March 2016 - Surrey Faith Links
March 2016 - Surrey Faith Links
March 2016 "The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them." (Swami Vivekananda, Hindu Quote) Thank you for all your contributions for this months newsletter; plenty of upcoming events. Please feel free to advertise your events via this newsletter. Kauser Akhtar (Faith Links Adviser) E: REFUGEES: FAITH PERSPECTIVES Guildford & Godalming Interfaith Forum hosted a very well-attended event for International Interfaith Harmony Week in February at the United Reformed Church in Guildford. A panel of local people shared their faith perspectives and personal experiences. Mrs. Irene Black spoke about her parents' journey from Berlin, bringing 100 Jewish boys from her Father's school to safety just a few days before War was declared, and their subsequent lives in Britain. Mrs. Dianne Peters who is the Refugee Support Adviser from the Diocese of Guildford spoke of the things being put in place to receive refugee families locally and her own visits as a committed Christian to the camps in Calais and Dunkirk. Dr. Husni Hammuda, the Muslim Chaplain at Surrey University, spoke about his own family's exile from Palestine and shared a very moving poem written by his late father, depicting his unrequited yearning to return to farm his land and experience the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of his young life. Next Mrs. Sat Lutra recalled how she arrived in England with just one suitcase and £50 after Idi Amin expelled all the Uganda Asians in 1972 and shared how the beliefs of the Sikh faith in which she was raised shaped her life in England and the need to always put back into the community. Inside this issue: Visit My Mosque 2 Patron’s Lunch for Queens Birthday 3 Faith at the End of Life 3 Spiritual Ecology Fellowship 3 EU Spirit Project 4 LGBT History Month 4 Latest Stories from 3FF 4 Coexistence or Shared Society? 5 Educate Against Hate 5 Get your Charity’s Message in the Media 5 Funding Opportunities 6 Upcoming Events 7 Main Faith Festivals in March 2016 1-20th —19 Day Fast (Baha’i) 7th—Shivaratri (Hindu) 14th—Nanakshahi New Year (Sikh) 20th—Palm Sunday (Christian) 21st—Naw Ruz (Baha’i) 22nd & 23rd—Holi (Hindu) 24th—Hola Mohalla (Sikh) 24th—Purim (Jewish) 25th—Good Friday (Christian) 27th—Easter Day (Christian) 28th—Khordad Sal (Zoroastrian) 30th—Nahavir Jayanti (Jain) PAGE 2 SURREY FAITH LINKS Finally Mandisa Nakana-Taylor, from South Africa, referred to the prayer vigil that Bahá'ís around the world are currently engaged in to protect those in Iran who are imprisoned for their beliefs, before going on to explain that when confronted with all the terrible suffering around the world she refers to her scriptures to try and fathom God's plan and how we can work together as communities to bring about the unification of the human race, ending with a Baha'i prayer "...Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose..." The event concluded with a Questions & Answers session, ably chaired by Tony Oakden, with each speaker able to add to their presentation, and observations from the floor. This was not a political meeting, however we were reminded that we need to encourage our Councillors and Politicians to move ahead with some urgency to care for the innocent victims of the horrors of war and terror. Also that 'every conversation should be meaningful' and that we must each strive to combat prejudice, ignorance and fear when we encounter it. Visit My Mosque On 7 February 2016, over 80 British mosques around the country participated in the second annual ‘Visit My Mosque’ Day. Mosques across the UK shared tea and refreshments alongside an insight into the day-to-day goings on of a busy Muslim centre of worship. #VisitMyMosque Day aims to provide a platform for Muslims to reach out to fellow Britons and explain their faith and community beyond the hostile headlines. In Surrey, the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking and the Al Kharafi Mosque in Camberley opened their doors for visitors. Tours were organised around the mosques along with exhibitions and refreshments with an open Q & A Session. The day was a great success with an overwhelming hundreds of people turning up and really learning and understanding Islam and its reality. Many Mosques in Surrey are open and welcome visitors throughout the year. Photos from Shah Jahan Mosque: Photos from Al Karafi Mosque: MARCH 2016 PAGE 3 Patron’s Lunch to mark HM The Queen ’s 90th Birthday This year marks the 90th Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen. A number of official celebrations will be taking place to mark the occasion and information on these can be found at As for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012, Beacons are being lit across the UK and the Queen will be lighting the Principal Beacon on 21 April. Many faith communities were involved in the beacon ceremonies in 2012 and information on how communities can take part this year can be found in the guide at One of the main celebration events will be the Patron’s Lunch, taking place on 12 June. This is a ticketed event in The Mall in London for people from the over 600 charities across the Commonwealth of which the Queen is Patron. In addition to the event in the Mall the organisers hope that street parties and lunches will take place across the UK to celebrate Her Majesty’s birthday and to raise money for local initiatives. They say that they hope it will “re-ignite the famous British ‘community spirit’ and have villages, towns and cities all over the UK and across the Commonwealth to hold their own street parties. It is hoped these local ‘Patron’s Lunches’ will help raise money for their own communities and local initiatives. In addition to the fundraising generated at a local level, the event will also serve as a unique platform for the charitable organisations to which The Queen acts as Patron, to maximize their own fundraising efforts.” Further information can be found at The Big Lunch in which many faith communities and inter faith organisations have taken part since it began is also being held on 12 June and it is anticipated that many will be using this as a birthday celebration – Faith at the End of Life In January Public Health England (PHE) published a resource entitled ‘Faith at end of life’. PHE describes it as a resource which aims to help frontline professionals, providers working in community settings and commissioners maintain a holistic approach to people dying, caring or bereaved. It provides information “to help ensure that commissioning and delivery of services and practice takes account of spiritual needs of the largest 6 faith groups in England and remains appropriate to the community setting in which they work.” The resource can be downloaded from _-_a_resource.pdf. Spiritual Ecology Fellowship The St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace has launched a Spiritual Ecology Fellowship which will offer a nine month experience of study, reflection and practical project development integrating the principles of Spiritual Ecology. It is seeking ten ‘emerging leaders’ between the ages of 22 and 30, who have the potential to be future catalysts for change. They are looking for participants from a diverse range of backgrounds to apply, and the fellowship is open to individuals living in the UK and Europe. The fellowship follows a nine month programme. The selected participants will receive full scholarships for programme tuition, accommodation for the retreats, and a stipend for travel and food expenses. For further information, including how to apply, visit The closing date for applications is 30 April. PAGE 4 SURREY FAITH LINKS EU Spirit project The EU Spirit project engages faith based organisations to promote energy efficient behaviour and energy saving activities in homes, supporting members of these organisations to become Energy Champions who share energy advice with their friends, families and local communities. Through this, the project aims to achieve measurable energy savings, CO2 emissions reduction and lasting behaviour change. The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme, and is being delivered by a partnership of 8 organisations in 8 EU member states – coordinated by Groundwork London. Further information can be found at The project is still looking for more faith communities to work with. Anyone interested, should contact Boglarka Meixner at or on 0300 365 9900. LGBT History Month LGBT History Month has been taking place throughout February in the UK. A number of organisations held events to mark the week. For example, 3FF ( held its first LGBT-themed ‘Encountering People and Beliefs’ workshop to engage diverse groups in discussing personal experiences of faith in relation to gender identity and sexuality. An inter faith Shabbat celebration is due to be held on 26 February ( at the Islington Museum in London. Some of the top stories this month from Three Faiths Forum: Why French Jewish people are moving to London President Obama's visit to a mosque: long overdue -- and vital China commands that even retired officials shun religion Number of anti-Semitic incidents in Britain falls Anti-Islam movement PEGIDA stages protests across Europe Why a meeting between the pope and Russian patriarch is finally happening Lent: Muslims stand in solidarity with Christians by tweeting what they will give up until Easter Sanders is first Jewish American to win a presidential primary In the beginning... was atheism Buddhists Stage Massive Lighting Ceremony At Thai Temple MARCH 2016 PAGE 5 Coexistence or shared society? Reflections on a visit to Jerusalem Diverse faiths, beliefs and cultures are in close proximity to each other in Jerusalem. After a recent visit, 3FF Director Phil Champain reflects on how to move from coexistence towards a shared society. Educate Against Hate The Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP, Education Secretary, launched a new website called Educate Against Hate on 19 January. It contains information for schools and parents on tackling extremism as part of a drive to protect children from the “spell of twisted ideologies”. The website includes information for parents, teachers and school leaders and can be found at This was part of a number of announcements made on that day: ‘Get Your Charity's Message in the Media ’ Eagle Radio are running FREE ‘Get Your Charity's message in the Media’ workshops for local Charities & Community groups. Sponsored by your local Borough Council, and delivered by the Media professional team at Eagle Radio, this two-hour seminar is open to professional marketers and volunteers (maximum of 2 places per group). This is an interactive workshop so please bring along an idea for a news release or details of a forthcoming event or promotion you are planning for. During the session, you will get to see examples of good and not-so good press releases, learn tips for using social media including Facebook and Twitter. We will also help you to understand what journalists want from you including an expert`s view on how to improve the chances of getting your story published. Each delegate will receive a resource pack to take away and also have the opportunity to meet and network with industry colleagues. The dates are as follows: Tuesday 29th March - HG Wells Conference centre, Woking, Surrey GU21 6HG from 9.30am - 11.30am Wednesday 30th March - Camberley Theatre, Knoll Road Camberley, Surrey GU15 3SY from 9.30am 11.30am Monday 13th June – Holiday Inn, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XZ from 9.30am - 11.30am Each course lasts 2 hours with light refreshments provided. No parking is provided – please contact venue for parking and accessibility. If you would like to attend one of the dates, please apply via Kimberley: PAGE 6 SURREY FAITH LINKS FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Together Grants Programme The Church Urban Fund are offering grants of up to £5,000 to churches and community groups that are working to tackle poverty in deprived areas of England, particularly the underlying causes. For more information please visit: Heritage Lottery Fund grants to commemorate First World War The Heritage Lottery Fund has made an additional £4million of funding available so that more communities can get involved in projects marking the Centenary of the First World War. Projects applying for funding must be able to meet one of a number of successful outcomes based on heritage, people and communities. Grants can be given between £3,000 and £10,000. There is no current deadline for applications. Further information can be found at Funding Central website Funding Central - - is a free website for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises that provides access to thousands of funding and finance opportunities, together with tools and resources for supporting organisations to develop sustainable income strategies appropriate to their needs. Funding Central is managed by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, in partnership with Idox Information Solutions Ltd, and funded by the Government’s Office for Civil Society. Comic Relief Stronger Communities grants Comic Relief’s grants programme now has five themes, one of which is ‘Stronger Communities’. Grants for the Stronger Communities theme are managed by Local Community Foundations and range in size from £1,000 to £10,000 per year. Priority is given to small, locally-based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community and are undertaking actions as a means of addressing these needs. Anyone wishing to apply for a Local Communities grant should contact their local community foundation. Further details can be found online at MARCH 2016 PAGE 7 UPCOMING EVENTS Are you a community or faith group, charity or not for profit organisation or user group? Are the health and social care needs of your members or service users being met? What issues concern your members or service users and how can Healthwatch Surrey make sure these are heard? AMPLIFY your voice by joining the VOICE NETWORK. Surrey Community Action is co-ordinating a series of listening events around the county in partnership with Healthwatch Surrey Godalming: 2 June 10:00am-12:00pm The Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, High Street, Godalming, GU7 1DY Dorking – Annual Meeting: 7 July 10:00am-12:00pm The Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ Staines: 1 September 2.00-4.00pm The Hythe Community Centre, Thorpe Road, Staines, TW18 3HD Epsom: 1 December 2016 For more information contact Kelly Young on 01483 566072, email or SMS text 07470955866 Woking People of Faith Programme for 2016 30th April Doing God Together, Parkview Centre, Sheerwater, High Profile discussion about fasting A ‘Conversation with’, May date TBC 21st May, WPoF 6 a-side Football Tournament WPoF Ladies Coffee Morning, May date TBC A ‘conversation with’, July date TBC 21st August, WPoF 6-a-side Football Tournament 24th September WPoF Annual International Day of Peace event. October date TBC, Doing God Together 15-22 November National Interfaith Week of mixed WPoF of events December date TBC, A ‘conversation with’ For more information please contact Garry Shore: E: W: PAGE 8 SURREY FAITH LINKS “Hypatia of Alexandria parallels to Islamic State? ” Sunday March 20th 7 for 7.30pm Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX What triggered the near obliteration of 2,000 years of cultural and scientific progress, and took a thousand years for the Western World to recover? It is Alexandria 415 AD… The rivals are Bishop Cyril and Roman Governor Orestes… The last great Classical scholar caught between them was a woman named Hypatia, a Pagan who refused to betray her faith … Talk by David Brittain about the first significant woman mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, who was killed by a fanatical Christian sect 1500 years ago. Everyone is welcome!! Do come along and join in Tea & coffee included. Other drinks available from the Hop Blossom Pub close by. Donation £2 to help costs. Hosted by farnhamHUMANISTS Enquiries: 01252 723044 Save the dates ... Message from Age Concern Epsom and Ewell A little taster of some of the fabulous events we have planned for the next few months on our fundraising calendar. Get in touch for full details and look out for individual mailings for each event... w/c 7th March: Will Writing Week Sunday 20th March: Get Muddy for ACEE (sponsored muddy obstacle race) Saturday 16th April: Surrey Brass entertain you in the stunning surroundings of the main hall in Epsom College April: Skydive for ACEE (will you dare?) Saturday 30th April: Mayor’s Ball @ The Grandstand Friday 27th May: Variety Show @ The Playhouse Sunday 3rd July: Big Red Bus trip to London with picnic Date TBC: Golf Day For more information please contact: Beverley Worsley, Fundraising for Age Concern Epsom & Ewell T: 01372 732451 Improve wellbeing with the Mary Frances Trust A new Dance & Exercise class is running at the Ebbisham Centre, KT19 8AG every Wednesday, 10.15am11,00am. Sessions are open to participants aged 18 and over and cater for any level of fitness or ability. To book your place please contact the Mary Frances Trust; or 01372 375400. The Mary Frances Trust provides information and services for people experiencing mental health difficulties, including the people who care for them. MARCH 2016 PAGE 9 Woking Debates 2016 Christ Church (Gallery), Woking, GU21 6YG 11.00 am—12.30 pm 12 March: The world in 2030: how can we provide sufficient water and adequate sanitation for everyone? David Charters from WaterAid, will open the discussion. As usual, there will be ample opportunity for local residents to share their views on this important topic. 9 April: Is Woking an integrated community? Lucy Bushell-Matthews and Dan Eley (Surrey Coalition of Disabled People) 18 June: Refugees: Who is responsible? Maurice Wren, Refugee Council UK and Nadia Potts from Red Cross and other speakers to be finalised. The Woking Debates are organised by: Woking Action for Peace, Churches Together in Woking, Friends of the Earth, Woking LA21, Woking Quakers, Surrey Faith Links, Transition Towns and Woking People of Faith. Free Entrance; donations welcome. For more information please contact Keith Scott, T: 01483 824980, E: W: Woking Debates 2016 Difficult Texts Some New Testament texts are ‘difficult’ because they have lent themselves to anti-Semitic feeling. Are there ways to understand these texts differently, or must we simply admit that they present a problem that is not easily solved? Dr Steve Innes, Scholar-in-Residence at the Council of Christians and Jews, investigates. Monday 4th April 2016, 8pm. St Peter’s Church Hall, Laleham Road, Staines TW18 2DX For more information: T: 01252 622978, E: No entry charge. We invite donations towards CCJ’s work The Council of Christians and Jews is a registered charity, 238005 Stroke Awareness Drop in Sessions The Stroke Association are hosting Stroke Awareness and Drop in sessions at the Staines Hub between 1-3pm. The next sessions will be held on Wednesday 6th April 2016 and Wednesday 8th June 2016. If you have any questions regarding stroke or would like information and support following a stroke feel free attend a session. For further details please contact: Carolyn Cheetham, Stroke Support Worker (Runnymede/Spelthorne) 07515 596968 Group discussions: “Who are you? What is life about? What is spirituality? ” Sunday April 17th 7 for 7.30pm Daniel Hall, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX Humanist Celebrant Ailsa Davies will be facilitating small group discussions on such questions as - “How do you see your identity?” - “What does spirituality mean to you?” - “What is a good life?”…. Tea, coffee, biscuits. Other drinks from Hop Blossom Pub close by. Donation £2 to help cover costs. Everyone is welcome!! Do come along and join in the discussion whatever your beliefs Hosted by farnhamHUMANISTS Enquiries: 01252 723044 SPECIAL WEEKS/DAYS Sadaqa Day will take place on Sunday 20 March Islam Awareness Week will take place from 23 to 29 May The Big Lunch will take place on 12 June Srebrenica Memorial Day will take place on 11 July Peace One Day takes place on 21 September Sewa Day will take place on 16 October One World Week will take place from Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 October National Inter Faith Week in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be an ‘8 day week’ this year taking place from Sunday 13 to Sunday 20 November. Mitzvah Day will take place on Sunday 27 November Surrey Faith Links c/o CET, Diocese of Guildford Diocesan House, Quarry Street, Guildford, GU1 3XG T: 01483 790334, E: Designed & Edited by: Kauser Akhtar
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