Bildung für Kinder


Bildung für Kinder
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Bildung für Kinder
Übernehmen Sie eine einjährige Schulpatenschaft
für ein Kind in Steinthal/Tulbagh...
In Steinthal waren die Visionen, das Vorbild, das Beispiel und die Ideen der Rheinischen Mission die Basis allen Handelns: 170 Jahre lang!
Für uns alle sollte es Geschenk und Verpflichtung sein, uns an einer historischen Aufgabe zu beteiligen und diese Vision weiter leben zu
lassen! Wir möchten mithelfen, dass die Kinder dort auch in Zukunft im Geiste der deutschen Missionare betreut und ausgebildet werden!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bereitschaft, eine oder mehrere Patenschaften für Kinder aus diesem Heim zu übernehmen und damit auch den
Schulbesuch dieser Kinder zu finanzieren. Für das Projekt „Steinthal“ wurde bei der Sparkasse Bad Kissingen ein eigenes Konto eingerichtet.
Wir können die Welt verändern! Jeden Tag um ein kleines Stück, aber wir müssen es TUN!
The Magic of Music.
Name des Paten
Straße / Hausnummer
Name des Kindes
Ich übernehme für dieses Kind das Schulgeld für 2011 in Höhe von 500,00 EUR.
Ich überweise den Betrag auf folgendes Konto: Sparkasse Bad Kissingen, Kontonummer 310 64 017, BLZ 793 510 10
Ich erteile folgende Einzugsermächtigung:
Hiermit ermächtige ich den Verein Cape Classic (Cape Classic e.V.), das Schulgeld für 2011 in Höhe von 500,00 EUR
von meinem Konto einzuziehen.
- Betrag in Worten -
Name und Sitz des Kreditinstitutes
Diese Ermächtigung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden.
Wir bedanken uns sehr für Ihr Engagement.
Unterschrift des Paten/Kontoinhabers
Bitte senden Sie das ausgefüllte Formular per E-Mail an: / per Post an: Gabi Zahn, Am Quästenberg 22, 97708 Bad Bocklet
Verein Cape Classic - Weihnachtsaktion 2010
Weadon, 17 July 1994
Weadon is well praised by his current school principal who believes that he
is doing well academically. Weadon is quite an upright character he is neat,
well mannered and helpful someone you can depend on. Weadon has the
ability to make positive choices.
Shamiela, 28 February 2005
Shamiela is a happy, spontanious little girl who loves to sing and dance.
Her face lights up when she smiles and she is a real joy to everyone.
Roseline, 15 January 1993
Roseline is a well mannered girl who takes pride in herself and everything
she does. She loves doing sports and listening to music.
Cedric, 15 February 1993 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Cedric is a confident, spontaneous young man and is always respectful to
others. He loves playing rugby and can be trusted with any task given to him.
Lucrecia, 7 March 2002
Lucrecia can be described as energetic, enthusiastic with a real zest for life.
However she is in need of remedial attention in her academics.
Rochelle, 17 July 2005 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Rochelle is the youngest of three siblings residing at Steinthal since April
2010. She is currently attending Pre School and enjoying every minute. She
can be described as a little extrovert who thrives on attention. She enjoys
modeling, dancing and entertaining others with her humor.
Christolene, 7 May 2003
Christolene is the youngest of two children residing at Steinthal. She is a
sparkling young girl and well mannered. She appreciates to receive acknowledgement for her deeds and is respected by her peers.
Caydon, 19 March 2005
Caydon is the youngest of two children residing at Steinthal. Caydon is an
introvert but loving child. His social dynamics within his family has caused
him to be sheltered as he does not openly express his feelings. According
to his educators he does well academically.
in my opinion a positive aspect as he strives to do his best at all given task.
Ricardo excels academically and at Steinthal we do reward him for his academic achievements as he shows strong feelings of pride in his academics.
Jacquen, 29 January 1998 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Jacquen is the eldest of a family of 3 boys residing at Steinthal. He is intelligent en inquisitive and very protective of his two younger brothers. Jacquen
is very mature for his age.
Angelique, 21 June 1994
Lima has been at Steinthal for the last 12 years. She is respectful and
hardworking. Even when things are challenging she works at the best of
her ability. Angelique has been rewarded for her sporting abilities and loves
working with animals.
Adrian, 13 August 2002
Adrian lives at Steinthal together with his teenage sister Samantha. Adrian
is spontaneous and as boys are his age overactive. He has a loving character and enjoys his schooling. Adrian fares well academically and has
potential to succeed given the necessary guidance and support.
Amerodien, 23 April 2005
Amerodien has a keen sense of humor. He is in touch with his emotions
and interacts very well with his peers. Amerodien is a happy child and
generates this energy to those in contact with him.
Annamarie, 18 March 2002 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Annamarie is academically challenged and needs individual attention. Annamarie respects others and is well liked amongst her peers. Though she is
academically challenged she excels well at sport and enjoys participating
in sporting events.
Ashley, 01 February 1993
Ashley is an introvert. He lives for his sport and plays rugby and cricket.
Ashley is academically challenged but is a hardworker. He would like to be
a traffic officer after finishing school.
Stancey, 27 Augustus 2003 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Stacey is an orphan who resides at Steinthal together with her older brother to
whom she is very attached to. She is a shy girl and do not easily trust adults.
Bertram, 02 August 2004 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Bertie is a happy, spontanious little boy who loves to play. His face lights
up when he smiles and he is a real joy to everyone. Bertie appreciates
everything he receives and is a humble young boy.
Junaid, 9 December 2000 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Junaid is an orphan who resides at Steinthal together with his younger
sister to whom he is very protective of. He is a shy boy but can be very
strong willed. Junaid is enthusiastic about chess and loves playing with
his peers.
Fabian, 25 March 2003
Fabian resides at Steinthal together with his older brother Richard. Fabian is
quite a talkative young boy who has shown strong academic potential. He
has adapted well to life at the children’s home and is well liked amongst
his peers.
Angela, 19 April 1992 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Angela is very respectful and has adapted well in the children‘s home. Angela
has the potential to achieve both academically and socially but needs
the necessary guidance. She takes pride in everything she do and loves
reading and writing.
Melissa, 26 September 2004 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Melissa is an independent young girl with a motherly nature. She is well
spoken and displays a sense of maturity. Melissa is always complimented
for her neatness and her tidy appearance.
Marvin, 3 August 2003 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Marvin Lee resides at Steinthal together with his older sister Candice. His
childcare workers describe him as pleasant and sociable. Marvin Lee is a
respectable young boy but needs academic assistance.
Ryno, 23 September 2004 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Ryno is the youngest of two children residing at Steinthal. He can be described as imaginative, humorous and energetic. Ryno is popular amongst
staff and his peers at Steinthal.
Petronella, 02 May 2003
Petronella is the youngest of two girls residing at Steinthal. She is an introvert
but can be very funny if she trusts people. Petronella loves animals and
doing art.
Swane, 04 November 1998 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Swane is a spontanious, intelligent girl. She stutters, which can be a language
barrier, but Swane has such a strong personality, that she even overcomes
this. Swane is currently in grade 4 and enjoys school. She makes friends
easily and loves playing tennis.
Ricardo, 10 September 1999 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Ricardo is the older brother of Christolene the two siblings have one thing in
common and that is that they demand recognition in all they do. Which is
Wesley, 08 August 2004 [ hat einen Paten gefunden ]
Wesley is the youngest of a family of 3 boys residing at Steinthal. He is energetic and loves teasing his peers. He can be humorous and loves dancing.
Bildung für Kinder
The Magic of Music.