Newmarket School News 12 September, 2014
Newmarket School News 12 September, 2014
Newmarket School News 12 September, 2014 From these roots will strong trees grow Tena koutou katoa Dear Parents/Caregivers Kids for Kids Choir Performance Wow – what a great effort from our Kids for Kids Choir on Thursday evening. The choir sang and performed fabulously and their front row position meant our families had a great view of students. Many thanks to Mrs Barry for training the choir. KNZB Week The Middle School students have been working really hard on looking after the environment. They have asked me to remind you that next week is Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week! Keep New Zealand Beautiful is Week 14-18 September 2014. Well done to these rooms for their great work and perseverance. They would love to hear about any ideas other students and parents have – especially about trying not to be a litter bug, and looking after our marine life and water. Pie Day Thursday 18th September The PSG are holding an “end of term Pie Day” to celebrate all our children’s hard work and to give them a fun treat at the end of the term. Please return the money and order form in an envelope to the office by today, Friday 12 September. There will be no Sushi orders on Thursday 18th September. Room 6 and 7 are on a trip on Thursday so they will be having their Pie Day on Friday the 19 September. New Parents Afternoon Tea –18th September 2 - 3pm Our next ‘New Parents’ afternoon tea will be held on Thursday 18th September. Our new parent afternoon teas are generally held once a term in Term 3 and 4. The afternoon tea meeting is a chance for any new parents to our school, and parents with children about to attend the school, to meet the Principal, Board Chairperson and senior staff, in an informal manner. The meeting provides opportunities for questions about the school, starting school, or schooling in general. Pre-schoolers welcome. RSVP to the office please. PSG School Aid Plaster Sales – Thank you We would like to finish the plaster sales please. Can any unsold plasters/bags or money be returned to the office. Thank you to everyone who helped us with this fundraising. Auckland Normal Intermediate Enrolment 2015 Enrolment applications In- Zone or Out-Of-Zone available at To assist us with class placements In-Zone applications to be received by 19 September 2014. Out-Of-Zone applications close 15 October 2014. A reminder that Out-of-Zone siblings must apply via the ballot for enrolment in 2015. World Literacy Day – Lots of fun Stars of the Week What’s On -Term 3 2014 16 September 16 September 18 September 18/19 September 18 September 19 September 20 September 22 September 26 September Remuera Field Day Remuera Zone Speech Competition New Parent Afternoon Tea PSG Pie Days Seniors Corban’s Estate Art Gallery Seniors Corban’s Estate Art Gallery Marimba Festival – The Cloud Mufti Week Term 3 Ends 13 October Term 4 16 October 24 October APPA Choir Rehearsal Middle School Assembly in Hall Parents welcome 9.15am Labour Day Whole School Athletics Mt Smart ANI Placement Tests APPA Choir Rehearsal Town Hall APPA Choir Performance Senior School Assembly in Hall Parents welcome 9.15am World Kindness Day Market Day Chinese Dance Group APPA Town Hall Junior School Assembly in Hall Parents welcome 9.15am Remuera Zone Athletics TBC Ukulele Festival School Prize Giving Reports and Year Books sent home Mufti Week School Finishes 27 October 30 October 31 October 4 November 5 November 7 November 13 November 14 November 19 November 21 November 24/28 November 29 November 3 December 4 December 8 December 12 December With kind regards Dr Wendy Kofoed Principal PSG Meeting Minutes – Monday, 1st September 2014 Attendees: Julie, Deryn, Anna, Catherine, Gayle, Eileen, Wendy Apologies: Davina Virginia Cookie Day. Thank you to all the students and helpers who did a fantastic job. Action: Deryn to bank proceeds from Cookie Day. Plasters fundraising Wendy explained that although the school has paid a deposit for the plasters, this is only on a ‘sale and return’ basis so there is no obligation or risk in the fundraiser. To date about $1500 has been returned. Action: Gayle to mention return of $$ or plasters in next newsletter. Pie Day – Thursday, 18 September Davina advised that helpers are needed on the day to package into class lots and distribute. Catherine has kindly volunteered to help out - see Eileen to check lists, etc. Entertainment Books Approximately $300 has been raised. Action: Deryn to follow up and collect $$. Kids Market Day To be held on a Friday – 2nd or 3rd week of November at school. Mufti Day – Term 3 To be held the last week of Term – proceeds to go to PSG. Auction – Term 4 Davina had spoken to the manager at Maison Vauron (above C’est Fromage in McColl St) and they are interested. Next steps to find out how many people could fit in the space, the charge for food, etc. Action: Julie, Gayle and Davina to arrange to meet with owner of Maison Vauron. Action: Julie to check how many people attended the previous auction night at Zarbo’s (info in Gayle’s folder) Xmas Crafts Further discussion was made around holding a craft night preparing Xmas wreaths. The new library could be the venue. Need ideas for other cultures. Action: Libby to talk to Petra’s Mum & Dad. Action: Wendy to talk to teachers regarding ideas for other cultural Xmas decorations/crafts. Action: Anna to organise dates with Davina Meeting closed at 8.20pm. Next meeting - TBC Community Notices Ukelele Workshops We are proud to announce a new initiative by the NZUT. The very first Kiwileles holiday programme! Dates: Times: Venue: Ages: Fee: Second week of school holidays Monday 6th – Friday 10th October 9am – 12pm Courtyard Room of St Lukes Community Centre, 130 Remuera Road Years 4 – 6 Kiwileles students $100 for the 5 mornings The goal of the programme is for children to learn the music from the 2014 Kiwileles Songbook. The children will present an informal performance for parents and supporters at the prize-giving on the final day of the course at 11am. Contact: for registration forms and information. Joy Burnett, Administrator, Parnell Trust’s Awesome October Holiday Adventures – fun activities for 5-14 year olds Parnell Trust has 32 awesome activities and adventures for children (and parents) to choose from these holidays. We have FIVE exciting programme options: Club House, Adventure Seekers, Multi-Sport, LEGO Mindstorms and Special Tech Projects. Programmes are available at both Parnell and Epsom schools and from 7.30am to 6pm every day, perfect for working parents. See our website for details or phone 09 555 5194.