Foie Gras Maison with Sauterne Jelly and Brioche
Foie Gras Maison with Sauterne Jelly and Brioche
Tray Gourmet Christmas Menu 2014 At Tray Gourmet we strive to make your Christmas as enjoyable as possible. In the following pages you will find ideas to create an enjoyable reception. Or just pick up the phone or drop an email to Nicolas who will be delighted to guide to you creating Menu fit for your occasion, your taste and budget. Joyeux Noel 2014 et Bonne Année 2015 Tray Gourmet Team Tray Gourmet – Traiteur Français 240 Fulham Road – London SW10 9NA - 020 7352 7676 Don’t Forget the Brioche! £5.50 Made from Fresh French Duck Foie Gras / kg Foie Gras de Canard Foie Gras Mi-Cuit Mille Feuilles de Truffe 100 g £ 42.00 £140.00 Foie Gras Mi-Cuit Presitge £140.00 Lightly Cooked to be used within a week of purchase. Other Smoked Salmon London Cured £48.00 Beetroot Gralax £30.00 Magret Fumé –Smoked Duck Magret £39.00 Verrines – Jars Foie Gras de Canard Entier - Verrine 300 g £44.00 Foie Gras de Canard Entier - Verrine 200 g £30.00 Foie Gras de Canard Entier - Verrine 130 g £20.00 Bloc de Foie Gras de Canard 400 g £29.00 Bloc de Foie Gras de Canard 150 g £10.50 Bloc de Foie Gras de Canard 65 g £4.00 65 g £4.00 Foie Gras d'Oie Entier 200 g £49.50 Foie Gras d’Oie Entier 400 g £98.00 Cepes Cuisinées 350 g £28.00 Bloc - Boite / Tinned Our supplier Maison Laguilhon has received 16 major French Awards for the quality of their Foie Gras for the past 16 years. This is one every year and knowing the French Competition, this is a huge achievement. The quality of their product speaks for itself. We are proud to share with you this fantastic product. Bloc Jurancon - Boite / Tined Bloc de Foie Gras de Canard au Jurancon / kg Verrine FG Oie Oysters will also be available at market price (£1.80 ea) Boudin Blanc £2.30 Boudin Blanc Truffé 1% £3.30 Honey Roasted Ham £30.00/kg Escargots / Snails (5 doz) tin £18.00 Truffles Oil 25cl £18.00 Salmon Eggs (Keta) 90g £13.50 Canapés & Pains Surprises Canapés & Pains Surprises [Type a quote from the document or Tray Gourmet canapés are well the summary of an interesting point. appreciated for their innovative choice and You can position the text box their look. anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the We propose our famous Pain Surprise formatting of the pull quote text made from an Artisan Baker made box.] Sourdough Bread filled with Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese, with Cured Ham, or Roquefort Butter, the flavours are endless. £45.00 Petits Fours Salés (Savory) or Sucrés (Sweets) prices starts £1.10 / each. We offer an extensive menu All Prices are for uncooked birds All imported from France Free Range Capon Label Rouge £21.00/kg Free Range Goose £24..00/kg Duck £15.00/kg Stuffing and Gravy £8.50/per Venison Stew Veal Rack (4 ribs) Boar Stew Root Roasted Vegetables Grilled Vegetables £18.00/per £50.00/ Kg £15.00/per £16.50/kg £18.00/kg As we import most of our product fresh from France we need your orders by the 14th December latest. We can do other dishes on request; just ask for Nicolas, as soon as possible. 020 7352 7676 or email Nicolas has 30 years experience in French Cheese. Come and be introduced to our selection. “Un repas sans fromage c’est comme un baiser sans moustache” [A meal without cheese is like a kiss without a moustache] Attributed to Anton Tchekhov What better way to finish than with a Buche de Noel? Buche de Noel Pâtissière 4p 8p 10p Chestnut Butter £22 £40 £49 Chocolate Butter £17 £36 £44 Limencello Buche £25 £50 £55 Macaron £1.10 / each Petits Fours Sucrés from £1.10 each Tray Gourmet – Traiteur Français 240 Fulham Road – London SW10 9NA Tel: 020 7352 7676
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