Voice - Fremantle Herald
Voice - Fremantle Herald
The Mt Lawley Helen Bond 0411 223 004 Di Pitchford 0414 875 635 9371 2000 raywhitemtlawley.com.au The Oxford Hotel Perth Voice No 764 Saturday February 2, 2013 • Storyline 9430 7727 • Adline 9430 7727 • news@perthvoice.com Pizza Kitchen Opening Soon! www.theoxford.com.au Scaffidi: Ban city smokers ‘Why are we pandering to a minority?’ • Thomas Brown’s days enjoying a quiet smoke in Murray Street mall are numbered, and he’s not happy. Photo by David Bell by DAVID BELL AS Perth councillors voted to ban smoking in Perth’s malls on Tuesday, diehard faggers outside were ruing the end of an era. French tourist Helene Le Jeune, who’s in Perth for a two-month stay, was unimpressed. “For a tourist I think it’s crazy,” she told the Voice. “In France it is very free, it’s not a problem. Here when you’re having a cigarette, people look at you like you’re a criminal.” Retired driller Thomas Brown has been smoking for 40 years. “I think we should be free to do what we like,” he says of the bans, which will take about six months to enshrine into law. But lord mayor Lisa Sca di says the days of “pandering to a minority” are over. That has local activist Alex Whisson worried: “What disturbs me about the proposal is the impact it will have on civil liberties. The real problem is this is part of a wider agenda of state regulation and control of public space and social space,” he told the Voice between puffs of his Dunhills. • Continued page 2 JOIN THE TEAM! Are you a part of a sporting club whose season opener is just around the corner? Get fit and healthy for your pre-season training by joining the Perth Voice distribution team today... & get paid! We have a heap of rounds available for you to choose from including East Perth and Mount Lawley. Give Stephanie a call today on 9430 7727 for more info. Find the Fake Ad & win a chance for a feast for two See competitions for details 7 days Emergency Authorised by Diana Warnock, 40 Mount Street, Perth WA 6005. denture repairs Fast turn aro around time Partial & full dentures, mouthguards Call 6161 4242 U3/17 Green Street, Mount Hawthorn www.easydentures.com.au John Hyde MLA, Member for Perth | hydeperth@optusnet.com.au | @JohnHydeMLA | www.johnhyde.com.au Learn to bellydance for fitness & hip-shaking fun! FREE CLASSES Friday 8th February All Welcome - Info on Website New Term Classes Start Mon 11th February Mystique Belly Dance Academy Specialist School of Middle Eastern Dance Bellydance Central Studio Suite 3b, 43 Edward St, Osborne Park For more info call 9342 9460 or email shaheena@iinet.net.au www.bellydancecentral.com.au “ THEY’RE KEEPING THEIR PROMISE TO MY DAD.” JACOB WILLIAMSON Nine lives up council pursued them for illegal camping. Tatyana worked off her $165,000 share of fines by serving 10 months in prison from March 2011 to January 2012 while Ursula moved off-site. A loophole preventing the forced sale of the property was recently lifted by the magistrates court. Mayor David Boothman says the sale of the prime block would allow the council to recoup $325,000 incurred dealing with the family while also returning some cash to Ursula. “The land can now be sold, the various creditors paid, and the remainder dispersed to Mrs Dueschen to see out her life in comfort,” he says by STEPHEN POLLOCK THE 25-year tussle between Inglewood’s ‘cat lady’ and Stirling city council has ended. Last Friday bailiffs auctioned Ursula Dueschen’s Sixth Avenue block for $1.7 million, bringing to a close a saga which saw the council visit the 951sqm property hundreds of times to issue notices over too many cats, rubbish and unpaid rates. In 2008 the council, under a state administrative tribunal order, demolished Ms Dueschens’ fire-damaged residence but she continued to live on-site in a caravan with her daughter Tatyana until the Throughout the stoush the council contacted support agencies to secure alternative accommodation for the pair, who were said to be unwilling to accept help. Stirling city council media advisor Ms Simone HolmesCavanagh said the city did not know how much Mrs Dueschen would pocket after paying-off the city and creditors, or where she was planning to live. The womens’ extended illegal camping at the property saw them rack up magistrates court fines totalling $422,603 in 2010. Cr Boothman says the council has constantly received complaints from neighbours and the closure of the saga is a relief for staff who have dealt with it. Scaffi di wants city-wide ban Since 1923 Legacy has kept its promise to look after the families of deceased veterans. Today 115,000 families rely on their support. Just as we rely on yours. Please make a donation, call 1800 534 229 or visit legacy.com.au HYDROBATH & BLOWDRY SERVICE AVAILABLE Bag of 10 Bag of 50 Now Now50 $20 $87 Pigs Ears Advantage Monthly Flea Control For Cats & Dogs Now Available Big Dog Barf Now Available O t Oster Rapid Bathing System Puppies Dog Clothing Now Available • Clockwise from above: Marcus Whisson, Helene Le Jeune and Mike Daube. Photos by David Bell • From page 1 But Ms Sca di has flagged that the current bans might be extended: “If I had my way the city would be smoke free,” she said. Ms Sca di described the long lines of smokers in the malls and Forrest Place as “unsightly and sad”, but gave them a six-month grace period where they’d get warning instead of fines. “There is nothing worse that the arrogance of a smoker walking through the mall pu ng away and you’re trailing them... how dare they?” She says Forrest Place’s new water playground is attracting more kids who shouldn’t be exposed to smoke. The Voice noted the fountain was also a magnet for smokers enjoying the show. Research out of the UK shows child hospital admission rates for asthma fell by 8 to 9 per cent immediately after smoking was banned in public places and continued to drop in following years. Cr James Limnios said “it’s not pleasant, as a father of young children and a baby, when you’re walking through... a cloud of smoke. And if you’re not a cigarette smoker, it’s not a pleasant thing”. Cr Eleni Evangel, a champion of the fashion industry, said “all the designer stores are going to thank us, because you can smell it on the clothes” when stores are positioned close to smokerridden benches. President of the Australian Council on Smoking and Health, Mike Daube has been pushing for the ban for years. He attended Tuesday’s meeting and congratulated councillors on the new law and reckons there won’t be a lot of uproar when it rolls out. “When these things come in you hear people say ‘it won’t work, you’ll need tanks and the Swiss National Guard to enforce it’,” Prof Daube says. But he predicts people will “react fine, they always accept it”. He says “there’s quite a lot of evidence from various studies, particularly in the US, showing that when there are restrictions on smoking it’s another good factor in encouraging smokers to quit”. Frontline Plus l Monthly Flea Control For Cats & Dogs Tax Returns BY AN EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL Owner Operated CPA and Registered Tax Agent Comfortis Comforti is Monthly Flea Control For Dogs Tucker Time For pets Now Available Now Available All items available while stocks last WA Family Owned Business Since 1965 WHOLESALE RETAIL OF QUALITY PET FOODS AND ACCESSORIES • FRIENDLY SERVICE AND GREAT ADVICE 9444 1220 • Tax returns for Individuals / Companies Partnerships / Trusts / SMSF • Plus - a full range of Business Accounting Services Suite 7, 884 Beaufort St, Inglewood, Phone Glenn Today T: 9370 2468 F: 9370 2897 M: 0419 910 872 E: glennhutcheson@bigpond.com Glenn Hutcheson CPA - Proprietor/Tax Agent OPEN 7 DAYS 9242 3066 - Fax Orders 414 Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn PETS MEAT SUPPLIERS OPEN MON-FRI 8.30AM-6PM • THURS NIGHTS TILL LATE • SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN 8.30AM-1PM Page 2 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 Standard Tax Return Charge $165 Tiles Pty Ltd 25 Queen Victoria St Fremantle Ph 9431 7311 Fax 9431 7355 www.edwardiantile.com.au FREE MEASURE & QUOTE IN THE METRO AREA Mon to Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm Sat 9.00am - 1.00pm Closed Sunday Baysy unsettled by STEPHEN POLLOCK MOVES to reschedule a $100,000 Bayswater council nosh-up a fortnight before council elections has been knocked back amidst allegations it was a ruse to woo votes. Bayswater mayor Terry Kenyon backed moving the ratepayer-funded Early Settlers reception from its usual date in late October or early November to October 2, but wouldn’t say why. Local government elections are on October 19. “In the past we have changed the date to fit in with Federal politicians’ schedules in Canberra, this is nothing new,” he said. “The date is irrelevant— people vote how they want to vote.” Cr Marlene Robinson proposed the date change at a council committee meeting, saying it was necessary because several councillors were unavailable. • Chris Cornish But Cr Chris Cornish smelt a rat: No councillors had formally advised they were unavailable he noted. “I believe this is being moved for suspect purposes,” he said. “Only recently certain councillors voted to investigate banning street festivals six months before an election. “Now these same councillors are supporting this.” He noted the street festival ban was aimed at preventing political candidates spruiking themselves at public events in the leadup to an election and wanted to know why the Early Settlers reception should be any different. But Cr • Marlene Robinson Robinson said some councillors were looking at the proposed change “through distorted, twisted eyes and minds.” “I don’t go to these functions to win votes—get a grip boys and girls”. Her amendment to move the date failed to get a guernsey, with Sylvan Albert, Cr Cornish, Mike Anderton, Graham Pittaway, Alan Radford and Sonia Turkington sticking with the o cers recommendation for an October 30 luncheon. Vincent goes after neglectful owner Coming in February with your choice of eggs AVAILABLE IN THE RESTAURANT 8AM - 11AM Eleni’s Priorities for Perth Advertisement As part of the Barnett Liberal team, Eleni will fight for: Extending the Free Public Transit Zone into the City of Vincent by DAVID BELL IN one of the first prosecutions under WA’s beefed-up Building Act, Vincent city council will pursue an owner for failing to fix up a derelict property. The maximum penalty is $50,000 for a first offence. The Brookman Street house is listed as “conservation essential”—the council’s highest category—and in 1990 was named one of the two most intact and “grandest dwellings” in the street. But the roof has been falling in and the late 19th-century house has fallen to ruin over the past few years. Neighbours have long suspected a case of demolition by neglect. A year ago on February 1, owner Norman Ioannopoulos told the Voice he was just waiting on heritage parts so his renos wouldn’t look out of place. “You don’t restore a Ferrari and put Volvo doors on it,” he said at the time. As the one year mark rolled by the same fence is up around the building and the same builder’s sign is out the front. After warning him to fix Flashing 30 signs to make Oxford Street in Leederville safer for pedestrians Upgrades at local primary schools to create a better learning environment for our children • Vincent’s pursuing the owner of 4 Brookman Street in court. up the site in July 2011, the council will now pursue Mr Ioannopoulos in court. Vincent CEO John Giorgi says “the owner has done very little work and nowhere near the amount he previously agreed to. “He has failed to comply with the legal agreement he had with the city.” The case is due for a mention date in mid-February. Mr Ioannopoulos was the foreman who led the restoration of the WA supreme court in 2000, and he was nominated for a Master Builders’ excellence City of Vincent Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Notice of Application To Use Or Develop Land Notice is given that P R Mavor has applied to the city of Vincent for Change of use from Shop to Eating House and Unlisted Use (Small Bar) and Associated Additions and Alterations on 25 Green Street, corner of Dunedin Street, MOUNT HAWTHORN being on Certificate of Title Volume 1101, Folio 800. Any persons wishing to comment on this proposal should do so in writing to: Chief Executive Officer City of Vincent PO Box 82 LEEDERVILLE WA 6902 No later than the 19th February 2013. in construction award for that work. In the time that Mr Ioannopoulos claims he’s been waiting for materials for 4 Brookman Street, multiple nearby neighbours have renovated their near-identical houses, and one neighbour reports that parts are readily available. We called Mr Ioannopoulos’ mobile number. The person who answered told us he’d stepped out of the o ce and would call us but we didn’t hear back before deadline. LOG BOOK SERVICE New Car Warranty Protection Autobahn Service Centres are authorised to carry out the manufacturer’s log book services. WHY PAY MORE? ASK FOR A QUOTE TODAY! Here is your chance to WIN a FREE Autobahn Service ‘1 WINNER EVERY MONTH’ * Entry is FREE, simply visit www.Autobahn.net.au * Full terms & conditions online Book online now @ www.Autobahn.net.au Eleni Evangel WESTERN AUSTRALIA Your local Liberal for Perth Yo erth Address. PO Box 448 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Phone. 0435 763 124 eleni.evangel@wa.liberal.org.au www.elenievangel.com.au Authorised by B Morton, 640 Murray St, West Perth WA 6005. BRAKE P O T SERVICING S Brakes not stopping as smooth as they should? We’ll Have You Stopping Fast! Autobahn Brake Packages START FROM ONLY : $189 *All servicing may incur additional cost for 4WD, commercial, some late model & imported vehicles. Ask your service manager WEST PERTH 6 Bermondsey Street Tel: 9388 9925 Lic. No: MRB686 INNALOO 384 Scarborough Bch Rd Tel: 9446 7588 Lic. No: MRB2611 Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Autobahn.Perth The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 3 Do you live in or around any of these areas? voice mail formerly Newspaper House, 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle WA 6159 East Perth 3A news@perthvoice.com Publisher: The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Editor-in-chief: Andrew Smith Directors: Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson EDITORIAL Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Staff & Production Editor: Steve Grant Journalists: David Bell, Stephen Pollock East Perth 5 East Perth 8 Permit me... WE live on West Parade opposite the East Perth train station and have for 20 years. We built a garage out the back which houses a scooter, trailer, four bikes, sporting equipment, pool filter, etc. We have received many parking tickets outside the front of our house because the council refuses to grant us a resident parking permit. We use a visitors pass, leaving no pass for our visitors! We have just bought a second car as our son is a learner and hence reapplied for permits. It was refused due to the fact we have a so-called garage for two cars. We are the resident, the ones they are supposed to be protecting, yet we get the tickets for parking outside our own house. If we hadn’t built the garage, we’d get the permit! What’s with that Town of Vincent? Elizabeth Perry West Pde, Perth The Ed says: Perhaps the answer is staring at you from across the road. Minority report Mount Lawley 9 IN EXPLAINING her joy at introducing a Perth mall smoking ban, our Perth High Empress has asked us, “why should we pander to the minority?” That an apparent civic leader should need a “please explain” on this is chilling. Not wanting to find myself in the same situation as poor old Martin Niemoller, let me offer this explanation old friend. First the PCC came for the fruit seller in the mall, and I did not speak out because I was not a fruit seller. Then they came for the Goths and the street kids, and I did not speak out because I was not a Goth or a street kid. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me. Who will be next Lisa? And why do we choose this moment to clobber a minority, with a One Nation style call of “majority rules”? Could it have anything to do with Perth grinding to a halt as King Colin builds his new playground on the river, to serve his new palace on the hill? Another mate of mine Tertullian suggested; “If the Tiber rises too high, or the Nile falls too low, the remedy is always feeding Christians to the Lions.” Let us hope Perth does not become the sterile, still, minority-free paradise our leader would appear to want it to be. Mark Fletcher Turner St, Highgate Puffed up If so and you would like to join the Perth Voice distribution team call Stephanie 9430 7727 Page 4 - The Perth Voice, SaturdayFebruary 2, 2013 IT was very disappointing to learn of a recent push to have smoking banned in Perth’s city malls. Of course these are outdoor areas with many mobile people inhaling all kinds of smells wafting about from cooking, ladies’ perfumes, and the ever present smell of tra c exhaust you’d expect in the inner city. Any push to ban smoking there has very little to do with “protecting public health” and a lot more to do with antismoking propaganda, cheap populism, and the draconian Nanny-state nonsense of smoking prohibitionists. B Rose WA Chairman Australian Protectionist Party Voice chief of staff Steve Grant responds: As a smoker I saw these bans coming, and that the blame lay fair and square at the feet of fellow addicts. So few making the effort to smoke away from others, leaving authorities with no option but to give them a push. Their lazy attitude has made life harder for responsible smokers; if you’re not committed enough to walk a mile in a storm for a fag, you should quit. As a reformed smoker with a young family I hope the Barnett government takes Perth council’s lead; smoking should be banned in all parks. Nothing disgusts parents more than having the toxic stench of cigarettes wafting across a playground full of their kids—except, perhaps, having to pick up the ever-present butts. The fact you confuse smell with toxic fumes and pretend there’s some disconnect between the anti-smoking propaganda and public health shows how little you can really add to the subject. Grass greener RE: “Natives mow water bill” (Voice, January 26, 2013); maybe, but trial runs over several years clearly indicate grass wins on cost (provided management knows what it is doing). The cost per metre of establishing natives is definitely more expensive, then there is the problem of selecting the right plants, soil, climate, hand watering versus fixed reticulation. Because of the follow-on maintenance, do you employ a professional horticulturist, who may be expensive, and not necessary reliable? Council gardeners are not skilled in maintaining natives, which without proper care will grow unnatural, woody and overall have a limited lifespan (meaning another expensive replacement). If you look at the natives planted at Perth Airport, it seems the skill and mentality of many gardeners relates to exotics. Grass in most cases—like at the Perth city council—is watered at the wrong time and poorly managed. It’s all a question of management and natives are not for local government and furthermore attract vandalism and litter. Robert Hart Retired Landscape Architect Anderson St, Mt Hawthorn Smoking issue THE ban on smoking in the malls has certainly been a hot topic. What do you think? Send us your thoughts to news@perthvoice.com. Photographer: Jeremy Dixon Cartoonist: Chatfield Story Deadline: Tues. noon ADMINISTRATION Business Development Director: Bryan Zemunik Receptionist: Julie Rainbow ADVERTISING Director: Natalie Hug Assistant to Director: Melanie Buljan Display Ad Rep: Simon Fasolo, Donna Poon Real Estate: Natalie Hug Ad Copy Control: Susanne Ottosson Paola Fischer Production: Matthew Eeles, Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay Trades & Services: Whitney Isabel Classifieds: Julie Rainbow Ads Deadline: Tues. noon ACCOUNTS Director: Christine Smith Assistants: Janelle Tester, Molly Brown DISTRIBUTION Manager: Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger, Sandy Brooks & many locals! WEBSITE www.perthvoice.com Matthew Eeles, Stephen Pollock Where do we go? We’re delivered to letterboxes on Fridays and Saturdays throughout: Coolbinia Dianella* East Perth Glendalough Highgate Inglewood Leederville Maylands* Menora Mt Hawthorn Mt Lawley Northbridge North Perth Perth West Perth *Fortnighty Distribution Yokine* PLUS: We deliver to key drop-points in Bayswater and Perth CBD Total Voice circulation: 46,094 MAR 12 ACN: 009 416 620 The Voice is part of the independent and WA-owned Herald Newspaper Group, which also publishes the: 19,500 papers (approx.) 31,000 papers (approx.) Applecross to Bicton 24,900 papers (approx.) Leeming to Kardinya 16,600 papers (approx.) Total Herald circulation: 94,280 MAR 12 ACN: 009 416 620 Total combined Voice & Herald circulation: 140,374 ADVERTISEMENT THE BIG PROJECTS TRANSFORMING YOUR CITY ARE AT RISK MAX LIGHT RAIL FREEWAY WIDENING NEW MUSEUM IN CULTURAL CENTRE ELIZABETH QUAY WATERFRONT NEW PERTH STADIUM John Hyde and Labor do not support the projects transforming your city XX X X X MA MAX AX LIGHT R RAIL A IL MAX MA AX LIGHT RAIL RA A IL FFREEWAY REEEWAY WID WIDENING DENING NEW N EW MUSEUM MUSE EUM IN CULTURAL C ULLTURAL CENTRE CENTTRE ELIZABETH E LIZZABETH H QUAY QUAY Y WATERFRONT W ATERFRONTT NEW N EW PERTH PEERTH STADIUM STADIUM John Hyde and Labor are a threat to all of the good things happening around Perth. Labor’s not worth the risk. Authorised by B Morton, 640 Murray St, West Perth WA 6005. The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 5 SEEKING NOMINATIONS HUMAN SPIRIT AWARD 2013 The will-do Willoxes by STEPHEN POLLOCK MT LAWLEY has a new Order of Australia husband and wife team. The City of Bayswater in conjunction with the WA Local Government Association's RoadWise Program is calling for nominations for the Human Spirit Award 2013. The Human Spirit Award is an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of individuals or groups in the community who work towards saving lives by reducing road trauma in Western Australia. Potential nominees could include teachers, parents, local police officers, crosswalk attendees or community members/groups involved in road safety initiatives within the City of Bayswater. Nominations close 20 February 2013. on Wednesday, Nomination forms can be obtained via the City of Bayswater website at www.bayswater.wa.gov.au or by contacting the City's Galleria Office Coordinator, Jenny Thomas, on 9270 4131. Francesca Lefante Chief Executive Officer City of Bayswater The Garden City - Quality Lifestyle You’re reading your free, independent Perth Voice. • Lyn and Rod Willox: awarded he Order of Australia. Flush with pride by DAVID BELL REFILLING Hyde Park’s lakes with treated sewage has moved a step closer with Vincent city council commissioning a feasibility study. A tender was awarded to international engineering network GHD last month for a 10-week study into ‘sewer mining’ to see if a pipe could be tapped and the water treated and pumped back into the lake or used for irrigation around town. The state government lets Vincent pump groundwater into the lakes but there’s no guarantee that’ll be available after 2017. Mayor Alannah MacTiernan says “water is going to become more and more expensive as the low-cost options disappear. This is about future proofing.” Ms MacTiernan says it’s “ridiculous” that Australians waste fresh water—even flushing it down our toilets—when recycled water will do for non-drinking purposes. “Particularly in Western Australia... a very conservative approach is taken and one almost has to treat it to drinking water standards to use it.” She recently wanted to rig up a system in her house where the water from her shower could be reused to flush the loo but she couldn’t get approval for it. “The health department said ‘someone might drink the toilet water’.” If the sewer mining plan works out Vincent will be one of the first in WA to go down that route, and Ms MacTiernan says they could look to higher levels of government for funding. On Australia Day, Lyn Willox was awarded the OA for 30 years of service to people with disabilities in WA. Ten years ago, her husband Rod received the gong for his work with local government, the environment and the community. “I think she deserves it a lot more than me,” laughed Mr Willox, a veteran Stirling city councillor. Ms Willox has worked as a nurse with the Cerebral Palsy Association for 25 years; served on the board of the Richmond Fellowship for 10 years, helped people with mental illness, and has been heavily involved in organising paralympic sports. In 2012, she was was awarded the Community Service Medallion by Stirling city council. The 71-year-old still finds time to organise games of Boccia—a form of bowls for people with severe disabilities. “I felt very honoured to be recognised,” she said. “Hopefully it will give me an opportunity to promote my causes— we’ve got a long way to go in terms of mental health support. “We need to demystify mental illness and educate people on the causes and treatments available.” RF patron Geoff Gallop was elected WA premier in 2001. He resigned in 2006 citing issues with depression: “In the interests of my health and my family I have decided to rethink my career,” he said. Ms Willox also looks after her daughter Louise, who has a disability. “I’m very proud of her,” Louise told The Voice. “She is the best mum in the world!” Mt Lawley MP Michael Sutherland said Ms Willox was a “community gem”. Aracaladanza enchanted and seduced us into the vibrant surreal world of René Magritte. The dancers tested our imaginations, our faith in gravity, our sense of fun ... turning everyday objects on their heads. THE IRISH TIMES Image: Garcia Gonzalez SPAIN Aracaladanza CLOUDS Choreographed by Enrique Cabrera WHEN Tue 14–Sun 17 Feb WHERE Regal Theatre TICKETS $25–$59 International Excellence Partner Family and Education Program Partner BOOK 6488 5555 | perthfestival.com.au Page 6 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 Dumpers a threat to parks Sporties Futsal Club Stancliffe St, Mt Lawley 5-A-Side Soccer Nominate now! by STEPHEN POLLOCK PHANTOM garden waste dumpers are endangering flora and fauna in Bayswater reserves. Bayswater mayor Terry Kenyon says dumping has rocketed since 2011, with up to three incidents a week. “The mulch attracts vermin which can pose a threat to local wildlife,” he says. “It also flattens existing plants and can contain seeds or diseased material which can harm the parks’ flora. “When the city increases surveillance the offenders then cease for a few weeks and appear to move to another area outside the city of Bayswater.” Dumping hot spots include verges at Hamersley car park, Waltham Reserve, Hampton Senior High School, Lightning Swamp (Matthews Close, just off Benara Road) and Alan Lehman Reserve car park. “Given the volume and size of the dumped loads, we believe a commercial operator is responsible and could be using an unmarked vehicle,” Cr Kenyon added. Stirling mayor David Boothman says lazy dumpers cost his city a fortune. “The city spends considerable time and expense in cleaning up illegally dumped rubbish within its streets and parks, and views these matters seriously,” he said. “Nobody wants to see litter in our parks or any other areas of our city.” Stirling community safety manager Laurie Couch says “littering of parks can involve all kinds of rubbish such as refuse, old furniture junk and plant material”. • Mens, ladies, Social mixed & juniors • A competition to suit everyone • Great new location • Bar facilities • Roger Tomlins and Lisa Baker at Maylands Train Station. Photo by Jeremy Dixon No ticket to riot by STEPHEN POLLOCK A COMMUNITY group and local MP are pushing for turnstiles at Maylands train station to keep yobs out of the shopping precinct. In June 2012 the number of people using Maylands train station each day was 3766, which was nearly double the usage in 2010 and well over the 2500 usually required for turnstiles which require a ticket before opening. Traders on nearby Eighth Avenue have complained for months about abusive drunks getting off the train and disrupting trade. Some have resorted to locking themselves in to escape the violence, and say many of those creating problems don’t have a ticket and would be kept out by the turnstiles. Bayswater council rangers reported “a significant increase in the number of reports relating to anti-social behaviour in and around reserves at The RISE, Grand Promenade Reserve, Halliday Park and Pat O’Hara Reserve”. 0423 784 776 | sporties@westcoastfutsal.org.au www.westcoastfutsal.org.au Roger Tomlins, president of the Maylands Residents and Ratepayers Association, said tackling petty crime would reap dividends. “I recently read the book The Tipping Point where they significantly lowered the crime rate on the New York subway by targeting fare evasion and gra ti crimes,” he said. “By focusing on petty crimes the other bigger offences started to reduce as well—all levels of crime are, to an extent, interrelated.” Labor Maylands MP Lisa Baker said the turnstiles would be a small inroad in the fight against anti-social behaviour in Maylands. “WA Police have recently doubled the number of operational police available to tackle crime in Maylands; Bayswater city council has announced it is working with all stakeholders to plan a better way forward; retailers are helping by improving their business practices, residents are helping by reporting problems that arise. “The installation of these gates is a small part of the solution.” raes e m X H o s t i s r k e a e e w Y t s w e ju IAt isN ur appliances Give yo a makeover! Gift s u Vo cher ! le b a il a v A We clean OVENS MICROWAVE HOT PLATES BBQ RANGEHOOD FRIDGES Your Domestic Cleaning Specialist 0408 098 229 2013 FEBRUARY Daily offers...print off and keep handy. Don’t forget bookings are essential! 9444 8998 ** Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid only on stipulated day of offer. Subject to bookings** Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Brow Wax, Lash & Brow Tint $ 45 (Save $10) 4 % 20 off Pevonia Facials Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage 5 $ 50 6 Spa Pedicure (Save $20) $ 90 (Save $15) Brow Wax, Lash & Brow Tint 11 $ 45 (Save $10) 12 Mini Mani or Mini Pedi (Save $20) $ 40 % 10 off All Body Waxing 25 Shellac Mani & Pedi IPL Hair Removal (Save $30) $ 90 19 20% off IPL Vein Removal Pevonia Facials 20 off Pevonia Facials 26 40 % 10 off Image Peels 10 off All Body Waxing Pevonia Facials 21 65 10 off 16 Check Facebook for pop up special 22 Shellac Mani or Mini Pedi $ $ 9 Check Facebook for pop up special 15 20% off % 8 IPL Hair Removal 10% off Full Body Scrub & Tan 27 % 14 20 10% off % (Save $20) $ 13 10% off 18 7 Mini Mani or Mini Pedi 2 Check Facebook for pop up special (Save $20) 90 23 Check Facebook for pop up special 28 IPL Skin Rejuv 176 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn | 9444 8998 | info@bodywisdomcontour.com.au | www.bodywisdomperth.com.au The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 7 McEvoy backflip on strategy FROMTHECHAMBER by DAVID BELL PERTH councillor Judy McEvoy has backflipped on her opposition to an anti-racism campaign. In August last year Cr McEvoy voted against giving in-principle support to the Human Rights Commission’s “Racism. It stops with me” campaign on the basis it didn’t offer enough protection to white people. But when it came up for another vote this week the former publican quietly put up her hand in support without revealing what had changed her mind. “Will this campaign work in reverse? When I go to Northbridge and I get abused, will that stop? Or when we had the Heirisson Island Nyoongars here interrupting our council meeting?” she had previously asked her colleagues. That was enough to earn the veteran councillor a challenge in this October’s elections from Western Australians Against Racism member Bruce Campbell. At this week’s meeting Cr James Limnios said: “I come from a Greek background... I personally have experienced racism at school. “If we, as grassroots-level people, can support this thing, it’s very important.” Cr Eleni Evangel, also Greek, said Australia had come a long way from its more racist past. Family members of hers migrated from Greece three months ago and “the reception they received was wonderful”. The council will put up info about the campaign on its website, newsletter and through social media. Limoswine by DAVID BELL PUBLIC urination hit a new low in East Perth on the weekend. Perth lord mayor Lisa Scaffidi says an East Perth resident complained they’d “witnessed a limo driver pull up and 12 guys get out and urinate on a stretch of grass near the ABC. We are not a third world country and we do not need third world behaviour to be carried out in our very sophisticated first world city,” Ms Scaffidi told Tuesday’s council meeting. Her colleagues unanimously voted to spend $13,600 expanding the city’s open-air urinal trial to March. Cr James Limnios said so far the urinals installed on streets outside night hotspots had collected “3785 litres, which equates to 11,828 [people] not peeing on our footpaths”. Cr Limnios works in Northbridge and said the pee problem is a blight on his daily walk through the neighbourhood. “If you go past certain spots in the city... as soon as you get to a little dent in the road the smell is really bad.” The council says part of the public urination problem is down to “the reluctance of the Perth Transport Authority to include public toilets at transport hubs”. $1.15m will be spent in the next five years on more loos. Advertisement Analog TV is being switched off in Perth and surrounding areas on 16 April 2013* Wannamal HALF of a heritage listed building on Aberdeen Street will be demolished. The PCC this week allowed applicant Brandon Prately to knock down the rear of 92 Aberdeen Street. The building is an 1888 Queen Anne-style cottage listed under the council’s heritage protection scheme as “retain and conserve if possible”. But the councillors liked the design which will demolish the single-storey rear and put up a three-storey office building which staffers reckon will involve “adaptive reuse of heritage buildings”. The vote was unanimous. MEANWHILE the heritage value of 49 Ventnor Avenue in West Perth has been recognised with the council looking into declaring it a place “of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation”. The site contains a two-storey, interwar Old English-style block of fl ats considered an “idiosyncratic and picturesque building in a largely late-20th century streetscape”. The site is also valued for its connection to JP Walsh, a prominent Perth businessman who founded Walsh’s Economic Store on the corner of Hay and William Streets. The council will now ask the owner for their input. If it is heritage listed, the owner will be eligible for a slew of grants, awards, rate concessions, and bonus plot ratio that can be sold to other projects so developers can whack a few storeys on elsewhere. NEW Perth CEO Gary Stevenson has stepped down from the council’s design advisory committee because he doesn’t have architectural expertise. The committee refines development applications before they’re put to council, trying to soften out ugly edges and make the buildings more palatable. It includes representatives from WA’s planning institute and other architecture boffins. Mr Stevenson will still sit in on the meetings as he does with other committees. LITTLE Athletics won’t be allowed to host its championship reception at council house. LA chief Samya Monaco asked lord mayor Lisa Scaffidi if they could use council house for the April reception, a once-in-seven-years event. Ms Scaffidi handballed it to council (she only deals with “civic, major, or urgent” requests) and this week they decided against letting the littlies in, saving ratepayers almost $8000. There was no discussion of why the athletics event was refused. Cr Rob Butler commented “obviously there was a reason” it was recommended for refusal, and Ms Scaffidi told him “yep”. Toodyay Quinns Rocks Wanneroo MOUNT LAWLEY Mundaring Perth Roleystone Rockingham Dwellingup The areas shaded white above show where the analog TV signals will be switched off on 16 April 2013*. After this date, these areas will receive digital-only signals. If you haven’t already done so, you need to get ready for digital-only TV. How do I tell if I have digital TV? If you can see ABC2, SBS TWO, GO!, 7TWO or Eleven, you are digital ready and don’t need to do anything. If I can’t see those channels, what do I have to do? Remember, to keep watching free-to-air TV shows, you’ll need either: • one set-top box or a digital TV recorder for each analog TV you use; or • a new TV with a built-in digital tuner. Most importantly, you do not have to buy a new TV if you do not want to. Most antennas and cabling should work after the digital switchover. However, if you have any concerns about your reception, you may consider asking an endorsed Antenna Installer to check your antenna and cabling. FOR A FRESH, INSPIRING APPROACH TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT THINK ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY Treating your investment property like it’s our own 678 BEAUFORT ST, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU SICK OF NOT BEING ABLE TO SMOKE IN ALFRESCO AREAS If you have any other questions, or to find your nearest endorsed Antenna Installer, visit our website or call the Digital Ready Information Line. Get ready for digital TV today. *Please note: switch off may occur earlier in some towns. Residents in these towns will be informed about the switchover dates. See the website for more information. For help or more information on how to get digital ready in your area: 1800 20 10 13 www.australia.gov.au/digitalready Our new range of cigarette flavoured meals will leave your lack of taste buds satisfied. Smokeys BAR & GRILL Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra Page 8 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 NOTE: All meals smell really bad and may be grey in colour. Councils meet to thrash out borders 9,000 Full Colour DL Flyers by STEPHEN POLLOCK $999 ONLY one Voiceland council will attend a controversial local government breakaway meeting this week. Stirling city council will join 17 other councils, led by Armadale, to thrash out new local government boundaries. The G17 council model would be an alternative to the 15-20 new councils proposed by the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) and the state-backed Robson Report which suggested 12 super councils with about 250,000 residents. Perth, Vincent and Bayswater city councils were among 13 councils not invited to the meeting, held at South Perth city council o ces Thursday. Stirling mayor David Boothman confirmed he would be attending the splinter meeting. “The CEO [Stuart Jardine] and I were at an initial meeting on December 20 and a second meeting has been called for January 31 due to no clear direction being agreed upon at the first meeting,” he said. “The group will be considering the development of a response to the Robson Review, as the WALGA has not been able to facilitate an agreed local government position. “The city has been on record as being in favour of the 12 metropolitan council model outlined in the Robson report however we believe those councils who already fit the model, such as Joondalup, Wanneroo and Stirling, boundaries should remain the same.” Mayors voted 15-13 against WALGA submitting a joint response to the state government at a Belmont meeting on December 20, prior to the April 6 deadline. Bayswater mayor Terry Kenyon said that the city has consistently favoured a 10 to 12 local government structure, not the G17 model. “Only those that expressed support for the [17 council] model were invited and that’s understandable,” he said. “So I don’t regard this as being a snub in any shape or form.” Perth lord mayor Lisa Sca di says her council is “proreform and generally very supportive of the Robson Report” which recommended a haircut to the number of councils. The PCC resolved that if the boundaries are to be changed, it should be done by an independent authority. Vincent CEO John Giorgi said his council was “aware that a number of local governments are meeting to consider ‘redrawing boundaries’. The City of Vincent will not be participating in that meeting”. Incl. Print & Delivery Bike plan mooted Give Your Message a Helping Hand To discover the great benefits of delivering your flyers with the Perth Voice phone Natalie Hug 9430 7727 by STEPHEN POLLOCK BAYSWATER city council is looking at a city-wide bike plan. It would complete missing sections of cycle path across the city, formalise an o cial bike network with routes and make it safer for people to pedal across the city. City o cers estimated it would cost around $80,000 to hire a consultant to develop the plan, with $40,000 potential funding from the department of transport available in 2014. Cr Sonia Turkington said many Bayswater cycle paths had missing sections. “There are great stretches down at the river and the railway line, but vital sections are missing and this plan would hopefully address that,” she said. Cr Sylvan Albert also supported the plan. “This will link in beautifully with the existing cycle paths we have on our main arterial roads,” he said. Cr Marlene Robinson said that many Bayswater residents cycled daily to their o ces in Perth. “This would go a small way to solving the growing problem of tra c congestion in Perth,” she said. NOW OPEN Leederville’s new WINE BAR T he “Amani concept” was designed by Kenyan born owner Jacquie Guilbert. “Amani” - meaning ‘peace’ in Swahili - is an expression of Jacquie’s love for sharing a drink and a delicious meal with friends in a peaceful and sophisticated setting without noise. Despite many small bars now popping up left, right and centre, Jacquie felt that it was a niche that needed to be filled. And so she did, in the middle of the vibrant strip of Oxford Street in Leederville. Amani Wine Bar provides Perthites “With a stylish interior design, Amani offers a choice of fine dining in the restaurant or a more relaxing and casual experience in the lounge and bar.” WINE BAR bookings 9444 7761 | info@amaniwinebar.com shop 1, 162 Oxford Street, Leederville Next door to Rohan Jewellery | Find us on Facebook with an opportunity to experience what a quality small bar is all about, with a strong focus on service, inspiring food and a selection of premium wine, beer and spirits. With a stylish interior design, Amani offers a choice of fine dining in the restaurant or a more relaxing and casual experience in the lounge and bar. The food served has an abundance of beautiful and exotic flavours. The menu evolves, reflecting the seasons and the use of locally grown produce. The imaginative cuisine has been designed by well-known head chef, Josh Kucharick, who brings to Perth extensive international experience gained in Canada, Dubai and Bermuda. The new addition to Oxford Street is open from Tuesdays to Sundays. On weekdays, patrons can share - tapas style or enjoy larger servings as mains. On Sundays, a four course brunch with champagne is on offer. The venue is also available for functions which can be prebooked. With a wine list to suit a diverse and sophisticated palate, Amani showcases some of the best wines available, and selected specifically to complement the cuisine. The cocktail selection features homemade liqueurs, bitters and infused syrups skilfully served by the renowned head barman. The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 9 voice A VOCIE PROMOTIONAL FEATURE Go barefoot With its beautiful Art Deco building, it’s quiet and spectacular location, Mount Lawley Bowling Club provides a magnificent setting for your next function. Whether it’s a small meeting in our airconditioned conference room, a Corporate Team building day in our comfortable “Lawley room” a spectacular wedding reception in our main Hall, or your next birthday or Christmas party, your event at Mount Lawley Bowling Club will be unique. Become a member and become a part arts of a wonderful community. Book for one of our regular Wednesday night dinners; 3 courses for only $20. Enjoy a Sunday Theatre Sports session, or kick off your shoes and wind down after work with a roll up and quiet drink at our Bar If you have any questions regarding our facilities or services please email us at info@mlbc.org.au or call us on (08) 9370 5070. At Mount Lawley Bowling Club, the members always comes first. Mount Lawley Bowling Club 10 $ Barefoot Bowls Every Thursday from 6pm ONLY Per He ad Ba Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins as the Hitchcocks. foot Bowl re s Enjoy the summer evenings with a cold drink, sausage sizzle and some barefoot bowling Call 9370 5070 or email info@mlbc.org.au to secure your spot Mt. Lawley BC /perthvoice th Anniversary 15 Weekend February 1st, 2nd, & 3rd The Peos family invite you to a Weekend of free entertainment and drinks specials Champagne, cocktails & beers Fri Sat 2nd 1st 6-9pm with Sundowner Entertainer John Bentley, Perths own Michael Buble Free nibbles From 7pm till late with free nibbles. Entertainer Clarise Ravat Cocktail Evening Party Rear window view of a master in action I WAS initially sceptical about whether Anthony Hopkins had the physicality and timbre to play Alfred Hitchcock. But five minutes into Hitchcock—with Hopkins loafing in the bath with a newspaper perched on his bulging gut, pontificating in a low drawl—all disbelief was suspended till the closing credits. Hitchcock zooms in on the tumultuous period in 1960 when the already-famous Britishborn director decided to make a horror film called Psycho. Following the success of his most-recent film, North by Northwest, the 60-year-old is irked by a reporter’s comments he should retire and leave the industry on a high. Artistic danger In a bid to rediscover the artistic danger of his youth he refuses an offer to direct Casino Royale, a movie about a spy called James Bond, and instead turns his attention to adapting the grisly novel Psycho, based on the murders of real-life serial killer Ed Gein, for cinema. Paramount gags at the prospect of Hitchcock making another uncommercial flop— ARTS A STEPHEN POLLOCK S Vertigo struggled on its initial release—and Hitchcock remortgages his house to finance the film himself. As Psycho goes over budget and Hitchcock falls ill, the pressure mounts on the veteran director to salvage his reputation and his sanity. Ever-present is Hitchcock’s complex relationship with women: his ice-blonde leading ladies, his mother and his wife, Alma Reville (portrayed with gutsy aplomb by Oscar-winner Helen Mirren). All the relationships are slightly dysfunctional, with Hitchcock fantasising over the beautiful actresses he works with, including Grace Kelly, Tippi Hedren and Ingrid Bergman. When Reville seeks the company of Hollywood hackwriter Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston)—a sub-plot which never really catches fire— Hitchcock becomes increasingly paranoid she is having an affair, but giving little thought to his own obsessions. Like Hitchcock’s voyeuristic camera, the audience becomes a fly on the wall, buzzing around the couple’s bedroom and the Psycho film set. Rumours of Hitchcock’s misogynist behaviour towards his leading ladies is insinuated when the director brandishes a knife at Janet Leigh (Scarlett Johansson) in the infamous Pyscho shower scene, to invoke genuine terror. Homage But Hitchcock’s dark side is never fully explored. This is essentially a homage. Soap lovers will enjoy the Hollywood tittle-tattle and melodrama of Hitchcock’s eccentric marriage and film buffs will revel in the behindthe-scenes nuggets about the development of Psycho. The saving grace of what is, at the end of the day, an elongated tele-movie, is the two leads’ flawless performances, who make the most of a tight and witty script. “You may call me Hitch. Hold the cock,” he tells Janet Leigh. Boom boom. Hitchcock is entertaining but, unlike the man himself, somewhat thin. Sun 3rd Afternoon session 3-7pm with Acoustic Guitar, Tapas and Wine (Dress standard apply - no thongs or singlets) Proudly Supporting the Arts The Cnr Wray Ave & Hampton Road, FREMANTLE Fax: 9335 2441 • moondynejoes@bigpond.com.au P. 9430 5513 Fax: 9335 2441 • moondynejoes@bigpond.com.au Page 10 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 Perth Voice NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS ARE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS becoming unmanageable--again?! Then CoDa could be for youwe meet Mondays at 5:45 in Claremont, gold coin donation. Details: http://www.codependentsanonymous.org.au/ or perthcoda@yahoo.com BAYSWATER Al-Anon family group meets on Wednesdays at 10:30-1200. Contact office email alanonwa@arachnet.net.au BEDFORD COMBINED PROBUS CLUB INC. Are you 55 and over?? Want to keep an active mind, expand interests, enjoy fellowship? Bedford Probus Club welcomes you. Visit us with a view to joining as members. We meet at 10 am on the 2nd Monday of each month, in Dianella, with an outing in the 4th week of the month, usually combined with lunch. For further information, please contact Barbara D’Sylva (Publicity/Liaison Officer) on 9455 6610 DEMENTIA CARER SUPPORT GROUP. Are you caring for someone with dementia? A carer support group offers companionship, exchange of ideas and information in a safe, confidential and supportive environment. Alzheimer’s Australia WA facilitate support groups in your area. Contact 1800 100 500 to join a group near you DIAMOND WAY BUDDHISM Perth is located at 31 McCoy St Melville and meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8pm for buddhist teachings and meditation. Whether you are new to Buddhism or have meditated before, you are welcome to come along and practice with us. All teachings and meditations are provided on a donation basis. More info on www.diamondway.org.au/perth DIANELLA DISTRICTS COMBINED PROBUS CLUB INC Is a social club for people over 55 semi retired or retired and we meet at 10.00am on the fourth Monday of each month at the Yokine Bowling Club 10 Wordsworth Avenue, Yokine. We have interesting outings including luncheons and bus tours. VISITORS WELCOME. For further information please contact Joy Ackland (Secretary) on 9349 1354 DRINKING PROBLEM? Alcoholics anonymous. Phone 24 hours on 9325 3566 www.alcoholicsanonymous.org.au GRIEF AND LOSS OPEN SUPPORT GROUP the last Thursday of each month 1.00pm to 3.00pm at The Cancer Support WA, 80 Railway St, Cottesloe. For more info ring 9384 3544 MARKET: SELL YOUR TRASH and buy some treasure at community TV Ch 44 ‘s sleep-in sunday market. The TREASURE HUNTER’S MARKET is held every Sunday in the PCC’s Royal Street car park (Off Lime st ]. The market opens at 9 am. Enquiries? Ring 0413872902. Good access via Yellow Cat and Claisebrook Rail Station (and free street parking) STRESS MANAGEMENT NEW Stress Management Classes for cancer patients, their carers and family members are available in a number of different locations around Perth. For more details on classes please call the Project Officer on 9382 9370 TAI CHI Free mediation and tai chi classes on offer in Leederville for cancer patients. Tai Chi and meditation classes, specifically designed for cancer patients, will be run in Leederville as part of Cancer Council Western Australia’s Life Now Program. There is no need for any special skills or prior experience to participate and benefit from these free sessions. When: starting on Tuesday the 12th of Feb (6 weeks) Time: 6pm till 7pm Where: Loftus Community Centre 99 Loftus Street Leederville WA 6007 All of the classes have been specifically designed to cater to the needs of cancer patients and their families. For a full list of Life Now classes that are on offer by Cancer Council visit www.cancerwa.asn. au Numbers are limited. For further details and to register your interest contact: The Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20 THE CANCER COUNCIL WA runs one monthly cancer support Group from Shenton Park (the Head, Neck and Throat Cancer Support Group) which is suitable for people affected by head, neck and throat cancer their family, friends and carers. For further information and referral, individuals are advised to contact the Cancer Helpline for registration 13 11 20 NOTICEBOARD * To advertise email the Voice news@perthvoice.com deadline 12 noon Tuesday competitions Astrology ology sttrro A Voice Bolshoi magic With h Sudhir February 2 - February 9, 2013 T ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Mars moves into Pisces. This is an interesting dilemma. Your nature is to be wilful. Pisces demands that we surrender our will to the big will of existence. If you try to fight with the ocean, frustration will follow. If you surrender, the ocean will show you it’s power. HE Pharaoh’s Daughter is pure ballet extravaganza by one of the world’s most famous dance companies The Bolshoi. The opulent ballet premiered in 1862 in a grandiose show, the likes of which had never been seen before, at the Imperial Bolshoi Theatre in St Petersburg, Russia. It was first choreographed by Marius Petipa, and enjoyed wide popularity until the Soviet era when it was considered “ideologically immature” and dropped from the ballet repertoire and almost forgotten. In 2000 Pierre Lacotte was exclusively commissioned by the Bolshoi Theatre to resurrect Petipa’s mighty Egyptian fresco and he successfully succeeded in giving new Nannup calling T HERE’S just five weeks to the Nannup Music Festival. So BEV BOOTH, of Attadale will need to think about what she’s packing after winning the Voice Nannup Comp. The annual festival is a crowd pleaser as people flock to hear great music, amid beautiful surroundings. It kicks off March 1 for the Labour Day long weekend. There’s an incredible line up and a swag of fun life to this forgotten masterpiece. The Pharaoh’s Daughter is the story of a young Englishman, Lord Wilson, travelling through Egypt with his servant John Bull. At the foot of a pyramid they meet a caravan of Arab merchants who invite them into their tent. However a violent storm sees merchants and travellers taking shelter in the nearest pyramid. Falling asleep after joining the merchants in a chibouk pipe Lord Wilson dreams of Aspicia, the pharaoh’s daughter. He is instantly things for the whole family such as street performers, an artwear parade, and an emerging artists’ award, beautiful cool waterholes, bushwalks, market stalls, yummy food and a special program from the Wardandi People. To purchase tickets online, visit www. nannupmusicfestival.org or by email at tickets@ nannupmusicfestival.org or by phone 08 9756 1511. PATRICIA MEYDAM, of Perth and a friend are off to see eclectic musos OKA after her name was first out of the hat. We’ll be in touch Patricia. CLEANING SERVICES EXPERT SERVICES HANDYMAN Andrew 0412 231 801 your local, prompt and professional handyman. 20+ years experience, Police clearance, fully insured HEALTH & BEAUTY LOSE weight, feel great, wealth create. For your local Isagenix distributor. Contact Dani 0403 131 182 SITUATIONS VACANT WALKERS Wanted distribution areas in Yokine, Dianella, North Perth, Maylands,East Perth & Mount Lawley. Give Stephanie a call 9430 7727 TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) Venus moves into Aquarius. Your planet leaves the ground and lifts up into the sky like a hot air balloon. Can you think of anything more uncomfortable than a bull in a hot air balloon? Your feet aren’t going to be on the ground. You are going to have to adapt as best you can. transported into the past where he becomes Ta-Hor, an ancient Egyptian. Ta-Hor and Aspicia fall in love but she is betrothed to a Nubian king. You can find out what happens next by entering the Voice /Bolshoi competition and winning tickets to a film of The Pharaoh’s Daughter at the Windsor Cinema. Entries to the Voice Bolshoi Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle, 6159. Don’t forget to include your name, address and day-time phone number. Comp closes Monday February 11. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) Having thrown a degree of chaos into the works by daring to speak up for the new, it’s now time to slow down and integrate the changes you have inspired. If this integration doesn’t happen, everything will return to the way it was. Commit. Follow your vision through. CANCER (June 22 – July 22) The Moon is waning. This implies an emotional out-breath. An emotional out-breath is when we stop hanging on to things that are bugging us and let them go. It’s also good to breath out good feelings that have passed. Do this and you’ll open yourself up to something new. LEO (July 23 – Aug 22) The Sun is right smack in the middle of Aquarius. Life is brushing out the old and creating space for the new. The old isn’t always all that excited about going – and sometimes wisely so. Figure out what changes are essential and what not. Follow through on the ones that are. On the money VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) With Mercury firmly planted in Aquarius, adjustments are being made to your garden. Time will tell whether these adjustments have interfered with the life-cycle, or enhanced it. Don’t be too quick to judge or complain. Take this moment as it is and make the best of it. F REMANTLE mayor Brad Pettitt reckons he’s on the money when it comes to the port city’s success. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) The Moon is passing through, adding feeling to your interests. If you notice yourself fired up and emotional early in the week, that’s why. It will settle. Let the extra feeling in as if it were added horsepower. If it’s all too much, get physical. Go for a run, dance, or swim. But ALISON MCLEAN, of Mt Hawthorn, has already scored success, winning this week’s fake ad comp. If you scout this week’s you too could be a winner. Write it on the back of an envelope, addressed to Voice Adbuster, and post it to PO Box 85, North Fremantle 6159, by Tuesday 5pm. Voiceclassifieds RENAISSANCE of Leather, leather cleaning, lounge suites Car and boat interiors 15 years experience Professional service Call Simone 0418 115 718 VOICE NOTICEBOARD spread the word. Write (to PO Box 85 North Fremantle, 6159), drop (at 41 Cliff St, Freo), fax (9430 7726) or email (news@fremantleherald.com) but please do not phone. Please keep your notices short and to the point (we reserve the right to cut free notices). Deadline is noon Tuesday. voiceclassifieds voice YOGA CLASSES include postures, breathing techniques, deep relaxation and meditation by qualified Satyananda Yoga accredited teachers. Menora on Mondays at 7pm, 8 week term starts 4th Feb. Fee $104 or casual $15/class. M: 0411421625 or E:noelb108@ gmail.com Mt Lawley on Wednesdays at 9.30am, 7 week term starts 6th Feb. Fee $91 or casual $15/class. M: 0419872715 or E: delphi27@ gmail.com SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) As Mars goes into Pisces early in the week, a feeling of suddenly being back in your element arises. There’s been a lot of hullaballoo in Aquarius of late, which has taken the collective milieu upwards into the world of thinking. As feelings again dominate, you are at home. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) The presence of a plethora of planets in Aquarius is lifting your spirits. When there’s lots of air around, it brings optimism and enthusiasm. Who cares if it’s not so grounded! Without optimism and enthusiasm, the world would be a dull place. Be a little irrational and playful. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Venus is leaving. She has brought you delight and all that controversies that follow in the wake of attraction, infatuation and besotted-ness. Her glow is travelling with you as you climb out of your patch of solitary digestion and begin to circulate again in the land of community. YOGA KUNDALINI yoga, Maylands, Wednesdays, 5:45pm, Vera 0438 652 607, vsajic@iinet.net.au YOGALIFE AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Mars departs your shores, meaning you have a few less cylinders under your hood. The side-effect of this drive was that it was making you a little hard-line, so it’s not all bad that he’s gone. Soften your position. By doing so you will recognise support you missed noticing. North Perth 6.30pm Feb12th. Mt Lawley Sat 9.30am Feb 16th 8wk term $130 phone 9286 4888 yogalifeperth.com.au PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Mars arrives early in the week. His arrival sets up an interesting dilemma. Existence is insisting, via his presence, that you own up to your will, to your capacity to take the drivers wheel and get things done. You aren’t being egocentric when you do. You are serving life. You’re reading your free, independent Perth Voice Copyright 2013 Sudhir (M.J.Dean) WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK /perthvoice The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 11 voice estate Be so lucky EESTATE JJENNY D’ANGER W www.meterboxsecurity.com.au E: meterboxsecurity@bigpond.com 2544928 2544928 HAT do Kylie Minogue, Ronnie Corbett, Hobbits and dumplings have in common? Like this Central Avenue, Maylands home they’re all perfect examples of the old maxim “good things come in small packages”. All of the above could happily cohabit in this lovely weatherboard doll’s house (except the dumpling of course, which risks being eaten) A nudge over 100 years old, this two-bedroom former workers’ cottage has been beautifully restored to enhance its original historic features, while at the same time being refurbished for today’s lifestyle. Old jarrah floors flow like dark molasses through most of the rooms, including the open-plan living/dining/ kitchen, no doubt formerly two rooms knocked into one. Overhead cute ceiling roses add a dignified touch, as does the genteel front verandah with its white painted timber finish. The kitchen is compact but there’s plenty of cupboards and bench space in this cosy central space. And the main bedroom has a dressingroom that could easily become a Hobbit home. Sitting on 529sqm the rear garden of this home is ideal for family entertainment with a sunken, limestonewalled patio covered to make it versatile all year round. There’s plenty of soft, green lawn for the kids to play on, and even room to add a pool should you want. A massive shed, accessed via a rear laneway, has enough room for a couple of cars, a caravan, or a boat—with the river a walk away this is a great asset (and makes a pool redundant). You can almost touch the city and Belmont race course from the river foreshore. There’s any amount of great cafes and shops up the road from this home, including the terrific Eighth Avenue strip. Or head down Guildford Road and in no time you’re in Northbridge or the Perth CBD. Good things certainly do come in small packages if this delightful home is anything to go by. 4 Central Ave, Maylands $649,000—$679,000 Jen Jones 0415 662 622 Beaufort Realty 9227 0887 OPSM MT HAWTHORN Hi, Can you remember how painful it was when you last got something in your eye? Whether it was an eyelash, a piece of metal off a grinder, or an accidental poke in the eye by one of your loving children or grandchildren, it hurt, right? We all know that eyes are sensitive, delicate parts of our bodies. And when they are sore - we notice! But, did you know that some of the leading causes of blindness can be totally pain free? Take Glaucoma for example. In its primary form, Glaucoma is a slow acting, painless disease that causes irreversible vision loss and which can occur at any age. Because it is the side vision that is lost first, sufferers don’t realise they have a problem until it is too late. On top of that, it is estimated that 50% of people with Glaucoma in Australia are undiagnosed. Whilst it is not curable, if detection occurs early the disease can be managed and chances of vision loss greatly reduced. So, no matter how old you are or how good your vision is, I would encourage you to undergo regular eye examinations with an Optometrist as part of your general health routine. And remember – At OPSM We Love Eyes! Regards, Bjorn. www.opsm.com.au Page 12 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 OPSM Mt Hawthorn The Mezz Shopping Centre, Shop 22, 148 Scarborough Beach Rd Mt Hawthorn WA 6016 Ph: 9443 5266 MOUNT LAWLEY 4/367 LENNARD STREET, DIANELLA $425,000 - $445,000 LOT 3 @ 25 EDWARD STREET, BEDFORD $365,000 PRIVATE AND SECURE BEST BEDFORD BLOCK • • • • • • • • • • Before you design and build your new home, it’s important to find the best block that will enhance the value of your property. Lot 2 - SOLD Lot 3 - ON THE MARKET. A street front corner lot with scope to design your new residence with a stunning elevation. The subdivision process is underway. SECURE NOW AND START WORKING ON YOUR DESIGN. Settlement will take place once the title is issued. 3 bedrooms Lounge/dining Great kitchen Security system Air conditioning Large courtyard Parking for 2 cars Rear home in a group of 8 Well located close to shops, schools and public transport Perfect investment or first home. 3 1 INTERNET ID: 2268477 HOME OPEN: SUNDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 12.00-12.45 INTERNET ID: 2080458 MERVYN MISSELL TEAM 0404 889 325 JODY MISSELL 0401 770 782 mervyn.missell@acton.com.au 3/64A THIRD AVE, MOUNT LAWLEY jody.missell@acton.com.au $1,295,000 55 ROOKWOOD STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY FR $1,995,000 PROFESSIONAL RESIDENCE ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE Stunning street appeal and attention to details makes this 3 level 4 bed home, which is just moments from the café strip, a true professional couple’s home or an ideal lock up and leave. With two large living areas and a study and gym, this federation replica offers the style of yesteryear with the benefits of new, maintenance free living. Gracious inner city living at its best! Don’t miss my first home open for this unique property! Just one look at this stunning residence will explain why this grand home was featured in the BUILDING AND DESIGN yearbook for 1998. With a very strong emphasis on design and lifestyle, this is a truly prestigious home which offers grand entertaining spaces. Stunning street appeal and a premium location provides the finishing touches to this stunning home which reflects the lifestyle of a bygone era, with the added benefit of modern maintenance free living! 3 4 2 2 3 2 INTERNET ID: 2203078 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 11.00-12.00 INTERNET ID: 2174704 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 2.00-3.00 TOBY BALDWIN 0418 914 926 TOBY BALDWIN 0418 914 926 toby.baldwin@acton.com.au toby.baldwin@acton.com.au ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: (08) 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 13 CARPENTRY BRICKLAYER ANTENNAS Brick Layer • Digital TV Antennas • TV Points • Phone & Data Points • Pay TV Points • ADSL Central Filters • Home Theatre • Plasma & LCD Wall Mounting 9456 1533 • alterations • garden walls • paving • general maintenance TV ANTENNAS - STEVE • blockwork • re-pointing • steps & piers • no job too small ttbuildingservices@hotmail.com Ceilings & Drywall JOEL classic paving All repairs, restorations & new installations. Driveways • Walkways Entertainment Areas Seasonal Discounts James: 0410 757 532 PRESIDENTIAL PAVING & BRICKLAYING SERVICES All Brick, Block and Limestone Walls and Pillars All Aspects of Paving including: lift and relay, retaining walls, soakwells & storm drains, high pressure cleaning, cleaning & sealing of paving and landscape design No Job Too Small • Free Quotes Sean 0498 021 818 - Motar Pointing - Rising Damp Cured - Chimneys - Lintels Replaced - Limestone Restoration - Competitive Prices - Clean & Quality Service ARE YOU READY FOR DIGITAL TV? ebworth Knebworth BUILDING CO PTY LTD 20 Years Experience in WA Residential Renovations, Alterations & Refurbishments Light Commercial & Fit Outs Tel: 9471 7332 Fax: 9471 7327 Emai: info@knebworth.com.au Builders Reg: 11464 Box 8150 Perth BC, WA 6849 To advertise phone today on 9328 7064 • 0404 290 511 .. .. 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FREE QUOTES 0431 908 258 robertjenkins74@gmail.com Reg No. 7074 Cooper & Sons Reg No 6028 Painting • Residential & Commercial • Free Quotes 9375 7771 e: info@cooperandsonspainting.com.au www.cooperandsonspainting.com.au RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE For all your home maintenance needs including hanging pictures and doors, tiling, carpentry, wood pergolas, gates and floors, gyprock, retic, assemble flat pack furniture, water features and more. Call Jon - 0418 689 498 Menora Home Maintenance General Painting - Interior & Exterior Reliable • Fully insured • Free quotes Quality work guaranteed • All areas Team available for a quick start 0414 631 468 • 9440 0104 hupainting@bigpond.com PEST CONTROL Tony: 0419 929 668 thedeckingcompany.com.au fencing - screens - gates - planters HUGE DISCOUNTS .. .. Pergolas Skirting 'HVLJQ&RQFHSW'UDZLQJV:RUNLQJ 'UDZLQJV6KLUH$SSURYDOVIRU 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO3URMHFWV &DOO$QG\ RU To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 www.elementconstruction.com.au ELECTRICAL LIMESTONE BRICKLAYER Paul Jones AUSPOWER Design & Construct Service Carpentry Service • All Internal & External Fixings • Pergolas, Decking, Outdoor Installations • Renovation & Construction • All Domestic & Commercial Maintenance 0401 499 610 Page 14 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 MURPHY Tanner Family, Enduring over time 0430 077 014 Top Quality Service. First Class Finish. Competitive Prices. 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Expert Advice on ALL types of Roofing 0418 166 994 • • • • • watertightroofplumbing@bigpond.com GLEN DODD ROOF REPAIRS PL MBING Maintenance Plumbing Blocked Drains Burst Pipes • Gas Leaks Hot Water Systems Roof & Gutter Repairs Call Mick 0414 401 993 Fax 9285 1525 removalman@hotmail.com - kitchen & bathroom renovations - all maintenance plumbing & gas work - hot water unit service & changeovers - blocked drains • • • • • ROOF PLUMBING 2544928 www.jsuttonplumbing.com.au OVER 18 YRS EXP • Specialising in Gutters & Downpipes • Roof Vents • Metal Roofing • BHP Steel • Owner/Operator • All roof plumbing needs Quality job first time every time 2544928 Ph: 0419 993 192 GFO10381 PL7030 24 HOUR SERVICE SECURITY ROOF PLUMBING Call the Perth Voice today to find out how you can get huge discounts on 52 week bookings 9430 7727 ACTION ROOF MAINTENANCE Roof Leaks & All Roof Repairs Re-Roofing Gutters & Downpipes Pergola Repairs TREE SERVICES All Areas Call Gabriel 1300 886 576 A/H 0433 371 926 FUTTURE AC ROOFIING ARBOR CENTRE • gutters & downpipes • new roofs • re-roofing • wall cladding • roof leaks • gutter cleaning • roof maintenance & repairs Take advantage of WA’s foremost company for qualified advice and professional service. ★ Formative & Practical Pruning ★ Safe Tree Removals ★ Pest Management ★ Root Zone Management ★ Consultancy Free Written Quotes Chrristiann 04224 5228 9550 www.futureacroofing.com.au • futureacroofing@gmail.com 9359 9300 Prompt friendly reliable service Mob: 0406 763 676 Ph: 6397 4541 Free Quotes • Pensioner Discount No Callout Fee New installations & maintenance Bathroom & Laundry renovations Hot Water Systems Rainwater Tanks Grey water Systems Water Filters Blocked Drains & Burst Pipes Office & Domestic refits Toilet Pans & Leaking Taps PL: 7955 GL: 13710 0488 296 724 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Voice is now ONLINE! 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The Voice is customers Now your potential to see have more ways contact you. your ad and VOICE.COM WWW.PERTH Carpentry, All aspects of Maintenance & Renovations • Skirtings Doors • Floors • Pergolas & Gazebos Flat Pack Kitchens Experience 30 Years 0418 903 355 $85 Hours - John 0407 • • Free Quotes cork Áoors & • All Timber 20 Years experience Personal Attention Phone Graham543 0417 914 Please 9228 2725 &DOO$QG\ RU UNTS Call the out how you today to find discounts can get huge bookings on 52 week 386 208 CEILINGS Ceilings & Drywall • Mowing • Lopping • Weeding • Pruning Waste Removed • Mulching • Garden Clean Ups • Full Garden Discounts • Pensioner Fully Insured 9430 7727 616 734 Neil 0407intenance.com www.nbeesma EARTH MOVING Truck Hire Bobcat &Concrete removal • Lawn & prep • Brickpaving • Sand supply • Site cleans FULLY INSURED - 7 DAYS - FREE Mick: 0421 540 GARDENING & Garden N Bees Home ce Maintenan NO FRILLS! Perth Voice • Pre-Vacuum • Carpet Cleaning Cleaning • Upholstery • Mattress Cleaning 2 ROOMS Sanding Floor FineSanding & Sealing :RUNLQJ SW'UDZLQJV 'HVLJQ&RQFH LUH$SSURYDOVIRU MHFWV 'UDZLQJV6K RPPHUFLDO3UR 5HVLGHQWLDO& HUGE DISCO CARPET CLEANING Carpet Cleaning Quick Dry in 1-2 FLOOR SANDING DRAFTING CARPENTRY BRICKLAYER ER BRICKLAY , Garden Walls QUOTE 802 To advertiseon phone today 9430 7727 GLASS SERVICES The Perth Voice of course. Be seen in thousands of newspapers every week. Contact the Perth Voice today on 9430 7727 or email trades.services@perthvoice.com Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Perth Voice totaleden.com.au What’s the most valuable tool in a tradie’s toolbox? • TV Points • Digital TV Antennas• Pay TV Points Points • Phone & Data Filters • Home Theatre • ADSL Central LCD Wall Mounting • Plasma & Proudly Supporting the Arts THE PERTH VOICE IS AVAILABLE ON THE GO Access the latest edition of the Perth Voice from your Phone or Tablet device Simply visit www.perthvoice.com trades.services@perthvoice.com The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 - Page 15 Buying a Weber Q? Do your homework ® ´6XUH LI \RX EX\ D :HEHU \RX H[SHFW JUHDW ÁDYRXU ,W·V LQ :HEHU®’s DNA. And the Qs are no different, they all delivHU H[FHSWLRQDO ÁDYRXU 7KH RQO\ GLVDSSRLQWPHQW WKDW DQ\RQH HYHU KDV LV ZKHQ WKH\ FKRRVH WKH ZURQJ PRGHO ,W·V all because they didn’t do their homework. In fact, most didn’t even know that there were special models. I can’t believe how many people come into our store and want to trade up. So we decided to do some homework for you. Just check out the differences in the models and you’ll be able to choose the one that’s right for you!” Peter Collison FREE! Bring th is a Weber® d in to receiv e a free Pizza s Weber® TMtone with eve ry Q purc hased before 1301/2 /1/1 /13* ® 299 $ ® Special Model ONLY FREE! Bring th is a Weber® d in to receiv e a free Pizza s Weber® TMtone with eve ry Q purc hased before 1 301/2 /1/13* New Special model baby Q™ (for bigger roasts) with high lid, built-in thermometer and electronic ignition. FREE! Bring th is a Weber® d in to receiv e a free Pizza s Weber® TMtone with eve ry Q purc hased before 1301/2 /1/13* ® ONLY 399 $ Special Model The Special model medium sized Q™. Like to roast? Choose this one. It has a higher roasting lid with built-in precision lid thermometer, the latest in electronic ignition as well as foldaway work tables. Special Model ONLY 699 $ Special model Family Q™. Like to entertain with huge roasts. This is the bbq for you. I’ve seen how people respond to a 6.5kg Christmas turkey, it just blows them away. Comes with a higher roasting lid, built-in thermometer and the latest electronic ignition. Dropdown side tables are real space saver. Weber’s three extraordinary ‘sear station’ models Weber have reserved the sear station for the very best barbecues in their range. Why? They believe it makes their Genesis and the Summit models better than any of the other up-market barbecues available. And you know something? They may very well be right. Don’t think that these barbecues can only cook an extraordinary steak though. The cooking system is amazing. If you want to cook for a crowd they can do that brilliantly too. And roasts, I reckon they’re almost as good as any roast you’ll get from a charcoal Weber. So my recommendation? If you really love barbecuing, and you are not prepared to compromise, go for either the Genesis or the Bring th is Weber® ad in to receiv Summit. ea cov The Summit E-470 (4 burner) and E-670 (6 burner) Everybody who buys a Summit barbecue seems to rave about it. Yes they have the unique sear station but there’s also a remarkable stainless steel cooking system. It’s timeless and I reckon it’s one of, if not the world’s best. These barbecues are for the man who has everything. They have Weber’s Sear Station, a side burner, smoker, plus a 240V compatible rotisserie with dedicated infrared burner. The rotisserie even drops down and disappears when not in use. The hoods have LED lights that automatically light up the food when the hood is lifted. In the evenings the burner control knobs will provide a special ambience. You see, they provide a soft light around the barbecue area. My recommendation, these barbecues have everything and are outstanding value. Genesis E-330 Nick-named the “barbecue in tails”. It’s a great name because this barbecue is all class and it looks classy too. It’s the barbecue that cooked WKHÀUVWVHDUVWDWLRQVWHDN,HYHUWDVWHG,WKDVOHIWDQ indelible impression on my mind. That’s why when I look at all the expensive gas barbecues available, this one is still my favourite. Genesis E-330 FREE! fr er with Genesis every W ee or Sum mit purc eber® hased before 1 301/2 /1/13* 1899 $ The Summit E-670 4999 $ * 257 Oxford St Leederville 9240 1255 Page 16 - The Perth Voice, Saturday February 2, 2013 e * The Summit E-470 3999 $ *