SAdAS ISIS DL leaflet amended
SAdAS ISIS DL leaflet amended
INTEGRATED SERVICES IN SURREY (ISIS) For the population of Surrey aged 18 years and over with a problematic substance misuse issue. Referral can be from a professional or by the person looking to discuss treatment options. All referrals to be made through Jenner Road. OUR AIM IS TO FACILITATE: ᔢ Reduction in substance misuse harm to in the community ᔢ Improved mental and physical health and wellbeing ᔢ Improved relationships with family members, partners and friends ᔢ Tenancy sustainability « The service has definitely benefited me. I wouldn’t have sorted out anything for myself » ALL REFERRALS TO BE MADE THROUGH JENNER ROAD Landline: 01483 590150 Fax: 01483 590160 14 Jenner Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3PL Website: Email: CAMBERLEY: Landline: 01276 409415 Fax: 01276 65112 183a London Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3JS Covers the Boroughs of: Surrey Heath and Waverley REIGATE: Fax: 01737 245990 14 West Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7JT Covers the Boroughs of: Reigate & Banstead, Mole Valley and Tandridge WALTON: Landline: 0203 7577241 Fax: 01932 229388 Charity House, 5 Quintet, Churchfield Road, Walton, Surrey, KT12 2TZ Covers the Boroughs of: Spelthorne, Elmbridge, Epsom & Ewell and Runnymede WOKING: Landline: 01483 773242 Fax: 01483 740394 Xchange, 20 High Street, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6BW Covers the Boroughs of: Woking and Guildford Integrated Services in Surrey (ISIS) Reducing the harm to families and communities from alcohol and drugs 14 Jenner Road, Guildford Surrey GU1 3PL Tel: 01483 590150 Fax: 01483 590160 Website: Email: Funded by Surrey Public Health and Surrey Adult Social Care COMPLEX NEEDS HOUSING Service users often have multiple and complex needs which require a comprehensive, seamless, multi-agency response. Provides housing related support to help people maintain a tenancy or carry on living in their own home. We can work with both social housing and private rented tenancies as well as owner occupiers. Defined as: ᔢ Dual Diagnosis ᔢ Disengaged from mainstream services ᔢ Risk to self or others ᔢ Partnership working with Mental Health Service, Child Protection and Adult Social Care SUBSTANCE MISUSE INTERVENTIONS Working from 4 Hubs and a variety of satellite venues across Surrey: ᔢ Offer care planned interventions for drug users and high risk alcohol users for up to 3½ months ᔢ Provide an assertive outreach service to people who have a combination of substance misuse and other complex problems « Everyone listened to my problems, especially when I was on a low » ᔢ Support and facilitate the delivery of SMART Recovery Groups. Liaise and establish referral routes to a range of self help groups i.e. AA, NA ᔢ Structured treatment offered: 1:1 or Group ᔢ Criteria for alcohol use: 50 units plus for men per week and 35 units plus for women per week Xchange Walton Reigate Camberley Brief intervention, stabilisation, SMART, outreach or housing Reach Out (SAdAS counselling/group) Onward Referral at Care Plan Review or discharge: Referral to Jenner Road and sent to relevant Hub to organise triage appointment Telephone counselling Windmill, Acorn, Respond Surrey Skills in Recovery Community Connections Teams (countywide services) Ongoing SMART (Tier 2) (Integrated Services in Surrey) « SMART via yourselves has given me the support and empowered me, I am now training as a SMART facilitator and am very grateful »