April 2016 EMF Visit to the Armenian Church of St Sarkis


April 2016 EMF Visit to the Armenian Church of St Sarkis
April 2016
“This is my country, that is your country; these are the conceptions of narrow
souls - to the liberal minded the whole world is a family.”
(Virchand Gandhi)
Plenty of exciting events coming up for your diaries; thank you to all those who
contributed towards this newsletter, please keep it up.
Kauser Akhtar (Faith Links Adviser)
E: Kauser.Akhtar@cofeguildford.org.uk
EMF Visit to the Armenian Church of St Sarkis
Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, Primate of the Armenian Church in the UK, had
originally invited us to visit the Armenian Church of St Yegiche in Cranley Gardens
on 21st September, 2015. However, he was summoned to a rehearsal at
Westminster Abbey for a State service on 28th September to commemorate the
Armenian Massacre/Genocide, carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to
After much searching for convenient dates, on 24th
February, 29 of us left by coach at 10 am from
Mercer Close and arrived at 11am at Iverna Gardens
which were dominated by the small, tall, very
square Church of St Sarkis. We were to learn that it
had been built in 1922-3 by Calouste Gulbenkian,
the oil millionaire and public benefactor, who is
buried in its grounds. The Church is in typical
Armenian form with four pillars at the corners to
represent the Gospel writers, who are the basis of the Church and hold it aloft.
We were welcomed by the Bishop and members of his clergy and congregation
who explained that Christianity was brought to Armenia in the first Century of
the Christian era reputedly by Saint Bartholomew, who is the patron Saint of
Armenia. The Armenian Church has always remained independent, though it has
close relations with and many similarities to the Coptic Church and the Eastern
Orthodox Churches.
Inside this issue:
Prayers for HM the Queen
Naw Ruz Celebration
Free First Aid Training
Time for Victims of Crime
Faith and Belief News from 3FF
Mental Health Promotion Consultation 5
NCS—The Challenge
Funding Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Main Faith Festivals in
April 2016
8th—Hindu New Year
14th—Vaissakhi (Sikh)
15th—Rama Navami (Hindu)
19th—Mahar Jayanti (Jain)
21st– First day of Ridvan (Baha’i)
22nd—Hauman Jayanti (Hindu)
22nd—Theravadin (Buddhist)
23-30—Passover (Jewish)
Armenia is a small republic in the highlands surrounding Mount Ararat, which is itself in Turkey. It has recently
been reconstituted, having been a part of the USSR. It is now bordered by Turkey. Azerbaijan, Georgia and
Iran, and is a tenth of its size in Christian times. During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire carried out 3
years of genocide in Armenia, resulting in the dispersion of many survivors, with small communities in a
number of countries Wherever it was decided to establish a church, the first step would be to establish a
building in the same form as St Sarkis in London. The next step would be to establish a 'school' and
community centre. In the case of London, this had been achieved by buying and converting the nearby former
Anglican church of St Peter in Cranley Gardens and renaming it after St. Yeghiche
We had a very enlightening presentation, many questions and much discussion about the principles, beliefs,
sources and practices of the Church, details of which we shall save for our next Newsletter, by which time we
shall have checked that we heard aright.
We were then invited for generous refreshments into the living quarters adjoining the Church, and we left at 2
pm as planned.
If you would like to join the Elmbridge Multi Faith forum for future visits please contact Geoffrey Morris:
Her Majesty The Queen has approved prayers written for the celebration of her 90th Birthday later this year.
Two prayers (or Collects) have been published in traditional and modern forms. The prayers are primarily
intended for use in services marking the national celebrations in April and June. In addition two graces have
been published for use as thanksgivings at the start of other celebrations such as street parties.
The Bishop of Exeter, Robert Atwell, who chairs the Liturgical Commission which prepares liturgy for the
Church said: ‘The Queen has steered Britain through some challenging and difficult times over the past seven
decades, providing the country with stability and wisdom. She is an inspiration to many people, young and
old. The Queen’s 90th birthday gives an opportunity not only to thank God for her service, but to celebrate
the gifts of all older people in our society.’ Dr Matthew Salisbury, National Liturgy and Worship Adviser for the
Church of England said, ‘The prayers offer thanksgiving and praise for the long service of the Queen. They ask
that through God’s grace and inspired by her example of faith and service for others we may all receive
strength and wisdom in our own lives.’ One of the Graces reflects the words used in The Queen’s first
Christmas broadcast in 1952, a year in which her father, George VI died and at the end of which she was
looking forward to her Coronation, the following year.
Churches are being encouraged to share their plans to mark Her Majesty’s birthday through the Church Care
website, which also offers tips and advice on planning events and services and will promote initiatives on a
dedicated celebration map and on Twitter through @CofE_ChurchCare using #HMQ90.
APRIL 2016
Naw-Ruz Celebration
Naw-Ruz (meaning, ‘New Year’) was celebrated and hosted by the Baha’i Community at Chertsey Hall on
Sunday, 20th March, 2016.
Guests came from many religious and ethnic communities: both Sunni and Shia Muslim communities were
represented, along with Buddhists, Christians and Hindus; attendees included people from Asia, Europe and
Africa, all of whom enriched the warm, friendly atmosphere of the day.
Proceedings were opened by Dr Nabil Mustapha, the Chair of Elmbridge Multi-Faith, who introduced the
readers from Indian, Pakistani, British and Iranian backgrounds, who either read or chanted scriptures and
prayers from Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, the Baha’i Faith and Christianity.
These were followed by a short talk on the origins of Naw-Ruz and its three thousand year-old history. The
ancient and modern traditions were explained, as well as how and why Naw-Ruz has been – and still is important to Muslims, Baha’is and Zoroastrians in many parts of the world.
Lead organiser, Salim Rahmani, guided the Naw-Ruz celebrants to a traditional fish and rice meal, while
entertainment was provided by Natasha, performing Persian dancing on the stage. Finally, Adib Rahmani
provided a mixture of Persian and Arabic music for the audience to listen and dance to, allowing all to play a
part in the festivities.
Simon Trick (Vice Chair, Woking People of Faith)
Free First Aid Training
People die every year in the UK in incidents where first aid could have made a
crucial difference
Some groups and individuals are at higher risk of having an accident or a sudden
medical emergency. To help them it’s vital that the people closest to them have first
aid knowledge and the confidence to take action.
Tell us what’s important to you - our ‘everyday’ approach provides a quick and easy
way to learn relevant lifesaving skills in an informal and relaxed way.
Courses are available
If you run, or are a member of a group or organisation who are at high risk of coming across
incidents and would like to arrange a first aid session please contact
Becky Paton, E: B.Paton@redcross.org.uk, T: 07590445383
Give some time for victims of crime
Who are Victim Support?
Victim Support is the independent charity helping victims of crime all over England and Wales. We rely on
volunteers to help people affected by crime to move on with their lives.
Why are our volunteers so vital?
Our volunteers in Surrey give emotional support, information and practical help to people who have been
affected by all kinds of crime including burglary and assault. Following further training and experience with us
you then have the option to broaden the range you deal with to include domestic abuse; young victims; and
sexual assault.
How do we support our volunteers?
As a Victim Support volunteer, you will be fully supported through the training period, to your first meeting
with a victim, to when you feel comfortable to support victims by yourself. We will reimburse you for travel
expenses incurred in volunteering for us.
What’s in it for you?
We can help you to develop new skills and give you new opportunities and experiences.
These include:
 Playing a key role in your community
 Supporting people in need
 Meeting new people
You don't need qualifications or previous experience of this kind of work to volunteer for Victim Support. All
you need is the willingness to help and a little time.
Long-term commitment (18 months plus), 2-4 hours per week (inclusive of travel time), 10-15 hour online
learning pre-Core Training, Initial 4 days (2 one week and 2 the next week) Core Training, Aged 18+ only
DBS check and references
We welcome volunteers from every walk of life and from every community.
For more information and to apply, visit our website https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/node/375 or email
megan.kerry@victimsupport.org.uk for an application form, posters or leaflets.
Faith and belief news from 3FF
Offering to promote community cohesion with 3FF
British bishop declares solidarity with persecuted atheists
Banning Muslims From the United States Is the World’s Dumbest Idea
Big audience for panel with Dalai Lama despite Beijing protest
As anti-Islam tone rises in U.S., Muslim women learn self-defense
How young Muslim activists in Sweden are trying to protect youths from radicalization
Pope Francis to join Instagram on third anniversary of election
OPINION: Terrorists hate it when people of faith work together – let’s never let them win
Men and women divide on religion
5 facts about Israeli Druze, a unique religious and ethnic group
Bangladesh court rejects scrapping Islam as state religion
Friends, Strangers Raise $123,000 For Family Of Man Killed In ‘Religiously Prejudiced’ Attack
APRIL 2016
Surrey Says Consultation about the Adult Mental Health Promotion Service - First Steps
Surrey County Council commissions the above service. They are very interested in hearing about your
opinions of their Surrey wide Mental Health Promotion service - First Steps. The service aims to help people
find their way back to emotional wellbeing and offers a range of self-help resources, educational sessions,
training and signposting of people to other relevant services.
The service is being re-commissioned in April 2017 and the Surrey Says consultation is one of the ways they
are seeking input from
People who may have used the First Steps service
Organisations/staff who have signposted/referred people to the service
The questionnaire takes approximately 5 minutes. The answers you give will be kept in confidence and will
be anonymous.
Paper copies are available on request by emailing : Shannon.Mulkerrins@surreycc.gov.uk or telephoning
0208 5418757
National Citizen Service (NCS)
National Citizen Service (NCS) is a life-changing experience offering 15 to 17
year olds to take part in adventurous activities, develop new valuable skills and
meet new people.
Part 1: Get active
Young people stay at an outdoors centre and take part in fantastic activities like abseiling, kayaking, hiking,
rock-climbing and more.
Part 2: Get involved
Young people will experience independent living, learn a new skill from an industry professional and get to
know new people from the local community.
Part 3: Make your mark
Young people design a social action project to support their local community and pitch to win funding to
make it happen. Young people then return to deliver the campaign and work with local charities.
How can we work together?
We are looking for community organisations and charities to partner with a team of up to 13 young people
on the NCS programme. The team will support the work that you do in the community over 2 weeks by
visiting your service users and designing and delivering a social action project for your organisation.
If you have any questions about signing up a young person contact: Danielle.ellis@the-challenge.org
If you’re interested in working with us, contact Rachel.stovold@the-challenge.org
For more information please visit: http://www.ncsthechallenge.org/
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is offering funding to voluntary organisations in order to aid the
research into learning disability and to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disabilities or
autism. For organisational/project funding up to £10,000, applications may be submitted at any time. For
organisational/project funding over £10,000, the next deadline for application is 1st July.
For more information: http://www.bailythomas.org.uk/applications/applicationguidelines
The BBC Children in Need Small Grants Programme offers grants of up to £10,000 to non-profit
organisations for work that helps children and young people suffering from illness, abuse or neglect, disability,
behavioural/psychological difficulties, and/or deprivation. The next deadline for applications is 1st June 2016.
For more information: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4fJVTzz5QmQx5rx0S4NVg0Q/small-grants
The Discovery Foundation (formerly the Santander Foundation) has launched a new community
programme, the Discovery Project (combining its previous grant schemes), which offers grants of up to £5,000
to registered charities, CICs, and credit unions to support community projects helping disadvantaged people.
Grants are awarded on a rolling monthly basis.
For more information: http://www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/
The Church of England has launched a new phase of its ChurchCare grants for fabric repairs, offering
support for essential repair work in architecturally or historically significant Anglican churches across the UK.
Next deadline for applications is 12th September 2016.
For more information: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/churches/funding-and-grants/our-grants/fabric-repairs
The Peter Cruddas Foundation is offering grants to projects that support disadvantaged and disengaged
young people into education, training or employment and help with employability. The next deadline for
applications is 1st September.
For more information: http://petercruddasfoundation.org.uk/how_to_apply.htm
The Shine Trust has re-opened its Let Teachers SHINE competition to teachers in England, which will award
up to £15,000 to 10 winning ideas for raising the attainment of disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy,
and/or science. The deadline for applications is 27th April
For more information: http://www.shinetrust.org.uk/what-we-fund/let-teachers-shine/
APRIL 2016
Woking Debates 2016
Christ Church (Gallery), Woking, GU21 6YG
11.00 am—12.30 pm
9 April: Is Woking an integrated community? Lucy Bushell-Matthews and Dan Eley (Surrey Coalition of Disabled
18 June: Refugees: Who is responsible? Maurice Wren, Refugee Council UK and Nadia Potts from Red Cross
and other speakers to be finalised.
The Woking Debates are organised by: Woking Action for Peace, Churches Together in Woking, Friends of the
Earth, Woking LA21, Woking Quakers, Surrey Faith Links, Transition Towns and Woking People of Faith.
Free Entrance; donations welcome.
For more information please contact Keith Scott, T: 01483 824980, E: keithsc_2000@yahoo.com
W: www.wokingdebates.com
Singing for the Brain® in Guildford
Why not join this fun and stimulating singing group? Designed for people with dementia and their carers, you
can be sure of a warm welcome and lots of laughter.
Where: Benson Room, Japonica Court, Shawfield Road, Ash, GU12 6QU
When: Every other Tuesday from 10am to 12pm starting in May
Cost: £4 per person per session
For more information or to book a place please call Joy Valcarcel on 07731 373545 or email
We really look forward to seeing you.
Woking People of Faith Events
Doing God Together: Speakers from for different faiths will talk about fasting; in their faith, in their lives and
in their community.
Refreshments will be provided during discussion and networking after which there will be a Q&A session where
all manner of questions will be fielded with honesty, safety and good humour.
This will take place on Saturday 30th April, between 2.30 and 4.30pm at the Parkview Community Centre,
Sheerwater, Woking. During this event it will be possible to sign up for a discounted event at RHS Wisley
WPOF Football Tournament 2016: On Saturday 21st May 2016, 10 am—4 pm At Winston Churchill School
Sports Centre, Winston Churchill School, Hermitage Road, Woking GU21 8TL. Six- a-side teams (plus one
substitute) will play in group games as they work their way towards the quarter and semis before the final.
Annual International Day of Peace event: Saturday 24th September 2016, Mercia Walk,
Woking from 11.00 am—12.00 pm
For more information please contact Garry Shore:
E: coordinator@wpof.org.uk, W: www.wpof.org.uk
Group discussions:
“Who are you? What is life about? What is spirituality? ”
Sunday April 17th 7 for 7.30pm
Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX
Humanist Celebrant Ailsa Davies will be facilitating small group discussions on such
questions as
- “How do you see your identity?”
- “What does spirituality mean to you?”
- “What is a good life?”….
Tea, coffee, biscuits. Other drinks from Hop Blossom Pub close by. Donation £2 to help
cover costs. Everyone is welcome!! Do come along and join in the discussion whatever
your beliefs
Hosted by
Enquiries: 01252 723044 www.farnham.humanist.org.uk
Drama Day at Christ Church, Epsom Common
Saturday April 23rd 2016
Celebrating Shakespeare’s Anniversary 400 Years since Shakespeare’s Death
Come and celebrate this great man through interactive drama workshops for teens and
adults, all welcome
10.00 am – 12.00:
Explore yourself within a Biblical Narrative
2.00 pm -4.00 pm:
Shakespeare workshop engaging with characters and emotions
Tuesdays 10am to 3pm
@ the MASCOT Hub in Sheerwater
Thanks to funding from Woking Borough Council and Thames Valley Housing Association we can offer help
 Identifying your transferable skills
 CVs, cover letters and online applications
 Job search strategies and support
 Interview skills and coaching
 Boosting confidence and self esteem
Our friendly coach is here to support you. No appointment necessary just
show up.
Mascot Hub, 43 Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater GU21 5PE
Telephone: 01932 988160, Email: hub@mascotwoking.org.uk
APRIL 2016
Faith and Inner Peace
Elmbridge Multi Faith Forum in partnership with Surrey Faith Links are organising an event to
learn about the faith perspectives on mental health and how faith communities help people
suffering from mental health
Monday 19th September 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start at Thames Ditton Centre
Christian—Suzette Jones, Health and Wellbeing Adviser, Diocese of Guildford
Muslim—Ujala Ilyas, Outreach Manager, Inspirited Minds.
Buddhist—Kruawan Sookcharoen, Dhammakaya temple, Knaphill
Jewish—Jennifer Jankel, Share and Care Team Co-Ordinator for NWSS
Professional—Dr Phil Ferreira-Lay, Lead Consultant Psychiatrist for CAMHS
If you are a charity that works with people suffering from mental health illnesses and you would like a stall on
the day, please get in touch.
For more information please contact Kauser Akhtar, E: Kauser.Akhtar@cofeguildford.org.uk
Butterflies & Suitcases
Yom Hashoah Service & Programme
Wednesday 4th May
7.30 pm (we will start Promptly!)
Followed by Refreshments
North West Surrey Synagogue,
Horvath Close, Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 9QZ
If you plan to attend please email the Synagogue Office:
admin@nwss.org.uk or Jean Cohen rmcroyal@msn.com
Non-religious pastoral care in the NHS and prisons – why? and how?
Sunday May 15th 7 for 7.30pm
Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX
As the first non-religious person to complete the two-year Spiritual Care training at Guy’s
and St Thomas’ Hospitals, David Savage has worked with the British Humanist Association
to provide humanist pastoral care in prisons and healthcare. He will give details of the BHA
training for volunteer pastoral carers and describe what it is like to deliver this care to
patients and prisoners.
Tea, coffee, biscuits. Other drinks from Hop Blossom Pub close by. Donation £2 to help
cover costs. Everyone is welcome!!
Do come along and join in the discussion whatever your beliefs
Hosted by
Enquiries: 01252 723044 www.farnham.humanist.org.uk
LIVING WITH DIFFERENCE – Religion in a Diverse Society
Thursday 1 September 9.30am for 10.00am – 5.00pm Christ Church, Oxford
In the modern Blue Boar lecture theatre within the ancient University College we will look at the implications
of the Butler-Sloss report into ‘The Place of Belief and Faith in British Society’. Published last December, after
three years of enquiry by a Commission of Faith and Humanist leaders, this important report sets out
recommendations for improving and carrying forward the relationship of Britain’s Faith and Belief communities
with Civic Society.
In cooperation with the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, this conference will be addressed by people of
distinction in the spheres of faith and civil society. There will be time to network and participate in question
and answer sessions.
The Conference Fee of £20.00 includes a vegan buffet lunch and refreshments during the day. There will be a
chance to hear of the work of SEEFF, and to participate in its short AGM.
Further details / to register for the conference
www.se-faithforum.net; seeffchair@gmail.com; 01865-512 126
Sadaqa Day will take place on Sunday 20 March http://mysadaqaday.org
Islam Awareness Week will take place from 23 to 29 May www.iaw.org.uk
The Big Lunch will take place on 12 June www.thebiglunch.com
Srebrenica Memorial Day will take place on 11 July www.srebrenica.org.uk
Peace One Day takes place on 21 September www.peaceoneday.org
Sewa Day will take place on 16 October www.sewaday.org
One World Week will take place from Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 October www.oneworldweek.org
National Inter Faith Week in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be an ‘8 day week’ this year taking place
from Sunday 13 to Sunday 20 November. www.interfaithweek.org
Mitzvah Day will take place on Sunday 27 November www.mitzvahday.org.uk
Surrey Faith Links c/o CET, Diocese of Guildford
Diocesan House, Quarry Street, Guildford, GU1 3XG
T: 01483 790334, E: Kauser.Akhtar@cofeguildford.org.uk
Designed & Edited by:
Kauser Akhtar