
Page 2: Letter from Mr.
Page 3: News from Mrs.
Messmore & Mrs. Harris
Page 4: Health Education
Page 5: Spanish
Page 6: Science
Page 7: Basketball Schedule
Page 8: Jump Rope for Heart
Page 9: PTSA
Page 10: Guidance
Letter From Mr. Thanner
Dear Stemmers Run Families,
As the weather finally turns cold, it is a reminder that we have reached
the midway point in the school year. And while we finally have the transition and adjustment
activities of a new school year out of the way, this marks the point in our year where the stakes
are somewhat raised for our students. With two quarters down, the last two become even
more important in terms of maintaining grade point averages, passing to the next grade level,
or even maintaining strong enough grades to get into a magnet or specialty program down the
line. Additionally, the second semester marks the point where several very important tests are
administered. The second round of MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing begins at the
end of January. This test, given in reading and math twice a year, helps us to measure students’
growth in both areas. While it is a great indicator to teachers about how students are
improving in these areas, it can also become a part of the larger equation when looking at class
placements for next school year, whether here at Stemmers Run or in high school. The MAP
test is used internally to measure student growth and progress, and it should not be confused
with the PARCC test (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers), which is
given in late April and May. Because the PARCC results do not get reported back to the schools
until the following school year, they have little impact on placement or immediate classroom
adjustments to instruction. Rather, the results from the PARCC are intended to help parents
and schools ensure that students are on track in terms of preparation for college or a career.
Additionally, these scores are used to look at progress and growth school wide and help us
identify specific areas in need of improvement. Both of these tests are very important
components of our school progress planning as we use all the data that we can compile to
identify needs and make improvements. It is critical, therefore, that students try their hardest
on these tests, not just so their results are an accurate representation of their growth, but so
we can use accurate data to make instructional improvements and adjustments in our strive to
continue to provide your children with the best possible education. If you have any questions
about these tests or anything else going on at Stemmers Run, please do not hesitate to call me.
Bryan Thanner
Grade 6 news from the Desk of Mrs. Messmore:
From January 4th – January 8th, approximately 80 of our 6th grade students
attended NorthBay, which is a weeklong camp held in the area of Elk Neck
State Park. While at the camp, the students had the opportunity to work
together to make changes in our environment as well as learn how choices
made can impact their life. During our next edition of the newsletter, our
teachers will definitely include pictures of NorthBay. The students who remained at Stemmers
Run Middle School during the first week of January continued their normal routines at the
school while working on extension lessons in the curriculum for each class that they have on a
daily basis.
We are currently winding down the second quarter, which ends on January 15, 2016. Please
look for report cards to come home on February 4, 2016. At any time, if you would like to meet
with the teachers for a conference to discuss your child’s academic progress, please contact
one of our team leaders to schedule the conference. The team leaders for grade 6th grade are
Ms. Ashley Richards and Ms. Lauren Savage. I wish all of you a happy and healthy 2016!
Susan Messmore
Assistant Principal
From the Desk of Mrs. Harris
This first semester was one of new beginnings with a new administrator and changes. It is hard
to believe that the year is almost half over, but we still have much work to do. Now is a good
time to reflect on what we have done thus far and determine what we need to do moving
forward. There were a total of 136 students in 8th grade that applied for high school Magnet
Programs this semester. Wow! I wish these students much success as they begin to interview
and audition for the various programs offered in Baltimore County.
As we approach the second semester, this is an excellent opportunity to evaluate your child’s
academic progress to ensure they are on track to be promoted to high school and participate in
the end of year closing activities. The second quarter, ends January 15, 2016 and report cards
go come home on February 4, 2016. If you have concerns regarding your child’s academic
performance, please contact our team leaders, Tana King or Ben Woodward to schedule a
conference. Information regarding end of year and closing activities will be available in
February. Stay tuned.
Shelley Harris
Assistant Principal
Health Education News:
Mrs. Boyd would like to thank 7th and 8th grade Health Education students that
have been extremely successful the second quarter of school. They have
completed the required Health middle school credit and are now returning back to
Physical Education with Mrs. Molofsky for quarters 3 and 4. Mr. Stichel’s 7th and
8th grade students now have Health Education for quarter 3 and will return to P.E.
for quarter 4. All 7th and 8th grade quarter 3 Health Education students will take a
BCPS final at the end of quarter. Students will access the final during school using
their BCPSone account. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Mrs. Boyd: All 8th grade parents should receive a permission slip required
to be signed regarding specific units in Health Education. This permission slip
needs to be returned by February 1, 2016!
Health Education Curriculum Topics:
*7 Grade Health: Social Skills, Personal Skills, Nutrition & Fitness, First
Aid & Safety, and Alcohol & Marijuana Awareness
*8th Grade Health: Taking Charge, Relationships, Drug Awareness, Human
Sexuality and Disease Prevention
Spanish 2 students are on their way!
Spanish 2 students are on their way! We have just finished unit 2 with a big unit assessment that
assessed mastery of the material. Students should now be able to express to you places in their
neighborhood, what activities take place in those places, where they are located, and how to get
to them by giving detailed directions. We created a map of our town as well as a made-up city
and gave lots of descriptions about it.
The next unit will begin the week of the 11th. By the end of the next unit, students will be able
• identify body parts
• identify and describe injuries
• ask for professional advice related to injuries
• state what happened in the past
• identify the importance of physical activity
• exchange information about sports preferences
• explain the role that sports/physical activity plays in my life
• express how past injuries impact what I can/cannot do (ex: Me rompí la muñeca y ahora no
puedo escribir.)
• list reasons that people are injured during physical activities
• identify recommended amount of time for physical activity
• identify and describe most frequent sports-related injuries
• identify recommendations for avoiding injuries
• describe how an injury occurred
• narrate a sequence of events that have already happened
• ask follow-up questions to elicit additional information
• justify choices related to physical activities
Have a great 3rd quarter!
Ines Horlacher
World Languages Department Chair
Spanish II
News from the Science Department
Dear parents,
Please replenish supplies for science such as, pencils, color pencils, scissors, glue, spiral
notebooks etc.
A Tower of Power in a Half Hour
A Middle School National Engineers’ Week Challenge Join Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting
School of Engineering in celebrating National Engineers’ Week (February 21-27, 2016) by
building a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows. The tallest freestanding tower wins!
 Towers are to be built by a team of students (3 students max) using only one (1) 1 pound
box of spaghetti and 2 bags of large marshmallows (30/bag).
 The construction time limit is a half hour.
 Towers must be freestanding.
 Each middle school may submit one entry to JHU. An entry consists of two items
 A digital photograph of the team and its tower
 A teacher-verified height (in cm)
The winning middle school will be invited to JHU’s Tower of Power competition to build their
tower again and compete with undergraduate students, alumni, and faculty teams.(optional)
Each middle school entry will receive a certificate signed by the Assistant Dean for
Engineering Education Outreach. The winning entry will receive prizes (to be determined) and
be recognized on the JHU Center for Educational Outreach website.
Hints: Triangles are rigid. Structures using triangles tend to be strong. Note all the triangular
trusses in the picture. Long lengths of spaghetti will bend. It’s probably better to have several
short sections rather than one long section. Experiment! Design! Build!
January 12 @ Sparrows Point
January 20 vs Parkville
January 21 vs Deep Creek
January 26 @ Ridgely
January 28 @ Golden Ring
February 2 @ Cockeysville
February 4 @ Middle River
SAVE THE DATE! Get started early and join us at our Assembly.
Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart Association to help kids
with special hearts! Mark your calendars now for our upcoming Jump Rope for
Heart Assembly taking place on
JANUARY 20, 2016
YOU can help the American Heart Association by helping your child make a difference in a
child’s life. Just visit our web page. Visit and click on “Students Sign Up”
Raise $150 before the assembly and you will receive Toby the Top Dog, the exclusive
assembly dog, as a thank you for your hard work!
Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to
support Stemmers Run PTSA. Come in to the Chipotle at
8652 Pulaski Hwy in Rosedale on Monday, January 25th
between 4:00pm and 9:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it
on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting
the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be
donated to Stemmers Run PTSA.
Cosgrove’s Corner ---Happy New Year!!!
Mrs. Bree Cosgrove
School Counselor 7th (last name M-Z) & 8th (All)
Educating & Empowering Families
As your Stemmers Run Middle School Parent University Liaison, I strongly encourage you to visit to obtain great resources available through BCPS. There is a list of
upcoming scheduled events and workshops, as well as, academic/health & wellness/personal
growth supports for you and your child(ren).
********Information will be coming home with all 7th & 8th grade students soon regarding a
counseling program called Naviance. This will include a parent login and username so you can
access your child’s input. Very soon we will provide a logon screen for parents/guardians on our
school’s website so you can have access to this information. Naviance is a “comprehensive
college and career readiness solution for middle and high schools that helps align student
strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, and improve outcomes.” This is the second
year this program has been introduced to SRMS 7th & 8th grade students. Our 7th & 8th grade students have learned to set SMART goals related
to academic and personal/social domains. We will continue to conduct guidance lesson plans
that support the Naviance program throughout the school year. Thank you in advance for being
patient with us as we get your login in screen up and running.
Attendance Matters!
We review your child’s attendance on a regular basis. Please take this seriously as there are
consequences both you and your child face when attendance becomes problematic. A missed
day of school is a lost opportunity for your child to learn. Research indicates that attendance is
an important factor in student achievement and future success (U.S. Department of Justice, 2001,
Rothman, 2001). When your child has poor attendance this impacts their future as well. Keep I
mind that any absence, whether excused or not, denies students opportunity to learn and grow
emotionally, socially, and academically. Please take a stance in monitoring your child’s
attendance. Please make sure if your child is absent to communicate with the school immediately
and provide the proper documentation (e.g., doctor’s note) when they are absent so we can best
support your child.