2015 press kit - Dinette Magazine
2015 press kit - Dinette Magazine
DINETTE MAGAZINE 2015 PRESS KIT A NEW MAGAZINE A new arrival on the cooking magazine scene, Dînette provides a fresh vision of food and gastronomy. The French word “dînette” means a small and simple meal, eaten in the comfort of your own home. Taking time for a “dinette” is to take time to relax and slow down. This concept aligns perfectly with our vision: we want readers to be transported, and to be inspired by creativity and discovery. You don’t have to leave your living room to go on a great culinary journey! The charming quality of our magazine’s name reflects Dînette’s polished, yet lively and playful, presentation of recipes and photographs with pastel colours, geometric composition and minimalist style. Thanks to its retroinspired style, “dinette” also evokes a time when food was pure, simple and fresh. Our publication will be popular with foodies, adventurous eaters and gourmet home cooks alike. ABOUT Every month, our team of contributors meets with people who are passionate about cooking. We provide our readers with a completely new angle on cooking by showcasing the way they see, touch and taste food, and discovering their day-to-day experiences and ideas about gastronomy. Our contributors travel to rural and urban areas to meet restaurateurs, food producers and tradespeople to highlight the role they play in our own lives, allowing us to experience food at the next level. Dînette opens up its readers to a world of discovery, recipes, beautiful photography, innovative stories, custom illustrations, and interviews. We explore the universe of food through an epicurean lens, featuring encounters, discussions and adventures. Dînette is a magazine to read and reread, to proudly display on your living room table, and to keep in your cookbook collection. Our magazine immerses readers in a universe where food is an expression of spontaneity. We don’t eat to live, we eat because it is a way to appreciate the beauty around us. THEME Each of the inspired articles, in-depth analyses, original recipes and innovatively composed photography found in Dînette centers on a theme. In addition, each issue features simple, authentic and curated design, fostering a sense of culinary discovery in our readers SLOGAN TO EAT IS TO APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY AROUND US REDERSHIP We target a readership that is passionate about gastronomy, fresh food and creativity. Men and women 25 to 45 years old Passionate professionals Stimulated by cultural and culinary discovery Love to travel Enjoy cooking for pleasure Seek out fresh and rare ingredients Artistically inspired Restaurant-goers University educated Household income greater than $50,000 WHY ADVERTISE? Unique print magazine experience Diverse culinary content Wide-ranging Internet community Editorial team attentive to advertisers’ needs Vast potential for special projects PL ATEFORMS In addition to its print version, Dînette is available to its readers in a range of platforms, through the Internet, social media, newsletters and special events. Dînette: the magazine Print is the best media to reach out to the general public and consumers in grocery stores or gourmet food stores. Dînette values opportunities for special editions, advertorials, targeted advertising, and product positioning. dînettemagazine.com Each recipe on the website is more original than the last. Featuring a blog and forum, dinettemagazine.com also has featured articles from the magazine as well as exclusive Web content. Social networks Dînette’s online community is connected to key social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Newsletter Dînette features a significant database of readers subscribed to its monthly newsletter. This database can be used to carry out market research, introduce sponsored content or simply place banner ads. Events Dînette events, or “happenings” (spontaneous yet perfectly executed, leaving nothing up to chance), are perfect for food-lovers and newbies who want to learn more about our publication. Each event features a different theme and can take place in any number of locales. CONTENT The pantry | products, ingredients, and freshly picked fruits and vegetables Sections: Harvest, Products Images | photo journalism featuring people who are passionate about food, culinary adventures to major gastronomical destinations, and local products that mix things up Sections: Instagram discoveries, Photo journalism, Best-designed packaging Tour | interviews with restaurateurs, trade secrets and establishments to discover Sections: Between you, me and the bread box, In the hot seat, Profile, Special guest Content | articles about food movements, phenomena, products, research, etc. Sections: Top 10, Analysis, Phenomena Ravenous | original and tasty recipes from Chef Marie-Ève Collin that will be sure to get you in the kitchen. SCHEDULE 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Dinner parties Brunch Break time Montreal Quebec road trip Fruits and vegetables Farm-raised meat Happy hour Cocooning Pubs and bistros November 12, 2015 January 14, 2016 March 10 2016 May 5 2016 June 30, 2016 August 25, 2016 October 20, 2016 December 1, 2016 Februrary 9 , 2017 April 6, 2017 ADVERTISING RATES In keeping with the magazine’s aesthetic, all advertising will be full page. 3 Full000 $ page (1x) In addition, the content of advertisements must be approved by the editorial team and may be modified as necessary (free of charge). 2Full500 $ page (6x) 2Full000 $ page (10x) SOME NUMBERS 6 issues / year Around 160 pages of content 8.5 x 10.87” Newsstand price: $8.99 Subscription: $65 (10 issues) 10,000 copies 2,500 retailers 10 to 15 contributors 15 to 20 recipes 60 to 70 photos CONTACT US dinettemagazine.com facebook.com/dinettemagazine instagram.com/dinettemagazine pinterest.com/dinettemagazine info@dinettemagazine.com 583, rue Dufferin, Granby, Quebec Dernière mise à jour : février 2016 EXIGENCES TECHNIQUES FORMAT SURFACE D’IMPRESSION Pleine page 8,5 x 10.875 po MÉTHODE DE PRODUCTION • Dînette est imprimé sur presses rotatives à haute vitesse, reliure allemande. • Prière de respecter les surfaces d’impressionmentionnées ci-dessus. • La typographie doit avoir une grosseur minimale de 8 points. La typographie renversée doit avoirune grosseur minimale de 12 points. L’impression des typographies de grosseurs inférieures à celles mentionnées ci-dessus n’est pas garantie. • Prévoir une marge perdue de 1/8 de pouce (0,3175 cm) de chaque côté. • Insérer les marques de coupe et de registre à une distance de 18 points (1/4 de pouce) de la coupe. • Insérer une marge de sécurtié typographique de 1/4 de pouce de la ligne de coupe. • Pour les publicités sur 2 pages, prévoir une marge de sécurité typographique de 3/8 pouce (27 points) de chaque côté de la marque du centre • Nous nous réservons le droit d’apporter tout changement technique nécessaire. INFORMATION Dînette magazine info@dinettemagazine.com 450.378.9996, poste 290 FORMAT FINAL 8,5 x 10.875 po MARGES PERDUES 8.75 x 11,125 po MATÉRIEL REQUIS POUR LE TÉLÉCHARGEMENT • Espace couleur: CMJN (CMYK) (quadrichromie). • Ne pas utiliser les couleurs RVB (RGB). • Ne pas utiliser de couleur spot. • Toute typographie NOIRE ou GRISE ne doit utiliser que la plaque de noir seulement. • Si l’annonce est livrée avec les fichiers sources, l’assemblage doit comprendre le fichier source Indesign, polices et toutes les photos sauvegardées en CJMN, à une résolution de 300 ppp LIVRAISON DES FICHIERS • Toute annonce doit être transférée via courriel à l’adresse suivante : • info@dinettemagazine.com