corridors - Mount Albert Grammar School


corridors - Mount Albert Grammar School
T E R M 2 . 2 0 1 2 W W W. M A G S . S C H O O L . N Z
On the cover:
On the occasion of the 90th Jubilee Celebrations
Deadline for Term 3 Quarterly Week 6: All articles
and photos (JPEGS must include student names) to the
headmaster’s PA
Jocelynne Bower
Mount Albert Grammar School
Alberton Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland 1025
T (09) 846 2044 F (09) 846 2042
TERM 2.2012
School Contacts
Deans 2012
Dean of Year 9 Boys
Mr Andy Belson
Dean of Year 9 Girls
Ms Va Anisi
Dean of Year10 Boys
Mr Gavin Milne
Dean of Year10 Girls
Ms Helen Sutcliffe
Deans of Year11
Ms Jess Lythe
Mr Martin
Deans of Year12 Mr Andrew Simpson
Ms Natasha
Deans of Year 13
Mr Greg Cave
Headmaster’s Report
Staff News
Special Assemblies
International Students
Academic News
Student leadership
The Arts
E Block Stages 2 & 3
Single Sex classes
Enrolment Details 2013
Ms Catherine Horne
Attendance Officer
Mrs Ellen-Jane Waetford
Term 3 classes begin on Monday 30 July at 7pm.
Course and enrolment details are on the school website and click on to Community Education.
Brochures are also available in local libraries or contact Jan (09) 8462044 ext 8153. Fax: (09) 8462042. Email: jspringett@
We are continuing to offer a variety of languages including NZ sign language, English as a second language, French, Italian,
Maori, Samoan and Spanish.
Dear Parents, Guardians,
Students, Albertians & the Wider
Mount Albert Grammar School
Term two has been another fantastic term for the school.
Many of my colleagues often remark on how busy Mount
Albert Grammar School is on most days of the week when
they come to visit, usually to watch their school play sport.
All afternoons seem busy but none more so than Wednesdays
with up to four premier teams playing at home and a large
number of other games and practices taking place. It’s not
just sport that is happening. The arts and performing arts
areas are full and the homework centre is busy also. The
best part, for me, is to see the students really enjoying being
at school and taking part in these co-curricular activities.
In schools like ours, although co-curricular activities are very
important, the most important part of our work occurs in the
classroom. Once again, our results are outstanding and, as
the next Metro magazine will show, we are performing far
above similar types of schools and rate with the very best in
There has been a lot of debate recently about the “decile”
status of schools. Deciles (a number 1-10) are attached
to schools for funding purposes as the decile reflects the
average socio- economic status of the families that attend. A
one on the scale is attached to those schools in the poorest
communities while a ten is attached to schools in the most
wealthy communities. The lower the decile the more funding,
per student, each school gets from the government.
In my opinion, this information does not need to be made
public as a decile in no way describes what a school is
like in terms of teacher quality, school tone and pride,
expectations, academic results, co-curricular performance
and student well-being. These factors are far more important
than the wealth of the families that send students to any
particular school.
Our school is a decile 7 school and, while that is probably
a true reflection of the average socio-economic status of our
families, it is in no way some sort of mark out of 10 for our
performance in the key areas mentioned above. We are a
“10” in many areas and, where we are not, we are working
hard to improve our performance. We are not satisfied with
ourselves, no matter what the results, and will always look
for ways to continue to improve. In the same way that a top
athlete will always be looking to go higher or faster, we will
continue to work on all our programmes to maintain the cycle
of continuous improvement.
The Headmaster, Dale Burden
Our 90th Jubilee
celebration was a great success and my thanks go to
Development Director, Chris Long, and Development
Office Admin Assistant, Maree Pulevaka, for their excellent
leadership and organization. The Old Boy and Girl
Albertians who attended were absolutely thrilled to see
their old school in such great heart. For some, it was the
first time that they had returned for many years and they
were amazed by the changes. Although there have indeed
been many changes, the really important things such as the
traditions and values have stood the test of time and are
still being delivered as they always have been, albeit in a
21st Century context. The presentation of the “Jubilee Cup”
by St Kentigern College was a very generous gift and will
now be contested over a range of sports in the future. We
look forward to the ongoing battles between two great coeducational schools.
Stage two and three of the English and Arts Block came
on-line after Queens Birthday weekend. The opportunity
to create a modern learning environment for the Arts,
English and Media Studies has been seized. The facilities
are outstanding and, when stage 4 is handed over at the
end of the year, these departments will have areas second
to none. The ongoing modernization of the school is
made possible by some government funding, but the most
important component is the excellent management of school
finances and the student fees (both subject and sports) and
parental donations that are received. The contributions that
our community makes continue to make up the difference
between what the government gives us and what we need to
keep pace with the basics of a learning environment fit for
the 21st Century. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Per Angusta Ad Augusta
We also have Arts and Crafts, Cooking, Dancing, Hairdressing, Photography, Pilates and Yoga, M.Y.O.B, Photoshop and
I look forward to meeting you as you continue on your life long learning experience.
Please let me know if there are any classes you would like us to run that are not already on our programme. Jan Springett.
Community Education Co-ordinator.
Proudly sponsored by
Anne Duncan Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ
TERM 2.2012
Staff News
Advanced Study
Mr Evan Gray, our International
Director, recently received a
‘Master of Advanced Study’
degree from Cambridge
University in England. Mr
Gray, who was on a business
trip to Europe, visited Clare
College, Cambridge, where he
previously studied Mathematics.
While there he was presented
with his degree certificate by
the acting Master of Clare College, Professor Paul Cartledge.
Cambridge University is regularly ranked among the top
Universities in the world. Support Staff
The Careers Department welcomes Cecilia Pedersen who
has transferred from her previous position as Student Centre
Receptionist. Rose Akava has taken up the latter position
(from Papatoetoe Central School) and has settled into the
Student Centre with ease.
One of our library assistants, Indrani Koggalahewa,
has resigned to travel with her husband to Papua New
Guinea and Linda Robinson (ex-Staffroom Attendant) has
stepped into her role. Ann Dempsey, who relieved in
the staffroom while her mother was off on sick leave, has
taken up Linda’s vacated position as part time Staffroom
The Sports Department farewelled Irene Malone (Sports
Administrator) early this term and welcomed Maxine
Johns into that position early in May. Maria Cross has
joined us from De La Salle College in the ESOL department
as a teacher aide.
Finally, the Science Department has been joined by Marya
Hashmatt as Laboratory Assistant and Diane Beere has
resigned from her job-share position as school nurse.
Teaching Staff
Helen Prangnell has joined the Mathematics Department
this term. Her background is in accountancy and she was
Director of Professional Standards at the New Zealand
Institute of Chartered Accountants before deciding to return
to Mathematics, her “first love”. Judy Lawry took up the position of HOD, Careers at the
beginning of Term 2. With a teaching background in Social
Studies and Geography she has also gained qualifications
and experience in the Career Development area.
Lynn Lacy-Hauck’s academic background includes the
completion of a Master of Arts Degree in Arts Management
(2001). Although new to teaching, she brings her real
world experiences, combined with her love of education, to
the English Department at Mount Albert Grammar.
Jane Norridge left us during the term to become a subject
advisor with Arts practitioners in the Waikato/Bay Of Plenty
region. She will be assisting schools to facilitate their own
Professional Development.
Parents and
(“MAGS Parents”)
are an integral
part of the MAGS
community. It is
important that, as a parent, you feel you are part of this
community so why not come to our friendly and informal
meetings to find out what is happening at the school?
Each session has a presentation on specific topics from
members of MAGS staff followed by an opportunity for
parents/caregivers to ask questions about any aspect of the
school and to raise any concerns. The school welcomes our
feedback to ensure our children’s needs are understood and
John Pipe, Deputy Principal (Staff Development) is the
staff liaison for MAGS Parents and attends the meetings
to answer questions on any topic including pastoral care,
exams, health, homework, NCEA, qualifications, school
policy, sports, study, subject options, teaching methods,
truancy, uniforms and education in general.
MAGS Parents meetings for the remainder of this term will
be held on:
July 18th Wednesday 7.30pm Staffroom
August 8th Wednesday 7.30pm Staffroom
September 12th Wednesday 7.30pm Staffroom
MAGS Parents contact:
If you require more information or have any queries contact
MAGS Parents Group by emailing our secretary Michelle
Jackson on
The traditional ANZAC school service was held on 23 April
in The FW Gamble Hall with over 50 Albertians attending.
Claire McCracken, a Year 13 student and the guest speaker,
spoke about a relative who fought in the war. Other students
played the trumpet and the cadets again impressed as the
Guard of Honour. The Year 13 students listened respectfully
while reflecting on the photos and speeches. On 25 April the prefects represented the school at the Mt
Albert service at Rocket Park. Many of the adults present
commented on their presence, demeanor and service. The
organizers said it was the most impressive group of student
helpers they had experienced. Although I expect this praise
from our leaders, it is gratifying to have the community give
us this feedback.
Head Girl,
Hayey Becht
and Head Boy
Keneti Ah KuoiAtmore with
Ben Stallworthy
at the MAGS
Assembly 2012
2011 saw a concerted effort on the part of the
teaching staff to encourage students to aim for
Excellence and Merit in every assessment opportunity. While
this had been part of the normal academic process within the
school, making it a priority had a wonderful, if unexpected,
2011 produced a bumper crop of students achieving Academic
excellence. A total of 214 students earned a Scholar Lion. To
achieve a Lion a student had to achieve a GPA of 80 in their
best 100 credits. The school is proud of the exceptional efforts
of the teaching staff and so many students who took up the
challenge and succeeded. Cautiously, we are optimistic that this
may be the start of our dream to have a culture of academic
excellence permeate the student body so that pride in excellent
academic achievement becomes endemic.
The Scholars’ Assembly took place at 2.00 p.m. on Friday 30
March and was attended by the Chairman and two members of
the Board of Trustees, Lion recipients, Year 13 students, Year 9
and 10 students in the Academic Institute and over 250 parents
and family. On a very warm afternoon the academic elite
were honoured for their achievements. Most notable were the
five students who earned three NZQA Scholarships and had
their names inscribed on the Scholars’ Honours Board. This is
the highest number added to the Board in a single year since
1972 when six names were added to the Board. The Scholar
Lions of 2012 have the challenge laid down for them by their
immediate predecessors.
Senior Maori Assembly
This was held on Monday 7th May - Focus on Senior
exams. Miro Harre and Nathan Kara coordinated this
assembly and introduced our guest speakers.
We were pleased to see both Tatahi Rawiri-McDonald
and Richard Ngata return to school to talk to Year 1113 students about preparation for University and the
importance of exam preparation as well as decision
making in regard to courses at University.
Tatahi started his study with his focus in the area of
Architecture but he soon realized that it was not what he
wanted to do and is now enrolled in Law. He stated that it
is important that you enjoy what you do and that you put
the time into passing well in your subjects. University is very
different from School. There are no teachers that follow up
on whether you complete things, you have to be motivated
to achieve for yourself.
Richard spoke about having a clear direction and that he
has set his goals as a pictorial. He showed it to us. He is
in his second year at university and has been accepted
into surgical medicine. He talked about how stressful it
was in his first year not knowing whether he would be
accepted into medicine. He had to achieve certain grades,
however that is now history and he went on to talk about
the fact he was going in to University and dissecting the
shoulder of a cadaver. At school he said he had wanted
to be surrounded by students that would challenge him
academically so chose subjects like Physics, Biology and
Chemistry. He had to work hard in these subjects to keep
up with others in the class.
Both students were Scholar Lion recipients and Prefects and
we will follow them with interest over the next four years to
see how they progress.
Pacifika Assembly
The five exceptional students are Joshua Lawrence, Nikhil
Magan, Nicholas Parish, Elliott Varoy and Tea Williams,
(pictured above). Heartiest congratulations on their endeavours
are extended to them and their families.
Parents and recipients enjoyed a scrumptious afternoon tea in
the Staff Room after the assembly.
Thanks are due to the Chairman of the Board who graced the
assembly by his presence, Senior staff who made the occasion
dignified and a worthy tribute to the success of the students,
Matthew Battley, Briana Baker and Caitlin Davies, the Year
13 leaders of the Academic Committee, who acted as Masters
of Ceremony, the 2011 Year 13 students who returned to
celebrate their success with us and the parents who showed
their unstinting support for their children. A very special word
of thanks to Mrs Dimity Payne, Mrs Linda Robinson and Ms
Ann Dempsey who prepared and served the afternoon tea and
cleaned up afterward.
Last, and by no means least, thanks and appreciation for going
beyond the call of duty is extended to Ms Sheryl Collard, Mr
Theo van Zyl and Mr Nicholaas Gedye for all they did behind
the scenes.
Mose’ati Mafile’o Year 13
Michael Jones
The Pasifika committee organized assemblies for our
MAGS Pasifika students to help encourage them to achieve
academic success that reflects their true ability and
potential. Michael Jones was inspirational in emphasizing
that anything is possible when you want it badly enough
and that every student can live the dream. However, he
stresses that they must be prepared to sacrifice their time
and prioritise what is important, - “Walk the Talk”.
TERM 2.2012
International Students
We have 121 international fee-paying students (75 boys – 19
in School House, 46 girls) from 15 countries: China, Korea,
Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, India, Argentina, Brazil, Hong
Kong, Cambodia, Chile, France, Germany, Indonesia, South
Mainstream Class taster
behind ‘Nek Minnit’ from Korea, and the eventual winners
were ‘United Nations’, which was largely composed of our
Japanese students. Well done to them and to everybody who
joined in and a
special mention
for Dmitry
who was the
MVP. We are
now looking
forward to the
football and
tournaments in
Term Three.
International Student Committee:
International English Foundation Class get a taste of mainstream:
Candy Wang has been very involved with the International
English Foundation Class, which provides intensive English
tuition for those of our incoming international students who
are not ready for mainstream classes on arrival. She helps as
both a peer-tutor at our after-school Study Centre and as peersupport twice a week at form period. Candy felt that these
students would benefit from seeing how the rest of the school
are taught and that this would help inform their future subject
After finding mainstream students who are studying the
subjects the 13 International students wanted, and at the
correct year level, Candy held a meeting to introduce the
‘buddies’ to the students they would host. Over the next two
weeks, the Internationals then spent a full day in mainstream
and were asked to write an account when they returned.
Mainstream is a lot of fun and I can make many friends. Hiro
Takasugi (Japanese)
In Japanese I learnt how to introduce myself. When I choose a
language I will choose Japanese. Sunny Kang (Korean)
In maths I learned about algebra and it was a little hard for
me but I sat next to my buddy and she helped me. Sophia
Kang (Korean)
Social studies is difficult. Dmitry Kawasaki (Russia)
My buddy Ravindu is a friendly boy. I went into his form class.
Yuyang Feng (Chinese)
This proved to be a valid test of how ready the students are
to move into mainstream. We have been able to see from
their accounts how much they actually learned, or whether
they just enjoyed the experience. It has opened their eyes
and hopefully will motivate them to get where they want to go
more quickly. Now they can really understand that “learn” is
a verb – i.e., a doing word - and to learn English they must be
actively using it.
Volleyball Tournament:
The first International Sports Tournament of the year was a
great success with two girls’ teams, four boys’ teams and
one mixed team taking part. ‘Chinese Boyz’ finished third
Introducing this year’s International Student Leaders –They
will represent their fellow students on the International Student
Committee, chaired by prefects Candy Wang and Takafumi
Sen, and all have important roles to play in our sporting,
cultural and social events.
years ago, in
with Mr Vovan,
MAGS started
a scholarship
scheme to
reward and
support highperforming
students. Mr
Burden and Mr
Gray visited
the business
Mr Burden, Mr Vovan, Mr Gray and former
capital Ho Chi student Clark Pham
Minh City and
the political capital Hanoi. There they met agents and parents
together with former students and prospective students. Mr
Burden and Mr Gray thoroughly enjoyed the warm hospitality
and the lovely Vietnamese food!
Outside the classroom our
students are involved in many
different activities, including
music, drama and sport. For
example: Candy Wang is a
Prefect and has been training in
dance since age five.
Sivach Panyarux (Thailand), Lu Chen (China), Trung Tuan Hoang
(Vietnam), Chanmaly Van (Cambodia) and Seong Rok Oh (Korea).
The Annual Auckland International
Student Welcome
In March the International Foundation Class went on a trip to
Auckland Town Hall to join in this exciting and entertaining
event. They were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor before
listening to speeches from other International students. They
then watched a local hip-hop crew and one of our students,
Hirohisa Takasugi, joined them on stage to learn a few moves.
It was also a great opportunity for the class to see the MAGS
Kapa Haka group performing in such a beautiful venue to
such a big and appreciative crowd. Not only were they given
gift bags as they left, but two lucky students also won cool
spot prizes – Dmitry Kawasaki got a Day Pass for Rainbow’s
End and Youming Gao got a Day Pass for Snow Planet. After
that it was off to Wendy’s for lunch. What a great day!
Headmaster’s visit to Vietnam:
Mr Burden visited Vietnam with Mr Gray and Mr Vovan, our
school’s Vietnamese counsellor and guide, from 21 to 29
May. This was an opportunity for Mr Burden to visit one of
the countries most important to the school. Our Vietnamese
students consistently rank among our best academics and two
Our International Girls visit Gladstone
Primary School
Two of our Year 13 international girls have applied to
Auckland University’s Education Department to train as
primary school teachers. Jing Wen Candy Wang and Quqier
Cherry Gao visited Gladstone Primary School last year after
being invited by the Principal to spend a day there. While
there, Candy and Cherry were attached to a Year 1 class,
for a day, with children aged 5 and 6.
Candy said: “The teacher and children were so friendly! The
children proudly showed us all their drawings and work.
We went to assembly at 9am. The Year 1 students did a little
chicken dance in yellow costumes - very cute. This year we
had the opportunity to go back to Gladstone Primary, and
we took Sirinapa Jern Chankabi (also Year 13) with us. We
visited another Year 1 class and stayed with them for a day.
International Dean, Mr Cole’s daughter was in this class.
Our visit was a great experience and very helpful to us in
focusing on our future careers.”
The Year 1 teacher said: “It was a pleasure to have the
(MAGS) girls in the class for a day, the kids loved them and
they were so helpful!”
Takafumi Sen is a Prefect and
in our Premier Basketball team
and is also a junior team coach.
William Engle is a Prefect and
passionate about media, he
Candy Wang
recently directed our school’s
Nayuta Nagai
is in our 1st XI
Football Team.
He has scored
four goals in
the first four
games of this
season, an
Nayuta Nagai
Homestays Required
We welcome applications from caring Kiwi families within easy
travel distance of the school to provide short-term or longerterm homestays for our international students, boys and girls.
If interested or you require more information, please contact
Mrs Corinne Brewer, Homestay Co-ordinator, Tel: 846 2044
extension 8187, Email:
TERM 2.2012
A cademic
The National 2012
“Chinese Bridge” Chinese
Proficiency Competition for
New Zealand Secondary
Students is sponsored by
the Chinese Government.
It is for students learning
Chinese in New Zealand
schools and universities.
The speaking competitions
are administered through
the Confucius Institute and
held in regions followed
by the national event. Only David Tuipulotu
non-native speakers of
Chinese can participate
in order to encourage New Zealand students to continue to
learn Chinese at school.
Given that John Key was quoted as saying that “all students
should be learning Chinese” and that one of the key focus
areas in the Ministry of Education and NZQA this year is
to “lift the achievement of Maori and Pacific Island students
in our schools”, the winner of this year’s competition
encompasses all aspects of this and should be celebrated
as an excellent role model of Pacific Island achievement for
other students to follow and be inspired by.
On 12th May 2012, four Chinese language students from
Mount Albert Grammar School competed in the Auckland
Region “Chinese Bridge” Speech Competition.
David Tuipulotu placed 3rd on that day, and, as one of the
top four Auckland Regional winners, was invited to compete
in the National Competition. He subsequently spent the next
two weeks improving his speech pronunciation with the help
of his teacher, Mrs Eva Liu, and another Year 13 Chinese
friend. During that time he was also studying for his school
exams plus, as part of the National Competition, he had to
prepare a cultural item which was to be presented after his
speech. Luckily for David, he is blessed with a lovely voice
and an excellent ear for music so he chose a very difficult
but highly popular Chinese song to sing for the judges.
On Saturday 26th May, he flew to Christchurch with the
other finalists to compete in the 5th “Chinese Bridge”
Chinese Proficiency Competition for Secondary students.
His determination to succeed was rewarded by his First
Place award in the National Competition. His prize is an
all expenses paid study trip to Beijing for two weeks in
November, after completing his NCEA Level 3 examinations.
David hopes to emulate the success of another former
pupil of MAGS, William Walker, who won the same
competition in 2010 and who then went on to compete
in the Tertiary Chinese Speech Competition in 2011 and
won the top place. William’s prize was a fully funded three
year University placement in any University in China of his
choice. He is now living and studying in Beijing, thanks to
the generosity of the Chinese Government, which sponsors
these scholarships. David hopes to follow in his footsteps
and be able to study in China also.
David formally received his prize at the official prize giving
on Tuesday 29th May at the Consulate-General’s Office of
the Peoples’ Republic of China.
NZIC Auckland Regional Chemistry
30 teams of budding chemists competed for the right to
represent the Auckland Region at this year’s National NZIC
challenge. Questions such as “What element in its solid form
will float on its liquid form?” and “How did Madame Curie’s
husband die?”
Auckland Grammar School won the event, but MAGS did
an awesome job, gaining both 4th and 5th place. The 4th
place team were Year 12 students Kuldeep Dalvi, Jamie
Hucklesby, Sean Pearce and Nathan Van Dort. The 5th
place team were Year 13 students Taliesin Budvietas, Jack
Caldwell, Theo Drissner-Devine, Edward Hughes, Dhanasit
Srijarmorn and Natasha Nipper.
We look forward to next year’s Chemistry Challenge when
our Year 12 team will be our Year 13 team. Will they be our
Year 13 History trip to the Waikato
Between the 26th and 29th of March, two groups of students
travelled south following in the footsteps of the Waikato war
of 1863, accompanied by teachers Mr Gardner, Ms Fisher,
Mr Cavanagh and Mr Pipe. Visiting a number of British and
Maori fortifications on the way down, the students were able
to see for themselves the land that was fought over and the
tactics used by each side.
Highlights included being escorted around the home of the
Kingitanga movement, Turangawaewae Marae and staying at
the Marae at Te Awamutu College. The students were able to
use their research to support work on their internally assessed
Achievement Standard upon their return from the trip. Special
thanks to parent Ms Tracey Hoffman for providing an adult
female perspective on the second trip.
Year 12 Business Studies students work
with the Albertians
Year 12 Business Studies students have demonstrated
their entrepreneurial skills and worked with the Albertians
to developed memorabilia for the school’s 90th Jubilee
celebrations. These products are for sale on the school website
and via the Development Office. The students took the initiative
in designing their products and are operating their businesses
as a result of careful business planning and market research.
Just like the “real” business world there have been some
challenges and a lot of rewards.
As teachers, it has been a joy to watch the students grow
in their business knowledge and experience: making strong
business proposals, analysing their market research, handling
quotes from suppliers and maintaining financial records for
their business.
Element = Bismuth, Pierre Curie died when he was run over by
a horse and cart.
“Chinese Bridge”
From left to right in the photo; Kuldeep Dalvi, Jamie Hucklesby,
Sean Pearce, Nathan Van Dort, Jack Caldwell, Taliesin Budvietas,
Dhanasit Srijarmorn, Theo Drissner-Devine. Absent: Edward
Hughes, Natasha Nipper
V48 Hours Film Festival
A group of Year 11 students has won the schools’ section of
the Auckland finals of the V48 Hours Film Festival, announced
last night. They now go on to the grand final to be judged
against the winning school teams from Hamilton, Wellington,
Christchurch and Dunedin, with the winner announced on June
The V48 Hours Festival requires competing groups to write, film
and edit a 7-minute movie within 48 hours. The MAGS group
were in competition with about 20 other school teams from
around Auckland, including students older than themselves. The winning MAGS team is called “Hungry Lion Productions”
and consists of the following students:Thomas Holmes,
Jed Bradley, Josh Botting, Tobias Heeringa, Liam Rudd, Alex
Bucton-Wishart and Jackson Hemi.
Each team is given a genre at random. This team’s genre
was “Horror”, and they turned in a hilarious zombie film that
reviewers compared to Peter Jackson’s early splatter movies.
You can watch via this link:
Year 13 History students outside Te Awamutu Marae
Auckland Writers and Readers
On the 9th and 10th of May, 40 students travelled to
the Aotea Centre in town to listen to a range of famous
writers talk about their lives and their work. Victor Rodgers,
screenwriter for Shortland Street, was a highlight for most
MAGS students. He spoke about where his inspiration comes
from and the conflict he faces between his desire to write
about Pasifika people in a way that subverts the stereotype,
and the reality of writing for a show whose survival depends
on maintaining the interest of its target demographic.
The major lesson our budding writers and prolific readers
learned was that potential plots arise from the most ordinary
of circumstances. J.K Rowling has often stated her inspiration
for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone came to her
when she was on the train and that a move from the suburbs
to the country, near the Forest of Dean, provided a location
that offered a range of imaginative possibilities: magical
creatures, mystery and intrigue. We all know the outcome of
that story.
Overall, it was an informative experience and some of
the older authors like Mal Peet, were the most engaging
speakers, proving that no matter how old you get, you never
really forget what it is like to be young.
Thanks to Ms McColl who organised the event and to Mrs
Cutfield and Mrs Mason who accompanied the students to
the Aotea Centre.
Cup designed by Jonathan Alexander, Paige Goldsmith, Borna
King and Joel Southey
Cufflinks designed by Boyan Buha, Harrison Graham, Genet
Hussein-Ahmed, Aneeqah Jacobs, Maisie Jones and Melissa Sevens
Sports drink bottle designed by Shekynah Clarke, Ashen
Hanthi, Nathan Kopua, Brody Lam and Thomas Rees
License surround designed by Callum Davies, Daniel Johnston,
Jan Penanaranda, Samuel Perry, Montel Sapatu-Perigo and Munaza
Year 12 Business Studies Trip
In order to see
business theory,
which the 12
Business Studies
students have been
learning in class,
put into practice in a
large New Zealand
business, the students
visited Mt Albert
Pak’nSave. Here they
were given a behind the scenes look at a supermarket and
gained information on the many facets of running a business:
promotion, marketing, legal implications, environmental
sustainability, community consciousness and business
Thank you to Pak’nSave Mt Albert for so willingly sharing
your business experience and taking time out to pass your
knowledge on to the students.
TERM 2.2012
Student Leaders
Congratulations to Brianna Baker, Miranda Chase, Seiafi
Sapolu, Vaidik Raj, and Jonathon Sinclair on their selection
as prefects. They received their badges at assembly on
Monday 2 April.
Red and White Day
The prefects’ Student Welfare Committee organised a
fundraiser day to support the Red Cross, with the proceeds
going towards providing the continuing essential support
and humanitarian assistance in Christchurch. In addition to
students paying to wear red and white mufti there were other
events for the day, including a well-supported dunk tank
(with Head of Classics Greg Cave pictured below), a bake
sale, a quad concert and ice-cream stand. The prefects have
counted $5,416.30 and wish to thank all for their support.
Trivia Night
On Friday 18th May the Academic Council held their first
“Trivia Night” in the F.W.Gamble Hall. Around a hundred
competitors, including students and parents, answered
questions on rounds such as Geography, Sport and MAGS
History. The scores were close all evening and in the end just
two points separated the top three teams.
The winners “But A Shadow” consisted of students Tal
Budvietas, Edward Duncan, Edward Hughes, Daniel Dillon,
Theo Drissner-Devine, Max Ashmore and David Tuipulotu.
All the proceeds from the evening are going to the
of New
The Academic
Council are
keen to make
this an annual
MAGS Maori Careers Expo with Years
11 –13
This was held on
the evening of the
14th May and
was coordinated
by Rangimarie
Pomare, Maori
Liaison at Auckland
University. We were
happy to see Maori
providers from the
following institutions:
Maia Waetford, Courtney Tierney
MIT, Unitec, Massey
University, University of Auckland, South Seas Productions,
Defence Careers, Auckland College of Education.
A karakia by Reg Korau began the evening. A short welcome
was given to the different guests who had made the time to
attend and present. The Leader’s group of Aaron McLelland,
Patrina Guptill and Raveen Nand were very well spoken and
organized and introduced themselves with their pepeha. They
were ably assisted by Miro Harre, Nathan Kara and Emma
The parents and students who attended were very pleased
with the information shared by the different providers and the
requirements needed to get entry to their different courses.
The Auckland College of Education and the University of
Auckland had large numbers of enquiries which bodes well for
us in the field of Maori studies and education. However, all the
presentations had great support and the students got some nice
gifts to take away and information to ponder.
All the parents were
very upbeat and
impressed with the
presentations and
the reports given
by current students
in the different
Andre Colbert, Tahau Thompson, Dharyin
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award
The Award is continuing to flourish at MAGS and, with it,
its profile and awareness. We have recently launched it to
Year 10 students and there has been a great response from
both the boys and girls with over 60 students enrolling. This
response has enabled and warranted more staff to become
involved, with Mr Kotze and Miss Robertson coming onboard to help run the Award.
Congratulations to the following students who have recently
been presented with their Bronze Awards:
Irene Wu, Oliver Brookes, Oscar Johnston, Phoebe
Ross, Sarah Crowhurst, Alex Chaptynova, Gina Holden,
Alexandra Dean.
Silver Awards were presented to: Tim Rutledge and Laurelin
During the start of this term, a group of 18 students
completed their Silver practice expedition in the Waitakere
Ranges. Thanks to Miss Robertson and Miss Pulham for their
assistance in running this camp.
T he arts
Performing Arts
This term has been a
successful one for the
Music department.
Students have worked
hard towards their
mid-term examinations,
and towards various
competitions. Our
Barbershop Choir, MAGS Lliam Powell, Felix Worner, Mosa’ati
Q, and the Barbershop
Mafileo, Joshua Atukaho
Quartet have both won
awards at the Auckland
Young Singers in Harmony competition that was held on 1
June. They have both qualified for the National finals that will
be held in late September. We wish them all the best.
Performing Arts has had a very busy year so far in 2012
with some outstanding successes in assessment, competition
and performances.
‘Hit The Ground Running’
Performing Arts Concerts
In the last week of Term 1 we held a Dance Concert over
two evenings at TAPAC Theatre in Western Springs. “Hit The
Ground Running” presented the Year 13 dance production,
which had students developing their choreographies around
a story from the media and combining the dance with visual
images chosen by them to support their themes.
“Hit the Ground Running”
also had items from Years
10, 11 and 12 Dance
students for performance
assessments, and Year
11 and Year 13 Drama
students also presented
some of their work.
The concert was very
well received and there
were some outstanding
performances, making the
job of selecting items for
the Youth Festival in May
a hard one for our guest
National Dance
Seon Rok On, Paht Satjipanon, Felix Worner, Vilami Likiliki,
Mosa’ati Mafileo, Kieran Woods, Braedon Schache, Lliam Powell,
front row; Joshua Alukaho, Herrey Feliciano
We have also had two groups
competing at the National
Chamber Trust Competition.
They have both performed
well and made us all proud.
On June 9th, the Orchestra
and Choirs represented the
Music Department during the
90th Jubilee celebrations.On
June 28th, we had our annual
Music Department Concert,
which featured talented young
musicians. The theme was the
“Evening of Love Songs”.At
the end of Term 1, one of our
teachers, Mr Francis, retired
and we wished him all the
best. His replacement is an incredibly talented musician and
teacher, Mr Ben Sinclair, an Albertian. He is teaching the
woodwind students and running the Jazz Band. Welcome
back Ben! One of our itinerant teachers, Dr Vidulich, was
on his sabbatical leave for most of Term 1 and 2 and his
reliever was Mrs Bisley, who started the String Ensemble. We
farewelled her in June, and welcomed back Dr Vidulich.
Year 9 students Holly Grbich and
Brooke Moody performing at “Hit
The Ground Running”
After a busy Term 1, the Easter break saw the 32 member
MAGS Hip Hop Dance team practising in earnest for the
Mega School National Competition held at Logan Campbell
Events Centre on the final weekend of the holidays. The
team was ably lead by Arts prefects Nathan Kara and
Jennece Morris and they rehearsed each day of the second
week of the holidays, from 10am till 4pm in the school
gym. On the day of the event, the students were excited
and certainly motivated to achieve. Their performance was
fantastic with each of the dancers giving their all.
Our team of 32 dancers was the largest by 12 and
certainly the best presented team. MAGS finished a very
close second to Aorere College in the Final. Mrs Cesan
was very proud of all the team. However, special mention
must go to the overall leader, Nathan Kara, who did an
outstanding job of managing the rehearsal process and
earned enormous respect from the whole team for the
mature manner in which he lead them. The following day,
14 of the school crew members competed in the open Mega
Crew Division as part of a 30 strong team (TMC) lead by
former student, Joshua Cesan. These students practiced
each day after school from 5-9pm at crew practice and
managed to find the same energy that they had committed
to the school team. For their efforts, they won the National
Title (by three clear points) and the opportunity to represent
New Zealand at the “World Hip Hop Championships” in
Las Vegas in August. They have decided, however, because
of school/University commitments and the cost of taking
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 11
T he arts
Visual Arts
Auckland Youth Dance Festival
As the term started, dance students began working towards
internal choreography and performance standards. A group
also rehearsed after school, having been chosen to represent
MAGS at the first Youth Dance Festival. The six items chosen
were from the many performances that had been judged at
an Excellence standard by the guest moderator in the Term
1 Dance Assessment Concert “Hit The Ground Running”.
These were the Year 13 Group Dance - Harakeke, Media
Merge Productions choreographed by Brosnan Ackerman,
Olivia Cochrane and Branna Dawson, a duet choreographed
and performed by Year 12 students Eikura William and Jan
Penaranda and a scholarship performance by Year 13 student
Caitlin Davey.
The festival concert entitled “NO LEFT FEET” was held at
Centennial Theatre on the 10th and 11th of May and MAGS
Arts Committee provided the theatre staff, videographer and
photographers for the event this year. Again, Mrs Cesan
was extremely proud of both the standard of the MAGS
performances and the demeanour and helpfulness of the
committee members and prefects who assisted during the
two concerts. Our appreciation goes to the Arts committee
members who volunteered to assist, and special mention must
go to Caitlin Davey and Olivia Cochrane, the Dance Festival
representatives on the Arts Committee. Also thanks to Jennece
Morris, the Head Prefects, Hayley Becht and Keneti Ah
Kuoi-Atmore, and Vaidik Raj who carried out their jobs with
maturity and efficiency. Thanks are also due to Matt Shelton
and former student Laurelin Okan who stage-managed and
Oliver Barnett for his assistance with sound and multimedia
These festival concerts were a huge success and will now
become an annual event. Members from the professional
dance community were invited to give feedback for each of
the performances and will select items that will be featured in
a concert entitled “Secondary Colours” at Q Theatre as part
of the Tempo Auckland Dance Festival in the first weekend of
Term 4.
Choreography by Aria Whyte –“Shadows Of Depression”
Dancers; Aimee White, Claudia Howlett, Emma Pearce, Melanie
Williamson and Charlotte Wilkinson Photo Jennifer Qiu
Don Wu’s
portrait of
Lionel Messi
Peiris’s acrylic
“Dust In The Silence” from Hit The Ground Running Choreographed
by Matthew James. Dancers; Olivia Cochrane, Brosnan Ackerman
and Sarah Reece
Photo Jennifer Qiu
All Year 13 students visited the travelling Top Art show in June
well as the Wallace Gallery at Pah Homestead in preparation
for their folio submissions.
Unbound – Art
Four accomplished art
students from our school were
accepted into the Unbound
Art Exhibition in Ponsonby.
Using books as the starting
point, these emerging artists
Megan Laxon’s altered book
dissected, decorated and
transformed their books into original art works. The students
showed skill and creativity in their designs. They were
competing for a position in the Art Exhibition against high
school and tertiary students from as far away as Dunedin.
Congratulations to Ruth Lever, Megan Laxon , Christian Tiatia,
and Samantha Brake on their outstanding achievement. Thanks
to Ms Ainsley Jones for supporting their endeavour.
On Saturday April 28th selected Drama students competed
in the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition held at The
Performing Arts Centre in Western Springs. While none of the
groups placed on the day, Ms Norridge was very pleased
with both their preparation and their performances, and the
groups received some excellent feedback.
The Photography and Design classes have just moved into their
spacious and smart new rooms. An amazing effort had been
made in the preceding week by all art staff (and support staff)
and not only were the classrooms functioning, the corridors
were lined with work, the gallery hosted a Year10 “Whare
Project” installation, the storeroom was organized and the
library books were placed on shelves in time for the 90th
Jubilee Tour. Thanks go to Edward Duncan and members
of the art committee (facilitated by Mrs Mulgrew) who were
extremely helpful in hanging the works.
Students are very happy to be in the new rooms and are
applying themselves with enthusiasm to the new environment.
The Photography Studio has just been fully equipped with
lights and back drops and there is now an amazing new
professional facility in the school. We can’t wait to see the new
work emerge!
In May all Year 12 and 13 Painting students visited the Degas
to Dali exhibition and were inspired by the breadth and skill of
the work they saw. Two students, Sanduini Peris and Don Wu
have had work accepted for the great NZ Art Show. Only 40
student works were accepted.
YEAR 10 WHARE PROJECT; Inaugural installation in our new gallery space
such a large team, to forgo the World Competition for this
year. However, they have been invited to represent New
Zealand at the “BodyRock Festival” in San Diego May 2013
and will be fundraising for this.
MAGS students in this team were: Year 9 - Jono Osborn and
Jackson Tuarae; Year 10 - Kit Alofa and Gabriel Sutton; Year
11 - Riley Bourne and Phoebe Wedge; Year 12 - Wairere
Ma’afu Roberts, Marion Lavea, Eikura Williams, Jamie Foster,
Matthew James, Michael James and Brosnan Ackerman; and
Year 13 student Nathan Kara. 2011 Albertian, Cameron
Cranston was also part of the team.
”War For What “ Choreographed by Nathan Kara. Dancers;
Marion Lavea and Kit Alofa
Photo Jennifer Qiu Year 13
Iona Schwalger,
teacher and Peter
Harrison from
Apix Photographic
Supplies, who came
in and offered
technical advice
and instructions to
all Year 12 and
13 classes for the
lighting system in the
new photographic
studio. Ruth Lever
took this portrait of
her instructors.
Ruth Lever, Megan Laxon, Christian Tiatia and Samantha Brake
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 13
E Block Stages 2 & 3 Open for Teaching &
Single Sex
Junior classes
At Mount Albert Grammar
School students have the best
of co-education AND single sex
Year 9 and 10 classes are single
sex and streamed according to
academic ability. This is because
at this age boys and girls have
quite different learning needs that
are best addressed in single sex
Bottom floor of E Block looking towards the student gallery, staff work
area, Art library resource room and design classroom.
New English classroom upstairs
Design room
Photo; Brosnan
Media room
In Year 11 the classes are generally
co-educational and in Years 12 and
13 all classes are co-educational.
This is a unique arrangement and
designed to get the best out of
both settings at the time when
it is most appropriate. Individual
departments modify content
and teaching styles to meet the
needs of the single sex classes.
The students, staff and parents
have all commented on the model
as ideal. It is the best of both
worlds. Recently a number of coeducational schools have visited
Mount Albert Grammar School in
order to gain information to assist
them in deciding about making the
change in their school.
The School is now moving onto its
next 3-5 year Development Plan.
The teaching and learning in the
junior school is a major focus as
the school continues to improve
and develop teacher pedagogy.
Years 9 and 10 students at Mount
Albert Grammar School will
continue to benefit from excellent
teaching in single sex classes in a
co-educational environment.
Large courtyard spaces and seating areas are a welcome change from the narrow fenced walkways while constructions was under way.
Just the final wing to be remodelled now! Scaffolding on Stage 3 has just been erected.
Bottom left photo; Brosnan Ackerman Year 12
Kawhia JPuna
In my opinion
classes are good
because boys
and girls have
different learning
styles. Research
shows girls
benefit from an
all girls environment at junior school.
It prevents one group dominating
the other and both groups can have
opportunities for leadership. Seeing
how well the Seniors interact means
I am looking forward to the mixed
classes in Years 11-13.
Holly Grbich
I like having
single sex
classes because
I feel more
knowing that I
don’t have to
worry about
what boys think. I find that having
single sex classes encourages everyone
to participate, therefore we all get the
best of our education. I look forward to
mixed classes at senior school, when
we are more confident.
Brianna King
I really
having single
sex classes
because I feel
that it makes
things so much
easier. I find
that being in single sex classes I am
not easily distracted and that everyone
seems to get along very well as we
know what it’s like coming from the
same gender. I have never been in a
single sex class before and coming
to MAGS and experiencing being
in a class with all girls have really
changed things, I feel that I am a lot
more confident in participating because
I’m not worried about what boys will
think. I also am keen to move into
the co-educational environment once I
commence Senior School.
Tuarae 9GIB
Being in a
sex class has
helped me
out a lot. At
school all of my
classes were coed. I’ve found
that being in a class with just boys has
helped me settle in a lot faster than
Intermediate and it’s given me better
grades because I can concentrate
and listen to the teacher better. I look
forward to Senior School when we
have the maturity for co educational
I enjoy being
in a boys only
it gives us
students the
to work with
kids that learn
equally and at the same pace. It’s great
being with just boys as we enjoy the
same things and feel relaxed around
each other. It is also a good way to
make lots of new friends, like how I
have so far this year. I think it’s a great
way for us to mature and prepare
for when we are seniors in co-ed
Liam Jordan
I find single sex
classes exciting
and enjoyable
because you
are learning
with boys that
are at the same
level as you academically, without
any social distractions. Also single
sex classes keep you on task and
ready to learn. It’s also an awesome
challenge in Physical Education. I am
looking forward to the co –ed class
opportunities in Senior school.
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 15
School Cross Country
Sports Round Up
The annual school cross country races were held on Tuesday 1 May (Girls) and Wednesday 2 May (Boys). This event was a
great success thanks to the great weather conditions. Congratulations to all students and staff who participated in this event.
Girls Results:
Junior First:
Jacqueline Hand Second: Ana Moi
Monique Kost
Boys Results: Junior Intermediate
Rebekah Van Dort
Nicole Lawrence
Elizabeth Lyon
Charles Dunn
Second: Max Thomson Third:
Milan Bonkovich Intermediate
James Stacey
Haylen West
Aaron Booth
Rachel Lund
Caitlin Donaldson
Hayley Becht
Matthew Battley
Matthew Vercoe-Curtis
Nicholas Bailey
AKSS Cross Country
The school was well
presented at this year’s event,
which was once again held
at Saint Kentigern College on
Tuesday 29 May. MAGS had
24 students competing in this
event. The course started in
good condition but became
very heavy under foot as the
day progressed. All students
represented the school with
Junior boys – Charles Dunn, Max
pride and ran very well. Thompson, Milan Bonkovich
The outstanding achievement
of the day came from Year
13 student Matthew Battley who
placed 9th in the Senior Boys’
race. Many of the students running
in this event also represented the
school at NZSS Cross Country that
was held over the same course on
June 16th.
There are 11 teams playing at all levels of the competition
this season. They are great MAGS ambassadors, being
enthusiastic and demonstrating good sportsmanship. Above
all they enjoy the game. We have ‘club night’ on Thursday
after school where you will see students peer coaching and
having fun.
Our Premier team has had a particularly good start to the
season winning all but one game that they narrowly lost to
the Auckland Grammar team.
Our number one player, Riga Oud has just returned from
an Under 19 International tournament where he won the
doubles. Congratulations to Riga. Also Vivian Washington
has been playing overseas in Australia at an International
Tournament. We are looking forward to competing in the
NZ Secondary Schools’ tournament this September in
Christchurch. Basketball
This season, several MAGS students were invited to the NZ
U16 and U17 Selection Camp. Geronimo Doyle and Reuben
Porter were selected for the U16 Boys’ Squad and Maia
Wilson for the U16 Girls’ Squad. They will be traveling to
the Australian State Championships in July. Keziah Lewis
was also selected for the NZ U18 Women’s Team.
Our nine school teams have started strongly with the Open
Boys’ team winning all their games to date and the Premier
girls’ only losing one game. Intermediate boys– James
Stacey and Aaron Booth
Junior Girls Ana Moi (2nd)
Jacqueline Hand (1st)
Monique Kost (3rd)
Michael Bias in Year 13 is currently ranked 2nd in the
Oceania area and 12th in the World for Junior Elite Men.
His goal is to represent NZ in the 2016 Rio Olympics. We
will watch with interest to see if he is successful.
Canoe Polo
NZSS Cross Country
Seven students represented the
school held on the St. Kentigern’s
course that was used for the
Auckland championships. This was
a great opportunity for our students,
being so close for us to travel to. The
fields were the biggest they have
been in a long time with the senior
boys having 226 runners.
Our results were – Jacqueline Hand
22nd in Year 9 Girls, Max Thomson
19th in Year 9 Boys, Elizabeth Lyon
48th in Junior Girls, James Stacey
114th in Junior Boys and Matthew
Battley 15th, Nick Bailey 158th and
Kieran Woods 204th in the Senior
For the second year in a row the Mount Albert Grammar
School Senior Canoe Polo Team got through to, and
competed in, the New Zealand Canoe Polo Schools’
National Championship, which was held over 3 days at the
Makino Aquatic Centre in Fielding (30 March –1 April). The
team under the expert coaching of Mr Andrew Candy and
captained by Marshall Norbitt (Year 11) bonded well and
acquitted themselves well against some very experienced
opposition. We only managed to achieve 7th in the Senior
Open Div. 2. The MAGS team of seven students never gave
up and fought valiantly in every game, winning the respect
of their peers.
Playing Wellington College. Joshua Bougen, Marshall Norbitt and
Jarrod Wilson
Tim Lund, Laurence Kerby, Sean Pearce and Guy Hirst
Olivia Morgan
Day, Sarah
Crowhurst and
Kate Wislang
The main focus
in Term 2 was
the Auckland
Schools’ time
trial series,
which has found
a new venue
around Airport
Oaks. There
have been two
events so far.
We have entered four teams in both events, two Senior
boys’, a Senior girls’ and a Junior boys’ team.
In the second event, three of the four teams improved their
times and their overall standings. The Senior girls’ team
knocked more than 4½ minutes off their time. Three riders in
that team of five are brand new to cycling and their progress
Matthew Battley, Keiran Woods (behind) Nick Bailey. At the start of the senior boys’ race at NZSS
Cross Country held at St. Kentigern’s.
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 17
S port
is really exciting. The Junior boys’ team also has many
new faces and they are improving really quickly as well.
The North Island Championships are on the 30th June and
1st July and we hope to have both individual and team
entries in that event.
grading rounds have been completed, with the draws for the
rest of the season due to soon be released. We have fielded
thirteen teams this year and thanks go out to all the Coaches
and Managers that are keeping these teams up and running.
Girls’ Hockey
Girls’ Football
Girls’ Football has started strongly with new Director
of Girls’ Football, Paul Marshall, overseeing all teams,
academy classes and coaching the 1st XI. The 1st XI had
several pre-season matches, including a game against the
NZU17 girls’ team. This was a special occasion for the
MAGS girls with the field in perfect condition and plenty
of support from parents and friends. The girls battled away
and, though they came away with a loss, they played well
and did themselves proud. The season has now been underway for five weeks and
MAGS is fielding a record seven girls’ teams this year. The
1st XI girls have come away with maximum points and only
conceded one goal. The 2nd XI, Jnr A and Jnr B teams have
also been unbeaten this season.
Girls’ Hockey has started strongly. The Premier team has a
considerably different line up from last year’s team, having
lost five Year 13 players. However, the team, while relatively
youthful, has a core of experienced players in their fourth
season together, with the addition of some very exciting new
talent, in particular Auckland U18 player Hannah Elia. This
team is led by Briar Tippett with the very able assistance
of Hannah Ward. They are on track to make the Intercity
B competition, no mean feat in what is arguably New
Zealand’s strongest secondary school competition.
The Girls’ 2nd XI has played 3 games, winning 2 of these,
drawing the 3rd, and conceding only 1 goal so far this year,
which is very satisfying for their new coach, Ms Sharne
Roberts. Grading games are almost over for the Under 15 teams
with one team performing especially well. We are fortunate
this year to have the assistance of Mrs Karen Blanchard
and experienced senior students Ruby Mansell and Scott
McPherson to coach these teams. As well, experienced
goalies from both the 1st Girls’ XI and the Boys’ teams are
providing specialised training. It is exhilarating to watch the
confident way that our younger players respond to good
Nicole Lawrence and Jade Parris (10) playing NZ U17 team
Boys’ Football
progress has
been made so
far this season
with the 1st XI,
U13 and U15
teams making
it into the
Knock Out Cup
Quarter Finals.
The 1st XI is
currently top of
the league and
Connor Stoton
1st XI Girls playing on the new turf at Diocesan
Boys’ Hockey
The 1st XI team have started the season off by winning all
their games so far and are on track to make the top Intercity
Competition. They are being coached this year by Black
Sticks, Arun Panchia and Old Boy Thomas Guy.
Daniel Panchia represented Auckland at the Under 21
Tournament and will be in the Under 18 side along with
Mitchell Bascombe. Jonathon Sinclair and Terry Gada are in
the Auckland Under 18 Development side.
The 2nd XI and Under 15 teams are very competitive in their
respective grades. The Under 15s have made it into the A
Division which we have not done for a long time.
Again, we have two girls’ teams competing in the local
competition. In our top side we have three NZ representatives,
Amelia Scharting, Briar Tippett and Olivia Hext. They
will travel to Melbourne to help overcome the Australian
Year 9 &
10 Netball
Year 10 Final V
Westlake Girls’
High School
Year 9 Final V
Westlake Girls’
High School
Once again
our teams
dominated this Jamie-Lee Price on defence
Tournament. It
shows the huge depth we have in our junior ranks. Stand out
performances during the day, in the Year 10 team, were from
Kayla Kiss in the shooting end and, in defence, Semira Van
der Made, Felicity TeAhuru-Kakahi and Taunten King. Ms
Natalie Absolum made numerous changes and this did not
stop their flow at any stage of the games.
The Year 9 team enjoyed the opportunity to bond as a group
and try different combinations. They were just as dominant.
Consistent performances from TeUranga Royal, in defence,
and Leilani Folau and Latisha
Isaako in attack were pleasing to
Opposition coaches and parents
came up after games to commend
the girls on their skills and
sportsmanship on the court.
Netball North Harbour
Tournament - Premier Girls.
This was our first hit out since the
College Netball match against
St Kentigern College. The team
was very excited, especially
with Nadia Loveday (NZ U21)
returning to the court for the first
time in nearly a year since a knee
injury last season.
It was a nervous start against
Baradene College with all players
making a few errors and tied 9-9
at half time. Captain Rebekah
Roache took charge, demanding discipline and control from
her team. With changes made MAGS pulled away to win
convincingly 24-15.
From then on MAGS grew with confidence and picked
up the intensity running every ball down on defence and
all shooters scoring from anywhere in the circle, beating
Rangitoto College 24-10 and St Cuthbert’s College 27–7.
In the final MAGS had to play Westlake Girls’ High School.
Meretini Fuimaono at Goal Attack took charge of the
attacking end with her accurate shooting and play making.
In the mid-court Rebekah Roache, Destiny Grace and Nadia
Loveday proved too fast and skilful for Westlake. Jamie-Lee
Price and Holly Fowler shut down the Westlake shooting
circle, taking intercepts and unsettling the shooters. Changes
were made at half time and Jamie Sowter, Alanis Toia and
Shekynah Clarke were brought on and MAGS continued to
dominate their opposition and won 28-11.
All players took the court in every game and the girls
deserved to feel pleased with their performances. This is a
good start to the season for the MAGS Premier Netball team.
We have been very successful in this sport over the four
months that it has been running.
Kieran Woods gained maximum points in the Zone Sprint
Series winning all races he competed in.
Matthew Battley was 2nd (Senior Boys) in the Sprint Series
Matthew Battley, Oliver Brooks and Kieran Woods won
the Teams’ Relay Event and are the AKSS Senior Boys’
Champions and MAGS were 3rd in the Top Schools’ Boys’
Kieran Woods placed 2nd in the AKSS Individual
Championships (Senior Boys).
MAGS have fielded 9 teams in this year’s competitions. The
1st XV have had a good start to their season with four wins,
Michael Kelly, Bradley Moyer, Adam Batt, Cameron Rutherford.
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 19
two losses and one draw. It is a long season and the team
knows there will be many tough games to come, with the 1A
competition being one of the strongest school competitions
in NZ. Junior rugby is also looking very promising for
the future of MAGS rugby with the U15 and U14 teams
recording some very high scoring wins in their respective
Rugby League
There were high expectations for MAGS Rugby League in
2012. Last year’s 2011 team set a precedent in winning the
Nigel Vagana Trophy for the first time. The expectation for
the 2012 team was high, as many of last year’s side had
returned as Year 13 students.
Pre-season fitness was done at the top (and on the sides) of
Mt Albert as early as February and many a kilogram was
lost in the hot sun.
As the college season is very short (all over at the end of
Term 2) it was important to ‘hit the ground running’ in the
first game against Kelston and, to their credit, the MAGS
boys came from a long way behind to draw with Kelston
18 all. Easy wins over Rutherford and Massey High School
allowed some complacency to set in before the St Pauls
game. MAGS underperformed against a very classy St Pauls
side who went on to win 28-8. The low point of the season
came the following week against Avondale College where
MAGS lost 20-10 at Avondale. The boys vowed to respond
and the following week thrashed Henderson High School
50-0 to finish the season in third place and a little frustrated
at that loss to Avondale. Nevertheless, the season finished
on a positive. The MAGS 1st XIII were lucky to have the services of league
legend Steve Price, who assisted with coaching (and water
boy duties), as well as having a massive off-field presence
through his mentoring program ‘Price’s Pathways”. Coach
Mr Jo Lundon steered the ship every week and deserves
his reputation as one of the best secondary school coaches
in Auckland. Former head boy of MAGS, Pete Ah Khoi,
assisted Jo and with his expertise they made a formidable
coaching team. The team was managed by Mr Rob Nikiel.
Chelsea Rees, a Year 10 student, is the Best Female Under
16 sailor in NZ. She gained this honour by being the 1st
placed girl and 12th overall at the 2012 Optimist Nationals
held in New Plymouth over the Easter break.
MAGS Softball team had very successful season culminating
in traveling to the National tournament in Lower Hutt where
they came an outstanding third place. To top this off NZ
Softball selected two MAGS boys Bradley Bennett and
Callum Elson for the NZ Development Team that is traveling
to Sydney in July.
Jacob Hafford will also travel overseas, going to Brisbane
and Sydney in September with an Under 17 side competing
at an International Softball Association Tournament.
All seven teams are off to a steady start with the Boys’
Premier team currently in the middle of their grade, Senior B
Boys and the Junior A Boys are in 2nd place, Junior A Boys
are currently in 7th place and Junior B Boys are in the top
half of the table in 4th place, Junior A Girls are currently
in 4th place and the Junior B Girls are not far behind – all
teams are enjoying the benefits of playing and training on
the upgraded courts and the help of Auckland Squash who
are providing Stuart Fraser for coaching.
Rima Williams in Year 12 will be representing NZ at the
Trans Tasman Tri Series to be held in Canberra, Wagga
Wagga and Melbourne in June. She was selected for the
NZ team after competing at the Olympic Trials held in
Auckland in March.
S port
Three students played for Counties Manukau at the NZ
Nationals and placed 1st in their respective grades. Kenzel
Fa’aofo and Devante Toparea (Under 15 Boys’) and Idaho
Purcel (Under 17 mixed).
Idaho was also chosen to
play in the New Zealand
Under 17 mixed side.
MAGS took part in the
Auckland Secondary
Schools’ Trampolining
on the North Shore in
Browns Bay on 8 June
2012. Year 13 student
Penny Bennett won the
Individual Elite Grade
and Kate Nicholson came
3rd in the Individual A
Grade. Maeghan Cotton,
Hannah Dabb and Kate
Nicholson were 1st in the
A Grade Teams Events. A fantastic result. winning one of four Outstanding Player of the Tournament
awards. The boys also finished 4th and being a young side we
can expect them to improve next year. Miranda has achieved
National honours this year, making the NZ Junior Women’s
side that competed in Adelaide at the U20 Australian State
Championships and the NZ Schoolgirls’ squad who will play
Australia in August.
Our Junior team has been playing in a Senior competition to
gain experience at a higher level. They finished a creditable
9th out of 16 and this will help in the development of the sport
at school.
Harness Racing
While working for a Harness Racing Trainer (Paul Nairn)
through the Gateway Programme, Jack McKinnon was asked
to travel to Melbourne with a horse, settle her in and continue
training her until the horse raced on Friday the 8th of June in the
Victorian Oaks, which is a premier racing event.
Amelia’s Ribbon
Penny Bennett wins Gold
There are six teams – Premier Boys and Girls, Senior Boys
and Girls and two Junior teams. We are very lucky to have
the expertise of previous and current NZ representatives as
our Coaches.
All teams competed at the Northern Regions Underwater
Hockey Tournament on 14-16 June.
Congratulations to Danyon Kemp and Matt Trevalyan for
being selected for the New Zealand Underwater Hockey
Under 19 team to compete in Australia in July 2012.
Rawhiti Williams holding the NZ placard
Rawhiti Williams, a Year 10 student, represented NZ in
Malaysia at the World Junior Teams ITF Asia/Oceania Final
Qualifying Event. He is currently the No. 1 seed in NZ for
the Under 14 age group.
Five of our students have been added to the 2012 Elite
Youth Academy. They are James Halley, Ethan Thompson,
Danielle Pone, Charlotte Pritchard and Ashi Ponini.
Caitlin Pritchard and France Bloomfield will represent NZ
in the Under 15 Girls’ team who will play in the Australian
National Youth Championships in NSW during September.
Shannon Leota, Gloria Murray-Fiu and Jamie-Lee Price
will represent NZ in the Under 17 Girls’ team at the same
Our two premier teams competed in their respective
National tournaments, the girls in Division 1 and the boys
in Division 2. The girls finished 4th with Miranda Chase
In May Amelia Eades competed in her first Special Olympics
Swimming Ribbon Day. The competition was held in Te
Awamutu with six different clubs from the Auckland region
competing. She impressed the crowd with her beautiful form
in the water and took away a first place in backstroke and
a second in breaststroke. She also pulled the relay team
from last place into third in their race. Her team, North
Harbour, awarded her the certificate for best swimmer of the
day. Ribbon days and regional games are prerequisites for
participation in the National games and the World games both
of which will be held in 2015.
Samoan Independence Day
On 1 June 2012 Samoans worldwide celebrated
50 years of independence. We gained
independence from New Zealand on 1 Jan
1962 and celebrate Independence Day each
year. Senior Samoan students from our school
participated in Auckland Girls Grammar School’s
Independence celebrations. The items, the plays,
and the guest speakers, Miss Samoa and the Auckland Blues players of Samoan
decent, contributed to the success of this notable milestone and helped promote
Samoan Language Week. It was a colourful and vibrant affair of singing, dancing,
workshops and speaking Samoan. The boys also wore their MAGS ie faitaga.
Lharyzza Va’ai, Jahkeisha Annandale, Claire Patolo, Charlotte Unasa, Seiafi Sapoli, Sariah
Clayton, Sitaya Maglo, Penelope Tonga, Cory Yandall, Solomon Falaniko, Mills Tonga, Tim
Smith, Keneti Ah Kuoi-Atmore (Head Boy), Tavita Tavita,Braydon Kulatea, Jaidyn Taimailetane
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 21
No 30
July 2012
Mount Albert Grammar School Celebrates 90 Years
This year is Mount Albert Grammar School’s 90th year
and a range of activities was organised by the Albertians
Association and the School, culminating in a Jubilee
weekend on the 8th and 9th of June.
Celebrations started on Friday the 8th of June with a large
mix and mingle for ex-students, teachers past and present
and other members of the extended Mount Albert Grammar
family. Guests were hosted by the Albertians Association and
by current pupils in the School Hall. More than 200 people
attended, including ex-students, former teachers, long-serving
staff and a number of distinguished ex-students including
ex-All Blacks, top sportsmen, academics, politicians and
business leaders. The function was very successful with much
good-natured socialising.
On Saturday the 8th of June the main event started with
photographs being taken of attendees grouped by the
decade that they attended Mount Albert Grammar. The first
photograph captured a spritely group of gentlemen who
left school in the 1930s! The most recent group consisted of
pupils who left in the 1990s. It was fantastic to see a 60-year
span of ex-students represented and the photographs will be
a wonderful addition to our historical records.
Next attendees were invited to tour the School and
the Farm. Senior students who performed their duties
admirably, guiding their visitors around a series of displays
and cultural performances led tour groups. The past students
were very impressed by how the School has changed, by
the displays and by the pride shown in the School by their
student guides.
At lunchtime, nearly 180 people sat down for a formal
Jubilee luncheon in the School Hall. The catering was
superb, the company was good and the speeches were
The day also included home games for the 1st XV, 1st XI
and the School’s Premier Netball team. Netball beat King’s
College by nearly 50 points, the 1st XI drew against Saint
Kentigern College and Mount Albert’s 1st XV lost to Saint
Kentigern College, but demonstrated guts and determination
against a larger and more experienced team. The day was
a great demonstration of the strength and diversity of Mount
Albert Grammar’s sports programme.
The two days of the Jubilee were the culmination of a larger
programme of activity organised by the Albertians and the
School. The main activities were:
The Albertians Association organising a past student
speaking programme in which prominent Albertians spoke
to School assemblies about what Mount Albert Grammar
meant to them. This activity received very good feedback
from students and staff.
The Albertians Association sponsored the Year 12 Business
Class entrepreneurship project by asking the students
to design and sell a range of Mount Albert Grammar
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 23
merchandise. The Albertians supported the students by
providing advice and the funds required to purchase
stock. The merchandise the class produced has been well
received and
is selling
and the
Office have
used the
Jubilee as an
to update
and expand our database of contact details. This will
allow us to contact more ex-students for future events.
Another high point of the celebration was the significant
donation made by the Burgess family to the Mount Albert
Grammar School Foundation. Benevolence of this nature
is a fantastic demonstration of people’s commitment to
support our School and Burgess family’s generosity is
very much appreciated.
The Jubilee has been a wonderful experience. It is
another step in bringing Mount Albert Grammar School’s
extended family together and as well as being a very
successful event in its own right has been a fantastic
learning experience because, in only another ten years,
we turn 100. The Albertians Association and the School
are already planning for this event and we hope that it
will be even better!
Ben Stallworthy
President, Albertians Association
Bruce Culpan (1944-1947)
Bruce has been a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of New
Zealand for 60 years.
William Good (2001-2005),
Mary-Grace Aballe (20022005)
William was Head Boy and Dux
in his final year at Mount Albert
Grammar School and is currently
working at Middlemore Hospital.
Mary-Grace was Head Girl in
her final year at Mount Albert
Grammar School and is currently
working at Waikato Hospital.
They recently graduated from
The University of Auckland with their Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB).
Andrew Austin (1998-2002)
Graduated in 2012 from The University of
Auckland with a Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering. He was a University
Doctoral Scholar and Bright
Future Top Achiever Doctoral
Celia Austin (2003-2007)
Graduated in 2012 from The
University of Auckland with
a Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
with First Class Honours in Art
Jeremy Austin (20012005)
Graduated 2010 from The
University of Auckland with a Bachelor of
TeRina Keenan (2005 -2007)
TeRina was competing with the Athletics team
at the Western Athletic Conference Champs (WAC) in Idaho
prior to her graduation and was due to fly in. At this meet in
Idaho she won the discus 54.60m for the third time, throwing a
personal best and came 2nd 15.18m in shot-put.
There was a slight mishap with the graduation plans though.
Their jet was grounded & delayed by bird strike in Seattle so
that consequently six of them missed the Undergraduate morning
ceremony. However, in a first-time departure from the usual custom, they
were allowed to
march & graduate
in the afternoon
ceremony with the
Masters & PhD
students, which was
also a bonus for her
family to see her
cross the stage.
TeRina is training
hard for the US
Regional Champs to
qualify for NCAA
champs, and will be back in NZ around June 15. She has
competed in Austin Texas at regional championships and
qualified for the NCAA championships, which took place
in Des Moine Idaho. She made the final and placed ninth.
When she returns she has a 14-day stay and will be preparing
to travel to Europe where she will compete in Germany,
France, Belgium, Wales and England with the NZ Athletics
Development team.
Gareth Williams-Spiers (2004-2008) is proving hard
to catch on the rugby field. He is the flying winger playing for
Suburbs and midway through June, having scored two tries in
the previous weekend game is leading the top try scorer table
with 13 tries for the season. His closest rivals have scored nine
tries. Williams-Spiers was recently named in the Auckland
ITM wider training squad along with fellow recent Albertians:
Dillan Halaholo (2007-2011), Gafatasi Su’a (20092011), Sean Brookman (20082010) and Albert Nikoro (20062010).
Arun Panchia (2002-2006) and
Thomas Guy (2005-2009) are the
Head Coach and Assistant Coach of
the 1st XI Boys’ Hockey team in 2012.
Panchia was a member of the winning
NZ Black Sticks team who recently
returned from Malaysia having won
the Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament for
the first time in the 21-year history of
the tournament. He has recently been named as the travelling
reserve in the Black Sticks team to travel to the Olympics later
in the year in London.
Visitors to the the Development Office
Ian Culpan (1964-1968) visited
in April to oversee student teachers
at the school. Ian is currently
Head of School in the College
of Education faculty (School of
Sciences and Physical Education) at
the University of Canterbury.
Colin Mathura-Jeffree (Waite)
(1986-1990) visited Mount
Albert Grammar School on 26
April 2012. Colin was a prefect in
his final year in 1990. Colin has
modelled for many years overseas
and is currently hosting TV shows in
New Zealand.
Erica Tumata (2000-2004)
visited Mount Albert Grammar
School on 1 May 2012. Erica is
currently studying for her primary
teaching degree in primary
school teaching and graduates in
October/November 2012.
Frank Chapman (1972-1976)
visited Mount Albert Grammar
School earlier in the year.
TERM 2.2012
Quarterly 25
Mike Blamires (1951-1956) (Staff
1961-1966, 1968-1970) visited
Mount Albert Grammar School on 30
May 2012. Mike came and spoke at a
School Assembly prior to our 90th Jubilee
celebrations as part of our Albertian
speaker series. He was a past student
and also a staff member.
Sammy Ho, (2003-2007) Graduated
from Mount Albert Grammar in 2007,
prefect, service to the school award, 1st
in graphics, graphics scholarship, design
input for main quadrangle. 2009- Student
exchange programme for one semester at
Kingston University (London).
2010- Graduated with a BAS, Bachelor
of Architectural Studies 2011- Working
Holiday at Panorama Mountain (Canada)
At present, he is in his last (5th) year of the
MARCH programme (Masters of Architecture (Professional))
at The University of Auckland. Sammy also works part-time at
Bossley Architects as an architectural assistant.
ANZAC Assembly
The school’s annual Anzac Assembly was held on Monday
23 April. It was attended by year 9 and year 13 students
and a large number of Albertians.
The guest speaker
was student Claire
McCracken whose
great uncle Albertian
Aubin Karl Lempriere
(1932-1934), died from
wounds he sustained
in his first battle during
World War II on 21
November 1941, aged
The Assembly was
followed by an ANZAC
luncheon held at School Claire McCracken
House for the Old, Old
Boys which was well patronised.
Students in the Air Training Corps once again provided the guard
of honour.
Term 3 Commences
Winter Sports Photographs – Gym 2
18Wednesday 1st XI Girls’ Football vs Avondale College, at MAGS at 4.00pm
PPC Committee at 5.30pm
1st XI Boys’ Football vs Rangitoto College, at MAGS at 12.00pm
1st XV Rugby vs Auckland Grammar, at AGS at 2.30pm
Colin Thode and son, Scott Thode.
Jack Beresford
Maori Language Week
Staff Meeting at 3.30 pm in the Murray Nairn Library
Parent Teacher Interviews – 4.00pm - 7.00pm
BOT Meeting
and Stan
in School
1st XI Girls’ Football vs Rangitoto College at Rangitoto College at 4.00pm
Parent Teacher Interviews - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
1st XI Boys’ Football vs Sacred Heart College, at Sacred Heart at 12.00pm
Year 9 Information Evening - Balmoral Intermediate – in the F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
Year 9 Information Evening - Kowhai Int., Pasadena Int. and Wesley Int F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
Year 9 Information Evening - Ponsonby Int. and Glen Eden Int. F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
Pasifika Parents’ Pathways Evening – in the F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
1st XI Boys’ Football vs Auckland Grammar School, at MAGS at 12.00pm
1st XV Rugby vs Kelston Boys’ High School, at Kelston Boys at 2.30pm
On Wednesday 25 April our
Head Boy Keneti Ah Kuoi-Atmore
and Head Girl Hayley Becht were
joined by fellow school prefects
and staff members at the Anzac
service held at the Mount Albert
War Memorial Hall and placed
a wreath on behalf of Mount
Albert Grammar School. Mr
Brian Murphy, school Archivist
and honorary Albertian, laid the
wreath on behalf of the Albertians
Keneti Ah Kuoi-Atmore and Hayley
Ben Stallworthy
Maelen Tagelagi
Chris Long
John Sumner
David Griffin
Dale Griffiths
Brett Kingstone
Greg Moyle
Brian Murphy
Michael Riley
Greg Taylor
Dale Burden
1st XV Rugby vs Onehunga High School, at MAGS at 2.30pm
ANZAC Service
Maori Parents Pathways Evening in the F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
PPC Committee at 5.30pm and MAGS Parents at 7.30pm – in the Staffroom
1st XI Boys’ Football vs Kelston Boys’ High School, at MAGS at 12.00pm
“Arts Alive” Week
Cultural Concert - at the Centennial Theatre at 7.00pm
NCEA Luncheon of Excellence
“Junior Bytes” - at the Centennial Theatre at 7.00pm
“Arts Alive” Concert of Excellence- at the Centennial Theatre at 7.00pm
1st XI Boys’ Football vs Westlake Boys’ High School, at MAGS at 12.00pm
Pathways Evening – Years 10 -12 in the F.W. Gamble Hall at 7.00pm
BOT Meeting
“Stand Up / Stand Out” Finals
1st XI Boys’ Football vs St Kentigern College, at St Kentigern at 12.00pm
Auckland University Course Planning
Tournament Week
Staff Only Day
Staff Meeting at 3.30pm in the Murray Nairn Library
PPC Committee / MAGS Parents at 7.30pm - in the Staffroom
Albertians Association Meeting
Cultural & Arts Photographs
BOT Meeting
At the time of going to print, College Sport had not released all draws for Term 3 Sport.
Please refer to our website and note on calendar all sporting events.
Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025 Tel: 64 9 846 2044 Fax: 64 9 846 2042 Email:
w w w. m a g s . s c h o o l . n z
Applications Close:
Wednesday 5th September 2012
Ballot Date:
Wednesday 12th September 2012
Last date for notification to parents:
Friday 21st September 2012
Last date for parents to accept offer of placement:
Friday 19th October 2012
We would appreciate receiving all In-zone
Enrolments as soon as possible
Tuesday 29th January
Year 9 only
Wednesday 30th January Full school in
Friday 19th April
End of Term1
Monday 6th May
Term 2 begins
Friday 12th July
End of Term 2
Monday 29th July Term 3 begins
Friday 27th September
End of Term 3
Monday 14th October
Term 4 begins
Friday 6th December
Junior Prizegiving
Monday 9th December
Staff Only Day
Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025 Tel: 64 9 846 2044 Fax: 64 9 846 2042 Email:
w w w. m a g s . s c h o o l . n z