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Sample file - Unlock the Past
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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled Victoria Police Gazette 1893 Ref. AU7103-1893 ISBN: 978 1 921371 75 2 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Griffith University Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. 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FOR THE QUARTER ENDIN G MARCH, 18931 Absconders from industrial schoolsAmmon, Thomas, 47 Mills, Alfred Wm., 70, 91 Banks, William, 77 Morris, William, 4 Beer, William, 53 Mungovan, John, 21 Bencraft, Reggie, 77 McLeish, Robert, 47 Biggs, Charles, 53, 62 O'Donnell, Daniel, 70 Bowery, Charles, 47 O'Donnell, Joseph, 70, 77 Bowman, Henry, 4 Pearce, George, 35, 41, 84 Butler, William, 91 Peart, Thomas, 70, 77 Clark, Juhn Benjamin, 76 Pedley, Richard, 53, 92 Connelly, William, 62 Pete, Thomas, 54, 69 Cronin, William, 70 Phair, Hercules, 11, 47 Duce, Annie, 69, 76 Pigott, Edward, 91 Garvy, James, 53, 62 Pinnott, George, 92 Gibson, William, 69 Pizer, Thomas, 47 Guise, Frederick, 28 Prosser, William, 29, 35 Hampson, Albert, 29 Rohl, Frederick, 84 Harvey, Thomas, 91. Saunders, Albert, 35, 41 Herman, Pinner, 29 Scott, James, 70, 77 Hetherington, Herbert, 21, 77 Simmond, Charles, 83 Irbey, William, 76 Sleeman, John, 29, 35 Jackson, Edward Murray, 70 Smith, Edward, 70 Johnston, Frederick, 91 Smith, Florence, 28, 29 -Jordan, John Gates Barnsley, Smith, James, 84, 92 28 Smith, James, 91 Kelly, William, 47 Spargo, William, 70 Kennedy, James, 35, 41 Toohey, Bertie, 76, 91 Kinghorn, John, 69, 70 Tucker, William, 53 Kinghoff, John, 53 Wennell, Thomas, 70, 91 Loft, Alfred, 29, 35 Wertherton, Richard, 53, 69 Marshall, Edward, 83 Wetherton, Richard, 84, 92 Meadows, Arthur Charles, 77 Williams, Ida, 69, 76 Meagher, William, 62 Accounts for witnesses' expenses, 35 Acting public vaccinator, 69 Acutt, Henry, embezzlement, 23 Adams, George, commitment, 77 Ah Chow, assault on, 63 Ah Goon, keeping a disorderly house, 84 Ah Pang, Louey, assault, 20, 41 Allen, Frederick, larceny, 88 Anderson, Abraham, larceny as a bailee on, 65 Anderson, James, indecent assault, 94 Anderson, Julia, larceny as a bailee on, 50 Anderson, -, larceny, 50 Anderson, William, disobeying a summons, 11 Apsley, Ada, neglect to comply with an order of the Brunswick bench, 21 Arden, Thomas, larceny as a bailee on, 88 Armstrong, --, assault, 4 Arthurson, Kate, wilful damage to the property of 11, 35 Atkinson, George, attempt to commit buggery on, 32 Auctioneers' licences, 27, 28, 41, 61, 62, 76 Austin, Arthur Henry, assault on, 41 B. Bamford, Catherine, assault on, 69 Barker, Horatio, commitment, 21 Barreira, Joseph, false pretences, 44, 49 Barrett, Alfred John, disobeying an order, 63 Barry, David, disobeying an order, 53 Basto, Antonio, false pretences on, 7, 24, 38 Bates, John, commitment, 77 Bauers, Charles, alias Paul Fiedler, forgery and uttering, 49 Bayley, W. H., uttering on, 23 Begelhole, Frederick, vagrancy, 41, 77 Bell, Tottie, wilful and obscene exposure to, 91 Bencraft, G. B., larceny as a bailee, 58, 66 Benhard, William, wilful damage, 11, 35 Bennett, Frank, larceny as a bailee, 66 Bennett, George, larceny on, 66 Benns , Walter B., false pretences, 49, 73 Berclay, Leon, assault on, 70, 84 Beresford, Ernest, alias Blume, attempt to procure abortion, 23, 58 Betts, James William, embezzlement, 66, 73 Index-Quarter ending March.-A. Bidwell, William Henry, larceny as a bailee, 16, 24 Bishop, Walter, commitment, 35 Black, James, absconding from bail, 84 Blyth, James, false pretences, 65, 73 Bollard, Phillip, commitment, 42 Boog, Phillip, commitment, 29 Boulter, John, forgery and uttering on, 32 Boyle, John, false pretences, 44, 50 Bradford, Richard, wilful damage, 77, 92 Bramfield, Henry, false pretences, 43, 49 Brice, Thomas, disobeying a summons, 35 Bristow, Alfred, commitment, 77 Britton, Alfred, attempted buggery, 50 Brodribb, Edward, forgery and uttering on, 31 Brown, John Theodore, disobeying an order, 62 Brown, William, commitment, 28 Brown, W. A., false pretences, 58 Buckley, John, larceny as a bailee, 50, 80 Budd, William, larceny by a trick on, 37 Bunn, Thomas E., false pretences on, 79 Burials in Warburton cemetery discontinued, 69 Burke, John, commitment, 62 Burke, William, commitment, 47 Burns, John, vagrancy, 153 Burroughs and Welcome, false pretences on, 7 Burrell, Lena, larceny as a bailee on, 24 Burt, Mrs. Harry, commitment, 77 Burt, Thomas, false pretences on, 58 C. Cadwallder, John, commitment, 69 Cairns, Thomas Montgomery, larceny as a bailee on, 88 Cameron, -, false pretences, 38 Carter, Charlotte Jane, unlawful carnal knowledge of, 21, 28 Carter, William, commitment, 4, 12 Casey, Lawrence, fraudulent disposition of property, 50 Chambers, Edward Crombie, perjury, 94 Chamberlain, Edward, larceny as a co-partner, 93 Charley, larceny as a bailee, 16 Cheel, Henry, larceny, 88 Chevalier, Walter, false pretences on, 88 Children abandonedChild found abandoned in Royal park, 60 Female child found in the porch of St. Mary's Church, West Melbourne, 2 Female child found in the garden of 118 Gatehouse-street, Parkville, Chinese act notices, 90 Churchill, Elsie, indecent assault on, 94 Clarke, J., false pretences, 24, 57 Clarke, Thomas, commitment, 53 Clayton, George, alias Ginger Clayton, commitment, 63 Clegg, Cockey, vagrancy, 92 Clifford, Charles, embezzlement, 66 Clifford, Patrick, larceny as a bailee on, 65 Clyde, Miriam, larceny as a bailee, 37, 57 Cocking, Elijah, false pretences on, 73 Colban, William, commitment, 28 Cole, Isaac, false pretences on, 58 Costa, Joseph, commitment, 62 Coster, Joseph, larceny as a bailee on, 65 Courts of petty sessions, 47, 76 Court of petty sessions at Loch, 19 Courts of petty sessions altered, 28, 91 Courts of petty sessions discontinued, 52 Cowan, James, larceny of a horse, buggy, and harness, 64, 73, 88 Coyle, James, commitment, 62 Customs act notices, 46 Crawley, Robert S., false pretences on, 80 Crilly, Mr. James H., application for renewal of permit to travel with a side show, 52 Croker, William James, larceny as a bailee on, 16 Crough, Mary, assault on, 21, 28 Croydon safe robbery, reward, 53 18,25 2 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1893. D. Dadds, William, forgery and uttering on, 24 Dalsey, John, alias Stewart, larceny as a bailee, 7 Daly, Robert, assault , 53, 69 Davis, Henry, assault, 70 Dawson, Charles, unlawful carnal knowledge, 79 Deceaux , William, larceny on , 66 D'Ebro, Charles A. , larceny as a bailee on , 15 Delaney, Charles, breach of the Gaols Act 1890, 29 Deputy registrars of births and deaths, 3, 19, 26, 34, 40, 76, 83, Elizabeth Fry retreat, the, approved of as a private charitable reformatory institution, 69 Erwig, Johann and Rudolph, fraudulent insolvency, 7 Eunson, Jeremiah, threatening language, 47 Evans, Edward, larceny as a bailee, 32 Evans, William James, larceny of a horse, cart, and harness property of, 73 Evans, Samuel, embezzlement on, 7 Explosives act notices, 40 Eyre, William Henry, false pretences on, 65 Deputy registrars of births and deaths resigned, 52 Deserters from merchant vesselsBonsail, Adolphus, 30 Hart, Charles Percival, 30, 36 Guerra, Catalino, alias John Rohr, Fritz, 42 Donnelly, 48 Deserters from H.M. service-Babiih, Ptancesco, 22 Henl ey, Wm. E., 55 Ball, Henry, 30 Hill, Arthur, 48 Baxter, James, 22 Jack man, Henry, 5 Bishop, Robert Wm., 13 McK ee, Arthur, 48, 55 Bruty, Henry Chas., 55 Passr nore, John, 48 Burke, Michael, 42 Patte rson, William, 13 Cavanagh, Edward, 5 Philli ps, George, 55 Connolly, Timothy, 42 Pittin o, Charles, 13, 55 Fox, Henry, 42 Puzzi gher, Antonio, 22, 55 Fleming, Charles, 42 Rinal di, Andrew, 22, 55 Greenhill, Frederick, 76 Roger s, Samuel, 13 Goodchild, R. P., 5 Tree, Alfred Daniel, 30 Hannah, Peter, 13 Usnic h, Guisippe, 13, 55 Hawker, James, 13, Ware , Thomas, 13 Deserters of wives, &c.Andresen, Edward, 3 Hille, Henry, 26, 34 Banks, Mitchell, 83 Hines , George, 90 Bailes, Thomas George, 52 Kins man, John, 11, 52, 69 Bailley, James, 18 Daws on, ' l1otna , 90 Bastow, William, 83 Matt hews, Fre d ., 8, 26 Bateman, Enos, 26 Matt hews, George, 26, 33 Bently, William, 83 Midd leton, John Robert, 83 Beresford, Frederick Herbert, Midd ling, Humphrey, 46 83 Mora n, Thomas, 46, 52 Bishop, Samuel, 46 McA uley, Francis, 33 Black, John, 18 M cCa rthy, Peter, 90 Block, Frederick, 68 M Bowen, Richard, 68 M cD onald, eorge, 60 Bradley, Alexander, 90 McD onald, J ohn, 46 Branchflower, Fredk., 18 cD ougall, Ebenezer, 10 Brennan, James, 76 McPh ee, Thomas brought, 54 Brown, George Edward, 46, 52 Oakto rd, Thomas James, 90 Brown, William, 90 Page, Wm, Fredk. Thorsby, Byrne, Daniel Andrew, 40 60, 68 Casey, John, 40, 83 Paul, Robert, 10, 18 ,Castle, Ernest, 10 Pettis , John, 46 Castle, Ernest George, 52 Picke ring, Percy, 10, 18 Clayton, Frederick Wm., 3 Potte r, Henr$Levi, 3, 25 Clyde, Alfred, 18, 26 Prest on, John, 52 Cooper, Albin, 52, 76 Price , George, 26, 40 Coward, Edward, 52 Rama ge , James, 3 Denham, Fred. Arthur, 25 Rees, Henry , 90 Dunstin, John Thos., 46 Richa rdson , Samuel, 40 Elliott, Charles, 26 Rivet t, John Angus, 46 Evans, Ann, 10 Rose warne, John Alfred , 18 $oug han , William , 26 Ewan , Walter Forbes, 68 Fenton, William, 40, 46 Rowa n, James Hamilton , 68 Fittock, William, 33, 40 Scanl on, Daniel, 68 I"+orrester, James, 90 Skeeh an , Oweney , 90 Fraser, John, 40 Seym our, Phillip Henry , 90 Fry, John-Francis, 90 Smith ers, William , 2 Gallagher, Joseph, 76 Sones , Alfred, 68 Glynn, Stephen Michael, 2 Steel , George , 34 Godden, John Francis, 2 Steph ens , Percy Edward , 10 Turn er, William , 2 , 46 Godfrey, William, 46 , Gray, Edward, 83, 90 Tyrre ll, Ada , 18 Haussen, Henry Spencer, 60 Tyrre ll , John Thos. , 46 armn, James Lawrence, 46 Warr en , John , 83 arris, Arthur, 34 Wilso n , James Lewis , 11 arrison, Johr1, 60 With ers, David Henry, 52, 83 arrissosi Wm. kichard Whel an, John, 52 Alfred, 40 Wrig ht , .William , 90 Hawkes, Joseph, alias Joseph Wyb urn , William , 33 Lee, 18, 26 Youn g , James , 26 Herman , Charles, 26, 76 Youn g, John, 60 to, 88 Detering, ,k'redericl William, ,false representations Devanny, Thoffiaa`s; commitment, 77 Diggs, Thomas, vagrancy, 4 Distillation of spirits , Bendigo, place for, 40 Donaldson, Mary Jane, ,larceny as a bailee on , 50 Donegan , John , conspiracy to defraud , 16 Dowland , Mrs. , commitment , 53 , larceny as a bailee on , 93 Dowling , Downie , William, receiving, 79 Douglas, William, alias Scotty, attempt to commit buggery, 32, 57 Doyle , Thomas , obscene language , 84 , 92 Draper , George Viney , disobeying a summons , 35 Driscoll , John , false pretences , 31 Ducrow , James , commitment , 21, 53 Dudgeon , James , disobeying a summons , 21 Duffy; Taftii s , forgery-oil , 88 F. Featherstone, Charles Edwin , embezzlement , 73 , 93 Ferguson, Archibald, embezzlement, 58 Fisher, William, escaping from police, 63, 70 Fitzgerald, H. O. S., false pretences, 7 Fleet, Arthur Henry, vagrancy, 54 Flintoft, John T., false pretences on, 80 Floyd, Ada, larceny, 50, 65, 79 Foley, Thomas, assault, 21, 28 Fraill, Edward, commitment, 84, 92 Francis, Walter, conspiracy to defraud, 16 Francis, William, commitment, 77 Frankford, Alfred, larceny on, 44, 49 Frampton, Henry, embezzlement, 15 Fredericks, C., commitment, 77 Frederick, James, false pretences on, 79 Fry, Henry, false pretences on, 79 Fullarton, John, neglected child, 70 cCl ay,William James, 46 N fl Elizabeth A. Eagleson, Willoughmedia, obscene language to, 4 Earley, Amy; commitment, 41 Edgar , Alfred, false pretences, 79 Edwards, Charles, embezzlement, 31 Edward , David, false pretences on , 88 Edwards , Lily, assault on , 41 Ellerhusen, C., false pretences on, 38 G. Gannon , Thomas , conspiracy on , 73 Garden, Miss M. E., larceny by a trick on , 37 Gardiner , Leslie , larceny as a bailee, 50, 57, 80 Gayland , A. , false pretences on , 44 , 50 George and George Limited, false pretences on , 44 , 49 Geown ,•James ,, forgery and uttering , 49 Gillitt , Edward Austin, embezzlement , 7 Gillman , John , false pretences on , 43 , 50 Glenister , John P. , larceny as a servant on , 88 Glynn , Michael , false pretences , 7 Good , George Bird , embezzlement on , 7 Gordon , Robert Glass , embezzlement , 43 Government Statist , Melbourne , larceny as a bailee on , 16 Grace , Timothy , assault on, 77 Graham , James , Granville , George , larceny, 50 Green , George , embezzlement on , 49 Grey, James Edward, lunacy, 77 Grey, William, neglected child, 70 Grist , John , commitment, 11 Groom , Henry Martin , commitment , 70 Groves , Qharles , unlawfully on the premises of , 58 , 88 Guest , Michael , commitment , 54 larceny on,50 H. Hade, Michael, commitment, 11 Hall, John, alias James Hambrook, unlawfully on premises, 58 88. Halladay, William, alias James Hannan, false pretences, 32 Hallgren, Frederick, larceny on, 88 Halliday, Wm., disobeying an order, 53 Hambrook, George, larceny as a bailee on, 7 Hardisty, George, commitments, 35 Hart, Andrew, assault on, 47 Hart, William, indecent assault, 53 Hawkins, Jack, larceny, 23, 31 Hayes, John, commitment, 28, 62 Hayes, Mrs. John, commitment, 62 Hayes, Patrick, assault, 41, 47 Health act notices, 3, 11, 26, 40, 76, 83, 90 Health officers, 11, 28, 46, 91 Helvar, J. G., embezzlement on, 73 Henderson, William, larceny as a bailee, 32 Hennessy, W. P., false pretences, 7, 24, 38 Henry, John, forgery and uttering on, 15 Herbert, Ernest, buggery, 15, 31 Herbert, -, false pretences, 38 Hertlein, Fritz, false pretences, 58 Heyden, Andrew, commitment, 4 Hicks, James William, assault, 35 Highway robbery, arrested forBuckley, Charles, 49 Sutton, Mary, 73 Cox, Charles, 79 Watson, James Fraser, 31 Hore, Walter, alias Snowy, 87 Wesson, James, 45 Mercer, Alfred, 37 Highway robbery, charged with-Abbott, Ralph, 15 Dillon, Daniel, 49 Cox, Charles, 51 liunrl, Patiick,,23 Carrie, Matthew, 65 Morris; Johri, 23 Davis, Jewey, 65 Highway robbery committed onAdair, Wm. Thomas, 23 fwyer, E d war d fi Armstrong, Irvine Lucius, 51 Bowe, Patrick, 81 Brock, James, 45 Brown, William, 81 Callan, Miss Mary, 17 C amp i on, William , 67 Cs,rrink_ Elizabeth, Clarke, James, 9 25 Collins, Miss Annie, 51 Collins, Timothy, 89 Cooper,, William, 45 Davis, James, 9 Daymond, Andrew, 39 ' 1 Dummlow, Charles, 45, 5 t, Dawson Isaac f+., I40 allrs, lexairder,, Fer atthew, 4 5. 45 F is er, Toseph , 2 o'oy }die' Robert, 67 William, }r+•,.Chas.,•, 39, 51 fi h os., 43 wi'les, ' •ffiei^ A u s 45 Tin ter Wili am, 67 , oh n- E ., 65 as Y; himes, 67 , ,• It 1893.] 'VICTORIA POLICE Highway robbery committed on-continued. King, Wm. H., 25 Nolan Patrick, 67 Knight, Walter, 51 O'Logslen, Henry J. C., 87 Leslie, Donald, 2, 9 Page, Louis Morgan, 81 Louch, Robert, 81 Paul, John Iveson, 9 Low, William, 51 Payne, Stephen, 9, 17 Lucas, Peter, 89 Pean, John, 7, Marsden, Henry,'89 Reid, Louisa, 15 Marshall, Thomas, 33, 81 Seabrook, Charles, 81 Marshall, William, 23, 31, 37 Stabback, James Thos., 17 Mason, Thomas, 49 Stewart, Wm. Wilson, 9 Matson, Carl, 2 Sullivan, Michael, 75 Matthews, Elizabeth A., 51, 59 Thomas, John, 1 Morris, Harry, 1 Tomkins, Andrew, 67 Murphy, Thomas, 79 Towill, Thomas, 81 McGee, Eva, 65 Williatt, Win. Robert, 59 McLeod, John Wm. 65 Wilson, Robert, 59 McNeill, James, 37 Wright, Robert H., 67 Nichol, James, 2 Wynne, Richard H., 65 Hill, Mrs., alias Care, imposition, 92 Hilton and Stilwell, forgery and uttering ori, 58 Hoare, Mrs. John, commitment, 62 Holmes, Annie, assault on, 12, 21 Holtz, John Frederick larceny as a bailee, 88, 94 Horne, James Henry, ilarcbny as a bailee, 66 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingClark, J., 58 Scott, Henry, 32 Digby, William, 50 Smith, Jack, 74 Ehlers, Chas. Hans, 74 Talbot, Thomas, 58 Scanlan, Joseph, 68 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingDigby, William, 38 Smith, David, 16 Ehlers, Charles Hans, 16 Smith, Jack, alias Jack Hughes, William, 32 O'Connor, 66 Smith, -, 21, 32, 38, 66 Horses and cattle stolen fromAdams, Francis Walter, 63, 84 Hegen, Henry, 21 Ali Wong, Robert, 35 Hooper, John C., 54 Anderson, James, 29, 54 Johnson, Patrick F., 4 Andrew, Richard, 21 Johnston, Henry, 22 Armstrong, Richard, 12 Kelly, Mrs. Jane, 29 Armstrong, William, 36 Kenneally, John Francis, 78, Ayrey, Charles, 63 92 Baker, John, 29 Klein, Martin, 36 Bird, William, 48, 54 Leahy, John Francis, 41 Boldiston, Joseph, 12 Little, Austin, 54, 92 Bradley, Stephen, 12 Lobb, Francas, 63 Brewstedt, Heinrich, 92 Lonergan, Miss, 92 Brocklebank, John Geo., 21, MacCauley, Richard, 41 35 MacCauley, John Albert, 84 Browne, Richard W. H., 29 Magnar, Mauris, 42, Brunt, Jghn, 42 Mahony, Terence, 78 Buckley, James, 84 Masters, Germaine, 29, 85 Burns, John Joseph, 54 Matthews, John, 21 Burgess, Frederick, 54, 63 Meldrum, Robt. Henry, 22 Buttner, Dr. Alexander, 42, Millar, William, 35, 70 63 Mines, Richard, 78 Caldwell, the Rev. James, 92 Moe, James Leong, 84, 92 Morrmon, Geo. Chas., 63 Callinan, Denis, 63 Morris, G. F., 41 Cameron, Hugh, 35 Morrison, James, 54 Carr, John, 42 Murray, George, 48 Cherry, George, 12 Musgrove, William, 63 Chirnside, R., 54 McAlister, Williams 12 Clark, Walter, 48 McArthur, Angus, 4, 84 Clarke, James, 78 McColl, Angus, 92 Clegg, Edward, 48 McConnell, John, 92 Clopat, George, 29 McDonald, Ewan, 22 Cochrain, Thomas, 12 McLellan, Robert, 71, 92 Colee, William, 21 McLelland, Mrs. R. J., 21 Coleman, William, 4 McLeod, Donald, 48 Collins, Thomas, 29, 41 McMasters, Charles, 84, 92 Connell, Henry, 71, 78 McNamara, Charles, 48 Connell, Henry, 21 Consannon, Archibald, 29, 35 Nelson, Charles E., 54, 63 Nicholas, Ann, 12 Cooper, E. J., 22, 36 O'Brien; Thomas, 63 Corbett, Robert, 48 O'Gready, Denny, 78 Crooks, Dr. A. W., 22 Oliver, E., 21 Crosier, Henry, 63, 92 O'Neill, James, 54 Dawe, Henry, 4, 12 Osborne, Mary, 54 Dawes, Thomas, 78, 84 Pallock, William, 29, 35 Devers, Christian, 12 Payne, A. R., 48 Devlin, J. P., 78 Paynter, Charles, 12, 35 Devonshire, F. A., 22 Pendergast, James, 63, 78 Dodd, Henry, 16 Peters, Patrick, 22, 29, 54 Dodgshun, Walter, 48 Phillips, John, 63 Doig,Mrs.,21 Pope, Henry James, 54 Duffy, Michael, 78 Quigley, Joseph, 78 Evans, Owen, 35 Ritchie, Patrick, 29 Evans, Thomas, 12 Robbie, James, 21 Evenden, Fredk. W., 54 Roberts, Harry, 48, 70 Fergus, William, 12 Ross, Donald, 29 Fleming, Patrick, 78 Rowy, Henry, 29 Foby, Richard, 63, 78 Ruby, George, 92 Foley, Michael, 4 Ruff, Abraham, 29 Fox, Thomas, 70; 92 Russell, R. F., 54, 63 Frewan, John, 78, 92 Ryan, James, 12 Friltag, Mrs. Mary, 22, 35 Sadler, Albert, 12, 29 Garrett, Joseph, 42 Sandman, Herman, 41 Gearing, George, 54 Seivers, Daniel A., 21 George, Richard B., 35 Sheehan, Henry, 78, 84 Gibbett, John, 4, 35 Shuff, Paul, 78 Goodwin, John, 78 Simpson, William, 92 Gould, Robert, 38 Skene, William, 36, 54 Gunda Singh, 48 Skewes, William, 12 Hadlow, Edmund, 21 Smith, A. H., 84 Halliwell and t'o., 4 Hamilton; John B., 21, 32, 38 Smith, J. C., 54 Smith, R. T., 54 Hamley, Joseph, 36 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 3 Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Smith, William, 36, 41 Walsh, Mary, 12, 41 Soyd, Robert M., 4, 12 Warren, Richard, 41, 54 Sparks, J. W., 78, 92 Watson, Alexander John, 36, Stark,Ja Henry, 63 70 Starr, mes, 78, 84 Wauchope, Charles,' 78 Webb, Walter, 41 Stanton, Benjamin, 84 West, Christopher, 29 Stewart, James, 35, 54 Whitesides, William, 63 Sullivan, Michael, 4 Whiting, George, 54, 78' Syme, Charles, 48, 54 Williams, Mrs. T., 29 Taylor, William, 78 Thompson, Allan, 63 Williamson, Thomas G., 42 Wilson, Henry, 41 Thompson, David, 4 Tiernan, James, 48 Wilson, Thomas, 32 Tait, Arthur, 71 Winkles, Henry, 71 Winnet, Richard, 4, 78 Toner, George, 42 Tonkin, John, 41 Wolfe, Charles, 63 Tulloch, Crawford C., 42 Woolcotte, R. R., 48 Worland, Edgar, 4 Turner, Peter, 70 Turvey, William, 36 Wray, F. W., 35 Tyers, Charles James, 78, 92 Wright, Matthew James, 70 Wackett, Joseph, 54 Victorian Government, 92 Younger, William, 12 Walsh, John, 4 Housebreaking, arrested forMills, Nellie, 43 Baird, William, 15 Mills, Robert, 23 Clinton, -, 123 Ellers, -, 93 McColl,, Henry, 73 O'Meara, Patrick, 57 Fleming, Catherine, 57 Rankin, Ada, 93 Foley, Thomas, 43 Gregory, Alice, 87 Rankin, Emily, 93 Herrett, Ernest, 32 Robinson, Crissy, 33 Hudson, John, 43 Stowers, James, 31 Hughes, Amy, 23 Willmott, John, 123 Marsh, Minnie, 31 Housebreaking, charged withHoward, Fred., 23 Adderley, -, 31, 37 Anderson or Hansen, -, 65 Louden, Edgar, 93 Milne, -, 49 Baker, W., 87 McColl, Henry, 15 Clarke, W., 23 Nash, William, 15 Davie, George, 93 Ellers, -, 87 Potter, James C., 73 Rankin, Ada, 87 Fleming, Catherine, 23 Rankin, Emily, 87 Freeman, Martha, 43 Rhine, James, 59 Gardiner, H. A., alias Sandy Robinson, Crissy, 31 Gardiner, 37 Stowers, James, 123 Gibson, William, 87 Tennant, Charles, 87 Gissing, Edwin, 37 Gregory, Alice, 75 Tobin, Edward, 23 Williamson, -, 37, 43 Herbert, Ernest, 15 Howard, -, 87, 93 Wilson, -, 37 Housebreaking committed on- Abooa, Shemiss, 9 Ah Sing, 31 Atkinson, Emily, 2 Atkinson, Emily, 25 Augrove, Alfred, 25 Bagley, George, 17 Bean, George A., 39 Beath, Charles, 2 Beche, Ernest, 59 Bishop, Bridget, 9 Bottrell, John Henry, 59 Bowling, Thomas, 68 Bowness, Edward, 25 Brea,, Henry Thos., 9 Breen, James, 15 Brown, Tr+ llen, 51 Bruton, Henry, 10, 33, 43 Buckley, George, 82 Burns, Mrs. Richard, 9, 10 Butler, William F., 17 Cadden, Patrick, 75 Campbell, Catherine Anne, 45 Chamberlain, Geo. Fredk., 67 Christian, Ellen, 82 Christy, Thomas, 75 Cleary, James, 17, 59 Cliff, Joseph, 60 Colquhon, William M., 68 Cooke, Maria, 45 Cooksley, William, 68 Craig, Joseph James, 33, 51 Cronin, Daniel, 2 Crossley, Harry, 2 Davies, R. R., 59 Davidson, Henry, 10 Davis, Harry C. P., 82 Decis, William, 89 Dendy, Dr. Arthur, 10, 39 De Veaux, Louis, 67 Doane, Joseph Albert, 18 Doull, David, 37 Drinkwater, Walter, 10 Dudley, Mrs. Adelina, 75, 89 Duff, Patrick, 59 Dusting, Harvey, 89 Edwards, Annie, 23 Eley, Edmund, 60 Fennell, John D., 75 Ferguson, Thos., 2 Findlay, Thomas, 45 Fison, William F., 89 Fonda, John, 93 Foster, John, 82 Freeman, Joseph, 43 Freeman, Martha, 45 Gallagher, Kate, 82 Grby, Emma, 25 Gibson, Henry, 89 Gibson, Samuel, 68, 87 Gill, Eleanor, 23 Gill, John George, 87, 93 Goad, Mary, 65 Greville, Henry, 82Grierson, Thomas, 67 Grounds, Alexander, 68 Guild, William, 10 Gunyon, John, 51 Hagart, Wm. Henry, 33 Hall, Emily, 31 Hamilton, James, 57 Hamilton, John, 33 Hardy, Emma, 39 Hart, Matilda, 89 Harvey, Thomas, 23 Hayes, Joseph, 60 Hayes, William, 15 Henon, Edward, 51 Herrett, Frederick, 15 Heyger, William, 2, 10 Holmes, John, 25 Howells, Robert, 87, 93 Irons, Alfred, 37, 43 Jackson, Maurice, 51 Jennings, Thos. H., 51 Kellett, George, 68 Kendall, Thomas W., 33 Kennedy, Louisa Tayler, 79 Kerney, Barney, 73 Kershaw, William, 67, 75 Kryger, William, 10 Lambert, Rev. H. J., 82 Law, James, 2 Lawrence, Walter, 75 Leggo, Charles Henry, 17 Leslie, Mary, 82 Lester, Robert, 37, Lester, Thomas, 39 Levesey, Mrs. Ruth, 68 Ling, Henry T., 39 Long, Charles A., 33 Maher, Denis, 45 Marrow, Josiah, 68, 75 Meredith, Albert, 40 Miller, Herbert, 2 Mitchell, Francis C., 37 Mottram, Samuel, 10, 33, 4l Mudra, Emma, 17 Murphy, John J., 82 Murphy, Martin, 9 McDonald, John, 49 McDowell, David, 83 McKenzie, Peter,. 10, 17 McLean, Roderick, 7 , , , McLennan, William, 60 VICTORIA 4. POLICE Housebreaking committed on-continued. Nanson, Edward J., 2 Shrapnell, Amelia, 75, 82, 93 Newson, Mrs. Ellen, 67 Smith, James, 9 Noyes, Mrs. Nellie, 39 Smith, John, 75 O'Connor, Francis Joseph, 87 Smyth, Richard de Burgh, 23 Oldfield, George, 89 Smyth, Thomas, 23 Oliver, Thos. N., 2 Stanlake, Samuel, 39 Ovendale, J., 10 Steele, James, 45 Pembroke, Garrett, 2 Steers, Wm. Henry, 33 Perkins, Horace, 15 Stokesbury, Joseph, 25 Pittmans, Harold Chas., 51 Strenger, Thomas, 89 Posner, Rachael, 9 Talbert, William Henry, 51 Pound, Peter, 15 Tappin, J., 51 Rae, Francis, 87 Tipping, Isaac, 60, 82 Ralph, Wm. Arthur, 82 Thomas, Edward E., 67 Rees, Annie, 81 Thomas, John, 15 Rees, Edward, 82 Thomson, Mrs. James, 67, 75 Reid, Erast, 39 Tomkins, Harry, 25 Reynolds, Henry W.,60 Vanryan, Mrs., 75 Riddell, William, 59 Vietz, Charles, 9, 17 Ripons, G. R., 10 Waite, John Henry, 25 Roche, John, 65 Walker Edward, 9 Robb, David, 2 Walkins, Frank, 67 Robins, Maria, 10 Walsh, John V., 51 Roberts, George, 75 Weatherston, William, 89 Roberts, John, 10, 40 Wilson, Henry, 93 Robertson, William, 17 Woolf, William, 87 Rushworth, Fanny, 45 Wright, Geo. William, 45 Ryan, Patrick, 23 Yates, Walter, 82, 89 Sexton, Wm. Edwd., 43 Young, Timothy, 82 Shirt, Herbert T., 17, 25 Howes, George, vagrancy, 62 Hudson, Thos. Henry, commitment, 4 Humberstone, Geo. Alfred, forgery and uttering on, 88 Hunter, John James, larceny, 66 Hunter, Peter, commitment, 69 Hunter, Robert, embezzlement on, 24 Huxley, Elizabeth, assault on, 53 Hyndman, James and Mary, assault on, 35, 47 1. Infant life protection act, regulations for the , 19, 20, 28 Inspectors of slaughter-houses, 61 Incendiarism onCoombs , Joseph Butterworth, 89 Egerton gold mining company, 45 Harman, Mrs. M. A ., at Kooreh, 75 O'Brien, Patrick, 39 Water and Kerang united roller mills limited, 9 Inquests held onBody of man found in Thomson river , near Newry, 5 Body of man found floating in the Yarra , at Burnley, 5, 13 Body of man found near Yando, 5 Body of man found in the Yarra, near Prince 's-bridge, 13, 22 Body of man found in a paddock at South Brighton, 13 Body of man found in the Yarra, near the Friendly Societies' gardens, 13, 22 Body of man found in the Yarra , near Prince 's-bridge, 22, 36 Body of man found in Saltwater river, Kensington, 42, 48 Body of man who died in the Newbridge lockup, 48, 55 Body of man found in the Yarra , near Victoria -street bridge, 55, 64 Body of man found in a at South Elmore, 64 Body of man found in a at Birregurra, 64 hut hut Body of man found on the sea shore at Portarlington, 71 Body of man found at the rear of Fillis' circus, St. Kilda-road, 85 Body of male child found at 81 Hotham-street, East Melbourne, 30 Body of male child found at Corporation tip, North Melbourne, 64, 71 Body of female child found at the corn er of Arden and Laurensstreets, North Melbourne, 55 Body of man found hanging to a tree in Chiltern park, 92 Body of man who died suddenly at the torquoise mines, South Hedi, 92 Skull and jawbone of a man found at Kinglake, 22 Swagman, who died at Muntham, near Coleraine, 22 Swagman, killed by a buggy accident at Dimboola, 36 J. Jackson, Charles, deserting apprenticeship, 78, 83 Jackson, John, stealing from, 12 Janes and Janes, forgery and uttering on, 31 James, Jesse, commitment, 47 Jenkins, Edward, assault, 69 Jenkins, David, larceny, 44, 49 Jennings, Michael, wilful damage, 92 Johnson, Phillip, larceny as a bailee, 65, 73 Johnstone, Carl, commitment, 28 Johnson, Edmund, larceny as a bailee on, 7 Johnston, James, larceny, 88 Jones, Edmund, commitment, 28 Jones, W., disobeying a summons, 12 Jones, William, uttering a counterfeit sovereign on, 73 Jones, Robert, disobeying a summons, 53 Jones, Thomas Lloyd, larceny as a bailee on, 66 Jordan, Charles J., commitment, 21 Jordan, John, forging and uttering, 24, 31, 32, 37, 43 Jordan, John Sydney Herbert, false pretences, 57 Justices of the peace appointed, 52 Justices of the peace resigned, 19, 26, 34, 60 K. Kavanagh, James, commitment, 47 Keenan, John,' disobeying an order, 41, 47, 77 Kerr, Matthew, using obscene language, 12 Ki Ham, assault on, 41 GAZETTE,-INDEX. [1893. Kiley, Sarah Ann, vagrancy, 29, 69 King, Emma, vagrancy, 41 King, Joseph, false pretences, 80, 88, 94 Kingston, Thomas, commitment, 77 Kino, Mondalo, false pretences on, 44, 49 Kirby, Mr., larceny on, 32 Kit-Johnson, Mrs., wilful exposure to, 53 Knox, Thomas William, false pretences on, 94 Krakowski, Moses, larceny as a bailee on, 37 L. Laidlaw, William, embezzlement on, 66 Lang, Eveline, wilful and obscene exposure to, 91 Lanschke, Frederick William, 32 Lamb, Charles, failing to comply with an order of the Richmond bench,92 Legge, Joseph, assault on, 20 Leongatha registration district, 40 Lewis, Henry, loitering near prisoners, 16, 24 Lewis, James, disobeying an order, 47 Liddle, Harold Arthur, false pretences on, 94 Limeburners bay, netting prohibited in, 34 Lindsay, Robert, false pretences on, 50 Litman, John, larceny, 94 Long, Edith, attempt to procure abortion on, 23 Longdill, Harriett E., imposition, 92 London chartered bank, eastern branch, forgery and uttering on, 66 Lord, William, uttering a counterfeit sovereign on, 79 Louder, Thomas, wilful and obscene exposure, 4 Love, Jack, neglected child, 47 Lutteral, George F., alias Phillips, alias Conroy, alias Thomas Parker, false pretences, 80 Lynch, Cornelius, commitment, 12 M. Macfarline , Win. S., disobeying a summons, 62, 73 Magistrates appointed , 26, 34, 41, 46 Magistrates resigned, 52, 90 Magsdale , Albert, larceny, 88 Maher , Stephen, commitment, 21 Mahon, Thomas , larceny on, 50 Maitland , larceny, 79, 88 Malcolm, James, uttering, 23 Manning, William , assault, 62 Mant, Anne Elizabeth , vagrancy, 35, 41 Marine act notices, 11, 90 Mary Ryan, commitment, 70 Martin , A., fraudulent representations, 32 Martin , Michael , assault, 4 Matron of probationary school for boys, Royal park , appointed, 40 Matthews , Matthew , commitment, 47 Matthews , Mary , assault on, 35 Mede, Mrs. William, 12 Medical practitioners , register of , 40, 46, 76 Mendes, Morris, for U.A. O.D. lodge , embezzlement on, 58 Menz , Henry , forgery on, 32, 37 Messenger , Richard, false pretences on, 43, 49 Mienes, Harry, selling liquor without licence, 4 Miller, John , embezzlement, 24, 58 Miplis, Joseph H ., false pretences on, 38 Missing friendsBarker, William , 92 Hogan, Patrick, 55 Bennett, R. E., 4 Johnstone , Mrs Mary Jane, Butler, John E., 13 55 Cameron, Angus , 22, 55 Jones , Henry, 30 Cameron , James, 48 Jones , Mrs., alias Elizabeth Cameron, Sophia , nee Bertram , Jackson, 92 42 Kellett , Arthur, 64 Clough, William, 71 Leverty , James, 13 Cooper, James , 64 Lennard , Richard, 36 Cowan, James , 64 Livie, James, 4 Craven , Alfred, 12 Mackey , Peter, 64 Cutta Singh , 85 Magill, Robert, 55 Daley , John, 5 Morrice , George, 22 Delaney, Mary Ann, 4 McCormack , Rachel, 36, 48 Dixon , Robert, alias Savage , McIntyre , John, 4 29 McLean , Hector, 71 Donohue , Dwyer, 71 O'Toole, Tobias, 78 Emms , C. W., 92 Pitman , Robert, 85 Erskin, Walter , 22, 29 Rawsthorne , Shederick, 64 Ewan, Walter Forbes , 48 Rossman , John, 12 Fairfax , Alfred Julius, 55 Seanwell , John, 78 Fox, James , 4 Smith, Rev. Benjamin, 48, 55 Genin, Phillip Edward, 71 Toohy, Mr., 71 Grinlinton , Henry John, 55 Turnbull, Annie , alias CrawGrime, Francis, 48 ford, 22 Hannon, Bessie , 36, 54 Umpleby, Napoleon James, 4 Harris, Sarah, 5 Volker, Robert, 71 Flastie, John , 64 Vores , Dr. Arthur, 71 Hand, Richard , 22 Whiteley, Edgar, 22, 30 Hayes, Frederick, 42 Mistbugler , J., commitment, 53 Mitchell , Robert, loitering near prisoners, 16, 24 Moran, James, false pretences on, 24 Morris , Francis, assault, 70, 84 Morris , William , inflicting grievous bodily harm, 23 Morris , William Prosser , larceny on, 37 Morriss , Henry James , commitment, 53 Mortimer , John, commitment, 4 Moxon, Kate, indecent assault 4n, 77 Mummery, Alfred , larceny as a bailee, 15 Munro, James, larceny on, 88 Murder ofFemale child found near railway pier , Corio Bay, Geelong, 39 Female child found at Williamstown, on a vacant piece of ground adjoining Melbourne -road, 59 1893 .] VICTORIA POLICE Murder of-continued. Female child found between the Botanical Gardens and Barkerstreet, Castlemaine, 81 Female child found on back beach, Williamstown, 81 Female child found in the Yarra, near Queen's-bridge, 17 Female child found at the rear of 312 St. George's-road, North Fitzroy, 25, 81 Male child found off Park-street, North Carlton, 1 Male child found in Hobson's Bay, Williamstown, near Bruce's boat sheds, 59 Male child found on a vacant piece of land, off Kerferd-road, Albert Park, 59 Male child found on a vacant piece of land, near railway station, Brunswick, 81 Male child found on a vacant piece of land, in Nelson-road, Newport, 81 Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Murray, Murray, -, false representations, 88 Agatha, assault on, 20 Michael, commitment, 53 Patrick, commitment, 12 Peter, false pretences on, 94 Robert, forgery and uttering on, 74 Me. McAuley, Charles, commitment, 4, 12 McCarnish, Alexander, larceny as a bailee, 66, 73 McClelland, William, larceny, 32 McCulloch, Charles, alias John, larceny as a bailee, 65 McDonald, -, larceny, 66, 94 McDonald, James, alias N. Byren, false pretences, 50 McDonald, Peter, commitment, 11 McGibbon, Mary, commitment, 35 McGivern, Harry, commitment, 29 McGuire and Turnbull, false pretences on, 66 McIntyre, George, riotous behaviour, 92 McKee, Arthur H., false pretences, 50 McKenzie, Donald, commitment, 11 McKenzie, Thomas, assault, 20 McLaren, Frank, forgery and uttering, 74 McLaughlin, George, alias George Bitton, larceny as a servant, 88 McLean, Alexander, commitment, 41, 84 McLean, Annie, commitment, 84 McLeod, James, escaped lunatic, 21 McMurray, Thomas, false pretences on, 58 McPhee, Duncan, disobeying a summons, 70 McWhirter, Elizabeth, commitment, 35, 53 N. Nail, John, assault, 20 Newtown, Annie, false pretences on, 58 Nichols, Roland, using obscene language, 12 Noll, Ernest, commitment, 84 New South Wales-Wood, Frank, wife desertion, 5 New South Wales-Winton, Harry, embezzlement, 74 New South Wales-Hinde, Alfred, larceny in a dwelling, 85 New Zealand-Moran, William Francis, wife desertion, 48 0. O'Brien, Timothy, commitment, O'Connor, -, assault, 62 84, 92 O'Connor, Thomas, alias Watson, riotous conduct, 47 O'Farrell, Jeremiah, commitment, 70 Ogle, Frederick, alias La Merce, commitment, 54 O'Grady, Martin Daniel, uttering on, 7 O'Neill, Charles, forgery and uttering, 15 Orchard, William, escaped lunatic, 47, 53 Order authorizing Miss Harriott Bailey to apprehend any girl under the age of 16 years found residing in a brothel, &c., revoked, 11 Order authorizing Mrs. Sarah J. Swinborn, of Argo-street, South Yarra, to apprehend any-girl under the age of 16 years found residing in a brothel, &c., 69 Orr, Robert, commitment, 70 O'Sullivan, Timothy, commitment, 29 Otten, Harry, rogue and vagabond, 62 P. Palmer, William Henry, intent to rob from, 24 Pearce, Mr. F. A., application for theatrical licence for South African Fujama company, 69 Peppard, J. L., assault on, 70 Peterson, Henry, larceny on, 15 Peterson, Martin, commitment, 4 Pettifer, Henry, false pretences on, 43 Pettigrew, J. A., false pretences, 44, 49 Perkins, Constable Frederick, assault on, 62, 69 Phelan, William, escaped lunatic, 77 Pilchen, Johann Wilhelm, escaped lunatic, 41, 47 Pollard, Sam, larceny, 50 purpose, 40 Private establishments used as reformatory schools, 40 Service of summons when owing to the insufficiency of the period available, 26, 69 Police force, promotionsBrennan, Keyran, 18 Johnston, George, 18 Jordan, Frank, 18 Cotter, Richard, 18 Daly, Henry, 18 King, Morgan, 18 Kissane, Richard, 18 Daly, John, 18 Liddell, John, 18 Dunne, John, 18 Monks, James, 18 Graham, Robert, 18 Murphy Edward, 18 Harris, Arthur Wellington, 18 McGann, John, 18 Heberle, Wm. Henry, 18 Hehir, John, 18 McKinnon, Charles, 18 Nelson, John, 18 Herbert, John Michael, 18 Nolan, Martin, 18 Hillard, Robert, 18 Simcocks, Thomas, 18 Horsfall, Alfred Herbert, 60 Turnbull, John Anderson, 18 Jesse, Charles, 18 Police force, resignationsO'Connor, Edwin John, 76 Herron, Archibald, 76, 83 Robertson, Adam James, 11 Jones, Albert Edward, 69 Nuzum, William, 60 Sindel, Alfred, 3 Police force, superannuationsBergin, Thomas, 3 Jones, Samuel, 3 Brennan, Joseph, 69 Marks, David, 3 Brien, James, 3 O'Neill, Simon, 3 Bysouth, James, 3 Palmer, Henry Sandford, 3 Quinn, John, 3 Considine, William Napier, 69 Curtin, David, 40 Redman, Walter James, 69 Whelan, James, 3 Egan, Thomas, 83 Wood, William, 3 Greer, John, 3 Police districts and stations, 3 Police stations formed, 34, 76, 90 Police stations broken up, 10, 34, 40, 46, 76, 90 Police force, Victorian-list of officers, 18, 19 Police reserve at Egerton, about to be revoked, 34 Police reserves at Boort and Tylden, partly revoked, 19 Porter, Charles, larceny, 50 Portland police gaol, proclamation re abolition of, 83 Posner, Alfred, larceny on, 66 Poulton, Alfred, commitment, 21 Premier, Michael, assault, 63, 80, 94 Premier, Joseph, assault, 63, 80, 94 Pritchard, Charles, larceny as a bailee on, 58 Probationary school at Ballarat abolished, 83 Probationary school at Royal Park, 41 Property, arrested for stealingArmes, Arthur, 37 Foster, T., 18 Britton, Henry, 40 Broadbent, James, 10 Brown, John, 87 Champion, John, 93 Clegg, Robert, 93 Digby, William, 49 Elliott, John, 15 Farmer, James, 90 Francis, C. W., 88 Fraser, Daniel, 18 Property, charged with stealingBennett, E., 49 Brown, John, 79 Francis, C. W., 73 Gardiner, A., alias Sandy Gardiner, 49 Harris, James, 43 Henderson, James, 65 Herrin, Joseph, 15 Property found, now in possession Albert park police, 85 Benalla police, 29, 71, 85 Bendigo police, 71 Bright police, 54 C. I. branch police, 48 Dandenong police, 4 Doncaster police, 22 Property AfiSam 11 officers, 26 Police force, deathsAndrew, Robert, 18 Nicholson, James, 40 Lomaine, James, 11 Slattery, James Paul, 90 Police force, dischargeRankin, William Harcourt, 26 Index-Quarter ending March.-B. 5 Police force, dismissalsCobbledick, George, 18 McLaughlan, Dugald, 46 Police force, instructions toAttention directed to section 184 of the Customs and Excise Duties Act 1890 (No. 1082), 69 Burial of deceased patients of lunatic asylums, 11 Destruction of quail during close season, 26 Execution of distress warrants, 26 Medical attendance on a prisoner sent to a gaol for that Property lost by- . Dunne, Henry, 4 Fraser, Alexander, 63 Hamilton, Blanch, 54 Police force, absconderO'Neill, Charles, 11, 35 Police force, appointments asActing chief commissioner of police, 26 Collectors of imposts, 26, 40, 46, 52, 83 Commissioner for taking declarations and affidavits, Crown lands bailiffs, 19, 52, 83, 90 Customs 11, 26 Honorary assistant inspector of fisheries, 11, 52, 60 Inspector of distilleries, 3 Inspectors of licensing districts, 19, 26 Notice of engine-drivers' certificates, 76 Police force, appointments as constablesHorsfall, Alfred Herber*,.40 Rex, George, GAZETTE.-INDEX. stolen Jones, William, 87 Kenny, Mrs., 18 Meyers, Alfred, 15 Mortimer, Harry, 87 Muller, William, 93 Mullins, Thomas, 37 Pearce, Henry, 93 Smith, Arthur, 57 Smith, George, 31 Smith, Jack, 68 Jones, William, 79 Moorehead, William, 57, 93 Muller, William, 88 McCormack, John, 40, 49 McKine, John, 65 O'Connor, M., 79 Pearce, Henry, 57 ofFootscray police, 63 Mooroopna police, 92 Northcote police, 36 Russell-street police, 42, 71 St. Kilda police, 78 Williamstown police, 36 Headley, H., 12 Reilly, Michael, 63 from- Bet, 46 Anderson, Peter, 68 Arnall and Jackson, 52 Bernstein, Jacob, 45 Bradshaw, David A., 10 Broadbent, Thomas, 40 Brooks, William, 40 Butterworth, Thomas R., 51 Campbellfield railway sta. tion, 57 Carrel, William, 51 Carson, Charles, 90 Charlton, M. W., 79 Clark, Michael, 68, 76 Clarke, Norman, 10 Cline, Frank, 43, 49 Crawford and Blair, 87 Croydon railway station, 57 Dickson, John, 93 Dix, F. G., 82, 90 Empson, R. B., 76 Fielding, Daniel, 49 Fraser, William, 2 Gamble, Joseph, 82, 89 Genhart, Emil, 83 Gibbs, Dr., 79 Grigoleit, Harry, 25 Guild, Thomas, 46 Guthrie, Arthur D., 25 Hall, James, 60, 68 Harrington, Clara, 93 Harvey, James, 60 Haynes, James, 65 Hobbs, Alfred James, Hull, Thomas, 57 Johnston, Peter, 33 Kelly, John, 7 Kelly, Robert, 2 6 VICTORIA POLICE Property stolen from-continued. Kuby, William, 10 Rendell, Andom, 65 Lazarus, Henry Lewis, 49 Richardson, Eliza, 46 Laidlaw and Fenton, 46, 68 Rilucci, Charles, 57 Macartney, Rev.- H. B., 7 Robinson, Miss Eva, 51 Mason, James, 43 Robison Bros., 90 Masterson, John Jarrs, 76 Roper, Harry, 60 Mathieson, Angus, 82, 90 Ross, Edwin, 31, 57 Medlow, Joseph, 68 Ross, William, 60 Menzies, William, 90 Saddin, Joseph, 52 Merritt, Alfred, 10 Schuyler, Walter, 60 Michelson, M. P., 73 Sheehan, Maurice, 52, 60 Minto, Thomas, 10 Smith, William, 82 Morton, James, 15 Stabback, James Thos., 49 Murdoch, J. C., 90 Tame, Charles, 82 Murphy, John J., 82, 89 Thomson, Lewis, 40 McConnell, William, 46, 76 Thorne, John, 68 McCook, Archibald, 60 Tyler, James, 40, 49 McDougall, David, 52 Vicker, Henry, 76 McLean, Hugh, 83 Victorian railways commisMcMullin, Frank, 82 sioners, 57 Nuttall, Alice, 52 Victorian railways commisO'Shea, William', 10 sioners, 40 Warden, William, J.P., 60 Owen, Herbert, 89 Pierce, Gus, 82 White, Hannah, 15 Pinnock, Dr. Robert Denham, 79 Public health notices, 11, 26, 91 Public vaccinators, 3, 27, 34, 52, 83 Quarantine Quarantine Queensland Q. district, certain land in the parish of Maffra, 19 ground for imported dogs, 19, 34, 52, 83 flood relief fund notice. 45 R. Rea, George, larceny on, 79 Reardon, Denis, alias Regan, unlawful assault, Reformatory schools for boys, 20 Reformatory school at Ballarat abolished, 83 Registration of firms act, 53 Reid, Alexander 11 Jolly, larceny as a bailee, 66 Reilly, Denis, assault with intent to commit a rape, 23 Reservation of police reserve at Staffordshire reef revoked, 76 Reservation of site for police purposes at Egerton revoked, 60 Reservation of site for police purposes at Kyabrain revoked, 83 Reynolds, G., forgery and uttering, 32 Richards, Thomas, disposition of property belonging to, 50 Richie, Robert, assault, 41 Richmond, Elizabeth, vagrancy, 83, 92 Richmond, John, false pretences on, 50 Richmond, John, assault on, 91 Richter, Herman, larceny as a bailee, 43, 49 Ridgeway, Albert Harold, perjury, 7 Riley, Annie, unlawful and carnal knowledge of, 79 Rivett, John Angus, fraudulent disposition of property, 50 Roach, Edward, commitment, 21 Roberts, William, commitment, 77 Robertson, John, assault, 41, 63 Robertson, John, alias Robert Franklin, forgery and uttering, Robins, William, larceny as a bailee on, 66 Roche, Cockey, playing an unlawful game, 41 Rolls, Albert, larceny of property belonging to, 74, 79 Roney, J. E., false pretences, 50, 80 Ross, Lindale, Rowe, William, Ryan, Michael, Ryan, Richard, Ryan, Richard, Ryan, William, neglected child, 48 assault, 21, 29 commitment, 28 commitment, 77 fraudulent representations, uttering, 7 Russell, Robert W., false pretences, 32 94 S. Sack, Frederick, forgery and uttering on, 31 Sadleir, Thomas, wilful damage, 84 Sanders, William Thomas, false pretences, 94 Sargood, Butler, and Nichol, false pretences on, 49, 73 Scheveda, Anna, larceny as a. bailee on; 43, 49 Schoknecht, Fred., forgery, 32, 37 Scott, Tom, larceny, 15 Schwarz, Emil, false pretences Schwartz, Carl, commitment, on, 32 35 Scolds, Joseph, unlawful carnal knowledge, Shaddock, Alfred, assault, 35 Sharkie, John, embezzlement, 7 Shevally, Alexander, vagrancy, 92 21, 28 By Authority: GAZETTE .-INDEX . [1893. Shields, Margaret, assault, 35, 47 Sinclair, Elizabeth, disobeying an order, 84 Simmonds, Daniel Wm., larceny on, 50 Slater, Thomas, commitment, 21 Slattery, John, larceny as a bailee, 17 Smith, Annie, conspiring to defraud, 16 Smith, Ernest, insulting behaviour, 63, 80, 94 Smith, George, commitment, 63 Smith, George Leopold, perjury, 63 Smith, James, commitment, 35 Smith, James, insulting behaviour, 80 Smith, Joseph, larceny as a bailee, 93 Smith, Nicholas, larceny on, 32 Smith, Thomas, uttering a forgery, 31 Smith, Thomas, larceny as a servant, 37, 43 Smith, William, vagrancy, 35 Smith, William, alias Aldridge, larceny as a bailee, 7, 44 Smith, Wraffe, obscene language, 92 Smyth, John, assault, 91 Solomon, H. A., larceny, 88 Squires, John, indecent assault, 77 Standard Stanley, brewery Patrick, company, larceny assault, 35, 47 as a bailee Stephens, William, larceny on, 94 Stevens, Anne, larceny, 32 Stewart, Henry, larceny on, 50, 65, 79 Strachan, John Thomas, unlawful assault Stubbs, Charles, commitment, 62 Stubbs, Francis H., assault on, 21, 29 Sullivan, John, commitment, 12 on, 11 Supreme Court sittings at Bairnsdale and Shepparton, 76 Sutherland, John, commitment, 35 Sutton, Dennis, fraudulently converting a cheque to his own use, 38 T. Taht, George, larceny, 32 Tasmania-Fetherston e, Char] es Edwin, embezzlement at Hobart, 73 Taylor, Michael, larceny as a public servant, 16 Thompson, George, false pretences, 88 Thompson, Joseph, alias Darby Thompson, assault, 12, 21 Thompson, Titus W. J., vagrancy, 84 Thorborne, Alexander, false pretences, 80 Tindall, Rachel, commitment, 77 Todd, William, assault, 47 Travis, John, commitment, 84 Treadwell, Vincent, larceny as a bailee on, 65 V. Varney, Joseph Wellesley, threatening Vaughan, J., false pretences, 79 life, 28, 35 Victorian railways commissioners, embezzlement Vinn, Henry, forgery and uttering, 88 31 on, 16, 24 on, 66 W. Waddell, Edward, assault on, 62 Wallace, William, larceny, 93 Wainwright, Frederick, commitment, 41 Ward, John, inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 23 Ward, Fred., illegal sale of liquor, 70 Warr, Charles, false pretences, 38 Walton, John, disobeying a summons, 12 Webb, H. S., embezzlement, 49, 58 Webberley, George, forging a letter, 88 Webster, William, larceny on, 93 Welsh, David, larceny on, 23 White, Frank, larceny as a bailee, 66 White, J. W., false pretences, 58 Wilkie, James, commitment, 70, 78 Williams, Mrs., alias Reynolds, larceny as a bailee, 32 Williams, Thomas, assault, 77 Williams, Thomas, threatening language, 70 Wilson, false pretences, 58 Wilson, Frank, commitment, 77 Wilson, James, commitment, 92 Wilson, T. H., larceny, 79 Wilson, Thomas, commitment, 12 Wilton, forgery and uttering, 58 Winters, Henry, larceny as a bailee, 88, 93 Womack, Wm. Edward, embezzlement on, 31 Y. Youlton, Elisha , false pretences, 80 RouT . S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbou rne. POLICE GAZETTE. VICTORIA INDEX OF PRISONERS DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH,- 1893. FOR Absolam, Eliza , 22nd February Acutt, Harry, 8th February Adam, Edward , 18th January Adams , Arthur, 22nd March January Alford, Richard , 4th January Allen, Jane , 15th February Allen, Edward , 1st February Allwood, William, 8th March Allwright , Sydney G., 29th March Anohestle , Emma, 1st March Anderson , Charles, 15th March Anderson , Clement, 1st March Anderson , Fanny , 29th March Anderson , Frank , 15th February Anderson , John, 25th January Anderson , Mary , 1st March Anderson, William, 15th March Archer, Christopher Charles, 25thJanuary Asaty, Mary Ann, 8th February Arthur, William , 15th Februar Ah F at, 1st February Ah Hong, 25th Jau,. ry Ali Long, let March Ah Moon, 4th January Ali Toole, 8th February Ah Won, 18th January Backhouse , Charles, 25th January Bailey, Thos ., 15th March Baker, John, 15th March Baker, William , 15th March Ballantyne , Jane, alias Jane O'Donnell, 22nd March Barclay, Andrew , 1st March Barnett, Esther , 25th January Barnett, Lucy, 8th March Barry, Thomas , 8th February Bassett, Thomas , 29th March Bearpark , Ambrose 29th March Beaver, Frank , 18th January Beebe , Frank, 18th January Beebe, Margaret , 18th January Bell, Geo ., 22nd March Bell, James , 22nd February Benson, William , 8th February Bent, Richard, 22nd February Berlyn, Minnie , 1st March Berry, Robert , 11th January Beston, Laurence , 18th January Birch, Elizabeth , 15th March Blanckenfzell , Fredk. John, 1st MarchBlandford , Alexander, 29th March Bloxam, Arthur Charlton, 25th Januar Bourke, Alen, 22nd March Bourke, James , 1st March Bourke, John, 25th January Bourne , Amy, 8th March Bowman, Chas ., 8th March, Braham, Thomas A., 29th March Brattazani , Fanny, 8th Februar Breen, Wm., 22nd February Brennan, Johanna , 25th January Brennan , Patrick, 1st March Brinsmead , Henry, 18th Janu- Aldis, Joseph W.,11th ary Index-Quarter POLICE INFORMATION Broadbent , James , 15th February Brophy, Kate , 15th March Bromilow, Joseph J., 1st March Brooks , Thomas , 1st March Brown, Annie , 8th February Brown, Alexander , 29th March Brown, Charles , 29th March Brown, George , 8th February Brown, Henry , 8th February Brown, John , 1st March Brown , James , 29th March Brown, Wm., 8th March Bryant, Robert, alias David Pearson, 22nd February Bruton, John Cuzon, 18th January Buckley, Jeremiah , 1st March Bullen, Michael , 25th January Burnie , Wm., 15th March Burns , John, 22nd March Burns , Hannah, 18th January Burns , Thomas , 1st February Lui..zti, John , 1st March Bury, William T., 11th January Bushell, John , 15th March Butler, Joseph , 1st February Butler, Patrick , 15th March Byrne, Jas ., 22nd February Byrt, Michael J., 11th January Cain, John , 22nd March Calder, David , 29th March Callaghan , Daniel, 22nd March Callow , Thomas , 15th March Cameron, Michael , 11th January Campbell , Donald, 4th January Campbell, George, alias Thos. Johnston , alias Thos . Evans, 11thJanuary Campbell, James , 29th March Capper, David , Sth February Cann, C . W., 18th January Canning, Elizabeth , 15th February Carisen , Martin, 29th March Carr, Patrick , 15th March Casson, David , 18th January Castella , Juan, 8th February Castles, Andrew , 18th January Cathcart , James , 1st March Chamberlain , Charles, 22nd March _ Chamberlain , George, 22nd February Chaplin, Robert , 18th January Chapman, Victor , 22nd. March Christie , George, 4th January Clark, Peter , 8th March Clarke, Henry , 18th January Clarke, Mary C., 8th February Cleary, John , 15th February Clifford, John , 22nd March Clifford, Richard , 25th January Clifton, Edward , 25th January Clohesy, James , 29th March Coffee , John, 15th March Collins , Andrew , 15th February Collins , Charles , 1st February Comins , Nicholas , 22nd March Connell, Patrick , alias Denis O'Laughlen , 8th February Connors , Henry, 22nd March Connors , John, 1st March Conroy, Patrick , alias James Donohue, 4th January Cooney, Joseph, lst February ending March.-o. ONLY. Cooper, Henry, 15th March Allis, George, alias Elias Sisnmom, 15th February Costelloe, Thomas, alias Johnstone, alias Smith, alias Ellis, Joan,. 8th February O'Connor, alias Jones, 1st Ellis, Thomas, 18th January March Emselle, Jas., 11th January Cousens, Benjamin, 29th March Evans, Az tonio, 0b January Cozens, Ann, 22nd February V,vana, Griffith Johr#, lst FebCreighton, William, 29th March ruary Evans, Joseph, 22nd March Critch, 'Wm., 11th January Evans, Williams _alic& Croft, Thomas, 25th January Cronin, Jeremiah, 15th FebF+vans, llth January ruary Ewine, Cleo 22nd March Crowel, Henry, 1st February Fairbairn, om"as., 8tb. Feb. Crossley, Henry, 25th January ruary Crossley, William, 22nd Feb- Farron, Thomas, 1st March ruary Farrell, Martin, let February Cugnognie, Albert, alias Henry •+'erguson, Peter, 22nd. FebruThompson, alias Martin, 15th March John Joseph, alias John Cummings, Robert, 11th JanuDunn,18th January Field, Mary, 8th March ary Currie, John, 11th January $+'isher, Annie, 22nd February Fisher, Augo A., . 22nd Fa bCurtain, Michael, 25th January Cutler, Mary, 22nd February ruary_ Fisher, James, 1st February Daggerstine, Lizzie, 22nd March Dagnall, George, 22nd Feb- Fitzgerald, Stephen, 15th Feb- John ary ruary Daniels, Samuel, 25thJanuaryFleming, Chas.,. 8thMarch, Daniels, Wm. H., 8th March .. Fogarty, Michael 4th,January Darling, Chas., 15th February Ford, Sarah, l . +.ebreary Dasley, John, alias John .Fortescue,,Jlenry C. N., -alias Stewart, 22nd February Wm. Thompson, 22nd FebDavidson, Edward, 22nd February ruary Francis, Wni., .15th February Davidson, William, 29th March Frank, John, 22nd FOguary Franks, Alice, 15th March, Davies, William H., 15th March Davis, Henry, 15th February Franklin, Mark, 8th March Davis, John, 8th March Franklin, William, alias Thos. Davis, William, 29th March Jacks, alias Montague E. Davis, William Edwin, alias Austin, 4th January Edwin Wilson, 8th March Gage, Walter, let March Dean, Geo., 15th March Gahan:, Bsnjamin, 22nd March DeLacey, Walter, 8th March Gallman, 1,,nil, 18th January Dell, Thomas, 15th March Garbalini, Mary, alias . Cox, Dial, Robert, 22nd February alias Le Bone, alias the (great Dinon, William, 22nd February Eastern, 22nd March; Dixon, Thomas, 29th March Geddes, I''ercy,1st` February Dockaray, Richard, 11th Janu. ary Gibbs, Elizabeth, 18th January Doherty, Daniel, 1st February Gibbons, Sarah, 25th i anpary Donovan, John, 8th February Gibson, John, 11th January Donovan, John T., 8th March Gill, Ann, 22nd 1Oruary Donovan, Joseph, 8th February Gillen, John,.h§t February Dooley, Michael, 15th February Gullies, Jarr}es, 1st February. Doran, James, let February Glynis, Stephen- Michael, 15th Dowie, Alexr., 15th March Downey, George, 15th March Goodwin, John,M. 15th Mardi Downey, John, 22nd March February Gordon, Qeo. P. Douglas, William, 15th March Gourley, James, 29th Mardi Draper, Geo. Viney, 22nd Feb- Granger, Wm.,-..Sth Mar-h. ruary Grant, Henry, 22ndVFebr`uary Drew, Wm., 22nd February Gray, William, - alias, Smith, Duffy, Thomas, 22nd February 8th February Dullard, Mary, 22nd March Grey, William, 22nd March Dunn, James, 29th March Green, James, 1st February; Earl, Mary, 15th March Green, James, alias Edward Edmonds, Daniel David, alias Hughes, alias Joseph, grown, Daniel David Edmonds was James Woods, `18th Matheson, 22nd March January Edwards, Arthur, 25th January Gresham, Henry., 25th January Edwards, Edward J.., 8th Feb- Griffiths, George, 11th January ruary Grisdale, Caroine; 22nd March Edwards, John, let February Grounds, Mary Ann, 29th Edwards, Kate, 1st February March Edwards, Lewellen, 29th March Grymes, James, lot. February Edwards, Thos., 18th January vague, Jas.,,15th February Ellen, Edward, let February - Hall, Walter, 15th February Geraghty, Thomas-, 15th March February, 2 Hallbrook , James , alias John Hall, 1st February Hammill, Richard , 8th Feb ruary Hamilton, Arthur , 8th Feb ruary Hanson, George , 11th January Hansen, John, 15th February Harper, Jessie , 22nd March Harris , Wm., 15th February Harrold, Geo. Waite , 15th March Hart, James , 18th January Harvey, Arthur, 8th March Harvey, Mary , 29th March Harvey, Thomas , 8th March Hawks , Mary , 11th January Hay, George , alias Wm. Smith, 8th February Hayes , Ellen, 22nd February Hazel, Joseph , 22nd March Hazleton , Annie, 8th March Hegarty, John , 15th March Hehir, Wm., 15th March Henneberry , Patrick, 8th February Hennessey , James , 1st February Henzigher , Albert, 15th February Heron, Edward , 29th March Herson, Sarah , 15th February Hill, Charles E., 1st March Hill, George , 11th January Hill, Sydney J., 11th January Hines, Thos ., alias William Jones , 15th March Hird, Edward , 11th January Hodge, William , 1st March Holly, John, 8th February Holloway , Geo., 8th February Holt, James, 15th March Hooley, Thomas , 29th March Hong Lee, 8th February Horace, Michael , alias Horris, 8th February Horne, Harriett , 29th March Horne, Henry, 15th February Hornsby, John T., 22nd March Houlighan , Simon, 1st February Hopkins , George, 1st February Houston, Thomas , 1st March Howard , Annie, 29th March Howlay, Edward , alias Edward Owley, alias James Dowley , 22nd March How Loy, 8th February Hughes , Harry, 15th March Hunter, Albert , 22nd March Hyslop, William , 11th January Inglis , Thomas , alias Edward Hall, alias James Nicholas , 29th March Irvine, John , 1st February ]Irwin , William, alias Mr. Bourke, 11th January Isaacs , John, 29th March Jackson, Chas ., 18th January Jackson, Charles , alias Chas. Anderson , alias Chas . White, 11th January Jackson, Fredk ., 22nd March Jackson, Geo ., 15th March Jackson, Michael James , 11th January James , Fredk., alias Alfred Shipp, 22nd February Jeffries , Sarah, 22nd March Jenkins, Thomas , 18th January Johnson, Andrew , 4th January Johnson, Chas ., 22nd February Johnson, Edward , 1st March Johnson, Fredk ., 15th February Johnson, James , 15th February Johnson , Thomas , 11th January Johnson , William , 8th Febru ary Johns , William, alias H. White, 25th January Johnston , Annie, 22nd February Johnston , Marion, 25th Janu ary Jones , Catherine , 18th January Jones , David, 15th March Jones , Jane, 8th March Jones, James , alias Graham , alias Nuggett, 15th February Jones, Martin , 1st March Jones, Mary Ann, 15th March Jones, Thomas , 15th February Jordan , Wm., 22nd February Jordan ; Henry, 15th March Joyce, John, 8th February Kane, Thomas , let March Kavanagh , Jane , 29th March Kelly , Arthur , 22nd February PRISONERS DISCHARGED .Kelly, Bernard , alias Chas. Fossell, 8th February Kelly, Catherine , 25th January Kelly , Jas., 15th February Kelly, John, 22nd February Kelly , Mary, 8th February Kelly, William H., 8th March Kennedy, Thomas , 11th January Kenny, Edward , 15th February Kenworthy , Thomas, 11th January Kerwickham , Wm., alias Wm. Smith, 22nd March Keting , Patrick, 4th January Khuan, John , 22nd February Kielty , John 'L., 25th January Kiernan , John, 4th January King, Graham , 1st February King , Hy., 22nd March King , James, 1st March King, Phillip, 22nd February King , Thomas , 1st February Kinsella, John, 18th January Kirkland, William, alias Kirkwood , 29th March Kirkpatrick , Samuel, 29th March Knox, Henry , 1st February Knuckey , William, 1st February Koefoed, John , 22nd February Kreker, Oscar , 22nd February Lacey, William , 29th March Lahay, Jeremiah , 11th January Lamble, William , 22nd February Lane , Robert, 15th March Lane , Thomas, 22nd February Latham, Ellen, 11th January Lawson, Jas., 22nd February Lawson, William, 15th March Lchiusta , Laurie, 15th March Leahy, Patrick, 22nd March Lee Hing , Frances, 29th March Lee, John, 15th March Leonard, Geo ., 22nd March Leonard, James , 1st February Leonard, Mary , 11th January Levy , Theodore , 1st March Lightburn , Richard, 11th January Lindeberg , Godfrey, 8th March Lindsay, Francis , 1st February Literia , Jane , alias Mary Bysteria , 22nd March Little, William , 18th January Lloyd, Arthur, alias Alfred Thompson , alias Richard Lang , 15th March Lloyd, Frank , 25th January Loranz, Frederick , 22nd March Low, Wm ., 11th January Lyons , John , 4th January Mace , Robert , 4th January Maher , Richard , 22nd February Mahomet , Adam, 22nd February Mahon , Michael, 15th March Makin, William, 1st March Malone, Arthur, alias Richard Considine , 8th February Maloney , Mary, 25th January Manson, Annie , 8th February Marshall, Edward , 1st March Marshall, James , 15th February Martin, John , 29th March Martin, Patrick , 22nd March Mason, James , 1st March Mason, Thomas, 29th March Matthews , Alfred, 18th January Matheson , John , 22nd March May, John, 1st February Ma Yoh, 1st February Melville , Edward, alias Robert Spiddles 1st February Menzies , games, alias James Walker , 11th January Messenger , John, 29th March Michel , George, 15th March Mills, Bessie , 29th March Mills , John, 8th February Mills, Nellie , 8th February Mills , Rose, 15th March Miller, James , 11th January Miller, Joseph , 22nd March Miller , Hermon, 8th February Mitchell, Frederick , 8th February Mitchell , Robt ., 18th January Mitchell, Thomas , 18th January Mitchell , William, 1st March Molloy, Timothy , 29th March INDEX. [1893. Mon Yow, Fanny, alias Fanny Moungow, 11th January Moore, James, 1st March Moore, John, 15th March Moran, John, alias George Francis Luttrall, alias Richard Conroy, alias Thomas Parker, 4th January Morce, George, 25th January Morgan, James, 15th February Morgan, William, alias William Williams, 1st February Morton, Henry, 8th March Morton, Thomas, 1st March Morton, Samuel, 22nd March Morrisey, Martin, 22nd March Mullins, Thomas, 15th March Murdock, Robert, 1st March Murphy, James, 29th March Murphy, John, 1st March Murphy, Michael, 1st February Murphy, Patrick, alias James McKenna, 8th March Murphy, William, 1st March Murdock, Agnes, 1st March Murray, Bridget Agnes, 1st March Murray, Wilson, 18th January Murray, William, 8th February Muir, James, 15th February McBride, Michael, 22nd March McCarthy, Edward, 22nd March MacCormack, John, 29th March McCormack, James, 1st March McCormack, John, 15th Febru ary McCormack, Sarah, 8th Febru- O'Shannasy, Patrick, alias Kennedy, alias McDonald, alias McGrath, aliasThompson, 22nd February O'Shea, John, 22nd February O'Sullivan, Considine, alias 1 )eLacy, alias Downing, alias Frampton, 22nd March Owens, David, 22nd March Owens, Thomas, alias Thomas Prince, alias Thos. Reid, alias Reeds, alias Towney, alias Thos. Owen Reed, alias Thomas Howard, 22nd March Palmer, William, 18th January Parsons, Richard, 8th March Paterson, Dickey, 22nd February Patten, Peter, 25th January Payne, John, 22nd March Paynter, Elizabeth, 22nd February Pearson, James, 25th January Perry, John Kingsley, 15th February Perry, Wm., 15th March Pew, Alfred Edward, 15th February Pole, Thomas, 25th January Pon Sing, 11th January Porritt, Sydney W., 22nd March Porter, Thomas, 15th February Powell, James, 15th February Power, John, 1st March Preston, Charles, 8th February Prime , Arthur, 8th February Prior, Mary, 1st March Pruner, Michael, 15th Febru- William, 1st March McCracken, Catherine, 8th February McCrossen, Alexander, 18th January McCullock, James, 15th February McDermott, John, 8th February McDonald, Elizabeth, 1st February McDonald, James, 22nd February McDonald, John, 22nd March McEachran, James, 8th March McEchern, John, 4th January McEvoy, Maud, 1st March McFall, William, 4th January McGorlick, Mary Ann, 22nd February McGrath, John, 8th March McGrath, Michael, 8th February McGuinness , John, 22nd Febru ary McGuire, Thomas, 1st March McKay, Richard, 15th February McKenzie, George, 15th March McLeese, John, 15th March McTaggart, Roberth, 29th March McVicker, W., 8t February Naughton, Patrick, 15th March Neilson, Charles, 15th March Newman, Edward, 15th March Nichols, Joseph, 22nd March Noblet, Fredk., 22nd February Nolan, William, 11th January Norton, William, 15th March Nudd, Samuel, 29th March Oakley, Samuel, 29th March Oaten, Wm. Hy., 22nd Februany O'Brien, Daniel, 8th February O'Brien, Geo., 8th March O'Callaghan, Thomas, Florence , McCarthy, Brown, Mhore, 8th February O'Connor, John, 1st February O'Connor, Joseph, 25th January O'Connor, Martin J., 1st March O'Connor, Timothy, 1st March O'Farrell, John, 11th January O'Gorman, William, 8th February O'Halloran, John, 15th February O'Keefe, Mary, 1st March Okely, Thomas C., 15th February Olsen, Charles, 1st February Oman, William, 15th February O'Neill, Patrick, 8th February O'Neil, Michael, 29th March O'Reilly, Thos. W., 15th February Purcell, Edward, 8th February Quinn, James, 18th January Quinlan, Fredk.,llth January Quick, Maria, 8th March Quinton, Arthur, 8th March Quirk, John, 8th March Rae, Frank, 22nd February Ransom, Fredk., 15th Februany Reed, Henry, 8th February Regan, Matthew, 15th March Reilly, Michael, 1st February Reilly, William, 22nd March Richards, Henry, 22nd March Richardson, Alfred, 22nd February Richardson, Robert, 1st March Ritchie, Robert, 15th February Roberts, David, 22nd March Roberts, Robert, 29th March Roberts, Thadeus, 11th January Robinson, James, 22nd March Robinson, John, 15th February Rohl, Wm ., 15th March Rose, Chas. L., 22nd March Rudolph, Valentine, 4th January Ryan, Francis, 8th March Ryan, J. C., 11th January Ryan, Jeremiah, 15th February Ryan, John, 22nd March Ryan, Patrick, 29th March Ryan, Pierce, 15th March Ryan, William, 4th January Rymd, James, 4th January Salsbury, William, 18th January Sauvarin, William, 1st March Scanlon, Clara, 1st February Schlingman, Fredk., 1st March Scott , Elizabeth , 22nd March Scott, Laura, 8th March Scott, Richard, 22nd March Seal, Hy., 22nd February Sheely, Patrick, 15th March Shepherd, Alex. Chas., 1st March Shultz, Robt., 8th March Simmons, Fitz, alias Edward J. Roberts, 8th February Simmons , W. H., 8th February Simmonds, Richard, 8th March Simpson, James, 8th March Sims, William, 1st February Smeaton, Mary Ann, 8th February Smidley, Jane, 22nd March Smith, Charles,l5th March Smith, David, 1st February Smith, Edward, 1st February Smith, Geo., 22nd February Smith, Wm. Henry, 8th Feb. ruary Smith, Henry, 18th January Smith, James, 1st February Smith, John, alias Thomas, Clarke, 8th February ary PRISONERSDISCHARGED.-INDEX. 1893.] Smith, John, alias William Dixon, 22nd March Smith, Samuel, 18th January Smith, William, 8th February Southerwood, Wm., 8th February Spears, James, 18th January Speed, Florence A., 29th March Spence, Agnes, 15th February Sprague, William, l st March Stanley, Henry, 11th January Steaines , George, alias George Robinson, 18th January Stephens, Ettie, 8th February Stephens, Hy., 22nd March Stephens , John, 15th February Stephens, William, 8th March Stephenson , James, 11th January Stevens, Alexr., 15th March Stewart , Donald, 4th January Stewart , Jane, 11th January Stewart, John, 22nd February Stewart, Robert, 15th February Strange , John, 29th March Strelak, Max, 1st February Suffert, Max, 1st February Sullivan , Daniel, 22nd March Sullivan, William, 11th January Sutton , Mary, 8th March Sweeney , Bernard, 11th January Tamangi, Peter, 22nd February Tatch, George, 22nd February Taylor, Thomas, 22nd March Taylor, Wm. J., 8th February Taylor, William, 25th January Thomas, John, 15th February Thompson, Alexander, 1st March Thompson, Eliza, 8th March Thompson, John, alias John Mack, alias C. McKeegan, 11thJanuary Thompson, John, alias John Robinson, alias John Robson, 25thJanuary Thompson, Joseph, 1st February Thompson, Thos., 25th January Thorpe, Henry R., 1st March Thorpe, Isabella, 8th March Tobin, Richard, 15th March Tollett, Joseph, 22nd March Toohey, James, 15th March Tozer, John, 1st February Tippett, George, 22nd March Tipping, John, 4th January Trotter, James, 15th March Turner, Malcolm, 22nd February Turnham, A. E., 1st March Ung Chow, 18th January Vassopoles, Geo. Walsh, alias George Walsh, 22nd March Vernon, Nelson, alias Nelson M. Chadwick, 8th March Vicory, John, 18th January Voice, John If., 15th March By Authority: Wainwright, Alfred, 11th January Walker, James, 1st February Walker, John, 1st February Wallace, Mark, 15th February Walley, John, 8th March Ward, James, alias Fisher, 8th February Wark, John, 4th January Warrington, Frank, 1st March Wasley, Thomas, 1st March Webb, Nicholas, 8th March Wegener, August, 15th March Weir, George, 22nd March Werner, Wheeler, Carl, Percy 15th February D., 15th Feb- ruary Whelan, Joseph, 11th January Whelan, Thomas, 1st March White, Edward, 18th January White, Louis, 11th January Whitehead, Joseph, alias Watts, 1st February Wilkins, David, 15th February Willett, Margaret, 29th March Williams, Alfred, 22nd February Williams, Ann, 18th January Williams, Benjamin, 25th January Williams, Charles, 15th March Williams, Edward, 11th January Williams, Williams, Edward, 29th March Jane, 29th March RoBr. S . BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne. 3 Williams, John, 18th January Williams, John, alias Jones, alias Donald Robinson, 25th January Williams, Joseph, 15th February Williams, Mary, 22nd March Williams, Rochel J., 25th January Williams, Thomas, 29th March Williams, Walter, 22nd March Williams, William, 15th March Williamson, Gus, alias David Charles, 8th March Wilson, Charles, 15th February Wilson, Geo., 29th March Wilson, James, 29th March Wilson, John, 8th February Wilson, Joseph, 25th January Wilson, Thomas, 22nd February Wilson, Robert, 29th March Wilson, Robt. J., alias Robert White, alias John Wilson, 18th January Winter, Charles Frederick, 8th February Winter, Thomas, 15th March Wood, Jas., 22nd March Wooley, Thomas, 1st February Wright, Edward, 1st February Wright, Mark, alias Mark Sexton,4th January Wright, Sarah, 1st February Yates, Charles, 29th March I N DEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GAZE' I TlEJ• FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE, 1893. A. Absconders from industrial schoolsBailes , George, 98, 104 Malone, Martin, 178 Butler, William, 125 Monahan, William, 171 O'Donnell, Daniel, 158 Daniels, Charles, 111 Pinnott, George, 98 Dickinson, Joseph, 178 Dodds, James McKenzie, 177 Pullinger, Annie, 131 Rankin, Joe, 143, 157 Dodds, James, 165 Sanders, Albert, 178 Downey, Frank W., 165 Simmonds, Charles, 98 Ellis, Frederick, 137 Spargo, William, 118 Fennelly, Patrick, 178 Smith, Alfred, 177 Fullarton, John, 143, 157 Smith, Henry, 157 Gray, William, 143, 157 Smith, James, 165, 177 Green, Charles, 177 Soule, Bradley, 178 Harvey, Thomas, 143, 177 Stewart, William, 125 Johnston, Frederick, 98 Sullivan, Charles, 98, 104 Jones, Henry, 177 Summons, Charles, 177 Jones, Pidgeon, 178 Tevlin, Craig, 170 Keating, Valentine, 98, 131 Willock, Alexander, 143, 171, Kelly, William, 111 178 Keogh, Martin, 143, 157, 178 Williams, Thomas, 143, 171 King, Walter, 111 Wilson, Charles, 111 Kinghorn, John, 112 Wilson, Clarence William, 131 Leeson, William, 157 Witherden, Richard, 98, 124 Lewis, George, 165 Lucas, William, 178 Addy, John W., dog stolen from, 98 Ah Jack, assault on, 96 Ah Poo, William, larceny as a bailee, 168 Ah Won, larceny as a bailee on, 168 Aldridge, Ellen, assault with intent to commit a rape on, 108 Allman, George, false pretences on, 113 Anary, Alfred, commitment, 117 Ancient order of foresters, larceny on, 154 Anderson, James, indecent assault, 101 Anderson, James, larceny as a bailee on, 167 Antonio, Peter, commitment, 98 Armstrong, Sarah Ann, assault with intent to unlawfully and carnally know, 168 Armstrong, William, vagrancy, 104, 111 Auctioneers' licences , 111, 136, 163 B. Baker, George, commitment, 137 Baker, Henry, assault, 171, 178 Ballantyne, James, commitment, 137 Barnard, Arthur, lunacy, 98, 111, 131 Barr , William, larceny on, 154 Bradley, Henry A., larceny by a trick on, 167 Bradford, Richard, commitment, 123 Bradford, Walter, affixing an indecent picture to a fence, 139 Brady, T. P., alias Wni. Bruen, perjury, 128, 140 Braun, Dr. F., larceny, 114, 128 Breen, James, larceny as a bailee, 101 Bricknell, Frank William, larceny as a bailee on, 167 Brooks, Henry, false pretences, 167 Brophy, Kate, shopbreaking on, 107 Brown, -, insulting behaviour, 137 Brown, Matilda, bigamy on, 167 Brown, Frank, bigamy, 167 Brown, Thomas Ernest, forgery and uttering on, 114 Bruce, John, commitment, 151 Bull, Horace, wilful and obscene exposure, 171 Burke, Thomas J., larceny as a bailee, 122, 127 Burvette, Norah, larceny as a bailee on, 101, 107 Burns, Robert Kentish Stewart, larceny as a bailee, 148 Butler, John, commitment, 157 Byrnes, Garret, carnal knowledge of a girl under 16 years, 101 C. Cahill, Edward, commitment, 137, 157 Callaway, Martha Ann, larceny as a bailee on, 107 Cameron, Robert, commitment, 137 Carmichael, Charles, fraudulently appropriating property, Carpenter, Frederick, commitment, 98, 117 Carroll, Thomas, embezzlement on, 122 Carter, John, assault on, 171 Casson, David, larceny as a bailee, 168, 173 Certifying medical practitioner, 124 Chambers, Edward Crombie, perjury, 101 Chamberlain, Edward, larceny as a co-partner, 101 Cherry, Alfred, larceny as a clerk, 154, 182 Chief inspector of factories, acting, 143 154 Children abandonedChild found at the back gate of the Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Northcote, 104 Child found in the Treasury gardens, 104 Child found on the verandah of Mr. John Aytoun, 86 Steadstreet, South Melbourne, 117 Child found abandoned by Mrs. Farmer, on her verandah, at 58 Richmond-terrace, Richmond, 156 Child abandoned at door of St. Joseph's Providence Home, 177 Chinese act, notices, 111 Choon Jung, assault on, 96 Chung, J., commitment, 117 Church, John, commitment, 104 Clayton, George, commitment, 104 Clementston, William, commitment, 125 Barrass, Isabella, larceny as a bailee on, 139 Bartlett, Horace, indecent assault on, 139 Batey, Thomas Place, larceny as a bailee on, 148 Bauer, Charles, forgery and uttering, 134, 182 Clerks Clerks Bauers, Charles, alias Paul Fiedler, forgery and uttering, 182 Beale , John, obscene exposure, 111 Beaumont, B uce E., commitment, 111 Bell, Elizabeth Jane, vagrancy, 104, 151 Benchendorf, R., false pretences, 113 Bencraft, G. B., larceny as a bailee, 118, 122, 128, 159 Bendigo and Eaglehawk tramway line, obstructions on, 156 Bennett, John, larceny as a bailee on, 111 Bennett, T. K., Woolcock, and Co. limited, embezzlement on, 108 Bertrand , Alexander, commitment, 171 Bertrand, Jane, commitment, 171 Bishop, James, embezzlement on, 168 Bishop, Walter, commitment, 117 Bland, William, larceny as a bailee on, 122 Blanthorn, Thomas, commitment, 151 Boardman, John, using threatening language, 137 Boog, Phillip, commitment, 125 Borchardt, Max, embezzlement on, 147 Bowen, Daisy, obscene exposure to, 117, 171 Bowden, William, false pretences, 173 Clunes and Eglinton state forest diminished, 176 Cocking, Elijah, false pretences on, 134 Cocking, Thomas, commitment, 137 Coglan, M., larceny on, 107 Cohen, Michael, false pretences on, 101 Colban, William, commitment, 98 Collins, Patrick, vagrancy, 117 Cooper, Annie, commitment, 131 Cooper, William, larceny, 107 Courtney, Charles, embezzlement, 168 Courts of general sessions altered 163 Courts of petty sessions altered, ill, 157, 165, 170 Court of petty sess, ons at Noradjuha, order partly revoked, 170 Courts of petty sessions to be held, 117, 136, 142, 150 Crabtree, Abraham, false pretences on, 159, 168 Crameri, Elias, embezzlement on, 159 Croft, W. P. 1t., embezzlement on, 114 Customs act, notices, 136 Cutting of timber on certain Crown lands prohibited, 150, 156, 162 Index Quarter ending June.-A. of courts of petty and petty sessions, sessions, 177 notice to, 143 2 VICTORIA POLICE D. Daly, James, assault, 96 Daly, Richard, commitment, 178 Dandenong state forest, area further diminished, 150 Darbyshire, John Thomas, larceny as a servant on, 154 D'Arcy, Patrick, wilful damage to property of, 165 Dawson, Charles, unlawful carnal knowledge, 108 Davies, Edwin H., larceny as a bailee, 107, 114 Davis, Frederick, alias E. Barber, false pretences, 159, 168 Davis, Robert, embezzlement, 154 Delzoppe, Edward, embezzlement, 108 De Blaquere, George, commitment, 171 Deputy registrars of births and deaths, 96, 111, 117, 124, 130, 136, 162 Devlin, Laurence, commitment, 104 Deserters from H.M. serviceGordon, J. H., 152 Spangenberg, Oscar Peter, 152 Mynard, Walter Edwin, 132 Stodhart, or Stodart, T. A., Orme, Thomas, 172 112, 119 Shearman, Albert Ernest, 172 Deserters from merchant vesselsDedrickson, V., 132 Petterson, Neils, 132 Patterson, Johann, 132 Deserters of wives and childrenAnderson, William, 130 Johnson, Millard, 130 Argo, Joseph Ferdinand, 96, Jones, James, 150 117 Kelly, Joseph Aloysius, 156, Arklay, William, 96, 170 162 Baldwin, Joseph Henry, 136 Kempster, Robert George, 110 Bamford, John, 130, 150, 176 Laby, William, 98 Barry, Kate, 156 Lee, Edward, 150 Bastow, William, 130 Litman, John, 130, 142 Black, John, 110 Little, William, 156 Block, Frederick, 96 Losa, James, 142, 162 Bloxham, John, 117 Mayne, Edward, 123, 130 Boag, John, 123 Middleton, John Robert, 96 Bradley, Alexander, 104 Millar, John, 136 Bunton, Ernest, 110 Miller, John, 136 Cartwright, James, 162 Mitchinson, Henry Frank, Cartwright, Thomas, 117 136, 156 Cole, Alfred, 110 Morgan, Thomas, 176 Coleston, Hector, 96 Murphy, Timothy, 123 Corney, John Robert, 170 McMahon, John Thomas, 162 Couzens, Edward, 110, 130 McPhee, Thomas Drought, Dobinson, Patrick, 176 104 Dodds, John, 170 McQuade, John, 117, 136 Doran, John Felix Don, 110 Neal, James, 162 Dow, Thomas, 170 Oakford, Thomas J., 130 Dower, William Henry, 116, Patty, John, 130, 136 130 Pearce, William, 162 Drummond, John Dow, 110, Pitman, John, 130, 150 130 Provis, Richard, 156 Elbel, Edward, 123 Rees, William, 17f Evans, Alexander, 117 Richards, Martin, 110 Evans, David, 142 Roake, Mary, 110 Fraser, William, 176 Robley, Jas. Hindhaugh, 110 French, William Fredk., 136 Rushford, John, 104 Fry, John Francis, 130 Seymour, Phillip Henry, 96, Gale, Edwin, 176 156 Galworthy, Patrick, 116, 142, Shutler, Richard, 104, 156 Glennen, Thomas, 110 Silvester, Alfred, 104 Grant,John Anderson McKay, Slater, William Henry, 117 116 Smith, Frank Beaufort, 130 Hawkes, Joseph, alias Joseph Thornbar, James, 150, 176 Lee, 176 Thorley, Frank, 136 Heatley, John, 162 Tickner, Thomas, 150, 156 Hetherington, William, 162 Tippett, Elisha, 136 Hines, George, 96 Tobias, Tobias, 170 Honeybone, Charles, 136 Warren, John, 96 Irving, Alexander, 170 Wilson, Adam, 104 Dodd, Mary, alias Mrs. Butcher, disobeying an order of the Collingwood bench, 171 Dowdy, Mrs. John, unlawful assault, 171 Downes, James, commitment, 122, 134 Downey, Arthur, commitment, 124 Draws, Arnold, larceny as a bailee, 167 Duflot, Percy, manslaughter, 174, 181 Dunbar, -, larceny as a bailee, 147 Dunn, Mary Sampson, unlawful carnal knowledge of, 108 Duggan, Henry, assault, 131, 151 Duzanny, Charles, unlawfully and maliciously wounding, 167 E. Eaglia, Elgin, wilfully killing a sheep with intent to steal the same, 117 Earley, Amy, commitment, 165 Eattie, James, selling liquor without a licence, 118 Edwards, Charles, embezzlement, 107 Egan, James, larceny as a bailee, 101, 153 Egan, Mrs. Bridget, indecent assault on, 171 Egdon, Catherine, neglected child, 151, 178 Ehmke, Charles, alias Smith, unlawful assault, 157 Elms, Millie, obscene exposure to, 98 Elliott, Amy Elizabeth, vagrancy, 151, 157 Ellum, Deen, larceny as a bailee, 128, 139 F. Fanning, Christopher, shooting at James Scarffe, 128 Farrell, Constable E. W., using threatening words to, 111 Finch, John, commitment, 104 Fisheries act, notices, 111 Fleming, Patrick, unlawfully inflicting bodily harm, 143 Flintoff, David, larceny as a bailee on, 134 Flood, William, neglecting to comply with an order of the Prahran bench, 151 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1893. Flowers, Thomas, false pretences on, 122 Forrest, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 182 Ford, Macauley, assault on, 131, 151 Fox, William, assault on, 165 Furness, Alexander, wilful damage, 104 Fuzul Deen, larceny as a bailee on, 128, 139 French, Ernest, commitment, 143 Fyfe, Robert, wilful damage to the fence of, 171 G. Garrett, Mary, imposition on, 114, 134 Gearing, Thomas, vagrancy, 117 George, -, larceny, 148 Gibney, Patrick, commitment, 165 Gilbert, Ernest, fraudulently Gill, Patrick, commitment, appropriating 171, 177 Gillard, Frank, escaped lunatic, 125 Gilligan, Edward, escaped lunatic, 150 Goodison, Robert, commitment, 112 Goodwin, Walter Horton, embezzlement, Goon Ling, assault, 118 Gorman, John, vagrancy, property of, 154 173 98 Graham, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 182 Grainger, Sydney, commitment, 178 Green, Fenantius, disobeying an order, 131 Greenham, William, commitment, 131 Gribbins, Arthur, commitment, 137 Griffin, Alfred, commitment, 177 Gundagai council, embezzlement on, 173 H. Hackwell, Frederick, commitment, 137 Hallett, Samuel, larceny on, 159 Hamilton, David, larceny on, 139 Handson, Charles, commitment, 144 Hanney, Edward, commitment, 130 Hardie, Walter, unlawful carnal knowledge, 108, 122 Hardy, James, assault on, 178 Harman, James, commitment, 143 Harris, William, alias Coffey, larceny as a bailee, 113, 128 Harrison, Edward, commitment, 125 Harrison, Wm. J., commitment, 111 Harry, William, embezzlement, 122 Harvey and Co., embezzlement on, 114 Hassel, Delia, commitment, 104 Haugan, Ellen, larceny as a bailee on, 139 Hayes, John, alias Pudney, breaking windows, 147 Health act, notices, 124, 130, 136, 142, 150, 156, 162 Health officers, 124, 131, 143, 170 Health officers, acting, 157 Healy, Francis, conspiring to defraud, 128, 148 Heathcote, Harry, embezzlement, 113, 134 Heatley, VTilliain, larceny on, 159 Henderson, Wm. Henry, false pretences on, 101 Henery, J., false pretences, 114 Hickey, Patrick, wilful damage to the fence of, 118 Highway robbery, arrested for-Butt, Samuel, 161 Jostlear, Thomas, 95 Clarke, Thomas, 113 Mort, Harry, 161 Cohen, Arthur, 159 McKay, -, 147 Duffey, Edward, 159 McLeish, David, 147 Duncan, Andrew, 161 Welsh, Edward, 113 Harcourt, Frank, 147 Highway robbery, charged withDuffy, -, 153 Jones, John, 167 Garvan, Johanna,133 McKay, -, 133 Gerber, Charles, 113, 133 McLeish, David, 113 Highway robbery committed onAnderson, Andrew, 149 Lea, Trevor, 167 Barber, John, 135 Lee, James, 135 Mairs, J. J., 115 Barnaby, George, 103 Malm, August, 167 Blythe, Frederick, 149 Campbell, George H., 115 Miller, James, 161 Christie, Thos. Callendar, 181 Mitchell, James, 129 Clarke, Owen, 159 Monaghan, James, 167 Munro, Alexander, 141 Collins, John, 133 McGrath, John, 155 Cordell, H., 141 McKell, John, 141, 149 Cowan, Joseph, 115 McKenzie, Hector, 141 Danehy, Cornelius, 95 O'Connor, Francis Joseph, 129 barley, Herbert, 139 Raecke, H. L., 175 Davis, Robert, 129 Rasmussen, Peter, 175 Denny, William, 155 Richard, John, 135 Duncan, Thomas E., 155 Scanlon, Thomas, 113 Egan, Hugh, 121 Serpell, Alfred, 155, 169 Elhs, William, 161 Etheridge, David, 115, 129,161 Street, David, 113 Swannie, Alexander, 153, 159 Fitzgerald, Michael, 141 Townsend, Edward, 135 Gordon, Robert Glass, 127 Turner, William, 133 Hearne, Miss May, 155, 161 Wales, Johanna, 141 Hooker, Stephen, 169 Walsh, John, 161 Hunter, Thomas, 175 Wright, Robert H., 95 Inglis, Annie, 107 Jackson, Donald, 113 Hill, John, commitment, 165 Hill, Mrs. Rose, alias Carr, imposition, 178 Holmes, Frank, unlawfully wounded, 122, 134 Howlett, Henry, commitment, 131 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingFree, Alfred, alias John Hill, Tennant, Charles, 154 182 Ward, Henry, 128 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingAugustus, George, 148 Free, Alfred, alias John Hill, 101, 114, 132, 140, 154 Ward, Henry, 122 1893.] VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.--INDEX. Horses and cattle stolen fromAdam, Francis Walter, 99 Allen, Edward, 166 Anderson, Wm., 178 Anderson, Geo. Henry, 138, 144 Anderson, Hugh, 166 Andrews, L., 112 Bailey, William, 144 Barrett, Chas. E., 178 Bennett, Thomas, 178 Blane, Thomas, 99 Blanchard, John, 178 Blinkhorn, Billings, 152, 172 Bodkin, Maria, 122 MacCaulay, John Albert, 112 Madsen, M., 151 Maddison, George, 151 Maher, Roderick, 112 Mahony, Terence, 105 Mannix, John, 125, 131 Mathieson, Alexander, 171 Matthews, John, 114 Martin, William, 132, 138 Mason, John, 144 Meehan, Michael, 144 Meldrum, Robt. Henry, 138 Mills, George, 138, 166 Mills, Mrs. John, 99 Brett, Benjamin, 125 Mills, William, 166 Brooksby, Malcolm, 166, 171 Moroney, Martin, 131 Brown, Thomas, 125 Morrison, W., 105 Buckley, James, 112 Murphy, Andrew, 158, 178 Bucknall, Albert, 151 McBean, Mary, 138 Burns, John, 158 McColl, Angus, 99 Caldwell, Rev. James, 112 McDermott, Henry, 158 Carr, John, 112 McDonald, James, 166 Cavanagh, Patrick, 178 McKernan, Daniel, 131,138 Clancy, Sarah, 112, 131, 152 McKenzie, Colin Alexr., 151 Collis, Edward, 118 O'Gready, Denny, 132 Corry, Dr. William, 158 O'Halloran, J. B., 172 Craven and Little, 144 O'Neil, John, 144, 158 Crossley, Edward, 125 O'Neill, Thomas, 99 Cumming, William, 166, 178 Orde, William James, 132 DeMamiel, Henry, 151 O'Shea, Mary, 158 DePury, George, 118 Payter, W. B., 112, 125 Diaper, Walter, 140 Perridge, Thomas, 112, 118 Digby, Robert, 125 Phillips, John, 151 Dodgshun, Walter, 152 Porter, H. A., 125 Doran, John, 152 Powell, Samuel, 105 Dorrington, William, 125, 131 Poyner, Joseph, 171, 178 Douglas, Peter, 172 Quin, John, 158, 172 Doyle, John, 125 Roberts, R. B., 131, 166 Elijah, Richard, 166 Robinson, Thomas, 144 Emery, William, 112 Rogers, Thomas, 99, 112 Ensidel, Arthur, 158 Ross, D. M., 105, 112 Evans, Joseph, 118 Ruff, Abraham, 151 Evans, Thomas, 112 Schauer, Hans, 99, 112 Fraser, Donald, 125, 138 Gardiner, Samuel, 151 Scott, Edward, 166 Gee, Elizabeth, 178 Sheehan, Maurice, 99 Gemmell, J., 125 Simpson, William, 99 Gibson, W. E., 172 Smallman, Richard C., 104, Gleeson, James, 158 125 Grady, James, 131, 138 Smith, Horatio F., 125 Green, Alfred, 112, 118 Smith, J. C., 166 Greene, John, 158, 166 Smith, Edward, 138 Grisold, Thomas, 138, 171 Smythe, Hugh, 144 Gwyther, James, 171 Starr, Reuben, 144, 171 Harris, Walter, 144, 171 Stewart, Archibald, 152 Hobill, Edward, 144 Stevenson, Alexander, 118 Hobill, James, 144 Stroud, Harry, 112, 118 Hodgins, Mary, 112 Taylor, George Duff, 112 Hogan, William, 151, 158 Thorhurn, John, 166 Holland, James, 178 Threlfal, Thomas, 151 Hollands, William, 144 Thwaites, J. W., and Co., Hood, John, 178 132, Hughes, Edward, 166, 172 Tillotson, Edward, 112 Jacka, Ernest, 125, 131 Timms, R. 125, 132 Jacka, Everett, 125, 131 Tobe, John, 118 Jarvis, George W., 171 Jones, G. T., 112, 118 Trimble, James, 105 Jones, John, 99 Tulloch, Crawford, 112 Turner, James, 99 Kelly, Patrick, 125 Walkenden, A. E., 99, 118 King, James, 158, 178 Walker, Mary, 125 Knight and Kerridge, Webb, Walter, 112 Lambert, James, 138 Whitehead, John, 151 Lands, Joseph, 144 Whitehead, Margaret, 178 Larkin, John, 172 Whyte, Alexander, 158 Lawson, James, 172 Williams, Walter Synnott, Lees, Daniel Wm., 158 Williams James 112 Leary, James, 148 Williamson , Henry, 178 Lewis, Catherine, 118, 125 Willis , H. D. O., 151 Lonergan, Miss, 112 Wilson, Francis A ., 152 Lord, A., 138, 144 Winter, James, 144 Loveridge, John, 144 Woodrow, Thomas , 178 Mabbitt, Matthew, 125, 171 Housebreaking committed onChampion, Alfred, 127, 159 Archibald, James Jerrid, 159, Chinn, Phillip, 133 173 Bailey, Alfred, 103, 121, 133 Christie, Alice Graham, Bateman, James, 169 110 Batten, Robert R., 123 Clark, Thomas, 129, 159 Barringer, George, 115 Clarke,Frederick, 155 Bennett, Henry, 109 Cole, Annie M., 155 Black, Robert, 103 Cole, Henry A., 136 Blashki, Henry, 155 Conacher, Robert L., 95 Bond, William, 169 Craig, Robert, 129 Borlase, Elizabeth, 170 Crawley, George, 169 Boyd, Charles, 95, 103 Creamer, Henry, 123 Brady, Joseph, 109 Custance, Mark, 181 Brewster, Edgar C., 175 Daly, Michael J., 159 Bridger, Marston C., 109 Daniels, William, 116 Brittain, Millie, 161 Davis, William, 109 Broderick, William, 161 Davidson, Catherine, 155 Buchanan, William, 95 Dix, George, 141 Byrne, James, 176 Doble, Thomas, 169 Cannon, W., 136 Draper, Mrs. F., 142 C121 y, Alexander, 103, 113, Frederick, 116 Edgar, Robert, 127 Schwenche, Otto, 112 138,144 0., Torpey, Bridget, 152 118, Kearney, John, 138 166, 178 105 Aird,William Edward, 129 Cheney, James, 169, 175 Dye, 3 Housebreaking committed on-continued. Murren, William, 129, 149 Edwards, Frederick James, 109 McBain, Emma, 95, 121 Hugh, 130 Edwards, John Henry, 127, McCartney, 133 McCullagh, Thomas, 116 Evans, Samuel, 153 McDonnell, Margaret, 149 Ewins, Josiah, 121 McDougall, Marcus, 147 Ferris, Alexander, 136 McGuinness, Hugh, 123 McGuire, Mrs. F. E., 149 Field, Arthur B., 176 Finley, Grace, 142 McIntosh, Alexander, 162 Fletcher, Arthur, 149 McIntyre, Peter, 95 McKechnie, Dugald, 109 Flood, Mary, 139, 153 McKenzie, John, 161 Forrest, Robert, 115 Fortington, Samuel, 155 McKenzie, W. S., 161, 169 Fraser, Simon, 181 McNorton, James, 135 McNorton, Peter, 135 Freeman, Thomas, 155 McPhee, Duncan, 123 Gatehouse, George, 149 MacPherson, Lucy, 130 Gates, Thomas, 181 Gay, Charles, 116 Nankiville, J., 170 Norton, Ernest, 142 Gibbs, Robert, 161 Gill, John George, 127 Goetz, Mrs. Anton, 153 Graham, John, 135 Grant, Horace, 147 Greenwood, Isabella, 135 Hamilton, James, 115 Hansen, Christian, 149 Harkness, John, 109, 116 Harris, George, 121, 130 Harris, Thomas Henry, 153, 159 Harrison, Ernest, 141 Harrison, Joseph D., 110, 123 Hassett, Margaret, 101 Hennessey, Minnie, 139 Hepe, Ernest, 123, 133 Herman, Kathleen, 110 Heron, John, 115 Hewitt, Charles, 161, 169 Hewitt, John, 142 Hilliard, Thomas, 141 Hogan, John, 121 Houghton, F., 115 Jeffs, George, 169, 175 Jenkins, Edward H., 103,116 Johnson, Thomas, 149 Jouning, William, 167 Joy, Stanley, 170 Jury, Thomas, 109 Keating, Mr. F. A., 110, 123 Keating, John, 141, 161, 169 Kierse, Minnie, 170 King, James, 169 Ky Ling, Polly, 136 Lamb, James W., 181 Lang, J. A., 129 Lee, David, 107 Leslie, Mrs. Mary, 129 Lewis, Thomas, 141 Link, Antonio, 123 Lord, Joseph, 133 Lowe, John, 147 Luigi, Luciani, 133, 173 Lynch, Sarah, 147 Maguire, Ellen, 147 Mann, Henry, 101 Manson, Michael, 121 Maher, John, 139 Marie, L., 169 Martin, Edward, 95, 110 Mathieson, Robert, 135, 147 Matthewson, Andrew, 115 Maxfield, James E., 135, 141 May, Joseph, 162 Meaney, James, 136 Melville, Albert, 109 Mitchell, George, 139, 153 Norton, Harold, 142 O'Brien, William, 115 O'Connor, Francis Joseph, 133 O'Regan, Harry, 176 O'Rourke, Denis, 95 O'Rourke, Mrs. M., 95 Patterson, Alexander, 155 Paxton, James W., 103 Peile, Stoddart, 135 Piper, William, 107, 113 Pizzey, Walter, 142 Rae, Francis, 153 Ramsay, John, 109 Reid, Robert, 116 Reilly, William, 136, 141 Ritter, Reinhold, 113, 121 Robins, Ernest Philip, 149 Rogers, Frederick H., 153 Rowles, Thomas, 161 Ross, Hugh G., 116 Ross, J. H., 135 Ryan, James, 141 Scott, Anna Maria, 153 Sharpe, Andrew, 121 Silver, John, 153 Simson, Margaret, 103, 116 Sinnott, Alice, 167, 173 Smith, G. P., 103, 109 Stafford, John, 161 Stanford, Thomas, 176 Steele, James, 95 Stewart, Mary, 103 Stokesbury, Joseph, 110 Summerland, Frederick, 116 Symonds, James W., 161 Taunt, Henry, 109 Taylor, Robert, 123 Taylor, William Henry, 149 Thornhill James, 135 Tillman, James, 109 Twigg, Herbert R., 169 Ulmer, George, 169 Vines, Frederick, 176 Walker, Henry Allan, 115 Watts, Thomas, 127 Walker, Arthur F., 116 Warmed, Oluf, 167 Webb, Thomas, 123 Wells, John Fredk., 155 West, Robert, 181 Whitton, George, 129, 142 Wild, Richard, 95 Williamson, Thomas, 155 Wilson, Henry, 113 Wilson, Jane, 142, 149 Wood, Robert G., 142 Housebreaking , arrested forBates , H., 153 Charlie, -, 153 Clarke , Thomas, 153 Cole, -, 153 Daly, Alfred, 109 Davie, George, 113 Greenwell, Emma, 173 Holstein, Rudolph, 121 Howard, William, 169 King, Walter, 107 Mason, James, 107 Michall, Annie, 133 Miller, Elizabeth, 173 Moore, -, 173 Munro, Charles, 142 Murrell, William, 121 McGee, William, 130 McMillan, Agnes, 121 Read, Frederick, 121 Smith, Robert, 142 Stewart, James, 121 Tennant, Charles, 153 Turner, William, 113 Watson, Charles, 153 Housebreaking, charged withAnderson, Alfred, 181 Baines, Charles, alias William Baker, 133 Bates, H., 147 Bennett, W. 121 Bibbie, Margaret, alias Mrs. Beavy, 107 Billy, -, 121 Charlie, -, 139 Cole, -, 147 Daly, Mary, 127 Davis, 181 Dobbs, -, 147 Ellershorn, Joseph, 121 Fleming, Alexander, 133 Grant, -, 139 Harris, Mrs., 127 Holstein, Rudolph, 113 James, Arthur, 127 Jones, Mrs., 153 Kelly, Kate, 101 King, James, 101 L'Estarr, Nina, 121 Manton, A., 159 Mei, Carmelo, 133, 173 Miller, Elizabeth, 167 Moore, -, 167 McGree, William, 121 O'Dea, Gilbert, 133 Ross, Jennie, 127 Smith, -, 121, 153 Stewart, James, 113 VICTORIA POLICE Housebreaking, charged with-continued. Thomas, John, 181 Turner, William, 107 Walker, Samuel, alias Lewis, 181 Whitfield, Joe, 139 Hughes, Richard, commitment, 125 Hunter, Peter, commitment, 111 Hyde, Jessie, bigamy on, 167 1. Incendiarism committed onCoombs, J. B., 109,129, 135 Tobin, James, 95 Finlay, Alexander, 143 Tyrer, David, 115 Sparkes, James, 109 Young, John, 141 Inquests held onBody of child found at the rear of the Albion hotel, 172 Body of child found in a reserve, at the corner of William and Dudley streets, West Melbourne, 99 Body of female child found off Green-street, Richmond, 126 Body of female child found in Mitchell-street, St. Kilda, 145 Body of female child found in the garden of Mrs. Hall, 89 Argyle-street, St. Kilda, 172 Body of female child found in right-of-way off Church-street, Carlton, 172 Body of male child found on the beach, near the Red Bluff, Elwood, 112 Body of male child found off Heath-street, Port Melbourne, 158 Body of man who drowned himself near the heads, 158 Body of man found dead at the Turquoise mine, South Hedi, Body of man name unknown, who died suddenly at Sandford, Body of man killed on railway line, near Punt-road, 112 Body of a man found at the rear of Fillis' circus, St. Kildaroad, 119 Body of man found on the footpath, Gladstone-road, Malvern, 132 Body of man found in the Yarra, near steam ferry, South wharf, 138, 152 Body of man found by Mr. Ivers, Antwerp, near Dimboola, 144, 172, 179 Body of man found in the Yarra, near Coot's channel, 158 Body of woman found on the railway line, near South Melbourne, 132, 152 Body of woman found in the Yarra, near Prince's-bridge, 166, 172 Irvine, James, wilful damage to the property of, 98 Jacka, Mary, commitment, J. 171 Jackson, George, commitment, Jennings, Michael, commitment, Johnson, Thomas, larceny as a Johnston, Peter Dixon, larceny Jones, John Henry, larceny as 157 117, 143 bailee on, 182 as a bailee on, 167 a bailee on, 107 Jones, W., breach of the medical practitioners Jones, Thomas, false pretences, 101 Jordan, Catherine, false pretences, 122 Jordan, Charles J., commitment, 131 Joseph, Alfred, indecent assault, 108 Judd, T. W., false pretences on, 173 Justices of the peace resigned, 111, 142, 170 statute, 150 K. Kane, Charles, assault, 104, 143 Keenan, John, commitment, 131 Kelly, Mary, larceny, 173 Kelly, Michael, commitment, 143 Kennedy, Annie, unlawful and malicious wounding on, 167 Khuen, Victor, embezzlement, 159 Xing, Joseph, false pretences, 101, 107 King, William, larceny, 167 Klaus, William, breaking window panes, 165 L. Laby , William , deserting his illegitimate children, 98 La Croix, Henry, imposition , 114, 134 Lake Cooper , netting prohibited in, 156 Lake , Thomas, false pretences on, 151 Land act, notices , 136, 170 Lane , Fanny, indecent assault on, 168 Langford , John , threatening life, 178 Last , Reinard , larceny as a bailee on, 101 Lee, Jane, being negligently driven over, 111 Lee, Mary Jane, assault , 137, 151 Lee Gen, commitment, 125 GAZETTE. - INDEX. Marriatt, Alfred, assault, 118, 131 Martin, Peter, escaped prisoner, 151, 157 Mason, Thomas, assault, 143 Medley, Harriett, commitment, 157, 165 Medical board of Victoria, 165 Medical practitioners, list of legally-qualified, 111, 136 Merry, Thomas, commitment, 112 Moiler, Thomas, assault on, 118 Moloney, Daniel, commitment, 171, 177 Monaghan, Richard, larceny as a bailee, 167 Montgomery, Fanny, larceny as a bailee, 173 Moorfield, J., false pretences, 151 Morley, Amy, carnal knowledge of, 101 Moroney, John, assault on, 143 Morris, Thomas, false pretences, 122, 154 Mosley, Robert, unlawfully wounding, 122, 134 Mienes, Harry, selling liquor without a licence, 104 Miller, Herbert Francis, imposition on, 147 Miller, John, larceny as a bailee on, 168 Miller, Robert, escaped prisoner, 144, 150 Milne, William, commitment, 137 Mitchelson, George, embezzlement, 122 Missing friendsAlcom, John, 126 Lister, Edith, 166, 172 Ashworth, Percy, 105, 118 Logan, Robert, 172 Berth, Gustave, 138, 144 Mackie, John, 119 Boyer, William Thomas, 138 Maggs, William Brooks, 132 Brierley, Arthur Wm., 105 Malloy, Robert, 126 Carey, Thomas Joseph, alias Merryman, James, 144 James Clifton, 179 McIntosh, Kate, 99 Clark, Thomas, 105 Oakley, John, 99, 105 Coffey, William, 126 O'Brien, Frederick, 152 Copperson, Mrs., 172 Oliver, John, 172 Corbett, John J., 152 O'Neil, Margaret, 166 Coyle, Dennis Bernard, 166 Risdon, M., 144 Curtis, William, 166 Sartori, Antonio, 126 Cutta Singh, 99 Shields, David, 126 Duggleby, Tom, alias Michael, Shoobridge, Wm. Cecil, 179 126 Smith, Samuel, 179 Field, George Debeger, 105 Staton, J. H., 144 Fox, George Franklin, 152 Storms, Jonathan, 112 Gauder, William Meerlin, 126 Tucker, Jesse, 119 Gilham, Elizabeth, 118 Tydd, Ezekiel Bradshaw, 152 Gillies, William, 158 Walker, William 0., 152 Gregg, Margaret Jane, nee Wegenar, Christoffel Hen112 drik, 152 Hall, Herbert Richard, 144 Weill, Leopold, 132 Hatchett, James, 118, 166 Winchester, Charles John, 132 Hayes, Frederick, 105 Woodhouse, George MorHill, Mrs. Ann, nee Flynn,118 timer, 112, 118 Hutchinson, Thomas, 112 Young, Adam, 152 Lalor, Joseph, 138 Murder ofChild found in reserve at the corner of Dudley and William streets, West Melbourne, 103, 175 Female chid found in catch-pit of sewer, North Melbourne, 103 Female child found at the corner of Arden and Laurens streets, North Melbourne, 129 Female child found in a tree guard, Mitchell-street, St. Kilda, 149 Female child found off Church-street, Carlton, 175 Female child found in a garden of Mrs. Hall, 32 Marriottstreet, St. Kilda, 175 Female child found on a vacant block of land off Nelson-road, Newport, 175' Female child found on the back beach, Williamstown, 175 Kennedy, Sergeant, 115 Male child found on the beach, St. Kilda, 115 Male child found on a vacant piece of land in Munster-terrace, North Melbourne, 115, 175 Male child found by Thomas Smith in a paddock in Parkville, 149 Male child found on piece of waste land off Heath-street, Port Melbourne, 161 Murphy, -, false pretences, 114 Murphy Brothers, larceny on, 114 Murphy, James, false pretences, 101 Murphy, John E., embezzlement, 168 Teas, Me. McCann, Peter, carrying firearms, 178 McClean, Frank, embezzlement on, 128 McCormick, Joseph, false pretences, 107 McDonald, Alexander, larceny as a bailee, 122, 127 McDonald, Patrick, absconding from his recognisance, McEwan, William, commitment, 125 Leggett, Frederick , larceny as a servant, 151 McGrath, Elizabeth, escaped lunatic, 157, 165 Le Mesurier , Frank , embezzlement, 128 McGrath, James, unwilling witness, 171, 177 Lewis, Michael , false pretences , 122, 128 McGlynn, Constable D., assault on, 137 Liability to quarantine of vessels from Western Australia, 124 McKinnon, Angus, embezzlement, 139 Licences to distil, 97 McIntosh, -, assault, 137 Little , John , embezzlement on, 154 McIntosh, Thos., forgery and uttering, 114 Littlejohn , Christopher , escaped convict, 108 McIntyre, John, alias Snider McIntyre, commitment, Lonargan , Ellen , false pretences on, 108, 114 McLaughlin, Angus, larceny on, 181 London and American supply stores company limited, emMcLean, Alexander, commitment, 117 bezzlement on, 147 McMaster, Johnston, larceny as a bailee, 101, 107 Lotteral, George F., false pretences, 168 McMullen, James, commitment, 177 Lovett , Catherine , larceny as a bailee on, 173 r McNamara, John, embezzlement on, 182 Lycett , James, commitment , 157, 171 N. Lynch , Thomas , commitment, 117 M. Magistrates appointed, 131 Magistrates resigned , 150, 177 Manarra, Supeto, commitment,112 Manson, Arthur B., vagrancy , 104, 111 [1893. 131 150 New South Wales--O'Keefe, George, deserting his illegitimate child, 99 New South Wales-Collins, William, warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench New South Wales-Collins, Mrs., warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench 1893 .] VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE. 5 Property, arrested for stealing-continued. Moorhead, William, 133 Tennant, Charles, 153 Norman, George, 173 Thompson, Alfred, 139 O'Connor, William, 173 Whelan, Michael, 181 Shaddock, Alfred, 127 Wilson, William, 162 Smith, John, 159 Property, charged with stealingBennett, -, 181 Stanhope, James, 133 Brown, George, 121, 133 Stevens, Harry, 181 Collins, Harry, 147 Swanston, John, 107 Curtis, Samuel, 101, 139 Tennant, Charles, 127, 134 Ford, -, 121 Thomas, -, 122 Gibson, Ellen, 138 Thompson, William, 139 Kineburg, Robert, 121 Williams, J., 181 Wilson, -, 133 Madden, George, 127 Munro, John, 173 Wilson, John, 153 Sharp, John, 127, 139 Property stolen fromAnderson, Peter, 136 Menzie, Henry, 107 Bell, Bruce, and Co,, 150, 155 Millar, Charles, 136 •Bloustein, Morris, 155 Moore, Michael, 170 Brittain, Thomas, 181 Moran, Charles F., 124 Brophy, Kate, 107 Mullens, John, 103 Brunt, William, 101, 139 McTaggart, Thomas, 124 Burton, Matilda, 139 Newton, Daniel, 96 Byrne, Mr., 173 Peacol, Louis, 121 New South Wales-Looney, Julia, warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench New South Wales-Walsh, Mrs., warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench New South Wales-Elliott, Miss, warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench New South Wales-Flynn, Daniel, warrant issued against this offender by the Cootamundra bench New South Wales-Randall, Leonard, embezzlement, 148 New South Wales-Rankin, Alexander, false pretences, 174 New South Wales-Cates, Edward, wife desertion, 174 Niblock, William, assault on, 165 Nicholas, John, assault on, 178 Neglected children's act, notices, 177 Neverson, Harriett, false pretences on, 154, 159 Noble, Edward, commitment, 137, 143 Noon, Noon, Nolan. INDEX. John, commitment, 143 William, commitment, 143 James, false pretences, 114 0. O'Brien, Frank, commitment, 171 O'Donnell, Martin, commitment, 151 O'Shannessy, Michael, commitment, 157 O'Kane, Ecklin, commitment, 151 O'Kane, Patrick, larceny on, 114, 158, 181 O'Neil, Bernard, false pretences, 128, 139, 147 O'Neill, Charles, commitment, 112 O'Neil, Jack, false pretences, 128, 139, 147 O'Sullivan, Timothy, commitment, 165 Orr, Robert, commitment, 137 Otten, Harry, rogue and vagabond, 111 Owens, Robert, embezzlement on, 139 Capel, Mr., 162 Cheetham, Richard, 113 Connelly, William J., 162 Cowan, Edward, 150 Craine, Thomas, 130 Cunliff, Elias, 121 Fargher, Phillip, 95 Fogarty and Doyle, 162 Fullerton, Robert, 173 P, Painter, Louisa, assault on, 137, 151 Palmer, Arthur Charles, assault, 117 Parker, James, assault, 143 Parker, Mary, assault on, 143 Parry, James, assault, 178 Passfield, Thomas, embezzlement on, 113, 134 Paten, Edward, false pretences, 154, 159 Patterson, Mary Jane, false pretences on, 122 Peacock, William, indecent assault on, 108 Penrose, William, alias Smyle, forgery, 101 Perara, George, commitment, 124 Perkins, John, larceny on, 122, 168 Piper, William Stephen, false pretences on, 122 Pitt, F. P., false pretences, 122 Pittard, James, and Sons, false pretences on, 167 Pitts, Martha, obscene exposure to, 171 Police magistrates appointed, 124 Police force, appointments asClerk of licensing courts, 111, 176 Clerk of petty sessions (acting), 111 Commissioners for taking affidavits, 104, 150, 176 Crown lands bailiff, 156 Electoral inspectors, 142, 162 Inspectors of explosives, 163 Keeper of powder magazines (acting), 111 Officer of customs at Bungil, 176 Vermin inspectors, 164 Wharf managers, 136, 156 Police force, instructions to, re- Pickett, Joseph M., 142 Radcliffe, James R., 136 Rae, Arthur, 133, 159 Read, Henry, 173 Reading, Harriett, 173 Rilucci, Charles, 122 Robertson, David, 150, 162 Roundtree, Joseph, 162 Rudd, H. A., 122 George, Henry, 103 Rule, Frank, 181 Geroud, A. D., 110 Saunders, Miss M. L., 156 Ghee, Benjamin, 130 Scott, Thomas, 150 Gilding, Robert, 170 Sloane, John, 116 Goerneman, Frederick, 176 Smith, Conrad, 121, 133 Grand junction gold mining Smith, Frederick, 127, 134, co., 127 153 Gunts, Rudolph, 134 Storage and contracting co., Guthrie, Ella, 96 161, 170 Hart, Richard, 130 Stubbs, Elias, 156, 162 Hatton, Charles, 173 Taffs, Charles C., 176 Hicks, William, 116 Tarnagulla railway station, Holyoak, George, 127, 134 127, 134 Howells, John, 96 Thompson, William, 113, 139 Hunter, Matthew, 155 Tripp, James, 181 James, David, 95 Turner, Walter, 123 Johnson, John, 150 Union oil company, 133 Keele, A. J., 156 Valentine, William, 162 Kipps, William, 181 Victorian railways commisKitchen, James, and Sons, 121 sioners, 110, 123 Knox, Robert, 121, 133 Walker, James, 133 Linton, George Vale, 123 Walker, Robert, 147 Lovelock, Frederick B., 153 Warrnambool railway station, Lyons, James, 176 123 Martin, C. H., 121 Wild, William, 127 Martin and Peacock, 173• Woolford, Robert, 110 Mayne, W. B., 95 Property lost byAkehurst, A. P., 138 Postmaster-general, 172 Lynch, Bessie, 152 Reilly, Michael, 99 Minnock, Katherine, 179 Property found, now in possession ofBendigo police, 99 Nicolson, Mr. C. H., P.M., 99 Collingwood police, 118, 125, Prahran police, 158 132 Ringwood police, 118 Corop police, 118, 126 Rosedale police, 132 East Brighton police, 138 Russell-street police, 125, 158, Fitzroy police, 118, 132 179 Melbourne C. I. police, 105, South Richmond police, 132, 126 138 Mordialloc police, 105 Tatura police, 112 Murray, James, 138 Warrnambool police, 158 Public vaccinators, 124, 136, 150, 170, 177 Purvis, Robert, commitment, 151 Price, William Henry, disobeying an order, 151 Deficiency ofActsofParliament supplied topolice stations, 162 Erection of public buildings, &c. Escorting lunatics to asylum, 142, 156 Examination for engine-drivers, 124 Examinations for promotions, 142, 156 Interference with fire-plugs of water mains, 117 Members who hold appointments as wharf managers, 142 Mr. Bruce's application for Bruaro and Franze's circus, 177 Police inspectors appointed under the vermin destruction act, 163 Supervision of Asiatic hawkers, 176 Wirth brothers' circus, 117 Police force, deathsBaker, George, 130 Stewart, William, 176 Farrell, William Robert, 110 Police force, dischargeDwyer, Thomas, 124 Police force, reductionHolt, Thomas, 170 Police force, resignationsDuane, Francis Hamilton, 104 Mooney, Thomas John, 110 Police force, superannuationsDwyer, Michael, 130 Bain , Peter, 130 Barry, John, 96 Police paddock, site at Hamilton revoked, 124 Police site at Beulah reserved, 170 Police stations broken up, 76, 124, 170 Postmaster-general, New South Wales, conspiracy to defraud the, 128, 148 Poulton, Alfred, commitment, 117 Prohibition against digging or removing stone from certain Crown lands, Seymour, revoked, 143 Property, arrested for stealingAh Cooey, alias Chin Ali Quee, Cain, William, 122 155 Cooper, William, 107 Allen, Edward, 173 Coppin, Edward, 110 Barnes, Henry, 133 Ehlers, Charles Hans, 113 Barnes, William, 133 Jones, George, 173 Q. Quarantine district, known as Lake Buloke common, abolished, 156 Quarantine grounds for imported dogs, 96, 142 Queensland-Foley, Simon, missing friend, 145 R. 1 Read, Tom, larceny, 159 Reaney, P. B., larceny, 159 Reardon, Denis, larceny as a bailee, 139 Reeves, Constable Edward S., assault on, 113, 122 Reformatory school for boys, 96 Reformatory, superintendent of Royal Park, 96 Registrars of births and deaths, 157, 170, 177 Reid, Alexander. disobeying an order of the Richmond bench, 98, 104 Reidtmanh, J. H., larceny as a bailee, 174 Reilly, Millie, larceny as a bailee, 139 Reilly, Patrick, commitment, 157 Resignation of Mr. E. T. Church as an officer to celebrate mar. riages as Kyneton, 111 Ribband, Arthur, larceny on, 148 Richmond, Rev. John, maliciously wounding a cow, property of, 98 6 VICTORIA POLICE Rigg, E . J., vagrancy , 137, 143 Riley, Michael , assault, 96 Rivers, Frank , bigamy, 167 Robins, Thomas, embezzlement on, 122 Robinson , Alexander , assault, 96 Roche, Cockey , alias John , playing an unlawful name, 118 Rogan, Nicholas , and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 182 Rogers, Alfred , commitment, 131 Rolph, Alfred , vagrancy, 117 Ross , Norman, false pretences on, 108 Rossbotham , J., forgery and uttering on, 134 Rudkin, William H., commitment, 118 Rumph, William , false pretences , 122, 154 Russell, James , a stud ewe, property of, shot and carcass stolen, 157 Ryan, Mary, commitment, 117 Ryan, P., false pretences, 122 Rye, Jonathan , escaped lunatic , 151, 171 S. Sauvarin , William, larceny , 107, 114 Sawyer, Robert, commitment, 178 Scanlon, Joseph , commitment , 131, 137 Scanlon, William , commitment, 144 Scarletti , John, disobeying a summons, 178 Scott, Emma , unlawful and indecent assault on, 159 Scown, James , forgery and uttering on, 182 Sear, Edward , assault on, 177 Shaddock , Alfred, assault, 118 Sheehan , Constable , assault on, 165 Silva, J.. false pretences, 107 Simons, Richard , larceny as a bailee, 107 Skinner, George Thomas, false pretences, 128 Slater, Constable James, assault on, 150 Slater, Thomas, commitment, 124 Slattery , Richard, larceny as a bailee on, 128 Smith, -, larceny, 114, 158, 173, 181 Smith, Blinker , using threatening words, 111 Smith, Harry , larceny as a bailee, 134 Smith, James, larceny and insulting behaviour, 139 Smith, John , assault, 98 Smith, W., larceny , 122, 168 Smith, William , larceny as a bailee, 128 -Smith, Wraffe , using obscene language, 143 Solomon , Michael, unlawfully on premises of, 150 South Australia - Drews, Arnold , larceny as a bailee, 174 Sowersby , Alfred , commitment, 137 Spears , James, false pretences , 122, 147 Spence, Richard , assault, 96 Stack, Ada, using threatening language to, 137 St. Arnaud timber reserve abolished, 162 Stanbridge, -, larceny as a bailee, 167 Steam-ships Woolloo7nooloo and Eddystone quarantined, 176 Stephens , Thomas, commitment , 137, 157 Stewart, Robert, commitment, 125 Street , Percy , commitment, 137 GAZETTE .- INDEX. [1893. Stubbs, Charles, commitment, 137 Sutherland , Thomas, escaped lunatic, 137 Swanston , John, shopbreaking, 107 T. Talbot, Thomas, absconding from bail, 165 Taylor, Ephraim , disobeying an order of the Portland bench, 178 Tenison, Michael George C., wilfully making false entries into the books of the Queensland smelting co. limited, Zeehan, with intent to defraud, 154 Tierney , Matthew, commitment, 157 Tindall, Rachael , commitment, 111 Thomas, David, alias Thomas, E., embezzling , 114, 122 Thomas, Lizzie , assault on , 157, 165 Thompson , George , alias Henry Collins , forgery, 114 Thompson , Mary, assault on, 104, 143 Thompson, Titus W. J., vagrancy, 104 Thomson, George, false pretences on, 107 Tobias , Tobias, causing grievous bodily harm, 182 Todd, John Thomas , riotous behaviour, 157 Todd, William , assault, 178 Townsend, Joseph, escaped lunatic, 117, 125 Tregea, Fanny , breaking window panes, property of, 165 Tregellas, Susan Anne, embezzlement on, 168 Mulveney, imposition, 147 Tromm, Reuss , commitment, 112 Trottel, Paul , false pretences on, 128 Turner, William , larceny as a bailee on, 113 Turpenny , James, assault , 157, 165 Twinem, John, assault on, 111 V. Vick, Walter, larceny, 181 Victorian railways commissioners , larceny on, 167 W. Walker, Thomas, forgery on, 101 Wark, Andrew , assault, 96 Watt, Arthur, embezzlement, 182 Webster, Edward, commitment, 131 Weights and measures act , notices, 136 Whyte, J., embezzlement, 147 Wilson, Alice, commitment, 117 Wilkie, James, commitment, 143 Williams, George , conspiracy to defraud, 134 Williams, William , larceny by a trick on, 154 Woolnough , Stephen , forgery and uttering on, 122 Woolf, William, false pretences on, 122 Wooten, John, assault with intent to rape, 108 Y. Yates, George , larceny , 139, 148 Yates , John, disobeying an order, 151 By Authority : ROBT.S. BRAIN , GovernmentPrinter, Melbourne. VICTORIAPOLICEGAZETTE. INDEX OF PRISONERS DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE, 1893. FOR Ackland, Alfred, 26th April Adams,#Henry Geo., 25th May Adams, Amelia, 14th June Adams, George, 25th May Adams, Thomas, 10th May Choey, 28th June Chune, 14th June Chow, 19th April Fook, 21st June Goon, 21st June Kew, Isabella, 7th June Sing, 6th April Sing, 17th May Sue, 3rd May Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali AliWing, 3rdMay AliYen, alias Ali Foo, alias Chin Goon, alias AliSin, 7th June AliYon, 26th April Ah Yot, 26th April Albert, Henry, 10th May Alderman, Wm., 6th April Allan, Charles, 3rd May Allan, John, 25th May Alexander, Ernest, 19th April Al p hin g ton , Alfred , 10th Ma y Amott, John, 21st June Anderson, Charles, 19th April Anderson, Robert, 7th June Anderson, Wm., alias Wm. Wilson, 6th April Andrews, David, 31st May Andrews, Martha, 21st June Andrews, Thomas, 28th June An Gan, 19th April Archer, Charles, 25th May Archer, Ernest, 25th May Archer, William, 6th April Arnold, Henry, 12th April Ash, Nicholas, 14th June Bach, Henry, 25th May Bailey, James, 31st May Baillie, James, 6th April Baird, William, 7th June Baker, William, 21st June Banigan, James, 14th June Bannigan, Barker, Barker, Barker, Baron, Barrett, Barton, Bayliss, Beaton, Jas., 25th May George, 25th May Henry, 6th April James, 31st May William, 7th June William, 31st May John, 17th May Benj. E., 25th May James, 3rd May Bell, George, 21st June Bell, John, 31st May Bennett, Albert, 12th April Bennett, Annie, 25th May Bennie, Geo. M., 12th April Bently, John, 6th April Berry, William, 26th April Birch, Henry W., 28th June Bishop, Robt. Wm., 17th May Black, George, 12th April Black, John, alias Blackett, 17th May Black, Robert, 17th May Blanchard, Eugene, 7th June Blyth, James, 28th June Bond, Jas., 26th April Bourke, Bourke, George, 14th June John, 10th May Bourke, Patrick, 6th April Boyle, Edward, 31st May Bradley, Edward, alias Thos. Wilson, 14th June Bradley, Wm.E..26thApril Bragg, Edward, 21st June Braid, George M., 28th June Bray, John, 12th April Breen, Phillip, 14th June Brennan, James, 10th May Bright, Mary Jane, 19th April Britton, Henry, 3rd May Broadbent, Ellen, 6th April Brockhoff, August, 25th May Broderick, Michael, 6th April Brogan, Frank, 3rd May Brogan, Frank, 10th May Brogan, Frank, 28th June Brooks, Hobson, 14th June Index Quarter ending June.-s. POLICE INFORMATION Brown, Charles, 28th June Brown, Davis, 19th April Brown, Ellen, 28th June Brown, John, 6th April Brown, John, 14th June Brown, Thomas, 3rd May Buchanan, John, 19th April Buckland, John, 3rd May Buckley, Chas., 3rd May Buckley, Cornelius J. M., 26th April Buckley, John, 26th April Buckley, John M., 21st June Burns, Ann, 26th April Burns, Thomas, 21st June Byrne, Thomas, 6th April Byron, Martin, 25th May Cahill, James, 10th May Callaghan, James, alias James McKenzie, 28th June Cameron, Henry, 3rd May Cameron, Michael, alias Murray, 3rd May Campbell, James, 21st June Carbis, Sydney, 10th May Carlon , Peter , 17th May Carpenter, Frederick, 10tb May Carroll, Thomas, 3rd May Carter, Peter, 25th May Casey, Charles, alias Patrick Kearney, 28th June C'attaneo, Guiseppe, 10th May Chamberlain, Edward, 10th May Chandler, Thomas, 21st June Charionx, Alexix A., 6th April Cheesby, John, 12th April Child, Henry, 21st June Child, Mary, 17th May Christie, William, 17th May Clancy, Michael, 14th June Clark, Peter, 21st June Clarke, Robt., 26th April Cleary, George, 6th April Clements, John, 7th June Cleverhouse, Edwin, 6th April Clifford, Maurice, 17th May Colbert, Catherine, 10th May Coleman, Daniel, 28th June Colligan, James, 3rd May Collins, Ellen, 7th June Collins, Thomas, 21st June Connelly, Walter, 10th May Conway, Michael, 14th June Constant, Jean, 31st May Cool, John, alias John Call, 26th April Cooper, Alfred J., 21st June Cooper, Louis, 21st June Coppen, Edward, alias Bradley Saule, 17th May Corbett, Edward, 10th May Costello, Thomas, alias Charles Doyle, 6th April Cox, George, 25th May Cramond, Wm., 3rd May Crawford, Charles, 14th June Cripps, Lucy, 31st May Cross, Geo., 26th April Crow, John, 17th May Curnow, Richard, 17th May Dames, Theodore, 17th May Darwin, Joseph, 6th April Davey, John, 25th May Davidson, John, 17th May Davie, George, 3rd May Davies, Septimus, 21st June Davis, Alfred, 14th June Davis, John, 10th May Davis, Michael, 21st June Davis, Peter, 6th April Dawson, Catherine, 14th June Dawson, George, 12th April DeCanham, Hazel, 17th May DeLeon, Noel, 7th June Demsey, Catherine, 19th April Denham, Jas., alias McKenna, 25th May Denis, Louisa, 19th April Desmond, James, alias Longfellow, 17th May Digby, Wm., 26th April ONLY. Dignum, James, 17th May Divine, Thomas, 6th April Dixon, Simon J., 28th June Dixon, Wm., alias Wm. Smith, a(ias J. Stanley, 26th April Doherty, Henry, 26th April Dooley, Susan, 12th April Duggan, Peter, 26th April Douglas, William, 12th April Downing, Joseph, 25th May Doyle, John Fredk., 10th May Doyle, Richard, 7th June Doyle, Thomas, 7th June Dredge, Peter, 6th April Driscoll, John, 3rd May Driscoll, William, 26th April Drover, Mary, 3rd May Dunbar, Alex,, 28th June Dunbar, Harry, 21st June Duncan, William, 26th April Dunning, Joseph, 6th April Dwyer, Henry, 28th June Dwyer, James, 25th May Edwards, Samuel, 19th April Elliott, George, alias Geo. Ellis , alias Elias Simmons , 28th June Ellis, Frederick, 3rd May Emesele, James, 12th April Enault, Thomas, 3rdMay Evans, Isabella, 10th May Farr, Edward, 31st May Farrell, Daniel, 26th April Feeley, Thomas, 6thApril Ferguson, John, 6th April Field, Ann,10thMay Firth, Wm., 26th April Fisher, Annie, 25th May Fisher, Richard, 19th April Fitzgerald, Edward, 25th May Fitzpatrick, Harry, 31st May Fitzpatrick, Matthew, 10th May Fitzroy, Charles, 17th May Fletcher, Jane, alias Jane Rowe, alias Jane Temple, 10th May Fosse, Alfred, 7th June Fossell, Charles, 14th June Foster, Emma, 28th June Fowler, William, 17th May Fox, Patrick, 10th May Fraser, Clara, 21st June Fraser, Robert, 14th June Frauleys, William, 21st June Freeman, John, 25th May Freeman, Martha, 25th May Fulton, John, 26th April Gardner, George, 28th June Garrett, John, 12th April Garton, Wm., 3rd May Gibb, Joseph, 25th May Gibson, Robert, 10th May Gilmore, Jane, 10th May Gilmore, Alfred. alias Stephen Massey, alias Wm. Gribbins, alias Wm. Murphy, 28th June Gillard, George, 12th April Giotti, John, 28th June Glen, Hugh, 31st May Glover, George, 25th May Golding, Thos., 17th May Gordon, Mary Ann, 6th April Gordon, Robt. G., 7th June Gosling, Jane, 7th June Graf, Charles, 28th June Graham, James, 14th June Gray, Frederick A., 21st June Gray, James, 17th May Grattige, Louis, 6th April Green, John T., 12th April Green, Margaret, 7th June Green, Thomas, 28th June Greig, Samuel, 7th June Griffen, John, 10th May Griffith, Wm., alias Wm. Davis, 10th May Guerin, James, 12th April Guest, Louis, 14th June Hay, Frances, Hay, George 19th April Hughes, 12th April Hayes, John, 14th June Halvorstone, Emil, 12th April Hamilton, John, 6th April Hammond, James, alias James Hallbrook, alias John Hall, 28th June Hangs, William, 14th June Hankin, Nathaniel J., 12th April Hanna, David, 21st June Hansen, John, 3rd May Hardingham, Patrick, alias Hartigham, alias Smith, 19th April Hardy, James, 25th May Harper, Ellen, 25th May Harper, Jessie, 21st June Harris, Henry, 6th April Harris, Robert, Harrison, Harrison, Hart, 12th April Annie, 25th May Walter, 14th June Charles, alias Charles Watson, 28th June Hart, James, 7th June Harvey, Henry, 3rd May Harvey, Mary,10thMay Hawkins , Thomas , 19th April William, 17th May Healey, Hen Sheng, Henderson, Henderson, Henderson, 19th April James, 21st June James, 28th June Thomas, 25th May Hendricks, Herman 0., 14th June Hendry, Charles, 12th April Henry, Charles, 12th April Henry, Geo., 28th June Hicks, Jas. Williams, 21st June Hickson, Thos., 3rd May Hill, Andrew, 6th April Hill, Joseph, 12th April Hilliard, James, alias Hellyer, 3rd May Hilton, Henry, 19th April Hines, James, 26th April Hirms, John, 10th May Hodder, Thomas, 19th April Hogan, Patrick, 7th June Holdsworth, Robert, 21st June Holloway, Geo., 21st June Holmes, Charles Haddon, 28th June Holmes, Samuel, 28th June Holt, John, alias Charles Gregory, alias Charles Greig, 6th April Horner, Johanna, 19th April Horton, James, alias Mark Smith, 25th May Howard, John, Howard, Richard, Howe, James, 21st June 25th May 10th May Hourigan, Eugene, 3rd May Hughes, Richard, 7th June Humphries, Charles, 14th June Huon Yen, 7th June Hussey, Thos., 19th April Hutchinson, Jackson, Jackson, James, James, Minnie, 10th May Jonas, 12th April Jonas, 26th April David, Edwin, 6th April 10th May James, Mary Ann, 26th April Jamieson, Rd. Henry, 6th April Jintz, William, 26th April Johnson, George, 26th April Johnson, James, 17th May Johnson, Thomas, 26th April Johnson, Phillip, 21st June Johnson, Robert, 31st May Johnston, John, 6th April Johnston, Thomas, 10th May Johnston, Thomas, 25th May Jolly, Amy, 21st June Jones, Charles, 10th May Jones, George, 14th June Jones, Henry, 19th April Jones, Sidney, 7th June Jones, William, 7th June Jones, William, 14th June Jones, William S. S., 7th June Joseph, Andrew, 12th April `L PRISONERS Keating, Patrick, 17th May Keily, John, 12th April Kelly, Catherine, alias Dolly Appleton, alias Mary Appleton, alias Mary Ann Catherine Kelly, 14th June Kelly, Henry, 25th May Kelly, John, 14th June Kelly, John, 21st June Kelly, Julia, 25th May Kelly, Kathleen, 25th May Kelly, Mary, 10th May Kelly, Patrick, 14th June Kelleher, Wm., 17th May Kennedy, Thomas, 6th April Kennedy, Thomas, 19th April Kenny, Thomas, alias Wm. Walker, 3rd May Kennedy, William, 17th May Kerr, William, 7th June Kerwin, James, 14th June Kirby, Stephen, 14th June Kirwan, James, 21st June Knorr, Rudolph, 31st May Kohlsdorf, Emil, 21st June Kossak, Ladislas, 31st May Kuntze, Herman, 6th April Ladd, Chas. Henry, 26th April Laithwaite, Win. James, 17th May Lalham, Ellen, 6th April Lamb, Elizabeth, 26th April Lamb, John, 19th April Lamble, Wm., 17th May Lansley, Annie, 14th June Laurence, Geo., 21st June Laurie, Alfred E., 26th April Lauriston, Tobias, 12th April Lawson, Albert, alias Alfred Lawson, 21st June Lawrence, Catherine, 7th June Lawrence, John, 21st June Lee, Fredk., 19th April Lee Chung, 31st May Lenderburg, Godfrey, l7thMay Leorke, August, 25th May Leslie, Fredk., 10th May Leydon, Michael, 31st May Littlejohn, Mary Ann, 21st June Lloyd, John, 19th April Lloyd, Walter, 31st May Louie, Wm., 3rd May Lord, John, 12th April Lorne, Rose, 10th May Lowe, Sarah, 10th May Lowe, William, 6th April Lucas, Henry, 25th May Luke, John, 19th April Luttrell, Arthur, 19th April Lyfield, Henry, 3rd May Macdonald, Murdo, 12th April MacLean, William, 26th April Macray, William, 3rd May Magnet, John, 26th April Mahada Pook, 19th April Maher, James, 10th May Malone, John, 14th June Mansfield, John, alias John Wilson, alias 12th April Marks, Charles, Martin, Ernest, Martin, John, Bourke, 31st George Wilson, 3rd May 25th May alias John May Martin, John, alias ton, 14th June John Bar- Martin, William, 12th April Marshall, Fredk., 17th May Mayne, Rosanna, 14th June Mead, William, 14th June Meadows, Ernest George, 10th May Meer, John, 21st June Mergan, Peter, 7th June Merrett, Jas., 19th April Merriman, Fredk., 6th April Meyers, Alfred, 12th April Milberv, Arthur, 25th May Miller, Andrew, 17th May Miller, Catherine, 3rd May Miller, James, 21st June Mitchell, Charles, 31st May Mitchell, Ernest, 31st May Moffat, Charles, 31st May Molloy, James, 19th April Molloy, John, 25th May Montgomery, Alice, 6th April Moore, Edward, 17th May Moran, George, 21st June Moran, John, 21st June Morgan, Daniel, 28th June Morgan, Jas., 21st June Morrison, Angus, 21st June Morrison, Campbell, alias Charles Watson, 28th June Morton, Henry, alias James Howard. 28th June DISCHARGED.--INDEX. Morton, Henry, 17th May Moss, Arthur, 19th April' Mullins, John, 12th April Munro, Charles, 14th June Muir, James, 3rd May Muirhead, William, 21st June Murphy, John, 14th June Murphy, John, 3rd May Murphy, Joseph, 26th April Murphy, Laurence, 25th May Murphy, Patrick, 17th May Murphy, Thomas, 17th May Murray, Bridget Agnes, 12th April Murray, Elizabeth, 25th May Murray, Henry, 21st June Murray, James, 7th June Murray, James, 14th June Murray, John, 6th April Murrells, Charles, 21st June McAlister, Geo., 6th April McCarney, Robert, alias James Wilson, alias Robt. Johnson, 19th April McCarthy, Daniel, 26th April McCarthy, John, 28th June McCarthy, Richard, 26th April McCarthy, William, 28th June McCaskill, Hugh, 14th June McColl, Henry J., 26th April McCorkindale, Dugald, 17th May McCormick, Archd., 31st May McCulloch, James, 7th June McDermid, Isabella R., 26th April McDermott, May McDonald, McDonald, McDonald, McDonald, Hagerty, McEvoy, McGahan, McGann, McGrath, Arthur P., 3rd John, 12th April Murdoch, 28thJune Walter, 26th April Wr ., alias 3rd May William, 26th April Ann, 7th June John, 31st May David W., 6th April McGree, William, 10th May McGregor, Donald, 25th May McInerney, John, 17th May McKee, Arthur Hugh, 19th April McKenzie, Jas., 28th June McLean, John, 21st June McLean, Joseph, 6th April McLean, Thomas, 25th May McLeish, John, alias John Cain, 26th April McLellan, James, 21st June McLennon, John, 14th June McLeod, John, 14th June McMahon, John, 6th April McMahon, Patrick, 26th April McNally, Edward, 3rd May McNamara, Daniel, 26th April McNamara, James, 31st May McNamara, John, 31st May McNamara, Wm., 12th April McTaggart, Robert, 21st June Nelson, John, 26th April Nesbitt, Peter, 31st May Newry, Samuel, 31st May Nichol, James, 12th April Nichols, Fredk. Chas., 26th April Nicholson, Alfred, 25th May Nicholson, Angus, 12th April Norris, George, 12th April Norris, John, 7th June Nunan, Thomas, alias James [1893. Orme, George H., 6th April Orr, Margaret, 31st May Osborne, Thomas, 21st June O'Shannassy, Judith, 10th May Osterway, John, 19th April Page, Lawrence, 21st June Park, James, 12th April Pearce, Henry E., 3rd May Perry, Elizabeth, 10th May Peters, Chas., 19th April Peters, William, 25th May Pevitt, David, 14th June Pierce, Margaret, 25th May Pilgrim, John, 21st June Polson, John, 19th April Polson, John, 14th June Porter, Joseph, 14th June Porter, Joseph, 28th June Porter, Thomas, 21st June Power, Joseph, 17th May Prendergast, James, 3rd May Prenderville, Redmond, 26th April Preston, Walter, 14th June Price, Henry, 12th April Primmer, Elizabeth, 6th April Purton, Tom, 6th April Quigley, Wm. Quail, 17th May Ralph, Arthur, 26th April Rawley, Patrick, 6th April Reed, George, 19th April Regan, Patrick, 7th June Reid, Arthur, 6th April Reid, Jas., 28th June Reid, Maria, 14th June Reilly, John, 12th April Richards, Charles, 3rd May Richardson, David, 26th April Richardson, William, 21st June Rielly, Francis, 6th April Rigby, Edmund, 7th June Riley, Peter, 19th April Riordan, Edward, 19th April Robinson, William, 3rd May Ross, Charles, 31st May Rowbottom, Harry, 7th June Roy, Walter, 6th April Rozier, Walter, 3rd May Ryan, George, 28th June Ryan, James, 21st June Ryan, John, 17th May Ryan, John, 25th May Ryan, John, 21st June Ryan, Mary Ann, 21st June Ryan, Thomas, alias Tyrrell, 6th April Ruffles, Wm., 12th April Russell, George, 31st May Sandles, Albert, 26th April Saunders, Johanna, 19th April Sayers, Richard, 19th April Scanlon, Joseph, 26th April Scott, James, 26th April Scott, Nicholas W., 10th May Scown, John, 3rd May Sedgemann, Margaret, 10th May Semple, Arthur, alias Bennett, 25th May James Sexton, C. Francis, 7th June Sexton, Michael, 10th May Seymour, Mary, 3rd May Shaw, Henry, 6th April Shannon, John, 25th May Shillington, Elizabeth, 12th April Silva, Antonio, 28th June Simmond, George, 7th June Simmonds, George, 17th May Simmonds, Wm. H., 14th June Simmons, Alfred, 19th April Simmons, Fitz., 28th June Simmons, Frederick, 17th May Simmons, Joseph, 3rd May Slade, Fredk., 7th June Smith, Alfred, 12th April Smith, Arthur, 31st May Smith, Elizabeth, 17th May Smith, George, 6th April Smith, James, 25th May Smith, James, 7th June Smith, John, 31st May Smith, Thomas, 17th May Smith, Thomas, 14th June Smith, William, 26th April Smith, William, 28th June Smith, William J., 14th June Smith, Wm. Thomas, 31st May Smith, William, alias William Byrne, 21st June O'Brien, Elizabeth, alias Eliza O'Brien, 12th April O'Brien, John, 6th April O'Brien, Michael, 31st May O'Brien, Patrick, 28th June O'Brien, Thomas, 3rd May O'Brien, Thomas, 21st June O'Cain, Bridget, 14th June O'Connell, Francis E., 7th June O'Connor, Timothy, 21st June O'Connor, William, alias Daniel O'Connor, alias William Miller, 21st June O'Dea, John, 21st June O'Donoghue, Edwd., 25th May O'Farrell, Wm. Chas., 19th April 0 IM O'Grady, Michael, 6th April O'Hale, John, 25th May `,:_;;;=s Harrison, 21st June O'Leary, John, 17th May Smyth, John, 31st May O'Loughlin, Peter, Denis, 7th June 17th May'Olsen, . Snowdon, James, 17th May Spence, O'Meara, Michael, 21st June O'Meara, Patrick, 10th May O'Neil, John, 31st May O'Neill, Mary Jane, 12th April Organ, John R., 7th June By Authority Jas., alias Wm. Murphy, 3rd May Spence, Richard, 14th June Spencer, J ohn, 10th May Spoor, Andrew, 10th May Stanley, John, 19th April : RoBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne. St. Clair, Harry, 12th April Steff, Herbert, 12th April Stephens, Alfred, alias Alfred William, 12th April Stewart, James, 17th May Stewart, Matthew, 25th May Stewart, Peter, 7th June Stott, Alfred, 14th June Stroud, William, 19th April Sullivan, James, 19th April Sutherland, Mary, 10th May Swales, John, 7th June Tatton, Alfred Jas., 17th May Tatum, George, 21st June Taylor, Alexander, 3rd May Taylor, James S., 14th June Taylor, Susan, 19th April .Peek, Robert, 6th April Thomas, Arthur, 10th May Thomas, Charles, alias Charles Morgan, 19th April Thomas, Francis Henry, 12th April Thomas, Wm., 7th June Thompson, Edward, alias Alfred Harrold, 19th April Thompson, Geo., 17th May Thompson, George, alias George Graham, alias John Allison, 26th April Thompson, John, alias John Irvine, 7th June Thompson, John, alias John Williams, alias John Williamson, alias John Robertson, 26th April Thompson, Margaret, 25th May Thompson, Win., 12th April Thompson, Wm., 31st May Thorne, Charles, 14th June Tidyinan, Margaret, 31st May Townsend, Joseph, 14th June Tregardo, Edward, 7th June Trigger, William, 25th May Tulty, David, 7th June Tumulty, Rebecca, 12th April Turnbull, Charles, 17th May Turner, Henry, 31st May Turner, Samuel, 26th April Tytherleigh, Joseph, 12th April Vance, Richard, 12th April Vaughan, Thomas, 7th June Vining, Arthur, 14th June Voight, Peter, 7th June Wagenknecht, Chas., 7th June Wakefield, Edward, 21st June Walker, Benjamin, 10th May Walker, Florence, 26th April Walsh, Francis, 6th April Watkins, Ellen, 26th April Watts, Honora, 21st June Walker, John Hy., 3rd May Weir, James, 3rd May Wharton, Ann, 3rd May Whitby, Albert, 3rd May White, Harry, 12th April White, James, 14th June White, John, 26th April White, John, 31st May Whitfield, Joseph, 19th April Whittaker, Alfred, 3rd May Williams, Alfred, 26th April Williams, Ann, 21st June Williams, Archibald, 25th May Williams, Edward, 3rd May Williams, George, 19th April Williams, John, 10th May Williams, John, 17th May Williams, Joseph, 21st June Williams, Thomas, 19th April Williams, Thomas, 26th April Williams, Thomas, 7th June Williamson, Fredk., 25th May Williamson, James, 25th May Wilkie, Marion, 25th May Wilson, Charles, 25th May Wilson, David, 14th June Wilson, Denis Chapman, 7th June Wilson, Edwd. Chas., 12th April Wilson, John, 19th April Wilson, John, 25th May Wilson, Jas., 7th June Wilson, Kenneth, 12th April Wilson, Mary Ann, 25th May Wilson, William, 25th May Wilson, William, 12th April Wolf, Ralph, 3rd May Wood, Wood, Woods, Woolley, Worrall, Wright, Yeoman, Young, Young, Young, Helen, 31st May Robert, 31st May George, 31st May Frederick, 25th May Bridget, 6th April Robert, 25th May Francis, 14th June Edward, 25th May John, 26th April John, 25th May I NDEX TO THE VICTORIA POLICE' GA ErIT E. 1 FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER, 1893 A. Absconders from industrial schoolsArcher, Thos ., 253, 259 Morrell, James, 265 Brasher, Rose , 208, 216 Mungovan , John, 265 Brown, Willie , 185 McCarthy , George, 253, 259 Clark, John B., 208 McDonald , Win., 238 Colness , Wm. T., 253, 259 Norman, George, 185 Dodds, James McKenzie , 225 Norman , Geo., 197 Fennelly, Patrick , 185 Norman , Geo., 265 Green, Charles , 185 O' Connor, W ill., 239 Harvey, John , 259, 265 Perkins , Reuben, 258 Harvey, Thos ., 185 Postal , Albert, 196, 202 Harvey, Thos ., 202 Redfern , Ernest, 247 Humphries , Wm. , 259 , 265 Sanders , Albert , 185 Hutchison , Chas ., 202 Simmons, Charles, 247 Howson, Walter, 259 Smith, Alfred, 185 Jones, Henry , 202 Smith , Henry, 185 Jukes , Charles , 238, 243 Smith , James, 225 Kinghorn, John, 181, 247 Smith, James, 258 Kuyper, Sydney , 196, 202 Spence , Agnes, 216 Laudy, Edward , 236 Stewart , Wm., 253 Lawrence , Emily, 208, 216 Summons , Charles, 185 Lucas, Chas ., 197 White , John, 238 Malone, Martin, 225 Wilson , Robert, Mason, James, 258 Acting chief inspector of factories, 208 Adams, Edward , larceny on, 268 Poo, Wm., larceny as a bailee, 187 Allowances to witnesses attending licensing courts, 246 Allowances to witnesses in criminal cases on a prosecution by any officer on behalf of the crown , and at inquests and 265 Ali magisterial inquiries, 245 Anderson , James Francis , embezzlement , 234, 256 Anderson , Peter, larceny as a bailee , 187, 193 Arden, James , commitment , 216, 225 Armstrong , Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 200 Ashwood, Thos ., disobeying a summons, 216 Auctioneers ' licences, 190 , 224, 258, 264 Austin, Edward , alias Cross , commitment , 208, 225 Avis, Horace James , larceny as a bailee, 194 Brown, George , larceny as a bailee , 249, 256 Brown , P., larceny , 233, 256 Brown , - , larceny , 261 Bruce , conspiracy, 220 Bruce , John , commitment , 259 Buckley , James , commitment, 247 Bulhm , Martin , unwilling witness, 231 Burton , John , escaped lunatic, 259 James , Burials , contracts accepted , 224 Burials in the Towong cemetery to be discontinued, Burrumbeet , s.s., at Newcastle , dynamite engine-room of , 226 Byworth , Geo., false pretences on, 249 244 cartridge found in C. Cab-horse of Walter Ladyman injured, 202 Caldwell , Thos., larceny as a bailee, 256 Cameron, Robert , commitment , 225, 231 Campbell , -, larceny as a bailee, 268 Campbell, Charles , commitment, 216 Campbell, Donald , disobeying a magisterial order, 226 Campbell, John , larceny as a bailee on, 249 Campbell, John , larceny as a bailee on, 194 Carter, John S., false pretences, 249 Carter, Mary , vagrancy , 225, 231 Casey, Patrick, embezzlement on, 200 Casey, Robert, assault on, 239 Caswell, Cuthbert , false pretences, 227 Chapple , James, embezzlement, 219 Charlton, John P., insulting behaviour to, 203 Cherry, Alfred , larceny as a clerk, 267 Children abandoned- Female child found in Little Lonsdale-street, near Queenstreet, 190 Female child found in the waiting-room of Flinders -street railway station, 252 Male child found on door -step of 90 Lennox-street , Richmond, 190 B. Barker, James , assault, 208, 238, 259 Barkell, John , larceny as a bailee, 200 Barlow, James J., embezzlement, 267 Barman , Paul, embezzlement, 262 Barnes, A. H ., false pretences, 241 Barnes, Geo ., forgery, 256 Barton, Arthur , false pretences, 206 Bassett, Jane, wilful exposure to, 247 Basse, Robert , larceny, 206, 227 Bell, John, embezzlement, 268 Begilow, Amasa , discharging firearms, 238 Bernard, John , commitment, 197 Bet Bet, Maryborough , and Toora timber reserve , the Wareek and Havelock state forests , and Merton town common diminished,196 Bertrand , Alexander and Jane, commitment , 208, 225 Blaquiere , George, commitment, 247 Blewitt, Win., false pretences, 241 Boog, Phillip, commitment, 185 Bourke, John, commitment, 203 Bourke, Peter , commitment, 238 Bourchee , Maggie, false representations, 199 Bowden, Wm., false pretences, 187 Male child found in front of the door at Crone house , Henrystreet, St . Kilda, 214 Male child found in St. Ignatius ' church , Richmond, 230 Male child found at 33 Stoke -street, Port Melbourne, 264 Chinese act , notices, 224 Chisholm, Jane , commitment, 191 Chisholm, Samuel , larceny, 249 Chittenden , Jessie, escaped lunatic, 197 Christianson , -, larceny as a bailee, 211 Clerks of courts , notice to, 258 Clifford, James, using obscene language, 265 Cocking, Thos ., commitment, 185 Conroy, Michael , disobeying an order of the Carlton bench, 238 Conroy, Michael, commitment, 265 Conway, James , alias James Steele, false pretences, 233 Cook, Wm., assault on, 238 Cooke, Florence , larceny as a bailee, 200 Cotton, Win., assault on, 261 Cotton, Claude , larceny as a servant on, 242 Courtney , Charles , embezzlement, 219 Courts of petty sessions altered, 230 Courts of petty sessions discontinued , 184, 236 Courts of petty sessions held at, 208 Cowling , Wni., illegally using a horse, 217 Coy, Edward , alias McDonald , commitment, 197 Crawford , John, commitment, 231 Crawford , Thos ., larceny on, 261 Boyd, Curry, Robert , vagrancy , 208, 231 Braun , Louis , larceny as a bailee on, 256 Brennan, Patrick , commitment, 216 Brown, Geo ., false pretences , 220, 233 Index - Quarter ending September.-A. Norah , commitment, 225 Customs act, notices, 196 Customs officers, 264 Cunningham , -, larceny as a bailee on, 187 2 VICTORIA POLICE D. Darris, Chas., larceny as a bailee, 200, 212 Davidson, Arthur Jas., false pretences on, 234 Davidson, Arthur, assault on, 225 Davis, Alfred, disobeying an order of the Geelong bench, 265 Davis, George, commitment, 208 Davis, John, false pretences on, 194 Davis, -, rogue and vagabond, 265 Dennis, -, assault, 191 Deputy registrar-general appointed, 196 Deserters from H. M . serviceBaker, Herbert A., 266 Johns, Fredk. E., 198 Cummins, Thos. P., 192 Lilley, Francis John, 198 Dempster, Wm. Winter Mynard, Walter Edwin, 186 Tracy, Hurrell, 248 Richard Nye, Fredk. Geo., 254 Powell, Wm. Henry, 198 C., 192 Deserters of wives, &c.Adrian, John, 184 Anderson, Jno. Wm., 236 Appelbee, Morris, 252 Archer, George, 208 Banks, Edward, 252 Barrington, Charles, 190 Bently, William, 184 Morrison, Andrew George, 196 Murray, Fredk., 258 McPhee, Thos. D., 264 Nantes, Charles Walter, 196, 207 Neale, Edmond, 208 189 Casey, George, 214, 236 Cavanagh, John, 214 Chegwiddin, Constantine, Cleland, James, 258 O'Reilly, Patrick, 236, 258 Parkhurst, Jas. Wm., 258 Parker, Win. Geo., 259 Ray, George, 252 Regan, James, 184 457 Cole, Alfred, 190 Cunningham, John, 222, 236 Dempsey, David, 190 Dobinson, Patrick, 189 Rogers, William, 214 Sheils, Daniel, 222 Siler, Edward, 189 Smith, Fredk. Geo., 252 Dodds, John, 190 Driscoll, Michael Henry, 244 Dwyer, Edward, 257, 264 Edward, John, 258 Elliott, Charles, 257 Fraser, William, 184 Fuller, Chas., 252, 264 Gardiner, David, 208 Grace, Jas. Leslie, 252 Hardinge, Thos. Henry, 207, 236 Harrington, John, 214, 222 Harrington, Thos., 222 Harrison, Wm. R. A., 196 Henningham, Joseph, 230 Sparks, John, 236, 244 Stribbling, Wm., 252 Swannell, Wni., 264 Swanson, Henry, 184, 252 Thorley, Frank, 222 Townsend, Arthur, 190, 236 Varney, Joseph Wellesley, 202 Wall, John Henry, 196, 207 Watts, George, 252 Williams, John, 244 Wighton, Thomas, 184 Wittenbach, Carl Asmus, 252 Wood, James Samuel, 222, 236 Keath, Alfred, 236 Dever, Arthur, commitment, 197 Dickens, Stephen, commitment, 203 Dickson, -, larceny, 249 Dobinson, J., false pretences on, 220 Dodds, Mary, alias Mrs. Butcher, disobeying an order of the Collingwood bench, 202 Doolarty, James, disobeying a summons, 215 Doran, Wm., embezzlement, 242 Downing, Robert Jas., false pretences, 268 Drews, Herbert, commitment, 231, 239 Duerdin and Sainsbury, false pretences on, 194 Duffy and King, embezzlement on, 194 Dynan, Henry, commitment, 197 E. Eaton, Henry, larceny as a bailee, 227 Edwards, Henry Chas., embezzlement, 261 Elliott, Ernest, larceny as a bailee on, 211 Elms, Frank, forgery and uttering, 249 Elliott, Frederick Sandford, vagrancy, 239 Ellis, Mrs. Francis, false pretences on, 206 Emling, Charles, wilful damage, 247 Evans, Elmll, commitment, 253 Evans, John, commitment, 225 F. Fees in county courts, 215 Fitzpatrick, Patrick, commitment, 253 Flynn, James, embezzlement on, 268 Forrest, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 205 Foster brewing company, embezzlement on, 268 G. 265 Gagino, Mr. Alex., application for travelling Gardiner, Leslie, larceny as a bailee, 233 Gartrell, Win. John, conspiracy on, 220 Gerson, Hyman, larceny on, 219 Gilbert, Chas., wilful trespass, 203 Gilligan, James, larceny on, 249 Glover, Henry, false pretences, 200 Godfrey, --, larceny as a bailee, 256 circus, Graham, Annie Jane, threatening behaviour Grams, Gustave, commitment, 191, 225 to, 197 Griffin, Alfred, commitment, 203 G rindel, Joseph, commitment, 247 Guardian of minors, 215, 253 Gundah Singh, larceny, 249, 256 Gunstone, William, false registration Guest, Michael, commitment, 216 of death, 227 264 [1893. H. Hall, John Henry, larceny as a bailee, 220 Hall, Raymond , indecent assault, 238 Hamilton , Norman, woman on warrant over, 253 Hanrahan , Austin, assault on, 238, 259 Hand fi eld , Frederick , commitment, 231 Hannen, Jaynes , false pretences on, 194 for negligent driving Harvey, Sydney , assault with intent to rape, 206 Harvey , G., false pretences, 249 Hayes , Delia , larceny as a bailee on, 233 Health 184, 196, 252 officers, Health Healey, Healy, act , notices , 190, 196, 208 , 224, 236 Lawrence , larceny as a bailee , 200, 211 John , assault, 247 Henderson , Wm., disobeying a summons, 230, 247 Herdet Singh , wilful trespass, 203 Heydelbranyt, Keyston, George, 230 Kidd, George, 252, 257 Knorr, alias Thwaites, 222 Kyritz, Herman, 202 Lowe, Thos., 252 Maloney, Francis, 207 Morgan, Thos., 184 Blood, Wm. Geo., 196 Bloomfield, John C., 200 Bloxham, John, 236 Boyce, William Thos., 222 Brown, Alfred, 244 Cain, James, 236 Campbell, John Lawrence, Gafford, Ada, commitment, GAZETTE.-INDEX. Highway George , alias robbery , arrested Honilbaum , imposition , 233, 242 for- Brown, Alfred , 219 Cox, Sarah , 211 Delaney, Wm., 199 DeLacey, Henry , 241 Dunn , Mrs., 219 Edwards , John, 241 Highway robbery , charged withAlice , 219 Kerr, -, 255, 261 Loates , Arthur, 205 Highway robbery committed onBarry , Wm., 183 Beall, E . A., 219 BlAim , Martin, 211 Body, Thos., 229 Boreham, Wm., 189 Bush, Bridget , 249 Chipperfield , Goo., 251 Condron, Win ., 207 Cook, John , 183 Creed, Charles , 213 Creswick , James , 195 Crossley, Edward, 221 Davies , Robert G., 193 Divers , George R., 189, 205 Douglas , Andrew, 235 Duncan, Thos . E., 195 Evans, Ernest, 263 Firth , Charles W., 193 Goddard, Elizabeth , 221, 229 George , Martha, 211 Kerr, -, 261 Meredith , John, 241 Muellor , Arthur, 255 Rutledge , Patrick, 211 Pitt, -, 199 Pitt, William, 205 Lucas, Peter, 243 Matthews , Wm., 243 Merrick, Mary, 263 Mueller , Arthur, 241 Muir , Malcolm, 243 Murphy, John, 243 O'Callaghan , Thos., 235 Pawsey , J. J., 257 Picullel , Alfred Wm., 235 Potter , Frederick, 235 Raecke , H. L., 205 Rankin , James, 195 Rentoul, James, 221 Robertson , Chas., 219 Robinson , Miss, 251 Seyrnore , John H., 199, 205 Shepherd, Richard, 201 Shummy , David, 207 Skilling, Thos., 243 Healy, Wm,, 201 Smith, Peter, 189 Hegney, James , 213 Twoiney , John, 195, 213 Hornsey, James , 213 Walsh, John, 161, 183 Hughes , Edward , 255 Warner , Harriett, 255 Hurst, John Steven, 213 Wilson, George J., 183 Innia , Walter, 227 Wilson, John, 199 Juniper, William, 183 Williams , Richard, 267 Lane, Thos ., 195 Winwood , George, 195 Little, John M., 199 Hill, John, larceny as a bailee, 212, 220 Hill, John, commitment, 185 Hill, Margaret Louisa, false pretences on, 268 Hingh, E. J., perjury , 261, 267 Holdman, -, larceny , 219, 233 Hornsby, -, larceny as a bailee , 194, 256 Horses and cattle , arrested for stealingCowling, William , 226 Pope, Richard, 237 Lowe, Arthur, 232 Reid, Harry, 186 Mudford, Arthur, 232 Horses and cattle , charged with stealingAbbott, Alfred , 188 Larkin, John, 262 Larkin, Alfred, 206 Horses and cattle stolen fromDeverall, Patrick, 209 Aitkin, Harthem, 216, 231 Devlin, J. P., 247 Anderson, Hugh, 185 Dickinson, Mr., 247, 253 Anson, Joseph, 216 Atkin, Win., 216, 225 Attwood, Samual,185 Austin, Albert, 185 Balfour, Wm., 239 Barnes, Wm. S., 192, 208 Barton, Joseph, 253 Bell, Alexander, 186 Bingley, James, 216 Black Brothers, 247 Blamfield, Emile, 197 Broadley, William, 203 Bucknall, Albert, 186 Button, John, 191 Button, Nash, 203 Cahir, Thos., 209 Cameron, John, 192, 253 Clarke, Martin, 239, 248 Clark, Samuel, 225 Cook, Chas., 259 Cooper, John, 197 Conirie, John, 191, 203 Corrigan, Frank, 226, 232 Corbett, John, 239 Crossley, Edward, 225 Cumming, Robert, 191, 225 Cuskelly and Wellman, 225 Daly, Nicholas, 209 Davern, Michael John, 239 Davis, Mark, 191, 203 Davis, Samuel, 197 Donovan, Henry, 259 Donohue, Michael, 208, 216 Donnelly, Christopher, 259 Douglas, Peter, 185 Dunlop, Ernest, 192, 209 Duddy, Wm., 231, 239 Dwyer, Patrick, 225, 231, 232 Elijah, Richard, 185 Elsum, Henry J., 231 Essex, Harriett, 247 Findlay, W.D.,239, 253 Fon-Born, Chas., 197 Franklin, John, 203 Fry, Albert, 231, 239 Gamble, Edward, 191, 203 Gannen, John, 197, 203, 259 Gibson, James, 225 Gibson, James, 262 Gibson, W. E., 265 Gilroy, Edwd., 197 Giles, Thos., 231 Gorrie, Edward, 262 Gray, Samuel, 191, 216 Griffiths, Mary E., 259 Griminond, David, 197 Hair, Win., 203 Hanna, John, 185 Hart, Hugh, 239, 265 Hawkin, Joseph, 239 Hayes, John, 216 1893.] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Hickey, Patrick, 192, 253 Reynolds, T. H., 216, 231 Hodgens, Daniel, 247, 253 Ridgeway, Rd., 225 Hood, John, 259 Robertser, R. G., 231, 248 Hughes, Edward, 239 Roberts, Wm., 265 James, C. S., 259 Robinson, Andrew, 203 Joiner, Emanuel , 216, 238 Rowan, John, 185 Kerr, James, 253 Ryan, Dennis, 209, 226 Kemp, Randolph, 253 Schwenche, Otto, 265 Kurban, Salene, 197 Scott, Edward, 185 Laidlaw, Jas. Gordon, 209 Sheehan, Thos., 266 Lees, Daniel, 197 Sheer Khan, 192 Lee, James Henry, 231 Shulock, Samuel, 191, 197, 203 Lee, John S., 259 Simpson, Henry W., 259 Lucas, James W., 253 Smith, Fredk., 203, 208 Mack, G. H., 216, 247 Smith, James, 209 Mansfield, Chas., 209 Singer manufacturing comMathieson , Alexr., 171, 197, pany, 217 203 Souttel, John, 191 Middleton, John, 209 Spargo, Thos., 247 Montgomery, Wm., 185 Spinks, Thos., 253 Mooney, John, 209, 216 Stephens, Albert W., 216, 225 Mortimer, Annie, 231 Sutton, John, 225 Morrison, John, 231 Tadgell, C. J., 191 Morris, Win., 203 Thomas, J. B., 186 Motton, George, 216, 225 Thornburn, Thos., 231 Myrme, George, 197 Tolley, Stephen, 216 McCab, William, 247 Torpey, John, 225 McClure, John, 265 Tracy, Wm.. 191, 197 McConville, Edward, 191, 208 Tudor, Christopher, 239 McDonald, D. S., 265 Turner, Peter, 265 McDonald, Wm. A., 266 Vigor, Thos., 265 McFayden, Archibald, 191, Visbord, Harry A., 247, 265 197 Walker, James, 197 McKean, James, 253 Walburn, John, 231, 232 MacMillan, J. C., 191, 197 Watts, W. J., 265 Watson, Percy, 191, 197 O'Halloran, James, 259 O'Neil, John, 266 Wells, Fredk., 239 O'Neill, Mrs. Mary, 216 Wells, Richd., 253 Olsen, Fredk., 185, 191, 197 Wheeler, James, 247 Osmand, Hon. H. W., 265 White, J., 185 Parnell, John, 188 White, Wm., 225 Peterson, James, 265 Whyte, Alex., 206 Phillips, John, 191 Wilkins, Thos., 203, 208 Phillips, Wm., 209, 216, 217, Williams, Wm., 259 226 Wilson, Daniel, 191 Plozza, Peter, 266 Winkles, Henry, 197 Rapp, Karl B. R., 191 Wood, Frank, 209 Wood, Henry, 239 Rawiller, Benjamin, 185 Ray, John, 191, 265 Wood, Wm., 197 Woolcott, R. R., 209 Rayner, Henry, 185 Youl, Dr., 209 Redman, George, 231 Reid, John, 239 Housebreaking, arrested forAbbott, Alfred, 211 O'Connor, Maggie, 233 Barnes, James, 219 Pierson, Wm. H., 193 Bibbie, Margaret, alias Mrs. Rae, Penelope, 227 Beany, 205 Ridley, Mary J., 261 Fleming, Alexr., 241 Russell, Barbara, 227 Frost, Charles, 189 St. Maur, C., 211 Grant, Lena, 249 St. Maur, C., 249 La Croix, Henry, 219 Thomas, Walter, alias Jones, 219 Moore, Robert, 235 Munro, Murdoch, 255 Tobin, Edward, 249 Norman, George, 255 Housebreaking, charged withAbbott, Alfred, 187, 205 Baines, -, 199 Carson, -, 193 Creamer, Alfred, 199, 205 Flannigan, Mrs., alias Marshall, 267 Freeman, -, 267 Grant, --, 193 Greeves, John, 267 Hope, -, 241 Johnson, James, 187 La Croix, Henry, 199 McMahon, John, 255 Merkin, -, 241 Housebreaking committed Allen, Edward, 213 Chas. F., 213 Jas., 263 J. S., 251 Hannah, 221 Geo. Wm., 183, 189 John, 221 Bond, Wm., 189 Bowyer, Herbert, 251 Brodie, John, 213 Brown, Elsie J., 183 Brooking, Richd., 213 Bruford, Mary B., 251 Bygrave, Henry, 201 Byrne, James, 243 Cameron, Hugh, 227 Campbell, John, 187 Canon, W., 195 Chaffey, George, 251 St. Maur, Summers, Williams, Mrs. Martha, 229, Currie, Agnes E., 229 Currie, Thos. Sibbald, 243, 251 Donovan, Richard, 229, 238 Eglinton, Arthur, 235, 243 Ferris, T. W., 229 Finane, Edward, Finlay, Elizabeth, Fletcher, Andrew 235, 249 242 211, 227 Wm., 230, Flintoft, Mary Jane, 221 France, Henry, 207 Frederick, Robert M., 187, 193 Fynmore, Gardner, Edward, 221 Emma, 243- 211 Hughes, Frederick , 213 Irvine, Martha, 205 Jeffs , George, 183 , 243 Johnson, David , 229, 241 Rapiport, Bear, 263 Reeve , Joshua, 219 Rewcastle , David, 221 Ridell, A., 189, 196 Rippon, G. R., 235 Keefe, Eliza, 267 Robertson , James, 213, 251 Kemp, Adam, 183 Ryan, Mrs. Margaret, 207 Lapish, E. S ., 187 Ryder , John, 242, 255 Lee, David , 205 Sargood , Sir F., 189 Levier, Edward S., 189, 229, Saunders , Sarah, 221 249 Sheehey , George, 241 Little, Janet , 235 Sims, F. J., 205, 241, 249, 255 Lloyd, Walter , 205, 211 Thos., 257 Lord, Joseph , 241 Snitzky, Mrs. Tenny, 205 Loveless , Thomas, 235 Stevens, William, 199 Lynch, James, 193 Stewart , John L., 219 Marshall, Ellen , 229 Stolworth, Charles, 207 Marshall, Robert , 213 Stranger, Thos, 189 Maskell, Wm., 183 Talbert, Wm. Henry, 229 Maxwell, Margt ., 267 Taylor , Dr. Inglis, 230 Mills, George , 235 Wain, Walter, 219 Minch, Percy , 199 Walkley , Geo. H., 257 Mitchell, John , 199 Walpole , Robert S., 263 Moreland, James , 233 Walker , Mabel, 263 Morrison , James, 187, 193, Walter , James, 249 199 Ward, Agnes, 183 Morrison , John, 183 Wearne, Wm., 183 Mow Ling, 235 Weigard , John, 184, 195 Murray, George , 221, 233 West, Edgar, 195 Myles, Mary Ann, 199, 219 Whitchell, Sarah, 213 McCann, Patrick , 195 Wilkinson , Robert, 229 McCarthy , John , 201, 211 Williams, D. M., 189 McDowell, Robert, 241 Williams, John, 221 McKenzie , Alexander , 193 Wright , Stella Helena, 211,233 McLean, Robert, 195 Howell , Minnie, indecent assault on, 231 Hughes, Richard , commitment, 265 Hughes, Water Sims , disobeying an order of the Adelaide bench,200 Humphrey, Geo . Jakes, larceny as a bailee, 268 Hunt, Chas ., larceny on, 249 Husband, Wm . Samuel, larceny as a bailee on, 268 Smyth, I. Iffinger, Richard Conrad, vagrancy, 230 Inspector of stock, 202 Incendiarism committed onBirnie, Robert S., 213 McGuinness, Michael, 263 Inquests held onBody of male child found in a railway carriage at Prince'sbridge, 198 Body of male child found at North Melbourne railway station, 232 Body of female child found near Brunswick-road, Moonee Ponds, 226 Body of female child found off Ripon-road, Elsternwick, 239 Body of female child found in railway enclosure near Porterstreet, Prahran, 266 Body of man found in Yarra, near lower ferry, South wharf, 186 of man found at Torrumbarry, 198 Body of man found at the junction of Owen and King rivers, Wangaratta, 198 Body of man found drowned in the new dock, Melbourne, Chapman, Thos., 244, 255 Clancie, George, 243, 251 Clark, Robert Hutchinson, 201 Cochran, Andrew, 241 Copsy, Hilda, 201 Cornish, Alfred, 229 Cosgrove, Thos., 257 Cotton, Wm., 263 Creswell, 235 3 Housebreaking committed on-continued. Gerard, Harry , 267 McMaster , Alexander, 195 Gibney, Bessie, 199, 219 Naesmyth , Rev. Chas., 235 Glew, Samuel , 183 Neustefel , Frederick, 235 Goldsmith , Charles, 187 Nicholson , Holdsworth, 251 Gras-y -fort, Joseph , 199 Oakford , Matthew, 207 Gray, James , 189,195 O' Bern, Hugh, 201 Hanstein , Edward, 230 O'Regan, Harry, 201,213 Harlem, Isaac , 244 Orr, George W., 229 Hawkes, Mrs. F., 244 Oxenham , Alice Louise, 193, Henderson , Alexander , 207 249 Hepburn, James , 211 Pashley , Bertha, 201 Hewitt, Wni. John, 201 Potter, Frederick , 233, 255 Hewson, Nigel Wharner, 255 Powell, Wm. G. N., 251 Hill, Wm., 267 Power , Henry John, 201 Holding, Robert H., 189, 221 Quigley , Rosena, 201 Horton, Thos . Howard, 205, Raine, William, 213 Body C., 205, 249 George, 199 Henry, 241 on- Alper, William, 221, 229 Andrews, John Edward, 207 Apps, Edward Thos., 195 Archer, Charles T., 193 Atkinson, Mary Ellen, 196 Bacon, Mrs. Edith, 183 Bailey, Walter, 251 Banbury, Barrow, Beasley, Beltion, Binney, Binney, Munro, Murdoch, 233 Nelson, -, 249 Nelson, -, alias Frank Wallace, 255 Norman, George, 242 Peterson, J., alias Wilson, 233 Robinson, John, 249 Russell, Barbara, 205 Sale, John, 261 Sims, -, 249 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 217 David Wright, Bendigo, 209 who died at Trengrove's J. Jack, - assault, 239 Jackson, Maurice, larceny on, 233, 256 Jackson -, using obscene language, 253, 259 Jamieson, Lawrence, fraudulent appropriation Johnson, Edward, larceny on, 234 Johnson, Henry J., assault with daughters, 267 Johnson, Ted, larceny as a servant, Johnstone, -, rogue and vagabond, Jones, James, commitment, 185 intent boarding-house, of property, to carnally know 256 his 242 265 Jones, Pidgeon, wilful damage, 230 Jones, Gilbert, assault with intent to rape, 188 Jones, Wm., vagrancy, 265 Jordan, -, commitment, 247 Jury districts reduced, 258, 264 Justices act, further rules, 215 K. Keam, Joseph, false pretences, 256 Keenan, John, disobeying an order of the Richmond Kelly, Michael, commitment, 203 Kelly, -, assault on, 191 bench, 265 VICTORIAPOLICEGAZETTE.-INDEX. 4 Kerton, W. J., larceny as a bailee, 193 Kettlewell, Wm., commitment, 190 Khoda Bux, alias Abdul Ebrasiji, false pretences, Khuen, Victor, embezzlement, 199 Murder of-continued. Male child found in a railway carriage at Prince's-bridge, 201 Male child found on door-step of 47 Wellington-street, St. Kilda, 221, 251 Male child found near North Melbourne railway station, 235. Male child found on the footpath in Railway-street, West Melbourne, 257 Murphy, Joseph, alias Sheehan, commitment, 231, 253 Murray, S. L., larceny as a bailee, 200, 212 Murray, William, indecent assault, 238 268 Kiel, Louis, larceny, 249 Kimberley, J. E., assault on, 225 Klaus, Wm., wilful damage, 196 Knapton, Henry, false pretences, 191 Knight, Arthur, fraudulently obtaining Kryts, Henry, vagrancy, 258 property, 227 Mc. L. Ladyman, Walter, injury to cab-horse property of, 203, 216 Lane, John, indecent assault on, 247 Lane, Joseph, commitment, 259 Land reserved for police purposes at Maryborough, 230 Land act, notices, 196 McAllen, Michael, disobeying an order of the Port Fairy bench, 225 McArthur, John, commitment, 259 McDowall, W. E., false pretences, 241 McDonald, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 194 McGillivray, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 200 McGuinness, John H., commitment, 185 McIntosh, Duncan J., escaped lunatic, 197 McKenna, Edward, commitment, 191 McKenzie, Harriett, imposition on, 261 McLean, Alexander, commitment, 185 McLennan, Norman, endeavouring to impose on, 200 McMann, Thos. Johnson, poisoning six horses, property of, 215, 231 McMillan, David, commitment, 247 Laverette, J. W., false pretences on, 249 Lee, B., alias Bertie Snell, imposition, 261 Leonard, Mary, vagrancy, 196 Leslie, Kate, commitment, 197 Leslie, Mary, vagrancy, 253, 265 Levinson and Co., embezzlement on, 200 Lochore, Wm. B., larceny on, 241 Long, James, embezzlement on, 200 Lowns, John, false pretences, 242 Lovell, Charles, larceny as a bailee on, 220 Lucas, Albert J., larceny, 234, 242 ,Lucas, Wm., wilful damage, 230 Lutterall, Geo. Francis, false pretences, 194 N. Nelson, Charles Newton, Mrs., Nicholls, John, Nindoo timber M. Mack, Albert, alias Yankee Mack, false pretences, 234, 241 Magistrates, resignations, 214, 236, 244 Maitland, Harry, commitment, 239, 253 Maloney, Paul, larceny as a bailee, 200 Marks, Henry, and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 227 Maroney, T. J., embezzlement, 200, 219 Matthews, John, larceny, 211 Matthias, David, embezzlement on, 219 Maudesley, Arthur, endeavouring to impose, 200 Maxwell, A. H., false pretences, 241 May, Tommy, forgery, 233 Medical practitioners, 196, 224 Miller, James, larceny as a bailee on, 193 Miller, W. J., imposition on, 233 Missing friends-- 0. Olinda training farm for boys, 185 O'Shannessy, Michael, commitment, 185 Owen, Richard, throwing a stone at, 191, 196 P. Krenkel, Fritz, 248 Long, William, 254 Mackie, John, 254 Merryman, James, 266 Minuage, Edward, 254 Mooney, Mrs. Mary, Lalor, 259, 266 Black, Thos , 202 Buihm, Martin, 226 Burke, Anthony, 266 Burke, Daniel, 266 Burke, Edward, 266 Callander, David, 248 Cameron, Mrs. Isabella, 266 Carstairs, Mary Ann Eliza, We Brown, 254 Connell, Edward, 259 Dowd, John, 259 children, 232 Murray, Robert H., 232 McDonald, Allan, 202 Nagel, Claus, 198 O'Brien, Thos., 266 O'Connell, Martin and John, 232 Parkes, John Joseph, 232 Pengillery, Martha, 240 Pierce, Mrs. John, 240 Shortland, Joseph, 217, 226, 232, 240, 248 Falkner, Frank John, 254 Gilham, Elizabeth, 232 Green, Benjamin, 254 Hanabay, James B., 226 Handrahand, Thos., 232 Harley, James Burgoyne, 259 Herbert, Fredk., alias Grant Johnson Phillips, alias Har- Specht, Henri Jules Leon, Sullivan, Laurence, 266 Sullivan, Owen, 266 Taylor, Bob, 240 Wadson, Thos. C., 217 Walsh, Kate, 226, 240 Watson, Ruben, 209 West, Gertrude, 198 ding, 248 Isser Singh, 186, 232 James,Thomas lenryAndrew Wood, Henry P., 32 Wrenn, Henry B. M., 254 Wrenn, Thos. 1). H., 254 Hoskin, alias Schlager, Kelly, Patrick, 266 Yardley, Moore, Morrison, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morriss, and 192 2 Joseph, 217 Hugh Edwin, embezzlement on, 227 Alfred Peter, vagrancy, 239, 253 Ernest A., commitment, 225 Ernest H., larceny as a bailee, 187, 194 Win., inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 253 Henry James, commitment, 217 Morrissy, Maggie, false pretences, 200, 20.5 Morrell, John, being in a public place with intent, Moran and Cato, false pretences on, 262 234 Moss, White, and Co., embezzlement on, 262 Muir, Fredk. J., commitment, 208 Murchie, David, false pretences, 234, 249 Murder, charged Gildea, larceny on, 194 larceny, 220 larceny as a bailee on, 194 reserve abolished, 230 O'Brien, Edward, conspiracy, 256 O'Brien, John, larceny, 242 O'Callaghan, Kate, vagrancy, 225 O'Donnell, Martin, commitment, 216 O'Donnell, Mary, escaped lunatic, 190, 196 O'Hara, James, larceny, 268 Ah Cheong, alias Lim Cheong, 266 Angel, Gerald Phillip, 259 Ashton, John, 192 Ashcroft, Samuel Peter, 232 Biggers, Mrs. nee Johanna 254 [1893. with- Knorr, Mrs:., alias Thwaites, 243 Knorr, Rudolph, 243 Murder ofFemale child found at the rear of an unoccupied house in Madeline-street, Carlton, 195 Female child found in a tree-guard in Mitchell-street, St. Kilda, 195 Female child found in the garden of 89 Argyle-street, St. Kilda, 201 Female child found in the Yarra near No. 8 shed, 201 Female child found on Albert Park beach, 235, 263 Female child found off Ripon-road, Elsternwick, 243, 257 Male child found off Manningham-street, Royal Park, 195 Male child found in the East St. Kilda reserve, 201, 221 Parnacott, Alfred George, commitment, 230 Patterson, A. E., larceny as a bailee, 194, 205 Paterson, Richd. Christian, embezzlement, 227 Pender, Win. A., assault, 238 Perryman, George, commitment, 216 Perkins, Reuben, escaped prisoner, 256, 259 Pettit, Fredk. Jas., larceny as a bailee on, 200 Phillips, Gordon, false pretences, 261 Phillips, Henry, commitment, 238 Philpott, Louisa Caroline, larceny on, 220 Piggins, Mrs., false pretences on, 256 Police examinations, 184, 222 Police force, appointment McWilliams, Horatio Police force, as constableR. C., 244 appointments as- Clerks of petty sessions, 184, 208, 224, 244, 252, 258 Crown lands bailiffs, 196, 208, 224 Electoral inspectors, Clerk of courts, 214 202, 214, 230, 236 Clerks for licensing courts, 214, 224, 252 Fisheries, honorary assistant inspector, 230 Inspectors of licensing districts, 236, 252 Vermin inspectors, 244, 258 Inspectors of slaughter-houses, 245 Police force, deathsFergus, John, 264 Healy, Daniel, 236 Gribbin, Arthur, 230 Purcell, Phillip, 202 Police force, dischargesCathcart, John, 214 McKean, Michael, 190 Leeson, Joseph, 190 Todd, Geo. Edward, 230 Police force, dismissalsO'Donnell, Police force, Hugh, 236 instructions to- Travelling allowances to police electoral inspectors, 190 Requisitions drawn for conveyance of lunatics, 202 Proof of prior convictions of prisoners, 208 Notice to commissioners of the supreme court for taking affidavits, 214 Requisitions destitute for conveyance witnesses, 224 to a court to be only issued To prevent damages to vacant state schools, 236 Engine-drivers' certificates, 244 Oppose issue of licences to asiatic hawkers, Sale of liquor at races, sports, &c., 252 Corresponding with Sergeant Duncan, 264 Police stations formed, 208, 230, 252 252 Police stations broken up, 214, 230 Police force, reinstatement-Jones, Albert Edward, 202 Police force, resignationFoster, Wm. Thos., 236 Police force, superannuationsGibson, Alexander, 230 Porter, William, 184 Holt, Thos., 208 Williams, Jonathan, 222 Police regulations cancelled, 184 to VICTORIA 1893.] POLICE Police widows' and orphans' association-statement of receipts and expenditure from January, 1890, to 1st June, 1893, p. 237 Poorum Singh, wilful trespass, 203 Pope, George, vagrancy, 225 Postmaster-general, Melbourne, embezzlement on, 234, 256 Preston, Dr. C. M., false pretences, 242 Premier, Michael and Joseph, larceny, 234, 256 Property, arrested for stealingCanham, Catherine, 219 Lutteral, Geo. Francis, 189 Cropley, Sarah, 241 Munro, John, 219 Gordon, John, 261 McFarlin, Annie, 219 Hill, -, 227 Rea, David, 251 Property, charged with stealingAnderson, C., 187 Macumber, John, 187, 205 Austin, John, 267 Muir, J., 255 Bruce, John, 187,205 McFarlin, Annie, 211 Crawford, A., 227 Richards, George, 199 Kelly, P., 267 Webber, Samuel, 241 Property found, now in possession ofAlbert Park police, 226 Mount Moriac police, 253 C. I. police, 197 Russell-street police, 226, 232, Governor, Melbourne gaol, 239 266 South Melbourne police, 266 Lower Homebush police, 266 Property lost byCurtis, Mary E., 197 Musson, Howard W., 239, 248 Property stolen fromAdler, Jane, 211 Meyring, Moritz, 267 Bell, Norman S., 207 Miller, Alex., 267 Berry, Andrew, 196 Miller, Fredk., 236 Bird, John, 196, 236 Minter, James, 187 Blackburn, Kate, 196 Mitchell, Wm. Y., 241 Bond John, 255 Moore, Robert, 241 Boyd, Wm., 263 McCook, Archibald, 189 Brismoll, Richard, 187 McKean, David, 222 Bruce, Charles, 196 McLaughlin, Daniel, 233 Carisbrook racing club, 255 McQueen, Wm., 251 Clark, Edward, 214 McRaile, Bridget, 233 Cleary, J. W., 255 Parsons, W. J., and Co., 202 Cropley, Sarah, 214 Ratz, Martin, 267 Cullin, David, 187 Redgill and Manning, 267 Davis, John B., 207 Sheehan, James, 244 Fiske, John, 199 Smethurst, James, 222, 230 Fowler, Daniel, 261 Spencer, Thos., 214, 257 Frogley, James, 214 Stone, H. J. S., 257 Hackett, John, 261 Storeage and contracting Hanlon, James, 236 company limited, 189, 196, Hatton, Chas., 255 202 Hurst, Robert, 193, 199 Tait, James, 257 Kigsian Singh, 230 Victorian railways commisKozminsky, Marks, and Co., sioners, 202, 214, 222, 227, 230, 244, 251 244, 251 Mares, Edward, 207 Walker, James, 261 Mendelsohn, -, 263 Williams, Edward A., 207 Public vaccinators, resignations, 184, 190, 202, 244, 258 Punjaub, larceny on, 249, 256 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 5 Sandstein, Abraham, larceny as a bailee, 256 Saultry, Wm., obscene language, 190 Scanlon, Minnie, larceny as a bailee, 220, 242 Scott, Thomas, poisoning cattle, property of, 226 Scanlon, Wm., commitment, 208 Scotton, Samuel, larceny as a bailee on, 212, 220 Sear, Edwin, assault on, 208 Selig, Sophie Esther, larceny as a bailee on, 256 Sharman, Annie, disobeying an order of the Carlton bench, 208 Sherry, Mary, larceny as a bailee on, 268 Sheppard, Frank, false pretences on, 234 Sheish, Joseph, commitment, 225 Shmidt, Carl, insulting behaviour, 203, 225 Sialabrina, Dominick, indecent assault, 247 Simpson, Arthur J., unwilling witness, 242 Sing Hop Sing, grievous bodily harm inflicted on, 265 Skardon, Wm., larceny, 241 Slater, Thos., commitment, 202 Smith, Ellen, larceny on, 256 Smith, J., larceny as a bailee, 242 Solomon, -, larceny, 194, 205 Soule, Bradley, wilful damage, 230 Spargo, Wm. B., assault, 253 Spears, James, false pretences, 211 Steeper, Charles, assault, 185 Steeper, Charles, assault, 208 Stewart, Alfred, larceny on, 206 Street, David, commitment, 191 Ali Sun Shing, alias Fang, false pretences, 262 Sutherland, Mrs. Livingstone, wilful damage to property of, 225 Sydney, s.s., at Sydney, dynamite cartridge found in stoke-hole of, 226 T. Talty, Peter, commitment, 231 Talbot, Richard Henry, embezzlement, 268 Talbot, Thomas, absconding from bail, 191 Taylor, Mathew, commitment, 236 Temporary reservation of land at the Reefs, Stawell, for police purposes about to be revoked, 184 Tengay, Elizabeth, larceny as a bailee on, 220 Tenison, Michael Geo., embezzlement, 206, 219, 234 Thakoor Singh, insulting language, 185 Thomas, John Howard, embezzlement, 200 Timber, cutting, digging, or removing, from crown lands, 280 Trinder, Thomas, commitment, 231 Trinder, Wm., commitment, 230 Turnbull, Robert, commitment, 215 Tuxford, Albert J. W., embezzlement, 194, 200 V. Vermin inspectors , 184, 224 Vick, Walter, larceny, 187 Voron, Isaac , larceny on, 249 W. It. Reardon, Denis, larceny as a bailee, 187 Reid, Margaret, vagrancy, 231 Registrars of births and deaths, 184, 190, 208, 214, 224, 236, 244, 258 Rice, Mrs. Emma, false pretences on, 187 Rice, John, larceny on, 219, 233 Riordan, Stephen, larceny as a bailee on, 256 Robinson, Charles, commitment, 231 Robinson, Geo. Frederick, passing counterfeit half- sovereign on, 233 Robertson, Wm. Murray, assault on, 239, 253 Rocke, Tompsitt, and Co., false pretences on, 261 Rockett, W. J., false pretences on, 242 Rock, Wm., imposition, 187 Rogan, Richard, perjury, 212 Rose, John C., larceny as a bailee on, 200 Rowe, John, larceny as a bailee, 249 Ryan, Edmund, larceny as a bailee on, 219 Wagener, Annie S. H., embezzlement on, 261 Walker, Joseph F., false pretences on, 227 Walker, James, commitment, 191 Wallis and Sampson, wilful damage to property of, 253 Walsh, Patrick, commitment, 185 Walsh, Patrick, commitment, 203 Walton, Thos. commitment, 216 Warrandyte timber reserve abolished, 236 Water pipes, destruction of, 211 Watson, W., false pretences on, 261 Wearne, Alfred G., larceny as a bailee on, 242 Weigall, Annie S. H., larceny on, 211 Wendouree, attempted sinking of the s.s., 190, 191, 208 West Julia, assault with intent to commit rape on, 199 Wheeler, Arthur, alias Cockney, commitment, 231, 238 Wheling, Edward, indecent assault, 238 Whittington, Albert H., embezzlement, 267 White, Margaret Jane, false pretences on, 200 Wilkinson, Richard, dog stolen from, 231 Williams, George, larceny, 261 Williams, Richard, commitment, 216 Wilton, Robert, forgery and uttering, 261 Wilson, T. H., larceny, 194 Winnie, John, larceny as a bailee, 219 Woodman, Edward, larceny as a bailee, 249, 256 S. Salieba, Eliza, assault on, 191, 216 Sampson, Chas.' E., false pretences, Sanders, A., false pretences, 242 Yambuk butter factory company , embezzlement Yell, Wm. Chas., false pretences on, 227 Quarantine ground for imported Index-Quarter Q. dogs, 202 Y. 261, 268 By Authority: ending September. -B. RoBT. S. Bxarx, Government Printer, Melbourne. on, 242 VICTORIA POLICE INDEX. OF PRISONERS FOR Abbott, Robert, 26th July Abraham, Maurice, 19th July Adams, Geo., 30th August Adams, Lilian May, 12th July Adamson, John, 20th September Allen, Alfred S., 13th September Allen, Edward, 19th July Allen, Edwd., 27th September Allen, Henry, 9th August Alleson, Alfred, 5th July Alleson, Alfred, 16th August Alexander, Charles, 20th September Anderson, Fanny, 26th July Andrews, James, 9th August Anderson, James, alias James Pickup, 16th August Anderson, Jas., 27th September Anderson , Mary, 30th August Anderson, Mary, 20th September Anderson, Mary Ann, 27th September Anderson , Peter, 9th August Annett, Wm., 30th August Anthony, Irena, 6th September Antonio, Nicholas, 26th July Antonio, Thomas, 30th August Appleton, Mary, alias Dolly Appleton, alias Mary Ann Catherine Kelly, 27th September Archer, George, 27th September Arden, James , 30th August Arnold, William, 16th August Avery, Ernest A., 16th August Ashley, Edward, alias Edward Byers, 26th July Aslick, John, 2nd August Ah Chew, 6th September Ah Chong, 23rd August Ah Chune, 13th September September Ah Cow, 20th September Ah Fong, alias September Ah Gin, Hooey, 27th September Ah Lem, 12th July Ah Long, 19th July Ah Lum, 2nd August Ah Ping, 5th July DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER, 1893. POLICE INFORMATION Bartholomew, Charlotte, 27th September Bassie, Louis, 19th July Battley, Eliz., 9th August Bayliss, Mary Ann, 19th July Beale, John, 27th September Belfit, Robert, 12th July Bemis, Henry, alias Harry Danforth, 20th September Bennett, Elizabeth Ann, 26th July Benns, Walter B., 2nd August Bent, Richard, 9th August Berry, Margt., 5th July Beste, Annie, 19th July Betts, Wm. John, 9th August Bishop, GAZETTE. Henry, 6th September Bissell, John James, 26th July Blake, Chas., 20th September Blanchfield, John, 12th July Bloxham, Chas., 6th September Bohanna, Wm., 5th July Bourke, John, 16th August Bourke, Thos., 30th August Bowers, Wm., 19th July Bowland, Samuel, 5th July Bowman, Theresa, 20th September Boyle, Edward, 13th September Bracken, Alfred, 9th August Bradshaw, James, 20th September Bradshaw, Wm., 20th September Brazier, Lucy, 26th July Breen , James, 16th August Brown , Eliza, 26th July Brown, Emma , 12th July Brown , John, 27th September Brown , Wm., 12th July Bruce, John, 27th September Brusher, Geo., 16th August Buck, Joseph G., 27th September b ONLY. Coleman, George, 6th Septem- ber Cole, Joseph, alias Joseph Hill, 26th July Colgan, an,Joseph, 13thSeptemCohen, Isaac, 9th August Costelloe, Thomas, 16th August Costello, Margt., 9th August Cranston, James, 2nd August Craig, David, 5th July Crowl, Edward, 9th August Cronin, James, 19th July Crowe, Michael, 2nd August Cunningham, John, 2nd August Clarke, Arthur, 5th July Clarke, Henry, 12th July Clark, ,James, 16th August Clarke, Samuel, 13th September Clarence, Thos., alias Thos. Floss, alias Thos. Flex, 5th July Clement, Louis, 16th August Clifford, Frank, 26th July Connell, James, 5th July Conway, Matthew, 9th August Cowan, Thos., 9th August Cox, Charles, 12th July Cooper, George, alias Edward Jones, 13th September Cook, Henry, 12th July Cook, Jas., 27th September Cottam, Lily, 26th July Coun, Susan, 26th July Cripps, Lucy, 13th Crompton, Walter, September 13th Sep- tember Cropley, Margaret, alias Lynch, 20th September Dalcour, Chas., 13th September Daniels, Wm., 26th July Davies, Robt., 20th September Davis, Arthur, 23rd August Davis, Benjamin, 5th July Davis, Charles, 23rd August Davis, Edward, 12th July Davis, Fredk., 27th September Davis, George, 13th September Davis, William, 5th July Davis, Wm. H., 2nd August Dawson, Chas., 6th September Dawson, George, 27th September Delaney, Jas., 9th Augnst Denny, Alice, 5th July Denny, John, 30th August Denny, Patrick Jas., 16th August Dillon, John, 13th September Dixon, Wm., 12th July Draper, Alfd., 2nd August Duce, Annie, 27th September Dunstan, Joseph, 27th September Dolby, Joseph, alias Rogers, 20th September Dupe, Ernest, 23rd August Burgess, John,20thSeptem. AliCook, 27th Burke, Annie, 12th July AliLing,20thBurney, Robert, 16th August AliQuing, 9thAugust Burns, Margaret , 19th July Butler, James, 9th August Byrne, Catherine, 19th July Byrnes, John, alias Tom Byrne, 16th August Byrne, Thos., 26th July Campbell, Hugh, 23rd August b Campion, John, 27th Septem- Ah Young, 6th September Baillie , David, 27th September Canham , Catherine , 13th SepBaker , Cornelius , 6th Septemtember ber Caulfield, Wm., alias John Baker , Daniel , 13th September Kelleher, 6th September Ballantyne , Jane , alias Jane Carra, Wm., 20th September O'Donnell, 30th August Ballantyne , Matilda, 16th Carroll, Thomas, alias Robert Clarke, 12th July August Carlton, Jas., 16th August Bannister , George , 12th July Carlin, Martin, 19th July Barber, Annie, 6th September Carra, Wm., 12th July Barber , Wm., 30th August Jonathan, 30th Barkoffsky, Ed. Martin, 2nd Chapman, August August Chalmers, Wm., 12th July Barnes, Jas., 16th August Chirgwin, Richard, 6th SepBarnes , James, 30th August tember Barrett , John, 26th July Index-Quarter ending September.-c. Donnelly, James, 5th July Doyle, Elizabeth, 26th July Dyde, James, 12th July Edwards, Chas., 19th July Edwards, Francis, 20th September Edwards, John, 23rd August Edwards, Thos., 12th July Egan, James, 2nd August Egan, John, alias Chas. Jones, 9th August Ellis, Blanche, 9th August Ellis, Daniel, 13th September Ellis, Richd., 30th August Douglas, George, 16th August Dowe, Ernest, 26th July Dower, John, 12th July Downie, Thos., 9th August Emselle, Jas., 13th September Ennis, Robert, 27th September Erskine, Walter, 26th July Evans, Thomas J., 26th July Fabretti, Peter, 12th July Fagan, Patk., 23rd August Farley, Peter, 5th July Farrow, Win., 6th September Fay, Thos, 20th September Feander, John Win., 6th September Felberger, Edward, 13th September Feltis, Henry, 26th July Fidler, George, 16th August Findley, Richd., 9th August Finucane, John, 5th July Fisher, Annie, 30th August Fisher, Ellen, 9th August Fitzgerald, Benjamin, 30th August Fitzgerald, Benjamin , 19th July Fitzsimmons, Joseph, 2nd August Fitzgerald, John, 20th September Fleckler, Olga, 5th July Francis, Charles, 19th July Franklin, Mark, 12th July Fray, Michael, 9th August Frazer, Walter, 27th September French, Win., 16th August Friend, Andrew, 2nd August Ford, Robert, 23rd August Fortescue, Wm., 27th September Forbes, Wm., 20th September Foster, John, 12th July Fossell, Charles, 20th September urlong, Anthony, 26th July ( ardiner, Leslie, 27th September Gardiner, Wm., 20th September Gatland, Alfred H., 5th July Gee Wah, George, 9th August Gemmell, Alex., 27th September George, John, 13th September Gerhardt, Carl, 16th August Germain, Elijah, 5th July Gibbons, Sarah, 19th July Gilmore, Jane, 30th August Gilmore, John, 27th September Gill, George, 2nd August Gill, Patrick, 9th August Gilliet, Edward, alias Thos. Clark, 26th July 2 PRISONERS Girdlestone, Chas., 20th September Giovanni, Guizzard, 20th September Ginel'p, Otto, 20th September Goggii:gs, Charles, alias Henry Henderson, 26th July Goolap Singh, 5th July Goold, Woodruf, 27th September Gough, Arthur, 26th July Gould, George, alias Patk. McCarthy, alias George Smith, 23rd August Gordon, George M., 2nd August Gordon, Mary Ann, 9th August Gourley, James, 9th August Graham, Walter, 12th July Grant, Win., 9th August Gray, James, 5th July Green, John T. W., 27th September Greenwell, Emma, 27th September Griffin, John, 2nd August Griffiths, John, 2nd August Groomer, Thomas, alias Thos. Crumble, alias Thos. Williams, 9th August Guest, John Louis, 30th August Guest, John Louis, 6th September Gutsche, Rudolph, 5th July Guy, b Edwin Jas., 27th SeptemHalley, Hardy, 16th Walter, Charles, August 23rd August or Heasman, Hammond, Sophia, 6th September Hamilton, John, 26th July Hansen, Edward, 26th July Hanlon, Michael, 20th September Hanson, Thos., 27th September Haroldson, John, 2nd August Harmer, Charles, 19th July Hardinan, John Henry, 12th July Harris, John Arthur, 13th September Harris, Nellie, 20th Harvey, James, 23rd Harvey, Hugh, 23rd Hastings, Alex. J., tember September August August 20th Sep- Hayes, John, 19th July Hayes, John, 9th August Hayes, Michael, 12th July Henderson, Hector, 26th July Healey, Laurence, 6th September Hehir, Jaines, 20th September Hehir, Win., 27th September Heller, Robt., 16th August Henderson, Frank, 13th September Herbert, William, 30th August Herdet Singh, 2nd August Hetherington, George, 27th September Heymeyer, Christian, 27th September Hickey, John, 26th July Higgins, Arthur, alias Samuel Higgins, 27th September Hilson, Thomas, 13th September Hinchcliffe, Joseph, 5th July Hirt, John Thos., 16th August Hirth, Paul, 16th August Hobbs, Alice, alias Kate Kelly, 16th August Hodder, Victoria, 26th July Hogan, James, 2nd August Hogan, John B., 26th July Holloway, Thos., 9th August Holstein, Rudolph, 9th August Holmes, Wm., 6th September Holt, John, 5th July Hopgood, Sumner, 26th July Hoinfray, Ross, 23rd August Horne, Wm. P., 30th August Hoskins, Richd., 9th August Howe, James, 5th July Howard, Wm., 27th September Hughes, Jane, 12th July Hughes, Samuel, alias Wm. Watson, 30th August Hurley, James, 30th August Huxley, Frank. 6th September Irving, Eva, 30th August Irving, Isaac, 2nd August Jackson, Alfred, 27th September Jackson, Andrew, 2nd August Jackson, Edwin, 23rd August Jackson, Jonas, 13th September Jamieson, John, 5th July James, William, 26th July Jasper, Mary, 20th September Jew, Samuel, 20th September Jones, Edwin, 5th July Johnson, James Arthur, 16th August Johnstone, Mary E., 12th July Johnstone, Margaret, 6th September Johnson, Maria, 13th September Johnson, Robt., 23rd August Johnston, Wm., 16th August Jones, Alice, 26th July Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Chas., Da; id, David, Edward, George, John, 1893.] DISCIIARGED.-INDEX. 23rd AuguA 9th August 9th August 16th August 27th September alias John Dun- das, alias George Beresford, 20th September Jones, Wm., 13th September Jones, William, 30th August Kavanagh, Patrick, 27th September Kavanagh, Patrick, 2nd August Kelland, George, 2nd Auust Keirl, Reuben, 26th July" Kelly, James, 2nd August Kelly, Kate, 9th August Keys, Edward, 6th September Kelly, Mary, 9th August Kelly, Phillip, 20th September Kerwickham, Win., alias Win. Smith, 2nd August Kinder, Charles, 23rd August King, James Jackson, 5th July King, Walter, 26th July Kirchener, Wm. Gothard, 12th July Kirkwood, Thoixias. 5th July Kneebone, Thos., 27th Septemher Knight, John, 30th August Kuleman, Frank, 27th September Lachmare, Thos., 2nd August Lanty, Joseph, 9th August Langley, Walter, alias Walter Clarke, 12th July Lane, William, 5th July Lawler, Catherine, 5th July Lawrence, Robert, 30th August Lawson, Oscar, 13th September LeCroix, Henry, 6th September Lee, Charles, 19th July Lee, John, 27th September Lennon, Andrew, 13th September Lennon, Minnie, 5th July Leslie, Margt., 20th September Lester, Win., 26th July Levere, Alfred, 19th July Levy, Harry, 12th July Lewis, Alfred, 16th August Lewis, Chas. F., 5th July Leydin, James, 16th August Lezardi, Arthur, 16th August Lim Sue, 27th September Linane, Thos., 26th July Littlejohn, Mary Ann, 13th September Lonsdale, Wm., 16th August Lowe, Sarah, 27th September Lucas, John, 2nd August Lycett, James, 9th August Lynch, Christopher, 20th September Lynch, Edward, 23rd August Lynch, John, 23rd August Lytton, Thos., 19th July Mace, Thomas, 6th September Macher, Alfred, 5th July Mack, John, 27th September Mackie, James, 9th August Mackinnon, Robert, 26th July Mahomet, Charles, 6th September Marrow, Win., 13th September Marshall, Robert Albert, 5th July Martin, Agnes, 12th July Martin, Charles, 30th August Martin, Wm., 26th July Martinson, Wm., 19th July Massey, Jas., 12th July May, Wm. John, 12th July Mayne, Thos., 23rd August Melville, Peter, 30th August Middling, Humphrey, 6th September Miller, David, 9th August Miller, Joseph, 16th August Mitchell, ber James, 6th Septem- Moloney, Percy, 2nd August Montgomery, Fergus, 13th September Mooney, Walter, 13th September Moore, Henry, 16th August Moore, Robert, 27th September Moore, Wm., 16th August Morgan, Edward, 9th August Mormouth, Antonio, 30th August Morris, Fredk., 12th July Morris, Henry James, 16th August Morris, Jas., 16th August Moriesey, Mary,, 23rd August Morrissey, Margot.,10th August Morrissey, Thos., 27th September Morrison, James, 9th August Morton, Harry, 9th August Morton, Michael, 5th July Moss, Hannah, 12th July Moss, Jas., 12th July Mulhaul, Denis, 26th July Munday, Joseph, 13th September Munn, Elizabeth A., 23rd August Murphy, George, 9th August Murphy, John, 5th July Murphy, John, 5th July Murphy, John, 2nd August Murphy, John, 16th August Murphy, John, alias John Fleming, 13th September O'Keefe, James, 20th September O'Leary, Timothy, 16th August O'Meara, Patrick, 13th September O'Meara, Peter, 30th August O'Neil, Owen, 9th August O'Neill, Mary Jane, 12th July Orr, Margt., 16th August O'Toole, Maggie, 26th July Parker, Fredk., 26th July Parker, John, alias John Cook, alias John Westley, 13th September Patterson. Joseph, 13th September Patterson, Norah, 26th July Pearson, Win., 12th July Peasly, Philip, 23rd August Peel, Robert, 19th July Penso, Walmo, 20th September Perry, Henry, 20th September Perrins, Joseph, 27th September Perkins, George B., 6th September Phillips, John, 9th August Poorrum Singh, 2nd August Porter, Hugh, 20th September Powell, John, 30th August Power, Mary Jane, 5th July Prendergast, Michael, alias Martin Ryan, 27th September Proctor, James, 23rd August Prosser, Henry, alias Henry Crosser, 20th September Purdue, Murphy, Michael, 18th Septem-ber Murphy, Patk., 26th July Murphy, William, 12th July Murphy, Win., 2nd August Murphy, Win., 13th September Musgrove, Win., alias Win. Taylor, 12th July Myers, Chas., 20th September McAuley, Chas., 9th August McCarthy, Jas., 23rd August McCarthy, Michael, 16th August McComber, John, 30th August McCowan, David, 13th September McDonald, Hugh, 9th August McDonald, Thos., 2nd August McDonald, Thos., 26th July McEachran, Jas., 19th July McFarlane, Annie, 16th August McFarlane, Robt., 30th August McGrath, Michael, 5th July McHale, Anthony, 26th July McKaites, Henry, alias Henry Yates, 2nd August McLelland, Wm., 9th August McNamara, Denis, 30th August McNamara, Michael, 13th Sep. tember McNeill, Jas., 9th August McNulty, Thos., 23rd August McLaren, Rachel, 30th August McLaughlin, Edward, 20th September McPherson, Chas., alias Chester Howard, 13th September Naughton, Patk., 6th September Neilson, John, 19th July Nelson, Wm., 20th September Nerallan, Win., alias Wm. Rowe, alias Wm. Bourke, alias Win. Dillon, 26th July Newell, Thos., 27th September Nettleton, Thomas, alias George Ruddock, 9th August Nicholson, Frank, 6th September Nicholls, James, 9th August Nolan, Samuel, 6th September Norris, Frederick, 30th August Norton, John, 9th August O'Brien, Jas., 20th September O'Brien, John, 2nd August O'Brien, John, 2nd August O'Brien, Win., 20th September O'Connor, Alfd., 12th July O'Connor, Patk., 6th September O'Connor, Patrick, alias Patrick Egan, 26th July O'Dell, Ann, 26th July O'Donnell, Edward J., 2nd August O'Farrell, John, 23rd August O'Halloran, Andrew, 5th July O'Hare, James, 2nd August O'Hare, James, 16th August Edwd., 27th Septem- Pyers, Thos., 0th September Quay Lee, 23rd August Quick, James, 20th September Quinn, John, 26th July Quirke, John, alias David Black, 13th September Ramage, Win., 13th September Ray, Robert, alias Ralph Raleigh, 12th July Reardon, Denis, 2nd August Reek, Carl, 30thAugust Rees, John, 19th July Reed, Thos. Owen, 16th August Regan, John F., 2nd August Richards, Henry, 5th July Richardson, Walter, 19th July Richards, Win., 5th July Rickett, Patrick, 13th September Ritchie, Thomas, 13th September Ritchie, Win., 19th July Robertson, Chas. A., 16th August Robertson, George, 9th August Roberts, Geo., 6th September Roberts, John, 30th August Robinson, David, 20th September Robbins, Frank A., 12th July Robinson, George, 26th July Robinson, James, 6th September Robinson, John, 30th August Rodd, Sarah, 23rd August Rose, Augustus, 9th August Rourke, Henry, 26th July Rowe, George, 16th August Rowe, Harry, 2nd August Ryan, James, alias Richard Whelan, alias Robert Phelan, 13th September Ryan, John, 20th September Ryan, Mary, 12th July Ryan, Mary, 2nd August Ryan, Michael, 13th September Ryan, Thomas, 20th September Rozier, Walter, 19th July Saddler, Wm., 9th August Salter, Thos., alias Slater, 2nd August Sanders, John, 20th September Sands, William, 5th July Sandford, Win., 19th July Saunders, John, 16th August Schmidt, Carl, 13th September Schollard, James, 5th July Scilcock, Lucy, 5th July Scott, Henry, 6th September Scott, Jas. W., 6th September Scott, Wm., 30th August Scott, Wm. N., 19th July Scudds, Joseph, alias Jos. McAllister, 27th September Seacombe, Win., 27th September Selsby, James, 16th August Serong, Frank, 12th July 1893 .] Serong, Win., 20th September Shaw, Martha, 23rd August Shanks, George P., 5th July Sheldon, Win., 12th July Sherwin, Win., 16th August Sherborn, James, 13th September Shiell, George, 13th September Shoeberg, Charles, 6th September Shuttleworth, John, alias Saunders, 27th September Simmonds, Fanny, 16th August Simpson, John, 12th July Slater, George, 5th July Slater, Thomas, alias Thos. Salter, 2nd August Slick, Charles, 19th July Smith, James, 30th August Smith, James, alias James Whelan, alias John Harrison, 16th August Smith, John, 13th September Smith, John, 9th August Smith, John, 9th August Smith, Joseph, 9th August Smith, Geo., 2nd August Smith, Geo.. 30th August Smithers, W. A., 27th September Smith, Win., 27th September Smith, Wm., 27th September Somerville, Jas., 27th September Spears, James, 6th September Spence, Richd., 30th August Spencer, Frank, alias George Brooks, 2nd August Steward, Harry, alias Blake O'Neill, 30th August PRISONERS Stevenson, Stevenson, Patrick, Mary, DISCHARGED .-INDEX. 19th July alias Mary Ann Stevenson, 30th August Stewart, Ellen, 6th September Stewart, James, 23rd August Stewart, Win., 23rd August Stockdale, Fredk., 9th August Stockdale, John, 19th July Stone, Fredk., alias F. Kelso, 27th September Styles, Robert, 12th July Sutton, Mary, 23rd August Svenson, Fredk., 2nd August Talbot, Thos., 16th August Tallant, Peter, 26th July Temple, Henry, 2nd August Thornton, Eliza, 16th August Thompson, Albert, 23rd August Thompson, George, 26th July Thompson, Geo., 20th September Thompson, Robert, alias Samuel Allen, 13th September Thompson, John, 9th August Thompson, Joseph, alias Fredk. C. September Thomas, Thorpe, Thorpe, Thorpe, Tobin, ber Armstrong, 20th Martin, 16th August Isabella, 26th July John, 16th August John, 5th July Richard, 6th Septem- Troy, Ellen, 16th August Turner, Frank, 26th July Tuxford, Albert J. W., September Trussler, Geo., 23rd August Trottle, Thos., 26th July By Authority: 27th 3 Twomey, Julia, 12th July Tyrrell, John, 20th September Unwin, Wm. Jas., 9th August User, Alley, 13th September Van Pragh, Nathaniel, Gth September Vick, Walter, 30th August Vining, John, 30th August Wah Yee, 27th September Walker, George, 13th September Walsh, Grace, 27th September Walsh, Jeremiah D., 26th July Ward, Edward, 2nd August Ward, Frederick, 12th July Warby, John, 23rd August Ward, John, 30th August Wardley, John, 30th August Watson, Fredk. J., alias Frederick Morse, alias Wm. McKenzie, 13th September Watkens, John, 26th July Watts, George, 12th July Werchon, Fredk. Wm., 12th July West, Ellen, 23rd August White, Henry, 16th August White, James, 16th August White, Jane, 5th July White, John, 30th August Whittaker, Emily Jane, 26th July Whitfield, Joseph, 13th September Wignell, Wilson, ber Edward, Bertram, 2nd August 6th Septem- Wilson, Edward, 9th August Willis, Francis, alias John Williams, 6th September Rear. S. BttAN, Government Printer, 11lelbourne. Wilson, George, alias George Williams, 30th August Williams, George, 26th July Williams, George , alias Joseph Smith, 19th July Wilson, Henry, 19th July Williams, Henry, 9th August Williamson, James, 26th July Williams, Jane, 6th September Williamson, James, alias Jas. Orchard, 6th September Williams, John, alias Wm. Power, 2nd August Williams, John, 2nd August Williams, Mary, 9th August Williams, Mary, 30th August Williams, Margaret, 13th Sep• tember Wilson, Maud, 5th July Wilson, Maud, 12th July Wilson, Sydney, 12th July Williams, Thos., 13th September Williams, William, 23rd August Willoughby, Thomas, 5th July Winters, Henry, 20th September Woodley, Emily, 20th September Woods, Lily, 9th Wrathall, James, Wright, Annie, ber Yates, Jane, 6th Yates, William, Zennos, Howard gust August 16th August 13th SeptemSeptember 6th September S., 23rd Au- INDEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GAZETT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER, I a 1893* A. C. Absconders from industrial schoolsBell, Lizzie, 322 Lewis, Geo., 335 Bell, Lizzie, 289 Leeson, Wm., 335, 340 Bell,' Elizabeth, 322 Morris, Frederick, 301 Bigelow, Amaso, 322 Duller, John P., 272 Bodasker, Wm., 329 Pearce, Geo., 308 Brown, Arthur, 278, 295 Pearce, Geo. Henry, 334 Bryce, Marton, 335 Rankin, Wm., 283, 289 Carr, Alex., 308, 315 Reid, John Thos., 301 Carter, Henry, 534, 340 Ryan, John, 283 George, Henry, 329, 335 Saul, Henry, 289 Gordon, Albert Victor, 346 Shanks, Minnie, 315 Ginnane, Patk., 315, 323 Stephenson, Fredk., 277, 283 Henderson, Angus, 301 Stewart, Winnie, 283 Hughes, Richd., 283, 289 Stewart, Wm., 271, 308 Hughes, Richd., 334 Stephens, Fredk., 277 Jones, H., 288, 315 Stephens, Frederick, 329, 335 Stone, James, 329 Kennedy, Joseph, 315, 329 Kinghorn, John, 288 Summer, Chas., 289 Kuyper, Sydney, 315 Thompson, Geo., 271 Lawrence, Emily, 289 Williams, Thos., 337 Adams, Jas. Smith, larceny as a bailee on, 280 Ah Lum, placing with intent an explosive, 292, 297 Ah Sing, assault, 312, 337 Allen, Fredk., larceny on, 311 Allen, James, false pretences on, 312 Allowance to Government analytical chemists when called upon to give expert evidence for the Crown, 307 Analysts, 300, 340 Anderson, James Francis, embezzlement, 303 Andrews, A., false pretences, 343 Ansperito, Antonio, commitment, 335, 340 Argent, Arthur, perjury, 274 Armstrong, Robt., commitment, 277 Armstrong, Christopher, vagrancy, 277 Arnoldt, John Peter, false pretences on, 274 Asher, Elsie May, assault on, 278 Auctioneers' licences, 283, 315, 340 Cadawalder, Eliz., false pretences on, 343 Cape Otway state forest further diminished, 294 Callender, Constable, assault on, 308 Campbell, Duncan, commitment, 316 Campbell, Samuel, larceny as a bailee, 274 Campbell, Charles, commitment, 316 Casey, Thos., commitment, 335 Cathcart, George, embezzlement on, 320 Caulfield, Wm., alias John Kelleher, escaped prisoner, 301, 307, 346 Chalker, Louisa, commitment, 329 Chalker, John, commitment, 329 Chandler, Sarah, assault on, 312 Charley, -, carnally knowing a girl under 16 years, 337 Chinese act notices, 282, 307 Chisholm, Saml., larceny, 292 Children abandonedFemale child found at Assembly hall, Collins-street, Melbourne, 270 Female child found at Mrs. Beaton's house, Mills-street, Albert Park, 270 Female child found at 44 Lyndhurst-street, Richmond, 345 Male child found at St. Francis' church, Lonsdale-street, Melbourne, 346 Citizens' life assurance co. limited, embezzlement on, 280 Citizens' life assurance co. limited, embezzling from, 343 Clavell, Edward, commitment, 335 Cleary, Gregory, larceny as a bailee on, 326 Cocking, Thos., commitment, 335 Coppin, Arthur, larceny as a bailee, 286 Cole, Alfred, alias Rats, rogue and vagabond, 322 Connors, Patrick, larceny as a bailee on, 286 Constable, Marmaduke, larceny as a bailee on, 286 Coulter, Thomas, embezzling, 326 Coughlin, John, escaped lunatic, 308 Courts of general sessions at Jamieson discontinued, 271 Courts of petty sessions altered, 271, 283, 288, 328, 334 Courts of general sessions altered, 282 Cox, Edwd., commitment, 277 Crerar, Thomas, forgery on, 326 Crerar, John, larceny, 319 Crouch, William, unlawful wounding, 349 Crouch, William, larceny, 349 Crown lands, cutting of timber in parishes of St. Arnaud, Burupga, and Purdeet prohibited, 271 Crown lands bailiffs, 271, 277 Cutten, Claude, larceny as a servant on, 297 Customs department, larceny on, 286 B. Baker, George, commitment, 283 Balchin, William, larceny, 343 Barton, Arthur, valueless cheque, 332 Barry, Donald, impersonating a constable, 335 Bass, George Petty, disobeying an order of the Geelong bench, 329 Beamish and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 337 Benalla shire, embezzlement on, 332 Benson, Miss, larceny on, 319 Bennett, Jas., commitment, 271 Bennetts, John, false pretences on, 337 Benson, James, larceny, 319 Bero, Joseph, commitment, 335 Links, Mary, larceny by a trick, 280 Bigelow, Amasa, discharging firearms in a public place, 283 Bird, -, embezzlement, 292, 297 Bishop, Harriet, carnal knowledge of, 337 Bourke, Martin, commitment, 335, 340, 346 Bowden, Samuel, assault, 315 Blaquere, Geo. de, commitment, 346 Black, James, alias Robt. White, absconding from bail, 308 Bloore, Lizzie, wilful expo, ure to, 283 Bloore, Fanny, wilful exposure to, 283 Brock, John, embezzling, 332 Brown, Thos., assault, 289 Bryant, Ernest Herbert, vagrancy, 316, 346 Butler, Jas., assault, 308, 315 Burns, Michael, commitment, 295 Burns, Michael, commitment, 329 Bull, Colonel, forgery on, 274 Index-Quarter ending December.-A. D. Daly, Richard, commitment, 288 Daly, Patrick, larceny as a bailee on, 332 Daniels, Thomas, larceny as a bailee, 332 Danks, John, and Son, false pretences on, 343 Davis, Henry, assault, 295 Davis, ---, rogue and vagabond, 283 Davis, William Henry, stealing from, 332 Davis, Wm. J., larceny on, 326 Davis, Henry, valueless cheque, 297 Davis, D. G., false pretences, 343 Davey, Albert Ernest, stealing, 332 Daws, Edward, commitment, 323 Dennis, -, assault, 277 Derry, Lily, wilful exposure to, 349 Davis, Amy, wilful exposure to, 349 Deserters from H.M. serviceBowden, Wm. R., 302 Martin, Robt., 290, 309 Cole, Wm. Llewellyn, 317 Rikard, Henry, 330 Desmond, Michael, 324 Stewart, Alex., 278 Faye, Wm., 284 Tree, Alfred Daniel, 347 Hallifax, Chas., 309 Watts, Matthew R., 309 Hockeely, All. J., 347 Williams, Chas. H., 309 VICTORIA Deserters from merchant vesselsBacchioni, Nicodemus, 302, 324 Campbell, Jarr_es, 347 Deserters of wives, &c.Appelbee, Morris, 294 Anderson, Bella, 294 Angel, Gerald Phillip, 276 Barnett, Fredk., 306 Brady, Jas., 334 Bloxham, John, 322 Brown, John, 314 Brown, Wm., 277 Bruni, .Tohn H., 294 Cartwright, James, 322, 328 Cauley, Frank, 340 Camer, Wm., 314 Conroy, Wm., POLIC1 Henderson, Miller, John, 288 Monger, Stephen, 322 Muir, John, 314 Munro, Richd., 314 Murphy, Timothy, 282 Neill, Edward, 339 O'Connor, Harry, 294, 330 Phillips, Thos. H., 294, 340 Prebble, Wm. E., 334 Pryor, Thos., 282, 288 Puree, Thos., 314 Rank, Wm., 314 Reilly, Michael, 328 (`handler, Wm., 345 Ccoper, Henry Geo., 294 Renfrey, Edwd., 328 Rowe, Wm., 276, 314 Courtnay, Ryan, Wm., 314 Edwards, John, 25S, 270 Franks, Percy, 314 Grosvenor, Jas., 288 Hall, Victor, 270 Hand, James, 276 Henninghain, Jos., 276 Hocking, Samuel, 282 Hesse, Jean Arnold, 314 Hogan, Wm., 322 Hubbard, Henry, 294 Knight, Alfred, 276, 282 Lowrey, John, 270 McKenzie, John, 277 Malcolm, Thos. Chas., 322 M ars h , Ni c h o l as, 322 Dickson, Edward, commitment, Dobberteen, Douglass, alias Scotty, 270 Seymour, Phillip H., 156, 270 Slater, W. H. G., 333, 340 Smith, Henry, 288, 306 Solomon, Chas. F., 300, 306 Stanley, Thos., 294, 334 Stanley, Jos., 288 Swanston, Henry, 252, 270 Talbot, Thos., 328 Taylor, Alex., 288, 300 Thorburn, Thos., 306 Toohey, Wm., 306 Whitlock, Arthur, 300 Woods, Michael, 294 Worrall, John Henry, 270, 282 283 Amelia, false pretences, William, Michael, Stone, -, Highway buggery, 312 Downing, Robert Jas., false pretences, 292 Drew, Nias J., forgery and uttering, 274, 279 Dudgeon, Jas., disobeying a summons, 301 Dunn, C. J., uttering a gilded coin on, 274 E. Edmunds, Robt., commitment, 301 Edwards, Thos., assault, 301, 307 Edwards, Betsy, imposition on, 320 Electoral inspectors, 271 Electoral inspectors resigned, 282 Elliott, Kate, exposing person to, 335 Elliott, Sophia, embezzlement on, 280 Elliott, Frederick Sandford, vagrancy, 271 Ellis, Daniel, disobeying a summons, 346 Engine-drivers, examination for, 301 English, Scottish, and Australian chartered bank, conspiring to defraud the, 331 Evans, Emma L., shooting horses, property of, 295, 329 F. Samuel, larceny, 285, 312 Fahey, Jeremiah, commitment, 315 Fallon, Constable, insulting behaviour to, 283 Farmer, John, commitment, 295 Firman, Geo. Walter, embezzlement on, 280 Fitzgibbon, Chas., commitment, 335 Forman, Henry, larceny on, 343 Forsythe, Geo. W., commitment, 278, 301 Francis, Edward, larceny as a bailee, 280 Fredericks, Chas., commitment, 288 Fulton, Sonny, assault, 278 G. Gafford, Ada, commitment, 278 Galbraith , W . S ., false pretences , 337 Gannon , Frederick , alias Chandler , commitment , 329 Ga y er , Robert , larceny on , 274 Ga y nor , Thos . Francis , assault on , 289 Geor g e , Matthew , false pretences on , 286 Gibbs , Bright , and Co ., embezzlement on , 337 Gildon , Henr y, commitment , 277, 283 Glenister , John Putnan , valueless cheque on , 332 Glover , Alfred , commitment , 283 Goldstein, Jacob Moses, commitment, 272 Goodwyn, Arthur, failing to obey an order of the Melbourne bench,300 Gra y, David , embezzlement , 280 Greatorex and Quinlin , larceny on , 303 Grenet , Ernest , commitment , 346 Grimwood , Wm ., commitment , 329 Guardian of minors, 334 H. Haines, Polly, assault , 289, 295 Halliday, Wm., disobeying an order of a bench, 346 Hammond , Wm., insulting behaviour to, 340 Hansford , John, commitment, 307 Hardham, Alfred, larceny on, 292 Harris, Fanny , larceny as a servant, 273 Hayes, John, alias Pudney, wilful damage, 279 Health officers, 277, 288, 300, 315, 328, 340 Health act notices , 271, 277, 282, 300, 307, 340 Hegarty, Ellen, assault on, 288 Heningham , Joseph , commitment, 316 false pretences, 312 303 Wilson, robbery committed Anderson, Alfred, 279 Anderson, Barry, on- John, 281 Bridget, -, 279 Illingworth, Frank,327 Illingworth, 339 291 Johnson, John, 327 Win., 305 Bottereill, Geo., 287 Brown, Robt., 'Al Burton, Mrs. F., 313 Burke, Winifred, 345 Callaghan, Mary Jane, 313 Cameron, John, 011 Kingsland, John, 305, 327 Leatch, Thos., 325, 331 Lee, Sarah, 303 Little, John M., 291 McCoffery, Jas., 291 Maddern, J. L., 333 Conway, Moore, Francis, 319 Thompson, Crerar, Thos., 305 O'Callaghan, Curran, O'Neill, Thos., 305,1321 Davey, Albert, 333 Davies, Robt. G., 285 Dawson, Arthur E., 275, 281, 287 Evans, Ernest, 269 Fisher, Annie, 345 Fillingham, G. G., 275 Flower, Frank, 319 Graft, Fidelus, 275 Green, Wm., 327 R u dd y, J o h n, 3:33 . 321 forgery Hill, John, commitment, Dowley, John,disobeying anorder oftheCarlton bench, 307, 316 Hill, Fackiner, J., Hickcy, Thomas Bernard, embezzling, 343 Highway robbery, arrested forButler, Wm., 325 Dawson, Geo., 319 Cameron, John C., 285 Henden, Thos,, 279 Crawford, Ronald, 279 Norriss, Geo., alias Pitt, Highway robbery, charged withDyer, Alfred, 291 Thomas, Jas., 311 Harrison, John, 331 Whittaker, Jane, 291 Smith, Jas., 331 Whelan, Jas., 331 Hunter, Alex., Hilton, Thomas, 274 attempted [1893. Hea}ely , William , larceny on , 297 Turner, Henry, 347 Wilson, Thos., 330 322 GAZETTE.-INDEX. John, unlawful 345 Thos., 327 Patrick, 287 O'Neill, Thos., 305, 313 Parker, Kate, 305 Quintrell, James, 291 Rasmussen, Peter, 287 Rosenblum, E. J., 345 Ryan, Edmund, 275 Silvardo, John, 345 Smith, Andrew, 327 Trenkner, Wm. Chas., 281 Wall, Nano, 291 Willi ams, Ri c h ar d , 269 and uttering, 274, 279 329 wounding on, 349 Hill, Louisa, false pretences can, 292 Hing War, commitment, 323, 335, 340 Holton, Win., commitment, 307 Hooper, John Henry, valueless cheque on, 343 Hopkins, Thomas, disobeying and order of Insolvency Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingAugustus, George, 280 Rowe, Fredk., 323 Haines, Harry, 274 Smith, George, court, 320 303 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingMooney, Chas., 344 Horses and cattle stolen fromAdams, Jas., 296, 308 Duvanel, Albert, 329 Ahern, Timothy, 323, 329 Duvanel, Albert, 341 Ampfor , John Henry, 308 Dwyer, Michael, 316, 323 Antoine, Geo. S., 340 Dyer, Wm., 302 Atkins, Chas., 295 Dyer, John, 323 Ballarat water commis- Dyson, Henry, 283 sioners, 340 Edward, Elijah H. P., 346 Balchin, Jas., 341 Edwards, Edward , 272 Egan, Jas., 301 Barnett, R. E., 330 Bartels , Henry , 308 Ellis , Wm ., Baulch , Samuel , 296 Elsum , Henry J ., 336 , 341 Beauland, John, 323 Evans, Jas., 341 Farqueson, John Baker, 308 Began, John, 336 Bell, Chas., 341 Farr, W. H., 278 Bellett and Cook, 284 Ferguson, Jas., 341 Blinkhorn, Billings, 316 Fingland, W. T., 295, 323 Fleming, Thos., 316 Bowen, Catherine, 330, 336 Bowen, T. H., 284, 289 Fraser, Arthur, 336 Bradford, Geo., 295, 308 Freylach, Emil, 308 Brittan, Norman, 330 Fry, Albert, 272 Brown, J., 316, 340 Gardiner, A., 336 Brown, W. H., 316 Gawith, Joseph Henry, 289 Geddes, Jas., 301 Broadley, Wm., 301 Gorrie, Edward, 274 Godfrey, James, 316, 329 Bruggy, Patrick, 346 Buckley, Annie, 296, 316 Government domain, 308 Burke, Wm., 329 Griffiths, Mary E., 283 Burke, John L., 284, 289 Guyder, Adolph, 308 Byrne, Jas., 336 Hadfield, Wm., 289, 295 Hamilton, Andrew, 308 Cahill, Patk., 316 Hamilton, Jas., 289 Campbell, Jas., 289 Hammond, Saml., 309, 316 Canning, John, 289, 295 Hanlon, Daniel, 296, 316 Cathcart, Alexr., 309 Harheck, J. F., 323 Cashen, Thos., 308 Hardie, Chas., 330 Carbarns, Thos., 272, 295 Hardisen, Francis H., 336 Cashin, John T., 284, 289 Ha y es , John , 308 Ch ance llo r, Edwin , 284 , 295 Heron , A. A. , 349 Chandler , John Sam , 316 Hill, Henry W., 329 Coa, Levy, 330 Jackson, Wm. John, 308 Clarke, W., 330 Jackson and Sons, J. B., 302 Clarke, Kate, 341 James, H., 323 Collins, B., 330 Jennings ,. John, 296 Constable, Walter, 316, 346 Johnstone, Isaac, 274 Conroy, Christopher, 308 Jones , Thos. , 297 Cook , Jas ., 336 Kay, J. P., 336 Cook, Chas., 272 Keam, Samuel, 301 Costello, Rev. J. P., 347 Kelly, Michael, 308, 329 Crossley, Edward, 316, 341 Kemp, Randolp, 272 Dandenong stud depot, 296 Kernan, John, 308 Davidson, Robt., 329 Kilpatrick, Matthew, 296 I)obbie, Thos., 278, 316 Kingswood, Geo., 302 Doig, Henry, 323 Lang, Wm., 323, 329 Donnelly, Martin, 289, 330 Langlands, Sarah J., 316 Donnelly, Christopher, 272 Lattison, John, 284 Donovan, Henry, 301 Laurie, Agnes, 341 Dowing, George, 301 Lechte, Edwd., 278 Dunn , P., 296 'Al Breagley, John,284, 289 1893.] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from -continued. Lee, John S., 316 Power, Patrick, 284, 295 Lefoe, Thos., 336 Quigley, Joseph, 316 Lenmme, Victor; 296, 308 Quirk, Michael, 341, 346 Lewry, Jas., 280 Rafferty, Jas., 341. Lewis, 289, Arthur, Lindsay, Robt. Chas., 341 McGann, John,-323, McCurran, Thos., 341 McDonald, John, 284, 317 McDonald, Win. A., 278 McGrath, Edwd., 329 McGregor, Gregor, 301 McGuinness, Jas., 272, 296 Mcllwrick, Jas., 316 . McKean, Jas., 272, 329 McKenzie, M. K., 329 McKindley, Jas.,316 McLean, John, 329, 340 McMurtrie, A. D., 302 Mackie, Arthur, 308 Malone, Edward, 272, 978 Martin, Wm., 283 Meehan, Mr., 302 Millett, Geo., 341 Miller and Kews, 323 Miller, Chas., 278, 283 Mitchell, David, 296 Mitten, Andrew, 309, 323 Montgomerie, John, 347 Moroney, Martin, 323 Morse, Walter, 323 Mulverhill, Michael, 300 Murphy, Jas., 308 Murray, John D., 308, 316 Nagel, C. H., 284 Nash, Button, 301 Neilson, Daniel, 284, 296 Nesbitt, H., 289 Nibblett, Chas., 272, 278 Nicholls, John, 296 Nicholas, Jos., 301, 323 Nolan, John, 308 Northey, John, 308 O'Halloran, Jas., 283 O'Keefe, Mrs., 323 O'Neill, John, 278 Osborne, Mary, 272 Osburno, John, 330 Parker, John, 323 Parker, Albert, 336, 340 Parsons, Edwd., 284 Philpott, W. H., 272, 296 Phillips, Saml., 323, 329 Plozza, Peter, 295 Pozzi, Stefano, 329 Housebreaking, arrested forAshley, Edwd., 302 Cheeseley, Geo., 325 Dickson, John, 331 Dorien, Thos., 334 Flannigan, Mrs., alias Marshall, 273 Freeman, Wm., 273 Lee, Edith Rosalie, 291 Leno, Wm., 337 Lyatt, Lazarus, 343 Munro, Murdoch, 325 Housebreaking, charged with"Annie," 319 Buck, Emma, 311 Bum, Dick, 285 Geo., 311 Cowal, Ike, 343 Dawson, Mrs., 325 Davey, Albert, 337 Devereaux, Wm., 311 Edouard, Joanny, 331 Cheeseley, Gore, Wm., 311 Greeves, John, 273 by, James, 279, 291 Healy, Wni., 337 Hilliard, -, 285 Jones, Ellen, 349 Lee, Edith Rosalie, 279 Leno, Wm., 331 Housebreaking committed onAarons, Moss, 276 Adams, W. A., 293, 306 Alcorn, Jane, 293 Allen, Edward, 281 Allen, Barney, 328 Alsop, Thos., 299 Alsop, Thomas, 275 Andrews, John E., 281 Baker, George, 321, 328 Batten, Henry, 293 Baker, Susan, 327 Barlow, Cyrus, 306 Barrett, Joseph, 337 Beasley, J. S., 251, 269 Beasley, Giles, 282 Belton, Hanna, 281 Bice, Luke E., 269 Bird, Thos. J., 287, 293 Boblander, Carl, 276, 321 Booth, Mary, 269 Bowyer, Herbert, 282, 327 Roper, Geo., 289 Russell, Ja4. Gordon, 308 Ryan, Terence, 296, 302 Rymer, James, 295 Sanderson, Win., 308, 323 Sayers, Thos., 330, 336 Scheele, Louise, 323 Sexton, C., 330, 340 Sheehan, Thos., 316 Sommerville, Thos., 278, 295 Souttel, John, 289 Spedding, Jos., 283 Spenk, Thos., 336 Smith, Ann, 347 Smyth, Douglas, 296 Strong, Jas., 316 Stewart, Thos., 278 Stewart, Alex., 309 Suteliff, John, 302, 323 Sutton, John, 289 Talbot, John, 309 Taylor, H. R., 295 Teychenne, Norman, 336 Thompson, Geo. W., 336 Tonseland, Geo., 278 Torphy, Thomas, 308, 329 Tulloch, Robert, 309 Vaughan, ThQs., 284 Walters, Richd., 296 Watts, James, 336 Wang Hip, 323 Whatley, Thos. S., 289, 301 Williams, W., 323 Williamson, John, 295, 316 Willey, Thos., 347 Edward, 308 Wm., 278 Thos. Ed., 272 Nicholas, 308 F., 330 Jas., 323 Wm., 316 F. H., 323 Chas., 316 Housebreaking committed on-continued. Collins, James, 313 Mille, Chas. , 293, 306 Cook, Wm., 287 276 Cobb,,John,,30 Mitchell, Albert, '276, Corbett, David; 275 287 Cordwell, Thos.,, 269 Mitchell, Mrs,. E.,'269 Cormack, Robert, 311, 319 Mitchell, Sahare S., 313 Corney, Walter '1'., 275 Motiaghan, Harry, X99 Cousins. Jas., 282 Moodie, 'A' es, 327 Craig, Robert, 299 Morey,-Alfred,, 287 Crawley, Jas., 311 Alurpliy, Eliz., 293 Curtis, Alex., 333 Morrell,' Stephen,' 345 -la'Arpy, Fdwd., 305. Morton , Launcelot, 293 ]Darragh; Samuel, 305, 813 Mutts, Peter, 325 Dempster, Geo., 314 Murphy, John P., 287 Dempster, Peter,-345 McAlister, Samuel, 321' Digaleto, Peter, 279 McConnell, John, 269 Dodds, Leonard, 345 McDowall, Robt., 337 Doherty, John, 313 McNamara, Lizzie, 333 Donovans, Rd., 319 McPherson, Lucy, 299 Dorcas, John, 279 McVeigh, Alex., 297 Driscol, John, 333 Neunheaffer , Charles J., 314 Duncan, Mary, 321 Norton, Ernest, 339 Dunning, Fred., 305, 327 Nutting, Chas., 305 Durand, Jos. Newman, 337, Nugent, Margt., 276 343 Oakford, Matthew, 281 Enock, Wm., 331 Ogilive, Wm., 321 Fairhall, Albert, 287 Peck, Henry, 327 Farrell, James, 339 Peile, Stoddart, 299 Fielding, Ellen, 275, 281 Potter, Fredk., 325 Fennell, Ellen, 291 Poulton, Samuel, 275, 285, 311 Finley, Grace, 142, 276 Pritchard, Edward, 293, 327 Fitzgerald, Kathline, 270 Raine, Wm., 281 Finkelstein, Miss, 349 Randall, A. G., 270 Garrod, Win. R., 293 Reid, Robert, 299 Gerard, Harry, 273 Renouf, Phillip, 339, 345 Goodwin, Fredk. J., 282, 305 Riedle, Henry, 314 Goodfellow, Jas., 337 Ryan, John, 311 Gill, Henry, 331, 337' Graliam, Win., 293 Salkeld, Robert, Sasse, Augustus, Gray, Samuel, 305, 313, 327 Gray, Matilda, 275 Hall, Henry, 270 Hamilton, John, 305 Hannigan, Denis, 275 Hatch, Geoo., 305 Hawker, Hon. G. C., 270 Hayes, Alfred, 333 Hilliard, Thos., 299 Hodges, Henry, 305 Hillingsworth, Miss, 287 Sawbridgeworth, Joseph, 306, 321 Schwartz, Henry, 311, 325 Sheehy, George, 303 Shepherd, Edwd., 333 Shelton, Wm., 282, 293 Smith, Win , 313 Steiner, Mrs. Harchivi, 299 Stevenson, Miss J., 313 Stillwell, Chas. R., 273 Stolworth, Charles, 276, 281, Horrigan, Jas., 328 331 Lyatt, Lazarus, 337 Mason, John, 291 Marshall, Wm., 291 Murphy, John, 297 McCullogh, Robt., 285, 325 McGuire, Thos., 311, 319 McRae, Geo., 325 Pedley, Thos., 279 Ross, Jennie, alias Flynn, 325 Ryan, Nellie, 349 Smith, -, 331 Smith, Dick, 325 Thomas, David, 273 Watson, Miss, 319 Warren, G., 285 Williams, Tally, 337 Williams, John, 311 Brennan, Patrick, 269 Brooking, Richard, 281 Brown, Louis, 291 Brown, Alf. E., 333 Buldt, Henry, 345 Bull, Arthur, 293 Burnett, Frank, 345 Bush, Reinhold, 339 Byrne, Thos., 299 Caldwell, Frederick C., 314 Carolis, E. L., 282, 287 Carroll, Catherine, 343 Charlton, Christopher, 297 Chinn, Phillip, 279 Chin Tin, 275 Clark, Thos., 345 Cleeland, John, 343 Cliff, Joseph, 305 Cole, Henry, 306 . Cochrane, John 3., 839 Collins, John, 339 Margaret, 305, 321 281 305 Howard, John, 306, 325 Howard, Miss E. C., 313 Hughes, Alfred, 276 Jones, Nicholson, Geo., 325 O'Dea, Gilbert, 279 Phillips, John, 285 Ross, Jennie, alias Flynn, Sale, John, 285 Simeon, Chester, 269 Stone, Frederick, 331 Thomas, David, 311 Warren, Geo., 325 Williams, Henry, 337 3' 11W_1., Win._ Reeve, Thos. J., 278 Reeves, Samuel, 336 Roberts, John Henry, 308 Roberts, Christina, 844 Robinson, Thos., 283 Rogan Bros., 341 Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, ,Wilson, Winter, Winter, Wright, Wyke, Wykes, CxNZE'tTE.-INDEX. Sugget, Charles, 269, 275 Symond, Jas. W., 299 Taylor, Rose, 349 285, 325 Tierney, Jacobs, Isaac, 327, 333 James, L. T., 270, 275, Jessepp, Edgar, 270, 276 Johns, Bennett, 300 Johnston, John, 327 Johnston, Harry, 293 Kettlewell, Henry, 288 Kerville, Horace A., 311 Lawson, Harry, 297 Leake, Alfred, 285 Lee, Mary Ann, 279 Leehan, 0., 343 Levier, E. S., 282, 287 Levy, Jacob, 327 Linskey, Patrick, 285, 325 Looney, Thos., 339 Matfin, Alice, 311 Maguire, Ellen, 325 Marriott, Win., 287, 293 Marshall, Robert, 281 Martin, Theophilus, 331 Maxwell, John, 321 Maxwell, Margt., 273 Mills, Robert, 321 Patrick, 327 Thomas, Arthur Owen, 305, 313 Todd, Jessie, 273, 279 Toutchell, J. H., 269 Tuckett, A. H., 314 Tyrrell, T. K,, 275 Varian, Eliza, 269 Vernon, Roy, 337 Walker, Mabel , 263, 269 Walters, John, 270 Warboy, Joseph, 321, 328, 343 Waters, Win., 281 Weaver, Job, 279 Weeks, Annie, 306 Wells, Harry. 319 Wenke, Martin, 345 Wenks, Geo., 339 Whitchell, Sarah, 281 Williams, Alfred, 311 Williams, Wm,. 333, 345 Williamson, Richd., 273 Wiseman, Alex., 328, 333 Wishart, Mary C., 321 H. Howard, Hannah, vagrancy, 277, 283 Hughes, Harry, embezzling, 320 Hunt, Charles, larceny on, 292 Huxley, Mrs. E., assault on. 335 Huxtable, Frederick, vagrancy, 307 Hynes, Ted, disobeying a summons, 346 1. Illicit distillation, 335 Incendiarism committed onGrimsley, William, 321 Inquests held on- . Female child found in Glasgow -lane, Benrligo, 330 Female child found at the Red Bluff, St. Kilda, 330, 336 Male child found in the Reilly-street drain, 336 Male child found at rear of 20 May-road, Toorak. 285 Male child found under the railway bridge, South Yarra, 324 Man found in canal , Yarraville, 272, 278 Man found in Yarra, near Queen's-bridge, 272 Man found in Yarra, on 10th October, 1893, 284 Man found in a hollow tree in the Looan scrub, 284, 296 Man found in the Yarra, near Queen's wharf, 290, 296 Man found at the Red Bluff, St. Kilda, 336 Man found in a water-hole, near Leigh -road township, 341 4 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.--INDEX. [1893. J. Jacka, Hamilton, insulting behaviour, 340 Jewan Khan, larceny as a bailee, 319 John, -, exposing his person, 301 Johnson, Henry James, for assault with intent to know, 320 Johnson, Ted, larceny as a servant, 297 Johnson, Peter Dixon, larceny as a bailee on, 279 Jolly, Agnes, larceny as a servant from, 273 Jones, Thos. Lloyd, larceny on, 297 Jones, Edward, commitment, 335 Jones, Mabel, commitment, 329, 340 Jones, -, valueless cheque, 343 Jonson, Chas., commitment, 277, 288 Justices of the peace resigned, 271, 277, 282, 295, 300, 301, 307, 315, 334 Justice,,Thos. Holmes, larceny as a bailee on, 280 Moulding, George, larceny as a bailee on, 343 Mulqueeney, Hugh, larceny as a bailee, 326 Murder ofFemale child found near Porter-street, Prahran, 269, 287 Female child found at the corner of Buncle and Wilson streets, Hotham Hill, 281, 313 Infant found in a swamp near Bairnsdale, 281, 293 Male child found in Spring-street, Fitzroy, 269, 299 Male child found in Harwood and Co.'s yard, Vine- street, Bendigo, 275, 313 Male child found in a rubbish tin at Toorak, 287, 299 Male child found off Coventry- street east , South Melbourne, 305 Male child found under William-street railway bridge, South Yarra, 327 Murdock, John, and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 297 K, Mc. Kent , George A., assault on, 289 King, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 297 Kershaw, Kate, larceny as a bailee on, 280 Kreymborg, Frederick, larceny as a bailee on, 320 L. Land act, settlement on, notices, 271, 277, 282, 294, 300, 307' 314, 322 Lane, Joseph, commitment, 271 Lake, Thos., false pretences on, 297 Lawrence, William, larceny, 303 Lease, Chas., shooting horses, property of, 295, 329 Lee, B., imposition, 261 Lees, Thos., commitment, 295 Leonardson, Carl John, threatening life, 295 Le Lievre, Abraham, larceny as a bailee, 332 Levey, Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 286, 292, 349 Lewis, Henry, commitment, 307 Lidson, Lydia, larceny, 274, 312 Little, Thomas, larceny as a bailee on, 291 Lockwood, Marion, larceny as a bailee on, 286, 292 London-Sturrock, Richd., murder, 290 London-Walker, John, murder, 290 Lovitt, Edmund Henry Scott, larceny as a bailee, 303 Lucas, William, wilful damage, 323 Lum, Mary, placing with intent an explosive on the premises of, 292 Luscomhe, Thos., commitment, 340 Luste, John, false pretences on, 332 Lyons, Alex., embezzlement, 337 M. Macoboy, James, assault, 329 Macoboy, Benjamin, assault, 329 Macrow, S., and Son, larceny as a bailee on, 303 Man, name unknown, playing an unlawful game at Caulfield, 289 Man, name unknown (Chinaman), exposing his person, 335 Man, unknown, wilful exposure, 349 Man, name unknown, offensive behaviour, 346 Maroney, Ralph, vagrancy, 295, 301 Marsden, Alice, imposition on, 285 Martin, William, assault on, 301 Martin, William James, larceny as a bailee, 332 Matthews, Constable, offensive behaviour to, 346 Mawley, Mary, forgery on, 343 Medical practitioners, 282, 322 Miller, Herbert Francis, imposition on, 311 Minton, Thomas, forgery and uttering, 274, 279, 286 Miller, Rebecca, vagrancy, 308 MissingfrieridsAlcock, Geo., 290 Hurrock, Anne, 29 Anderson, Geo., 284 Hurrock, John, 296 Baptiste, Jean, 278 Jackson, H. L., 309 Barnard, Arthur, 341 Krenkel, Fritz, 284 McAdam, Jas., embezzlement on, 337 McCarthy, J., forgery and uttering, 326 McCarthy, W. J., forgery and uttering, 332 McCaw, George, escaped prisoner, 337 McCay (woman), false pretences, 312, 320 McCormick, Chizzie, unlawful assault, 335 McClusky, Francis, larceny on, 285 McCullock, Collen J., disobeying an order, 289 McDonald, Edwd., commitment, 277 McKenzie, William, forgery and uttering, 326 McLean, Hugh, larceny as a bailee on, 286 McLean, Alexander, commitment, 322 McPherson, L., forgery and uttering on, 332 McPherson, Neil, commitment, 295 N. Nalber, Henry, embezzlement, 280 Nathan, Saml., larceny as a bailee on, 349 Nelson, Charles, commitment, 316 Neville, Harry George, embezzlement on, 280 Newbert, Annie, assault on, 289 Newson, John, forgery and uttering on, 292 New South WalesBeale and Co., embezzlement on, 286 Chapman, Wm. Henry, larceny, 290 Cullen, Stephen, wife desertion, 284 Godsell, Wm., deserting his wife, 290 McLean, Alexander, stealing a saddle, 326 McNamara, Robt., disobeying an order of the Sydney bench, 324 Norton, Jas. Jos., child desertion, 302 Thompson, Wm., false pretences, 326 Walker, John Thomas, embezzlement, 285 Wilson, David, embezzlement, 303 New ZealandEllis, Wm. Edwd., wife desertion, 302 Mailman, Wm. A., false pretences, 302 Nicholls, John, larceny on, 319 Nicholson, Alexander, commitment, 316 Noon, Wm., commitment, 283 Noon, John, commitment, 301 Norton, John F., larceny as a bailee on, 319 Nuttall, William, larceny on, 297 0. O'Brien, John, assault, 335 O'Connell, Charles, larceny as a bailee on, 332 O'Neil, Thomas, larceny on, 320 O'Neill, Frederick, larceny on, 349 6 Blinkhoff. Christopher, 330 Lawton, Arthur Henry, 284 Briggs, Win., 272 Long, Wm., 278 Bunning, Rev. W. C., 323 McCallum, John, 296 Burrows, Arthur Fiennes, 336 MacGormand, Mr., 284 Cameron, Isabella, 272 Maclaren, Robt., 330, 836 Clark, Alston, 290, 323 Mann, Albert, 290 Clegg, Jas. S., 284, 296 Murphy, John Jos., 330 Crowley, James, 317, 323 Nordman, Louis, 272 Davict, Wm. C., 278, 284 O'Brien, Thos., 272 Draper, Latigan Stephen, 272 O'Shea, Michael, 323 Foley, Nicholas. 330 Page, Edmund Bobt,, 284 Foley, Fredk., 330 Pearson, Thos., 341 Fulton, Win., 347 Pugh, Thos., 296 Gerety, Thos., 347 Sheppard, Alick Downs, 278 Gossel, Carl Rudolph, 341 '1'hgmas, Wm., 272 Grinlinton, Henry, 341 '^,fimas, Lizzie, 272 Hallivan, Charles Vauti€ `' Thierry," 278 323 Tobin, Mrs., 302 Hardy, Cecil, 272 Vincent, Frank, 309 Harvey, Joseph, 317 Walker, Joseph, 290 Hawkes, Jack, alias Frank, Walker, Mrs. J. B., 290 347 White, Benjamin, 330 Molloy, Hugh, commitment, 280, 297 Monaghan, Richd., larceny as a bailee, 279 Moodie, Jas., disobeying an order of the Tungamah bench, 308 Moran and Cato, false pretences on, 297 Moorfield, J., false pretences, 297 Morrell, John, being in a public place with intent, 343 Moses, Jacob, stealing money from, 326 P. Parer, John, commitment, 335 Parker, Jas., assault, 323 Parry, Geo., commitment, 335 Perkins, Reuben, escaped prisoner, Phillips, Louis, commitment, 323 285 Police magistrates, wardens, and coroners, 300, 315 Police force, appointments asActing officers of customs, 282, 307 Collectors of imposts, 282, 307 Commissioners of the supreme court for taking affidavits, 282 Crown lands bailiffs, 271, 300, 315 Electoral inspectors, 271, 315 Honorary inspector of fisheries, 277 Inspector of explosives, 315 inspectors under the vermin destruction act, 282, 294, 334 Inspectors of factories and shops, 315 Manager of wharfs at Mordialloc, 328 Wardens' clerks and clerk of licensing courts, 277, 282 Police force, appointments as constablesCherry, Henry. 300 McNaughton, Alex., 288 Clarke, James Joseph, 288 Martin, Robt. Wilson, 340 Considine, John Richard, 340 Molony, Patrick, 300 Correll, Geo. Wm., 340 Mooney, Jas. Daniel, 300 Dawkins, Thos. Considine, 300 Morrison, Jas., 300 Dawkins, Arthur, 340 Norris, Alfred, 300 Green, John, 300 Robartson, Joseph, 300 Hall, Job, 300 Ryan, Jas. Michael, 328 Hooley, John Alfred, 300 Shannon, John, 328 Howard, Robt. Geo. Brookes, Wasson, Jas., 300 300 Wood, Jos. Edwd., 300 1893.] VICTORIA POLICE Police force , deathsClarke, John, 300 Douglas , George, 271 Derry, Frederick Caddick , 277 Thompson, Dawson, 322 Police force , dischargesO'Brien, Martin Peter, 270 Ryrie , John, 322 Police force , instructions toApplying for security for costs where action is brought against members, 307 Breaches of factories and shops act, 346 Bush fires and careless use of fire on grassland, 314 Certain institutions, 334 Disposal of distress warrants after execution, 340 Duties of vermin inspectors, 294 Extradition of offenders in Victoria from other colonies, 328 Members being transferred , taking charge , to see everything is correct, 334 Members holding other Government appointments to notify heads of departments if transferred to any other station, 334 Police widows' and orphans' association, 346 Be maintenance of children in industrial schools, 307 Section 14 of the infant life protection act not applicable to certain institutions, 334 Travelling expenses to vermin inspectors, 271 Police force, resignationsBraithwaite, Geo., 314 Cassel, Charles,, 270 Police force, superannuationsCraig, George, 270 Lovie, Peter, 328 Green, Richard, 328 O'Reilly, Edwd., 300 Farrar, Albert Victor, 328 Wolfe, Michael, 306 Hawthorne, Wm., 271 Police reserve at Newstead about to be revoked, 271, 294 Police paddock reserve at Hexham about to be revoked, 300, 334 Police stations formed, 334 Police stations broken up, 334 Prancis, Pedro, assault on, 329 Prato, Frederick George, cruelty to animal, 289 Prato, Fredk., commitment, 289 Praill, William, forgery, 343 Prouse, John, insulting behaviour to, 340 Preece, Hannah, vagrancy, 329 Price, Phillip Charles, embezzlement, 337' Price, Richd., commitment , 335, 340 Price, Edward Allan, larceny, 326 Property, arrested for stealingBarry, Edward, 285 Houston, Geo., 285 Brown, Geo., 331 Jones, Jack, 325 Clark, --, 331 Kelly, Thos., 272 Curtis, Michael, 291 Lynch, Edward, 285 Davis (woman), 270 Stewart, Chas., alias Jubo, 331 Garvey, Thos., 279 Thompson, Win., 311 Property, charged with stealingCant, Wm., 291 Moss, Aaron, 325 Cegman, Michael, 285 Rourke, John, 337 Clark, -, 325 Saunders, -, 331 Curtis, Michael, 279 Stewart, Charles, alias Jubo, Dever, Arthur, alias Eddie, 273 291 Williams, Bill, 331 Goggins, Frank, 325 Willis, -, 325 McDonald, John, 285 Property found, now in possession ofArarat police, 278 Grantville police, 317 Benalla police, 284 Harrietville police, 336 Brunswick police, 278 Lower Homebush police, 296 Carlton police, 330 Melbourne C.I. police, 290 Eastaugh, Annie, 284 South Richmond police, 296 Governor Melbourne gaol, 278 Warrnambool police, 302 Property stolen fromAdams, Jas. Smith, 297 Laver, John, 291 Augustine, Nicholas, 279 Levinson, Mark, 288, 306 Ault, Thos., 339 McIntosh, Thos., 282 Bennie, Teare, and Co., 331 McLaughlin, Daniel, 297 Boyd, Wm., 300 McLeod, Geo. 314, 306 Bransgrove, Geo., 345 Mendelsohn, Abraham, 270 Brown, Martin, 328, 333 Murray, John, 273 Cameron, Alexr., 326 O'Rourke, John, 337 Cohen, Benjamin, 282, 328 Pearson, Mr., 291 Craig, C. J., 300 Peters, Sidney, 333 Dowling, Daniel, 314 Reid, John, 322 Ealand, Chas., 333 Reiter, Fred., 285 Frances, Jas., 345 Robinson, John, 285 Fox, Sydney, 339 Rogers, A. J., and Co., 276,288 Gibbs, Walter, 339 Rothvill, Peter, 339 Goad, Josiah, 294 Goodwin, Noah, 325 Hammond, J. J., 314, 325 Spinner, James, 288 Victorian Railway sioners, 306 Harthung, Miss, 279 Henley, Geo., 291 Hicks, Arthur, 325 Hodge, Phillip, 288 Kozminsky, Marks, and Co., 328 Public vaccinators, 282, 295, 322, Commis- Walker, Wm., 282 Wehsack, Mary, 273, 285 Wheeler, Henry, 325, 331 Williams, Thos., 331 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 5 R. Ray, Wm., assault on, 271 Ram Dass, larceny as a bailee on, 326 hank, Thos. Arthur, larceny on, 274 Ralph, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 343 Read, David, false pretences, 274 Registrars ofbirths anddeaths, 271, 277, 282, 288, 295, 307, 322, 334 Registrars of births and deaths resigned, 282 Reid, Tom, larceny, 297 Rendall, Chas. H., false pretences on, 312 Riley, Michael, assault, 301 Rissiinan, Ferdinand, valueless cheque on, 297 Robinson, Geo., false pretences, 337 Robertson, Daniel John, disobeying an order of the Richmond bench, 288 Roper, Henry, commitment, 277 Rosedale town common abolished, 314 Ryan, Winifred, assault on, 316 Ryan, Thomas, larceny, 343 S. Salmon, David , false pretences , 276, 292 Salmond, Charles S., larceny as a bailee , 297, 303 Salter, Wilson, larceny on, 319 Sanderson, John, forging and uttering, 312 Sandon and Campbelltown state forest diminished, 314 Savage, Henry, commitment, 278 Secretary of State, Washington, embezzlement on, 292 Semple, Arthur, commitment, 271 Seymour, Phillip Henry, commitment, 340 Shanahan, William, larceny as a bailee on, 292 Sheehan, -, obscene language, 307 Sheehan, John, unlawful wounding, 308, 315 Sherry, Margt. M., larceny as a bailee on, 274 Shing Sun, false pretences, 297 Shipman, Percy J as., embezzlement, 280 Short, Newton Henry, vagrancy, 301, 307 Short, Susanna E. A., vagrancy, 323 Simmons, Thos. H., larceny as a bailee on, 285 Slade, George, larceny, 297 Slayton, Wm. Geo., commitment, 289 Smith, John Thomas, larceny as a bailee on, 286, 312 Smith, J., false pretences, 279 Smith, Mrs. Annie, wilful damage to property of, 301, 315 Smith, Francis R., conspiring to defraud, 331 Smith, John Wm., embezzlement, 280, 286 Smith, Edward, alias ]VlcLaughlan, commitment, 283 Smith, Francis court, 323 R., disobeying Smith, John, vagrancy, a summons of the insolvency 335 Smith, Henry Wyatt, false jretences Smythe, John, assault, 316 Solomon, Alice, alias Abraham, Solomon, H. A., larceny, 311 on, 279 stealing money, 326 Spring, -, larceny as a bailee, 319, 331 Speirs, James, larceny as a bailee on, 286 Spring, Eliza, imposition on, 279 Stafford, Maria, assault on, 283 Starkey, Sternberg, John, embezzlement, J., forgery 343, 349 and uttering on, 326 Stevens, Patk., inciting a prisoner to resist a constable, 301, 307 Stockton, NVin., commitment, 340 Stone, Charles Tucker, wilful damage to property of, 288 Stokes, Wm., commitment, 272 Stewart, Miss Maggie, authorized to arrest any child under 16 found in a brothel, &c., vice Miss S. M. McD. Sutherland, resigned, 300 Stewart, Margai at, threatening life, 329 Sutherland, Alexander, forgery and uttering on, 312 Sutherland, Thos. P., disobeying a summons, 272 Sutton, Mary, assault, 288 Swan, William, larceny as a bailee, 280 Symons, Alf., larceny, 320 T. Tasmania-Thrashers, William, wife desertion, 302 Tasmania-Conniston, Herbert, embezzlement, 303 Taylor, Wm., forgery and uttering on, 274 Thomas, David, alias Mulveney, imposition, 311 Thomas, David, false pretences, 274, 312 Thomson, M. C., and Co., embezzlement on, 337 Toole, Jas. Jos., vagrancy, 346 Tomb, H., larceny as a bailee, 337 Trinder, Thos., commitment, 295 Turley, absenting himself from his hired service, 295 334 U. Q. Quarantine of sheep from places outside of the colonies, 314 Quarantine ground for imported dogs, 282, 315, 335 Quarantine districts, 322 Quarantine districts formed, 271 Queensland-Carrad, George Alfred, alias Garrad, child desertion, 290 Quick, E. J., forgery and uttering on, 326 Index-Quarter ending December. -B. Utter Singh, larceny as a bailee, 326 V. Victorian railways commissioners , embezzlement on, 343, 349 Victoria state forest diminished, 271 6 VICTORIA POLICE W. Wadlow , Francis , forgery and uttering, 292 Waffer, Andrew , larceny as a bailee, 332 Wahrmann , Edward, unwilling witness, 340 Walsh, David, disobeying an order, 295 Watson, William , commitment, 283 Warner, Charles , alias Charles Bishop, imposition, 320 Warren, Robert , larceny, 286 Warren, John , commitment , 271, 346 Warren, Isaac , larceny, 286 Weeks, Francis H., embezzlement, 292 Wells , Layton , disobeying a summons, 295 Weener, Levi , larceny as a bailee, 349 Werritt , George, false pretences on, 292 Wippell, Harry V., larceny as a bailee on, 297 Whiteley , Chadwick , embezzlement on, 326 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1893. White, Frank, larceny, 297 Wombat state forest diminished, 314 Woods, Miss, wilful exposure to, 301 Williams, H. J., commitment, 283 Williams, Thomas, wilful destruction of property, Wilkinson, Annie, commitment, 346 Williamson, Bert, false pretences on, 274 Y. Young, Sarah, idle and disorderly , 289, 301 Z. Zevenboom, Wynaud, embezzlement By Authority : ROBT.S. BRAIN,Government Printer, Melbourne. on, 292 343 VICTORIA INDEX OF PRISONERS P OLICE GAZET DISCHARGED DURING THE T E. QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER, 1893. FOR Adams, Henry Geo., 8th November Adams, Edward, alias Robinson, 8th November Ah Chee, 18th October Ah Chow, 18th October Ah Fong, 13th December Ah Foon, 4th October Ah Looey, 4th October Aldridge, John, 22nd November Alexander, John, alias Geo. Bartlett, alias Samuel Baker, 22nd November Allardyce, Robt., 15th November Allen, John, 4th October Allen, Jane, 22nd November Anderson , Frank, 4th October POLICE INFORMATION Branscombe, Alice, 4th October Bray, James, 28th December Bridge, Joseph, 29th November Briggs, Herbert, 1st November Briscuit, Nicholas, 22nd November Bromage, Alf., 29th November Brown, Annie, 6th December Brown, George, 29th November Brown, John, 29th November Brown, John, 13th December Brown, Jeremiah, 22nd November Brown , Ann, 22nd November Brown, Geo., 8th November Brooks, Hobson , 13th December Brooks , Thomas, alias Hill, alias Hillman , 29th November Anderson, Mary, 4thOctoberBruce, John,1stNovember Anderson , Chas ., 20th Decem- Brunton , All., 1st November ber Buchanan, Robt., 18th October Anderson , Frank , alias James Buffery, George, 22nd NovemHart , 8th November ber Astons, Thos., 15th November Bullen, Minnie, 29th November Atkinson, Jos. Wm., 28th De- Bullock, Edwin, 13th December cember Bull, Horace, 28th December Archer, Ernest , 18th October Burns , Patk., 18th October Arnold, Wm., 25th October Bushby, Mary Ann, 22nd NoAyres, Walter, 18th October vember Baker, Geo., 25th October Butcher, Wm., 8th November Banks, Catherine , 22nd No- Butler, Thos., 15th November vember Burke, John, 25th October Bauer, Otto , 22nd November Butts, Thomas, 11th October Banhor , Richd ., alias Richard Cain, Thos., 13th Decembe1 Bolton , 22nd November Cdllaghan, Wm., 13th DecemBarr , R enry, alias Henry ber Brown, alias Henry Euge- Callow, Thos., 18th October man, alias Henry Brunning, Campbell, Henry, 25th October 1st November Campbell, John, 15th NovemBarnes , John , 22nd November ber Barkoffsky, Martin, 1st No- Carlon, Peter, 11th October vember Carlsen, Martin, 1st November Barry, Jas ., 25th October Carmody, John, 20th December Barry, Vincent A., 25th Oc- Casey, Robt., 28th December tober Casey, Wm., 1st November Bates, Perry, 18th October Casson, David, 1st November Bazain, Herbert , 11th October Cawley, Frank, 8th November Baker, Thomas , 6th December Chapman, Jonathan, 6th DeBailey, Maria, 11th October cember Barry, James, 13th December Chirgwin, Richd., 29th NovemBarker, Jas., 18th October ber Beard, Henry E., 13th Decem- Chisholm, Roderick, 20th Deber cember Bell, Sarah , alias Isabella Ah Chisholm, Samuel , 13th DeKew, 20th December cember Benjamin, Amy , 28th Decem- Chung Dock, 11th October ber Clark, Geo., 15th November Benson , Patk., 1st November Clarke, John, 8th November Berger, Julius , 18th October Clarke, Peter, 25th October Bevan, Phillip , 1st November Clear, Thos., alias Thos. WilBinge , Jas., 29th November son, 11th October Birch, Eliz ., 28th December Clearer , Henry, 22nd November Bishop, Wm., 28th December Clements, Geo., 18t November Bishop, Arthur, 29th November Clifford, David,'18th October Bishop, Ambrose, 29th Novem- Clifford, John, 22nd November ber Coffee, Patrick, 25th October Blake , Joseph, alias James Cole, Alfred, 11th October Brennan, alias John Williams, Collins, Edward, 13th Decemalias Michael Brennan, 1st ber November Collins, Geo., 28th December Bone, Fredk . H., alias Fredk. Connor, Denis , 29th November Lockhart , 29th November Connor, John, 4th October Bourke, Edwd ., 1st November Conroy, John, 1st November Bourke ; Thos. , 11th October Conway , Jas., alias Steele, 29th Bourke , John, 22nd November November Bowen, Eliz ., 4th October Campbell, Henry, 18th October Barron, Patti , 25th October Cook, Thos., 11th October Index - Quarter ending December.-c. ONLY. Cook , Jas., 4th October Cook, Charles, 1st November Cooney, Margaret, 15th November Cooney, Richd., 20th December Cookson, Thos., 18th October Coster, Joseph, 29th November Costello, Margt., 28th Decem- her Conway, John, 18th October Cox, Margaret, 18th October Craig, John , alias James Stan ley, 15th November Crisp, Annie, 15th November Cronin, Jeremiah , 28th Decem ber Cropley, Alfred, 18th October Crowe, Michael, 6th December Crowley, Christopher , 15th No vember Cruickshank, Thos. , 20th December Cullane , Thos. , 22nd November Curven, Wm., 15th November Curtain , Cecilia, 20th December Dalrymple, John, alias James Smith, 11th October Daly, Mary , 1st November Daly, James , alias O'Neill, 28th Decembet Darragh, 1d'argt., 13th Decent ber Darres, Chas., 18th October Daubigney , Augustus , 13th December Davies , Henry, 28th December Davis , Catherine , 8th Nbvem ber Davis, Isaac , 18th October Davis , Alf., 1st November Davis , Arthur, 20th December Davis , Selina, 4th October Davis , Alice , 22nd November Davis, Joseph, 8th November Davis, Thos ., 11th October Davis , Geo., 4th October Davis, Annie, 29th November Degan, Robina, 25th October Degnan , Michael, 4th October Delaney, Walter, 28th December Dell, Thos ., 22nd November Devereaux , Margt., 29th No vember Devlin, Patrick Jos., 18th October Dicker, Chas., 25th October Dignum, Jas ., 8th November Dockerty , Wm., 8th November Donnelly, Patk., 18th October Dooley, Susan, 11th October Doran, James, 28th December Dowling, Annie, 29th Novem- her Dunbar, Thos ., alias James Wilson, alias Henry Hasland, 29th November Dunn, Joseph, 29th November Dunne, Robt., 20th December Durran, Thos., 18th October Dwyer, Francis , 11th October Dwyer, Harriet, alias Mrs. Ah Sing, 1st November Edgcombe, Joseph, alias Joseph Ede, 15th November Edmonds , Elizabeth , 22nd November Edwards, Wm., 25th October Ehlers , Chas. Hans , 6th December Elder, John, 15th November Elliott, Geo., alias Geo . Ellis, alias Elias Simmons, 25th October Ellis, Frederick , 6th December Ellison , David, alias David Kane , 22nd November English, Jas. Ed., 4th October Erskine , Walter, 6th December Erskine, Margaret , 29th November Evans , Chas. , 29th November Fairbairn , Thos ., 13th Decem- her Fairbank, Geo., 1st November Farley, Jas., 25th October Farmer, Thos., 18th October Farmer , Chas . F., 25th October Fenton , Edwd ., 18th October Ferguson, Peter, alias Henry Morton , 15th November Filburn, Sophia, 11th October Filgate, Susan , 13th December Fisher , Hugh A., 28th December Fischer , Geo. Paul, 29th November Fitzgerald , Edward, 13th December Fletcher , Richard, 8th Novem- her Flint, John, 4th October Flood , Thos., 13th December Flynn, Frank, 4th October Frampton, Henry, 18th October Francis, Geo., 22nd November Franklin , Mark , 25th October Francis , Patk. , 25th October Froome, Mary, 11th October Ford, Walter, 25th October Foster, Fredk. , 15th November Fowler, Wm . Keeton, 29th November Fox, Robt., 20th December Furlong, Thos., 4th October Fury, Michael, 18th October Gall, Jas., 15th November Galldini , Jane, alias Jane Gilmore, 25th October 11th Octo- Dowsey, Catherine, ber Dowsey, Catherine, 22nd November Doyle, Mary, 8th November Doyle, Miles , 25th October Dowsey, Catherine , 29th November Drummond , Geo., 18th October Duff, Stuart , 8th November Duggan , Wm., 20th December Duck, Wm., 8th November Duffy, Fredk ., 4th October Dunbar, Robt., 11th October Can Ah Rap, 29th November Gange, Wm., 1st November Gannon, Ted., 18th October Garbaline, Mary, 6th December Garvin, Johanna , 22nd Novenn- her Gates , Wm., 20th December Gibbs , Elizabeth , 4th October Glasscott , John, 4th October Gleeson, Thos ., 15th November Glover, Henry , 1st November Godwin, Thos . H., 1st Novem- her PRISONERS Gordon, Wm., 18th October Gordon, Robt., 8th November Gorgan, Patk., 4th October Gorman, Wm., 13th December Gorman, Jas., alias Thos. Heeney, 4th October Grant, Agnes, 1st November Gray, Wm., 20th December Graham, Wm., 4th October Graham, Francis , 1st November Gray, Ivy, 22nd November Green, Geo., 11th October Green, Chas., 1st November Green, Thomas C., 22nd November Gribbin, John A., 28th December Griffin, Patk., 21st October Griffin, Thos., 1st November Grogan, Alfred, 29th November Groux, August, 11th October Gunning, Rose, 13th December Haida Singh, 18th October Hall, John, 1st November Hamblyn, Fredk. W., 8th November Hampson, Albert, 22nd November Hampshire, Wm., 25th October Hanlon, Michael, 15th November Hanna, David, 13th December Hardy, Thomas, alias John Thomas, 15th November Harper, Alice, 22nd November Hart, Margaret, 28th December Harrington, Win., 18th October Harris, John, 18th October Harvey, Henry, 8th November Hayes, James, alias George Smith, 11th October Hayes, Patrick, 4th October Heasman, Chas. Geo., 25th October Heffernan, Denis, 1st November Hegarty, Jeremiah, 22nd November Herbert, Geo., alias Thompson, 20th December Herbert, Chas., 13th December Hicks, Annie, 15th November Hickey, Jas., 13th December DISCHARGED.-INDEX. Jones, John, alias Robert Stewart, 13th December Jones, John, alias Wm. Brown, 11thOctober Jones, Mary, alias Boyle, alias Child, 18th October Jones, Pompey, 18th October Jones, Thomas, 1st November Johnson, Thos., 28th December Johnstone, Thos., alias Thos. Blanford, alias Walter Smith, 15th November Jones, Thomas, 28th December Johnstone, Wm., 11th October Kavanagh, Jane, 15th November Keating, John, 20th December Keating, Patk., 11th October Keenan, Alex. J., 4th October Kelleher, Frank, 4th October Kelly, Kate, 29th November Kelly, Thos., 13th December Kelly, Wm. H., 4th October Kelly, Denis, 25th October Kelly, John, 1st November Kemp, Elizabeth, 20th December Kerr, Jas., alias Lacey,',[18th October alias Sarah Bell, 20th December AliKew, Isabella, AliKew,Isabella, 15thNo- vember King, Rachel, 13th December King, Rachel, 11th October King, Rachel, 29th November King, Wm., 6th December Kinsman, John, 11th October Kingston, Thos., 4th October Kirkwood, Robert, 6th December Knight, Win. C., 11th October Kong Why, Jessie, 13th December Kuschert, Henry, 25th October Laing, James W., 18th October Lambert, Wm., 1st November Lampson, Albert, 1st Novemb b Langley, Martha, 15th Novem- Langton, John, 13th December Lascelles, Alf., 4th October Lawson, Henry, 13th December Leeming, John, 6th December Lewis, Cornwall, 22nd NovemHill, Geo., 15th November ber Hill, Henry A., 25th October Ley, John E., 13th December Hilliard, James, 6th December Leydin, Michael, 6th December Hinds, Francis, 18th October Hinsch, Herman, 6th December Liddle, John, 1st November Lillecrap, Wm., 20th December Hird, Edmund, 25th October Lindfield, Margt., 15th NoHirmns, John, 18th October vember Ho g an , Jas ., 22nd November Mar y F ., 15th Novem- Lindsay , Joseph , 29th November Levi, Wm., alias Levey, alias Moran, 8th November tober Livingstone, Robert, 8th NoHonnor, Win., 15th November vember Hoskins, Richd., 20th DecemLloyd, Fredk., 20th December ber Hoult, Geo. Francis, 25th Oc- Lynch, Patrick, 6th December Mackin, Thos., 1st November tober Maher, Martin, 25th October Howard, John, 6th December Mahony, Jeremiah, 18th OcHowe, Jas., 1st November tober Howell, George, 25th October Mainey, John, 22nd November Hughes, Jane, 15th November Mallett, Wm., 20th December Hughes, Richd., 11th October Hughes, John, alias John Malone, Thos., 28th December Maloney, John, 1st November Scott, 11th October Hughes, Henry, 22nd Novem- Maloney, Jas., 25th October Maloney, Win., 13th December ber Martin, Thomas, 8th November Hughes, Richd., 20th December Martin, Patk., 25th October Hughes, Thos., 15th November Martin, Wm., 28th December Hutton, Robt., 18th October Hydebrantz, Geo., 13th De- Martin, Wm., 25th October Martin, Jas., 18th October cember Martin, Win. H., 28th DecemHynes, James, 29th November ber Hynes, Annie, 13th December Martin, George, 25th October Ireland, Annie, !9th November Marsh, Alice, 15th November Irving, Isaac, 15th November Marshall, Robt. A., 15th No. Jackson, John, 25th October ve-';er Jackson, Jane, 8th November ,neson, Henry, 22nd NoJackson, John, 28th December '%cmber Jackson, Thos., 13th December Jamieson, Fredk., alias George May, Edward, 29th November May, Frank, 28th December Tomlinson, 29th November Meacher, George, 15th NovemJamieson, John, 20th Decem ber her Meek, Wm., 8th November Jenkins, John, 18th October Meldrum, Alfred, 20th DeJones, Alfred, 6th December cember Johnson, Catherine, 6th DeMenton, Thos., alias Thos. cember Hinton, 11th October Johnston, Geo., 15th November Mercer, Alf., 25th October Johnstone, Geo., 4th October Mertlemeyer, A. E., 11th OcJonson, Chas., 18th December] tober Joyce, Henry,, 25th October Mitchell, Win., 15th November Jones, Henry, 1st November Miller, Win., 11th October Joyce, Henry, 18th October Hickey, Jas.,4thOctober Hogan , ber Holland, Cornelius, 11thOc- Monaghan, Arthur, - 1st November Mogout, Peter, 15th November Moran, Alfred, 22nd November Morris, Wm., 28th December Morris, Jas., 15th November Morrison, Jos., 18th October Moses, Jacob, 8th November Mou You, Fanny, 6th December Munro, John, 11th October Morton, Samuel, 1st November Munroe, Jas., 18th October Murphy, Wm., 25th October Murphy, John, 8th November Murray, Richd., 6th December Murray, Win., 22nd November Muir, David, 11th October McAuley, John, alias Smith, 28th December McAuliffe, John, 18th October McCaffrey, Edward, 15th November McCarthy, Wm., 28th December McCarthy, Wm., 18th October Macauley, Murdo, 4th October McCorkandale, Daniel, 28th December McClosky, James, alias James Carter, 1st November McDonald, Edward McNess, 22nd November McDonald, Geo., 1st November McDade, Jas., 15th November McDonald, John F., 13th December McDonald, Jane, 15th November McDonald, John, 4th October McDonald, Murdock, 18th October McDonald, Michael, 15th November McEwen, Jane, 18th October McEvoy, Peter, 1.1th October McFarlane, Annie, 22nd November McGuigan, Daniel, 28th December McHugh, Jas., 4th October McInnes, Thos., 25th October McIntyre, Jas., 22nd November McPherson, Geo., 13th December McLachlan, Dugald, 18th October McLelland, Alecia, 13th December McLeod, Murdoch, 20th December McNamara , John , 6th December McNulty, Thos.,13th December McQuirk, John, 13th December Neari, Louis, 25th October Neilson, Costin, 25th October Neilson, John, 11th October Nelson, Henry, 6th December Nelson, John, 25th October Niven, Hugh, 13th December Noble, Win. Van Lyndon, 15th November Nolan, Wm., 13th December Noonan, Margaret, 11th October Noonan, Jas., alias Jonas Jackson, 8th November Norman, Fredk., 18th October Norris, Elizth., 28th December Nugent, Patrick, 8th November O'Brien, Win., 29th November O'Brien, Thos., 18th October O'Brien, Emily, 22nd November O'Brien, John, 15th November O'Brien, William, 6th December O'Brien, Mary, alias Annie Valentine, alias Annie Bryant, 22nd November O'Connor, Mary, 11th October O'Donnell, John, 8th November O'Donnell, Edwd., 15th November O'Leary, John, 20th December O'Neill, James, alias Daly, 28th December O'Neill, Jas., 15th November O Neill, Owen, 6th December O'Rooke, Chas., 25th October Oswald, Patrick, 28th December Pascoe, Edward, 29th November 1893.] Payne, Jas., 22nd November Painter, Edward, 25th October Pearson, Thomas, 11th October Pannock, Jas., 22nd November Pasini, Annie, 15th November Paul, Wm., 29th November Perry, Wm., 18th October Phillips, Louis, alias Smith, 6th December Phillips, Ellen, 6th December Pillow, Thomas, 29th November Power, Mary Jane, 11th October Power, Patrick, 29th November Platts, Henry, 11th October Pratt, Win., 8th November Pratt, Richd., 15th November Prentice, Jos., 25th October Price, William, 25th October Price, John, 1st November Provis, Francis A., alias Fran- cis Arthur, 25th October Purnell, John, 28th December Quinn, Jas., 15th November Quinn, Mary, 6th December Rainbow, Robt. J., 22nd November Rabm pton, John, 13th DecemRandall, John, 15th November Rawlings, Fredk., 18th October Rawle, William, 20th December Ray, Robert, 25th October Reed, Edward, 4th October Reilly, Alex., 8th November Reilly, Patrick, 8th November Reynolds, Jas., alias George Brunker, 15th November Reynolds, Samuel, 4th October Richards, Wm., 18th October Richardson, Win., alias Gunn, 20th December Richardson, John W., 20th December Ricketts, Albert, 29th November Rickhuss, Thos., 25th November Rix, Edwd., 15th November Roach, Helena, 29th November Roberts, John, 15th November Roberts, Chas., 15th November Roberts, Robert, 8th November Robertson, Alex., 15th November Robertson, Thos., 13th December Robinson, Win., 1st November Rock, Win., 4th October b Rodgers, Joseph, 20th DecemRogers, Geo., 4th October Rollings , J. P. , 1st November Rudd , Alfred , 11th October Ryan, John, 20th December Ryan, Kate, 20th December Ryan, Phillip, 1st November Ryan, Mary Ann, 1st November Ryan, Martin, 22nd November Ryan, Michael, 13th December Ryan, Mary Ann, 18th October Sadleir, Thos., 28th December Samuels, Alice, 29th November Samuels, Alice, 11th October Sarkies, David, 8th November Scannell, John, alias O'Shea, 8th November Scanlan, Minnie, 29th November Schrack, Henry,l3th December Scott, Jessie, 8th November Scott, John, 28th December Scott, Win., 4th October Scott, Alfred, 8th November Selmes, Geo., 29th November Shannon, Robt., 4th October Sharpe, Thos., 18th October Sharp, Charles, 13th December Sharp, John, 29th Noven ber Shaw, John, 20th December Shields, Daniel, 20th December Shoeberg, Chas., 20th D3cember Shufliebotham, Wm. IAenry, 20th December Sicklemore, Geo., 1st November Simmons, Ann, alias Sexton, 18thOctober Simmons, Ellen, 28th December Sinclair, John, 8th Novel.-iber Sinclair, Wm., 11th Octo')er Skean, John, alias John mith, 11th October Smethurst, Thos., 4th October Smith, John, alias McAuley, 28th December Smith, Joseph, December 1893.] Smith, Smith, ber PRISONERSDISCHARGED.-INDEX. Florence, Elizabeth, 4th October 20th Decem- Smith, James, 22nd November Smith, Thos., 15th November Smith, John, 8th November Smith, Chas., 22nd November Smith, Elizabeth, 1st November Smith, John, alias Louis Phillips, 6th December Solemen , Henry, 1st November Sorenson , E. S. T., 29th November Spehrs, August, 25th October Taylor, Chas., 22nd November Taylor, Jas., 8th November Thomas, Lewis, 20th December Thomas, John, alias John Franklyn, alias Harris, alias Dermody, 4th October Thomas, Jos., 11th October Thomson, Peter, 1st November Thompson, David, alias George Herbert, 20th December Thomas, Edgar, 11th October Thompson, Thos., 13th December Thompson, Anne Jane, 13th December Thornhill, Walter, 28th December Thompson, Geo., 11th October Thompson, John, 15th November Toora, Sarah, 29th November Tracey, Joseph L. F., 18th October Trippett, Harriett, 20th December Spivey, Mary, 22nd November Stephens, Hetty, 15th November Stephens, Mary, 1st November Stevens, Chas., 15th November Stewart, Alex., 18th October Stewart, Robert, alias Jones, 13th December Stone, John, 11th October Stoddart, John, 22nd November Stratton, Wm., 4th October Strange, John, 18th October Stubbs, Chas., 8th November Troy, Stephen, 11th October Sullivan, Edward, 6th Decem- ber Wilson, Tulk, David, 20th December Turner, Jessie, 25th October Turvey, Catherine, 22nd No- Sweeney, John,8thNovember Sullivan. Mary, 25th October vember Sullivan, Ada, 18th October Sundercombe, John S. S., 18th October Tamble, Henry, 20th December Tang, John, alias John Finn, alias Ernest Lang, 22nd November alias Varney, Foster, 13th December Voight, Peter, 28th December Waite, Archibald, 11th October Walker, -, alias Cecil Morton, 29th November Warwick, Henry, 11th October Wainhouse, John B., 29th November By Authority 3 Walsh, John, 8th November Walsh, Robt., 1st November Walsh, Edward, 4th October Warburton, Maria, 22nd November Ward, Joseph, 6th December Watson, Ellen, 25th October Wanless, Sarah, 13th December Waters, Frank, 11th October Webb, Annie, 25th October Webb, Jas., 1st November Whelan, Michael, 4th October Whelan, Jos., 4th October Whiteley, Walter L., 13th December Whitely, John, 13th December Widders, Benjamin, 22nd November Wilkinson, ber John, 28th Decem- Williams, ber Elizabeth, Williams, Williams, ber Jas., 11th October Harry, 29th Novem- Williams, ber Edward, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, ber Williams, Tichner, Williams, Williamson, vember Ann, 25th October Jas., 8th November John, 4th October John, 22nd Novem- Williamson, : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Williamson, Thos., 22nd November Williamson, Thos., alias Geo. Wilson, 18th October Winters, John, 28th December Wilson, Geo., 25th October Wilson, Wm., 18th October Wilson, Chas., 22nd November Wilson, John, 15th November Wilson, Chas., 8th November Wilson, Geo., 1st November Wilson, Jas., 20th December Wilson, Thos., 22nd November 4th Octo- 25th Octo- Wilson, Wilson, Wm., 22nd November John, alias Williamson,18th October Wilson, Fredk., 4th October Wilson, Wm., 29th November Wood, iNlichael, 8th November Wood, John C., 18th October Woods, Richard, alias Arthur Ward, alias Edward 11thOctober Wilson, Woods, Chas., 20thDecember Worsfield, Richd., 25th October Yates, Chas., 20th December Yates, Chas., 22nd November Yoeman, Lizzie, 20th December Yoeman, Margaret, 20th December Frank, alias Francis 11th October John, 13th December Thos., 18th No- Yoeman, Elizabeth, 20th December Yoeman, Louisa, 20th December Young, Edward, 20th December Jas., 25th October Young, George, 8th November Printer, Melbourne. 0 VICTORI A POLI CE GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WEDNESDAY, No. 50. ] DECEMBER HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND STEALING FROM THE PERSON. A EaT DAVEY,carpenter, Model Lodging House, Little Bourkestreet, Melbourne, reports stolen from him, on the 7th inst., a silver hunting american watch, No. 135610, glass broken, gold hands. Value £4.-0.10697. 8th December, 1893. J. L. MADDERN, printer, South Australian Register, Adelaide, reports stolen from him, at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, on the 9th inst ., a silver lever watch, open face , very plain, compensation balance , warranted by Vandoune and Co., Adelaide; and a thin gold chain, plain links, attached . Value £5108.-0.10745. 11th December, 1893. JOHN HuDDY, joiner , 221 Albert-road, South Melbourne, reports stolen from him,. on the 9th inst., a double-cased silver hunting lever watch, No. 21803, with common steel chain. Value £2.0.10793. 12th December, 1893. HOUSEBREAKING AND STEALING FROM DWELLING - HOUSES. ALFRED HAYES, farmer, Tooborac, six miles from Heatheote, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 4th inst., an english silver lever hunting watch, No. 22514, maker Gaunt, Melbourne, with silver albert attached, long twisted-link pattern; a pair of dark striped tweed trousers and vest to match, size 5; a brown soft-felt hat, size 7J ; a pair of balmoral boots, size 8, nearly new; and £1 in money. Three swagmen suspected. Entrance effected during the absence of the inmates. The watch has since been recovered with Mr. Harris, pawnbroker, Brunswick-street, Fitzroy, to whom it was offered for pawn.-0.10639. 12th December, 1893. EDWARDSHEPHERD, farmer, Thalia, ten miles from Wycheproof, reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 25th ult., an english lever watch, No. 160225, maker Erhardt. " Edward Shepherd " scratched on inside of case. Value £6.-0.10664. 7th December, 1893. ALFRED E. BROWN, jeweller, Burwood-road, Hawthorn, reports stolen from his shop, between Eleven p.m. on the 6th and a quarter to Four p.m. on the 7th inst., about 30 gold keeper rings, 18 carat, marked inside "A. E. Brown, 18 ct. ' ; a gent's gold albert, long double bar, grooved edge, square links, 15 carat; a gent's gold square locket, 15 carat, plain swing bar top; a gold curb bangle, pattern, snap padlock, 9 carat; a gent's gold turquoise ring, split shoulder, claw setting, 15 carat. Value £50. The window was broken between the hours stated, and the jewellery abstracted from within. Three men, names unknown, were observed by Mr. E. Barnard, blacksmith, living opposite complainant, loitering about the premises at Nine p.m. on the 6th inst. Description :-1st. About 30 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, dark hair, dark complexion, dark moustache only; dressed in dark clothes and boxer hat. 2nd. About 20 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, slight build fair complexion ; dressed in light tweed trousers and dark boxer hat. 3rd. About 30 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, medium build ; dresed in a grey suit. First described only identifiable.0.10690. 11th December, 1893. See Police Gazette, 1893, p. 328. ALEXANDER WISEMAN'S larceny.-The watch, chain, and locket have been recovered by the Mooroopna police, and William Allretti arrested for stealing same.-O.10531. 11th December, 1893. Police Gazette, No. 50.-A AUTHORITY. 13. [1893. JOHN DRISCOL, labourer, 29 George-street, Brunswick, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 7th inst., a lady's silver hunting watch, enamelled dial, No. 44205. Value £2 10s. Entrance effected by means of an open window during the absence of the inmates. -0.10754. 11th December, 1893. LIzzv McNAMARA, servant , Bent-street , near High-street , Northcote, reports stolen from her bedroom , during the evening of the 5th inst., a lady's silver hunting keyless geneva watch, makers Denis Brothers , No. 7129. Value £5.-0.10749. 11th December, 1893. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, groom, 218 Queen-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from his bedroom, on the 12th inst., during the night, a silver hunting lever watch, No. 71252, "James Henderson, Edinburgh" onface ; a plated chain, curbpattern, attached. Value £510s.-0.10798. 12th December, 1893. ALEXANDER CURTIS, labourer, Great Britain Hotel, reports stolen from his bedroom, on the 10th inst., a silver hunting Waltham watch, No. 5219771; and twisted silver chain, with watch key attached. Value £4.-0.10774. 12th December, 1893. See Police Gazette, 1893, p. 327. ISAAC JACOBS' larceny.-The whole of the stolen property has been recovered by the Melbourne C. I. police, and George Cox arrested and convicted.--0.10420. 13th December, 1893. STEALING OTHERWISE THAN FROI%`1 THE PERSON OR PROM DWELLINGS. See Police Gazette, 1893, p. 328. MARTIN BROWN'S larceny.-The watch and chain found, not stolen.-0.10561. 7th December, 1893. have been SIDNEY PETERS, clerk, 55 Howe-crescent, South Melbourne, reports stolen, at Stubbs' baths, Albert Park, on the 10th inst., a silver geneva watch, No. 40362 ; and a metal chain, cable pattern, with a cigar cutter attached ; and a gent's gold diamond ring, single stone, engraved on inside of ring, "From the executors of Geo. Phibbs to C. F. Taylor. " Value £12.-0.10756. 12th December, 1893. CHARLESEALAND, labourer, reports stolen from his but, at Great l\7orthern, near Rutherglen, on the 8th inst., a silver english hunting lever watch, No. 25616, marked " Croft and Co., London, " with a double silver chain and locket attached. Value £9.-0.10784. 11th December, 1893. DESERTERS OF WIVES AND CHILDREN. WILLIAM HENRY GEORGE SLATER is charged, on warrant at the instance of Alice Slater, 96 Union-street, Newport, with deserting his two children on the 23rd May last. Description :--29 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, medium build, dark complexion, dark curly hair, dark-brown moustache and sideboards ; dressed in blue striped tweed trousers and black slouch hat. Very erect appearance when walking. Supposed at Dandenong.-0.10699. 8th December, 1893. PRISONERS Name. Gaol. Bendigo continued. rr Where n „ Maryboro' s, 55 n It R height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks and Previous convictions. 11th Nov., 1893 obscene language 7 days Victoria .. miner 1864 ft. in. 5 9 fresh brown .. hazel Stout build. Selmes,George .. Echuca P. S. , . 18thOct., 1893 vagrancy I month England .. labourer 1851 5 fresh brown .. grey O'Brien, William, 23048 ,• Echuca P. S. 2 months Ireland .. labourer 1843 5 51 sallow grey King, Rachel Roach, Helena , 6196 .. .. Beudigo P. S .. • Mildura P. S. . I month 8 months Victori a Victoria .. .. servant servant 1870 1858 5 5 3 1 fresh fresh brown brown .. ,. brown blue 1 month Victoria ,. labourer 1871 5 61 fresh brown ,. blue Medium build, bracelet left wrist, blue ring left second finger, nail of left first finger split. Stout build, large mouth, thick lips, muscles back of right hand contracted. Medium build. Three previous convictions. Full features, stout build, medium nose, medium mouth, round chin. One previous conviction. C.J.E. and Medium build, figure of a girl on right forearm, heart enclosed in wreath left forearm, scar on chin, .. 1852 1860 5 4 4 11 sallow sallow brown brown .. ,. brown blue Stout Stout 1869 5 9 sallow black „ blue Stout build, long sharp pointed nose, scar left side of fore- 1843 5 69 fresh brown William Pascoe, Dunn, Edward Joseph Pillow, Connor, Power, Thomas Denis, Patrick, „ 6020 .. •• .. P. S... P. S... P. S. ,. •, WedderburnP. .. .. .. .. Rochester P. S. Bendigo P. S. .. •. a blue S. Geelong P. S, ,• Carlton P. S. .. „ .. 25378 Harry, 4304/24024 .. ., ., Victoria England Adelaide .. servant servant labourer words 15 days .. .. England ,. brewer assault behaviour 1 month 7 days .. .. .. carpenter .. hawker .. 1859 1843 5 5 64 6Q fresh fresh ., blue Slight build. •, England Sydney fair .. sandy „ blue Medium slightly insulting unlawful insulting 24th 18th Oct., 1893 Nov., 1893 16th Mar., 1893 18th Nov., 1893 .. Donald Birchip P. S. P. S. Alexandra .. .• P. S. South Melbourne P. S. Carlton P. S. .. 24th 25th May, May, 1893 1893 23rd Aug., 1893 Devereaux, Margt.,4771/ 5481 Melbourne S. C. brown head. Stout build, two scars on left first finger , scar nose, large features , round chin, large hands right eyebrow. right side of and feet, scar Two previous convictions. build, face very much double, high forehead. labourer labou re r labourer •, .. .• 1848 1811 1860 5 5 4 8 7 6 sandy fair fresh grey grey black blue blue Scar bridge No previous blue Bleary eyes, dwarfed head, very small face. convictions. larceny vagrancy 9 months 12 months Victoria Scotland .. .. labourer accountant .. 1872 1822 5 5 44 6 dark fresh black grey brown blue Scar Lost 12 months China Victoria „ ,. labourer tabourer .. .. 1857 1866 5 5 31 71 olive fresh black black hazel grey labourer .. 1863 5 72 sallow dark-brown grey Nil. Scar on right shoulder, top of left big toe off. Two previous convictions. Anchor back of right band, blue mark back of left hand, deep 24 hours or £1 .. 3 months, 3 months 1 month, cumulative larceny, 2 charges larceny larceny .. .. ,. .. 3 months .. .. .. .. 1 month 24th found by night without lawful Germany of nose. No previous convictions. wrinkled, chin flat and Two previous convictions. Ireland . England ' •. Ireland ., larceny 1893 .. Twenty previous convictions. Three previous convictions. 2 months 6 months 12 months 23rd Oct., 1893 Aug., .. Four previous convictions. vagrancy vagrancy vagrancy DimboolaP. S... 4th Jan„ 1893 vagrancy Maryborough P.S. 23rd Nov., 1893 drunk and disorderly P. S. Carlton P. S. Melbourne S. C. Minnie, 4327/5972 Annie, 4772 .. .. .. ,. 6th Nov., 1893 build. build. 14 days .. 1 month 3 months insulting words a common prostitute rogue and vagabond larceny larceny larceny 26th Oct., 1893 16th Oct., 1893 larceny resisting larceny uttering •. constable •. counterfeit 16th Oct., 1893 uttering counterfeit •• Two previou scar on left cheek. One previous conviction (see Police 1892). Gazette, 21st December, ,. 1869 5 11 fresh brown .. grey One previous conviction. Victoria .. butcher „ 1871 5 8 fresh brown „ blue Four previous convictions. 1859 5 9 fresh brown .. grey Four previous convictions. 1855 1865 1862 5 10 5 6 5 41 fresh fresh fresh brown brown brown blue grey grey Three previous convictions. Four previous convictions. Nineteen previous convictions. Victoria „ labourer 3 months .• .. Tasmania .. labourer 3 months 3 months 1 month .. .. •. .. „ .. England Victoria Victoria ,. .. „ seaman painter servant 1 month •, 48 hours or fine convictions. on right breast. No previous convictions. front teeth. No previous convictions. .. ., excuse in an enclosed yard 22nd Aug., 1893 Lindsay,Joseph,4262/21808 MelbourneP. S. 22nd Aug., 1893 Bromage, Alfd., 4206 .. St. Kilda P. S. •. 26th Oct., 1893 Bullen, Minnie, 5109 .. North Melbourne P. S. North Melbourne 26th Oct., 1893 Toora,Sarah,5111 .. Scanlan, Ireland. ,. common prostitute selling liquor without 9th Nov., 1893 23rd Oct., 1893 22nd Aug., 1893 Geelong P. S. • 15th Sept., 1893 GeelongP. S. •• 16thMay, 1893 29th Dec., 1892 Melbourne P. S. 26031 25274 Conway , Jas., alias Steele , 4298 May, Edward, 5054/24414.. Williams, Bendigo Bendigo Echuca Keeton Paul, 19th Sept ., 1893 larceny ,. 19th Oct., 1893 11th April, 1893 .. WycheproofP. S. 19thOct.,1893 obscenelanguage ., Gan Ah Hap, 25774 Bishop, Ambrose, 172 George .. 7a licence Grogan, Alfred,25902 Paul, William, 25684 Fischer, Melbourne Born Trade. Bendigo P. S... Fowler, .. Native of Sentence. Offence. , ETC.-continued, DISCHARGED •. Dowsey, Catherine, Samuels, Alice Brown, George to AS Chirgwin, Richard .. Evans,Charles Geelong When. tried. REPORTED .• coin 3 months 6 weeks and confinement .. .. solitary coin 6 weeks and confinement solitary Sydney „ servant 1867 4 11 fresh brown grey Four Victoria Africa .. .. servant servant 1864 1874 5 41 5 4 sallow fresh brown brown brown brown Six previous Nil. Victoria .. servant 1872 5 fresh brown grey Two previous convictions. 3 previous convictions. convictions. APRIL 6, 1893.] VICTORIA POLICE 97 GAZETTE. See Government Gazette, 30th March, 1893, p. 1633. LICENCES TO DISTIL, IT is hereby notified for general information that the undermentioned persons have been licensed to have on their premises, for the year ending 31st December, 1893,-Stills for purposes mentioned below. JAMES CAMPBELL, Department of Trade and Customs, Commissioner of Trade and Customs. Melbourne, 29th March, 1893. Name. DISTILLERY 'Grind, Henry Biencourt , Jean Baptiste ... Biencourt, Jean Baptiste ... Curtain, John ... Curtain, John Joshua, Saul Journeaux, John Bowring Nation, Alfred Preston, Henry Arthur Ross, Colin Watson, George Harris To To To To To To To distil distil distil distil distil distil distil spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits for for for for for for for spirits for sale ... To distil To distil spirits for sale To distil spirits for sale To distil spirits for sale Frederick ... Caughey, Alexander Christians, Darveniza, William Trojana ... To distil Hugh spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits to to to to to to fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify spirits to fortify ... STILL LICENCES. wines wines wines wines wines wines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... wines ... To distil spirits to fortify wines Dick, Thomas Thomson Edols, Richard Fitzgerald, Richard John Fletcher, Alfred ... Fletcher, William Fraser, distil distil distil distil distil distil Warrenheip Distillery, Dunnstown French Distillery, Abbotsford French Distillery, Abbotsford Cognac Distillery, Dookie Cognac Distillery, Dookie F e d era l Di still ery, P or t M elb ourne Melbourne Distillery, Collingwood Victoria Distillery, Collingwood Vauxhall Distillery, Abbotsford Phoenix Distillery, Port Melbourne Bendigo Cognac Distillery, Bendigo ... VINEYARD To To To To To To LICENCES. sale ... ... sale ... sale, (compounding) sale sale (compounding) sale ... sale ... ... ... ... Attenborough, Winfield Baumgarten, Gustave L. Brachd, Charles ... Brensing, Ernst ... Buchanan, Charles Burrowes, Robert J. Busse, Address. Purpose for which Licensed. spirits spirits to fortify to fortify wines wines ... ... ... ... To To To To To spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits to to to to to wines wines wines wines wines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... distil distil distil distil distil fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify To distil spirits to fortify wines ... Gehrig, G. P. Gervasoni, Carlo ... Gervasoni, Luigi ... Graham, George To To To To spirits spirits spirits spirits to to to to wines wines wines wines ... ... ... ... Grieffenhagen, To distil spirits to fortify ... ... ... ... Hollibone, Hughes, ... To distil To distil William Walter William Martin, Mellier, Francis Rose Morris, To distil wines spirits to fortify wines To distil spirits to fortify wines ... To distil To distil Maurizio George fortify fortify fortify fortify To distil spirits to fortify wines ... Irvine, H. W. H.... Morganti, distil distil distil distil spirits spirits to fortify to fortify ... ... wines wines To distil spirits to fortify wines Francis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... To distil spirits to fortify wines Mueller, Augustus McDonald, William Prentice, Mary ... Ruedin, Aimd ... To To To To spirits spirits spirits spirits to to to to wines wines wines wines ... ... ... ... ... ... Sartori, To distil spirits to fortify wines ... Peter . Smith, G. Sutherland Smith, John Hunt Abrehart, Charles Anderson, John Miller Baker, Thomas Bayley, Frederick S. Begg, William Biven, Harriet Blundell, Martin Petrie Bosisto , Joseph ... Bosisto , Joseph ... A nn, Bowen , Mary M rs. Brierley, William Campbell, Charles Challen, Peter Robert Chapman, Charles Cl arke, H er b ert ... Clarke, Herbert ... Clarke, Herbert Cooke, Thomas Anderson Dingfelder, Thomas Eckersley, John Fallshaw, Henry Edward Fechner, Ernst Wilhelm Francis, Henry ... F o d en, I saac Cl ement Gillies, James ... ... ... ... distil distil distil distil fortify fortify fortify fortify To distil spirits to fortify wines To distil spirits to fortify wines ... ,,. MANUFACTURING STILL To To To To To distil distil distil distil distil eucalyptus oils eucalyptus oils chemicals eucalyptus oils eucalyptus oils To distil eucalyptus oils To distil water for assaying purposes ... ... ... ... To To To To To To ... ... distil distil distil distil distil distil essential oils and chemical fluids eucalyptus oils and chemical fluids eucalyptus oils ... ... eucalyptus oils ... ... acids ... ... perfumes , &c. ... ... To distil eucalyptus oils and essences ... To distil To distil oils oils eucalyptus eucalyptus ... ... ... ... To distil eucalyptus oils ... ... ... To distil To distil To distil eucalyptus eucalyptus eucalyptus oils oils oils ... ... ... To To To To To water ... eucalyptus oils ... pharmaceutical preparations tar... ... eucalyptus oils ... .. ... ... ... ... ... distil distil distil distil distil LICENCES. ... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... Chateau Tahbilk Vineyard, Goulburn Pleasant Bank, Barnawartha Coblenz Vineyard, Wahgunyah Nagambie Vine Bank, Ondit Rutherglen Barnawartha Mount Prior Vineyard, Gooramadda Lake Rowan Excelsior Vineyard, Mooroopna Wodonga Tuilleries Vineyard, Wahgunyah Norwood Hill, Castlemaine Honeysuckle Vineyard, Violet Town Warrion Vineyard, Warrion Olive Hill Vineyard, Brown's Plains Barnawartha Vineyard, Barnawartha Yandoit Yandoit Netherby Vineyard, Rutherglen Hercynia Vineyard, Strathfieldsaye Sussex Vineyard, Gooramadda Quondong Vineyard, Rutherglen Great Western Vineyard, Great Western Brown's Plains Norong Vineyard, near Rutherglen Eastern Hill Vineyard, Eganstown Fairfield Vineyard, Brown's Plains Yackandandah Eclat Vineyard, Docker's Plains Emu Plains, Rutherglen Huntly Vineyard, Huntly Yandoit All Saints' Vineyard, Wahgunyah Mundadda Vineyard, Barnawartha Near Traralgon Wright's Farm, Gormandale Bond-street, Abbotsford On D. Syme's land, Worriayallock Parramatta Dam, Parramatta Gully, Rushworth Block 43, Nangana, county of Evelyn Bank of Australasia, Collins-street, Melbourne Bridge-road , Richmond Antwerp, Dimboola Drouin Steel 's Creek, county of Evelyn Footscray North Gippsland School of Mines, B a i rns dal e Middle Creek, Eurambeen Hoddle ' s Creek, paris h o f W oor i Y a ll oc k Lilydale Macclesfield, Nangana Loy Yang Creek, near Traralgon Bridge-street, Bendigo Silvermine-road, St. Arnaud O'Shannassy-street, North Melbourne John ... ... ... Harper, William ... ... To distil chemicals, oils, &c. ... ... Willowbank Farm, Willowgrove 54 Little Latrobe-street, Melbourne Hoffman Brick Works, B runsw i ck Running Creek, Buffalo River, near M yrt l ef or d Lindenow Chemical Works, Port Melbourne North 50 Jeffcott-street, West Melbourne Strickland-road, Bendigo Beach-street, Port Melbourne Hawkins, John Henry ... To distil oils ... ... Block Hayes, James Henderson, Lawrence ... To distil tar... To distil eucalyptus oils ... ... ... ... Munro-street, South Melbourne Block 99A, parish of Woolamai, Hulmd, Edward, sen. Ingwersen, William Johnson, William Kitchen, John Ambrose Law, James Donaldson Louch, John ... ... ... ... ... ... ... , To To To To To To ... ... Port King River, Bobinawarrah Dandenong Creek, Scoresby ... ... ... ... ... Green, William Grimwade, Fredk. Sheppard Grimwade, Fredk. Sheppard Hampson, Alfred To distil eucalyptus and other oils ... To distil acids .. ... To distil ammonia and other chemicals To distil distil distil distil distil distil distil eucalyptus eucalyptus oils perfumed oils eucalyptus oils eucalyptus oils tallow and oils water eucalyptus oils 103250, parish of Kinglake Western Block 41, near Lake Hindmarsh Ingles-street, Port Melbourne Bank of Victoria, Collins-st., Melbourne Yanethan-road, Longwarry Getting around this CD NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required. SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book! DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • • • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT