Life @ North Lake Newsletter


Life @ North Lake Newsletter
Life @ North Lake Newsletter
A Tribute in Grateful Recognition of All Faith-filled Mothers
Lois grew up in a small town of slightly more than ten thousand people.
Her father, with no formal education past elementary school, had
converted his mechanical aptitude into a thriving business, building truck
bodies over chassis purchased and driven from Detroit several hundred
miles away. His entrepreneurial diligence was rewarded with a steady
number of orders for paneled delivery trucks. So Lois was accustomed to
her dad supervising others and managing many projects simultaneously.
She could walk out the backdoor of her three-story, corner house in a
handsome, tree-lined neighborhood, and in seconds be inside the Carlson
Body Works shop where the humming and hammering of production took
place. She witnessed how, when the other men left the shop, her dad
stayed late to handle the paperwork and finances.
Lois’ mother had been married previously, so she had three older halfsiblings in addition to her younger sister. She learned early that family life
is not always tidy and easy and traditional. She watched her mother
navigate through the complicated dynamics and decisions of a blended
family. Lois also learned how to can fresh fruit, prepare vegetables from
the garden, and plan a dinner to feed a couple dozen relatives who would
arrive for the holiday meals.
Too many in Lois’ extended family struggled with alcohol abuse, so her
parents had become resolute about abstinence. Her father was watching
substance abuse devour the lives of several of his younger brothers. He
realized that without his conversion to Christ at the age of thirty-two and a
transformed lifestyle, he likely would have been on that pathway. Lois’
mother, Evelyn, was active in the chapter of the Women’s Christian
Temperance Union that met in their Free Methodist Church. They were
passionate about decisions that steered clear of temptations, or at least
tried to minimize them. It was an earnest attempt to live their Lord’s
Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation.”
(Continued on Page 2)
May 2016
Inside this issue:
Pastor Jeff’s Letter
Pastor Mike’s Letter
Church News
May Worship Messages
PW News
PW Circle Meetings
FAB Tuesday
May Birthdays
Spirited Singles
Little Blessings
Kidz For Christ
Backpack Ministry
Thank You from D. Houck 12
Cuban Corner
Military Prayers
Behind the Scenes at NLPC - Church Staff
Chris Endsley
Chris Endsley comes to NLPC
from Ormond Beach, where he
was Organist/Director of
Traditional Worship at First
United Methodist Church for just
over 16 years. Chris holds a
Bachelor of Music in Church
Music/Organ from Baylor
University and a Master of Music
in Organ Performance from
Florida State University. In
addition to First United, Chris
served as the Fine Arts Chair,
Choral Director and American
Musical Theatre Director at
Seabreeze High School from
1997- 2014. In the fall of 2014,
Chris joined the faculty of
University High School (Orange
City) as Choral Director. Chris is
a frequent Musical Director and
pit musician for several Central
Florida area theatres.
Anita Endsley is an Entertainment Manager at Disney’s
Hollywood Studios and is an indemand private vocal/acting
coach. Anita is a graduate of
Texas Christian University and
holds an MFA in Musical Theatre
from UCF.
Chris and Anita are proud parents
of three talented children: Nick, a
working actor living in New York
City, Ellis, a freelance professional dancer and Matti, a 17 year
-old home-school junior who is in
the pre-professional training
program at Orlando Ballet.
Page 2
The Pastor’s Letter (Continued from Front Cover)
May 2016
When Lois was only sixteen years old she exchanged appreciative glances with a young housepainter working on the house next door. He was an agile, dashing figure in spite of his painter’s
outfit, although somewhat shy at first. Her offers of iced lemonade did the trick. Before long, he
was spending evenings in their parlor under the watchful eye of her parents. Since she was not
allowed to go to dances or to the theater, most of their early dates were at her home or walks
around the neighborhood. The target of her romantic interest was already out of high school.
Painting was a summer job, but he wasn’t settled on any career yet. He came from a tiny hamlet
outside another small town an hour’s drive away. His family had a modest hillside home with no
indoor plumbing until he was in ninth grade. Although he had excelled in school, the prospects of
college were far beyond the reach of his world. Lois recognized that she had had many more
opportunities and “luxuries” than he did growing up. But there was something about him that was
bright, winsome, and determined.
Their courtship became an engagement once her parents were assured that he would love her
and do his utmost to provide a good home and future. They were married less than a year after
Lois graduated from high school. Her new husband received his draft notice while they were on
their honeymoon, so the first two years of their marriage revolved around his Army assignments.
During that period Lois took an office job with a local clothing manufacturer. She saved as much
money as she could while he was away, hoping to furnish a home, including the purchase of a
piano. Lois played a little as a youngster, but the love of her life was an accomplished pianist.
Remarkably he had grown up in a rural setting with parents who appreciated music and made
sure that he had formal piano training, in spite of very limited means. The young bride wanted
the sound of his music filling their home, so one of their first purchases as a couple, after he was
discharged from the Army, was a brand new Baldwin spinet piano.
Lois had seen the sacrifices of her father to run his own business. She avidly supported her husband through all the long hours and relocations and advancements of his career, as he parlayed
his experience with the Army Signal Corps into a successful thirty-eight years with American
Telephone and Telegraph. However, the work of Lois’ life was no less consuming and successful.
She devoted herself unstintingly to the three children whom she carried and bore and welcomed
into this world. She took all that she had learned from her upbringing and transmitted that into
her own young family. She created a home life that was stable, loving, playful, and joyous. She
conveyed a sense of God’s warm presence and ample provision. She emphasized doing the
right things in the right way for the right reasons. And she made clear that her greatest purpose
and satisfaction came from her maternal role. She understood that as her calling. She’s been
the Den Mother, the seamstress, the chauffeur, chaperone, confidante, and cheerleader for Jeff,
Jodi, and Cindi. That’s why it’s so easy for me to say, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!” Well done,
and thank you!
PS: My mother’s birthday also falls in May, so I’ve always thought of this month as hers!
Page 3
May 2016
Letter from Associate Pastor Michael Smith
Hello Family,
Your prayers are welcomed as we are now actively searching for our new youth director who
will minister to our junior and senior high youth. We have conducted open parent meetings to
partner with our families/youth for their wisdom on what qualifications, character traits and
ministry goals they would like to secure in our next youth director. We have reviewed and
updated the current job description and have finalized the important quality and character
traits we hope to find in our new staff member. Currently we are placing our ministry position
in targeted colleges and seminaries who have a track record of training and educating quality
Elder Jim and his wife, Cindy Crutchfield, along with Mike and Rae Manning are ministering to
our junior high students every Wednesday evening and Sunday after church to provide them
love and support. Julie Huntley, the Manning’s, Kelly and myself are ministering to our senior
highs on Sunday afternoons. All youth recently had an opportunity to have a beach retreat
sponsored by our local Central Florida Presbytery and Elder Jim Crutchfield has an exciting
summer “Group Mission” opportunity in Georgia that the youth are working to raise money to
Even though the majority of our congregation are active and vibrant retired members, we
continue to attract younger families from The Villages Charter School and surrounding
communities (Lady Lake, Fruitland Park, Weirsdale and Summerfield). The 9:45 a.m. worship
service continues to see these new families and their children participating in the Children’s
Moment, Sunday School and mid-week LOGOS after school program. Also, many parents
and youth have come forward seeking the sacrament of Christian baptism. Recently, we
started two new small groups to help these families build stronger spiritual relationships and
support each other while raising their families.
So please keep all of us in your prayers as we seek God and God’s selection for a new youth
director, as we desire to be faithful to one another and minister the good news of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
All for Jesus,
Pastor Mike
Page 4
Church New s
Church Office News
The submittal deadline for the June
Newsletter is May 6th. Submit your
articles to:
Reminder: If you would like an article in
the newsletter, you must submit it to
Carol in writing each month.
Grief Small Group To Begin Ma y 24
A Grief Small Group will begin on May 24 from
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Church Library. The
group will be lead by Pastor Dave Stull. If you
have any questions, please contact Pastor Dave
at 753-8484.
For the latest information at NLPC,
check out our website:
Office Hours are:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 am. - Noon
Pentecost Sunda y
Pentecost Sunday is May 15. As is our
custom, we wear RED to remind us of the
fire of the Spirit.
Our Dail y Bread
The “Our Daily Bread” devotional is
now available to you digitally by going
to their website ( You may
either request it to be sent to you daily
via your email or you can subscribe to have a
hard copy sent to your home. We will continue
to have a limited quantity of hard copies in the
Lobby for your convenience.
Just A Reminder
To Join Our Church
Joined the Church Triumphant
NLPC receives members at our 101 Class by
profession of faith, transfer of membership or
by reaffirmation of faith. The next 101
Seminar: Introduction to our Church Family
will be on July 17 from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be provided.
To receive more information or to register,
complete a communication card. Please note:
The 301 will be held on 5/3 at 1:00 p.m. in
the Peace Room & the 401 on 5/4 at 9:00
a.m. in the Faith Room.
Just A Reminder
If you leave an item at the Welcome Center for
another person to pick-up, please be sure to
notify that person that the item has been placed
in the “Items left for pick-up” basket under the
desk. Thank you!
The portico (the covered pick up drive
thru area by the kitchen) is intended to
be used as a drop off and cars should
not be parked in that space. Please be
considerate of others trying to use the
drop off space.
Please pray for the families of:
Edie Smith
Don Allen
Rick Rounds
George DePersia
Mary Baron
Jerry Hanson
Lewis Thomas
Robert Schlosser
North Lake Presbyterian Church is a
smoke-free campus. We appreciate your
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found
box in the lobby for any items
you may have lost recently.
May 2016
Page 5
May 1
To Be Called Is to Be Sent
Mark 1:16-20 and Acts 1:6-8
May 8
Mother’s Day
Keep Eternity Before the Children
Pastor Jeff
Ecclesiastes 3:11, 2 Timothy 1:5 & 1 Peter 1:3-9
May 15
Thomas Steel
Redeem the Time
Acts 2:1-4, 37-42 & Ephesians 5:15-16
Pastor Jeff
Good Grief
Psalm 13:1-6
Pastor Mike
May 22
May 29
Memorial Day Week- Imitation!
Ephesians 5:1-2
Pastor Jeff
Fellow ship
Presbyterian Women (PW)
This project will still be available
in the lobby thru Mother's Day,
May 8th, after each service.
Your generous contributions are
greatly appreciated and we look
forward to your continued
support. The PW Mother's Day
Card Mission Project, known as
"Healthy Women Healthy
Families," is a program that
improves the lives of women
and children through education
and basic health services.
These beautiful Mother's Day
cards are available for a $10
donation and can be a special
gift to honor the wonderful
women in your life and also be a
blessing to those women and
families who benefit from this
worthwhile mission project.
All who attend North Lake are
invited and encouraged to
attend this event. Bring a salad
to share that will serve 6.
Dessert will be provided. This is
a wonderful opportunity to
fellowship and also learn about
PW in our church. Our guest
speaker is from Haven of Lake &
Sumter Counties, serving victims
of domestic violence, which is
one of the missions supported
by Presbyterian Women. We
will be installing officers and
dedicating the Haven bags for
women and children, the Least
Coin and Birthday Offering.
Please contact Kay Kennedy at
406-0394 if you have questions.
A CT meeting is scheduled for
Tues., May 3, at 10:00 a.m. in
the Faith Room with Kay
Kennedy, presiding.
A Budget and Calendar Planning Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, May 18, at 10:00
a.m. in the Faith Room.
A missions meeting is scheduled
for Tues., May 24, at 10:00 a.m.
in the Faith Room with Barbara
Stickler presiding.
Page 6
Fellow ship (Cont’d)
PW Circle Meetings
Next Month’s F. A.B. TUESDAY Activities & Meal
Wed., May 11, 9:30 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Nancy Will
Mon., May 9, 6:30 p.m.
Members’ Homes*
Leader: Barbara Stickler
Thur., May 12, 9:30 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Rose Gorman
Tuesday, June 7, Activity
6:00 p.m.
Tonight our presentation will be the movie
“War Room”
Starring: Priscilla Shirer
T. C. Stallings
Karen Abercrombie
Tenae Downing
Jadin Harris
Mon., May 9, 6:30 p.m.
Members’ Homes*
Leader: Joyce Corso
June 7, Menu
5:00 p.m.
Fried Chicken
Potato Salad
Baked Beans
Cake w/Topping
Thank you for joining us
this season. We wish you
a great summer. Be safe
and we will see you again
in October!
Wed., May 11, 12:30 p.m.
Hope Room
Leader: Judy Wardle
Tues., May 10, 9:00 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Burdeen Morgan
Thurs., May 12, 1:00 p.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Neva Kanteman
Mon., May 9, 10:00 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Gail Marineau
*Contact circle leaders for
Dinner served from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. followed by activities.
Child care is available at 6:00 p.m. (please register for child care
when making reservations). Dinner: Adult $7.00, Child $3.50,
family $20.00. Signup is in the lobby by June 5.
The Men’s Gathering
The Men’s Gathering meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Faith
Room. They are currently discussing the book, “Life With A Capital
L.” All men are welcome!
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast meets on the 2nd and 4th
Mondays of the month at the Sandwedge Shop in Water
Oaks at 7:30 a.m. Please contact Elmer Wagner (7530449) or ( if you have any questions.
Page 7
May 2016
Fellow ship (Cont’d)
May Birthdays
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
Joan Pullen
Ed Yuiska
Robert Collins
Robert Gniech
Tom Hogshead
Georgia Lerch
Felix Lopez
Rick Martin
Diane Crilley
Martin Simmons
Neva Kanteman
Mervin Marshall
Richard Minnerly
Mona Rintala
Jo Ann Tackovich
Pat Wright
Shirley Clark
Delores Long
Lynda Young
Jacqueline McCollum
Virgil Pates
Val Strednak
Jean Whitehead
Patricia Anderson
Jean Deyoe
Kathy Harshman
Deborah Martin
Sue Hughes
Alexia Skorupski
Jeanette Wilfong
Carol Ellsworth
Shirley Given
Sarah Smith
Cliff Winters
Jean Blatt
Arlene Dahman
Dennis Davison
Martin Kiely
Carol Lyons
Nancy Nicholson
Elizabeth Zabriskie
Janis Carpenter
Tom Edge
Betty Senter
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
Jim Thomas
Jim Alster
Robert Buchanan
Leota Dragoo
Joyce Glynn
Norma Morgan
Jerry Everett
Yvonne Lott
Patty Tilyou
Katherine Tulloss
Nancy Will
Francis Helfferich
Susan Versley
Sandy Giannuzzi
Elizabeth Hall
Cindy Rabenau
Janet Rath
Jerry Renchenski
Ivan Richmond
Vic Rowe
Ruth Currier
David Ekaitis
Susan Prince
Richard Young
Carol Bowers
Maggie Cooper
David Holtberg
Muriel Trulson
Ralph Corso
Janis Crouse
Nancy Dixon
Pat Eboch
Colleen Lilley
Sharon Allman
Doris Hennessey
Gail Marineau
Arnold Miller
Steve Reel
David Davenport
Erna Patterson
John Peters
Sandra Simmons
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
Craig Bennett
Becki Hadaway
Gail Carr
Catherine O’Neill
Sandy Sprague
Amanda Andrews
Dolores Burns
Richard Cronenberg
Laurie Dennison
Megan Mylott
Steve Prater
Erika Rouse
Ronald Thompson
Ed Walker
Vivian Chiasson
Sue Farley
Liana Garing
Cindy Malacky
Tom Patterson
Susan Burton
Bob Eboch
Jeff Hosmer
Gerald Knoeck
Beva Baden
Joanne Eckert
Mark Harshman
Marianne Renchenski
Ken Wille
Gilbert Belair
Lois Hosmer
Holly Reimer
Linda Sotzing
Sharon DePersia
Carolyn Moores
Mollie Morgan
Tena Waggoner
Corky Buckli
Franklin Campbell
Stacie Rissman-Joyce
Thomas Steed
Gloria Paoli
Rick Starnes
Good Newsletter
Page 8
Fellow ship (Cont’d)
Tw o Exercise Classes Now at NLPC
Spirited Singles - Carol Remic
Two exercise classes meet at North Lake on
Thursdays. Both of these classes are for men
and women:
What a great time we had at Orange Blossom Opry
for Local Jam Night and then the following evening
at Orange Blossom Country Club for an oh so
yummy dinner. As I said when I first stepped into
my role, my vision for Spirited Singles is to take you
in a different direction. Being single due to a loss
is a very stressful time in our lives. Making new
friends and getting out doing things is key to each
of us getting back into the "world."
At 8:30 a.m., the Judy’s (Marshall and
Etheridge) lead you through an INTERVAL
TRAINING type of class. We alternate
between aerobic movement, weights
and stretchy bands. The goal is to
get your heart rate up and down by
switching from one activity to
another. We do NOT do mat work in the 45
minute class.
In the afternoon at 2:00 p.m., Tricia Sutton
leads us through a gentle YOGA class. This
does involve mat work, but the
stretches can also be done while
seated in a chair. Tricia has been
teaching for 20+ years. As someone who has fought arthritis for
years, Tricia can attest to yoga's benefit in
helping to keep her flexible and mobile.
Golf Leagues at NLPC
Good Time Golfers is a group of ladies
that meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the
month for golf on the Executive courses
in The Villages. If you would care to join
them, please contact Joyce Corso at or 352-751-1121. All
levels of golfers are invited and
encouraged to join.
There are flyers in the Lobby at the
Welcome Center on the rack explaining
how to join the Men's Golf Group. It is
a monthly (2nd Monday) event at a local
course. Contact Glenn Dennison (352693-3313) with any questions.
Nine & Dine Golf Scramble is a group of
couples and singles who meet monthly (2nd
Saturday) for 2-person teams playing 9 holes
and enjoying a light dinner. The scramble format
forgives errant shots. Information flyers are in
the Welcome Area Rack in the church
lobby. Or, email Glenn Dennison at
Keep your eyes and ears open for happenings in
the months to come.......we are looking at new
ways to get us out and about doing things as
we enjoy our friendships with others. So if you are
single, why not check out Spirited Singles. Come
see what you've been missing out on. We meet the
3rd Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at NLPC unless otherwise noted.
For more information on Spirited Singles contact:
Carol Remic, 352-259-3632; 717-379-7962(cell/
text); Email: I’d
be happy to meet with you for coffee to talk about
Spirited Singles.
May 2016
Page 9
Little Blessings - Linda Brow n
May is here and so is time for another graduation
of students from Little Blessings. We have 32 children scheduled to don cap and gown on May 24
at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. They are working hard to prepare for the program to share with
family and friends some of the things they learned
this year while attending VPK at Little Blessings. It
is always inspiring to see their development and
accomplishments. Our teachers, Deborah Taylor,
Janet Boyer and Carla Harris, have done an outstanding job preparing them to be ready to enter
Kindergarten in just a few short months. Our last
official day of school for VPK is Friday, May 27.
How quickly the year has gone by!
Summer camp is coming soon. Ms. Carla and Ms.
Deborah are busy getting ready for our School
Age Camp Adventure. They do a great job finding
ways to incorporate learning and school skills in
the fun themes for our summer activities. Some of
the themes we will be exploring are learning about
the continents, Superhero fun, places I want to go,
monuments and memorials and the world of art.
Also included in the fun will be Vacation Bible
School the week of June 20-24. We also have a
few field trips planned to go to the bowling alley,
Grand Oaks Resort for a picnic, and Jungle Zone
and the Splash Park, to name just a few things. It
sounds like great fun. Makes me wish I were a kid
Remember to keep my staff, our students and
their families in your prayers. Many families are
struggling and could use some divine inspiration
in their lives!
Until next month…
What is the 401 Class? (Ma y 4th at 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Faith Room)
In this workshop, you will learn how to share God's love with others. The Bible is full of God's commands,
you will explore God's plan, purpose and will in the life of Jesus and each one of us. In John 17:18, Jesus
prayed to the Father: "In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in
the world." Speaking and Doing - they go hand in hand in undertaking God's mission.
Page 10
Discipleship (Cont’d)
Kidz For Christ - Children’s Ministry at North Lake - Susan Burton
During my first few months
here at NLPC, I have been
incredibly blessed by
amazing and dedicated
support staff and volunteers.
I am enjoying getting to
know our wonderful children
and families.
Beginning on Sunday, May 15, 2016, there will be
a sign-up table in the church lobby to volunteer for
Vacation Bible School 2016. It will be held on
M-F, June 20-24, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
each morning. We will be offering an exciting
curriculum called “Surf Shack” with a super fun
surfing and beach theme. We will all Catch the
Wave of God's Amazing Love! Many volunteers
are needed, so please prayerfully consider
helping us out this year.
As your Children's Ministry Director, it is my
mission to grow up young disciples for Christ and
to assure that your children are protected and well
taken care of when they are here at NLPC. On
March 15th, the Session approved a Child
Protection Policy that seeks to provide a safe and
secure environment for the youth and children
who participate in NLPC programs and activities.
(A copy of the policy can be obtained by
contacting either myself or Dennis Heasty.) By
implementing the following procedures and
practices, our goal is to protect the children and
youth of North Lake Presbyterian Church.
Effective immediately, parents of all children and
youth will be required to complete a revised
enrollment and emergency consent form.
On Sunday mornings, if parents of children under
the age of 3 wish to place their children in child
care, they will be asked to bring their children to
the Nursery prior to the worship service. Parents
of children over the age of 3, who wish to attend
Sunday school immediately after the children’s
moment, will need to obtain a name badge for
their child. Those name badges will be available
at a table in the lobby prior to the 9:45 a.m. service. Only children with badges will be admitted to
Sunday school. This will help us to identify children and assure that they are returned to the appropriate parent or guardian. Children will only be
released to a parent or guardian who is listed on
the enrollment form. We are also planning to
implement similar procedures for LOGOS and
These new procedures began on Sunday April
24th. Please feel free to contact me if you have
any questions.
All for Christ Kidz,
Susan Burton (352-753-8484)
Bible Studies Available To You
Please take advantage of one
or more of the following Bible
Studies available to you:
Dr. Randy Braddom and the
Bible Focus Small Group
will continue their studies
and spirited discussions of
the Bible each Sunday at
9:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. in the
Hope Classroom. Everyone
is welcome to drop in for a
visit or become a regular
member. They are focusing
on the Book of John for the
next few weeks. No need to
sign up, you are welcome any
Join a Bible study that is held
on Saturday mornings at 7:45
a.m. here at NLPC in the Joy
room. Coffee is provided. If
you have any questions,
contact Elmer Wagner (7530449) or email him at
The Pathfinders Class meets
on Sunday mornings at 9:30
a.m. in the Faith Room and
is currently studying
Proverbs using LifeGuide
Bible Studies. If you have
any questions, contact
Charlotte Hornback at (352816-2605) or email her at
Page 11
May 2016
Discipleship (Cont’d)
Moving On Up To Momentum!!! - Jim Crutchfield, Elder, Christian & Youth
We are excited and pleased to welcome graduating 5th graders into the NLPC Momentum
Program. Middle Schoolers, High School Mentors, and their Adult Leaders currently meet
in the Youth Room on Sundays after the contemporary service (11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.),
and Wednesday Evenings (6:00 p.m. -7:30 p.m.) Both meetings feature food, fun, fellowship and Christian Discipleship.
We also plan special outings and activities to include:
• Mission Trips, where youth expand their abilities to help those less fortunate.
• Retreats, where the main objective is to inspire and grow their faith.
• Movie/Discussion Nights for whole families to encourage cross-generational communication.
• Local mission activities that focus on helping our closest neighbors to see Christ in our youth’s
willingness to share His love.
• Special sport outings (tubing, kayaking, hiking, etc.) to promote fellowship and a greater
appreciation for God’s creation.
• Faith-Growth Experiences (e.g. 30-Hour Famine) to teach the value of personal sacrifice that
reaches out to those in hunger we can’t even see.
• Youth-4-Hire that allows participants to earn the tuition (or at least a part of the tuition) needed for
mission trips, retreats and other outings.
So please make certain that your youth has the opportunity to learn about and participate in this
encouraging, life-affirming, Christian Disciple growing program. To ensure you and your youth are included
in email notices of activities and events, please call, email or hand your contact information to: Jim
Crutchfield, Elder, Children and Youth. I can be reached at: (352) 307-6113 (h), (352) 304-0709 (c), or
Also, we highly encourage you to consider becoming a mentor (full or part-time) for our youth. If this
sounds like something you’d like to do, just provide Jim your contact information so we can process your
background check (required for anyone working with our youth). Then we can talk about how you envision
your participation (game planner, teacher, shepherd, cook, craft planner, etc.).
It is widely accepted that if youth are not active in church activities, they are unlikely to ever become
practicing Christians. Your participation and that of your youth are crucial to their salvation. So let us act
out our faith by giving priority to the growth of His kingdom by ensuring our youth become more aware of,
and active in, the work of His church.
Congregational Care
Pastoral Care Visits
If you become a guest at The Villages or
Leesburg Hospitals, please let the intake person
know that you are a PRESBYTERIAN. This is
the only way we can find you unless a family
member calls the church.
We are here to serve, but we need your help.
May God Bless you and Keep you Safe,
Your Pastoral Care Team
Blood Pressure Checks
Have your blood pressure checked by
the Parish Nurses on the 3rd Sunday of
the month between services.
Buddy S ystem
The Buddy System is in need of more volunteers.
There are so many who are in need of someone who will take a little time and spread a
little sunshine in their lives. If you are interested, please call Marilyn Waites, 245-6638.
Page 12
Congregational Care (Cont’d)
Handyman Ministry
This ministry offers minor home
repairs free of charge to NLPC
members and others who are not
able to do the work themselves or
cannot afford to hire someone. For
more information, call Gene
Blomquist (352-307-9739) or email
him at:
Toby’s Angels Needs Your Help
Do you have an hour or so during
the week to visit with residents at
the Lady Lake Specialty Care,
many of whom don’t have friends
or relatives that can visit with
them? Please contact Don
Beckett 352-259-3068 if you are
interested in this ministry.
Backpack Ministry - Care y & Tom Jones
The Backpack Ministry sends out
a great big THANK YOU for your
generosity during our March
campaign during which we raised
$6500 !!!!! We still have a ways
to go to meet our goal, but have
great faith that it will be attained after our May
campaign. We can’t let 900 children return to
school on August 10th without new backpacks
and necessary supplies. In addition, the
Christmas checks for each school to continue
this ministry are so appreciated by the faculty
and students. Look for us in the Lobby May
8th, 15th, and 22nd. You can sign up to help us
pack and deliver these packs during this time
period or sign up on the Backpack clipboard at
the Welcome desk.
Tom and I would like to share some good news
with you. We are thrilled to announce that Kay
and Vern Hays will be taking over this wonderful
ministry starting in 2017. They are assisting us
this year, and we are so thankful for their help
and enthusiasm.
Carey & Tom Jones or 259-3065
A Thank You From Pastor David Houck
The following message was received from Rev.
"We are so grateful to you, NLPC, and all the
men and women who made the playground a
reality. This huge undertaking of time and money
would not have been possible without you all.
Please convey our deep appreciation for your
support to everyone. Your help and caring is
invaluable to us.
Many thanks,
Pastor David and SOZO kids."
Children playing at the new playground at
the mentoring center in the Ocala Forest.
May 2016
Page 13
Missions (cont’d)
Cuban Corner - Becky Bros
Mercedes is back home and according to Pastor Edelberto, she hasn't stopped talking about her visit to
North Lake. She returned home with our partnership papers and their session has begun to study them
and add to them.
We held our first Cuban Partnership Team meeting on April 19. Watch for
news on an upcoming meeting. This team will work out the details on
different ways to enhance our partnership. We will take a look at the kids,
the youth, the adults, their programs and evangelism in Cuba. We need to
work on a calendar for sending cards to Cuba for holidays. The team will also
work on mission trips to Cuba. This doesn't mean that being a member of
this team that you have to go. There is plenty of work just getting a team
ready to go!
A typical street in Caibarien.
Pastor Edelberto and I were signing off on emails when he sent me this post script:
"Something that I didn´t tell you is that we showed the video you sent
twice and people are amazed with your Church !! ME TOO…"
If you attended the April FAB dinner, then you were able to see the video he is referring to.
Please keep our brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers. They pray for the day when they can
speak the Lord's name outside the walls of their church and when they can tell everyone about Jesus
Christ. We already can, but do we?
Thank You
Leigh Dieffenbach and Jo-Ann Dorgan would like
to express a huge thank you to our dedicated
12 Team Leaders and over 250 concession
volunteers who contributed their time, travel, and
tireless efforts to make the 2016 Arnold Palmer
Invitational Bay Hill Golf Tournament concession
stand a tremendous success.
Thousands of dollars were raised for the Arnold
Palmer Children's Hospital and the Winnie Palmer
Babies and Women's Hospital. In addition, checks
were presented to Operation Homebound for over
$6,500 and to our NLPC Youth Program for
several hundred dollars. Again, words cannot
express how much your hard work will mean to so
many. We look forward to continued success and
seeing you all in 2017.
Page 14
Thank You, Volunteers!
Operation Prayer Shield
Military Persons of the Month
Join us in prayer for members of our Armed Services,
remembering especially members of NLPC and their loved ones.
Pvt. Connor Martinson
U.S. Army National Guard
Son-in-law of
Donya Broda
PFC James Geppert
U.S. Army
Son-in-law of
Donya Broda
Lt. Quinn Martin
U.S. Navy
Grandson of
Terry & Madalyn Martin
PFC Benjamin Wise
U.S. Army
Grandson of
Vic & Joyce Wise
E4 Kyle Lutthans
U.S. Navy
Grandson of
Ron & Judy Lutthans
Please note: To update the Operation Prayer Shield bulletin board, notify
Barbara Lindsley at 352-751-0225 / or Nancy Richards at 750-0017 / .
North Lake Presbyterian Church
975 Rolling Acres Road
Lady Lake, FL 32159
(352) 753-8484 phone (352) 753-3982 fax
Sunda y Worship
Join us for our Sunday Worship:
8:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
Fellowship Hall