3,432 ACRES – KIMBLE COUNTY SUPERIOR HUNTING & RANCHING CHIMNEY HOLLOW RANCH 3,432 ACRES – KIMBLE COUNTY CHIMNEY HOLLOW RANCH LOCATION: This is the southern section of the Big Springs Ranch, lying south of SH 385 for over 4.5 miles, and bisected in the SE portion by CR 431 for a little over one mile. This is about 15 miles NW of Harper (supplies, feed, restaurant, basics), on the Kimble/Mason County line. Still held by Schreiner descendants to this day, this portion has never been offered for sale outside of family. The highway and county road frontage is extensive, totaling about 6 miles, yet there is virtually no traffic on any of them. This is about 20 miles from both Junction (5,000’ paved, lighted airstrip) to the SW, and prized Mason to the north, in the western part of the Texas Hill Country. Both of these communities have grocery stores, shops, medical clinics and restaurants. Fredericksburg is about 45 miles east (good hospital, extensive shopping/restaurants), Kerrville (university, box stores, many resources) is 45 miles southeast on I-10, and Llano is about 55 miles NE. San Antonio (nation’s 7th largest city, international airport, major medical) is about 85 miles south, and Austin and San Angelo are both about 100 miles distant. This is a decidedly rural area, in big ranch country, not frequented by hordes of people. Cattle, sheep, deer and outdoor recreation rule this part of the Hill Country, and it is a rare, pristine zone that has much appeal to those searching for the feel of bigger country, yet still only 1.5 hours or slightly more from 3 large, vibrant cities, and 45 miles to the nearest Wal-Mart or Lowe’s. WATER: This section has no live water, but is bisected by interesting and scenic Chimney Hollow, which is fed by up to six named springs, but only flows seasonally on this site. There are several stock ponds that hold water in wet times, and up to 6 working water wells with pipes to several nearby troughs. Groundwater appears to be ample in this area at varying depths, and large volume wells are nearby. For more info on area groundwater, please contact the Hickory Underground Water Conservation District (http://www.hickoryuwcd.org/). LAND: The land consists of a good blend of steep hills up to 2,080’, rolling valleys and river bottomland down to 1,720’. The hilltops are flat to gently undulating, with much rock outcrop and patches of dark clay falling off to calcareous hillsides and loamy valleys. The tops contain shinoak, liveoak, Spanish Oak, cedar and woody shrubs, with larger trees, including elm, walnut and sycamore in the valleys near streambeds. Native tall grasses and turfs are in fairly good condition in most areas, and abundant wildlife includes whitetail deer, exotic deer, feral hogs, turkey, dove, quail and varmints. 160 class B&C whitetail are known to have been harvested in this area under low fence. ©2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. – All Rights Reserved IMPROVEMENTS: The site is adequately improved for ranch and hunting use, with several habitable dwellings, a good set of gathering/working pens, outbuildings, cross fences and ranch roads. These improvements have little value, but are functional and useful for present owners, and can provide an excellent baseline for new owners to build up from. FINANCIAL/TITLE: Listing Price is $2,250/acre = $7,722,000. Sellers will provide current survey and basic title insurance. Mineral conveyance is negotiable. There are no known easements other than electric and phone service lines. The property lies in the Harper Independent School District and estimated 2014 ag exempt taxes are $3138. This property is co-listed with Marshall Kuykendall, Kuykendall Land Co., 512.585.5565, bmkuy@austin.rr.com. SUMMARY: If you seek a solid hunting/recreational unit with significant size and good location and accessibility, CHR should be on your short list to visit. This tract includes good variety, excellent scenery, adequate improvements and outstanding wildlife. Long road frontage adds to value and accessibility, and we see a high value opportunity here for the investor/user looking to park for the long or short term. The information contained herein has been diligently assembled and is deemed reliable, but is not warranted by Broker or Seller, express or implied, and is subject to change, prior sale, errors and/or omissions and withdrawal from market. Buyers must verify accuracy of representations on their own, as well as investigate potentially pertinent natural attributes, laws and regulations, and draw their own conclusions regarding the usefulness and value of the property for a given purpose. Viewing appointments scheduled with LANDTX staff only. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – DO NOT TRESPASS. Buyer’s brokers must be identified on first contact, and must accompany buying prospect on first showing to be allowed full fee participation. If this condition is not met, fee participation will be at sole discretion of LANDTX, David E. Culver, broker. ©2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. – All Rights Reserved Eden Lampasas 83 30 Miles Menard Mason 377 £ ¤ 77 290 £ ¤ Fredericksburg Johnson City 41 Austin £ ¤ £ ¤ New Braunfels San Antonio Luling Seguin £ ¤ 90 £ ¤ U V £ ¤ £ ¤ 281 83 Gonzales £ ¤ 1U 73 V 35 § ¦ ¨ TTrr ii C C oo uu nn tt yy R RM M 11 22 22 11 Mason SS H H 22 99 SS uu ee r r vv i l i l ll ee R RM M LL ee oo nn R R ii v v ee rr SS ii l l ll e e ee JJ SS ii m m oo nn ss vv ii ll ll ee M M ii ll ll s s yy nntt oouu t yy n t u n oo u CC 2 3377 2 a dd RRoo a 2 3322 2 ll M Mii l l Entrance --- Entrance Cedar Springs Springs Ranch Ranch Rd Rd Cedar R RM M 33 8 5 85 LL a a 44 77 22 R Ro oa a dd U U SS 8 3 83 C C oo uu nn tt y y ee l lgg II HH C C hh ee rr rr yy SS pp rr i i nn g nngg g rri i C rr ee ee k n C PPee ccaa n k 1100 11 00 II H H 11 0 0 KKcc 44 7766 Harper M FF M ACCURACY OF MAPS NOT GUARANTEED © 2014 Culver/LANDTX INC. All Rights Reserved II H H JJ uu n n gg O O ll dd U U SS 22 99 00 nn hh ee tt CCuu HH aa rr pp ee rr i ee i ee rr m iim ~4 mi. to FBG I IHH 6 Miles aa i inn GG ~79 mi. to Austin 1100 i iaa vv oo W Wee nn dd ee ll SSee gg UU SS 88 33 3 C C rr ee n w n we e r nnee r M M aa l ldd OO R RM M 44 77 99 1 inch = 6 miles 0 ll 1100 R 44 77 00 nn M Mi i l l R M 66 44 88 RM C Co ou un nt t yy SS I IHH RR oo aa dd r vv ee r CCrr ee ee kk ggiillll aadd rree h TT h c hh BB rraann c W W 33 7 7 77 l ltt s e s gg e n tt yy R R oo a uu n a dd 4 oo 4 11 0 CC 0 Junction e kk CCrr ee e SS aa dd ooaa RR CHIMNEY HOLLOW RANCH FF M M 22 11 66 99 88 77 ss aa m m C C C C rr e e ee kk 77 33 7 7 U U SS MM RR 1155 22 UU 7711 1188 M RR M 33 22 1177 9 88 9 33 22 nn BBaa K K ii dd dd 183 M RR M C C rr ee e e kk £ ¤ Karnes City 77 88 SS aa ll ii nn ee 77 £ ¤ Cuero UU PP rr 181 Pleasanton~27 mi. to Brady EE rr nn aa Pearsall 183 £ ¤ § ¦ ¨ 87 £ ¤ £ ¤ 3 7 § ¦ Floresville ¨ 410 ~6 mi. to Llano 57 £ ¤ La Pryor Hallettsville 90 Hondo 90 Sabinal Uvalde UU Schulenburg 10 § ¦ ¨ 151 _ ^ U U SS 88 33 La Grange Lockhart Boerne Bandera Leakey 11 6 6 77 44 183 £ ¤ 281 83 R RM M 290 Wimberley Kerrville £ ¤Giddings £ ¤ 290 Blanco Rocksprings rackettville £ ¤ CHIMNEY HOLLOW RANCH UU nn ii oo £ ¤ 377 79 £ ¤ 35 § ¦ ¨ Marble Falls K K ee yy ss 10 § ¦ ¨ 71 16 £ ¤ 19 D D oo ss ss C C hh ee rr rr yy S S pp _ ^ Junction 87 £ ¤ Burnet R RM M 11 99 00 00 ra Llano www.landtx.com 830.997.8616 183 £ ¤ R R ee e h eh 15 ~3432.02 ac Kimble County A A rr tt 0 R RM M 77 88 33 R Temple 71 O Of f ff ado Brady £ ¤ 1 inch = 33 Miles 9 33 ~ 83 mi. to San Antonio Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 22 00 9 99°26'0"W 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W Mill ~3432.02 acres Kimble County 30°29'10"N 30°29'10"N EE MM ii ll ll RR dd Rd ek Cre www.landtx.com 830.997.8616 43 01 RR 30 CR 4 30°28'20"N 30°28'20"N Entrance R Lowest Elevation 1720 ft. 30°27'30"N Headquarters 43 1 C RR Highest Elevation 2082 ft. 30°26'40"N 5 ! ( 30°27'30"N Sp 38 ! ( ! ( ! ( Cedar ri s Ranch R d ng RM 30°26'40"N 1 inch = 2,167 feet 0 700 1,400 Feet ACCURACY OF MAPS NOT GUARANTEED © 2014 Culver/LANDTX INC. All Rights Reserved 99°26'0"W 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W Topography of Chimney Hollow Ranch Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 99°23'0"W 99°27'0"W 99°26'0"W ~3432.02 acres Kimble County 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W 99°22'0"W 99°21'0"W 99°20'0"W www.landtx.com 830.997.8616 State Well #: 5637301 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 0 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Unused 30°30'0"N 30°30'0"N W V W V State Well #: 80405 Driller's Report Water Level: - 80 ft Well Depth: N/A Yield: 100+ GPM State Well #: 5637201 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 135 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Stock ( & W V W V W V Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch State Well #: 5637202 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 235 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Domestic 30°28'20"N W V W V Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch 30°27'30"N W V W V 30°28'20"N Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch State Well #: 218858 Driller's Report Water Level: - 214 ft Well Depth: 310 Yield: 30 GPM 30°26'40"N W V State Well #: 5637601 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 180 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Domestic W V ( & State Well #: 5637602 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 202 ft Yield: N/A Well Use: Stock 30°25'50"N R 30°27'30"N Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch W V W V 30°26'40"N W V 30°29'10"N Rock Springs Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch Chimney Hollow Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch 30°29'10"N State Well #: 5638201 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 157 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Stock Live Oak Springs Ranch Owner Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: N/A Yield: N/A Well Use: Ranch State Well #: 179432 Driller's Report Water Level: - 120 ft Well Depth: 280 ft Yield: 12+ GPM ( & W V State Well #: 59179 Driller's Report Water Level: - 150 ft Well Depth: 220 ft Yield: 6 GPM ( & 30°25'50"N State Well #: 5638401 GWDB Data Water Level: N/A Well Depth: 125 ft Yield: N/A Well Use:Domestic 1 inch = 4,333 feet 0 1,450 2,900 Feet ACCURACY OF MAPS NOT GUARANTEED © 2014 Culver/LANDTX INC. All Rights Reserved 30°25'0"N 99°27'0"W 99°26'0"W 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W Groundwater ofCopyright:© Chimney Hollow Ranch 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 99°22'0"W 99°21'0"W 99°20'0"W 30°25'0"N 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W k Rd Cree Mill iill ll RR dd 30°29'10"N MM 30°29'10"N www.landtx.com 830.997.8616 EE 99°26'0"W ~3432.02 acres Kimble County 43 0 1 CR 30 CR 4 30°28'20"N 30°28'20"N Entrance 30°27'30"N in 33 88 55 ! ( ! ( Cedar r Sp Ranch R d gs RR M M Headquarters 30°27'30"N 1 CC RR 43 30°26'40"N 1 R 0 30°26'40"N inch = 2,167 feet 700 1,400 Feet ACCURACY OF MAPS NOT GUARANTEED © 2014 Culver/LANDTX INC. All Rights Reserved IMAGE DATE:99°26'0"W 06/28/2012 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W Aerial of Chimney Hollow Ranch 99°23'0"W 99°26'0"W 30°29'10"N 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W 99°22'0"W Soils of Chimney Hollow Ranch CoC - Cho gravelly loam, 1-8% slopes ShC ShC HtD - Hext-Latom complex, undulating MnB - Menard fine sandy loam, 1-3% slopes NuB NuB NuB - Nuvalde clay loam, 1-3% slopes RbF - Real-Brackett complex, hilly ShC - Shep clay loam, 1-5% slopes TaC - Tarrant soils, undulating HtD HtD 30°28'20"N RbF RbF TrG - Tarrant-Rock outcrop complex, steep NuB NuB TaC TaC MnB MnB CoC CoC MnB MnB 30°27'30"N RbF RbF TrG TrG 30°27'30"N NuB NuB CoC CoC HtD HtD RbF RbF NuB NuB MnB MnB RbF RbF NuB NuB CoC CoC NuB NuB ShC ShC RbF RbF 30°26'40"N 30°26'40"N R 30°28'20"N 1 inch = 2,167 feet 0 700 ~3432.02 acres Kimble County 1,400 Feet ACCURACY OF MAPS NOT GUARANTEED © 2014 Culver/LANDTX INC. All Rights Reserved IMAGE DATE: 06/28/2012 99°26'0"W 99°25'0"W 99°24'0"W 99°23'0"W www.landtx.com 830.997.8616 © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved © 2014 Culver/LANDTX Inc. - All Rights Reserved Approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission for Voluntary Use Texas law requires all real estate licensees to give the following information about brokerage services to prospective buyers, tenants, sellers and landlords. Information About Brokerage Services B efore working with a real estate broker, you should know that the duties of a broker depend on whom the broker represents. If you are a prospective seller or landlord (owner) or a prospective buyer or tenant (buyer), you should know that the broker who lists the property for sale or lease is the owner’s agent. A broker who acts as a subagent represents the owner in cooperation with the listing broker. A broker who acts as a buyer’s agent represents the buyer. A broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the parties consent in writing. A broker can assist you in locating a property, preparing a contract or lease, or obtaining financing without representing you. A broker is obligated by law to treat you honestly. IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE OWNER: The broker becomes the owner’s agent by entering into an agreement with the owner, usually through a written listing agreement, or by agreeing to act as a subagent by accepting an offer of subagency from the listing broker. A subagent may work in a different real estate office. A listing broker or subagent can assist the buyer but does not represent the buyer and must place the interests of the owner first. The buyer should not tell the owner’s agent anything the buyer would not want the owner to know because an owner’s agent must disclose to the owner any material information known to the agent. IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE BUYER: The broker becomes the buyer’s agent by entering into an agreement to represent the buyer, usually through a written buyer representation agreement. A buyer’s agent can assist the owner but does not represent the owner and must place the interests of the buyer first. The owner should not tell a buyer’s agent anything the owner would not want the buyer to know because a buyer’s agent must disclose to the buyer any material information known to the agent. IF THE BROKER ACTS AS AN INTERMEDIARY: A broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the broker complies with The Texas Real Estate License Act. The broker must obtain the written consent of each party to the transaction to act as an intermediary. The written consent must state who will pay the broker and, in conspicuous bold or underlined print, set forth the broker’s obligations as an intermediary. The broker is required to treat each party honestly and fairly and to comply with The Texas Real Estate License Act. A broker who acts as an intermediary in a transaction: (1) shall treat all parties honestly; (2) may not disclose that the owner will accept a price less than the asking price unless authorized in writing to do so by the owner; (3) may not disclose that the buyer will pay a price greater than the price submitted in a written offer unless authorized in writing to do so by the buyer; and (4) may not disclose any confidential information or any information that a party specifically instructs the broker in writing not to disclose unless authorized in writing to disclose the information or required to do so by The Texas Real Estate License Act or a court order or if the information materially relates to the condition of the property. With the parties’ consent, a broker acting as an intermediary between the parties may appoint a person who is licensed under The Texas Real Estate License Act and associated with the broker to communicate with and carry out instructions of one party and another person who is licensed under that Act and associated with the broker to communicate with and carry out instructions of the other party. If you choose to have a broker represent you, you should enter into a written agreement with the broker that clearly establishes the broker’s obligations and your obligations. The agreement should state how and by whom the broker will be paid. You have the right to choose the type of representation, if any, you wish to receive. Your payment of a fee to a broker does not necessarily establish that the broker represents you. If you have any questions regarding the duties and responsibilities of the broker, you should resolve those questions before proceeding. Real estate licensee asks that you acknowledge receipt of this information about brokerage services for the licensee’s records. Buyer, Seller, Landlord or Tenant Date Texas Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons are licensed and regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). If you have a question or complaint regarding a real estate licensee, you should contact TREC at P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188 or 512-465-3960. 01A EQUAL HOUSING OP P O RT U N I T Y TREC No. OP-K
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