Summer, sun, snaps - Christchurch Photographic Society


Summer, sun, snaps - Christchurch Photographic Society
DECEMBER 2010 : Issue Ten
Summer, sun, snaps
We are nearly at the end of another year for the club and I wish to thank you all
– the committee, all the secretaries, the lighting and sound support, web support
and expecially the members for supporting the whole programme. And despite the
earthquake and the vicissitudes of life, we are very fortunate when we consider what
is going on in the world.
I trust you enjoyed Final Night and brought your friends and family along to see
what we have acomplished this year, and to encourage and inspire each other. We will
have a great programme for next year.
The new Committee has slashed the budget and will review the Constitution early
in the new year.The next Viewfinder in Feb 2011 will be in a different format and
sent out as an email. The weekly email will continue so if you have anything exciting
for photographers interest over Dec/Jan, send an email to Anita
We wish you all a very Happy Christmas Season and will meet again on Jan 26th
for pizza and catch-up before the 8pm meeting on Opening Night.
Cheers, Diana
Viewfinder is the official
publication of the
Christchurch Photographic
PO Box 1789
Christchurch Mail Centre
Christchurch 8140
Viewfinder is just one of
the ways we spread the
word about CPS. If you are
interested in finding out
more about CPS, you are
welcome to attend our
weekly meetings held on
Wednesday nights at
8:00pm at the Riccarton
Community Church,
44 Elizabeth Street, Riccarton,
Articles by 20th month to:
A complete list of Officers
of CPS is available on the
website but here are two
important ones for you!
Diana Andrews
Iain Anderson
For more information see
our website:
You can also download
previous issues of Viewfinder
in PDF format from the
Top left: the Corporate Tent – Champion Photojournalism
Print by Ian Walls APSNZ
Top right: Over together – B Grade Champion Print by
Peter Saunders
Middle left: Zoom zoom – Champion Colour Print and A
Grade Champion Print by Georgie McKie FPSNZ
Bottom right: Black.napped Monarch (male) – Champion
Natural History Projected Image by Graeme Guy APSNZ
Bottom left: Brown Violotear – Champion Natural History
Print by Graeme Guy APSNZ
Frank Green APSNZ
Life Membership
Top: Sisterly Love – Champion of Champions Print for 2010 and C Grade Champion Print
2010 by Pip Hannah
Middle: Misty Walkway – Champion Monochrome Print by Oswald Mungwazi APSNZ
Bottom: Lake Tekapo – B & C Landscape Print by Pip Hannah
Frank joined CPS in January 1991 so has
been a member for just under 20 years. In
that time he has shown himself to be a very
versatile and competent photographer. He
gained his APSNZ in 1996. A respected
judge often used at
CPS, he has been a
member of the PSNZ
judges panel for some
years and served on
our own Selection &
Grading Committee
for the last ten years.
As well as
being an active
photographer Frank
has made a significant contribution to the
administration of this club at all levels.
Within two years of joining the club, he was
treasurer of CPS and has served eight years
in this position. He was Vice President for six
years and President in 2005 and 2006.
In this time Frank also served as MC for
many years, a regular workshop tutor and
has been on the Winter School committee
for the last 12 years. He was PJ competition
secretary for 6 years and was PI secretary for
Typically Frank has been the man who
volunteered when something needed to
be done, so has assisted with the many
club surveys, created the systems to collate
competition points, arranged special
meetings for new members, assisted with
projection, locked up the hall and assisted
with Final Night arrangements for many
When CPS took on outside commitments
Frank put up his hand. He was MC for the
1999 PSNZ convention in Christchurch and
Vice Chairman for the 2006 convention. It
has to be mentioned that Frank has been
well supported by Carolyn in whatever tasks
he has taken on for CPS but by the same
token he has been supporting Carolyn in the
continues next page
Nigel Kerby
Nigel Kerby
As I have just passed my first
anniversary at CPS, it was suggested I
should let you know something about
me. My picture shows me posing with my
first camera, a late 1940’s Ensign Ful-Vue
my father once used and one I started
using on my first exotic holiday – a trip
around the North Island when I was
around 10. On our frequent holidays
“abroad” (up north) my mother always
had her trusty Agfa 35mm at hand, and
this was the basis of the family slide
shows we enjoyed, though usually they
featured images from my mother’s
overseas travels in the 1950s.
All this must have piqued my interest
as I remember a few darkroom sessions
at school and putting myself through a
short photography course at Polytech in
my mid-teens.
For my eighteenth birthday I was
given a sum of money that was quickly
turned into my first SLR – a Ricoh KR10. This was a great introduction to real
photography and served me well until it
as replaced by a Nikon F601, primarily as
a means to record holidays when I lived
My photography then went through
the doldrums. My camera spent most
of its life in a drawer apart from taking
pictures of my children. Eventually it
stayed in that drawer permanently until
a final visit to Photo and Video as a trade
in. Its replacement, a compact digital,
reignited my interest – along with a
couple of overseas holidays to motivate
With my partner Vicki also having
a keen interest it was easy to “invest”
in a digital SLR between us - and then
to get another one so we could stop
fighting! We then joined CPS which we
have both found wonderful, not only
for the learning but also the interest the
other members provide. I particularly
enjoy the field trips, though I seem to be
enjoying the scenery rather than taking
many photographs.
CPS has challenged me to take a
greater range of images and taught me
how to improve them, but I have learnt
that my real interest is just in taking
better travel images as a record of where
I have been.
continues from previous page
Frank Green APSNZ Life Membership
many activities she
has done for the
Frank is a good
thinker who has
made a valuable
contribution on
all the committees
and sub
committees he has
been a part of, but
at the same time
is a very practical
person and one
of the first to roll
up his sleeves
when there is a
job to be done.
Although he has
now stepped down
from committee
typically Frank has
already offered to
carry on a number
of jobs including
print secretary for
Outside of
the club, Frank
has also been
active being
involved with and
contributing to
three exhibitions
at Our City
organising the
Festival of Flowers
for three years
resulting in
donations of
around $4500
to CPS, other
exhibitions at
the Arts Centre,
photography for
Woolston School
and mentor
to Mt Pleasant
volunteering is
not restricted
to photography
being involved
with Rotary,
Jaycees, school
PTA and board
of trustees,
Games, World
Deaf Games.
Optomist Dinghy
training, scouts
and the list goes
on. Wherever a
hand is needed
Frank appears. We
are very fortunate
to have had his
willing service for
so many years.
The committee
is pleased to
confer the
award of life
membership to
Frank Green.