8:00am - Our Lady of the Lakes
OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Easter Sunday March 31, 2013 Sacramental Schedules Sunday Masses 5:00PM Vigil (English) 8:00AM (Español) 9:30AM (English) 11:00AM (English) 12:45PM (Español) 5:30PM (English) 7:00PM (Español) Daily Mass Monday - Friday Monday - Saturday 7:00AM (Español) 8:30AM (English) Confessions Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM Baptisms Weddings Sunday 2:30PM All Months except July Arrange 6 weeks prior Arrange 9 - 12 months prior CLERGY & Staff General Information Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday 8:30AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 3:30PM Sunday 8:30AM - 2:00PM Rev. José Alvarez Rev. Peter Lambert Administrator Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Roger Currier Rev. Mr. Carlos Ramírez Rev. Mr. Al Mindel Rev. Mr. Pablo Fernández Rev. Mr. Fredy Yara Deacons Mrs. Josefina Vázquez & Mrs. Rosa Diaz Religious Education Directress (Ext. 625) & Religious Education Assistant (Ext. 628) Mrs. Marlene Arca -Del Pozo Office Manager & Weddings (Ext. 637) Sr. Patricia Munch, RSCJ Gift Shop Hours Funerals & Ministry to the Sick and Aged (Ext. 626) Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday & Sunday Half Hour before & after each Mass Sr. Helene Kloss, OP Mr. David Shannon & Mr. John Prats Religious Education Classes Wednesday 4:15PM - 5:45PM & 7:00PM - 8:30PM Saturday 9:00AM - 10:30AM Music Ministry Directors (Ext. 618 & 619) Mrs. Elsa Reus Development (Ext. 616) Mr. Christopher Vail Bookkeeper (Ext. 615) Mrs. Rosa Gangi & Mrs. Fay Stephens Gift Shop Managers (Ext. 671) Our Lady of the Lakes Church wishes you and your loved ones a very joyful Easter! May the Risen Lord grant you blessings and new life! ¡La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Lagos le desea a usted y sus seres queridos una feliz Pascua! ¡Que Cristo Resucitado les bendiga y de nueva vida! Notes & Thoughts!! Congratulations! to the following Elect who received their Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Saturday, March 29, 2013 Yerix Barroso Alexandria Nicole Chavez Julissa Marie Cuello Stefan Finke Melvin Gomez Bryant D’Angelo Hernandez Rubissel Martinez-Cruz Junior Juniel Perez Margaret Perez Ashley Pineda Bryan Pineda Lea Ann Smith Graham Terence Spenceley Joshua Mateo Suarez Anthony Nuñez Tatiana Nuñez Alexis Perez Keylie Vargas Camila Fernanda Versage The Seven Sacraments Jesus gave the Church the Seven Sacraments. The Sacraments are the main liturgical signs of the Church. They make the Paschal Mystery of Jesus, who is always the main celebrant of each Sacrament, present to us. They make us sharers in the saving work of Christ and in the life of the Holy Trinity. Los Siete Sacramentos Jesús le dio a la iglesia los Siete Sacramentos. Los sacramentos son los signos litúrgicos mas importantes de la iglesia. Hacen que esté presente entre nosotros el Misterio Pascual de Jesús, quien es el principal celebrante de cada sacramento. Nos hacen participes de la obra de salvación Cristo y de la vida de la Santísima Trinidad. Upcoming Events!! At Our Lady of the Lakes Church Divine Mercy Sunday Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Holy Hour & Chaplet of the Divine Mercy! ¡Hora Santa & Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia! Sunday, April 7 @ 2:00PM Domingo, 7 de abril @ 2:00PM En la Iglesia In the Church PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASSES Clases pre-Bautismal en español Domingo, 7 de abril a las 8:00am en el salon parroquial Domingo, 5 de mayo a las 8:00am en el salon parroquial Pre-Baptismal Classes in English Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall For more information, please contact: Josefina Vazquez (ext. 625) or Jvazquez@ollnet.com Rosa Diaz (ext. 628) or rdiaz@ollnet.com The Women’s Club Invites You... To attend their traditional Book Review, Luncheon and Chinese Auction “This Time Together”, Autobiography by Carol Burnett Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the Don Shula’s Hotel Tickets can be purchased at the Gift Shop, or call Yolanda Acevedo at (305) 775-8885, or Fay Mari Stephens at (954) 258-9118 Tickets must be purchased in advance. Lend-a-Hand Spring Social Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church & School request the pleasure of your company at our Fifteenth Annual “Lend-a-Hand Spring Social” to benefit our school’s “ Lend -a-Hand” Scholarship program Saturday, April 20th, 2013 at The Alexander Hotel Miami Beach 5225 Collins Avenue 7:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction 8:00 p.m. Dinner & Dancing to the sounds of: D.J. Willymix Cocktail Attire: Ladies, short cocktail dresses Men, guayaberas or sport jackets Guardians of “Lend-a-Hand” cost $95.00 per person Angels of “Lend-a-Hand” Sponsorship- $2,500.00 per table of ten persons (Preferred seating around the dance floor, special Thank you Gift & Full page AD in program Limited seating, please reserve as soon as possible. For reservations or information, please call: Mrs. Elsa Reus at 305-558-2202 ext. 616 or email at ereus@ollnet.com. For room reservations, please call the hotel at 305-341-6500 Lend-a-Hand Spring Social Our Lady of the Lakes School & Church “15th Annual Spring Social” Wish List We would like to ask the families of our School and Church to help us get donations of items listed below for our Annual Social Silent Auction Empty Straw Baskets (medium & large) Gift Certificates to Restaurants* *Minimum Value $25.00 Bottles of Wine, Champagne, etc… Sports Memorabilia Tickets to Sporting Events Candles iPad/Electronics Perfumes TVs Jewelry Spa Certificates Tutoring Lessons Beauty Salon Certificates Electronic Games Sunglasses Music Lesson Dry Cleaners Certificates Electronic Games Theater Tickets Movie tickets Cigars Dance Lessons Tutoring Lessons Please bring any donated items to the Church Office before April 1st. For additional information contact Elsa Reus at (305) 558-2202 ext. 616. Thank you for your support of the “Lend-a-Hand” Scholarship Program, at our School. Ministries of our lady of the lakes Ministerios de nuestra seÑora de los lagos M.O.M.S. Meets every 1st Wednesday of the month in the Women’s Club Art room, at 7:30pm. Meets on every 4th Thursday of the month, in the Parish Hall at 7:30 pm Men’s Emmaus / Hombres de Emaus Women’s Emmaus/ Emaus para Mujeres English meets Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center Coordinator: Richard Fuentes 954-589-8563 Español se reunen los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el Centro Parroquial Contacte: Homero Cruz 305-450-9311 English meets Thursdays at 7:30 PM in the school, room #216. Contact: Odalys Ismail -305-926-6778 Español se reunen los Jueves a las 7:30 PM en el salon # 216 Contacto: Zaidis Enriquez - 305-297- 4271 Cursillos de Cristiandad Respect Life Ministry Nos reunimos todos los viernes a las 8:pm en el salon parroquial. Para mas información vea nuestra página de internet http://cursillos.org) o contacte Luis Verdecia: 954-338-8916 o 954-432-4381 Email: cursillosoll@yahoo.com Meets the 2nd Friday of every month. Contact: Mary Tate at 954-499-7624 Know someone who is pregnant and needs help? Call Respect Life Center at 786 - 452 - 0266 Suffering from post-abortion problems? Call Project Rachel at 954-981-2922 English Bible Study Participa Del Grupo Bíblico Parroquial Join us in studying the Epistle of St. James on Tues. @ 7:30 pm or Weds. @ 9:00 am. Contact: Susan O’Neill at 305-490-5992 “Estudia la Palabra y forma comunidad” La Legion de Maria Reuniones Viernes a las 7:30pm en el salón de arte de la escuela Fuente del Espíritu Santo Reuniones: Lunes 7:pm En el Salón Parroquial Rosario: Domingos 6:30pm En la Capilla Informes: Idelsi Arias- 305-822 8745 Únete a nosotros en el Grupo de Oración: Reuniones: miércoles a las 7:30pm en la capilla y en el salón parroquial Contacte: Patricia Rinehart al-305-621-1044 Life Teen & Edge Pastoral Care Team Sunday nights right after the 5:30 PM Life Teen Mass As members of the Pastoral Care Team, we want to ensure that members of our parish who are ill and/or dying receive the spiritual, physical, social and emotional support they need. Members of our team are ready and willing to visit, pray with and bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are ill/homebound/or dying. If someone you know could use the services of our Care Team, please call Sr. Pat at : 305-558-2202 ext. 626 LIFE TEEN is a model of youth ministry for senior high teens, leading them closer to Christ. Mariano Rodriguez (mrodriguez@rtc-cpa.com) The EDGE is a youth ministry for grades 6 - 8. Arleem Fernandez (arleem44@aol.com) “Unbreakable” Weekly Couples Meetings Matrimonios en Amor y Fe Dating, Engaged or Married Couples Meets Thursday at 7:30pm at the OLL School Library Contact: Lou & Madie Mendez 305-829-2073 Website: www.unbreakable412.com Facebook—Search for: Unbreakable412 at Our Lady of the Lakes Te invitamos a participar de nuestras reuniones mensuales todos los ultimos Lunes de cada mes, en el salon parroquial a las 7:45pm. Para mas informacion favor de llamar: Antonio y Cecilia Peralta 305-772-1361, 786-704-7845. Linea de Oracion The St. Vincent de Paul Society Permítenos orar por ti Meets on every 3rd Thursday of the month, at 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall (Center) Visit us when you can or call 305-823-0549 Llame al teléfono 786-424-1016. Un grupo de personas orarán por tus necesidades a nuestro Dios. Pray for the sick Week of March 31, 2013 Sunday Vigil Sunday Español Español Español Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 5:00pm Holy Saturday 8:00am + Nadia Mourra + Pablo & Gregoria Rustan 9:30 am + Dr. Raul Vila, Sr. Members of Charles Chiarelli Family 11:00 am + Carmel Ann Rendenna + Eleanor Randazzo 12: 45pm + Armando de Motaño + Itala Cupido 5:30pm Rodriguez-Fritz Family + William Zambrano, Sr. 7:00pm + Yolanda Bobadilla de Vasquez + Elio Medina, Jr. 7:00am + Aida & Mario Rodriguez + Mercedes Fuentes 8:30am + Antonia Deveras + Louis & Helen Offor 7:00am + Lidia & Victor Cordero + Quirubico & Melina Trinidad 8:30am + Frank Bucchino + William Zambrano, Sr. 7:00am + Guillermo Barreto + Suzanne McGlynn 8:30am Maria Cerna Benjamin Hernandez Eloisa Perez de Lara 7:00am Esther Diaz-Granadoa 8:30am + Luz D. Doucette + William Zambrano, Sr. 7:00 am + Jonathan Perez Los Enfermos de la Parroquia + Joseph Arya 8:30am + Perfecto Hallon 8:30am + Carlota Cerna + Angel Espinoza Week of April 7, 2013 Sunday Vigil Sunday 5:00pm + Aquiles San Juan + William Zambrano, Sr. 8:00 am + Encarnacion alvarez + Vicente Peñuela 9:30 am + Edwin Stracke + Michael Santana 11:00 am + Antoine Saliba + Livia Saliba 12:45 pm + Victoria Velez + Venecia Aleman 5:30 pm + Dr. Raul Vila, Sr. + Maria Isabel Cardenas 7:00pm + Elia Garcia + Rosario Castellanos Ben Aguirre Sophia Alberto Roberto Alonso Orlando Aguayo Yolanda Andreu Virginia Antezana Tona Barillas Catherine Bongiorno Anthony Coscia Patricia Crane Dora Del Pozo George Dyer Raquel Edwards Sonia Fazekas Marianne Farrey Mercedes Fernandez Maureen & Bertha Futch Mona Galiounghi Blanca Garcia Pura Gil Ana and Juan Gonzalez Duke Hernandez John Hernandez Ed Kearns Fedra and Nicola Lanci Carmen Larrua Diane Leahy Antonio & Antonia Leon Charles Metzcus José Mella Ileana Merino Rev. James P. Murphy Anne Nash Reinaldo Olivencia Ray Orsini Miriam Pacheco Kamil Pharaony Jose Piñeiro Rafael and Ana Pol Shirley Porter Manuela Puentes Scott Roach Maria Rodriguez Eugenio Rubio Virginia Rusch Gene Scurio, Jr. Marta Tobar Nereyda Urbano Nury Vazquez Marie Wallace Bryan Wiedmeier Caridad Zambrano Pray for the Dead . Readings of the Week 3/24 Weekly Offering Mass Time Attendance Offertory 5:00 pm Vigil 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Information 12:45pm Unavailable 5:30pm 7:00pm Mail/Credit Card Total Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Our Lady of the Lakes Announces Easy Giving Options Using your credit card for giving can save time and make your giving both automatic and Even more convenient. I authorize Our Lady of the Lakes to charge my credit card account each month the amount shown. This authorization will remain in effect until I give written notice to cancel it. Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ______/_______/______ Please Charge $___________ per month to my _____Visa _____M/C ____Discover ____ Amex Name on Card: _________________________________________________________________________ Date for Withdrawal : ________15th _______ 30th Card # ___________\________________\_______________ Expiration Date:_____/______/______ Home Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers:___________\_____________________\___________________ Bulletin Requests If you would like to publish an announcement in our parish bulletin, please send the information to bulletin@ollnet.com as a Microsoft Word document in black & w6hite font. Requests must, at the latest, be submitted 8 days prior to the bulletin’s publication date. Please realize that failure to abide by this deadline will result in an inability to accommodate your request. All requests are subject to approval by Father Alvarez. Solicitud para el boletín Si desea publicar un anuncio en nuestro boletín de la parroquia, por favor envíe la información a bulletin@ollnet.com como un documento de Microsoft Word en letra en blanco y negro. Las solicitudes deberán, a más tardar, ser enviadas 8 días antes de la fecha de publicación del boletín. Tenga en cuenta que no cumplir con este plazo dará lugar a la incapacidad de atender su solicitud. Todas las solicitudes están sujetas a la aprobación del Padre Alvarez. OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC SCHOOL 6600 Miami Lakeway North Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 362-5315 (Office) (305) 362-4573 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Mr. Ricardo Briz Principal One Week in the Life of OLL Students! April 1-5 No School - Easter Vacation When the Lord Calls, OLL Students Listen As a child, Jeremiah was called by the Lord to a prophetic ministry. The boy resisted His calling at first, citing that he wouldn't know how to speak at such a young age. But God responded by telling him, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jer 1:5). For young people in this century, it's hard to imagine that God is calling them to anything, just as Jeremiah was. But as hundreds of sixth-graders here in the archdiocese learned last month, their vocational calling is something that God already is beginning to etch upon their hearts right now. For the third year in a row, OLL students participated in the annual Focus 11 Vocation Rally organized by Fr. David Zirilly, Vocations Director of the Archdiocese of Miami. This event was held at St. Agatha Catholic Church and School where our students had the opportunity to meet Archbishop Thomas Wenski and participate in different panels formed by priests and religious sisters of the archdiocese. It was an opportunity for our Sixth Grade students to reflect on what their calling in life may be. OLL students were joined by ten other Archdiocesan schools. The day ended with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. For more information about our school, you may visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheLakesCatholicSchool Kravitz 1975 - 2008 Ray & Mariana Orsini D E N T A L Dentistry With A Woman’s Touch Emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry In as little as 1-2 visits — painlessly you can be transformed!! VISTA 305-558-5210 MEMORIAL GARDENS & FUNERAL HOME Join Our PRE-NEED Program For More Information Call (305) 821-1421 14200 N.W. 57th Ave., Miami Lakes, Fla. 33014 In Business Since 1975 Principal Realty, Inc. Parishioners since 1968 1. Laminates, Veneers Luminaires 2. Teeth Whitening - Zoom 3. Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns 4. 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DENTAL IMPLANTS • REGENERATIVE THERAPY Espejo Orthodontics MIAMI LAKES PERIODONTAL ASSOCIATES Your smile is our reflection 7735 N.W. 146 STREET, SUITE 104 MIAMI LAKES, FLORIDA 33016 (305) 556-7010 (305) 556-7810 FAX (305) 231-3984 E-MAIL DRPERIO@BELLSOUTH.NET Tel: 305-822-4339 16430 NW 59th Ave. Ste. 300 Miami Lakes, FL 33014 514133 Our Lady of the Lake Church (B) www.jspaluch.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. 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Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Ray Orsini Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Microsoft & Security + Certified ray@orsiniit.com http://www.orsiniit.com 305-389-2182 OLL Alumni Termite & Roof Inspections Within 24 Hours • Lic. & Ins. • Drywood & Subterranean Termite Control • Preconstruction Soil Treatment • Pest Control Services • Lawn Spraying • Radio Dispatched • Se Habla Español Hector & Lorely Rivera, Parishioners Broward: 954-779-1535 N. Dade: 305-828-2999 2215 West 78th Street, HLH AUTO INSURANCE IT PAYS TO COMPARE 800.929.0259 / guybrickman.com WHY IS IT? Brickman Ins. & Fin. Services, Inc. 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