Noelanders Trophy XIV
Noelanders Trophy XIV
January 19 - 20/2013 Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen Marktplein 1 3550 Heusden-Zolder • Belgium BONSAI ASSOCIATION BELGIUM international BONSAI show Noelanders Trophy XIV Noelanders trophy XIV Noelanders trophy XIV Noelanders trophy XIV Welcome, You are invited to the 14th Noelanders Trophy. Bonsai Association Belgium will present to you dozens of top class bonsai from all over Europe. We are grateful to all the bonsai enthusiasts that work a whole year to bring their best bonsai of the moment to this extraordinary show. We would be pleased to welcome also your trees at this extraordinary show. Their presence at this show provides your trees with a place in the collective memory of the bonsai community. For the first time we will have a trophy for the best deciduous tree separate from the overall winner, the winning shohin composition, and the best bonsai of a member of Bonsai Association Belgium. We decided not to change a winning team: the same magnificent location in an old building to show the bonsai at their best, an international list of demonstrations, and the most friendly bonsai market of Europe. Five bonsai masters will give simultaneous demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Meet your friends in January and plan your bonsai year over a good meal and a pint of Belgian beer. Bonsai Association Belgium is most grateful to all traders for their support. Your presence is soil, water and fertilizer for bonsai in Europe! We wish everybody a great weekend, The committee Marc Noelanders Contact: Facebook group: Bonsai Association Belgium Programma Zaterdag 19 januari Zondag 20 januari 10.00 – 18.00: 09.00 – 18.00: Bonsai tentoonstelling Bonsai tentoonstelling Internationale verkoopstanden van bonsai en toebehoren Internationale verkoopstanden van bonsai en toebehoren 13.00 - 17.00: 13.00 - 17.00: Simultaandemonstratie door : Simultaandemonstratie door : Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Robert Steven (ID) Robert Steven (ID) Luis Vallejo (ES) Enrico Savini (IT) Enrico Savini (IT) Werner Busch (DE) Werner Busch (DE) Carlos Van der Vaart (NL) 19.30: 18.00: Diner met prijsuitreiking van de XIVde Noelanders Trophy Afsluiting Trofee XIV Deelname aan deze internationale tentoonstelling is gratis en open voor iedereen. Een bonsai inschrijven kan online of via een mail aan het secretariaat. Het bestuur zal op basis van de toegestuurde foto’s een selectie uitvoeren. Prijzen: De ‘Noelanders Trophy XIV’, een origineel kunstwerk, en vijf eervolle vermeldingen. De ‘Shohin trofee’, twee eervolle vermeldingen voor shohin en de ‘Beste deelname van een BAB-lid’. Dit jaar voor het eerst een prijs voor de ‘Beste loofboom’. Toegangsprijs per dag Enkel tentoonstelling: € 10 (leden BAB gratis) Tentoonstelling + demonstratie: € 20 (leden BAB € 10) Weekend prijs: € 27 all-in Gratis parking Info : of Noelanders trophy XIV Programme Samedi, Janvier 19 Zondag 20 januari 10.00 – 18.00: 09.00 – 18.00: Exposition de bonsaï Exposition de bonsaï Revendeurs internationaux de bonsaï et accessoires Revendeurs internationaux de bonsaï et accessoires 13.00 - 17.00: 13.00 - 17.00: Démonstration simultanée de : Démonstration simultanée de : Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Robert Steven (ID) Robert Steven (ID) Luis Vallejo (ES) Enrico Savini (IT) Enrico Savini (IT) Werner Busch (DE) Werner Busch (DE) Carlos Van der Vaart (NL) 19.30: 18.00: Souper et remise des prix du XIVème Noelanders Trophy Clôture du XIVème Noelanders Trophy La participation à cette exposition internationale est gratuite et ouverte à chacun. L’inscription de bonsaï peut se faire on line ou par mail au secrétariat. La direction fera une sélection sur base des photos envoyées. Les prix : Le ‘Noelanders Trophy XIV’, une sculpture originale, et cinq certificats d’honneur. ‘Le shohin gagnant’, deux certificats d’honneur, et ‘la meilleure participation d’un membre du BAB’. Cette année il y a pour la première fois un prix spécial pour ‘le feuillu gagnant’. Entrée par jour Uniquement exposition: € 10 (membres BAB gratuit) Exposition + démonstrations: € 20 Entrée week-end complet € 27 tout compris Parking gratuit Info : ou Programm Samstag, 19. Januar Sonntag, 20. Januar 10.00 – 18.00: 09.00 – 18.00: Bonsaiausstellung Bonsaiausstellung Internationaler Händlerbereich mit Bonsai und Zubehör Internationaler Händlerbereich mit Bonsai und Zubehör 13.00 - 17.00: 13.00 - 17.00: Simultandemonstrationen mit : Simultandemonstrationen mit : Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Robert Steven (ID) Robert Steven (ID) Luis Vallejo (ES) Enrico Savini (IT) Enrico Savini (IT) Werner Busch (DE) Werner Busch (DE) Carlos Van der Vaart (NL) 19.30: 18.00: Abendessen und Preisverleihung Ende der Noelanders Trophy XIV Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb und der Ausstellung ist kostenlos, jeder kann teilnehmen. Die Anmeldung ist online oder per e-mail an die Geschäftstelle möglich. Nach einsenden der Fotos werden die Bonsai vom Vorstand ausgewählt. Preise: Die „Noelanders Trophy XIV“, eine originelle Skulptuur, und fünf weitere Auszeichnungen. „Bester Shohin der Trophy“, sowie zwei weitere Auszeichnungen, und der „Beste BAB-Beitrag“. In diesem Jahr wird erstmalig ein Sonderpreis für den „besten Laubbaum“ verliehen. Tageskarte Nur Ausstellung € 10,- (BAB Mitglieder frei) Ausstellung + Demons € 20,- (Mitglieder BAB € 10,-) Wochenendticket: € 27,- all-in Gratis Parkplätze Info : oder Noelanders trophy XIV Program Saturday, January 19 Sunday, January 20 10.00 – 18.00: 09.00 – 18.00: Exhibition of bonsai Exhibition of bonsai International commercial stands with bonsai and accessories International commercial stands with bonsai and accessories 13.00 - 17.00: 13.00 - 17.00: Simultaneous demonstration by : Simultaneous demonstration by : Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Robert Steven (ID) Robert Steven (ID) Luis Vallejo (ES) Enrico Savini (IT) Enrico Savini (IT) Werner Busch (DE) Werner Busch (DE) Carlos Van der Vaart (NL) 19.30: 18.00: Dinner with prize giving ceremony. End of Noelanders Trophy XIV Participation in this international exhibition and contest is free an open for everyone. Registration of a bonsai can be done on line or by an email to the secretary. The committee will make a first selection based on the accompanying pictures. Prizes: The ‘Noelanders Trophy XIII’, an original sculpture, and five honorable mentions. The ‘Best of shohin trophy’, two honorable mentions, and the ‘Best tree of a member of BAB’. For the first time we will also have a special prize for the ‘Best deciduous tree’. Entrance per day Exhibition only € 10 (members BAB free) Exhibition + demonstrations: €20 (members BAB € 10) Week-end ticket € 27 all-in Free parking Info : or Bonsai, ook voor u ? Sinds 15 jaar promoot Bonsai Association Belgium VZW de bonsai cultuur in België. Onder leiding van de voorzitter Marc Noelanders brengen we een kwalitatief hoogstaand programma. Alle activiteiten tijdens het jaar vinden plaats in het Cultuurcentrum Muze te Heusden-Zolder. Elke eerste woensdag van de maand kan u vanaf 19.30 u een demonstratie of een lezing door zowel binnen- als buitenlandse bonsaimeesters bijwonen. Met succes bieden we een basiscursus aan van zes lessen verspreid over een heel jaar. U leert de eerste theorie en begint met zelf een bonsai te vormen. Wie echt door de microbe gebeten is kan daarna deelnemen aan de vervolgcursus waar per avond een bepaald onderwerp dieper wordt besproken en waarbij ook aan uw eigen bonsai kan verder gewerkt worden. Bonsai Association Belgium neemt deel aan allerlei andere publieke evenementen om bonsai meer in het daglicht te stellen. In 2012 waren we prominent aanwezig bij de viering van ’20 jaar Japanse tuin’ in Hasselt en tal van andere evenementen. Met voldoening merken we dat de kwaliteit van heel wat privé bonsaiverzamelingen doorheen de jaren gestaag omhoog blijft gaan. Indien u geïnteresseerd bent om in groep uw bonsai hobby te laten floreren, neem dan contact op met de cursus verantwoordelijke, Edwin Bielen via mail of op het nummer 011 81 74 44. Iedereen is van harte welkom, Alda, Christian, Danny, Edwin, Eric, Johan, Marc, Luc en Roger Noelanders trophy XIV Suthin Sukosolvisit (USA) Native of Thailand, Suthin is recognized as one of the premier Bonsai Masters in the United States. He has extensive experience with tropical bonsai and his expertise also extends to Japanese Maples, Junipers, Azaleas and Black Pines. A true artist, he is proficient with many other species and is particularly known for his Shohin. Having been involved in Bonsai since 1970, Suthin has won National Bonsai Awards in Thailand and The United States. He teaches his unique Bonsai techniques throughout the United States. Suthin cheerfully shares new information and techniques everywhere he teaches. His Bonsai are known for their proportion, refinement and detail. Suthin and his wife operate Royal Bonsai Garden, Inc. in Stoughton, Massachusetts. Robert Steven (Indonesia) Robert Steven is involved in bonsai since 1979 and has become a very innovative and daring bonsai artist. He is very active in the bonsai world in South-East Asia. His major interest goes to penjing. In his books ‘Vision of My Soul’ and ‘Mission of Transformation’ he shares his thoughts and his love for the art of bonsai. He admires the Japanese discipline of the technical skill, but he loves the romance and the poetic nuance in the Chinese Penjing. Be prepared for a new point of view. Demonstrators Luis Vallejo (Spain) Enrico Savini (Italy) Already as a child of 10 years old, Enrico Savini was fascinated by the trees around Bologna. That’s where his passion for bonsai started. Now he is one of the most respected bonsai artists and teachers in Italy and abroad. He won the Ben Oki International Design Award in 2003 with a remarkable Juniperus Chinensis. He loves the Mediterranean Juniperus sabina and Juniperus phoeniceae. In 2010 he won the Noelanders Trophy XI with a remarkable Juniperus chinensis ‘itoigawa’. Luis Vallejo grew up in Madrid at the greenhouse facility of his father. After his study for landscape designer he started to cultivate bonsai. He studied with John Nakan, Saburo Kato and Masahiko Kimura. He has given several workshops and demonstrations in Europe. His book ‘Bonsai, escultura y naturaleza’ shows dozens of trees that he has taken care of. For several years he is the curator of the Bonsai Collection of the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid. He is the founder of ‘Progetto Futuro’ , a major bonsai school near Bologna where he gives lectures and demonstrations. Demonstrators Noelanders trophy XIV Carlos Van der Vaart (The Netherlands) Werner Busch (Germany) Werner is a bonsai professional for 28 years with a profound biological knowledge. He has published a couple of books about bonsai which have been translated into various European languages. In addition to Japanese bonsai Werner is specialized in growing and creating bonsai from local trees. As a graduate from the Italian Scuola d’Arte Bonsai he studied under master Hideo Suzuki and teaches bonsai in his Bonsai-Werkstatt in Duesseldorf, Germany. Werner is also the president of the non-profit bonsaimuseum Duesseldorf which is worthwhile visiting. Carlos is a professional interior designer-architect with a long standing passion for bonsai. After winning the European New Talent competition in 1996, he got more involved in the international bonsai world. Carlos feels at ease with every step of bonsai. From collecting old yamadori, over lectures and demonstrations, to the exhibition of a near perfect bonsai at an international show. The members of BAB have appreciated Carlos several times for his demonstrations in our club. Demonstrators BONSAI GARDEN Timmermans Jean-Pierre BONSAI ZENTRUM M Ü N S T E R L A N D BONSAI DESIGN HOLLAND William J. Vlaanderen Radiolaan 2 - 1276 EP Huizen Nederland Traders Noelanders trophy XIV THE COMPLETE Chris Thomas Bonsai Gordon Duffett Bonsai Pots London 0044 207 6358859 BONSAI CENTRUM MUSEUM Josef Valuch IČ: 115 22 348 Huštěnovská 2051 - Staré Město 686 03 tel.: 572 542 931 - fax: 572 542 930 e-mail: Traders Noelanders trophy XIV Luc Meykens David Jones Walsall studio Ceramics U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1922 645 707 Zac Dziumak Company Director Harukaze Bonsai Hand crafted bonsai stands Mike Andrews Tel: 07836 687179 Tel: 020 8309 9902 17 Faraday Avenue Fax: 020 8309 9903 Sidcup Mobile: 07860 355 756 Kent DA14 4JB email: England Traders Die Fachzeitschrift. Fachzeitschrift Professional Journal Bücher Books Abonnieren und profitieren! 6-mal im Jahr effektives Bonsaiwissen aus Japan und Europa. Faszinierende Bildergalerien, Pflegehinweise und spezielle Gestaltungstechniken. Zu jedem Abo attraktive Prämien! Bildbände Photo Books und mehr … and more … Weseler Str. 34 D - 48151 Münster Tel.: +49 (0)251 533644 E-Mail: Hotel / B&B Beringen (10 km) Hotel Ten Caetermere *** Buitingenstraat 145, 3583 Beringen B&B De Boerderie Eindertstraat 18, 3581 Beverlo (Beringen) B&B Kroonhoeve Kroonstraat 247, 3581 Beringen Genk (20 km) Hotel Stiemerheide **** Wiemesmeerstraat 105, 3600 Genk Hotel Arte *** Europalaan 68, 3600 Genk B&B La Mine Colline Oostlaan 35, 3600 Genk Hotel De Groene Hendrickx *** Zuivelmarkt 25, 3500 Hasselt Hotel Ecu *** Europalaan 46, 3600 Genk Hasselt (15 km) Hotel Ibis Hasselt Centrum Thonissenlaan 52, 3500 Hasselt Hotel ’T Hert ** Winterslagstraat 11, 3600 Genk Hotel Bokrijks-Gasthof Hasseltweg 475, 3600 Genk Hotel Carbon Europalaan 38, 3600 Genk B&B Bloemenweelde Marcel Habetslaan 19, 3600 Genk Hotel Holiday Inn Hasselt **** Kattegatstraat 1, 3500 Hasselt Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel **** Torenplein 8, 3500 Hasselt Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hasselt *** Thonissenlaan 37, 3500 Hasselt Hotel Parkhotel *** Genkersteenweg 350, 3500 Hasselt Hotel The Century Leopoldplein 1, 3500 Hasselt B&B Bloonwinning Oosterbeekstraat 60, 3500 Hasselt B&B Ecole de vie Sint Amandusstraat 32, 3511 Stokrooie – Hasselt Noelanders trophy XIV B&B De Pommerie Runkstersteenweg 505, 3500 Hasselt B&B Het Zummerheem Schuurstraat 5, 3511 Stokrooie – Hasselt B&B Le Petit Velo Maastrichtersteenweg 152, 3500 Hasselt B&B Le refuge Kiewitstraat 247, 3500 Hasselt Heusden-Zolder (5 km) Hotel Belfleur *** Stationsstraat 137, 3530 Houthalen Hotel De Pits *** Sterrenwacht 143, 3550 HeusdenZolder Hotel Intermotel *** Klaverbladstraat 7, 3560 Lummen Hotel Soete-Wey Kluisstraat 48, 3550 Heusden-Zolder B&B Appelkers Driesstraat 24, 3550 Heusden-Zolder Houthalen (5 km) Hotel The Lodge Houthalen Guldensporenlaan 1, 3530 Houthalen Lummen (13 km) B&B Maris Logies Van Groesbeekstraat 6, 3511 Hasselt maris.logies/ Hotel Afrit 28 Vogelsancklaan 2, 3550 Heusden-Zolder B&B Villa des Roses Hasselt Luikersteenweg 66, 3500 Hasselt Hostellerie De Kluis Guesthouse Dusart Congostraat 9, 3500 Hasselt Hotel Savarin Sint-Jobstraat 77, 3550 Heusden-Zolder Hotel ’T Buskruid *** Dr. Vanderhoeydonckstraat 64, 3560 Lummen Lambert Hoelenstraat 41, 3553 Heusden-Zolder Hotel / B&B Paal (13 km) B&B De Witte Merel Deluxe **** Tessenderlosesteenweg 224, 3583 Paal Zonhoven (8 km) Hotel Goudbloem Nachtengalenstraat 49, 3520 Zonhoven B&B Casa Roman Herestraat 72, 3520 Zonhoven B&B Emily’s Place Kneuterweg 5, Zonhoven B&B Maison Beau Heuvenstraat 105, 3520 Zonhoven The Way to the Noelanders trophy XIV Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen Marktplein 1 3550 Heusden-Zolder • Belgium Beringen Zolder Houthalen-Helchteren Heusden-Zolder E314 Zonhoven E25 Genk E313 Hasselt Maastricht Noelanders trophy XIV Noelanders trophy XIV Subscribe now to... ...the magazine you can read & watch Clear instructive videos on our website Follow us on: Subscribe now!! 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