PORTFOLIO DANA BADULESCU – April 2015 Schweizerischer Tonkünstlerverein Plakat und Flyer Schweizerischer Tonkünstlerverein Webseite TOBIAS PREISIG D R I F TI N G TOBIAS PREISIG postkarte_tobiaspreisig_cd_version_A.indd 1 29/01/14 17:19 DR I F TI N G Tobias Preisig D r i f ti n g & 2014 • nd th e ow ner o © video still by KOHEI YAMAGUCHI all rights of the producer a . ted ibi oh pr rd d ce rve se re d. Un ho r aut ized rin ing, hi copy g, lending, public perform ance an d bro adc ast ing of th is re co LABEL_2014_01.indd 1 TOBIAS PREISIG VIOLIN STEFAN AEBY PIANO ANDRÉ POUSAZ BASS MICHI STULZ DRUMS rep ro du D r i f ti n g f th ew or k Tobias Preisig Pa n t o n e 8 7 1 U w e i s s ( C D - fa r b e s i l b e r ) 12/5/13 5:47 PM www.tobiaspreisig.com TOBIAS PREISIG, «DRIFTING» tobiaspreisig_plakat_a2_01.indd 1 02/02/14 22:18 Cover photo by JITKA HANZLOVA | Artwork by DANA BADULESCU | Inside photo by BERNHARD LEY | Inside text by LUKAS WIGGER | Thanks to Präsidialdepartement Stadt Zürich, Kultur, Popkredit | Thanks to FLORIAN PITTET at La Fonderie Studio Fribourg for the Summit Compressor TO B I A S P R E I S I G p l ay s Ev a P i r a z z i s t r i n g s by P I R A S T R O Tobias Preisig It’s a transit on the inside; a journey through a third country seamlessly changing its appearance and showing a different face to each traveler. In Tr ansIT Tobias Preisig I n T r An sIT d. yin cop lic performance and b i n g , pu b road , lend c a s ting iring of t g, h his rec ord pr oh ib i te © photo by JITka Hanzlova ed riz 1 o th cd.indd I N T R AN SIT 1/2/12 4:51 PM Recorded by ANDREAS NERESHEIMER at Hardstudios Winterthur 27-29th June 2011 | Mixed by ANDREAS NERESHEIMER | Mastered by WOLFGANG LOOS at Traumton Studios, Berlin TR AUMTO N 4567 Executive producer: PETER BÜRLI AT SCHWEIZER R ADIO DRS 2 Co-produced by SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN www.tobiaspreisig.com 964322 file under: jazz www.tobiaspreisig.com tobiaspreisig_plakat_a2.indd 1 2012 au TOBIAS PREISIG Produced by CHRISTIAN ZEHNDER TobIas PreIsIg violin Stefan aeby Piano andré PouSaz bass Michi Stulz drums & Un Music composed by TOBIAS PREISIG and published by TRAUMTON MUSIKVERLAG, except Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, published by Bad Monk Publishing / Sony ATV. Transforming is based on and inspired by the theme of Gabriel Fauré’s «Après un rêve» TOBIAS PR EISIG VIOLIN STE FAN AE BY PIANO AN DR É POUSAZ BASS MICHI STU L Z DRUMS d. 2 :47 4:4 4 5: 28 5:47 5:42 4:4 6 6:1 1 5: 27 5: 31 3: 2 3 4:41 ve INFINITE INHALE I N F I N I T E E XH A L E TR ANSFOR MING CH A R M I N G SO PH I S T I C AT I O N H A L L E LU JA H TOT E N M A R SCH W H AT A N A PPE A R A N CE IN TR ANSIT I N TOXI C AT E D W H E E L C ’ E S T L’A N G E Q U I PA RT M O N O LO G D IA LO G IN TR ANSIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1/6/12 2:19 PM TOBIAS PR EISIG In Tr ansIT ucer and the o wner of the prod igh t s of th Al l r ew ork r e p rod uc ed res er Tobias Preisig postkarte_tobiaspreisig.indd 1 montage.indd 1 1/6/12 2:11 PM TOBIAS PREISIG, «IN TRANSIT» 1/2/12 4:55 PM Tobias Preisig IN Tr ANsIT TOBIAS PREISIG IN TR ANSIT TO B IAS PR E I S I G VIO LI N ST E FAN AE BY PIAN O AN D R É PO U SA Z BASS M I C H I ST U L Z D RU MS It’s a transit on the inside; a journey through a third country seamlessly changing its appearance and showing a different face to each traveler. © Photo by CORINNE KR AMER toBias Preisig violin stefan aeBy Piano andré Pousaz bass Michi stulz drums 2013 april S a 2 7. 4 5 U h r 23. ManageMent: KAGITANI music management, Ayumi Frei Kagitani Kagitan +41 79 470 9490, info@kagitani.com tobiaspreisig_plakat_a2_band_01.indd 2 Booking: F-CAT, Alex Holzwert +49 30 261032912, alex@f-cat.de www.tobiaspreisig.com w w w.to b ia s p rei sig.co m 4/19/13 10:46 AM TOBIAS PREISIG, «IN TRANSIT» Plakat und Postkarte TOBIAS PREISIG, «IN TRANSIT» Webdesign Johanna Encrantz, Photographer Webdesign Johanna Encrantz, Photographer Webdesign Alexandra Bachzetsis Performance Artist Webdesign Advokaturbüro «Langstrasse 4» Webdesign Advokaturbüro «Langstrasse 4» Webdesign LIIS Architektur Webdesign, www.liis.ch «fiore» Fachinstitut für Reproduktionsmedizin und gynäkologische Endokrinologie Logo-Design «bodymind» Zentrum für ganzheitliches Lernen Logo-Design «THEATER ping pong» Logo-Design «THEATER ping pong» Improvisations-Theater für Kinder und Erwachsene, Visitenkarten, Postkarten Improvisations-Theater für Klein und Gross → ab 5 Jahren theate r pi ngpong Sonja Röösli Eichstrasse 10 8045 Zürich t +41 44 46 1 69 57 M +41 79 48 6 11 79 sonjaroosli@ theater-ping pong.ch ww w.theater -pingpong.ch visitenkarte_son ja_roosli.indd visitenkarte_son ja_roosli.indd 2 15.07.14 12: 45 1 15.07.14 12: 45 ngpong theate r pi en Funk Nicole Zenklus Zeit 54 Im eisernen 8057 Zürich 1 39 25 t +41 44 27 1 32 24 M +41 79 70 ingpong.ch en@theater-p nicolezenklus pong.ch ing -p ter ea ww w.th 39 15.07.14 12: unk.indd _zenklusen_f ole visitenkarte_nic 2 39 15.07.14 12: d 1 usen_funk.ind the at e Florian r pingpong F Im eise unk rnen Z eit 54 8057 Z ürich t +41 4 M +41 4 271 39 25 7 florian 9 701 05 75 funk@ the w w w.t heater- ater-pingpo ng.ch pingpo ng.ch ole_zenkl visitenkarte_nic visitenk visitenk arte_flo arte_flo rian_fu nk.indd rian_fu nk.indd Verein TheaTer pingpong Sonja Röösli Nicole Zenklusen Florian Funk info@theater-pingpong.ch www.theater-pingpong.ch UID: CHE-400.322.730 Zürcher Kantonalbank IBAN: CH88 0070 0111 0000 1334 9 BIC: ZKBKCHZZ80A 2 1 15.07.14 15.07.14 13:09 13:09 «THEATER ping pong» Improvisations-Theater für Kinder und Erwachsene, Visitenkarten, Breifpapier «THEATER ping pong» Improvisations-Theater für Kinder und Erwachsene Webdesign 18. Februar 2015 17:45 THEATER ping pong Newsletter <info@theater-pingpong.ch> To: Dana Badulescu THEATER ping pong NEWSLETTER neui gschichte us de chischte! Improvisations-Theater für Klein und Gross → ab 5 Jahren «ping pong hin und her ping pong das isch nöd schwär ziehn öppis us de chischte dänn git's gueti neui gschichte …» 29.03.2015 (Sonntag, 11 Uhr) Miller's Studio Kabarett in der Mühle Tiefenbrunnen Seefeldstrasse 225, im Innenhof CH-8008 Zürich zum Veranstaltungsort 31.05.2015 (Sonntag, 11 Uhr) Miller's Studio Kabarett in der Mühle Tiefenbrunnen Seefeldstrasse 225, im Innenhof CH-8008 Zürich zum Veranstaltungsort 05.07.2015 (Sonntag, 11 Uhr) Theater Rigiblick Germaniastrasse 99 CH-8044 Zürich zum Veranstaltungsort Vernetze Dich mit uns: Facebook Kontakt Info: www.theater-pingpong.ch info@theater-pingpong.ch Newsletter-Abo kündigen «THEATER ping pong» Improvisations-Theater für Kinder und Erwachsene, Newsletter, Facebook-Auftritt A Time-Based Media Event Poster Yoga STYleS The differenT ST YleS of haTha Yoga Yoga continues to evolve through the years to meet the needs of every individual - from self-realization to Curing of Various Ailments. through the years, hatha Yoga which is the most popular form of Yoga in the United States and in many parts of the world, continuous to evolve and flourish. hatha Yoga is the Branch of Yoga that focuses on the physical well-being of a person and believes that the body is the vehicle of the spirit. A lot of different Yoga Styles rooted from hatha Yoga. All these styles aim to balance the mind, the body, and the spirit through the Asanas or poses; however, the emphasis varies. Some puts emphasis on the strict alignment of the body while some focuses on the coordination of breath and movement. ananda Yoga Ananda Ananda Yoga is a classical style of hatha Yoga that uses Asana and Pranayama to awaken, experience, and begin to control the subtle energies within oneself, especially the energies of the Chakras. Its object is to use those energies to harmonize body, mind, and emotions, and above all to attune oneself with higher levels of awareness. one unique feature of this system is the use of silent affirmations while in the Asanas as a means of working more directly and consciously with the subtle energies to achieve this attunement. Ananda Yoga is a relatively gentle, inward experience not an athletic or aerobic practice. It was developed by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. All these Yoga Styles have common roots. In fact, the founders of three major styles -- Astanga, Iyengar and Viniyoga -- were all students of Krishnamacharya, a famous teacher at the Yoga Institute at the Mysore Palace in India. two other styles, Integral and Sivananda, were created by disciples of the famous guru Sivananda. No style is better than the other. the Style you use is a matter of personal preference or a matter of need. the Art YogA 9 of Yoga and healTh The healTh benefiTS of Yoga Yoga is a science of health - unlike modern Western medicine which is largely a science of disease and treatment. the teachings of Yoga are based on intricate and precise understanding of the healthy functioning of the human body and mind. Its techniques are designed to maximize your own potential for good health, vitality and lasting youthfulness. this section describes the functioning of our body, looking in particular at the three major functions: the body’s strong, flexible frame of muscles, bones and ligaments; the nutrient cycles of digestion, respiration and circulation which nourishes every cell and tissue; and the vital messenger systems of nerves and hormones which balance and regulate our physical, emotional and mental responses. hoW To Perform The aSanaS Yoga and health are two words that are very closely related. the health Benefits of Yoga is widely known. Yoga is a popular aid in improving and attaining both Physical and Mental health. this is basically the most common reason why people practice Yoga - for health reasons. they want to ease their Back Pain, find a method to ease stress, or ways to deal with their health problems. this Yoga and health section takes a closer look on how your body functions and how Yoga can benefit your body. ShavaSana – The corPSe PoSe the Corpse Pose or Savasana is the classic relaxation pose, practised before each, between asanas and in final relaxation (see furter below). It looks deceptively simple, but it is in fact one the most difficult asanas do well and one which changess and develops with practice. At the end of an asana session your Corpse Pose will be more complete than at the beginning because the other asanas will have progressively stretched and relaxed your muscles. The Art of Yoga Buch-Design When you first lie down, look to see that you are lying symetrically as symmetry provides proper space for all parts to relax. Now start to work in the pose. rotate your legs in and out, then let them fall gently out to the sides. Do the same with your arms. rotate the spine by turning your head from side to side to centre it. then start stretching Lie on your back, feel spread about inches apart, and hands about inches from your sides, palms up. ease yourself into the pose, making sure the body is symmetrical. Let your thighs, knees and toes turn outward. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. PaSchimoThanaSana – SeaTed forWard bend the Corpse Pose or Savasana is the classic relaxation pose, practised before each, between asanas and in final relaxation (see furter below). It looks deceptively simple, but it is in fact one the most difficult asanas do well and one which changess and develops with practice. At the end of an asana session your Corpse Pose will be more complete than at the beginning because the other asanas will have progressively stretched and relaxed your muscles. . from a lying position, with your arms straight out behind you, inhale and come up to a sitting position. Point your feet at the ceiling and pull your buttocks out from underneath you, so you’ll be sitting directly on your pelvic bone. Stretch your arms above your head, lengthening the spine. . Pulling the abdomen in, exhale and fold forward from the pelvis, leading with the chest and keeping your back straight. Bring your chin toward your shins and your chest toward your thighs. Don’t bend from the middle of your spine. . Continue right down and hold on to whichever part of your legs or feet you can comfortably reach without bending the knees. With practice, you can wrap your index fingers around your big toes and bring your elbows down to the floor, or stretch your arms out over your feet, as shown. 9/1/12 6:08 PM dreams_lover_and_lass_03_GzD.indd 1 Grafik Dana Badulescu Dreams, Lover & Lass Duette und Lieder Simona Ryser Sopran Simon Lasker Wallfisch Bariton Edward Rushton Klavier Dreams, Lover & Lass Dreams, Lover & Lass Duette und Lieder Simona Ryser Sopran Simon Lasker Wallfisch Bariton Edward Rushton Klavier von Thomas Morley, Benjamin Britten, Gerald Finzi, Robert Schumann, und Edward Rushton Samstag, 22. September 2012, 19 Uhr Sonntag, 23. September 2012, 11 Uhr Lavatersaal, St. Peter-Hofstatt 6, 8001 Zürich Samstag, 22. September 2012, 19 Uhr Sonntag, 23. September 2012, 11 Uhr Lavatersaal, St. Peter-Hofstatt 6, 8001 Zürich Reservationen simona.ryser@bluewin.ch, 044 363 47 73 | Kasse ½ Stunde vor Konzertbeginn | Produktion «szene und musik», Zürich G rafik Dana Badulescu von Thomas Morley, Benjamin Britten, Gerald Finzi, Robert Schumann und Edward Rushton Duette und Lieder Mit bestem Dank für die Unterstützung an: Familien-Vontobel-Stiftung Alfred & Ilse Stammer-Mayer Stiftung Lotti Kahl Stiftung Antike Illustration einer «Rosa Centifolia», auch Mairose, Provence-Rose, oder Kohl-Rose genannt. Graviert von Pierre-Joseph R e d o u te ( 1 7 59 –1 8 4 0 ), Spitzname «Raphael der Blumen», offizieller Hofkünstler der Königin Marie Antoinette von Frankreich. Kasse ½ Stunde vor Konzertbeginn Reservationen simona.ryser@bluewin.ch, 044 363 47 73 Produktion «szene und musik», Zürich Dreams, Lover & Lass, Duette und Lieder Plakat und Postkarten für «szene und musik», Zürich Mit bestem Dank für die Unterstützung an: Familien-Vontobel-Stiftung Alfred & Ilse Stammer-Mayer Stiftung Lotti Kahl Stiftung dreams_lover_and_lass_03_GzD.indd 2 9/1/12 6:08 PM Ein Tanztheater mit Sarah Lerch, rn und Johanna von Gage ova Katarina Rampack drea Herdeg Choreographie An Foto Andreas Zihler Grafik Dana Badulescu mimikry_postcard_german.indd 2 mimikry_postcard_german.indd 1 1.3.2008 23:40:48 Uhr Ein Tanztheater über die kurze Dauer von Flügelschlägen und das, was bleibt. mimikry B E WEG U N G S R Ä U M E plakat_mimikry_de.indd 1 B 30.03.2008, 18.00 Uhr 02.04.2008, 20.00 Uhr 05.04.2008, 20.00 Uhr 09.05.2008, 20.30 Uhr ERNST GÖHNER STIFTUNG R U G G ZUG 2.3.2008 12:57:07 Uhr 1.3.2008 23:40:49 Uhr Casino Theater, Burgdorf Grabenhalle, St. Gallen Bühne am Spechtweg, Gröbenzell, München Teatro Dimitri, Verscio Foto Andreas Zihler Grafik Dana Badulescu oder die hohe Kunst der Anpassung Mit Sarah Lerch, Johanna von Gagern und Katarina Rampackova Choreographie Andrea Herdeg Kostüme Franziska Born Ton André Desponds Licht Johannes Hardmeier Technik Rosario Ilardo Kontakt mimikry@gmx.ch B E WEG U N G S R Ä U M E B 30.03.2008 18.00 Uhr Casino Theater, Burgdorf www.theaterburgdorf.ch 02.04.2008 20.00 Uhr Grabenhalle, St. Gallen Reservation: mimikry@gmx.ch 05.04.2008 20.00 Uhr Bühne am Spechtweg Gröbenzell, München 08. / 09.04.2008 Divadlo Duncan Centre, Praha 20.00 Uhr www.duncanct.cz 22.04.2008 19.00 Uhr Staré Divadlo, Nitra www.staredivadlo.sk 24. / 25.04.2008 CVC Domino, Kosice 19.30 Uhr www.cvcdomino.sk 27.04.2008 19.30 Uhr Teatro Wustenrot, Bratislava www.gedur.sk 09.05.2008 20.30 Uhr Teatro Dimitri, Verscio www.teatrodimitri.ch ERNST GÖHNER STIFTUNG R U G G ZUG «Mimikry» oder die hohe Kunst der Anpassung Plakat für ein Tanztheater youth_and_classic_A6.indd 1 1/27/09 11:02 PM Klassik & Tanz, Musikalitessen Plakat für «youth and classic» youth_and_classic_A4.indd 1 1/27/09 10:56 PM youth_and_classic_A6.indd 2 1/27/09 11:02 PM 9/2/12 3:05 PM Gers nds Despo André th ir W li Stefan in Enge Benjam heung C a h Misc ! s o n a i For s(huw)i nr PPi a n o Q u a r t e t Fo(u)r Pianos! Ge Organisiert durch G e r shwin Pian o Q uar tet André Desponds Stefan Wirth Benjamin Engeli Mischa Cheung www.gershwinpianoquartet.com rich 0 0 8 Zü r 2 0 1 2 8 , s u a ZKO H 5. Novembe g, Monta Uhr 0 .0 20 ZKO Haus, Seefeldstrasse 305, 8008 Zürich Montag, 5. November 2012, 20.00 Uhr Moderation: Alexander Gligorijevic Foto AndrEAS ZiHlEr GraFik dAnA BAdUlESCU sponds e D é r And Wirth Stefan ngeli E n i m Benja g Cheun a h c s i M youth_and_classic_Postkarte_01_rueckseite.indd 1 FOTO ANDREAS ZIHLER GRAFIK DANA BADULESCU ose!t ian P r ) u ( u Fo h w in P ia n o Q a r t Organisiert durch www.youth-and-classic.ch www.rotary-zuerich-bellerive.ch www.gershwinpianoquartet.com Plakat_A4.indd 1 Moderation: Alexander Gligorijevic ZKO-Billettkasse: 0848 84 88 44, billettkasse@zko.ch, www.zko.ch Schulen gratis, Jugendliche (U30) CHF 10.–, Erwachsene CHF 50.– Fo(u)r Pianos! Gershwin Piano Quartet www.youth-and-classic.ch www.rotary-zuerich-bellerive.ch ZKO-Billettkasse: 0848 84 88 44, billettkasse@zko.ch, www.zko.ch Schulen gratis, Jugendliche (U30 ) CHF 10.–, Erwachsene CHF 50.– 9/2/12 4:11 PM youth_and_classic_Postkarte_01_rueckseite.indd 2 9/2/12 3:05 PM Dana BADULESCU Langmauerstrasse 60 CH-8006 Zürich T +41 79 702 18 67 dana.badulescu@daromat.ch www.daromat.ch