Course Directory - Surrey County Council
Course Directory - Surrey County Council
Surrey Course Directory Surrey Hundreds of daytime, Adult Learning evening & weekend courses for adults in North and South West Surrey Adult Learning 2014 - 2015 Learn Improve Enjoy Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Contents Contents Contents Using this Guide 4 Using this Guide 4 4 Fees & discounts Fees discounts 4 Referand 5 a Friend offer a Friend offer Refer 5 Adult Learning Centres 6 Learning Centres Adult 6 What can you learn and where? 8 can you learn and where? 7 What What language level are you? 108 are you? What language 60 151 Learner Charter level Lectures38 Feedback Form 152 Learner Charter 97 Family Programmes 153 Programmes Family Heritage 98 Surrey 154 Heritage 99 Surrey Surrey Arts Music Classes 158 FeedbackinForm 100 Learning 161 Libraries Arts Music Classes 102 Surrey Important Information 169 Learning in Libraries 105 Index of Courses 170 Information Important 109 Map and Contacts 171 110 Index of Courses Art 9 111 Map and Contacts Art Appreciation & Art History 10 Art 8 Calligraphy11 Art Appreciation & Art History Drawing & Painting 12 Calligraphy 19 Life & Portrait & Painting Drawing Watercolour Painting 21 Life & Portrait Photography24 Watercolour Painting Pottery26 Photography Print Making 29 Pottery Sculpture30 Print Making Craft, Design & Textiles 31 Sculpture Clock Repair & Horology 31 Craft, Design & Textiles x 32 Craft - General Clock Repair & Horology x Flowers & Floristry 32 Craft - General Furniture Restoration 33 Flowers & Floristry 34 Interior Design Furniture Restoration Jewellery & Silverwork 34 Interior Design Lacemaking35 Jewellery & Silverwork Mosaics36 Lacemaking Mount Cutting & Picture Framing 37 Mosaics Sewing - Dressmaking 37 Mount Cutting & Picture Framing Sewing - Embroidery & Needlecraft 39 Sewing - Dressmaking Soft Furnishing 41 Sewing - Embroidery & Needlecraft Stained Glass 42 Soft Furnishing Upholstery43 Stained Glass 45 Cookery, Upholstery Food Hygiene & Wine Appreciation Cookery, tion Cookery Other Countries and Food Hygiene Cookery Cookery -- Practical Other Countries Cookery for Men Cookery - Practical Food Hygiene Cookery for Men Wine Appreciation Food Hygiene 2 45 26 47 27 49 28 49 29 49 29 Work Skills & IT 50 Wine Appreciation XX Computer & Online Basics 52 Work Skills & IT 30 52 Social Media ComputerComputer and OnlineDriving BasicsLicence (ECDL) European Social 52 Level 2Media Certificate Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) European Business Management (Level 2) 53 Level 2 Certificate Accountancy & Bookkeeping 53 Business Management 53 Business Management Accountancy & Bookkeeping Apple (iPad/iPad Mini/iPod Touch) 54 Business Management Computing54 Apple (iPad/iPad Mini/iPod Touch) 55 Windows 8 Computing Microsoft Office 55 Windows 8 Word 56 Processing Microsoft Office Mail Merge 56 Word Processing Spreadsheets57 Mail Merge Presentations57 Spreadsheets Internet58 Presentations 58 Digital Imaging Internet & World Wide Web General Studies 60 Digital Imaging Acting & Drama 60 General Studies 38 Antiques 60 Acting & Drama Architecture 61 Antiques Bridge 62 Architecture Counselling 63 Bridge Creative Writing 64 Counselling Family History 65 Creative Writing History 66 Family History Lip Reading 68 History Neuro-Linguistic Programming 69 Lipreading Philosophy 69 Neuro-Linguistic Programming Psychology 70 Philosophy Science & Astronomy 71 Psychology Sign Language 71 Science & Astronomy English & Maths 72 Sign Language Information, Advice & Guidance 74 English & Maths 44 Pre-GCSE Improve your English 76 Improve your English 44 GCSE English Language 76 Improve your Maths 45 Pre-GCSE Improve your Maths 77 English as a Foreign Language (EFL)46 GCSE Mathematics 77 Camberley 48 English as a Foreign Language (EFL)78 Esher Green 48 Camberley 80 Farnham49 Esher Green 80 Guildford 49 Farnham81 Sunbury 50 Guildford 81 Woking50 Sunbury 82 Foreign Languages 51 Woking82 Arabic Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Contents Foreign Languages 83 Let’s Dance Surrey 110 Arabic 85 Chinese85 French86 German91 Greek92 Italian93 Japanese98 Latin99 Polish100 Portuguese100 Russian101 Spanish101 Turkish107 Exercise, Fitness & Wellbeing 114 Dance Inspired Fitness: Fit Steps® 115 115 Just Jhoom® Zumba®115 Exercise - Gentle 116 Exercise - Over 50s 116 117 Complementary Therapies Pilates118 Tai Chi 120 Yoga 121 Supported Learning Mental Health and Wellbeing Physical Disability Lip Reading Weekend Courses Camberley Esher Green Farnham Guildford Molesey Sunbury Woking 123 123 124 124 128 128 132 134 137 144 146 148 Craft and Art remain central to our programme with a wide variety of courses with each of our seven centres having its own specialist offer. Our courses provide opportunities both to develop new creative skills and for more experienced practitioners. The quality of our teaching and the facilities are the envy of neighbouring local authorities. The end of year show in the Harvey Gallery at Guildford Centre is an ideal opportunity to showcase learners' work which always impresses the visitors. Contents Ballet111 Ballroom & Latin American 111 Belly Dance 112 Jazz, Jive & Modern 113 Salsa113 T he 2014-15 academic year has exciting prospects for Surrey Adult Learning. We have a new craft studio under construction at our Farnham Centre that will enable us to increase the range of courses. The room is a fabulous big space where we will offer sculpture, pottery, mosaics and other 3D crafts. The longer courses in the studio will start from January 2015, however we plan to run a number of short taster courses in November and December 2014 when the studio becomes fully equipped. Art and Craft courses are just part of the extensive programme we offer - if your interest lies in Cookery, Languages, Exercise, Dance or IT please visit to see our full range of courses, including short courses and Saturday workshops. We also offer provision for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities and some qualification courses, building on the success of these in 2013-14. This year we are having just the one brochure for the three terms. It will lay out our core programme for the academic year. We will also respond to need and new opportunities by updating the programme on our website. I look forward to seeing you in one of our Centres in the coming months. Kind regards, Paul Hoffman Principal – Community Learning and Skills 3 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Using this Guide Course title Number of sessions Course fees - shows the full course fee or a discounted rate for 63+. French - Level 4 - Term 3 Std 63+ Code Esher Green Centre Tuesday 28 Apr 15 7 Jul 15 9 11:15am 12:45pm £79 £63 EDN1063G Esher Green Centre Tuesday 28 Apr 15 7 Jul 15 9 8:05pm 9:35pm £79 £63 EEN1064G Farnham Centre Tuesday 12 May 15 21 Jul 15 10 11am 12:30pm £87 £70 GSN1044G Venue: Compton Club Where to enrol - usually the same as the venue the course will take place at. If different, the venue is shown as well. Course start and end dates. Course code - you will need this when booking courses. Course start and finish times. Fees and Discounts Fees & Discounts The chart below is only a simplified description of eligibility criteria for free & discounted tuition fees. Other terms & conditions may apply. Call 0300 200 1044 for more details. Does your course lead to a qualification? Is your course 1 or 2 day workshop/taster/dance? N Y Y Are you aged 19 or over on 31st August 2014? Standard fee N Not eligible for funding Are you in receipt of state benefit*? Y N Are you in receipt of state benefits* and need help to move into work or progress in work? 50% discount N 20% discount N Are you studying English or maths at GCSE level or below; or aged 19 to 23 and working towards your first full level qualification? accredited courses Y Are you 63+ and not in full time employment? Y FREE N Standard fee N non-accredited courses *for list of applicable benefits, call 0300 200 1044 Sundries How to enrol Some course fees include a ‘sundries’ charge. This covers the cost of any additional or specialist materials, technical support, life models and, where appropriate, examination or assessment fees. Where applicable, the fees shown in this brochure include these charges. • • Additional sundries cWharges may be applicable - these are detailed in the Course Descriptions, available on our website. 4 Y By phone 0300 200 1044 By person in an Adult Learning Centre How to pay • • • Credit or debit card Cheque Cash Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Refer a Friend and share a £30 discount Do you know someone who would love Surrey Adult Learning as much as you do? If so, you could both get a £15 discount when your friend enrols on the course. Just follow these simple steps: 2. 1. Give your Friend the code and when they enrol on any course starting between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015. they get £15 discount. Minimum spend of £50 applies. 3. We will then credit your Surrey Adult Learning account with £15 to be used for your future enrolments. Refer a Friend Call 0300 200 1044 to get a unique referral code or use the code we sent to you in our promotional email. There’s no limit on the number of friends you refer to us - so the more people you tell about Surrey Adult Learning, the more discount you could earn! Refer a Friend scheme Terms & Conditions emails and texts sent directly to you from us. 1. By participating in the Surrey Adult Learning Refer a Friend scheme, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 6. Offer can be claimed in person or over the phone. 2. The Refer a Friend scheme is only available to existing Surrey Adult Learning Customers who recommend a Friend who enrols on a course. 7. Offer cannot be applied retrospectively for courses previously purchased. Can only be applied to future course purchases. 3. Offer can only be applied to courses starting between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015. 4. Your Friend must be a UK resident and have never been enrolled on Surrey Adult Learning course previously. 8. Usual refund and transfer policy applies. 9. Your Friend can only receive £15 discount if they spend minimum £50 on the courses. 10.The Refer a Friend scheme is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time. 5. A valid Refer a Friend scheme promotional code 11.Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. will be provided to you when discussing your account on the telephone or via promotional 5 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Surrey Adult Learning Centres Surrey Adult Learning has seven centres, all of which can accept your course booking in person. Most of our courses are held in centres, though some are run in outside venues. The listings in this directory indicate where your class is being held. All our centres have disabled access. café vending machine/ self-service free parking disabled parking Camberley Centre ad n Ro rive od D et kR Pa r Go d R oa rd on ley oad Frim dR Firw o lan P Camberley Centre Ro ad od The Ave nue Wo tre Park S GU15 3QB oad France Hill Drive R ark ell P Southw P oa d Lon A30 t hS H ig ad Ro don Camberley Camberley Station ther Sou France Hill Drive t hS urc Ch Ro St t Ln on A3 07 Eshe r Par pa h ut St 1 00 Rd B3 St Sta tion Hi g Lon A3 1 Bridge Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. Ln ss By So ng wni Do P ion dL Re 6 k Av e P ad Civic Centre P P ion Un Ro Esher Green Centre rem P m th ou t eS stl Ca GU9 7DR et tre st S e W 25 A3 Farnham Centre gh Cla oad Farnham P t Har The 25 West Street Hi ad R lsey Wo Farnham Centre r ts Po Esher Gree n Park KT10 8AA mas Lane Lam P Sandown Park Racecourse am Esher ane re L 19 Esher Green Esher High he School rP lac eA ve Es Farn h Esher Green Centre Mo Centres The Warren Farnham Station ll To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 wn Do ad Br i dge St r e da d wn Do St Andrew’s School Lockhart Rd ad R nS treet s H Ce n La ill e J1 o nw Ha Staines rth 00 A 31 Lo nd on Rd ad Ro Kempton Park Race Course Road E ast A3 08 ood Pine W P School Sunbury Centre et w Ce St r e Do h ig Cobham Library (path from High St) da ne Cobham Centre rR d oa d ll R Mi Bird in Hand PH P Woking Centre R oa d La Cricketers PH fie ld H ill o ve Balfour A W est s H gs sR ane Westfield School me en Ho nd B o n s ey L ads Egley Road ad ad treet Anyar nS ela k C l ose ne La ee Fre roo ll Hi tw Waitrose Supermarket ok Ho GU22 9PE Be St Andrew’s School Lockhart Rd de Br i dge Rd nsi Westfield, Woking To A3 ou d R o ds R Po m rts th Mayford Gre en Honeyp A320 oa Sainsburys Superstore Ho e b Bonsey Lane Gr e Woking Centre estfield Av W e Do wn Sunbury Station Kempton Park Station (race days only) ove Gr e enu Br i dge d ll Mi et side rR o Green St St r e da sH sR 6 Av The h ig Cobham Library (path from High St) g Ho nd 3 ee Fre ela A3 1 M Anyards Waitrose Supermarket Rd tw d k Rd Be oa Molesey Park R O ak u School Par TW16 5DZ mo Beauchamp Road d R d oa P To A3 Sunbury on Thames ts or th dB 369 sid Fleet Vicarage Rd The Avenue oa Sainsburys Superstore ro Wa y Centres Sunbury Centre oa d P Molesey Centre Island Farm Road ad Ro ll Mi hR Cobham Centre rR et side ne Do wn S Ce g La ll tre et s H h ig Cobham Library (path from High St) Ho i sH o Hospital ley e treet sR ac d oa R Anyards nS Fre nd n R oa Molesey FC App oa ee Rd KT8 2LG tw ela h Street Be Waitrose Supermarket Rd West Molesey Walto Hig P To A3 ts or ay rad Fa Ray Road mo St Andrew’s School Lockhart Rd h ut Guildford Centre B r i ht H i l l g d Molesey Henrietta Parker Centre R Sainsburys Superstore ew P P Road Harvey d de Sy St ad Ro P h Hig am nh ber ton R ad Ro ll Mi gh Hi St Pem th Nor Roa d d Epsom Road A246 St r rR et side Cobham Centre School de Seymo u Br i dge St r e da ill W ate r Avern Rd Ce h ig Cobham Library (path from High St) s H sH e Grange Rd treet g Ho n La e Rd Den Ray Road nS la Roa d ad ad Ro ee e Fre nd Rd GU1 3RX tw Waitrose Supermarket York Road o sR t tsey S Be London Road Station n Guildford mo St Andrew’s School Lockhart Rd Cher To A3 r ts h ut Anyards Po R Rd Sydenham Road d oa Sainsburys Superstore A320 Guildford Centre ot s Rd Moor Lane Mayford Arms PH 7 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 What you can learn and where 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 29 ✔ ✔ 30 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 11 ✔ R 12 ✔ 13 ✔ ✔ 24 ✔ ✔ 26 ✔ 21 ✔ 31 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 32 ✔ 32 ✔ ✔ 33 ✔ 34 ✔ 34 ✔ 35 ✔ ✔ 36 ✔ 37 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 37 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ G 39 G 41 42 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 43 ✔ COOKERY, FOOD HYGIENE & WINE APPRECIATION Cookery - General Baking & Sugarcraft Food Hygiene Cookery for Men Wine Appreciation ✔ ✔ ✔ 45 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 47 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 49 ✔ ✔ ✔ 49 49 ✔ WORK SKILLS & IT Accountancy & Bookkeeping Apple Business Administration Computing & Online Basics Social Media Digital Imaging Internet Presentations Spreadsheets Word Processing Outside venues GGodalming HHaslemere 8 Page number OTHER WOKING ✔ SUNBURY ✔ MOLESEY ✔ GUILDFORD ✔ GENERAL STUDIES CRAFT, DESIGN & TEXTILES Clock Repair & Horology Craft - General Flowers & Floristry Furniture Restoration Interior Design Jewellery & Silverwork Lacemaking Mosaics Mount Cutting & Picture Framing Sewing - Dressmaking Sewing - Embroidery & Needlecraft Soft Furnishing Stained Glass Upholstery FARNHAM Art Appreciation & Art History Calligraphy Drawing & Painting Life & Portrait Photography Pottery Print Making Sculpture Watercolour Painting ESHER ART CAMBERLEY Page number OTHER WOKING SUNBURY MOLESEY GUILDFORD FARNHAM ESHER CAM BERLEY What can you learn and where ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 58 ✔ ✔ 58 ✔ ✔ 57 ✔ ✔ 57 56 ✔ 62 ✔ 117 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 64 ✔ 76 65 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 66 ✔ 69 ✔ ✔ 77 ✔ 70 ✔ FOREIGN LANGUAGES Arabic Chinese Mandarin EFL French German Greek Italian Japanese Latin Polish Portuguese Russian ✔ ✔ 85 ✔ ✔ 78 ✔ ✔ 85 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ G ✔ ✔ ✔ 92 G 99 ✔ 100 ✔ 101 100 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 93 98 ✔ Spanish 86 91 ✔ ✔ ✔ Turkish ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ G H 101 107 ✔ DANCE & DANCE INSPIRED FITNESS Ballroom & Latin Belly Dance Ballet Fit Steps® Just Jhoom!® Zumba® ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ W 111 ✔ ✔ EXERCISE, FITNESS & WELLBEING 52 ✔ ✔ Over 50s Pilates Tai Chi Yoga ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 53 52 ✔ ✔ 54 S 61 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 53 ✔ 60 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Acting & Drama Architecture Bridge Complementary Therapies Creative Writing English (GCSE) Family History History Neuro-Linguistic Programming Maths (GCSE) Psychology ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 115 115 116 ✔ ✔ 118 ✔ 120 ✔ ✔ ✔ 121 ✔ ✔ ✔ 124 ✔ ✔ 111 115 ✔ ✔ 112 SUPPORTED LEARNING Lip Reading Mental Ill Health Physical Disability SStaines W West Horsley Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. ✔ ✔ ✔ 123 ✔ 124 R Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Learner Charter The Learner Charter tells you what we value, what we ask of you, what you should expect of us and outlines our commitment to equality. We value We ask you to We promise to 3 Actively reaching 3 Attend every session of 3 Work hard to meet your your course, arrive on time and participate in the class 3 Treat others with fairness and dignity 3 Provide the information we need about you and your learning, especially what you expect to get from your learning 3 Provide feedback on your learning experience – your views are important to us 3 Only engage in activities that do not put yourself or others at risk or in danger individual needs as a learner 3 Meet our commitment to equality 3 Make sure you learn in a healthy and safe venue 3 Give you accurate information about the courses we offer before, during or at the end of your course 3 Only collect information about you and your learning which helps us to improve the quality of your learning and that is needed by the Skills Funding Agency that funds your learning Learner Charter out to and engaging communities 3 Creating a safe and respectful environment to work and learn 3 Encouraging innovation to support continuous improvement 3 Delivering high quality learning 3 Providing leadership to build effective partnerships 3 Developing and motivating staff to fulfil their potential Our commitment to equality… …is not about treating everyone the same, but recognising and respecting differences and treating each other with fairness and dignity. Surrey County Council shows commitment to equality and diversity in Surrey Adult Learning by: 3 Building fairness into all that we do 3 Eliminating all forms of discrimination 3 Creating opportunities for adults who would not otherwise be able to participate in adult learning 3 Listening, responding and working together with our learners to provide learning 3 Providing services which are accessible to everyone 3 Positively promoting equality in our activities and communications 3 Developing learning environments where people are valued and respected 3 Taking any complaints about inequality seriously and challenging all forms of discrimination or harassment 151 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Tell Us What You Think What did we do right and what could we do better? We are always interested in hearing your views as we are dedicated to delivering the best learning experience possible. Please send us your ideas and comments Tell Us What You Think Let us know if you have had a positive learning experience with us. Your feedback is very important to us and we welcome your thoughts and suggestions, whether it be a query, compliment, course suggestion or complaint. Use the Feedback Box below to tell us what you think. Each of our centres has a comments book where you can record suggestions, compliments and complaints that do not need a reply. If you would like a reply, each centre has a supply of leaflets that explain how you can contact our management team. · If you have a complaint, in the first instance you should speak to your tutor or the Centre Coordinator. In most cases, we hope they will be able to deal with your problem immediately. · Alternatively, your comments will be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff. You will receive an acknowledgement within 5 working days and a full response within 10 working days of receipt of your correspondence. Your Feedback Please hand this form to staff at your local learning centre or post it to: Anu Chanda – Deputy Principal Woking Adult Learning Centre, Bonsey Lane, Woking, GU22 9PE Email: If you would like a reply, please enter your details below: Name Address Postcode Email: Tel: 152 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. Family Learning To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 “The experience has been life changing” Rubina is the Regional Adult Learners Week Award Winner 2014 . Rubina shares her experience: I was very keen to attend the course, as I had not had the chance to do any formal learning since I arrived in the U.K. 12 years before. I had been busy raising children and looking after a rather large family where my own needs were not always given priority. I wanted also to help my children develop their skills. Rubina Bhatti with her son Sulaiman. Family Learning “My son was struggling at school and his teacher thought that we both could benefit from the opportunity of learning together. My first language is Urdu. I was very isolated, so I jumped at the chance to join a Family Learning class held in my child’s school. Without the opportunity of attending a Family Learning course, I may have never had the confidence to learn with my child, start volunteering and pursue a career in education. The experience has been life changing. “ Family Learning courses aim to help parents/carers understand how English and maths are taught at school and by doing that increase their ability and confidence to support their children and improve their own skills at the same time. The courses offer parents a chance to either gain or work towards qualifications (pre-GCSE) and to receive guidance on how to progress to further learning or employment. Rubina has now gained enough confidence to volunteer at school three days a week, helping children with maths and English, and is hoping to train as a teaching assistant in the future. Find out more? Family Learning works with groups of parent/carers and extended family members in schools and children centres across Surrey. If you are a school, children’s centre or a community group involved with parents who would like to gain the benefits in the same way Rubina has, then please contact me at: or see the web site The NIACE Family Learning review ‘Family Learning Works’ was published on the 18th October 2013. It makes interesting reading especially as all the aspects of the work we do will be further highlighted to government,uk/current-work/family-learning-enquiry. 153 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Surrey Heritage The Last Summer: Surrey on the Eve of the Great War Free display in the foyer June 2014 - August 2014 during normal opening times Surrey Heritage At Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND On the 4 August 1914 Britain declared war on Germany. The First World War had begun and life would never be the same again. Using archives and local studies materials from Surrey History Centre, this exhibition will provide a snapshot of Surrey in the last summer before the outbreak of war. It will explore family and school life, news reported the county’s press, sport and leisure. It will assess Surrey’s concerns with women’s suffrage and also look at the county’s changing landscape at the opening of the twentieth century and at its industrial life before the Great War. Polish Refugees in post-war Surrey: A story of a displaced wartime community A talk for Refugee Week by Wies Rogalski Thursday 26 June 2014 7.30pm - 8.30pm At Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND Tickets £5 each. Please Book Online or at in person Surrey History Centre. Wies Rogalski was born in Guildford to Polish parents who were displaced to Britain in 1947. For the first six years of his life he lived in a disused Canadian army base called Tweedsmuir Camp which stood near Thursley Village in Surrey. The camp, rather than being demolished after the war, was used to house Polish ex-service men and women who had been demobilised in Britain. This talk is an illustrated presentation about Wies’ life at Tweedsmuir and his family’s integration into British society. Wies and his brother Zen, have lead an HLF project to capture the memories of those who lived at Tweedsmuir Camp. The project DVD and book will be available to purchase at the talk (correct money or cheques only please). The Polish Community in Tweedsmuir Camp in Surrey after World War Two is priced £12, and the DVD In Their Own Words - Members of Tweedsmuir Camp community talk about life in a Polish Resettlement Camp, is £9.99. All proceeds go to the maintenance of the Tweedsmuir Camp Exhibition at the Rural Life Centre, Tilford. "How Like It All Is: To Journey's End and Beyond" A rehearsed reading of a new play based on real events. Presented by Kingston Grammar School and Surrey History Centre. Friday 27 June 2014 7.30pm - 9.15pm At The Rose Theatre Studio, 24 - 26 High Street, Kingston, Surrey KT1 1HL We are delighted to announce the first of our Sherriff project events, a newly commissioned drama, written by Roland Wales, which explores the genesis of the Surrey playwright and author's famous war play Journey’s End. Centred around one reunion weekend in 1930, R C Sherriff and his ex-comrades confront the troubled legacy of their wartime experiences in the trenches. The first rehearsed reading of the drama, performed by 154 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 students at Kingston Grammar School, will feature as part of the Kingston Connections Festival of Stories. Can you DIG IT? Woking Palace Excavation 2014 - BOOKING NOW OPEN! Further details of the event can be found at Rose Theatre Kingston In September 2014 the Friends of Woking Palace and archaeologists from the Surrey County Archaeological Unit will be returning to Woking Palace for a sixth season of excavations as part of the Woking Palace and its Park Project. Tickets are £5.00 and can be purchased through the Rose Theatre Box Office 08444 821556 Romany weekend Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June 2014 Join us at the Rural Life Centre in Tilford for a weekend celebration of Gypsy culture and heritage. You will have the opportunity to try traditional Gypsy food and crafts as well as understanding more about the community’s heritage. Family activities and dance and music performances will also be happening across the weekend. Woking Palace and its Park is a three-year Heritage Lottery Funded community-based project, led by the Friends of Woking Palace, which aims to cast light on the development of Woking Palace and its surrounding 590 acre deer Park, from its earliest days right through to modern times, including its glorious Tudor heyday. At Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND There are a number of different ways local people can be involved with the dig this year: Tickets, including refreshments, £5. Please Book Online. Tickets can also be bought in person from any Surrey Library and Surrey History Centre. Telephone credit/card bookings on 01483 543599, a small handling charge may apply. Dig for a Day The Last Summer - Judith Kinghorn A sweeping story of love and loss, The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn starts in a country house near Guildford in the summer of 1914. It follows the love affair between Clarissa and Tom which happens despite the differences in their social standing. It follows the characters through the war years and beyond into the next decade as social mores and class barriers change. This event is part of Surrey Libraries’ War and Words programme of commemorative events for the First World War Centenary. Mystical Myths and Legends Saturday 26 July - Saturday 30 August during normal opening hours At Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND Find out about myths and legends from around the world. Enjoy fun crafts, a quiz and other drop in family activities. Free Parents/Guardians are responsible for supervising their children. Always wanted to have a go at digging? Love Time Team? Dig for a Day offers those with less than five days excavation experience the chance to take part in an archaeological dig. You will be provided with all the equipment you need and taught the basic skills of excavating. Surrey Heritage Saturday 5 July 2014 at 2.30 This year’s excavations will run from Wednesday 10 September until Friday 26 September, excluding Mondays and Tuesdays. A special open day will be held on Sunday 28 September from 11am when guided tours of the excavations will run until 4pm. To permit the widest possible chance for novices to get involved the opportunity to participate is restricted to a single day or two half days in the first instance, and is open to people aged 17 or above. Young people aged 15 to 16 may also take part but must be accompanied on site by a responsible adult. Experienced Diggers Those with five days or more digging experience are able to apply to be part of the excavation for as long as they want (depending on availability). Applications will be particularly welcomed from those who can dig for several days at a time or each weekend. We are also keen to hear from anyone who can help with the set up (8 and 9 September) and close of site this year (29 to 30 September). Basic Skills in Archaeology Course This three day course will offer participants the opportunity to learn about a range of archaeological techniques, including levelling, 155 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 recording and drawing plans on site. Each participant will receive a certificate detailing the training undertaken. The courses will be available on the following dates, and you must be able to attend all three days: Friday 12 to Sunday 14 September, Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 September and Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 September. until March 2016. The Friends of Woking Palace are actively looking for new volunteers and participants to be involved. For more information on the project and the Friends of Woking Palace, please see www., or contact Jean Follett, Treasurer of the Friends of Woking Palace on email info@ or by phone 01483 768685. Finds for a day We Will Remember Them - First World War family history workshops in Surrey Libraries September 2014 to June 2015 As in previous excavations at Woking Palace, much of the finds processing will be occurring on site during the dig. If you have less than five days experience and would like to help with finds processing for a day please let us know (availability on request). Surrey Heritage Experienced Finds Processing Where Godalming Library, Monday 22 September, 10.30am - 12.30pm Epsom Library, Wednesday 24 September, 10.30am 12.30pm We are looking for a team of people who would be willing to help out washing and sorting finds on-site. Participants will need to have more than five days experience in order to help out with finds processing for more than one day. Experienced finds processors are able to apply to be part of the excavation for as long as they want (depending on availability). Staines Library, Friday 26 September, 10.30am 12.30pm Basic Skills in Archaeological Finds Processing Course You must be able to use a computer, keyboard and mouse. After the excavation we will be offering short courses in finds processing. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to wash, process, and pack finds, as well as some basic on-site conservation techniques. The courses will begin in October, based at the Surrey History Centre. Each participant will receive a certificate detailing the training undertaken. We will look at resources available for researching ancestors in the Great War. Other on-site opportunities will also be available, including two-hour sessions for schools, family sessions, group sessions, work experience and corporate volunteer workdays. If you are interested in taking part in any of the above activities, please complete the attached booking form (at the bottom of this web page). For more information or to discuss any of the above opportunities please contact Surrey County Council's Community Archaeology Team at or by phone 01483 518737. There are other exciting year-round activities planned as part of the Heritage Lottery Funded Woking Palace and its Park project, which will run Woking Library, Tuesday 24 March 2015, 10.30am 12.30pm Walton Library, Saturday 13 June 2015, 10.30am 12.30pm General information Discover what information and records are held by Ancestry and Find My Past. Understand how the national Archives and The Commonwealth Graves Commission provide a wealth of material for family historians. New for these commemoration workshops: You will have time to explore your own family history with the support of experts. Tickets Booking is essential. Tickets cost £8. Book online using debit/credit cards Or telephone debit/credit card bookings on 01483 543599. SMS: 07968 832414 A small handling charge may apply. Bookings can also be made in person in any library. 156 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Surrey Heritage Presents ‘Beginning Your Family History’ controversial subject of where the dead were to be interred, as well as how the fallen would be commemorated at the end of the Great War. Sunday 28 September, 11am at Denbies Wine Estate, London Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6AA Military Ancestry Roadshow Who Do You Think You Are for everyone! Invaluable and interesting talk on genealogy. Researching your family history is a bit like writing your own detective story and getting started is really just getting yourself a bit organised and working out the plot. This talk aims to take you step by step through the basics of family history, where to start, what to do and most important, how you can get help and advice on what is bound to prove an exciting project. £9.95 per person / Loyalty Club Free of Charge – please note limited availability Surrey Heritage Presents ‘Surrey on Film 1914 – 1953: A Community in Peace & War’ This fascinating compilation of rare moving images shows Surrey towns, villages and families in the first half of the twentieth century, celebrating in times of peace and coming together in response to the stress of two world wars. Charity Donation to ‘Help Our Hero’s’ in honour of Remembrance Sunday. The Quick and the Dead - A talk by Richard van Emden The Surrey Heritage Annual Lecture Saturday 8 November 2014 at 2.30pm at Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND Tickets £10 each, including refreshments. Please Book Online or in person at Surrey History Centre. The Quick and the Dead is the story not only of the soldiers who went to war and did not return, but also of the wives and children they left behind to mourn. This talk will look at how a whole nation came to terms with the devastating news of casualties at the front, and how a few unscrupulous individuals sought to profit from other people’s misery. It also examines the sometimes Tickets, including refreshments, £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6. Please Book Online. Tickets can also be bought in person from any Surrey Library. Telephone credit/card bookings on 01483 543599, a small handling charge may apply. Do you have medals, items of uniform, photos, letters or other ephemera from your family’s military past? Our panel of experts will help you identify them, guide you to further information sources and reveal what these items say about your relative’s military history. No financial valuations will be given. Emphasis will be placed on the historical value of the items. You are welcome to bring along items from any military period although we would prefer you left live ammunition at home. This event is part of Surrey Libraries’ War and Words programme of commemorative events for the First World War Centenary. Identification and recording of finds Surrey Heritage Thursday 6 November, 11am at Denbies Wine Estate, London Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6AA Saturday 18 April 2015 10.30am - 4.00pm Andy Robertshaw at Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND Come along to Guildford Museum and see David Williams, Surrey Finds Liaison Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme. For people with metal detectors and other finders of objects of archaeological interest. Second Saturday of each month 11am to 1pm at Guildford Museum 01483 444750 Surrey History Centre made easy Why not join us at Surrey History Centre for an informal tour of the search room? This half hour informative tour includes an introduction to using the indexes and catalogues, how to explore the maps and library and how to order documents from the strong rooms. First Tuesday each month 10am to 10.30am. No need to book. Free of charge. Join the Surrey Heritage mailing list to receive information about talks, courses, events and displays. 157 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Surrey Arts Music Classes Offering courses for adults in singing, piano, recorder, guitar and opera appreciation Surrey Arts offers music classes at six adult learning centres and caters for a wide range of abilities. We currently offer courses for adults in singing, piano, recorder, guitar and opera appreciation. Surrey Arts Music Classes In addition to our adult classes, Surrey Arts offer a great variety of instrumental music lessons to young people. For further information about Surrey Arts and the courses we offer or to apply for a course online go to and follow the links to music and adult music classes. You can also ring us on 01483 519303 or e-mail us at: Courses available –AUTUMN TERM 15 September 2014 Courses available –SPRING TERM 12 January 2015 Opera Appreciation - All abilities Tuesday 10am-12noon • 12 sessions 16/09/2014 to 09/12/2014 Full fee £158 (age 62+ £126 ) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 13/01/2015 to 24/03/2015 Full fee £131 (age 62+ £105) Summer 2015 • 12 sessions 14/04/2015 to 23/06/2015 Full fee £131 (age 62+ £105) Opera Appreciation - All abilities Thursday 10am-12noon • 12 sessions 18/09/2014 to 11/12/2014 Full fee £158 (age 62+ £126) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 15/01/2015 to 26/03/2015 Full fee £131 (age 62+ £105) Courses available –SUMMER TERM 13 April 2015 Summer 2015 • Molesey Centre Henrietta Chorale Sunbury Centre Wednesday 11.00am-1 pm A friendly choir which aims to sing a wide selection of songs to include show songs, old and new favourites and a few classics. No previous experience needed - just your enthusiasm and a love of singing. • 12 sessions 17/09 /2014 to 10/12/2014 £66 Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 14/01 /2015 to 25/03/2015 £66 Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 15/04 /2015 to 24/06/2015 10 sessions 16/04/2015 to 25/06/2015 Full fee £131 (age 62+ £105) £66 Can’t Sing, Want to Sing - All abilities Tuesday 1.45pm -3pm – • 12 sessions 16/09/2014 to 09/12/2014 Full fee £99 (age 62+ £79) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 13/01/2015 to 24/03/2015 Full fee £83 (age 62+ £67) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 14/04/2015 to 23/06/2015 Full fee £83 (age 62+ £67) 158 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Woking ‘Highlands’ Centre Full fee £ 144 (age 62+ £115) Acoustic Guitar - Beginners Summer 2015 Wednesday 7pm - 8pm • • 10 sessions 17/09/2014 to 26/11/2014 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) 10 sessions 16/04/2015 to 25/06/2015 Full fee £ 144 (age 62+ £115) Spring 2015 Camberley Centre • Piano -Beginners 10 sessions 14/01/2015 to 25/03/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 15/04/2015 to 24/06/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Acoustic Guitar - Improvers Thursday 6.45 - 7.45pm • 10 sessions 18/09/2014 to 27/11/2014 Full fee £144 (age 62+ £115) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 15/01/2015 to 26/03/2015 Full fee £144 (age 62+ £115) Wednesday 8.10pm - 9.10pm Summer 2015 • • 10 sessions 17/09/2014 to 26/11/2014 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) 10 sessions 16/04/2015 to 25/06/2015 Full fee £144 (age 62+ £115) • 10 sessions 14/01/2015 to 25/03/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 15/04/2015 to 24/06/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Guildford Centre Acoustic Guitar – Beginners Monday 7 pm - 8pm • 10 sessions 15/09/2014 to 24/11/2014 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Spring 2015 Camberley Centre Recorder Ensemble - Improvers Thursday 8.15pm - 9.15pm • 10 sessions 18/09/2014 to 27/11/2014 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 15/01/2015 to 26/03/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 16/04/2015 to 25/06/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Piano - Improvers Thursday 5.30pm – 6.30pm • 10 sessions 18/09/2014 to 27/11/2014 Full fee £ 144 (age 62+ £115) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 15/01/2015 to 26/03/2015 • 10 sessions 12/01/2015 to 23/03/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Summer 2015 • Surrey Arts Music Classes Spring 2015 10 sessions 13/04/2015 to 29/06/2015 Full fee £66 (age 62+ £53) Acoustic Guitar - Improvers Monday 8.10pm - 9.10pm • 10 sessions 15/09/2014 to 24/11/2014 Full fee £ 66 (age 62+ £53) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 12/01/2015 to 23/03/2015 Full fee £ 66 (age 62+ £53) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 13/04/2015 to 29/06/2015 Full fee £ 66 (age 62+ £53) Guildford Centre I Wish I Could Sing - Beginners Monday 7 - 9pm 159 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 • 10 sessions 15/09/2014 to 24/11/2014 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) Spring 2015 • 10 sessions 12/01/2015 to 23/03/2015 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 13/04/2015 to 29/06/2015 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) I Wish I Could Sing - Improvers Please note Wednesday class takes place at Burpham First School Wednesday 7 - 9pm • 10 sessions 17/09/2014 to 26/11/2014 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) Spring 2015 Surrey Arts Music Classes • 10 sessions 14/01/2015 to 25/03/2015 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) Summer 2015 • 10 sessions 15/04/2015 to 24/06/2015 Full fee £132 (age 62+ £105 ) Surrey Arts Adult Ensembles Surrey Arts offers adult instrumentalists the opportunity to join the following ensembles: Woking Wind Orchestra for Woodwind, brass and percussion players Surrey Arts Sinfonia for String, woodwind, brass and percussion players See our website for further details. Choral Societies When you’ve completed your singing course, why not join your local choral society? Addlestone Singers 01932 564099 Blackheath & Bramley Choral Society 01483 527355 Buckland Choral Society 01737 763795 Camberley Singers Friendly ladies’ choir 01276 20620 Cranleigh Choral Society 01483 274455 Epsom Choral Society 01737 813400 Epworth Choir 01483 756670 Farnham & Bourne Choral Society 01252 719456 Fetcham Singers 020 8393 7153 Genesis Chorale 01483 767003 Godalming Choral Society 01483 428057 Godalming Operatic Society 01483 417653 Guildford Harmony Ladies Barbershop 01483 502244 Guildford Choral Society 01483 893660 Guildford Opera Company 01483 539790 Henrietta Chorale 01932 794584 Oxshott Choral Society 01372 842300 Riverside Opera 01372 460257 Shalford Choral Society 01483 2753620 Spelthorne Choral Society 01784 457838 St Cecilia Chorus 020 8669 3472 Stoneleigh Choral Society 020 8640 4214 Surrey Heath Choral 01276 29231 Surrey Hills Chamber Choir Vivace Chorus 01483 539088 The Wey Voices 01932 857520 Walton & Oatlands Choral Society 01932 229658 Weybridge Male Voice Choir 01276 474056 Woking Choral Society 01483 760218 160 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Learning in Libraries Surrey Libraries Anyone who lives, works or studies in Surrey can join Surrey libraries. If you have an email address you can even join online and take advantage of our library service without leaving the house. Bringing back your books couldn’t be simpler as you can return them to any one of our 54 locations in the county. Or perhaps you are a person who likes to read on the go. As well as finding, reserving, borrowing and renewing titles straight from your mobile device with our newest exciting library app, you can also find out about our latest events, news, find your nearest library and access our online resources and eBooks and eMagazine service. We also understand that you may at some time have difficulty getting to the library. This may be because of age, illness, disability or because of full time caring responsibilities. Our Library Direct service is free and includes such benefits as extended loans, free reservations and extra items. There are a range of options* to consider. These include arranging for a friend or relative to borrow books on your behalf, providing community transport as well as a direct delivery service for housebound readers. *Terms and conditions apply. To find out more about the range of services offered Through a programme of activities and events listed below we look to create opportunities to share the enjoyment of reading and learn together in a relaxed and informal environment. Learn Online Basics with Surrey Libraries Do you want to join the online community? On the internet you can pursue your hobbies, keep in touch with family and friends, shop, book tickets, compare prices and much, much more. Surrey libraries provide a range of free online learning resources, so why not take advantage of what the internet has to offer? Even if you are completely new to computers and the internet, don’t worry, help is at hand! Learn Online Basics is a free, supported group course and offers you the opportunity to learn at your own pace with other beginners. Friendly staff will be on hand to help you to master the keyboard and mouse, venture into the world of online searching and get to grips with email. Learning in Libraries Libraries are free to join, free to use and our service makes available for loan a collection of over 2 million books and resources in various formats to help support both your leisure activities and your further learning. If you want to choose a healthy recipe, plan a trip abroad, learn yoga, or write a CV you will be sure to find a book on the subject. Your library also has a comprehensive range of online resources for use at home or in the library to supply the background reading and information when you are already following a course or pursuing a new interest. And we also offer free wi-fi in all our libraries so you can bring your laptop and study. please contact Enquiries Direct on 01483 543599 or see our website If you need a bit more help with using a computer independently, you can book an appointment with one of our volunteer Computer Buddies in the library. They can give you further help with practical computing tasks and surfing the internet. If you feel more confident using computers and want to enhance your skills, we can point you towards a range of courses and useful resources. Surrey libraries will be supporting the national Get Online Week campaign (13-19 October 2014) and showcasing our online learning offer with displays and events. For more details or to book a Learn Online Basics course, enquire at your local library or phone 0300 200 1001, or visit: FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN LIBRARIES Tickets can be booked online using credit/debit cards or call us now on 01483 543599. We are offering an early bird ticket price of £5 on all author talks in Surrey Libraries booked by 31 August. 161 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 This offer excludes the Surrey Heritage Annual Lecture, the War Horse event at The Lightbox and all workshops. Walton Library, The Heart, Walton-on-Thames KT12 1GH A small handling charge per transaction may apply. Tickets for all events can be bought from any library in the county and from the Surrey History Centre. Tickets for the event at The Lightbox on 27 November can only be bought from the venue. Booking for this event opens at the beginning of September – Tel: 01483 737800 Please note: You must be able to use a computer Surrey Libraries commemoration of the First World War 1914-1918 Learning in Libraries Our new War and Words programme will commemorate the centenary of the First World War from 1914 where optimism was the order of the day to the aftermath in 1919. From the summer of 2014 to 2019 there will be events, workshops and displays throughout Surrey Libraries. We will focus on Surrey’s war, looking at War Memorials, Family History and Remembrance in partnership with Surrey County Council’s ‘A County Remembers : Surrey in the Great War’. Tickets cost £8 Elsie and Mairi Go To War: Two Extraordinary Women on the Western Front by Dr Diane Atkinson The story of two unrecognised heroines of the First World War, Elsie Knocker and Mairi Chisholm, who volunteered for the Women’s Emergency Corps. Thursday 25 September 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Dorking Library, St Martin’s Walk, Dorking RH4 1UT Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 All Over by Christmas with Rupert Matthews Historian, Rupert Matthews, charts the course of the first year of the war, explaining why the conflict lasted so much longer than predicted and the reasons why it became a global conflict. Wednesday 1 October 2014 We Will Remember Them… First World War family history workshops 7.30-8.45pm at Dittons Library, Discover the wealth of online resources available if you want to research your ancestors who fought in and lived through the war. Explore your own family history with the support of experts. Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Sessions begin at 10.30am-12.30pm Monday 22 September 2014 Mercer Close, Thames Ditton KT7 0BS Shell-Shocked Britain: The First World War’s legacy for Britain’s Mental Health with Susie Grogan Wednesday 24 September 2014 Susie Grogan uses the story of her great uncle Alfred to examine the impact of the First World War not only on the shell-shocked soldiers and their families but on the home population in general. Epsom Library, 6 The Derby Square, Epsom KT19 8AG This event is part of 2014 Epsom Mental Health Week. Friday 26 September 2014 Wednesday 8 October 2014 Staines Library, Friends Walk, Staines TW18 4PG 7.30-8.45pm at Epsom Library, Tuesday 24 March 2015 The Ebbisham Centre, 6 The Derby Square, Epsom KT19 8AG Godalming Library, Bridge Street, Godalming GU7 1HT Woking Library, Gloucester Walk, Woking GU21 6EP Saturday 13 June 2015 Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 162 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 100 Days to Victory: How the Great War was Fought and Won with Saul David Two Fictional Voices with Judith Kinghorn and Elizabeth Speller Telling the story of the war through the events of one hundred key days between 1914 and 1918, Saul David’s gripping narrative looks at individual stories of men and women both eminent and ordinary. Judith and Elizabeth explore the impact of the war and its lingering aftermath in their three war-based novels - The Return of Captain John Emmett, At Break of Day and The Last Summer. Wednesday 15 October 2014 Wednesday 12 November 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Woking Library, 7.30-8.45pm at Cranleigh Library, Gloucester Walk, Woking GU21 6EP High Street, Cranleigh GU6 8AE Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Valentine Joe by Rebecca Stevens Rebecca Stevens talks about her first children’s book which was influenced by the First World War experience of her grandfather. This event is suitable for children aged nine years plus with parents and/ or grandparents welcome to come along too. Myths and Mysteries of the First World War with Leonard James 2.30-3.30pm at Virginia Water Community Library, 20 November 2014 6 Station Parade, Virginia Water GU25 4AD Tickets £3 Remembered by Julie Summers Julie Summers’s book celebrates the human story behind the extraordinary efforts to remember the fallen of the war with a degree of dignity that had not previously been accorded to the ordinary soldier. Learning in Libraries Wednesday 29 October 2014 Using the latest evidence from declassified documents, Leonard James, examines enigmatic stories such as the Angel of Mons, the Lusitania’s sealed cargo, secret evidence Nurse Edith Cavell’s trial and the haunted U-boat. Wednesday 5 November 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Redhill Library, Warwick Quadrant, Redhill RH1 1NN Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 The Quick and the Dead with Richard van Emden This Surrey Heritage Annual Lecture 2014 tells the story of the soldiers who did not return and the wives and families they left behind. Saturday 8 November 2014 2.30-4pm at Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6ND Tickets £10 163 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 7.30-8.45pm at Stoneleigh Community Library, 1 Stoneleigh Broadway, Stoneleigh KT17 2JA and on 13 May 2015 7.30-8.45pm at Camberley Library, Thursday26 February 2015 7.30-8.45pm at Byfleet Community Library, Knoll Road, Camberley GU15 3SY High Road, Byfleet KT14 7QN Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 The Making of War Horse – the film with Andrew Robertshaw All the Kaiser’s Men by Ian Passingham Andrew Robertshaw, the military consultant on Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster describes his involvement from screenplay to filming. Thursday 27 November 2014 7.30-8.45pm at The Lightbox, Learning in Libraries drivers, nurses and medical officers. It is also the story of how these pioneers pushed forward the boundaries of battlefield medicine. Ian’s book draws on diaries and letters to chart the hopes and despair of the German soldiers who went to war expecting a swift and crushing victory on the western front and believed that God and the Kaiser would protect them. He will give a unique insight into the daily life of the soldiers. Chobham Road, Woking GU21 4AA Wednesday 25 March 2015 Tickets £6 (concessions £5) available from The Lightbox on 01483 737800 from the beginning of September. 7.30-8.45pm at Walton Library, Wounded: The Long Journey Home from the Great War by Emily Mayhew Emily’s book about the journeys of injured soldiers from battlefield to recovery in Britain, relies heavily on fascinating first-hand accounts of those who cared for them – stretcher bearers, ambulance 54 the Heart, Walton-on-Thames KT12 1GH Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Your Country Needs You with JamesTaylor James Taylor explores the truth behind that iconic propaganda poster and other illustrations by British artist Alfred Leete and his contemporaries. 164 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Wednesday 15 April 2015 The New Sylva by Gabriel Hemery 7.30-8.45pm at Epsom Library, A modern version of John Evelyn’s seminal 17th century study of UK trees. The Ebbisham Centre, 6 The Derby Square, Epsom KT19 8AG Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Saturday 4 October 2014 2.30-4pm at Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6ND Military Ancestry Roadshow Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £6 Do you have medals, uniform, photos or other ephemera from your family’s military past? Our panel of experts will help you identify them, guide you to further information sources and reveal what these items say about your relative’s military history. Items from any military period are welcome. Never Say Goodbye by Susan Lewis Saturday 18 April 2015 10.30-4pm at Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6ND Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Susan talks about her latest novel, Never Say Goodbye, and why she is so passionate about breast cancer research. Tuesday 14 October 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Byfleet Community Library, High Road, Byfleet KT14 7QN Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £6 Battlefront Maps with Andrew Robertshaw Andrew Robertshaw will look at the development of trench maps and aerial photography from 191418. He will explain First World War map references and offer tips on how to use maps effectively when visiting battlefields. Fearless Drawing with Kerry Lemon A workshop for beginners or those looking to refresh or improve their drawing skills. Discover your own drawing voice. This event is part of the 2014 Farnham Craft Town Programme. This event is part of the 2015 Caterham Festival. Saturday 18 October 2014 Wednesday 17 June 2015 10am-4pm at Farnham Library, 7.30-8.45pm at Caterham Valley Library, Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG Tickets £5 until 31 August, thereafter £6 Writers Booked – Author talks and events The Class Ceiling by Kerry Fisher Debut author Kerry Fisher explains her journey from self-published to mainstream author. Learning in Libraries Vernon House, 28 West Street, Farnham GU9 7DR Tickets £25 The Sea Inside by Philip Hoare An exploration of our relationship with the sea and its creatures. This event is part of the 2014 Bluehouse Festival. Thursday 23 October 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Oxted Library, 12 Gresham Road, Oxted RH8 0BQ Tickets £7 Thursday 2 October 2014 7.30-8.45pm at Reigate Library, Bancroft House, Bancroft Road, Reigate RH2 7RP Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £5 165 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Health and Well-Being Events A Reverse Therapy Workshop with Jane Terris Do you struggle with depression, fibromyalgia, sleeping problems or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Learn the techniques of reverse therapy to understand your emotional voice and reverse those symptoms. Saturday 27 September 2014 10am-1pm at Walton Library, 54 the Heart, Walton-on-Thames KT12 1GH Learning in Libraries Tickets £15 Retiring with Attitude with Caroline Lodge and Eileen Carnell A practical and inspirational talk on how to enjoy an active, contented and fulfilling retirement. 10am-1pm at Walton Library, 54 the Heart, Walton-on-Thames KT12 1GH Tickets £15 No Such Thing as Failure with David Hempleman-Adams A look at what drives one of Britain’s leading explorers in the face of extreme adversity. Wednesday 4 March 2015 7.30-8.45 pm at Woking Library, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6ND Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £6 Fighting Back: One Woman’s Search for Answers to Chronic Pain with Elizabeth Reilly Following an injury resulting in chronic pain, Elizabeth Reilly set out on a quest to find a solution. Her story is one of humour and determination This event is part of the 2014 Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival. Wednesday 18 March 2015 Wednesday 29 October 2014 St Martin’s Walk, Dorking RH4 1UT 7.30-8.45pm at Leatherhead Library, Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £6 The Mansion, Church Street, Leatherhead KT22 8DP Tickets £5 until 13 September, thereafter £6 Nutrition Workshop A workshop looking at how nutrition can slow the ageing process. It will include a make-up demonstration showing how to create a younger, fresher look with textures and techniques. Saturday 22 November 2014 10am-1pm at Walton Library, 54 the Heart, Walton-on-Thames KT12 1GH Tickets £15 A Reverse Therapy Workshop with Jane Terris New Year, New You! Find out what is holding you back using reverse therapy techniques. Saturday 14 February 2015 7.30-8.45pm at Dorking Library, Family History using the Internet Discover links to your ancestors and how they lived, now available to you online. Join one of our 1½ hour workshops offered throughout the year. You must be able to use a computer, mouse and keyboard. For details of all our workshops and upcoming events go to Tickets £5 ‘Great fun and the kids enjoyed it’ …..’really well organised’….’fantastic opportunity to learn a new skill’. Just a few of the comments received from last year’s Family Learning Festival in Surrey Libraries. The festival will be running from 18th October to 1st November 2014. Check online at www.surreycc. to learn about what exciting learning opportunities will be in our programme this coming autumn. 166 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. Calling all musicians, actors and dancers! For amateur and professional musicians and actors, we have a large collection of traditional and contemporary pieces, and our expert staff can assist you to find the right piece for your performance. If your child loves music, drama or dance, we have a wide range of materials for children and young people. Items include tutors for various instruments, songs and instrumental music for solo instruments and chamber groups, CDs, plays and monologues, and beginners’ guides to ballet and dance. The library also has a rhymetime for the under 5s at 2pm every Tuesday and a browser box full of books available to borrow. There’s also lots of free parking. The Surrey Performing Arts Library, located at the Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking, holds the county’s vast collection of music, stage and screen material for all ages, Come and play our digital piano – free to use and no booking needed. including: Thursday10am-7pm • Books, plays and scripts • CDs & DVDs • Music scores • Instrument and vocal tutors •M usic & drama sets for groups and much more... Our Opening Hours Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday10am-5pm Friday 10am-5pm Saturday9.30am-1pm Everyone is welcome to visit and browse the collection and exhibitions. If you can’t visit us in person, we can handle your enquiry over the phone, via email or through our online order form. And we can arrange for your items to be delivered to your local library in Surrey. Contact details Email Tel Tel 01306 875453 01306 887509 (Information, set availability and reservations) (Renewals, overdues and missing parts) Three-time winner of the Excellence Award for Music Libraries from the International Association of Music Libraries (UK & Ireland). 50 % Surrey OFF Adult Learning Surrey Adult Learning Adult Learning courses As a Surrey Library member, you can get an exclusive 50% discount on your first course with Surrey Adult Learning. (T&Cs apply) From Arts & Crafts to Ballroom Dance, Cooking to Computing, Languages to Photography - there are hundreds of courses for everyone. ENROL NOW (ask for Library discount) Call 0300 200 1044 (Calls to 03 numbers from any network will cost no more than those to 01 and 02 numbers and count as part of any call package) Not a Surrey Library member? Join now: • In person at your local library, or • Online at: To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Important Information Refund of Course Fees If a learner decides to withdraw from a course before a course begins, the following applies: • Up to 8 weeks before course starts, full refund. • 8 weeks to 1 week before the course starts a £10.00 cancellation fee will be charged regardless of course fee. • No refunds will normally be made if a learner withdraws less than 7 days before the start of the course. • A substitute learner can usually be enrolled at no additional cost. If a learner fails to attend a course for more than four consecutive sessions, Surrey County Council reserves the right to withdraw the learner and offer the place to someone on the waiting list. Course Cancellation The length of the course quoted is based on a minimum number of learners enrolled and financial viability of the course. If this is not achieved it may be necessary to: a) cancel the course before the first class, and provide learners with a full refund; or b) meet for the first class when learners will be given the opportunity to decide whether to shorten the course hours for the same fee, transfer to another course or request a refund of fees. accepted, the course is substantially varied from that described in this publication, the learner is entitled to withdraw from the course. In the event of such withdrawal, an appropriate refund of course fees will be made. Disclaimers Force Majeure Physical Activities All learners attending physical education and associated classes (such as health, fitness and dance) will be required to complete a health questionnaire before the start of a course. Whilst the information given in this questionnaire may aid the tutor in the preparation and delivery of the courses, neither they nor Surrey County Council or its partner providers undertake to advise on any medical condition, or whether any such condition could be adversely affected as a result of attending a class. It is for learners to seek their doctor’s advice either before or during the course if a medical problem is indicated or if they are new to physical exercise. Insurance Surrey County Council and its partner providers cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to learners’ property. Learners should ensure that they have adequate “all risks” insurance cover for any article belonging to them that they leave on centre premises and car parks. Errors Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this directory, neither Surrey County Council nor its partner providers accept liability for clerical and typographical errors. Surrey County Council and its partner providers reserve the right to make amendments as necessary provided that these do not materially affect the course. If, after application for a course has been ‘Force Majeure’ means war, civil war, armed conflict, terrorist attack, governmental action, fire, flood, severe weather conditions, pandemic or epidemic or any other act or matter which notwithstanding the reasonable diligence and foresight of Surrey County Council and its partner providers is, beyond their reasonable control. Surrey County Council and its partner providers shall not be liable to the learners enrolled on courses to the extent that it is unable to perform its obligations by reason of Force Majeure, provided that Surrey County Council and its partner providers shall use all reasonable endeavours to minimise the effect of the Force Majeure and to resume performance of its obligations as soon as practicable. Surrey County Council and its partner providers shall endeavour to provide information for the learners enrolled on courses as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of an event of Force Majeure. The notice shall contain all relevant information relating to the event of Force Majeure including the nature and effect of the Force Majeure, the actions being taken (or to be taken) to minimise its effect and an estimated duration. Important Information Once a course has begun, Centre Coordinators can only consider refund requests in exceptional personal or family circumstances. However, holidays, loss of interest, new time commitments and similar domestic changes do not qualify. A substitute learner cannot take the place of an existing learner once a course has begun. In the event of severe weather, we will provide information on any impact oour classes by leaving a message on the Customer Service Team telephones. We will also post notice of any disruptions on our website. Surrey County Council and its partner providers shall take all steps necessary to minimise the effect of the Force Majeure on the provision of the courses. Where Force Majeure has a material effect on the provision of courses for longer than four consecutive weeks, Surrey County Council and its partner providers may terminate the course being provided. How We Use Your Personal Information The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding (“the Agency”) and, when needed, the Department for Education, including the Education Funding Agency to meet legal responsibilities under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and for the Agency’s Learning Records Service (LRS) to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a Personal Learning Record (PLR). The information you provide may be shared with other organisations for education, training, employment and well-being–related purposes, including for research. Funded by Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available at: 169 Surrey Adult Learning • 2014 - 2015 Index Index of Courses Accountancy & Bookkeeping 53 Acting & Drama 60 Antiques60 Apple 54 Arabic85 Architecture 61 Art & Design 9 Art Appreciation 10 Baking & Sugarcraft 47 Ballet111 Ballroom & Latin American 111 112 Belly Dance Bridge 62 Business Management 53 11 Calligraphy Chinese Mandarin 85 Clock Repair & Horology 31 Complementary Therapies 117 Computer & Online Basics 52 Cookery for Men 49 Cookery - Other Countries 45 Cookery - Practical 47 Councilling 63 Craft - General 32 Creative Writing 64 Dance Inspired Fitness 115 Digital Imaging 58 Drawing & Painting 12 Dressmaking 37 ECDL52 English (pre-GCSE) 76 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) 78 Exercise - Over 50s 116 Family History 65 Family Programmes 98 Fit Steps 115 32 Flowers & Floristry Food Hygiene 49 French 86 Furniture Restoration 33 GCSE English 76 77 GCSE Maths German 91 Greek 92 History 66 Improve your English 44 Improve your Maths 45 58 Internet Interior Design 34 Italian 93 98 Japanese Jazz, Jive & Modern 113 Jewellery & Silverwork 34 Just Jhoom! 115 Lacemaking 35 Latin 99 Life Drawing 19 Lip Reading 124 Mail Merge 56 Maths (pre-GCSE) 77 Mental Health & Wellbeing123 Microsoft Office 55 Mosaics 36 Mount Cutting & Picture Framing 37 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) 69 Patchwork23 Photography 24 170 Refer a Friend and you both receive £15 discount. See page 5 for details. Philosophy69 Physical Disability 124 Pilates 118 Polish 100 Portuguese100 Pottery 26 Presentations 57 Print Making 29 70 Psychology Russian 101 Salsa113 Science & Astronomy 71 Sculpture 30 Sewing - Dressmaking 37 Sewing – Embroidery & Needlecraft 39 Sign Language 71 52 Social Media 41 Soft Furnishing Spanish 101 57 Spreadsheets 123 Supported Learning Stained Glass 42 Tai Chi 120 Turkish 107 43 Upholstery Watercolour Painting 21 Weekend Courses 128 Windows 8 55 Wine Appreciation 49 Word Processing 56 Yoga 121 Zumba115 To enrol on a course, call 0300 200 1044 Adult Learning Centres Richmond Staines Bracknell Ascot Kingston Sunbury Molesey M3 Esher Camberley Woking M25 Cobham A320 Farnborough A331 A3 Aldershot Reigate Guildford Dorking A31 M23 A25 Farnham A24 Godalming Cranleigh Haslemere Enrolment centre Camberley Centre France Hill Drive, Camberley GU15 3QB Esher Green Centre 19 Esher Green, Esher KT10 8AA Farnham Centre 25 West Street, Farnham GU9 7DR Guildford Centre Sydenham Road, Guildford GU1 3RX Molesey Henrietta Parker Centre Ray Road, West Molesey KT8 2LG Sunbury Centre The Avenue, Sunbury on Thames TW16 5DZ Woking Centre Bonsey Lane, Westfield, Woking GU22 9PE Email Disabled Free parking Parking 3 3 Café Adult Learning Centres A3 3 Vending machine 3 Vending machine 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Self service drinks 3 3 3 171 Surrey Adult Learning To enrol or for any queries call 0300 200 1044 Calls to 03 numbers from any network will cost no more than those to 01 and 02 numbers and count as part of any call package.