Class Notes JAN-MAR 2012 - West Point Association of Graduates


Class Notes JAN-MAR 2012 - West Point Association of Graduates
Class Notes
JAN-MAR 2012
Please note that the following classes did not submit any Class Notes:
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Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Sherry Worthen at
Visit the 1938 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1938 Class Notes
Holiday Greetings from Cliff Riordan
I am currently in assisted living here at Asbury Methodist Village in Gaithersburg,
Maryland. My health is very good especially after Thanksgiving when I had a
marvelous dinner at my daughter Janet's house at which there were eight guests
(Janet's husband Nick and daughters, Joanna Bea and Lauren, my daughter Roz and
her husband Gary and daughter Lindsey and me--my daughter Rosemary and her
husband Dennis and sons Alex & Matthew were in North Carolina to visit Dennis'
family) for dinner all whom I knew for a long time. I find at 97 years, you tend to tire
out at a gathering so true to form on Thanksgiving, I took an hour off for rest. Aside
from that, I enjoyed myself and the people I was with 100%. I wish you and all of my
classmates a very Merry Christmas. Photo: Col Cliff Riordan with his
granddaughters from the left, Joanna Bea Martys, Lindsey Kotulski, and Lauren
Best Wishes
May all the classmates and their families have a warm, safe, and blessed holiday season.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Harvey C. Jones at
1945 Class Notes
The mounting success of the Class’s open computer forum <45-discuss> is the continuing big event in class cohesiveness , a real joy.
The topics bandied about, to name but a few, include: individual biographies , several superb photo series, the trip to Baltimore in ‘44 on
the Uruquay; the march to the stadium;, the recent scam attempts on Class web addresses ; computer security; the value of the plebe
system; early recognition; atom bomb development; a multitude of very fine Air Force flight tales; RA commissions; made in USA; Brobes ; and individual categories [A-D] of participation in ‘discuss’. In October there were 113 active subscribers, 119 now in
December. Do not hesitate to sign on if you want to audit some very interesting Class influenced discourse. Several individuals have
emerged as strong affecianados of the forum, Category A players: Bud Weaver, Scott Adler, George Bush, Robbie Robinson, George
Berger, George Dexter, Mose Wright, Norwood Robinson and the father and director of <45-discuss> Warren Stumpe. There are
many others – our apologies for not recognizing you all.
At their Annual Membership Dinner, in Harrisburg on September 30, the Army Heritage Center honored living Army legends, and our
Jim Herbert , former Class President, was one of those so honored. The citation:
BG Herbert was commissioned in 1945 and commanded the 8th Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)from October 1950 until wounded
in April 1951. His efforts and those of his fellow Rangers blunted an attack against the 21st Infantry Regiment of the 24th Infantry
Division during a major Chinese Offensive. Herbert was wounded three times during the attack. Ranger Herbert continued his service
with assignments in Vietnam and at Fort Bragg and retired after more than thirty years of service, BG Herbert is a member of the
Ranger Hall of Fame.
The citation also included the Ranger Hall of Fame Citation ,which detailed Jim’s service. It had been awarded to Jim when he was
inducted into the Hall of Fame in a previous ceremony. We thank Wag Wagonhurst’s widow, D’Arcy, for forwarding this to us.
An interesting report from Harry Shaw of a significant and meaningful effort by Harry Amos:
“On October 26 Harry Amos led a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery commemorating the selection 90 years ago in Chalons,
France of an unknown American service member killed in France in World War I whose remains were returned to the United states and
buried in Arlington Cemetery on Armistice Day, 1921. The recent ceremony began with the Mayor of Chalons, accompany by Harry,
laying a spray of white roses at the base of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier followed by the sounding of TAPS.
The participants then gathered at the gravesite of Sergeant Edward Younger, the decorated veteran of WWII who in 1921 had the honor
of choosing which of four identical caskets was to be honored as that of the Unknown Soldier. A reception then followed with
presentations by the Mayor of Chalons, General Caitucolui, the French defense attaché, General Linnington, CG Military District of
Washington, and General Creigton Abrams Jr., of the Army Historical Association.
Harry Shaw, who attended the Chalons 90 Ceremony, believes it was unlikely to have been brought about but for Harry Amos who, on
noting that the City of Chalons had placed bronze plaques in its City Hall marking the site where the American Unknown Soldier had
been selected in 1921, was determined to find a place in the US where the story of the Unknown Soldier’s selection would be similarly
honored. With the assistance of American War Memorials Overseas and many others, Harry found the “Old Guard” at Fort Myer to be
the right place to preserve the history of the Unknown Soldier and its links to the City of Chalons, France.”
Beautifully done, both Harry’s.
We lunched with Helen Rhett in our favorite Atlanta French restaurant [Violette’s] during our Thanksgiving travel. Helen is resident in
an elegant retirement center on Peachtree Street Her daughter Libby and family are close by. She was recently in New Mexico where she
and Jack had met when he was a Special Weapons junior officer, Still on her “bucket list” is a return trip to Paris. We were so pleased to
catch up on Helen’s news from contacts with many in the Class.
We also had an opportunity to visit with Harriet Hartline in the lovely Presbyterian Village Center in Austell, Georgia. Harriet looks
great and is well cared for. Their son Doug (USMA 73) is close by in Atlanta and watches over his mother. I introduced Dick to Harriet
in Boston sixty-two years ago so our visit was very special.
Since our last notes were compiled we must with heavy heart note the passing of seven classmates, our friends and compatriots, with
whom we shared joys, aches, and experiences these sixty-nine years and longer:
Dick Conniff (G-2), died in Palm Beach Gardens on August 25th. He will be interned at West Point this coming spring. Known as an all
around athlete as a cadet, basketball his strongest , he also was big at the boodlers. In USAF, he was a night fighter pilot and served as an
attaché in Yugoslavia when the relations were most strained. In 1957 he and his Ruth left the regular Air Force with six children, started
a long career in computer software systems and business management. With his two brothers he owned and operated one of the largest
golf cart companies in Florida [EZGO- we have one charging in the garage as we write] Their next of kin is their son, Colonel retired
Dick Junior ’75.
Bill Ochs (F-1), died November 14 in Annapolis MD. It was Bill who in September 1947 with a handful of his men, stopped dead a
column of Yugoslav troops under Tito’s orders to occupy the Free Territory of Trieste. His long career of service included Korea and
Vietnam, and in the Pentagon with the Joint Chiefs, and on retirement, the Federal Energy Agency. Bill was known as a man of humility
and humour, everybody’s friend, a man of solid views on the issues of the day.. He and his lovely, talented, artistic Betty moved to
Annapolis where Bill served as bailiff in the court system until two months before he died. Betty predeceased him in 2010 after 62 years
Jack Truby (G-2),Infantry Officer, Doctor of International Relations , teacher , coach, and World Champion Master Swimmer died of
heart failure on October 25, 2011 in Denver. He is survived by his wife of 62 years Amy Rees Truby, two sons, Tim and John, and his
daughter Beth and their families
John Warren (G-2) passed away on November 2 in Sumter, South Carolina As a cadet, John was known as “Junior” the youngest man
in the Class. He was also a Popolopen enthusiast. As an Infantry Officer, h e served with the 34th Infantry , with Far East Command, and
with the First Division. He and his Julia were married in ’81, merging themselves and their second generations into a family of happy
people. Son, Steve Warren, is next of kin.
Wendell Long (E-1),remembered at the Academy as “Wink” and as “the master of the slide rule”, graduated into the Air Corps, flew the
Berlin Airlift as a command pilot, and in ’49 chose a civilian career in his father’s construction company. Wink died in Knoxville
Tennesee on 23 September. His widow, Francis J Long , a daughter, Loucinda, and a son, Jack, and their families survive.
Rock McBride (D-1) our highly respected engineer, swimmer, and contract bridge enthusiast died in Tampa September 26 with his
beloved Wynne by his side and his family close by. His career had taken him from the swimming team at the Academy to an engineer
battalion in Italy, to Special Weapons in New Mexico, to Korea, to Morocco, to Huntsville, to VietNam, and as engineer for the ArmyAir Force Exchange Service.. On retirement from the Army he became, in Knoxville, the project manager for the first US breeder reactor
power plant, [cancelled before completion].
Les Ayers (C-2), Hop Committee expert as a cadet, Infantry Officer on graduation, switched to Army Reserve, served in the Atomic
Energy Commission and in the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, volunteered with his wife Audrey to the Peace Corps in
Guatemala. Les was the precise custodian of the Class loss records , “the largest number of deceased of any class since the founding of
USMA.” Father of three he died on October 23, 2011 in Soquel California, his beloved Audrey a year before , sixty four years together ,.
Our condolences and love go out to their families. We shall not forget them, nor forget what they have done for our country.. And we
remember those in uniform and out who defend our country under most difficult situations, away from home and family and those they
love. We are most thankful.
Very warmest regards to all. We are very proud to be part of the class of '45!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Samuel E. France at
Visit the 1946 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1946 Class Notes
These notes were prepared from early September 2011 through December 2011. For those classmates, widows and friends of the class
who prefer to contact me by other means than the internet I provide the following contact data: Your Class Scribe is Samuel E. H.
France, 400 Hulse Ave., Brick, NJ 08724-1518, Phone 732-840-1826, and e-mail:
Classmates Who Were Friends Before USMA
Ray Thayer has responded to a comment I made in the notes published in September as follows.
He met Steve Henry in January 1935 shortly after moving to Puerto Rico. His father was stationed at what was then El Morro, an Army
post behind the Castillo, which was home to the 65th Infantry Regiment. He was then living with his grandfather who was an advisor to
the Puerto Rican National Guard and he moved to Puerto Rico in December 1934 and was given quarters at El Morro also. Ray and
Steve knew each other for at least a year until Steve returned to the States. Ray then commented that we'll find several contacts sooner
than that, given the significant number of Army brats whose fathers graduated in 1924. My dad was in that class. There are eight sons of
'24 in our class (out of 91 sons of '24 who graduated USMA), with but two of us still living, Charley Daniel is the other. I was on post
at West Point 1937-41 at which time both Jim Furholman's and Lee Parmly's Dads were stationed. I did not meet Charley until we
were cadets.
Class of 1946, By The Numbers
With the 2010 Register and the Genealogical Succession List in hand I present the following numbers. 875 Total Graduated; 587 Total
Deceased (as of 12-6-11); 288 Total now living; 130 classmates with related graduates (not including brothers); 69 classmates with at
least one son who has graduated; 55 classmates with father a graduate; 17 with at least one grandson as a graduate; 16 with a
grandfather as a graduate; 11 classmates with more than one son a graduate; 5 classmates with a great grandfather(and/or great-great
grandfather); 3 classmates with a daughter as a graduate (Blyth, Matejov, Perwich); 3 classmates with two grandsons as graduates
( Boyd, Lamb, Lobdell); 1 classmate with a grand daughter as a graduate (Meola); 0 classmates with graduate father still living. Also of
interest both Blyth and Miley list five relatives as graduates. Note that above numbers do not include members of the class of 2011 nor
brothers which, of course, are not included in the Register's Genealogical List.
Armor Reunion
Our Armor classmates are still getting together. In October they met in Nashville and Guy Troy, the always faithful Armor reporter,
sent out the word. Aside from normal activities, Phyliss Streiff had arranged for the group to cut a CD at the recording studio used by
Elvis of some of the songs we sang at Ft. Knox in 1946. Elvis doesn't need to worry. We could have done better with some Jack Daniels
and in spite of no Glee Club members you would have been proud.
Last Roll Call
The following classmates have passed on since these notes were last issued in September. Since most of these deceased individuals'
names and pertinent details have now been sent via George MacDonald, I will only note name, cadet company, date of death and place
of death. Bob Allen(C-1) died 18 Nov 2011 at Jacksonville, NC; Hale Baugh(E-2) died 16 Nov 2011 at Cocoa, FL; David Brown (F1) died 11 Oct 2011 at Stone Mountain, GA; Dave Colaw (H-2) died 5 Oct 2011 at Erie, PA; Elmo Cunningham (D-1) died 28 Sep
2011 at Colorado Springs, CO ; Dick Kellogg (F-1) died 26 Nov 2011 at Brookfield, WI; Dan Mahony (B-1) died 7 Nov 2011 at Las
Vegas, NV; Bernie Pankowski (H-1) died 11 Nov 2011 at Springfield, VA: Hubert (Slats) Stees (H-1) died 20 May 2011 at Colorado
Springs CO; Bill Stroud (D-2) died at West Allis, WI on 13 Nov 2011; Norm Watkins (G-1) died 11 Oct 2011 at Gainesville, VA and
Bob Williams (C-1) died on 6 Dec 2011 at Atlanta, GA.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Robert M. Ward at
Visit the 1948 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1948 Class Notes
Babs is Ready
Mort & Babs Mumma do a lot of cruising. Babs is ready for
anything on the cruises as shown in the accompanying photo of her in
her life jacket, with Nancy Joseph, their sister-in-law, widow of Bob
Joseph, USA '55, on left, on last year's late fall cruise. This year's
late fall cruise saw no snow from Stuttgart to Basel and on the Rhine
cruise to Amsterdam. They are now back in Richmond charging their
batteries for a 26 Jan- 6 Feb Caribbean cruise on Regent Seven Seas.
Mort vouches for Regent as a cruise that will really spoil
you. Photo: Babs in Life Jacket
Starry Funeral
Donn’s funeral service at Fort Myer and Arlington National
Cemetery on Jan 11, 2012, was well attended by senior Army
officers, ’48 classmates, and a host of others. General Dempsey (JCS
Chairman) was the senior Army rep joined by a number of other 4stars. ’48 was represented by the Barondes, Dingemans,
Whiteheads, Bill Smith, Arnold Braswell, Jim Macklin, Don
Packard, Ben Loret, Marianne Kiernan and Jo Hoffman. The
burial included an appropriate 17-gun salute. The post-service
reception was very well done at the Fort Myer Officers’ Club. My
thanks to Art for the report and picture, which Art takes and never
appears in. Photo: Dingeman, Whitehead, Sylvia Dingeman, Novella
Whitehead, Jo Joffman, Macklin and Marge Barondes
Knee Replacement
Ann Schoenberg underwent surgery to have her left knee replaced at Atlanta's St. Josephs Hospital on Wednesday, 21 December. The
operation went well, she spent two nights in the hospital and then went home on Friday, 23 December. She’s getting regular visits from
the physical therapist, and other than the usual accompanying pain she seems to be making good progress toward full recovery and
resuming driving in a few weeks. Friends have been ultra helpful with in all kinds of ways. A get well card would be appropriate.
Word from Ohio
Our frequent publication of class notes is paying off in keeping in touch with 48-ers. The publication of Dingeman's visit with
Forrester led to receipt of an e-mail from Ruth McGraw seeking Forrester's address.
Ruth updated us on her activities. She is very active although as can be expected it is tough for her without Don. Her many friends and
family help. She also has the DAR, bridge and other activities keeping her busy at her lovely Twin Lakes Retirement Community in
Montgomery, Ohio. Donald, Jr, USMA 79, has just been elected President of the Cincinnati Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution.
Ruth tries to do a few things to help him based on her experience as a Past Regent of the Cincinnati Chapter, DAR. From my experience
in the SAR I know her help is appreciated.
Report from Baltimore
Dodie Hughes, daughter of Mercedes Hughes, reported on her mother's status. Mercedes had a quiet holiday this past Christmas season
-- church, movies, and, most important, a couple of phone conversations with Carol Robinson. The Hughes had a more extended family
holiday at Thanksgiving.
Big John in CA
John McEnery with his heart problems solved with a functioning pacemaker is back on the tennis courts with mostly 80+ year olds
three times a week. When not on the courts, John is on the golf course, riding a cart but playing well, with two old golf buddies of some
15 years. He has had several good rounds in 2011 and thought he had found the secret of the game until he played in the USMA.USNA
golf match and feels he contributed to Navy's win.
Whitson Works
Bill (Whit) & Judy Whitson continue to work on their international
project of the publication of the spiritual document, A Course in
MIracles. They have been engaged in this work together for 33
years. Bill is the co-Director of the Foundation for Inner Peace, the
public charity responsible for this particular form of spiritual
psychotherapy. He is responsible for the translation program and has
published in more than twenty languages making the material
available to over 93% of the earth's population. He directs about 80
other people in this world wide project. I talked to Bill, recognizing
him on his 85th and a good conversation it was. Bill said he and Judy
still work six days a week and feel enlivened and uplifted by their
service. However, at this stage of life he said he would like to find a
more happy medium between working hard and hardly working.
Sadly, he has not published another of his books; I believe there are two more on hold, partially completed. His personal writing time is
devoted to memoirs which, by the way, thoroughly document his days at West Point from Pine Camp in 1944 to teaching economics in
1957. Once inveterate travelers, the Whitsons have curtailed their meanderings. Staying at home is the best way to entertain friends from
near and far and a horde of 27 grandchildren along with their parents. Most of them seem to like San Francisco, especially lovely little
Tiburon on the Bay. Photo: Judy and Whit
Gosh Sally, WOW
I received "The Flambeau," publication of The Fairfax, the military retirement community on the south end of Fort Belvoir. Sally
Macklin made it in print as an Honorable Mention at the Fairfax Halloween party. She was described as "The Bikini Snorkeler." From
the photo you can see why. Photo: The Bikini Snorkeler
Mort Mumma Acts
Mort, one of our newer Outreach Agents, really covered the field in his first few weeks of duty. He contacted all of his people and his
work led to our finding Mary Rudd. Thanks for your work, Mort. He talked to Mike Tashjian...caught him while he was out shopping
with Betty. Mort plans to go see them in their new Virginia home soon.
Skinners Plan Move
Mort Mumma talked to Dick Skinner at some length. Dick & Gloria have been in Jasper, GA., for 30 years in a situation they love.
However, Dick has some health issues (unspecified)and Gloria had a knee replacement that is not progressing as it should. They have
sold their place and are moving to a community in Chattanooga, TN. It is not immediate, but a measured approach to down-sizing and
The Hallahans
Mort spoke to Bob & Phyllis Hallahan, who have felt kind of left out of class news. Mort will try to find out the problem by further
chats, but filled them in on recent news of classmates and wives.
MacCartney Contacted
After a bit of "telephone tag," Mort contacted Gaylord MacCartney. Both Gaylord & Betty plan to attend the 65th Reunion, hopefully
accompanied by their two children, a daughter living in CT and a son in CA.
Sunder Reports
Charlie Sunder, doing his usual good job as one of our agents, contacted his assigned widows: Sandy Bertram, Casey Burns,and
Sally Marshall. They are all doing okay with some minor problems. Charlie sent them all the e-mailed class notes then available and
they appreciated receiving them and enjoy keeping up with the class activities.
Retirement Home Living
Until I got a recent report on his Army-Navy Game group in his retirement home, I did not realize that Bill Buckner had moved from his
beautiful Kansas City home to an Episcopal sponsored retirement home called Bishop Spencer Place. Charlie Shook said Bishop
Spencer confirmed him years ago. The campus is located a few blocks north of the famous Country Club Plaza. Deena & Bill reserved
a place there before she was diagnosed with cancer. Her cancer seemed to be stabilized so they did not change their plans. But she died
in 2005, and Bill moved into a slightly smaller apartment in 2006. It is easy living. Bill can travel at the drop of the hat, or when a
classmate asks him to go fishing. When he brings back fish or other game, the chef prepares it and Bill gives a party. He has an extra
full size bed in his second bed room which handles two friendly people. He would be pleased to put up a classmate, single or couple.
Tammy Okay
Jack Waggener reports that Tammy Richardson Henderson continues to enjoy life in the good USAA retirement home in San
Antonio. Her son Steve and grandson Tate live in New York City; they are visiting Tammy over Christmas and then the three of them
will travel to Tammy's daughter's home in Saledo, TX, for the wedding of grandson James Richardson Smith on 31 December. Judge
Jim Richardson, sitting up there in the Pearly Gates, should be proud of all of them!!
Forrester Status
Jim Dingeman gives us a quick update on Gene Forrester from Jim's visit to Knollwood on 19 Dec. Gene is doing OK- hanging in
there- using wheel chair- goes to breakfast and dinner in the dining Room with other folks. Jim had a nice conversation and visit- talked
of old times- folks they knew and USMA days. Forrester was in Austria when Jim was in Trieste, Italy. Gene likes visitors with the
best time from 1030 to 1200. Gene eats lunch in his room.
Farewell to John Bellinger
The funeral service for John Bellinger (C-2, originally B-2) was well attended by approximately 200+ people. The service started with a
reading by Bill Smith and included a remembrance by Arnold Braswell. Attendees included Marie Smith, Ione Braswell, Jim &
Sally Macklin, Ennis & Novella Whitehead, Jim & Sylvia Dingeman, Mort Mumma, Don & Jo Packard, George Rutter, Tom
Cormack, Marianne Kiernan, Lee Ware, Kay Brill, and Ann Griffith. Also attending were Brent Scowcroft ('47) and Sec Def
Panetta. John's son, John III, hosted the after service reception.
Peggy in Florida
I had a good after Christmas conversation with Peggy Van Arsdall. She is still living in her home on the barrier island off of
Melbourne, Fl, just down the road a couple of miles from Patrick AFB where Bob worked for the space program before he retired to
boat up and down the Banana and Indian Rivers. It was grand talking with Peggy as she sounded wonderful and, fortunately, is
recovering from a bout with pneumonia. She had a daughter with her on Christmas and sees the others when they come through from
Northern VA or Jacksonville, or her son when he shows up from Nevada.
Services for Mary Horn
Services for Mary Horn were carried out with respect and love on 27 December 2011 by the children of Mary & Charlie Horn.
Attending classmates were : Whithead's, Macklin's, Dingeman's, Packard and Kay Brill. It was raining and cold but a warm service.
The family hosted a loving reception at the Ft.Myer O Club; fine food, a slide show on the most interesting and dynamic life of Mary and
all the Horn family. A heart warming eulogy by son Charles Horn was presented with great stories of the family and their times.
The Florida Butlers
Beji & I had the good fortune to dine with Blaine & Ann Butler at a nearly Ruby Tuesday restaurant on 18 Dec. Ann was her usual
charming self and was so kind to invite us to share Christmas dinner with them for fear we would be alone on Christmas in Florida. We
had to decline that kind invitation as one of my golf
buddies had already invited us for Christmas dinner. Ann appeared in excellent health. I thought Blaine was in better shape than he was
last winter when we got together with them. Unfortunately, his eyesight has deteriorated to the point of being legally blind. If Ann had
not told us that, I never would have realized it. He was chipper and upbeat the whole evening and Ann said he is so easy to get along
with that helping him is no chore at all. The Butlers are the last 48-ers in the Melbourne, FL, Indian River Colony Club, a community for
military retirees. The Brattons have passed on, Andy & Barbara Anderson have relocated to a retirement community in Georgia and
Jack & Jean Doody relocated to "The Fairfax," very near Fort Belvoir, VA, where Jack passed away. Photo: Ann & Blaine Butler
North to Alaska
Hank & Lucille Stelling gathered the family for a cruise to Alaska with all except
those living in Texas, their oldest son, Dutch and wife, Darlene and their oldest
grandson, Robert Stelling who had conflicts that made it difficult to join us. This
was a 7 Nights Alaska Tracy Arm Fjord Cruise on the Celebrity Infinity. They left
Seattle 12 August and caught many of the highlights of such a cruise: Ketchikan,
Alaska; Tracy Arm Fjord,Alaska; Juneau, Alaska; Skagway, Alaska; and the
Alaska Inside Passage; Victoria, British Columbia, returning to Seattle 19 August.
Having made the same cruise years earlier, Lucille & Hank stayed on board during
port calls. The weather was very good for this time of the year which made the
activities at the port calls enjoyable for the family. Big ships cannot approach the
Tracy Arm Fjord glacier as close as do the smaller ships. On this cruise the
Captain took them closer than on other cruises. Ship entertainment was excellent
and the food good. Drinks were reasonable and plentiful if drink packages were
bought. They recommend this cruise. Photo: Lucille & Hank surrounded by family
Roger on the Run to the Navy Game
As most of you may know, for the past many years the Army Marathon Team has run
the A/N game ball from West Point to the field; Navy marathoners do the same from
Annapolis. The ball left West Point Wednesday evening after the bonfire rally, was
run down to the World Trade Center in NYC (0300 on Thursday!), and then came out
to Jersey via the George Washington Bridge on its way to DC.
Roger Conover caught up with the runners at about 0700 Thursday morning in
Jersey City, gave the ball runner some encouragement with some march music out of
his car window and a few "Beat Navy"s, and ran with Major Dvorak of the team for
100 yards or two, as shown in the photo.
With our '48 seniority, our seats on Saturday were just about on the 50-yard line, with
Obama/TheVeep/SECDEF/Odierno/Dempsey/ Rodriguez within ten yards of 48's
assigned seat area. A big thrill - but a disappointing final score.
Roger looked all over and did not see another 48-er. Could it be age and a preference
for the couch with beer in hand and TV than the crowd hassle? Photo: Roger and
Maj. Dvorak
6 Dec 2011 Luncheon
Jim & Sally Macklin did it again, putting on a great luncheon at the Fort
Myer, VA, OOM. Attendance was 30 classmates and ladies. They
volunteered to do this job, and do it well they have done. We are happy
to note that Joel Aron made this luncheon and is becoming a regular
attendee, and as is shown here, a happy one. Photo: Joel Aron
Jack Doody Interment
Dec 9, Jack Doody (D-1) went to his final resting place in Arlington Nation Cemetery. Some 17 members of the Class attended the
service: Marianne Kiernan, WY Smith, Braswell, Hallahan, Packard, Cockerhams, Macklins, Whiteheads, Dingemans, Lorets,
and Barondes. Of interest, the priest at the service had been a helicopter pilot in Sam Cockerham's outfit in Viet Nam.
Checking on Ben
Hank Stelling manages to keep in touch with Ben Eakins who is still with us. He suffers from a very debilitating disease, is in a wheel
chair and has great difficult speaking. Ben is doing as well as he was a year ago when Hank first talked to him. The nurses in the
continuing care unit love him. He would enjoy hearing from members of the ’48 family. You can send him an e-mail via his son Wynn
at: or I can provide you his snail mail address.
Adams Daughter Wedding
On Saturday, 24 September, a great wedding was held in Bluemont,
Virginia on the terrace of a winery. The vista, extending for miles,
was a perfect setting. The bride, Jennifer Adams, and the groom,
Scott Sylvester, were radiant. Sally Adams Brady, mother of the
bride, was present with her husband, Jim Brady, along with many
members of the Sylvester family. (Al Sylvester, VMI, was an
adopted member of the Class of '48) Attending from the Class were
Al & Austie Pabst, with their daughter, Terry, Ennis & Novella
Whitehead, and Jim & Sally Macklin. Jim kindly reported the
event to the Scribe. Photo: Pabst, Novella, Austie, Whitehead
The Traveling Conovers
Roger & Adi Conover were in France the first two weeks in September. Although they spent six wonderful days exploring Paris once
again, the highlight of the trip was their week going up the Nivernais Canal in northern Burgundy on the barge Luciole. They enjoyed the
beautiful pastoral countryside, the food and wine on board, and the frequent opportunities to abandon the boat at one of the locks, walk or
bike for a while on the towpath, and reboarded two or three locks
later. They highly recommend such a trip as a wonderfully relaxing
way to travel at our stage of life. Photo: Adi & Roger on the Luciole
Tuthills Party & Plan
Thanks to Art Barondes thoughtful e-mail recognizing 85th birthdays, I was able to call Jim Tuthill and his 85th to wish him well. Jim
is fine, as is Florrie, with a big birthday party that evening for Jim with 18 family members in attendance. After partying, they have to
get down to serious planning as they plan to head for their winter place in Scottsdale, AZ, in January. They are braver than I am, staying
in Illinois through December. I got out of Virginia on Halloween for our Florida place.
Braswells Return Home
The Braswells visited their hometown, Minden, LA,10 - 13 November and stayed with the LoContes. Lou is in good health. Charlie
is hurting from a bad case of the shingles which has left her with a lot of lingering pain. She is still the great conversationalist that Ione
& Arnold have known since they were classmates in the Minden public schools. Her father, a doctor, delivered Arnold when he was
Lou did all the cooking while the Braswells were there and is a very able chef.
Arnold had a chance to visit Denny Long briefly in the Shreveport office of Long Petroleum, Inc. He and his geologist gave me a good
update on the natural gas drilling operations in the nearby Haynesville Shale deposits. He is fine and told me that Mary is doing well.
Veterans’ Day Sandy Springs, GA
To those memorable dates in history, like 7 December and 9/11, now we can add 11/11/11 as a memorable date in the history of the
Classes of 1947 and 1948. On that date, at 1000 hours, the two Classes were honored at the Sandy Springs Veterans Day Tribute. Sandy
Springs is just north of Atlanta. It was a beautiful setting in the flowering year-old Morgan Falls Park and the day was equally beautiful.
Speakers included The Mayor of Sandy Springs, Eva Galambos, and U.S. Senator (GA) Johnny Isakson. The VIP platform was loaded
with a variety of dignitaries. Music was provided by the 116th Army Band of the Georgia Army National Guard. The ceremonies were
impressive, patriotic and moving.
Representing the two Classes: from '48 were Les & Ginny Carter,
Irv & Ann Schoenberg and Sam Holiday (wife Joan was "under the
weather"); and from '47 were Al Gould & wife Mimi. All were
wearing black, gray and gold armbands proudly identifying them as '47
& '48 West Pointers. The Master of Ceremonies asked them to stand
to be recognized by the crowd of hundreds. Photo: Holiday,
Schoenberg, Civ Aide to Sec Army, Carter
The planning of the event and honoring the two classes was a result of the efforts of Sandy Springs Councilwoman Karen Meinzen
McEnerny, daughter of Kathy Meinzen Day & our late Walt Meinzen and stepdaughter of Phil Day. Karen was a busy host and is
certainly commended for her good work.
Thanks to Class
The Class made a contribution to West Point in the memory of our classmate Tom Hoffman. Tom's wife, Jo Gurnee Hoffman, wrote a
very nice note, thanking the class for the contribution, saying, in part, "Tom loved the Class and West Point. So I can't think of a more
fitting tribute."
Mary Horn Passes
Mary Horn died 27 Oct 2011 in Wake Hospital, Raleigh, NC, after being admitted a week earlier following a stroke. Services and
funeral are scheduled to be at the Old Chapel, Ft. Myer at 1100, 27 Dec 2011 followed by a reception at the FMOOM Abram’s room.
Jim Hooker Dies
Jim Hooker died on 30 September 2011 in Colorado Springs. Jim was diagnosed with liver cancer a few months ago and had to go into
the hospital for treatment. At that point, he had to cease the care he was giving to Ann, his wife, who is in an assisted living facility in
Colorado Springs, Colorado. Jim’s remains were shipped to West Point on 19 Oct for burial. Jim requested no memorial service be
Interment of the Plummers
The ashes of Walt & Katy Plummer were buried together on 6 Oct 2011 in Arlington Cemetery by the grave of Katy’s grandfather,
Maj. Gen. L. W. Prentiss. Gretta and three grandchildren were in attendance, along with a group of classmates.
The Webbers
Les Carter continues his great work as a Class Outreach Agent as evidenced by a report of a recent nice phone chat with Ken and
Charlotte Webber. Ken & Charlotte remarried in 2006 and recently have moved from Athens, GA back to Lakeland, FL. Please contact
me for their address/phone number. Ken is dealing with some health issues which started last February when he had pneumonia and a
serious heart problem. He takes all his nourishment now through a feeding tube. He navigates around using a walker. He is able to go to a
gym a couple times a week so that's a positive sign. Charlotte believes he is improving as a result of his sessions at the gym. Charlotte
sounds great and apparently is doing fine with no serious problems.
Sally Buckley
Roger Conover had a long, enjoyable telecon with Sally Buckley not long ago. She still loves living in Patriots Landing in DuPont,
Washington, close by Fort Lewis. Some family are near to her. Brett is a District Court Judge in Olympia and her daughter doctor Anne
works at Madigan Army Hospital (Anne and Todd have two adopted children). Some family near to her: her son in Austin - with the
whole family - for the wedding of a grandson, son of John. She is well, goes to exercise class three times a week, and assures me that she
will do her darnedest to be at our 65th.
Carol Dougherty
Carol continues to live in the little town of Robbins in the Sacramento Valley; she also spends time over the winter in Palm Springs. Of
her four children, two are close by: Dan and Neil carry on the family farming business. Son Drew is a consultant in San Diego; Devin
lives in Brooklyn but teaches art two days a week at Trinity College in New Haven. Carol recently traveled east with Drew to see the fall
leaves in New England and says she is in good physical health.
Anne Creed
She lives by herself in a development in Westhampton on Long Island. She continues to be in good health and goes down periodically to
DC, where her roots are and where she continues to have old friends.
Salt Lake Ralph Pearson
Al Pabst contacted Ralph Pearson in mid-Oct.. Ralph was an attorney and retired in Salt Lake City. His wife died two years ago. He
seemed happy to receive Al’s call. He has no e-mail.
John Sternburg
Roger Conover in his Outreach Agent duties has wonderful talks with John Sternberg from time to time. John still lives in his own
house on a shady street in Norwalk, Connecticut with a live-in caretaker. Earlier in the year, they joshed each other about Roger’s Red
Sox and John’s Yankees (he's just this side of the Red Sox Nation border); now he's much into his Giants and Jets.
DC Area Luncheon
The quarterly DC Area Luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m., 6 December 2011 in the Campaign Room, Ft. Myer Officers’ Club. Drinks
at a cash bar, followed by the Club’s every day, but spectacular, luncheon buffet, and also a chance to say “Merry Christmas”!
Hopefully we’ll again have a great turn-out of ladies and gentlemen for this event. The price will be $18.00 per person (includes service
charge), payable by check made out and mailed to “James Macklin”, at 9050 Belvoir Woods Pkwy, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060, and timed to
arrive no later than Friday, 2 December 2011, so we can give proper notice to the club. Any questions should be addressed to Jim or
Sally Macklin at: 703-780-8395
Marianne Back at Work
Beginning last spring Marianne Kiernan started volunteering two days a week at the Smithsonian -- Center for Education and Museum
Studies. It started out with a simple project, but now she is involved with their Teachers' meetings. Periodically, they bring in teachers
from all over the U.S. to educate them on the Smithsonian Institution. Their most recent meeting was on October 21 at which there were
about a thousand local teachers. Marianne is certainly an ideal person for that job having been involved with all of that "stuff" having
done all that "stuff" in a previous job. She enjoys the people she works with and the work itself while learning tons about all the
museums -- fascinating work it has developed to be. Although it's only two days a week most weeks, family activities and funerals (bah
humbug) and exercise keeps her really as busy as she wants to be in her "retirement."
Kansas City Gathering
Irv & Ann Schoenberg took an October trip west from Atlanta. While In Kansas City, Irv talked to Jack Capps who with Marie is
happily living in a senior citizen facility in nearby Lenexa, Kansas. He and Marie keep busy with several pursuits and Jack sounded very
good. One evening in Kansas City, Irv & Ann and Ann’s first cousin, Dick Rubenstein (USNA ’48B), Their son Dr. Eric and his wife
Cheryl, all had a pleasant and tasty dinner in The Plaza area. At dinner, Bill Buckner presented pictures of his Alaska fishing trip with
Ken Ruddy and Jim Barnett. They caught many more fish than they could eat. Bill and Irv & Ann frequently talk about the great trip
to Russia they had with Bill and Deena (of blessed memory) several years ago. It was one of the most interesting, informative and
enjoyable adventures of their lives.
Bill Caldwell’s Son Reassigned
Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV, United States Army, was selected for reappointment to the rank of lieutenant general and
assignment as Commanding General, United States Army North/Fifth United States Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He is currently
serving as Commander, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan/Commander, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Training
Mission-Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan.
Lyle Walter
Lyle visited his son in Denver recently and his daughter and granddaughter flew in from SFO to celebrate his 87th. His cousin/godson
and his wife joined them one day for lunch. They live in Boulder. This year has been relatively tame as far as travel is concerned, but
the 113-day World Voyage in January is looming fast and Lyle is thinking about what to pack considering the days to be spent in the
Antarctic area when most of the rest of the trip will be in mid-summer heat. He’ll spend 6 days in a Pompano Beach resort first, arriving
New Year's Eve. Have a great trip, Lyle.
Barondes Cruise
The Barondes took a 7-day cruise to Bermuda, out of Baltimore, on the Carnival Pride, in early October. Art stated there was nothing
special to report other than it was a nice trip with his family.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - George D. Summers at
1949 Class Notes
Scribe Foreword
This is the second submission of the new Online Class Notes. This information is from previously distributed 49-Online class bulletins
and special class-reports. The events are approximately in order of their original report.
Long Silence
Paul Monahan reported that his WWII squad leader in Europe contacted him after no communication since the war! They have now
exchanged email addresses and information.
Inevitable Empire
George Crall forwarded a STRATFOR report which examines U.S. history from a geopolitical point of view. It is called "The Inevitable
Empire" based on factors such as geography, cropland, navigable rivers, land acquisition, national policies, and other factors. The article
contains several maps showing, for example, cropland in North America, navigable rivers, and land acquisition by the nation. George
says it is the best and most concise description and history of the U.S. that he has ever read.
Death of Abner Martin
Teri Reed sent an obituary, including photo, for Abner Martin who died at age 84 on 11 August 2011. He graduated from West Point
on 7 June 1949 and married Agnes "Smitty" Smith his high-school sweetheart on the same day at the Cadet Chapel. He had a varied Air
Force career including directing major missile and aircraft projects. He attained the rank of Lieutenant General and retired in 1979. He
then became a Vice President of the Sperry Corporation until his second retirement in 1986. In 2005 he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's
disease and they moved back to their childhood area. He is buried at the Fairforest (SC) Baptist Church. He is survived by Smitty, two
sons and a daughter.
Different Kind of Art
Frank Wolak sent a report, with photos, of an artist who creates with toothpicks and glue. He's at the museum of Science and
Technology in Syracuse, NY. It took him six years and six-million toothpicks to build a city.
Medal of Honor Awardee Speaks at West Point
Jack Hayne sent a report on Sgt 1st Class Leroy Petry, a 32-year-old Army Ranger who spoke at West Point. He had received the Medal
of Honor in July at a ceremony at the White House. He made the point that soldiers are not superheroes and that future success on the
battlefield will depend on strong leadership and steadfast teamwork.
Hometown Recognition Parade
John Chandler sent a report that he could no longer see well enough to read, not even large letters. But the Veterans Administration has
supplied him with newly available devices that can scan written material and quickly translate into spoken words. He can read books,
letters, and so on this way. Recently John was the Grand Marshall of a parade to recognize his and Jane's contributions to betterment of
their New Hampshire community.
DC '49er Lunch Meeting at Fort Myer
A coed luncheon was held for the Washington-DC area '49ers at the Fort Myer Officers Club on 14 September. Bill & Sue Streett made
the arrangements and handled the finances. We welcomed back our guest of honor, Dawn Halfaker '01. Lee Surut indicated she was
captain of the female basketball team in her firstclass year. Gene Mechling initially brought her to one of our luncheons when she was
recovering from serious wounds at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She is now CEO of her own company and the recently elected
president of the Wounded Warrior Project. Gene works closely with the DC office of the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and the
Army medical staff in leading class support for the "Breakfast Fund" which, in spite of its name, provides financing for outings for
patients to basketball and football games, wheelchair olympics, and the like.
Life in Rural Connecticut
Bob Pursley, who lives in a rural area of Connecticut, was without electric power for four days during Storm Irene. He also has an
electric generator which needs gas every four hours. Electricity is required to keep their sump pump operating. Bob is a faithful attendee
at our '49 class meetings.
Some Just Keep Working
Bill Shiel, now 86, retired about two years ago and is physically well. He had to go back to work to help support his six children; his
retirement pay was insufficient. He has a grandson who is a first classman at West Point.
Old Golfers Don't Quit
Ben Benitez, our retired Bishop, reports he is well, still golfing, and plans to attend our 65th reunion at WP with guests.
Political Messages
There were several politically oriented messages posted recently. Beech Brian forwarded this comment from the Kentucky Statesmen.
"Witnessing the Republicans and the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the
Concrete Tents
Jim Poore forwarded a video about tents that turn into concrete in less than 24 hours. He says: "What a tremendous asset for our
deployed military."
California Luncheon
Punch Jamison wrote to Lee Surut, on 4 Oct, that he had lunch (in Newport Beach, CA) with Basil Pafe, George Crall, and Dan
McGurk plus son Herb. A main item of their conversation was Lee's effort for DD Overton's recognition.
Long Handwritten Letter
Lee Surut reported he had received a five-page handwritten letter from Ernie Roberts. Lee says in spite of his recent surgery and other
health problems, Ernie still writes eloquently.
Moved but Not Far
Following the death of his wife Sue, Phil O'Brien has moved to a retirement community in Ashburn, Virginia. He has a daughter and
her family living locally who helped in the transition.
History and Educational Videos
Jim Poore forwarded the web address of a great many history and educational videos. He says, "this one may be worth saving."
Military-Style "River Dance"
Tim Cronin forwarded the link to this video of a military-style "River Dance" -- with boots and rifles. He likes the precision -- which is
performed on ice. He says it's long but enjoyable.
Death of Wade Dickinson
Ben Wade Oakes Dickinson was born 29 October 1926. Wade’s one sibling, Robert Wayne, was born eight years later. Wade and
Wayne were inventing partners for fifty years, starting several companies together and being granted over 35 patents for a broad variety
of technical inventions. Wade served in the Air Force to Captain before his civilian career. He married Eleanor Evelyn Vauhan
Creekmoe in 1952, with whom he had three children. Wade died on 16 Nov 2011 at his home in San Francisco.
Uses and Analysis of WD-40
Frank Wolak forwarded a list of 43 uses for WD-40 around home and auto. It is a most versatile cleaner, restorer, oil, and protector.
Some of the more unexpected uses are "keeps flies off cows", "keeps pigeons off the balcony (they do not like the smell)", and "some
folks spray it on their hands, arms and knees to relieve arthritis pain". The basic ingredient is fish oil.
Death of Bob Bradley
Bob Bradley, retired Colonel, died on November 21, 2011 in Tacoma, WA. The place and date of interment is to be determined.
Death of Audrey English
Allan English called on 7 December to report that Audrey had died at home shortly after midnight. She did not want her illness to be a
long drawn-out process. Al stated, "She so much enjoyed being part of our '49er group and taking part in its activities. She was a grand
lady". Her funeral will be on 14 February 2012 at the Fort Myer Chapel followed by burial in Arlington National Cemetery.
Death of Tita Kramer
Milton Kramer reported the death of his wife Tita on 8 December after more than 61 years of marriage. Milt and Tita moved to The
Mirador, a senior lifecare resort in Corpus Christi, TX, in August 2011. A graveside service was held in Houston at the Forrest Park
Cemetery on 12 December.
Bob Hope Entertained the Troops
Meg Jones, Kelly's widow, sent the web-address for this 10-minute video review of Bob Hope entertaining the troops from 1941, before
the US was involved in WWII, and forward in time.
A Day of Training
Chuck Heiden reports "a bit of trivia". Where was the Class of '49 on 25/26 August 1947? Answer: aboard the USS Noble, APA 0218,
off the coast of Virginia with a USMC unit preparing to conduct a (training) amphibious assault. Source: Noble muster roll. The roster of
those classmates present appears there on the Internet, courtesy of <>.
Retirement in California
Teri Reed works at finding and sending information on the Internet about published obituaries of classmates and wives. At the Paradise
Valley Estates where she lives, she instigated having an Army/Navy tailgate party on 10 Dec. There was a group of eight at her table,
some Army and some Navy. The center-piece was a ball-shaped topiary which she won at the '49 fiftieth reunion. She brought it with her
when she moved to California a year or so ago. She adds that she is near both Napa and Sonoma wine country with beautiful vineyards.
Death of Charles K. "Bob" Nulsen Jr.
Bob Nulsen had Parkinson's disease and died on 13 December 2011 In New London, NH, at age 88. He was married Alice M. Diggs of
Washington, DC. He retired from military service on 1 May 1975. He then joined the Nuclear Regulatory Commission where he worked
on requirements for physical security and international safeguards. He did much international travel until retiring again in May 1988. He
and Alice then moved to their summer home in West Springfield, NH, where he served the community in several positions. A memorial
service is planned for May 2012 in New Hampshire.
Unconventional Football
Bob Kemble forwarded this short video, saying "Even if you don't like football you will enjoy this. [Recommended!]
Personal Safety Advice
George Crall forwarded this advice: for protection from thugs use wasp spray. It is better than pepper spray and can shoot 20 feet
accurately. Aim for the eyes. (The attacker will then need hospital treatment.) Also keep your car keys beside your bed at night. If
someone is trying to get in your house, hit the key-fob panic button. The car alarm will sound until you turn it off or the battery fails.
This action is also a useful deterrent in a parking lot; carry your keys. The noise can attract attention in case of a medical problem or a
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - William B. DeGraf at
Visit the 1950 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1950 Class Notes
Hope you are getting used to the new Class Notes. In time we will be able to post changes much more rapidly, but I still need your input
to have the news for the notes. Soon the cards will be coming with some items, but the rest of the year I rely on your emails and notes.
Class Mini Reunion
In October thirty one of us had a nine day cruise up the East Coast, supposedly to see the Fall colors. Unfortunately this year the colors
were all green, but we still had a grand trip. Bob & Peg Wilson, Clyde & Mary Spence, Walt & Shirley Adams, Al & Bobbie
Paulger, and Len & Muriel Wegner came up from the Williamsburg area to spend a night here at The Fairfax before the bus took
them plus Laurie & Dorothy Eek, his brother Nat Eek, Fred Hamlin with Peg Keniston, Roy & Harriet Lounsbury, Nicole Maxwell
with her cousin from France Mica Feron, and Robin & me To Baltimore. We were met In Baltimore by Paul & Betsy Ache, Larry &
Betty Wray Lodewick, Wendy & Joy Phillips, Lois Rutledge with her daughter Deborah Roesch, Joy Visckochil, and Dave Pettit.
The weather was delightful, except for one day of rain when we were in Boston. The seas were perfectly calm the whole time. No one
had Mal de Mer.
The highlight of the trip was a get together in Portland, ME. Nels Thompson arranged for a bus for the group of us. Sally Lombard,
working with him, was a tour guide to show us the whole area. They arranged for a delightful lunch at the historic Black Point Inn, where
we met Bill & Marilyn Gearan and Wally & Jane Nutting. It was a great day.
The stops along the way included Bar Harbor, St. Johns, and Halifax with the opportunity for more sight seeing at each. Add to that lots
of good food, a couple of cocktail parties and much visiting and you see why we all enjoyed the trip. It probably will be the last of the
minis, since no one seems to want to take on the task.
While preparing for the mini, we got a message from Ralph Detherow’s widow Corinne. She is busy running a farm in ME. Their
oldest son Doug died, but daughter Diane is in St. Louis, MO with two boys. Daughter Dori is in Longmont, CO, where she has quit
being a lawyer in order to work for a vet.
Vietnam Wall
Gail & Ardath Wilson’s daughter Scottie sent me this picture taken at the Wall. The picture shows a picture of their family that is being
held against Gail’s name on the Wall. Photo: Their children are with their mother L-to-R Clay, Kelly, Ardath, Scottie, Tracy, and
Gail was one of the seven classmates who died in Viet Nam during the war there and whose names are on that Wall. The others were
Jack Crittenberger, George Vlisides, Ken Hall, Chuck Butler, Cully Mitchell, and Bobby Vinson.
Family news: Tracy spent a lot of the summer with Ardath as did Clay’s boys. Borden did the barge thing in Holland, Kelly is teaching
autistic children, while Scottie runs an autism web site. Her husband Curt produced a musical – and found no money in that – so he is
now working for the College of American Pathologists.
Busy Eddie
I recently received from Eddie Ramos copies of several articles on what he is doing for The Philippines, Asia, and the world. He
certainly covers a lot of ground, from leading a delegation to a sport meet in China to running the Ramos Peace and Development
Foundation to talking to students about world affairs to writing articles about the conflict with China in the South China Sea. He even
matched 50 pushups and 100 crunches with some of the reporters covering one of his speeches. Way to go, Eddie!
Family in San Diego
Jack Hendry had a small family gathering and a chance to show off
a great granddaughter. Photo: Jack, Gen, great granddaughter two
year old Brechin, granddaughter Katy, and son Dave
Class Daughter
Yes, that is right. The class of 2012 includes Cadet Catherine Ball, the daughter of George & Penne Ball. Unfortunately George died in
April 2009, so he missed seeing Catherine graduate. She is going Military Intelligence. She also is a recipient of a Rotary Scholarship
and will be going to Sydney, Australia in January of 2013 to receive a masters in Health Communications.
Prentiss Family News
Lou Prentiss caught me up on his family. He and Shirley now have 6 great grandchildren. Their granddaughter Monica is a captain in
Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Div. while her husband Carl is a captain with the 82nd at Fort Benning. He has their one year old. In addition,
another grandson is serving in Bahrain with the Coast Guard.
Romaneski Family News
Al & Marilyn’s grandson Daniel is also in the 82nd this time as a first lieutenant Black Hawk pilot in Afghanistan. His brother Jonathan
is a captain there also as an Apache pilot and company commander.
Their grandson-in-law Deric Sneller is a chaplain with the 970th Engr. Combat Battalion. Grandson Andrew Nash is a major in USAF,
flying A-10s.
Warner Family News
Volney & Janice’s grandson Capt. Duncan Walker is now the owner of a Purple Heart, though he quickly recovered and returned to the
101st Airborne Div. in Afghanistan. When he returned from there, he wasted no time in getting his girlfriend Jenny on a trip to Paris,
where he proposed under the Eiffel Tower.
News from Florida
Pete Todsen with Dick & Doy Slay managed to get tickets to hear the Marine Band (The President’s Own) in Melbourne. He said “it
was a thrill to say the least.”
News from Colorado
As you have been told before Dave Hughes’ son Ed married a Chinese woman whose parents had been in the Korean War as doctors on
the other side. That daughter-in-law Ha Ning now has her PhD and runs the Chinese program at USAFA. Each year she takes 50 cadets
to China for the summer at a university there. Ed & Ha Ning’s 15 year old recently passed the Mensa exam and is now a member.
Dave, at his children’s behest, has been writing his story on the web. He has a lot more to do, he says, but I have enjoyed his stories of
the Korean War. Go to to see what he is doing.
Duty, Honor, America Tour
Ben & Malvene Lewis’s daughter Debra ’80 and her husband Doug Adams ’80 have completed their year long bicycle tour of all fifty
states. The goal was to educate and inspire Americans to help veterans, the military and their families. They cycled some 18,067 miles;
visited 200+ communities, 200+ military installations, and 20+ veteran groups. You can see more on their web site:
And Now On to Christmas Cards
Blackie & Mary Bolduc – Son Doug has a new job with an Asian firm, Genie returned from India and Patsy from Singapore (only to
head to London). Nancy has a third vet in her practice so they all can have more time off.
Jake & Ann Jacobson – Still on the farm. Went to New York to watch Dana dance with the NYC Ballet. Then on to granddaughter
Elizabeth’s graduation from Vanderbilt Law School and grandson T.J.’s graduation from Trinity(Hartford). Big trip for Ann & Jake was
to Minnesota to visit family and then on to Anchorage for a cruise down to Vancouver.
Frank & Dede King – Frank is active at The Devonshire retirement community. Dede is with their daughter Carol, but Carol and
Frank had time to drive to Boone, NC. Their youngest grandson Giles is at Appalachian State Univ. Grandson Ben finished his Army
tour and is now a student at UNC. Granddaughter Emily is a warrant officer in the HI National Guard and at Fort Rucker for helicopter
pilot training.
Phil & Bette Jane Pennington – Oldest daughter Janie is a successful artist and is continuing her schooling at Glassell School of Art,
while youngest daughter Patricia is out West, where she ran in the Big Sur Marathon recently. Two of their grandchildren, Meredith and
Katie, are becoming nurses. Connor just entered U/Houston, while ten year old Alex attends St. Vincent de Paul School.
Jim & Ann Tormey – Big news is the marriage of granddaughter Tara to Stuart Angel in Nov. Little news is the adoption of a Brittany
Spaniel puppy named “Freckles.”
Carm & Barb Milia – Carm is still playing golf, tennis, and racquetball, but is complaining that he has been the oldest grad at the last
few Founders Day dinners. He should be proud of both.
Phil Bolte – Finally sold his house on the lake and, to be close to Chris & Betty, moved to Redstone Village in Huntsville, AL (John &
Eileen Jones and Grayson & Anne Tate also live there.) In the middle of moving Phil still managed to take Andy & Afifa, along with
six year old Laila, on a train trip through the Canadian Rockies for a week on Vancouver Island. Then he flew with Chris & Betty to
Greece and a seven day cruise. Just to keep in touch he has enrolled in an on-line MA program in Military History at Norwich
Final Roll Call
On 21 August June Stephenson, Ralph’s wife, died suddenly in Baton Rouge, LA. She was buried at West Point. In addition to Ralph,
she is survived by two daughters: Nancy and Lynn. Please email me at link above for Ralph's address.
On 4 September Joan Fye, Stan’s widow, died quietly in Colorado Springs, CO. She is survived by three sons – Richard, Stephen, and
David – and two daughters – Ellen and Ann.
On 26 October Lois Slavins, Bill’s wife, died in Belleair. FL. In addition to Bill, she is survived by two daughters – Patsy and Jessica –
and two sons – Bill, Jr. and John. Please email me at link above for Bill's address.
On 9 November Phil Barger died suddenly in Charlottesville, VA. His wife Helene died in 2010. He is survived by two daughters –
Katherine and Jennifer – and two sons – Cyrus and Ted.
On 15 November Karl Weber died in La Porte IN. He is survived by his wife Greta, two daughters – Valerie and Vanessa – and a son
Kam. Please email me at link above for Greta's address.
On 26 November Frank Zagorski died peacefully at home in Monument CO. He is survived by his wife Kim, two daughters – Rebecca
and Lisa – and a son James. Please email me at link above for Kim's address.
Our sympathies go out to all these families.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Louis G. Michael at
Visit the 1951 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1951 Class Notes
Your Scribe Joins in Holiday Greetings
Brendan Bradley and fiancé Jennifer Upchurch came to Emory’s Landing Farm to put
up a tree in time for grandfather Lou Michael (Mike); to join in wishing all a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year. The memory that goes with this is that snow banked
time in 1947, which launched USMA 1951 celebration. Photo: Jennifer Upchurch
and Brendan Bradley
Class Luncheons are Reunion Opportunities
The class sponsors a luncheon each month on the third Thursday at the Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA. Starting at 11:30 AM
and concluding by 1:30 PM, we look forward to guests. Ladies are welcome. A reservation must reach Don Van Matre at 703 978-7089
by 12:00 PM noon on the Tuesday preceding the luncheon.
Anne Pendleton and Red Spark Festive Affairs
As we went to press, about fifty of the class and their ladies assembled at the Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA for a 2011
Holiday Luncheon, beautifully organized by Anne Pendleton. She reached out to attract Joan Crowe, Scotty Roberge, and D’arcy
Wagonhurst, leading lights from Carlisle, PA; not so far away. There were many more, as Jean and Joe Rogers, all the way from
Wilmington, NC, and Anne Lackman, a Middleburg, VA luminary. This festivity was foretold earlier in the fall by Red Leffler who did
a superb job with a gathering of the class Washington area contingent, joined by wives, widows, and daughters, at La Bergerie, a fine
French restaurant in Old Town Alexandria, VA. There were almost forty in attendance, including folks from as far south as
Fredericksburg and Irvington, VA, and as far north as Rockville, MD. A delicious luncheon was sparked with brilliant conversation, as
well as some war stories and jokes that many have heard before. In other words, these are great times.
Bill Richardson Checks out Spectacular California
In mid-October 2011, Bill Richardson, joined by his oldest son, Bill Jr., and his son Jack, journeyed to California and spent a week at
Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite National Parks. All three found the views and vistas to be spectacular. They hiked daily in all
three parks, with the most demanding to be Yosemite. Bill reports that this trip whetted his appetite for visiting other National Parks to
see some of our Nation’s Beauties. Photo: Bill Richardson with his sons, Bill Jr. and Jack
Shy Meyer is Elevated in the Order of Saint Maurice
The National Infantry Association sponsors the Order of Saint Maurice, with the highest of five levels in the order being Primicerius for
those who have made a significant contribution to the Infantry. The most distinguished of these are given the Doughboy Award. At Fort
Benning, GA on 14 Sep 11, Shy Meyer, with award winning journalist Joe Galloway and retired Command Sergeant Major William
Acebes received this highest honor the National Infantry Association bestows; namely the Doughboy Award. Shy joins Bill Richardson
in the ranks that received this honor earlier in 1999. Saint Maurice was the leader of the Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd Century. The
term doughboy originated in Texas where soldiers trained before World War I. The infantry soldiers became covered with dust from the
white adobe soil and were called "adobes" by mounted troops. Over time this became "doughboys".
Joe Luger is Honored as a Lawman
Starting with our study of law at West Point, Joe Luger has continuously been immersed in all aspects; especially law enforcement. Joe
is now an honorary member of the Alexandria, VA Police Department, where he has worked for many years with the Chief, doing all
manner of analysis of operations and issues. This status brings special privileges for grandchildren, who are privy to insider access and
War College Distinguishes Ted Atkeson
In a ceremony at Carlisle Barracks, PA on 12 Dec 11 the U.S. Army War College honored Ted Atkeson as one of four Distinguished
Graduates selected for this year. His 5-minute acceptance speech reflected our great days as students there, Ted’s tour as Deputy
Commandant, and now back again for this tribute with Eve Atkeson by his side. Ted and his 2007 bride, Evie, have joined the ’51
family of residents at The Fairfax, Fort Belvoir, VA, which is a new home enjoyed for five months. Big news is the 1 Dec 11 release of
Ted’s latest, long awaited, publication, “The New Legions: American Strategy and the Responsibility of Power”. This is Ted’s fifth
book, and his first produced by a big time publisher, Rowman and Littlefield. Stay tuned to hear how the suggested arguments take hold
in the government.
Kay and Jim Boatner are Settled Amongst Friends at The Fairfax
Kay and Jim Boatner moved last year to the Fairfax, the unique retirement community four miles south of Fort Belvoir, VA. It caters to
retired officers and spouses from all the U.S. Uniformed Services, the Foreign Service, CIA, FBI, and selected others with similar
backgrounds. For Kay and Jim, the transition was smooth as the move was only eight miles from their Mount Vernon home of 25 years.
Then there is the convenience of Fort Belvoir and its recently completed large, modern, hospital; part of the replacement for Walter Reed
that is closing. They also maintain many previous links to church, doctors, book clubs, bible groups, and more. The Fairfax is also home
for Eve and Ted Atkeson, Red Leffler, Pat Crocker, Dolores Bohen, and Millie Robinson. Kay and Jim claim reasonable health and
mobility with no major problems. Five children, their spouses, and nine grandchildren are doing well in their respective careers and
schools. Jim Boatner concludes “Kay and I are conscious of, and grateful for, our blessings, including our membership in the great class
of 1951.”
Edwin Van Keuren Checks In
Ed Van Keuren has good news from Alexandria, VA. He does not have Email connections; and so welcomes every opportunity to send
good wishes and reinforce contact with the USMA ’51 family. Secondly, Ed has had major surgery that solved a serious cancer issue.
Congratulations on all fronts.
Dave and Carolyn Abshire Finally Make the Move
Dave Abshire sends a report that the Abshires finally sold their big Victorian house in old town Alexandria, VA; which had been home
for 43 years, where they raised five children. Now they have happily moved to Goodwin House Alexandria, a retirement community still
in greater Alexandria, VA. Dave remains active in leading the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress; and the Richard
Lounsbery Foundation, which sponsors grants in the fields of science and education. In honor of David M. Abshire, his support of the
Mount Vernon, VA community, and his other good works, a benefactor donated a rare volume from George Washington’s original
collection to the new George Washington Library at Mount Vernon. This is William Thorton’s treatise on the elements of written
language, “Cadmus.”
Sally and Joe Clarke Are Looking Good in Houston
Sally and Joe Clarke quietly celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary during Nov 2011. They were married Saturday, 24 Nov
51, in Philadelphia, on a three-day leave from Fort Hood, TX and the
First Armored Division. Their very first home was in Gatesville, TX.
Now in Houston, TX, they are looking good, as they stay active with
family, church activities, home projects and daily walks with their
bird dog. Photo: Sally and Joe Clarke
Joe and Jean Rogers are Ever Cruising and Skiing
In September, Joe and Jean Rogers went to West Point for the Army-North Western game, and then in October they took their annual
cruise to New England and Canada. In November, Jean and daughter, Ellen drove to Middleburg, VA; and while there had dinner with
Anne Lackman. Joe and Jean plan to spend Christmas skiing at Bryce Resort in the Shenandoah Valley, at Basye, VA. Daughter Ellen
and her two boys will be there. Their dad, Col Mike Brown, USMC, is in Afghanistan.
Ed and Herma Matney Seed More Theatre
Ed Matney and Herma Matney continue to commute between
Southern Pines, NC and Wilmington, NC. They are spending more
time in Wilmington, as Herma’s travel is limited. Pain in the legs is
unrelieved despite the efforts of numerous physicians. At any rate the
Matneys are using Wilmington as their permanent address. This is
where son Marc Matney wrote and produced two plays in the family
tradition. Ed Matney, Marc Matney, Rachel Matney, and Paul
Matney at Wilmington’s very cool Browncoat Pub and Theatre
recently celebrated the world premier of Marc’s “Dreamgirl and
Backstage Pass”. Photo: Ed Matney, Marc Matney, Rachel Matney,
and Paul Matney
Paul Coughlin Visits Wilmington
This is actually a Pete Prehn Wilmington, NC story; but Paul
Coughlin gives it spice in the report of his and his daughters’ visit
and very pleasant luncheon on 17 Oct comprising Linda Coughlin
Elam, Pete Prehn, Marc Matney, Ed Matney, Paul Coughlin, Jeff
Jeremiah, Cindy Coughlin Jeremiah, Cathy Prehn, and Herma
Matney. Pete Prehn puts this in context by telling of the small and
active band of 51ers in the Port City. The ’51 Wilmington, NC home
group consists of Pete and Nancy Thorsen, Ed and Herma Matney,
Joe and Jean Rogers and Pete and Cathy Prehn. Several luncheons
a month are scheduled, and there frequently are ’51 visitors from
elsewhere; as the case of Paul Coughlin and his daughters, Cindy
Jeremiah and Linda Elam joining from Charlotte, NC. The Thorsen's
son, David wins the “Frequent-Distant Traveler” award, by coming
from the Great Salt Lake area on several occasions. Recently Barbara Odderstol was hosted from New Bern, NC. Photo: Linda
Coughlin Elam, Pete Prehn, Marc Matney, Ed Matney, Paul Coughlin, Jeff Jeremiah, Cindy Coughlin Jeremiah, Cathy Prehn, and
Herma Matney
Travel Leads Barbara Odderstol Back to the Grand Canyon
In her words Barbara Odderstol tells of a year “of considerable travel for me, again. I drove to my daughter's home in NJ on my way to
the Class Reunion in May. It was wonderful to see everyone again, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! Bill Stockdale
and daughter, Mary Alice, stopped in New Bern, NC on their way south. Lew and Phyllis Casbon visited on the way to a family reunion
on the Outer Banks. I spent June and July with my younger son and family in Cbicago and in upper Minnesota, avoiding some of the NC
heat and humidity. Then, in October I joined the Wilmington group for a delightful luncheon at the Chop House. Thanksgiving, for me,
was in NJ and Christmas will be spread between Northern VA and Chicago. In addition, I will go to the Grand Canyon in late January
2012 with the Chicago son and daughter-in-law to present my family's history of living at the Canyon in the very early days of its status
as a National Park. I was raised there until, almost literally, I met Tom in March of First Class Year.”
Claudette Barber Weathers Remarkable Adventure
The saga of Claudette Barber is a tale of untold support and teamwork. As she was recovering from a 2010 torn rotator cuff, cancer of
both breasts was discovered by Aug 2011. Surgery was postponed as Claudette fell and broke her right shoulder. By Oct operations had
gone well, and all cancer is gone. By Nov there was more surgical treatment to be on the safe side. And then there is chemotherapy,
physical therapy, and more. Through all this her daughters and daughter in law came all the time, as friends, neighbors, and ’51
classmates are beyond belief helpful. As Claudette writes, this is “wild,” but all is going well, counting a trip to West Point for the
reunion, and a sojourn in Ocean City, MD in August. Still living in her Annandale, VA home of 45 years, Claudette’s team is made up of
four children and five grandchildren. She has fallen in love with the physicians, too.
George Meighen Balloons in Las Vegas
Before heading for Las Vegas, NV, George Meighen drove to Florence, AL in Oct to have lunch with Pat Pattillo. Her son Van was
visiting from Perth, Australia, where he is with Chevron. They were joined at Turtle Point Country Club by Pat’s sister Rachel and Billy
Cadenhead. As for Las Vegas, Bill Stockdale met George on arrival, and had an enjoyable dinner; as Bill took off the next morning for
Atlanta, GA, and a granddaughter's wedding. George held on in Las Vegas, drifting off on a balloon ride, a trip to Hoover Dam, saw five
shows, had his billfold stolen, and contributed a little to the depressed economy. Photo: George Meighen and balloons
Betsy DeRamus Completes a Happy Move
Betsy DeRamus has a new home at Danberry at Inverness, a few miles from George Meighen. Located in Inverness on Lake Heather; at
he heart of Birmingham, AL, Danberry at Inverness reflects life with style at a senior living community for folks over 55. It is beautiful,
spacious, and includes a full compliment of health & wellness services for retirement, independent living and assisted living lifestyles.
Sel Graham is Defending the Class of 1825
Sel Graham’s Austin, TX thanksgiving included grandson Jared Graham '08, an Apache pilot; and granddaughter Elise, who works for
a Dallas All-Texas A&M company. Jared had a piece published in the Wall Street Journal on "Good Faith Partner Vital in Foreign
Policy." That's what can be expected when you give a grad a political science degree. In high school, grandson Noah, 17, is taking
courses at Austin Community College. Grandson Bridger, 14, has a volunteer gig with the Texas Heritage Society making
documentaries. Sel is representing the West Point Society of Central Texas against the Texas Historical Commission. Texas Secretary of
War, Albert Sidney Johnson named the peak behind Sel’s house after Captain Joseph Bonnell, USMA 1825. Without reason or basis, the
Historical Commission dedicates it to a George W. Bonnell, who hadn't even arrived until after the fight for independence. The Society is
trying to give the Class of 1825 its due. Also, Sel is trying to help Fort Hood with accidents on State Highway 195, a narrow crooked
road that kills so many soldiers that money was made available for improvements. A salamander has put a stop to this progress.
Grandsons Enrich Frank Hamilton
Frank Hamilton and Charlotte moved to Lexington, KY two years ago. One reason
was to be closer to grandsons, Michael, 9, and Alexander, 6. This has proved to be
great. In Aug Charlotte, Frank the boys took a pictured motorboat ride on the
Kentucky River. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. Being in the area provides
assistance to daughter Tricia, as when husband Marcos was in Iraq. He deployed last
May with the 82d Airborne to train the Iraqi army to take care of itself. It was to be
six-months followed by six months in Kuwait in a standby mode in case the unit was
needed back in Iraq. Apparently they did a good job, because the unit returned to Fort
Bragg the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Tricia and the boys drove to Fayetteville,
NC to meet Marcos for Thanksgiving. Charlotte and Frank had a quiet Thanksgiving
at Golden Corral Buffet & Grill in Lexington! Frank reports the usual aches and pains
that come with our ages, so does not elaborate. Frank and Charlotte invite you if ever
in the area, to please give a call; and wish everyone happy holidays and a New Year.
Photo: Frank and Charlotte Hamilton with grandsons Michael and Alexander
Lydia and Bill Lemnitzer are Ever in Good Spirits
Lydia Lemnitzer sends a great photo of Bill Lemnitzer and herself,
with two sons and a daughter in law. This gathering of smiles speaks
for itself. Photo: Lydia and Bill Lemnitzer with sons and daughter in
Bill Spence is Headed to Seattle
For Bill Spence Thanksgiving was super with all present but three grandchildren and a great grandchild who were unable to come.
There was a long live conversation face to face with one granddaughter over the Skype Internet system. She is working in Japan for a
year. Beyond this pleasant gathering Bill has spent a lot of time visiting with various meds. No great problems but he is assured that he
is as fit as the average guy of his age. All is well down in San Antonio, TX, except visits with Mike Davis have been missed for a while.
This was to be corrected at their usual Army-Navy game party. A visit to the Seattle area is in the cards, also.
Frank Sisson is Proud of his 1951 License Plates
Frank Sisson images his two Cadillac’s with license plates 51
USMA and USMA 51. But. they are somehow invisible here! Frank
is the only grad in Kansas and Nebraska but our rep for both! Alfred
Pursell, ex-’51, keeps in touch; reporting all is well with his family
in Leavenworth, KS, where he has been teaching English at Kansas
City Community College for 31 years. Daughter Jinny has lived in
Alaska for ten years and loves it; daughter Erin teaches yoga at the
University of Washington to relax varsity teams, and son David,
USMA ’81, is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Georgia.
As for Anne and Frank, they remain in their patio home on the
Tallgrass Country Club and are enjoying reading, writing and
arithmetic (for finances) as well as visiting doctors, dentists and
otherwise doing nothing of value. All the family is doing well in
Nebraska, Connecticut and Massachusetts, while Anne and Frank are
far away in Kansas. They have no complaints and feel fortunate to
live in a part of the country that does not require a large income! The local West Point Society viewed the Army-Air Force and ArmyNavy games at a local sports bar. The Sisson’s send Best wishes. Photo: Frank Sisson and two Cadillac’s with 1951 plates
Clint Granger is Never Without Writing Projects
Clint Granger thinks we are all blessed, and stand together against all comers. He says he stands straighter with his cane, since he seems
to need propping up on occasion - “like all of the time”. He is ever “scribbling”, with a new book just coming out. This will be the fourth,
and next to last with Dave Jackson as the sort-of hero. This one, set in Israel, will be Shalom - Peace, which like the others is anything
but peaceful. Clint started on the fifth (and final) in the Dave Jackson series, titled Crucible in Asia, but switched temporarily to another
effort called The Second Thirty Years War; set a century in the future. That is, Clint is writing on two different manuscripts at the same
time, according to the mood of the moment. At the same time, he has not forgotten his promise to Larry and Lia Mintz to write about
Colombia. Clint and Shirley say: “Come visit!! The only classmate in New Hampshire is Lenny Shapiro, over in Manchester - but I guess
two from '51 is about all little New Hampshire can take, especially since both are from M-1.”
Dick McLean has Improved Safety at Treasure Island
Dabney and Dick McLean are back in Treasure Island, FL, after the 60th Reunion, which they signal as great with the chance to enjoy so
many who came. Shortly after the reunion Dabney fell down stairs and was seriously injured; with a long recovery time. But, Christmas
with kids Ellen and Rich in Northern Virginia was not deterred, and the McLean’s hope for a better year ahead. At home, Dabney now
handles stairs without danger. Dick had chair lifts installed on the two flights of stairs in their townhouse. Acorn Stair Lifts are highly
recommend, and affordable at $3750 each. Dick says they are easy to operate and battery powered in case of any power outage.
Wayne and Charlotte Miller Sponsor International Cultural Exchange
Wayne Miller recalls how the reunion gave opportunity to visit friends where he grew up 10 miles from West Point and to visit his
brother in Cornwall, NY. Wayne and Charlotte like short trips within the mainland, with a medium-sized motor home. Recently it was
a trip to the Ozarks and Williamsburg, VA. However, Charlotte will be going to Turkey next spring with the Huntsville, AL branch of
Friendship Force International, the global cultural exchange program. In the meantime Wayne and Charlotte will join on a mission to the
Dominican Republic, organized by Charlotte to help their church, Faith Presbyterian, build an orphanage at the Rivers of the World
compound in Barahona. Five children, 13 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren are spread out from Louisville, KY to Jacksonville,
FL and points in between. They are busy with work, school, and sports, but the Miller’ stay in touch and visit whenever possible. Wayne
sends greetings from Huntsville, also home to John and Tony Hill, and The Rocket City Rednecks (National Geographic Channel on
Wednesday evenings), five “backwoods” guys who have fun applying redneck ingenuity with advanced engineering and physics to solve
real-world problems.
Pat Brian Wins the Gold at Pickleball
Pat Brian and Marty Brian are back to a beautiful, balmy Georgetown, TX, after a too-hot Texas summer. All is well with them and
offspring, clear down through two great granddaughters. Time was spent with all of them, mainly in the mid-west. Pat and Marty are also
still performing in the Actors Guild in Sun City. Pat’s legs are holding up, so he continues to play Pickleball. This is a racquet sport that
combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. It is played on a court the size of doubles badminton court. The net is like a
tennis net, but two inches lower. The game is played with a hard paddle and a light rubbery polymer ball. Pat has won the gold several
times in single and doubles in the Texas Senior game championships.
Bruno Giordano Hosts Cadets with Song and More
Bruno Giordano tells of how for 29 years, the Catholic and Methodist churches of Avalon, NJ invite the West Point Catholic choir to
several masses over a weekend. Residents of Avalon are asked to house these Cadets from Friday night to Sunday morning, and more
importantly, feed them. This year, the Giordano's were still in Avalon in mid September and volunteered to host two cadets. They were
two young men, Josh and Mike, both Cows. The cadets were very well mannered, fit and hungry. Susan and Bruno attended one of the
masses with no pillars falling, nor walls crumbling. The Choir was wonderful. When it sang "The Corps", the Priest asked all graduates
to stand and sing along. Bruno was the only one standing in the entire congregation. He remembered all the words and sang sotto. The
Giordano’s shared the lore of the seven-mile Barrier Island with the cadets, the intricacies of and how to win at Blackjack. All in all a
very pleasant weekend; with Bruno’s conclusion being that all is well at West Point. The cadets left gifts of a small Army mule and a
Class of 2013 beer mug.
Bob Chapman Excels with Colorado Water Conservation
In Parker, CO, Bob Chapman is still serving as the Chairman, Parker Water and Sanitation District. They are at 6200' in a high altitude
desert. All the district’s deep pumps will eventually run dry so Bob is developing new sources that hopefully will be renewable and
affordable. He calls this fascinating working on a team trying to achieve a meaningful legacy. In February Mary Ann and Bob took a
cruise from Buenos Aires around Cape Horn to Valparaiso. This was a nice change and since it is difficult for Bob to walk due to arthritis
he could stay aboard and enjoy sea air and the ship’s cuisine. The Chapman’s send regards to all.
John and Barbara Granicher are Alaska Tour Guides
After the Reunion, in June and July, John and Barbara Granicher enjoyed 3 1/2 weeks in Alaska. From Army experience and with
family there they know it well, so they showed four friends around the state; including Sitka, Seward, Whittier, Denali, and Anchorage.
Wildlife performed for them as advertised. A highlight was a glorious day flightseeing over the glaciers and snowfields that feed
Glacier Bay. Reflecting on the Reunion, earlier, John extolled as follows: “Our gathering on the Hudson in April was a delight and very
rewarding with an admirable showing of classmates. We were so happy to bring a family group and to show them our class and West
Point itself. We enjoyed it immensely. Two grandsons, 9 and 11, were seen dancing with girls at the evening festivities. I promised not
to tell their friends.” All is well with the Granicher’s except the San Francisco Giants didn't make it this year, but offsetting this, the
49ers are said to be on their way. John claims to move a lot slower, while Barbara does not; attributing this because some things just
don't work as well as they used to.
John and Peggy Hemphill Man the U.S. Army
John Hemphill and Peggy Hemphill are doing well. They have so many descendants fueling the U.S. Army, it is difficult to keep track.
Two grandsons are still in Afghanistan and two more will follow in December and January. One just arrived in Hawaii with the 25th
Infantry Division. The lieutenant general son-in-law was brought back from Iraq and took command of the Army's Installation
Command. Also, he is the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installations in the Pentagon where he works for the Vice Chief and with the
Undersecretary for Installations and Logistics. The Installation Command is at Fort Sam Houston, TX, where he works for the Chief.
They live at Fort Myer, VA. The Surgeon General has two similar hats with Pentagon Staff and the Medical Command at Fort Sam
Houston. Peggy and John spent a week at Fort Sam Houston for the change of command. Now the post houses four lieutenant general
commands, plus many others.
Jack Craigie Holds Fast to Family and West Point
Jack Craigie regularly focuses on three elements - family, health, and West Point. With virtually all of the family in Southern
California, the Craigie’s get to celebrate birthdays regularly, if not frequently. It's fun having two grandchildren under the age of six, he
says. Neither one has outgrown Jack yet. Health is good. Jack’s cholesterol numbers are better than Marilyn's; so she cannot chide him
about eating bacon. West Point is still central to Jack’s life, also with three elements: the Class of 1951, the swim team, and the cadet
honor committee. Marilyn and Jack loved the 60th reunion except that it seemed to come to an end all too quickly. A month later Jack
was back at West Point as he is every year, presenting the Class of 1923 award to an outstanding swimmer. He also checked in with the
Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic and the cadet honor committee. Jack concludes we can be proud of the people that
populate the Military Academy. The place is not going to hell. Finally, Jack say “as reported elsewhere to the class, I get to see two or
three classmates out here in La La Land every now and then. All the best.”
Margaret Schwarz Holds a Reunion Classic
Margaret Schwarz had a classic, and classy, mini family reunion Sep 30 - Oct 2. This was held at Redfish Lake Lodge in the beautiful
Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho. Three of Dick and Margaret’s four children, three grandchildren and one great grand child joined
her. Peggy and her husband Michael and their son David and daughter Ilsa traveled from their home in Cornwall, United Kingdom for a
weeklong visit prior to the trip to Redfish Lake. Son Martin and his wife Beth along with their son Jon came from their home in Salt
Lake City, UT to attend. Their daughter Maria could not be there, as she is busy with her junior year in college. Tom and his wife Kathy
and son Thomas, daughter Nicole, along with her son Braden came from their homes in Idaho Falls, ID. First son Richard and wife Lynn
were not able to join. These were wonderful days spending this time together with each other and Margaret is very pleased to be able to
have had most of Dick’s and her family together.
Farewells Grieve the Heart
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on
your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. Now we share in fond farewells to Tom Horgan,
JoAnn Danforth, Myles Grant, Al Costanzo, Sandy Cortner, Frank Bashore, Jerry Carlson, Dick Ryan and Danny Myers who
departed this life since the last edition of these notes. Their faithful families remain deep in our hearts.
Tom Horgan Memorial
Thomas Bernard Horgan died on 3 Sep 11 at Falmouth, MA. Tom was born in Ohio. But he converted to become a virtual New
England native; coming to live in Pocasset, MA, until his death at Falmouth Hospital, from where his remains were cremated. Tom is
survived by his former wife, Inga; sons Erich and Bernie Horgan; and daughter Verna Jean (V. J.) Horgan. Tom was, first and foremost,
an armored cavalry officer. During his four years as a U.S. Army officer he served in the 3rd, 4th, and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiments.
He went on as a civilian to pursue highly successful technical ventures founded on computer and information science; but continued to
serve in the New York National Guard. Tom held a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University. His
passions were Austria, the people and the country; music, beginning with German martial bands; and our West Point ’51, class which he
supported deeply until the very day he died, still on duty as a Regional Representative for the Class. He loved the West Point Cemetery,
everything about West Point, and was devoted and loyal to all his Classmates.
Myles Grant Memorial
Myles Standish Grant died on 30 Sep 11 at Seaside, OR. He is survived by his older sister, Michelle Grant; his ex-wife, Ruth Grant;
their sons Myles “Mike” Grant, and George “Geo” Grant; and grandson, Brian Grant. Memorial services were at Seaside, OR on 22 Oct
11, at the Elks Lodge. There were over ten testimonials springing from about 60 friends primarily from the Seaside area where Myles had
lived an active life since 1984. John Hemphill and Peggy Hemphill were the West Point connection at the ceremonies. Myles’ sons,
Mike and Geo were there along with grandson, Brian. John Hemphill explained the Long Gray Line and the place in it of Myles's father,
Joseph Hamilton Grant, Class of 1916. Interment will proceed in the future at the Fort Lewis, WA Cemetery. Donations may be made in
the name of Myles S. Grant to the Cancer Research Institute National Headquarters, Number 1 Exchange Plaza, 55 Broadway, Suite
1802, New York, NY 10006.
JoAnn Danforth Memorial
JoAnn Danforth died on 26 Sep 11 at Woodland Park, CO. JoAnn is survived by her four children, Cheryl, Gary, Gayla, and Jeff; five
grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Gayla wrote a marvelous tribute to her Mother, beginning with how JoAnn competed in the
Miss Cincinnati contest before catching the eye of Joe Danforth on a double date. She went to New York City to model and be near Joe
while he attended the U.S. Military Academy. Joe graduated at the top of our ’51 Class, and joined the new U.S. Air Force. JoAnn and
Joe’s home in Woodland Park, CO, is a mountain town just above Colorado Springs and the U.S. Air Force Academy. Memorial
graveside services for JoAnn were held on 21 Nov 11 at the Academy Cemetery at Colorado Springs, CO. As family and friends
celebrated her life, her remains were laid to rest beside those of her beloved husband, Gordon E. Danforth, more than 16 years after his
death on 14 Jul 95. The Academy superintendent’s wife and others joined in the ceremonies and expressed appreciation to the family for
JoAnn’s many contributions to the Academy, and especially to its Officers Wives Club.
Al Costanzo Memorial
Albert Crescenzo Costanzo died on 5 Oct 11 at Elkwood, VA. His adored wife of 57 years, Rose; sons Christopher, Daniel, Albert,
Anthony, and John; daughter, Cecilia Hull; and nine grandchildren survive Al. A Christian Wake Service was followed by funeral
services at Precious Blood Church in Culpeper VA., with interment at West Point. Al and Rose served on the Board of Directors for the
Culpeper County Literacy Council. They also worked as volunteer tutors. Al taught Culpeper County Jail inmates to help them qualify
for high school equivalency. They both enjoyed making quilts. During the summer of 2000, one of their astronomy-themed quilts was on
display at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center's Visitors Center and another at the Virginia Quilt Museum in Harrisonburg, VA. As
Bruce Robertson, '51 said, if one's success is to be measured in the number of friends that he had, then Al Costanzo's friends extend
beyond the skyline. That is because Al was a friend to all! Memorial contributions may be made to the Hospice of the Rapidan, P.O. Box
1715, Culpeper, VA 22701; and the Culpeper Community Food Closet at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 115 N. East St., Culpeper, VA
Sandy Cortner Memorial
Sanders Ashford Cortner died on 26 Oct 11 at Carlisle, PA. His first wife, Betty Jo Cortner, preceded him in death. Sandy is survived
by his devoted wife of 39 years, Nancy Daugherty Cortner, three daughters; Catherine Anderson (husband, Mike Anderson) of
Carlisle, PA, Jennifer Cortner (husband, Bruce Scallon) of Alexandria, VA and Laura Cortner of Owings Mills, MD, Sandy’s brother,
Hood Harris of Courtland, AL, sisters Teasley White of Newton, KS and Susan Willis of Athens, TN, plus three grandchildren, six greatgrandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews. The memorial service on 4 Nov 11 at the War College Memorial
Chapel included ceremony by the Cumberland County Honor Guard. Three cartridge shells inserted into the folded flag presented to
Nancy, symbolized Duty, Honor and Country. Friends from the War College, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,
neighbors, and family were all there. Classmate, and G2 company mate, John R. Hook plus "51 Class Widows Scotty Roberge, Joan
Crowe and D'Arcy Wagonhurst represented USMA ’51 at a beautiful ceremony. Inurnment was in the St. John's Episcopal Church,
Carlisle. Memorial contributions may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project, 4899 Belfort Rd., Ste. 300, Jacksonville, FL 32256.
Frank Bashore Memorial
Frank Myer Bashore died on 17 Nov 11 at Albuquerque, NM. His son, Frank Bashore, Jr., and numerous family members survive
Frank. Internment was on 28 Nov 11 in Section I at the Fort Bliss National Cemetery, in Texas on a beautiful clear and sunny, but rather
cold day. Frank was laid to rest with his wife, Caria, the mother of his children. There were many family members there coming from as
far away as Pittsburgh, PA. Brothers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives comprised quite a nice family gathering of both young and older
members, to pay their respects. Local attendees included John Oblinger '53. Frank’s son, Frank Jr, who lives in El Paso TX, was most
appreciative of those representing farewells from the Class of 1951, namely Martha Jo Rice Cavanna, Gus Villaret, Bob Howes, Russ
Johnson, and Moon Mullens. Frank’s younger brother, George, who is a Bishop of the United Methodist Church in Pittsburgh, PA,
conducted the beautiful service. The theme was Frank's love of his family and his God.
Jerry Carlson Memorial
Gerald J. Carlson died on 21 Nov 11 at El Paso, TX; preceded in death by his wife, Doris Jeanne Carlson. He is survived by brothers
Thomas and James, children Anna Routledge, LTC (Ret) Susan Carlson, Gerald J. Carlson, Jr., five grandchildren, and two great
grandchildren. Jerry shared much commitment and time with companion Patsy Zimmerman. Visitation on 29 Nov11, was followed by
Funeral Mass at Ft. Bliss Chapel #2 on 30 Nov 11 and internment at Fort Bliss National Cemetery, with Jeanne. There were family,
friends, members of the WP Society of El Paso, and El Paso Apartment Association colleages. Representing farewells from the Class of
1951 were Russ Johnson, Margie Mullins, Moon Mullens, Martha Jo Rice Cavanna, Gus Villaret, and Bob Howes. Post Chaplain
Father James Martin was at graveside. After presenting of the flag, members of Purple Heart and 82nd Airborne honor guards each
placed a remembrance on the casket. Memorials may be made to Hospice El Paso, 1440 Miracle Way, El Paso, TX 79925-7102, Lone
Star Military Order of the Purple Heart, P.O. Box 640751, El Paso, TX 79904, or the EPAA Gerald Carlson Scholarship Fund, 5730
East Paisano, El Paso, TX 79925.
Dick Ryan Memorial
Richard Louis Ryan died on 26 Nov 11 at Leesburg, VA. His devoted wife Helene Ryan, his daughter Jacqueline Ann, and his son
Richard survive Dick. He is especially remembered as a pleasant and personable man of good moral character. One of his interests was
providing humorous stories about those who surrounded his life in Martinsburg, WV and their culture. He could take on a news article,
elaborating the details while holding his audience in rapt attention. His trademark entry for a tale was to affirm, “now this is a true
story”. Those friends who felt close to his wit and understanding of human nature will miss this. Dick’s funeral was on 5 Dec 11 at
Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Virginia. The honor guard included a firing detail, a flag detail, and a colonel who presentrd the folded flag
to Helene. Reverend. Smith conducted a moving graveside service. Fond farewells from the Class of 1951 were was represented by Ellie
Beczkiewicz and Pete Beczkiewicz, Martha Doerflinger, Rita McDonald and Bob McDonald, Fred Rockwell, and Andy Remson.
Charitable donations may be sent to Operation Smile in Norfolk, Virginia.
Danny Myers Memorial
Daniel James Myers, Jr. died on 23 Nov 11 at Kapolei, Oahu, HI. His devoted wife, Beth Chappell Myers, and a nicely blended family
of three of Danny’s children, two of Beth’s children, and seven grandchildren, survive Danny. After sharing a distinguished airborne
infantry soldier’s career, Danny and Beth retired to their beautiful mountaintop Hawaiian home overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Danny
prospered with investment banking, brokering real estate, and other ventures. Bonds to the Class of 1951 and hospitality were hallmarks,
as Danny and Beth motivated and sponsored visits and class mini reunions on Oahu. Tentative plans are for Dan’s ashes to be reposed at
two places; namely at the West Point, NY cemetery in May 2012 with a memorial service; and also at the family Ratcliffe Cemetery in
Tannersville, VA. Services in Tannersville will be at the little church
there. This is the old community church that Dan’s grandfather helped
to build. Kermit Johnson and Lynn Johnson came and dedicated this
beautiful little church after Dan had it relocated piece by piece and
reassembled above the graveyard on the slopes of Clinch Mountain.
Photo: Danny Myers and grandson
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - William P. Snyder at
Visit the 1952 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1952 Class Notes
Welcome to the second electronic newsletter. This letter includes year-end notes from Class President Don Lasher, EXCOM Chair Don
Weinert, and an update on our 60th Reunion plans. It then moves to the many and varied activities of members of the class.
President's Message
It’s that time of year again. No, no–not the Army/Navy Game (though it is that also). I mean Black Friday, Internet Monday (whatever
that is!); and, yes, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, and the New Year. How very fortunate are those of us who are able to celebrate
it–we are the lucky “survivors”, who have made it for 59 holiday seasons since we became alumni, along with our many “significant
others” (when did that expression, which I dislike, come into our lexicon?).
2011 has not been a banner year for us, for our beloved nation, nor for most of the rest of the world. In fact, it has been pretty bad on
many fronts, and shows little promise for much near term improvement. And, sadly this year, as a class, we have again lost many
classmates, wives, and widows.
On the bright side, it appears that we are in for a fine reunion next May–with a surprisingly large positive response to Harry
Dutchyshyn’s attendance survey. Judging by that, and his committee’s superb planning, it is shaping up to be a grand event! They have
worked very hard, and we already owe them a big Thank You.
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the contribution of the Class Executive Committee (EXCOM), under the superb leadership of
Chairman Don Weinert, Secretary Vince Bailey, and Scribe Bill Snyder. They do most the important work for the class. I just cheer
them on.
This will be my last message as President of one of the finest USMA classes ever. As a class they just don’t come any better, and I am
so proud to be among you. I have been honored and privileged to serve you the past four years; but soon it will be time for a new leader,
who, I am sure, will carry on with dedication and competence. But whoever he may be, he can’t exceed my pride in being one of your
classmates, much less President.
And so, on the threshold of our 60th Reunion, we collectively give prayerful thanks, and each in our own way, for one more holiday
Nadia joins me in wishing each of you and yours the Merriest of Christmases, and a healthy and satisfying 2012. May it be better all
around, but particularly for you.
May the Lord bless each of you and your families; and God willing, we’ll see you at the 60th Reunion.
Your servant,
Don Lasher
P.S. Re: Army-Navy--we are getting better, scorewise - wait till next year, and BEAT NAVY!"
EXCOM Summary
Greetings from the members of your class Executive Committee! Current EXCOM members are: Vince Bailey, Tom Brodin, Jim
McInerney, Dick Moore, Gray Parks, Frank Pimentel, Larry Putnam, Dick Stanier, Don Swygert, Jim Wallwork, Don Weinert,
and Jack Witherell. We trust you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to our 60th Reunion in May, 2012!
An active and productive year for the Executive Committee was tempered by the loss of two members. Jay Luther passed away in
March and Craig Alderman resigned for health reasons. We salute their service to our class, and will miss their wise counsel. Tom
Brodin and Jim Wallwork have been appointed to serve the remainder of their terms. The Executive Committee “family” also shares in
the loss of Vince Bailey’s wife, Ruth, and Jim McInerney’s wife, Mary Catherine. They too will be sorely missed!
In 2011, the Executive Committee has been engaged in 60th Reunion planning, working closely with Harry Dutchyshyn and the
Reunion Committee. Our job has been to help integrate class activities such as the class meeting, class gift presentation, and class officer
election into the reunion program, and to make certain Harry and his committee have the resources needed for a successful reunion.
In cooperation with President Don Lasher and Academy and AOG officials, the EXCOM has continued to work on the details pertaining
to the Class Gift, which will be presented to the Social Sciences Department at the 66th Reunion. The timing and venue for the
presentation, and the terms of the endowment are issues currently under discussion.
Don Swygert is chairing the nominating committee for the election of class officers at the 60th and for election of Executive Committee
members to take office in January 2012. More about the elections will be provided in the early 012 Newsletter.
Thanks to the efforts of Jim Wallwork, we have once again nominated Jim McInerney for the Distinguished Graduate Award. We are
optimistic Jim will receive the recognition he deserves.
After careful consideration, the EXCOM reconfirmed its policy of making cash donations on behalf of our class to selected organizations
that provide support to soldiers and their families. Donations in 2011 were to Army Emergency Relief (id=mce_marker000) and Fisher
House (id=mce_marker000). Monies come from the Class Administrative Fund.
Special thanks to EXCOM Secretary/Treasurer Vince Bailey for insuring that all deceased classmates, spouses, and widows are
recognized by appropriate donations and by entries in the Memory books at AOG. Special thanks also to John Sullivan and John
Kenney for planning social events for classmates in the DC area. They have helped keep us “connected”.
Finally, remember we are “your” Executive Committee. We welcome your thoughts and/or suggestions at any time.
--Don Weinert
60th Reunion Update
The drawing for Hotel Thayer rooms was held on 15 November in Carlisle, PA--at Patti Leggett’s home. Patti drew the ballots from a
large picnic cooler, Harry Dutchyshyn recorded the results, and Gray Parks and I observed. The results were passed to the two
Regimental reps--Jim Lee & Drake Wilson--later that day. Many thanks to Patti for hosting this important event--and for the fine
luncheon before the drawing.
As of 12 December, members of the class have 75 rooms at the Hotel Thayer and reserved 90 rooms at the Hampton--which suggests that
the class will have over 300 classmates and family members at the reunion. If anyone needs a room and has not yet reserved one, Harry
Dutchyshyn suggests you call the Hampton and if no rooms are available ask to be put on its waiting list.
A second reunion item: The class memento for our 60th Reunion is a black baseball type hat. The hat has the class Crest on the front
and “Class of 1952” in yellow in the back strap. For those attending the Reunion, the caps will be on hand when you check in. But
members of the class and spouses who are not able to attend the reunion but would like a hat may order one from Art Deverill. Art’s
address is 3705 Bent Branch Road, Falls Church, VA 22014; telephone 703-354-9587; The cost of the hat is
$15.00 plus approximately $5.00 shipping. The deadline for your order is February 1st.
EXCOM Election
As provided in the USMA Class of 1952 By-Laws, we announced, and simultaneously sent, absentee ballots to members of our Class
living within 200 miles of the Washington, DC area, that elections to the Class Executive Committee (EXCOM) would be held at a Class
Meeting on December 10, 2011, to be held in conjunction with Class Members watching the Army-Navy football game on TV at the Fort
Belvoir Golf Clubhouse. The elections were to choose four EXCOM voting-members to serve six-year terms beginning in 2012 and five
EXCOM supernumeraries whose terms are unspecified. (As vacancies occur within the 12 voting-member EXCOM, as has inevitably
been the case, the EXCOM voting-members choose replacements from among the elected supernumeraries.) Accordingly, the elections
were held during the half-time Army-Navy game break; and the results were as follows:
Elected to Be EXCOM Voting Members: Vince Bailey; Jack Witherell, Dick Moore, and Tom Rehm. Elected to Be
Supernumeraries: John Sullivan, John Claybrook, Bill Moore, Harry Van Trees, and Reynold Thomas. Larry Putnam and Jim
Wallwork served on the Nominating Committee with the undersigned.
Donald R. Swygert, Chairman, Nominating Committee
Army-Navy Party
Washington-area classmates gathered at the Fort Belvoir O Club on
Saturday, December 10th to root for Army during the annual A/N
Game. The photo below was taken at halftime, with the score 14-14,
all were very happy. By the end of the game we were disappointed
and sad for the Army Team. Photo: (L-R, standing)--John Sullivan,
Don Senich, Don Swygert, Larry Putnam, Vince Bailey, and Chuck
Youree; (seated) Carolyn Smith (guest of Don Senich), Pat Brown,
Sarah Schandler (Herb’s daughter), Herb Schandler, Patti Leggett,
and Loretta Sullivan. Jim McInerney attended the party but had to
leave before the photo was taken.
Class Brunch
On Sunday, December 11th, Washington-area classmates enjoyed their quarterly Sunday Brunch at the Fort Myer O-Club. Joining
organizers John Kenney & John Sullivan were Vince Bailey, Pat Brown, Ralph & Carrol Cline, John & Marie Kenney and guests
Kathy & Richard, Donna Larkin, Mac McKnight, Hank Meyer, Bill & Jackie Moore, Kay Paluh and daughter Jan, Larry &
Barbara Putnam, John & Diane Roosma, Jane Sell, John & Loretta Sullivan, Don Swygert and daughter Susan, Elaine Taylor and
daughter Camille, Herb & Barbara Vogel, Jack Witherell and daughter Susan, and Chuck Youree. Photos: (l) Jackie & Bill Moore
and Jane Sell, (r) (standing) Hank Myer, Jim McInerney, Jim Wallwork, Loretta Sullivan, and Larry Putnam; (seated) Barbara Putnam
and Lark Wallwork
Model Classmates
Congratulations to Luddy & Carol Harrison. They are the attractive couple gracing
AOG’s 2011-2012 Gift Shop Catalogue. Luddy & Carol also appear on page 34 of the
catalog. This is the first time AOG has used its employees, other grads, and their
family members to “model the items in the catalog and their family. Photo: Luddy and
Carol Harrison
Bill Reilly Speaks on Veterans Day
Bill Reilly has become a patriotic Ambassador! In November Bill returned to his hometown--Greybull, Montana--and was the Veterans
Day speaker at the American Legion. Bill noted the many acts of heroism of Greybull residents during World War II, and the strong
influence their example had on his life. He also recounted wife Nicole’s first visit to Greybull--and the Dubonnet saga that marked that
visit. Great job, Bill!
Schandler Publishes Book
Herb Schandler reports that a paperback version of his book, “America in Vietnam, The War That Couldn’t be Won,” was published in
September 2011. The hardback version was published in September 2010. Congratulations Herb on another impressive contribution to
our understanding of the Vietnam War.
Update from Nevada
Jim Rodrigues reports that he and Ellen enjoyed lunch with George & Mary Grayeb in Nevada City on 20 November. Jim also
advises that Jerry & Barbara Ann Gibbs’s house survived the intense wild fires that plagued Reno, NV, on 18-19 November.
Book About Westmoreland
A good many in the Class of 1952 served with the late General William C. Westmoreland, some at West Point in the early 1960s, when
Westy was the Supe; others knew him during his four year’s as COMUSMACV and during his later stint as Army Chief of Staff. But all
will find a new book, Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam of great interest. The author is also well known to many in our
class: Lewis (Bob) Sorley, III--is a member of the Class of 1956 and the author of several books centered on Vietnam and a first-rate
biography of the late Creighton Abrams. The Westmoreland book is carefully researched and relies heavily on interviews with senior
colleagues who worked with Westmoreland. An interesting and provocative study of leadership and command--highly recommended for
admirers or detractors--or for those who knew little of Westmoreland. A Kindle edition of the book is available.
Be Thou at Peace Jane Conner
The class mourns the loss of Jane Conner, Mac’s wife. Jane passed away on 10 November. Luddy Harrison, Art & Bonnie
Jackson and their daughter, Suzanne, and Vince Bailey visited Mac and the family at the Wake following Jane's passing. Services were
Comparing Class Rings
Tom Murphy shared a booth with two other grads in a restaurant/
bar on Saturday, December 10, in Costa Mesa, CA, where the West
Point Society of Orange County met to watch the A-N game. They
found time during the TV breaks to compare class rings--and the
result is the stunning photo below. Photo: 44 Years of Class Rings (L
-R): Tom Murphy-1952, Bob Fitzgerald-1971, & Kyung Yu-1996
As we get ready for our 60th we remember the many classmates and spouses who are no longer with us. But we should not forget the
eight members of the class who died in a plane crash on 30 December 1951. The eight: Francis Camilli, Karl Glassbrenner, Ward Keiler,
Hilmar Manning, Bill Melancon, Bill Pedrick, Harry Roberts, and Bill Sharp. And two other members of the class--Joe Cabretta and
Don Spears died earlier in 1951.
My best for the holidays--see you at our 60th Reunion!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Robert C. Breckenridge at
Visit the 1953 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1953 Class Notes
K-2 Mini-reunion
In September K-2 had a mini-reunion at Hilton Head, SC when Bob & Millie Albert
joined Bob & Carol Bartlett for an enjoyable get-together. Photo: Bob & Carol Bartlett
and Bob & Millie Albert
Veterans Day at the VN Wall
During Veterans Day ceremonies at The Vietnam Wall on the National Mall in
Washington, DC Pauli Smith, flanked by Whitey Miller and Si Nerone, laid a
wreath at the wall in memory of our fallen classmates. Looking on were Shelly &
Marge Lustig, Max & Priscilla Noah, Fred Siebert, Vi Davis, Anne Nerone, Jane
Miller and Si’s daughter and sons. Pauli was accompanied by her son Rodney.
Whitey’s Fifteenth Annual Stag Lunch
Aided by Paul Suplizio, Whitey Miller, for the fifteenth time in as many years, hosted a stag lunch at his home in Arlington, VA. Ed
Andrews reports the usual great time was had by all. Twenty classmates and one guest feasted on burgers, gigantic onion rings, suds and
fattening Klondike Bars. The photo shows some of the classmates who attended.
The Durhams Step Out
Here is a photo of Dick & Shirley Durham all spiffed up and out to dinner in Colorado Springs.
The Authors
In October I mentioned books authored by both Tom McKenna and myself. I should have included Neal
Creighton’s book A Different Path: The Story of an Army Family, originally published in 2008 but now also
available as an e-book on Amazon and other platforms. Neal tells me that 35 classmates appear in the book.
Lunch in La Quinta
Here is a photo of Howard Thompson and Joe Perlow flanking three
of their friends at their monthly world affairs luncheon in La Quinta,
It is with great sadness that I must report the following passings.
Joseph F. McGovern Be Thou At Peace
The class is saddened to have belatedly learned of the death of Joseph F. McGovern, E-2, on 19 Nov 09. After a long illness Joe died at
his home in Brandon, FL Funeral services were held in the First Baptist Church of Brandon and Joe was interred in the Florida National
Cemetery in Bushnell, FL.Joe is survived by his wife of 54 years, Patricia, daughter Karen Wilson of Orlando, FL; son Stephen
McGovern of Stuart, FL and four granddaughters.
William W. Yuengel Be Thou At Peace
William W. Yuengel, G-1, died on 13 Sep 11 in the Las Palmas Medical Center, El Paso, TX. Bill had suffered with cancer. He is to be
interred in Arlington National Cemetery at a date as yet unknown to us. Bill is survived by his wife of 57 years, Lorraine, son William II
of Anthony, TX and grandson William III of Temple, TX.
Thomas E. Williams Be Thou At Peace
Thomas E. Williams, G-2, died on 15 Oct 11 at Saint David’s Hospital in Austin, TX.A funeral/memorial service for Tom was held at
the Beck Funeral Home in Round Rock, TX on 18 Oct 11. A graveside service was held on 24 Oct 11 in the West Point Cemetery. Tom
is survived by his wife Martha “Jody”, daughters Kelli Mayeux of Langley AFB, VA and Martha Thompson of Colorado Springs, CO,
son Todd of Flower Mound, TX and 10 grandchildren.
Donald F. Davis Be Thou At Peace
Donald F. Davis, M-2, died at his home in Culpeper, VA on 23 Sep 11. A mass of Christian burial was celebrated for Don on 28 Sep 11
at Precious Blood Catholic Church in Culpeper. Burial followed in Fairview Cemetery, Culpeper. Don is survived by his wife Claire;
three daughters, Lisa Williams of Fairfax, VA, Michele Novak of Lawrenceville, NJ, and Sharon Akers of Culpeper, VA; son William of
Reston, VA; 13 grandchildren and one great grandson.
Irvin G. Kinnie Be Thou At Peace
Irvin Gray Kinnie, A-2, died at home in Hilton Head, SC on 29 Oct 11 of cardiac arrest. A mass of Christian burial for Gray was
celebrated at Saint Francis by the Sea Catholic Church on Hilton Head Island on 2 Nov 11. Burial with military honors is scheduled to be
held at Beaufort National Cemetery in Beaufort, SC on 6 Jan 12. Gray is survived by his wife Louise; son Yannick; three step daughters,
Louise Thompson, Nancy Carlston and Diane Ranno; two half brothers, Richard and Robert; and six grandchildren.
Peter S. Conzelman Be Thou At Peace
Peter S. Conzelman, H-2, died at his home in New Bern, NC on 3 Nov 11 of a tumor of the brain. A Service of Witness to the
Resurrection was held for Pete on 12 Nov 11 at the First Presbyterian Church in New Bern. Burial with military honors will be in the
West Point Cemetery on a date to be determined. Pete is survived by his wife Mary, “Bobbie”; sons Claire of Louisville, KY and Peter of
St. Petersburg, FL; daughters Susan of Neenah, WI, Elizabeth of New Bern and Catherine Larcheveque of Oswego, NY; and eight
Rodney M. French Be Thou At Peace
Rodney M. French, F-2, passed away gently in Minneapolis, MN on Thanksgiving evening,
24 Nov 11. Burial with military honors
took place on 2 Dec 11 in Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN. A memorial service celebrating Rod’s life was held at
University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis. Rod is survived by his wife Sally; daughter Edie; son Arthur and several
Robert B. Beveridge Be Thou At Peace
Robert B. Beveridge, K-1, died on 7 Dec 11 after striking his head in a fall in the kitchen of his home in Las Vegas, NV. At this writing
a memorial service is being planned in Las Vegas for the near future. Interment with military honors will follow at West Point. Bob is
survived by his wife Joan and two daughters, Kara and Lisa both of Reno, NV.
Betty Jean Brown Be Thou At Peace
The class has learned that Betty Jean Brown, widow of our deceased classmate Thomas D. Brown, was killed in a car accident last year
on 27 May 10. Jean was laid to rest alongside Tom in the Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, CO. Jean is survived by two
children: William Brown and Karen Fant both of Colorado Springs, CO and two grandchildren.
Anne Doherty Henderson Be Thou At Peace
Anne D. Henderson, wife of our classmate Walter Henderson, died at Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC on 19 Oct 11
after bravely battling twelve years of serious illnesses. Funeral services are set for 19 Dec 11 in the Old Post Chapel, Fort Myer, VA
followed by burial in Arlington National Cemetery. In addition to Walt, Anne is survived by their son Kevin of Arlington, VA, a
grandson and an extensive family.
New Rules For Class Notes Submissions
From now on I can post text and photos to our class notes column at any time during the year. So, when you have news for me or photos
send them when you wish and I will post the items to our online notes as I receive the copy. When death notices are sent from the
Secretary I will also post them online at the same time. I will continue to send out quarterly reminders to you all so you won’t forget me.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Robert J. Ellis at
Visit the 1954 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1954 Class Notes
Prosper Walker ( Reports
With the Navy Game looming December 10, I thought it would be a
good idea to present Tiny
Tomsen’s “Go Army Beat Navy” picture (attached) for Spirit’s sake,
and tell the story behind it.
It is my view that this magnificent picture should place Tiny in a
West Point Class of 1954 “Claim
to Fame” class second only to Bob Mischak’s tackle of “Red” Smith
on the Army 7-yard line with
three minutes to go which helped earn Army the 14-13 upset win
over Duke University at the Polo
Grounds on October 17, 1953.
The story of the picture and the tackle are both told in mostly full
detail in the Bicentennial book A
Return To Glory by Bill McWilliams, Class of 1955, published by Warwick House Publishers.
As to the picture itself, on a Saturday afternoon in late November 1952 Tiny and I were
developing pictures in the Camera Club darkroom in the sinks of the 42nd Division of New South
Area when I spotted this one picture of “Go Army Beat Navy” on the side of the ship that he had
just developed, and he made a 8x10 copy for me, and told me the story of how he took it. I felt at
that time that it would be famous and the story would come out so that we could all be proud, so I
carefully stuck it into my picture album and put it away.
I was elated to see an illustration of the painting on the ship in our ’54 Howitzer when it came out
a year later, but the image was from a clean picture of the ship negative which had the words ”Go
Army Beat Navy” clearly doctored onto the picture negative’s reverse before it was printed. I
thought that very strange since I knew that there existed in my picture album a real, honest-togoodness
picture of the words as they had been painted on the ship itself!. But graduation was
near, that was a busy time, and there were many other things to be concerned about.
Through the years, I treasured that 8x10 photo in my album, and I think it was during the glorious
40th Class Reunion in 1994 that I was able to talk to Tiny and learn the rest of the story, the
details of which may not have been known to Bill McWilliams when he wrote A Return To Glory,
so here is what happened:
After Tiny took the picture, he and Bob Muns were escorted to the ship executive officer who
confiscated and destroyed the film in Tiny’s big Speed Graphic camera, but the XO was
unaware of the small Leica camera in Tiny’s pocket with the same image on colored film. It
was from that colored film image that Tiny printed for me the black and white 8x10 in the Camera
Club darkroom on that November 1952 afternoon.
The 8x10 print languished in my West Point picture album until I prepared to attend the Andre
Lucas Military Heritage Center Dedication Ceremony in 2006, when the thought came to me that
it would be a neat idea to have the 8x10 photo enlarged to 18x24 and take a copy with me. This I
did and, as I recall, it created quite a stir at the check-in table of the Hotel Thayer.
After that I saved it into my computer to use whenever the opportunity presented itself, and I had
an 18x24 print framed and hung in my den at home here in Belton. For the Class 57th year
reunion in San Antonio this last April I sent an 18x24 copy to the Reunion Committee beforehand,
it was displayed in the Courtesy Room, and it was enjoyed by everyone who came through.
Whenever it is displayed either in my correspondence, at Heart of Texas West Point Society
Founders Day celebrations at the Fort Hood Club, or wherever, it and the story behind it draws
rave reviews. I present it here to the Class to enjoy it now and into the future as I have enjoyed it
in the past.
For the record, copies of A Return To Glory, “the Untold Story of Honor, Dishonor, and Triumph
at the United States Military Academy 1950-53” by COL (Ret) Bill McWilliams ’55 are still
available. It is an extraordinarily faithful representation of the events transpiring, as the Foreword
describes, from “the hectic first day at West Point in July 1951” to “commissioned officers,” with
“insight” into “character development” and “the moral underpinning of respected, successful
leaders” through the end of the Korean War, and I recommend it to you heartily. Comments in
“What Others Have Said” include accolades from our own John Bard and Freddie Attaya. I
ordered a used copy of the book from Amazon and received it like new with a note in the front
from Bill to Bob Downey x’54 who, after leaving West Point, maintained associateship in AOG
and retired as a LTC in the Field Artillery.
So, Thanks Tiny, for this picture, and thank you, Bill McWilliams ’55, for A Return To Glory, that
chronicles for all time the epochal events of 1950-1954 as the Class of 1954 made its way
through West Point from Beast Barracks through the loss of much of the 1951 Corps Squad
football team, the “Mutiny on the Wisconsin,” the tragic loss of our classmates in the C-47 crash,
the Sesquicentennial Celebration, Stealing the Navy Goat, beating Navy 20-7 in 1953, and
Graduation, thus signaling indeed, A Return to Glory.
Tiny Tomsen ( Reports
Ed McNair and I had a chance meeting following the Air Force game this past weekend. We
enjoyed remembering together a lot of things we had both forgotten for more than 57 years!
Attached is a photo of the two of us standing by our respective autos with special West Point
plates, mine from Oklahoma, Ed's from New Mexico.
Russ Parker ( Reports
Granddaughter Emily visited us in El Paso at the end of August and then we flew to Europe with
her to help her get settled for the second semester abroad at a university in Madrid. We stopped
in Germany to visit Russ's Dutch cousin Thijs and his family in Butzbach (between Frankfurt &
Giessen) for about 6 days. Made a visit to the Fulda gap and 'Point Alpha' where the 14th ACR
reigned. Saw John Ballantyne's picture on the 'Wall of Commanders' and will send him some
photos of his old stamping ground.
Flew to Madrid and stayed there for about 10 days, sightseeing on our own, and having Emily
show us some things she wanted us to see. Our hotel was very close to the Plaza Espana, and it
ended up being our favorite place. We did get a chance to see the final stage of the 'Tour de
Espana' bicycle race right next to the Prado. Interesting experience.
Then flew to Paris for a few days (and had the required crepes) before embarking on a Seine
River cruise to the Normandy Beaches. Before we left, Russ toured the 'Sewers of Paris' with
two great Canadian couples we met on the ship. There was an excellent 'Sewers of Paris'
museum--amazing engineering associated with the water supply and sewage system from the
early days of the city! No, Russ didn't have to wear rubber boots and wade in the water! Visited
Van Gogh's cemetery, the house where he died, and the church and grain fields (with the
blackbirds) that are subjects of some of his famous paintings (60 Minutes had an excellent
segment on the village, etc on Sunday the 16th of October). Saw where Joan d'Arc was burned
in Rouen and the modern church at that location. Visited Monet's house and famous gardens
which he painted so often. Absolutely breath-taking. The Seine from Paris to Honfleur was
beautiful and very peaceful and believe it or not, we traversed 6 locks. Visited some fabulous
cathedrals, including St Sulpice in Paris, which was in 'The DaVinci Code'. We had toured the
Normandy area in '84 just before Russ retired (at the fortress in Cherbourg), also visiting Caen,
Carentan, the Bayeux tapestry, Omaha beach, Utah beach and St Mere Eglise. This trip we were
able to visit Point du Hoc and the American Cemetery on Omaha, which we missed in '84. There
were an amazing number of museums and tourists at the beach areas which we did not see in
'84. It was as emotional a visit as it was in '84. We had great weather throughout Europe and
walked our shoes off!. It was a great trip, but as always, good to be home. Beat Navy and Air
Russ & Ann will celebrate Thanksgiving in IL with daughter Lisa, her two married daughters
Kristina Davenport, IA) and Ashley (Springfield, VA) and their husbands Jeremy and Josh,
respectively, and granddaughter Katrina ( McAllen, TX). Then they will fly to McAllen with
Katrina, visit some friends for a few days and drive back to El Paso with Katrina, who is moving
back to El Paso, much to the delight of her grandparents!
Bob Morris ( Reports
Several classmates attended the military funeral, with full military honors, of Bill Grace at Arlington on 12 October. In addition to the
local class "stalwarts," Jack Miller and Bill Epling, other attendees included John Farrar. Victor Hugo, Wes Gheen, Jim Henry, Ron
Salvador, Al Schalk, Ed Pawlowski and Robert (C-2) Morris. Also the widow of B-2 classmate Tom Wachowski was on hand.
Attendees were treated by Gail Grace and family to a fine food and beverage reception at the Fort Myer Officers Cub after the funeral
Jack Miller ( Reports
On Tuesday, 20 September 2011, a celebration and thanksgiving service for Anne Odom, Bill
Odom’s widow, was conducted at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. Anne died
25 August at a hospital in Burlington, VT. from complications from injuries suffered 10 August
when she was struck by a bus in Middlebury, VT. Their son, Colonel Mark Odom, gave a
wonderful and moving remembrance of his mother and all that she had meant to him and the
lessons she taught him on how to live. A granddaughter, Kate Odom, was an excellent reader
during the service. Following the service there was a reception at the Hillwood Museum. Anne
had served as the chief curator of Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens, which houses the largest
repository of Russian Imperial Art in the United States. An expert in the field of Russian art, Anne
published and lectured extensively and led many study tours to Russia. Those attending the
reception were able to tour the museum and view the beautiful art treasures. Attending from the
class were: Bucky and Lorna Harris, Ed Pawlowski, Nancy Skibbie, Bill and Lee Schulz, Bob
Morris, Jack and Barbara Miller, Lou and Judy Wagner, Dale and Valerie Vesser, and Vic and
Thuy Hugo.
On Wednesday, 21 September 2011, the Fall luncheon of the West Point Society of D.C. was
held at the Fort Myer Officers Club. This was the largest-ever turn out for a society luncheon. The
key speaker was the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs, General Eric K. Shinseki, Class of 1965, who
detailed the size of the veteran population served by the VA, the programs and services
rendered, and the organizational and leadership problems attendant thereto. The excellent talk
was somewhat offset by the pieces of dry chicken served as the entree; but it was a great
assembly of grads, young and old. In attendance from the class were Clif Berry, Chuck and Betty
Debelius, Bill Epling, Frank Hart, Jack Miller, Rose Mologne, Bob Morris and Dick Youngflesh.
I noted in the fall issue of the West Point magazine that classmate BG (Ret) Wendell H. Gilbert
was honored with the inaugural Gilbert Award on February 1, 2011. After retirement, Wendell
served as the Vice President for Development and University Relations for 17 years, 1991-1998.
In 2002 he was appointed Deputy to the Governor of Tennessee for Homeland Security.
Ed McNair ( Reports
Rebecca and I spent most of September taking a motor coach tour of some of the northern
countries in Europe. First, though, we flew to Copenhagen, stayed with relatives and attended a
twenty fifth anniversary party for one of them (all of the McNairs in Denmark are my first cousins
or their offspring). We then flew to Paris, rented a car, and visited the Normandy beaches, the American Cemetery, Point du Hoc, Mt.
Saint Michael, and the Bayeux Tapestry.
Returning to Copenhagen to start our tour, we visited Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg,
Novgorod, Moscow, Minsk, Warsaw, Berlin and Potsdam. The roads were good and the countryside was pretty everywhere except
Russia itself, where the roads were bad and the landscape was dotted with wooden shacks that they called "Dachas". On the other hand,
many of their churches, cathedrals, and palaces from the Tsarist era are beautifully preserved and restored.
Moscow is the largest non Asian city in the world and it is jammed with cars, mostly Mercedes. There we saw Red Square, portions of
the Kremlin, and the Moscow subways. There was little to see of the Ghetto in Warsaw. In Berlin, we visited the Reichstag, the
Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, and remaining portions of the Berlin Wall. The scars of war have completely disappeared in all
of these cities, but it boggled our minds to be reminded how many millions of people died in these cities and countries during World War
We are planning to go to the Army - Air Force game. We have a grandson firstie at each academy so we can't lose. It would be nice to
win one for a change though.
Bob Geasland ( Reports
My wife Gloria and I left NC to spend Thanksgiving with my three daughters and their families just
north of Princeton, NJ in Skillman. We took my daughter and her husband to the Point for the
day. Bill Ballinger, my son in law had never been. We therefore toured the whole place...much of
which bears no resemblance to the Point as we knew it. Construction is still ongoing all over the
place. We hit the Catholic Chapel. Still undergoing renovation, the Cadet Chapel (the Vasser
Cells are in the same condition), the Cemetery to see my future home, and then the usual places
like the AOG Offices, etc.
This time we didn't eat ice cream near the entrance to Flirty...too cold...but we did go there.
We also went to the rear of the AOG building where I most reverently bent over and touched the
brick with my name upon it. My heart soared like a hawk!!! I noted a number of classmates
bricks but my arthritic hands were to stiff to write down all the names with gloves on. We hit the
cadet store where I had the intention of replacing my cadet grey jacket which was retired a couple
of years ago. Too Late. The grey was discarded six years ago with black ones. I didn't get a
black one because I figured I'd be forever cleaning off the stuff a klutz like me gathers about him.
We'll probably go back up next year when my Woo Poo vehicle registration expires.
Bucky Harris ( Reports
Our two issues are fine...Christopher is a Director with Credit Suisse in Zurich (3 kids) and
Stefanie (2 kids) is a tenured Professor at Texas A&M. The 5 grand children are all "above
average"!! Erna and I are coasting through retirement, traveling and concentrating on house
projects. Since we expect to be buried outta our house we decided to buck it up "spoony" and
are contracting for new windows with Marvin and contracting for new stacked walls and
landscaping the front 5,000 sq. ft. before the "market" turns further south and wipes out what
Madoff (the SOB) left us. Living in the shadow of the Capitol (at Alexandria, Virginia) we are
nightly entertained by the spectacle of "our" Congress' gaming whatever issue arises. (But also
worried.) (Really worried!) From time-to-time, when bored for a challenge, I review Ovid W.
Eschbach's tome and wonder how I made it through cow year. He's dense! (Anyone out there
still have Eschbach on the shelf and remember who he was?)
Howard Gabbert ( Reports
The late summer and fall have been a slow recovery for Andrea getting over her "Fosamax"
femur fracture. It was quite a repair job, a long steel rod from hip to knee anchored with enough
screws and bands to fill a small bag at Ace Hardware.
But progress is being made, and regular visits to the gym really help. She's a tough lady!
This past week we had a visit from Andrea's oldest sister, Maiya. She comes every November
and together we take in the annual Arizona Classic Jazz Festival in Chandler, a suburban town
SE of Phoenix. This year was a good one - top notch lineup.
We are now looking forward to the Christmas holidays featuring visits by all kids, spouses, and
grandkids. That will add eight to the roster for a week. We will need to rent some overflow space
at a nearby hotel.
When the holiday dust clears, we will start off the New Year with another Caribbean cruise, this
time to the western end including Grand Cayman, Belize, and Honduras. It will be a round trip
out of Ft. Lauderdale aboard Regent's Seven Seas Navigator.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we look forward to our next
class gathering.
Pete Johnson ( Reports
The Deer Won! There was snow on the ground for the last two days of my hunt in Vermont but
there were very few deer making tracks and it was unseasonably warm. Saw a noisy herd of
turkeys and had a bear walk up to my stand but no deer. Still, it was good to get out and move
around in the woods. Oh well, maybe next year! Still managing and playing with the ukulele band.
It's really rewarding to see the response of folks in the assisted living places where we perform.
Plus it's a lot of fun. I'm lucky and thankful to be going strong at 80.
Dion Johnson ( Reports
Dion Johnson lost his wife, Jenny, of 56 years this past February. He finds bachelorhood to be
very unsatisfactory. A wonderful woman has come into his life. He and Melinda Scott will marry
on 21 April 2012 at her church in New Jersey. They will live in Dion's house (Ducks) in
Accokeek, MD. He is happy as a kid with a new toy.
Wayne Cantrell ( Reports
Not much is going on here in the land of gumbo and jambalaya – not much other than the usual
fall enthusiasm about LSU's football team and the general euphoria accompanying the
undefeated record. Pat's brother flew in all the way from California to go to the LSU-Auburn
game. Pat and I have been lying low and trying to stay out of trouble because she won't let me
remove the Florida Gators plates on both cars. It's a source of a lot of good-natured ribbing.
We had a brief visit with our daughter from Arkansas, and at her urging, Pat is now starting to
think seriously about another move – this time to be near our daughter there in the Ozarks. I'm
starting to feel as if I'm in the service again, with the moves just as frequent as they used to be.
But then Pat is a healthy cancer survivor, and there is almost nothing I wouldn't do to make her
Not of great note, but the biggest annual free fair in the U.S. was just held again in Franklinton,
LA, where Pat grew up, and near Bogalusa, where I grew up. We went and had a blast; the fair
had all the old-fashioned stuff like animals, homemade foods and other goods in competition,
great performers on stage (all country, of course), a big midway, and great eating from local
restaurants. This was the 100th anniversary of the fair, which is obviously one of the oldest, and
we both have wonderful memories of going there every year as children. Hurricane Katrina's eye
plowed right through Franklinton and tore up the fair grounds a couple of weeks before the
scheduled fair a few years ago; but the local residents made a Herculean recovery and
reconstruction, and the fair was held on schedule.
We made another quick drive to New Orleans to enjoy the World War II museum and some of the
local restaurant food. The museum has continuously been enlarged and is worth a visit by
anyone interested in the history of the war. It's popular enough now that it receives national
billing by big stars like Tom Hanks, who has been a participant in its growth. Strangely enough, it
is only a few steps away from what had been called the Confederate Museum before the name
was changed to protect the innocent; new name is the Civil War Museum.
Clif Berry ( Reports
A late-October trip to Belgium and France continued our project with the American Battle
Monuments Commission (ABMC). Our firm has been creating visitor brochures for the ABMC
overseas military cemeteries. The contract has been extended to include brochures for most of
the official World War I and World War II monuments overseas.
The recent eight-day recon began in Brussels and whizzed around the region before ending in
Paris. The itinerary included visits to 12 monuments and six cemeteries. My focus was on
listening to cemetery superintendents and associates to learn their thoughts and suggestions for
the new brochures. Everyone provided interesting insights and often unexpected but quite valid
ideas. As we all know, there is no substitute for seeing the terrain and listening to those posted
Once again I realized that our overseas military cemeteries are more than hallowed burial
grounds. They are history books and biographies of our predecessors who gave their all.
During the visit to the Somme American Cemetery, I mentioned to one of the senior French
staffers that I had seen many large stacks of potatoes along the roads. They were just harvested
and ready for transport from fields to factories. She said, “Our soil is quite fertile. It has been
enriched by the blood of thousands of your soldiers.” Powerful!
Extensive information about all the ABMC cemeteries and memorials can be found at the
website. Here’s the link: . Suggest including a visit one or more of them when you are in the region.
Bill Bathurst ( Reports
Romney and I continue to enjoy life in the Kingdom of Western North Carolina in the southern
Appalachians. Romney travels the world as an accomplished Birder. In August we ventured to Brazil for birding and jaguar spotting. (It
would have been less expensive just to go to a dealership.) Romney and I have been privileged to have traveled extensively. Our travels
are usually nature oriented. We have made many, many walks in Europe. Our trips to Antarctica will always be memorable for us. And
why didn’t anybody tell us about New Zealand? I would have moved there fifty years ago. We recently moved out of a retirement
community into a home off the sixteenth green of the Highlands Falls Country Club even though I am still not old enough to golf. Our
health remains good. November marked my 17th year post-transplant (liver). The doctors are surprised and I am amazed. My interests in
addition to travel are my work in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in our local hospital and my role as Commissioner of the Special
Operations Adventure Race ( in support of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation ( I
do wish classmates would complete their Memorial Articles. We certainly have been prompted and encouraged. Classmates are welcome
to “The Little House on the Fairway”. Press on!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - James Ryan at
Visit the 1955 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1955 Class Notes
1955 Christmas Brunch, Washington Area
The Blahutas, Schepps, and Wargowskys put on a fabulous brunch
December 4 for classmates, wives, and widows in the Washington
area. Charlie Johnson made the journey from the Albany, NY area
to be with us. The Andrews drove up from Raleigh, NC; and Bob
Deardorff came all the way from Pinopolis, SC. Beautiful Christmas
-themed centerpieces decorated each table made by Greta Masson
with greenery furnished by Linda Newton. Photo: One of Greta’s
Attendees at the Washington Area Christmas Brunch
Ed & Betsy Anderson, Don & Mary Andrews, Billy Arthur,
Nancy Bishop, Norm & Barb Blahuta, Val Bundren, Jim
Cutchin, Bob Deardorff, Mary Monahan, Joe & Connie
Franklin, Ted Gay, Bud & Dorothy Goldstein, Ray Gunderson
and son-in-law Dave Elliott guest, Zach & Carolyn Hagedorn,
Don & Carla Hilbert, Charlie Johnson, Emily Karam, Ted &
Marie Livesay, Dan & Donna Ludwig, Lorna Malooley &
daughter Alexandra, Greta Masson, Bill & Joan McCulla, Durf
& Barbara McJoynt, Carl & Jo Ann McNair & guests BG Myrna
Williamson & Jane Merryman, Dave & Cyndy McNerney, Rich
& Mary Ann Miller, Bob & Linda Newton, Jim & Pat Ryan,
Matt & Betty Schepps, Earl & Margit Singer, John & Ruth
Sloan, Don & Jilla Smith, Bob & Pat Strati, Dan Troyan &
daughter Danielle, Dick & Sandy Wargowsky, Tom & Elaine West. Photo: Don & Jilla Smith
Classmate’s Book
Information supplied by Bill McWilliams, liberally quoted. His new book is a minute by minute account of the attack on Pearl Harbor,
HI, on December 7, 1941. Bill’s new book is an e-book published by … and is titled Sunday in Hell: Pearl Harbor Minute
by Minute. It is available from Amazon in Kindle format and from Barnes & Noble in Nook format. It is a new history that takes readers
airfield by airfield, ship by ship, and minute by minute through the United States’ first and most disastrous World War II battle and its 24
day aftermath – when the nations’ bitter surprise launched America into the most destructive war in human history…Sunday, November
20, 2011, the print (paperback) version was released on Amazon, followed on November 29 by the release of the electronic version on
Apple’s web site. Photo: Public domain photo of the Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Wrays Tread on Navy Ground
Bob Wray reports: “Our son who went wrong (Annapolis ’79), got
married for the second time November 12, 2011 at Annapolis. (His
first marriage was … to an intelligent, beautiful girl … three
grandchildren resulted: a Captain in the Air Force, an Ensign in the
navy, and a daughter in Harvard grad school, all attending the
wedding.) The guest list included several Admirals and Captains and
scores of extended family on both sides. Rob arranged for an exit
under the swords that he’s purportedly submitting to the Guinness
book of records as the largest ever, something like 24 participants.
Navy protocol calls for 6 to 8 swords but a two star can pretty much
call the shots as he sees them. Weather was sunny and cool, the bride
is beautiful and charming, her father wore Army blues from his
service in WWII (he’s 87), there were no fights or arrests, everyone got home safe …. I shaved my beard for the wedding since Rob
wanted me to wear my uniform and I didn’t want to misrepresent Air Force standards in front of all the Navy brass. Rosie is making me
grow it back. The pretty girl [in the photo] with me has been tagging along to these events for over 56 years and we’re thinking of
formalizing the relationship for the kids’ sakes.” Photo: Bob and Rosie at son Rob’s wedding
Visit with an Old Pal
At a recent fundraising affair in the Los Angeles area, Roy Thorsen &
Margaret had a golden moment having their picture taken with Mickey
Rooney. Everyone looks just great! Photo: Roy, Margaret, and Mickey
Africa Trip, Nov-Dec 2011
Ted Livesay reports: “Rod & Pat Vitty worked their magic again
by organizing a wonderful trip to South Africa and Swaziland which
included Kruger Game Preserve, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Table
Mountain, and many more exciting places. Also touring with the
Vittys were Joe & Connie Franklin, Dick & Sandy Wargowsky,
and Ted & Marie Livesay. Many friends and neighbors of the
Vittys and Franklins accompanied the group. The Class of ’55
Banner was proudly displayed at the Cape of Good Hope – the
southernmost point of land on the African continent.” Photo: Cape
of Good Hope, view from Table Mountain
Attendees at the ’55 Colorado Front Range Lunch, November 2011
Beans, Smetanas, Bergens, Wilkinsons, Camps, Auers, Cardillos.
Photo: Front Range Lunch
Birmingham Mini
Bill Haas & Jack Campbell send: There are 122 paid registrants for the
Birmingham Mini, Apr 23—27, 2013. If you are uncertain whether you have
registered or want to see who else is coming you can log on to the Home Page at and then click on the link “2013 Mini”
under the “Reunions” section. Then click on “Registered so Far” and see who all is
planning to attend. You can also check out “Optional Tours and Events” and select
the tours you’d like, if you have not already done so. Three of the trips are sold out,
but there are available seats on the following:
Apr 24: 4 seats available on the U.S. Space & Rocket Center trip; cost, $60 each.
Apr 25: 4 seats available on the U.S. Space & Rocket Center trip; cost, $60 each.
2 seats available on the American Village trip; cost, $55 each.
Apr 26: 8 seats available on the Museum of Art and Botanical Gardens trip; cost
$60 each.
If you have any questions on what you may have already signed up for or if you need a registration form, etc., email or call (205-425-3014) Bill Haas. Photo: public domain photo of Statue of Vulcan, Birmingham
Memorial (TAPS) Articles
Lee McKinney sends the following report: Total graduated: 470; Deceased: 165; TAPS articles published: 84; TAPS articles not
published: 81; TAPS articles lacking family approval: 4; TAPS articles under preparation: 19; AUTHORS NEEDED: 58 (Those
interested, contact Lee McKinney, Don Andrews/First Regt. or Bob Meisenheimer/Second Regt.)
'55 Taps
John Leventis died on September 21st in Newcastle, Washington. He is
survived by his wife, Luanne. Services were held in Newcastle. John's
obituary may be viewed at . Reported by Bill
McKinney. Photo: John Leventis
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Jerry Huff at
Visit the 1956 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1956 Class Notes
Crossing the Bar
Sadly I must report the passing of several members of the 1956 Family. Nick Beal died on 26 Sep 11 of a stroke in Everett, WA. He was
buried in the New Tacoma Cemetery near his home in Washington State.
The Class suffered a double tragedy in November. On Friday Nov 18th at 10:30 over 300 people assembled at St. William Catholic
Church at St. Simons Island, GA for George Stapleton’s memorial service and reception. Pallbearers for George were Mike Alexander,
Stan Diez, Charlie Glenn, Pat Haley, Carl Hatler, Ken Lang, Jack Nicholson, Jack Sharkey, Leroy Suddath, Ben Tindall and
Herb Wagenheim. Lynell’s and George’s families were in full attendance. All gathered in the parish hall for a reception that was catered
by the folks from Murphy’s Bar which was George’s favorite place on the island. The weather and setting were beautiful. George had
worked out the details with Lynell and Lynell executed the plan as George would have liked it and with good spirit. Wednesday night a
second wake was held at Murphy’s Bar where food from the reception was spread for all to consume. George was definitely there in
spirit per his instructions to Lynell.
Lynell Stapleton departed St. Simons Island for Northern New Jersey early the morning of Nov 22nd to gather in northern New Jersey
with her family before going to West Point the next day. About two hours into the trip on I-95 in South Carolina her car veered off the
road, hit a guard rail, flipped, and stopped in an embankment. Lynell was killed; her daughter Terry and Terry’s two daughters were
treated for injuries and released. Lynell was returned to the same funeral home that took care of George and was cremated Friday. Her
memorial service was held Dec 2nd in Brunswick,GA. Plans are to bury her ashes in a graveside ceremony at George’s grave at West
Point this coming spring.
On Wednesday Nov 23rd at 1:30 about 50 people gathered at the West Point cemetery for a graveside service with full military honors
for George. Classmates present included Rick Brown, Denny Butler, Jack Conklin, Stan Diez, Mike Lion, Dave Moore, Ted Ogren,
Farrell Patrick, Bob Quackenbush, Luciano Salamone, and Bob Sorley. George’s flag was presented to his granddaughter 2LT
Samantha Stapleton, US Air Force, who is a nurse at Travis AFB. A group gathered at the bar in the Thayer for a Budweiser per
George’s instructions.
Katherine Twichell Vaast, the daughter of Heath Twichell , died on 20 Apr 11 in Montpellier, France after a courageous four year battle
with cancer. Her adventures and work on several continents would fill a book. I can only say we can all be proud of her!
Ted Dayharsh died at home Sunday, December 4th after a long illness. At this writing (Dec 12th), I have no other details.
To all our classmates and families who have died, we say, well done, be thou at peace. To those who remain behind, we share your
Class Bicycle Trip
In the photo are the 24 attendees of the Class of '56 Bike trip, Sept. 20-23, 2011, at the Ocean Course on Kiawah Island (18th green and
Atlantic Ocean in the background). They had just biked the beach (about 7 miles) and had lunch at the Ocean Course Club House, before
biking (8 miles) of the Kiawah Island bike trails back to their cottages. If you are interested in joining the group for the ride next year
(destination is TBA) please contact one of the riders for more details. Photo: (L-R) Ward LeHardy; Julie and Ann Prather; Conn &
Linda Anderson; Steve Canby; Judy LeHardy; Jack Levis; SallyLee Hunter; Joyce & Jack Munsey; Tom & Jane Griffin; Pete &
Ginger Lash; Jack & Linda Sloan; Carol Smith; Bill& Jan Weihl; Carolyn Ogren; Stainton Smith; and Ted Ogren. Marianne Canby
attended, but was not available for the picture.
New Book by Bob Sorley
In mid-October, Bob Sorley’s new book “Westmoreland” was published. On 12 Oct 11 he was scheduled for a presentation at The
National Archives. Normally this would not be a problem except the 12th was the date of our quarterly Class Luncheon. The problem
was solved in short order. The luncheon was moved to The National Archives and everyone enjoyed an outstanding presentation by Bob.
Thanks for your efforts Bob. And thanks for a great book!
Not only did Bob publish a new book (one of many) he was also recognized by the Saigon Arts, Culture, and Education Institute
(SACEI) where he was named their "Man of the Year" for "outstanding contributions to Vietnamese arts, culture, and the fight for human
rights." SACEI is an organization of expatriate South Vietnamese now living in America.
Vietnam Wall
On the 6th of November fifty-two classmates and wives met on The
Mall at the Vietnam Wall Memorial to remember our fallen
classmates, friends and other veterans. After the ceremony at the Mall
the group enjoyed brunch at the Bolling Air Force OOM. It was a
great chance to renew old friendships. Photo: Class of 1956 Gathers
at Vietnam Wall
Steve Boylan Reports
Steven and his wife Margaret were invited to a 2nd Cavalry Regiment Change of Responsibility for their Command Sergeant Majors on
13 October at Vilseck (south side of Grafenwoehr) in Bavaria. The Deputy Commander of Army in Europe took part in the ceremony.
Steve found the Troopers to be a remarkable unit and was pleased to get this close to today's fighting men. While Steve enjoyed having
the armored force being with him, he was pleased that there was an artillery salute that was part of the ceremony. Way to go Steve!
The Ninth Annual Holiday Dinner Dance
The Dance was held December 15th at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. Approximately 100 classmates and their
wives were there to enjoy the evening.
Until next time, may the armored force be with you.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Maxim L. Kovel at
Visit the 1957 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1957 Class Notes
Death of Champlin F. Buck III
It is with great sadness that I report the death of Champ Buck on 17 Dec. Don Whalen sent the following message to the Class. “Champ
Buck passed peacefully this morning, December 17th. He was in the Intensive Care Ward of Alexandria Hospital with Pat and members
of their family gathered around. His health had declined, and he was admitted to intensive care in Arlington's Virginia Hospital with
pneumonia five weeks ago. Since then he fought a good fight, but finally succumbed. A memorial service is planned within the next few
days and interment will be later in Arlington National Cemetery.” There will be a Memorial Service at 1300 on Wednesday, 28
December. The service will be held at The Anglican Church of Saint Andrew and Saint Margaret of Scotland, at 402 East Monroe Street
in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria. On 15 March at 1300, a Funeral Service will be held in Ft. Myer's Old Post Chapel. A
graveside service in Arlington National Cemetery will follow. We extend our sincere condolences to Pat and their family.
Dana Mead Receives Eisenhower Award
Len Marrella sent me a letter with a program from the Business Executives for National Security “Eisenhower Award Dinner” that was
held in New York on 17 Nov. Len was Dana’s roommate. The award, presented to Dr. Dana G. Mead, PhD and ADM Eric T. Olson,
USN (Ret.), is “presented to outstanding Americans whose contributions to our national security reflect the spirit of President
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address and his vision of civic minded citizens dedicated to the preservation of their nation’s security and
liberty.” Len noted that the ceremony was “quite impressive” and included a number of senior CEO’s and senior military leaders
including LTG Huntoon, the USMA Supe. The program included a biographical sketch of Dana’s career, both military and civilian,
from 1957 to the present, and it’s easy to see why he received the award. Congratulations, Dana, and of course Nancy.
Rich & Pat Daluga
Got a lovely holiday letter from Rich & Pat with lots of information about the year. Rich
had successful surgery in September to repair and abdominal aortic aneurism and now has
“no restrictions. One of the highlights of the year was back-to-back Disney cruises, one of
which was Disney’s Inaugural Cruse to Alaska – they had a party of 11 family members and
Rich noted they “almost drove our waiter’s crazy ” – and he sent a photo taken with Captain
Mickey. Thanks for sharing. Photo: Rich & Pat with Captain Mickey
55th Reunion
Just a reminder that the Reunion is 20-23 May 2012. If you have been delaying your response now is a good time to send it in and make
your hotel reservations. As of 14 Dec we have a total of 172 registrations and as many as 176 hotel reservations on one night, 21 May.
Join us by sending your reservations to Joan Emmer, The EMR Agency, Events, Meetings, Reunions, PO Box 620, Skaneateles, NY
13152. We have also added a fourth tour opportunity going to the World Trade Center Memorial in NYC, but are still working the
details. The next reunion letter will bring you all up to date. BTW, for those who will be coming by air, Newark Airport in NJ is
probably the closest and most convenient big airport.
Votes on Constitution Changes and Gym Hallway Modification
The Class Executive Board at its October meeting noted that the Class vote ending 1 October 2011 gave strong approval of the proposed
changes to the Class constitution, and directed that the text of the document be so revised and placed on the Class website. Paul
Schwehm and Tom Kehoe will do so. The Board also noted that the Class vote ending 1 October 2011 gave strong approval of the
proposed alterations to the gym hallway gift of 1987 and that the AOG has been directed to proceed with the task.
Recent Class Losses
It is with sadness that I report the deaths of Eric “Chris” Christensen, Carolann Longo, Carman “Speed” Negaard, Charles Quinn,
and Charles Scudder. The listing below is in chronological order.
Eric M. Christensen - Wes Kidd discovered the obituary for Chris in in Oct. The reference was the Fayetteville Observer
July 19, 2011. Chris has been one of our “lost” classmates (no contact in the last five years) and this was the first we learned of his
whereabouts and his death. According to the obituary, he died in Reaford, NC on 17 July. Memorial Services were conducted on 19
July at the Crumpler Funeral Home chapel in Raeford, followed by burial in Raeford Cemetery. There was a visitation at the cemetery
after the service. Chris is survived by three children, his sister-in-law, Lynn, and several nieces and nephews. We extend our sincere
condolences to his family.
Charles J. Quinn - Ted Voorhees reported that Charlie passed away on the morning of 20 Sept. He had been in the hospital for the
previous two weeks, and the doctors said that his "systems were just shutting down". Ted noted that Charlie had been putting up the
good fight for a very long time stretching over many years. On my visit to Williamsburg last year I learned that he had been on the brink
of death shortly before my visit, but he was determined to make the most of his recovery. Ted and Charlie were good friends and worked
closely together for over 10 years building the WP Society of Williamsburg. Ted said it was "A great personal loss". Bob Stevens, his
roommate Cow and Firstee year, and Ted attended a memorial “gathering” for Charlie in Williamsburg on 24 September, and Bob noted
"From the first day of Beast Barracks until his death, Charlie was one of the most popular and admired from among out classmates. He
always had a cheerful demeanor and a positive attitude, no matter the difficulties he might have been suffering. He was particularly
admired for the maintenance of this attitude throughout the many debilitating physical ailments he endured for the final two decades of
his life.” Charlie enlisted in the AF in June 1950, just as the Korean conflict began, and served in England for most of it. Subsequently
he went to the Prep School and to WP. The decision on Charlie’s burial has not been made. The family suggested that those desiring to
make donations in his honor do so to the West Point Society of Williamsburg, attention, Col. James T. O’Connell, Jr., 3 Forth River,
Williamsburg, VA 23188. We extend our sincere condolences to Priscilla and their children. An obituary was published at:
Carolann Ann Longo, wife of Jerry Longo - On 1 Nov Bob Tilton reported that he had just received a phone call from Jerry Longo
that his wife, Carolann, passed away 31 October. She and Jerry had been married 53 years. They skated together in a club and she and
Jerry had gone skating the previous Thursday. Jerry said, “On Saturday she said she was feeling ill and by Sunday morning early they
took her to the hospital. The doctor said all of her internal organs were shutting down. The cause of death is not fully known, but she had
been dealing with low blood platelets for some time. Her heart apparently couldn't keep up the work.” They live in New Jersey with his
son and daughter-in-law; email me at link above for their address. The funeral service was on 3 November in Our Lady Queen of Peace
Church, Lumberton, NJ. In a subsequent note to Bob, Jerry said that after the service “we had Carolann cremated. We are planning to
have her ashes buried this spring or summer at MT Calvary Cemetery in Richmond, VA. If anyone would like to remember Carolann,
the best thing that they could do is to have a Catholic Mass said for her. I know she is in Heaven and a Saint, but I think all of the
prayers that can be accumulated for her will secure a GREAT POSITION for her with her maker and Lord.” We extend our sincere
condolences to Jerry and their family.
Carman “Speed” Duane Negaard - On 15 Nov Les Bennett received a call from Miriam Negaard that Speed passed away that
morning in Colorado Springs, apparently from a heart attack. Les said that Speed had been in poor health for some time. Speed was one
of our older classmates and had served in the Korean War before entering WP, having been called to active duty from the ND National
Guard in which he enlisted in 1949. A memorial service was held at the Ascension Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs on the evening
of 1 December, and he was interred at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver on 2 December with full military honors. Les assisted
his daughter, Cori Kaberlein, to make arrangements and kept the Class informed of the arrangements. Bob Gadd reported that he and
John Schafer, and their wives, and Les attended the Memorial Services in Colorado Springs. Stan Cass attended the burial at Fort
Logan. Stan had written Cori that he would be there, and expressed the following thought, shared by all who knew Speed, “he was a
great classmate, and certainly a real warrior.” Roger Currier reminded me that Speed was his roommate in Beast, and was awarded a
medal during Plebe Year for bravery in Korea. Les also provided an obituary that was published in the Colorado Springs, newspaper, The
Gazette from November 25 to November 27, 2011. We extend our sincere condolences to Miriam, their 5 children and 19 grandchildren.
The obituary can be read at:
Charles Prentiss Scudder III - Jody Scott learned that Charlie Scudder was in the same hospital as Jerry in Columbus, GA and that he
died on 16 Nov. Charlie had been suffering from a heart ailment for a very long time. An obituary was published in the Columbus
Ledger-Enquirer on November 18, and the rest of the information I have is taken from it. The family held a reception to honor Charlie
on Sunday, 20 November at Striffler-Hamby Mortuary in Columbus, and graveside services were conducted on 21 Nov at the Main Post
Cemetery, Fort Benning with Full Military Honors. Reverend John Boyer, of Morningside Presbyterian Church in Columbus, where
Charlie was a member since 1974, officiated. The family suggested that those desiring to make memorial donations do so to
Morningside Presbyterian Church, 4142 Weems Road, Columbus, Georgia 31909. We extend our sincere condolences to Carolyn and
their family. The obituary can be read at:
Honors for Len Marrella
Len was honored at West Point by the Class of 1970 last October for
his continuing commitment to the National Conference on Ethics in
America. They presented him with a beautifully engraved West
Point saber and sheath mounted with a plaque that expressed their
heartfelt appreciation for his work trying to make the world a more
ethical place. The plaque reads: “To Dr. Len Marrella, Guiding Spirit
of NCEA, Soldier, Patriot, and Teacher, From the West Point Class
of 1970, with full hearts, SERVE WITH INTEGRITY.” Photo
(r): Len with sword
Len has been involved with conducting leadership and ethics seminars at West Point each June for the last ten years at the Summer
Leadership Session (SLS) for approximately 600 aspiring cadet candidates. Additionally, every October for the past ten years, he has
been mentoring college delegates and faculty at the National Conference in Ethics in America (NCEA), also at West Point. Len
described the efforts of the Class of 1970 and his involvement as follows: “the West Point Class of 1970, under the motto of “Serve With
Integrity,” has sponsored the National Conference on Ethics in America for the last 26 years and they have encouraged me to be a part of
it for about half of those conferences. I always encourage the rising seniors at the SLS each June and the college delegates each October
to visit the Class of 1957 Honor Plaza. I do that with pride in our class just as I proudly connect the ’57 label with every keynote speech
I give at various venues and ethics seminars throughout the country. Forgive me if this communication sounds a bit immodest, but I am
feeling genuine pride to know that our message to never underestimate the power of character and the power of example is resonating
with many of the young high school and college students that I am privileged to mentor. Sometimes I wondered if anyone was paying
attention. And then just last week Ed Olivares, who serves as a West Point MALO, sent me a nice email confirming that indeed some are
listening and reflecting.” Len, in addition to his commitment to the Center for Leadership and Ethics, said that he and Dee have been
traveling extensively, and spending time with their seven grandchildren. Sounds like the good life. Congratulations, Len.
OO Rah for Pat Solomon
In November, Jack Solomon, justly proud of his wife, sent a note with copy of the front page of the 23 November Wall Street Journal
attached. The note reads: “One doesn’t make the cover of the WSJ everyday. I am very proud of my bride. She has such a great heart for
our troops.” The front page had a very large photo (4 columns wide) of Pat greeting arriving troops at the Atlanta airport. The caption
reads, “Meetings and Greetings begin at the nation’s airports.” Thanks, Pat, for all you do. Photo: Pat Solomon in WSJ
Article by Lou Circeo
Jack Solomon also sent me a copy of an article by Lou Circeo that was published in the Global Atlanta magazine, titled Georgia, U.S.
Fall Behind on Plasma Technology. In it Lou writes, “as the U.S. federal government wavers over supporting a technology that
converts tons of garbage into energy, companies worldwide are embracing this innovation and working towards building facilities.” To
establish credibility the article also notes that “Dr. Circeo is the chief scientist at Atlanta-based Applied Plasma Arc Technologies LLC, a
private consulting firm affiliated with the Georgia Institute of Technology's new energy initiatives and located at the university's
Advanced Technology Development Center. He is retired from the Georgia Tech Research Institute where he founded the Plasma Arc
Research Facility.” The article also points out that in countries from Canada and China to Sri Lanka, many companies are developing
systems that create energy from the byproducts of plasma arc technology. To read the article and learn more about the technology, go to .
Hank Hatch at Veterans’ Day Celebration
Nick Monaco sent me several pictures taken at the Gaithersburg, MD Veterans’ Day Ceremony on 11 Nov, where Hank Hatch was the
featured speaker. The event was highly publicized by the city, with the following announcement: “The entire community is invited to
join the City of Gaithersburg for its annual Veterans Day Observance on Friday, November 11, 2011, honoring and recognizing all U.S.
military personnel who play an important role in safeguarding our nation and our future. … Veterans Day remarks will be delivered by
General Henry J. Hatch, who completed a distinguished 35-year career in the United States Army, retiring as a Lieutenant General. He
was the Chief of Engineers and the Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, whose missions include military construction and
environmental engineering for the Army and Air Force and the Army's civil water resources program. After eight years in the private
sector, he continues his active life as a volunteer in a number of professional organizations. General Hatch graduated from the U.S.
Military Academy in 1957 and received a Master of Science degree from Ohio State in 1964.” Leigh Ogden and Nick attended the
ceremony, and Nick reported that it was an impressive speech and message. Nick also sent some photos. Photos: (l) Hank at the
podium, (r) Leigh, Hank and Nick
Bud Miller’s Grandson
Bud Miller wrote on 5 Dec with the news that “My grandson, Chris Canty, reports to West Point on July 2, 2012 to join the class of
2016. Chris will be the 4th generation of my family to attend West Point. I am immensely proud of him.” You should be.
Congratulations to Bud and Chris, and Chris’ family.
Joe Tedeschi and Granddaughter, Cadet Collins '14
While Bud’s grandson is about to join the Corps, Joe’s granddaughter, Katie Collins, is now a Yearling, Class of 2014. Joe & Sue
attended the Army-Navy Cross Country meet on 14 Oct at the ski lodge/golf course, West Point and took some photos. Joe wrote,
“Regretfully, both Army men and women's teams lost to Navy, but the women's score was close. Katie was 4th for the Army squad and
8th overall. The meet was held in extremely bad weather, ended in a down right deluge!” I’m sure it was worth it to see Katie run.
Photos: (l) Chuck Collins, Katie, and Joe; (r) Sue, Marly (Tedeschi) Collins, Chuck Collins, and Katie
A Note from Joe Tedeschi and Your Scribe
Joe provided an interesting follow up to the revelation from Cosmo Barone in the last column. In the "small world" category, Cosmo’s
daughter, Millie Linnet, is a member of Joe’s parish in Medford, NJ. They have known each other a number of years, but it was only
recently that they discovered in chatting one day that her father had been a plebe at West Point in 1953. Joe wrote, “When she said his
name, I said I knew who he was, but did not know him at the time at West Point as a fellow classmate plebe. She told me that her Dad,
Cosmo, is "not well" these days.” She believes his note [in the last column] was very important to him. Speaking for myself let me add
that it seems as we grow older we all want to resolve past issues. Recently I received some comments from two classmates indicating
embarrassment and regret about our graduation parade. Just to be clear, I do not feel that way. It happened and our Class has achieved
many wonderful things while accepting our nickname of “Black ‘57."
Stan Cass and Fred Smith
As you may remember, Stan and Fred are two of our gun sportsman
and participate annually in Stan’s dove shoot. Fred sent a photo of
Stan and Fred taken at Stan's annual dove shoot on season opening
day, the first of September. He noted that “Stan and Cis were
gracious hosts and their beautiful ranch was teeming with doves this
year...Fred was in his conservation mode and forbore hitting any
birds...another member of the party got a rattlesnake in addition to his
bird-bag...this is the lunch Cis prepared for the hunters....sumptuous
fare, indeed !!”
Hal & Elly Dyson
Nick Monaco reported in Oct that Elly had been hospitalized since Mar following heart valve operation that had complications, including
respiratory problems and infections. Hal had some heavy-duty back surgery that included insertion of rods to support his spine. As of
this writing they are both at Commonwealth Health and Rehabilitation Center in Fairfax City.
Barry & Donna Fox
The Fox’s have left Williamsburg and moved back to Maine. They emailed on 8 Oct, “Just to let you know, we are moving back to our
farm home in Maine. We are at the edge of the city, near coast, on a river. not out in the boonies. love it and anxious to be back on our
little acre. We are in Brunswick, a perfect New England Norman Rockwell town. Home of Bowdein College. Pls let all know we are
both doing well, hanging in there... and know we will be thinking of the class all together. Our best to all... Barry and Donna Fox"
Email me at link above for their address. They have extended an invitation to classmates to visit them. Just in time for winter.
Dick & Dianne Stephenson
In September Dick wrote, “Dianne is on a rocky road, but being the very tough lady that she is, (always putting 57STRONG to the test)
we are always hopeful; the medical care has been as fine as is possible, both with Walter Reed, Bethesda, SIBLEY, and [now] in Ct. with
Greenwich Hospital, from one highly recommended liver/GI expert to another, and we thank one and all for their prayers and support...”
They are focused on Dianne’s health, and our prayers are with them. They have moved permanently out of the DC area to the home
Dianne's Mom and Dad built in 1937 in CT. Email me at link above for their CT Address and phone number. With respect to the move,
Dick noted that “Stuffing two houses into one, five cars into two, and the associated 55-years of "STUFF" into a relatively tiny home is
no small challenge, as I am sure we all have to face in time.” I’m sure many of you can already relate to that.
Ken Parker, International Businessman
I extracted the following info about Ken’s travels from a much longer commentary sent to the Forum on 21 Oct. Ken wrote, “At this
moment I find myself in South Africa, on a consulting assignment. I have dealt exclusively with small business in the last 12 years as an
executive and as a consultant. Here in South Africa, a country that had so recently had its severe test, I have visited six small businesses
and conducted a seminar for six others. … I am off to London tomorrow to do essentially the same thing.” An interesting and
stimulating life while most of the rest of us are “retired."
The Mortons in Prague
Traveling while retired is also in vogue, especially to visit family.
Dick & Inge sent the following note on 27 Oct. “Once again this fall
found us in Prague. This time visiting the newest twig on the family
tree, Isabella, born on 25 August. The time in Prague was great, as
was the weather. The trip there and back was pretty much torture,
between the airlines' efforts to squeeze a few more cubic inches out
of seating and those of the TSA to make travel as inconvenient as
possible. I was selected for "secondary screening" twice, an
adventure which included both groping and testing for explosive
residue. Same thing happened to my 13 year old granddaughter as
she travelled this summer with her mother and 11 year old sister.
Must be something in the family genes which inspires suspicion.
Anyway, the baby is beautiful and healthy and that is what counts.” Congratulations on your new granddaughter. You look like you
really enjoyed your trip, even with the hassle. Photo: Dick & Inge in Prague
Gene Beimforde
Tom Kehoe has been tracking down “lost” classmates, and with the help of Bill Wright he located Gene. For those who might like to
contact him, he's living in a retirement community in Schulendburg, TX called the Regency. Email me at link at top of page for his
address and phone number. Thanks Bill.
Wade Shaddock
Several of our classmates have been assisting Congressmen (and women) in selecting candidates for the service academies. Wade
participated in this process at the beginning of Dec and had some interesting observations about our future students and the popularity of
USMA. In his words, “This past Saturday I served on Congressman Charles Boustany's annual Academy Selection Panel. Our mission
was to interview high school students who have applied for appointments to one or more of our four academies. Each applicant had
previously listed the particular institutions, in order of preference, that they desired to attend. Our panel reviewed the paper work
submitted by each person and then interviewed each of the ten that had requested an appointment from the Congressman. Of the ten, five
wanted the Air Force Academy, four asked for Naval Academy appointments, and one to the Merchant Marine Academy. None listed
the Military Academy first, and only one had it as his second choice. This year we had no female applicants. Seven or eight of the ten
wanted to go to flight school. Only a small percentage initially spoke of their desire to serve. Only after questions designed to elicit such
a response did some indicate that service to country was a motivator in their request.
I have other thoughts and observations about these very fine and intelligent students, but will not include them herein. I forward the
above only as food for thought and what it might indicate to each of you.” Something to think about. Thanks, Wade.
Max Kovel Loses a Bet
At this point, allow me to end this column with some personal notes. I went to the A/N game with my Navy daughter, Sarah, and her
two children, Jessie and Zack. They came from San Antonio just for the game, and I made a bet on the outcome with Sarah. The bet
required the loser to wear the hat of the winner and smile. You all know the outcome, and hence the photo that follows. I didn’t see any
classmates because my tickets, a gift from a good friend of my daughter Rachel, were for box seats on the Navy side. The second photo
is of my bride, Bernice, and me on my 77th birthday. Photos: (l) Max wearing Navy hat, (r) Max & Bernice, after 54+ years together
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Hank Larsen at
Visit the 1959 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1959 Class Notes
Paul Joseph Elias, Company F-2
Paul Elias died on 13 December 2011. Paul was an airborne ranger infantry officer
who enjoyed a variety of challenging assignments during his Army career to include
two tours in Vietnam. After retiring from the Army, Paul worked at the University of
Maryland for 22 years. Paul is survived by his wife, Fran, three children and seven
grandchildren. The Class of 1959 extends heartfelt condolences to Fran and the Elias
More about Paul from Bruce Medaris
Paul and I spent our Yearling summer at my parents’ quarters at Redstone Arsenal where Paul’s father had just retired from working with
my dad. He and I and Fran and Dottie have followed each other around the world, and were assigned together at Aberdeen Proving
Ground, from which we both retired. Paul enjoyed a good time and liked to socialize with classmates whenever he could. As Dottie said
to me, “We’ll miss his booming voice.” Rest in peace, Paul.
Warning Order
Bill Benagh and Jay Warren are in the initial planning stage for a mini in Florida in 2013. Mark your calendars and stay tuned.
Reunion in Hawaii
The next Hawaii Mini- Reunion is scheduled from Sunday, 21 October to Sunday, 28 October 2012. All who have attended these Hawaii
Minis in the past have really enjoyed them so you should begin making plans to attend. Many of the 136 classmates, family and friends
who attended the last one plan to return for this one.
Jack Bohman, Lenny Katsarsky and Mel Santo comprise the committee. They promise to publish details soon.
Ski Mini Update
Gary Beech reminds all that the mighty 1959 Ski Group will assemble at Vail, Colorado from 25 February to 3 March 2012 for the
twelfth annual ski mini. Gary has made arrangements at the Lodge at Vail which is only a few steps from the ski storage and the lifts. In
addition to Nadine & Gary, there are commitments from Bob & Karen Croteau, Len Einbinder, John & Karla Moellering, Tom &
Liz Munz, Bob & Sandra Ryan and Paul Sper. Several others remain on the fence. Anyone interested in joining the group for this trip
can contact Gary at
Four Couples in Sarasota
While Bill & Norma Mullen were in the Sarasota area Jeri & Geri
Hilmes invited them along with John & Elaine Guthrie and Bob &
June Roth to cocktails at their place and then they dined in Sarasota.
It was a great visit and another opportunity to catch up. Dinner at
Sarasota included the Mullens, Hilmes, Guthries and Roths
Denver Gathering
While visiting their daughter, Dawn, in Denver, Sandy & Carol
Beach joined up with other classmates at the home of Roger &
Ginny Ware followed by dinner at the Venice Restaurant. The group
included Bob & Diane Beale, Gary & Nadine Beech, Lou
Schroeder and Rich & Mickey Skowronek. This is the third annual
gathering of the Denver contingent. They invite anyone in the area to
join them for their fourth and beyond. Photo: The Wares, Beeches,
Lou Schroeder, the Beals, the Skowroneks and the Beaches at the
Ware’s home in Greenwood Village, CO
Lunch Anyone?
Joe Coreth, Mike Gillette and Ed Robinson met to enjoy a
nostalgic lunch together at Portofino's in Crystal City. They agreed to
do it again very soon and invite interested classmates to join in.
Photo: Enjoying lunch together are Ed Robinson, Mike Gillette and
Joe Coreth
Veterans’ Day at the Rocky Versace Memorial
Bob Weekley reported on the 11 - 11 - 11 ceremony at the memorial
honoring Rocky Versace. The guest speaker was retired BG
Nicholson who was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005
to be secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission.
Nicholson, who knew Rocky, spoke of his strong religious beliefs
and his brave defiance while in captivity.
Also in attendance and giving a stirring patriotic talk was Nick
Rowe’s wife Jane who also is a veteran of the Vietnam War. Nick,
USMA '60, was captured with Rocky and spent five years as a POW.
Nick later was assassinated in the Philippines while serving as an
advisor there.
In addition to Bob, classmates attending were Tom Boyle, Al Phillips and Dick Welch. Photo: Saluting in honor of Rocky are Tom
Boyle, Rocky’s brother, Steve, Al Phillips and Bob Weekley. Jane Rowe is in uniform behind them.
Versace Golf Tournament a Success
The fifth annual Versace Golf Tournament was held at the Pinecrest Golf Club in Annandale, VA last September. The event raised
approximately $3500 for maintenance and other activities at the Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This was the
third event of this nature conducted at Pinecrest, the first two tournaments were held at Andrews Air Force Base. The five tournaments
have raised a total of more than $20,000 for maintenance and activities at the Mount Vernon Recreation center where the Versace
Memorial is located.
Celebrity guests included Miss Junior District of Columbia and Washington Redskins Hall of Fame receiver Charlie Taylor.
Photos: (l) Honorary Classmate Mike Faber (left) who helped organize this event stands with teammates, (r) Ed Robinson, left, poses
with his team at the tournament.
Mike Nash Laid to Rest
Photos: (l) Cadet John Michel Nash, Company E-1, (r) The Nash family members at the ceremony honoring Mike
Our friend and classmate, Mike Nash, an Army Aviator, was reported missing in action on 15 March 1966. He was officially declared
dead one year later. At that time there was a memorial ceremony at West Point. In late 2010 the remains of Mike and his co-pilot, LTC
Glenn D. McElroy, were found in Laos. On 30 November 2011 these two soldiers were buried together in Arlington. Pictures of the
Nash family and classmates and wives who attended accompany this article. You probably read the outstanding report on all of this
written by Jim Walsh. It is posted on the class web site.
Photo: Classmates and wives at the ceremony
More About Mike from Company Mate Chip Haight
Mike was one of the nicest guys you would want to meet. We were in the same cadet company and our first assignment in the 25th ID.
He was very earnest, organized, and easy going. He had an artistic flair as shown by his contribution to our Class rings and logo. He
always took his share of kidding in good humor, sometimes not apparently knowing he was being kidded. He seemed like a classic Tom
Sawyer-type with the same sense of mischief and outlook. He and Mary Jane were really in love, devotedly so and I think some of the
other wives were jealous of his obvious devotion to her, and she to him. We miss him.
John Milton, Company I-1
Information has recently been received that our classmate, John Milton, died on 9 July 2010 in Cheshire, CT. Photo: Cadet John F.
Milton, Company I-1
John, an airborne ranger, commanded a company in the 101st Airborne Division.
Following that assignment, he resigned his commission in 1962 to return to his home
state of Connecticut where for almost 50 years he was an enthusiastic supporter of many
activities in his community.
John is survived by his wife, Marilyn, his four children and his twelve grandchildren.
The Class of 1959 sends heartfelt condolences to the Milton family.
More on John from Tom Gilligan
The kid from Brooklyn got to command a rifle company in the 101st Airborne ... maybe the best job in the Army ... then he returns to
civilian life posting himself in rural Connecticut where he finds employment with a company where he is able to put his artistic skills to
work on a regular basis for the duration of his career. Meanwhile he sires and raises four children ... is a model father for them ... and is
adored by all of them. They will cherish his memory. John was a sports enthusiast following Army football, UConn basketball and the
New York Football Giants. He also was a fan of of the local Cheshire teams and supported his kids in all of their activities. John
definitely took the time to smell the roses. He also spent much time helping in the Cheshire community and school system being
president or an officer in all endeavors. No wonder pictures of him show the face of a very happy man. Does it get any better? Life
lived large, full, rounded and happily. Well done, John.
Bob Novogratz Honored
On 16 September 2011 Bob Novogratzwas inducted into the Army Sports Hall of Fame. Bob is one of the few West Point graduates
ever honored for performance in two sports, having been an outstanding performer in both football and wrestling. Photos: (l) Bob
Novogratz receives his Hall of Fame plaque from Athletic Director Boo Corrigan while Superintendent LTG David H. Huntoon, Jr.
looks on, (r) Bob gives his acceptance speech.
Here is an excerpt about Bob published by the Army Athletic Department:
Novogratz is a 1959 graduate who starred during two seasons for the football team. An All-American selection as a guard, he was a
member of Army's last undefeated squad in 1958. Winner of the Knute Rockne Award as the "Outstanding Lineman in the Nation," he
was also tabbed for a similar honor by the Los Angeles Times.
Chosen to compete in the East-West Shrine Game in 1958, Novogratz posted 48 tackles against Penn State and Notre Dame during his
junior season and helped Army to a 15-2-1 mark during his two seasons. He was also a two-time letter winner with the Army wrestling
program and finished third at the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association Championships as a heavyweight in 1959.
Bob joins Colonel Earl Blaik as well as teammates Pete Dawkins, Bob Anderson ’60, and Bill Carpenter ’60 as members of the Army
Sports Hall of Fame.
Photo (below): Bob is honored again during the game at Michie Stadium
Family members joining Barbara & Bob for this momentous occasion were their seven children and their spouses, Bob’s sister and
brother plus many grandchildren. In addition, Bob was supported by those attending the dedication of a Memorial Room in the Hotel
Photos: (l) How many people named “Novogratz” attended? Check out the name tags for those and others, (r) Chuck Millick and Art
Bair were two of many classmates enjoying the festivities
Dedication of a Room at the Thayer
Classmate Fred Malek and some other partners recently purchased the Hotel Thayer. As part of their objective to link the hotel more
closely with USMA, they initiated a Memorial Room program whereby individual rooms could be established to honor selected USMA
graduates. Fred suggested that a Memorial Room be established to honor the undefeated 1958 Army football team. Fred generously
matched donations from many other members of the Class of 1959 to successfully generate the necessary funds. Because the Army
Sports Hall of Fame weekend was scheduled for 16 - 17 September it was decided that this would be a perfect time for this event.
Those on the ’58 team from the Class of 1959 attending were Pete & Judy Dawkins, Jim Kennedy, Chuck Millick, Jack & Bonnie
Morrison, Bob & Barbara Novogratz, Bill & Butch Rowe, Honorary Team Member Fred & Marlene Malek, and Team Manager
John Bryer.
Photo: Attendees pictured at the Thayer room dedication are (kneeling) John Bryer, Jim Kennedy and Jack Morrison. Standing are Bill
Rowe, Frank Gibson ’61, Pete Dawkins, Al Vanderbush ’61, Coach Gunlock, Fred Malek, Bob Anderson ’60, Chuck Millick and Bob
Others from the class there for the weekend were Art Bair, Randy & Mary Anne Bell, Terry Enright, Pete Keogh, Ollie & Diane
Langford, John & Karla Moellering, Bill & Sharon Murray, JJ & Barbara O’Brien and Will Weber.
In addition, Leroy Green’s son, Scott, was there with his wife, Annie, daughter Remi and their two cadets, Bryce and Zach. Also, Gary
& Nadine Beech’s son, Mark, attended. Mark is a writer for Sports Illustrated and is writing a book on the undefeated 1958 Army
football team.
When asked about the weekend, Fred Malek said that the entire weekend, including the room dedication was beautifully orchestrated by
Jack Morrison. He added that the last undefeated Army team room is clearly the best of all the dedicated rooms. It has some wonderful
photos and superb memorabilia including a replica of Pete's Heisman. It clearly exceeded expectations and demonstrates to any hotel
guest who sees it that Army football can be great. The hope of the hotel owners is that the dedicated rooms will give the hotel a distinct
West Point look and serve as a sort of mini museum for those who take the time to roam the halls and view the plaques outside each
room. Fred stated that the dedication itself was moving as it brought back memories of those glory days for those who were there and
had witnessed the team in action. All agreed the guys looked like they could suit up again that very day. It was a thrill to see Bob
Novogratz inducted into the Army Sports HoF.
By the way, the Room at the Thayer is #437. Sign up for it early as it will be very popular.
Thanks, Jack!
There were many people who deserved thanks for all they did to make the HOF Weekend special. But none were more deserving than
Jack Morrison. In recognition of this, Jack was presented with a "Special Award of Thanks" at the dinner on Saturday evening. It was a
plaque that expressed everyone’s sincere thanks for his tireless efforts to make the '58 Undefeated Team Events so special. Photo:
Bonnie & Jack Morrison enjoying the moment at the ceremony
As an added note, Jack’s articles that keep classmates up to date on the Army football team are also very much appreciated.
Final words of praise are due to all of those who sent pictures, particularly Jim Kennedy who sent a disk of 48 pictures that covered the
weekend from start to finish.
Photo:Jim Kennedy, Bob Anderson ’60, Fred Malek and Chuck Millick in the middle of a memorable weekend
More Hall of Fame Weekend Fun
Here's another look at Jim and Chuck. As Fred said, these guys look
ready to get back into the game. Photo: Check out the hats!
Veterans Day 2011
Where did you spend Veterans Day this year? Darel & Mary Jane Johnson spent the day at the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City.
They are pictured in the main foyer in front of the sculpture “End of the Trail.” Photo: Darel & Mary Jane Johnson at the Cowboy Hall
of Fame
How is that for a segue as these Class Notes arrive at the end of the
trail? Thanks to the 21 contributing classmates.
A Picture with No Caption
Carl Weaver sent this picture of Bill Zierdt and his friend. However, Carl forgot to send
along a caption. So, you may make up your own. Send it in if you wish.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - George T. Crosby at
Visit the 1960 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1960 Class Notes
Well Done, Joe Cannon-Be Thou at Peace
Joe passed away, very unexpectedly, on Nov 30 in Vermont. Lydia wrote that a viewing was to be held on Dec 2, followed by a funeral
service the next day in Tinmouth, VT. A military burial will take place in the spring. The class mourns the loss of Joe and sends our
deepest sympathy to Lydia and her family.
Toni Carpenter
Toni, Bill’s wife, passed away peacefully on Sept 15 in Whitefish, Montana. It was a courageous battle over several years that Toni
fought, with Bill at her side all along the way. A Celebration of Life was to be held with the immediate family. Should anyone wish to
make a donation in Toni’s name, the family suggests: Home Options-Hospice, 430 Windward Way, Kalistell, Montana, 59901.
Photos from the Paul Cerjan Funeral
Dick Gates sent some additional photos from Paul's funeral on 9 September. Photos: (l) The Old Guard prepares to take Paul to
Arlington National Cemetery, (r) Pat Cerjan sits with Dick Gates at the reception arranged by Ed Handler at the Army and Navy Club
in downtown DC. Standing: Caraballo, Jezior, Miller, Otstott, Hall, Felber, Jhung,Post, Handler, Oswandel
Jim DeMent
Jim sent a photo taken with his grandson who is wearing Jim’s full dress coat and
tarbucket. He played Robert E. Lee, gave a great speech, and was the hit of the
evening. Photo: Jim and Robert E. Lee
Tom Bullock
Charley Otstott sent this photo and wrote that it was taken by Scott
LeyVa who is a professional photographer and one of Tom Bullock's
good friends. It was a fine afternoon with somewhere around 200
people in attendance for a pot luck lunch. The center of attention was
a very nice slide show celebrating Tom's life from cradle to his death.
Many of the pictures after his service life were ones he had taken in
many parts of the world. Both of his daughters and his son
reminisced about their father. All in all, a very nice way to say
goodbye. This took place on Sunday the 28th of August in Felton,
California. Photo: Bill Drollinger, John Sherden, Bill McNamara,
Jerry Witherspoon, Charley Otstott, and Bob Montgomery at Tom’s
Memorial Service
Alice Carey
And we were just notified that Alice, Art Carey’s passed away the morning of December 14 in Jonesboro, Georgia. A viewing was
scheduled for December 18 with the funeral on December 19 at St. Philip Benizi Church in Jonesboro.
Dan Donahue on Paul Bucha and Jack Jacobs
Dan Donahue sent a photo with Medal of Honor recipients Paul
Bucha and Colonel Jack Jacobs. Dan is the Chairman of Fieldpoint
Private Bank & Trust. His firm had a reception for the Medal of
Honor Foundation at the Greenwich Country Club in Greenwich,
Connecticut on May 12th, 2011. The reception celebrated the 150th
Anniversary of the Medal of Honor. About 150 guests were in
attendance for an inspirational evening. Paul and Jack spoke about
selfless service, Duty, Honor and Country. Everyone in attendance
left feeling better about our Country and the wonderful people
serving in our Armed Forces.
Paul Bucha (West Point Class of ’65) was awarded the Medal of
Honor for his heroism in March of 1968. He was a Captain leading Company D, 187th Infantry, Third Brigade, 101st Airborne Division
in combat operations southwest of Phuoc Vinh. Colonel Jack Jacobs (Rutgers ’66, ROTC) was awarded the Medal of Honor for his
heroism while serving as an Advisor to a South Vietnamese Battalion in the Mekong Delta during March, 1968. Photo: Paul Bucha,
Judy Donahue, Colonel Jack Jacobs, and Dan Donahue
Co A-2 had a mini-reunion in Colorado Springs over the weekend of Army-Air Force football game (Nov 3-6) with 11 of their 15
remaining company mates attending. They were: Ed & Arlene Strasbourger, Randy & Maida Perkins, Erc & Vi Barone, Keith &
Bobbie Garner, Ken & Pat Ludovici, John & Pam Willauer, Ray & Barbara Andrews, Jim & Kim Hopper, Fred & Linda Faery,
Herm & Phyliss Marmon, and Bill & Suz Blitch. Bill Bailey, former A-2er, and his wife, Em, also joined us. They had a great
“insider’s’ tour of the AF Academy (attended an Engineering Mechanics lab, ate with the cadets in the mess hall, had a moving memorial
service in the Cadet Chapel for our 10 deceased company mates). Over the weekend several classmates joined A-2 for various activities:
Rog & Maria Ryan, Ed & Mary Osborne, Buzz & Brita Glenn, Jim & Sandy Fairchild, Dan Orr, and Bud & Susan Mease.
Photo: Ray Andrews, Bill Bailey, Dan Orr, Ken Ludovici, Keith Garner
And the L-2 group, also in Colorado Springs, watched the game together, enjoyed the weekend and camaraderie, not so much the game,
and had this picture taken. Photo: Jim & Sandy Fairchild, Maria & Roger Ryan and Dan Orr
And E-2 had another mini, 6-9 Oct, hosted by the Healy’s and DeMents, in Richmond. Attending in addition to the hosts were the
Chappell’s Collins’, Gilmartin’s, Lewis’,, McQuillen’s Carol Scott, and the Stukel’s. In their tourney, joined by Blackstone, Hall,
and Fegan, Don Stukel repeated as their golf champion. Great tours and meals (one of which the Hall’s and O’Connell’s joined the
group) were followed by a business meeting and remembering fallen classmates. And for more info and photos on the E-2 mini, see the
class web site. Photo: Front row: Don Stukel, Don Lewis,Phil Chappell, Sharon DeMent, Dottie Chappell, Pat Lewis. Standing: Dick
Healy, Jim DeMent, Nancy O'Donnell, Marie Healy, Pat O'Donnell, Joyce Stukel, Carol Scott
Florida ’60 Shootout
It was beautifully hosted by Gene Brisach down at Amelia Island, near Jacksonville, 24-28 October. Charlie Baker ably ran the
scoring, assisted in a very small way by me and Nobles, but honestly I don’t remember who did what except Maloney’s teams did well
in the daily team matches and somebody probably had low individual, maybe Hank, and Brisach got a pink towel, but I was not real sure
why, partly because I couldn’t hear because of all the guffawing. But I do remember who took low individual last year and if you’d like
to know, just write TRENT CROSBY and TRENT can give you details on last year’s INDIVIDUAL LOW NET. Same person almost
got highest net, except Brisach got that pink towel thingy and that may have been related to his finish.
Army-Navy Game
My son-in-law scored 6 tickets on the club level, so he took his wife (very coincidentally, she’s my daughter), my son (a brand new 0-6),
and me. There were two ducats left and I put them on Classmates and Bob Rudesill “won” them and drove up from Atlanta, stopping in
Virginia to pick up and bring his granddaughter. He wore a hat that said, in effect, “The Undefeated 1958 Army Team”. Damn right!
What a team they were!
The Corps of Cadets looked superb during their March-On and in the stands; the Brigade of Midshipmen had a pretty good Stroll-In. But
we always win that part-and we’ll win the other part soon, trust me-you heard it here. Photos: (l) Bob Rudesill and Ashleigh, (r) The
United States Corp of Cadets, 10 Dec 11
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Martin L. Ganderson at
Visit the 1961 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1961 Class Notes
Ready, Set, Go
Here’s the second edition from cyber space. So far the reports are pretty good: you like the format. As a follow up, please let me and
WPAOG know. Now for some news: Oct, Nov, Dec filled up with lots of get togethers: White Sulphur Springs, Greenville, Arizona,
and Tampa.
B-1 Reuniting in West Virginia
Michele & George Kopcsak were part of the wonderful B-1 reunion that Lew Anne & Roger Cerasoli hosted at their home at the
Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV. Assembled there too were Jane & Bill Doherty, Donna & Rusty Dyer, Linda & Bill
Esselstein, Barbara & Frank Gibson, Sharon & Gene Goodell, Bill Griffiths, Kay White & John Lischak, Linda & Jay McCann,
Jo & Don Sawtelle, and Cy Shearer. The festivities began 12 October and were wrapping up by the 17th, after many fast paced days.
The Cerasoli’s opened their home, bunking almost everyone; however the Kopcsaks, Gibsons and John & Kay made the sacrifice and
“camped out” in the fabulous guest cottage near the Sporting Club Lodge. There was competition on the PGA-level golf courses along
with a special tour of the Greenbrier Hotel to include the long secreted underground “doomsday” bunker intended for national level
leadership survival during the Cold War. What seemed to top off this elegantly memorable reunion are the gastronomic encounters. For
example the Cerasoli’s hosted fine dining at the Summit Lodge, Snead’s Hotel Golf Club, the Sporting Club Golf Lodge and in the
Greenbrier dining room. Then LewAnne & Roger turned their own kitchen and dining room into the “Company Mess” for breakfast
each morning plus a BBQ, a steak night, and an Italian night! George expressed it all: “We will be talking about this reunion for years to
come! I don’t think there is any way to top it!!” As a token of the appreciation and esteem they presented the AoG print, “March into the
Future” to Lew Anne and Roger. Photos: (l) The Men of B-1 -Front Row: Doherty, Shearer, Griffiths,Esselstein, McCann, Goodell,
Sawtelle; Back Row: Lischak, Kopcsak, Cerasoli, Gibson,Dyer; (r) The Ladies of B-1- Front Row: Jane Doherty, Barbara Gibson,
Donna Dyer, Jo Sawtelle, Linda McCann, Kay White; Back Row: LewAnne Cerasoli, Sharon Goodell, Michele Kopcsak, Linda
Esselstein. [For more photos see Check our Class Page for a DVD’s worth.]
“Rockin’ in Greenville”
Georgia & Gene Witherspoon arranged, coordinated, executed the operational details for golfing, touring, dining and partying in and
around Greenville, SC 19-23 Oct 11. While this report will avoid discussing golf scores, it will tell you that the Buddy Holly rock ‘n roll
extravaganza at the Flat Rock, NC concert hall was a two hour time warp to 1958-59. It rushed the foot stomping crowd down memory
lane, whizzing past the exciting tunes that recalled that new found plebe privilege of having our own radios. Many of us spun the dial to
WOR for those rousing sounds that followed us to Buckner. The Flat Rock auditorium trembled with the beat of the music as the ’61
mini reunion platoon led the crowd with applause and appreciation for this exciting journey. The contrasting event was the excursion to
Ashville and the Biltmore estate, the chateau styled mansion reputed to be America’s largest and perhaps most elegant residence, created
by George Washington Vanderbilt in 1895 and still owned by one of his descendants. That was an excursion into the elegance and a
lifestyle long past. The concluding evening’s dinner, while competing with that long ago lifestyle, was most likely a lot more fun with
our ‘mates telling some tall tales of Plebe year, first assignments and now, the new adventures. All were delighted and felt indebted to
Georgia & Gene for making possible this memorable “mini”: Bunny
& Chuck Armstrong, Rina & Ed Brown, Bob Cairns, Adele &
Chuck Chamberlin [Honorary Classmate], Gail & Dutch
Coulter, Sandi & Bob Dickson Ginna & Joe Fishburne, Marty
Ganderson & Paula Barrie, Betsy & John Goldtrap, Rita &
Mike Hale, Maureen & Jay Hartford, Vicki & Hamp Hodges,
Button & Gary Hyde, Dick Knoblock, Judy Kremer, Pat & Don
Lewis, Bobbi & Don Lionetti, Sharon & Phil Mallory, Danny
Minor, Burke Mucho & Sandy Shapiro, Barbara & John Neiger,
Ashley & Hank Rennagel, Eloise & Dale Shipley, Karen & Mike
Urette, Pat & Jack Veatch, Grace & Gary Webster, Cathy &
Jerry White, Pat & Woodie Woodward, Jack Zimmerman. Photo: Gene & Georgia Witherspoon. Please visit the Class Notes Photo
Album (link at top of page) to see more photos from this event!
K-1 Reuniting in Arizona
Ruth & Gary Lord hosted a Company K-1 Western mini-reunion at
their home in Goodyear, AZ, 24 Oct 2011. Making the festivities
more festive were Stephanie & Jack Dorr [also taking part in a
bridge tournament], Nick Vay & Dianne Bonnivier from Phoenix,
and Sandy & Mac Compton from Indio, CA. Ruth & Gary
prepared a tasty feast featuring steelhead trout prepared on the
barbeque with coconut meringue pie for desert. Fond reminiscences
and political conversations continued through the evening. Photo:
Top Row: Gary Lord, Nick Vay, Mac Compton, Jack Dorr; Bottom
Row: Ruth Lord, Dianne Bonnivier, Sandy Compton, Stephanie
Doing Lunch at Fort Myer
Our many ladies and 'mates who fell into ranks at Fort Myer for the 3
Nov 11 luncheon welcomed the opportunity of listening to MG (Ret)
Bob Scales ’66 – past Army War College commandant, frequent
media commentator and currently President of Colgen, LP, a
consulting firm specializing in issues relating to landpower,
wargaming, and strategic leadership. His commentary attended to the
aspects of war that impact on the individual soldiers and even their
extended families. Applauding his remarks were Pat & Jack
Veatch; Bob Glass, Sharon & Gene Goodell, Jack Zimmerman,
Rina & Ed Brown, Dick Buckner, Millie & Todd Counts, Tom Cuthbert, Paul DeVries, Chan Eiland, Ginna & Joe Fishburne,
Bob Hamilton, Priscilla & Bob Hardiman, Mary Frances & Hank Kenny, Michele & George Kopcsak, Judy Kremer, John
Lawton, Bill Mackie, Lucy Paone, Bob Rosenkranz. Photo: Tom Cuthbert, Gene Goodell, Jack Veatch, Bill Mackie, Bob Hamilton,
Bob Scales, Paul DeVries
Observing a Tampa Christmas
The Urette’s home was the stunning setting on 18 Dec 2011 where many of our Florida ‘mates traveled from distant points to gather for
a festive and appetite pleasing observance of the Christmas season. With cocktails in hand, they began the 77 degree Chamber of
Commerce evening in relaxed assemblage on the Urette’s terrace and lawn overlooking Hillsborough Bay and watching the sun slowly
slip below the western horizon. Among this platoon of ‘mates who feasted on the sights, sounds, and delicacies were Mary Ellen &
Dick Bitner, Anne & Ham Evans, Bobbi & Don Lionetti, Pat & Bill Griffiths, Marsha & Ray Starsman, Jim & Carol Ellis '62,
Ellie & John Skillman, Joan & Frank Rausch, Button & Gary Hyde, Chip & Sally Smith, Bill & Sue Madsen, Ursel & Bob Yavis,
Carl Hansen, Mary Ann & George Hricz, Paul Palmer.
Photos (clockwise from top left):Frank Rausch and John Skillman; Mary Ellen & Dick Bitner, Anne Evans, Don Lionetti; Bill
Griffiths, Marsha Starsman, Carol Ellis; Carl Hansen, Sue Ring (Masden), Button Hyde, and Bill Madsen, Ray Starsman in the
Happenings Here ‘n’ There
Okja & Bill Mackie missed the Greenville soiree. Instead Bill had to pay an extended visit to the newly established Walter Reed
National Medical Center at Bethesda. According to Bill all is well. So, both are looking forward to a great 2012 with Bill continuing his
pursuit of becoming the Pentagon’s “oldest living artifact”.
Last fall Bob Glass “reached new heights” during his visit to John Kammerdiener at his western mountain high retreat. George
Kopcsak is still doing some ammunition business consulting work, most recently at Redstone. Susie & Henmar Gabriel traveled east
in late Oct-Nov via stops in Tennessee, Virginia, and West Point. While spending time in Richmond with high school ‘mates, Gabe
made his pilgrimage to Bill’s Barbeque, a site of southern student sustenance for many generations.
Many 50th Wedding anniversaries: Among them, Pat and Don Lewis earn special mention given that Pat waited an extra year after Don
joined ’61 from ’60. As an unintended trade off, they gained an exciting assignment to Okinawa and the adventurous military sea lift
cruise. [Pat has stories fit for a book]
Jim Nicholson has taken on many civic roles and on Veterans Day 2011, he served as the master of ceremonies for the Washington, DC
University Club’s Salute to Veterans. Suzanne and he continue their activity to our Wounded Warriors to include recently gaining
significant anonymous grants for building special housing to accommodate some of these Service women and men.
Looking ahead to 25-30 Jan 2012, the Hydes are perpetuating their mega sponsorship of the Orlando mini reunion. Plans include lots of
golf time plus taking in local sights and sounds. You have time to touch base with Button & Gary to “come on down” for this special
greeting to the new year.
Ellie & John Skillman returned to Tampa from their summer home near Roanoke, VA. The purpose was for John to take part in the
meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution. He was preparing to assume the presidency of the Tampa chapter later in Jan 2012.
Ann Williams, Wayne’s widow [ B-1], sent special thanks to the Class for her copy of our Class book. “I so appreciate that the class
included the widows with celebrating their 50 years…The book will definitely be passed down to my next generation with pride…”
Sue & Paul DeVries hosted an Army-Navy game party. With all due respects to our “Brave ol’ Army team”, the real hit of the day was
Sue & Paul’s suite addition to their home near Mt Vernon. Sue’s design skills place her in the engineering first seat, first section.
Jack Campbell wants us to know this info on Red Zaldo, as of early Nov 2011. He is now home where Julie has set up hospice care for
him. “Julie and the doctors have made the decision that since his tumor has come back with a vengeance, there is not much else they can
do for him except try to make him as comfortable as possible. They don't feel his going through radiation and chemotherapy again will
be much help and will only make him more miserable for going thru it. Red seems physically to be in pretty good shape (he has lost a lot
of weight). Their son, Patrick, and his new wife recently announced they are expecting! It is Julie’s hope and prayer that Red will be
able to see and hold his new grand child, sometime next year.” Julie says that Red does enjoy seeing and hearing from friends and
classmates. Please email me at link above for their home phone number. As Jack notes, “Red's situation is in our Lord's hands and the
best we can do now is to pray for him and his family.”
Our Many Losses
Thomas "Trux" Moebs, 20 Sept 2011, Gainesville, FL, Trux was found deceased in his apartment. The cause of death is unknown at
this time. Trux fought Parkinson's disease for many years. His brother Seth x-60, who lives in Europe, survives. A long time colleague
remembered Trux as “one of the most distinguished dealers in Americana as well as being one of the most endearing eccentrics in his
trade. He will be well remembered and well missed.” Seth, has asked that donations in memory of Trux be sent to: Gainesville Area
Rowing, Inc.,Attn: Mark Dubose, 4404 North West 36th Avenue, Suite B, Gainesville, FL 32606. [See Trux’s bio, page 285, Class
Mike Lombardo, 13 Sept 2011, Honolulu, HI, after a long and courageous battle with colon cancer. Surviving are his wife, Veronika;
sons Michael, Alexander, and Johannes; and grandchildren, Erika, Nicholas, Anna, Tim, Sean, Daniel, and Ross. Bob Steege recalls that
Mike was his roommate for part of Plebe Year and “his positive attitude and sense of humor helped keep me going through some rough
periods. His parents visited frequently on weekends and always left some great Italian food for us to enjoy. During the entire four years
at West Point we became very close friends and I knew that Mike would have a successful career. Our careers never crossed and I regret
that we lost touch with each other. Rest in peace my dear friend Michael.” Mike was inurned at the National Memorial Cemetery of the
Pacific – Punchbowl, 30 Sep 2011. In lieu of flowers, donations in Mike's memory may be made by mail to the Wounded Warrior
Project, Attn: Donor Services, 4899 Belfort Road, Suite 300, Jacksonville, FL 32256 or on-line at Please email me at link above for Veronika's address. [See Mike’s bio, page 260, Class
John Petty, 29 Sept 2011, Atlanta, GA, after a long and courageous battle with gastric cancer. Surviving are his wife, Beryl; his son
John and wife Tracy; his daughter Page and husband Jim; and grandchildren Thad, Reagan and Claire. Funeral services were 8 Oct at the
Patterson Spring Hill Chapel Funeral Home. Burial will be at West Point at a date to be determined. Donations in John's memory may be
made to the following organizations: Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia, Inc., 386 Lanier Street NW, Suite A-6, Atlanta,
GA 30318; Hospice Atlanta, 1244 Park Vista Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319; Bill Tobin recalled that “John brought a wry sense of southern
humor to M-2 in 1957. He worked hard to try and understand us yankees. What a great friend. He would do anything for any of us at his
own speed. His career was marked with many successes in government and the private sector. We will miss him. Well done John.” [See
John’s bio, page 304, Class Book].
Connie Leinbach, 12 Nov 2011, Nashville, TN, after a courageous battle with a brain tumor. Connie, a native of Pennsylvania, spent
Plebe Year in Company I-2 and was among a group of Yearlings who were transferred to B-2 at the end of our summer at Buckner.
Surviving are his wife, Sharon; sons Marc, Chris, and Dane; and daughters Grace and Kira. Connie's funeral will be at Arlington
National Cemetery at 12:30 PM, 2 Mar 2012. Please email me at link above for Sharon's address. Betsy Alexander [Terry’s widow]
remembers Connie as one of five cadets from Berks Co, PA to enter with '61. Later they were together at Ft Hood and “our first sons
were born in WW II wooden barracks. We kept in contact thru the years and finally were able to meet again in Nashville, TN several
years ago. I was already a widow. Sharon, thank you for your friendship and I am grieving for you.” [See Connie’s bio, page 255, Class
Bob Frix, 15 Dec 2011, Sequim, WA, after a long and courageous battle with many health problems, principally as a result of a fall in
2005. Surviving are his wife, Moe; sister, Joanna and her husband, Dr. Andrew Burgess of Texas; daughter Michele; son Alex and
daughter-in-law, Kathryn. Shortly before Bob’s passing Moe wrote that through this ordeal Bob [and she too] have been thankful for the
support of Classmates and friends along with “the Olympic Medical Center with home nurses, physical therapists and bath assistants.
Each one is so caring and real angels to us.” They were happy to have “moved to this beautiful place!” A memorial service and burial at
Arlington National Cemetery will be planned at a later date. Please keep Bob, Moe, and their family in your thoughts and prayers. [See
Bob’s bio, page 190, Class Book]
Glenn Peters’ burial 19 Jan 12. Funeral services for Glenn will be at the Old Post Chapel at Fort Myer at 11:00 AM, 19 Jan 2012, with
burial to follow at Arlington National Cemetery. The family has asked that donations in Glenn's memory be made to the West Point
Fund, WPAOG, 698 Mills Road, West Point, NY 10996. The family asks that you write Glenn's name in the memo line of your check
so that funds donated in his memory will go into the Cadet Activities Fund [See Glenn’s bio, page 303, Class Book]
We should know that our Class Treasurer, Dick Buckner arranges for funds from our Class account to be given in memory of our
deceased 'mates in accordance with the wishes of survivors. We owe Dick a special vote of “thanks.”
Completing His Tour of Duty
Finally, a different kind of loss. Jay Olejniczak has completed his
work as the Assembly’s editor in chief. His 20 year tenure has been
the longest of the Assembly’s twelve previous editors beginning in
1942. His letter in the final hard copy edition tells the whole story.
However, as graduates and his Classmates, we can add our
appreciation for his contributions to this unique alumni magazine and
to West Point. He expanded the magazine’s coverage and tone,
making it one of the best alumni publications around. His work in
turn helped create the basis for a successful transition to the
application of 21st century technology for this new web based
publication, adding to West Point’s position as a leader in
communicating with its graduates. Well done, Jay and our warm regards to Sylvia and family. Photo: Jay Olejniczak, on duty
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - David J. Phillips at
Visit the 1962 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1962 Class Notes
Volunteer to complete 50th Reunion project. Must be adept at manipulating digital images submitted by classmates. Only compensation
will be gratitude of members and friends of ’62. Call Dave Phillips at 770-631-9314 any time before 11 pm EST.
Army-Navy 2012
The account given by Brian McEnany of this year’s game at FedEx Field in Washington, DC, was typically thorough, accurate, and
timely. Dave & Sharon Phillips did not encounter any classmates whilst tailgating in Lot H with Gus & Pat Fishburne. Present also at
that gathering were Holly Fishburne West ’91, her husband, Mark West ’91, EG Fishburne ’94, granddaughter Allie Lycan ’15, and
former SPC Michele Phillips Reifer. Gus had to be restrained from assaulting Westboro Baptist Church picketers and EG rescued a cadet
cap that might have been, just might have been, the one stolen from Allie’s head by a midshipman as she exited the arena. Inside the
stadium we saw Tex Turner ’59 and Athletic Director Corrigan. Oh, and the President. From our seats on the 43-yard line, we scanned
the likely locations where the Class of 1962 would be seated and think we spotted Tom Simcox underneath a light tower, upper deck,
corner of the end zone. Priority seating for our class is just around the corner. Please note that the link sent to you to the Prelude: The
Making of A Game of Honor incorrectly identified the documentary as an HBO project. It’s Showtime and airs December 21. Photos: (l)
View from the 43-yard line of President Obama on the JumboTron. Note the ’62 section, upper right., (r) Top row: Evelyn Morin, SIL
Jason, daughter Sherri. Bottom row: Tom Simcox, grandson Cole, daughter Dani, Mary Ellen Holcomb. Section701, row ZZ. ‘Pears
Mary Ellen found a use for her two tickets.)
Sklar Redux
More has been learned of the whereabouts of Dick Sklar in the last couple of months than in the last about 20 years. Recruited by US
West (now Qwest), he became the first president of a business school in Russia in 1995. Out with Russian accounting, administration,
and manufacturing. In with finance, GAP accounting, HR professionals, marketing experts, and sales forces. A great idea at the right
time until the company “went in a new direction” and Dick didn’t go with it. A month later, he was the HR director for a Pepsi bottling
company responsible for the region east of the Volga River to the Far East. As we all know, that includes Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan,
two of the few geographic regions worldwide to which Tom Simcox has not organized cruises. After that, Dick became HR director of
RJ Reynolds Tobacco and sat on the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia. This gig led to his current
employment as a consultant to American companies, mostly banks, operating in Vladimir Putin’s back yard. Dick married a Russian
woman whose name was not revealed to us.* They have an eight-year-old daughter, Sasha. Dick’s two sons, Andy and Trey, are grown
and work in Tulsa and DC, respectively. (*Julia) Photo: Most recent photo of Dick Sklar
Halloween Shenanigans at Carolina Trace
Exciting new contest! Identify the two jamokes shown below dressed
as Father Mulcahy and Corporal Klinger of the old M*A*S*H TV
show. The occasion was a party at the Carolina Trace Country Club
in Sanford, NC. Submit your guesses as follows: write a check for
$1000 to the Class of 1962 50th Reunion Fund and use the check’s
memo field to record your entry in the contest. Photo: Who are they?
Hint: one of them is not Al Rushatz
Walk Like An Egyptian
Pat & Ann Canary threw caution to the winds and cruised the Nile River this fall, visiting temples. Egyptian. Roman. Greek. The
largest, Karnak, could contain St. Peter’s, Milan, and Notre Dame Cathedrals within its walls and is the largest ancient religious site in
the world. The country’s turmoil has caused a 30% decline in tourism. Tour organizers put the folks in buses instead of the traditional
carriages for security purposes. This caused village vendors to retaliate by banning buses from their venues and the Canarys eventually
were taken to the sites by carriage. The group then continued on to Cairo, Istanbul, Jordan, Israel, Greece. But neither Kyrgyzstan nor
Photos: (l) The temple at Karnak, (r) Ann and Pat astride camels in Egypt. Are they (the camels, not the Canary’s) Bactrian or
Those Morin Gals
Evelyn Morin and daughters Kathy and Sherri ran the big marathon in DC for
Carl. His name was proudly displayed on the back of their shirts. Maybe Evelyn
didn’t run it. I just don’t know. Photo: The Morin women prepare to board the
DC Metro?
Professional Military Ethic Program
Dan Clark, Deane Stanley, Al Wilhelm, Dave Mundt, Phil Pons, Sam Meyer, and Bernie Skown carried the load this fall for ’62 in
PME instruction of ’12, our 50-year affiliation class. Al also lectured cadets studying Chinese in Mandarin. The cadets had difficulty
understanding what he was saying (now, this is according to Dan) so he switched to Klingon. Photos: (l)The ’62 PME contingent takes
its ease at the Club 202, (r) Al holds cadets in thrall.)
Jerry Janicke On The Mend
Jerry is recovering from a stroke suffered on Halloween. His therapy includes swinging a golf club and we expect to see him at Golfing
Grads in April. Have a thought for our champion downhill skier.
Runup to Next Year’s Minireunion
Photo: Carroll, McDonnell, Murray, McQuillen, Cacciope, Amon, Irwin at the monthly ’62 lunch in Naples, FL. Number three, step
Tom Buck, RIP
The account by Steve Sperman of the funeral of Tom Buck is worth repeating: “A beautiful ceremony yesterday for Tom Buck at the
Cadet Chapel. He and Maureen are very close to the Old Cadet Chapel. Tom was rendered full honors as befits a Brigadier General.
Attending for the Class were Tom McGarry, Bill Dworsak, Bob Wong, Rusty Scheewe, Bill Cross and me. My wife Marion and
Tom McG's wife Jean were also present. Rusty presented the flag to the family. Tom and Maureen have a great family and it was an
honor to meet them and express the Class's condolences.”
Dick James, RIP
Jack Fagan described the funeral of Dick James beautifully.
Ceremony at the Old Cadet Chapel. Honor Guard. Taps. Bright
sunshine. The family appreciated the ’62 wreath. Jack, Bob Wong,
and Matt Kambrod represented Dick’s old Beast Barracks squad
from 53 years ago. Local classmates Bill Diehl, Bill Dworsak, Gus
Fishburne, Tom McGarry, and Bernie Skown, ever loyal in their
constant representation of the class, representation that has meant
much to many families over the years, stood with that squad. Dick
and Judy now lie peacefully near the Father of the Military Academy
after their struggles with debilitating illnesses. Photo: Dick and Judy
James lie peacefully in Thayer’s shadow
Joe Rigby, RIP
The obituary of Joe Rigby describes him as a tremendous leader, motivator, communicator, and visionary. His death in September
surprised many of us as, despite his great success in command and staff positions in a 34-year career, he did not seek the limelight while
serving or in retirement. Joe was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery in November. Our condolences go to Colleen and her family
of three daughters and five grandchildren.
Stan Shutes, RIP
In September, Sharon Shutes reported what had become inevitable, the passing of
her beloved Stan after a long, long battle with melanoma. As has been reported in the
pages over the years, Stan was a much beloved headmaster at the Hawaii Preparatory
Academy, Sharon at his side. (Recall the recent coverage of the dedication of the
running track at HPA, named after Stan.) The cheerful Stan, friend to all he met, was
cremated and inurned in Punchbowl Cemetery columbarium. Ron Borello was there
along with Stan’s and Sharon’s son and daughter. Jack Dwyer ’63, sponsored by
Stan in 1964, read the Cadet Prayer and a piece from MacArthur’s speech. Stan is
Company B1’s ninth loss. Photo: The Shutes family at the Punchbowl
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Richard D. James at
Visit the 1963 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1963 Class Notes
John & Trudy Get Married
John Byrns and Trudy met online, and the romance blossomed into
marriage. They were married on 19 November in Dallas, and then
honeymooned on the big island of Hawaii in December. John lost his wife five
years ago to a heart attack when they were crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Trudy was previously involved with real estate. Congratulations to John &
Trudy!! Photo: Trudy & John Byrns
Ring Recovery Story
A man from Vancouver, Canada called me the other day, identified himself, and said that he found my name online as the scribe for my
West Point Class of ’63. He asked me if I knew a John Byrns. I said yes, very well. He said that he had just returned from Hawaii on
the big island, and while scuba diving noticed a shiny object at a depth of 25 feet. It turned out to be John Byrns class ring. He said he
was bringing it back to the surface, and he dropped it, this time in 35 feet of water. He went back down and to where it landed on tip of
the coral. And grabbed it again. Had it missed the coral an inch on either side, it would have been lost forever. I called John and got the
two of them linked up. John couldn’t believe it. He lost the ring on his honeymoon, and already ordered a new one. All’s well that ends
3 West Point Generations
The Boices went skiing over the Christmas holidays in Park City,
Utah. They had the minimum amount of snow for skiing, but they all
had a great time. Sue was taking the picture so she was not in the
photo. Grandson Bear, 21, had just deployed with the Navy Seabees
to Afghanistan. Bill is front center, ’63, son Bill on right is ’88,
daughter in law Gillian, back center is ’89, and Bill and Sue’s
granddaughter Bethany, back left is ’15. Grandson Trevor, back
right is a ’19 wannabe. He will attend triple-option quarterback camp
this coming summer. At 14 he can throw the football 65 yards. We
need him! Bethany as a plebe was on the starting line for the
women’s rugby team. She is the “hooker.” Son Burt, front left, is a
jazz musician from Seattle. He plays many instruments, but his
primary is the standup bass. Bill & Gillian now live in Stuart, FL and
do a lot of volunteer work. Gillian also coaches the HS girl’s lacrosse team. Photo: (front) Burt, Bill ’63, and Bill’ 88 Boice; (back)
Bethany ’15, Gillian ’89 & Trevor Boice
Erik Chickedantz Elected
Erik (or Carl as I used to call him) just assumed the office of President of the
Indiana State Bar Association. Carl, who lives in Fort Wayne, is a partner at the
firm of Hawk Haynie Kammeyer & Chickedantz. Carl has been practicing since
1972 concentrating in the areas of personal injury, commercial construction and
insurance defense litigation, and more recently, mediation and arbitration. Carl got
his law degree from University of Michigan Law School in 1971. Carl has an
impressive resume of organizations he has either presided over or chaired. If you
remember, not long ago, Bill Clark was elected to president of the Alabama State
Bar Association. Carl and Anita have four children, Julie, Jon, Andy and Jill; a sonin-law, Brian Risley; and two granddaughters, Ali and Leah. Congratulations
Erik!! Photo: Erik & Anita in Fort Wayne
Roommate Found
Chris Wangsgard said that during the holidays he ran into Terry M. Winters, his
plebe roommate who lives just outside Zion National Park in Hurricane, Utah. He
said Terry lives near a first rate sporting clays course where they spent time together
breaking clays. After getting “found” in French, Terry returned to Idaho and got an
EE degree from University of Idaho. He took ROTC, went Artillery, stayed in the
reserves until retirement as an 0-6. Chris went on to say “He managed San Diego
Light and Power’s power operation until he become CEO of California Independent
System Operators, a company formed to integrate all power systems I the grid after
unregulated open market operations began in 1998. He was also CEO of two other
companies operating in the deregulated part of electric power industry. He is a great
credit to our class!” Chris said they swapped many stories of plebe year, the psycho
upperclassmen, and especially the day they boxed each other where Chris found out
Terry was on his high school boxing team. You can reach Terry at Chris also reported talking to Bert Westbrook recently.
Photo: Chris Wangsgard & Terry Winter
Here you see Noel Brown, Blackgrove, Boyle and McGarrity seated, and Vopatek & Hall standing. Our class was spread out over the
stadium, so we don’t know how many classmates attended. The game started at 2:30 and the tailgate at 11:30, but the cadets marched on
at 11:30, so if you wanted to see them you had to be in the stadium. Once in the stadium, you could not leave, so you couldn’t attend the
tailgate. Except for great camaraderie, there wasn’t much to cheer about this day. Photo: Noel Brown, Joe Blackgrove, Mike Boyle, Bob
McGarrity (seated), Mike Vopatek & Frank Hall (standing)
Both the Griffiths and the Boices stayed with the Summers, and even
though they went to the game together, they sat in different parts of the
stadium. Mike and Marcia went to see the march-on and found out they
couldn’t get back out to attend the tailgate. Mike bought tickets months
before the game from a Redskins season ticket holder and wound up
sitting on the Navy side. He said they were treated well. Photo: Marcia
Summers, Tom & Ginger Griffith at the stadium
Mike Vopatek was spending time with a couple he knew when they
mentioned a friend of theirs who Mike might like to meet. Mike met
Ruthie Maticic for the first time. They hit it off great. On their third
date, Mike happened to mention Allen Clark’s name that Ruthie
knew because a coworker of hers is married to Allen’s daughter. She
called Allen for a reference. Allen said all the right things about
Mike’s terrific character. The rest is history. Mike and Ruthie are
now engaged. A family wedding is planned for next June. Ruthie
works at the Navy Research Lab in Carderock MD. She brings two
children and seven grandchildren to the family. Mike has two
grandkids. Mike just had his knee replaced and was commenting on
the joys of physical therapy, but it won’t stop him from attending the
A/N game. Photo: Mike Vopatek & Ruthie Maticic
Duane Myers submitted the following article: “The attached picture was taken on Memorial Day by the grave site of our beloved
Classmate, Alexander Whitaker, commonly known by some of us as Whit, by some of us (including me) as Alex. In recent years I've
been going with '63 classmates who could make it to Arlington to visit gravesites of our classmates there. Our intent has been to simply
pay our loving respects and let them know they are remembered and missed. This year we laid a rose by each grave, and Bob Farris
brought a small stone for each of them also. The last site we visited this year was that of Alex. As we were encircling his gravestone and
talking to him, who should show up but his widow, Claire. Such a coincidence! So we formed up and took this photo, then went off to
the Army-Navy Club nearby and sat a round and caught up with each
other. Photo: (kneeling L-R) Rudy Ehrenberg, Mike Vopatek;
(standing L-R) Bob Farris, Duane Myers, Claire, Noel Brown,
Frank Hall
Karl & Barbara Beach have been in Lago, TX (greater Austin area)
for the past 17 years living the good life. Both of them play a fair
amount of golf. They also spend their summers in Montana. They
built a house there in 2003 near Glacier National Park, 200 miles due
east of Spokane. Karl is involved with “Meals on Wheels” which he
says has been a real eye opener. He also volunteers his time doing
taxes for low-income citizens. Barbara is into Yoga, golf and
volunteering at the animal shelter in Montana. They occasionally see
Pat & Fred Schaum and John & Barbara Counts. I have included a
photo of the Beaches and Schaums from their last visit. Photo:
Barbara & Karl Beach, Pat & Fred Schaum
I spoke with John Littlefield on the phone. He is doing great down in
Humble, TX. John just released his second book called “Meet
America”, unique stories of John’s travels around the United States
talking to amazing people. Google John’s 9-minute youtube video
called “Meet America Promo”. You will enjoy it. His previous book
called “Death of the Falcon” is based on the true story of an iconic
airline grounded by rapacious unions and weak management. Of
course, John was an airline pilot who lived through the tumultuous
period following airline deregulation in 1978. It has been a while
since John has flown. He recently donated his plane to “Wings of
Hope”, an organization he flew with for many years doing volunteer
medevac missions. They agreed to do the overhaul needed on the
aircraft. In return, John has access to planes when he wants to fly.
Photo: John Littlefield
Bob Farris, Noel Brown, Bill Boice, Tom Griffith (Front), Mike Vopatek & Joe Blackgrove (Standing) met on 9 Dec at ANCC to
discuss matters centered mostly around our 50th. Absent from the meeting were Tom Carney, Dewey LaFond and Dick James. Reunion
dates are 19-22 May 2013. Those participating in the golfing event will arrive on the 18th. The Welcome Reception will be the evening
of the 19th. The class will be staying at the Westchester Marriott in
NYC. Our evening events will be at the Marriott. This reunion is
designed to allow maximum time for classmates to be together. The
Alumni Review is on the 21st. The Class of 2013 graduates on the
25th. The Class Officers will stay behind to attend that. Noel Brown
is leading the charge for the reunion yearbook. He has some great
ideas. He also needs assistance! We are looking for a half dozen
folks to step up to the plate. We know you’re out there. Thanks in
advance for volunteering.
Jeanne & Bob Farris, Sandy & Rudy Ehrenberg, Ilse & Ray Klopatek, Josie & Al Christensen, Frank Cardile, Jack Davis, Wally
Speed, Bob Stidham & Jerry Pogorzelski attended the service in the Old Cadet Chapel and the interment in the West Point Cemetery.
Both of Jim’s sons and their families were present. Sandy returned quickly from her European trip to spend the last few hours with Jim.
Jim Was a great example of West Point and the dedication our graduates show to our families, our country and our Alma Mater. We will
miss you Jim!
Bob McCabe notes “Chum’s name says it all. He was one of the most cheerful, friendly people he knew. It was a pleasure to be in his
presence.” A friend says “Chum was superb – an intellectually gifted man and a great listener.” Pete Weyrauch notes “he is one of the
most outstanding members of our class – as a cadet, officer, businessman, husband and father.” We will all miss you Chum!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - George G. Jacunski at
Visit the 1964 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1964 Class Notes
If you are visiting children and grandchildren living in the Washington Metro area, take advantage of your visit to see some classmates as
well. Each Tuesday, at 5:15pm, about 15-20 classmates and wives who live in Northern Virginia gather at Brion's Grill in the University
Shopping Center across from George Mason University for half-priced hamburgers, a beer, and swapping lots of war, golf, and fish
stories. We welcome your children and grandchildren too, so you can make it a night out. We usually finish by 7:00 pm. We have been
doing this for a couple of years would like more to stop by. Just drop Mark Brennan ( or John Murray
( an email to let us know you want come so you are in the headcount.
The gang from A-1 apparently has enough activities going on that it
is enough to confuse a Scribe. The photo I posted before was of one
of their dining out activities. The one below is of the participants in
their trek through the Shenandoah Valley. Photo: A-1 Trail Ride
Despite persistent rumors over the past decade or so that Judy
McCormack had either left Jim or had entered the federal witness
protection program, I am here to attest that these rumors were and are
totally false and Judy McCormack does in fact exist and is still
happily married to the aforementioned Jim McCormack. Jim &
Judy were recently visitors to St. Augustine, Fl, and I can assure
everyone that Judy is still her effervescent and vivacious self. As my
credibility with some of you is less that 100% I have enclosed the
accompanying photo as evidence thereof. Photo: A Rose between two
Michlik and Jacunski Participate in IAH 2011
Marty Michlik and your scribe were united once again in pursuit our mutual interest in drinking and running. This time it was in
Savannah for the 2011 InterAmerica gathering of the Hash House Harriers which took place the three days prior to the Fall Brawl.
Fortunately for me the two events were only about 30 minutes apart and I was able to participate in both without missing a beat. Photo:
Marty & Me
Fall Brawl in Hilton Head
Four days of great autumn golf with ranger golf (rain) the first day
and then ever improving conditions. We had 23 classmates and one
guest playing with Tom Curran just puttering around after recent
surgery. The Hartleys, now a local Hilton Head couple were present
and accounted for at the social events, a gray hog icebreaker on the
first evening and a diner cruise on the last. The latter which saw 45
participants was the non-golfing highlight of the week.
The winners were Jerry Werner, George, Cromartie, Jim Brown
and Robert Dotson (father of a member of the Class of ‘91 and to my
mind a good candidate for a ‘64 honorary class membership). Jerry
Werner and Mike Conway were the class of the group with rounds
in the 70’s. Dan Evans took most net points scored earning the title of most improved golfer.
Howie Bachman did a great job organizing things. Next years Fall Brawl will be in Williamsburg September or October. As usual we
hope to get a few more “Westerners” to participate. Other than Jerry Werner they don’t appear to be able to travel well. Photo:
Advanced Math - Picking the Winners
Former Golf Team Members Reunited
Fall Brawl saw the gathering of three former members of the West
Point Golf Team. Lanny Scott a first time Fall Brawl attendee
joined seasoned participants and fellow ‘64 Golf Team members
Harvey Fraser and George Jacunski. Photo: Fraser, Jacunski &
CO A-1 Activities
From Mark Brennan comes an account of the activities of Co A-1 this past September. This is the fifth company reunion activity the
group has done since 2007. Mark’s account: Members of Co A-1(+), '64, spent three days tracking Stonewall Jackson's 1862 campaign
in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia from September 14th to September 17th. The group started with the battle in Front Royal, VA and
proceeded to Winchester to visit the Kernstown battlefield. They then went to New Market, VA via the Valley Pike, Jackson's route of
withdrawal. On the second day, the group covered the battles of Cross Keys and Port Republic in the vicinity of Harrisonburg. On the
third day, all went to Lexington, VA to visit Stonewall Jackson's
gravesite, his Lexington home, and Virginia Military Institute. While
at Lexington, Pete Schmeelk presented a copy of Hal Winton's
book, "Corps Commanders of the Bulge" to the George Marshall
Museum and Library. Hal did a lot of research there. Then we were
treated to a parade by the VMI Corps of Cadets, a parade as we
remember doing, complete with manual of arms and officers and
colors front and center.
This is a very ambitious and active group. In 2010 they did a trip to
Italy to the area near Dave Baratto's ancestral home and visited
some WWI battlefields there. Their adventure for 2012 has yet to be
determined. Photo: Co. A1 Reunion
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - LTC Richard (Rick) D. Bunn (Retired) at
Visit the 1965 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1965 Class Notes
Scribe Foreword
Classmates, Wives, and Friends of '65,
I’m pleased to report that all of the feedback that I have received thus far regarding the new all electronic format has been positive. While
I ask for and am pleased to receive your comments regarding my efforts here, it is far more important that you share with me your stories
and pictures. We all enjoy reminiscing with you or hearing your stories of recent adventures especially with pictures. This edition will be
somewhat shorter than the first because I have not received as much input as I did last summer. Please remember to share the story (with
photos) whenever you do something that would be of interest to the Class. Now that many more of us are retired, opportunities will
abound. Just remember to bring your camera and share the story.
Once again, I solicit your comments as I try something just a little different. It’s always sad to remind you that we have recently lost one
or more of our dear friends. At the end of these notes you will see that I have included an excerpt from our ’65 Howitzer to help us
remember Bob Gates as he was back in the day. Please let me know how you feel about my doing this in the future.
The Kickoff of our Affiliation with the Class of 2015
Can you believe that it has been 50 years since we had our “R–Day”
activities? This summer we had a large contingent of our Classmates
show up to help kickoff the formal start of our affiliation with the
Class of 2015. We had more than 20 of our Classmates show up with
their wives to represent us and to spend a lot of time with the families
of the new Cadets to assure them that their sons and daughters would
be in good hands. Here, in the words of Pat Kenny (who has been
extremely helpful to me in putting this report together) is a
description of what it was like to participate, “it was the most
connecting and rewarding West Point experience that I have had in a
long time. It is hard to express the feelings to be at the beginning of the new cadets West Point lives and those of their family and
friends. But, there we were 50 years later from our own R–Day welcoming the class of 2015 and their families. It was fun, it was
emotional, and it was uplifting.” In attendance were Tom & Tosh Barron, Russ & Maryann Campbell, Bob & Kay Cato, Emery &
Eleanora Chase, Dave & Cheryl DeMoulpied, Bob & Mary Frank, Doug Gibson, Bob & Jodie Guy, Lee & Donna Hewitt, Cal &
Pat Kahara, John & Cheryl Longhouser, Jack Lyons, Howie & Betsy Reed, Paul & Sabine Schultz, Swick & Carol Tomaswick,
Ray Woodruff & Grace Anne Crank, and Ken & Isumi Yoshitani. Photo: Dave DeMoulpied explaining to some parents of a 2015
New Cadet how well their son will be taken care of
The Plebe Hike (now called the March Back) with the Class of 2015
Marching proudly behind our special Banner, which declares our affiliation with the Class of 2015, 26 of our stalwart Classmates made it
from the ski slope to the Supe’s quarters (many even made the entire 12 mile hike which started at o-dark-thirty at Camp Buckner).
Photo: Classmates proudly carrying the Banner
The Plebe Hike (now called the March Back) with the Class of 2015 – 2
If these aren’t happy Campers, I don’t know what they are. Photo: Happy Campers on the March
The Plebe Hike (now called the March Back) with the Class of 2015 – 3
Relaxing after the big march. Photo: Sonny Ray, Denny Coll, Colby Home (Denny’s grandson), Robert Wells, David Hurley, Jack
Jannarone, Fred Smith, Steve Harman, John Pickler, Bill Lehman, Tom Barron, Dan Christman, Steve Ammon, Rick Charles, Clair Gill,
Gene Manghi, Pat Kenny, Steve Kempf, Roger Frydrychowski, John Smoak, & Paul Schultz – Marchers not in the photo: David
DeMoulpied, Dan Donaghy, Ron Floto, John McMillan, Julian Pylant, & Jim Tomaswick
One of Many Limericks Shared Earlier
My dear friend JL Johnsen is quite the writer of limericks. I shared many of them some time ago, but this just seemed like a good place
to again share one of them:
The “Hell Cats” our mornings marauded,
Though their efforts were largely unlauded.
In spite of their skill,
We would have them be still,
And not one of us ever applauded.
BJ Still On the Mend
John Mogan (BJ) still needs our support. In September, after some
coaxing on my part, John agreed to have me share his story with you
all. Since then he has been undergoing continuous Chemo Therapy
and has been doing very well. However, the need to continue the
efforts and the toll that the therapy takes along with the knowledge of
what they are dealing with can be pretty tough. The support that he
has received from some of you has been very helpful but more is in
order. As we approach the Holidays, please drop him a line or give
him a quick phone call. He’s always happy to hear from his
Classmates. Photo: BJ and his beautiful wife, Dyanne, in Alaska
Ric Does Another Superb Job at the West Point Society of DC
In the words of Joe DeFrancisco, who was kind enough to share this
story, “On 21 September Ric Shinseki was guest speaker at the West
Point Society of DC Fall Luncheon. An attentive audience of over
250, the largest Society luncheon gathering in recent memory, heard
Ric deliver another superb address. He explained in some detail the
scope and depth of the VA charter interspersing his remarks with
references to West Point and his time in uniform. Although the vast
majority of the audience were veterans, most had little idea of the
diversity and magnitude of services provided by the VA. I’ve heard
Ric speak many times as Army Chief of Staff and on other occasions
but he was never in better form. He was also gracious enough to
come in time for the pre-lunch reception and remain after his
remarks to answer questions and meet individually with many
grateful admirers. It was a great day for West Point, the Class of ’65 and the VA.” Photo: Clair Gill, Walt Kulbacki, Joe DeFrancisco,
Ric Shinsecki, Lance Hewitt, Frank Koleszar, Frank Skidmore, Bob Harter, and Larry Bennett. Tony Gamboa, Sandy Hallenbeck, Roy
Garms, Randy Guenther, Bill Birdseye, and Steve Ammon were also in attendance but unable to get in the picture
Tough Duty in Vietnam
Some time ago I shared some thoughts through the forum regarding my good buddy Ron (Chops) Walter when he was a Company
Commander in Viet Nam. It seems he had an opportunity to welcome Miss Chris Noel, when she came to entertain the troops. It was fun
telling the story, as I envisioned it, of Chops attempting to maintain his dignity while pinning a 173d Abn Bgd pin on her blouse in
extreme close proximity to her beautiful right (or was it left – who cares?) breast. The attached photo, while it doesn’t depict the precise
moment of pinning, does, at least, make the delicacy of the operation very obvious. Well done my friend. Photo: Chops with Chris Noel
in Nam
Another One of Many Limericks Shared Earlier
This just seemed like an appropriate place to share another one of the Limericks I borrowed from a dear friend of mine from the Class of
56, JL Johnsen:
Young women at West Point’s not new,
And, to some things, the place has stayed true.
The b-plate’s the same,
With its apropos name,
But shouldn’t the women wear two?
A Family Gathering in Vietnam
Skip O’Donnell was kind enough to share the attached picture and
brief story. It reminds me a little of “Saving Pvt. Ryan” with a much
happier ending. Skip shares: “My nephew Brian’s son Hudson was
asked to bring in a photo of any family military veterans to class last
week. Hudson brought [in this] photo. The photo was taken April
1968 at Vung Tau showing my father Charles F. Jr, my brother Tom
and me for the Pacific Stars and Stripes. Tom had just arrived by
ship with an Ohio National Guard artillery 155mm towed battalion.
At that time my father was assistant G-4, USARV, Tom was an FDC
chief with one of the artillery batteries and I was Service battery
commander and S-4 for the 5/22 FA at Ahn Khe. After the photo was
taken, my Dad took over the 593d General Support Command
located in Qui Nhon. He had over 5,000 troops to move materials
and troops throughout central Vietnam. I took over command of C
Battery, 5/22 FA (a 175mm gun and 8 inch howitzer battery) in Polei Kleng west of Kontum with a general support-reinforcing mission
with the 4th Division. My Mom insisted on the three of us going to RVN close to each other’s tour. She did not want to worry for three
long years for her guys. I went first and my father and brother had to sign waivers to be in RVN at the same time as me.” Photo: Tom
O’Donnell, Charles F. O’Donnell, and our own Skip O’Donnell
Jim Talbot’s Amazing Story
At the suggestion of Rollie Stichweh, I asked Maria Talbot to share this great story about our classmate Jim Talbot. It’s been a long
and difficult road for these newlyweds, but they (and we) have a lot to be thankful for as a result. Here is what she wrote, “Jim and I
were married in the company of several wonderful classmates June
2009, after an eleven year relationship and nineteen year friendship.
A year to the day later, Jim was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.
This past summer we decided it was time to see if we would qualify
for the transplant list. After a few disappointing false alarms, the
good news came October 4, midweek, midday, and Jim was doing
what he loves most, his greatest passion, serving his patients.
Ironically, Jim was with what was to be his last patient of the
day......Rollie prophetic!!!! The call came and this
time there were no questions....we were getting a liver, and a new
outlook on a better quality of life! The surgery went beautifully, what
the surgeons referred to as text book transplant! Jim came home
after only seven days at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, NY. He has been recovering at home and is feeling healthier and stronger
every day. Because of his immunosuppressed state he is unable to return to work for at least 3 months. He is taking anti-rejection and
anti- infection meds. Jim is hopeful he'll be able to return to his patients in January, assuming his Doctors give him the "ok!" In the
meantime we are awaiting the pathology report since there was no conclusive diagnosis and they ruled it non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the
liver or NASH. Nevertheless, it's been a long and exhausting journey. It’s nice being home for the holidays together and cherishing the
joy of Life. We are blessed and thankful for our donor, and for their gift of life we are forever grateful and eternally thankful. Donate
Life, it's precious!” Photo: Jim Talbot and his beautiful wife, Maria
Dead Center Landing
Dick Williams shared this story. While he regrets having given up golf (how do you
do that – I thought it was a part of life or even more important?), he has followed it up
by spending a huge amount of time and effort skydiving. He shared this picture which
clearly shows that the time and effort have paid off. This DEAD CENTER was
accomplished at a parachute meet in Lodi, California last April. Way to go my friend.
Photo: Dick Williams right on the mark
The Professional Military Ethic Affiliation Program
On October 14th Paul Bucha, Russ Campbell, and Paul Schultz
participated in the first class of this four year Class Affiliation
Project. They met with cadet participants and escorts and then took
part in the discussion of that day’s subject, Digital Decorum. The first
part of the discussion was presented by a Firstie and a Cow and the
second part was presented by a Class of 1965 facilitator. There were
close to 500 members of the Class of 2015 involved in the program in
numerous classrooms. As you can see our three representatives were
spread pretty thin. For this reason, Paul Shultz has asked me to once
again put out the plea for more of us to get involved. There are still
four more sessions scheduled during 2012 while our Affiliation Class
is still in their Plebe year. If you can participate, please contact Paul
Shultz and he will be happy to help you get involved. Photo: Paul Bucha, Russ Campbell, and Paul Schultz with members of the Class
of 2015 and officers supporting the program
Ain’t it the truth?
Dick Boerckel was kind enough to share this cartoon which sure hit home with me as I think back to our 45th Reunion and my High
School Class’s 50th Reunion which I recently attended. Thanks Dick.
A driving trip to Acapulco – are you kidding?
A great story was shared by Ron Walter who tells of his Graduation
Leave trip with a good friend (also a grad). It seems they had the
opportunity to borrow a tiny pop-up tent trailer; they had a brand new
convertible, and plenty of time to play so they decided to drive through
Mexico. The trip takes them through deserts, mountains, cities, and
jungles as they make their way south to the beautiful resort city of
Acapulco. They are able to camp right on the beach next to the Ritz Hotel
and enjoy most of the amenities with almost none of the cost. They swam
in the beautiful Pacific, met many amazing people, and even went hunting
for the rare and hard to find iguana (well, maybe not so rare or hard to find
if you have a Paso to give one of the local kids who keep them on a string
for tourists). After about a month of playing below the boarder, they were
more than ready to return to the States for a real hamburger and a glass of
milk. Thanks Ron for a great story. Yes, his good buddy on the trip was
yours truly. While I hesitate to use this forum for personal stories this does
provide an opportunity to show they type of story I’m hoping to receive
from more of you. Please help me by sharing what is happening or has
happened in your life that I can share with the Class. Photo: Chops – the Great White Hunter
Be Thou at Peace
As always, the toughest part of this job is reporting on our fallen Classmates. However, I have been very pleased to see how quickly our
Classmates step up to assist when asked to serve as POC (Point of Contact) to assist the families of our fallen brothers.
On 30 Oct 11 we lost Bob Gates. John Olson was quick to step up and represent us as the POC. Bob was laid to rest at the Willamette
National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon on November 16, 2011.
His Howitzer entry recalls:
Bob and his ever-present humor descended upon West Point from Seattle,
Washington. It was his natural love for a joke or a few more hours in the bag that
have forever endeared him to both the Academic and Tactical Departments. But
even though our century man has made the T.D.honor roll, his casual air has
allowed him to miss Stars – both kinds – although he admits to still owing the
English Department two tenths.
Golf 4,3; Debate Council and Forum 4,3; Spanish Language Club 4; POINTER
2,1; Sky Diving 4,3,2; Bowling 4,3,2; Outdoor Sportsmen Club 2,1; Skeet and Trap
Club 2,1; Radio Club 4,3,2,1.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Gerald T. Cecil at
Visit the 1966 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1966 Class Notes
Brinker and Harrison reunite with LTs from 1967 at Dak To
Walt Brinker and Matt Harrison “meet about every year at a time
share of Nick Hun's at Sunset Beach, NC, just north of the NC-SC
line. Most recent reunion was over Veterans Day weekend. The KIA
& WIA rates of 2-503 infantry lieutenants then was so high that
reuniting with fellow survivors is both sweet and therapeutic. Talk
about a band of brothers! We lionize the NCOs, troops and officers
who served honorably and capably, and we try to sort out details of
things that happened long ago - good and bad. I love those guys like
classmates.” Photo: L to R: Walt Brinker, Bart O'Leary, Nick Hun,
Al Cito (not 173d, but served during same time as an aviator - great
guy; close friend of Nick and Phil), Matt Harrison, Phil Bodine.
Farrell Recognized for Community Service to Soldiers
Rance Farrell was inducted into the Arizona Veterans' Hall of Fame in Oct, ‘11 which …recognizes service to the community, soldiers
and veterans after leaving the military. “It was nice, but for me the greatest honor was my family and friends who showed up for it. These
special guests, included Don Brown who came from VA, Frank and Cherie Hartline from Tucson, as well as Rex and Sam Nichols and
Jerry and Pat Sands from Phoenix. Susan also surprised me by having two of my daughters and brother come in from out of town, as well
as Ed and Janet Dewey ('67) from CA. It was a wonderful time being with them and I was a bit overwhelmed! Photos: Rance's induction
ceremony and guests at the reception
Mewhinney Entertains D4 Classmates In the Bahamas
Mike Mewhinney sent the following report: “The week before
Thanksgiving some former members of the D-4 clan met at my home
in the Bahamas. We drank a lot of rum, deplored the state of the US,
and relived the intervening 45 years since we walked away from the
“lost 50’s.” The group included Mike Brennan, Chuck Hiller, Bill
Stalker, Deme Clainos, Bob Kesmodel, Mike Mewhinney, Tom
Miller, Jack Zehren, and John Pappas.” Photo: L-R:Mike
Brennan, Chuck Hiller, Bill Stalker, Deme Clainos, Bob Kesmodel,
Mike Mewhinney, Tom Miller, Jack Zehren, and John Pappas
“Chief” Almoujeula Shoots His Age At Golf On His Birthday—68!
Cam Ely sent a great email from Tom Almoujuela which is
explained best in Tom’s own words. “Don't know if I told you what
happened to me last Easter. Son Tommy and I with two good golfing
friends went out for a round at our club. On the front nine I had 4
birdies for a 32. On the back nine I had all pars until 16 which I
bogied. I wanted a birdie on 17 but lipped out a 12 foot put but got
my par. On our par 5 last hole I reached in two but had a 60 ft putt
which I left 6 ft short. I was shaking like a leaf which I'll explain in a
minute. I don't know how I even got the putter back but the putt went
right in the middle for a 68! That day was my 68th birthday!!! First
time I have shot my age and I did it on my birthday with my son.
What a special day. The guys didn't know why I was screaming and
jumping up and down on the green. I had a couple of chances last
year to shoot my age but usually choked my way in. Son Tommy, 14 years, now bombs it by me and has beaten me a number of times.
As everyone tells me, 'Get used to it.'" Photo: Tom Almojuela and his wife
GaTech Duke Football
Dan Schrage '67; Bill Helkie, Dick Murray and Bob Seigle (all '66) attended the Georgia Tech/Duke football game SAT, 19 NOV 11,
following Mike Krzyzewski's (Coach K - '69) win number 904 at Cameron Indoor Stadium the night before.
DC Class Luncheon
The next class lunch in the DC area will be January 19, 2012. Out-of towners definitely welcome. Same place (Portofino’s), same time
(1130 social; 1200 lunch), same price ($20). I’ll get a menu and reminder out in January. Just wanted to get it on calendars-Al Nason.
Coach K's 904th Coaching Victory
Bobby Seigle sent an inspiring report of his visit to Duke for Coach K’s 904th basketball victory. Dan Schrage ‘67; Bill Helkie, ’66,
Dick Murray, ’66 and Seigle, ‘66 as well as later year graduates had seats at center court in the “bench section. Matt Brown '79 from
Mike’s (Coach K) first team at West Point, along with Tom Valerio '76 and team captain; Vernon Crocker '76; Dan Keefe'76 and Joe
Barto '78 were there to present Mike with a game ball from Victory #1 at Army (Lehigh lost to Army 56-29) and Mike's Duke team had a
matching ball (what else?) from Victory #903 in Madison Square Garden on 15 Nov ‘11. Tommy Valero was the fist team captain for
Mike at West Point and the Duke co-captains were Seth Curry and Ryan Kelly. The celebration took place at center court following the
game where the President of Duke, Richard Broadhead, related several superlatives that defined Mike’s performance to this point in
coaching. “You can do things well; exceedingly well; better than others; and then the best there ever has been in achieving now 904
wins – but remember that you achieved this goal and never won a single one of those games yourself – it was your players that won the
games; certainly it is obvious that they would not have won so many had you not been so accomplished at what you chose to do with
your life. We would like to remember you for all this success; and for being a leader among leaders in today’s world; but most of all
here at Duke, we remember you because you are a great teacher at a great university. Tom Butters, the AD who hired Mike and stuck
with him through those first three seasons of a 37-48 record, was introduced and Mike actually got out of his chair and bowed toward
him in a replay of how the Cameron Crazies reacted to Mike as he was introduced after the game. The crowd went wild! Mike
recognized that Tom Butters believed in him more than Mike believed in himself during those first couple of years.”
The stunning time for all of us old guys there was when Mike told the crowd that there were some special people in the crowd that had a
huge impact on his development. He pointed to where we were sitting and called out Bobby Seigle, Bill Helkie, Dick Murray and Dan
Schrage, all upperclassmen at West Point when he entered as a plebe. “These guys saved me a lot of trouble as a cadet and all the crowd
laughed at how he described those early days; but when Mike pointed out that all of us served our country in combat, the crowd went
wild and gave us a lengthy standing ovation! Yes, even at Duke, they recognized the old veterans in the crowd!” The former players then
went to the locker for a special presentation of letters written to Mike from several members of his teams at West Point. Mike was on a
roll and explained how close he felt to the “Brotherhood” from West Point; how that institution defined him as a person and player; his
relationship with Knight and how touching it was in Madison Square Garden to have Coach Knight hug his neck and tell him. “Hey Boy,
you’ve done pretty well for a kid that couldn’t shoot.” Mike went on to say that even coaching back at West Point had a toughening
impact on his life – you learned never to back down from any challenge; you handled players and teams as part of a system where you
knew you had a boss – recognizing that everyone works for someone – you represented an institution larger than your team and were
defined by the intangibles of selflessness and sacrifice for others; and you tried to do that while building a basketball family within a well
-defined bureaucracy. He loves Duke but always reminds himself that his first 73 wins came at Army and he wondered why no one
mentions that in all the hype over this record. “He appreciated all of us coming to Duke; wanted us to come back more often and hugged
and thanked each of us individually for being there. It was a totally impromptu gathering for the four of us and it was inspiring to listen
to those "young grads" recount their days with Coach K.”
Photos: (above left) Tom Valerio '76 presenting Book of letters to Coach K with
Mickie looking on; (above right) Tom Valerio with back to camera, Coach K with
Mickie looking over his shoulder, Dan Schrage against wall and Dick Murray,
arms folded; (left)Mike Cragg – Duke Assoc AD, BB Legacy Fund; Matt
Brown’79 and wife Jamie (don’t know the two young men)
Dick Eklund Update
Dick Eklund sent a brief email in early Nov ’11 describing his “new and experimental treatment for Hepatitis-C. “The good news is that
I feel worse. That is a clear indication that the 3 drugs I'm taking are working. The symptoms are flu-like, with the worst being the 2 days
following my weekly injection of Interferon which I take on Saturdays. In 3 more weeks I will have a critical blood test. If I am free of
the Hep-C virus at that point, the 3 drug regimen will continue for an additional 8 weeks. If I am not free of the virus, the treatment stops
and I wait for a newer drug to come along.”
Lee & Ligon "Taste the Grapes"
Jim Lee and Peyton Ligon met at local Alabama wineries in Sep ’11 to “taste the grapes. ” Photo: Jim Lee and Peyton Ligon.
Hawaii Linkup
John Dubia, while hosting a conference in Hawaii 1-3 Nov, had a
chance to link up with Bill McKinney and Tom Farewell. Photo: (lr) Bill and Pok-hui McKinney, John Dubia, Tom and Lucy Farewell
2012 Seattle Mini Reunion
Norm Cooney reported, “As of 2 Dec 11, we have 36 classmates signed up for the cruise. If you are traveling as a single, contact our
cruise agent Jan and she may be able to set up some type of arrangement. The Mini itself is in final planning and you should see hotel
and event signup shortly after the new year.” For questions contact Bill Thomas at
Ford & Crowell Get Together for Golf
John Ford and Dave Crowell were inveterate squash buddies at the academy – “a game we were much better at than golf. But as we
tore up the turf, we had a great time renewing our friendship after having not seen each other for too many years. Dave lives in
Wilmington, NC and Cindy and I were at Holden Beach, NC (where we go twice a year to the same beach house we went to as
teenagers) in Sep ’11. Being close to Wilmington, Dave and I were able to get together for some golf. Amazing, isn’t it?-- how we can
see a classmate after so many years and the bond is as strong as ever! I am so proud of all our classmates and feel honored to be a
member of the brotherhood that is the West Point Class of 1966. I hope to see many of our classmates at the Seattle mini and on the
Alaska cruise. Kudos to my roommate and Ranger Buddy Bill Thomas for taking on the task as coordinator and leader of the Seattle
Randy Keener Has Moved
Randy Keener has moved to Atlantic Beach from Ponte Vedra to a larger home for Sofie, Nikita, and Sofie’s mom Nadia. He has a new
address and home phone which I can provide. (my email link is at top of page) He has the same cell phone number. “The house has 4
bedrooms. This means we can have visitors and actually put them in a bedroom. Everyone is welcome, just not at the same time. It's a
highly wooded area, but we are less than a mile from the beach. Lot's of spanish moss hanging from the trees. It's really quite cool.”
DeBolt & Trella Golf Adventures
Barry DeBolt and Phil Trella played golf for 10 day in Scotland in Jul ’11. They
played Carnoutie, Castle Stuart, Royal Dornoch among several other courses. Photo:
Phil Trella and Barry DeBolt at St. Andrews.
Bill Otto Does Plebe Marchback with Grandson
Bill Otto joined his grandson, Daniel Otto, ’15 for the Plebe marchback to West Point. “I was very impressed by Daniel and his
Classmates of 2015.” Photo: Bill Otto and grandson, Daniel Otto ’15.
Update from Joe Musiol
Joe and Sharon Musiol attended son Mike’s change of command at
Hunter AAF in Savannah, GA in Jan ’11. Mike returned from AF in
Nov ’11. Mike’s current assignment if the AWC at Montgomery, AL.
Bob and Bonnie Seigle also attended—Leigh Ann is their daughter.
Joe had recently had rotator cuff surgery. Photo: (l to r) Sharon
Musiol, Joey, Josh, and daughter, Jennifer, Leigh Ann, Mike, and
Joe Musiol.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Freed Lowrey at
Visit the 1967 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1967 Class Notes
Borettis Crash the Freccias for Free Food & Booze. So What Else is New?
18 Sep ’11. The following cyber fart from Bill Freccia managed to sneak past my
spam filters today: “Linda and John Boretti paid us a lunch visit in Wilmington last
Sunday afternoon. Since John retired from Proctor & Gamble they have lived at St.
James Plantation in Southport, NC for the past 11 years. Sunday was indeed "a day of
rest" for John having played golf for the previous 9 days in a row. He even ran into
our own Bob Angeli and the well-known Rocco McGurk ('65) at the golf course on
Bald Head Islands a few days before.One of the Boretti's sons got engaged at the
Eiffel Tower so I took a picture of Linda and John in front of the Eiffel Town painted
on the wall in our granddaughters' "Madeline Room" (playroom) in our house.
After lunch we attended a UNCW soccer game. My daughter Stephanie (USNA '96)
is married to Aidan Heaney, the head men's soccer coach at UNCW. A few weeks
prior to their pre-season training camp, Aidan asked me if I knew of anyone in the
area who could give a motivational talk to his players. I did not have to think long
and hard before the name "John Boretti" came to mind. When I contacted John,
he was most gracious, accepted the invitation, and brought Linda with him.
Unfortunately Millie and I did not attend since we were visiting Peggy and Joe
Jackson at their lovely home in Camden, SC.” Photo: John & Linda Boretti
Thousands Attend Annual Class Dinner in DC
20 Sep ’11. Well, maybe not thousands, but a good crowd showed
up for the annual rubber chicken festival. This year it was especially
poignant as the DC crowd used the dinner to pay tribute to our
departed brother Ray Winkel. Here’s a note I received from George
Newman: “Forty seven classmates and their spouses met on
September 17th at the Army- Navy Country Club for the annual
Washington, DC class gathering. Sally Winkel attended and got a
round of hugs from everyone. The featured event was a presentation
by Rich Adams about his book ‘The Parting’. Rich gave a highly
entertaining audio visual presentation centering on the main
characters of his book. With filled glasses in our hands, everyone
joined in singing several verses of ‘Benny Havens, Oh’. Benny
would have been proud.” Photo: Classmates at the annual DC Class Dinner
New Class Grandkids Department
21 Sep ’11. Got the following note from Ann Arango today: “Dear Freed, don't know if this is worthy of Class news, but as a proud
grandma, I wanted to crow a little. This is 4th grandchild. 3 grandsons and a princess, who just started kindergarten. Tristan Peter
Arango was born 15 Sep 11 to Craig and Minette Arango. Grammie Ann Arango is sure he is cutest baby boy ever!! Photo: Tristan
Peter Arango, class grandson, with proud father Craig Arango
Classmates Gather in Hampton Roads, VA, for the Annual Walk to End Alzheimers
11 Oct ’11. I received the following report today from Gary Downs:
Our classmates in the Hampton Roads area met again this past
Saturday (8 Oct) in Suffolk, VA to be with our classmate Rick
Grube and participate in the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s. In
addition to Rick and Caroline Grube, their son, Jim, his wife Karen,
and there sons Eli and Ben as well as his daughter, Carrie Bishop, her
husband Brandon and their two sons, Asher and Sage were also
there. It was great to meet them all and see what a loving and
supportive family Rick has working to help him through his long
Classmates attending included: Kenn and Lynn Harris, Dean and
Nancy Risseeuw, John and Gen Hart, Bud and Carol Shumate,
Mike and Mary Shelton, Gary and Cindy Downs, Jim Tankovich and John Garay. We opted for the one mile walk and completed
it to the cheers of many as Team Rick crossed the finish line. It was all for a great cause and a way to show our support for Caroline and
Rick as they live with this awful disease every day. We followed up with a great lunch at a local pub and all departed ready to get
together again soon. Photo: Classmates and family members gathered in Suffolk, VA, for the Walk to End Alzheimers
Rensselaer County, NY, Honors our Fallen Brother Roger Fulkerson
13 Oct ’11. Roger Fulkerson’s home county, Rensselaer County, NY, honors a deceased veteran once a month. They enshrine the
names of the honored vets on a permanent memorial in the county office building, fly a United States flag in front of the Office building
for a month and then provide the flag to the next of kin. Roger's flag had been flown over the U.S. Capital in his memory and after the
month will be provided to Amy Fulkerson Hatfield, Roger's sister. The ceremony honoring Roger was conducted on 2 September. I
received this e-mail describing the ceremony from Paul Bigelman: “In addition to Amy and her husband Steve Hatfield, many high
school classmates from the Troy High School Class of 1963 attended. Roger's best friend in high school, Pete Herman and another close
friend from high school, Betsy Mitchell Savery were among the attendees.
Our Class of 1967 was represented by Kerry O'Hara, Don Albers and Jim Baker and his wife Cindy, from the First Regiment (they
"had a plebe year" I was told), and by me from the Second Regiment (where life was always easier, according to First Regiment reps).
It was a very well done ceremony. Speakers included the Honorable Kathleen Jimino, Rensselaer County Executive, Hon. Martin Reid,
County Legislative Chairman, Hon. Thomas Walsh, Chairman of the Committee for Veterans, two U.S. Congressmen, Paul Tonko (NY
21st District ) and Chris Gibson (NY 20th District) - both have Rensselaer County constituents. Mr. Robert Reiter, Director of Rensselaer
County Veterans and Mr. Gerald Wilkes, Chairman of the Honor a Deceased Veteran Committee also spoke. Representative Chris
Gibson returned to Washington a short time before the ceremony and his remarks
were read by his Chief of Staff. The speakers presented Amy with a proclamation,
letter or plaque.
A Color Guard from the Honor a Deceased Veteran Committee presented and retired
the colors.
This patriotic county was genuinely grateful for the service of her veterans to the
United States, especially those who have given their lives, and had a collection of
photographs of serving soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines honoring them in the
entrance foyer of the County Executive Building. I was happy Roger was
remembered and that the Class of '67 attended the ceremony.” Photo: Classmates
gathered for the Rensselaer County, NY, ceremony honoring Rog Fulkerson
Hood & Severson Win the Annual Texas Invitational Golf Classic
18 Oct ’11. Fort Worth, TX. It was a beautiful fall day at Hawks Creek
with jets flying overhead from the nearby Air Force Base. The huge crowd
was restless as they awaited the opening salvos from the first tee of the
Texas Invitational Golf Tournament. The defending champs, Hood and
Severson, were first off the tee. Dressed in Breast Cancer Awareness Pink
shirts and Checkered Flag pants, they looked ready for a great outing.
Following them in the same foursome was the highly talented HaleNickerson Team, who finished in a disappointing second place last year at
this same venue. There were no smiles, no high fives, no banter. This was
all business as these four warriors strode forth to battle it out on this field
of sometimes friendly strife. Hale-Nickerson took an early lead with
Nickerson hitting booming drive after booming drive that brought the fans
to their feet chanting BARE EY, BARE-EY! Hale hit some nifty shots
from who knows where in the rough, where-as an infantryman-he feels
most comfortable. The Hood-Severson team had some trouble off the tee
initially but their skill at the short game proved to be just enough to offset
the clever and dominating play of Hale-Nickerson. Hood's recovery shots
brought out the usual "ooohs and awwws" from the local fans. Give and take, no quarter given, no let ups in effort, and the game moved
on to the back nine with Hood-Severson holding a slim lead. The teams were dead even with three holes to go as the scorekeepers
coordinated their scores. The crowd sensed the tension of the moment and stood in absolute silence as the four warriors marched off to
the final tee. Severson and Nickerson found the sand on their drives with Hood and Hale off in the woods. Recovery shots from deep
trouble by all brought the crowd back to a fever pitch as they moved with the golfers toward the final and deciding green. The match got
down to a putting contest, quite fitting given the closeness of play throughout the day. As the final ball clicked into the cup, the outcome
was a tie. Since Tournament rules do not provide for a playoff, Hood and Severson retained their championship status having won the
Tournament in 2010. Nickerson, a former field goal kicker for the Black Knights, remarked, "Those two just kept up the pressure all
day long. They were relentless. Hale and I could just not get any breathing room. Our hats are off to them." Hood, soaked in sweat and
visibly spent from his heroic play said, "Severson and I were just plain lucky to retain our title. Playing against two ex-Corps Squad
athletes has its disadvantages. Those two are superb athletes, and we needed Old Father Luck to stay with them. Luckily, the Father
showed up." Hale shook Severson's hand and said, "Wait until next year" and the crowd went wild in anticipation of another match up.
Photo: Hood & Severson at the Texas Invitational Golf Tournament. No wonder they won; everyone else on the course was struck blind
when looking at them!
Chinese Pillows Almost Kill Jim Milliken
10 Nov ’11. Over the course of the past year Jim Milliken has been sharing with me the dreadful story of a serious illness he has been
suffering from that involved a myriad of debilitating symptoms, including chills, sweats, sore throat and coughing up copious
amounts of gunk, no energy and a general desire to die in order to feel better. All this caused Jim to undergo a wide array of
medical treatments at places like the Mayo Clinic, a world renowned pulmonary clinic in Colorado, cancer doctors, etc. Life has
not been a hell of a lot of fun for Jim the Harley Man. Then today I get this blockbuster e-mail from him: “I just wanted to let you
know that you can take me off the 'Watch List'...I'm fully recovered. Week before last I fired my cancer Doc, yesterday I fired my
pulmonologist. Thanks to classmate Greg Crawford I was able to identify and eliminate what was making me sick. It was the pillows I
brought back from China five years ago. Don't know what was in them but I suspected something in the house and moved out in the yard
to my motor home for almost two months. Gradually I eliminated potential sources...even put in a whole house dehumidifier as part of
the 'hunt'. I've got my energy back, no symptoms of the previous sickness at all and I've even gotten a nasty cold (from riding my Harley
in the rain) and got over different than I have in the past 20 years. The cancer Doc said but, but, but I think that in ten or twenty
years you will need my treatment hi intensity chemo). I don't know if he realized that at age 68 a problem in ten or twenty years seems
almost like a 'get out of jail free' card. Made my reservations for the 45th and even bringing a date this time. Looking forward to seeing
everyone again.”
Great news, indeed. For once, being “classmated” has a positive connotation – thanks to Greg Crawford.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - David W. Gerard at
Visit the 1968 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1968 Class Notes
Bob Lorbeer Still Riding in the Rose Parade
The Rose Parade on January 2, 2012, will be extra special because the last float in the parade will include the original (stuffed) Trigger.
Next November 5 would have been RoyRogers' 100th birthday, and to celebrate that occasion the is including Trigger and riding around
the float will be 100 palominos horses and the group Bob rides with in the Rose Parade, the Long Beach Mounted Police, will be leading
the contingent -- and Bob will be the lead rider... See Further, there is an Army
connection to the Rose Parade this year -- the Grand Marshal will be J. R. Martinez, a101st Airborne vet, TV star, and winner of Dancing
with the Stars,0,1163628.htmlstory.
Sandy Cohn Appears on “An Officer and a Movie”
If you are like most of us who never knew what it was like to go 3.0 in Art, you need to keep an eye out for the movie on the plot to
assassinate Hitler on the Military Channel’s “An Officer and a Movie.” Sandy Cohn is featured during breaks and gives a stirring
rendition using MOSS MOUSE.
Clemms Host Zoo Mini-Reunion
If it had not been for Charlie Beckwith, we might never have heard of a 3rd Zoo mini-reunion hosted by Dave & Jean Clemm at their
home in Panama City Beach, Florida last April. While Dave finally reported that there were 18 classmates and brides, we can only guess
who they were and that Dwight & Donna Lee were not among them because Donna did not mention it in the Lee Holiday Chronicles.
No other names or pictures were furnished as Donna did when she and Dwight hosted the Zoo at their home in “elegantly shabby”
Pawleys Island, South Carolina. Dave mentioned that one of the highlights was that Frank & Connie Nader surfaced from the missing
and joined the assembly. Among the activities at the April gathering seems to be an agreement on what their ideal class reunion would
be like. Surprisingly, it did not include bare hindquarters. The many good ideas were not shared until this fall when some of the early
reunion resolutions had already been cemented in place.
Jon Dodson Marches On For Wounded Warriors
Dave Clemm took a break from extolling the wonders of the Zoo to recognize the good work Jon Dodson continues to do on behalf of
the Wounded Warrior Mentor Program – especially in the area of those suffering from traumatic brain injuries. I try to plug Jon’s work
regularly; however, as one always dodging the spotlight, he would rather let us all know that there are two classmates (who wish to
remain anonymous) who have donated, over $10,000.00 from one and over $6,000.00 from the other so far this year. Those
contributions have gone mostly toward transporting and keeping family members near their Wounded Warriors during critical times and
buying iPads® for TBI patients whose eyes have been affected because print and icons can be enlarged on these portable tablet
computers. TBI docs see iPads® as great assets, and they cannot be acquired for the troops through military logistics dealings. Jon’s
primary expenditures are vast amounts of time with warriors, families, other service/support associations, and travel as far as Augusta,
Georgia due to lack of volunteers in that area.
Merriams and Akers Travel From Florida to Europe for Lunch
Now that Jocko Merriam’s company has opened an office in Boca Raton, he has to visit it from his and Malena’s Palm Beach area
home a couple of times a week and has tried to grab lunch with Alan Aker whose eye clinic is about a mile away from the office. After
several unsuccessful attempts, because Alan is so busy that he works through lunch, Jocko gave up on the idea. As luck would have it,
Jocko & Malena were in Germany in late September while Alan &
Ann were in Switzerland, so lunch and an overnight visit was
accomplished in Switzerland. Beyond the food, was the company –
hanging out at a couple of the Akers’ favorite places, catching up on
“Cadet life” and classmates, and just really relaxing the way
classmates can. Photo: Jocko Merriam and Alan Aker Overlooking
Lake Lucerne
Cobeys Send a Family Wedding Picture
Elwood Cobey forwarded a photo as documentation of his and Mary
-Lou’s last contingent liability in the form of a wedding picture taken
at the reception following the wedding of their daughter, Margaret, to
Matt Sonduck at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on
October 22. To me, this picture really makes a splash because it
illustrates loyalty, love, and cohesion with not only the Cobey Clan
but also team mate Keith Harrelson, and room and company mate
Bob Echols. Photo: A final Cobey Wedding and great 2011 photo:
Keith Harrelson, Dawson Granade, Jennifer Harrelson, Sally
Granade, Margaret Granade, Mary Granade, Anna Turmail, Lily
Turmail, Eve-Lyn Turmail, Brian Turmail, Mary-Lou Cobey, George
Turmail, Margaret Sonduck, Matt Sonduck, Elwood Cobey, Kate
Cobey, Will Cobey, Alex Cobey, Whitney Cobey, Bob Echols, Jo Echols, Chris Cobey
Jim Orahood Still Fits at BallState and West Point
When we lament that about the only piece of our old uniforms that still fits are our black ties, Jim
Orahood rubs it in by showing that he could fit into his greens last year, and then sent a snapshot
from the Ball State game this fall to show that he could still fit into his gray jacket. I take solace in
the fact that the picture was cropped to a point that we could not see whether or not he could zip the
jacket. Jim also mentioned that Paul Decoursey and Mike Soice were at the game too, but he didn’t
describe their attire. Photo: Jim Orahood at the Ball State game in Muncie, IN last fall
About a month later, as one of the most significant Commandants in USMAPS history, Jim visited
the new Poopschool digs atWest Point (next to ski slope, golf course, and across from the hospital). As you can see, he eased up on the
uniform issue. Photo: Jim Orahood at the New Poopschool
The Air Force Game as an E3 and F3 Reunion Excuse
Photo: Jack Bussa, Joe Henry, and Bob Stroud at a local Colorado Mecca during their E3 reunion
While pulling together the logistics that draw classmates from all over, Joe Henry and Chuck Jones ensured that their traditional E3
reunion was all part of it. Jack & Marilyn Bussa flew in from Janesville, Wisconsin, Joe & Judy Creeden flew in from upstate New
York (but play golf in the warmer climes), and Bob & Eileen Stroud flew in from Maryland. Photos: (l) Tom & Judy Martin with Larry
Stevenson and Joe Henry reveling in retirement, (r) Robby Robinson demonstrating how Rick Rhoades pulls on his Shenandoah Valley
farming coveralls while wine tasting
Since Les & Cindy Krohnfeldt hosted the class gathering after the game, they saw an opportunity to invite old F3 pals Mike & Samar
Fay from Montana and Bill & Lisa Easton from Minnesota to stay with them. Photos: (l) Chuck Jones, Cheryl Stevenson, and Bill
Easton at Les & Cindy Krohnfeldt’s après loss gathering, (r) Mike Fay and Gary Halstead at the Krohnfeldts’ après loss gathering
The Air Force Game as a Gathering for Locals
Photo (above): Chuck Canella and Bob Hensler sporting their post plebe year collars at the Army-AF tailgate
We caught up with locals Chuck Canella (nursing neck surgery that repaired vertebrae he maintains were damaged as a plebe in A1 and
acting as point man for Bob Hensler’s comparable surgery), Mike Fellows, Gary & Patti Halstead (traveling, skiing, and golfing), Tom
& Judy Martin, Robbie & Cathy Robinson (Robbie is trying retirement again so he can hunt with Chuck Jones, ski with Gary
Halstead, and row with Jock Merriam), Larry & Cheryl Stevenson (Larry retired from Lockheed Martin last summer and is refining his
bucket list), and Bob Uhler (tapering off and has relinquished his MWH Global President/CEO position for that of Executive
Chairman). Photo (below): Bob & Randy Hensler at the 2011 Army-AF Tailgate
It was great to visit with Bob & Randy Hensler at the tailgate. We had not seen them since we were courtyard mates atLeavenworth.
Bob left full time employment end of July after a six month stint in Australia working a training project with the Australian Defense
Force and U.S. Pacific Command. While there he slipped across to South Island of NZ and did a "Bucket List" hunt. After full recovery
from Bob’s "neck replacement" surgery, the Henslers will split their year between homes in Colorado and Hawaii. Photo (below): Bob
Hensler reports that Santa might be a little late this year
The Air Force Game as an Afterthought to Grandkids
We knew that we’d see Dick & Kathy Shipley in Colorado since their son and daughter-in-law live close toColorado Springs with the
Shipley’s two grand kids. Kathy loves to babysit because it keeps her in shape for eventual United Airlines flight attendant call back.
Dick just looks sleep deprived during these sessions between homes in San Antonio and Eastern Washington State. Photo: Dick & Kathy
Shipley nabbed for PDA and taking a grandkid break
After talking with the Hostlers and Shipleys, Vic & Pat Hiatt thought a family reunion at an Army –Air Force game would be just the
ticket since son, Michael, was an Alcoa U grad and the Florida-based Hiatt clan felt that they could use a break from the heat. The Hiatts
sat on the Air Force side and seemed to have more fun in the second half than we did. After the game, the fam headed for Breckenridge
for some more “chill” time. Photo: Pat & Vic Hiatt at the Army-AF Game wearing all the cold weather gear they own
We were pleasantly surprised to see Jocko & Melana Merriam at the après loss gathering. They explained that their son lives in
Colorado, the grandchildren called, and they can never pass up a chance to be with classmates. Photo: Bob Uhler with Melena & Jocko
Merriam at the Krohnfeldts’ apre loss party
The Air Force Game as an Excuse
Folks who just seem to show up at games include Tom Beierschmitt (Army’s #1 fan) and Olie Johnson (retired and free to follow
Army football because it never comes to South Carolina). Tom was the first person to advise me about the problems going on at
PennState – unfortunately, he chose to tell me while we were in a restroom at the game… Photo:(l) Tom Beierschmitt at the 2011 Air
Force Game, (r) Olie Johnson at the 2011 Air Force Game
Dutch & Megan Hostler took a break from their western states tour to attend an AOG/WPS gathering at a country/golf club operated by
Dan Winter and to provide football tickets to begging company mates. Whenever you are in Colorado Springs and want a great meal
with excellent wine parings, call Dan. Photo: Dan Winter and Dick Shipley at Dan’s Club in Colorado Springs
Tom Jewell reported that since Gretchen's son lives in Arvada,Colorado, they thought that they’d combined a visit with them and the
game as they have for the last three games at Colorado Springs. They were originally going to the Army/Navy game but Tom got a
request fromUnionCollege to go to New Zealand with the mini-term abroad, so they passed their tickets on to Tom’s son, Jim.
Photo: Gretchen & Tom Jewell at the 2011 Air Force Game
Notes From the November DC Area Class Luncheon
Thanks to Gordon Tillery for providing the following:
New faces (not regulars): Sam Brooks (still recovering nicely), Glen Hewitt (on glide slope to retire from FAA), Sandy Cohn, and
Fred Hoblit (who has departed SAIC and is now available for T&E consulting work)
Dave Ohle couldn’t make it because he’s hunkered down at Casa Ohle in Mexico.
Tom McNaugher continues to support West Point SCUSA Conferences on scene.
Bill Nash and Chuck Hawkins were in the Far East – guess it’s best we don’t ask
Eric Thomas is transitioning into semi-retirement and moving to BirminghamAL.
Henry Riser presented a thank-you tribute to George Shoener for organizing last year’s C3 mini reunion cruise.
Dick Steiner reported that C-2 classmates Brian Utermahlen, Jack Reed, and Bill Jeffries (latest is Culture and High Performance and
a fourth Christian Madison book is coming) all have published books in time for the holidays. Dick brought a copy of Brian’s latest –
Pass in Review – DUTY,” the 1st of a trilogy. $17.99 at This may be a sign why C2 guys always had term papers in on time.
Craig O’Connor donated a week in his West Virginia guest cottage to the Veteran’s Day CAUSE Gala silent auction.
Two Classmates/Company Mates/Lawyers/New Grandparents
As providence would have it, Dutch Hostler and Gary Roberson became grandparents within two weeks of each other. Gary’s &
Cookie’s grandson, Renso Cardoso, was born in late November in Honolulu while Dutch’s & Megan’s granddaughter, Olivia Mae Iolani
Hostler, arrived in very early December. All of the Robersons and Hostlers will gather inHonolulu after the Army-Navy Game for a big
family Christmas celebration.
Two Classmates/Husbands/Fathers/Lawyers Die Due to Falls
Incredibly more tragically, we were stunned to hear that we lost Ken Moran and Lew Robertson within 10 days of each other due to
falls. Ken lived in Midlothian, VA and is survived by his bride, Linda, and children Patrick, Lisa, and Megan. Lew divided his time
between homes in Fair Haven, New Jersey, West Hartford, Connecticut, and Aspen-Snowmass, Colorado with his bride, Justine, and has
two stepchildren – Stephanie and Boyd. To date no classmate has stepped forward to write Memorial Articles.
Parting Shots
Rabble, this is a wonderful and horrible time of year. We have had been blessed with some marvelous adventures, and our hearts go out
to those classmate families that are having to deal with the grief of a first holiday season without a loved one. Our ranks continue to
shrink but our obligations carry on to an ever greater degree – Memorial Articles, family, living above the common level, and giving
those who have served a hand up. Please remember our class Scholarship Fund for the Children of West Point Graduates Killed in
Action, the needs of our Wounded Warriors. Churchill said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
No one else can do what we can because YOU’RE ALL WE’VE GOT.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Robert M. Kimmitt at
Visit the 1969 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1969 Class Notes
Scribe Foreword
This column is being written on 22 Dec 11, covering news and photos received since 15 Sep 11. My next submission is 15 Mar 12, but
the new on-line format allows me to do updates between submissions, so please be in touch as your news occurs.
Grip Hands
After a valiant fight against ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), John Rountree said goodbye,
for now, on 17 Oct 11. An exceptionally large group of classmates and wives turned out
on 5 Nov in Pomona, CA, to celebrate John's life and memorialize this wonderful friend,
soldier, and classmate. In attendance were: Steve Anthony, Linda & Walt Ballenberger,
Bob Brigham, Siobhan & Bill Burke, Jim Byrne, Carol & Tom Callaway, Dan Cox,
Howard Curtis, Holly & Stan Defilippi, Hugh Donohue, Beth & Bill Foster, Linda &
Dutch Harmeling, Corinne & Dave Hofstetter, Doug Jeffrey, Linda & Ken Johnson,
Nan Kenady, Chaz Kibert, Holly & Bob Kimmitt, Sharon & Michael Landrum,
Roger Loder, Peggy & Jim Love, Alice & Gary Marshall, Carol & Jim McCall, Jim
Nelson, Glenn Porter, Steve Rhyne, Bob Riddell, Barry Robella, Jim Seiler, Michael
Steele, Dave Stoutner, Sharon & Red Taylor, Karen Ford & Bill Vanaskie, Cindy
Walkenbach, Ken Wanless, Bruce Wheeler, and Marie & Bob Yaap. Also there were
Joe Wojcik 62, John's brother-in-law Richard Carr '64, Ed Johnson '66, and Chuck Sutten
'67. I was honored to speak on behalf of the Class at the service. You can read my
remarks here. We send again our love, sincerest condolences, and prayers to Dottie
( ), daughters Kimberly, Allison, and Amy, and the Rountree
sons-in-law and six grandchildren. Photo: John Rountree watches Army beat VMI at West
Point in 2010
On 6 Dec, our honorary classmate, friend, and mentor Bob Berry died in Denver, CO. Many of us met Bob when he taught in Social
Sciences as a reservist. Our connection continued as he served later as General Counsel of the Army and then Head of the USMA Law
Department. I was honored to present Bob with honorary Class membership at our Five-Year Reunion in Oct '74 at WP.
On 9-10 December, we came within seven points of a perfect ArmyNavy game weekend. Over a hundred game attendees and family
members came to a party at our home on Friday evening and then
joined an even larger turnout of classmates at the game itself: Allaire,
Alvarey, Anstrom, Balough, Bolger, Mike Brennan, K.C. Brown,
Burgess, Champagne, Colacicco, Dan Cox, Ralph Crosby, Cross,
De Clercq, Dillon, Dolton, Duffy, Ferraro, Finch, Foss, Glacel,
Glore, Goff, Haines, Harper, Healy, Heesch, Hill, Mark Hoffman,
Hofstetter, Hoopengardner, Jeffrey, Ken Johnson, Kannenberg,
Kedrow, Kimmitt, Knickerbocker, LaBelle, Landrum, Lash, Lee,
Leslie, Love, Ron Lucas, Mastaglio, McGue, McGovern, Moen,
Murr, Murray, Nardotti, Nigro, O'Toole, Stew Olson, Pogany,
Prosch, Reams, Reinhardt, Robella, John Russell, Slenker,
Spann, Sparks, Tigges, Wance, Wanless, Wheelock, Rick Whitaker, and Doug Williams. We were also joined by a number of Class
progeny, a nice way to extend our bonds into the next generation. Stew Olson took photos at the party, which can be viewed
at Photo: Denny & Pat Wance, Kristine Mayer (Ed’s daughter), and Stew Olson at Army-Navy pre
-game party
Class Gatherings
Pat Spann and K.C. Brown collaborated again on the annual Beat Navy luncheon, held on 8 Dec in Arlington, VA. In attendance were:
Alvarey, Linda Armstrong Brown, K.C. Brown, Phil Clark, Coan, Dan Cox, Coyle, Dillon, Foss, Goff, Greathouse, Hawley,
Victoria & Mike Healy, Heesch, Hill, Loder, Mahany (former classmate), Wayne Murphy, O'Connell, Stew Olson, Tom
Reinhardt, Pat Squires & Pat Spann, and Wallestad.
The gang in southern CA got together for Army-Navy with the Orange County WPS. Joining were: Siobhan & Bill Burke, Holly &
Stan Defilippi, our former classmate Ken Krul, Roger Loder (in from Mexico), Dottie Rountree, and Marie & Bob Yaap. Photo:
Army-Navy in Orange County
Linda & Ken Johnson, Peggy & Jim Love, and Holly & I were in northern CA in Oct, and Nina & Rob Leslie hosted a dinner at their
beautiful home in Oakland. Joining from the Left Coast were: Dan Balough, Pat & Howard Curtis, Alexsis & Mark Hoffman, Nell
& John McBeth, Rose & Tom Ramos, Diane & Joe Schatz, Janet & Dick Simmons, and Jeanne & Cor Westerhoff. Photos: (l)
Classmates at Leslie dinner, (r) Ladies at Leslie dinner
The Leslies had earlier hosted the Bay Area WP Society picnic, and classmates in attendance included Howard Curtis, Paul Ireland,
John McBeth, Dick Simmons, and Cor Westerhoff. Photo: Bay Area WPS Picnic
Company F-3 got together in Oct in Albuquerque for a mini-Reunion, organized by Demi & Tom Hendrickson. Joining them were Pat
Jones, Mary Ellen & Barney King, Karen & Steve Lindell, Susan & Mike Maasberg, Pat & Doug Marshall, Diane & Joe
McCarville, Claire & Hurley Mitchell, Mary K. Burnett & John Peters, Linda & Bill Pohlmann, and Rose & Tom Ramos. Photo:
F-3 in Albuquerque
Future Mini-Reunions
From 4-9 Jun 12, a mini-Reunion will be held in Killarney, Ireland. Over 70 classmates and wives are signed up, including Chuck
Anderson, Anstrom, Aykroyd, Jim Ball, Balog, K.C. Brown, Burke, Dan Cox, Jim Cox, Coyle, De Clercq, Dencker, Dolton,
Donohue, DuVall, Finch, Doug Fitzgerald, Fleming, Freeley, Friese, Frykman, Furbank, Guernsey, Hagan, Healy, Heesch,
Helsel, Hofstetter, Holden, Ireland, Ken Johnson, Kannenberg, Kimmitt, LaBelle, Leone, Maasberg, Male, Mastaglio, Meischen,
Mesite, Metzler, Mitchell, Morris, Mott, Wayne Murphy, Nardotti, Nesbitt, Oborski, Stew Olson, Osterhoudt, Peters, Poucher,
Prosch, Quinn, Ramos, Reinhardt, Robella, Robyn, Sautter, Setzer, Shea (former classmate), Greg Smith, Milt Smith, Tom Smith,
Spann, Swesey, Mike Taylor, Vanaskie, Wallestad, Westerhoff, Wheeler, Doug Williams, Wintermute, and Yerks. For further
information, please contact Doug Fitzgerald ( ).
From 19-22 Sep 13, there will be a mini-Reunion in Colorado Springs, CO, organized by our Class contingent there. Contact Jack
Gloriod ( ) for further details.
Around the Country
George Albrecht sent word of visits to Olive Branch, MS, where Aline & Bernie Tatro have moved, and to Fulton, MO, to see Inessa
& Jerry Morelock. He also sent word and a photo of Nancy & Leo Carrigan’s daughter Aileen’s marriage to Gareth Coville.
Congrats! Photo: Extended Carrigan family
In attendance at the Northern Illinois game were Ginny & Mark Kannenberg and daughters Lizz and Katherine and Maryalice & Jim
Blake and daughter Kathy and husband Dan Carey ’93. Bob Brigham forwarded a note and photo that located Bob Allardice, Pete
Dencker, John Lucas, Chris Sautter, and Gary Steele at the Vanderbilt game. And gathering at the Rutgers game at Yankee Stadium
were Julie & Doug Fitzgerald, Marilyn & Barry Robella, and Colette & Greg Smith. Photos: (l) ’69 and ’71 at Vandy game, (r)
Fitzgeralds, Robellas, and Greg Smiths at Rutgers game
Mike Healy continued his superb work with Wounded Warriors, taking groups to the Navy games against Southern Mississippi and
Troy. Merleann & Phil Weaver were in touch from Whitney, TX, south of Dallas, while Al Glazner sent a note saying Jim
McDonough had returned to the DC area. Sharon & Red Taylor were in touch from Lexington, VA, to report they and Jill & Bill
Jones had visited the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Park in July. Photo: Joneses and Taylors
Joan & Bob St. Onge wrote to report on two SC gatherings, the first with Patty & H. Lobdell in Aug and the second with the Leisters
and Zaises in Dec. Photos: (l) Joan St. Onge, Lobdells, and Bob St. Onge; (r) Joan & Bob St. Onge, Jane & Al Leister, and Susan &
Mick Zais
Marie & Bob Yaap also sent word about three get-togethers. They had seen Susan & Mike Nardotti in Paris in Sep and Peggy
Isenhower in WA in Oct. And, for the 15th year running, they attended the Annual Woodie Car Show in Encinitas, CA, joined this year
by Karen & Gary Cantrell, Barb & Sam Granett, Dutch & Linda Harmeling, and Alice & Gary Marshall. The Cantrells and
Granetts came from TX for the show. Photos: (l) Yaaps and Peggy Isenhower in Ellensburg, WA; (r) Harmelings, Granetts, Yaaps, and
Holiday Cheer
Christmas greetings included nice cards and notes from Jo Ann & Bob De Clercq in Pembroke, MA; Joanne & Tony Guerrerio in
NYC; Paula & Bob Brigham in Wyomissing, PA; Shirley & Dan Tigges in Macungie, PA; Victoria & Tom Wheelock in
Hedgesville, WV; Beth & John Blumer in Catonsville, MD; Brigitta Mullican & George Albrecht in Derwood, MD; Ann & Jay
Harper in Yorktown, VA; Mary & Rick Kolb in Richmond, VA; Sharon & Red Taylor in Lexington, VA; Barbara & Tom
Mastaglio in Norfolk, VA; Elizabeth & Bob Allardice in Durham, NC; Jane & Steve Rhyne in Charlotte, NC; Di & Ted Poucher in
Wilmington, NC; Debbi & Jim Nelson in Mooresville, NC; Susan & Mick Zais in Columbia, SC; Joan & Bob St. Onge in Leesville,
SC; Corrine & Dave Hofstetter in Atlanta; Anne Page & Jay Haney in Marietta, GA; Ann & Frank Finch in Wellington, FL; Susan
& Bill Johnsmeyer in Overland Park, KS; Candy & Brad Sparks in West Lake Hills, TX; Mimi & John Nesbitt in Austin, TX; Linda
& Walt Ballenberger in Monument, CO; Lesley & Hank Osterhoudt in Las Vegas; and Nina & Rob Leslie in Oakland, CA. In touch
from northern VA were Terri & Chuck Anstrom, Pam & George Coan, Lynne & Harry Dolton, Linda & Jim Foss, Diane & Rick
Frykman, Linda & Ken Johnson, Peggy & Jim Love, Chris & Dave Scibetta, Robin & Bob Seitz, and Kathy & Michael Steele.
Odds & Ends
Diane Frykman had an art exhibit this fall in Colonial Beach, VA, in Oct-Nov, while Pete Grimm’s first novel, Old Scores, debuted in
Oct. Congrats to our artists!
Also in Oct, Holly & I went to Aus Yerks’ retirement roast and saw Bill Foster, Sharon & Michael Landrum, and Tom Reinhardt.
In Nov, I saw Bill Barnett on a visit to Dallas. Also in TX is Chris Frandsen, who is running for the Texas House of Representatives in
District 47.
In Sep, Siobhan & Bill Burke, Beth & Bill Foster, Peggy & Jim Love, and Holly & I visited New Zealand for the Rugby World Cup.
While in Wellington, we met Ami & Norm Brown (son of Lynn & Norm Brown), who run the Artrium Art Gallery there. Photo: Loves
and Kimmitts with Ami & Norm Brown in Wellington, NZ
Last bit of (great) news is that Eddie O’Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore and the “young” Catholic priest during our time at the Academy,
has been named the Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in the Holy Land. He will also be elevated to the College of
Cardinals at the Vatican.
Scribe Postscript
That is it for this time. Thanks again for your continuing support of this column, which you write and I “assemble.” Holly and our
family join me in wishing you all a very Happy New Year! God bless to all in ’69.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Earl R. Albright at
Visit the 1970 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1970 Class Notes
Family Updates
Tom Rozman was working on several projects like the Library of Virginia's
Greatest Generation Archive Project (e-mail sent to class a while back)
and recently came across attached photo that may be of some interest.
It really hits you--a photo taken in 1994 at USMA that was already 17
years ago. Son number 2 in the photo is now a major with wife and three
kids--the oldest just started at Great Lakes Naval Training Center for
basic training to enter the Navy's Corpsman Program. Bryan's had tours
in Germany, Bosnia (2), Iraq and Afghanistan. His sister left the Air
Force as a captain in 2007 after completing her tour as an instructor at
USAFA , she too had a tour in the Iraq Theater. She is currently a Program Manager for Dell, a
Coast Guard Contract, has two daughters and her husband, an Air Force officer and USAFA grad
is in his third year at USHUS in Bethesda, MD.
Both Bryan and Missy have their master's degrees and Bryan's completed CGSO.
Bryan is currently assigned to 1st Army at Rock Island Arsenal and Missy
is quartered at Bolling AFB.
FALL Football Season
I’m not sure if it was the weather, how well Clemson’s team was doing or the Maertens’ hospitality but several classmates visited South
Carolina this fall. First to show up in September was Chach Morris whose team, Florida State, arrived in town ranked #11 and fell to
the 21st ranked Tigers 35-30.
Also in town in October for the North Carolina game were Paul Fardink and Buzz Shiely. I’m sensing a pattern here. Tailgating was
involved in both instances and both visiting teams lost. Paul and Buzz were also in Clemson to hear the Happy Daze who performed for
a fund raiser at Tiger Park in Clemson.
Photos: (l) Tommy Maertens, Paul Fardink and Buzz Shiely tailgating prior to UNC-Clemson , (r) Chach Morris and Tommy Maertens
tailgating prior to FSU-Clemson
Company Mini-Reunions
A few of the crew from C3 got together for a Fightin' Cock minireunion in Grand Teton National Park. The HQ for the reunion was
the "Rose Cabin", home of Steve and Margy Baribeau. Their place
is actually within the park. In attendance (besides Steve and Margy)
were Jim and Shelley Bellotty, Luke and Barbara Brennecke,
John Howell, Mike and Gayle Murphy, Jerry and Vickie Ryan,
and Bob and Rosie Thomson. A great time was had by all. Photo: (l
-r) Bob Thomson, Jerry Ryan, Luke Brennecke, Mike Murphy, Jim
Bellotty, Steve Baribeau, and John Howell
Classmates: NCEA 2011 Recap
I received the following from Gil Pritchard. Photos courtesy of Pat Sculley and Phil Doleac.
As you know, the NCEA was declared “mission essential” by the Superintendent this past year and included as part of the current AOG
Capital Campaign. Thanks to all the classmates whose tireless efforts on behalf of the NCEA and the Class 70 have made this possible.
Photo: Gene Innocente (AT&T), Gil Pritchard, Bob Brand, Bill Cater, Terry Treat, Ken Fenoglio (AT&T, Texas A&M 1970), Phil
Doleac, Tom Haller, yours truly, Gary Steele, Bill Wattendorf, Kerry Lawrence, Rich Rutledge, Bob Richardson, Jim Sullivan, Les
Sumner, Ed Kelly, Dave Rosenblum, Greg Dardis (AT&T, USMA Class 1979)
Wow!!! What a Conference. A few highlights...
...COL Waters (OIC, SCPME) and LTC Turner (OIC, NCEA) both agreed that “the NCEA is the highlight of their year and that this year
was the best ever.” Congratulations to the SCPME and their staff and all the cadets for their support. Without them none of this is
possible. We are both grateful and indebted to them for their selfless efforts.
...Approximately 187 student delegates (not including the USMA cadets) from some 93 colleges and universities, and another 30 Faculty
Advisors. All records for attendance!
...Great buzz on the speakers, content, organization, conduct and presentation of this year's event. NCEA 2011 was, by all accounts
(still need to review the delegate feedback forms), the best NCEA yet.
...go to the NCEA website and click on the NCEA 2011 conference guide, speaker videos, delegate testimonials, etc. It’s guaranteed to make you pop your chest up, stand taller, and be proud.
...Also, Don & Betsy Blakeslee very generously hosted an exceptionally nice class reception and dinner at their home on Monday night.
Chez Blakeslee is the newly crowned 5 Star restaurant in the WP/Highland Falls area. Rumor has it Don is seriously considering
enrolling at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) upon retirement. Based on the quality of the dinner he served us, he should be
recruited by the CIA as an instructor. Photos: Classmates at the Blakeslees
...Kudos to Pat Sculley, Speakers, the Mentors, and all 25 of our classmates in attendance. This Conference continues to inspire, lead,
and help create the next generation of ethical leaders for our country. Being with these young men and women for 4 days is an honor and
a privilege. The Class 70 is doing truly noble work. We are making a difference.
...finally, we were pleased to welcome AT&T as a presenting sponsor for the three years. In addition to a sizable monetary contribution
over this period, AT&T committed substantial other resources to us to help further build the reputation and capabilities of the NCEA.
special thanks to Ron Spears for "spearsheading" this AT&T initiative in support of the Class 70, the NCEA, West Point, and the nation.
Think Possible.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Thomas F. Burrell at
Visit the 1971 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1971 Class Notes
Scribe Foreword Errata
Sorry folks but I need you to pull out your copy of the last notes. I’ve got to make some corrections. First, on the piece I did about Bill
Mann’s sons, it’s Bill’s #2 son, Luke, who is in law school. His son, Brigham, is an assignment officer for spooks and MI folks at Ft
Knox. And, on his own volition, Bill said the Honor Code forced him to admit his uniform was brand new – made to fit the new contours
of the bodies we are now living in.
And, from “FD” Durrum – I stand corrected on the spelling of the last name. Sorry FD. We’ve only been corresponding regularly for
15+ years now since I’ve been the Scribe. You’d think I would notice! Finally, in the blurb from Johnny Brooks on the Golfing Grads
outing this year, it was Dave Nelson in attendance – not Don Nelson. Don – you should have been there man!
Class Gift Becoming a Reality
George Gilmore wrote that the Cycling Team won the National
Championship. This really connects our class gift and the
presentation at reunion to “real” results. See the attached photo and
those of you who were at reunion this year will notice the young man
front and center who addressed our class in Ike Hall. The road to this
national championship started three years ago when the current
Firsties were Yearlings with less than one year of competitive cycling
experience. At that time, the level of skill & experience was not one
that could win at the national level. The cadet leadership identified
the requirements to win & developed the road to success with a goal
of winning this championship this year. Each year the cadets built on
their successes to culminate with this year's win. And through our
class gift to club sports such as the cycling team, we help build the
competitive edge and foster winning as a way of life. Photo: National champions – the cycling team is one of many team sports our class
gift will support
A Chance Encounter
On his way back to Iraq after the reunion, Jeff Rock flew on the same flight with Mike & Lori Kendall. Lori just retired from United
and they were spending a week in Dubai and the UAE after the reunion. Mike sent in the picture from their Dubai 71 reunion after the
larger reunion at USMA. What a surprise when they met at passport control after a very long flight. Mike & Lori had a wonderful time
in Dubai and spent a day in Abu Dhabi as well. Mike said Abu Dhabi is a unique blend of western and Middle Eastern culture in a
cosmopolitan business and tourist environment. Photo: Mike and Lori Kendall with Jeff Rock at a chance encounter in Dubai
Kevlar Legions
I was very fortunate to attend this year’s AUSA Annual Meeting to hear John Brown talk about his newest book, Kevlar Legions: A
History of Army Transformation 1989-2005. Mary Beth called it a ten-year pregnancy. John’s book was the subject of an Institute of
Land Warfare Contemporary Military Forum. Dr. Richard Stewart, the Army Chief Historian, facilitated the discussion. The other
panelists included GEN John Hartzog, former SMA Robert Hall, and Dr. James Carafano. Each shared their own observations about the
book. Other than being great to see John & Mary Beth again, it was a stimulating discussion and fascinating to hear all that has gone into
the transformation of our Army between 1989 and 2005. I want to quote just a portion of the Forward from the book which very aptly
summarizes the excellent work John has done: “Kevlar Legions combines participant observation and solid scholarship. With respect to
Army transformation 1989-2005, it tells us what happened, why it happened, and who was involved. It describes hard choices, accepted
risks, forces in play, processes of decision making, and institutional results.”
Army – Vanderbilt Football Game Opportunity for Mini-Reunion
Our man Johnny Brooks really gets around! He sent me the picture
of the classmates at the Army-Vandy football debacle. The stalwarts
were (not in same order as the picture): Joe Albano, Joe Bergantz,
Wes Blaine, Johnny Brooks, Kirk Cottington, George Cullen,
Craig Gabbert, Sam Pride, Bernie Wall, Paul Watkins, and Lou
Wenick, If you didn’t get Johnny’s weekly football analyses, you
need to get on his distribution list. Johnny is the perpetual optimist
but his analyses of what went right and what went wrong were
always spot on. Photo: ’71 football stalwarts and the ArmyVanderbilt game
This year, SCUSA 63 was a tremendous event highlighted by the opportunity to be with friends and to interact with cadets and their
civilian academic counterparts as they discussed major issues and formulated possible solutions. The activities started on Wednesday
evening at an opening panel session with several distinguished panelists including our own Amb. Dell Dailey (we got to see Mary too).
Thursday and Friday, Tom & Anne Mannle, George Gilmore and I attended the roundtable discussions covering a myriad of issues.
Tom, Anne & I sat in on the session dealing with the American Society and its Military. It was very interesting and intellectually
stimulating. The young men and women are very appreciative of what our class has done to ensure SCUSA will live in perpetuity. The
class of ’71 was thanked over and over again – and not just by the cadets but also by the students from other universities who were well
aware of our generosity. On Friday evening, we attended Keynote Address and
Banquet. Joining us were Phil Kennedy-Grant and Rick “Mondo” Mondadori. It
was a great showing by the class. On Saturday morning, we all gathered in Ike Hall to
hear the students brief out on their papers. As has become the custom, each
roundtable presented a skit that conveyed the point of the paper but also gave them an
opportunity to spoof each other. It’s a great time. Bill Benedict’s son, Keith '03, cochaired one of the panels on transition in the Middle East. COL Mike Meese brought
him up from CENTCOM to work on SCUSA. Not a bad gig for a junior major. Keith
is moving to West Point and will be working in the Social Sciences Department next
term. Bill said they’re looking forward to "stalking" him and his family at West Point
the next couple of years. Photo: ’71 was front and center at SCUSA 63
Grandparents Corner
On 24 Oct, Mike & Rose Van Buskirk’s daughter-in-law, Kelly, blessed them with a baby boy, Brady Ryan Van Buskirk. At birth he
was 9 lbs, 10 oz, 22 1/2 inches, with a head full of hair. Pictured here is Mike, son Michael (’96), and grandson Brady. Mike & Rose
now have two grandchildren, granddaughter Mandy, age 3, and now Brady. Both belong to son Michael.
Ringing in the Holidays
Gordy & Debbie Schnabel did their customary magnificent job of hosting the class Holiday Party in early November. A great many of
our classmates in the DC area were in attendance and, of course, we all had a great time catching up and kicking off the Holiday season
with some fun, stories and spirits.
Army – Navy
I was there with Bonnie and I know other classmates were there as well. Unfortunately, those are the highlights of the game.
Scribe Postscript
That’s it folks. Hopefully you’ll read this before the end of this year’s Holiday Season. Bonnie and I wish everyone a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks again to everyone who keeps me pooped up on what’s happening. Please, keep those cards
and letters coming!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Steven E. Wells at
Visit the 1974 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1974 Class Notes
This is the December ’11 update for the Class Notes. I hope you find the format to your liking and the information more timely. I have a
lot of Army Navy news to go with normal communications.
Marty’s Ceremonies
Here are some follow-ups on the Class ceremonies honoring Marty Dempsey. The first is a photo of F-2’ers (Marty’s old company) last
spring at his becoming the CoS of the Army. Photo: Left to Right Jerry Mohr, Tim Tyler, John Gilmer, Fred Stellar, and Bill Higgs
with Bill’s Jeep. Then Mark Scott sent in several photos from this past September when he became the 18th CJSC. 3 Photos: (top l)
Mark & Cathy Scott, with Patty & Bill McMillan; (top r) Bill & Kathy Johnsen with Deanie & Marty Dempsey; (bottom) F-2 Zoo at
Marty’s CoC
Dossett in Africa
Mitch Dossett sent an update on his ongoing trips to Sierra Leone. He works with the children at the Child Rescue Center there which
provide for war orphans. This was Mitch’s 5th trip and he notes: “We now have 13 of our kids in college, which is no small feat as they
had to make up 5-6 years when they were not able to go to school due to the Civil War.” Mitch also works at a nearby Mercy Hospital,
which is the only hospital in Sierra Leone that treats anyone
regardless of financial conditions. Thanks Mitch. Photo: Mitch
Dossett playing baseball with children at the Sierra Leone Rescue
Army Vanderbilt Game
Bill Hastie sends: John Draper organized an "H-3 '74" Reunion during the weekend
of the Vanderbilt game. I joined them the day of the game and here is a picture of
John, Steve Houseworth and myself at the tailgate party. Photo: John Draper, Steve
Houseworth and Bill Hastie at the Vanderbilt game
Wreath Laying at Arlington
Mike Johnson headed up a group of classmates and others that laid
wreaths at Arlington Cemetery on Dec 3rd. In addition to General
Knowlton, the six classmates buried in Arlington are: Albert J
Kuehn, Craig T Robinson,
Bruch, David L Fowler,
Daniel Hetherton, Randall E
Maceo J Braxton. Photo: ’74 Wreath
Laying Group at Arlington
Galvanin’s in Iraq
Don Galvanin reports that his daughter, 1LT Jennifer Galvanin USAF, is safely back from deployment as the base Intel Officer at Sather
Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq as of 15 Oct '11. Don, in Baghdad for Boeing business, got to visit Jenn twice. To Don's request to get on base,
the Air Force Base Commander replied, "Hey, we're all dads too. Of course he can come on base to visit". Everyone said I was the only
dad they knew of who got to visit his kid in Baghdad. Don, Jenn, and the rest of the family, Mom Patricia and brother Christopher, then
spent the week of 24 - 28 Oct hiking around Lake Tahoe just to reconnect. Photo: Don & Jennifer Galvanin in Iraq
Blackman to Georgia (Black Sea)
Buddy Blackman sent in this update: "In Oct '11 I took a job with General Dynamics Information Technologies and am now in
Georgia...The country on the Black Sea, not the State...leading a team of 14 to assist them with establishing their National Defense
Academy and its academic program. Obviously I'm now living in Georgia and will be here for at least a year, hopefully longer. I am
remarried to Jeannette Blackman, aka Jet, and she will be joining me over here on January 12. My son, Kyle, is in the second phase of
his flight training as an Air Force pilot. He's doing joint flight training with the Navy in Milton, FL...near Pensacola...and loves it."
Thanks Buddy. Photos: (l) Buddy in Georgia: the church walk, (r) Buddy & Jeannette Blackman
Army – Navy Gala
Gala, Tailgates, parties. Where to start? The Class had about 4 tables at the Gala the night before the game held at the Washington
Convention Center. John Dickerson sends: The Gala was quite the shindig – spirit bands and cheering squads from both Academies –
or should I say, THE ACADEMY and Annapolis, as well as both Superintendents, other dignitaries and old grads – Pete Dawkins and
Roger Staubach included! Classmates there included Skip Sharp, the Adairs, the Andreotta’s, Bourn, the Brian Anderson’s, the
Prindle’s, the Withers’, Tam Pham, the Dickerson’s, the Hicks’, Leboeuf, Kelley, D. Miller, Martinez, O’Brien’s, Klimow’s,
Janowski, and probably others. Photos: (l) John Dickerson, Ken & Lucy Hicks at the Gala; (r) Frank Janowski & Mary Ellen Sheetz
with Sandy Coleman & Guy Bourn
Army Navy Game Day
Army Navy GameDay
There were many get togethers at the game and photos to boot. B-2 had the most company mates together at one time since graduation!
Steve Hughes sends: My 90 year old dad wanted to go to one more A-N game since it was within an hour of where we live in MD, and
my son, David Hughes ‘01 was in attendance as well with his wife and some friends. My dad is not a grad but he did serve 26 years
starting with WWII and retired as a Colonel (O-6). Photos (clockwise from top left) : A-2 Rally: Jeff Ginther, Rick Goodhand, Cadet Jay
Ginther, Ben Withers, Eric Paternoster; B-2 Rally: Rick Oertel,Jon Dutcher, Joe Miller, Rick Preece, Tom McGinnis, Mitch Craigmile,
Steve Wells and Doug Shaw; Steve Hughes with his Dad and son David; Frank Janoski with the Message!
Army Navy Parties
Here are a couple of updates from off site during the game. John Gilmer sends: We had a raucous time here in the Philippines... dinner
Saturday night at 7pm with the West Point Society of the Philippines and the Naval Academy Society. Nice affair, plenty of high spirited
hijinks and cajoling. The game was viewed live at the U.S. Embassy Rec Center at 0330 Sunday AM courtesy of Jimmy Cisek and Dean
Chang '84 who are both posted here. Pat Schado sends from Charlotte: West Pont Society of Charlotte had a social gathering at a local
sports bar and about 30 folks attended. Attached is pix of Will Grooms and I, the only 2 from ’74! 2 Photos: (l) Jimmy Cisek and John
Gilmer with Fidel V. Ramos '51 in the Philippines, (r) Pat Schado and Will Grooms in Charlotte
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Bob McClure at
Visit the 1976 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
West Point Class of 1976
Walking the Area
Other faces seen at the Army-Navy game. Was wandering the halls outside the Club level at Fed-Ex Field and ran into Frank Kearney.
Frank was hanging around with Stan McChrystal’s former CSM from Afghanistan. (Stan was not at the game). I noticed that he also
recently retired from active duty as of 1 January 2012. Thank you for your faithful service, Frank! Well done.
Ran into Brian Moretti at the West Point Commissary. I’m sure there’s a line somewhere about us both doing family grocery shopping
at the same time. Mark Nelson would have made some witty comment at our expense. Your current scribe is not as talented – probably
because I would be the subject of any jab. Brian’s still teaching in the Physics Dept. here at West Point. We discussed the finer aspects
of the Right Hand Rule among the vegetables.
Anyone heard from Mike Pelkey lately? Please have him and Ann Elizabeth come up on the net.
Finally, everyone should have received Tim Sweeney’s letter, frequently asked questions, and a pledge form via email before the end of
the year. Your faithful scribe strongly encourages everyone to make a pledge for our 40th reunion. Our class has answered the call of
service to our nation like few others in West Point’s history, but frankly our record of giving back to our alma mater is not quite as
stellar. (Frankly, it stinks compared to other classes in the 70s). Let’s step up to the line and make our class campaign a huge success by
EVERYONE participating!! Fill out the pledge form and send in your tax deductible donation to West Point!
Scribe Note
Well, that’s about all the direct news from classmates this time around. I see that our class Facebook page is fairly active with someone
asking which Ps they remembered as cadets. Some names, like Coaches Pallone and Kroeten, haunted even your humble writing
servant. Thanks and kudos to Randy Rogel for paying a visit to our Supt, LTG Berry in his retirement home. It’s fascinating and
amazing what our class has experienced and accomplished since R day in 1972. Dave Rodriguez and I spoke about it at length during
the awards dinner for his son. We’ve all done fairly well guys – now keep your Scribe busy with photos and updates!!
Everyone have a wonderful, and safe, Christmas and New Year’s. Go Army!
Sad Announcement
Your Scribe has the unfortunate duty to inform all that Ken Schnell’s wife, Carrie, died recently in an automobile accident in Maryland.
Please remember Ken’s family in your prayers.
“And Another One Bites the Dust”
LTG Guy Swan retired at the beginning of December and pictures below reflect both the ceremony and classmates present. Clay
Harrington reported that he, Floyd Bowles, (who won the prize for furthest distance traveled - coming in from South Carolina!), Al
Carroll, currently working as Master Planner at IMCOM; John Gordon, who teaches math in NEISD there in San Antonio were also
Guy's son, Ryan – soon to be Class of 2016 as he’s now at USMAPS – was joined by Guy’s wife, Melanie, sister Missy, as well as
Guy’s mother and some aunts and uncles. Guy and Melanie packed out soon after (remember all that fun?), and are moving to Arlington,
VA where Guy will begin working for the Association of the United States Army early next year. Congrats, Guy and Melanie on a
tremendous career of service to our nation.
The pictures are of Guy and Melanie, the ceremony itself, and the H-2 “bubbas” attending. The story behind the noses are that Guy wore
a such a proboscis during graduation parade as a yearling and received a huge slug for it. However, because amnesty was granted that
summer he never walked the area!!
Andrew Rodriguez ‘12 wins “Academic Heisman” Award!
Your intrepid Scribe was fortunate to be among the hundreds present
on Dec. 6 in NYC when Andrew Rodriguez ’12 and co-captain of the
Army football team, son of our Classmate, Dave Rodriguez,
received the “Academic Heisman” trophy (officially called the
Campbell Trophy) from the National Football Foundation. Dave and
Ginny were there and about as proud as you could imagine. This
award is HUGE in that no Army player has ever won it before.
Congratulations Andrew, Dave and Ginny!
Faces in the Crowd...
Other faces in the crowd seen recently include Rhett Hernandez and Dave Rodriguez at the snowstorm football game against
Fordham. Dave and Ginny come to as many games as they can because Andrew ’12 is such a mainstay of the team. Being the former
Army football player he is, at one point in the snowy confusion that day I’m sure I saw Dave down on the field getting in “one more
Frank Kearney Retires
Frank Kearney recently retired and several classmates were in attendance. Among those seen “in the crowd” include Stan McCrystal
and his wife, Steve Kidder and his wife, Rick Bowman, Mark Kimmitt and our class’s intrepid source – Kevin Rue. Kevin said that
the ceremony was in a secure location – no cameras allowed. (which means we’re still not sure Frank’s retired, but we’ll take his word
for it).
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Tim Bloechl at
Visit the 1979 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1979 Class Notes
From the Scribe’s Desk
Happy Holidays and wishing you all a great 2012! We had lots of activity in the past quarter. Please keep the notes coming. Also,
consider joining your classmates on FaceBook where Kurt Webber has set up our own, private page to share stories, pictures, and other
“stuff.” We had some tragic losses in the class recently and I know all of you wish the very best to the families left behind.
Top of the Line,
Jeff Stonerock Passes Away
On 12 NOV 11, a number of classmates celebrated the life of Jeff Stonerock, LTC (USAR,
Ret), who passed away after fighting leukemia for an extended period. It was a wonderful
celebration for a wonderful man. Thanks to Chuck Shaw for his help to Janine Stonerock in
putting together the wake that followed the memorial mass. A Giant (Jeff) has left a huge
legacy. Jeff was the consummate lawyer, preferred a good Lowland Single Malt Scotch
and a game of golf, and was interested in helping inner-city youth. While serving in the
Army, he also graduated from Duke University law school in 1984, and received a master’s
degree in law from the University of Virginia law school in 1989. His military career
included service in the Judge Advocate General’s office, and as an Army ranger and
paratrooper. He had lived in the Washington area since 1989. On leaving active duty with
the Army in 1992, he began practicing law in Washington. He retired from Baker Botts in
2009. He was a religious education teacher at St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Vienna, a
volunteer coach for girls’ field hockey, and headed the Veteran’s Consortium for five years.
He leaves behind his wife of 31 years, Janine Stonerock, and their four children, Benjamin,
Lauren, Margaret, and John. Jeff also served on our class board. He will be greatly missed
by all of us. Photo: Jeff Stonerock, R.I.P.
Tragic Accident
Anne Kotchman, wife of classmate Don Kotchman, was tragically killed in a car accident on 6 OCT 11 in Michigan. Anne, who
served soldiers and their families during their 27 year career, was recognized for her contributions to Army Family Action Planning
Conferences, Youth Service, Chapel, and other volunteer activities. She received the Commanders Award for Public Service, the
Ordnance Corps Keeper of the Flame award, and the Armor Association's St Joan D' Arc award. She was awarded the President's gold
award for volunteerism 3 times. Most recently, Anne was a teacher at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Marine City. She was
on her way to school when her car went off the road and hit a tree. "It's a devastating loss for those who knew her," said Father Bob
Schuster, of the Holy Cross Church which is associated with the school. "She was a wonderful person." Friends and family said Anne
had a passion for music and life. She worked at the school for the past 12 years. She was awarded the Music Educator of the Year
Award in 2010 by the National Music Educators Association. "She embraced life. She loved to sing. She was a phenomenal art teacher,"
said Celeste Conflitti, the school principal. "She loved Cardinal Mooney to the depths of the Earth. She had a strong faith and will be
greatly missed." Don, you have our deepest condolences. Photo: Anne Kotchman, R.I.P.
Old Warrior Fades Away
Condolences to classmate Clair Conzelman, who lost his father Pete
Conzelman ’53, after an illness in New Bern, NC. It was the
morning of Clair’s 55th birthday, leaving Clair the eldest man in the
family. Clair reported “they had a wonderful memorial for Dad at his
community of retired officers and friends in New Bern” and Pete will
be buried at West Point near his father. Photo: Pete Conzelman ’53
and family with Clair Conzelman ’79 at far right upon Pete’s return
from Vietnam
February 2013 Mini-Reunion
So far we have 25 classmates (with 48 people total including family
members) who have expressed interest in the February 2013 USMA
1979 Mini-Reunion – it is only 14 months away! Bruce Fink, Frank
Wiercinski and Jerry Drago are leading the efforts. Please sign up
(with no commitment) before 1 February 2012 by contacting Bruce
Fink We will be staying at the Hale Koa and Hilton Hawaiian
Village on beautiful Waikiki
Beach. Photo: Bruce and Laura Fink with the Reunion Site in the
background beckoning you to come in 2013
Star Emerging
The US Military Academy Prep School beat their previously undefeated NAVY counterparts 34-28 on 12 NOV 11 and Christopher
Williams USMAPS ‘12, son of our TW Williams, played an important role in the win. The 6'2", 215 lb. wide receiver started every
game this year and also played on special teams. USMAPS was 7-2 at the time of this report. We look forward to Chris helping the
Black Knights BEAT NAVY in the future.
Eagles on the Way
Congratulations to USAR Harry Callicotte who is now on the list
for promotion to Colonel. Photo: Harry Callicotte, right
In the News
Our Frank Finelli was featured in a National Defense Magazine article entitled Debtpocalyse: Army
Futurists See Fiscal Meltdown on the Horizon, on 28 OCT 11. In a presentation at the ARCIC
Alternative Futures Symposium, Frank who is managing director of The Carlyle Group said the
United States must either slow down its borrowing or risk a big meltdown. “The Fed’s balance sheet
more than tripled since 2007 by $2.5 trillion, said Finelli. “Such tremendous increase in the money
supply has not been accompanied by economic growth in the United States.” A rather shocking
statistic, he said, is that the U.S. economy was actually larger in the fourth quarter of 2007 than it
was in the second quarter of 2011. Photo: Frank Finelli
Iraqi War Lessons Learned
Ken Cox reported in from a recent Iraq “Lessons Learned” Conference at the historic George Washington Hotel in Winchester, VA.
Several classmates contributed and had a chance to discuss old times. Word has it the war stories were nonstop! Photo: L-R - Pete
Rowan, Todd Semonite, Ken Cox, Kurt Ubbelohde, and Kevin Williams
Hungry in Huntsville
Phil Patterson reported several classmates got together for lunch in
Huntsville, Alabama on 3 NOV 11. Photo: (R-L) John Fain, Tim
Ford, John Lee, Dave Hergenroeder, Andy Scharein, U/I need
identification class!, Pete Wieland, and Jim Charlton
Going Native
Jeff Thompson reported he relocated to Belgium two years ago with his DA Civilian
job. He recently returned from six months in Afghanistan and was glad to be back to
Europe, where he will probably stay for another couple of years. Jeff is currently
assigned to the 650th MI Group who provides CI support to NATO in Europe and
Afghanistan. Photo: Jeff Thompson in the Herat area of Afghanistan
Wedding Bells
This fall two classmates recited wedding vows. Lou Reibe married Debra Perry of St. Paul, MN, followed by a honeymoon in Mexico.
Marty Howard and his new bride Betsy tied the knot on 15 OCT 11 in Newburgh, NY at the Stone Bull House (oldest home in Orange
County). They were joined by their four daughters, five granddaughters, and other close family members. Marty was wondering if there
will be a new entry in the Class List for “last married.” Photos: (l) Debra and Lou Reibe on their wedding day, (r) Marty and Betsy
Retirement Delayed
Bill Wolf, who was set to retire and relinquish command of the U.S.
Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center and Director of Army Safety,
will continue to serve a bit longer. HQ, Department of the Army
placed the change on hold on 19 OCT 11 until further notice. Bill
sent a note stating “Sandy and I will continue to serve proudly and
look forward to entering the next chapter in our lives in the late
spring, early summer timeframe. In the meantime, please stay in
touch and I look forward to continuing to serve our Army and helping
to keep our Soldiers, Civilians, and Families safe.” Photo: Bill Wolf
speaking to the troops
Pentagon Promotion
John Campbell, now our Army’s G-3/5/7, was promoted to LTG on
6 SEP 11 in the Pentagon. The class was there in style, 27 in all! I
tried to take a stab at listing everyone in the order of the picture but
thought it might be more fun for you to do so. Present were: Terry
Wolff , Gary Patton, Tony Cucolo, Bert Mizusawa, Rob
Gordon, Mark Rocke, Leo Brooks, Bob Drumm, Marcus
Bonds, Chip Sniffin, Phil Panzarella, Dave Capp (with Gail),
Jerry Butler, Thadd Buzan, Mark Fuller, Gary Sauer, Steve
Godbey, Kelly Krueger, Don Chrans , AJ Yarmie, Mickey
Freeland, Chuck Shaw, Dave Veney, Paul Roege, Karl Klett,
Mike Grant, and Carl Cecil. Photo: John Campbell’s promotion to
Command Performance
Jeff Jacobs took command of the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) on 23 OCT 11 at Ft.
Bragg. But, since this is an airborne outfit, I guess you have to jump once in a while. So he did so with style. For those of you on
FaceBook, you can watch Jeff putting his knees in the breeze on video .
Joint ’79 Fires
At the International Workshop on Global Security in Paris, June 11,
we were treated to almost a full day of expert discussion on cyber
security issues. Back in 2005 when the subject first came up, it was
the last session of the last day during the three day event. Leaders are
waking up! To lead the charge were US DEPSECDEF Bill Lynn and
US Cyberczar Howard Schmidt. More importantly, we had a joint
1979 gathering including Clennie Brundidge’s ’79 cousin, Brig Gen
Greg Brundidge, J6, USEUCOM. Photo: Paris Workshop, Jon
Bayless (USNA 79), Greg Brundidge (USAFA 79), Tim Bloechl
(USMA ’79)
Welcome Home Again!
I previously reported Zach Freed ’09 (Cedarville University), son of
Rick Freed, made it back home from Afghanistan safely this summer
but I just had to share this great picture provided by Rick’s spouse
Donna received after we went to print in the last Assembly. For
those of us who have come home from combat zones, it brings back
memories. Well done – again – Zach! Photo: A very happy airport
NDIA Has It Right!
The title says it all, “The U.S. Army’s Ruling Class: West Point 1979.” Go to to learn more. A teaser from the article: “Which class ends
up with the most notable graduates is a competitive sport at the U.S. Army Military Academy. Today, a big hooah goes out to the class of
1979. Of its 923 graduates, several now hold positions of significant power and influence in the U.S. Army, on the Joint Staff and in the
private sector.” Photo: Our Graduation courtesy of Angie Vanderhye
Get Out the Quill Pad
This may be a first for any class in the history of our academy. Cadet Chase Pedron ’14, I-2, passed on with glee that he endured a
SAMI recently and the TAC checked all the hiding spots for contraband. Bradley Barracks, Room 567. Behind a mirror and up in the
wall by the closet a few things were found - assorted alcohol bottles and a clock/radio with the nametape attached entitled: Underwood, T
F ’79. Our Tom Underwood has been informed. The Commandant’s Office is trying to figure out what punishment to dish out (maybe
not but sounds like a good story anyway!). Tom thinks he might be the oldest Grad to be slugged. The question is how much interest is
applied to the punishment after all these years! Tom said, “If nothing else, it lends credence to my "tales" of West Point.”
Orlando Fling
Michael Macedonia, Jerry Butler and Doug Boone joined others at an AUSA charity event, a “Flamingo Party, on 11 DEC 11. The
event was hosted by Pete Marion ’75. So what does one do at a Flamingo Party guys? Photos: (l) Doug Boone and Mike Macedonia,
(r) a bunch of Flamingo party animals!
Training Future Community Leaders
Frank Clepper, Chief Operating Officer, Delta Dental of Kansas
hosted a luncheon for the United Way of the Plains Young Leaders
Association. The luncheon series introduces emerging community
leaders to distinguished leaders within the South-Central Kansas North-Central Oklahoma area. The series provides a forum for our
community's senior leaders to share leadership philosophy, career
insights, and dialogue on the importance of a leader's involvement in
philanthropic activities in fostering a vibrate, dynamic, and caring
civic environment. UWP Young Leaders are at the point-of-the-spear
in furthering the United Way's mission in South-Central Kansas.
Photo: Frank Clepper (5th from Right) and future community leaders
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Edward J. Ruggero at
Visit the 1980 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1980 Class Notes
Class Dinner Before Army-Navy
Pat Walker-Locke sent a report on the large class dinner hosted by
John Shimkus at the Capitol Hill Club on the night before the ArmyNavy game. Pat said it looked like more than a hundred in
attendance, including the august group pictured below. One highlight
was a reading of the appointment to the Class of 2016 of Jacob
Alesch Newell, son of Mike Newell and Donna Alesch White. Jake
was at our reunion last fall, doing research, I imagine, on the old end
of the Long Gray Line. Photo: Kathi Gerard Snook, Danna Maller,
Karen Kelly Stoner and Pat Walker-Locke at the class dinner in
Washington the night before the Army-Navy game
Legacy in the Class of 2015
Bill & Ann Crawford made it to Acceptance Day for 2015 and are pictured here with son Barret,
a sprint football recruit. Bill, aka Crawdad, hosted a radio show called “Crawdad’s Countdown to
Kickoff,” which aired before Army football games this season. The show was broadcast from a
local watering hole in Huntsville, Alabama, but was available everywhere through the wonders of
technology. Feedback for the 2011 season—the radio show, not the Won-Loss column—was
positive, so we may get to hear him again next year. Photo: Bill and Ann Crawford with son
Barret, USMA '15
Marty Eaton Is Home
Marty Eaton just finished up his stint in Afghanistan and is happy to be home. During his redeployment he “got to spend two fun-filled
days in Kuwait. The highlight of the trip was a 45 min visit with the ARCENT Commanding General, LTG Vincent Brooks. Vince
looked and sounded great. It was one of the few highlights of my deployment.”
Gary Cheek is helping Vince hold down the fort in Kuwait. Photo: Marty Eaton and Vince Brooks in Kuwait.
Dave Perkins Update
Kathy Silvia sent me the photo of Dave & Ginger Perkins with son
Chad ’15 in what looks like the Supe’s office. Dave & Ginger are
back at Ft. Leavenworth, where Dave commands the Combined Arms
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Mark & Cheryl Connors at or
Visit the 1983 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1983 Class Notes
BGs Miller and Tovo mentioned in NYT Article on Military Culture Shift
9 August 2011. The article was titled: Special Operations Veterans Rise in Hierarchy by Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt. The premise of
the article is that the intermingling of conventional forces and Special Operations personnel reflects a significant shift in American
military culture.
Class Offspring Update
August 2011. Tony Ruizcalderon, son of Antonio Ruizcalderon and Steven Nelson, son of
Ray Nelson graduated in August. Following Graduation, Steven and Kelsey Larson,
daughter of Creighton Larson were married at Edgefield Catholic Church in downtown
Edgefield, SC, and Janet and Creighton hosed a reception at their house in North Augusta,
SC. Congratulations to the Larson and Nelson families. Photo: Steven Nelson and Kelsey
Henry O. Flipper Dedication from Tom Morgan
29 September, 2011. On 29 September, a room was dedicated in
Hotel Thayer to honor Henry O. Flipper, which was made possible
through the generosity of our classmate Tommy Morgan in memory
of his ex-wife and best friend, Vanessa. Tommy’s daughter, Jasmine,
Class of ‘14 spoke eloquently of her “insignificant” struggles of plebe
year as compared to her mother’s struggles with cancer. It was a very
powerful and moving event. It was also an honor to meet Tommy’s
family including his father, a retired Command Sergeant Major, as
well as relatives of Henry O. Flipper. The room is on the fourth floor
when you visit. Photo: Flipper Plaque
Batule Retirement
30 September, 2011. On Saturday morning before the football game, COL Kevin Batule retired after 28 and a butt years in uniform.
Laurie (Bisland) and Kevin talked of the “teamwork” of family, friends, and associates as being the reason for any successes they may
have enjoyed while in uniform. Son Andrew ’08 and daughter Katie made presentations of crossed sabers, as well as a baseball bat. The
classmates in attendance presented a framed West Point Baseball Player Tobacco Silk from 1910 connecting the “old” corps with
Kevin’s baseball roots. Although his parade got rained out, the extra time was used for catching up with those in attendance. Good luck
to the Batule Family as they move on to life in retirement.
Grand Canyon Hike
October 2011. Mark Johnstone sent me the following note and
picture. Mike Bryson, Kent Sanderson, Kelly Coppess and PJ
Cutting (all from B-3) hiked together across the Grand Canyon, after
Kent invited (perhaps hounded) the other three to participate.
Essentially, you walk down 5 miles, cross the canyon and walk 7
miles up. It took them 10 hours and 45 minutes. Mike said that he felt
more sore afterwards than he did after running a marathon or biking
150 miles. You can tell by the looks on their faces and the spectacular
scenery in the attached photo that it was a breathtaking event (in
more ways than one). The motley crew is thankful to Kent's wife,
Nancy, for housing and feeding them. Eric Williams, who lives in
Cave Creek, AZ with Kent, introduced him to the hike in 2010. Eric
and his 21 year old son Michael completed the hike a couple hours
ahead of the other four. Photo: Mike Bryson, Kent Sanderson, Kelly Coppess and PJ Cutting hiking across the Grand Canyon
Army-Tulane Tailgate
1 October 2011. A large number of classmates attended the Army-Tulane game and watched an impressive Army victory. As has been
the tradition for almost two decades, a pre and post-game tailgate was hosted by Glenn Wittpenn. Renee and Bill Selman, Jean and
Tim Dean, Cheryl and Chris Bauer and Connie and Rick Dauch have been regulars for years. I (Mark Connors) attended with my
son Kevin ’14 and a number of his classmates. Beth and Mark Mills and their son Daniel ’12 formally joined the tailgate. Sarah and
Pete Martin made the trip from Fl. Danny ’15 and BG Tim Trainor stopped by after the game for a few minutes. Jim Ecklund has
his own tailgate nearby, and stopped by for a few minutes. Jeanette Regan McMahon is enjoying life with Paul Angresano ‘84. Kim
and Tyge Rugenstein spoke about the status of the prep school. The prepsters were moving into classrooms, but there was a need to bus
many of them because not all buildings were open yet. Beverly and Chris Kerski, with their son Ryan and daughter Krista made the
trip from OH – Chris was recently named the GM of Cardinal health's Laboratory business. He and his family relocated to Columbus
Ohio. He also mentioned that he's entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Brian MacDonald's new company,
Microphage. It was nice to see Bob Wood & wife and their daughter Lauren ’14. Others attending included Brian Costella ’13, Bill
Eagan, Marc Decoteau, Joel Johnson and Bobby Clarke Photos: (l) Army-Tulane Tailgate L-R: Chris Kerski, Krista, Beverly Kerski,
Sara and Pete Martin, Bobby Clarke, Renee and Bill Selman, Joel Johnson, Mark Connors, Beth and Mark Mills, Glenn Wittpenn; (r)
Army-Tulane Tailgate L-R: Jean and Tim Dean, Jim Ecklund, Beth and Mark Mills, Renee and Bill Selman, Dan ‘15 and BG Tim
Trainor, Mark Connors, Jeanette Reagan, Joel Johnson (obscured), Kevin Connors ‘14
Support the O’Brien’s Fight for Cancer
4 October 2011. Jill Mauer sent a note that John O’Brien was recently diagnosed with leukemia. It is especially unfortunate as his wife
Karen has been struggling with breast cancer for 5 years. You can check the following link for more information about their story: As a tribute, many classmates and friends took pictures with the word “HOPE” which were
used to create a video of support. The response to this project was so overwhelming that it will soon be re-opened and extended to
produce a book dedicated to pictures of HOPE, along with a few motivational stories. The book will be focused on all those who are
battling cancer and all proceeds will donated to the LiveStrong organization to support research. Watch the website for details as you are
all encouraged to participate with your own pictures of hope.
Quarterly Update from President Pete Martin
7 October 2011. Pete reminds us to Save the Date for our 30th Reunion, 19-22 September 2013. Our 30th Reunion is only 2 years away.
The 30th usually draws approximately 36% of the class, so we are going to plan for 300 Classmates and a total of 600 with guests. Keep
email and snail mail addresses updated with Pete and the AOG for future mailings.
Pete recently discovered that we have another GO in the class from the National Guard. BG Neil H. Tolley is the Commanding General,
Special Operations Command, US Forces Korea. He also serves as UN Command Special Operations Component; and Deputy
Commanding General, Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force, Yongsan Army Garrison, South Korea. He serves as the principal
special operations advisor to the Commander, US Forces Korea, and US adviser to Commanding General, Republic of Korea, Army
Special Warfare Command.
Save the Date April 2012 Golfing Grads of USMA. The dates for next year’s event are April 19-22, 2012 in Opelika, AL. If you are
interested in attending, let Pete know at
Bert Hensley sent Pete a note highlighting discounts offered to veterans from USAA and Lowes/Home Depot. USAA has a buying
service that negotiates discounts on new or used cars. It is only for USAA members and it saved Bert more than $5,000 on his new
Toyota Highlander. (It would have saved him $13k on his Porsche!). Bert also mentioned that if you show an active duty card or
Veteran's card at Home Depot or Lowe's, they will give you a 10% discount on every single purchase. “I don't think most of our
classmates know about these incredible benefits. I thought it would be good if you could share these savings with our class.”
Update on Class Gift (2013)
7 October 2011. The Class of 1983 gift, the Distinguished Leaders Series is $1.25M endowment. As of October 2011, we have raised
$820,173. With the improvements in Company Level Leadership, we hope to increase the pace to reach our 30th Reunion gift goal and
the commitment to endow the “Class of 1983 Distinguished Leader Series” by September 2013. Class participation stands at 26%.
Remember the cadre saying “Look to the left and look to the right, one of you won’t be there come graduation.” Well now it’s “Look to
the left and look to the right, and look forward, all three of you aren’t giving a dime to the class gift.” We need everyone’s help to
achieve the objective. Please consider a minimum pledge over the remaining two years till reunion of $1,983 ($83 dollars a month).
Many thanks to the following have answered the call to duty since the last newsletter and will lead their cadet companies in the class gift
fundraising efforts:
B-1: Bob Traurig and Joe Goetz; D-1: Karl Schmidt and Tony Castile; G-1: Kelley (Haines) Dolan; I-1: Peter Scheffer and Ben
Gilbert; A-2: Brian Jones; B-2: Brad Reid; C-2: Jim Timmer and Charles Dedekind; B-3: Mike Bryson and Mark Johnstone; C-3:
Jon Bell; D-3: Lori Sussman and Dave Nash; E-3: Alan Avery and David Baker; G-3: Chris Kerski and Mark Sullivan; I-3: John
O’Brien; A-4: Brian Duemling; E-4: Tyge Rugenstein; F-4: Bill Merrill and Bob Finkenaur. There are three tax years until we
present our class gift and time is slipping away; please consider at least a pledge of $1,983 or other donation to the class gift
( ). Contact Harry Shablom at to
Doug Wheelock Update
7 October 2011. Now that Doug Wheelock has returned from the Space Station, and the Shuttle is not flying anymore, he has been
looking for a job in the meantime. Space travel is few and far between for our Astronaut. Seems like he has found some action in
Afghanistan flying the NASA WB-57 aircraft, supporting the warfighter and OSD with some “reconnaissance” he returned on the 4th of
September. The WB-57 is a unique aircraft similar to a U2. He flew 5-6 hour missions every other night over the AOR. Doug is
currently assigned to the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, and Commander of the SMDC NASA Detachment.
BG Tim Trainor Named ASEM Engineering Manager of the Year
21 October, 2011. The American Society for Engineering Management has announced that it will be presenting its top award, The
Engineering Manager of the Year, to BG Timothy Trainor '83. The award will be presented to BG Trainor at ASEM’s International
Annual Conference Awards Banquet on October 21st, in Lubbock, Texas. Congratulations to the Brazil/Trainor Team.
Army-Fordham Game
29 October 2011. Cheryl Zywicki Connors and I watched Army demolish Fordham with our sons Cam, Kevin ’14 and Sean (accepted
into the class of ’16). The game featured a fairly intense and freak blizzard with most of the stadium leaving by halftime. We were
prepared for a great tailgate with barbeque and cornbread and the fixings with Barb and Stu Harrison, Brad Elrod and three of his
friends, Kevin, Chris and Ken, but most everyone else smartly decided not to come because of the forecast. Unfortunately, Stu’s
daughter Amanda wasn’t able to come to the tailgate before the game because of the weather. John Gorske contacted me a few weeks
before the game to let me know he was flying in with a friend from San Diego, and would stop by the tailgate. I got a call about noon
that they had landed and were picking up their rental car. I learned the next day that they made it to Highland Falls about 11:30 that
evening. We took over 6.5 hours to get to back to Boston, a drive which normally takes us 3 hours, and we were happy to make it.
Many trees, which still had leaves, succumbed to the storm. Prior to the game, we saw Joanne Cavanaugh, who is currently living in
MI. She said her son Pat Coe ’12 is looking at going infantry. He is at the top of his class academically, was an exchange cadet to the
Air Force Academy, and is looking to a couple of choice locations like Vicenza. Leanne ’86 and Ed Collazzo stopped by as Leanne was
there for her class reunion. We also saw John Wright and wife, who is also ’86. Photos: (l)Leanne ’86 and Ed Collazzo at ArmyFordham game, (r) Brad Elrod, Cheryl (Zywicki), Mark Connors, Joanne Cavanaugh, Stu Harrison at Army-Fordham holding up a
sign of Hope for John O’Brien
Schleiden, Drago and McWherter in Seattle
6 November 2011. Jim Drago wrote that Russ Schleiden has moved
out to the Seattle area and is working for a beverage company in the
local area as the VP of Marketing. Jim sent a photo with Len
McWherter and Russ when they linked up for the UW-Oregon game
in Seattle. Photo: Len McWherter, Russ Schleiden and Jim Drago
at the UW-Oregon game in Seattle
Wallace Campaigns for Governor of IN
7 December 2011. Jim Wallace is campaigning to be the next Governor of IN. He wanted to send a quick note to say that he’d love to
attend the Army-Navy game and see all of our classmates, but as the scoreboard keeps score at the annual feat, his campaign for
governor will have him meeting with soldiers, old grads, and veterans in IN. His effort have been great, traveling some 71,000 miles and
meeting with over 79,000 Hoosiers since beginning earlier this year, and he believes that he has racked up major support from voters
with 6 of 9 congressional districts trending in his favor. But, like the first day of the academic year after Beast, now comes the hard part.
Over the next five months, he must get his message of job growth, economic security, and sound fiscal management out to 6.5 million
Hoosiers, communicating not only his prior experiences as a veteran and businessman, but also his plan to achieve success. And doing
this will take money. He started by committing his full-time effort and a sizeable contribution to his campaign. A number of our
classmates have contributed as well, from $250 to $10,000, and we must raise at least $1 million more to complete the task. He would
like to personally ask you for your contribution to his effort. While there are no limits for individual donations, he would be honored if
you could provide a contribution of $250 to help carry through his message. If this amount is a challenge, any contribution would be
appreciated. Donations may be made online at, or by sending a check to Wallace For Governor, 9801 Fall
Creek Rd PMB 138, Indianapolis IN 46256. Donations are not deductible for tax purposes.
Remembrance Dinner 2011 in Washington, DC
9 December 2011. Steve Klynsma, Mike Olsen and Dave Sacha among many other classmates helped to plan the second annual
Remembrance Dinner, held in the Windsor Room at the Embassy Suites hotel in Alexandria VA. It was nice event with a cocktail hour
with appetizers, a buffet and cash bar and almost 100 classmates and guests in attendance. The evening prior, Jill Mauer was the POC
for a woman’s get together. Mike Olsen was master of ceremonies and the dinner featured a different classmate reading a specific name
of a fallen classmate. Photo: Barbara and Stu Harrison, Tom Fish, Dave Sacha, Steve Klynsma, Andrea and Mike Olsen
Post Dinner Nightcap
9 December 2011. After dinner, a number of classmates congregated
at Joe Theismans next door to the Embassy Suites to keep the party
going. It made for a short morning, but it was a lot of fun. BG
Darryl Williams, who is responsible for the wounded warrior
program, spoke about how rewarding it is to help our soldiers injured
in battle. Photo: Classmates at Joe Theismans: Pete Martin, BG
Darryl Williams, Rick Dauch, Bill Selman, Renee Selman, Connie
Dauch and Kim Rugenstein
Army-Navy Tailgate
10 December 2011. On Saturday 1100-1900 at Fed - EX Field, in the
Platinum lot, the class took over 4 platinum parking spaces and
welcomed over 100 classmates and guests. The home brewed Beat
Navy lager was excellent as were the hot dogs, chili and kegs of
beer. Photo: Jim Davis, Connie and Rick Dauch, Mark Connors,
Bob Widmer, Dave Thiede and Wife
Army-Navy in the Northwest
10 December 2011. James Drago sent an email and picture after getting together with a number of classmates for the Army Navy game.
Tough loss, but they had fun in the great NW. Photo: From L to R top row; Hugo Fischer, Jim North, Jim Drago. Bottom row: Dallas
Homas, Ed Arrington, Len McWherter, and Russ Schleiden.
Sullivan Family off to Haiti
26 December 2011. Mark Sullivan and family flew to Haiti today. Wayne Richardson convinced them to come down for the week to
do some work with his charity, Operation Blessing International.
Chris Martin Update from Mark Johnstone
27 December 2011. Mark Johnstone sent an update that COL Chris Martin is in Afghanistan commanding one of our Corps of
Engineer Districts. From Mark’s experience in Afghanistan, the engineers have a dangerous job but are achieving much needed
developmental effects, without which we would be losing a lot more soldiers, and without which success in COIN would be impossible.
Chris's youngest son, Nolan ‘11, graduated from USMA last May and is currently at home on a "see food" diet while convalescing
between mountain and Florida phases of Ranger School. He is also slotted to attend the mortar leaders course and recon leaders course
before heading to his unit (which will be deploying soon), one of the new Stryker Bdes, at Ft Lewis. Congratulations to Chris and Nolan
--stay safe.
Mark also reported that his son, Joshua, recently accepted an appointment to the Class of 2016. He couldn't be prouder of him.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Maurice Lescault at
1984 Class Notes
A Slow Scribe Who Still Needs Class News!!
I wanted to briefly apologize to you all for being slow in picking up on the new Class Notes method! But I am up and running now, and
can update this page more frequently than in the past. So, while I do scour Facebook and other sources for news, it is best if you send me
the details direct on e-mail! Additionally, we can post pictures here more securely than on those more public sites, so please keep the
news coming!!
Consider Supporting the Cathy Klingaman Scholarship
Jim Klingaman lost his beautiful wife, Kathy, to Lou Gherig's disease this past November, despite a valiant year-long fight. Kathy was
a critical care nurse, and Jim has honored her by setting up a scholarship at the University of Montana to support students pursuing a
Bachelor's Degree in the critical work of nursing. Please consider honoring Jim & Kathy by sending a donation to: “Cathy Klingaman
Memorial Scholarship Fund” at the MSU Foundation, 1501 South 11th Avenue, PO Box 172750, Bozeman, MT 59717-2750 This
scholarship will help others continue the critical care work to which Kathy devoted her life. Jim -- our sincere condolences. This
scholarship is a wonderful way to honor Kathy's life!
Class General Officers Continue to Advance!
I've mentioned our classes General Officers as I've learned of them, and you likely
know that they include Bill Rapp, HR McMaster, and Tom Ayres. An update on a
couple of these folks -- BG Tom Ayres is my boss now, assuming command of The
Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) on 3 August 2011.
Tom is an awesome guy to work for! Bill left West Point, where you'll recall he
served as Commandant, to head to Afghanistan where he pinned on his second star.
Congrats, Bill! Enroute, Bill stopped in at TJAGLCS for a General Officer Legal
Orientation. The one day course prepares Commanders for the myriad legal aspects
of their duties. As I prove in the picture, short guys don't make general! Photo: Rapp
visits with Ayres & Lescault at the JAG School
Lein Makes BG!
BG Brian Lein (Congrats, Brian!) also stopped by the JAG School for a General Officer Legal Orientation in December. Brian is
headed to Afghanistan as the surgeon for US Forces there. The picture shows Brian in an office call with my Dean, COL Dave Diner.
Photo: Lein at the JAG School
Classmates Advance in Business, Too!
While our classmates have had much success in the military, they have also succeeded in the business world. Just a couple of updates
that prove this. First, Dave Alberga is CEO of Active Networks (headquartered in CA) -- a multi-million dollar company that does
cloud-computing applications for organizations. Dave led the company through an initial public offering back in the Fall - an extremely
arduous business task! I'm personally familiar with Dave's company - they make the premier swimming software for managing teams
and running meets (my son, Jacob, is a serious competitive swimmer)! Second, Dave's success was highlighted to me by Ray Dudley,
who is himself the VP of Marketing for MEDISOLV (located in the Baltimore/DC area), a company that supports the business side of
hospitals. Ray has grown his company to over 200 hospital clients! Most significant on the personal side, Ray & Kathy are proud
grandparents of Carly and Kendall, children of daughter, Lorree. The other Dudley kids are doing well and following in Dad's footsteps
to some degree -- daughter Kristin works at a hospital in MD; son, Raymond III holds a BA in business and is now pursuing his Masters!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - John G. Krupar at
Visit the 1985 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1985 Class Notes
Rangers Lead The Way!
John Zornick proudly reported that his son John graduated from
Ranger School in early September. As he said, “It was a real treat to
be able to pin his Ranger tab on”. John will be employing those
Ranger skills as an Engineer officer with a Stryker brigade stationed
in Ft. Lewis, Washington. John is in North Carolina where he works
for Alliance International, helping junior officers make the transition
into the corporate sector. Photo: John Zornick pinning on son’s
Ranger tab
But It Is Nice to Have 140 Tanks
Tom Lewis is working for the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq as
Site Lead for Besmaya (formerly Forward Operating Base Hammer)
and as Senior Advisor to the Besmaya Combat Training Center. Tom
remarked that the big thrill is foreign military sales for M1A1 tanks,
M109A5 and M198 howitzers, and M113 Family of vehicles. His
favorites are the 140 beautiful M1A1 tanks in my back yard firing
and roaring across the desert floor. Last month the first Iraqi Army
tank company completed its tank training culminating in company
maneuvers and platoon live fire exercises. Academy graduates
working out at Besmaya include officers from the Class of '80 to the
Class of '09 including a Zoomie who spent a semester at our “rock
bound highland home.” Photo: with Tom Lewis are the Iraqi platoon
leader and company commander who can claim the honor of being the first trained
Army-Navy Game in Washington DC, It Is All About Kids…
Modeling the latest in Class of 1985 outerwear are Allison Kondrat,
daughter of Brian Kondrat and Cristina Klement, daughter of Steve
Klement. Photo: Allison Kondrat and Cristina Klement
Or Is It All About the Tailgate?
Steve Klement certainly secured the ground early. Here he is trying to explain to his family why arrival at BMNT is critical to secure an
Army victory. Photo: Spot secured!
Steve Klement provided food and drink to a roving band of classmates throughout the morning. Not pictured but stopping by were Mike
Sears, Rob Ulses, Mike Sanzotta, and John Krupar. Trying to make it but didn't quite get there were Tim Petit & Tony DeVore.
Photo (l to r): Kris Raymer Fuhr, Jay Wigboldy, Steve Klement, Trish Johnson (Grey), Rhonda Miller (Hernandez), Brian Kondrat,
and Maureen Finnessy Collins
Timothy Petit was front and center at this year’s Army-Navy game with his fiancée, Sarah Shogren. Tim had the good fortune to
tailgate with Karl Heineman and his family. Photo: Timothy Petit and Sarah Shogren
Brian Kondrat, Steve Klement, and Timothy Petit and were part of the Class of 1985 entourage. Photo: Brian Kondrat, Steve
Klement, and Timothy Petit
Continuing Affirmation for Our Authors
Phil Dyer had a nice Veteran’s Day interview with his business partner Larry Broughton. You can read the full interview at:
A Different Christmas Poem
Vanessa Roesler ’85 shared the following poem by Michael Marx
A Different Christmas Poem
-Michael Marks
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood; his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me and my wife and my child.
“What are you doing?” I asked without fear,
“Come in this moment, it's freezing out there!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!”
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts.
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said “It’s really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night.
It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my father’s before me.
My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,”
Then he sighed, “That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures. He's sure got her smile.”
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
“I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother
Who stand at the front against any and all
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall.
So go back inside,” he said,” harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right.”
“But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
Give you money,” I asked, “or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.”
Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
“Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you, as you mattered to us.”
The Latest Numbers
Please join the “Class of 1985 Pages” on Facebook and Linkedin.
Currently 241 classmates are connected on Facebook and 203 on Linkedin.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Bruce W. Ollstein at
1986 Class Notes
Army-Navy Photos
From Dean Dorman:
See [these] 2011 Army-Navy Photos -- the Friday night pub crawl and Saturday tailgater -- great to see all. Many thanks for Rick French
and Marcy Anderson for including their pictures in this set. The largest thanks to our Friday night "hosts" (DePinto's, Minicozzi's,
Gutierrez's, Noble's, and Dorman's) and to our "big load locals" for making the tailgate a huge success (Dan, Joey, Skeet, Marko, Mango
Mike, Al, Ty, Kwinner, Auman, Rich G., many more). Happy Holidays to all, Go Army! Dean
View 120 photos from the weekend posted in a Kodak galllery.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Lyle Caddell at
1988 Class Notes
Ramona Laib, We Found Your Class Ring!
A conscientious USO volunteer named Peggy DesPain found Ramona (Laib) Plemmon's class ring at the St Louis airport in early Nov.
Any of our classmates who live in the St. Louis area and know how to contact Ramona please let her know her ring has been turned into
the airport police or she can contact Mrs. DesPain for information at
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Jeffrey LeRoy at
1991 Class Notes
Hello 1991!
Sorry your scribe has been away so long. Remember, you have to
write me ( for me to have material…
Matt Sampson and Harris Morris have both retired from active
duty. Matt retired 1 Nov. Last assignment was as the Professor of
Military Science for Army ROTC at West Virginia University.
Classmate Brian Wilkerson (E4) was able to attend from the D.C.
area. Future plans are uncertain. The Sampsons (Matt and Elaine)
will remain in Morgantown, WV for the time being while Elaine
finishes her masters degree.
Matt regrets he was unable to attend the 20th reunion and wants
everyone to know he was running a half-marathon that weekend,
finishing in the top 10% for males in his age group and the top 1%
for Class of 1991 males in the race. Excellent work, Matt. Photo:
Matt Sampson and Brian Wilkerson
Female 1991 Grad Alert!!!
Lisa Woodman-Rumbles (C-4) sent this photo of all the female 1991
grads at the reunion tailgate. “What a great looking bunch of
women!” Lisa noted.
Plus, I later heard from Nadia King. She worked for Home Depot
until 2007, then stayed home for a couple of years, went to Target for
a year and then had the opportunity to work at the WPAOG as
Director of Class Support. She’s been there for a year now, full time
at the Academy, and loves it. That’s a quote. Should you need any
assistance with WPAOG or USMA in general, I’d recommend Nadia
as your point of contact.
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - James Isenhower at
Visit the 1992 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1992 Class Notes
Niave Knell Gives up Command
Congratulations to Niave Knell, who recently passed her battalion
colors on as she gave up command. She reported that Heather
(McClay) Davidson and Shauna Hauser joined her for the ceremony.
Jones Promoted to Colonel
Omar & Tracey Jones sent news of Omar’s promotion on 09 DEC
at the National War College. With proud sons Sam, Ben, and Will
looking on, MG Robert B. Brown, CG of the MCOE, promoted
Omar, the only member of the original YG 92 to be selected belowthe-zone three times. Trevor Bredenkamp narrated for the
ceremony, also attended by Joe Berger, members of Omar’s family,
Tracey’s family, and other classmates, friends, and fans of Omar.
After their year at the NWC, Omar & Tracey will head to Fort Carson
where Omar will command a BCT.
Kramer Headed to California
Dave & Sandy Kramer celebrated Dave’s recent return from Afghanistan where Dave commanded an Aviation battalion. Dave will
move to California next, closer to Sandy’s home. They welcome visitors to their new home in San Luis Obispo, where Dave says they
live only four miles from. Dave reports that he’ll work at “some Air Force Base,” with duties not specified but most likely critical to
either national security or teaching the airforce why rotary wing is the clearly superior form of air travel.
Congrats to the Colonels-Select
Congrats to all those recently selected for O-6, including Trevor & Michelle Bredenkamp, Mark Derber, Clark Lindner, Fritz
McNair, Michelle Schmidt, Kurt Schosek, and Everett Spain. If I missed anyone, my apologies, but that’s what you get for not
sending any info for the column!
Plebe Roommates Meet in Hawaii
Phil Ryan and I got to sit down for dinner recently when Phil had to suffer the demands of TDY in Hawaii. Phil & Jen and the kids are
well and enjoying the Campbell community. Phil continues to enjoy command in TF 160 but admits the demands of the deployment
cycle are tough.
Scribe Postscript
Keep the news inbound with a brief email or note on FB. Keep Sherrill & me in mind if you travel to Hawaii! God Bless the Brave and
the Few!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Karen Gnau -, Matthew Gnau -
Visit the 1996 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
1996 Class Notes
Reunion Photos
Check out the Class Notes Photo Album to see about a dozen photos from the Reunion!
15th Reunion Recap
The Memorial Service. The turnout was strong. The ranks of the Class of ’96 amounted to close to 150 classmates plus guests
converging on rockbound Highlandhome. For those that missed the event, Friday started with our own Chaplain Tony Randall leading
the Class Memorial. We honored Michael “Tucker” Smith, James “Jimmy” Lee, Kevin Norman, Michael Gunning, Jeffrey Sutton,
Vincent “Vinny” Generoso, Erik Smith, Josh Byers, and John Kazigo. Classmates including Brandi Bult Venard, Stan Hardee,
Rick Stiek, and Glen Donnelly all shared some extremely emotional words about our lost comrades. Tony read additional comments
from Mark Anders who was deployed but wanted to comment on our fallen classmates. We were fortunate to also have Josh Byers’
parents join us for the service.
Lunch at the West Point Club. Many of us then had lunch at the West Point Club. Jeanne Berner Kenady introduced the 20th
Reunion gifting project. If we have anyone interested in helping to organize the 20th Reunion Class Gift, Jeanne is looking for
volunteers. The agenda continued, thereafter, with an update from the Superintendent in Eisenhower Hall. Some classmates split off on
their own self-guided tours to see the new Jefferson Library, the old 1st Division Barracks in Central Area, lunch in Grant Hall, etc.
Some of us even checked out Arvin Gym.
IOCT Forever. Vince Cangolosi and Matt Gnau proved that you’re never too old to mount the shelf in Hayes Gym. Griff Norquist
and Karen Mysliwiec Gnau opted to play the role of spectators – yes, Vince & Matt have proof that they really can still mount the shelf.
However, they chose not to then jump across the bars – something about not wanting to break their leg or crack their skull.
Plebe Swimming – No more! We heard it firsthand from two DPE instructors…no more Plebe Swimming! Now before everyone says
“the Corp has…”, be rest assured that it’s now been moved to Cow Swimming – and as described to a few of us by the Instructors, it’s
WORSE than before! Imagine the final exam, which now consists of a wave pool with 2 foot waves, a fog system that descends fog onto
the water surface so that the cadets cannot see anything, a rain storm system to dump rain on them, and a water slide that sends the cadets
head first on their back into the pool to start the exam. For those of us Rocks or Low-Intermediates, be thankful that didn’t exist in 1992!
Army Football Wins for '96. Odin was present on 1 OCT 11 and forced a cancellation of the parade. Certainly the cadets were happy.
But not all of ’96 was…we had woken up early to be bused to West Point only to find out we wouldn’t see a pass and review this time
around. Maybe we took out that frustration Michie Stadium. It was clear the 12th man (aka Class of ’96) was present at Michie. Army
gave up a quick touchdown to Tulane, but then went on to route the Green Wave 45-6. Maybe USMA needs to hold a Class of ’96
reunion every weekend…I think it was either the ’96 spirit banner that Randall had the cadets holding or it was the Class Rocket that did
Centamore does Tough Mudder
Vinny Centamore ran the Tough Mudder event in Wintergreen, VA, on 22 OCT 11. For those unfamiliar with the Tough Mudder, it
consists of 10 miles of running up and down ski slopes and 27 obstacles including: a series of 12 foot walls, various freezing cold mud
pits, scaling cargo nets while being sprayed with fire hoses, swimming across a 25 foot dumpster filled with ice and water, and running
through a gauntlet of hanging electrical wires up to 10,000 volts. Vinny reported it was a challenge, but great event and was done to
support the Wounded Warrior Project. So far Tough Mudder has helped raise $2.5 million for Wounded Warrior. Honored and privileged
to have earned the coveted orange headband, Vinny encourages others to get out to one of these events and help these warriors and their
West Point Association of Graduates
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Lisa Jaster at
Visit the 2000 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
2000 Class Notes
Wedding Bells!
Adam Kraft married Mary Katherine Stuart at the Cadet Chapel 8
Oct 2011. Mary Katherine is one of the assistant managers at the
world’s only restricted access chocolate shop (Edward Marc in the
Pentagon). Photo: Adam and Mary Katherine Kraft
Other Updates
Adam Kraft also recently finished a tour as a civilian senior intel officer for the DIA. John Boland also was with the DIA as one of the
active duty majors.
Elizabeth (Young) McNally was appointed to be on the USMA Board of Visitors 4th Quarter 2011. Congrats!
Nathan Gargus finished medical school last year at Drexel University and is now working long hours completing a yearlong Internal
Medicine Internship at Lankenau Medical Center. Then, he is headed to Harvard for a three year Anesthesia Residency at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital. Nate is doing all this with a broken back! And I was feeling sorry for myself! Way to go!
West Point Association of Graduates
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Carly Lemler at
2001 Class Notes
Jose Jiminez Gets Commissioned
Early this semester Jose Jimenez passed the preliminary
examinations so he is now officially a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial
and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech. He also got
commissioned as a 1LT in the Medical Service Corps as an
Environmental Science Officer/Engineer. Only 10 years later, but
who is counting! He will be in the reserves and when he graduates he
am hopes to go Active Duty. His wife CPT Lara Brennecke '02
pinned on his rank, and his father-in-law COL(R) Luke Brennecke
'70 administered the Oath. The ceremony was held at Virginia Tech's
War Memorial Court, which overlooks the drill field at Virginia
Tech. Photo: Jose Jimenez, with his wife CPT Lara Brenecke ’02,
and father-in-law COL(R) Luke Brennecke ’70.
Emily (Eagan) McMahan Has Baby
Emily (Eagan) McMahan and her husband, Caleb had their first baby on
September 26, 2011. Baby John Hayes McMahan – 7 lbs. 12 ounces and 21 ½
inches - was born the Monday before our 10-year reunion, so their family wasn’t
able to join. However, Emily got all of the weekend updates through Matt and
Michele (Frymier) Griffin, Kirsten (Lafond) Martinko, Dawn Halfaker, Jason
and Brooke Sigler, Tereh Sayles, and Shannon Newell. Photo: Emily (Eagan)
McMahan with her new baby, John Hayes McMahan
Update on Randy Ashby
We also heard that Randy Ashby has taken over as the OIC of the Provincial
Augmentation Team in Farah, Afghanistan. Here is a snapshot of Randy just before
he hung a spirit flag over the PRT HQ in Farah, which is commanded by a '94
Annapolis grad. Stay safe, Randy!
West Point Association of Graduates
• One of our classmates recently published a book - written under a pseudonym, Chester Wong, Yellow Green Beret: Stories of
an Asian-American Around U.S. Army Special Forces. “Forget slapstick comedy, when it comes to U.S. Army Special
Forces veteran Chester Wong writing his memoir, Yellow Green Beret: Stories of an Asian-American Stumbling Around U.S.
Army Special Forces, it’s more about chopstick humor—and random acts of hilarity. From his days at West Point through his
time serving as a Green Beret combat commander on the frontlines of Iraq and the Philippines, Wong tells how he scaled the
ranks despite being more adept at cutting corners than taking orders. Darkly comic and brutally honest, Wong’s stories range
from sting operations on Filipino cell phone thieves to ordering pizzas during special operations wilderness survival school.”
• Brendan Mullen is running to Represent Indiana’s 2nd District in Congress. The campain is going well, and you can learn
more about his candidacy at
• There were several classmates who’ve been in contact, but we can’t report here what they are doing because they have those
awesome Army or Government jobs that are super secret. So thank you to all of the unnamed for the unmentionable wonderful
things that folks are doing out of the limelight.
• Adam Latham is currently in ILE, getting a dual masters while his wife is also in school to become a nurse practitioner. The
Lathams have 5 year old twins (one boy, one girl) and a 9 month old baby girl.
• Brendan Masini will be completing the John A. Feagin Sports Medicine Fellowship in 2013.
• Major Alphabet (formerly known as Cadet Alphabet) is teaching in the BS&L Department at West Point.
• As a class, and only counting the 156 who answered the survey, we have been deployed for more than 220 years – based on the
Fun Fact Reunion Survey that was given prior to the reunion. Of those that answered the survey, we have more than 275 total
deployments as a class.
• Greatest number of deployments for a single classmate = 6
• Dr. Erin Stairs recently started Blooming Wellness which features holistic wellness coaching and consultation, and image
coaching and consultation. The facebook site is awesome, and hilarious, featuring great ideas and tips. More about it here:
• Jaron Wharton is a White House Fellow.
• Alex Gallo became the Deputy Director of the Combating Terrorism Center.
• In our class – we have MORE THAN 11 lawyers, 11 teachers, 10 business owners, 8 stay-at-home parents, 1 active duty dentist,
1 chiropractor, 1 nurse, and 6 active duty doctors.
A Few Other Legacy Alerts
• Of our classmates that answered the “Fun Facts Survey” (that was taken before our 10 year reunion) – there were 210 legacy
children . . . and the count just keeps on growing!
• The highest number of children in one of our classmate’s family is 7 children (as of October!).
• RJ and Ellie (Connors) Jimenez had their second baby, Grace, a few weeks before the reunion too. Grace has a big brother,
• Allison (Rowe) Marschean and her husband, Vince, celebrated the birth of twin girls in February – welcome to Brynn and
• Heather (Dandrilli) and Tom Fauvell ’00, had their baby first baby this past spring – Baby Caelee. Baby Caelee attended our
10 year reunion with her parents.
• Sean Morrow and his wife, Meghan, welcomed their second son, Cormac to the world just about a week after the reunion.
• Brendan and Elisa (Jones) O’Hern had their second baby, Baby Girl Adalyn here at West Point over the summer.
• Jaron Wharton and his wife April welcomed their first baby, Logan David, to their family in November.
• Jeremy and Nicole (Elwell) Ussery have two girls, their youngest, Ashlyn was born in February.
• Megan (Dempsey) Bailey and her husband Corey had twin boys in August – Alex and Hunter.
• At least 13 of our classmates have named their kids after something related to West Point or the military – some include:
“Named my son after Joshua Ishibashi; classmate, roommate, housemate at Fort Hood.” And, “Andrew Ryan was named after
Andrew Ryan Houghton.” And, there are a few little boys of classmates named “Hudson.”
• Send us the new additions to your family at
West Point Association of Graduates
Get us your news!! GOOD NEWS, even if old, should be shared!
We pulled this out of the archives from one of the many things that
wasn’t reported but is wonderful news to share! Pete Exline married
Jessica (Von Herbulis) Exline in July … of 2005! Happy (belated) 6
year anniversary!
Send Class Notes to Class Scribe - Kristin Gatti at
Visit the 2003 Class Notes Photo Album to see all the photos below full-size!
2003 Class Notes
New Baby, New Job, New Home
Royce Lawler and wife, Jennifer, are proud to announce the arrival of their second child, Maya Jane Lawler, who was born on October
14, 2011. Royce and Jennifer's first child, Nathan, who will be turning 4 years old in January, is excited to finally have a sibling. If
having a newborn was not enough, the family just relocated from New Jersey to the west coast, where Royce just began a new job as an
associate with Point B Consulting. Point B is a Management Consulting firm primarily located in the western United States, and Royce
will be joining the Portland, Oregon office. Photos: (l) Royce Lawler and family, (r) Maya Jane Lawler