December 2014 Newsletter


December 2014 Newsletter
17880 Marcy Street
Omaha, NE 68118
(402) 334-9302
Our next Parent Booster meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th at 1:30 p.m. Time is set aside during
these meetings for parents to address concerns and ask
questions about our programs. If this time does not work
into your schedule and you have questions or concerns,
please give Mr. Riggert a call to discuss those issues.
The Parent Booster group is open to all middle school
parents. We believe parent involvement is critical to the
success of our children’s education and invite all of you to
become involved.
We will be taking “fun photos” of students prior to winter
break. Students will be encouraged to be creative when
they have their picture taken. Last year students dressed
up, brought their family pet, played a musical instrument,
acted goofy with their friends, etc. Last year the kids had
a blast during the takes and this year it will be expanding
to all grade levels. That’s why we had a need to increase
the pages in the yearbook by 10 over last year’s book.
These photos will be placed directly after their grade level
portraits. There are still about 75 students that do not
have a yearbook ordered. The deadline for orders is
December 19. Many of the 75 are 6th graders who have
never experienced a middle school yearbook. This is not
an elementary memory book. This is a hardcover, fullfeatured yearbook that chronicles the 2014-2015 school
year. There will be a video that can be activated on our
cover (our cover is a well-kept secret and worth the wait),
special sections for activities, many videos that are activated by scanning pictures, a year-in-review booklet attached inside the yearbook that covers age appropriate
news/entertainment events that students will remember
years from now, but only if they get their hands on a yearbook! If you’d like to create a video that we can use to
connect up to your student’s portrait photo send the video
either by flash drive or email to
The list of students who do not have a book ordered is on
my room’s door, 610. Check to see before winter break
to make sure a yearbook has been ordered! If you need
to order email me at for ordering information. Yearbooks are $37 with checks made to
December 2014
Your support and help during our fundraisers, health
screenings and special grade level activities is greatly appreciated. Your involvement is critical to the success of our
children’s education.
A huge THANK YOU from Nurse Tina to everyone who
participated in the health screening on October 30! The
screening ran smoothly and efficiently. A special THANK
YOU to the volunteers: Tami Wohlenhaus, Cheri Stevens, Kristina Davis, Diana Foster, Mary Jo Foster,
Ruthanne Mantini, Lucy Newman, Jacqueline Hansen,
Beth Boler, Lynae McKay, Tina Dunham, Margo Minnich,
Becky Bertucci, Kristin Piatowski, Michele O’Donnell,
Kerry Larson, Jill Rotella, Melanie
Schultz, and Tracy Winterstein You
all are the reason the screening was
so successful!
Tina Sibbernsen
VNA School Nurse
When weather conditions exist that would jeopardize the
safety of students traveling to or from school, information
about closing will be broadcast over stations KFAB (AM
1110), KETV, KMTV, WOWT, and KPTM. If school is to
have a delayed start or be cancelled, announcements will
begin on those stations at approximately 6:00 a.m. regarding early dismissals due to bad weather. The district has
adopted the School Messenger Notification Service which
will also be used to notify parents of school closings and
Students will be dismissed at regular dismissal time on Friday, December 19 to begin Winter Break. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 6, 2015.
All “Lost & Found” items will be
donated to charities on
Friday, January 9th.
6th Grade News
Mrs. Bradford, Mr. Ebers, Ms. Niebaum,
Ms. Oberembt, and Mr. Phelps
LANGUAGE ARTS - Mrs. Bradford
Students will be working on the three types of writing: narrative, descriptive and persuasive. They will also take a
district common assessment over these three types of
writing. For grammar, we will continue to concentrate on
commas and proofreading skills.
READING- Ms. Oberembt
Students will enjoy novels in
literature circle groups
throughout the month of December. Each group will
read a different novel together while focusing on the
elements of fiction within the
book. The second quarter AR
goal ends on Friday, December 19th.
MATH- Ms. Niebaum
Fractions, fractions, fractions! Have you seen the factor
stacks method? Ask your child about it! We start out
learning all the parts needed to work with fractions and
then put them all together to do operations with fractions. A few letters (variables) have been added to problems to start the introduction to algebra. We will soon be
working on one step equations.
PRE-CONCEPTS - Ms. Niebaum
During this school year, your child will participate in the
Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle
Schools (MOEMS). MOEMS is a nonprofit public foundation which provides opportunities for children to engage in
creative problem solving activities which develop a child’s
ability to reason, to be logical, to be resourceful, and occasionally to be ingenious.
The Olympiad goals for children are for them to:
l. develop enthusiasm for problem solving and mathematics
2. deepen understanding of mathematical concepts
and strengthen ability to use these concepts
3. consider concepts that they might not otherwise
4. enrich experiences in intellectually stimulating and
significant mental activities
5. build a stronger foundation for assessments and for
future mathematics studies
At the end of the year awards, students who competed in
the Olympiad will be recognized for the achievements they
made as compared to others nationally who also competed. Students have completed the unit on relationships
between fractions, decimals, and percents. Be looking for
examples of each in everyday life to share with your student. We have also done the operations on integers.
Mrs. Segrist
Hopefully, everyone is speaking a little French at their
houses. Students have learned a few greetings and conversation questions, as well as colors and numbers. At
least once a week, students should ask you to sign their
envelopes that contain vocabulary cards for studying.
Just a reminder that if you email me (Thomas), my address is: Without the “1”, the
email goes to an elementary teacher in the district. Mrs.
Segrist’s email is
In November, students started their intro to economics unit
by exploring the difference between needs and wants.
In December, students will study capitalism in the United
States as well as the importance of personal finance.
Students will explore budgeting and the different options
related to savings.
SCIENCE - Mr. Phelps
Six graders have been working on their ecosystem presentation since the middle of November. The Raptor Lady
from Fontenelle Forest’s Raptor Recovery came to ERMS
and talked about behavior and physical adaptations on
birds of prey. We also paid a visit through videoconferencing to the Alaskan SeaLife Center to learn about food
webs of Alaska. On Tuesday, December 9th, we will be
visiting the Great Barrier Reef in Australia via videoconferencing. Because of time difference we will hold the conference at 6 and 7:30 P.M, which is 9 and 10:30 A.M. at
the aquarium. There will be a sign-up for both sessions
about a week in advance. Parents are encouraged to attend with their 6th grade student. Because of limited space
please do not bring other family members.
7th Grade News
Mr. Bischof,
Mrs. Billups, Mr. Miller,
Mrs. Nelson, and Mr. Weber
Students are finishing their personal magazines. Ask your
child to share his/hers with you. Students are taking the
common assessment on parts of speech and will continue
to work with spelling words, proofreading skills, and grammar will round out the quarter.
READING - Mrs. Billups
Students will be researching the setting of their historical
fiction books and writing a human interest article. Following this, they will be reading different short stories while
reviewing elements of fiction preparing for the district common assessment at the end of the month. Don't forget to
PRE - ALGEBRA - Mr. Weber
In Pre-Algebra we have been solving equations and inequalities. We have now moved on to working with Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem. Your students will
learn more and more about triangles. It is a good time to
remind your child how many times they will see triangles
(support beams, bridges, etc).
MATH 7 - Mr. Weber
In Math 7 we are finishing up learning about fractions and
decimals After fractions and decimals we work on math
expressions and the distributive property. This will take us
up to winter break. After winter break we will start in volume 2 of the book.
SCIENCE - Mr. Miller
We will be finishing up our Astronomy unit this month.
Following the DCA, the students will be completing a research project based on one of their favorite topics in
space! Please assist your son or daughter in preparing for
the DCA and be sure to ask them about their project!
8th Grade News
Mrs. Klein, Mr. Breikreutz,
Ms. Christie, Mrs. Hultman, and
Mr. Schutt
The month of December is a time of change, not only for the
weather but also Language Arts. During the past couple of
weeks students have been sharpening their grammar skills.
They have been reviewing verbs and adverbs, never an easy
task. In December, students will become even better writers.
With the holidays just around the corner, students have the
opportunity to describe their favorite toy from their childhood.
They will choose any toy that they consider their favorite and
describe the toy in full detail; it does not matter if their favorite
toy is something they played with when they were 4 or 14.
The purpose of this essay is to prepare the students for the
NeSA Writing Test in January. Happy Holidays and Stay
After finishing the Middle
Ages in Europe, we will look
at the Middle Ages across
the globe, including the
Middle East, India, China
and Japan.
READING - Ms. Christie
In December, we will finish The City of Ember and then focus
on short nonfiction texts before the winter holiday. Please
make a note that AR goals for this quarter are due December
12, and that at least one AR book for this quarter needs to be
a nonfiction book. Finally, the website for vocabulary review
and practice games is as follows:
SCIENCE - Mr. Breitkreutz
SPANISH - Mrs.Thomas
This group of students is currently studying vocabulary
that has to do with their classes and schedule. As students practice their vocab at home, please have them try
to form sentences with their flashcards. Also, this is the
chapter where students start the process of conjugating
verbs. They will be asked to access a website called to practice conjugating verbs. So, if you hear
them yelling at the computer, that means they are enjoying
the pigquiz experience! Just a reminder that if you email
me (Thomas), my address is:
Without the “1”, the email goes to an elementary teacher
in the district.
Though December is a short month, it will be packed with Science activities. Having transitioned into the month wrapping
up our Earth Science unit on rocks and fossils, students will
now be exploring energy. This unit builds on topics from 6th
and 7th grade as students learn about the various forms of
energy and how they transfer, including the conservation of
energy. This short unit will conclude with a district common
assessment (8.2.3) before Winter Break.
Winter weather in Nebraska can make driving difficult and
create unsafe conditions. Thank you for following our
traffic plan and putting students safety first. Please use
good judgment and practice patience when dropping off
and picking up students. Student safety comes first!
This month, we'll continue to study the first four presidents and
what accomplishments and struggles they had during their
presidencies. We will start looking at Manifest Destiny
(acquiring land that we call the continental United States) as
well. We'll then start studying what was going on in the U.S.
after the War of 1812. After that, we'll discover how the first
industrial revolution changed our country forever! As always,
do not hesitate to e-mail or call me with any questions.
MATH - Mrs. Klein
Pre-Algebra students have
been solving proportions and
converting between fractions,
decimals, and percent. They
are starting a new unit with a
preview of the distributive property and combining like terms,
followed by solving one-step
and two-step equations. Algebra students are wrapping up our inequalities unit, which
will end with graphing inequalities. After that, most of
December will be spent studying various methods to solve
systems of equations.
SPANISH - Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Segrist
This group of 8th graders should be really proud of the
improvements they are making as the year progresses.
Currently, they are studying a chapter about family members, party activities, possessive adjectives and “boot”
verbs. They should be using their notebooks often to
complete assignments for this chapter and doing many
activities on Just a reminder that if you email
me (Thomas), my address is:
Without the “1”, the email goes to an elementary teacher
in the district. Mrs. Segrist’s email is
A huge thank you to all the students and parents as our
October Concert was a huge success. All the
band students worked very hard, and have come so far
since the beginning of the year. I am very excited
for all the work ahead to see how much we can grow
throughout the year.
Currently we are focusing on some fundamentals to help us
in performing our music through the rest of
the year. Saturday Jan. 10th is the Southside School of
Jazz, which is a required performance for all Jazz Band
Congratulations to Alice Guo, Grace Vollmuth, and Alex
Sick for being selected to the NSBA 8th
Grade All-State Band. On Jan. 17th they will come together with other members from around the state and
present a concert at the University of Nebraska-Kearney.
CHORUS - Mrs. Ballou, Jacob Ritter (Long
Term Substitute) ERMS Vocal Music
Instructor and Mrs. Foley, Accompanist
Congratulations to our All-State Barbershop Choir participants and the BRAVO show choir for their wonderful performances in Lincoln and at Hy-Vee for Veteran’s Day.
Many people were inspired by your performances.
H.A.L.E. - Mrs. Thoreen
The winter winds are biting at our backs, yet the ERMS
HALE students are rolling in the warmth of knowledge. The 8th, 7th, and 6th grade Quiz Bowl teams are
off and quizzing at their first city-wide Quiz Bowl tourney.
We wish the kids the best of luck and hope that all their
hard work and study pay off. Along, with Quiz Bowl, there
is also the National Geography Bee in December. The top
Geo Winner will compete at the city-wide competition.
Again, may the best geography versed student win! A
highly gifted group of 8th grade math students took the
AMC Math Test, their results will become known in the
new year and we will see who reigns top in the field of
To round out the last few weeks, several blended grade
level groups studied ancient Egypt and the art of mummification. They mummified chickens to study the process that
the ancients went through to send their loved ones on to
another realm. They will track their chicken's progress into
February, or when the HALE room becomes too
Lastly, some 6th and 7th graders became a little wiser
about what makes them who they are. They attended the
Durham's Exhibit of Identity and and will later on pair this
trip with a geneticists visit to ERMS and do a study on
their own DNA and why it is our genes shape us into what
we become.
All-State Choir Participants - Kole Rowan, Tyler Schulz, Henry Crocker,
Shae Wright, Samir Sedky, and Connor Jensen
For the past several days, each choir class has been working on a Garage Band project. Garage Band is an application on MAC computers that allows you to import a song
into the program and change it in many creative ways using
instruments, loops, and sound effects. The program has
allowed for each student to have a wonderful opportunity to
be creative with music and even compose some of their
own music.
As we head into December, the students will be preparing
for a caroling visit to Hy-Vee and a few other low-key performance opportunities. The 8th grade students will be preparing music for a joint concert with Elkhorn High School
students later in February. The 6th and 7th Graders will be
learning songs to share with each other over the course of
the month, with some opportunities to sing in small groups
coming at the end of the month.
Students have just finished up a successful "School
Spirit Week" in November. We will be traveling to Gretna
Middle School on December 11 to participate in a
Student Council exchange. We will host their students
on December 18.
December 2 - 8th BBB vs EVVMS
December 2 7th and 8th C team vs EVVMS in Aux Gym
December 2 - 7th BBB @ EVVMS
December 4 - 8th BBB @ Waverly MS
December 4 - 7th BBB vs Waverly MS
December 8 - 8th BBB vs Plattsmouth
December 8- 7th BBB @ Plattsmouth
December 11 - 8th BBB vs EMS
December 11 - 7th BBB @ EMS
December 15 - 8th BBB vs Blair MS
December 15 - 7th BBB @ Blair MS
December 16,17,18 - 7th/8th C team Intramural Games
All games start at 4:15 pm.
Home games are indicated by BOLD print.
Schedules can also be found
Want to be a presenter for 8th grade Career Day? If so,
please call Mrs. Klein in the Guidance office at 334-9302
or email: Career Day is scheduled for
the afternoon of Friday, January 30th. Career presentations are 20-30 minutes long.
Purchasing something online? Use these simple
safety tips
Nearly anything is available for purchase online, using
simple online safety tips can help protect your identity
and your money. Look at the web address closely when
you visit an online retailer. Small errors, misspellings or
tweaks to a popular web address can be a way for
scammers to attract shoppers. Shop secure—look for
web addresses that begin with https:// (the “S” indicates
a secure website) to ensure your credit card and shipping information is secure.
Popular Apps—Instagram
Instagram is an app, which allows users to take photographs, then edit, filter and share them. Instagram is
available on both Apple and Android devices. The terms
of use require users to be at least 13 years old. By default, photos can be viewed by anyone—if your student
is using Instagram, make sure he or she is making their
photos private.
Instagram also has a feature known as “geotagging.” Geotagging will allow others to see the exact location where
the photo was taken. As a general rule, users
(especially teens) should check to make sure geotagging is set to off before sharing a photo via Instagram.
Any inappropriate photos/comments on Instagram
should be reported via the report/block tool on Instagram. (Elkhorn Public Schools Policy 507.13—Internet Safety Policy
was written in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act)
Educational App—IXL Math (and English)
All Elkhorn students in grades K-5 have access to a
math program called IXL. This program is aligned with
the Nebraska State Standards and provides students
with an opportunity to practice skills and review gradelevel specific concepts. Some schools will also have
access to the English portion of the program. For login
information, contact your child’s classroom teacher.
It’s never too late to learn a new sport! The ERMS Wrestling
program has coached many novice wrestlers to successful
seasons. Our goal is to have ERMS students learn the sport
of wrestling and have fun competing in the world’s oldest
sport. Middle school is a great time to pick up the sport of
wrestling where kids of any size can compete. Elkhorn has
enjoyed very successful wrestling teams over the years and
it’s never too late to get started. Every state wrestling tournament qualifier and state medalist in Elkhorn South High
School's history has at one time wrestled for Elkhorn Ridge.
I will hold an information/sign-up meeting for potential wrestlers on Thursday, December 18th from 3:20-3:40pm. There
will be an informational brochure about the ERMS Wrestling
program for each student-athlete to bring home. I can email a
copy of the brochure upon request. I will also provide an additional information meeting for wrestlers onTuesday, January
6th from 3:20-3:50pm to further discuss our team expectations and provide any other information for potential wrestlers. Wrestlers will also receive a calendar to bring home
highlighting our practice schedule and competitions. Wrestling practice will begin with the first official practice scheduled
for Wednesday, January 8th in the wrestling room. Wrestlers
should have workout clothes, and be prepared to practice until 5:00pm (picked up between 5:20-5:30pm). Wrestlers are
allowed to leave practice early to attend their other possible Wednesday evening commitments (e.g., CCD, youth
group, family functions, etc.). If you have questions before
the season starts, please don’t hesitate to email me.
Matt Breitkreutz
Head Coach
I would like to thank all those who have volunteered
their time to help us operate the concession stands so
far this year. The money we receive from the concession stands funds the Booster Club projects and helps
fund the 8th grade celebration at the end of the year.
The boys’ basketball season is in full swing. If you
haven’t already done so, please sign up to help work
at a concession stand. These links can be found in
your emails from Mr. Riggert.
A special thank you to Renee Black for organizing all
the food for teacher conferences! Thanks Renee!
Thank you to Krista Anderson and Steph Boyens for
chairing the 8th Grade Celebration this year. The
event will be on May 8th, 2015 from 7-10 pm. Please
mark your calendars now. This special event is for
ERMS 8th graders only. More information on the 8th
grade celebration will be coming in future months.
The Booster Club will not meet in December. Our next
meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2015 at 1:30
p.m. Hope to see you there!
Best Holiday Wishes,
Kay Crocker
ERMS Booster President
The fall “Box Tops” contest was a HUGE success! We
collected $584.00 worth of Box Tops and a check will be
sent to our school in the next several weeks! Thank you
to all who participated! Mrs. Klein’s 8th grade home team
was the winning class and was rewarded with Scooter
Gift Cards. Thank you to Clay & Chris Cox and Scooter’s
Corporate for the generous donation of all the gift cards.
Keep cutting and saving those box tops and we’ll see you
for our spring collection campaign!
Hy-Vee's "Cash 4 Students" program runs from September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. At the end on the
program, a donation will be made from Hy-Vee to ERMS
based on the receipt total. Hy-Vee receipts can be
dropped off in the box labeled "Elkhorn Ridge Middle
School" at the exit doors of Hy-Vee on 180th Street. HyVee gas receipts count, too!
And don’t forget, when at TARGET, use your TARGET
VISA CARD and designate ERMS as your school of
Thank you so much for you help!
Kelli Steidle and Raina Consdorf
Elkhorn Ridge Middle School
Booster Club Meeting
November 11, 2014
Vice-President Nikki Kirshenbaum called the meeting to order
at 1:28 pm. President Kay Crocker was absent. Secretary Amy
Parks asked for a motion to approve the October, 2014 minutes
as distributed. Lynn VanDenBroeke made the motion, Tina
Dunham seconded.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Lucy Newman presented a
copy of the current financials.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Parent Communication: Jodi Klein reported in the absence of
Mr. Riggert. Mrs. Klein touched on upcoming events at the
school, including the Rotarian scheduled to speak to 8th grade
students about what it means to be a Rotary Scholar. Four to
five 8th graders will be nominated by their teachers for Rotary
Club and will attend a luncheon in the spring. Also upcoming
for 8th grade is the student girls vs. staff volleyball game.
Social Media Presentation: The Booster Club has scheduled a
speaker to come talk with ERMS students about how to safely
navigate social media. The speaker will come on Tuesday,
November 25.
GOAL Meeting Update: Scholarship applications are due to the
Foundation by February. At that time a team will be assembled
to choose the winner of the ERMS Booster Club scholarship.
Committee Reports:
Apparel: The Booster Club is holding a holiday gift/apparel
sale, order forms will be emailed home. Spread the word—the
items available are not just for ERMS students alone.
Box Tops/HyVee Receipts: It was reported that the Box Tops
collection has netted around $584. Please continue to collect
and turn in HyVee receipts.
Kindness Committee: It was reported that $1,135 was collected for Conference meals. $600 was spent this fall, $532
remains for the spring. Collections will be taken again for Staff
Appreciation week.
Business Liaison: Chair Cheri Stevens reported $138 was received from DQ night. December 4 is scheduled for a Barnes
and Noble shopping day. We are trying to schedule a Chipotle
night for the spring.
Volunteers: Parents please continue to sign up for volunteer
The November meeting of the ERMS Booster Club was adjourned at 2:04 pm. A motion for adjournment was made by
Lynn VanDenBroeke and seconded by Cheri Stevens.
The next Booster Club meeting is January 13, 2015 at 1:30
Amy Parks
ERMS Booster Secretary
Dance, Dance, Dance!!!
Junior Dance Clinic with the ESHS Dance Team
Who: Group A– K-2nd, 3-5th & Group B– 6-8th
When: Saturday, January 17, 2015 from 2 PM-5:30 PM*
Where: Elkhorn South High School Gym
Cost: $50 before 12/31/14 (Late registration $60 received 1/1/15 through 1/9/15)
Learn an age-appropriate dance routine to be performed at half time during the varsity basketball game that night
Group A- Games and craft project for K-5th
Group B– Technique sessions and what you need to know for future dance team tryouts
Snack, pizza, drink, custom hair bow, T-shirt, and group picture
*Pizza dinner will be served at 4:45PM. Please pick up your child in the cafeteria no later than 5:30 PM. The kids will
perform at halftime at the ESHS varsity basketball game that evening. Game starts at 5:45PM. Please have your child
in the gymnasium behind the stands 10 minutes prior to half time, dressed in their dance clinic t-shirt, hair bow and
black jeans, black leggings or shorts. Dancers are free to leave after halftime.
Questions? Email:
Please make checks payable to ESHS Dance Team. Please send enrollment
form and payment to the following address no later than December 31, 2014
(to guarantee t-shirt order)
Space is limited! Reserve your spot early. No refunds after 12/31/14:
ESDT Dance Clinic
Connie Brown
19531 Jackson Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022
***Check the ESHS Dance Team website for additional information and details–***
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Cut here and return to reserve your spot, please attach check payable to ESHS Dance Team)
T Shirt Size (circle one):
Youth: S (6-8)
M (10-12)
L (14-16)
XL (18-20)
Adult: S
Dancer’s Name: _________________________________ Age/Grade/School:______________________________
Parent Name/Contact Phone (day of clinic): _________________________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________________________________________________________________
Medical Conditions/Allergies? ______________________________________________________________________
I give my child permission to participate in the ESDT Dance Clinic. I shall assume full financial responsibility for any
injury of my child and I shall not expect or request any financial aid from the school or any person representing Elkhorn
Public schools in the event of an injury. Additionally, I give permission to publish the likeness or image of my child and
release it to local media sources with the intent of positively promoting the activities, programs, or services of the
Elkhorn School District and its students.
Parent Signature
Youth Show Choir Camp
Sponsored by the ESHS Show Choirs
Sing and Dance with Nationally Ranked
Performers from ESHS
For Kids 3rd-8th Grade
Elkhorn South High School Auditorium
December 13, 2014 from 9a.m.-4p.m.
Performance at 3p.m.
Register by December 1st- $40
Lunch and T-shirt provided
(after December 1st- $50– T-shirt not guaranteed)
Register Online:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Kids Camp”
3. Click on “2014 Registration” link
4. Fill in the registration form online
(payment due at event)
Order a DVD for $10 when you register!
DVD will have photos from the day and performance videos
Congratulations to our 2014 Hall of Fame Award Recipients!
Pictured are: Support Staff of the Year Scott Perrigo (ESHS), Former Educator of the Year Jerry Frerichs,
Volunteer of the Year Tammy Knight, Community Booster of the Year Danny Szegda representing TRANE,
Golden Apple Educator of the Year Elizabeth Jones (EHS), Carl L. White Educator of the Year Christie Dean
(West Bay EEC), Alumnus of the Year Calvin Bull, Support Staff Member of the Year Wendy Henderson
(Manchester), Mentor of the Year Michael Lynne and Alumna of the Year Clarice Barnhill.
Not pictured: Alumni Athletes of the Year Jake and Spencer Long.
Thank You Grant A Wish Classroom Grants Donors!
Elkhorn Public Schools representatives accepted a check for $156,000 from the Foundation at the Hall of Fame
for classroom grants. Each school will display a check highlighting the amount received and thanking their
donors. Pictured are: Mike Tomjack (Elkhorn Grandview), Jean Herold (West Dodge Station), Amy Christ
(Manchester), Dan Radicia (Elkhorn High), Laurinda Petersen (Spring Ridge), Chad Soupir (Elkhorn Valley View),
Becky Vinchur (Elkhorn Ridge), Mark Kalvoda (Elkhorn South), Deb Garrison (Elkhorn Middle School), Anne Doerr
(Fire Ridge), Jan Peterson (Sagewood), Troy Sidders (Westridge), Andy Luebbe (Skyline), and Jen Coltvet
(West Bay).
O MAHA , NE 68118
402 334-9302
8th BBB vs EVVMS
4:15 pm
4:15 pm
7th/8th C Team vs
EVV 4 pm AuxGym
8th BBB @
Waverly MS 4:15 pm
School Board
Meeting 6:30 pm
8th BBB vs Blair
4:15 pm
7th BBB @
Plattsmouth 4:15
8th BBB vs EMS
4:15 pm
7th BBB @ EMS 4:15
7th BBB @ Blair
4:15 pm
7th/8th C team
Intramural Games
7th BBB vs Waverly
MS 4:15 pm
Student Council to
7th/8th C team
Intramural Games
7th/8th C team
Intramural Games
End of Rotation #3
End of 1st
No school
Gretna Student
Council @ ERMS
No school
No school
No school
No school