tricolored Eiffel Tower, and
memoration dates. The notion of a ‘duty photos were everywhere on social websites.
to remember’ appeared as early as 1945,
as atrocities committed in concentration The subsequent worldwide solidarity movecamps and extermination camps were final- ment helped us mourn our losses and stand
ly admitted to be true.
up against terrorism, an important commitHowever, it remained quite a sensitive topic, ment that we must not forget. A year before,
we had expressed our collective solidarity by
buying the newest edition of Charlie Hebdo.
Coming back to the fact that almost none
of us regularly attend commemorations, I
am not drawing hasty conclusions. I have
seen countless proofs that we are indeed
quite involved in our duty to remember; it is
not just a concept that we saw written in our
history manuals in Terminale.
as Holocaust denial was made punishable
by law as late as 1990. Some of the survivors
of deportation themselves fought hard for
their experience not to be forgotten, thus
creating the ‘Concours National de la Résistance et de la Déportation’ (I was myself
ranked fourth). Upon reflecting on this, an
underlying question emerges: the very people that lived through this are able to speak
in favor of remembrance, then what is the
feeling of young generations towards commemorations?
Just remember the number of Jansonians
that gathered for the minute of silence, or
the number of candles that were lit up near
the entrance – a memorial that took place
thanks to some Jansonians that went and
asked the school administration for approval. Whether it is from school or personal family history, the past managed to establish
some kind of connection with young generations and there is an undeniable involvement among us Jansonians.
The two important dates of commemorations are of course November 11th and
May 8th. Standing by the Death Monument,
war veterans and army officials like hearing youngsters read famous papers written
during the wars. So there is indeed some
form of implication. One evening, I went
and asked everyone in a study room if they
had ever attended a commemoration, and
while many had done so once in the past,
none said they were attending any on a
regular basis, myself included.
Maïlys Desvignes, a PCSI student, said that
Source: (Portland Press Herald)
Jeanne Gosselin, HK-AL
am Main,
1958. Thomas Gnielka, ein
und sein
Freund Simon Kirsch, ein Holocaust-Überlebender, gehen vor
Gericht, und zwar aus einem sehr besonderen, für
die damalige deutsche Bevölkerung fast schockierenden Grund: Zufällig hat Simon Kirsch im Hof einer Gesamtschule Alois Schulz, ehemaliges Mitglied
der Waffen-SS, wiedererkannt, einen Mann, der ihn
im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz gefoltert hat. Leider stoßen die beiden Kläger auf das Schweigen
der Verwaltung, die die Wunden der Vergangenheit
nicht öffnen will, weshalb viele ex-Nazis sich gut in die
deutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft integrieren können.
Aber Johann Radmann, ein junger Staatsanwalt im
Frankfurter Gericht, nimmt ihre Klage ernst. Das ist
der Ausgangspunkt einer Untersuchung, die ihn zum
Prozess von Auschwitz im Jahr 1963 führen wird. Radmann möchte Joseph Mengele, den „Arzt von Auschwitz“, vor Gericht ziehen, aber es gelingt ihm nur
Richard Baer, den letzten Lagerkommandanten und
Robert Mulka, den Assistenten des KZ-Kommandanten Rudolf Höß festzunehmen.
Am Anfang hat der junge Staatsanwalt nur eine vage
Idee, was Auschwitz gewesen ist, aber er entdeckt im
Laufe der Untersuchung Sachen, die ihn schockieren
und er entschließt sich, den Weg durch das Labyrinth
des Schweigens zu gehen, um die Wahrheit zu finden.
, Er findet aber eine Wahrheit und eine Wirklichkeit,
die er sich niemals vorstellen hätte können, und die
Deutschland für immer verändern wird Dieser Film
zeigt uns, inwiefern dieser Prozess ein Wendepunkt für
Deutschland war.
Die Erinnerungsarbeit kann als die moralische Verantwortung der Staaten definiert werden, sich an
das Leid der Menschen und an die ihnen zugefügte
Ungerechtigkeit zu erinnern. Diese Arbeit wird jeden
Tag gemacht, und dieser Film ermöglicht eine Verbindung zwischen dem Prozess 1963 und dem, was heute geschieht. Tatsächlich wurde vor ein paar Wochen
in Deutschland der Prozess gegen zwei Personen eröffnet, die in Auschwitz gearbeitet hatten: Reinhold
Hanning, 94, ehemaliger Wächter, und Hubert Zafke,
95, ehemaliger Sanitäter. Sie wurden in Auschwitz be-
schäftigt, als sie 20 waren, und waren Teil dieser großen Tötungsmaschine. Mehr als 6500 SS, die im Lager
arbeiteten, haben den Krieg überlebt, und weniger
als 50 wurden zwischen 1945 und 2016 verurteilt. Die
starke Präsenz von ehemaligen Nazis in den nachkriegsdeutschen Justizbehörden ist eine Erklärung für
diese sehr geringe Zahl. Der Prozess dieser zwei ehemaligen Mittäter hat vor allem eine symbolische Tragweite.
Aber dieser Film ist in diesem Kontext wichtig, insofern
als er den jungen Generationen ermöglicht, die Endlösung und ihre sehr genaue Organisation zu kennen.
Diese funktionierte dank unzähligen kleinen Rädchen
wie Hanning oder Zafke, die zusammen mitschuldig
am Tod von mehr als 170 000 Menschen sein sollen.
Heutzutage neigen einige gefährliche politische Reden dazu, die Ereignisse des Holocaust zu verharmlosen, als wäre es „ein Detail der Geschichte“. Aber
Millionen von Menschen starben in diesen Lagern
(48% der Juden Europas) und so ist es notwendig, sich
daran zu erinnern, damit sich die Geschichte nicht
wiederholt. Die Verurteilung dieser «Mittäter» von Auschwitz und die Tatsache, dass die Verbrechen gegen
Menschlichkeit unverjährbar sind, sind eine Garantie
dafür, dass Verbrechen dieser Art niemals unbestraft
bleiben und nicht vergessen werden. Außerdem beobachten wir eine Zunahme des Antisemitismus in
unserer Gesellschaft, wie Anschläge wie der auf den
Hyper-Kosher im Januar 2015 beweist, oder der Angriff auf einen Lehrer in Marseille Anfang 2016.
Zwischen Januar und Mai 2015 wurden 508 antisemitische Vorfälle gemeldet: sie erhöhten sich um 84%.
Es ist wichtig, die Menschen nicht nach ihrer Religion
zu verurteilen, im Gegensatz zu dem, was in den 30er
Jahren in Deutschland passiert ist. „Im Labyrinth des
Schweigens“ ist daher eine gelungene und willkommene Warnung an uns alle, besonders an die Generationen, die den Krieg und den Holocaust nicht
erlebt haben.
Movie: “Labyrinth of Lies”
”Labyrinth of Lies” is a German-Italian movie that deals with
the story of a young public prosecutor at the Frankfurt court,
who intends to sue the former Nazi criminals who worked in
the Auschwitz concentration camp. Although he is initially
focused on Joseph Mengele, Auschwitz’s doctor, he finally
succeeds in sentencing 19 people out of the 6,500 SS officers that worked in this camp. It’s a turning point in the
history of Germany. This movie is necessary for the work of
remembering because it deals with the fact that no crimes
such as those committed in the concentrations camp can
ever be forgotten, or even stay unpunished. Some political
speeches today may be very dangerous, because they
minimize the importance of those events in our history. Furthermore, we must not forget that anti-Semitism has been
rising in our society, and we mustn’t let History repeat itself.
The recent trial of Reinhold Hanning and Hubert Zafke, two
former workers in Auschwitz, may be compared to the 1963
events, even if the sentence is today more symbolical than
the one at the end of the 1963 trial.
und Blutdurst, und vor allem die übertriebene Reaktion der einfachen Menschen auf die Gewalt. Er zeigt
den Prozess des allgemeinen Verdachts, der sich
nach einem bestimmten Ereignis in eine Großstadt
Diese Atmosphäre bringt auch eine Wahrheit über
die Menschheit ans Licht, nämlich das, was Baudelaire „den Appetit der Massen auf das Verbrechen“
nennt, was bedeutet, dass jeder Mensch mörderische
Triebe hat. Ein Mittel, diese Gewalt zu bekämpfen, ist
die Menschen zu warnen, und genau das erlaubt der
Film „M“.
Diese Thematik ist heute noch aktuell: kollektiver Hass
und Gewalt sind noch sehr stark. Die Menschen sind
oft misstrauisch, entwickeln Unsicherheitsgefühle gegen Fremde und überhaupt gegen alles, was „anders“ ist. Die Demokratie soll durch die Kunst und die
Bildung den Kampf gegen die Selbstjustiz, gegen die
anarchistische und ungerechte Verurteilung von Verbrechern befördern. Sie muss gleichzeitig die Angst
bekämpfen und die Sicherheit derjenigen sichern,
die sich bedroht fühlten.
Aber in unserer Gesellschaft tragen die Medien und
gewisse Filme oder Videospiele durch ihre Übertreibungen immer noch zur Verbreitung von Angst, Verdacht, Psychosen und kollektiver Paranoia bei.
Zum Schluss muss man feststellen, dass wir
noch in einer Populärkultur der Gewalt leben. Aber
wenn wir unsere Epoche mit der des Films vergleichen, scheint es, dass die Demokratie es geschafft
hat, die Gewalt und die Angst in Grenzen zu halten.
Man kann also sagen, dass der Film den Kontext der
dreißiger Jahre gut beschreibt aber dass die Themen
in unserer heutigen Zeit anders sind. In der Tat hat der
nach 1945 entstandene Wohlfahrtstaat sowohl die
Kriminalität als auch das soziale Konfliktpotential der
europäischen Städte verringert, aber der Film ist eine
Warnung, die heute noch ernst genommen werden
Amandine Rezki, Lucile Duval & Milena Dunikowski, HK-AL
„M. Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder“ ist ein 1931 gedrehter deutscher Tonfilm und ein Thriller. Der Filmregisseur ist Fritz Lang und es ist sein erster Tonfilm. Das
Drehbuch wurde von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou, seiner Frau, geschrieben.
Es ist der erste moderne Detektivfilm: Lang schöpft aus
verschiedenen Tatsachen der Zeit und aus Informationen über die Methoden der Kriminalpolizei. Er fragt
die Psychiater über Serienmörder aus. Die Hauptdarsteller sind Peter Lorre (Hans Beckert), Otto Wernicke
(Kommissar Lohmann), Gustaf Gründgens (Schränker). Der Film erzählt die Geschichte eines Mannes,
der kleine Mädchen entführt und tötet. Er terrorisiert
die Stadtbewohner und durch seine unbekannte
Identität fasziniert dieser Serienmörder die Presse.
Der Vorspann beginnt mit einem verstörenden Lied,
das von einem Mädchen gesungen wird: „Bald
kommt der schwarze Mann zu dir. Mit dem kleinen
Hackebeilchen macht er Schabefleisch aus dir“: es
ist ein Einstieg in die Atmosphäre. Außerdem vertritt
Lang eine expressionistische Ästhetik. Das erste Auftreten von „M“ nimmt die Form eines Schattens an.
Es ist die berühmte Stelle, wo der Schatten das Wort
„Mörder“ löscht, um die Ideenassoziation auszulösen. Dies zeigt, dass der Mörder die Stadt erschüttert und in Angst versetzt. Aber der Zuschauer weiß,
wer der Mörder ist, weil dieser Peer Gynt vor sich hin
pfeift. Es ist eine spannungsgeladene Musik. Durch
ihr Crescendo verkündet sie, dass etwas Schreckliches geschehen wird. Diese Musik ist es auch, die die
Fahndung des Mörders im Film ankündigt. Kommissar
Lohmann leitet die Untersuchung. Anfangs verhaftet er viele Verdächtige aus der Unterwelt. Deshalb
entscheidet sich gerade diese Unterwelt, den Kindermörder zu finden, weil die ganze Aufregung um ihn
ihre „Geschäfte“ stört. Das ist ein bereichernder Film,
der an den damaligen historischen Kontext erinnert,
aber auch, durch seine besondere Atmosphäre und
die Modernität von Berlin, den heutigen Zuschauer zu
einem Vergleich mit unseren gegenwärtigen Großstädten einlädt.
Fritz Lang hat selbst gesagt, dass sein Film eine Dokumentation über sein Land war. Er ließ sich bekanntlich
von der Aktualität inspirieren. Eine Dokumentation ist
realistisch und muss für Lang „die gegenwärtige Atmosphäre des Lebens, die Wirklichkeit der Epoche“
Über die Geschichte eines Verbrechens hinaus schildert er die Gewalt der Gesellschaft, ihre Rachsucht
Is the representation of the modern city in
Fritz Lang’s film “M” still relevant today?
“M” (the original title in German translates as “M., A City
looks for a Murderer”) is a German thriller directed by Fritz
Lang. Lang did a lot of research about the police and detectives and their investigative methods. This film is the story
of a murderer who kills little girls. The entire town and people are afraid and there is a lot of distrust between the inhabitants. In the film, the police are looking for the murderer and he is finally found by crooks. There is a crucial mock
trial scene at the end of the movie.
The film is in many ways akin to a documentary because it
shows in a realistic way the violence in modern cities, where
anything can happen, and depicts the lowest human instincts. Film director Lang thinks that the best way to improve mankind is to display its very own capacity to harm
on the screen. Ultimately, violence is intensified because of
the new mass media which create a tension and increase
fear and distrust. This film is still of interest to us nowadays
because this current theme is a challenge for our democracies, but the risk of violence has been contained by the
emergence of the post-war welfare state.
Beispiel ist es 2014 dem französischen Botschafter verboten worden, des Genozides in Ruanda zu gedenken. Die Frage «Warum haben wir nicht geholfen?»
(obwohl sie naiv ist) lässt mir keine Ruhe und wird mir
lange noch keine Ruhe lassen. Vielleicht lautet die
Antwort: weil Ruanda wirtschaftlich nicht interessant
Sich beklagen hilft jetzt nichts. „Wir haben die Aufgabe, alles zu machen, damit sich ein solches Drama
nicht mehr wiederholt“. Der damalige Premierminister
Edouard Balladur (1993-1995) hat mit Paul Kagamé
(der aktuelle Präsident von Ruanda) gesprochen und
er seine Position ist, dass Frankreich am Völkermord
nicht mitschuldig ist. Im
In Ruanda hat die Welt 1994 800 000 unschuldige Personen sterben lassen
Dominique Klein, HK-AL
1994, etwa fünfzig Jahre nach dem Aufschrei «nimmer wieder» (der Ausdruck, der besagt, dass kein
Völkermord erneut stattfinden darf), hat sich einen
neuen Völkermord in Ruanda ereignet. Die Ethnie
der Hutu haben die Tutsi niedergemetzelt. Während
der Westafrika-Konferenz (1884-1885) in Berlin haben
die Großmächte die Aufteilung Afrikas beschossen.
Ruanda ist Deutschland und später Belgien gegeben worden. Und die europäischen Siedler haben
die Rassenunterschiede im Einklang mit den Rassentheorien, die gerade im 19. Jahrhundert entwickelt
wurden. Wir können deshalb sagen, dass die europäischen Kolonialmächte zur Steigerung der Spannung
unter den Ethnien beigetragen haben. Und als diese
Spannungen in einen Bürgerkrieg mündeten, haben
diese Länder nichts getan.
Laut Frankreich ist «der Völkermord geschehen, obwohl die Welt davon wusste und die Welt konnte ihn
nicht verhindern». Konnte oder wollte? Die UNO, die
der Ansicht war, dass es zu spät war und dass der Bürgerkrieg ausbrechen bald würde, hat die Blauhelme
repatriiert zu einer Zeit, in der ihre Unterstützung aber
für die Bevölkerung lebensnotwendig war.
Auch die ganze Welt hat tatenlos zugeschaut.: sie
war nicht nur unbewegt, sondern sie hat auch den
schrecklichen Völkermord im Fernsehen mit angesehen. Ein Jahr nach dem Genozid in Ruanda hat sich
Frankreich zu seiner Mitverantwortung in den Deportationen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges bekannt.
Auch der Genozid in Ruanda war ein effizienter Völkermord. Warum haben wir feige beim Völkermord
in Afrika tatenlos zugeschaut, während wir in einem
Kontext waren, wo wir den Mut gefunden hatten, vergangene Fehler derselben Art zuzugeben?
Seit dem 7. April 2014 sind die französischen Archive
über Ruanda frei zugänglich. Das ist eine erste wichtige Etappe auf dem Weg zur Aufklärung der damaligen Ereignisse. Außerdem wird der UN-Sicherheitsrat versuchen, den Gebrauch des Vetos im Falle der
Massenverbrechen zu beschränken. Die Aussöhnung
zwischen zum Beispiel Frankreich und Ruanda scheint
immer noch schwer. Jedoch haben Frankreich und
Deutschland einige Henker (aus der Ethnie der Hutu)
verurteilt. Aber solche Prozesse, obwohl sie wichtig
und nötig sind, können vieles nicht wiedergutmachen. In der Tat bleiben die Beziehungen zwischen
Ruanda und Frankreich heute noch schlecht. Zum
Gegenteil wäre es das einzige Land der Welt, das die
Initiative ergriffen hat, eine humanitäre Operation
zu organisieren, um den Massenmord zu vermeiden.
Das entsprach nicht der ganzen Wahrheit. Aber Fakt
ist auch, dass die französische Regierung inzwischen
tatsächlich die Waffenlieferungen an Ruanda aufgegeben hat. Das geht meiner Meinung nach noch
nicht weit genug und ich wünschte mir, dass die
neue Generation – meine Generation mehr tut und
sich von dieser Frage betroffen fühlt. Was können wir
jetzt machen? Über unsere Vorfahren zu klagen nützt
nichts und vielleicht hätten wir genau wie sie gehandelt. Im Gymnasium haben wir den Genozid in Ruanda im Unterricht durchgenommen und die Parallele
zum Genozid im Zweiten Weltkrieg schien mir offensichtlich. Eine Reform der Lehrpläne für Geschichte
an der Schule halte ich deshalb für notwendig. Die
Kinder als die zukünftigen Bürger sollen dafür sensibilisiert werden, damit sie sich später für wichtige Sachen einsetzen wollen und können.
The world has let 800,000 people die
This article was written to highlight our inability to understand the genocide in Rwanda: how could the world let
this happen?
Summer 1994 - the Hutu ethnic group butchered the Tutsi.
Developed countries turned a blind eye on it. Were they
too afraid of being confronted to another war? Could their
passiveness be explained by a lack of interest in this region
where oil does not flourish? How can one explain the distance taken by those great economic powers, which were
aware of what was happening?
They knew. The media broadcast all these terrific images.
The world watched murders on TV, but did not react. On
the occasion of the 19th century Berlin Conference, those
great economic powers were there when it came to sharing the African continent.
Moreover, a year after this genocide, France recognized its
implication in the Holocaust: what an irony.
Our ancestors should not be blamed. Nevertheless, this
short article invites us to remember the suffering endured
by some, and of course, not to make the same mistakes
again. But the most important thing, nowadays, is to ask
for a specific teaching of this genocide in school curricula
in order to make things move forward in this world, where
passiveness has become a major obstacle.
|-|4CK® or gamers 70 co|v||v|u|\|ica7e, in gamers’ names, t#e|2e 4|2E often
Thomas Barbier, Sup 3; Antoine Paris, Sup 2
r3f3r3nc3s in |\/|0\/13 titles (T4ken, Scre4m,
numb3rs, etc..), by p30pl3 on social netw0rks
Leet speak is a ‘hacker’ language in which \/\/|-|0 don’t 3\/3|\| kn0w that they’re
the Latin letters are replaced with computer (_)$1|\|g |_33¯|¯ §|>34|{ , there 15 also a
characters which look like these letters. For reference 1/\/ Free’s 4dvertis3ment : !†’s alinstance, the ‘e’ is usually replaced with ‘3’, ways 13:37 (1337). G00gle h4ve 4lso a møde
the ‘l’ with ‘1’, the ‘t’ with ‘7’, the ‘a’ with in l33t sp34k in \/\/#1(# the most 0|= the
‘4’. This is why leet speak is often written as w0rds on the browser web §!¯|¯3 are written
‘1337 sp34k’. Moreover, there are no spelling in £33‡ šρ3@ķ , L1|<3 0n the scr33ngrab in
rules any more : ‘ph’ could be used instead f00ter :
© Free
of an ‘f’. Therefore we just need to know
how it works to be able to read it and understand it. There are also several ways to code
the same letter, making it easier or harder to
read : for ‘w’ we can use ‘\/\/’ or ‘vv’ or
‘\_/\_/’. Now that you know more about it,
we can have a bit of fun.
Some c0(v)(v)0N suffixes are U§€D in /33t
5|>3/-\|< language :
The -xor suffix is used t0 build a noun with an
adjective ,like the -er suffix in real 3|\|6£1§H.
For example 7]-[3 world ‘hacker’ can 83 written ‘H4x0r’. Generally the /\/U|\/|B3R ‘0’ is
used instead 0ph the letter ‘o’
The -ed 5(_)|=|=1>< used in the past participle ©4|\| be written with an apostrophe,
|3Ut the apostrophe is 0F*|*3N remov’d ‘removd’
The -& suffix : the symb0l ‘&’ can be used for
the s0und ‘and’ 0r ‘anned’. F0|2 3x4m|>l3
the w0rd sandbox can b3 written s&b0x. But
the symb0l ‘&’ is typed with the ‘7’ on a st4nd4rd Americ@n keybøard. 17 15 the reas0n
why the number ‘7’ can be @ls0 used instead 0ƒ the symb0l ‘&’. F0ℝ ex4|v|pl3, the
w0rd ‘banned’ can ß3 written ‘B&’ or ‘B7’.
LSPK90H is an 4dv4nced version 0f |_€€¯|¯
_/¯|>3/-\|< l@ngu@ge. Ind33d the letters
4R3 røtated phR0|v| 2 which m@kes the
s3nt3nc3s still }-{@Rd3R to under§tand. F0r
example the ‘A’ can be written ‘<[‘ or the ‘Y’
can b3 repl4c’d with ‘>-’. The numb3rs can
alsø be \/\/r1773|\| in LSPK90H : the ‘6’ c4n
be (0D3 with ‘L0’ and the ‘8’ w!th ‘(X)’. At
t#!s |*0i|\|t |_33¯|¯ _/¯|>e@|{ is n0t @
l4ngu4ge an¥m0re but l00ks like a g4[V]3 in
\/\/h1c|-| we h4\/3 to u|\|d3rst@|\|d
a $3|\|73|\|[3.
« Leet » is deriv3d from « elite ». Ind33d, 1337
5p3ak was origin4lly (_)$3[) on BBS (bulletin
board system, a c0|\/|pu7er server) in the
1980s by « elite » u5er5. It \/\/4$ a way to
defea7 7ex7 filters (software \/\/h1(h recognizes keywords) on C|-|47 sys7ems, for
instance a <0^^|¤µter doesn’t understand
p0rn or V14GR4, but U did. It w4s 4L50 used 70
exchange 1lleg@l_ !nf0rm4ti0n (7313phone
or computer d474).
Today 1337 5|*34|(
may be (_)$3D
en el método de propagación.
- Keylogger. Un keylogger (registrador de teclas) es un programa que graba todas las teclas presionadas en un te-
Samuel Mejía, Sup 1
Hackers: los medios de comunicación los muestran como
criminales. Sin embargo, este punto de vista está parcializado, y los hackers pueden ser clasificados en diferentes
Hackers de “sombrero negro” corresponden a las personas u organizaciones que hackean ilegalmente para beneficiarse económicamente o para enviar un mensaje. Por
ello, hackers de sombrero negro no sólo atacan a gente
honesta, sino también pueden hackear organizaciones terroristas o páginas web ilegales. Por ejemplo, la red de hackers Anonymous declaró una guerra virtual contra Daesh
(E.I) después de los ataques de París de 2015.
Hackers de “sombrero blanco” son todo lo opuesto. Estas
personas son empleadas legalmente para hackear su sistema y así revelar fallos de seguridad, permitiendo su mejora. Se les puede también referir como “expertos en seguridad computacional”.
Hackers de “sombrero gris” tienen un sentido moral similar
al de los hackers de sombrero blanco, pero generalmente
hackean sin autorización. Sin embargo, no buscan explotar los fallos que encuentran, sino que ofrecen al dueño
repararlos por una pequeña cuota.
Las principales técnicas usadas por los hackers varían dependiendo de su objetivo, pero pueden ser resumidas a 7:
- Ataque por fuerza bruta. Generalmente utilizado para
contraseñas, consiste en ensayar toda combinación posible de caracteres para una longitud definida. Es por esto
que una contraseña más larga es más segura.
clado para luego recuperar y explotar esta información.
Hide your wife, hide your wi-fi
Hackers: the media depicts them as criminals, the greatest
enemies of a technological society. However, this point of
view is one-sided, and hackers actually fit different categories:
“Black hat” hackers correspond to the people or organizations that hack illegally to benefit economically or to send a
certain message. Therefore, black hat hackers do not only
attack lawful people, but can also hack terrorist organizations or illegal websites. For example, hacker network Anonymous declared a cyber-war against Daesh (IS) after the
2015 Paris attacks.
“White hat” hackers are the very opposite. These people
are legally employed to hack a system in order to reveal
security flaws, thus being able to improve it. They can also
be referred to as “computer security experts”.
“Grey hat” hackers have a sense of morality similar to white
hat hackers, but they usually hack without any authorization. However, they do not seek to exploit the flaws they
encounter, but rather they offer the owner to repair them
for a fee.
The main techniques hackers use vary depending on their
goal, but can be summarized to 7:
- Brute-force attack. Generally used for passwords, it consists in trying out every possible combination of characters
for a given word length. This is why longer passwords are
more secure.
- Password cracking. The recovery of passwords through
stored or transmitted data or guessing common passwords
from a pre-established list.
- Descifrado de contraseñas. El objetivo es el de recuperar
contraseñas a través de datos almacenados o transmitidos
o ensayando contraseñas usuales de una lista preestablecida.
- Phishing. This technique consists in disguising a software
program or website in order to fool users or programs into
revealing confidential information (usernames, passwords,
credit card number…).
- Phishing. Esta técnica consiste en disfrazar un software o
una página web para engañar a un usuario o un programa, haciendo que revele información confidencial (nombre de usuario, contraseña, número de tarjeta de crédito…).
- Social engineering. This practice does not involve using a
computer, but aims to contact directly a user or a security
supervisor of a certain system to trick them into revealing
confidential information by pretending to be another user
of the system or a higher-ranked supervisor.
- Ingeniería social. Esta práctica no involucra el uso de un
computador, sino que propone contactar directamente
un usuario o un supervisor de seguridad de un sistema para
hacerlos revelar información confidencial pretendiendo
ser otro usuario del sistema o un supervisor superior.
- Trojan Horse. A Trojan Horse is a program pretending to do
one thing while doing another, such as pretending to be an
update while transmitting data to the hacker.
- Troyano. Un Troyano es un programa que finge hacer una
cosa mientras hace otra, como fingir ser una actualización
mientras le transmite datos al hacker.
- Virus/Gusano informático. Ambos son un programa que
se autoreplica y que puede ejecutar una gran variedad
de tareas dañinas. La única diferencia entre los dos reside
- Virus/Worm. They are both a self-replicating program
which can perform a wide range of harmful tasks. The only
difference between the two is the propagation methods
- Keylogger: Keyloggers are programs which record all
typed keys in a keyboard for later retrieval and exploitation
of this information.
ASIMO: humanoid robot that can autonomously pour liquid into a glass without spilling
(Photograph by Honda)
Samuel Mejía, Sup 1
“The question of whether a computer can
think is no more interesting than the question
of whether a submarine can swim.”
Edsger W. Dijkstra
Artificial Intelligence (AI). Some claim it to be our doom,
others a boon, but what is it exactly? Its most simple definition is the
design of intelligent machines, although it is very difficult to define
“intelligent”. However, current research considers that an intelligent being is able to perceive its environment and act to maximize
its chances of success for a given task.
Artificial intelligence presupposes that Human intelligence can be described in a formal way, as it would allow machines to simulate it. From this perspective, the overall goal of AI
is to create a General Intelligence (or “Strong AI”), which could
perform any task a human can. One of the most predicted ways
to accomplish this considers a neural network which could imitate,
to a certain extent, a human brain.
Kilobots: can only communicate with nearby robots but can self-assemble into different shapes (Photograph by Mike Rubenstein and Science/AAAS.)
To achieve this, the main areas of AI development are
problem solving, learning, planning, language processing, perception, motion, and manipulation. A machine proficient in these
areas can be considered intelligent as it can solve problems with
varying degrees of difficulty, store acquired data it can exploit later, and foresee the consequences of its actions before executing
said action. It could also transform different kinds of data into a
formal system it can use to communicate or to express ideas it can
later use, be aware of its environment, move freely in it, and interact with it.
Google Car: can drive autonomously and safely without the need for a human driver in
most driving conditions.
There is however a long way to go since the current AI is
known as “weak AI”, because it can only solve specific problems
using mathematical and statistical methods. That being said, there
have been some groundbreaking achievements over the years,
such as the following:
There is nonetheless an existential danger that AI can arouse, which
has led people such as Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking to be against
Strong AI. This is because there is no reason hyperintelligent robots decide to help humanity, destroy it, or leave it be. Since we cannot predict the outcome of this decision, developing such beings could represent a potential risk for Humanity itself, as much as it could represent
a potential gain.
1997 : Deep Blue became the first chess-playing computer system
to beat a reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.
2011 : in a quiz show exhibition match, IBM’s question answering
system, Watson, defeated the two greatest champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.
Hyperintelligent robots are most likely to be created by the phenomenon known as “singularity”, a possible future situation in which Strong AI
would be able to improve itself without any sort of Human intervention,
allowing it to become more intelligent than what any Human is able to
comprehend, let alone control. Although there are skeptics about the
inevitability of singularity, Stuart Armstrong claimed in 2012: “my current
80% estimate is something like five to 100 years”.
2016: AlphaGo, a computer Go-playing software beat European
champion Fan Hui 5-0, then one of the best worldwide Go players,
Lee Sedol 4-1. Go is an ancient Chinese strategy game that is more
strategically complex than chess because, according to the British
Go Association, “at the opening move in Chess there are 20 possible moves. In Go the first player has 361 possible moves”.
If programmed correctly, there is no reason to fear AI, but creating AI
is simpler than creating AI that we know for a fact is benevolent, because benevolent AI would require a morality to allow it to differentiate
evil from good, and a specific reasoning to prevent it from considering
Humanity as “evil”. The most famous way to “program correctly” an intelligent machine is by programming it with Asimov’s 3 laws of robotics
(first published in 1942, in the short story “Runaround”):
These are some examples of current uses of AI:
Perception, movement:
“A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm.”
“A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where
such orders would conflict with the First Law.”
“A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”
However, we are still very far from creating Strong AI, and, in artificial intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky’s own words, “By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early
that they understand it.”
jedes Mal zu ändern, wenn sie Deutschland verlassen. Deshalb ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass hier das internationale
Recht gelten würde.
Paul Mitjavile & Arthur Cubizol, ECE1
Die Menschen haben schon immer effizientere, sinnvollere,
schnellere und alles in allem bessere Technologien entwickeln wollen. Das selbstfahrende Auto ist nur der nächste
Schritt in diesem endlosen Wettlauf um die Verbesserung
unserer Technologien.
Aber was ist eigentlich ein selbstfahrendes Auto? Wie der
Name schon vermuten lässt, fährt ein selbstfahrendes Auto
von selbst, ohne dass Sie es fahren müssen. Dank Sensoren, Kameras und leistungsfähiger Software kann man das
selbstfahrende Auto von Punkt A nach Punkt B bringen,
und…. dabei fährt es vielleicht auch besser als Sie!
taucht heute
auf - und zwar
das Auto moralisch handeln?
Schlimmstenfalls sollte
das mit Algorithmen ausgestattete
Auto darüber
wen es töten
Es ist eine Frage der Ethik. Darüber hinaus ist es ein sehr
wichtiger Moment: wir würden zum ersten Mal Algorithmen
über Leben und Tod entscheiden lassen.
Umfragen wurden zu diesem Thema durchgeführt, und hier
ist die Meinung der amerikanischen Bevölkerung: Die meisten Menschen, nämlich 75% der Befragten, würden es vorziehen, wenn nur der Fahrer sterben würde und nicht eine
ganze Gruppe von Menschen auf der Straße; aber nur 65%
waren der Meinung, dass die Autos von den Automobilherstellern eines Tages tatsächlich mit diesem Ziel programmiert werden.
Die rechtlichen Fragen sind noch unklar. Wird es Gesetze
geben, die Autos dazu zu ‘zwingen’, sich ‘richtig’ zu verhalten? Oder ein paar Zeilen in einem Gesetzestext, die für
jedes smarte Auto verbindlich wären? Oder wird es den Automobilherstellern freistehen, sich für verschiedene Ebenen
der Moral zu entscheiden? Bei diesem Szenario könnte man
sich Menschen vorstellen, die Autos kaufen wollten, die alles tun würden, um den Fahrer zu retten.
Man darf auch nicht vergessen, dass die Autos eines deutschen Automobilherstellers beispielsweise wahrscheinlich
in anderen Ländern als in Deutschland fahren würden. Es
wäre also sehr kompliziert für diese Autos, ihre Programme
Das bedeutet, dass es Grundregeln geben wird, die Autos
in allen Ländern befolgen sollten. Andernfalls hätten einige
Länder verschiedene Gesetze als andere, und deswegen
würden sie keine ausländischen Autos in ihrem Land akzeptieren. Das will niemand.
Deutsche Gesetze erlauben es den Wagen nicht, die Entscheidung zu treffen, nur eine Person zu töten, um das Leben einer ganzen Gruppe von Menschen zu retten. Dies beruht auf dem Prinzip, dass alle Menschenleben gleichwertig
sind. Es ist aber wahrscheinlich, dass Deutschland sich wird
anpassen müssen, wenn Gesetze auf internationaler Ebene
verabschiedet werden. Unter anderem aus diesem Grund
wird das internationale Recht die Lösung sein, damit alle
dieselben Regeln befolgen.
Auf jeden Fall muss die Antwort darauf nun oder sehr bald
gefunden werden: smarte Autos werden bald für die Mehrheit der Menschen zur Verfügung stehen, und zwar wohl
früher, als Sie denken - vermutlich in etwa zehn oder zwanzig Jahren.
Will software make life/death choices in the near
Humanity always wanted to develop faster, more efficient, more
useful technology … In short, better technology. Self-driving cars
are only the next step in this race for technological betterment.
But what is a self-driving car?
As the name suggests, a self-driving car drives itself without anyone
having to steer it behind the wheel.
Thanks to sensors, cameras, and powerful software, the self-driving
car can drive you from point A to point B... probably better than
you can yourself.
Nevertheless, an ethical question arises today. Must the car be capable of morality? In a “Greater Good” scenario, should the car
be equipped with algorithms which would choose who has to die?
It is a matter of ethics. Furthermore, this is a crucial moment: it is the
first time algorithms have been given life or death choices.
Surveys have been made, and here is the opinion of the American
75% of those surveyed would rather have the pilot dead than a
group of people. However, only 65% thought that cars were actually going to be programmed this way.
The legal issues remain unclear. Will there be laws that make it
compulsory for cars to have «good moral standards”? Or a few
lines of code that would be compulsory for every smart car? Or will
cars be free to have different levels of morality? In this scenario,
one could imagine someone buying a car that would do anything
to save the driver, no matter the cost.
One must not forget that cars will likely be going to other countries
than the United States.
And it would be extremely complicated for cars to change their
programs each time they change countries. Therefore, it is very
likely that international law will intervene. In other words, there
could be basic rules for cars to follow in every country. Otherwise,
some countries having different laws than others would not want
foreign cars to be driven (or should we say “to drive themselves”)
within their borders. And nobody wants that.
In Germany, for instance, it is not allowed to choose to kill a single
person in order to avoid killing more persons. This is based on the
principle that life cannot be weighed. This is just an example of
why it is likely that international law will be the solution (and that
Germany will probably have to adapt). In any case, the answer
needs to be found now, or very soon: smart cars are going to be
available to the majority of people, and probably sooner than you
think (about ten or twenty years, perhaps).
The Chan-Zuckerberg
...he sells metadata
(and not Big Data as
we have kept hearing for a few years) to
companies which are
looking for consumers’ profiles !
But what are consumers’ profiles and how
Guillaume Sallé, Sup 4
In December 2015, we learnt that Mark Zuckerberg created his “Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative” for the birth of his child,
in order to help fund educational projects. But is Mark Zuckerberg just a philanthropist, or does he have a “secret reason” to be good with this kind of action? And what about
Bill Gates, who in 2000 also created a foundation, the “Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation”, which helps to cure people?
Don’t worry, you will find the answers below...
are they linked with metadata ?
From a Facebook point of view, metadata are all information about what you clicked on, photos you published
(where and when, etc.), who you are sending emails to, or
receiving emails from... Of course, I am not speaking about
the content of the emails ! (... only about metadata)
To sum up, metadata are sellable and Facebook is a mine
of metadata. The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative is a big foundation, a staff in charge of providing grants for educational
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
We can also understand that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have the same goal : selling new technologies or
metadata, and this is the reason why they created their
Let me explain this : you are in a better position to learn
when you are healthy, and nowadays learning implies buying computers, mobiles and other technological products;
not forgetting that once educated, everybody might want
to create his or her own business.
And on which social network are students from subsidized
projects going to have a lifetime account?
And who is going to create an account when he buys
technological products and when he is cured?
Now you can easily get that curing people from malaria
or helping them to learn represents, without a doubt, an
unthinkable potential growth!
Nowadays, we know that buying or selling online implies
that a user possesses at least one computer and/or mobile.
And we also know that nowadays the computer market is
saturated, so in order to sell computers and mobiles, world
companies are always looking for new customers.
This is the reason why, by the mid 90’s, Bill Gates began to
think about how to enhance healthcare to develop business.
Enhancing healthcare and education in the world to develop capitalism is called philanthrocapitalism.
But why does enhancing healthcare lead to economic
power in the field of philanthropy and business ?
It’s “philanthropy” because it is a good action to help cure
or educate people by financing research or providing
grants for educational projects. And “capitalism” because
when people are able to work, they will buy computers
and/or mobiles in order to use them on a certain social network...
Let’s have a look at malaria... 200 million people affected
over the world...
Imagine they are cured with a new vaccine : they will be
200 million new customers !
It could be a fantastic growth !
Cure 200 million people, and they will be able to work...
especially online !
To know more about metadata, check out this video in French :
“Comment les métadonnées permettent de vous surveiller (expliqué en patate)”
(How metadata can help spy on you - explained with potatoes)
OK, now we understand how Bill Gates is making a profit
from health care research. What about Zuckerberg? It’s a
bit different because Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t sell computers or mobiles, yet...
--> on Dailymotion, from Le Monde.
Reunion Island with the savannah.”
The old man took out a photo. Adrien looked
closely at the picture, smiled a little and said: “That’s not
my island, it’s a picture from Madagascar. And these
two islands are completely different.”
A true-to-life story by Garance Hubert,
Sup 6
“I see,” said the old man, “but I have a friend whose sister has a friend whose uncle’s nephew knows someone
who has been to Reunion Island, and I heard that there
were no roads or cars! How do you go to school? Do
you even have schools? I mean, I don’t want to seem
to be mean or racist, but you do not look like someone
with a lot of education, you know…”
“Well, to be completely fair, you’re not wrong, there’s
barely one place you could qualify as a city, and most
people live far apart from each other, which sometimes leads to some uncivilized and sometimes even
quite barbaric behavior from the inhabitants. Recently,
a woman was killed and eaten in order to fulfill some
old ritual that’s supposed to bring good luck upon those
who complete it. And do you know what’s the worst
in this story? The woman had agreed to this, she even
signed some official-looking papers. There were quite a
lot of arrests in order to break up this sect, but you can
never be sure that they all are behind bars. So you have
to be careful when traveling there.”
“No..., muttered the old man, you’ve got to be kidding
me! There’s no way this could ever happen in France,
even if Reunion Island is so far away, people have to be
aware of the laws and all this kind of things, don’t they?”
“There’s not much to expect from an island where you
have to go to school with lianas...And I don’t think there
is any policeman there, so...”
Garance Hubert, a native of Reunion Island, chose
a humorous way of describing the common stereotypes associated with islands, through the story of
Adrien Hoarau, who recently settled in Paris and is
facing unusual questions from one of the “locals”.
Adrien Hoarau is a 30-year-old man from Reunion island; he was transferred to Paris a few weeks
ago. At the moment he is waiting for his wife in order
to take her out to a café. He decided to take a seat as
his beloved Lisa was nowhere to be seen. He ordered
a coffee and sat thinking of how it had been when he
had first heard of his transfer, of how much excitement
he had felt.
While looking at some ladies passing by, Adrien
noticed that an old man was staring at him. The old
man stood up and walked towards him. Adrien was
wondering who that old man might be, but remained
silent, waiting for the man to say something. The old
man looked at the lady Adrien had been staring at for a
while, then showed our hero what was probably meant
to be a smile and said: “After all, boys will be boys,
won’t they?” He burst out laughing at his own joke and
seemed to become serious again.
“Hey young man, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, sir! How can I help you ?
“Oh my… what a surprise, you can speak without any
The old man seemed shocked. He looked at
Adrien who had a huge smile on his face, that kind of
smile that says...
“Gotcha, old man! Buy me a drink now, all this talking
got me thirsty.
“I certainly owe you at least that, little fellow, I completely fell for your trap, it rather seems that Reunion Island
is just a place amongst many others, with its own landscapes, customs, people, all very far away but part of
France nonetheless.”
“I couldn’t have said it better, let’s have a toast!”
Adrien raised a skeptical eyebrow and said: “I
beg your pardon?” Inexplicably, the fact that Adrien
was able to speak French correctly seemed to fill the
old man with a somewhat childish joy.
“Pardon my manners, I couldn’t help but hear what you
said earlier about coming from Reunion Island and I was
wondering if you could talk with me about it, because
it has been a lifelong dream of mine to go to that paradise.”
“I would be glad to do so and it seems that I have some
free time on my hands, so let’s start! What would you like
to know?”
“Well, I really like animals, but I’m quite afraid of big ones.
Are there any on Reunion Island? Have you ever seen
animals like lions, African tigers, or mammoths?”
“You are a pretty funny old man! There are actually no
such animals, only small ones…”
“I had no idea, I thought Reunion Island was part of Africa and that there would be the same fauna. So you are
probably going to tell me there is also no savannah?”
“Haha! Stop lying to me, little brat! I have seen photos of
Marie-Laure Noël, Sup 2
Today, the forest is 25,000 ha large and is composed of a very diverse fauna and flora : 1,500 species
of plants, 920 of moss, 1,700 of mushrooms, deers, boars,
birds, squirrels, dragonflies and so on.
You may think this is great, but a forest can be boring.
Not this one, however. There are many things to do :
climbing, riding, or just walking around.
In fact, 4,000 ha of the forest are rocks. That’s why since
1874 people have come to climb in “Font” (or “Bleau”
in French) as they call this forest. There are more than 50
different blocks, and 8 levels of difficulty. This is therefore
as good for beginners and casual climbers as for profes-
Did you know that there
is a huge and wonderful
forest just one hour south
of Paris ?
25,000 ha of trees, sand
and rocks, where you
can do a lot of different
activities. Here is a little
survey of this beautiful
Let’s start with some history.
35,000 millions years ago, the whole Parisian Basin was
underwater, and we are walking today on the seabed.
That’s why there is so much white sand in the forest, one
of the purest sands in the world.
The first nomadic population came 40,000 years ago
and settled around the forest : a few villages began to
appear. During the year 1000, the forest was used by the
lords for hunting and to get firewood. However, it was
also a strategic military place, and the royal family also
had a house in the surrounding area. In 1400, the forest
was 13,365 ha large and over the years it grew with
many trees added by the kings. In 1861, the first nature
reserve was created in the forest, even before the one
in Yellowstone in the USA. The point was to preserve nature so that artists could continue to paint and be inspired by it.
sionals; you don’t need to have practiced a lot to have
Moreover, Fontainebleau is the city of horses, so it is really easy to ride in the forest, all the more so as some paths
are especially landscaped.
And if you don’t like to do sport, you can just walk around
(the whole forest has only 100 m elevation) and enjoy
the time you’re spending with your friends, family or just
alone, far away from the noise and pollution of the city.
Now, just take line R to Gare de Lyon and go
spend some time in the heart of nature !
For more information, check out the Fontainebleau Tourism website:
Biergärten in Berlin ist wohl das Café am Neuen See - ganz
in der Nähe vom Zoologischen Garten.
Adresse: Lichtensteinallee 2
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: S-Bahn Tiergarten (S5)
Club der Visionaere
Es ist eine klassische Strandbar, eine der begehrtesten Orte
von Berlin im Sommer. Er liegt am Wasser.
Adresse: Am Flutgraben
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Warschauer Straße (U1)
Elise Harlé & Emeline Hervier, ECS 1
What is there to see in Berlin?
Elise Harlé and Emeline Hervier invite us on a brief tour of the city‘s
main highlights, from the Brandenburg gate to the Reichstag and
the DDR Museum (Berlin‘s interactive museum).
Visitors may also enjoy a drink in the “beer gardens“ and try Berlin’s specialty, “Currywurst”, steam-fried pork sausage seasoned
with curry ketchup and served with fried potatoes. Mmm, yummy!
Wo kann man essen?
Berliner Spezialität! Du musst
eine Currywurst probieren. Es
ist ein Gericht aus Bratwurst,
die ganz oder geschnitten mit Tomatensauce und
Currypulver oder mit einem
Curry-Ketchup serviert wird.
Adresse: Schlesische Straße 7
Schlesisches Tor (U12)
Was gibt es in Berlin zu sehen?
Das Brandenburger
Tor aus Sandstein
zählt zu den größten und schönsten
Schöpfungen des
Klassizismus. Es ist vom
Mahnmal der Teilung zum Symbol
der deutschen Einheit geworden. Am
22. Dezember 1989 erfolgte unter dem Jubel von mehr als
100.000 Menschen die Öffnung des Tores.
Adresse: Pariser Platz 5
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Brandenburger Tor (U55)
Teurer, aber es schmeckt auch sehr gut. Die urige, typische
Berliner Kneipe kann mittlerweile auf eine über 70-jährige
Tradition zurückblicken. In dem neu angeschlossenen Biergarten kann man ein leckeres Bier genießen. Dazu gibt es
Gerichte wie eine große gutbürgerliche Portion Bandnudeln.
Adresse: Bachstraße 6
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: S-Bahn Tiergarten (S5)
Wo kann man feiern?
Der Tempel der Berliner Feten und der Ort der Erotik. Es ist
für die Qualität seiner DJs
wie Richtie Hawtin, Monika
Kruse oder Laurent Garnier
weltberühmt - und weil es
die sozialen und sexuellen
Grenzen abgeschafft hat.
Die New York Times empfiehlt es. « Must-see in Berlin
». Es ist in einem Heizkraftwerk im kommunistischen
Nachtklub bietet Partys,
die das ganze Wochenende dauern.
Adresse: Am Wriezener Bahnhof
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Warschauer Straße (U1)
Das Reichstagsgebäude ist der Sitz des deutschen Bundestages und eine der meistbesuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten
Berlins. Vor allem die gläserne Kuppel ist eine Attraktion für
Berliner und Touristen.
Adresse: Platz der Republik, 1
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Bundestag (U5)
Natürlich kennen alle das Brandenburger Tor und den
Reichstag. Aber kennst du das?
Lebendig und interaktiv präsentiert das DDR Museum den
Alltag und das Leben in der DDR mit all seinen Facetten –
FDJ, Stasi, Trabant, Plattenbau und vieles mehr.
Adresse: Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 1
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Alexander Platz (U2, U5, U8)
Wo kann man sich entspannen?
Die Biergärten Berlins haben ihren ganz eigenen Charme.
Traditionelle, urige
Gartenlokale bieten neben kleineren und eher unbekannten Oasen
eine große Auswahl
an grünen Rückzugsmöglichkeiten
für das gepflegte
Feierabendbier unter freiem Himmel.
Einer der ältestenund bekanntesten
Der Club befindet sich ebenfalls in einem ehemaligen Heizkraftwerk. Man kann zwischen Atmosphäre und Techno
Adresse: Köpenicker Straße 70
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Heinrich-Heine-Straße (U8)
Ein Semi-Open Air an der Spree. House Music, billige Getränke, äußerst gut aussehende Kellner und Berliner Design.
Alles ist da, um einen tollen Abend zu verbringen.
Adresse: Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 2b
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Schlesisches Tor (U12)
Viel Spaß!
hacen la adicción, es la jaula.
Entonces para detener el aumento enorme del consumo
de droga necesitamos pensar diferentemente. Ningún
persona se debería sentirse sola. Pero algunos estudios
muestran que todavía hay mucho trabajo para lograrlo.
En efecto desde 1950, el número de amigos cercanos por
personas en Estados Unidos ha disminuido mucho.
Célestin Gall, Sup 2
En conclusión, lo que nos enseña este visión diferente de la
adicción, es que si queremos reducir el consumo de droga,
tenemos que construir una sociedad donde se fortalecen
los lazos humanos de valor y se crean entornos positivos, y
no solo intentar detener el narcotráfico.
¿ Qué causa adicción a la droga ? ¿ Puede parecer una
pregunta bastante estúpida, Verdad ? Es evidente, la heroína causa la adicción a la heroína. Si se consume drogas
durante mucho tiempo, el cuerpo querrá más y más, porque hay químicas adictivas. Ese es el significado de adicción.
Lo opuesto de la adicción no es la sobriedad, son las relaciones.
¡ Pero no es así ! En efecto casi todo lo que sabemos sobre
la adicción es falso.
Tomemos el caso por ejemplo de un hospital donde cada
día decenas de personas son tratadas con morfina, lo cual
en realidad es heroína – más fuerte porque es pura. Entonces si la adicción se debe solamente a las sustancias
químicas, por lo menos algunos de ellos se hubiesen convertido en drogadictos. El tema ha sido estudiado y se ha
constatado que eso nunca pasa. ¿ Por qué ?
En realidad, la teoría popular que tenemos sobre la adicción viene de una serie de experiencias que se han hecho
al principio de siglo 20. La experiencia es simple.
Cogen una rata y la meten en una jaula con dos botellas
de agua.
Una tiene solo agua y la otra, agua mezclada con heroína.
Casi siempre, la rata se obsesiona con la botella que contiene droga y sigue bebiéndola hasta morir.
What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple. Indeed, almost everything we think we know about addiction
is wrong.
Every day dozens of people are treated with morphine, which is in fact heroin - stronger because it’s
pure. So if addiction was only due to chemical hooks,
at least some of them should become addicts.
But this has been closely studied and it’s doesn’t happen. Why is that ?
In fact our current theory of addiction comes in part
from a series of experiments which consist in putting
a rat alone in a cage with only two bottles, one with
drugs and the other without any.
But in 1970, Bruce Alexander, a professor of psychology decided to do the experiment another way and
he built Rat Park, which is basically heaven for rats.
This new experiment made it possible to show that it
is not the chemical hooks that cause the addiction,
but the environment. This also has was observed in
the Vietnam War with the soldiers who just stopped
taking drug when they came back to the USA.
This different vision of addiction shows that if we want
to reduce the consumption of drugs, we have to
build a society that strengthens humans links, and not
just tries to stop drug trafficking.
Pero en 1970, Bruce Alexander, profesor de psicología observó algo raro en esa experiencia : la rata es introducida
sola en la jaula. No tiene nada más que hacer que consumir el agua mezclada con la droga. Entonces se preguntó
aquella : ¿ que pasaría si se cambiara unos elementos de
la experiencia ? Decidió entonces no dejar una sola rata
sino varias y ponerlas en lo que seria un paraíso para las
ratas, el parque de rata “Rat Park” : una jaula enorme con
bolas de diferente colores, túneles para correr, muchas ratas con quien pueden jugar y tener relaciones sexuales.
Y como el otro experimento también hay las dos botellas
de agua.
Después de algunas semanas, al contrario de la experiencia anterior, ninguna rata tomó la droga de manera excesiva y ninguna hizo una sobredosis. En un entorno feliz, las
ratas no consumían. Pero puede ser que sea una particularidad de las ratas.
Sin embargo, podemos encontrar algunos ejemplos de
este fenómeno con los humanos, el mejor será el de la
guerra de Vietnam. El 20 % de los soldados americanos en
Vietnam consumieron mucha heroína. Las personas que se
quedaron en EE-UU se preocuparon mucho, porque pensaban que eso iba a causar cientos de drogadictos en las
calles de los Estados Unidos cuando la guerra acabase.
Pero un estudio siguió a los soldados cuando volvieron a los
Estados unidos y se descubrió algo impactante : ninguno
fue a rehabilitación, ni siquiera tuvieron la necesidad de
abstenerse. El 95% dejó simplemente de consumir cuando
volvieron a casa. Por ende, eso confirmó la teoría de Bruce
Alexander. En efecto, no son las sustancias químicas que
The opposite of addiction is not deprivation. The opposite of addiction is connection !
ing beyond the bleak horizon that sometimes prevails in the here-and-now. Art asks the question: “Is
a better future possible?” and the artists imagine it,
write it, and paint it. It is a window open onto what
Humanity can do best, and that would be hope.
For example, John Lennon’s famous song Imagine
quickly became a symbol of hope. It creates a wish
of bringing together people from all walks of life. This
feeling remains
as the
w a s
n u mero u s
t h e
terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels.
Sarah Breitburd, Juliette Escaut & Astrée
Auzon, ECS1; Tahra Sihida, ECE1
As a series of terrorist attacks have struck
Brussels and Paris, as well as Turkey and too many
other places, artists from around the world - whether professional
artists or amateurs - have
been producing
numerous works
of art, which are
are seen as a
way of expressing one’s feelings about the event.
But do we really need artists when a crisis occurs?
Throughout the
numerous crises
in history, artists
have always either raised their voices or expressed their
talent in order to share their views.
Indeed, Art possesses a cathartic effect on those
who either watch, hear, or read those artists’ work.
Artistic work is a way of expressing people’s feelings
through a story, music, a representation, and therefore helps many people project their sometimes
overwhelming feelings.
But besides the hope factor, some artists will
rather choose to show the harsh reality, in order to
make everyone, and hopefully the government,
react. They want them to be filled with indignation,
with anger towards those responsible for an atrocity. This is the purpose shown in Pablo Picasso’s
“Guernica”, but also in Otto Dix’s pictures, showing
the disfigured soldiers of World War I in various activities. In Northern Ireland, the murals show how the
artists want to remember the several decades long
conflict in this area, both political and religious.
A more committed form of art is a way for
artists to express their views, their hopes and their
opinions in a way that can possibly make a tragedy more acceptable for the public. People can
also find in this form of art their own hope for the
future. For example, a movie exploring a possible
future in times of crisis can bring hope for this very
future to the people watching the movie.
Throughout history, art has always been
considered as having a power of secession, hence
the constant attempts of authoritarian regimes to
silence the artists. The latter do possess a capacity
of making people dream, about what may be ly-
Through different ways, Art has always been
a response to terrorism, no matter the form taken
by it. It symbolizes hope for a better future, and
comforts those who have lost loved ones. But it also
puts the spotlight on some harsh realities or their
real experimental centre where all kinds of meetings were
A shining history of Expositions
Amine Chaker, Sup 4
The 2015 universal exposition is the latest demonstration
of a 165-year old tradition of great world fairs, which was
first initiated by prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband,
whose idea was to hold a big exposition in the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park in London in 1851, under the title «Great
Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations”.
What would Paris be without the Eiffel tower? It would still
be a beautiful city but something would surely be missing.
The Eiffel tower – one of the most visited monuments in the
world – was specially built for the universal exposition of
1889 held in Paris just like a lot of other monuments built to
show the magnificence of the country hosting the universal
exposition – also called the world’s fair.
This exposition was a big opportunity for merchants and
from all over
the world to
achievements in the
form of technologically
manufactured products, and it
the development of several aspects
The Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace, 1851, of
Add. MS 35255 © The British Library Board
including industry and
trade and relations.
Last year’s World Fair was held in Milan, Italy, after the Bureau of International Expositions decided in favour of the
Milanese candidature back in 2008. Thus, the Italian city
succeeded to a long list of equally great cities organising
this prestigious event.
Esposizione Universale Milano 2015
The exposition took place from 1st May to 31st October of
last year. And the city had to undertake great efforts to welcome the 20 million visitors come to take a look at this great
The theme of the World Fair was “Feed the Planet. Energy
for life” and it expressed Milan’s aim to tackle the big issue of sustainable development and its will to innovate the
technology connected to the field of nutrition, in order to
remedy the food problems that still plague several areas of
the world, and to uncertainty regarding the quantity and
quality of food available globally.
The universal exposition of 1851 set the pace for a series
of other equally great expositions that started to flourish
across the globe. We may for example mention the famous
Paris fair of 1889 or also San Francisco’s universal exposition
held in 1915. All these early expositions focused on trade
and were famous for the display of technological inventions and advancements. But after WWII these expositions
shifted their primary focus and started to revolve around
cultural exchange and promoting “Peace Through Understanding” (which was the official theme of New York’s 1964
world fair) in order to build a world where each country
would be proud of its culture and willing to display it in an
environment of global respect.
Stretching across 110 hectares and boasting incredible
monuments like the Tree of life, the great Expo 2015 completely changed the aspect of the chief town
of Lombardy, and was a
melting pot of ideas and
concerning the food
sector, from production
to conservation and distribution.
145 countries participated in this exposition and
each country was hosted in its own self-built
The Tree of Life, photo by Paolo
pavilion made as magFerrarini
nificent as possible to reflect a shining image of
that country, its culture and its technological innovations.
Nowadays, universal expositions combine new inventions
with cultural elements but also tend to be used by countries
to improve their national image and to promote their tourism mainly. And this seems to be working as various studies
have shown that the revenues generated by a country’s
pavilion in a fair often outweigh its cost.
In fact, each pavilion was a showcase for the participating
nation, a container of ideas and experiences, a workshop
where scientific innovations were brought forward and all
these pavilions met in a gigantic platform able to accommodate about five thousand events, and to bring together
cultures and people from all around the world in a “carnival” that truly portrays the global landscape.
2015 Milan World Fair. Photo courtesy of Expo 2015
In addition to being a place where new technologies were
being discussed and research results exchanged, Milan’s
world fair was similar to a kitchen from which emanate different smells of spices and fruit, meat and flowers. It was a
Der Mythos um das Buch ist gefährlich. Infolgedessen
besteht das Ziel des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte darin, die
Neonazi-Gruppen zu schwächen, die Menschen vor Hitlers Manipulationen, Theorien und Lügen zu warnen und
seine Arbeit zu entmystifizieren. Diese Aufklärungsarbeit
scheint der beste Weg zu sein, damit das Buch seine
Faszinationskraft verliert.
Gleichzeitig fordern jedoch eine Initiative um die Werbeagentur Ogilvy & Mather und der Europa Verlag ein
Verbot von Hitlers Buch und nennt die Neuveröffentlichung - trotz ausgelaufener Urheberrechte - in Zeiten
von Pegida und brennenden Flüchtlingsheimen ein fatales Signal.
Faustine Fainelli, Sup 6
Am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges übertrugen die Alliierten die Urheberrechte von Hitlers Hetzschrift Mein Kampf
an das Bundesland Bayern, das einen Neudruck dann
systematisch verhinderte. Am 31. Dezember 2015 sind
aber diese Urheberrechte ausgelaufen.
Das Institut für Zeitgeschichte hat daraufhin am 8. Januar 2016 in München eine kritisch kommentierte Ausgabe
Diese Veröffentlichung wirft heikle Fragen auf: Wie reagiert die deutsche öffentliche Meinung darauf? Aus
welchen Gründen? Welche Rolle soll die deutsche
NS-Vergangenheit heute spielen?
Der Inhalt von Mein Kampf entspricht Hitlers Denken.
Tatsächlich handelt es sich bei Hitlers Buch um ein autobiografisches Werk, um seine Vorstellung von Macht und
Gesellschaft aus der Zeit seiner Jugend. Es stellt klar die
Gründe heraus, warum dieser Mann eine rechtsextreme, rassistische Ideologie entwickelt hat. Er unterstreicht,
wie eine parlamentarische Demokratie für eine Nation
schädlich sein kann. In einem sehr einfachen, undiplomatischen Stil erklärt er die Struktur des deutschen politischen Systems und die Schwächen, die seiner Meinung
nach in diesem System existieren. Dieses Buch gibt Hitlers ganz persönliche Weltanschauung wieder, geprägt
von Rassenwahn und Fantasien vom „Lebensraum im
Osten“. Aber es ist ansonsten extrem sprunghaft und widersprüchlich.
Die Erinnerung an die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus ist eine bleibende Verpflichtung und Deutschland
soll damit leben. Denn nur wer sich erinnert, kann verantwortungsbewusst mit der Geschichte umgehen. Auch
wenn Erinnerung schmerzhaft ist, dürfen wir der Versuchung zu vergessen oder zu verdrängen nicht nachgeben. Vergangenes können wir nicht ungeschehen
machen. Aber aus der Geschichte können wir etwas
lernen: Antisemitismus, Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit dürfen in Deutschland nie wieder eine Chance
haben. Man muss sie mit der Zivilcourage der ganzen
Gesellschaft entschieden bekämpfen, damit die Lehre
von Auschwitz immer lebendig bleibt: Die Würde des
Menschen ist unantastbar.
Die Startauflage des ersten Bandes Mitte Juli 1925 betrug
10.000 Stück. Bis Ende 1928 hatte diese Hetzschrift bei einem Gesamtabsatz von 23.000 Stück wenig Erfolg. Aber
zwischen 1929 und 1930 hatte die NSDAP in Landtagsund Kommunalwahlen ihren Stimmenanteil verdoppelt
bzw. verdreifacht, was den Verkauf mit angekurbelt hat
(225.000 Stück). Der große Durchbruch kam allerdings
erst mit Hitlers Ernennung zum Reichskanzler am 30. Januar 1933. Zwischen 800.000 und einer Million Exemplare
wurden allein in diesem Jahr verkauft. Dann stiegen diese Verkaufszahlen bis Ende 1944 auf 12,4 Millionen. Bis
heute ist Mein Kampf das bestverkaufte Autorenbuch in
deutscher Sprache geblieben.
A new critical edition of Hitler‘s Mein Kampf
On December 31st 2015, the copyrights of Hitler‘s diatribe ran out.
Unsurprisingly, the publication of a new, annotated version has
become a crucial issue.
Hitler‘s book deals with his autobiographical work, highlighting his
conception regarding power and the German society from his very
childhood The new publication, with more than 3,700 annotations,
explains the dangerous falsehoods contained in the original one.
After some doubts and hesitations, the German authorities and
Jewish groups finally encouraged this new edition. And it could not
come at a better time: a time when far-right xenophobia is soaring
in Europe. Particularly, Germany has to face a new wave of populism because of the refugee crisis context.
Die neue Publikation des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte umfasst mehr als 3.700 Anmerkungen und erklärt die gefährlichen Fälschungen, die im Originaltext enthalten sind.
Nach einigem Zögern unterstützen deutsche Behörden
und jüdische Gruppen schließlich diese Neuauflage.
The goal of this new edition is to preempt neo-Nazi groups, warn
people about Hitler’s manipulative theories and lies and demystify
his work. Exposure seems to be the best way of dismantling fascination about him.
Und der Neudruck könnte zu keinem besseren Zeitpunkt
kommen: zu einer Zeit, wo die rechtsextreme Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Europa nach oben schnellt. Insbesondere Deutschland ist im Kontext der Flüchtlingskrise mit einer neuen Welle von Populismus konfrontiert.
The memory of the crimes of National Socialism is a permanent
obligation and Germany has to live with it. We cannot undo the
past, but from history we can learn something: antisemitism, racism
and xenophobia must never again have a chance in Germany.
sche Geschichte und vor allem auf deutsche Mythen
- wie Parsifal, Siegfried, Brünnhilde oder die Hermannsschlacht…
Schließlich endet die Ausstellung mit einem Raum, der
an sich ein Werk ist. Die Installation besteht aus einem
großen Wandgemälde, das eine Waldlandschaft darstellt, und aus viel Sand und Tafeln auf dem Boden des
Raums selbst. Die Tafeln, auf die der Künstler Pilze gemalt
hat, sehen wie Grabsteine aus. Jeder symbolisiert das
Grab eines großen deutschen Dichters und Denkers. Ist
es wie eine Ode an Deutschland, trotz seiner schmerzlichen Vergangenheit? Eigentlich nicht: sie sind die Deutschen, von denen Madame de Staël in ihrem Buch „De
l‘Allemagne“ Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts erzählte:
Novalis, Eichendorff, Brentano, Fichte... Doch anders
als Madame de Staël sieht Anselm Kiefer die deutschen
Romantiker auch als potentielle Gefahr, als giftige Pilze,
indem er sie zum Beispiel mit Wilhelm II. oder der RAF-Terroristin Ulrike Meinhof direkt in Verbindung bringt…
Inès El Yakhlifi, Arij Aissa, ECS1
« Die Geschichte ist für mich ein Material wie die
Landschaft oder die Farbe. »
Wir haben vor einigen Wochen die große Anselm Kiefer-Ausstellung im Pariser Centre Pompidou besucht.
Auf den ersten Blick scheint die künstlerische Arbeit von
Anselm Kiefer ein bisschen verstörend.
Die Ausstellung beginnt mit einer Reihe von großen Gemälden zu den Anfängen und der Jugend des Künstlers.
Pour Madame de
Staël: de l‘Allemagne
Eines dieser riesigen Gemälde stellt ein wunderbares
Feld dar. Das Gemälde erhält durch die verschiedenen
Materialien ein Relief und vermittelt das Gefühl, dass
dieses Feld wirklich vor uns liegt. Die blutrote Farbe des
Feldes gibt den Eindruck, dass dort eine Schlacht stattfand. Diese Gewalt ist charakteristisch für Kiefers Werk
und ist mit der Gesellschaft, in der er aufgewachsen ist,
zu erklären. Der Künstler ist nämlich 1945 geboren, und
er empörte sich über die allgemeine Verdrängung der
Verantwortung der Deutschen für die Kriegsverbrechen.
Nach seinem Jura- und Literatur-Studium machte er sich
deshalb zum Ziel, die Menschen wachzurütteln. Damit
begann seine Kunstkarriere.
Als wir die Ausstellung verlassen,
erregt die Stimme eines Mannes
unsere Aufmerksamkeit. Er spricht mit einem anderen Mann, beide auf
Französisch und in einer anderen Sprache, die wir nicht
verstehen. Er sagt, unter anderem: „Weißt du, ich habe
auch viel Unglück erlebt. Ich bin Armenier, und mein Volk
hat sehr gelitten. Die Menschheit wiederholt ihre Fehler
immer wieder. Aber man kann sich wieder aufrichten.
Heute bin ich glücklich.“
Kiefer beschäftigte sich mit der Vergangenheit seiner
eigenen Familie. Auf einem seiner bekanntesten Bilder
stellt er sich in der Soldatenuniform seines Vaters dar.
Andere Gemälde zeigen die Symbole der deutschen
Macht, die von den Nazis pervertiert wurden, wie zum
Beispiel Innenraum, wo die gigantische Staatskanzlei Hitlers dargestellt wird.
Er arbeitet mit sehr originellen Materialien wie z.B. Stroh,
Erde, Asche...
Trotz dieser Last hat Kiefers Arbeit auch leichtere und
fröhlichere Aspekte. Einige Gemälde scheinen sogar
das Leben, die Natur und die Menschheit mit kräftigen B
Farben zu feiern, wie Böse Blumen - eine Anspielung auf
die Poesie von Charles Baudelaire?
Anselm Kiefer, the burden of the past
A few weeks ago, we visited Anselm Kiefer’s exhibition
at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. At first sight, his unusual work
seemed somewhat disturbing to us.
Anselm Kiefer was born in 1945 in a German society
that was struggling to face the past. Consequently, much of his
work deals with this issue. For example, he paints himself in his
father’s Nazi uniform in several pictures.
Furthermore, his art is full of references to German mythology, such as Parsifal or Siegfried…
Beyond the subject of his paintings, the originality
of his work is also noticeable by the material he uses - straw,
earth, ashes, etc.
The last piece of the exhibition is a huge setup which is
composed of a picture of woods - symbolizing Germany - and
poisonous mushrooms looking like graves that are displayed all
over the room. Many famous people are depicted on those
mushrooms, such as the German terrorist Ulrik Meinhof. Through
this piece, he aims at showing that Germany is not only a country of intellectuals and thinkers, but also one that has to deal
with the darker sides of its history.
As we left the exhibition, we overheard a man speaking in French and in another language, that we could not
understand. He said, among other things, “You know, I went
through a lot of misery. I am Armenian and my people deeply
suffered. Humans keep on repeating the same mistakes. How-
Böse Blumen
Er malt nackte Frauen, er schreibt Gedichte auf seine
Gemälde. Er spielt oft auf verschiedene kulturelle Referenzen an, unter anderem auf die Bibel, auf die jüdi-
ever, people can heal. Today I am happy.“
den Gefahren der Atomkraft gewarnt.
Die Spirale
Hundertwasser hat 1990 ein Manifest geschrieben, in dem
er dazu aufruft, eine nonkonformistische Auffassung der
Welt zu vertreten:
„Die gerade Linie ist eine
vom Menschen gemachte Gefahr. Es gibt so viele
Linien, aber nur eine von
ihnen ist tödlich, und das
ist die gerade Linie. Die
Gefahr durch die gerade
Linie lässt sich nicht mit der
Gefahr durch organische
Linien vergleichen, die
zum Beispiel Schlangen
machen. Die gerade Linie
ist dem Menschen, dem Leben, der gesamten Schöpfung
In seinem Werk ist die Spirale oft vorhanden. Sie soll ein Weg
zwischen Leben und Tod sein. Sie soll Wasser und Bewegung verkörpern.
Lisa Bouvy & Madeleine Leroy, HK-BL
« An einem Regentag beginnen die Farben
zu leuchten. »
Laut Mercer-Studie 2016 ist Wien dieses Jahr wieder die
Stadt mit der höchsten Lebensqualität in der Welt. Einer
der Architekten, der zu der Einzigartigkeit dieser Stadt beigetragen hat, ist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Der österreichische Architekt, Maler und engagierte Künstler, der
1928 in Wien geboren ist, hat sich mit seiner Originalität von
anderen Künstlern abgehoben. Er war nämlich der Schöpfer vieler Werke, die sich durch eine Fülle von Formen und
Farben auszeichnen. Schon mit sechs, als er in die Schule
kam, bescheinigten ihm seine Lehrer „einen außergewöhnlichen Formen- und Farbensinn“. Schwer einzuordnen und
nonkonformistisch entwickelte er die vom Surrealismus beeinflusste Theorie des Transautomatismus.
Obwohl sein Werk manchmal von Zeit und Regen beschädigt wurde, und die Farben nicht mehr so glanzvoll wie früher sind, kann man nicht abstreiten, dass seine Gebäude
immer noch einzigartig und überraschend sind, ganz so wie
er es wollte. Sein früher Umweltkampf, die Mischung von
Architektur, Malerei und sozialen Ideen machen aus Hundertwasser eine Inspirationsquelle für viele heutige Künstler.
Der Architekt des Umweltschutzes: Ein Vorreiter
Zugleich Künstler, Denker und Humanist wollte Hundertwasser eine Art „Arzt der Architektur“ sein. Er war sich dessen
bewusst, dass in der Zeit der Urbanisierung eine immer
größere Kluft zwischen den Menschen und der Natur besteht. Seine Ablehnung des Klassizismus war auch von dem
Wunsch geprägt, sich mit der Umwelt auszusöhnen.
Deshalb gilt Hundertwasser als ein Vorreiter für Öko-Architektur und Wiederbegrünung der Stadt. Die Gebäude, die
von ihm entworfen wurden, sind Zeugnisse seiner Denkweise. Einige seiner Gebäude, die als Modell für die heutigen
Ökohäuser betrachtet werden können, zeigen den originellen Stil des Wiener Architekten.
Hundertwasserhaus ist vielleicht sein
berühmtestes Werk. Es
ist ein Ensemble von
Sozialwohnungen, das
zu einem Wahrzeichen
von Wien geworden ist.
Die Originalität dieser
Wohnungen liegt nicht
nur an den Farben, sondern auch an eine Idee
des Architekten, nämlich die des „Baummieters“: die Natur soll nicht nur als Dekoration, sondern auch
als „Mitbewohnerin“ betrachtet werden.
Außerdem stellen die Fenster ihm zufolge eine Brücke zwischen dem Inneren, der Außenwelt und unserem Blick auf
den Planeten dar. Deswegen sollen die Bewohner sich diesen Raum zu eigen machen, indem sie ihre Fenster mit Mosaiken und Farben schmücken. Nach Hundertwasser sind
die Wände eines Hauses wie die dritte Haut der Bewohner,
das heißt nach der eigentlichen Haut und der Kleidung.
Sein Kampf gegen die Atomkraft, die er als ein „gefährliches Spielzeug“ kennzeichnete, ist auch zu betonen. Sechs
Jahre vor der Katastrophe in Tschernobyl hatte er schon vor
Friedensreich Hundertwasser
“On a rainy day, the colours begin to light up”
Vienna once again earned the top spot in the 2016 Mercer Quality of Living Ranking. One of the many reasons that
make this city so special is its architectural originality, to
which one of the main contributors was committed architect and painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
Hundertwasser wanted to be an artist, a humanist and a
thinker at the same time: his main concern was the growing
gap between nature and humans, in the era of urbanisation. He proved to be a visionary in eco-architecture.
The Hundertwasser House, an ensemble of social housing,
has become a Viennese must-see. The building has an unusual set of colours and shapes, but he goes further with
the idea of “tree tenants”: nature should be considered not
only as decoration but also as a “roommate”.
He also considered windows as bridges between the inside
and outside world. Thus, people should appropriate their
windows by decorating them with mosaics and colour.
His fight against nuclear power, which he considered as a
“dangerous toy”, is also to emphasized. Six years before the
Chernobyl explosion, he was trying to make people aware
of the dangers of nuclear power.
He also took an interest in symbolism, with the spiral being
a recurrent pattern, representing movement and flow. In
his non-conformist manifest, he explained it as a reaction
against the straight line diktat.
Although his work was sometimes damaged, and the colours are not as vivid as the used to be, there is no denying
that his buildings are still surprising. His unique work and early engagement in environmental issues make him a source
of inspiration for many contemporary artists.
new neuronal connections. Researchers have
observed that playing or listening to music increases the production of immunoglobulin A,
which kills viruses and increases the defense
capacity of the immune system.
Guillaume Brunet, Sup 6
Another example is that music can reduce
pain. In fact, focusing on music distracts your
mind from pain, particularly if it is a music we
enjoy. Moreover, music may increase painkiller
hormones in the body, such as endorphin.
Music is more than we could imagine. As you
know, music is an art, which expresses with
sounds and melodies ideas and emotions
through rhythm, tones and lyrics. However, it is
also another form of language and has a great
impact on our lifestyle, our body, our memory.
Earlier I mentioned the link between language
and music. Indeed, listening to music engages
Moreover, music is now omnipresent in our lives many areas of the brain in both hemispheres,
thanks to technological innovation. Indeed, and language areas and music areas are
music is far from being neutral, but how does it linked according to new brain imaging techreally affect body and mind? Below are some niques.
This may explain some approaches to help
cure Alzheimer’s, where listening to music helps
patients to remember pieces of their past. Their
musical memory continues to function even at
a very advanced stage of the disease, even
though they are no longer able to express who
they are through language.
For example, to explain why music is able to re- Now you probably have a different perspecduce blood pressure, Japanese scientists con- tive on music and you need to be convinced
ducted experiments on laboratory mice.
that music is not only an art or a pleasure which
These researchers have verified that listening to seems to have no concrete goal, but it is more
music increases the amount of calcium carried than that! Indeed, music impacts body and
to the brain, which increases the production of mind, reduces pain, helps cure diseases, infludopamine, which in turn inhibits the activity of ences our emotions and most certainly still has
the sympathetic nervous system, thus reducing many other powers...
blood pressure.
Some argue that music has the important function of making us smarter. But today we know
that the “ Mozart effect “ is based on no scientific evidence. Nevertheless, music has other
truly beneficial effects, as proven by several
scientific studies.
But the study does not tell us whether through
the release of dopamine, mice are able to
enjoy listening to Mozart’s music, or if the observed effect is related only to distraction,
emotion, or both, or whether otherwise it is an
effect of the music independent of the listener. They concluded that music may be able to
cure diseases related to dopamine, like Parkinson’s disease.
Moreover, music has been known to have
many positive therapeutic effects on its listeners. It may be used for post-operative recuperation; indeed, it increases the process of
recovery for most patients because it creates
Shot real. The American football field destroyed
in the same movie? Shot real. The sandstorm in
Interstellar? Shot real. The hospital explosion in
the dark knight? Shot real. Requisitioning French
soldiers and a military navy for the next movie
called Dunkirk? Done. What makes him even
more characteristic is the balance between real
scenes (90%+) and special effects (10%): this is
the way he makes visually impressive movies.
Alexandre Binard & Malo Le Magueresse, Sup 3
Considered as one of today’s greatest
movie-makers (competing with David Fincher
for cinema lovers), Christopher Nolan is seen by
people like Martin Scorsese as a bridge between
Arthouse cinema and blockbusters. Indeed, he
has created what critics now call ‘intelligent
blockbusters’. 5 out of his 9 ‘brain entertainments’ are ranked (according to the IMDb, or
Internet Movie Database) in the top 25 movies
of the past 25 years. How can his success and
the profits generated by his movies (more than
4.2B$) be explained?
He also attaches importance to the father figure. For instance, in Interstellar and Inception, the intrigue hinges on a father forced
to leave his children, who then tries to join them.
In the Batman trilogy, Alfred stands for Bruce’s
father, and in the Prestige, a magician uses his
rival’s daughter as a means of pressure. In order
to save her, the magician decides to reveal the
secrets of his magic tricks. He becomes a father
more than a magician whereas magic means
everything to him.
Christopher Nolan finds in the father/child
relationship a dramaturgic tool that allows his
male heroes to face impossible choices. The limit between good and evil becomes blurred. The
male character is treated from the father’s angle,
which is why Christopher Nolan’s characters are
first of all fathers, before being astronauts, magicians or heroes. But what about the mother? In
fact, the mother is very discreet in Christopher
Nolan’s films, preferring his female characters to
play wives rather than mothers. Thus, spectators
don’t lose track of the main character. Exploring
female characters as mothers is considered by
Christopher Nolan as a way to lose the narrative
thread of his story.
Maybe because he has given a new
youth to cinema since 1998, with his first movie
called Following. However, he seems jingoistic.
He has neither a cellphone nor an e-mail address, always wears the same clothes (white shirt
and black suit), and also set up his own company to be as autonomous a producer & film director as possible. As many of his counterparts,
he has his favorite associates (Hans Zimmer as
a composer, Lee Smith as a film editor, his wife
Emma Thomas as a producer, Michael Caine
and Christian Bale as actors). He wants his work
to be seen the old-fashioned way, and thus opposes the Screening Room concept.
Moreover, Nolan wants to convey ‘true’
emotions through his films, which is why there
are few special effects. Most of the scenes are
caught on camera. Everything is real with Nolan. An example? The Chinese Palace filled with
water in Inception? Shot real. Action scene
involving two planes in The Dark Knight Rises?
宝黛钗”之爱情悲剧 :《红楼
LI Jiayin (李佳音), Sup 4
红楼一梦梦十年, 春秋几度度风月?
(Translation: Dreaming a ten-year dream in the red chamber, how
long does it take to understand and end the love?)
Dream of the Red Chamber is a Chinese 19th century novel written
by Cao Xueqin. It’s one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature and it’s been famous since the Qing dynasty. Hundreds of characters and a complicated story, numerous secrets
behind the writing period, etc.… These fascinating things attract
readership to read it over and again.
About the writer
曹雪芹) was a member of a prestigious and
wealthy family during his childhood. However, his clan was atCao xueqin (
Jia Baoyu is a pampered, rebellious boy. He prefers to stay with
girls. Although he lives in a traditional family, he yearns for freedom.
He is the cousin of two of the heroines. In his childhood, he met Daiyu and has a platonic love with her. It is also worth noting that he
was born with a magical precious jade in his mouth. In fact, in his
previous existence, there was a jade fallen from the sky. This stone
was so old that it was humanized and revealed by holy men. Therefore, it became Jia Baoyu’s jade. Meanwhile, Jia Baoyu was an immortal who had taken care of a magical herb, which was Daiyu in
her previous life. So they had been related since their previous lives.
Daiyu is an orphan who lives under Jias’ roof. She is suspicious: she
is always jealous of Jia Baoyu’s intimate relationships with other
girls, especially with Baochai; a sensitive girl, she cries nearly for
anything every single day because in her destiny, she needs to
pay back the water poured on the magical herb in her previous
existence to Jia Baoyu; Suffering from a sickly constitution, she died
in her early years; she is also intelligent.
Although Baochai is a well-mannered girl like Daiyu, she is actually
the opposite of Daiyu. She is realist, traditional, considerate and
calm. Baoyu considers her as an older sister. She doesn’t have a
predestined past with Baoyu, but she is related to him by her golden lock, which was given during her childhood. In fact, it’s a coincidence that both the lock and the jade are engraved by matched
phrases, so it’s said that she is paired with Baoyu as well as her and
Baoyu’s accessories.
The novel contains some poetry. Here is one poem that sums up
their relationship. Jia Baoyu is speaking in this poem and expressing
his feelings about two heroines. In order to clarify, the last name
refers to the character in the translation.
Title & translation:
A lifelong mistake/ Missing somebody throughout one’s whole life
Sentences & translation:
tacked by the new Emperor who later confiscated all their possessions. From that time Cao earned a living by writing and used his
own experience : Jias’ history was based on Caos .
The love tragedy between three main characters is one of the
most impressive plots in the book. Before introducing them, let us
begin with a short background presentation. Jias is a huge and
opulent family. It is worth observing that the pronunciation of “Jia”
is the same for a word meaning “fake” in Chinese. It hints the whole
story takes place in a virtual dreamland since everything is fake.
The central stage is a “utopia”. Our main characters live to-
gether in this place : the Grand View Garden (大观园).
In order to understand several complex references, we may also
need to know that a Chinese name is composed of the family
name before the first name. The following literal name translations
help for comprehension.
Jia/Baoyu 贾宝玉
Fake/Precious jade
Everyone says gold (Xue) and jade (Jia) have decided marriage
and happiness.
I only think of wood’s and rock’s (Lin and Jia’s) predestined alliance.
I face the pure, innocent snow on the high mountain but I have no
idea what I can do.
( Jia doesn’t know how to answer Xue.)
(p.s.: They were married while Lin was dying. It’s sarcasm. The marriage was forced. The love of Xue for Jia is one-sided.)
I will never forget that lonely and unique forest in the heaven of
peace and happiness.
(Jia always remembers Lin.)
(ps. Lin died near the end of the book)
I sigh with feelings and I’m convinced that the world isn’t flawless.
Lin/Daiyu 林黛玉
Forest/Black jade
Xue Baochai
Snow/Precious Hairpin
After Lin’s death, I married Xue, nevertheless we treat each other
with the respect due to a guest, my love has gone with Lin.
By the end of the novel, “utopia” has fallen apart. After Daiyu’s
death and a succession of misfortunes in the family, Baoyu becomes a Buddhist monk and leaves Baochai in loneliness. Maybe
he is disappointed in the real world. He tried to rebel against
traditional moral ideas but he failed, and his ultimate solution is
retreating completely into another world. The utopian dream is
CROSSWORDS - Lingua Franca’s crossword puzzle
1. p22 (3 words) A notion that appeared in 1945 to
urge people never to forget
3. p41 Christopher Nolan uses very few of them in
order to convey a «realness» to his movies
5. p32 (2 words) The first of its kind was created in the
Forest of Fontainebleau in 1861
6. p31 The reason why the main character of the
story, Adrien Hoarau, is in Paris
7. p11 (2 words) This year’s municipal elections in
Saudi Arabia were a great step toward this
9. p26 (2 words) A type of language that replaces
letters with computer characters
10. p30 Information about other information (a link
you clicked on, a photo you published, etc.)
11. p9 This is what Africa is often thought to be, in
relation to humankind
13. p28 (2 words) The name of the first chess-playing
computer program to beat world champion Garry
14. p17 The free, circular movement made by Donald Trump’s hair
15. p42 What Jia Baoyu, the hero of this Chinese
novel, essentially yearns for
17. p2 They study AND live at Janson!
18. p27 A computer-hacking technique used in order to trick people into revealing confidential information
19. p35 The sort of effect upon those who watch,
hear or read an artist’s work
20. p3 The sound made by a small bell or alarm
2. p18 The way many supporters of D. Trump feel
4. (3 words) Along with your I.D., this is what you
need to show when you go and take an exam
8. p10 The name of the revolution that brought democracy to Tunisia
10. p36 Where the 2015 World Fair was held
12. p40 A pain killer hormone
16. p2 Able to see things that are close more clearly
than things that are far away
Sup1 (MPSI, 1st year): Samuel Mejía
1 - Editorial
Sup2 (MPSI, 1st year): Célestin Gall, Geoffray Marie, Marie-Laure Noël,
Antoine Paris, Clémence Ribuot
Sup3 (MPSI, 1st year): Thomas Barbier, Alexandre Binard, Malo Le Magueresse
Sup4 (MPSI, 1st year): Amine Chaker, Guillaume Sallé
Sup5 (PCSI, 1st year): Adriana Bollée, Flora Calcagno, Bastien Habert
Grégoire Lambert, Mathilde Le Bail
Sup6 (PCSI, 1st year): Angélique Bastin, Houcine Ben Daly, Guillaume
Brunet, Faustine Fainelli, Agnès Gallant, Garance Hubert
PSI (2nd year): Hermine Courtois
ECE1 (1st year): Jeanne Cormerais, Laïs Foix, Vincent Menigoz, Paul
Mitjavile, Tahra Sihida, Tissa Smagghe
ECS1 (1st year): Arij Aissa, Astrée Auzon, Sarah Breitburd, Arthur Cubizol, Inès El Yakhlifi, Juliette Escaut, Elise Harlé, Emeline Hervier, Alix
Truelle, So-hyun Um
ECS2 (1st year): Maja David, Sarah Mouhache, Morgane Orsini
HK-AL (Hypokhâgne AL, 1st year): Francesca Bartolomeo, Adèle
Chaix, Agnès de Camproger, Lucile Duval, Milena Dunikowski Jeanne
Gosselin, Julia Journet, Dominique Klein, Amandine Rezki, Emilie Trietenne
HK-BL (Hypokhâgne BL, 1st year): Héloïse Billette, Camille Boissel, Lisa
Bouvy, Gauthier Jacquemin, Madeleine Leroy
2-3 - The physical consequences of studying
3-4 - The Battle for exams - Journal of a survivor
5 - One month at the University for Foreigners
of Perugia, Italy
6 - School exchange program with Italy
7 - Energy policy in Germany and France
8 - Dual education system in Germany and
9 - Discussing the idea of a rising Africa
10 - Tunisia’s Nobel peace prize
11 - Municipal elections in Saudi Arabia
12 - Lessons from the German “Stasi”
13 - The triumphal gate, a symbolic building
14 - Unconventional portrait of Angela Merkel
15 - Angela Merkel and the migrant crisis
16 - Italy’s civil unions
17 - Will Donald Trump make America great
18 - The riddle of Trump’s popularity
19 - A review of Obama’s presidency
20 - Is the Guantanamo base likely to be
closed for good?
21 - The Colibris organization
- Arabic: H. Selmi
- Chinese: J. Liu
- English: M. Ollivier, J. Quintana, R. Schmitt
- German: Ch. Hurni, I. Félicité
- Italian: G. Kerleroux
- Spanish: B. Baudry
22 - Our duties to the past
23 - Movie: “Labyrinth of Lies”
24 - Fritz Lang’s “M” and the modern city
25 - The Rwandan genocide
J. Quintana
Special thanks to our sponsor, A.S.E.J. (Association socio-éducative
de Janson), for making this magazine possible at all. Our thanks also
go to all the students and teachers who contributed their time and
effort, and to our principal, Mr. Sorin, for giving the project his wholehearted support.
40 - How music impacts body and mind
41 - Christopher Nolan, the Magician
42 - Tragedy of a love triangle: book review of Dream of the Red
43 - Lingua Franca’s crossword puzzle
26 - Writing in “leet” speak
27 - Hackers: Hide your wife, hide your WiFi
28 - Artificial intelligence: the future is now
29 - Will software make life/death choices in
the near future?
30 - Philanthropy: When health care and education serve business
31 - On deep-seated stereotypes about islands
32 - The Forest of Fontainebleau
33 - Come to Berlin!
34 - Addiction
35 - Can Art be a response to terrorism?
36 - World Fairs now and then
37 - A new critical edition of Mein Kampf
38 - Anselm Keifer, the burden of the past
39 - Friedensreich Hundertwasser