Scrumpy `n` Western


Scrumpy `n` Western
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
State of Undress
Photo by Mike Lang
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Keeping music LIVE
South Parade, W. S. M
North Somerset
01934 621815
7th - ‘Live T B C’
13th - ‘THE BOHEMIANS’ The UK’s Top QUEEN Tribute
Band - a not to be missed night!!! Tickets - £6.00*
14th - ‘WHITE LABEL’ - very popular local band free
20th - ‘REOFFENDER’ - top local band - £2.00
21st - ‘TROUBLE & STRIFE’ - popular covers band free
27th - ‘OFF THE RECORD’ - great sound £2.00
28th - The country’s top IRON MAIDEN tribute band
‘MAIDEN IN ENGLAND’ Tickets - £4.00*
*Tickets can be bought from behind the Bar or on the night
Buying before the event strongly recommended
Dorset band ‘State of Undress’ release
their new live CD ‘Caught in the Act!’ on
Monday 9th June. This 13 track, recorded
live at Centre Stage, Bournemouth in
March, really aims to capture the spirit and
energy of this distinctive and highly original
band. With songs ranging from the powerful and poignant such as Beyond Repair
and Invisible to gig favourites Until Today
and Jump To It, Caught in the Act! Shows
the range and versatility of the band.
The CD (Catalogue no : SOU004) will be
available from all major record stores and
on-line retail outlets such as Amazon and or direct from ‘State of Undress’
at gigs or through their website at -
IRISH MUSIC on tour is delighted to announce the return visit to Salisbury of
‘Eleanor McEvoy’ appearing at The Red
Lion Hotel, Milford Street, Salisbury June
3rd at 7.30 pm - Tickets £10.00 for more
info / Tickets phone - 01722 413236
From Friday 25th and Saturday 26th July
at Lodmoor Park, Weymouth Dorset with
acts already booked - ‘Show of Hands’,
‘Lou Rhodes’, ‘3 Daft Monkeys’, ‘State of
Undress’, ‘Megson’, ‘Kerfuffle’ plus more
tbc . For more info go to -
For Country ‘n’ Western fans ‘J C King’ a
solo C & W artist will be appearing on June
21st at The Westside Community AssociaA full review of ‘Caught in the Act!’ Will
tion, paddock Road, South Ham, Basingappear in the next issue of Scrumpy ‘n’
stoke tickets £5.00 phone 01256 462305
Western. You can catch ‘State of Undress’
for further information.
talking about the new CD and playing
tracks from it on Xan Phillips Original
Showcase on Original 106fm on Sunday
8th June between 6 and 9.00 pm.
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Throughout the week and
Weekends - with-in walking
Distance of the town centre
Since the Scrumpy ‘n’ Western first appeared as the Scrumpy ‘n’ Weston in
March ‘04 then expanding to further areas
so we did a slight change and became the
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western in December ‘04.
The Scrumpy has since it began tried various ideas and up dates, some have
worked others failed. We have continued
to work to improve how we promote and
support Live Music and all involved in the
industry with the main push on local bands
and musicians, rather than the main
stream that is supported by national magazines and media. In it’s present form the
magazine is turning up all over the UK as
people find a copy, this has widened the
readership and the e-mail traffic from all
over has increased. Because we are first
and foremost a printed publication, we
have concentrated over the past 4 years
on improving on the outlets were the mag
can be picked up or read in venues. We
have tried various working agreements
with other web sites, which has given a
basic profile of the magazine, but if you are
already a regular reader you will know
these things anyway!! The problem we had
was space and cost and the fact we are
now getting gigs and other items outside
our distribution area. So the next move was
to start looking for a title that would cover
the whole country, start a web site (since
we did not have the S ‘n’ W web name) and
create a new web site working with the
printed monthly publication.
Confused don’t be just go to -
Where you can read the Scrumpy ‘n’ Western each month plus we have added another 4 pages to the S n W on line. Also we will
be adding to the site info & more photo’s,
we know it won’t happen over night but we
have made a start.
Keep music live
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
The local radio station ‘Forest FM’ are
running a rather good idea called Breakthrough and is aimed at supporting and
promoting local music and musicians
across their broadcast area and beyond
(an area bounded by Swanage, Blandford,
Salisbury, Southampton, Bournemouth
and Poole). It’s not for profit, it’s because
they really do want to support great local
live music, with invited applications from
bands and artists ( provided they’re not
already signed to a major record label) and
each month, one band receives the
‘Forest FM’
Breakthrough accolade.
They get : - Daily air play for a month on
‘Forest FM’ - 92.3 ( and on the web at ) - A live session on air Interviews on air - Publicity and promotion
- A headline gig - which Forest FM also
record for future broadcast.
The station have had some 50 bands apply so far - and are always looking for more
- as long as they are either based in the
area noted above or regularly gig there.
The winners for May 2008 Breakthrough
award are the Bournemouth/Southampton
based band ‘Crystal Arcade’ who featured
all through May with the listed benefits.
‘Crystal Arcade, are a four piece indie rock
band and have been making a real impact
on the local scene. Comprising Ross
Rolph on keyboards, rhythm guitar and
lead vocals, Mike Rolph on bass and
backing vocals, Daniel Ratcliff on lead
guitar and Matt Skeats on drums / percus-
Issue 3 Vol. 5
sion and backing vocals. ‘Crystal Arcade’
have had a great start to 2008 having supported chart acts ‘Palladium’ and
‘Alphabeat’ as well as getting to the semifinals of the Dorset Unsigned Music
Awards. They’ve been gigging heavily and
playing to packed venues, with some London gigs thrown in for good measure as
well. Their latest single ‘All Things She
Said’ was released in May during their
Breakthrough tenure, which has been well
received. You can catch a range of the
bands tracks and more information at -
For more info on Forest FM and their brilliant idea BREAKTHROUGH then contact
Alan Dorey on 01425 483105 or 07885 622876
E-mail -
Post - ‘Breakthrough’ Forest FM
Unit 2 Enterprise Park,
Verwood, Dorset BH31 6YS
EDITORS note This is a really good idea to
help promote live music, let’s hope other
Radio stations take up this idea.
Mike Lang Photographer
Tel : 07889 815860
: 01278 792784
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
BERKSHIRE 0118 560009
A new recording studio/rehearsal room has
recently opened at the new basement
complex at The Exeter Phoenix. ‘Sound
Gallery’ is a music development/social enterprise with many years of experience
engaging and inspiring young people
through the creative process of making
music. Sound Gallery Studios will provide
access to a wide range of music production
and music education services, as well as
high quality resources, equipment and expertise. Whether you are an accomplished
musician, or starting out on a career in
music or if you just want to make a beautiful noise they will be glad to help you. For
more info go to -
The Basingstoke Rock ‘n’ Roll Club have
recently put a new web site on line -
Mini Beer Festival & Barbeque Saturday
21st and Sunday 22nd at The Red Admiral,
Alexandra Parade, Weston-Super-Mare,
North Somerset . This will be The Red
Admirals second midsummer extravaganza held in the courtyard, with the excellent
‘Fallen Apples’ and guests plus other musicians. Any local musicians welcome to
perform, please phone or call in for further
information - 01934 623395
There will be a charity concert with “Billy
in the Lowground” on Thursday 19th June
@Mr Wolfs, St. Stephens Street, Bristol in
aid of the Rainbow Centre.
* SUNDAYS ‘Acoustic Open Mic’
* Recording / Rehearsal Room
To Hire -
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Plus Student Nights * Promotion Nights
JUNE 20th - ‘MY FAVOURITE PORNSTAR’ + supports
Guest stars ‘DATA.SELECT.PARTY’ + 2 supports
01934 627179
This summer sees the return of Brighton
based four piece ‘Two Choices’ to Devon
and Cornwall, after two extremely successful summer tours in those parts they’re
back to tour once more. Together since
they were 14, the band have played at over
200 venues through out the UK and Europe. When asked why the South West?
Singer Ash replied: “ We all think that
there’s something in the water down there,
the people just seem to love live music!
Some places you play people can be quite
pretentious, they just sit there waiting to be
entertained. But down in the South West
people are up on their feet having a good
time from the first song to the last! ”
‘Two Choices’ hit the limelight in the summer of 2006 when they were asked to
support rock legends ‘The Who’ in their
home town of Brighton and since then they
have recorded and internationally released
their debut album ‘Longest Journey’, available on iTunes . ‘Two Choices’ will be
playing a host of dates across the counties
of Devon & Cornwall this July, be sure not
to miss out! They are Ash - vocals, Tom on
guitar, Tim on bass and Boyce playing
drums, they really do work well together
producing an impressive sound, you can
hear their music at -
“ Having listened to their tracks on the site,
I am very impressed, if they sound this
good live then I can see why they are so
popular, “ Two Choices” they will rock you!”
- Editor S n W
“ One of the best young bands I’ve seen,
sure to make the big time”
- Roger Daltrey ‘The Who’
“ Brighton has some top bands, “Two
Choices” are definitely one to watch”
- Playmusic Magazine
For tour dates and other gig information or
to book the band e-mail -
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
We will only from February 2008 list the Gigs
and Open Mic nights each month that we
receive and these must be submitted by email - each month. This still remains a FREE
listing service -
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Keynote Studios
and Mastering + Special price for
Solo artists + Location / Live
+ C D DUPLICATION - any size run
Wednesday 4th
Hugh Turner Band @Sahara Bar, Gun St, Reading
Johnny Arrow + @Bar Four, Friar St, Reading
Thursday 5th
Burning Down Vegas @The Monument,Newbury
Freakjam Band @The Rising Sun, Slough
Friday 6th
Kamikazi + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury Road,
Reading 0118 560009
Brimstone @The Rising Sun, Slough
Saturday 7th
From The Ashes @ Rising Sun, Slough
Zangrus + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury Road,
07740 291635 or
Reading 0118 560009
Sunday 8th
The Riots @ The White Horse, Maidenhead
Monday 9th
We Are Hold Fire @Dogma, Castle St, Reading
Wednesday 11th
The Gallants + Evol @Bar Four, Reading
Friday 13th
Red Rocket @ Rising Sun, Slough
Garry Roman @The Wheatsheaf, Slough
Alternative Car Park + DJ @The Rising Sun,
Monday 23rd
Flipron + @ Dogma, Castle Street, Reading
Wednesday 25th
Steve Morano + @Bar Four, Friar St, Reading
Thursday 26th
Ding Dong Daddios @Pitcher & Piano, Reading
Friday 27th
Live Music + DJ @the Rising Sun, Forbury
Road, Reading 0118 560009
Big Trains + Haymakers @Slug & lettice, Reading
Forbury Road, Reading 0118 560009
Glowball @Plug n Play, Reading
Saturday 28th
Live Music + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury
Saturday 14th
!Daft! @ Rising Sun, Slough
Live Music + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury Road,
Road, Reading 0118 560009
Burning Down Vegas @Battle of Bands,Malborough
Reading 0118 560009
Monday 16th
Team Robes Pierre @Dogma, Castle St, Reading
Wednesday 18th
Aisle 22 + The Bandinis + The Details + The
Ragamuffins @Bar Four, Friar St, Reading
Friday 20th
Live Music + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury Road,
Reading 0118 560009
Burning Down Vegas @North Croft L/C, Newbury
Saturday 21st
Live Music + DJ @The Rising Sun, Forbury Road,
Reading 0118 560009
Sunday 29th
Repeat & Regular
Sundays - Readifolk @The Gardeners Arms, Surley Row, Caversham, Reading 0118 961 3586
1st - Singers Night 8th - ‘Moveable Feast’
15th - Singers Night 22nd - ‘Brackenrigg’
29th - Singers Night (Theme ‘Are you being served)
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Sunday 1st
The Graduates @ Old Tavern
James Morton Band @Coronation Tap, Clifton
Tuesday 3rd
Jump Ship + Echolounge @The Fleece
James Forster @Coronation Tap, Sion Pl, Clifton
Thursday 5th
Clayton Blizzard @Tao Bar,
Walking By Myself @The Old Mail House,
The Riff Toads @The Dolphin, Oldland Common
Friday 6th
Larry Miller (£9)@Reckless Engineer, Temple Gate
The A Heads + The Nags @The Croft, Stokes Croft
Saturday 7th
Flash Harry @The Prom, Promenade, Gloucester Rd
Live Zepplin @Reckless Engineer,Temple Gate
Walking By Myself @The Bear Inn
Sunday 8th
Sweet Loredo @The Coronation Tap, Clifton
Tuesday 10th
The Real Deal @ The Bunch of Grapes
Radio Phone in @The Fleece, St. Thomas Street
Wednesday 11th
Chris Townsend + Gavin Thorpe @The Louisianna, Wapping Road
Thursday 12th
Psycho Baby @Mr Wolfs, St. Stephens Street
Saturday 14th
The Hats @The River, Cannons Road, Watershed
Sunday 15th
Celebration Jazz Band @The Reckless Engineer,
Temple Gate, 1.00 lunchtime
Tuesday 17th
The Real Deal @ Portcullis, Fishponds
Steve Payne The Coronation Tap, Sion Pl,Clifton
The Soundfall @The Fleece, St. Thomas Street
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Thursday 19th
Billy in the Lowground *Charity gig in aid of the
Rainbow Centre @Mr Wolfs, St. Stephens Street
Friday 20th
Outsider @The Reckless Engineer, Temple Gate
Trippmatic + War Against Sheep @The Croft
The Mangledwurzels @The Puckchurch Beer
Festival , The Star Inn, Pucklechurch 0117 9372391
The Hats @The Grain Barge, Hotwells Road
Saturday 21st
Straight Shooter @Reckless Engineer, Temple Gate
Outsider @The Old Fox Gloucester Road
Hush @ The Farriers Arms
Diamondogz @ Nailsea Social Club, Nailsea
The Riff Toads@Lamplighters,Shirehampton 14.30
Sunday 22nd
Q’s Company (Jazz) 1.00 @Reckless Engineer,
Temple Gate 0117 92220487
Mangledwurzels @Trout Tavern, Keynsham 2.30
Los Yanquis @The Coronation Tap, Clifton
Tuesday 24th
Phil King @The Coronation Tap, Sion Pl, Clifton
Saturday 28th
Chuff @The Reckless Engineer, Temple Gate
Kit Marsh + The Hats @Mr Wolfs, St. Stephens St
Sunday 29th
Sons of Delta @The Coronation Tap, Clifton
Repeat & Regular
Blues Club every Tuesday @The Bunch of Grapes
Open Mic every Wednesday @Rose of Denmark
For regular BRISTOL jazz updates
and regular venues go to -
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Tuesday 17th
Nicholas Meier Quartet @The St. Ives Jazz Club,
Western Hotel, Royal Sq, St. Ives 01736 798061
Thursday 19th
Louis Elliot Band @The Barley Sheaf, Liskeard
Friday 20th
Open House @Bodmin Folk Club, The Barley Sheaf,
Lr Bore St, Bodmin 01637 880394
James Hollingsworth @Crumplehorn , Polperro
BarraCoodas @ Bridge on Wool, Wadebridge
Dancing Queen @The Hall for Cornwall, Truro
Sunday 1st
Jon Walsh B/Band @The Lifeboat, St. Ives
Monday 2nd
Tuesday 3rd
Art of Sound @St. Ives Jazz Club, Western Hotel
Thursday 5th
The Real Thing @The Hall for Cornwall, Truro
Friday 6th
Open House @Bodmin Folk Club, The Barley Sheaf,
Lr Bore Street, Bodmin 01637 880394
The B.T. Experience @ Salt Bar, Hayle
Dave Rich Band @ Lifeboat Inn, St. Ives
Wild 2 @The Swan Hotel, Wadebridge
Jake & Elwood Tribute@The Hall for Cornwall, Truro
Saturday 7th
Red Vegas @ The Wheelers Arms, Torpoint
Petula Clark @The Hall for Cornwall, Truro
Tuesday 10th
Orla Murphy @The St. Ives Jazz Club, Western Hotel
Wednesday 11th
Monty Ray Quartet @The Ole Ale House, Truro
Thursday 12th
Graham B @ Copperhouse, Hayle
Big Fish @The Barley Sheaf, Liskeard
Rock Against The Machine @Harlyn Inn,Padstow
Friday 13th
Janet Russell @Bodmin Folk Club, The Barley
Sheaf, Lr Bore St, Bodmin 01637 880394
Hey Molly + Two Spot Gobi @ Lifeboat Inn, St.Ives
Saturday 14th
Madlife Crisis @ Bodmin Football Club, Bodnin
Dave Rich Band @ Carlyon Arms, St.Austell
Special Patrol Group @ Wheelers Arms, Torpoint
Saturday 21st
Alstock Music Festival @ Football Club, Bodmin
Cat in the Hat @ British Legion, Polperro
Halter South + Jelly @ Polperro Festial
The Scavengers @ Carlyon Arms, St.Austell
Tuesday 24th
10th Anniversary night @The St. Ives Jazz Club,
Western Hotel, Royal Sq, St. Ives 01736 798061
Wednesday 25th
Monty Ray Quartet @The Ole Ale House, Truro
Thursday 26th
Scaramoose @ Harlyn Inn, Padstow
The Vision @ Trickys, Redruth
Kevin Freeman & Road Scholars @Barley
Sheaf, Liskeard
Friday 27th
Dave Burland @Bodmin Folk Club, The Barley
Sheaf, Lr Bore St, Bodmin 01637 880394
The B.T. Experience @ Gallions Bar, St.Ives
Saturday 28th
Chicory Tip @ Football Club, Bodmin
The New Machine @ Princess Pavilion, Falmouth
The Vision @ Copperhouse, Hayle
Funky munks @ Harlyn Inn, Padstow
The Scavengers @ British Legion. Polperro
XLR @ The Union Inn, Saltash
Scaramoose @ The Eliot Arms, St. Germans
Sunday 29th
The B.T. Experience @ Longboat Hotel, Penzance
Repeat & Regular
Every Sunday - Me & the Devil @The Star & Garter,
High Street, Falmouth
Every Monday - S & G Trio@Star & Garter,Falmouth
NEW - you can now read the SCRUMPY ‘n’ WESTERN
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Information can change, so please check
with venue, before making a long journey.
Sunday 1st
Stompin Dave Allen @Axminster Inn, Axminster 4pm
Blue Swayed Blues @ Victoria Inn, Ashburton
The Gadge Band @ The Showman, Exeter
Kiss This! @ The Phoenix, Exmouth
Freak Bruvvers @ Volunteer Inn, Honiton
Steve Watts @ Ferry Boat Inn, Teignmouth
Livin in a Valvestate @ Blu Cargo, Torquay
Tuesday 3rd
Jam Night @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Wednesday 4th
The Spoonful (2) @ Zena’s Courtyard, Barnstaple
Scaramoose @ Blues Bar & Grill, Plymouth
Stokey (Reggae/dub) @The Rock, Union St, Torquay
Thursday 5th
59 Ford @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
The Reds @ The Carlton Theatre Bar, Teignmouth
Freak Bruvvers @ Jolly Farmer, Newton Abbot
Friday 6th
Chris Jagger Band @Olive Branch,Barnstaple
The Simmertones @ Lansdowne Hotel, Dawlish
The Hesaltines @ Drewe Arms, Drewsteignton
Carnaby Street @ Zephyr Bar, Exeter
Led Zep Too @ The Marlboro Club, Ilfracombe
Guesswork @ The Spinning Wheel, Paignton
The New Machine @ Palace Theatre, Paignton
Scaramoose @ Tavistock Inn, Tavistock
36FF The Band @ Ferry Boat Inn, Teignmouth
BarraCoodas @ The Dawlish Inn, Teignmouth
The BobKatZ @ Drakes Inn, Topsham
Pixel @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Walking By Myself @The Kings Arms, Exeter
Saturday 7th
Area 52 @ East Plaistow, Barnstaple
Dave Rich Band @ Picnic in the Park, Bovey Tracey
Dave can’t Dance @ Edgemoor Hotel, Bovey Tracey
Marnie @ Bradninch Music Festival Bradninch
BarraCoodas @ The Ship Hotel, Crediton
Scrabblebag @ The Jolly Porter, Exeter
Guilty Plea @ The Globe, Exeter
House of Kane @ The Black Horse, Exeter
Cover’d @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Scared Stiff! @ The Double Lock, Exeter
Freak Bruvvers @ The Strand, Exmouth
Matthew Finnish @ The Dolphin Inn, Kenton
The Disclaimers @ Kirkham Rd SC, Paignton
Special Patrol Group @ The Lime Tree, Paignton
Led Zep Too @ The Hub, Plymouth
XLR @ The Mermaid, Plymouth
Joker @ The Junction, Plymouth
Allen Taylor @ The Blue Walnut, Torquay
Just Steve @ Seamus O’Donnell’s, Torquay
Soul Night @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Sunday 8th
Ocean 6 @ The Showman, Exeter
Stax of Soul @ The Phoenix, Exmouth
The Candence @ The Volunteer Inn, Honiton
The Gadge Band @ The Ferryboat, Shaldon
Tuesday 10th
Jam Night @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Thursday 12th
Heartland Reggae @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Slippery Dick @ Dartmouth Inn, Newton Abbot
Friday 13th
Paul Lamb & the Kingsnakes @The Olive
Branch, Bourport St, Barnstaple 01271 370784
Brothers of the Baladi @Palladium Club,Bideford
El-cojones @ Bolton Inn, Brixham
Funky Munks @ Zephyr Bar, Exeter
Juice @ The Kings Arms, Kingsteignton
Laughing Gravy @ The Redwing Inn, Lympstone
Scaramoose + @ The Junction, Plymouth
BarraCoodas @ New Quay Inn, Teignmouth
Livin in a Valvestate @ The Twyford Inn, Tiverton
Morph @ The Yacht, Torquay
Rachel Harrington @ Blue Walnut Cafe, Torquay
Saturday 14th
Pete Canter’s October Quintet @North Devon
Festival, Zena’s Courtyard, Barnstaple 1.30 pm
Outsider @The White Lion, Braunton
Lazy @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Steve Watts @ Axminster Con Club Exminster
Raven @ Axminster Beer Festival, Axminster
The Little Big Band @ Parade Chudleigh
The BobKatZ @ The Ship Hotel, Crediton
Whiter Spirit @ Weary Traveller, Cullompton
BarraCoodas @ Lansdowne Hotel, Dawlish
Guilty Plea @ The Jolly Porter, Exeter
Juice @ The Globe Inn, Exeter
Max @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Guess Work @ The Crawford, Exeter
Phil Smyth @ The Village Inn, Exeter
Rock Against The Machine @ Strand, Exmouth
The Spoonful (2) @ Music Festival, Lynton
Audius Maximus @ The Union Inn, Newton Abbot
Rage @ The Spinning Wheel, Paignton
Doghouse B/ Band @ Boringdon Arms, Plymouth
Karrallon @ The Junction, Plymouth
Red Vegas @ Dartmoor Zoological Park, Plymouth
Vicious Kitten @ The Shaddy, Plymouth
Dave Can’t Dance @ Salcombe RC Salcombe
The Disclaimber @ Brass Monkey, Teignmouth
Still Life @ The Kings Arms, Teignmouth
Bootleggers Turn @ Boots & Laces, Torbay
Raspberry Fish @ John Bull, Torquay
Candence @ The Yacht, Torquay
Heather Dale & Ben Deschamps @Shammick
Acoustic Session, Castle Inn, High St, Combe Martin
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Sunday 15th
Slippery Dick @The Showman, Exeter
Press Gang @ Ferry Boat Inn, Teignmouth
Monday 16th
Meier Group @ The North Devon Jazz Club, The
Beaver, Irsha Street, Appledore 01237 421065
Tuesday 17th
Jam Night @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Wednesday 18th
Scaramoose @ The Globe, Exeter
Thursday 19th
Scared Stiff! @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Funky Munks @ Jolly Farm, Newton Abbot
The Simmertones @ Spinning Wheel, Paignton
The Candence @ Riviera Intn. Centre, Torquay
Friday 20th
Gary Fletcher Band @Olive Branch, Barnstaple
K2 @ The Village Inn, Exeter
Wabash Cannonballs @Palladium Club, Bideford
The Reoffenders @ Zephyr Bar, Exeter
Livin in a Valvestate @ Micawbers, Exeter
Phil Smyth @ The Showman, Exeter
Matthew Finnish @ The Twisted Oak, Exeter
Day Release @ The Kings Arm, Kingsteignton
Crush UK @ The Redwing Inn, Lympstone
Black Friday @ The Junction, Plymouth
White Spirit @ The Radway Inn, Sidmouth
Steve Watts @ Jolly Sailor, Teignmouth
Max @ The Twyford Inn, Tiverton
Blue Swayed Blues @ Thirsty Farmer, Whimple
Jay Tamkin + Crackers @Kingsbridge Music Fest
Saturday 21st
John De Burra @ The Red Lion, Axminster
Kitty & The Lost Boys @ Bolton Hotel, Brixham
Geekchic @ The Ship Hotel, Crediton
Elektrum @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Phil Smyth @ The Weary Traveller, Cullompton
Garry Fletcher Band @ Drewe Arms, Drewsteignton
Crush UK @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
The Disclaimers @ The Village Inn, Exeter
K2 @ The Crawford Hotel, Exeter
Bootlegger’s Turn @ The Black Horse, Exeter
Dirty Money @ The Strand, Exmouth
Guesswork @ The Phoenix, Exmouth
Scaramoose @ Kingsbridge Festival, Kingsbridge
Press Gang @ The Union Inn, Newton Abbot
XLR @ The Spinning Wheel, Paignton
Livin in a Valvestate @ The Lime Tree, Paignton
The Hot Rats @ The Junction, Plymouth
Jay Tamkin + The Crackers @Havana's, Exeter
Reoffenders @ Summer Solstice Festival, Tavistock
4 Rock’s Sake @ The Brass Monkey, Teignmouth
Just Steve @ Seamus O’Donnell’s, Torquay
Demonic Upstarts + Extingushers + Virus +
Aheads @The Firkin Doghouse, Plymouth
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Sunday 22nd
Stompin Dave Allen @ Marshalls, Barnstaple
Dave Rich Band @ The Phoenix, Exmouth
Crush UK @ Clarefest, Lympstone
The Little Big Band @ Union Rooms, Plymouth
Shamrock @ Ship Inn, Teignmouth
Jam Night @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Thursday 26th
Touchy Subject @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Raspberry Fish @ Jolly Farmer, Newton Abbot
Nicky Swann @ Dartmouth Inn, Newton Abbot
Steve Payne + Ian Briggs @Otterton Mill, Otterton
Friday 27th
Rage @ The Bolton Hotel, Brixham
Rooster @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Phil Smyth @ Prospect Inn, Exeter
Guesswork @ Zephyr Bar, Exeter
The Candence @ The Park Hotel, Exmouth
The New Machine @ Exmouth Pavilion
Kitty & The Lost Boys Marlboro Club, Ilfracombe
36FF The Band @ The Kings Arms, Kingsteignton
Doghouse B/ Band @ Barbican J/ Cafe, Plymouth
Nick The Fish @ The Junction, Plymouth
The Little Big Band @ HMS Drake, Plymouth
Delta Dukes @ Tavistock Inn, Tavistock
The BobKatZ @ New Quay Inn, Teignmouth
Livin in a Valvestate @ The Dolphin Inn, Torquay
Matt Taylor Band @The Olive Branch, Barnstaple
Refuse All + @The Firkin Doghouse, Plymouth
Saturday 28th
Audius Maximus @ Bolton Hotel, Brixham
Rock Salmon @ The Ship Hotel, Crediton
Kitty & The Lost Boys @ Lapford Mill, Crediton
Maybe Naked @The Palladium Club, Bideford
Morris Bros Band @ Weary Traveller, Cullompton
Diamondogz @ Lansdowne Hotel, Dawlish
The Candence @ The Double Locks, Exeter
K2 @ The Globe, Exeter
BarraCoodas @ The Longbrooke, Exeter
Carnaby Street @ The Crawford, Exeter
Scared Stiff! @ Kings, Exeter
Slippery Dick @ Royal Oak, Nadderwater, Exeter
The Graduates @ Havana, Exeter
Max @ The Jolly Porter, Exeter
John Kirkpatrick @The Shammick Acoustic Session, Castle Inn, High St, Combe Martin 8.00 pm
The BobKatZ @ The Phoenix, Exmouth
Rocket Box @ The Strand, Exmouth
Bag of Rats @ Lapstock, Lapford
The Spoonful (2) @ Lapstock Music Fest, Lapford
Refuse All + @The Rock, Union Street, Torquay
Monday 30th
Sue Hawker @The North Devon Jazz Club, The
Beaver, Irsha Street, Appledore 01237 421065
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Monday 2nd
Stompin Dave Allen @The Boot Inn, Weymouth
Thursday 5th
Riverside B/Band @Royal Exeter , Bournemouth
Friday 6th
Poor Boy Shuffle @ Blue Boar, Poole
Complete Stone Roses @Mr Kyps, Poole
Riverside B/Band @The Railway, Blandford
Saturday 7th
State of Undress @Borders, Centre of Bournemouth for the release of new CD ‘Caught in the Act’
see web site
Stompin Dave Allen @Cobb Arms, Lyme Regis
Best Kept Secret @ The Crown Inn, Bridport
Messenger @ Football Club, Gillingham
Restless @ George Inn, Weymouth
The Rat Pack @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
Sunday 8th
Stompin Dave Allen @Wessex Festival,Weymouth
Bag of Rats @ Wessex Folk Festival Weymouth
Monday 9th
Dave Kelly @ The Courtyard @ Lulworth Castle
Slipped Disc @ The Foundary Arms, Poole
Wednesday 11th
Rockin the Joint @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
Thursday 12th
Poor Boy Shuffle @ Nelsons , Blandford Forum
Bad Influence + Bloozer@Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
Friday 13th
Stompin Dave Allen @The Ropemakers,Bridport
Dave Rich Band @ Royal Portland Arms, Portland
Leon Rosselson & Robb Johnson + The Heavens
@The Bridport Arts Centre, Bridport 01308 424204
Loose Chippings @Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
State of Undress @The Antelope, Hazelbury Bryan, Sturminster Newton New album out now!!!
Purple Rain (Tribute) @Mr Kyps, Poole
Saturday 14th
John De Barra @ The Crown Inn, Bridport
Bag of Rats @ The White Hart, Wimborne
State of Undress @Wimbourne Folk Festival , The
Cricketers Inn, 4 - 6.00 pm
Poor Boy Shuffle @ Blue Boar, Poole
Imagine the Beatles @Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
There are FIVE poles for the many
talented Dancers to use, ONE in the
Bar, TWO on the main stage and
ONE each in the TWO VIP Dance
Rooms. All the stage shows are performed Topless or Nude through out
the evening. You can also indulge in
a game of Topless Pool with the
Dancer of your choice. Table Dancers take place through out the club
with Private Dances available in one
of NINE Private Dance Rooms.
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Sales - Repairs - Hire - Installations
PHONE or do it on line at
Sunday 15th
Who’s Afear’d @Wimborne Folk Festival, The Bell,
High Street, Wimborne - through out evening
Don’t Untie The Drummer @Mr Kyps, Poole
Thursday 19th
Diabolus in Musica @Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
Friday 20th
Stompin Dave Allen @The Anchor Inn, Swanage
Baddest Blues Band Ever + Harry Skinner &
Dave Saunders @ Courtyard, Lulworth Castle
John De Barra @ Green Man, Wimborne Minster
Guns of Navarone @Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
RU40 (Tribute) @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
Saturday 21st
B.J. Smith @ The Crown Inn, Bridport
Stompin’ Dave’s E/ Band@ Nags Head, Lyme Regis
Raven @ Bottle Inn, Marshwood
Messenger @ The Mermaid, Sherborne
Funky Munks @ The Tannery, Bridport
Who’s Afear’d @Harry Paye Day, on Poole Quay
Celebrating Poole’s most notorious pirate 3.30 pm
Pronghorn + Who’s Afear’d @The Gander on
the Green, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth 8.00 pm
Wellalive + @The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
Dirty DC @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
FESTIVAL 13th - 15th
@ various venues
Thursday 26th
Battle of the Bands @Thomas Tripp,Christchurch
Matt Schofield Trio @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
Friday 27th
The Graduates @ The Swann, Sherborne
State of Undress @The Royal Portland Arms, Fortuneswell, Portland
Whole Lotta Led @Mr Kyps, Parkstone, Poole
Saturday 28th
Stompin Dave Allen @Beaminster Festival 12.30
Lost At Sea @ The Crown Inn, Bridport
Slipped Disc @ White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney
John De Barra @ Lulworth British Legion
Sack Sabbath @Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
Lady Winwoods Magot @Mr Kyps, Poole
Sunday 29th
Cryin Out Loud @ Three Compasses, Charminster
Repeat & Regular
Every Wednesday - Student Band Night @The
Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
01278 444030
1st - 30th June - ‘North Devon Festival’
@ Various venues all month
5th - 8th June - ‘Venn’
@ Bristol
9th - 12th June - ‘Beach Break’
@ Polzeath, Cornwall
13th - 15th June - ‘NASS’
@ Shepton Mallet, Somerset
13th - 15th June - ‘Wimborne Festival’
@ Wimborne, Dorset, various venues
13th - 19th June - ‘Exeter Summer Festival’
@ Exeter, Devon
20th - 22nd June - ‘3 Wishesfaery Festival’
@ Colliford Lake Park, Bodmin Moor
7th - 14th June - ‘Waterlooville Music Fest’
@ Waterlooville, Hampshire
- Various venues
13th - 15th June - ‘Isle of Wight Fest’
@Newport various venues
19th - 22nd June - ‘Blues on the Farm’
@ Pump Bottom Farm, Chichester, Sussex
20th - 22nd June - ‘Ocean Fest’
@ North Devon
27th - 28th June - ‘The Rose Tree Jam’
@ Bowood House, Wiltshire
Care Workers Forum
Issue 3 Vol. 5
We had a marvelous night last night at
The Rock Gardens, a new venue in Weston-Super-Mare, and bloody brilliant it is
there too! They haven’t been open that
long but they’re very committed to having
live music, and really nice people too.
It was also interesting setting up our gear
and doing a sound check with people sat
in the venue reading about us as we were
on the May S ‘n’ W front cover. It’s a big
venue with a stage and drum riser - lovely!
Katie was a particularly happy bunny! Not
only did she get a drum raiser but she got
to use her Chad Smith snare which in
most venues is too loud. It cracks like a
MOFO and sounds gorgeous. There was
some rather impressive spikes and mohawks in the audience which had me a bit
nervous - would we get bottled if we did
Britney? By the time we got to Seasons in
the Sun though, aforementioned mohawk
was bobbing up and down in time to our
silly dance. Hurrah! There was lots of
comedians in the audience, heckling in a
panto like style. It gave Hoover some
good banter and he was on top form and
using his wireless mic too the max. Bully
was running around like a mad thing all
night, I thought we were gonna have to
get the defibrillator out again!! There were
so many songs that I wanted us to play
but couldn’t fit in without ending up doing
a four hour gig and killing the rhythm
section! It was great to have such a captive audience who sang along with everything. Using our own equipment which
was really nice for me because I could
control the lights, does it make a difference to the audience? I dunno, but hopefully it adds to the overall performance.
We stayed for a couple of games of pool
after we had packed away while the landlord kindly sorted out some chips for us!
Wicked! Everyone was soooo friendly and
loving it, we had an absolute ball. A nice
venue to add to our list of favourites.
Cheers to everyone who turned up, we’ll
see you (and all your mates) next time.
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Cd duplication @
Baseline records
** 50 cd’s colour - print &
Sleeve ................. Only £45.00
* we also offer a wide range of
Duplication services - such as on
Body printing and cd/inlay design.
Please phone - 01934 647871
For more details or e-mail -
‘Buckfest’ on Saturday 21st June is The
Buckskin, 1 Blackdown Close, Buckskin,
Basingstoke their own mini Solstice Festival with ‘Phoenix’ headlining and other
bands T B C. There will be a DJ on hand
playing between bands plus trader stalls
(Hippy Type) selling a wide range of products. The Buckskin will also be serving
food all day starting at 12 noon till late
evening. ‘All the fun without the mud’
phone 07512 316865 for more info.
This years GONNA be good!!!
After last years rained on oh so wet
‘Under A Summer Moon’ the good news
is, this year it will be bigger and better. A
new team have taken over the event to be
staged on Saturday 26th July at the B A S
C off junction 22. Headlining - ‘Geno
Washington & The Ram Jam Band’, ‘The
Move’, ‘Hog’ with two more bands to be
confirmed plus the very busy ‘Wilderland’.
Tickets in advance £12.50 from G C Music, College Street, Burnham on Sea plus
The Pier Tavern in Burnham. For Credit
Card sales phone - 01278 783161. Or
pay on the Gate at £15.00. This will be an
all weather event, with cover for 2000
The 13th Holt Music Festival on June
7th - This is an all day music event with
‘The Mangledwurzels’, ‘Kent Duchaine’,
‘Groove Train’, ‘Stress’ and ‘Howling at
the Moon’ + guests running from 1.30 till
11.30 pm . There will also be fairground
rides, games, stalls, hot food and a fully
licensed bar. For more info and tickets -
01225 782357
CD coming soon
Gig dates available July
a few in August. We will
be contacting suitable
venues in the near future.
Phone JEFF -
01278 792334
available refer to web site
CD launch JUNE 21st at
New for Friday and Sunday nights at The
Rock Gardens, Orchard Street, Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset,( the brilliant new
music venue that opened early this year) is
Tossers!! Step one - Orders and pays for
a round of drinks Step Two - Decide heads
or tails Step Three - 50/50 chance of winning WIN - get the same round again FREE
Loose - Better luck next time. * ‘Subject to
normal terms and conditions - The Management reserves all rights’.
You can now read the Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
on the web at -
Which can be down loaded in a pdf
and read, print off the complete mag
or just a page. We will also be adding
more pages and photo’s as we
progress. Supporting live music and
all involved in the music business.
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
‘Jerichova’ were formed in August 2006
by four mates who wanted to play something different .They all came from varied
musical backgrounds, Jeff Hague and
Howard Williams from New Orleans Jazz,
Vaughan Channon from Rock ‘n’ Roll and
Country, and Rick Coyne from the folk
scene. They decided that skiffle needed a
revival and began meeting in the skittle
alley of The Bell, Banwell once a week,
playing the music made popular back in
the mid 50’s by people such as Lonnie
Donegan, Chas McDevitt and The Vipers.
Their noise filter through up into the pub
and they were offered a gig. They are now
setting feet tapping regularly, at various
venues, to a mixture of Skiffle,
Blues,Plantation Spirituals, Chain Gang
work songs, with a few songs thrown in.
They are, first and foremost, a FUN band.
They enjoy what they do and this comes
across in their music, as can be heard on
their recently released CD ‘Going Home’,
which is available at their gigs. For more
info on ‘Jerichova’ phone -
01934 712697
‘Ryan Inglis’ singer / songwriter from Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset has recently made it through to the National
Finals of Live & Unsigned which will be
held in London on June 28th. With a great
love and respect for the art of guitar playing
and songwriting, Ryan decided to create
some tunes he could call his own. His
frequent appearances in Weston’s thriving
local music scene and more recent ventures into Bristol, Bath and predominantly
South West based acoustic venues ensured his ability could gain momentum and
his songs could start to take shape. His
side projects in songwriting have involved
(to date) collaborations with Emily Larner,
Chet, Shoot The Bedroom, June Header &
Mario Ellis and shows no sign of stopping.
Ryan is a significant songwriter, and it is a
pleasure to hear him play.
For more info - 07816 522473 or go to
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Sunday 1st
Slim Pickings @ Platform Tavern, Southampton
Tuesday 3rd
Louche Manouche @Platform Tavern,Southampton
Army of Freshmen @Wedgewood Rms,Southsea
Wednesday 4th
Cage the Elephant + sup@Joiners Arms, Soton
Kids In Glasshouses @Wedgewood Rms, Southsea
Thursday 5th
Stompin Dave Allen @The Dolphin, St,Deny’s, Soton
Black Bart @Platform Tavern,Southampton
Adam Bomb + Bad Love + Licker @The
George Inn, Andover
Bob Long @O’Neils, High Street,Winchester
Friday 6th
State of Undress @The Old Barn, New Milton
S.P.Q.R @The Red Lion, Totton, Southampton
Stompin Dave Allen @Royal Oak, North Gorley
Lioness + Furisode + @Joiners Arms, Soton
Saturday 7th
State of Undress @The Buckskin, Blackdown
Close, Buckskin, Basingstoke 07512 316865
S.P.Q.R @The Romsey Comrades Club
Phoenix @Railway Club, Basingstoke
Live Music @New Inn, Sarum Hill, Basingstoke
Riverside B/Band @The Seashells, Hythe, Soton
Ron Trueman-Border @ The Angel, Andover
Stone Pig @The Station Hotel, Andover
Less is More @The Anton Arms, Andover
Sondura + Without Though @The George, Andover
FastTrack @ The Winton, Basingstoke
Riverside B/Band @Seashells , Hythe, nr Soton
Flying Pigs @The R M A Tavern, Portsmouth
Dave McPherson + @Joiners Arms, Southampton
Sunday 8th
Steve - One Bloke and One Mandolin 4 - 7pm
@The Buckskin, Buckskin, Basingstoke
Big Joe Louis @Platform Tavern, Southampton
Pete Harris @The Kolebka Bar, Southampton
Hair of the Dog @Bird in Hand, Gosport
Angie Hayne B/Band @The Bugle, Botley
Sondura + @The Joiners Arms, Southampton
Reel Sound of Music - Acoustic session @
The Wedgewood Rooms, Albert Rd, Southsea
Monday 9th
Seether @Wedgewood Rooms, Albert Rd, Southsea
Tuesday 10th
Health + Pre @The Joiners Arms, Southampton
Wednesday 11th
Eric Bibb @The Brook, Portswood, Southampton
Fall of Troy @The Joiners Arms, Southampton
I Was a Club Scout @Wedgewood Rm, Southsea
Thursday 12th
Jim Crawford @Platform Tavern, Southampton
White Knuckle Band@R M A Tavern, Portsmouth
Mavis Grind @Propaganda, Andover
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Friday 13th
Miller Family @ Fox & Hounds, Fleet
Riverside B/Band The Crown, Shirley, Soton
Poor Boy Shuffle @ The Stag, Portsmouth
Skinner + Saunders @The Shoe, Plaitford, Romsey
Legend (Tribute) @Wedgewood Rooms,Southsea
Saturday 14th
Blue Sunset @The Buckskin, Blackdown Cl,
Buckskin, Basingstoke 07512 316865
Riverside B/Band @The Tudor Rose, Romsey
Sounds of the Suburbs @The Winkle, Basingstoke
Bizr @The Station Hotel, Andover
Live Music @The New Inn,Sarum Hill, Basingstoke
Blues in the Booze @ The Bury, Odiham with -
Spike Drivers, Jim Crawford, Pete Harris etc.
Sunday 15th
Keith Turner 4 - 7 pm @The Buckskin, Blackdown
Close, Buckskin, Basingstoke 07512 316865
Pete Harris @Platform Tavern, Southampton
Monday 16th
Robin Bibi Band @The Fat Fox,Southsea, Ports
Thursday 19th
Stompin’ Dave Allen @ RMA Tavern, Southsea
Less is More @Propaganda, Andover
Brutality + Plagues @The George, Andover
Friday 20th
Sounds of the Suburbs @ Fox & Hounds, Fleet
Riverside B/Band @The Brickmakers, Swanmore
Jinxed Inc @The Plough, Grateley
Saturday 21st
‘BUCKFEST’ mini Solstice Festival with live
music and DJ from 12 noon till late plus stalls
and Food @The Buckskin, Blackdown Cl,
Buckskin, Basingstoke 07512 316865
Bambu @ The Winkle, Basingstoke
J C King @Westside Community Association, Paddock Road, South Ham , Basingstoke Tickets £5.00
Live Music @New Inn, Sarum Hill, Basingstoke
Bare Wires @The Angel, Andover
Less is More @The Town Mills, Andover
Purple Monkey @The Anton Arms, Andover
Dave Can’t Dance @ Spitbank Fort, Porsmouth
Poor Boy Shuffle @ Railway Rifle Club, Portsmouth
Rival Schools @Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea
E-mail -
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Sunday 22nd
J C & Angelina Grimshaw @Platform Tav, Soton
Monday 23rd
Chase Long Beach @Joiners Arms, Southampton
Tuesday 24th
Acoustic Blues Jam @Platform Tavern, Soton
Enochian Theory @Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea
Thursday 26th
Stone Pig @Propaganda, Andover
Freddy & Freeloaders @Platform Tavern, Soton
Jon Walsh B/Band@Bullington Cross, Sutton Scotney
Get Cape, Wear Cape @Wedgewood Rooms,Southsea
Friday 27th
Bernie Woods & the Forest Fires @The Basingstoke Rock ‘n’ Roll Club, Westside Community Ass,
Paddock Rd, South Ham 01256 462305
Wag The Dog @ Fox & Hounds, Fleet
Angie Haynes B/Band @Bird in Hand, Gosport
Jon Walsh B/Band @The Swan, Woolston, Soton
Pete Harris B/Band @Star Inn, Bentworth, nr Alton
Riverside B/Band @The Hobbit, Southampton
Bob Pearce @The Blue Keys, Southampton
Who’s Who @Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea,
Saturday 28th
Who’s Next ( Top Who tribute band tickets £3.00)
@The Buckskin, Blackdown Close, Buckskin, Basingstoke 07512 316865 a real don’t miss!!
Poor Boy Shuffle @ The Winkle, Basingstoke
Jon Walsh B/Band @The Fox, Newfoundland
Live Music @New Inn, Sarum Hill, Basingstoke
Pete Harris @The Bent Brief, Southampton
Bob Long @South Western Arms, Southampton
Brian Jonestown Massacre + @The Wedgewood Rooms, Albert Road, Southsea, Portsmouth
No Way Out @The Station Hotel, Andover
Pretty Vacant's @The Anton Arms, Andover
Konan @The Station Hotel, Andover
Sunday 29th
Rebbeca Worthly @Platform Tavern, Southampton
Rupture Farms + Merrydowns + Black Hand
+ Bad Love + @The George, Andover
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Information can change, so please check
with venue, before making a long journey.
Sunday 1st
Saffron Monkey @Old Pier Tavern, Burnham on Sea
Wednesday 4th
Little Black Number @ Market House, Taunton
The Young Republic + @Orange Box, Yeovil
Thursday 5th
Funkweed @The Kings Head, High Street, Wells
4 Bands @Rock Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare
Reavers + Katula @Wunder Bar, Midsomer Norton
Friday 6th
Run For Cover @Scallys, Carlton Street, WestonSuper-Mare 01934 413412
Kiss This! @ The Mansion House, Bridgwater
Four Men on the Job @ The Phoenix Hotel, Chard
The Treefrogs @ Fleur de Lys, Stoke Sub Hamdon
Best Kept Secret @ Pen & Quill, Taunton
The Great Friday Night Rock Show @The Rock
Gardens, Orchard Street, Weston-Super-Mare
Cryin Out Loud @ Harry’s Bar, Yeovil
Live Music @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Rude Awakening @Friendly Spirit, Cannington
Snappa @The Back Bar, Weston-Super-Mare 9pm
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Thursday 12th
Without Mike + The Catering Service + 2 more
@Rock Gardens, Orchard St, Weston-Super-Mare
Bedouin Jerry Can Band @Bridgwater Arts Centre, Castle Street 01278 422700
Friday 13th
Rockin The Joint @Scallys, Carlton Street, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 413412
Crush UK @ The Green Dragon, Combe St. Nicholas
The Bohemians (Top Queen Tribute) Tickets
£6.00 @The Imperial, Weston-Super-Mare
John De Barra @ Railway Travern, Crewkerne
Area 52 @ Taunton RC, Monkton Heathfield
95% Cotton = ep launch Party + support
@The Rock Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare
Best Kept Secret @ Fleur de Lys, Stoke Sub Hamdon
The Reoffenders @ Pen & Quill, Taunton
Karl Webber @ Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil
Live Music @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Rude Awakening @The King Arthur, Glastonbury
In The Flesh @The Mansion House, Bridgwater
Cutelooney + @St. James Wine Vaults, Bath
Walking By Myself @The Railway, Radstock
Saturday 7th
Fat Spanner @Scallys, Carlton Street, Weston-
Please tell
Super-Mare 01934 413412
Ton Napper/Tom Bliss @The Acorn Folk Club,
Pier Room, Old Ship Aground, Quay St, Minehead
Outsider @The Bristol Hotel, Clevedon
John De Barra @ Widcombe Social Club, Bath
Nightshift @ King William Inn, Glastonbury
Live Music tbc @The Imperial, South Parade,
Weston-Super-Mare 01934 621815
The Graduates @ Half Moon, Stoke Sub Hamdon
The BobKatZ @ Pen & Quill, Taunton
The Real Deal @ The Vintage, Wellington
The Imperials @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Ross Kirk @The Swan, Town St, Shepton Mallet
Eric Bibb @The Cheese & Grain, Market Yd, Frome
The Age @Rock Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare
Sunday 8th
The Reoffenders @ Butlins Resort, Minehead
Rogue Dolls @ Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil
Allan Taylor + Stumblefoot (lunchtime)@Bar 22,
Tudor Hotel, St. Mary’s Street, Bridgwater
Tex Braithwaite & the Biryani Brothers @The
Raglan Arms, Weston Super-Mare 6.00pm
Tuesday 10th
Dave Kelly @ The Barn, Sq & Compass, Ilminster
Wednesday 11th
Dave Kelly @ Hobby Horse, Esplande, Minehead
them you read the
To advertise e-mail -
Saturday 14th
The Random Penetrations @Scallys, Carlton
Street, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 413412
Scaramoose @ Backpackers, Glastonbury
White Label @The Imperial, Weston-Super-Mare
Ring of Fire @ Luxborough Village Hall, Luxborough
The Real Deal @ The Wheatsheaf, South Petherton
The Valetone @ Catford St.Luke Com. Hall, Taunton
The Graduates @ The Vintage, Wellington
Live Music tbc @The Rock Gardens, Orchard St,
Weston-Super-Mare 01934 627179
Bag of Rats @ The Westminster, Yeovil
Restless @ The Conservative Club, Yeovil
Private Godfrey @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Sunday 15th
The Little Big Band @ George Hotel, Nether Stowey
Slipped Disc @ The Pall Tavern, Yeovil
Kevin Brown @The Bell, Bath
Tanja Rice@Raglan Arms,Weston-Super-Mare 6.00
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
& Woodwind,
* Digital Pianos
& Keyboards
*Sheet Music
17d Sadler Street, and Books,
Wells, Somerset *Instrument
01749 679888
Mon - Sat 9 am - 5 pm (Wed 9 am - 1 pm )
Thursday 19th
Real Deal @The Kings Head, High Street, Wells
Baddest Blues Band Ever + Skinner & Saunders @The Barn, Square + Compass, Illminster
Tiny Tin Lady @The Ritz Acoustic Club, B O Sea
4 Live Bands tbc @Rock Gardens, Orchard St,
Friday 20th
Vermin @Scallys, Carlton St, Weston-Super-Mare
Taunton Rock ‘n’ Roll Club @North Petherton
Rugby Club 01823 332180
Nightshift @The Cross Rifles, Bridgwater
My Favourite Pornstar (Headline Tour) + Sick
Party Hijinks@Rock Gardens,Orchard St,W. S M
36FF the band @The Phoenix Hotel, Chard
The Graduates @The Pen & Quill, Taunton
Junction 22 @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Flipron @Bar 27, Tudor Hotel, Bridgwater
Reoffender @The Imperial, Weston-Super-Mare
Clair Covington @The Swan, Shepton Mallet
M B B @The Mansion House, Bridgwater
The Mods @Bridgwater Arts Centre 01278 422700
Saturday 21st
Razar @Scallys, Carlton St, Weston-Super-Mare
The Real Deal @The King William, Glastonbury
The Fallen Apples and Guests @The Mini Beer
Festival & Barbeque all weekend, The Red Admiral,
Alexandra Parade, Weston-Super-Mare
Crying Out Loud @The Duke of York, Illminster
Q - HQ @The Railway, Burnham on Sea
Trouble & Strife @ Imperial,Weston-Super-Mare
The Mangledwurzels @The Priddy Sheep Race,
Priddy Village Green, Priddy 6.00 pm
Blank Heads + Support @The Rock Gardens,
Orchard St, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 627179
Sunday 22nd
The Fallen Apples and Guests @The Mini Beer
Festival & Barbeque The Red Admiral, Alexandra
Parade, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 623395
Minnesota Twins @Raglan Arms,Weston-Super-Mare
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Thursday 26th
Furthest Drive Home (Headline Tour) +
Datd.Select.Party + 2 sup @The Rock Gardens,
Orchard St, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 627179
Mean Blue Monsters @Kings Head,High St,Wells
Friday 27th
Off The Record @Imperial, Weston-Super-Mare
Maiden in England @The Railway, College
Street, Burnham on Sea Tickets £5.00
The Crack @The Mansion House, Bridgwater
Live Music tbc @The Rock Gardens, Orchard
Street, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 627179
Rooting Around @The Malt Shovel, Bridgwater
The Rattlesnakes @Scallys, Weston-Super-Mare
Saturday 28th
Tonedevils @Scallys, Carlton Street, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 413412
Outsider @The Stones Cross, Midsomer Norton
Live Music tbc @The Rock Gardens, Orchard
Street,Weston-Super-Mare 01934 627179
The Little Big Band @George Hotel,Nether Stowey
Maiden In England £4.00 @The Imperial, Soth
Parade, Weston-Super-Mare 01934 621815
Four Men on the Job @Pen & Quill, Taunton
Mojo (2) @ The Conservative Club, Yeovil
Seedy Cases @The King William, Glastonbury
Sex Pistols Experience + Vermin @The Railway, College Street, Burnham on Sea £4.00
Sunday 29th
The Hamsters @The Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil
The Mangledwurzels @The Somerset Waggon,
Chilcompton, nr Radstock 01761 232732
Live Music @Raglan Arms, Weston-Super-Mare 6.00
Repeat & Regular
Every Monday night - Rock ‘n’ Roll and Rockabilly @The Rock Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare
Mondays - Open Mic @Britannia, Weston-Super-Mare
1st Tuesday - Acoustic @Victoria Arms, Wellington
3rd Tuesday - Folk @The Sportsman, Wellington
Every Wednesday - Metal Night ‘Dance with the
Devil’ @The Rock Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare
Every Friday - Open Folk 8.00pm @The Raglan
Arms, Weston-Super-Mare all welcome
C D and DVD Duplication
CD’s / DVD’s
01934 419747
or e-mail
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
19 College Street,
Burnham on Sea.
Issue 3 Vol. 5
01278 784828
6th - T B C
13th - T B C
20th - ‘JUNCTION 22’
21st - ‘Q - HQ’
27th - ‘MAIDEN IN ENGLAND’ - £5.00 Great Tribute band
* All live music is FREE entry unless otherwise stated *
4th JULY - ‘QUEEN BOHEMIAN’ brill tribute band one not to miss!
5th JULY - ‘CROSSWIRED’ very popular
Recently we have been sent a magazine
relating to all things folk in the Devon county. This is an excellent publication and
crammed full of information on the folk
scene of Devon. It’s published 3 times a
year is a really excellent read and anyone
interested in taking out a subscription can
contact - Jean Warren on 01752 401732
For more details or go to
Most areas or towns have a local Folk
club or sing-a-long it’s an ideal place to see
some really talented people, learn more
about guitar playing, meet new friends.
We at the Scrumpy ‘n’ Western are often
asked why we stopped the Repeat & Regular section of the gig guide, which listed
lots of clubs / Open mic nights. Well it’s
really a question of space and costs, since
most of these were regular, when one
started we would be told but if one folded
most times we were not. Also most are on
going, and we now receive so many
changing weekly events, it’s about cost.
One of the most delightful things to do in
Cornwall (and anywhere else for that matter) during the summer is to stand outside
one of Cornwall’s wonderful public houses,
watching our hard working Morris dancers
weaving their enchanting spell in time to
the age-old music of England. There are
some ten or a dozen sides covering the
whole of the county; the strangely- named
Trigg operates through the north and east
of Cornwall, and the program of their
Thursday evening outings is out now.
For more info go to
Trigg Morris men are at 5th June - 8 pm Trelights Village
9 pm Port Gaverne Hotel.
12th June - 8 pm Napoleon Inn’ Boscastle
9 pm The Bridge
19th June-8 pm Butchers Arms,Landrake
9 pm Elliots Arms, St. Germans
26th June - 8 pm Port William, Trebarwith
9 pm Camelford Town.
Or phone - 01637 880394
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Horizontal Music Studios
Professional multi track recording studio
64 channel large format mixing desk
* Professional designed live room ( 21ft x 18ft ) * isolation room (12ft x 6ft)
* Air conditioned control room ( 24ft x 13ft ) * Tons of equipment and mics
OR PHONE 01934 529119
Tuesday 3rd
Eleanor McEvoy @Red Lion Hotel, Salisbury 7.30
Thursday 5th
Steve Tilson @The Lamb Inn, Devizes
Friday 6th
The Gaulois Brothers @The Bear Hotel, Devizes
Ruby Turner @The Corn Exchange, Devizes
Live Music tbc @The George, Bradford on Avon
Live Music tbc @The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Saturday 7th
The Ivo Neave Trio @The Bear Hotel, Devizes
The Mangledwurzels + Kent Duchaine +
Groove Train + Stress + Howling at the Moon
@The 13th holt Music Festival, Holt, nr Trowbridge
Live Music tbc @The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Monday 8th
Gwyneth Herbert @The Town Hall, Devizes
Friday 13th
Ron Trueman-Border @ The Angle, Purton
Live Music tbc @The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Live Music tbc @The George, Bradford on Avon
Saturday 14th
Cafe Calienti @Bear Hotel, Devizes 01380 722444
Jon Walsh B/Band @Cross Keys, Great Bedwyn
Live Music tbc @The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Monday 16th
Mornington Locket, Don Weller, Art Themen
& John Crichinson @The Town Hall, Devizes
Wednesday 18th
Vin Garbutt @Town Hall, Devizes 01380 738686
Friday 20th
Ron Trueman-Broder @ Cross Keys, Gt.Bedwyn
Matt Schofield & Earl Green @The Corn Exchange, Devizes tickets / info 01380 738686
Bill Mather @The Bear Hotel, Devizes
Live Music tbc @The George, Bradford on Avon
Saturday 21st
Andy Haig Quintet @The Bear Hotel, Devizes
Live Music tbc @The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Sunday 22nd
Reg Meuross @The Lamb Inn, Devizes
Friday 27th
Daniel Smith @The Bear Hotel, Devizes
The Mangledwurzels @Calne Liberal Club, Oxford Rd, Calne 01249 812129
Live Music tbc @The George, Bradford on Avon
Live Music tbc@The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Saturday 28th
Rubber Monkey @ Gorse Hill Club, Swindon
Live Music tbc@The Bear Hotel, Marlborough
Repeat & Regular
Mondays - English Traditional @The George,
Woolley St, Bradford on Avon 01225 867426
Tuesdays - Open Mic @The Canel Tavern, Frome
Road, Bradford on Avon 01225 867426
Tuesdays - Open Mic @The George, Woolley St,
Bradford on Avon 01225 865650
First & Third Sunday of Month - English/Irish
session * Last Sunday of month - Open Mic and
second Sunday - French session @The Old
Road Tavern, Old Road, Chippenham
Experienced Teacher &
Performer - ALL AGES
Learn by ear or music
Phone - 01225 783003
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
In our Courtyard Garden
Any local musicians / artists welcome to perform please phone or call in
ROCK ‘n’ ROLL with
Hi all and welcome to June. This month
sees the birthdays of Pat Boone 1st 1934
with hits of ‘Wonderful Time Up There’,
‘April Love’, and on 9th 1934 its Jackie
Wilson with ‘Reet Petite’, ‘Lonely Teardrops’, good classics and you will probably
hear their tracks being played by the dj or
live band covering one or all of their hits at
any Rock ‘n’ Roll event that you go to.
In the 1970’s ‘The Darts’ did just that by
doing a re-make of ‘Reet Petite’, The Darts
now regrouping and about to go on tour, so
check out the dates they could be playing
near you. ‘Darts’ hit the charts in the 70’s
with competition from Showaddywaddy,
Mud, Rocky Sharp and the Replays and
Matchbox. ‘The Darts’ were a 9 strong energetic entertaining doo woop group hitting
the charts in 77’ with ‘Daddy Cool’/The Girl
Can’t Help It’ mix. The group was the brain
child of ex Rocky Sharp bass player Den
Hagarty, who in 1976 pulled together other
former Sharp members vocalist Griff Fender, Rita Ray, Horatio Hornblower, Thump
Thompson, John Drummer, George Currie,
Hammy Howell and Bob Fish. Darts began
playing pubs, clubs and the university circuits where they soon build up a large following. Their unique style of doo wop Rock
‘n’ Roll and of course their stage act had
them as one of the top acts around, soon
their reputation got around and the break
came when they appeared on BBC radio
London in October 1976. The group soon
got a record deal with Magnet and their first
release hit the top 10 in 1977, other hits
followed ‘Come back My Love’, ‘Boy From
New York City’, ‘It’s Raining’......
Then in 1979 Den Hagarty left and Darts
seemed to loose their sparkle. In 1980 a
dispute with Magnet records, resulting in a
restraint on the release of any new material, so the band toured the USA for a few
years and coming back to the UK in 83’
and began a new tour appearing in theatres in ‘Yakey Yak’, the show mostly staying in the West End of London.....
Now ‘Darts’ are back with the legendary
Den Hagarty, the guy with the bulging
eyes!! And the band of course are touring.
This month on the 7th in Coventry we
have ‘The Spitfires’ (0247 6336533) on
the 14th in Surrey it’s ‘Class of 58’ (01483
856744 on the 20th we have a Record
Hop at Taunton R ‘n’ R Club and on the
28th in Cleveland we have ‘The Rhythm
Boys’. The 27th June Basingstoke R ‘n’ R
club have ‘Bernie Woods & The Forest
Fires’ (01256 462305). From the 19th 23rd at Pontins Camber Sands, East Sussex is ‘The Rockabilly Rave’ (01435
812508) with bands like ‘The Rockin 8
Balls’ from Finland, ‘Lew Williams’ from
USA, ‘Ronnie Bonnie’ from Italy, ‘Jack
Rabbit Slim’ from the UK and many more,
boy what a line up!! Until next month keep
Rockin - Boppin Darrin
I would like to wish Rebel Dean and Sarah
Craddock lots of luck and happiness on
their forth coming wedding wishing you
both all the best, your a lovely couple and
will see you on the day xxx .
Free Every Month Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
** NEW CD’S ** Marks
2 The Centre, Weston-Super-Mare
Tel. 01934 628866
*The Acorn Folk Club, meet on the 7th
June with guests Tom Napper and Tom
Bliss vocals and guitar / mandolin / banjo
/ fiddle playing - tickets £4.00 in advance /
£5.00 on the door for more info 01643
709394 they meet at the Pier Room,Old
Ship Aground, Quay Street, Minehead.
* The North Devon Jazz Club have on
the 16th June - ‘The Meier Group’ ... elegant in tone and bubbling with ideas. The
award winning Swiss guitarist, Nicolas Meier, plays a mix of Methenyesque jazz and
spicy oriental sounds, he surrounds himself with top musicians. On the 30th guest
- Sue Hawker - Sue has been praised by
Cadence Review as ‘ a full-blown jazz
singer with a husky, seductive voice who
can wade through bop phrasing as boisterously as Annie Ross’. She will be accompanied by pianist Guy Gardener, drummer
Mark Fletcher and bassist Nick Kacal .
They meet at The Beaver , Irsha Street,
Appledore for more info - 01237 421065
Now under new management the South
West’s leading Roots Music venue have a
full line up this summer of some the the
best acts around. For more information go
to -
Otterton Mill, Otterton, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon Ex9 7HG
01395 568521
The excellent Johnny Cash tribute band
‘Ring of Fire’ are appearing @Luxborough
Village Hall, Somerset on the 14th June.
Tickets £12.50 includes supper.
For more info go to -
Issue 3 Vol. 5
WILTSHIRE 01225 899046
gladiator 100759
Name Change for The Stumbles Inn,
Town Street, Shepton Mallet, Somerset to
The Swan for more info and gig information
phone - 01749 344995
The Shammick Acoustic Sessions on
the 14th June open mic with guests Heather Dale & Ben Deschamps, both multi instrumentalists, with Heather taking the
lead on singing, providing a mix of Celtic,
folk, blues, jazz and world music. On the
28th they present John Kirkpatrick in concert . John is widely acknowledged as the
squeeze box king of English music, and an
original and innovative player, with an outstanding voice, he is also one of the cleverest songwriters around. They meet at The
Castle Inn, High Street, Combe Martin,
North Devon for more info go to
or phone 01271 882366
FOR SALE - Leasehold : Off-Licence
/Delicatessen - situated on main
road in central Weston-Super-Mare.
For more info phone 07979 512575
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Scallys Quiz Night every Monday Questions for everyone
Guitarist Jamie Thyer has quit the band,
Patrick and Mike are carrying on with the
intense and very capable Mr Ben Fletcher
on Guitar and vocals. We are told to get
ready for a complete new set - for more info
on gigs news etc... Go to
We have been given some news about a
regular promotion taking place at The Old
Bear, Staverton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
which they have started an alternative
evening of bands (of all ages) playing,
mostly, covers with an evening of bands
playing only original material. They intend
to run these evenings at present every two
months, we are also informed that these
have already started. They want to have at
least one new young band (16 - 18?) at
each of these gigs. The Old Bear is an
ideal size for a music venue with a large
car park, there is also an outside smoking
area - please support!!
For more info phone Mel Austin (Geisha
House) on 01225 705866
7 Litchen Street, Barnstaple,
North Devon, EX32 8ND
01271 325065
ALL STYLES ***********
******** ALL FORMATS
Monday to Saturday
10.30 to 5.30
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Views expressed by contributors are not necessary those of the ‘Scrumpy ‘n’ Western’ live
music magazine.
All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs
submitted to the ‘Scrumpy ‘n’ Western’ magazine whether at our request or otherwise, are
submitted entirely at the supplier’s risk.
Whilst every care is taken, in the event of loss
or damage to materials etc...
The ‘Scrumpy ‘n’ Western’ magazine cannot
hold itself in any way responsible. Nor can it
accept any liability for mistakes or misprints.
No part of the publication may be reproduced in
any form without permission.
If you have any articles, letters, pictures, or
comments You would like us to consider for
publication, we would be delighted to hear from
The S ‘n’ W offers many exciting opportunities to
advertise your business or band, your talents as
a musician or your venue. Our advertising rates
are very competitive, give us a call.
07890 305585*
* If no-one answers please
leave a message and we
will get back to you as
soon as possible.
C 2008 Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Love the name, these guys sent me their
new demo CD and on listening I ventured
further on who ‘Burning Down Vegas’ are.
They are a four piece hardcore punk rock
band from the west Berkshire area. When
they first formed they spent a number of
months developing their own sound, having no idea what kind of band they really
wanted to be. The lads first wrote a few
mellow songs, playing a few gigs to gain
some experience from playing live. Then it
all started to click together, a fusion of the
band members favourite genres, which
has developed into their own sound, playing the music they like, not the music other
people will like! The lads Milez - vocals,
Mark - drums, Dewy - bass and Wally guitar are all about the time when rock
music was about ‘The Music’ and not hairstyles, clothes, costumes or face paint!
Although listening to ‘Burning Down Vegas’
and their influences might tell you other
wise. Each of them are influenced by
completely different bands from ‘Kings of
Leon’ to ‘Gallows’. Their demo disc starts
with track one - ‘Alive’ to me fast gut rotting
rock, fast paced good lyric’s changing patterns, vocals not to sing in any bath! Energetic rock from the first track through to
‘Bombs’ play loud, but it’s the energy of
youth that hits home. Well produced, the
run follows one to one, great demo. Sound
live, not pretentious - all songs on their
demo CD and myspace profile were recorded at Boundary Studios in Newbury in
November ‘07, and the engineer has done
a good job. For more info on gig bookings
or info on ‘Burning Down Vegas’ go to
or e-mail
07762566199 / 01635 30404
You can catch them live on 5th June - @The Monument, Newbury
20th - North Croft Leisure Centre, Newbury
28th - Battle of the Bands, Marlborough
If they sound live as good as their demo
then you are in for a good gig. They sound
as if they have something to say, no shit!
Issue 3 Vol. 5
AT B.A.S.C off Junction 22
JULY 26th 6 till 12.00 pm
(‘FUNKY BUTT’ 48 weeks in LP charts)
( 9 Top 20 singles UK charts)
Band T B C and Band T B C
and the ever busy
G C Music, College St, B O S
Old Pier Tavern, B O S
01278 783161
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Issue 3 Vol. 5
Ryan Inglis
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Thirty years ago it was very rare to hear or
see a Public house close down. If one did
it was down to redevelopment, as often as
not thirty years ago with new estates being
built it was a case of more opening. Oh
how times have changed, since my involvement with the Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
and the amount of traveling I do, I have in
the past few years seen a rapid decline in
pubs. I have even in the past year driven
past one main road boozer that is now a
Bedding Centre!! On the main once a pub
shuts down the most common re-opening
is as a Restaurant, mainly Indian or Chinese. Sad the way of change, what will
happen to live music now the smoking ban
is in force plus the economic down turn is
having such an effect on a once so important part of English life, the local pub?
In the past 6 months The Mash Tun in
Winchester, a pub that for many years was
a major live music venue has been boarded up with a tolet / for sale sign protruding
from the side of the building. Last month
scaffolding appeared round the building,
on enquiring, that it’s to be reopened as a
restaurant!! Another main music venue
‘The Tumble Down Dick’ in Farnborough,
Surrey has closed and boarded up, may
now we are informed open as a restaurant!
Worried music fans from across the area
have started a campaign to try and save
the only place to see a gig in Farnborough
. Over the years ‘The Tumbledown Dick’
has hosted such bands as ‘The Jam’, ‘Bad
Manners’, ‘Hundred Reasons’, ‘Mega City
Four’, and ‘Ruben’ plus many many more.
It was an integral part of the local live music
scene, having hosted countless thousands
of local and unsigned bands over the
years. At the present time it is estimated
that 5 pubs a day are closing in England,
this excludes Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. How many of these host live
music? What are the musicians Union doing about this problem, is it a problem? The
Scrumpy has decided to take a further
look, Why?
Bands and musicians who played at last
years Folk and Blues Festival on the Isle of
Wight claim they have not been paid fro
their performances . Folk legends ‘Fairport
Convention’ say they are owed £5000.00
for headlining the event. Other musicians
and local businesses are also claiming
they have not been paid for services given
to promoters. The promoters are blaming
the sponsors not paying them for the delay
in payment to bands who played in 2007.
‘Fairport Convention’ played at the original
1968 Folk & Blues Festival, in an interview
with the BBC, band leader ‘Dave Pegg’
said that they had expected to have been
paid in September ‘07. He went on to say
“We did a concert there which sold out. I
personally traveled all the way from France
where I was on holiday and took three days
out of my life. The audience were great, we
had a really good night, we may appear to
be a big name but this is our livelihood and
we really do need to get paid.”
The organisers of the Folk and Blues Festival also organise The Isle of Wight Jazz
Festival, say performers will get their appearance fees paid. They did admit that
there were some big problems with the
Folk Festival that still needed to be sorted!
Good publicity
Pete Brownett
01934 620184
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
Tuesday 10th @The Factory an
‘Acoustic’ evening then Wednesday 11th
- ‘Glitch Factory’ with ‘Courtney Pine’ on
Thursday 12th @The Factory, Barnstaple
newest venue. You can see the excellent
The ‘ 5th Barnstaple Fringe’ is now a very
‘Paul Lamb & the King Snakes’ @ The
well established part of the North Devon
Olive Branch on the 13th with ‘Bredan
Festival, attracting visitors from far and
Taylor and Friends’ @The Riverfront.
wide to enjoy the towns events covering a
Jazz at Zena’s with @Rachel Brand Quarwide spectrum of genres - Jazz, Folk,
tet’ and ‘Pete Canter’s October Quintet’
Country, Bluegrass, Bhangra, Soul, Amerion Saturday 14th. Marshall’s have on
cana Blues, Comedy, Poetry and Fringe
Sunday afternoon at 3.30 pm ‘Nigel
theatre plus something for everyone who is
Bagge & Eddie Armer Duo’.
looking to be entertained. All these events
‘Jenna’ singer/songwriter appears at the
taking place in familiar venues and locaBoston Tea Party 4 pm Thursday 19th
tions around the very popular town of Barnwith the ‘Rory Ellis Duo’ at The North
staple. These are a few of the highlights Country Inn 8 pm . ‘The Gary Fletcher
Two Jazz legends start the opening of the
Band’ play The Olive Branch Friday 20th
fringe, trumpeter, composer and broadat 8.30 pm with ‘Kit Holmes with Ruth
caster ‘Guy Barker’ with award winning
Wilde’ appearing at The Riverfront .
jazz vocalist, pianist ‘Ian Shaw’ who take
Jazz at Zena’s on Saturday 21st with
us to the movies on 31st May @The Gal‘Unusual Suspects’ 12.30 and ‘J S Sexlery Cafe. £9.50
tet’ 2.15 pm . On Sunday 22nd at
Sunday 1st June ‘Miller Anderson’ from
Marshall’s starting 3.30 pm is the brillient
3.30 pm @ Marshalls. Free entry
(and April’s Front Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
front cover) ‘Stompin Dave Allen’ this is a
‘John Law The Art of Sound’ @The Galdon’t miss gig, for more info go to lery Cafe from 8.00 pm £7.50
Monday 2nd -‘ Peter Bruntnell’s Music
Tuesday 24th at The Factory is ‘Toots
Cellar with Danny George Wilson’ @
and The Mytals’ Toots is a Reggae, soul
Lillico’s Free
legend and this will be an excellent eveWednesday 4th - ‘The Bahamian Experinings entertainment.
ence’ @ Zena’s 8.30 pm
4th - ‘Polar Bear’ @ Broomhill 8.00 pm
At The Gallery Cafe 8 pm there is the east
Thursday 5th - ‘Red Dirt and Sean TayLondon based five piece ‘Led Bib’
lor’ @ North Country Inn 8.00 pm Free
‘Led Bib may look like they have raided
Friday 6th ‘Achanak’ @ The Factory 8
the school music room but they make good
pm £9.50
use of their instruments’ - Metro
6th - ‘Chris Jagger’s Acoustic Trip’
Friday 27th at 8.30 pm are the ‘Matt Tay@The Olive Branch 8.30 pm Free
lor Band’ @ The Olive Branch with
6th - ‘Rachel Brand Quartet’ @The Riv‘Angelo Debarre Quartet’ at Zena’s on
erfront 8.00 pm Free
Saturday 28th 12.30 pm.
Saturday 7th ‘Cuatro Monos’ @Zena’s
This is just a selection of what’s on at The
7th - ‘The Summer Sound’ @The Factory
Barnstable Fringe, for a fuller picture go to
Sunday 8th ‘Ian Siegal’ @ Marshalls 3.30
8th ‘Dominic Norcross Quartet’ @ the -
There is a wide range of events, something
Boston Tea Party 4.00 pm Free
Monday 9th ‘James Walbourne’ @ for everyone, and we strongly recommend
you seek out tickets where ever possible,
Lillico’s Free 8.00 pm
Tuesday 10th ‘Rachel Harrington’ @The rather than be disappointed.
Box office - 01271 32 42 42
Gallery Cafe 8.00 pm £7.50
part of
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
At The Fiddleford Inn Friday 4th from
9.30 - 11.30 pm - Elliet Mackrell (Fiddle)
and David Williams of Kangaroo Moon with
Dave Hatfield on double bass - Celtic FidAn event into it’s 4th year taking place in dle Music Free admission but advance
the delightful and picturesque county of booking for this event recommended.
Dorset at The Exchange, Stour Hall, Old Saturday 5th starting at 11.30 am till 12.30
Market Hill, Sturminster Newton and The pm - Junior Banner Painting Workshop
Fiddleford Inn, Fiddleford. There has been in the Garden with Ani Overton and Dawn
an amazing line-up booked for this years Washington. From 11.30 am till 2.30 pm
Festival there will be ‘The Saturday Session’ with
Friday 4th July appearing at The Ex- open piano boogie woogie in the bar, entry
change, Sturminster Newton, with the free of charge with light snacks and lunch
evening concert 7.30 - 11.00 pm.
available. In the evening from about 9.00 A surprise combination of artists perform- 11.30 pm is the excellent and entertaining
ing on two grand pianos ‘Three Tuns O’Grass’ a 6 piece blue
‘Yvon Momboisse’ (France)
grass band who really are a don’t miss!
‘Big John Carter’ (UK)
Again free of charge but advance booking
In the first part,with the second half well recommended. Then going on into
‘The Stuff’ boogie woogie band (UK)
Sunday 5th at The Fiddleford Inn’ there is
‘Jelly Germaine’ tap dance (Cameroun)
a Drumming Workshop in the music room
‘Vince Weber’ piano and vocals (Germany) with Jon Neilson 10.30 - 11.30 am.
With a final all artists!
From 12.00 noon - 1.00 pm ‘History of
Boogie, Woogie Talk’ by Don Knies and
Saturday 5th July appearing again at Russ Barnes. Then live from 1.00 - 3.00
The Exchange pm ‘Sneaky Pete and The Vipers’ - swing,
Starting with 5.30 - 6.30 pm with
boogie - jive Rock ‘n’ Roll 3 piece, guitar,
‘Youth Showcase Concert’
double bass and drums again entry free of
charge and worth booking a place in adThen Evening Concert 7.30 - 11.00 pm
vance. Sunday lunch will be available
with along with light snacks. For more info go to
‘Eeco Rijken Rapp’ piano (Netherlands)
‘Renaud Patigny’ piano (Belgium)
The Scrumpy ‘n’ Western is looking
In the first part, with the second half for Sales people / Agents who are
‘The Stuff’ boogie, woogie band (UK)
or have sold advertising or other
‘Jelly Germaine’ tap dance (Cameroun)
‘Papa Don Washington’
direct sales products in the past.
Piano and vocals (USA)
Good rate of commission is on ofWith a final all artists!
There will be a licensed bar and food avail- fer, this would suit retired or
able during the above concerts provided by housewife’s who can spare a few
The Fiddleford Inn and sponsored by the hours a week. The magazine covHop Back Brewery. For ticket sales and ers 7 counties and we would like a
other information phone representative for each county.
01258 472489
In The Exchange- Bow Room on Saturday This would also involve selling for
5th there will be from 10.30 a collection of two web sites plus joint advertisworkshops for all ages and abilities, includ- ing offers. If you are interested
ing beginners, for more info go to e-mail your details to
Free Every Month
Scrumpy ‘n’ Western
At the end of April it was discovered that a
site calling itself Festival Unlocked was
falsely claiming to be a competition for
unsigned bands to play at this years Reading Festival and Leeds Festival. WHY?
Organisers stress that site is not
official. So Festival Republic, the promoters of the Reading and Leeds Festivals,
are keen to alert all festival goers to the
unofficial site on Myspace. The site has no
link with the Festival and none of the bands
will be on the bill via this site. Festival
Republic promoters of The Reading and
Leeds Festivals are totally committed to
new and unsigned bands/talent and have
this year been working closely with the
BBC introducing BBC Raw Talent.
On Bank Holiday Monday 26th May the
‘Junkyard Scientists’ were the first band
ever to play an in store gig at Zavvi
(formally Virgin Mega Store), Broad Street
Mall, Reading as part of a collaboration
with the music megastore.
‘Junkyard Scientists’ a 7 piece band took to
the in-store stage at about 7pm, performing
their funk-infused hip-hop/soul material
from their debut EP which was released
and on sale at Zavvi, so not only did people
get the chance to see the band perform live
but they were some of the first to buy the
new debut EP plus there was other Junkyard merchandise on sale as well.
Formed only last year, the ‘Junkyard Scientists’ have been setting dance floors
alight all over the south of England with
their explosive live performances and party
atmosphere. If you like ‘Jamiroquai’,
‘James Brown,’ ‘Sly & the family Stone’,
and ‘Amp Fiddler’ then check out the band.
The Reading music store Zavvi want to
support the local music scene by promoting local and live music with the ‘Junkyard
Scientists’ being the first band to perform
there. On the 13th June at the vibrant
‘Global Cafe’ from 8.00 pm to 1.00 am
(Free entry as usual) which will feature ‘Junkyard Scientists’, ‘Stoltz’, ‘Luv Shuvel’,
‘Midi Midis’, ‘Ground Dust’, ‘the DJC’, ‘Flat
Stan’, ‘Nexone’ and ‘Ollie T’. The Night
promises swinging, swaying, records playing and even some street dancing!!
“A great live band with hints of Jamiroquai
and Amp Fiddler” - Radio Berkshire.